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April 10, 2015 // 8:00 AM
What Doe Yo mail
W iting Style Say Abo t Yo ?
[ e Data]
Written by Andrea Lehr | @AndreaMLehr
Whe e Ma kete Go to G o
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MARKETING / 1 day ago
What Does Your Email Writing
Style Say About You? [New
MARKETING / 18 hrs ago
How to Change Photo Privacy
Settings on Facebook, Twitter
& Other Popular Social
Networks [Infographic]
Every day, humans make snap judgments. In one Princeton study,
participants made assumptions within 100 milliseconds of being exposed
to a portrait. In a similar study on virtual bias, researchers at the University of
British Columbia compared respondents’ in-person impressions with those
obtained by only viewing Facebook photos -- and the results revealed that
passive, virtual impressions tended to be more negative.
BuzzStream and Fractl took this idea a step further to determine if any
parallels exist in terms of email habits. We surveyed more than 1,200 men
and women between the ages of 18 and 64 to find out how they use email,
and how gender, age, and level of education impacted specific preferences
and behaviors. The results reveal how email etiquette influences someone's
perception of other people and compares email habits between different
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Here's what we found.
Brevity is key, especially with older
When writing an email, every word counts. It starts with your subject line:
Open rates drop from 24% to 17% on average when subject lines
exceed 35 characters. And with mobile email open rates rising more than
300% since April 2011, the case for brevity is more important than ever.
Exactly 60% of respondents agreed that a concise email is acceptable,
while less than 30% expressed similar feelings toward longer emails.
Additional findings revealed:
The opposition to verbose emails increases with age: 70% more
respondents between the ages of 55 and 64 find the practice
unacceptable compared with those between 18 and 24.
Females have a slightly higher preference for concise emails
compared with their male counterparts: More than 60% of
women find shorter emails acceptable, while just over 55% of
men share similar views.
Level of education has no effect on length: The majority of each group
-- no degree, bachelor’s degree, and graduate degree -- prefers a
concise email over a longer message.
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The top five greetings for all respondents are brief: Each greeting is
only one word attached to the recipient’s name.
The most objectionable email trends concern
grammar, spelling, and fonts.
In today’s increasingly mobile workforce, the popularity of email continues to
rise. According to a study by the Radicati Group, the total number of
worldwide email users will exceed 2.8 billion in 2018, with business emails
accounting for more than 139.4 billion emails sent and received each day.
And with every email you send, the content has the potential to add to or
detract from both your personal and professional reputation. One of the most
common mistakes? Sending an email with grammatical errors.
Most would agree on the importance of proofreading emails, but we wanted
to determine if some participants were more forgiving about mistakes than
others. Our research revealed the following:
Nearly 80% of all respondents find spelling and grammatical
errors the most unacceptable offenses.
More than 70% of each age demographic found more than one
spelling error unacceptable.
Nearly 10% more females find a spelling error more unacceptable
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than males do.
Respondents with graduate degrees are slightly more forgiving of
grammatical errors than those with bachelor’s degrees or no degree.
Exactly 70% of all respondents agree that excessive
punctuation should be avoided.
Out of the top 10 objectionable email trends, 4 revolve around fonts --
different font sizes, all-caps subject lines, irregular fonts, and different font
colors. Over 60% of all respondents found these practices unacceptable,
and further analysis revealed:
Changes in font size were disliked the most by respondents: Nearly
70% of respondents prefer fonts to be one size.
The oldest demographic is more receptive to irregular fonts than any
other: Less than 30% believe that using irregular typefaces (e.g.,
Comic Sans, Courier New, Impact, etc.) is “totally unacceptable.”
The majority of male and female respondents have a preference for a
single-colored font.
More than 85% of respondents prefer an all-lowercase subject
line to one in all caps.
Respondents with a graduate degree tend to be slightly more lenient
on multiple font sizes: Nearly 20% find the practice acceptable while
less than 15% of respondents without a degree share similar views.
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Older generations want to be perceived as
more authentic, while younger generations
want to sound smarter.
Researchers at Northwestern Law found that online communication has a
limiting effect on persuasion, so it’s no surprise that, overall, most
respondents admitted to rewriting email to sound more intelligent. In fact, out
of the top five characteristics regarding perception, just over 40% of all
respondents listed three that related to intelligence.
However, the motive behind rewriting an email can vary by degree and age.
Additional findings revealed the following:
The top five characteristics for perception are exactly the same for
male and female respondents: intelligent, knowledgeable, helpful,
educated, and reliable.
Nearly 50% more respondents with graduate degrees want to sound
reliable compared with respondents who have no degree.
More than 55% more respondents between the ages of 45 and 54
rewrite emails to sound more authentic compared with those
between 18 and 24.
The younger demographic prefers to sound more knowledgeable,
with nearly 50% more rewriting emails to sound more intelligent
compared with 45- to 54-year-olds.
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Nearly 80% of respondents agree that etiquette impacts the
likelihood that they will respond to an email from a stranger. If you rush
to send an email without proofreading, you risk losing business or key
networking opportunities.
Knowing when to keep your correspondence short, when to be more formal,
and even when it’s appropriate to add a bit of humor will help you develop
and nurture valuable relationships. By understanding how age, gender, and
level of education influence perception in email correspondence, you can
tailor your content to align closely with your recipient’s expectations and
ensure stronger, more authentic communication.
Reviewthis deck and the infographic belowfor these findings and more.
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Study by Fractl and BuzzStream.
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How to Change Photo Privacy Settings on
Facebook, Twitter & Other Popular Social
Networks [Infographic]
Written by Lindsay Kolowich
In a world where the phrase "pics or it didn't happen" is a widespread
mantra, people of all ages are sharing a wide range of information about
themselves on social media.
Of course, social media websites were designed to encourage sharing.
Many of us spend a large chunk of our days sharing lots of professional
information on social, whether we're managing our company's Facebook
account or tweeting pictures of the event we're attending.
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Why You Need to Stop Speaking "Techlish"
Written by Dechay Watts
"We’re getting to common version, which is a superset of the functionality
being built in Rainbow 5, which uses version 2 of the Asian code,” said our
new client in a kick off meeting.
Yes, people really speak this way. Especially, when they work in
complicated or regulated industries. While it’s one thing to banter about
codes and supersets, or BI, ERPs and CRMs, when you’re behind the
scenes developing amazing new tools for people to use, the conversation
loses its flare when industry jargon becomes part of your customer facing
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How to Add a Secondary Axis to an Excel
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Written by Rachel Sprung
Have you ever wanted to create a single chart for two different (yet
related) pieces of data? Maybe you wanted to see the raw number of leads
you're generating from each channel and what the conversion rate of the
channel is. Having those two sets of data on one graph is extremely helpful
to picking out patterns and identifying full-funnel trends.
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5 Quick Tips for Using Periscope, Twitter's
New Live Video Streaming App
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Written by Jessica Webb
In the last month or so, there's been a big surge in live video
broadcasting. Thanks to smartphone apps like Periscope, users can record
live video streams and share them with their network.
For example, a friend of mine recently used Periscope to livestream an
iPhone video of her walking her dog. She shared a link to the live stream on
Twitter, and a few of her followers clicked through and watched her walk her
dog in real time. Kind of weird, but at the same time, kind of cool.
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5 Ways to Make Your Brand Magnetic
Written by Katie Lantukh
In our fast-paced and tech-driven world, companies are reeling, wondering if
brand loyalty exists any more. And to some degree, they’re right to question
it. Today’s customers aren’t loyal to a brand for the same reasons that their
parents and grandparents were – they have thousands of other options.
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How Often Should Companies Blog? [New
Benchmark Data]
Written by Lindsay Kolowich
"Blog early, blog often."
In the inbound world, these are words to live by. After all, blogs help
businesses attract new website visitors and convert them into leads. Each
time you publish an original blog post, you're creating a new opportunity to
get found in search engines, get shared on social media, get linked to by
other sites, and get a new person to interact with your company.
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Prose, Bullet Points and Journalism: How to
Write Product Page Descriptions that Sell
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Written by Tracey Wallace
The web has inadvertently made authors out of us all as we post on forums,
send emails, share information, write white papers, guides and various web
content. Most of us, however, are not authors by profession and so
consequently the quality of writing on the web varies greatly.
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Inside Airbnb: The Philosophy Behind Their
Crazy Growth
Written by Dave Gerhardt
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When it comes to today's fastest growing brands, few companies are in the
same caliber as Airbnb.
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A Simple Guide to Using Hashtags on
Twitter [Infographic]
Written by Lindsay Kolowich
I have a love-hate relationship with hashtags on Twitter.
On the one hand, they're a useful way to tie different conversations into one
stream. When it comes to following a news item, entering a contest, or
figuring out out what's going on in your favorite sports game, they can be
super helpful -- and sometimes even fun.
It's better to have 100 people love you than 1,000 people
like you.“
- Jason Bosinoff, Engineering Manager, Airbnb Click
To Tweet
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13 Quick Tips to Improve Your Web Design
Written by Rick Whittington
Designing your company website can be a challenging proposition. You’ve
got to juggle the expectations of many stakeholders, and you can often hit
obstacles that prevent new ideas from emerging.
I was the design manager for a large company website for nearly six years,
and during that time, I found myself losing perspective of what our target
audiences really needed. Call it “tunnel vision.” When you work on the same
website, it often helps to take a step back and think through new
approaches. That’s the purpose of this blog post.
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Working Remotely? Try These 27 Tools for
Better Communication, Collaboration &
Written by Nichole Elizabeth DeMeré
One of the best parts about being in marketing is that most of us can work
anywhere and everywhere -- as long as we have an internet connection, it's
relatively easy for us to get most our day-to-day work done. To publish that
blog post, send that email, or set up that email nurturing workflow, we simply
need to connect to Wi-Fi and get to work.
But an internet connection doesn't solve everything we need to accomplish
during the day.
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The $168k Gift Bag: An Inside Look at the
Celebrity Gifting Industry
Written by Jami Oetting
This post originally appeared on Agency Post. To read more content like
this, subscribe to Agency Post.
There are two women who can cause websites to crash, phones to ring
incessantly, and bidding wars to begin.
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How to Properly Format Your Resume
Written by Lindsay Kolowich
Think of a really good print advertisement you've seen lately. What did you
like about it? Chances are that while the content of that ad was important,
the design played a big role in drawing you in.
It's important to think of your resume like an advertisement to job recruiters.
Writing a standout resume goes beyond the content you put in there -- the
format plays an important role, too.
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5 Reasons Why Your Web Design RFP Is All
Wrong (and Why It’s Hurting Your Business)
Written by Chris Getman
So it’s finally time. You’ve decided your business needs a new website.
There are probably a variety of reasons why (it’s outdated, it’s not mobile
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friendly, it doesn’t represent your brand, etc.)—but where to start? Well,
many businesses will write a website RFP (request for proposal) and then
send that RFP out to multiple agencies hoping they’ll respond.
But here’s the thing, some of the best agencies out there hate responding to
RFPs because they’re time consuming and creatively constraining. That’s a
problem because as a business, you want the best agencies to respond to
your RFP so you can get the best website possible.
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Want to Learn Marketing Analytics? Start
With These 9 Great Resources
Written by Rachel Sprung
I've been interested in data and analytics for a long, long time. As a ten-year-
old, I remember creating Excel spreadsheets with my dad for his annual
Fantasy Football pool. By the time I was 16, I was building Pivot Tables with
my cell phone bill to figure out who I texted the most. (I promise I had other
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Since then, I've learned how much more there is to data analysis besides
Pivot Tables and Excel. There's a whole world of analytics out there -- and
I've barely scratched the surface.
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Psychology of Ecommerce Sales: Tapping
Consumer Nostalgia
Written by Greg Wise
If you hang on to anything long enough, it eventually comes back in style,
right? Many might argue that this is because there are no new ideas, and
that fashion designers have to “steal” from the past in order to create fresh
new looks. In reality, this phenomenon probably has less to do with a lack of
originality and more to do with nostalgia.
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The Free Stock Photos You've Been
Searching For [New Download]
Written by Erik Devaney
Finding the perfect free stock photo ... what a feeling!
It's like finding a black pearl in an oyster, or like finding
a golden Chachapoyan fertility idol in a booby-trapped Peruvian temple (hat
tip, Indiana Jones).
Why is it so rare to find a free stock photo that's the perfect fit for your blog
post, email, or other piece of content?
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The April Fool's Day Email Prank That
Returned 300% More Clickthroughs. No
Written by Joe Jerome
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It wasn't until late afternoon on April Fool's Day when I came up with the idea
for an epic prank.
No, not covering a colleague's desk with Post-It notes or planting staplers in
Jell-O. I'm talking something a little more ... client-facing.
Let me quickly give you some context here. My marketing consulting
company, Brand Builder Solutions, is a very strong advocate of all things
inbound marketing.
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18 Facebook Post Ideas for New Home
Written by Spencer Powell
As a new home builder, you're in a great position to take advantage of
social media. Why? It's the photos! People LOVE photos of homes, both
inside and out.
However, you're probably looking for some other ideas too so that your
Facebook profile doesn't become stagnant. Below, I've put together a list of
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Facebook profile doesn't become stagnant. Below, I've put together a list of
a 18 Facebook post ideas to get your creative juices flowing.
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Rethinking CRO: How Remarketing Can
Unlock Higher Conversion Rates
Written by
If you're serious about improving more conversions, you need to start
thinking of conversion rate optimization (CRO) differently. CRO isn't just
about making small adjustments to a landing page to get 5% more
conversions. But if you've tried moving page elements around, tested
variations of your copy, and optimized your form, but still aren't seeing
meaningful conversion gains, don't worry -- all is not lost.
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The Anatomy of an Optimized Web Page
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Written by Lindsay Kolowich
Optimizing your web pages shouldn't just be a task on your to-do list. It
should be an overarching strategy -- something you think about and test and
tweak every single day.
Why? Because your website is how people get to know your brand, and
having optimized web pages will make for a more engaging and delightful
experience. Plus, you'll see greater returns on the content you publish across
your marketing channels.
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The 10 Weirdest Job Interview Questions on
Written by Emma Snider
This post originally appeared on HubSpot's Sales Blog. To read more
content like this, subscribe to Sales.
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Google is renowned for posing bizarre questions to job candidates lucky
enough to be called in for an interview. If you're applying for a job with the
company, you might want to think about how many golf balls can fit on a
school bus, or design an evacuation plan for San Francisco.
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The Business Case for Social Selling
Written by Emma Snider
This post originally appeared on HubSpot's Sales Blog. To read more
content like this, subscribe to Sales.
If you haven't started incorporating social media into your sales process,
you're not alone. According to a survey from PeopleLinx, only 31% of sellers
currently use social to sell.
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10 Myths About Lead Quality: Busted
Written by Alex Dunner
Your leads are the driver of your business. To grow and to gain customers
you need to have quality leads that are actively engaged in your
organization’s offerings—leads that are a fit for organizations strategy.
While every organization has a unique approach to categorizing its leads,
there are several myths associated with lead quality many organizations fall
to. Lets take a look at 10 lead quality myths and debunk them using facts
derived from industry data.
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Why Smart Social Media Marketers Care
About Mobile Optimization [Infographic]
Written by Lindsay Kolowich
How many of you use your smartphone and/or tablet to check email, scroll
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through Twitter, and even read blog posts like this one?
Most of you, I'll bet. While we're not quite ready to do away with our laptops
and desktop computers, people are spending more time using their mobile
devices to access the internet -- especially social media sites.
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4 Lessons From the Most Purposeful Ads of
Written by Katie L. Fetting
Advertising used to be about smoke and mirrors. The smoke was
sometimes literal ("Sophisticated women smoke Virginia Slims!") and the
mirrors reflected who we were and/or wanted to be ("True Americans buy
But today, “BEST IN THE WEST” billboards are no longer effective because
consumers’ expectations have changed. Every purchase is mere clicks
away; there are increasingly few strangleholds on distribution, proprietary
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sales territories, patented common goods, price or quality differentials.
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4 Ways Healthcare Marketers Should Utilize
Social Media
Written by Mandy King
Social media is no longer a marketing afterthought for companies and
organizations. Every major brand is present across the major social media
platforms, and they are actively planning strategic campaigns around social
activity. Companies from every industry have made the leap into social
media, but healthcare has lagged behind. Why is this?
Part of it is a lack of understanding about what social media is and how it
integrates with current healthcare marketing efforts. Part of it is a fear of how
it affects patient privacy and compliance with regulations such as HIPAA.
What many healthcare organizations don't realize is that these obstacles are
all easily overcome and shouldn't stand in the way of building up social
media strategies.
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Why You Might Already Be in Ecommerce
Written by Tom Schwab
Most companies don't think of themselves as ecommerce, but if you're using
your website to sell a product, you are in ecommerce! Adding the high-
volume and fast sales cycle ecommerce business to any existing website
can allow you to learn more about your customers, learn it faster, and make
money as you do. Here's a quick crash course in how to make the most of
your ecommerce capabilities -- from what you can sell to how to start selling,
and how to set yourself up for ecommerce success.
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The Science of a Great TED Talk: What
Makes a Speech Go Viral
Written by Lindsay Kolowich
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Getting chosen to speak at a TED conference is no easy feat.
Attending a TED conference -- as in, sitting in the audience -- is a little like
applying for college, with a short essay-style application including
questions like "What are you passionate about?" But to speak at a
conference is even harder. TED's content director Kelly Stoetzel and her
team review thousands of candidates and whittle them down to 60-70
speakers for the twice-a-year, week-long conferences.
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Want to Teach Yourself Design? 8 Tips &
Tricks for Beginners
Written by
When I was in high school, I was always doodling in my notebooks. Hand-
drawn letters and little pictograms covered my homework, tests, and papers.
I would get lost in creating new ways to write out my name or drawing
cartoon representations of my friends. Teachers were constantly telling me
to to "knock it off" and focus on my studies.
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Eventually, I did knock it off -- mostly because I realized I wasn't that good at
drawing on paper.
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13 Types of Blog Headlines That Will Get
You More Traffic
Written by Ryan Scott
Fewer people read your blog posts than you think. More people read your
headline than you think, too.
On average, only 20% of those who read your headline will click through to
read your article. That means good headlines lose 80% of your audience.
Great headlines, though, can make a dramatic impact in the opposite
direction. You can increase the traffic to your articles by as much as 500%,
based solely on the headline.
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Making Cents of Inbound Marketing: An
Interview With HubSpot's CFO
Written by Mike Volpe
One of the toughest challenges CMOs face is getting buy-in on new
programs and initiatives from the rest of the executive team -- especially
from the CFO. A lot of CMOs feel like they’re begging for money each
month. And if the money ends up going to something that doesn’t quite pan
out, their budget is on the chopping block.
But it doesn’t have to be that way. There are many ways CMOs can improve
their relationship with their CFOs, and the best way to get started is to figure
out how your CFO thinks.
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How to Create an Infographic in Under an
Hour [10 Free Infographic Templates]
Written by Pamela Vaughan
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Wouldn't it be great if creating infographics was just as simple as writing
regular ole text-based blog posts? Unfortunately, the reality is that making
visual content like this usually takes a lot more time, effort, and let's face it --
skill -- than the written word. Usually.
But considering the popularity and effectiveness of visual content in
marketing today, you can't just afford to throw in the towel. That's why we
decided to take all the pain and suffering out of infographic
creation. Seriously -- don't throw in the towel just yet. You, too, can create
professional-looking, high-quality infographics ... quickly! And I'm going to
prove it. First things first ...
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3 Steps to Winning Customers from Big Box
Retailers With Long-Tail Keyword Phrases
Written by Tracey Wallace
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SEO can be tough. It is no miracle worker –– at least not overnight.
Focusing hours of hard work on keywords and metadata likely isn’t any
small business owner’s idea of money or time well-spent. Yet, the ROI from
doing so has a long tail that seriously impacts your bottom line.
In fact, not spending time on SEO can mean failure for your ecommerce
business. After all, if no one can find you, you don’t exist! And on the internet,
that means if Google isn’t ranking you well, you might as well not even be
selling online.
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Is Slack the Fastest-Growing Business App
in History?
Written by Joe Chernov
Bill Macaitis knows something about growth. In his two years as Zendesk’s
top marketer, he helped take the company from venture-funded startup to an
IPO resulting in a $1.7 billion market cap. When he led online marketing and
operations at Salesforce, he helped grow revenues from $900M to $3
billion. Now, he's the CMO at Slack, the 17-month old messaging startup
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that’s rumored already to be worth $2.76 billion.
What's the secret to his latest company's growth?
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22 Tweetable Nuggets of Seriously Sage
Marketing Advice
Written by Angela O'Dowd
If you're a frequent reader of this blog, you've probably heard of "inbound
marketing" by now. But have you heard of the next big thing -- "midbound
Don't feel bad if you haven't. I hadn't either until I was emailing with Pete
Emerson, Senior Web Designer & Developer at New Breed Marketing, one
of our partner agencies.
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The Do’s and Don’ts for Sending Email at
Written by Tom Burgess
**Sets alarm for 6am, checks email, goes to bed**
**Wakes up to sound of alarm, turns off alarm, checks email**
Does this routine sound familiar? I can’t be the only one that is nearly
attached at the hip to my phone, checking email constantly. Email has been
arguably the #1 form of communication for business since the early 2000’s.
With email being a key piece in the way we communicate, there are certain
“do’s” and “don’ts” we should be following while emailing at work:
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HubSpot Goes #DeskFree, Pioneering the
Next Frontier of Workspace Collaboration
Written by JD Sherman
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Workplace collaboration has become a hot topic in the software and tech
space. Companies all around the world are experimenting with the ideal
office setup to strengthen culture and improve workplace productivity.
HubSpot has always been committed to building a collaborative
environment that helps our employees do their best work. Today, we're
proud to unveil our latest development: the desk-free office.
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9 Google Drive Tips You'll Wish You Knew
All Along
Written by Lindsay Kolowich
If you asked me to name the sites and applications I use every single day,
Google Drive would be near the top of the list. At work, I use it to take notes
during meetings and create surveys for blog posts. At home, I use it to
calculate vacation expenses and track workouts with my gym buddies. It's
one of those web tools that's so useful and so all-encompassing, I can hardly
remember life without it.
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This Guy Got Drunk and Critiqued Our
Website. Here's What He Had to Say.
Written by Austin Knight
A couple weeks ago, Dan Kaplan (he's not the drunk guy) published a
super, ultimate, 2,200-word teardown of our homepage and sent it to us.
As the guy who was recently put in charge of the user experience for, I immediately dove into his critique. It's not often that you get
a deep, thoughtful analysis of your website -- so we jumped at the
opportunity to see what Dan thought.
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A Helpful Guide of Public Speaking Tips
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Written by Lindsay Kolowich
If the thought of speaking in front of a crowd makes you uneasy, you're not
alone. According to a study by Chapman University, public speaking is the
number one fear in America -- followed closely by heights and then by bugs,
snakes, and other animals. (Strangely enough, Americans are more afraid
of zombies than we are of clowns or ghosts ... but that's a blog post for
another day.)
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The Science of Creativity
Written by Jess Marranco
I have a riddle for you: Everyone has some, but wants more, and some
people think they have less than others do. What is it?
I’ll give you a hint: Albert Einstein and children have this in common.
Okay one more hint: Some people find it in the shower.
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The answer?
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Is Your Website Mobile-Friendly? 3 Tools to
Help You Prepare for Google's Next
Algorithm Update
Written by Jeffrey Vocell
Google is about to update their algorithm again, and this time it could have
a big impact on your business. I mean, really really big.
For context, when Google initially rolled out the Penguin algorithm update, it
affected approximately 4% of global searches on desktop and mobile.
When they rolled out Panda, it affected nearly 12% of English searches.
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Your Guide to Online Sales Tax
Written by Ted Ammon
Starting an ecommerce company comes with a lot of tiny details. While
sales tax isn’t exactly a tiny detail, it may be something you haven’t yet
considered. Some outlets will tell you sales tax isn’t required for online
sales. In many cases, this is true. Don’t take this as law, however. Instead,
this short guide will walk you through the scenarios when you’ll need to
charge a sales tax.
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Is Your Open Office Causing a Creative
Written by Jami Oetting
This post originally appeared on Agency Post. To read more content like
this, subscribe to Agency Post.
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Whenever Ben walks by, he comments on the design work prominently
display on your monitor. He typically thinks you need to move everything to
be center-aligned. Jane -- the one with the constant cough -- believes that
the secret to convincing a client that an idea is brilliant is to speak above a
normal decibel level.
Read More
How to Diagnose Your Funnel to Create
Predictable Growth
Written by Doug Davidoff
If I’ve learned one thing about companies and organizations that enjoy
consistent growth, it’s that they’re maniacal about monitoring their data and
numbers. They’re clear on what has to happen to achieve their goals. In
contrast, companies that don’t experience consistent, predictable growth
also do not have clarity of their funnel metrics.
Read More
pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
A Handy Little Guide to Creating Visual
Content for Social Media [Infographic]
Written by Lindsay Kolowich
Want more views, clickthroughs, shares, and overall engagement on your
social media posts? You're not alone. According to the 2014 State of
Inbound Marketing, 84% of marketers cited organic, top-of-the-funnel
sources like social media, blogs, and search engines as rising in
importance in 2014.
Posting visual content is one of the most important things you can do to
improve your social media strategy.
Read More
11 Content Curation Tools Every Marketer
pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
Written by Patrick Armitage
For the uninitiated, content curation is finding information relevant to your
audience from a variety of sources and sharing it strategically through your
communication channels. The need for great content curators has never
been more urgent. There are simply too many social networks, news feeds,
emails, and infographics putting demands on your time and attention.
Read More
The Rise of the Full-Time Instagrammer:
Why Brands Pay for Photos From Everyday
Written by Lindsay Kolowich
Patrick Janelle has a dream job.
That's the first thing I thought to myself when I heard him tell the audience at
Social Media Week NYC that he is a full-time Instagrammer.
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Yup, that's right: Thanks to an extensive background in graphic design and a
very high follower count, Patrick's full-time job is to do cool things and go to
cool places, take beautiful pictures of his experiences, and post them to his
personal Instagram account, @aguynamedpatrick.
Read More ›

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What Does Your Email Writing Style Say About You?

  • 1. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API April 10, 2015 // 8:00 AM What Doe Yo mail W iting Style Say Abo t Yo ? [ e Data] Written by Andrea Lehr | @AndreaMLehr Whe e Ma kete Go to G o SHARE Marketing SUBSCRIBE SOFTWARE ABOUT CASE STUDIES PARTNERS PRICING BLOGS
  • 2. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API MARKETING / 1 day ago What Does Your Email Writing Style Say About You? [New Data] MARKETING / 18 hrs ago How to Change Photo Privacy Settings on Facebook, Twitter & Other Popular Social Networks [Infographic] Every day, humans make snap judgments. In one Princeton study, participants made assumptions within 100 milliseconds of being exposed to a portrait. In a similar study on virtual bias, researchers at the University of British Columbia compared respondents’ in-person impressions with those obtained by only viewing Facebook photos -- and the results revealed that passive, virtual impressions tended to be more negative. BuzzStream and Fractl took this idea a step further to determine if any parallels exist in terms of email habits. We surveyed more than 1,200 men and women between the ages of 18 and 64 to find out how they use email, and how gender, age, and level of education impacted specific preferences and behaviors. The results reveal how email etiquette influences someone's perception of other people and compares email habits between different demographics.
  • 3. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API Here's what we found. Brevity is key, especially with older recipients. When writing an email, every word counts. It starts with your subject line: Open rates drop from 24% to 17% on average when subject lines exceed 35 characters. And with mobile email open rates rising more than 300% since April 2011, the case for brevity is more important than ever. Exactly 60% of respondents agreed that a concise email is acceptable, while less than 30% expressed similar feelings toward longer emails. Additional findings revealed: The opposition to verbose emails increases with age: 70% more respondents between the ages of 55 and 64 find the practice unacceptable compared with those between 18 and 24. Females have a slightly higher preference for concise emails compared with their male counterparts: More than 60% of women find shorter emails acceptable, while just over 55% of men share similar views. Level of education has no effect on length: The majority of each group -- no degree, bachelor’s degree, and graduate degree -- prefers a concise email over a longer message.
  • 4. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API The top five greetings for all respondents are brief: Each greeting is only one word attached to the recipient’s name. The most objectionable email trends concern grammar, spelling, and fonts. In today’s increasingly mobile workforce, the popularity of email continues to rise. According to a study by the Radicati Group, the total number of worldwide email users will exceed 2.8 billion in 2018, with business emails accounting for more than 139.4 billion emails sent and received each day. And with every email you send, the content has the potential to add to or detract from both your personal and professional reputation. One of the most common mistakes? Sending an email with grammatical errors. Most would agree on the importance of proofreading emails, but we wanted to determine if some participants were more forgiving about mistakes than others. Our research revealed the following: Nearly 80% of all respondents find spelling and grammatical errors the most unacceptable offenses. More than 70% of each age demographic found more than one spelling error unacceptable. Nearly 10% more females find a spelling error more unacceptable
  • 5. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API than males do. Respondents with graduate degrees are slightly more forgiving of grammatical errors than those with bachelor’s degrees or no degree. Exactly 70% of all respondents agree that excessive punctuation should be avoided. Out of the top 10 objectionable email trends, 4 revolve around fonts -- different font sizes, all-caps subject lines, irregular fonts, and different font colors. Over 60% of all respondents found these practices unacceptable, and further analysis revealed: Changes in font size were disliked the most by respondents: Nearly 70% of respondents prefer fonts to be one size. The oldest demographic is more receptive to irregular fonts than any other: Less than 30% believe that using irregular typefaces (e.g., Comic Sans, Courier New, Impact, etc.) is “totally unacceptable.” The majority of male and female respondents have a preference for a single-colored font. More than 85% of respondents prefer an all-lowercase subject line to one in all caps. Respondents with a graduate degree tend to be slightly more lenient on multiple font sizes: Nearly 20% find the practice acceptable while less than 15% of respondents without a degree share similar views.
  • 6. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API Older generations want to be perceived as more authentic, while younger generations want to sound smarter. Researchers at Northwestern Law found that online communication has a limiting effect on persuasion, so it’s no surprise that, overall, most respondents admitted to rewriting email to sound more intelligent. In fact, out of the top five characteristics regarding perception, just over 40% of all respondents listed three that related to intelligence. However, the motive behind rewriting an email can vary by degree and age. Additional findings revealed the following: The top five characteristics for perception are exactly the same for male and female respondents: intelligent, knowledgeable, helpful, educated, and reliable. Nearly 50% more respondents with graduate degrees want to sound reliable compared with respondents who have no degree. More than 55% more respondents between the ages of 45 and 54 rewrite emails to sound more authentic compared with those between 18 and 24. The younger demographic prefers to sound more knowledgeable, with nearly 50% more rewriting emails to sound more intelligent compared with 45- to 54-year-olds.
  • 7. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API Nearly 80% of respondents agree that etiquette impacts the likelihood that they will respond to an email from a stranger. If you rush to send an email without proofreading, you risk losing business or key networking opportunities. Knowing when to keep your correspondence short, when to be more formal, and even when it’s appropriate to add a bit of humor will help you develop and nurture valuable relationships. By understanding how age, gender, and level of education influence perception in email correspondence, you can tailor your content to align closely with your recipient’s expectations and ensure stronger, more authentic communication. Reviewthis deck and the infographic belowfor these findings and more. 49
  • 8. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
  • 9. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
  • 10. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
  • 11. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
  • 12. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
  • 13. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API Study by Fractl and BuzzStream.
  • 14. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API Topics: Email Marketing, Office Life Subscribe to HubSpot's Marketing Blog Join 380,000+ fellow marketers! Get HubSpot's latest marketing articles straight to your inbox. Enter your email address below: 49
  • 15. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API COMMENTS How to Change Photo Privacy Settings on Facebook, Twitter & Other Popular Social Networks [Infographic] Written by Lindsay Kolowich In a world where the phrase "pics or it didn't happen" is a widespread mantra, people of all ages are sharing a wide range of information about themselves on social media. Of course, social media websites were designed to encourage sharing. Many of us spend a large chunk of our days sharing lots of professional information on social, whether we're managing our company's Facebook account or tweeting pictures of the event we're attending. Read More SUBSCRIBE ›
  • 16. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API Why You Need to Stop Speaking "Techlish" Written by Dechay Watts "We’re getting to common version, which is a superset of the functionality being built in Rainbow 5, which uses version 2 of the Asian code,” said our new client in a kick off meeting. Yes, people really speak this way. Especially, when they work in complicated or regulated industries. While it’s one thing to banter about codes and supersets, or BI, ERPs and CRMs, when you’re behind the scenes developing amazing new tools for people to use, the conversation loses its flare when industry jargon becomes part of your customer facing content. Read More How to Add a Secondary Axis to an Excel ›
  • 17. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API Chart Written by Rachel Sprung Have you ever wanted to create a single chart for two different (yet related) pieces of data? Maybe you wanted to see the raw number of leads you're generating from each channel and what the conversion rate of the channel is. Having those two sets of data on one graph is extremely helpful to picking out patterns and identifying full-funnel trends. Read More 5 Quick Tips for Using Periscope, Twitter's New Live Video Streaming App ›
  • 18. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API Written by Jessica Webb In the last month or so, there's been a big surge in live video broadcasting. Thanks to smartphone apps like Periscope, users can record live video streams and share them with their network. For example, a friend of mine recently used Periscope to livestream an iPhone video of her walking her dog. She shared a link to the live stream on Twitter, and a few of her followers clicked through and watched her walk her dog in real time. Kind of weird, but at the same time, kind of cool. Read More 5 Ways to Make Your Brand Magnetic Written by Katie Lantukh In our fast-paced and tech-driven world, companies are reeling, wondering if brand loyalty exists any more. And to some degree, they’re right to question it. Today’s customers aren’t loyal to a brand for the same reasons that their parents and grandparents were – they have thousands of other options. Read More › ›
  • 19. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API How Often Should Companies Blog? [New Benchmark Data] Written by Lindsay Kolowich "Blog early, blog often." In the inbound world, these are words to live by. After all, blogs help businesses attract new website visitors and convert them into leads. Each time you publish an original blog post, you're creating a new opportunity to get found in search engines, get shared on social media, get linked to by other sites, and get a new person to interact with your company. Read More Prose, Bullet Points and Journalism: How to Write Product Page Descriptions that Sell ›
  • 20. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API Written by Tracey Wallace The web has inadvertently made authors out of us all as we post on forums, send emails, share information, write white papers, guides and various web content. Most of us, however, are not authors by profession and so consequently the quality of writing on the web varies greatly. Read More Inside Airbnb: The Philosophy Behind Their Crazy Growth Written by Dave Gerhardt ›
  • 21. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API When it comes to today's fastest growing brands, few companies are in the same caliber as Airbnb. Read More A Simple Guide to Using Hashtags on Twitter [Infographic] Written by Lindsay Kolowich I have a love-hate relationship with hashtags on Twitter. On the one hand, they're a useful way to tie different conversations into one stream. When it comes to following a news item, entering a contest, or figuring out out what's going on in your favorite sports game, they can be super helpful -- and sometimes even fun. It's better to have 100 people love you than 1,000 people like you.“ - Jason Bosinoff, Engineering Manager, Airbnb Click To Tweet [ ] ›
  • 22. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API Read More 13 Quick Tips to Improve Your Web Design Skills Written by Rick Whittington Designing your company website can be a challenging proposition. You’ve got to juggle the expectations of many stakeholders, and you can often hit obstacles that prevent new ideas from emerging. I was the design manager for a large company website for nearly six years, and during that time, I found myself losing perspective of what our target audiences really needed. Call it “tunnel vision.” When you work on the same website, it often helps to take a step back and think through new approaches. That’s the purpose of this blog post. Read More › ›
  • 23. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API Working Remotely? Try These 27 Tools for Better Communication, Collaboration & Organization Written by Nichole Elizabeth DeMeré One of the best parts about being in marketing is that most of us can work anywhere and everywhere -- as long as we have an internet connection, it's relatively easy for us to get most our day-to-day work done. To publish that blog post, send that email, or set up that email nurturing workflow, we simply need to connect to Wi-Fi and get to work. But an internet connection doesn't solve everything we need to accomplish during the day. Read More ›
  • 24. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API The $168k Gift Bag: An Inside Look at the Celebrity Gifting Industry Written by Jami Oetting This post originally appeared on Agency Post. To read more content like this, subscribe to Agency Post. There are two women who can cause websites to crash, phones to ring incessantly, and bidding wars to begin. Read More ›
  • 25. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API How to Properly Format Your Resume [Infographic] Written by Lindsay Kolowich Think of a really good print advertisement you've seen lately. What did you like about it? Chances are that while the content of that ad was important, the design played a big role in drawing you in. It's important to think of your resume like an advertisement to job recruiters. Writing a standout resume goes beyond the content you put in there -- the format plays an important role, too. Read More 5 Reasons Why Your Web Design RFP Is All Wrong (and Why It’s Hurting Your Business) Written by Chris Getman So it’s finally time. You’ve decided your business needs a new website. There are probably a variety of reasons why (it’s outdated, it’s not mobile ›
  • 26. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API friendly, it doesn’t represent your brand, etc.)—but where to start? Well, many businesses will write a website RFP (request for proposal) and then send that RFP out to multiple agencies hoping they’ll respond. But here’s the thing, some of the best agencies out there hate responding to RFPs because they’re time consuming and creatively constraining. That’s a problem because as a business, you want the best agencies to respond to your RFP so you can get the best website possible. Read More Want to Learn Marketing Analytics? Start With These 9 Great Resources Written by Rachel Sprung I've been interested in data and analytics for a long, long time. As a ten-year- old, I remember creating Excel spreadsheets with my dad for his annual Fantasy Football pool. By the time I was 16, I was building Pivot Tables with my cell phone bill to figure out who I texted the most. (I promise I had other hobbies.) ›
  • 27. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API Since then, I've learned how much more there is to data analysis besides Pivot Tables and Excel. There's a whole world of analytics out there -- and I've barely scratched the surface. Read More Psychology of Ecommerce Sales: Tapping Consumer Nostalgia Written by Greg Wise If you hang on to anything long enough, it eventually comes back in style, right? Many might argue that this is because there are no new ideas, and that fashion designers have to “steal” from the past in order to create fresh new looks. In reality, this phenomenon probably has less to do with a lack of originality and more to do with nostalgia. Read More › ›
  • 28. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API The Free Stock Photos You've Been Searching For [New Download] Written by Erik Devaney Finding the perfect free stock photo ... what a feeling! It's like finding a black pearl in an oyster, or like finding a golden Chachapoyan fertility idol in a booby-trapped Peruvian temple (hat tip, Indiana Jones). Why is it so rare to find a free stock photo that's the perfect fit for your blog post, email, or other piece of content? Read More The April Fool's Day Email Prank That Returned 300% More Clickthroughs. No Joke. Written by Joe Jerome ›
  • 29. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API It wasn't until late afternoon on April Fool's Day when I came up with the idea for an epic prank. No, not covering a colleague's desk with Post-It notes or planting staplers in Jell-O. I'm talking something a little more ... client-facing. Let me quickly give you some context here. My marketing consulting company, Brand Builder Solutions, is a very strong advocate of all things inbound marketing. Read More 18 Facebook Post Ideas for New Home Builders Written by Spencer Powell As a new home builder, you're in a great position to take advantage of social media. Why? It's the photos! People LOVE photos of homes, both inside and out. However, you're probably looking for some other ideas too so that your Facebook profile doesn't become stagnant. Below, I've put together a list of ›
  • 30. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API Facebook profile doesn't become stagnant. Below, I've put together a list of a 18 Facebook post ideas to get your creative juices flowing. Read More Rethinking CRO: How Remarketing Can Unlock Higher Conversion Rates Written by If you're serious about improving more conversions, you need to start thinking of conversion rate optimization (CRO) differently. CRO isn't just about making small adjustments to a landing page to get 5% more conversions. But if you've tried moving page elements around, tested variations of your copy, and optimized your form, but still aren't seeing meaningful conversion gains, don't worry -- all is not lost. Read More The Anatomy of an Optimized Web Page › ›
  • 31. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API [Infographic] Written by Lindsay Kolowich Optimizing your web pages shouldn't just be a task on your to-do list. It should be an overarching strategy -- something you think about and test and tweak every single day. Why? Because your website is how people get to know your brand, and having optimized web pages will make for a more engaging and delightful experience. Plus, you'll see greater returns on the content you publish across your marketing channels. Read More The 10 Weirdest Job Interview Questions on Glassdoor Written by Emma Snider This post originally appeared on HubSpot's Sales Blog. To read more content like this, subscribe to Sales. ›
  • 32. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API Google is renowned for posing bizarre questions to job candidates lucky enough to be called in for an interview. If you're applying for a job with the company, you might want to think about how many golf balls can fit on a school bus, or design an evacuation plan for San Francisco. Read More The Business Case for Social Selling [Infographic] Written by Emma Snider This post originally appeared on HubSpot's Sales Blog. To read more content like this, subscribe to Sales. If you haven't started incorporating social media into your sales process, you're not alone. According to a survey from PeopleLinx, only 31% of sellers currently use social to sell. Read More › ›
  • 33. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API 10 Myths About Lead Quality: Busted Written by Alex Dunner Your leads are the driver of your business. To grow and to gain customers you need to have quality leads that are actively engaged in your organization’s offerings—leads that are a fit for organizations strategy. While every organization has a unique approach to categorizing its leads, there are several myths associated with lead quality many organizations fall to. Lets take a look at 10 lead quality myths and debunk them using facts derived from industry data. Read More Why Smart Social Media Marketers Care About Mobile Optimization [Infographic] Written by Lindsay Kolowich How many of you use your smartphone and/or tablet to check email, scroll ›
  • 34. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API through Twitter, and even read blog posts like this one? Most of you, I'll bet. While we're not quite ready to do away with our laptops and desktop computers, people are spending more time using their mobile devices to access the internet -- especially social media sites. Read More 4 Lessons From the Most Purposeful Ads of 2014-2015 Written by Katie L. Fetting Advertising used to be about smoke and mirrors. The smoke was sometimes literal ("Sophisticated women smoke Virginia Slims!") and the mirrors reflected who we were and/or wanted to be ("True Americans buy Ford"). But today, “BEST IN THE WEST” billboards are no longer effective because consumers’ expectations have changed. Every purchase is mere clicks away; there are increasingly few strangleholds on distribution, proprietary ›
  • 35. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API sales territories, patented common goods, price or quality differentials. Read More 4 Ways Healthcare Marketers Should Utilize Social Media Written by Mandy King Social media is no longer a marketing afterthought for companies and organizations. Every major brand is present across the major social media platforms, and they are actively planning strategic campaigns around social activity. Companies from every industry have made the leap into social media, but healthcare has lagged behind. Why is this? Part of it is a lack of understanding about what social media is and how it integrates with current healthcare marketing efforts. Part of it is a fear of how it affects patient privacy and compliance with regulations such as HIPAA. What many healthcare organizations don't realize is that these obstacles are all easily overcome and shouldn't stand in the way of building up social media strategies. Read More › ›
  • 36. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API Why You Might Already Be in Ecommerce Written by Tom Schwab Most companies don't think of themselves as ecommerce, but if you're using your website to sell a product, you are in ecommerce! Adding the high- volume and fast sales cycle ecommerce business to any existing website can allow you to learn more about your customers, learn it faster, and make money as you do. Here's a quick crash course in how to make the most of your ecommerce capabilities -- from what you can sell to how to start selling, and how to set yourself up for ecommerce success. Read More The Science of a Great TED Talk: What Makes a Speech Go Viral Written by Lindsay Kolowich ›
  • 37. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API Getting chosen to speak at a TED conference is no easy feat. Attending a TED conference -- as in, sitting in the audience -- is a little like applying for college, with a short essay-style application including questions like "What are you passionate about?" But to speak at a conference is even harder. TED's content director Kelly Stoetzel and her team review thousands of candidates and whittle them down to 60-70 speakers for the twice-a-year, week-long conferences. Read More Want to Teach Yourself Design? 8 Tips & Tricks for Beginners Written by When I was in high school, I was always doodling in my notebooks. Hand- drawn letters and little pictograms covered my homework, tests, and papers. I would get lost in creating new ways to write out my name or drawing cartoon representations of my friends. Teachers were constantly telling me to to "knock it off" and focus on my studies. ›
  • 38. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API Eventually, I did knock it off -- mostly because I realized I wasn't that good at drawing on paper. Read More 13 Types of Blog Headlines That Will Get You More Traffic Written by Ryan Scott Fewer people read your blog posts than you think. More people read your headline than you think, too. On average, only 20% of those who read your headline will click through to read your article. That means good headlines lose 80% of your audience. Great headlines, though, can make a dramatic impact in the opposite direction. You can increase the traffic to your articles by as much as 500%, based solely on the headline. Read More › ›
  • 39. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API Making Cents of Inbound Marketing: An Interview With HubSpot's CFO Written by Mike Volpe One of the toughest challenges CMOs face is getting buy-in on new programs and initiatives from the rest of the executive team -- especially from the CFO. A lot of CMOs feel like they’re begging for money each month. And if the money ends up going to something that doesn’t quite pan out, their budget is on the chopping block. But it doesn’t have to be that way. There are many ways CMOs can improve their relationship with their CFOs, and the best way to get started is to figure out how your CFO thinks. Read More How to Create an Infographic in Under an Hour [10 Free Infographic Templates] Written by Pamela Vaughan ›
  • 40. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API Wouldn't it be great if creating infographics was just as simple as writing regular ole text-based blog posts? Unfortunately, the reality is that making visual content like this usually takes a lot more time, effort, and let's face it -- skill -- than the written word. Usually. But considering the popularity and effectiveness of visual content in marketing today, you can't just afford to throw in the towel. That's why we decided to take all the pain and suffering out of infographic creation. Seriously -- don't throw in the towel just yet. You, too, can create professional-looking, high-quality infographics ... quickly! And I'm going to prove it. First things first ... < Read More 3 Steps to Winning Customers from Big Box Retailers With Long-Tail Keyword Phrases Written by Tracey Wallace ›
  • 41. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API SEO can be tough. It is no miracle worker –– at least not overnight. Focusing hours of hard work on keywords and metadata likely isn’t any small business owner’s idea of money or time well-spent. Yet, the ROI from doing so has a long tail that seriously impacts your bottom line. In fact, not spending time on SEO can mean failure for your ecommerce business. After all, if no one can find you, you don’t exist! And on the internet, that means if Google isn’t ranking you well, you might as well not even be selling online. Read More Is Slack the Fastest-Growing Business App in History? Written by Joe Chernov Bill Macaitis knows something about growth. In his two years as Zendesk’s top marketer, he helped take the company from venture-funded startup to an IPO resulting in a $1.7 billion market cap. When he led online marketing and operations at Salesforce, he helped grow revenues from $900M to $3 billion. Now, he's the CMO at Slack, the 17-month old messaging startup ›
  • 42. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API that’s rumored already to be worth $2.76 billion. What's the secret to his latest company's growth? Read More 22 Tweetable Nuggets of Seriously Sage Marketing Advice Written by Angela O'Dowd If you're a frequent reader of this blog, you've probably heard of "inbound marketing" by now. But have you heard of the next big thing -- "midbound marketing"? Don't feel bad if you haven't. I hadn't either until I was emailing with Pete Emerson, Senior Web Designer & Developer at New Breed Marketing, one of our partner agencies. Read More › ›
  • 43. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API The Do’s and Don’ts for Sending Email at Work Written by Tom Burgess **Sets alarm for 6am, checks email, goes to bed** **Wakes up to sound of alarm, turns off alarm, checks email** Does this routine sound familiar? I can’t be the only one that is nearly attached at the hip to my phone, checking email constantly. Email has been arguably the #1 form of communication for business since the early 2000’s. With email being a key piece in the way we communicate, there are certain “do’s” and “don’ts” we should be following while emailing at work: Read More HubSpot Goes #DeskFree, Pioneering the Next Frontier of Workspace Collaboration Written by JD Sherman ›
  • 44. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API Workplace collaboration has become a hot topic in the software and tech space. Companies all around the world are experimenting with the ideal office setup to strengthen culture and improve workplace productivity. HubSpot has always been committed to building a collaborative environment that helps our employees do their best work. Today, we're proud to unveil our latest development: the desk-free office. Read More 9 Google Drive Tips You'll Wish You Knew All Along Written by Lindsay Kolowich If you asked me to name the sites and applications I use every single day, Google Drive would be near the top of the list. At work, I use it to take notes during meetings and create surveys for blog posts. At home, I use it to calculate vacation expenses and track workouts with my gym buddies. It's one of those web tools that's so useful and so all-encompassing, I can hardly remember life without it. ›
  • 45. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API Read More This Guy Got Drunk and Critiqued Our Website. Here's What He Had to Say. Written by Austin Knight A couple weeks ago, Dan Kaplan (he's not the drunk guy) published a super, ultimate, 2,200-word teardown of our homepage and sent it to us. As the guy who was recently put in charge of the user experience for, I immediately dove into his critique. It's not often that you get a deep, thoughtful analysis of your website -- so we jumped at the opportunity to see what Dan thought. Read More A Helpful Guide of Public Speaking Tips › ›
  • 46. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API [Infographic] Written by Lindsay Kolowich If the thought of speaking in front of a crowd makes you uneasy, you're not alone. According to a study by Chapman University, public speaking is the number one fear in America -- followed closely by heights and then by bugs, snakes, and other animals. (Strangely enough, Americans are more afraid of zombies than we are of clowns or ghosts ... but that's a blog post for another day.) Read More The Science of Creativity Written by Jess Marranco I have a riddle for you: Everyone has some, but wants more, and some people think they have less than others do. What is it? I’ll give you a hint: Albert Einstein and children have this in common. Okay one more hint: Some people find it in the shower. ›
  • 47. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API The answer? Read More Is Your Website Mobile-Friendly? 3 Tools to Help You Prepare for Google's Next Algorithm Update Written by Jeffrey Vocell Google is about to update their algorithm again, and this time it could have a big impact on your business. I mean, really really big. For context, when Google initially rolled out the Penguin algorithm update, it affected approximately 4% of global searches on desktop and mobile. When they rolled out Panda, it affected nearly 12% of English searches. Read More › ›
  • 48. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API Your Guide to Online Sales Tax Written by Ted Ammon Starting an ecommerce company comes with a lot of tiny details. While sales tax isn’t exactly a tiny detail, it may be something you haven’t yet considered. Some outlets will tell you sales tax isn’t required for online sales. In many cases, this is true. Don’t take this as law, however. Instead, this short guide will walk you through the scenarios when you’ll need to charge a sales tax. Read More Is Your Open Office Causing a Creative Crisis? Written by Jami Oetting This post originally appeared on Agency Post. To read more content like this, subscribe to Agency Post. ›
  • 49. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API Whenever Ben walks by, he comments on the design work prominently display on your monitor. He typically thinks you need to move everything to be center-aligned. Jane -- the one with the constant cough -- believes that the secret to convincing a client that an idea is brilliant is to speak above a normal decibel level. Read More How to Diagnose Your Funnel to Create Predictable Growth Written by Doug Davidoff If I’ve learned one thing about companies and organizations that enjoy consistent growth, it’s that they’re maniacal about monitoring their data and numbers. They’re clear on what has to happen to achieve their goals. In contrast, companies that don’t experience consistent, predictable growth also do not have clarity of their funnel metrics. Read More › ›
  • 50. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API A Handy Little Guide to Creating Visual Content for Social Media [Infographic] Written by Lindsay Kolowich Want more views, clickthroughs, shares, and overall engagement on your social media posts? You're not alone. According to the 2014 State of Inbound Marketing, 84% of marketers cited organic, top-of-the-funnel sources like social media, blogs, and search engines as rising in importance in 2014. Posting visual content is one of the most important things you can do to improve your social media strategy. Read More 11 Content Curation Tools Every Marketer Needs ›
  • 51. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API Written by Patrick Armitage For the uninitiated, content curation is finding information relevant to your audience from a variety of sources and sharing it strategically through your communication channels. The need for great content curators has never been more urgent. There are simply too many social networks, news feeds, emails, and infographics putting demands on your time and attention. Read More The Rise of the Full-Time Instagrammer: Why Brands Pay for Photos From Everyday Celebrities Written by Lindsay Kolowich Patrick Janelle has a dream job. That's the first thing I thought to myself when I heard him tell the audience at Social Media Week NYC that he is a full-time Instagrammer. ›
  • 52. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API Yup, that's right: Thanks to an extensive background in graphic design and a very high follower count, Patrick's full-time job is to do cool things and go to cool places, take beautiful pictures of his experiences, and post them to his personal Instagram account, @aguynamedpatrick. Read More ›