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Chapter 7:
Civilizations of India & Africa

World History
Trinity Christian School
Mrs. Stephanie Holland
7.1: India

Population 1.12 billion
Capital: New Delhi
Largest city: Mumbai
Major Cities:


Population: 1 billion
(1/4 of everyone on


Only a quarter of them
have access to clean
Half are illiterate
Early Civilizations
1st civilizations began in river valleys:

Archaeological Evidence:
 Mohenjo Daro



Carefully planned cities
Wide, straight streets


Brick houses •
Drainage systems


Traded with Egypt & Mesopotamia
Indus civilization ended suddenly: Aryan migration
Excerpt, p. 148•

The Harappan Civilization

3300 BCE - 2400 BCE
Aerial View of Mohenjo-Daro
Wide View, Mohenjo-Daro
The Great Bath,
Well, Mohenjo-Daro
A Main Street, Mohenjo-Daro
Granery, Mohenjo-Daro
pottery, Mohenjo-Daro
Bison Seal,
A Horned-God Seal,
A Male Head, MohenjoDaro

A Priest-King, MohenjoDaro
Public Well, Harappa
Unicorn Seal, Harappa
Bull Figurine, Harappa
Burial Pottery, Harappa
Male Skeleton, Harappa
Female Skeleton with
Child, Harappa
Harappan Writing

Undecipherable to date.
Early Civilization


1500 BC: Migrate into Central Asia
1. Related to tribes invading Near East, Greece & Rome?
2. Herdsmen
3. Language: Sanskrit


Vedas: (Vedic Age 1500 BC – 500 BC)

Oral tradition
Religious beliefs & early traditions
1. * Basis of Indian culture
Aryan Migration

 pastoral  depended on their cattle.
 warriors  horse-drawn chariots.
The Vedas
 1200 BCE-600 BCE.
 written in SANSKRIT.

 Hindu core of


religious prayers.


Rig Veda  oldest work.

hymns and poems.
magical spells.


lists of the gods
and goddesses.
Key Features of Indian Society

Joint (extended) Family


Parents, children, grandchildren, blood relatives of common ancestor
Oldest male = authority figure
Sons remained in household of father/grandfather
Family concerns before individual concerns
Arranged marriages
Responsibilities for each member

Village Life


Small, rural villages
Independent & self-governing
Governed by: Headman / Village Council
8/10 Indians today live in small villages!
Key Features of Indian Society

Caste System

Rigid social class system – governed by strict rules


Determines: location of
home, profession, clothing, partners, meals, friends,

Determined at birth

Can rise within, but NOT OUT OF your caste
2,000-3,000 caste & subcaste groups; 4 broad “class”

1.) Brahmans (priests
2.) rulers & warriors
3.) merchants & traders
4.) servants & slaves
5.) Outcastes “Untouchables” (avoided by other castes)
Varna (Social

Pariahs [Harijan]  Untouchables
The Vedic Age
The foundations for
Hinduism were
Religion & the Indian Way of Life:

Ingrained by history, social structure, arts, customs

Preserved traditional elements of India
Unifies diverse interests of society
NO formal statement of doctrine





= ability to absorb concepts of various people
Upanishads: philosophical essays elaborating on teaching of the

Acknowledgement of all deities as manifestations of the
eternal, unchanging Brahman

Brahman: Not personal being but the World Soul
 Ultimate goal of man: reunite with World Soul along Wheel of Life
through reincarnation & escape of physical world
 Deeds in present life determine status in the next
 Bad now = roach later!
Religion & the Indian Way of Life:

Founder: Siddhartha Bautama

“The Enlightened One” (Buddha)

Age 29: Concerned over misery, poverty & death in world
 Leaves life, wife, child & princely status
 Live 6 years as hermit
 528: Enlightenment: 4 Noble Truths
 1.) Suffering is part of all existence
 2.) Suffering has a cause: Selfish desires
(pleasure, power, possessions)
 3.) Suffering can be overcome by destroying selfish desires
 4.) If man follows the Eightfold Path he will destroy selfish
desires and end suffering
beliefs, intentions, speech, conduct, livelihood, effort, thought
Religion & the Indian Way of Life

Stresses Works & Moral Behavior [to end suffering]


Not the aid of deities or a high caste

Goal: Nirvana (state of absolute peace & happiness;
freedom from cravings)


Belief that all will eventually achieve eternal peace
 THE BIBLE SAYS: All people reach [I John 5:11-12]

A.) eternal union with God through Jesus
B.) eternal separation from God
Lack of Political Unity:
Mauryan Empire
India: patchwork of small rival
kingdoms & successive waves of

Mauryan Empire:

326: Alexander the Great enters India (army refuses to

Meets & influences Chandragupta Maurya towards conquest
 Chandragupta Maurya conquers disorganized kindoms & unifies 1 st strong Indian


C. Maurya’s grandson Asoka rises to power
 Extends Indian empire’s borders to include all but S. tip of India
 Renounces War
 Converts to Buddhism
 Builds 1000s of stupas (Buddhist shrines)
 Inscribes Buddhist teachings throughout empire
 Send Buddhist missionaries abroad (= Buddhism takes hold in SE Asia)
 Buddhism does not gain wide support in India (threat to Hindu priest’s power)
Asoka – Buddhist Proselytism


Buddhist stupas during
the Mauryan period
were simple mounds
without decorations.
Butkara stupa, 3rd
century BCE.
Buddhist proselytism
at the time of king
Ashoka (260–218
Lack of Political Unity:
Gupta Empire

2nd-3rd Centuries AD: (232 BC: Asoka dies)


CON: Invasions & Competing Kingdoms
PRO: trade with Rome & China

4th Century AD:

Gupta Empire: golden era of prosperity & achievement


India reunited by a strong gov’t
Trade flourished
Materially prosperous
Culture spreads to SE Asia
Lack of Political Unity:
Gupta Empire

Gupta Culture


Spreads throughout SE Asia
Universities attract international students
Indian art, architecture, literature & science

 Poet Kalidasa “the Indian Shakespeare”
 Influences the brothers Grimm & Rudyard Kipling


Math, Science & Medicine


Arabic numerals
Negative numbers
The decimal
The zero

 Indian theories of gravity
 Knowledge that the earth was round & rotated on an axis


 Free hospitals
 Surgical procedures performed
Post-Guptan India:

6th Century:

Gupta Empire collapses
under White Huns



Political disorder
Small warring kingdoms
Foreign invaders
(absorbed by Hindus)
N. India falls under
Muslim control

1206: Muslim warriors est.
kingdom near Delhi

Way of Life:
Equality of
men before god



7.1 Timeline
1. Religion founded by Siddhartha Guatama
 (approximate year)

1. Earliest civilization (two cities) on Indus River
 (year)
3. Threatened India with his armies
 (year)


326 BC
7.2: China
7.1 Timeline – Section 2
4. The most honored teacher in Chinese history
 (year of birth)

551 BC

5. Dynasty establishing the Pax Sinica
 (year established)

202 BC

6. Earliest known Chinese dynasty
 (year established)

1500 BC

7. Dynasty known for the consolidation of existing structures
the Great Wall
 (year established)

221 BC

8. Dynasty in which Chinese culture flourished
 (year established)

960 BC

9. Dynasty in which Li Po, Chinese poet, lived
 (year dynasty established)

618 AD

10. Legendary founder of Taoism
 (year of birth)

604 BC
The Land

“Middle Kingdom”

Believed to be the center of the

 1/5 world’s population
 Same size as U.S. geographically


One of world’s oldest
 Yellow River (Huang He) &
Yangtze Valley Civilization



Pacific Ocean, Himalayas, Gobi
 Free from outside influence =
maintenance of stable culture

Societal Features: Family Ties

Strong Family Ties

Large Families




Parents, children,
grandparents, aunts,
uncles, nephews, nieces,
cousins, in-laws
Knowledge of 100s years
of genealogy
Responsibility: Bring honor
to thy family!
Ancestor worship
 Household altars
 Purpose: receive blessings
& guidance

Societal Features:
Language & Learning

Spoken Language

Tonal Quality: different tones (pitch) convey
different meanings


Makes communication difficult b/w regions

Common Written Language

65,000 characters


Most literate Chinese know about 4,000
Many Chinese have been illiterate

“Scholars’ World”

Masters of written language hold distinction
Chinese Thought & Life


K’ung Fu-Tzu (Confucious)

Lao-tzu (604-531BC)

Raised in poverty
Period of social/political unrest •Tao (“the way”) was pervading force in nature
Teacher •Achieve peace by living in harmony with nature
•Do not seek power, wealth or learning
•Man can solve societal problems and be happy
•Be simple & inactive
through proper conduct.
•“There is nothing in the world more soft and weak
•Societal peace maintained through proper balance
than water, yet for attacking things that are hard
in 5 Basic Relationships:
and strong there is nothing that surpasses it.”
•Father & Son
•Elder & Younger Brothers
•Husband & Wife
•Friend & Friend
• Ruler & Subjects
•“What you do not want done to yourself, do not do
to others.”
• Problem:
•Neglect of the relationship between man & God


•Philosophy of Chinese educational, social &
political system

•Basis of mystical, magical & superstitious elements

•Active lifestyle
• Man has many social obligations

• Passive lifestyle
• Man should be free from busyness of

•Goal: improved government, laws & education

•Goal: Minimal external authority & minimal societal

Dynastic Cycle




Map of the Silk Road

Ruins of the Han Dynasty

Woven Silk Textile
Terra Cotta Army
Chinese Contributions


Block Printing
Moveable Type
Magnetic Compass
7.3: Japan

100 mi. off coast of Asia
Island nation


4 main islands, 100s of lesser
About the size of California


Most land mountainous
20% land suitable for farming

More geographically remote
than China
Early History

Little known of early history

Myths & legends not historical


Creation Myth

Ancient Japan: warring clans

Clan: group of families descended
from a common ancestor; basic unit
of social, religious & political
Early History

5th Century AD: Yamato Clan

Jimmu Tennu “Heavenly Prince”


Direct descendant of Sun Goddess = divine
Japan has 1 imperial family

Shintoism “the way of the gods”

Supports belief in divine emperor
 Dieties attributed to anything awe-inspring
 Stressed supremacy of sun goddess & divine emperor
 Religion of feeling, love of homeland, loyalty to clan &
reverence for emperor
 Becomes the National Religion
Influence of China
5th – 8th Centuries: Chinese cultural invasion
 7th Century: Prince Shotoku

Buddhism firmly est.


Chinese culture studied


national religion
temples, hospitals & schools constructed
Chinese Writing, literature, Religion, weight system, measurements, medical
practices, calendar, furniture styles, dress, roads & bridges

Taika Reform “Great Change”: Semi-independent gov’t -> central gov’t

Civil Service Exams
Gov’t posts by ability
Capitol: Kyoto


Fujiwara Clan gains power




Fujiwara daughters + imperial sons = male children  Ruling emperor forced to
abdicate so Fujiwara elders could rule as regents
Wealthy & extravagance = corruption & bankruptcy = disorder
Rise of the Samurai

Provincial governors begin to rely on military clans for

12th century: Yorimoto (Minamoto Clan) becomes supreme
military leader



Titled Shogun “Great General”
Creation of military state ruled by warriors

Warrior class becomes ruling class

Samurai (bushi): Japanese warrior


Mastered: horsemanship, fencing, archery, jujitsu
Studied: history, literature & art of writing

Bushido: “The way of the warrior” – code governing Samurai
conduct; demanded loyalty, honor, duty, justice, courage,
sincerity, & politeness




Indus River Valley
Aryan Invasion

Yellow River Valley
Yangtze River Valley

Remote Islands
Creation Myth
-Yamato Clan
-Jimmu Tenno

Society &

Joint Families
Caste System
Village Life

Family Ties
-Ancestor Worship
-Scholar’s Society

-Chinese Cultural Invasion
-Prince Shotoku
-Taika Reform
- - - (effects gov’t)

Mauryan Empire
-Alex. The Great
-C. Gupta
Gupta Empire


Imperial Family
-Fujiwara (Regents)

-Wheel of Life
-World Soul




Comparison of the
Asian Cultures




 Deep rooted beliefs and customs
 Little change
Traditional Values
 India: Hinduism & caste system
 China: Extended family
 Japan: Shintoism & mythology
Dependence on history to determine what was
 Colossians 2:8 “Beware lest any man spoil
you through philosophy and vain deceit, after
the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the
world, and not after Christ.”
Stifling of Individuality




India: caste system
China: family
Japan: clan

Group holds the primary place (not individuals)

Responsible for welfare of members


(all members accountable to group)

Lack of personal initiative
Problems with Groups:


“But let every man prove his own work, and then shall he
have rejoicing in himself alone, and not in another. For every
man shall bear his own burden.” –Galatians 6:2, 4-5
“So then every one of us shall give account of himself to
God.” Romans 14:12
False Religion

Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism,
Taoism, Shintoism
Oldest cultures (&most deceived by Satan)
7.5: The Mongol
The Mongolian Empire, at its height, was
much larger than the Roman Empire.

United the people of central Asia
Mongols began north of China
Nomadic people


Raised sheep, goats and horses
No government, but several tribes with a chief.

1162-Temugin was born

Succeeded his father as chief at the age of 13!
Gradually united all Mongol tribes under his
authority and established an empire.
Genghis Khan

1206 – Mongols gave him the title Genghis


He was “Lord of all people dwelling in felt tents”
Genghis Khan means – “Universal Ruler”
Believed it was his divine commission to conquer
the world
1227 – he died before he could see China under
his rule
Reasons for success:
 Organization

and mobility
 Conquered through fear
 They often massacred an entire
population of a city to teach future
conquests not to resist.
 Expert horsemen
 The horse was a Mongol’s pride
The Great Khan was Genghis’ son and successor.
Yuan Dynasty


Grandson of Genghis – Kublai Khan
Completed the conquest of China
Moved capital to Cambaluc (modern Bejing)
Built highways
Invited missionaries, scholars, artists, and
engineers and employed many as government


Example – Marco Polo.

Kublai’s death meant the end to the empire.

It was still large, but not unified.
Ming Dynasty


Restored Chinese rule.
Drove the Mongols back into Mongolia
Re-established old Chinese ways

As a result of Mongol rule, the Chinese cut
themselves off from the outside world.
Batu Khan



Also a grandson of Genghis
Led Mongols into Russia
Called “Tartars” by Europeans
Also called the “Golden Horde” – horde
means camp. The sun shone off the felt
tents and appeared to glisten as if golden.
Ruled in Russia for 250 years.

Moscow became important because of its
location and its willingness to cooperate with the
Golden Horde….



Recognized the prince in Moscow as the
Grand Prince of Russian
Growth of the Russian church in Moscow
due to the movement of head of the
Orthodox church from Kiev to Moscow.
By 14th century, princes began to openly
challenge Mongol overlords.
Ivan III, Grand Prince from 1462 to 1505,
refused to pay tribute and by 1480 had
pushed the Mongols out.

Tamerlane was a cruel conqueror.
Timur the Lame



Claims to be a descendant of Genghis

Began a new wave of Mongol invasions in
Muslim lands and into India
His sweep into southern Russia assisted
the Russians in overthrowing the Horde

Died in 1405 plotting to re-enter China.
Mughal - Mongol Empire in India

Babur – descendant of Genghis and


Babur means “The Tiger”

Became leader of Turkish Mongols in what
is today Afghanistan
Established law and order
Greatest Mughal leader was Akbar 0
Babur’s grandson
Won support of Hindu people thru religious
7.6: Africa

Four times the size of the continental US.
Covers 1/5 of the earth’s landsurface
Sub Saharan Africa

of the Sahara Desert
Two primary kingdoms
Kingdom of Kush

Overthrew Egyptian rule
Tirhakah of Ethiopia


2 Kings 19:9

Fell to Aksum around AD 330
Embraced Christianity
 Frumentius – helped lead
the Aksum people to God
 The claim to be
descendants of King
Solomon and the
Queen of Sheba
 Muslim

invasions cut off Aksum from
almost all European contact.
 This civilization began modern

Camel trade
Built a strong army
Central Africa
Three early kingdoms in Western

Ghana 700-1200
Mali 1200-1500

Most famous ruler Mansa-Musa



Encouraged trade and learning
Islamic – made pilgrimage to Mecca
His capital Timbuktu was important trade center

Songhai over threw Mali in 15th century

Overthrown by Moroccans in 1591
All three were along the Niger River
 All three built derived wealth from gold
mines and caravan trade


Caravan trade included gold and salt
East African City-States

Eastern Coast


Trade ports, each an independent state
Outlets for gold, iron, ivory and animal skins
Trade and climate made these ports wealthy
Common culture

Mixture of Arab, Persian and African
Language Swahili
Architecture – Arabian
Forest Kingdoms

Provided goods for eastern city-states
Few written records
Most important – Benin (Western Africa)

Fine statues
Relief sculptures
African Culture


Most basic organization




Divers and large family groups

Traditional primitive religions


Farming and herding



Later, the slave trade took prominence

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Wh c7 india china japan africa

  • 1. Chapter 7: Civilizations of India & Africa World History Trinity Christian School Mrs. Stephanie Holland
  • 3.
  • 4. India     Population 1.12 billion Capital: New Delhi Largest city: Mumbai Major Cities:      Bangalore Delhi Hyderabad Kolkata Mumbai
  • 5.
  • 6. India  Population: 1 billion (1/4 of everyone on planet)   Only a quarter of them have access to clean water Half are illiterate
  • 7.
  • 8. Early Civilizations 1st civilizations began in river valleys:  INDUS RIVER Archaeological Evidence:  Mohenjo Daro  Harappa • Carefully planned cities Wide, straight streets • Brick houses • Drainage systems • Traded with Egypt & Mesopotamia Indus civilization ended suddenly: Aryan migration Excerpt, p. 148• • •
  • 10. Aerial View of Mohenjo-Daro
  • 14. A Main Street, Mohenjo-Daro
  • 19. A Male Head, MohenjoDaro Dravidian
  • 28. Early Civilization 1. Aryans 1. 2. 1500 BC: Migrate into Central Asia Fair-skinned 1. Related to tribes invading Near East, Greece & Rome? 2. Herdsmen 3. Language: Sanskrit 3. Vedas: (Vedic Age 1500 BC – 500 BC) 1. 2. Oral tradition Religious beliefs & early traditions 1. * Basis of Indian culture
  • 29. Aryan Migration  pastoral  depended on their cattle.  warriors  horse-drawn chariots.
  • 31. The Vedas  1200 BCE-600 BCE.  written in SANSKRIT.  Hindu core of beliefs:   religious prayers.  Rig Veda  oldest work. hymns and poems. magical spells.  lists of the gods and goddesses.
  • 32. Key Features of Indian Society  Joint (extended) Family         VIP Parents, children, grandchildren, blood relatives of common ancestor Oldest male = authority figure Sons remained in household of father/grandfather Family concerns before individual concerns Arranged marriages Responsibilities for each member Village Life     Small, rural villages Independent & self-governing Governed by: Headman / Village Council 8/10 Indians today live in small villages!
  • 33. Key Features of Indian Society  Caste System  Rigid social class system – governed by strict rules   Determines: location of home, profession, clothing, partners, meals, friends, Determined at birth   Can rise within, but NOT OUT OF your caste 2,000-3,000 caste & subcaste groups; 4 broad “class” groups      1.) Brahmans (priests 2.) rulers & warriors 3.) merchants & traders 4.) servants & slaves 5.) Outcastes “Untouchables” (avoided by other castes)
  • 35. The Vedic Age The foundations for Hinduism were established!
  • 36. Religion & the Indian Way of Life: Hinduism  Ingrained by history, social structure, arts, customs    Preserved traditional elements of India Unifies diverse interests of society NO formal statement of doctrine   Literature    = ability to absorb concepts of various people Vedas Upanishads: philosophical essays elaborating on teaching of the Vedas Acknowledgement of all deities as manifestations of the eternal, unchanging Brahman  Brahman: Not personal being but the World Soul  Ultimate goal of man: reunite with World Soul along Wheel of Life through reincarnation & escape of physical world  Deeds in present life determine status in the next  Bad now = roach later!
  • 37. Religion & the Indian Way of Life: Buddhism  Founder: Siddhartha Bautama  “The Enlightened One” (Buddha)  Age 29: Concerned over misery, poverty & death in world  Leaves life, wife, child & princely status  Live 6 years as hermit  528: Enlightenment: 4 Noble Truths  1.) Suffering is part of all existence  2.) Suffering has a cause: Selfish desires (pleasure, power, possessions)  3.) Suffering can be overcome by destroying selfish desires  4.) If man follows the Eightfold Path he will destroy selfish desires and end suffering (correct beliefs, intentions, speech, conduct, livelihood, effort, thought
  • 38. Religion & the Indian Way of Life Buddhism  Stresses Works & Moral Behavior [to end suffering]   Not the aid of deities or a high caste Goal: Nirvana (state of absolute peace & happiness; freedom from cravings)  Belief that all will eventually achieve eternal peace  THE BIBLE SAYS: All people reach [I John 5:11-12]   A.) eternal union with God through Jesus B.) eternal separation from God
  • 39. Lack of Political Unity: Mauryan Empire India: patchwork of small rival kingdoms & successive waves of invaders  Mauryan Empire:  326: Alexander the Great enters India (army refuses to cont.)  Meets & influences Chandragupta Maurya towards conquest  Chandragupta Maurya conquers disorganized kindoms & unifies 1 st strong Indian empire.  C. Maurya’s grandson Asoka rises to power  Extends Indian empire’s borders to include all but S. tip of India  Renounces War  Converts to Buddhism  Builds 1000s of stupas (Buddhist shrines)  Inscribes Buddhist teachings throughout empire  Send Buddhist missionaries abroad (= Buddhism takes hold in SE Asia)  Buddhism does not gain wide support in India (threat to Hindu priest’s power)
  • 40. Asoka – Buddhist Proselytism   Buddhist stupas during the Mauryan period were simple mounds without decorations. Butkara stupa, 3rd century BCE. Buddhist proselytism at the time of king Ashoka (260–218 BCE).
  • 41. Lack of Political Unity: Gupta Empire  2nd-3rd Centuries AD: (232 BC: Asoka dies)    CON: Invasions & Competing Kingdoms PRO: trade with Rome & China 4th Century AD:  Gupta Empire: golden era of prosperity & achievement     India reunited by a strong gov’t Trade flourished Materially prosperous Culture spreads to SE Asia
  • 42. Lack of Political Unity: Gupta Empire  Gupta Culture      Spreads throughout SE Asia Universities attract international students Textiles Ironwork Indian art, architecture, literature & science  Literature:  Poet Kalidasa “the Indian Shakespeare”  Influences the brothers Grimm & Rudyard Kipling  Math, Science & Medicine      Arabic numerals Negative numbers The decimal The zero Science  Indian theories of gravity  Knowledge that the earth was round & rotated on an axis  Medicine  Free hospitals  Surgical procedures performed
  • 43. Post-Guptan India:  6th Century:  Gupta Empire collapses under White Huns      Political disorder Small warring kingdoms Foreign invaders (absorbed by Hindus) N. India falls under Muslim control 1206: Muslim warriors est. kingdom near Delhi Muslims Religious Monotheistic Way of Life: Equality of men before god Hindus Polytheistic Caste system
  • 44. 7.1 Timeline 1. Religion founded by Siddhartha Guatama  (approximate year) 1. Earliest civilization (two cities) on Indus River  (year) 3. Threatened India with his armies  (year) BUDDHISM 528?BC MOHENJO-DARO & HARAPPA 2300BC ALEX. THE GREAT (GREEK) 326 BC
  • 46. 7.1 Timeline – Section 2 4. The most honored teacher in Chinese history  (year of birth) CONFUCIOUS 551 BC 5. Dynasty establishing the Pax Sinica  (year established) HAN DYNASTY 202 BC 6. Earliest known Chinese dynasty  (year established) SHANG DYNASTY 1500 BC 7. Dynasty known for the consolidation of existing structures into the Great Wall  (year established) CH’IN DYNASTY 221 BC 8. Dynasty in which Chinese culture flourished  (year established) SUNG DYNASTY 960 BC 9. Dynasty in which Li Po, Chinese poet, lived  (year dynasty established) T’ANG DYNASTY 618 AD 10. Legendary founder of Taoism  (year of birth) LAO-TZU 604 BC
  • 47. The Land  “Middle Kingdom”  Believed to be the center of the earth  Today:  1/5 world’s population  Same size as U.S. geographically  One of world’s oldest civilizations  Yellow River (Huang He) & Yangtze Valley Civilization  Isolated  Pacific Ocean, Himalayas, Gobi Desert  Free from outside influence = maintenance of stable culture 47
  • 48. Societal Features: Family Ties  Strong Family Ties  Large Families     Parents, children, grandparents, aunts, uncles, nephews, nieces, cousins, in-laws Knowledge of 100s years of genealogy Responsibility: Bring honor to thy family! Ancestor worship  Household altars  Purpose: receive blessings & guidance 48
  • 49. Societal Features: Language & Learning  Spoken Language  Tonal Quality: different tones (pitch) convey different meanings   Makes communication difficult b/w regions Common Written Language  65,000 characters    Most literate Chinese know about 4,000 Many Chinese have been illiterate “Scholars’ World”  Masters of written language hold distinction 49
  • 50. Chinese Thought & Life Confucianism Taoism K’ung Fu-Tzu (Confucious) Lao-tzu (604-531BC) Raised in poverty Period of social/political unrest •Tao (“the way”) was pervading force in nature Teacher •Achieve peace by living in harmony with nature •Do not seek power, wealth or learning •Man can solve societal problems and be happy •Be simple & inactive through proper conduct. •“There is nothing in the world more soft and weak •Societal peace maintained through proper balance than water, yet for attacking things that are hard in 5 Basic Relationships: and strong there is nothing that surpasses it.” •Father & Son •Elder & Younger Brothers •Husband & Wife •Friend & Friend • Ruler & Subjects •“What you do not want done to yourself, do not do to others.” • Problem: •Neglect of the relationship between man & God 50
  • 51. Confucianism Taoism •Philosophy of Chinese educational, social & political system •Basis of mystical, magical & superstitious elements •Active lifestyle • Man has many social obligations • Passive lifestyle • Man should be free from busyness of responsibility •Goal: improved government, laws & education •Goal: Minimal external authority & minimal societal involvement 51
  • 53. 53
  • 54.
  • 55. Map of the Silk Road (
  • 56. Ruins of the Han Dynasty (Bear)
  • 61. Japan   100 mi. off coast of Asia Island nation   4 main islands, 100s of lesser islands About the size of California    Most land mountainous 20% land suitable for farming More geographically remote than China
  • 62. Early History  Little known of early history  Myths & legends not historical records   Creation Myth Ancient Japan: warring clans  Clan: group of families descended from a common ancestor; basic unit of social, religious & political organization
  • 63. Early History  5th Century AD: Yamato Clan  Jimmu Tennu “Heavenly Prince”    Direct descendant of Sun Goddess = divine Japan has 1 imperial family Shintoism “the way of the gods”  Supports belief in divine emperor  Dieties attributed to anything awe-inspring  Stressed supremacy of sun goddess & divine emperor  Religion of feeling, love of homeland, loyalty to clan & reverence for emperor  Becomes the National Religion
  • 64. Influence of China 5th – 8th Centuries: Chinese cultural invasion  7th Century: Prince Shotoku  Buddhism firmly est.    Chinese culture studied   national religion temples, hospitals & schools constructed Chinese Writing, literature, Religion, weight system, measurements, medical practices, calendar, furniture styles, dress, roads & bridges Taika Reform “Great Change”: Semi-independent gov’t -> central gov’t  Civil Service Exams Gov’t posts by ability Capitol: Kyoto  Fujiwara Clan gains power     Fujiwara daughters + imperial sons = male children  Ruling emperor forced to abdicate so Fujiwara elders could rule as regents Wealthy & extravagance = corruption & bankruptcy = disorder
  • 65. Rise of the Samurai  Provincial governors begin to rely on military clans for protection  12th century: Yorimoto (Minamoto Clan) becomes supreme military leader     Titled Shogun “Great General” Creation of military state ruled by warriors (1162-1868) Warrior class becomes ruling class  Samurai (bushi): Japanese warrior    Mastered: horsemanship, fencing, archery, jujitsu Studied: history, literature & art of writing Bushido: “The way of the warrior” – code governing Samurai conduct; demanded loyalty, honor, duty, justice, courage, sincerity, & politeness
  • 66.
  • 67. INDIA CHINA JAPAN History Indus River Valley -Mohenjo-Daro --Harappa Aryan Invasion Yellow River Valley Yangtze River Valley Remote Islands Creation Myth -Yamato Clan -Jimmu Tenno Society & Culture Sanskrit Vedas/Upanishads Joint Families Caste System Village Life Family Ties -Ancestor Worship Language -Spoken -Written -Scholar’s Society -Chinese Cultural Invasion -Prince Shotoku -Taika Reform - - - (effects gov’t) Mauryan Empire -Alex. The Great -C. Gupta Gupta Empire Dynasties -Shang -Chou -Chi’in -Han -T’ang -Sung Imperial Family -Fujiwara (Regents) -Samurai Hinduism -Brahman -Wheel of Life -World Soul Buddhism Taoism Confucianism Shintoism Gov’t Religion
  • 69. Traditionalism    “Changeless Lands”  Deep rooted beliefs and customs  Little change Traditional Values  India: Hinduism & caste system  China: Extended family  Japan: Shintoism & mythology Dependence on history to determine what was good  Colossians 2:8 “Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.”
  • 70. Stifling of Individuality  Groups     India: caste system China: family Japan: clan Group holds the primary place (not individuals)  Responsible for welfare of members    (all members accountable to group) Lack of personal initiative Problems with Groups:   “But let every man prove his own work, and then shall he have rejoicing in himself alone, and not in another. For every man shall bear his own burden.” –Galatians 6:2, 4-5 “So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God.” Romans 14:12
  • 71. False Religion   Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, Shintoism Oldest cultures (&most deceived by Satan)
  • 73. The Mongolian Empire, at its height, was much larger than the Roman Empire.
  • 74. Mongols    United the people of central Asia Mongols began north of China Nomadic people    Raised sheep, goats and horses No government, but several tribes with a chief. 1162-Temugin was born   Succeeded his father as chief at the age of 13! Gradually united all Mongol tribes under his authority and established an empire.
  • 75. Genghis Khan  1206 – Mongols gave him the title Genghis Khan     He was “Lord of all people dwelling in felt tents” Genghis Khan means – “Universal Ruler” Believed it was his divine commission to conquer the world 1227 – he died before he could see China under his rule
  • 76. Reasons for success:  Organization and mobility  Conquered through fear  They often massacred an entire population of a city to teach future conquests not to resist.  Expert horsemen  The horse was a Mongol’s pride possession The Great Khan was Genghis’ son and successor.
  • 77. Yuan Dynasty      Grandson of Genghis – Kublai Khan Completed the conquest of China Moved capital to Cambaluc (modern Bejing) Built highways Invited missionaries, scholars, artists, and engineers and employed many as government officials.   Example – Marco Polo. Kublai’s death meant the end to the empire.  It was still large, but not unified.
  • 78. Ming Dynasty     Restored Chinese rule. Drove the Mongols back into Mongolia Re-established old Chinese ways As a result of Mongol rule, the Chinese cut themselves off from the outside world.
  • 79. Batu Khan      Also a grandson of Genghis Led Mongols into Russia Called “Tartars” by Europeans Also called the “Golden Horde” – horde means camp. The sun shone off the felt tents and appeared to glisten as if golden. Ruled in Russia for 250 years.  Moscow became important because of its location and its willingness to cooperate with the Horde.
  • 80. Golden Horde….     Recognized the prince in Moscow as the Grand Prince of Russian Growth of the Russian church in Moscow due to the movement of head of the Orthodox church from Kiev to Moscow. By 14th century, princes began to openly challenge Mongol overlords. Ivan III, Grand Prince from 1462 to 1505, refused to pay tribute and by 1480 had pushed the Mongols out.
  • 81. Tamerlane   Tamerlane was a cruel conqueror. Timur the Lame    Claims to be a descendant of Genghis Began a new wave of Mongol invasions in Muslim lands and into India His sweep into southern Russia assisted the Russians in overthrowing the Horde  Died in 1405 plotting to re-enter China.
  • 82. Mughal - Mongol Empire in India  Babur – descendant of Genghis and Tamerlane      Babur means “The Tiger” Became leader of Turkish Mongols in what is today Afghanistan Established law and order Greatest Mughal leader was Akbar 0 Babur’s grandson Won support of Hindu people thru religious tolerance.
  • 84. Africa   Four times the size of the continental US. Covers 1/5 of the earth’s landsurface
  • 85. Sub Saharan Africa South of the Sahara Desert Two primary kingdoms Kush Aksum
  • 87. Kush   Overthrew Egyptian rule Tirhakah of Ethiopia   2 Kings 19:9 Fell to Aksum around AD 330
  • 88. Embraced Christianity  Frumentius – helped lead the Aksum people to God  The claim to be descendants of King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba 
  • 89.  Muslim invasions cut off Aksum from almost all European contact.  This civilization began modern Ethiopia.
  • 90. Kanem-Bornu     Camel trade Built a strong army 800-1846 Central Africa
  • 91. Three early kingdoms in Western Africa   Ghana 700-1200 Mali 1200-1500  Most famous ruler Mansa-Musa     Encouraged trade and learning Islamic – made pilgrimage to Mecca His capital Timbuktu was important trade center Songhai over threw Mali in 15th century  Overthrown by Moroccans in 1591
  • 92. All three were along the Niger River  All three built derived wealth from gold mines and caravan trade   Caravan trade included gold and salt
  • 93. East African City-States  Eastern Coast     Trade ports, each an independent state Outlets for gold, iron, ivory and animal skins Trade and climate made these ports wealthy Common culture    Mixture of Arab, Persian and African Language Swahili Architecture – Arabian
  • 94. Forest Kingdoms    Provided goods for eastern city-states Few written records Most important – Benin (Western Africa)   Fine statues Relief sculptures
  • 95. African Culture  Family   Most basic organization Polygamy    Religion      Divers and large family groups Clans/Tribes Christianity Islam Muslim Traditional primitive religions Economy  Farming and herding  Trading  Later, the slave trade took prominence