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Growing Food Organically
and Inspiring Healthy,
Whole, Abundant Living
Real Manufacturing
In The Multimillion-Dollar
Industry Of Natural
Whitepaper for GreenWorld Farm
Whitepaper for GreenWorld Farm
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Sr. No. Contents Page No.
1 Introduction 2
2 Challenges 3
3 Solution 4
4 Why Blockchain 5
5 Blockchain and Agriculture 6
6 Products 8
7 Token and ICO Details 9
8 The Greenworld Farm Promise 13
9 Legal 14
10 Meet the Team 18
Whitepaper for GreenWorld Farm
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Organic farming has been a growing topic of debate lately, engineered by two schools of
thought. One that posits that it is a healthy, safe and improved farming method and the other
that argues there's more bad than good in it
Organic farming has been defined in various
ways by food manufacturers, experts,
intellectuals, environmentalist, proponents
and critics. So, the topic has a wider
perspective. In general, it means using the
alternative farming methods in growing food
crops. The methods may include crop
rotation, compost, biological pest control,
mechanical cultivation etc. It discourages the
use of synthetic fertilizers, pesticides,
engineered farming application, livestock
feed additives etc. The farming method has earned success world over and the sales of
organically produced foods have rocketed over the last ten years. The fact that around
50,000,000 hectares of land worldwide practice organic farming method is the testimony of its
growing popularity.
In a world full of inorganic and unnatural food, so
many health risks have surfaced over the years,
which has made a vast population of the world
including medical practitioners clamor for
organic farming and purely natural food. It is
easy for people to assume it is impossible to go
totally organic when it comes to food
production, on the contrary it is actually possible.
With a little more effort, time investment and
adequate funds, it is quite possible to achieve
this feat (i.e going organic in terms of food production).
The Green World Farm organization is set to revolutionize the Agric sector with the power of
blockchain – encouraging wide spread adoption and embrace of organic farming methods and
exploring value chains within the industry.
Whitepaper for GreenWorld Farm
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Organic farming on an industrial scale is more expensive to manage and has low profitability
when compared to inorganic farming. Organic labels often turn out false and the so-called
organic produce are actually not pure organic produce. Organic farming is not just limited to
crop production, it also involves livestock production. Organic livestock production is even more
challenging than the crop production.
What are the most common challenges in adopting Organic Farming on a global scale?
It is labor intensive and most manufacturers believe they can produce more crops
relying on industrial methods than organic ones.
Foods cultivated in an Organic farming way are expensive because lot of manual
work is required than conventional farming. Also, getting the organic certification
tends to be expensive.
A great deal of skill is required to understand and execute Organic Farming. A
farmer should spend time and apply thoughtful observation to alter the existing
farming system and addressing the problems.
Whitepaper for GreenWorld Farm
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• Organic farming method can help farmers realize a great
deal of savings because they do not have to invest
additional money in purchasing industrial fertilizers
• Using compost, biological pest control, crop rotation etc.
improves the fertility of the soil whereas using pesticides
and synthetic attributes only harms its quality. As
opposed to harmful chemicals, organic food is poison-
free ensuring safer quality foods
• Organic foods are enriched in mineral content so they
promise improved nutritional value. The foods taste
better because of improved techniques adopted in
growing the plants
• The organic foods are less likely to mold or rot quickly.
They stay fresh as they are nourished naturally
• By practicing this, a farmer can bring food self-
sufficiency. However, this is a detailed process which
requires a systematic understanding of the resources
and applying the right management approaches
Our team is working effortlessly to make organic food more popular in the world. The favorable
climatic condition of the various locations of our farms along with the money realized from the
ICO will allow us proffer a solution to expensive organic food. Organic farm produce would be
exported and distributed at affordable prices to the consumer. These farm produce includes
food crops such as maize, rice, potato etc. and livestock products such as beef, pork, chicken,
turkeys and eggs.
The GWF token would be used to order our products (crop products and animal products) and
be delivered anywhere in the world. We believe Organic Farming can be achieved on a hundred
percent scale.
Why are we rooting for Organic Farming?
Whitepaper for GreenWorld Farm
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Blockchain is an irrefutably resourceful invention which is practically bringing about a
revolution in the global business market. Its evolution has brought with it a greater good, not
only for businesses but for its beneficiaries as well.
To start with, Blockchain technology serves as a platform that allows the transit of digital
information without the risk of being copied. It has, in a way, laid the foundation of a strong
backbone of a new kind of internet space. Originally designed to deal with Bitcoin - trying to
explain the layman about the functions of its algorithms, the hash functions, and digital
signature property, today, the technology buffs are finding other potential uses of this
immaculate invention which could pave the way to the onset of an entirely new business
dealing process in the world.
Blockchain, to define in all respects, is a
kind of algorithm and data distribution
structure for the management of
electronic cash without the intervention
of any centralized administration,
programmed to record all the financial
transactions as well as everything that
holds value
Veterans of the industry claim that
blockchain lives in a state of consciousness. It practically checks on itself every now and then.
It's similar to a self-auditing technology where its network reconciles every transaction, known
as a block, which happens aboard at regular intervals.
This gives birth to two major properties of blockchain - it's highly transparent, and at the same
time, it cannot be corrupted. Each and every transaction that takes place on this server is
embedded within the network, hence, making the entire thing very much visible all the time to
the public. Furthermore, to edit or omit information on blockchain asks for a humongous
amount of efforts and a strong computing power. Amid this, frauds can be easily identified.
Hence, it's termed incorruptible.
Blockchain technology is becoming increasingly mainstream and overtaking most of the
markets. It is vital that we take advantage of this technology to improve our lives and transform
the society.
Whitepaper for GreenWorld Farm
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The Blockchain concept is gradually settling into people’s lives, making it important to
understand its applications and benefits. This whitepaper is going to discuss how Blockchain
can make the food industry better, organically. After the introduction of Ethereum, altcoins
became a popular way to showcase ideas for new cryptocurrencies. Our GWF token is poised to
create the disruption needed in the food industry
Our current food system offers a fertile opportunity to explore how the Blockchain technology
can improve our health and add value to our lives. Fortunately, a number of companies like
Greenworld Farm are already working towards actualizing this dream.
Food quality is clearly related to chronic
illnesses such as heart disease, liver damage,
stroke, diabetes and cancer, to name a few.
We can significantly reduce chronic illnesses
by improving the quality of food available.
That requires an answer to the following
question: Why do we eat poor quality food?
This large problem can be divided in three
parts: production, delivery and sale.
Food production starts at the farm. Farming
Whitepaper for GreenWorld Farm
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always implies high risks — natural disaster, harvest failure, accidents, etc. — that directly
affect what a farm can offer. Market conditions and large agricultural corporations can also
make the lives of small farmers challenging. The companies often abuse their positions by using
expensive fertilizers and patented GMO-seeds to gain competitive advantages over smaller
Another problem is in the logistics of food delivery. Modern agriculture is under the siege of
large chains’ producer-distributor-consumer model. Large-scale food producers often organize
industrial food production in developing countries. They then create large-scale distribution
networks to sell the food globally.
Producers are often unable to sell their
products directly to consumers, having to
appeal to traders or distributors who buy their
product cheaply. Large companies are able to
cheaply mass-produce food and fill the
distribution channels, but this food is never
completely consumed. The result is the
creation of a new problem: food waste and
disposal. Resources like fuel and fertilizers are
used to produce and distribute food that will
never be consumed, creating waste.
Blockchain technologies offer great financial
instruments to provide farmers a timely and
complete payment for their efforts. Using these
technologies will help to avoid risk and make the
farmer’s job less stressful.
With smart contracts, farmers can get paid all year
long, and not in the periodic fall and summer
method. Using a calculation system based on smart
contracts, it is much safer to work with pre-orders,
food baskets and buying clubs.
Implementing Blockchain into the production, certification and food processing steps creates
transparency in an otherwise non-transparent system and allows consumers to support
suppliers they choose. It is particularly relevant for organic and certified origin products.
Whitepaper for GreenWorld Farm
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Since 1990, the demand for organic products has exploded
around the world. In fact, the market for these products is
now worth over $46 billion a year and growing.
The idea of organic farming is to work with nature, not
against it. Today's agriculture uses pesticides, synthetic
fertilizers, or growth hormones in typical animal husbandry.
When you use things like composted crop waste, proper
soil cultivation, crop rotation, and green legumes to
manage and tend your crops, you'll produce crops that are
healthy for humans as well as good for the soil and earth in
the long run.
Greenworld Farm is at the forefront of Organic Farming
methods and practices.
Our range of products will include:
1. Crop products: Maize, Rice and Potato.
2. Animal products: Cattle, Pig, Poultry (for meat and
for egg production).
Both the crops and animals are produced organically i.e
without the use of any chemical, hence they are the best
for health.
Whitepaper for GreenWorld Farm
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To stimulate growth and further the cause of GWF, we have designed a sales period pattern for
our ICO stage and you can start purchasing your tokens as soon as the token sale begin.
We offer extensive bonuses for our token sale period.
 Token name - Green World Farm Token
 Token symbol - GWF
 Price per- token - 1 ETH = 8,000 GWF (1 GWF = 0.000125 ETH)
 Total token supply: 300,000,000
 Soft cap: 2500 ETH
 Hard cap: 25000 ETH
 ICO start date May 07 2018 (12pm UTC)
 ICO end date June 30 2018 (11pm UTC)
Whitepaper for GreenWorld Farm
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 Token Sales – 62%
 Community Growth– 15%
 Future (Lock up) – 3%
 Team (Lock up) – 20%
Token Sales
Community Growth
Future (Lock up)
Team (Lock up)
Whitepaper for GreenWorld Farm
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10% 5%
Production process
Marketing and partnerships
Employees salary
Company cold storage
 Production process (Start-up and production) – 40%
 Marketing and partnerships – 25%
 Employees salary – 20%
 Development (Employee Expansion and Future development) – 10%
 Company cold storage (Liquidity and Backup) – 5%
Whitepaper for GreenWorld Farm
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The GWF token is based on the decentralized Ethereum market standard smart contract ERC20
token. Formed within the blockchain and subject to automatic execution upon the occurrence
of pre-defined criteria and events and subject to certain conditions, GWF tokens are valid
indefinitely and are the property of their respective holders.
ERC-20 rose to prominence as an attempt to provide a common set of features and interfaces
for token contracts in Ethereum and has proved to be very successful. ERC-20 has many
benefits, including allowing wallets to provide token balances for hundreds of different tokens
and creating a means for exchanges to list more tokens by providing nothing more than the
address of the token’s contract. The benefits of creating a token as ERC-20 compliant is such
that very few token contracts today are created any other way.
To sum it up, ERC20 tokens are smart contracts that run on the Ethereum blockchain. While
ERC20 tokens function within the framework set by the Ethereum development team, the
framework is broad and strong enough to simultaneously enable developer’s considerable
flexibility in the design and function of the tokens. Most tokens created through ICOs on
Ethereum are ERC20 compliant.
The ERC20 standard has 6 functions and 2 events. The standard was created to enable
interoperability across applications, exchanges, and interfaces. The functions describe how
tokens can be transferred and how token-related data can be accessed. The events lay out
formatting guidelines for transfers and approvals. Smart contracts on Ethereum, including all
ERC20 contracts, are written in Solidity.
Whitepaper for GreenWorld Farm
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Our international team has many experts from many different countries providing us the edge
over other companies needed to deliver an outstanding and technologically advanced product.
• The GWF token can be used to order our products (crop products
and animal products) and be delivered anywhere in the world
• The GWF token will solve real problems, gain acclaim and
acceptance and will be listed on exchanges where it can be traded
for other crypto currencies. This will lead to a rise in the value of
the token
• Most of our competitors offer only mobile App while we offer both
Mobile and Desktop App solutions that will be synchronized in real-
time. We also offer several advanced features with full interface
customization and various themes available.
Whitepaper for GreenWorld Farm
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This whitepaper describes the initial sale in which the GREENWORLD HEALTH TOKEN (GWF) is
sold. GWF is a crypto token that is designed to be used for all services provided by the
GREENWORLD platform as explained in this whitepaper. GWF also can be used as a Crypto
Token to pay for any other services provided by other business entities.
GREENWORLD will generally not limit the usage of GWF or the types of business entities that
would like to use GWF for their business GWF is not intended to constitute a security in any
jurisdiction. This white paper is not a solicitation for investment and does not pertain in any
way to an offering of securities in any jurisdiction.
Please note that purchases of GWF are final and non-refundable. Individuals, businesses, and
other organizations should carefully weigh the risks, costs, and benefits of acquiring GWF.
You are not eligible to and you shall not purchase GWF through its token sale if you are a citizen
or resident (tax or otherwise) in any country or state where the purchase of GWF or similar
Crypto Token may be prohibited, or the token sale is deemed to be not compliant with the
applicable laws and regulations. If you are a resident of People’s Republic of China you cannot
purchase GWF through the token sale.
Purchases of GWF should be undertaken only by individuals, entities, or companies that have
extensive experience with, and understanding of, the usage and intricacies of Crypto Tokens
and blockchain based software systems. Purchasers should have a functional understanding of
storage and transmission mechanisms associated with other Crypto Tokens.
Any entities of GREENWORLD and officers and employees thereof will not be responsible in any
way for the loss of any Crypto Tokens, GWF or fiat currency resulting from actions taken by, or
Whitepaper for GreenWorld Farm
15 | P a g e
omissions of the purchasers. If you do not have the required experience or expertise, then you
should not purchase GWF or participate in the sale of GWF.
You should carefully consider the risks, costs, and any other demerits of acquiring GWF, and, if
necessary, obtain your own the independent advice in this regard. If you are not in the position
to accept nor to understand the risks associated with the token sale of GWF (including the risks
related to the non-development of the GREENWORLD platform) or any other risks as indicated
in this whitepaper, you should not acquire GWF, until such that you have received the
necessary independent advice.
The purchase of GWF carries with it significant risk. Prior to purchasing GWF, the purchaser
should carefully consider the risks listed below and, to the extent necessary, consult a lawyer,
accountant, and/or tax professional prior to determining whether to purchase GWF.
 GWF will be stored in a wallet, which can only be accessed with a password selected by
the purchaser. If a purchaser of GWF does not maintain an accurate record of their
password, this may lead to the loss of GWF.
 If your password protection is weak and it is cracked or learned by somebody else, this
may also lead to the loss of GWF. As a result, purchasers must safely store their
password in one or more backup locations that are well separated from the primary
 The purchaser recognizes that some of the services under the GREENWORLD platform
are currently under development and may undergo significant changes before release.
The Purchaser acknowledges that any of its expectations regarding the form and
functionality of the GREENWORLD platform may not be met for any number of reasons.
Whitepaper for GreenWorld Farm
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 The purchaser understands that while GREENWORLD will make best efforts to release
the next wave of services of the GREENWORLD platform on time, it is possible that the
official release may be delayed.
 As with other Crypto Tokens, the value of GWF may fluctuate significantly and become
reduced in value for any number of reasons, including but not limited to, supply and
demand, overall Crypto Tokens’ market conditions, political or geographical reasons,
changes of regulations in many jurisdictions, and technical reasons.
 GWF will be issued on the Ethereum blockchain. As such, any malfunction or
unexpected functioning of the Ethereum protocol may impact the purchaser’s ability to
transfer or securely hold GWF. Such impact could adversely affect the value of GWF.
To the maximum extent permitted by the applicable laws, regulations and rules, GWH, any
entities of GREENWORLD and officers and employees thereof shall not be liable for any indirect,
special, incidental, consequential or other losses of any kind, in tort, contract or otherwise
(including but not limited to loss of revenue, income or profits, and loss of use or data), arising
out of or relating to any acceptance of or reliance on this whitepaper or any part thereof by
Any entities of GREENWORLD and officers and employees thereof shall not be liable for your
loss of GWF after it is transferred to you for any reason including but not limited to your failure
to maintain or backup an accurate record of your password or password cracking by somebody
due to the poor maintenance of your password.
GREENWORLD will do its best to launch its operations and further develop the GREENWORLD
platform. Any person undertaking to acquire GWF acknowledges and understands however
that GREENWORLD does not provide with any warranty as to the release of newer services of
the GREENWORLD platform. They acknowledge and understand therefore that GREENWORLD
(incl. its bodies and employees) assumes no liability or responsibility for any loss or damage
that would result from or relate to the incapacity to use the GWH.
Whitepaper for GreenWorld Farm
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Regulatory authorities are carefully scrutinizing businesses and operations associated with
Crypto Tokens in the world. In that respect, regulatory measures, investigations or actions may
impact GREENWORLD’s business and may limit or prevent it from developing its operations in
the future. Any person undertaking to acquire GWF must be aware that GREENWORLD’s
business model may change or need to be modified because of new regulatory and compliance
requirements from any applicable laws in many jurisdictions. In such case, purchasers and any
person undertaking to acquire GWF acknowledge and understand that neither GREENWORLD
nor any of its affiliate shall be held liable for any direct or indirect loss or damages caused by
such changes.
This whitepaper and any other materials or explanations made by GREENWORLD and its
officers and employees shall not and cannot be considered as an invitation to enter an
investment. They do not constitute or relate in any way nor should they be considered as an
offering of securities in any jurisdiction. This whitepaper does not include nor contain any
information or indication that might be considered as a recommendation or that might be used
as a basis for any investment decision.
Neither GREENWORLD nor any of its officers and employees are to be or shall be considered as
an advisor in any legal, tax or financial matters. Acquiring GWF shall not grant any right or
influence over GREENWORLD’s organization and governance to the purchasers.
GREENWORLD does not make or purport to make, and hereby disclaims, any representation,
warranty or undertaking in any form whatsoever to any entity or person, including any
representation, warranty or undertaking in relation to the truth, accuracy and completeness of
any of the information set out in this whitepaper.
Whitepaper for GreenWorld Farm
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Jeremiah Mobley
Co-Founder (CEO)
Gabriel Nuciforo
Blockchain expert –
Smart contract
Nathanael Badmus
Co-Founder (CTO)
Prof. M. Ozoje
Professor of Quantitative /
Statistical Genetics at University of
Agriculture Abeokuta Nigeria
Ilya Zverev
Finance Advisor
Sandra Williams
Chief Marketing Officer

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  • 1. Growing Food Organically and Inspiring Healthy, Whole, Abundant Living Real Manufacturing In The Multimillion-Dollar Industry Of Natural Products. Website: Whitepaper for GreenWorld Farm
  • 2. Whitepaper for GreenWorld Farm 1 | P a g e Sr. No. Contents Page No. 1 Introduction 2 2 Challenges 3 3 Solution 4 4 Why Blockchain 5 5 Blockchain and Agriculture 6 6 Products 8 7 Token and ICO Details 9 8 The Greenworld Farm Promise 13 9 Legal 14 10 Meet the Team 18 GREENWORLD FARM WHITEPAPER CONTENTS
  • 3. Whitepaper for GreenWorld Farm 2 | P a g e Organic farming has been a growing topic of debate lately, engineered by two schools of thought. One that posits that it is a healthy, safe and improved farming method and the other that argues there's more bad than good in it Organic farming has been defined in various ways by food manufacturers, experts, intellectuals, environmentalist, proponents and critics. So, the topic has a wider perspective. In general, it means using the alternative farming methods in growing food crops. The methods may include crop rotation, compost, biological pest control, mechanical cultivation etc. It discourages the use of synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, engineered farming application, livestock feed additives etc. The farming method has earned success world over and the sales of organically produced foods have rocketed over the last ten years. The fact that around 50,000,000 hectares of land worldwide practice organic farming method is the testimony of its growing popularity. In a world full of inorganic and unnatural food, so many health risks have surfaced over the years, which has made a vast population of the world including medical practitioners clamor for organic farming and purely natural food. It is easy for people to assume it is impossible to go totally organic when it comes to food production, on the contrary it is actually possible. With a little more effort, time investment and adequate funds, it is quite possible to achieve this feat (i.e going organic in terms of food production). The Green World Farm organization is set to revolutionize the Agric sector with the power of blockchain – encouraging wide spread adoption and embrace of organic farming methods and exploring value chains within the industry. INTRODUCTION
  • 4. Whitepaper for GreenWorld Farm 3 | P a g e Organic farming on an industrial scale is more expensive to manage and has low profitability when compared to inorganic farming. Organic labels often turn out false and the so-called organic produce are actually not pure organic produce. Organic farming is not just limited to crop production, it also involves livestock production. Organic livestock production is even more challenging than the crop production. What are the most common challenges in adopting Organic Farming on a global scale? CHALLENGES It is labor intensive and most manufacturers believe they can produce more crops relying on industrial methods than organic ones. Foods cultivated in an Organic farming way are expensive because lot of manual work is required than conventional farming. Also, getting the organic certification tends to be expensive. A great deal of skill is required to understand and execute Organic Farming. A farmer should spend time and apply thoughtful observation to alter the existing farming system and addressing the problems. COSTLY LABOR INTENSIVE HIGH LEVEL OF SKILL REQUIRED
  • 5. Whitepaper for GreenWorld Farm 4 | P a g e • Organic farming method can help farmers realize a great deal of savings because they do not have to invest additional money in purchasing industrial fertilizers COST EFFECTIVE ON THE LONG RUN • Using compost, biological pest control, crop rotation etc. improves the fertility of the soil whereas using pesticides and synthetic attributes only harms its quality. As opposed to harmful chemicals, organic food is poison- free ensuring safer quality foods SAFER PRODUCTS • Organic foods are enriched in mineral content so they promise improved nutritional value. The foods taste better because of improved techniques adopted in growing the plants NUTRITIONAL VALUE • The organic foods are less likely to mold or rot quickly. They stay fresh as they are nourished naturally FRESHER PRODUCE • By practicing this, a farmer can bring food self- sufficiency. However, this is a detailed process which requires a systematic understanding of the resources and applying the right management approaches SELF SUFFICIENCY Our team is working effortlessly to make organic food more popular in the world. The favorable climatic condition of the various locations of our farms along with the money realized from the ICO will allow us proffer a solution to expensive organic food. Organic farm produce would be exported and distributed at affordable prices to the consumer. These farm produce includes food crops such as maize, rice, potato etc. and livestock products such as beef, pork, chicken, turkeys and eggs. The GWF token would be used to order our products (crop products and animal products) and be delivered anywhere in the world. We believe Organic Farming can be achieved on a hundred percent scale. Why are we rooting for Organic Farming? SOLUTION
  • 6. Whitepaper for GreenWorld Farm 5 | P a g e Blockchain is an irrefutably resourceful invention which is practically bringing about a revolution in the global business market. Its evolution has brought with it a greater good, not only for businesses but for its beneficiaries as well. To start with, Blockchain technology serves as a platform that allows the transit of digital information without the risk of being copied. It has, in a way, laid the foundation of a strong backbone of a new kind of internet space. Originally designed to deal with Bitcoin - trying to explain the layman about the functions of its algorithms, the hash functions, and digital signature property, today, the technology buffs are finding other potential uses of this immaculate invention which could pave the way to the onset of an entirely new business dealing process in the world. Blockchain, to define in all respects, is a kind of algorithm and data distribution structure for the management of electronic cash without the intervention of any centralized administration, programmed to record all the financial transactions as well as everything that holds value Veterans of the industry claim that blockchain lives in a state of consciousness. It practically checks on itself every now and then. It's similar to a self-auditing technology where its network reconciles every transaction, known as a block, which happens aboard at regular intervals. This gives birth to two major properties of blockchain - it's highly transparent, and at the same time, it cannot be corrupted. Each and every transaction that takes place on this server is embedded within the network, hence, making the entire thing very much visible all the time to the public. Furthermore, to edit or omit information on blockchain asks for a humongous amount of efforts and a strong computing power. Amid this, frauds can be easily identified. Hence, it's termed incorruptible. Blockchain technology is becoming increasingly mainstream and overtaking most of the markets. It is vital that we take advantage of this technology to improve our lives and transform the society. WHY BLOCKCHAIN
  • 7. Whitepaper for GreenWorld Farm 6 | P a g e The Blockchain concept is gradually settling into people’s lives, making it important to understand its applications and benefits. This whitepaper is going to discuss how Blockchain can make the food industry better, organically. After the introduction of Ethereum, altcoins became a popular way to showcase ideas for new cryptocurrencies. Our GWF token is poised to create the disruption needed in the food industry Our current food system offers a fertile opportunity to explore how the Blockchain technology can improve our health and add value to our lives. Fortunately, a number of companies like Greenworld Farm are already working towards actualizing this dream. FOOD QUALITY PROBLEM Food quality is clearly related to chronic illnesses such as heart disease, liver damage, stroke, diabetes and cancer, to name a few. We can significantly reduce chronic illnesses by improving the quality of food available. That requires an answer to the following question: Why do we eat poor quality food? This large problem can be divided in three parts: production, delivery and sale. Food production starts at the farm. Farming BLOCKCHAIN AND AGRICULTURE
  • 8. Whitepaper for GreenWorld Farm 7 | P a g e always implies high risks — natural disaster, harvest failure, accidents, etc. — that directly affect what a farm can offer. Market conditions and large agricultural corporations can also make the lives of small farmers challenging. The companies often abuse their positions by using expensive fertilizers and patented GMO-seeds to gain competitive advantages over smaller operations. Another problem is in the logistics of food delivery. Modern agriculture is under the siege of large chains’ producer-distributor-consumer model. Large-scale food producers often organize industrial food production in developing countries. They then create large-scale distribution networks to sell the food globally. Producers are often unable to sell their products directly to consumers, having to appeal to traders or distributors who buy their product cheaply. Large companies are able to cheaply mass-produce food and fill the distribution channels, but this food is never completely consumed. The result is the creation of a new problem: food waste and disposal. Resources like fuel and fertilizers are used to produce and distribute food that will never be consumed, creating waste. WHY BLOCKCHAIN SHOULD TAKE THE FRONT WHEEL Blockchain technologies offer great financial instruments to provide farmers a timely and complete payment for their efforts. Using these technologies will help to avoid risk and make the farmer’s job less stressful. With smart contracts, farmers can get paid all year long, and not in the periodic fall and summer method. Using a calculation system based on smart contracts, it is much safer to work with pre-orders, food baskets and buying clubs. Implementing Blockchain into the production, certification and food processing steps creates transparency in an otherwise non-transparent system and allows consumers to support suppliers they choose. It is particularly relevant for organic and certified origin products.
  • 9. Whitepaper for GreenWorld Farm 8 | P a g e Since 1990, the demand for organic products has exploded around the world. In fact, the market for these products is now worth over $46 billion a year and growing. The idea of organic farming is to work with nature, not against it. Today's agriculture uses pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, or growth hormones in typical animal husbandry. When you use things like composted crop waste, proper soil cultivation, crop rotation, and green legumes to manage and tend your crops, you'll produce crops that are healthy for humans as well as good for the soil and earth in the long run. Greenworld Farm is at the forefront of Organic Farming methods and practices. Our range of products will include: 1. Crop products: Maize, Rice and Potato. 2. Animal products: Cattle, Pig, Poultry (for meat and for egg production). Both the crops and animals are produced organically i.e without the use of any chemical, hence they are the best for health. PRODUCTS
  • 10. Whitepaper for GreenWorld Farm 9 | P a g e To stimulate growth and further the cause of GWF, we have designed a sales period pattern for our ICO stage and you can start purchasing your tokens as soon as the token sale begin. We offer extensive bonuses for our token sale period. TOKEN DETAILS  Token name - Green World Farm Token  Token symbol - GWF  Price per- token - 1 ETH = 8,000 GWF (1 GWF = 0.000125 ETH)  Total token supply: 300,000,000  Soft cap: 2500 ETH  Hard cap: 25000 ETH ICO DETAILS  ICO start date May 07 2018 (12pm UTC)  ICO end date June 30 2018 (11pm UTC) TOKEN AND ICO DETAILS
  • 11. Whitepaper for GreenWorld Farm 10 | P a g e TOKEN DISTRIBUTION  Token Sales – 62%  Community Growth– 15%  Future (Lock up) – 3%  Team (Lock up) – 20% 62 15 3 20 TOKEN DISTRIBUTION Token Sales Community Growth Future (Lock up) Team (Lock up) TOKEN AND ICO DETAILS (Contd..)
  • 12. Whitepaper for GreenWorld Farm 11 | P a g e 40% 25% 20% 10% 5% USE OF PROCEEDS Production process Marketing and partnerships Employees salary Development Company cold storage USE OF PROCEEDS  Production process (Start-up and production) – 40%  Marketing and partnerships – 25%  Employees salary – 20%  Development (Employee Expansion and Future development) – 10%  Company cold storage (Liquidity and Backup) – 5% TOKEN AND ICO DETAILS (Contd..)
  • 13. Whitepaper for GreenWorld Farm 12 | P a g e The GWF token is based on the decentralized Ethereum market standard smart contract ERC20 token. Formed within the blockchain and subject to automatic execution upon the occurrence of pre-defined criteria and events and subject to certain conditions, GWF tokens are valid indefinitely and are the property of their respective holders. ERC-20 rose to prominence as an attempt to provide a common set of features and interfaces for token contracts in Ethereum and has proved to be very successful. ERC-20 has many benefits, including allowing wallets to provide token balances for hundreds of different tokens and creating a means for exchanges to list more tokens by providing nothing more than the address of the token’s contract. The benefits of creating a token as ERC-20 compliant is such that very few token contracts today are created any other way. To sum it up, ERC20 tokens are smart contracts that run on the Ethereum blockchain. While ERC20 tokens function within the framework set by the Ethereum development team, the framework is broad and strong enough to simultaneously enable developer’s considerable flexibility in the design and function of the tokens. Most tokens created through ICOs on Ethereum are ERC20 compliant. The ERC20 standard has 6 functions and 2 events. The standard was created to enable interoperability across applications, exchanges, and interfaces. The functions describe how tokens can be transferred and how token-related data can be accessed. The events lay out formatting guidelines for transfers and approvals. Smart contracts on Ethereum, including all ERC20 contracts, are written in Solidity. TOKEN AND ICO DETAILS (Contd..)
  • 14. Whitepaper for GreenWorld Farm 13 | P a g e Our international team has many experts from many different countries providing us the edge over other companies needed to deliver an outstanding and technologically advanced product. WHY YOU SHOULD PURCHASE THE GWF Token. • The GWF token can be used to order our products (crop products and animal products) and be delivered anywhere in the world IT CAN BE SPENT ON THE PLATFORM • The GWF token will solve real problems, gain acclaim and acceptance and will be listed on exchanges where it can be traded for other crypto currencies. This will lead to a rise in the value of the token RISE IN VALUE • Most of our competitors offer only mobile App while we offer both Mobile and Desktop App solutions that will be synchronized in real- time. We also offer several advanced features with full interface customization and various themes available. MOBILE AND DESKTOP APP THE GREENWORLD FARM PROMISE
  • 15. Whitepaper for GreenWorld Farm 14 | P a g e GENERAL INFORMATION This whitepaper describes the initial sale in which the GREENWORLD HEALTH TOKEN (GWF) is sold. GWF is a crypto token that is designed to be used for all services provided by the GREENWORLD platform as explained in this whitepaper. GWF also can be used as a Crypto Token to pay for any other services provided by other business entities. GREENWORLD will generally not limit the usage of GWF or the types of business entities that would like to use GWF for their business GWF is not intended to constitute a security in any jurisdiction. This white paper is not a solicitation for investment and does not pertain in any way to an offering of securities in any jurisdiction. Please note that purchases of GWF are final and non-refundable. Individuals, businesses, and other organizations should carefully weigh the risks, costs, and benefits of acquiring GWF. LIMITATION OF THE PURCHASERS You are not eligible to and you shall not purchase GWF through its token sale if you are a citizen or resident (tax or otherwise) in any country or state where the purchase of GWF or similar Crypto Token may be prohibited, or the token sale is deemed to be not compliant with the applicable laws and regulations. If you are a resident of People’s Republic of China you cannot purchase GWF through the token sale. Purchases of GWF should be undertaken only by individuals, entities, or companies that have extensive experience with, and understanding of, the usage and intricacies of Crypto Tokens and blockchain based software systems. Purchasers should have a functional understanding of storage and transmission mechanisms associated with other Crypto Tokens. Any entities of GREENWORLD and officers and employees thereof will not be responsible in any way for the loss of any Crypto Tokens, GWF or fiat currency resulting from actions taken by, or LEGAL
  • 16. Whitepaper for GreenWorld Farm 15 | P a g e omissions of the purchasers. If you do not have the required experience or expertise, then you should not purchase GWF or participate in the sale of GWF. You should carefully consider the risks, costs, and any other demerits of acquiring GWF, and, if necessary, obtain your own the independent advice in this regard. If you are not in the position to accept nor to understand the risks associated with the token sale of GWF (including the risks related to the non-development of the GREENWORLD platform) or any other risks as indicated in this whitepaper, you should not acquire GWF, until such that you have received the necessary independent advice. RISKS The purchase of GWF carries with it significant risk. Prior to purchasing GWF, the purchaser should carefully consider the risks listed below and, to the extent necessary, consult a lawyer, accountant, and/or tax professional prior to determining whether to purchase GWF.  GWF will be stored in a wallet, which can only be accessed with a password selected by the purchaser. If a purchaser of GWF does not maintain an accurate record of their password, this may lead to the loss of GWF.  If your password protection is weak and it is cracked or learned by somebody else, this may also lead to the loss of GWF. As a result, purchasers must safely store their password in one or more backup locations that are well separated from the primary location.  The purchaser recognizes that some of the services under the GREENWORLD platform are currently under development and may undergo significant changes before release. The Purchaser acknowledges that any of its expectations regarding the form and functionality of the GREENWORLD platform may not be met for any number of reasons.
  • 17. Whitepaper for GreenWorld Farm 16 | P a g e  The purchaser understands that while GREENWORLD will make best efforts to release the next wave of services of the GREENWORLD platform on time, it is possible that the official release may be delayed.  As with other Crypto Tokens, the value of GWF may fluctuate significantly and become reduced in value for any number of reasons, including but not limited to, supply and demand, overall Crypto Tokens’ market conditions, political or geographical reasons, changes of regulations in many jurisdictions, and technical reasons.  GWF will be issued on the Ethereum blockchain. As such, any malfunction or unexpected functioning of the Ethereum protocol may impact the purchaser’s ability to transfer or securely hold GWF. Such impact could adversely affect the value of GWF. DISCLAIMER 1.1 To the maximum extent permitted by the applicable laws, regulations and rules, GWH, any entities of GREENWORLD and officers and employees thereof shall not be liable for any indirect, special, incidental, consequential or other losses of any kind, in tort, contract or otherwise (including but not limited to loss of revenue, income or profits, and loss of use or data), arising out of or relating to any acceptance of or reliance on this whitepaper or any part thereof by you. Any entities of GREENWORLD and officers and employees thereof shall not be liable for your loss of GWF after it is transferred to you for any reason including but not limited to your failure to maintain or backup an accurate record of your password or password cracking by somebody due to the poor maintenance of your password. GREENWORLD will do its best to launch its operations and further develop the GREENWORLD platform. Any person undertaking to acquire GWF acknowledges and understands however that GREENWORLD does not provide with any warranty as to the release of newer services of the GREENWORLD platform. They acknowledge and understand therefore that GREENWORLD (incl. its bodies and employees) assumes no liability or responsibility for any loss or damage that would result from or relate to the incapacity to use the GWH.
  • 18. Whitepaper for GreenWorld Farm 17 | P a g e Regulatory authorities are carefully scrutinizing businesses and operations associated with Crypto Tokens in the world. In that respect, regulatory measures, investigations or actions may impact GREENWORLD’s business and may limit or prevent it from developing its operations in the future. Any person undertaking to acquire GWF must be aware that GREENWORLD’s business model may change or need to be modified because of new regulatory and compliance requirements from any applicable laws in many jurisdictions. In such case, purchasers and any person undertaking to acquire GWF acknowledge and understand that neither GREENWORLD nor any of its affiliate shall be held liable for any direct or indirect loss or damages caused by such changes. This whitepaper and any other materials or explanations made by GREENWORLD and its officers and employees shall not and cannot be considered as an invitation to enter an investment. They do not constitute or relate in any way nor should they be considered as an offering of securities in any jurisdiction. This whitepaper does not include nor contain any information or indication that might be considered as a recommendation or that might be used as a basis for any investment decision. Neither GREENWORLD nor any of its officers and employees are to be or shall be considered as an advisor in any legal, tax or financial matters. Acquiring GWF shall not grant any right or influence over GREENWORLD’s organization and governance to the purchasers. NO REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES GREENWORLD does not make or purport to make, and hereby disclaims, any representation, warranty or undertaking in any form whatsoever to any entity or person, including any representation, warranty or undertaking in relation to the truth, accuracy and completeness of any of the information set out in this whitepaper.
  • 19. Whitepaper for GreenWorld Farm 18 | P a g e MEET THE TEAM Jeremiah Mobley Co-Founder (CEO) Gabriel Nuciforo Blockchain expert – Smart contract Nathanael Badmus Co-Founder (CTO) Prof. M. Ozoje Professor of Quantitative / Statistical Genetics at University of Agriculture Abeokuta Nigeria Ilya Zverev Finance Advisor Sandra Williams Chief Marketing Officer