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                                                                                                      p a p e r
the Deliverability "top 5"
A Best-Practice Guide for E-mail Marketing

        executive Summary
        E-mail marketing remains one of the most flexible and cost-effective channels through
        which marketers can reach targeted audiences with direct and meaningful messages.
        But e-mail marketing is only effective if it reaches recipient inboxes, and as ISPs develop
        increasingly stringent rules and tests in response to the problems of spam, spoofing, and
        phishing, many legitimate, desired e-mail messages are getting blocked or mislabeled
        as spam. This white paper assembles a wide range of tactics and information regarding
        deliverability into five core best practices to help marketers get up to speed quickly with
        the constantly changing deliverability landscape and key strategies for improving results.
The Challenge of Deliverability                                  the ever-changing tactics of spammers. The task can be
                                                                 daunting, to say the least.
E-mail has undeniably revolutionized marketing strategies,
offering a low-cost, highly scalable means of reaching           Burying one’s head in the sand, however, is no
customers and prospects. Beyond that, it has set new             solution, and marketers who fail to adequately address
standards in terms of marketers’ ability to personalize          deliverability issues will rapidly erode the effectiveness of
and target messages and track response and return on             one of their most valuable and flexible channels.
investment. It is, in short, a marketer’s dream medium.
                                                                 This white paper seeks to compile a range of deliverability
But marketers who have wholeheartedly embraced the               information and tactics into five core best practices for
e-mail channel are also in danger of being lulled into           e-mail marketers—what we call the “Deliverability Top 5”:
complacency. The minimal cost of e-mail marketing                  .   Understand Why E-mail Gets Blocked
lowers the barriers to launching campaigns but may
also make marketers somewhat passive about response                2.   Monitor and Respond to Deliverability Metrics
rates—after all, if the set-up costs are low, doesn’t any          3.   Manage Your Sender Reputation
degree of response count as ROI? But if marketers aren’t
                                                                   4.   Send Messages Users Want to Receive
vigilant about tracking what happens to their marketing
e-mails once they are sent out, they may be missing a              5.   Test, Test, and Test Again
shocking statistic: a large percentage of their e-mails
                                                                 While it’s nearly impossible to cover the vast landscape
(20% or more,. in many cases, and up to 40% for
                                                                 of deliverability in a single white paper, this document
business recipients2.) may not be reaching recipients at
                                                                 should provide a good starting point for e-mail marketers
all, and ignoring the problem will only make it worse, as
                                                                 wanting to make sure that more of their carefully crafted
sending out e-mails that do not meet current standards
                                                                 permission-based marketing messages reach their
will further injure their sender reputation.
                                                                 intended recipients.
In response to problems such as spam, spoofing, and
phishing, which represent a staggering 80% of all e-mail
traffic,3. Internet service providers (ISPs) have developed
                                                                 The Deliverability Top 5
increasingly stringent rules and tests that e-mails and
their senders must pass to get through to recipients.            . Understand Why E-mail Gets Blocked
It’s no longer a matter of avoiding certain trigger words        It was estimated that the cost of e-mail incorrectly
in your content or subject line—in fact, it’s become a           blocked as spam (“false positives”) accounted for
complex and increasingly technical challenge to ensure           $0� million of total e-mail spending in 2006.4. With ISP
e-mail deliverability.                                           filtering techniques getting more and more complex
                                                                 and marketers struggling to keep pace, one can only
Even if e-mail messages do reach their recipients, many          imagine that this figure is on the increase for 200� and
marketers would be shocked to see how they turn out.             beyond. One thing is for sure: undelivered marketing
Some ISPs block images by default, and many more                 e-mails represent not just wasted effort, but wasted
block them if your sender reputation is unknown or poor,         money. Beyond just wastage, this represents lost revenue
resulting in carefully crafted designs and messages              opportunities: if marketers eliminate a 20% deliverability
rendering as garbled messes with missing information.            gap, the results should have a commensurate impact on
Not only does this damage branding and impact                    sales and ultimately revenue. If e-mail marketers were
response, it also results in recipients interpreting your        uncertain whether this problem was costing them, the
messages as spam and increasing your complaint rate,             answer is now clear.
which further degrades your ability to deliver.
                                                                 The first step toward fixing the problem is to understand
Most marketers are aware that deliverability is an issue,        it. Far too many marketers shy away from educating
but many are not aware of the quantity of legitimate,            themselves about e-mail delivery. By taking the time to
desired e-mail messages that are getting blocked and             learn why e-mail gets blocked, marketers can get a sense
mislabeled as spam—and they don’t know how to find               of the multiple lines of attack they must pursue to improve
out how their own campaigns are doing and how they               deliverability. Even if you use outside experts or solutions
measure up with other companies. Other marketers know            to combat the problem, a little knowledge can go a
the extent of the problem but lack the time and resources        long way toward selecting the right partners and feeling
to keep up with—let alone comply with—the ever-evolving          confident that you’re really covered on all fronts.
standards and rules ISPs put in place to keep up with

. Interactive Advertising Bureau, “Marketer  Agency Guide to
   Email Deliverability,” 2006.

2. MarketingSherpa, “E-mail Marketing Benchmark Guide 200�.”     4. David Daniels, “Outlook 2006: More Technology, More
                                                                    Targeting,” DM News, February 6, 2006.
3. Interactive Advertising Bureau, “Marketer  Agency Guide to
   Email Deliverability,” 2006.
                                                                                                      CDC MarketFirst | White Paper
Content                                                          Content considerations don’t end with text, however.
                                                                 Images and attachments can also get an e-mail blocked.
Content is now something of a dinosaur in e-mail
                                                                 Attachments are easily avoidable—if you have documents
deliverability, and arguably almost as extinct as a
                                                                 or content that cannot be contained in the body of the
deliverability concern. For almost as long as there has
                                                                 e-mail itself, post your content online and link to it from
been e-mail, there have been filters screening e-mail
                                                                 the e-mail, rather than attaching it. Images can be difficult
subject lines and content to check for trigger words that
                                                                 for some marketers to part with, as they can make e-mails
might indicate that an e-mail’s contents are obscene or
                                                                 much more creative and aesthetically appealing. While
unsolicited and promotional. While this is still the case,
                                                                 you may not need to dispense with them altogether, it’s
trigger words are now eclipsed by other deliverability
                                                                 important to use them sparingly, as many ISPs see a
factors, and smart marketers can ultimately use any
                                                                 higher number of graphical elements as a sign of spam.
content they desire provided they are diligent on other
                                                                 In addition, many popular e-mail programs, including the
deliverability fronts. Nonetheless, it's worthwhile to be
                                                                 widely used Microsoft Outlook, now block images in
aware of content that can cause deliverability problems
                                                                 e-mails by default, requiring users to actively download
for marketers who may not have their other deliverability
                                                                 the images to view them. Not only can this result in
bases covered.
                                                                 garbled messages that look nothing like the sender
Some trigger words, such as foul or pornographic                 intended, but it also underlines the importance of not
language, are relatively obvious and unlikely to be used         relying too heavily on graphics to draw readers in or
by any reputable marketer in the first place. Other words        communicate information. If an e-mail doesn’t appeal to
and phrases, such as “free” or “apply now,” could                a recipient based on its non-graphical elements, the user
easily be used in solicited e-mails, but most marketers          is unlikely to take the extra step to download the images.
understand that the rampant use of such terms in spam            If a key piece of information is contained in a graphic,
messages justifies some filtering of e-mails containing          such as the call to action or important details or benefits,
them. But many of the words and phrases that trigger             an e-mail’s conversion rate may suffer dramatically. The
spam filters are common in solicited e-mail and seem             problem is more widespread than one might imagine: in a
innocent enough to many marketers: phrases such as               2006 study by the Email Experience Council, 2% of ,000
“unlimited,” “congratulations,” “weekend getaway,” “terms        B2B and B2C e-mails reviewed appeared completely
and conditions,” or “guarantee.” In fact, even phrases           blank when images were turned off or stripped by e-mail
associated with responsible e-mail marketing, such as            clients.5. While this does not affect deliverability per se, it
“unsubscribe” or “opt in”—which usually signal that              does support the best practice of minimizing graphics.
marketers are following the guidelines of the CAN-SPAM           After all, if you are going to put increased effort into
Act, which require a clear way for recipients to opt out         ensuring an e-mail reaches recipient inboxes, it’s worth
of e-mail communications—can label an e-mail as                  the extra step to ensure it renders well.
spam. It’s thus worthwhile for marketers to keep up with
trends in trigger-word filtering, which evolves along with       Volume
spam trends and even legitimate marketing practices.             E-mail volume per hour is another simple and obvious
Many trigger words can be easily avoided with a simple           way to catch spammers: how many personal e-mails
rephrasing, such as using “Want to stop hearing from             get sent out to five or 0,000 people at once? But at the
us?” instead of “unsubscribe.”                                   same time, every day, thousands of people sign up for
                                                                 e-newsletters, e-mail alerts, and other forms of mass
Trigger-word avoidance, however, is not an exact science.
                                                                 e-mail communication, confirming that volume alone is
Lists of trigger words vary from ISP to ISP and spam
                                                                 not a reliable indicator of whether an e-mail is spam.
filter to spam filter, and they’re always changing. The
                                                                 Nonetheless, many ISPs closely monitor volume and
presence of a single trigger word is seldom enough to
                                                                 impose volume caps, shutting down your connection
get an e-mail labeled as spam, but in combination with
                                                                 if a resource-demand threshold is surpassed. Volume
other trigger words or spam-detection factors, it may set
                                                                 thresholds not only vary by ISP, but also by sender—the
an e-mail “over the edge.” One useful common-sense
                                                                 acceptable threshold for a sender may depend on a
test is to consider whether the language used in your
                                                                 combination of other factors, such as sender reputation
messages is uniquely promotional in any way—“remove
                                                                 score and number of complaints received about the
me from your list” or “act now” may be common phrases
                                                                 sender. Accordingly, marketers should regulate, or
in a commercial e-mail, but they’re unlikely phrases to find
                                                                 throttle, their volume, number of connections, and
in a non-commercial one. The only real way to determine
                                                                 messages per connection (more on this below) to ensure
whether an e-mail contains trigger words is to test it, either
                                                                 they are keeping within acceptable thresholds for various
using a software tool or by creating test accounts with
                                                                 ISPs. In addition, they should carefully manage their
major ISPs and sending your e-mail to them, changing
phrases in subsequent tests if your initial test is blocked.

                                                                 5. Email Experience Council, 2006.

                                                                                                      CDC MarketFirst | White Paper   2
sender reputation to avoid low volume thresholds—                  they e-mail a few bad addresses—especially compared to
techniques for this are described in detail below.                 the cost of telemarketing or print mailings.

Of course, one surefire way to avoid volume caps                   List hygiene can be a nuisance for marketers, but the
is to reduce the volume of identical e-mails you                   results of not keeping your list clean are much more
send. Interestingly, this also dovetails with another              injurious. ISPs measure the number of “unknown users”
marketing best practice: personalization via small-slice           or recipients in your mailings, and if the number is too
segmentation. Rather than sending broad messages out               high, they may block or even blackhole (automatically
to a large number of recipients, marketers should look             delete) your messages. Unknown recipients can result
to increase relevance and personalization by carefully             from a myriad of common reasons—people change ISPs,
segmenting their list by meaningful criteria and sending           change jobs, enter their e-mail addresses incorrectly when
out more tailored messages to smaller groups. Not only             subscribing, or provide a false address, for example.
will this tend to mitigate concerns regarding volume caps
due to smaller list size, it will also increase conversions.       There are a few strategies marketers can take to reduce
If this sounds like more effort than a single e-mail               the chance of bad data entering their lists, including
blast, it is, at least initially. But with today’s advanced        requiring subscribers to enter their e-mail twice (reduces
marketing automation tools, you can create campaigns               chance of typos), requiring a confirmed opt-in (sending a
that deliver the personalization on an ongoing basis,              confirmation e-mail recipients must act on; this minimizes
and thus have lifecycles of months instead of minutes.             fake addresses), asking users to provide secondary e-mail
Software that enables this kind of perpetually running             addresses (so that marketers can switch to the second one
campaign can make the overall effort invested even less            if the primary one fails), and making it easy for recipients
than that of running multiple large campaigns. And the             to update their profile data and e-mail addresses.
payoff in terms of increased receptivity on the part of the        Nonetheless, a certain number of bad e-mail addresses
recipient is difficult to overstate. With studies indicating       will inevitably accrue on a list over time, and if you continue
that relevance is among e-mail recipients’ top criteria            to e-mail a significant number of these addresses, there’s
when deciding whether an e-mail is spam, even when                 a good chance your e-mails will be blocked.
they subscribed to it, e-mail relevance is more than just
                                                                   In addition to the methods listed above, recent
a nice-to-have feature: it could have a tangible impact on
                                                                   improvements in software systems enable marketers to
your e-mail deliverability, not just in terms of volume, but
                                                                   automatically eliminate e-mail addresses (or take other
also complaints.
                                                                   defined actions) when they bounce or even when users
                                                                   don’t open or click through after a prolonged period of
Complaints                                                         time. This can radically improve your reputation with ISPs,
In their efforts to enlist frustrated customers in the battle to   resulting in both higher deliverability and fewer content
trounce spam, ISPs have made it easier than ever to label          and image filters being placed on your e-mails.
an e-mail as spam, with many integrating one-click “report
as spam” buttons into their e-mail interfaces. Customers           Spam-trap hits
no longer have to go to the trouble of complaining to an
                                                                   Spam traps are e-mail addresses set up specifically to
ISP about spam the hard way—they can just select and
                                                                   attract spam. Rather than going to a recipient, e-mails
click, and the complaint is logged with the ISP. If one of
                                                                   sent to these traps are logged and monitored. They
your e-mails receives enough of these complaints, expect
                                                                   may also be “fingerprinted”— labeled as spam and
your e-mails to start going directly to all recipients’ junk
                                                                   then compared against new messages, which are also
mail boxes—or to be blocked altogether. The danger of
                                                                   labeled as spam if their content or links match the
this easy mechanism for reporting spam is that many
                                                                   original. Spam-trap hits can be avoided by eliminating
recipients will label anything they don’t want to read as
                                                                   duplicates, generally keeping lists current and removing
spam—as mentioned above, often even if they subscribed
                                                                   e-mail addresses that have not responded to a campaign
to it. They may also mistakenly believe that reporting an
                                                                   for a significant period of time. Marketers should also
e-mail as spam is tantamount to unsubscribing. This
                                                                   be careful when dealing with third-party list providers
emphasizes the importance of making your e-mail sender
                                                                   and sending e-mails to partner lists—if these lists have
name and subject line as clear as possible to avoid
                                                                   bad data or spam-trap addresses on them, it could
mistaken complaints (as well as your opt-out process),
                                                                   introduce bad data into the list and negatively impact their
and it also reinforces the wisdom of following best
                                                                   deliverability rate.
practices regarding segmentation, personalization,
and relevance.
                                                                   Failing authentication tests
Unknown recipients                                                 Spoofing—masquerading as another e-mail sender—is
                                                                   a serious problem for all e-mail users, because it means
Marketers can get lulled into a false sense of confidence
                                                                   that anyone can have their sender reputation irreparably
when it comes to e-mail lists. Sure, their lists may have
                                                                   damaged by a spammer appropriating their identity.
some outdated addresses or bad data, but is it really
                                                                   Phishing—the attempt to extract private data such
such a big deal? After all, it doesn’t cost them any more if
                                                                   as bank passwords by spoofing e-mail addresses of

                                                                                                        CDC MarketFirst | White Paper   3
legitimate service providers—poses even greater threats        Good marketing automation solutions should make
to consumers and businesses alike. Because there is no         it simple for marketers to generate detailed reports
common method on the receiving end to verify a sender’s        showing open rates, click-throughs, bounce rates, and
identity, this has placed the onus on e-mail senders to        other metrics. Start by generating and analyzing these
prove they are who they appear to be. Unfortunately, there     reports—not just for a single campaign, but for a range
is no single method for authenticating e-mail senders, so      of campaigns. Cross-compare them: did certain kinds of
marketers need to be aware of—and in compliance with—          campaigns perform better than others? Did campaigns
a number of industry standards for e-mail authentication,      to a specific list have higher bounce rates than others?
which will be discussed in more detail below. Keeping up       Is campaign performance improving or deteriorating over
to date with e-mail authentication standards is critical for   time? Simply making the effort to closely scrutinize and
e-mail marketers, as failing to authenticate correctly can     compare reports will likely uncover an array of usable
easily result in the marketer’s address being blacklisted.     insights into your e-mail marketing campaign performance.

                                                               Marketing reports of this nature are always valuable, but
                                                               on their own, it is hard to truly evaluate where you stand.
A sender’s e-mail “reputation” is a complex amalgam            Comparing your figures against industry benchmarks
that may take into account any or all of the negative          is a great way to see how your programs stack up. For
factors discussed above, as well as positive criteria such     basic widely broadcast e-mails, Jupiter Research cites
as whitelisting or sender accreditation and history as an      an average open rate of 20%, click-through rate of 9.5%,
e-mail marketer in good standing. On a more formal level,      and conversion rate of .% as the industry benchmarks,
“reputation” is a score assigned by e-mail reputation          with higher metrics for more targeted, personalized, or
services firms, which track all available data about e-mail    event-triggered campaigns.6.
marketers and score them based on these factors. They
monitor the sender’s activity continuously, and thus           In the absence of deliverability metrics, however, it’s
the reputation score may fluctuate with every e-mail           hard to get the full picture about open rates and other
campaign. Scores from reputation services firm such as         performance metrics. If your open rate is below 20%, does
Return Path, Habeas, TRUSTe, and Goodmail are used             that mean that your subject lines aren’t compelling—or
by ISPs and anti-spam software vendors in determining          simply that fewer people are receiving the e-mail in
sender quality and in making deliverability decisions.         the first place? Getting to the bottom of your delivery
                                                               issues can help flesh out your overall e-mail marketing
accreditation                                                  performance picture substantially. Yet one quarter of
                                                               marketers are unsure of their deliverability figures.�.
Marketers can seek accreditation through reputation
services firms such as those listed above, usually by          Deliverability benchmarks vary, but the most recent
undergoing a rigorous initial standards and policy             available data suggests that permission-based e-mails
evaluation process and adhering to standards on an             to U.S.-based ISPs are delivered to the recipient’s junk
ongoing basis, as well as paying some kind of fee.             or bulk e-mail folder almost 6% of the time.8. Overall,
Accredited e-mail marketers are essentially automatically      permission-based e-mails are reaching consumer inboxes
whitelisted with the ISPs that use use that particular         only about �5% of the time. The picture gets more varied
reputation firm’s services, because the reputation services    as one delves into specific ISPs: XO Concentric delivers
firm certifies their e-mail blasts as safe to deliver.         a whopping 56% of permission-based e-mails to the junk
                                                               mail folder; SBC Global and Bell South, 30%; Yahoo, 26%;
2. Monitor and Respond to Deliverability                       and MSN Network, GMail, and Hotmail, 8%.9.

Metrics                                                        responding to Bounced e-mails
The large number of factors that contribute to e-mail
                                                               With these sobering statistics in mind, how can
deliverability can be admittedly prohibitive for marketers
                                                               marketers track and act on their metrics to improve
to address. But there are several simple steps that you
                                                               their e-mail deliverability?
can take that can yield immediate improvements in
e-mail deliverability.                                         The first thing to do is get a handle on your bounce rate.
                                                               The overall percentage of e-mails sent that bounce back
Benchmarking                                                   is a nice figure to have and to track over time, but it’s not
Your first priority should be to get a handle on your
deliverability metrics as they stand right now. A surprising
number of e-mail marketers do not have any visibility          6. David Daniels, Jupiter Research, December 2006.
into the performance of their campaigns—they may see
incoming leads, but have little insight into whether non-      �. Jupiter Research, 2006.
respondents opened the e-mail or even received it in the
                                                               8. Lyris, ISP Deliverability Report Card, Q2 200�.
first place.
                                                               9. Ibid.

                                                                                                       CDC MarketFirst | White Paper   4
enough to truly take action—it lets you know the extent       Another good reason to pay attention to bounced e-mails
of the problem, but provides few clues on how to fix it.      is to watch for “challenge-response” e-mails. Various
The good news is that ISPs send you back information          spam blockers, including Earthlink and Spam Arrest, send
about why they bounce each e-mail. The bad news               an e-mail the first time a recipient gets an e-mail from a
is that these “reasons” take the form of thousands of         certain sender, requiring the sender to type in the code in
different cryptic bounce codes that differ from ISP to ISP,   a CAPTCHA graphic. While this is laborious, it only needs
making it very difficult to make sense of this feedback.      to be performed once per recipient, and with these kinds
Luckily, solutions are available on the market that can       of programs growing in popularity, it is worth the effort to
normalize these bounce codes and sort them into logical       ensure deliverability.0.
and understandable categories, enabling marketers to
get a good sense of the major reasons their e-mails are       Monitoring Blacklists
bouncing back without sifting through bounce codes.
                                                              No permission-based marketer wants to think that they’ve
With an understanding of bounce rates and categories,         been branded as a spammer, but it’s good to know for
marketers can begin to take immediate action to improve       certain. If you send out large e-mail communications, even
their deliverability rate. First off, marketers should        if they are permission-based, there is a strong possibility
automatically cull all e-mail addresses that receive a        that you will at some time be misidentified as a spammer
“hard” bounce—that is, e-mails that are returned to the       and listed on a blacklist. If you have been having e-mail
sender without being accepted by the recipient’s e-mail       deliverability issues, it is worth checking whether your
server. Hard bounces may indicate that the marketer’s         domain or IP address has made it onto a blacklist. In fact,
company has been blacklisted by the ISP, and continued        it is worth monitoring blacklists on an ongoing basis to
attempts to e-mail these addresses will not be any            ensure that you react swiftly should your company or
more successful—these e-mails should be immediately           e-mail service provider appear on the list. Several blacklists
removed from the list.                                        are published publicly, including those from SpamCop
                                                              and Spamhaus. ISPs use these public blacklists (often in
“Soft” bounces—e-mails that are bounced back after            addition to their own private blacklists) to block and filter
being accepted by the recipient mail server—can occur         e-mails. A variety of tools and services are available that
for a variety of reasons, and require more monitoring and     monitor blacklists for you and alert you if your IP or domain
investigation to determine the best course of action. For     appears on them. Some of today’s software solutions can
example, a mail server may bounce the e-mail because          help detect when an ISP is not delivering your e-mails and
it cannot find the recipient’s address, because the           also stop the e-mail flow through a particular problem
recipient’s mailbox is at capacity, or because the e-mail     ISP, so that if you are blacklisted, you can hold affected
size exceeds the ISP’s pre-set maximum. If the e-mail         recipients' e-mails until the problem is resolved. Getting
address does not exist, marketers will want to remove         off a list can be challenging and take time, but being on
it, but since soft bounces can be due to a temporary          a blacklist can decimate your e-mail marketing programs,
state such as a full mailbox or server problem, it would      so it is important to be aware of blacklisting as soon as
be rash to remove all soft bounces automatically.             possible and take immediate action.
A better method is to set a threshold for soft bounces—
for example, removing e-mails that receive a certain          removing inactive Contacts
number of consecutive soft bounces—or to set different
courses of action depending on the different bounce           As much as marketers would like to believe that every
code categories.                                              contact is a potential conversion, there is value in
                                                              removing recipients from your lists after a certain period of
One strategy that is increasing in popularity is to send an   inactivity. Recipients who have not opened or clicked on
automated welcome message to all subscribers who opt          an e-mail you have sent them for some time may well see
in to an e-mail program and immediately remove all hard       your e-mails as unwanted, increasing the chance that they
bounces—this lessens the chance that bad or fake e-mail       will report them as spam. Stale, inactive contacts
addresses will make it onto the list for mass e-mails.        are also more likely to be spam traps. What length of
                                                              inactivity qualifies for removal will depend on the industry,
A few software vendors have recently integrated their         the frequency of contact, and other factors, but may be
e-mail automation systems with mail transfer agents           as short as 90 days. Rather than simply removing the
(MTAs) that deliver the e-mails and detect and categorize     contact from the list, marketers may instead wish to do
the bounces. This level of integration enables hard           a final campaign to the inactive list segment—a “we want
bounces to be removed automatically and other types           you back” campaign, for example—offering them the
of bounces to go through an automated process that            opportunity to re-engage or unsubscribe. Current software
preserves good, deliverable e-mail addresses and deletes      packages enable this process to be automated, yet highly
bad ones.

                                                              0. Dr. Ralph F. Wilson, “Best Practices that Improve E-Mail
                                                                  Deliverability (Part 3)”,, September 4, 200�.

                                                                                                     CDC MarketFirst | White Paper   5
interactive, enabling prospects to opt back in to content      expectations more clearly with subscribers to reduce
that is relevant to them, potentially giving them several      future complaints.
choices. Systems that allow conditional paragraphs or
sections can include these options in e-mails when they        When it comes to e-mail deliverability, the more
get close to the “inactive threshold.”                         visibility you have into your campaign metrics, the more
                                                               empowered you are to troubleshoot and improve results.
It is worth taking every measure possible to preserve your     Monitoring and acting on the metrics described above is
contact list, but equally important to draw an eventual line   critical to ensure marketing e-mails reach their destination
with inactive contacts. As hard as it can be to remove         and have the chance to convert prospects, and it can
hard-won contacts from the marketing database, doing so        be made significantly easier through and automated
may have a positive impact on deliverability.                  response capabilities.

Subscribing to Feedback Loops                                  3. Manage Your Sender Reputation
Many ISPs, including AOL and Hotmail, make it possible         A good sender reputation is golden in e-mail marketing.
for e-mail marketers to track when their e-mails are           In much the same way that being on a blacklist can result
reported as spam or provoke complaints. These                  in your e-mails being indiscriminately blocked, having a
“feedback loops” are usually automated systems that            good sender reputation can help ensure all your e-mails
merely require the marketer to enroll; it’s a simple way       sail past the ISP gatekeepers without issue—certainly the
to get valuable data. Again, however, the onus is on           ideal scenario for e-mail marketing.
the marketer to register for the feedback loop, monitor
the data, and act on complaint information. Given the          Attaining a good sender reputation, however, requires
large number of ISPs, this can be a somewhat laborious         diligence, knowledge, and often some financial investment
process, and marketing departments that lack the               as well. But if e-mail marketing is a key channel for your
resources to adequately manage feedback loops in-house         organization, the returns are well worth the effort.
may wish to seek out third-party solutions or service
providers to help alleviate the complexity.                    Build relationships with iSps
Whether it is managed in-house or externally, marketers        ISPs are the unavoidable middlemen in your
should not ignore the valuable data provided by feedback       communications with prospects and customers, and as
loops. Complaint rates should be monitored closely,            such, it’s worth the effort to build relationships with them.
and all complainers should be removed from the list            As with any friendship, this involves taking the time to
immediately. Ideally, software should be utilized that         get to know them—their thresholds, their triggers, their
enables complaint rates to be monitored in real time;          standards—and engaging in a sustained relationship over
if you notice that the complaint rate is approaching a         time. If you’re the new kid on the block and don’t yet have a
known danger-threshold for an ISP (for AOL, for example,       history of being a sender in good standing, you can expect
this is a 0.% complaint rate.), this software should halt   your e-mails to be scrutinized by more image and content
or throttle down the campaign, reducing the chance of          filters than companies with established reputations. But a
damaging your sender reputation. Another smart tactic          commitment to meeting deliverability standards over time
is to test campaigns on small list samples first, getting      will help you build up a solid reputation.
a sense of the complaint rate by individual ISP to help
predict whether any problems will be encountered with          The challenge? There are 20 or 30 main ISPs, and
the main blast. Finally, marketers should analyze the          those are just the major ones. And the truth is that few
implications of their complaint rates—if a certain segment     marketers can expect to develop real relationships
or type of mailing receives higher than usual complaint        with ISPs, especially if they’re from smaller firms. But
rates, there are valuable lessons marketers can learn          that should not preclude marketers from seizing every
from this data. Are new subscribers complaining in higher      opportunity to engage with the ISPs by whatever methods
numbers than long-time subscribers, for example? If            are available. This can include signing up for the
so, this could indicate that subscribers don’t feel they       aforementioned feedback loops with any ISPs that offer
are getting what they expected from you—or perhaps             them. Some ISPs, including Yahoo, also offer marketers
that there was too great an interval between their opt-in      a mechanism by which to submit themselves for whitelist
and the first e-mail they received.2. Marketers can use       evaluation. Also, by becoming familiar with different
this information to fine-tune their programs and set           volume caps and guidelines set by ISPs, you can throttle
                                                               your e-mail delivery rates and connections to stay in line
                                                               with each ISP’s recommendations.

. Derek Harding, “Getting in the Feedback Loop,” ClickZ,
    September �, 2006.

2. Ibid.

                                                                                                   CDC MarketFirst | White Paper   6
avoid Switching ip addresses                                     authenticate Your e-mail
To build up a reputation, you need to have a unique              As discussed earlier, methods for authenticating the
identity that is comprehensible and distinguishable from         identity of an e-mail sender have become increasingly
other e-mail senders. This means maintaining the same            important in recent years due to widespread attempts
IP addresses for your mailings over time. Each time you          by spammers to hide their identities or spoof the identity
switch IP addresses, it is like setting back the clock in        of another sender. Since several different systems of
terms of building up a sender reputation.                        authentication are in use by different ISPs, both alone
                                                                 and in combination, marketers should be aware of and in
Maintaining IP address consistency, however, does not            compliance with all of the major authentication methods.
mean that you have to use a single IP address. In fact,          These include Sender Policy Framework (SPF), Sender
it’s highly advisable to maintain separate IP addresses for      ID (which combines SPF with Microsoft’s Caller ID),
corporate e-mails and bulk mailings, to ensure that if your      DomainKeys (from Yahoo), and DomainKeys Identified
e-mail marketing reputation is damaged, this does not            Mail (which combines DomainKeys and Cisco’s Identified
impede the delivery of other important corporate e-mails.        Internet Mail).
Another strategy you may want to consider is maintaining         Sender Policy Framework is an open standard that allows
different IP addresses for different kinds of mailings,          senders to define their e-mail sending policy, including
such as customer versus prospect communications, or              the servers and IP addresses from which they send mail.
informative versus promotional e-mails. This approach            Senders publish an SPF record containing this “return
can also be used to maintain different IP addresses for          path” information within their DNS, and receiving ISPs that
sending e-mail from different divisions or brands, which         use SPF for authentication verify that incoming messages
can help build up the strongest sender reputations for           comply with the listed domain/IP addresses contained in
the strongest brands or divisions while not allowing             this record. If the e-mail is not in compliance with the SPF
weaker divisions or brands to weaken the overall                 record, the ISP blocks the e-mail.
sender reputation.
                                                                 Many e-mail marketers and ISPs have embraced SPF,
Set Up Your Systems properly                                     making it the most popular IP-based authentication
                                                                 solution. But SPF records are not a one-time solution—
Minor blunders in system set-up can have a major impact          they must be rigorously maintained and kept up to date.
on sender reputation. Ensure that your IT team has               Recent data indicates that SPF authentication checks
configured your e-mail servers with reverse DNS and mail         are now in the list of the top-0 content triggers that ISPs
exchanger (MX) records and does not have open relays or          check, and failing an SPF check carries a much heavier
open proxies. These small errors can result in automatic         penalty than other spam triggers.3. If e-mail senders
blocking of your e-mails by ISPs.                                neglect to keep their SPF record up to date with correct
                                                                 IP/server information, this can have a far more damaging
Get Whitelisted                                                  effect on their e-mail deliverability than not having an
Getting whitelisted by ISPs is highly desirable for any          SPF record in the first place. Ensure that you always
e-mail marketer. As previously mentioned, a few ISPs             have a thorough and accurate SPF record in place, and
allow senders to apply to become whitelisted, but                be certain to update it should you change IPs or e-mail
most rely on their own data and third-party services to          service providers.
determine which senders will be whitelisted. Marketers
                                                                 Sender ID is similar to SPF in that it verifies sender
can try to achieve good standing on these lists simply
                                                                 e-mail addresses against a published policy record in
by following best practices, but for some it may be
                                                                 the DNS. Sender ID differs from SPF in the layer of the
worthwhile to seek accreditation or employ the assistance
                                                                 e-mail system that it checks against and what it validates.
of a reputation services firm (more on these options
                                                                 Sender ID is a Microsoft-created authentication protocol
below) in order to ensure they get on ISP whitelists.
                                                                 that builds upon SPF but is not entirely compatible with
Marketers should also ask individual subscribers to add          existing SPF specifications, though there are workarounds
the sender to their whitelist. This can be useful not only in    that allow e-mail senders to use the same SPF record
getting past ISP gatekeepers, but corporate spam filters         with minor modifications to permit Sender ID validation.
as well, which are often even more restrictive than ISPs.        You should ensure that your IT team is aware of the
Any marketer engaged in business-to-business marketing           differences between SPF and Sender ID and sets up your
communications should go to every length to get                  SPF record to support both.
subscribers to whitelist them. You should ask subscribers
                                                                 As with SPF and Sender ID, DomainKeys (DK) is a system
to whitelist you at the point of subscription, in confirmation
                                                                 for proving that e-mail senders are who they say they are.
e-mails, and in all communications, linking to clear,
comprehensive instructions on how to whitelist you.

                                                                 3. Lyris, “ISP Deliverability Report Card, Q2 200�.”

                                                                                                         CDC MarketFirst | White Paper   �
To comply with DK, an e-mail sender must create a pair          services: third-party programs that certify sender policies
of keys (one public, one private) and use them to sign all      and practices. An accredited firm must typically undergo
outgoing e-mails. The public key is published in the DNS,       a rigorous evaluation, which might include scrutiny of
and the private key is made available to the e-mail server.     corporate history, e-mail policies, complaint rates, opt-out
When an authorized e-mail message is sent from the              processes, spam trap hits, data collection methods, and
domain, the e-mail server uses the private key to create a      more. Accreditation is not a one-time event; accredited
digital signature header for the e-mail. The receiving          firms are generally monitored on an ongoing basis
e-mail server reads the header and retrieves the public         and must continue to comply with his standards to
key from the sender’s DNS record, verifying that the            maintain accreditation.
pair of keys goes together. If they don’t, the e-mail will be
blocked.                                                        Accreditation leads to an improved sender reputation.
                                                                E-mails from accredited firms are generally given
To deploy DomainKeys, you must use a DomainKey-                 preferential treatment by ISPs that subscribe to the
enabled mail transfer agent and choose one of several           accreditation firm’s programs, if not whitelisted outright.
options for key distribution. The public key should be          These standards vary, however, and even accredited e-
published to your domain’s DNS and the private key              mails may be subject to some regular ISP spam filtering.
inserted into the MTA.                                          In addition, accreditation firms partner with various ISPs
                                                                but not necessarily all of them; accreditation from a given
DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) is an open standard           firm may offer no advantage whatsoever for e-mails sent
that synthesizes DomainKeys with Cisco’s Identified             to non-partner ISPs. Nonetheless, accreditation can be a
Internet Mail specifications, and as with DK, it appends        powerful tool in improving sender reputation, and it should
a digital signature to the outgoing message. It uses            be considered by all serious e-mail marketers.
an enhanced DK DNS record that permits the use of
a number of additional parameters. As with Sender ID
                                                                Use Sender reputation Services
and SPF, you should ensure that your e-mail and DNS
administrators understand the differences between the           Reputation services firms continually monitor e-mail
systems and set up your DomainKeys to support both              deliverability data and score senders based on all
kinds of standards.                                             available data. Reputation services firm Return Path, for
                                                                example, monitors 60 data points to develop composite
There is some indication that the future of e-mail              “Sender Score” reputation rankings, including complaints,
authentication and reputation tracking lies not in IP-based     filtering, volume, network integrity, ID stability, and more.
tests, but in domain-based ones. At the July 200�               These scores are provided to ISPs, which use the scores
Federal Trade Commission Spam Summit meeting in                 in determining whether to deliver e-mails from a given
Washington, D.C., there was both strong governmental            sender. E-mails from senders with higher scores are
and industry interest to move away from tracking                typically given preferential treatment, though the e-mail
reputation by IP address and to track it based on domain.       may still be subject to additional filtering. Because of
This could give crypto-based authentication systems             the in-depth tracking performed by sender reputation
such as DomainKeys an eventual edge over IP-based               services firms, however, most ISPs do consider their data
authentication standards such as SPF. At this point,            valuable in determining deliverability status; furthermore,
however, IP-based approaches remain widely used,                subscribing to sender reputation services can give
so marketers should continue to build                           marketers access to a wealth of information about
their reputations around the IP addresses they use for          their reputation that they might not otherwise have the
e-mail communications.                                          resources to track. Marketers looking to delve into the
                                                                factors impacting their reputation should consider sender
Keeping up with authentication standards can take               reputation services as an option.
effort, as well as collaboration with your e-mail server
and/or DNS administrators, but it is no longer optional for
e-mail marketers. As these standards grow in usage, not         4. Send Messages Users Want to
understanding them and taking all steps for compliance          Receive
will damage an e-mail marketer’s sender reputation. Even
                                                                With the many factors that impact deliverability, marketers
if you use a third-party e-mail service provider, it is worth
                                                                may begin to see getting their e-mails into recipient
spending the time to understand authentication standards
                                                                inboxes as an endless series of hoops to jump through.
to be better positioned to evaluate whether your service
                                                                But it’s important to avoid falling into the trap of seeing
provider is in full compliance with the latest developments
                                                                e-mail deliverability as some sort of elaborate contest
in authentication.
                                                                to trick your way into targets’ inboxes. The simple fact
                                                                is that even if your e-mails are successfully delivered to
Use accreditation Services                                      recipients, if the receiver doesn’t want the message, he
Several companies, including Return Path, Goodmail              or she will delete the e-mail unopened, unsubscribe from
Systems, TRUSTe, and Habeas, provide accreditation              your list, or—worst of all—report your e-mail as spam,
                                                                damaging your sender reputation. Since the ultimate aim
                                                                of most e-mail marketing is to generate leads or convert

                                                                                                    CDC MarketFirst | White Paper   8
sales, deliverability is a means to an end, not the end in       Send relevant, targeted, personalized,
and of itself, which is good to keep in perspective.             adaptive Messages
Marketers should do everything within their power to send        It is borne out time and time again in research reports
e-mails prospects and customers want to receive. To do           that the more relevant and personalized an e-mail is, the
any less can negatively impact not just deliverability, but      more effective it will be. Knowing this—and with marketing
brand equity and sales figures. Part of this is, of course,      automation systems now available that put these
taking the time to develop compelling, valuable e-mail           capabilities within the reach of almost any marketer—
copy and offers. But there are many other simple steps           e-mail marketers have little excuse for blasting out
you can take to try to ensure your e-mails go to receptive       generic, single-shot e-mails to unsegmented lists. Not
audiences that want to receive them.                             only will better-targeted, more personalized e-mails
                                                                 achieve better conversion rates, they will also improve
Use a Closed-Loop Confirmation process                           deliverability due to fewer complaints.

Requiring subscribers to confirm their registration or           Segmentation has achieved new heights in recent
taking steps on your end to confirm the validity of              years, with the development of sophisticated marketing
a subscription are easy ways to help ensure right off the        automation systems that allow lists to be segmented
bat that your subscribers want your e-mails. Closed-loop         not just by basic demographic data, but according
confirmation processes can be put in place by sending            to advanced, multi-factorial criteria that may include
subscribers a confirmation e-mail that requires them to          preferences, past behavior, even website usage patterns.
respond or click a link to activate their subscription,          Such systems enable marketers to create truly meaningful
which eliminates fraudulent or malicious subscriptions.          list segments and target them behaviorally. The ability
At a minimum, send an automated welcome message                  to easily generate these complex lists and even sub-
to new subscribers and remove the bounces or any                 segments for testing purposes enables marketers to take
complainers immediately.                                         their e-mail targeting to the next level.

Give Subscribers Control                                         Similarly, “personalization” is no longer a matter of
                                                                 inserting the recipient’s name into the “to” line. Today’s
The more options you offer subscribers, the more likely          best marketing automation systems enable marketers
you are to offer a combination that suits them and               to make almost every element of an e-mail conditional,
keeps them happy with your e-mails. There is no single           composing completely custom e-mails based on the
combination that will please every subscriber, so why not        contact’s profile data, from the sender line and different
give them control? As part of the subscription process,          copy elements down to individual images. The sky is
give users the ability to set their preferences for format       now the limit in terms of personalization; it’s up to the
(e.g., HTML, text, even non-e-mail formats such as fax or        marketer to decide how they want the user to experience
SMS) and frequency (e.g., weekly, monthly, quarterly, or         their e-mails.
unlimited). You should also give them options in terms of
subject matter: are they only interested in a certain kind of    There is also no reason to see streams of e-mail
product, or in information relevant to their industry or role?   communications as static and linear. Again, advanced
Not only will this give you valuable information about the       marketing automation systems allow marketers to create
contact’s areas of interest, but it will also enable you to      adaptive campaigns that react to past contact behavior.
ensure you do not send them messages on subjects they            Perhaps the contact responded best to a certain kind of
don’t care about and are more likely to see as unwanted.         offer in past, or clicked on a certain kind of link: marketers
Allow contacts to easily update and manage their own             can ensure that the next e-mail this contact receives
profiles, changing their frequency or areas of interest,         draws on this information to compose an even more
for example, should they change their minds about what           custom message, with the e-mail stream becoming more
they want to receive. This process should also enable            and more relevant and personalized with each successive
them to update their e-mail address to help keep your            interaction. This is the dream of true one-to-one
list up to date.                                                 marketing, made possible on a mass scale.

By placing a link to user-controlled profile management          Finally, if they aren’t doing so already, marketers should
on your website and in every e-mail you send, you can            also consider evolving their e-mail marketing practices
improve list hygiene and help users think twice about            to become less of a broadcast medium and more of an
whether they want to unsubscribe altogether or simply            intelligent event-triggered channel. Rather than blasting
change the parameters for receiving e-mails from your firm.      messages out to audiences when it suits you, meet them
                                                                 where they are. E-mails triggered by recipient action or
                                                                 lifecycle stage have significantly higher conversion rates
                                                                 than other forms of campaigns. For example, sending
                                                                 new customers an up-sell or cross-sell campaign for
                                                                 complementary products based on the timing of their
                                                                 recent purchase will yield better results than periodically

                                                                                                      CDC MarketFirst | White Paper   9
blasting generic up-sell or cross-sell campaigns to the           By taking these simple steps, marketers can help ensure
entire customer base when it suits the company, not               that they are sending their e-mail messages to receptive
the customer. An added benefit is that marketers can              customers and prospects who wish to receive their
set these campaigns up once and allow them to run for             communications; these recipients are consequently more
as long as they like, making minor periodic updates as            likely to enact measures such as whitelisting that improve
required. In essence, it’s self-running perpetual marketing.      deliverability and less likely to report e-mail as unwanted.

E-mail performance metrics prove that these advanced
personalization and targeting strategies work. Targeted           5. Test, Test, and Test Again
lifecycle messaging and user-triggered e-mails have more          Too often, marketers learn their mistakes only once a
than double the conversion rates of untargeted broadcast          mass e-mail goes out. At that point, it’s too late to do
e-mails, and campaigns that use website user click-               over, and the damage is done: complaints have been
stream data in targeting outperform untargeted broadcast          lodged with the ISP, list members have unsubscribed, and
campaigns in conversions by nearly 4 to .4. Clearly,            the marketer’s sender reputation and brand integrity have
these campaigns are getting better user responses                 been impacted.
because they’re delivering more relevant messages at the
right time.                                                       Testing should be a critical part of every e-mail marketer’s
                                                                  programs, and time should be built into each campaign
Make it easy to Unsubscribe                                       to adequately advance-test its impact in terms of both
                                                                  conversions and deliverability. Today’s software packages
You may not want contacts to unsubscribe, but if you              often enable automated processes to be created
make it difficult for them to do so, you’re taking a far          surrounding the testing of new campaigns, reducing the
greater risk, as disgruntled unsubscribers are far more           potential effort and overhead surrounding testing.
likely to complain to ISPs and spread the word to
other potential subscribers about their frustrations. The
                                                                  Conduct Spam-Filter tests
CAN-SPAM Act requires e-mail marketers to include an
opt-out mechanism in all marketing e-mails, and while             With spam trigger-word lists constantly evolving and
this mechanism can take different forms, it is worthwhile         overlapping with common marketing language, it is worth
to ensure the process is as intuitive and easy as possible        screening your e-mails before sending them to see if
for the user. If a contact is unsubscribing, it could indicate    they register as spam—even if you don’t think you’ve
that they are less than pleased with your company, or they        used any major trigger words. Numerous spam-check
may simply not find your communications relevant to their         tools are available online at no charge, such as the
needs anymore—either way, don’t make them angry on                SiteSell SpamCheck Report, which tests e-mails using
the way out!                                                      SpamAssassin. These tools can not only help you avoid
                                                                  sending out e-mails with too many trigger words, but
Unsubscribe requests should be processed immediately.             also help you avoid being overly cautious. On your first
If this is not possible, be sure to set the expectation           attempt, word your e-mail exactly as you would like to and
of the exact timeframe for removal at the time of the             see how it does. In this way, you can minimize awkward
request. If you send frequent e-mails, do not let a lag in        rephrasing designed to avoid suspected trigger words,
processing unsubscribe requests lead to an unsubscriber           which may not even be necessary. Nowadays, many ISPs
receiving continuing e-mails, as the recipient will very likely   rely much more on sender reputation than trigger words
lodge complaints with the ISP. Always use up-to-date              in filtering e-mails, so you may be able to phrase some
suppression lists when sending e-mails.                           things more directly than you imagine, which is ultimately
                                                                  much better for the end-reader.
While you do not want to create hurdles for those wishing
to unsubscribe, in some situations it may be worthwhile to
build a brief survey into your unsubscribe mechanism to
                                                                  Don’t ignore rendering issues
try to glean information about what has driven a contact to       At some point or another, most of us have been tricked
unsubscribe. Even if you lose that contact, survey data of        into opening a spam e-mail, finding upon opening that its
this kind can be very valuable in fine-tuning your programs       contents were not what we anticipated. What appeared
for increased relevance and recipient satisfaction. You can       to be an e-mail from a friend or colleague turned out to
also use this as an opportunity to offer the alternative of       contain a promotional offer or garbled content, links, and
changing subscription preferences, switching to alternate         images. And immediately upon opening the e-mail, most
content, format, or frequency, for example—though be              of us probably knew that something was wrong, due to
sure not to appear to be making it difficult to unsubscribe.      a disconnect between what the e-mail might have been
                                                                  expected to contain and what it contained upon opening.

                                                                  Unfortunately, this disconnect is no longer reserved for
                                                                  spam. With both ISPs and end-user e-mail applications
4. David Daniels, Jupiter Research, 2006.                        blocking images and rendering content in unexpected

                                                                                                     CDC MarketFirst | White Paper   0
ways, permission-based e-mails are also landing in             change or an improvement to you may be enough to
recipient inboxes with garbled content and unintended          confuse or put off your audience, creating a spike in spam
appearances. And when recipients open these e-mails,           reports and unsubscribe requests.
there’s a good chance that many react just as they
do upon accidentally opening spam e-mails: with                Survey recipients
the immediate feeling that something is wrong. This
decreases the chance that the e-mail will be read and          Earlier in this paper, the idea of using “exit” surveys
increases the likelihood that it will be reported as spam.     to determine unsubscribers’ reasons for leaving was
                                                               proposed. But why wait until a contact hits “unsubscribe”
The problem is more widespread than most marketers             to find out what they think? Marketers should consider
might imagine. The Email Experience Council reports that       periodically surveying their lists to learn what subscribers
less than 50% of marketers create e-mails that render          like and don’t like about their company’s e-mail
appropriately, and that one in five e-mails is invisible and   messages. What would they like to see more of? Less
ineffective due to blocked images.5. The only way to be       of? Would they prefer messages more often? Less often?
sure that your e-mails don’t fall into this category is to     These surveys can be sent to strategically segmented
thoroughly test e-mail rendering on a variety of e-mail        or random list samples, depending on the survey
systems across a wide range of ISPs.                           objectives. But if you choose to pursue this strategy, be
                                                               prepared to act on what you learn, even if it’s not what
In addition to the concerns of image-blocking and              you expected—contacts who take the time to tell you what
different ISP renderings, the increasing use of mobile         they think should feel that you have taken their feedback
devices introduces additional rendering concerns for           into consideration.
marketers. MarketingSherpa reports that 64% of key
decision-makers are reading your e-mails on BlackBerrys
and other mobile devices.6. Knowing this, e-mail              E-mail Marketing: Still a
marketers should consider optimizing their e-mails for
mobile devices, either sending carefully formatted text-       Marketer’s Best Friend
only e-mails or multi-part MIME messages that render as        If all of this sounds like a lot of trouble to go to, don’t be
text in non-HTML environments.                                 disheartened: it’s all achievable, and a variety of services
                                                               and solutions are available on the market to make it a
Fortunately, help is on the way. Many marketing software       whole lot easier for those who simply don’t have the time
programs are evolving to be able to adapt the look of          or technical resources to wade through the deliverability
an e-mail and send different versions based on the ISP         quagmire. Deliverability is unquestionably a challenge, but
or e-mail platform it is destined for, resulting in more       it’s far from insurmountable.
meaningful e-mails, lower complaint rates, and thus
higher deliverability.                                         Above all else, don’t let a fear of tackling deliverability
                                                               issues erode your confidence in or use of e-mail
test all e-mails and Changes                                   marketing. Industry statistics show that most marketers
                                                               still believe e-mail is their best marketing channel; 83.2%
Testing out e-mails on sub-segments and sample
                                                               of marketers in a survey by Datran Media cited e-mail as
lists before mass-sending is a marketing best practice
                                                               their most important advertising tactic for 200�, primarily
for multiple reasons. Not only can it help assess the
                                                               because of its ability to drive incremental revenue.�. While
effectiveness of your message and predict conversion
                                                               most marketers who have any experience with e-mail
rates, but it can identify deliverability issues. Test your
                                                               marketing understand its power, reach, and potential,
messages to check for higher-than-normal complaint
                                                               its advantages bear repeating. As a marketing channel,
rates or numbers of unsubscribe requests. Split-test
                                                               e-mail is:
different versions of the same e-mail on random lists to
isolate the biggest factors in deliverability rates, or test   a. Still the most cost-effective: Few media offer such
the same e-mail on different segments to identify different       low set-up costs and barriers to entry. The low costs of
list-segment behavior patterns—perhaps a certain list             e-mail marketing allow marketers to concentrate their
segment is more sensitive to certain factors and at risk of       resources on quality of message, segmentation, and
lodging spam complaints.                                          content—not materials—and scale to reach very large
                                                                  audiences with negligible increases in cost. Evidence
Any time you contemplate making changes to your
                                                                  consistently shows that e-mail delivers greater return
campaigns, whether it’s something as simple as the
                                                                  on investment than other marketing channels—$5.45
“from” line or design, be sure to test out the change on a
smaller list before proceeding—what may seem a minor

                                                               �. Datran Media, “The 200� Email Marketing Survey: Looking
                                                                   Forward,” February 200�.
5. Email Experience Council, January, 200�.

6. MarketingSherpa, “Special Report: Email Marketing to
    BlackBerrys - Usage, Formatting  Rendering Tips,”
    July 25, 200�.

                                                                                                   CDC MarketFirst | White Paper
per US$ spent, versus $2.08 for other online
   marketing and $�.20 for print catalogs.8.                        ways to block them, and marketers must often scramble
                                                                     to catch up. With each ISP using a custom combination
b. Still the most personalizable: While direct mail                  of spam-blocking strategies and often erring on the side
   technologies have advanced in recent years, they still            of caution when it comes to any mass e-mail, e-mail
   don’t offer anything approaching the personalization              marketers are left with the burden of meeting a broad
   capabilities of sophisticated e-mail marketing engines,           range of standards to ensure their permission-based
   and the costs associated with personalization in                  e-mails reach recipients.
   other media can be prohibitive. With a good e-mail
   marketing system, marketers can send e-mails that                 The end result is that most marketing departments
   are not just personally addressed, but have custom                struggle to keep up without some assistance. Few have
   subject lines, images, links, and blocks of text.                 the time and resources to stay on top of each new
                                                                     development in deliverability roadblocks and tactics. And
c. Still the best for advanced targeting/segmentation:               frankly, many marketers would prefer to focus on their
   While precise database segmentation can generate                  core competencies, investing their time and energy in
   lists that can be used for other marketing channels,              campaign planning, market research, and the creative
   no channel makes it as easy as e-mail marketing to                elements of their campaigns rather than learning the latest
   target different audiences with truly custom messages             ISP-friendly e-mail server configurations.
   without dramatically escalating costs. Advanced
   e-mail marketing programs can furthermore allow                   For some companies, especially those with fairly simple
   marketers to segment not just based on demographics               or linear e-mail marketing needs, the answer is to use an
   or preferences, but on responses to other e-mail                  e-mail service provider (ESP) to send out their e-mails.
   campaigns—opens, click-throughs, conversions—                     Good ESPs are aware of and in compliance with the
   and even website visits.                                          latest deliverability best practices, and many have the
                                                                     scale and clout to build strong relationships with ISPs that
d. Still the most trackable: No other channel offers such            small standalone companies could not hope to achieve,
   a direct, immediate way of tracking response from                 resulting in higher overall deliverability rates.
   open rate right through to revenue recognition. With
   e-mail marketing, you can understand more than just               As e-mail marketers move from a generic broadcast
   conversion rates—you can learn precisely what the                 e-mail approach to a more personalized and interactive
   recipient felt compelled to click on and what they did            one-to-one marketing philosophy, however, many firms
   after they clicked it. With e-mail marketing, marketers           are finding that their e-mail marketing channel is too
   are always able to quantify results and never at a loss           important to outsource or restrict to simple one-way
   to show their campaigns’ direct impact on revenues.               e-mail blasts. To create more personalized, event-based,
                                                                     and multi-wave e-mail campaigns, many companies are
e. Still the best for building relationships: While a                seeing value in keeping their e-mail marketing in-house
   short-term sale is obviously a desired outcome for                and investing in robust marketing automation tools that
   many marketing programs, companies today are                      empower them to create more sophisticated campaigns.
   increasingly recognizing that a long-term relationship            Furthermore, many marketers are finding that to realize
   is substantially more valuable and desirable. Advanced            the greatest benefits from their e-mail marketing, they
   e-mail marketing systems allow companies to engage                must treat e-mail not as a standalone channel but as an
   customers and prospects in two-way exchanges                      integrated part of their multi-channel marketing efforts.
   that unfold in multiple waves, progressively adapting
   to responses at each stage and building strong,                   For these marketers, creating a unified customer or
   loyal relationships.                                              prospect experience across marketing channels means
                                                                     finding a best-of-breed solution that enables them to
                                                                     integrate advanced e-mail marketing into a holistic
Conclusion                                                           multi-channel marketing approach. Unfortunately, a
                                                                     fractured technology infrastructure comprising a range
It’s no wonder many marketers find deliverability a
                                                                     of disparate point-solutions can be a barrier to achieving
dizzying topic: there is no single answer to the challenge
                                                                     this level of continuity. The best solution for this new
of deliverability, but instead countless factors marketers
                                                                     generation of integrated marketing is one that addresses
need to be aware of and address with each campaign.
                                                                     all of the marketing department’s complex demands, not
Adding to the problem, deliverability best practices don’t
                                                                     the least of which is e-mail deliverability. A system that
stand still—as spammers develop new ways to try to trick
                                                                     enables marketers to perform the most sophisticated
ISPs into delivering their e-mails, ISPs must develop new
                                                                     of personalized e-mail marketing must also help them
                                                                     ensure their e-mails reach recipient inboxes.

8. Direct Marketing Association, “The Power of Direct Marketing,”
    October 2006.

                                                                                                        CDC MarketFirst | White Paper   2
As your marketing department looks at ways to realize
the full potential of e-mail marketing, seek out integrated
solutions that address the complexity of today’s
marketing environment, including the challenge of e-mail
deliverability. Partner with a reputable firm that can help
you leverage the best technology tools to not only create
compelling e-mail campaigns, but to ensure they always
reach their targets.

CDC MarketFirst: Your Integrated
Marketing Solution
CDC MarketFirst is an adaptive marketing automation
and lead management solution that enables marketers
to manage even the most complex, multi-channel
marketing campaigns. Using CDC MarketFirst, marketing
professionals can utilize the visual campaign designer
feature to create e-mail/web page streams, profile
customers and prospects, target each with a highly
personalized and relevant message, deliver the message
at the right time via the right channel, and ensure
consistent and effective follow-up. CDC MarketFirst can
help marketers achieve higher response rates and better
lead quality with perpetually running, precisely targeted
campaigns based on data captured at every point
of interaction.

Through partnerships with industry leaders Message
Systems and Return Path, CDC MarketFirst offers
an all-in-one deliverability, reputation, and marketing
automation solution suite, including the CDC MarketFirst
Deliverability E-mail Server. CDC MarketFirst is the first
and only integrated marketing automation suite that
also provides core delivery capabilities—authentication,
bounce management, reputation monitoring, and delivery
assurance services—in one solution. With CDC MarketFirst,
the days of looking at countless different reports to get
the full picture of campaign performance (from click-
throughs through bounce rates through rendering reports
and reputation scores) is over: CDC MarketFirst gives
today’s marketers the integrated environment they need
to effectively design, launch, gauge, and adjust complex
campaigns through a single solution.

For more information or a complete list of our worldwide offices, please visit or call
+1 877-748-6825.
Copyright © CDC Software 200�. All rights reserved. The CDC Software logo and CDC MarketFirst logo are registered trademarks and/or trademarks of
CDC Software.

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The deliverability top 5

  • 1. W h i t e p a p e r the Deliverability "top 5" A Best-Practice Guide for E-mail Marketing executive Summary E-mail marketing remains one of the most flexible and cost-effective channels through which marketers can reach targeted audiences with direct and meaningful messages. But e-mail marketing is only effective if it reaches recipient inboxes, and as ISPs develop increasingly stringent rules and tests in response to the problems of spam, spoofing, and phishing, many legitimate, desired e-mail messages are getting blocked or mislabeled as spam. This white paper assembles a wide range of tactics and information regarding deliverability into five core best practices to help marketers get up to speed quickly with the constantly changing deliverability landscape and key strategies for improving results.
  • 2. The Challenge of Deliverability the ever-changing tactics of spammers. The task can be daunting, to say the least. E-mail has undeniably revolutionized marketing strategies, offering a low-cost, highly scalable means of reaching Burying one’s head in the sand, however, is no customers and prospects. Beyond that, it has set new solution, and marketers who fail to adequately address standards in terms of marketers’ ability to personalize deliverability issues will rapidly erode the effectiveness of and target messages and track response and return on one of their most valuable and flexible channels. investment. It is, in short, a marketer’s dream medium. This white paper seeks to compile a range of deliverability But marketers who have wholeheartedly embraced the information and tactics into five core best practices for e-mail channel are also in danger of being lulled into e-mail marketers—what we call the “Deliverability Top 5”: complacency. The minimal cost of e-mail marketing . Understand Why E-mail Gets Blocked lowers the barriers to launching campaigns but may also make marketers somewhat passive about response 2. Monitor and Respond to Deliverability Metrics rates—after all, if the set-up costs are low, doesn’t any 3. Manage Your Sender Reputation degree of response count as ROI? But if marketers aren’t 4. Send Messages Users Want to Receive vigilant about tracking what happens to their marketing e-mails once they are sent out, they may be missing a 5. Test, Test, and Test Again shocking statistic: a large percentage of their e-mails While it’s nearly impossible to cover the vast landscape (20% or more,. in many cases, and up to 40% for of deliverability in a single white paper, this document business recipients2.) may not be reaching recipients at should provide a good starting point for e-mail marketers all, and ignoring the problem will only make it worse, as wanting to make sure that more of their carefully crafted sending out e-mails that do not meet current standards permission-based marketing messages reach their will further injure their sender reputation. intended recipients. In response to problems such as spam, spoofing, and phishing, which represent a staggering 80% of all e-mail traffic,3. Internet service providers (ISPs) have developed The Deliverability Top 5 increasingly stringent rules and tests that e-mails and their senders must pass to get through to recipients. . Understand Why E-mail Gets Blocked It’s no longer a matter of avoiding certain trigger words It was estimated that the cost of e-mail incorrectly in your content or subject line—in fact, it’s become a blocked as spam (“false positives”) accounted for complex and increasingly technical challenge to ensure $0� million of total e-mail spending in 2006.4. With ISP e-mail deliverability. filtering techniques getting more and more complex and marketers struggling to keep pace, one can only Even if e-mail messages do reach their recipients, many imagine that this figure is on the increase for 200� and marketers would be shocked to see how they turn out. beyond. One thing is for sure: undelivered marketing Some ISPs block images by default, and many more e-mails represent not just wasted effort, but wasted block them if your sender reputation is unknown or poor, money. Beyond just wastage, this represents lost revenue resulting in carefully crafted designs and messages opportunities: if marketers eliminate a 20% deliverability rendering as garbled messes with missing information. gap, the results should have a commensurate impact on Not only does this damage branding and impact sales and ultimately revenue. If e-mail marketers were response, it also results in recipients interpreting your uncertain whether this problem was costing them, the messages as spam and increasing your complaint rate, answer is now clear. which further degrades your ability to deliver. The first step toward fixing the problem is to understand Most marketers are aware that deliverability is an issue, it. Far too many marketers shy away from educating but many are not aware of the quantity of legitimate, themselves about e-mail delivery. By taking the time to desired e-mail messages that are getting blocked and learn why e-mail gets blocked, marketers can get a sense mislabeled as spam—and they don’t know how to find of the multiple lines of attack they must pursue to improve out how their own campaigns are doing and how they deliverability. Even if you use outside experts or solutions measure up with other companies. Other marketers know to combat the problem, a little knowledge can go a the extent of the problem but lack the time and resources long way toward selecting the right partners and feeling to keep up with—let alone comply with—the ever-evolving confident that you’re really covered on all fronts. standards and rules ISPs put in place to keep up with . Interactive Advertising Bureau, “Marketer Agency Guide to Email Deliverability,” 2006. 2. MarketingSherpa, “E-mail Marketing Benchmark Guide 200�.” 4. David Daniels, “Outlook 2006: More Technology, More Targeting,” DM News, February 6, 2006. 3. Interactive Advertising Bureau, “Marketer Agency Guide to Email Deliverability,” 2006. CDC MarketFirst | White Paper
  • 3. Content Content considerations don’t end with text, however. Images and attachments can also get an e-mail blocked. Content is now something of a dinosaur in e-mail Attachments are easily avoidable—if you have documents deliverability, and arguably almost as extinct as a or content that cannot be contained in the body of the deliverability concern. For almost as long as there has e-mail itself, post your content online and link to it from been e-mail, there have been filters screening e-mail the e-mail, rather than attaching it. Images can be difficult subject lines and content to check for trigger words that for some marketers to part with, as they can make e-mails might indicate that an e-mail’s contents are obscene or much more creative and aesthetically appealing. While unsolicited and promotional. While this is still the case, you may not need to dispense with them altogether, it’s trigger words are now eclipsed by other deliverability important to use them sparingly, as many ISPs see a factors, and smart marketers can ultimately use any higher number of graphical elements as a sign of spam. content they desire provided they are diligent on other In addition, many popular e-mail programs, including the deliverability fronts. Nonetheless, it's worthwhile to be widely used Microsoft Outlook, now block images in aware of content that can cause deliverability problems e-mails by default, requiring users to actively download for marketers who may not have their other deliverability the images to view them. Not only can this result in bases covered. garbled messages that look nothing like the sender Some trigger words, such as foul or pornographic intended, but it also underlines the importance of not language, are relatively obvious and unlikely to be used relying too heavily on graphics to draw readers in or by any reputable marketer in the first place. Other words communicate information. If an e-mail doesn’t appeal to and phrases, such as “free” or “apply now,” could a recipient based on its non-graphical elements, the user easily be used in solicited e-mails, but most marketers is unlikely to take the extra step to download the images. understand that the rampant use of such terms in spam If a key piece of information is contained in a graphic, messages justifies some filtering of e-mails containing such as the call to action or important details or benefits, them. But many of the words and phrases that trigger an e-mail’s conversion rate may suffer dramatically. The spam filters are common in solicited e-mail and seem problem is more widespread than one might imagine: in a innocent enough to many marketers: phrases such as 2006 study by the Email Experience Council, 2% of ,000 “unlimited,” “congratulations,” “weekend getaway,” “terms B2B and B2C e-mails reviewed appeared completely and conditions,” or “guarantee.” In fact, even phrases blank when images were turned off or stripped by e-mail associated with responsible e-mail marketing, such as clients.5. While this does not affect deliverability per se, it “unsubscribe” or “opt in”—which usually signal that does support the best practice of minimizing graphics. marketers are following the guidelines of the CAN-SPAM After all, if you are going to put increased effort into Act, which require a clear way for recipients to opt out ensuring an e-mail reaches recipient inboxes, it’s worth of e-mail communications—can label an e-mail as the extra step to ensure it renders well. spam. It’s thus worthwhile for marketers to keep up with trends in trigger-word filtering, which evolves along with Volume spam trends and even legitimate marketing practices. E-mail volume per hour is another simple and obvious Many trigger words can be easily avoided with a simple way to catch spammers: how many personal e-mails rephrasing, such as using “Want to stop hearing from get sent out to five or 0,000 people at once? But at the us?” instead of “unsubscribe.” same time, every day, thousands of people sign up for e-newsletters, e-mail alerts, and other forms of mass Trigger-word avoidance, however, is not an exact science. e-mail communication, confirming that volume alone is Lists of trigger words vary from ISP to ISP and spam not a reliable indicator of whether an e-mail is spam. filter to spam filter, and they’re always changing. The Nonetheless, many ISPs closely monitor volume and presence of a single trigger word is seldom enough to impose volume caps, shutting down your connection get an e-mail labeled as spam, but in combination with if a resource-demand threshold is surpassed. Volume other trigger words or spam-detection factors, it may set thresholds not only vary by ISP, but also by sender—the an e-mail “over the edge.” One useful common-sense acceptable threshold for a sender may depend on a test is to consider whether the language used in your combination of other factors, such as sender reputation messages is uniquely promotional in any way—“remove score and number of complaints received about the me from your list” or “act now” may be common phrases sender. Accordingly, marketers should regulate, or in a commercial e-mail, but they’re unlikely phrases to find throttle, their volume, number of connections, and in a non-commercial one. The only real way to determine messages per connection (more on this below) to ensure whether an e-mail contains trigger words is to test it, either they are keeping within acceptable thresholds for various using a software tool or by creating test accounts with ISPs. In addition, they should carefully manage their major ISPs and sending your e-mail to them, changing phrases in subsequent tests if your initial test is blocked. 5. Email Experience Council, 2006. CDC MarketFirst | White Paper 2
  • 4. sender reputation to avoid low volume thresholds— they e-mail a few bad addresses—especially compared to techniques for this are described in detail below. the cost of telemarketing or print mailings. Of course, one surefire way to avoid volume caps List hygiene can be a nuisance for marketers, but the is to reduce the volume of identical e-mails you results of not keeping your list clean are much more send. Interestingly, this also dovetails with another injurious. ISPs measure the number of “unknown users” marketing best practice: personalization via small-slice or recipients in your mailings, and if the number is too segmentation. Rather than sending broad messages out high, they may block or even blackhole (automatically to a large number of recipients, marketers should look delete) your messages. Unknown recipients can result to increase relevance and personalization by carefully from a myriad of common reasons—people change ISPs, segmenting their list by meaningful criteria and sending change jobs, enter their e-mail addresses incorrectly when out more tailored messages to smaller groups. Not only subscribing, or provide a false address, for example. will this tend to mitigate concerns regarding volume caps due to smaller list size, it will also increase conversions. There are a few strategies marketers can take to reduce If this sounds like more effort than a single e-mail the chance of bad data entering their lists, including blast, it is, at least initially. But with today’s advanced requiring subscribers to enter their e-mail twice (reduces marketing automation tools, you can create campaigns chance of typos), requiring a confirmed opt-in (sending a that deliver the personalization on an ongoing basis, confirmation e-mail recipients must act on; this minimizes and thus have lifecycles of months instead of minutes. fake addresses), asking users to provide secondary e-mail Software that enables this kind of perpetually running addresses (so that marketers can switch to the second one campaign can make the overall effort invested even less if the primary one fails), and making it easy for recipients than that of running multiple large campaigns. And the to update their profile data and e-mail addresses. payoff in terms of increased receptivity on the part of the Nonetheless, a certain number of bad e-mail addresses recipient is difficult to overstate. With studies indicating will inevitably accrue on a list over time, and if you continue that relevance is among e-mail recipients’ top criteria to e-mail a significant number of these addresses, there’s when deciding whether an e-mail is spam, even when a good chance your e-mails will be blocked. they subscribed to it, e-mail relevance is more than just In addition to the methods listed above, recent a nice-to-have feature: it could have a tangible impact on improvements in software systems enable marketers to your e-mail deliverability, not just in terms of volume, but automatically eliminate e-mail addresses (or take other also complaints. defined actions) when they bounce or even when users don’t open or click through after a prolonged period of Complaints time. This can radically improve your reputation with ISPs, In their efforts to enlist frustrated customers in the battle to resulting in both higher deliverability and fewer content trounce spam, ISPs have made it easier than ever to label and image filters being placed on your e-mails. an e-mail as spam, with many integrating one-click “report as spam” buttons into their e-mail interfaces. Customers Spam-trap hits no longer have to go to the trouble of complaining to an Spam traps are e-mail addresses set up specifically to ISP about spam the hard way—they can just select and attract spam. Rather than going to a recipient, e-mails click, and the complaint is logged with the ISP. If one of sent to these traps are logged and monitored. They your e-mails receives enough of these complaints, expect may also be “fingerprinted”— labeled as spam and your e-mails to start going directly to all recipients’ junk then compared against new messages, which are also mail boxes—or to be blocked altogether. The danger of labeled as spam if their content or links match the this easy mechanism for reporting spam is that many original. Spam-trap hits can be avoided by eliminating recipients will label anything they don’t want to read as duplicates, generally keeping lists current and removing spam—as mentioned above, often even if they subscribed e-mail addresses that have not responded to a campaign to it. They may also mistakenly believe that reporting an for a significant period of time. Marketers should also e-mail as spam is tantamount to unsubscribing. This be careful when dealing with third-party list providers emphasizes the importance of making your e-mail sender and sending e-mails to partner lists—if these lists have name and subject line as clear as possible to avoid bad data or spam-trap addresses on them, it could mistaken complaints (as well as your opt-out process), introduce bad data into the list and negatively impact their and it also reinforces the wisdom of following best deliverability rate. practices regarding segmentation, personalization, and relevance. Failing authentication tests Unknown recipients Spoofing—masquerading as another e-mail sender—is a serious problem for all e-mail users, because it means Marketers can get lulled into a false sense of confidence that anyone can have their sender reputation irreparably when it comes to e-mail lists. Sure, their lists may have damaged by a spammer appropriating their identity. some outdated addresses or bad data, but is it really Phishing—the attempt to extract private data such such a big deal? After all, it doesn’t cost them any more if as bank passwords by spoofing e-mail addresses of CDC MarketFirst | White Paper 3
  • 5. legitimate service providers—poses even greater threats Good marketing automation solutions should make to consumers and businesses alike. Because there is no it simple for marketers to generate detailed reports common method on the receiving end to verify a sender’s showing open rates, click-throughs, bounce rates, and identity, this has placed the onus on e-mail senders to other metrics. Start by generating and analyzing these prove they are who they appear to be. Unfortunately, there reports—not just for a single campaign, but for a range is no single method for authenticating e-mail senders, so of campaigns. Cross-compare them: did certain kinds of marketers need to be aware of—and in compliance with— campaigns perform better than others? Did campaigns a number of industry standards for e-mail authentication, to a specific list have higher bounce rates than others? which will be discussed in more detail below. Keeping up Is campaign performance improving or deteriorating over to date with e-mail authentication standards is critical for time? Simply making the effort to closely scrutinize and e-mail marketers, as failing to authenticate correctly can compare reports will likely uncover an array of usable easily result in the marketer’s address being blacklisted. insights into your e-mail marketing campaign performance. Marketing reports of this nature are always valuable, but reputation on their own, it is hard to truly evaluate where you stand. A sender’s e-mail “reputation” is a complex amalgam Comparing your figures against industry benchmarks that may take into account any or all of the negative is a great way to see how your programs stack up. For factors discussed above, as well as positive criteria such basic widely broadcast e-mails, Jupiter Research cites as whitelisting or sender accreditation and history as an an average open rate of 20%, click-through rate of 9.5%, e-mail marketer in good standing. On a more formal level, and conversion rate of .% as the industry benchmarks, “reputation” is a score assigned by e-mail reputation with higher metrics for more targeted, personalized, or services firms, which track all available data about e-mail event-triggered campaigns.6. marketers and score them based on these factors. They monitor the sender’s activity continuously, and thus In the absence of deliverability metrics, however, it’s the reputation score may fluctuate with every e-mail hard to get the full picture about open rates and other campaign. Scores from reputation services firm such as performance metrics. If your open rate is below 20%, does Return Path, Habeas, TRUSTe, and Goodmail are used that mean that your subject lines aren’t compelling—or by ISPs and anti-spam software vendors in determining simply that fewer people are receiving the e-mail in sender quality and in making deliverability decisions. the first place? Getting to the bottom of your delivery issues can help flesh out your overall e-mail marketing accreditation performance picture substantially. Yet one quarter of marketers are unsure of their deliverability figures.�. Marketers can seek accreditation through reputation services firms such as those listed above, usually by Deliverability benchmarks vary, but the most recent undergoing a rigorous initial standards and policy available data suggests that permission-based e-mails evaluation process and adhering to standards on an to U.S.-based ISPs are delivered to the recipient’s junk ongoing basis, as well as paying some kind of fee. or bulk e-mail folder almost 6% of the time.8. Overall, Accredited e-mail marketers are essentially automatically permission-based e-mails are reaching consumer inboxes whitelisted with the ISPs that use use that particular only about �5% of the time. The picture gets more varied reputation firm’s services, because the reputation services as one delves into specific ISPs: XO Concentric delivers firm certifies their e-mail blasts as safe to deliver. a whopping 56% of permission-based e-mails to the junk mail folder; SBC Global and Bell South, 30%; Yahoo, 26%; 2. Monitor and Respond to Deliverability and MSN Network, GMail, and Hotmail, 8%.9. Metrics responding to Bounced e-mails The large number of factors that contribute to e-mail With these sobering statistics in mind, how can deliverability can be admittedly prohibitive for marketers marketers track and act on their metrics to improve to address. But there are several simple steps that you their e-mail deliverability? can take that can yield immediate improvements in e-mail deliverability. The first thing to do is get a handle on your bounce rate. The overall percentage of e-mails sent that bounce back Benchmarking is a nice figure to have and to track over time, but it’s not Your first priority should be to get a handle on your deliverability metrics as they stand right now. A surprising number of e-mail marketers do not have any visibility 6. David Daniels, Jupiter Research, December 2006. into the performance of their campaigns—they may see incoming leads, but have little insight into whether non- �. Jupiter Research, 2006. respondents opened the e-mail or even received it in the 8. Lyris, ISP Deliverability Report Card, Q2 200�. first place. 9. Ibid. CDC MarketFirst | White Paper 4
  • 6. enough to truly take action—it lets you know the extent Another good reason to pay attention to bounced e-mails of the problem, but provides few clues on how to fix it. is to watch for “challenge-response” e-mails. Various The good news is that ISPs send you back information spam blockers, including Earthlink and Spam Arrest, send about why they bounce each e-mail. The bad news an e-mail the first time a recipient gets an e-mail from a is that these “reasons” take the form of thousands of certain sender, requiring the sender to type in the code in different cryptic bounce codes that differ from ISP to ISP, a CAPTCHA graphic. While this is laborious, it only needs making it very difficult to make sense of this feedback. to be performed once per recipient, and with these kinds Luckily, solutions are available on the market that can of programs growing in popularity, it is worth the effort to normalize these bounce codes and sort them into logical ensure deliverability.0. and understandable categories, enabling marketers to get a good sense of the major reasons their e-mails are Monitoring Blacklists bouncing back without sifting through bounce codes. No permission-based marketer wants to think that they’ve With an understanding of bounce rates and categories, been branded as a spammer, but it’s good to know for marketers can begin to take immediate action to improve certain. If you send out large e-mail communications, even their deliverability rate. First off, marketers should if they are permission-based, there is a strong possibility automatically cull all e-mail addresses that receive a that you will at some time be misidentified as a spammer “hard” bounce—that is, e-mails that are returned to the and listed on a blacklist. If you have been having e-mail sender without being accepted by the recipient’s e-mail deliverability issues, it is worth checking whether your server. Hard bounces may indicate that the marketer’s domain or IP address has made it onto a blacklist. In fact, company has been blacklisted by the ISP, and continued it is worth monitoring blacklists on an ongoing basis to attempts to e-mail these addresses will not be any ensure that you react swiftly should your company or more successful—these e-mails should be immediately e-mail service provider appear on the list. Several blacklists removed from the list. are published publicly, including those from SpamCop and Spamhaus. ISPs use these public blacklists (often in “Soft” bounces—e-mails that are bounced back after addition to their own private blacklists) to block and filter being accepted by the recipient mail server—can occur e-mails. A variety of tools and services are available that for a variety of reasons, and require more monitoring and monitor blacklists for you and alert you if your IP or domain investigation to determine the best course of action. For appears on them. Some of today’s software solutions can example, a mail server may bounce the e-mail because help detect when an ISP is not delivering your e-mails and it cannot find the recipient’s address, because the also stop the e-mail flow through a particular problem recipient’s mailbox is at capacity, or because the e-mail ISP, so that if you are blacklisted, you can hold affected size exceeds the ISP’s pre-set maximum. If the e-mail recipients' e-mails until the problem is resolved. Getting address does not exist, marketers will want to remove off a list can be challenging and take time, but being on it, but since soft bounces can be due to a temporary a blacklist can decimate your e-mail marketing programs, state such as a full mailbox or server problem, it would so it is important to be aware of blacklisting as soon as be rash to remove all soft bounces automatically. possible and take immediate action. A better method is to set a threshold for soft bounces— for example, removing e-mails that receive a certain removing inactive Contacts number of consecutive soft bounces—or to set different courses of action depending on the different bounce As much as marketers would like to believe that every code categories. contact is a potential conversion, there is value in removing recipients from your lists after a certain period of One strategy that is increasing in popularity is to send an inactivity. Recipients who have not opened or clicked on automated welcome message to all subscribers who opt an e-mail you have sent them for some time may well see in to an e-mail program and immediately remove all hard your e-mails as unwanted, increasing the chance that they bounces—this lessens the chance that bad or fake e-mail will report them as spam. Stale, inactive contacts addresses will make it onto the list for mass e-mails. are also more likely to be spam traps. What length of inactivity qualifies for removal will depend on the industry, A few software vendors have recently integrated their the frequency of contact, and other factors, but may be e-mail automation systems with mail transfer agents as short as 90 days. Rather than simply removing the (MTAs) that deliver the e-mails and detect and categorize contact from the list, marketers may instead wish to do the bounces. This level of integration enables hard a final campaign to the inactive list segment—a “we want bounces to be removed automatically and other types you back” campaign, for example—offering them the of bounces to go through an automated process that opportunity to re-engage or unsubscribe. Current software preserves good, deliverable e-mail addresses and deletes packages enable this process to be automated, yet highly bad ones. 0. Dr. Ralph F. Wilson, “Best Practices that Improve E-Mail Deliverability (Part 3)”,, September 4, 200�. CDC MarketFirst | White Paper 5
  • 7. interactive, enabling prospects to opt back in to content expectations more clearly with subscribers to reduce that is relevant to them, potentially giving them several future complaints. choices. Systems that allow conditional paragraphs or sections can include these options in e-mails when they When it comes to e-mail deliverability, the more get close to the “inactive threshold.” visibility you have into your campaign metrics, the more empowered you are to troubleshoot and improve results. It is worth taking every measure possible to preserve your Monitoring and acting on the metrics described above is contact list, but equally important to draw an eventual line critical to ensure marketing e-mails reach their destination with inactive contacts. As hard as it can be to remove and have the chance to convert prospects, and it can hard-won contacts from the marketing database, doing so be made significantly easier through and automated may have a positive impact on deliverability. response capabilities. Subscribing to Feedback Loops 3. Manage Your Sender Reputation Many ISPs, including AOL and Hotmail, make it possible A good sender reputation is golden in e-mail marketing. for e-mail marketers to track when their e-mails are In much the same way that being on a blacklist can result reported as spam or provoke complaints. These in your e-mails being indiscriminately blocked, having a “feedback loops” are usually automated systems that good sender reputation can help ensure all your e-mails merely require the marketer to enroll; it’s a simple way sail past the ISP gatekeepers without issue—certainly the to get valuable data. Again, however, the onus is on ideal scenario for e-mail marketing. the marketer to register for the feedback loop, monitor the data, and act on complaint information. Given the Attaining a good sender reputation, however, requires large number of ISPs, this can be a somewhat laborious diligence, knowledge, and often some financial investment process, and marketing departments that lack the as well. But if e-mail marketing is a key channel for your resources to adequately manage feedback loops in-house organization, the returns are well worth the effort. may wish to seek out third-party solutions or service providers to help alleviate the complexity. Build relationships with iSps Whether it is managed in-house or externally, marketers ISPs are the unavoidable middlemen in your should not ignore the valuable data provided by feedback communications with prospects and customers, and as loops. Complaint rates should be monitored closely, such, it’s worth the effort to build relationships with them. and all complainers should be removed from the list As with any friendship, this involves taking the time to immediately. Ideally, software should be utilized that get to know them—their thresholds, their triggers, their enables complaint rates to be monitored in real time; standards—and engaging in a sustained relationship over if you notice that the complaint rate is approaching a time. If you’re the new kid on the block and don’t yet have a known danger-threshold for an ISP (for AOL, for example, history of being a sender in good standing, you can expect this is a 0.% complaint rate.), this software should halt your e-mails to be scrutinized by more image and content or throttle down the campaign, reducing the chance of filters than companies with established reputations. But a damaging your sender reputation. Another smart tactic commitment to meeting deliverability standards over time is to test campaigns on small list samples first, getting will help you build up a solid reputation. a sense of the complaint rate by individual ISP to help predict whether any problems will be encountered with The challenge? There are 20 or 30 main ISPs, and the main blast. Finally, marketers should analyze the those are just the major ones. And the truth is that few implications of their complaint rates—if a certain segment marketers can expect to develop real relationships or type of mailing receives higher than usual complaint with ISPs, especially if they’re from smaller firms. But rates, there are valuable lessons marketers can learn that should not preclude marketers from seizing every from this data. Are new subscribers complaining in higher opportunity to engage with the ISPs by whatever methods numbers than long-time subscribers, for example? If are available. This can include signing up for the so, this could indicate that subscribers don’t feel they aforementioned feedback loops with any ISPs that offer are getting what they expected from you—or perhaps them. Some ISPs, including Yahoo, also offer marketers that there was too great an interval between their opt-in a mechanism by which to submit themselves for whitelist and the first e-mail they received.2. Marketers can use evaluation. Also, by becoming familiar with different this information to fine-tune their programs and set volume caps and guidelines set by ISPs, you can throttle your e-mail delivery rates and connections to stay in line with each ISP’s recommendations. . Derek Harding, “Getting in the Feedback Loop,” ClickZ, September �, 2006. 2. Ibid. CDC MarketFirst | White Paper 6
  • 8. avoid Switching ip addresses authenticate Your e-mail To build up a reputation, you need to have a unique As discussed earlier, methods for authenticating the identity that is comprehensible and distinguishable from identity of an e-mail sender have become increasingly other e-mail senders. This means maintaining the same important in recent years due to widespread attempts IP addresses for your mailings over time. Each time you by spammers to hide their identities or spoof the identity switch IP addresses, it is like setting back the clock in of another sender. Since several different systems of terms of building up a sender reputation. authentication are in use by different ISPs, both alone and in combination, marketers should be aware of and in Maintaining IP address consistency, however, does not compliance with all of the major authentication methods. mean that you have to use a single IP address. In fact, These include Sender Policy Framework (SPF), Sender it’s highly advisable to maintain separate IP addresses for ID (which combines SPF with Microsoft’s Caller ID), corporate e-mails and bulk mailings, to ensure that if your DomainKeys (from Yahoo), and DomainKeys Identified e-mail marketing reputation is damaged, this does not Mail (which combines DomainKeys and Cisco’s Identified impede the delivery of other important corporate e-mails. Internet Mail). Another strategy you may want to consider is maintaining Sender Policy Framework is an open standard that allows different IP addresses for different kinds of mailings, senders to define their e-mail sending policy, including such as customer versus prospect communications, or the servers and IP addresses from which they send mail. informative versus promotional e-mails. This approach Senders publish an SPF record containing this “return can also be used to maintain different IP addresses for path” information within their DNS, and receiving ISPs that sending e-mail from different divisions or brands, which use SPF for authentication verify that incoming messages can help build up the strongest sender reputations for comply with the listed domain/IP addresses contained in the strongest brands or divisions while not allowing this record. If the e-mail is not in compliance with the SPF weaker divisions or brands to weaken the overall record, the ISP blocks the e-mail. sender reputation. Many e-mail marketers and ISPs have embraced SPF, Set Up Your Systems properly making it the most popular IP-based authentication solution. But SPF records are not a one-time solution— Minor blunders in system set-up can have a major impact they must be rigorously maintained and kept up to date. on sender reputation. Ensure that your IT team has Recent data indicates that SPF authentication checks configured your e-mail servers with reverse DNS and mail are now in the list of the top-0 content triggers that ISPs exchanger (MX) records and does not have open relays or check, and failing an SPF check carries a much heavier open proxies. These small errors can result in automatic penalty than other spam triggers.3. If e-mail senders blocking of your e-mails by ISPs. neglect to keep their SPF record up to date with correct IP/server information, this can have a far more damaging Get Whitelisted effect on their e-mail deliverability than not having an Getting whitelisted by ISPs is highly desirable for any SPF record in the first place. Ensure that you always e-mail marketer. As previously mentioned, a few ISPs have a thorough and accurate SPF record in place, and allow senders to apply to become whitelisted, but be certain to update it should you change IPs or e-mail most rely on their own data and third-party services to service providers. determine which senders will be whitelisted. Marketers Sender ID is similar to SPF in that it verifies sender can try to achieve good standing on these lists simply e-mail addresses against a published policy record in by following best practices, but for some it may be the DNS. Sender ID differs from SPF in the layer of the worthwhile to seek accreditation or employ the assistance e-mail system that it checks against and what it validates. of a reputation services firm (more on these options Sender ID is a Microsoft-created authentication protocol below) in order to ensure they get on ISP whitelists. that builds upon SPF but is not entirely compatible with Marketers should also ask individual subscribers to add existing SPF specifications, though there are workarounds the sender to their whitelist. This can be useful not only in that allow e-mail senders to use the same SPF record getting past ISP gatekeepers, but corporate spam filters with minor modifications to permit Sender ID validation. as well, which are often even more restrictive than ISPs. You should ensure that your IT team is aware of the Any marketer engaged in business-to-business marketing differences between SPF and Sender ID and sets up your communications should go to every length to get SPF record to support both. subscribers to whitelist them. You should ask subscribers As with SPF and Sender ID, DomainKeys (DK) is a system to whitelist you at the point of subscription, in confirmation for proving that e-mail senders are who they say they are. e-mails, and in all communications, linking to clear, comprehensive instructions on how to whitelist you. 3. Lyris, “ISP Deliverability Report Card, Q2 200�.” CDC MarketFirst | White Paper �
  • 9. To comply with DK, an e-mail sender must create a pair services: third-party programs that certify sender policies of keys (one public, one private) and use them to sign all and practices. An accredited firm must typically undergo outgoing e-mails. The public key is published in the DNS, a rigorous evaluation, which might include scrutiny of and the private key is made available to the e-mail server. corporate history, e-mail policies, complaint rates, opt-out When an authorized e-mail message is sent from the processes, spam trap hits, data collection methods, and domain, the e-mail server uses the private key to create a more. Accreditation is not a one-time event; accredited digital signature header for the e-mail. The receiving firms are generally monitored on an ongoing basis e-mail server reads the header and retrieves the public and must continue to comply with his standards to key from the sender’s DNS record, verifying that the maintain accreditation. pair of keys goes together. If they don’t, the e-mail will be blocked. Accreditation leads to an improved sender reputation. E-mails from accredited firms are generally given To deploy DomainKeys, you must use a DomainKey- preferential treatment by ISPs that subscribe to the enabled mail transfer agent and choose one of several accreditation firm’s programs, if not whitelisted outright. options for key distribution. The public key should be These standards vary, however, and even accredited e- published to your domain’s DNS and the private key mails may be subject to some regular ISP spam filtering. inserted into the MTA. In addition, accreditation firms partner with various ISPs but not necessarily all of them; accreditation from a given DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) is an open standard firm may offer no advantage whatsoever for e-mails sent that synthesizes DomainKeys with Cisco’s Identified to non-partner ISPs. Nonetheless, accreditation can be a Internet Mail specifications, and as with DK, it appends powerful tool in improving sender reputation, and it should a digital signature to the outgoing message. It uses be considered by all serious e-mail marketers. an enhanced DK DNS record that permits the use of a number of additional parameters. As with Sender ID Use Sender reputation Services and SPF, you should ensure that your e-mail and DNS administrators understand the differences between the Reputation services firms continually monitor e-mail systems and set up your DomainKeys to support both deliverability data and score senders based on all kinds of standards. available data. Reputation services firm Return Path, for example, monitors 60 data points to develop composite There is some indication that the future of e-mail “Sender Score” reputation rankings, including complaints, authentication and reputation tracking lies not in IP-based filtering, volume, network integrity, ID stability, and more. tests, but in domain-based ones. At the July 200� These scores are provided to ISPs, which use the scores Federal Trade Commission Spam Summit meeting in in determining whether to deliver e-mails from a given Washington, D.C., there was both strong governmental sender. E-mails from senders with higher scores are and industry interest to move away from tracking typically given preferential treatment, though the e-mail reputation by IP address and to track it based on domain. may still be subject to additional filtering. Because of This could give crypto-based authentication systems the in-depth tracking performed by sender reputation such as DomainKeys an eventual edge over IP-based services firms, however, most ISPs do consider their data authentication standards such as SPF. At this point, valuable in determining deliverability status; furthermore, however, IP-based approaches remain widely used, subscribing to sender reputation services can give so marketers should continue to build marketers access to a wealth of information about their reputations around the IP addresses they use for their reputation that they might not otherwise have the e-mail communications. resources to track. Marketers looking to delve into the factors impacting their reputation should consider sender Keeping up with authentication standards can take reputation services as an option. effort, as well as collaboration with your e-mail server and/or DNS administrators, but it is no longer optional for e-mail marketers. As these standards grow in usage, not 4. Send Messages Users Want to understanding them and taking all steps for compliance Receive will damage an e-mail marketer’s sender reputation. Even With the many factors that impact deliverability, marketers if you use a third-party e-mail service provider, it is worth may begin to see getting their e-mails into recipient spending the time to understand authentication standards inboxes as an endless series of hoops to jump through. to be better positioned to evaluate whether your service But it’s important to avoid falling into the trap of seeing provider is in full compliance with the latest developments e-mail deliverability as some sort of elaborate contest in authentication. to trick your way into targets’ inboxes. The simple fact is that even if your e-mails are successfully delivered to Use accreditation Services recipients, if the receiver doesn’t want the message, he Several companies, including Return Path, Goodmail or she will delete the e-mail unopened, unsubscribe from Systems, TRUSTe, and Habeas, provide accreditation your list, or—worst of all—report your e-mail as spam, damaging your sender reputation. Since the ultimate aim of most e-mail marketing is to generate leads or convert CDC MarketFirst | White Paper 8
  • 10. sales, deliverability is a means to an end, not the end in Send relevant, targeted, personalized, and of itself, which is good to keep in perspective. adaptive Messages Marketers should do everything within their power to send It is borne out time and time again in research reports e-mails prospects and customers want to receive. To do that the more relevant and personalized an e-mail is, the any less can negatively impact not just deliverability, but more effective it will be. Knowing this—and with marketing brand equity and sales figures. Part of this is, of course, automation systems now available that put these taking the time to develop compelling, valuable e-mail capabilities within the reach of almost any marketer— copy and offers. But there are many other simple steps e-mail marketers have little excuse for blasting out you can take to try to ensure your e-mails go to receptive generic, single-shot e-mails to unsegmented lists. Not audiences that want to receive them. only will better-targeted, more personalized e-mails achieve better conversion rates, they will also improve Use a Closed-Loop Confirmation process deliverability due to fewer complaints. Requiring subscribers to confirm their registration or Segmentation has achieved new heights in recent taking steps on your end to confirm the validity of years, with the development of sophisticated marketing a subscription are easy ways to help ensure right off the automation systems that allow lists to be segmented bat that your subscribers want your e-mails. Closed-loop not just by basic demographic data, but according confirmation processes can be put in place by sending to advanced, multi-factorial criteria that may include subscribers a confirmation e-mail that requires them to preferences, past behavior, even website usage patterns. respond or click a link to activate their subscription, Such systems enable marketers to create truly meaningful which eliminates fraudulent or malicious subscriptions. list segments and target them behaviorally. The ability At a minimum, send an automated welcome message to easily generate these complex lists and even sub- to new subscribers and remove the bounces or any segments for testing purposes enables marketers to take complainers immediately. their e-mail targeting to the next level. Give Subscribers Control Similarly, “personalization” is no longer a matter of inserting the recipient’s name into the “to” line. Today’s The more options you offer subscribers, the more likely best marketing automation systems enable marketers you are to offer a combination that suits them and to make almost every element of an e-mail conditional, keeps them happy with your e-mails. There is no single composing completely custom e-mails based on the combination that will please every subscriber, so why not contact’s profile data, from the sender line and different give them control? As part of the subscription process, copy elements down to individual images. The sky is give users the ability to set their preferences for format now the limit in terms of personalization; it’s up to the (e.g., HTML, text, even non-e-mail formats such as fax or marketer to decide how they want the user to experience SMS) and frequency (e.g., weekly, monthly, quarterly, or their e-mails. unlimited). You should also give them options in terms of subject matter: are they only interested in a certain kind of There is also no reason to see streams of e-mail product, or in information relevant to their industry or role? communications as static and linear. Again, advanced Not only will this give you valuable information about the marketing automation systems allow marketers to create contact’s areas of interest, but it will also enable you to adaptive campaigns that react to past contact behavior. ensure you do not send them messages on subjects they Perhaps the contact responded best to a certain kind of don’t care about and are more likely to see as unwanted. offer in past, or clicked on a certain kind of link: marketers Allow contacts to easily update and manage their own can ensure that the next e-mail this contact receives profiles, changing their frequency or areas of interest, draws on this information to compose an even more for example, should they change their minds about what custom message, with the e-mail stream becoming more they want to receive. This process should also enable and more relevant and personalized with each successive them to update their e-mail address to help keep your interaction. This is the dream of true one-to-one list up to date. marketing, made possible on a mass scale. By placing a link to user-controlled profile management Finally, if they aren’t doing so already, marketers should on your website and in every e-mail you send, you can also consider evolving their e-mail marketing practices improve list hygiene and help users think twice about to become less of a broadcast medium and more of an whether they want to unsubscribe altogether or simply intelligent event-triggered channel. Rather than blasting change the parameters for receiving e-mails from your firm. messages out to audiences when it suits you, meet them where they are. E-mails triggered by recipient action or lifecycle stage have significantly higher conversion rates than other forms of campaigns. For example, sending new customers an up-sell or cross-sell campaign for complementary products based on the timing of their recent purchase will yield better results than periodically CDC MarketFirst | White Paper 9
  • 11. blasting generic up-sell or cross-sell campaigns to the By taking these simple steps, marketers can help ensure entire customer base when it suits the company, not that they are sending their e-mail messages to receptive the customer. An added benefit is that marketers can customers and prospects who wish to receive their set these campaigns up once and allow them to run for communications; these recipients are consequently more as long as they like, making minor periodic updates as likely to enact measures such as whitelisting that improve required. In essence, it’s self-running perpetual marketing. deliverability and less likely to report e-mail as unwanted. E-mail performance metrics prove that these advanced personalization and targeting strategies work. Targeted 5. Test, Test, and Test Again lifecycle messaging and user-triggered e-mails have more Too often, marketers learn their mistakes only once a than double the conversion rates of untargeted broadcast mass e-mail goes out. At that point, it’s too late to do e-mails, and campaigns that use website user click- over, and the damage is done: complaints have been stream data in targeting outperform untargeted broadcast lodged with the ISP, list members have unsubscribed, and campaigns in conversions by nearly 4 to .4. Clearly, the marketer’s sender reputation and brand integrity have these campaigns are getting better user responses been impacted. because they’re delivering more relevant messages at the right time. Testing should be a critical part of every e-mail marketer’s programs, and time should be built into each campaign Make it easy to Unsubscribe to adequately advance-test its impact in terms of both conversions and deliverability. Today’s software packages You may not want contacts to unsubscribe, but if you often enable automated processes to be created make it difficult for them to do so, you’re taking a far surrounding the testing of new campaigns, reducing the greater risk, as disgruntled unsubscribers are far more potential effort and overhead surrounding testing. likely to complain to ISPs and spread the word to other potential subscribers about their frustrations. The Conduct Spam-Filter tests CAN-SPAM Act requires e-mail marketers to include an opt-out mechanism in all marketing e-mails, and while With spam trigger-word lists constantly evolving and this mechanism can take different forms, it is worthwhile overlapping with common marketing language, it is worth to ensure the process is as intuitive and easy as possible screening your e-mails before sending them to see if for the user. If a contact is unsubscribing, it could indicate they register as spam—even if you don’t think you’ve that they are less than pleased with your company, or they used any major trigger words. Numerous spam-check may simply not find your communications relevant to their tools are available online at no charge, such as the needs anymore—either way, don’t make them angry on SiteSell SpamCheck Report, which tests e-mails using the way out! SpamAssassin. These tools can not only help you avoid sending out e-mails with too many trigger words, but Unsubscribe requests should be processed immediately. also help you avoid being overly cautious. On your first If this is not possible, be sure to set the expectation attempt, word your e-mail exactly as you would like to and of the exact timeframe for removal at the time of the see how it does. In this way, you can minimize awkward request. If you send frequent e-mails, do not let a lag in rephrasing designed to avoid suspected trigger words, processing unsubscribe requests lead to an unsubscriber which may not even be necessary. Nowadays, many ISPs receiving continuing e-mails, as the recipient will very likely rely much more on sender reputation than trigger words lodge complaints with the ISP. Always use up-to-date in filtering e-mails, so you may be able to phrase some suppression lists when sending e-mails. things more directly than you imagine, which is ultimately much better for the end-reader. While you do not want to create hurdles for those wishing to unsubscribe, in some situations it may be worthwhile to build a brief survey into your unsubscribe mechanism to Don’t ignore rendering issues try to glean information about what has driven a contact to At some point or another, most of us have been tricked unsubscribe. Even if you lose that contact, survey data of into opening a spam e-mail, finding upon opening that its this kind can be very valuable in fine-tuning your programs contents were not what we anticipated. What appeared for increased relevance and recipient satisfaction. You can to be an e-mail from a friend or colleague turned out to also use this as an opportunity to offer the alternative of contain a promotional offer or garbled content, links, and changing subscription preferences, switching to alternate images. And immediately upon opening the e-mail, most content, format, or frequency, for example—though be of us probably knew that something was wrong, due to sure not to appear to be making it difficult to unsubscribe. a disconnect between what the e-mail might have been expected to contain and what it contained upon opening. Unfortunately, this disconnect is no longer reserved for spam. With both ISPs and end-user e-mail applications 4. David Daniels, Jupiter Research, 2006. blocking images and rendering content in unexpected CDC MarketFirst | White Paper 0
  • 12. ways, permission-based e-mails are also landing in change or an improvement to you may be enough to recipient inboxes with garbled content and unintended confuse or put off your audience, creating a spike in spam appearances. And when recipients open these e-mails, reports and unsubscribe requests. there’s a good chance that many react just as they do upon accidentally opening spam e-mails: with Survey recipients the immediate feeling that something is wrong. This decreases the chance that the e-mail will be read and Earlier in this paper, the idea of using “exit” surveys increases the likelihood that it will be reported as spam. to determine unsubscribers’ reasons for leaving was proposed. But why wait until a contact hits “unsubscribe” The problem is more widespread than most marketers to find out what they think? Marketers should consider might imagine. The Email Experience Council reports that periodically surveying their lists to learn what subscribers less than 50% of marketers create e-mails that render like and don’t like about their company’s e-mail appropriately, and that one in five e-mails is invisible and messages. What would they like to see more of? Less ineffective due to blocked images.5. The only way to be of? Would they prefer messages more often? Less often? sure that your e-mails don’t fall into this category is to These surveys can be sent to strategically segmented thoroughly test e-mail rendering on a variety of e-mail or random list samples, depending on the survey systems across a wide range of ISPs. objectives. But if you choose to pursue this strategy, be prepared to act on what you learn, even if it’s not what In addition to the concerns of image-blocking and you expected—contacts who take the time to tell you what different ISP renderings, the increasing use of mobile they think should feel that you have taken their feedback devices introduces additional rendering concerns for into consideration. marketers. MarketingSherpa reports that 64% of key decision-makers are reading your e-mails on BlackBerrys and other mobile devices.6. Knowing this, e-mail E-mail Marketing: Still a marketers should consider optimizing their e-mails for mobile devices, either sending carefully formatted text- Marketer’s Best Friend only e-mails or multi-part MIME messages that render as If all of this sounds like a lot of trouble to go to, don’t be text in non-HTML environments. disheartened: it’s all achievable, and a variety of services and solutions are available on the market to make it a Fortunately, help is on the way. Many marketing software whole lot easier for those who simply don’t have the time programs are evolving to be able to adapt the look of or technical resources to wade through the deliverability an e-mail and send different versions based on the ISP quagmire. Deliverability is unquestionably a challenge, but or e-mail platform it is destined for, resulting in more it’s far from insurmountable. meaningful e-mails, lower complaint rates, and thus higher deliverability. Above all else, don’t let a fear of tackling deliverability issues erode your confidence in or use of e-mail test all e-mails and Changes marketing. Industry statistics show that most marketers still believe e-mail is their best marketing channel; 83.2% Testing out e-mails on sub-segments and sample of marketers in a survey by Datran Media cited e-mail as lists before mass-sending is a marketing best practice their most important advertising tactic for 200�, primarily for multiple reasons. Not only can it help assess the because of its ability to drive incremental revenue.�. While effectiveness of your message and predict conversion most marketers who have any experience with e-mail rates, but it can identify deliverability issues. Test your marketing understand its power, reach, and potential, messages to check for higher-than-normal complaint its advantages bear repeating. As a marketing channel, rates or numbers of unsubscribe requests. Split-test e-mail is: different versions of the same e-mail on random lists to isolate the biggest factors in deliverability rates, or test a. Still the most cost-effective: Few media offer such the same e-mail on different segments to identify different low set-up costs and barriers to entry. The low costs of list-segment behavior patterns—perhaps a certain list e-mail marketing allow marketers to concentrate their segment is more sensitive to certain factors and at risk of resources on quality of message, segmentation, and lodging spam complaints. content—not materials—and scale to reach very large audiences with negligible increases in cost. Evidence Any time you contemplate making changes to your consistently shows that e-mail delivers greater return campaigns, whether it’s something as simple as the on investment than other marketing channels—$5.45 “from” line or design, be sure to test out the change on a smaller list before proceeding—what may seem a minor �. Datran Media, “The 200� Email Marketing Survey: Looking Forward,” February 200�. 5. Email Experience Council, January, 200�. 6. MarketingSherpa, “Special Report: Email Marketing to BlackBerrys - Usage, Formatting Rendering Tips,” July 25, 200�. CDC MarketFirst | White Paper
  • 13. per US$ spent, versus $2.08 for other online marketing and $�.20 for print catalogs.8. ways to block them, and marketers must often scramble to catch up. With each ISP using a custom combination b. Still the most personalizable: While direct mail of spam-blocking strategies and often erring on the side technologies have advanced in recent years, they still of caution when it comes to any mass e-mail, e-mail don’t offer anything approaching the personalization marketers are left with the burden of meeting a broad capabilities of sophisticated e-mail marketing engines, range of standards to ensure their permission-based and the costs associated with personalization in e-mails reach recipients. other media can be prohibitive. With a good e-mail marketing system, marketers can send e-mails that The end result is that most marketing departments are not just personally addressed, but have custom struggle to keep up without some assistance. Few have subject lines, images, links, and blocks of text. the time and resources to stay on top of each new development in deliverability roadblocks and tactics. And c. Still the best for advanced targeting/segmentation: frankly, many marketers would prefer to focus on their While precise database segmentation can generate core competencies, investing their time and energy in lists that can be used for other marketing channels, campaign planning, market research, and the creative no channel makes it as easy as e-mail marketing to elements of their campaigns rather than learning the latest target different audiences with truly custom messages ISP-friendly e-mail server configurations. without dramatically escalating costs. Advanced e-mail marketing programs can furthermore allow For some companies, especially those with fairly simple marketers to segment not just based on demographics or linear e-mail marketing needs, the answer is to use an or preferences, but on responses to other e-mail e-mail service provider (ESP) to send out their e-mails. campaigns—opens, click-throughs, conversions— Good ESPs are aware of and in compliance with the and even website visits. latest deliverability best practices, and many have the scale and clout to build strong relationships with ISPs that d. Still the most trackable: No other channel offers such small standalone companies could not hope to achieve, a direct, immediate way of tracking response from resulting in higher overall deliverability rates. open rate right through to revenue recognition. With e-mail marketing, you can understand more than just As e-mail marketers move from a generic broadcast conversion rates—you can learn precisely what the e-mail approach to a more personalized and interactive recipient felt compelled to click on and what they did one-to-one marketing philosophy, however, many firms after they clicked it. With e-mail marketing, marketers are finding that their e-mail marketing channel is too are always able to quantify results and never at a loss important to outsource or restrict to simple one-way to show their campaigns’ direct impact on revenues. e-mail blasts. To create more personalized, event-based, and multi-wave e-mail campaigns, many companies are e. Still the best for building relationships: While a seeing value in keeping their e-mail marketing in-house short-term sale is obviously a desired outcome for and investing in robust marketing automation tools that many marketing programs, companies today are empower them to create more sophisticated campaigns. increasingly recognizing that a long-term relationship Furthermore, many marketers are finding that to realize is substantially more valuable and desirable. Advanced the greatest benefits from their e-mail marketing, they e-mail marketing systems allow companies to engage must treat e-mail not as a standalone channel but as an customers and prospects in two-way exchanges integrated part of their multi-channel marketing efforts. that unfold in multiple waves, progressively adapting to responses at each stage and building strong, For these marketers, creating a unified customer or loyal relationships. prospect experience across marketing channels means finding a best-of-breed solution that enables them to integrate advanced e-mail marketing into a holistic Conclusion multi-channel marketing approach. Unfortunately, a fractured technology infrastructure comprising a range It’s no wonder many marketers find deliverability a of disparate point-solutions can be a barrier to achieving dizzying topic: there is no single answer to the challenge this level of continuity. The best solution for this new of deliverability, but instead countless factors marketers generation of integrated marketing is one that addresses need to be aware of and address with each campaign. all of the marketing department’s complex demands, not Adding to the problem, deliverability best practices don’t the least of which is e-mail deliverability. A system that stand still—as spammers develop new ways to try to trick enables marketers to perform the most sophisticated ISPs into delivering their e-mails, ISPs must develop new of personalized e-mail marketing must also help them ensure their e-mails reach recipient inboxes. 8. Direct Marketing Association, “The Power of Direct Marketing,” October 2006. CDC MarketFirst | White Paper 2
  • 14. As your marketing department looks at ways to realize the full potential of e-mail marketing, seek out integrated solutions that address the complexity of today’s marketing environment, including the challenge of e-mail deliverability. Partner with a reputable firm that can help you leverage the best technology tools to not only create compelling e-mail campaigns, but to ensure they always reach their targets. CDC MarketFirst: Your Integrated Marketing Solution CDC MarketFirst is an adaptive marketing automation and lead management solution that enables marketers to manage even the most complex, multi-channel marketing campaigns. Using CDC MarketFirst, marketing professionals can utilize the visual campaign designer feature to create e-mail/web page streams, profile customers and prospects, target each with a highly personalized and relevant message, deliver the message at the right time via the right channel, and ensure consistent and effective follow-up. CDC MarketFirst can help marketers achieve higher response rates and better lead quality with perpetually running, precisely targeted campaigns based on data captured at every point of interaction. Through partnerships with industry leaders Message Systems and Return Path, CDC MarketFirst offers an all-in-one deliverability, reputation, and marketing automation solution suite, including the CDC MarketFirst Deliverability E-mail Server. CDC MarketFirst is the first and only integrated marketing automation suite that also provides core delivery capabilities—authentication, bounce management, reputation monitoring, and delivery assurance services—in one solution. With CDC MarketFirst, the days of looking at countless different reports to get the full picture of campaign performance (from click- throughs through bounce rates through rendering reports and reputation scores) is over: CDC MarketFirst gives today’s marketers the integrated environment they need to effectively design, launch, gauge, and adjust complex campaigns through a single solution. For more information or a complete list of our worldwide offices, please visit or call +1 877-748-6825. Copyright © CDC Software 200�. All rights reserved. The CDC Software logo and CDC MarketFirst logo are registered trademarks and/or trademarks of CDC Software.