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Water for South Sudan | Social Media Plan 2015
Social Media Plan
The PRIMA Group
St. John Fisher College
Water For South Sudan | Social Media Plan 2015 2
Table of Contents
Executive Summary 3
Overall Social Media Goals 3
Social Channels 4
Key Metrics & Benchmarks 5
Measurement Tool 6
Target Audiences 7
Key Messages 8
Objectives, Strategies, and Tactics 9
Conclusion 14
References 15
Appendix A: Social Media Audit 16
Appendix B: Example Posts 20
Appendix C: 3-Month Social Media Content Calendar 22
Appendix D: Insight Reports / Research 25
Water For South Sudan | Social Media Plan 2015 3
Executive Summary
Water for South Sudan, Inc. is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3), based out of Rochester, New York, founded
in 2003. Operating with just a small number of paid staff, the organization thrives with a committed
network of volunteers; additionally, they are supported by groups of civic, educational, and faith-
based principles, as well as from individual donors and grants from foundations. Due to limited
staff, Water for South Sudan’s social media presence is lacking a consistency over all platforms and a
way to draw in new followers. The following document is a social media plan for Water for South
Sudan; it is meant to share the story of the organization, motivate the community to engage, and
encourage social media followers to also donate online.
Water for South Sudan delivers direct, transformative, and sustainable quality-of-life to the people of
South Sudan by efficiently providing access to clear, safe water, and improving hygiene practices in
areas of great need. One well costs $15,000. Water for South Sudan has aided in drilling of 257 wells
since 2005. They average 40 wells a year, totally $160,000 in needed funds. The organization has
invested time in education the important of water as a natural right, working towards helping young
girls that live in South Sudan, and helping to develop the newest independent country.
Without clean water, every 90 seconds a child dies from a water-related disease.5
Water crisis is the #1 global risk based on impact to society as announced by the World Economic
Forum in January 2015
. 783 million people are without clean water
. Imagine just a single day
without clean water. Without water that’s replenishing or refreshing. “#WithoutWater” is the theme
of this social media plan. It’s aimed to increase the understanding of the need for water, the number
of people without water, and the way supporters can make a difference. For those living in South
Sudan, an essential need is not being met. This campaign highlights this need and how threatening
the lack of water can be on people. Much like Salva’s story, it impacts supporters in an emotional
way. Emotion will lead people to offer support, donate money, share material, and become brand
advocates for the causes. This plan aims to create and maintain personal relationships with current
and future donors. Content focuses on the organization’s desire to remain “human centered”
throughout all engagement and “ask pieces.” Because #WithoutWater 1.5 billion people are
diagnosed with a water-related disease each year and nearly 5,000 children die each day
Overall Social Media Goals
• Increase awareness and name recognition of Water for South Sudan.
• Increase supporter engagement on social media.
• Share the story of the organization.
• Create mutually beneficial relationships with donors.
Water For South Sudan | Social Media Plan 2015 4
Social Channels
Facebook /waterforsouthsudan
Share relevant, links, engaging content, videos, and upcoming events.
Educate those that are unfamiliar with the cause.
Link to sponsorship and donations.
Twitter @waterforsosudan
Promote content, news, and events.
Share pictures or aspects of Salva’s story.
Create a space conversation and sharing of material.
Instagram @waterforsouthsudan
Share moments that represent the culture of the organization.
Tell Salva’s story through pictures.
Create visuals that can show the important of clean water.
Water For South Sudan | Social Media Plan 2015 5
Key Metrics & Benchmarks
Likes and posts, page followers, engagement and comments, referring traffic, shares, lead
generation / new donors.
• Total Page Likes = 2,373
o Goal: 10% increase = 2,610+
• Engagement Rate (post clicks) = 265
o Goal: 10% increase = 292+
• Engagement Rate (likes, comments) = 283
o Goal: 10% increase = 312+
• Reach = 6,400 people
o Goal: 10% increase= 7040+
Followers, mentions, retweets, favorite tweets, hashtag usage, retweets reach, replies
reach, number of lists.
• Total Followers = 1,884
o Goal: 10% increase = 2,068+
Referral traffic, likes and comments, views of photos, page rankings on key terms, number
of donations, and lead generation.
• Total Followers = 627
o Goal: 10% increase = 690+
Site visits per month, page views per month, and audience size per month.
• Site visits per month: 15,072 people
o Goal: 10% increase = 16,579+
• Page Views per month: 46,189 people
o Goal: 10% increase = 50,808+
• Audience size per month: 11,541 people
o Goal: 10% increase = 12, 695+
Water For South Sudan | Social Media Plan 2015 6
Measurement Tools
For the measurement and analysis of Water for South Sudan’s social media channels, Facebook
Insights, Sqaurespace Metrics, and Hootsuite analytics should be used to gain insight into
engagement rate, track channel growth, and follow conversations about your brand.
Facebook Insights:
• Track umber and changes in page likes
• View daily active users
• Demographics
• See unique page views
• Measure post reach
• Identify your opinion leaders
• Discover what kinds of posts gain the most engagement of followers
Squarespace Analytics:
• Identify popular website content
• Unique visitors to each page within the site
• Traffic from mobile users
• Search queries
• How people find the site
Hootsuite Analytics:
• Utilize for Twitter analytics
• Generate analytical reports for different connected social platforms
• Track conversations
• Discover keywords and trends in user-generated content
• Sort followers by level of influence (Klout score)
Water For South Sudan | Social Media Plan 2015 7
Target Audience
The target audience is the group of individuals that Water for South Sudan is trying to reach with
their messages. The end recipients of key messages should be established early in order to reach
established goals. The target audience should be the type of people Water for South Sudan wants to
be associated with; this is unique to each organization. The target audience should be listed from
primary to secondary and so on.
Middle/High School Students: those that read A Long Walk to Water
• New York State Public High Schools
• Respond to Salva’s Story
• Social Channels: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter
Business Owners: Possible Well Sponsors
• Age range: 40+
• Region: local to the organization (Rochester, New York)
• Social Channels: Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter
Parents of Middle/High School Students:
• Age range: 40+
• Gender: Female
• Respond to Salva’s Story and their own child’s interest
• Social Channel: Facebook, Instagram
Water For South Sudan | Social Media Plan 2015 8
Key Messages
Water for South Sudan should have specific key messages to represent the Water for South Sudan
organization. Having solidified messages allows for a more organizational social media mission.
They should support the overall aim and concentration of the organization. All strategies, content,
and dialogue surrounding Water for South Sudan should relate to these messages.
“A Basic Need, A Human Right”
“Drilling Wells, Transforming Lives”
“Supporting Water for South Sudan Makes the World a Better Place”
“Water for South Sudan strives to rain awareness on the important of clean water”
“Salva’s story is an inspiration to raise awareness on the need for clean water in South Sudan”
“You will die without clean water”
“Without clean water, a child dies every 90 seconds”
Word Bank:
Clean, Water, Donate, Salva, Children, South Sudan, Human Rights, Need, Hygiene
Causes Water for South Sudan Cares About:
• Clean Water
• Children
• Development of South Sudan
• Hygiene
• Education
Water For South Sudan | Social Media Plan 2015 9
Objectives, Strategies, and Tactics
Objective #1: To increase name recognition by 10% by June 2016.
Strategy #1: Maintain consistency for all social media platforms.
Rationale: Water for South Sudan’s website analytics has shown that people have been consistently searching
for “hygiene” and “hygiene education”. This shows that people are interested in the success and depth of the
organization’s efforts.
Tactic #1: Design and implement a three-month social media calendar to
plan curated content and organize when it will be posted.
Tactic #2: Frequently check platforms to ensure posts are congruent with
each other (use similar filters, placement of objects, or important details).
Strategy #2: Create awareness concerning the necessity of water on a daily basis.
Rationale: Water is something that many Americans have an endless supply of without even realizing the
importance of it. By showing the importance of water, people will realize how lucky they are to have it, and
feel empathy for those who do not. This empathy will encourage donating.
Tactic #1: Posting a “water tip” (gallons of water for a shower, how many
ounces of water someone should drink in a day, how much water does the
average person use, etc.).
Tactic #2: Create a hashtag that gets people talking and thinking about how
much they use water, #thingsyouusewaterfor or #withoutwater.
Strategy #3: Educate followers and supporters on wells, clean water, and hygiene.
Rationale: According to “How to Market in the Nonprofit Sector, donors want a cause to support, rather than
to just give money away. In order to create the brand people want to support, it is important to share the
technology that is helping lead the company, and the success stories that have followed.
Tactic #1: Share testimonies of those who are benefiting from the wells
through the website. These narratives would consist of an image and a short
caption about the person. Post narratives in increments to show growth in
the company, and to create loyal followers.
Tactic #3: Posts about equipment and process of drilling wells to help donors
understand why funding is needed.
Water For South Sudan | Social Media Plan 2015 10
Tactic #4: Incorporate statistics of poverty in South Sudan into an emotional
Tactic #5: Focus on Sudanese children who have benefited from the wells
that Water for South Sudan has helped install.
Tactic #6: Share content with followers that gives links and directions
explaining how they may help.
Tactic #8: Use a consistent, unique hashtag (e.g. #WaterisLife) different from
#SouthSudan or #CleanWater.
Tactic #9: Post facts and news from South Sudan on Twitter and Facebook.
Strategy #4: Use the telling of Slava’s Story to inspire others.
Rationale: Salva is the driving face behind the Water for South Sudan Organization. People recognize him,
and empathize with his story.
Tactic #1: Keep social media platforms up to date on Salva’s story. Create a
timeline of Salva stories to post, and post them in series by organizing
postings through Hootsuite.
Tactic #2: Since the passing of Salva’s father, show how Salva is continuously
working to fulfill his original dream for his dad.
Strategy #5: Identify alternate options to engaging followers besides Salva’s Story.
Rationale: Salva’s s compelling story introduces the organizations to others. To further develop brand
awareness, there should be consistent sharing of other success stories relating to Water for South Sudan.
Tactic #1: Promote implementation of new wells through posting images of
wells being built.
Tactic #2: Share stories of people the organization has helped.
Tactic #3: Share stories of people who have benefited from the
implementation of new wells in South Sudan.
Strategy #6: Create Brand Advocates: Encourage supporters through persistent but
not pushy messages to do more than donate money (i.e. share if you support).
Water For South Sudan | Social Media Plan 2015 11
Rationale: According to “The Power of Social Media for Nonprofit Organizations”, social media can be very
effective in promoting events and encouraging people to attend. By sharing authenticity, people will become
brand ambassadors and feel a connection with the organization overall.
Tactic #1: Post photos that people will feel empathy towards, such as those
who use the wells and children.
Tactic #2: Encourage people to share messages through Facebook posts.
Tactic #3: Create a “spread the message” campaign. The “spread the
message” campaign would consist of sharing the purpose and goals of Water
for South Sudan, and show the success they have seen through their work
and through the support of donors. This would be a shareable, heartfelt
story that specifically asks followers to show their support by sharing it on
their newsfeed.
Tactic #4: Boost popular and shareable posts to reach a wider audience
Water For South Sudan | Social Media Plan 2015 12
Objective #2: To increase fundraising by 15% by December 2016.
Strategy #1: Construct an enticing Call to Action on the website.
Rationale: It is best to bring the Call to Action as close to the consumer as possible. By prompting them as
they enter the website, they are not forced to search for the call to action.
Tactic #1: Place a Call to Action button labeled “Join the Cause” at the top of
the website.
Tactic #2: Incorporate a “Donate” button into the website banner.
Tactic #3: Provide a catchy slogan with the call to action, such as “Help get
the water flowing”.
Strategy #2: Create “Ask Pieces” to generate support for the cause.
Rationale: By creating an Ask Piece, potential donors will know exactly what they are donating to and the
benefits of donating.
Tactic #1: Create a viral video to show the impact and benefits of Water for
South Sudan. Creating the viral video can be done in multiple of ways,
including teaming up with a video production course at St. John Fisher
College to create a service learning course, and work with those who are
actually in South Sudan creating the wells and seeing results.
Tactic #2: Post videos of people in South Sudan asking for donations.
Tactic #3: Create viral challenge of people nominating others to go without
wasting water for the day, the “No Water Challenge”. When people are
nominated they are directed to the Water for South Sudan website to
Tactic #4: Construct ask pieces around important times of the year: Salva’s
Birthday, Holidays, etc. (see social media calendar for specifics).
Strategy #3: Produce leading content that brings followers to the website to learn
more about the cause.
Rationale: Donors want to know the cause that they are donating to. By creating compelling content,
potential donors will want to learn more about the organization, and eventually donate.
Tactic #1: Show the impact the wells have had on Sudanese children through
Water For South Sudan | Social Media Plan 2015 13
Tactic #2: Reflect on past stories previously shared on social by re-sharing
Tactic #3: Take advantage of engagement. If people comment or ask
questions on posts always try to reply in a timely manner and offer
Tactic #4: Strive to produce emotional content that involves honesty and
sincerity by showing real people living in South Sudan.
Strategy #4: Maintain the “human centered” approach.
Rationale: Water for South Sudan currently uses the “human centered” approach. This approach means that
there is a face leading the organization in educating the public.
Tactic #1: Continue using Salva’s story to promote Water for South Sudan.
Emphasize his story of survival with the lost boys, and his coming to America.
Tactic #2: Continue to emphasize the importance of Salva’s reason for
starting the organization, his father.
Tactic #3: Show Salva’s connection to the Rochester community.
Tactic #4: Share Salva’s success of moving to America and earning a college
Strategy #5: Encourage repeat donors.
Rationale: Earning a donor costs much more than having a repeat donor. By having repeat donors, the
brand will create brand ambassadors, and it will be done at minimal cost.
Tactic #1: Show how lives in South Sudan have improved because of efforts.
Tactic #2: Track donations by posting about specific wells being drilled that
were possible because of someone’s donation.
Water For South Sudan | Social Media Plan 2015 14
This is a social media plan that is meant to increase brand awareness and increase
donations. The campaign includes a social media plan, calendar, and audit for Water for
South Sudan. It has used extensive research to incorporate new ideas while instilling the
organizations lasting values.
It is important to build brand awareness and create lifelong supporters of the organization.
Having an understanding of what content gains support from followers and grows in
popularity will help the brand grow and gain support.
Our research and knowledge enabled our group to understand the importance of branding
in a non-profit organization through social media. It helped us develop this social media
plan that can be implemented for Water for South Sudan.
Water For South Sudan | Social Media Plan 2015 15
1. Barry, F. (2011, June 1). Nonprofit Social Media Primer. Retrieved December 3, 2015, from
2. Cummings, C. (2015, November 30). Infographic: Inside the Minds and Motivations of
Today’s Charitable Donors. Retrieved December 4, 2015, from htttp://www.adweek
3. The Power of Social Media for Nonprofit Organizations. (2010, March 6). Retrieved
December 4, 2015, from
4. Hartnett, B., & Matan, R. (2011, March 21). Marketing Your Nonprofit Organization.
Retrieved December 4, 2015, from
5. Water Crisis: Water & Sanitation. Waterorg. N.p., n.d. Retrieved December 9, 2015 from:
Water For South Sudan | Social Media Plan 2015 16
Appendix A: Social Media Audit
This audit was created at the beginning of the project.
When “Water for South Sudan” is Googled, the website was the first thing that
popped up. The second link was to the Wikipedia page. The first social media site that
comes up when googled is the Vimeo account. The Facebook page does appear on the first
page of results; however, it is closer to the bottom. The second page does not show any
more results for social media sites.
According to Social Media the main mission statement should be “Drilling Wells.
Transforming lives.”
Name Date Page
Last Post
Water For
South Sudan
Jan 9,
2,366 476/3 A video was posted Dec. 4
about kids learning skills to
help the community.
Ownership: Water for South Sudan
Facebook(mission): “Water for South Sudan delivers direct, transformative and
sustainable quality-of-life service to the people of South Sudan
by efficiently providing access to clean, safe water and
improving hygiene practices in areas of great need.”
Branding: Profile Picture features their logo while their Cover Page is of
a child drinking from a well they had helped build.
Contact Info: Contains links to website, phone number and email.
Status: Facebook page seems to be used frequently with statuses,
pictures or videos being posted daily.
Water For South Sudan | Social Media Plan 2015 17
Name Date Handle Tweets Following Followers Likes
Water for
South Sudan
@WaterforSoSudan 1018 360 1884 748
Organization: Water for South Sudan
Bio: “We’re realizing former Lost Boy Salva Dut’s vision of
transforming lives by providing access to fresh water and
hygiene education in South Sudan.”
Branding: Their profile picture is the logo used in other social media
platforms. Cover Page contains kids holding up a Water of
South Sudan sign honoring a school for their participation.
Content: Has a total of 88 photos/videos, promoting the Iron Giraffe
challenge, capturing various moments of the process of
digging and constructing a well and the reactions of the
people who benefit from the well.
Status: Still in use with postings being put up daily.
Name Followers Following Photos
Water for
South Sudan
627 19 108
Organization: Water for South Sudan.
Bio: “Water for South Sudan was founded by former Lost Boy of
of South Sudan, Salva Dut.”
Branding: The logo is at the top left of page, which also contains many
great pictures regarding their work in South Sudan.
Water For South Sudan | Social Media Plan 2015 18
Content: So many meaningful pictures that show the effect this
organization is having. They have a total of 108 photos, and
they posted their last picture 6 hours ago regarding the Iron
Giraffe Challenge. Other pictures show people drinking clean
water and workers drilling/constructing a new well.
Status: It seems to be active, but it is not enough. It’ll be a great touch
if they could add some more pictures of kids drinking clean
Name Date Page Category Followers Videos Last Post
Water for
South Sudan
6 years ago Non-Profit 21 26 Post 2 years ago, about
help supporting the new
nation of South Sudan.
Organization: Water of South Sudan
Bio: “Water for South Sudan transforms lives in South Sudan by
drilling wells, providing clean, safe drinking water.”
Branding: Has logo at the top left of the site with information about
where they are based and what they stand for. Next to the
logo there is an enlarged video of Salva Dut titled Founder’s
Content: There are 26 video posted and a link to their website at the
bottom of the page. However there is no link to their
Facebook or Twitter page. The last video posted was from
two years ago, but seems their bio was updated sometime
in August 2015.
Status: Seems to be inactive
Water For South Sudan | Social Media Plan 2015 19
Name Date Subscribers Videos Views Last post
193 28 59,667 9 months
Organization: Water for South Sudan
Content: There are 28 videos and 193 subscribers. There are no link to
their website, Facebook or Twitter page. The last video posted
was from 9 months ago.
Status: Seems to be very inactive.
The channel has videos that are pertinent to what the organization is trying to convey to
the public. It is not very up to date with its postings, with the last one being 6 months ago.
● Shows clarity on their purpose across various social media platforms. By using a
uniform logo on Facebook, Twitter, Vimeo and Instagram they achieve better brand
● Uses frequent postings on Facebook and Twitter that encourages followers to
donate and learn more about the lasting impact they have in South Sudan.
● All have a link to the website so people that are interested in donating will have to
follow a relatively simple donating process.
● Organization does an excellent job in engaging with their audience through
Facebook and Twitter.
● Instagram should be used for emotion and stories. Facebook should be used for
Water For South Sudan | Social Media Plan 2015 20
Appendix A: Example Posts
Call to action/ ask post: Calls
attention to the cause and
directs people to donate.
Facts and information post: Shares information about South Sudan to educate followers.
Water For South Sudan | Social Media Plan 2015 21
Throwback Thursday
(#TBT) Post: A picture that
represents progression of
the organization.
 JANUARY 2016  ​Content color key:  ​Facebook ­ Blue    ​Twitter ­ Bright blue  Instagram ­ Red Website/holiday/Other ­ Black
27  28  29  30  31  1  2 
Salva's 'Birthday': 
Major ask piece 
New year, new beginnings 
3  4  5  6  7  8  9 
South Sudan News 
Elementary school 
students return from 
break post 
y ­  
Testimonial about how 
WFSS changed lives 
#WithOutWater post ­ All 
Throwback Thursday 
  South Sudan fact 
10  11  12  13  14  15  16 
Child spotlight 
Personal story w/ call to 
action post 
#WithOutWater post ­ All 
platforms      South Sudan fact 
17  18  19  20  21  22  23 
South Sudan News 
MLK day 
y ­  
Testimonial about how 
WFSS changed lives 
#WithOutWater post ­ All 
Throwback Thursday 
  South Sudan fact 
24  25  26  27  28  29  30 
Child spotlight 
Personal story w/ call to 
action post 
#WithOutWater post ­ All 
platforms      South Sudan fact 
31  1  2  3  4  5  6 
South Sudan News 
 February 2016  ​Content color key:  ​Facebook ­ Blue    ​Twitter ­ Bright blue  Instagram ­ Red Website/holiday/Other ­ Black
31  1  2  3  4  5  6 
Start of Black History 
Library Lovers Month 
Groundhog Day­  
How your donation can 
keep giving everyday 
(movie reference) 
#WithOutWater post ­ All 
Throwback Thursday 
  South Sudan fact 
7  8  9  10  11  12  13 
Child Spotlight 
Feb. 8­12 Random Acts 
of Kindness Week 
/statistics update 
Personal story w/ call to 
action post 
#WithOutWater post ­ All 
    South Sudan fact 
14  15  16  17  18  19  20 
Valentine's Day​ ­ 
Show your love 
through the gift of 
y ­  
Testimonial about how 
WFSS changed lives 
#WithOutWater post ­ All 
Throwback Thursday 
  South Sudan fact 
21  22  23  24  25  26  27 
Child Spotlight 
Personal story w/ call to 
action post 
#WithOutWater post ­ All 
    South Sudan fact 
28  29  1  2  3  4  5 
South Sudan News 
 March 2016  ​Content color key:  ​Facebook ­ Blue    ​Twitter ­ Bright blue  Instagram ­ Red Website/holiday/Other ­ Black
28  29  1  2  3  4  5 
y ­ Testimonial about 
how WFSS changed 
#WithOutWater post ­ All 
Throwback Thursday 
#TBT picture 
  South Sudan fact 
6  7  8  9  10  11  12 
Personal story w/ call to 
action post 
#WithOutWater post ­ All 
    South Sudan fact 
13  14  15  16  17  18  19 
 South Sudan News 
y ­ Testimonial about 
how WFSS changed 
#WithOutWater post ­ All 
St. Patrick's Day 
Throwback Thursday 
#TBT picture    South Sudan fact 
20  21  22  23  24  25  26 
First day of Spring ­ 
Renewal of life post w/ 
Personal story w/ call to 
action post 
#WithOutWater post ­ All 
platforms      South Sudan fact 
27  28  29  30  31  1  2 
y ­ Testimonial about 
how WFSS changed 
#WithOutWater post ­ All 
Throwback Thursday 
Water for South Sudan 
Social Media Analytics 
Week of November 16, 2015 
Presented by The PRIMA Group 
The purpose of Water for South Sudan is to empower people in remote villages in South 
Sudan to change their lives by providing clean and safe drinking water and facilitating 
hygiene education. Water for South Sudan promotes their purpose through the use of 
their website, ​​, as well as through their presence on social 
medias, including Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. The following is an initial report on 
the strategic success of these media outlets. 
The PRIMA Group is monitoring the website, ​​, through the 
media management tool Squarespace. 
Monthly Traffic 
The following is a graph from Squarespace showing the number of visitors per month:  
According to this graph, the number of visitors to the site increased significantly in the 
month of October. The number of visitors also decreased in the summer months. This 
could be due to a number of reasons; this data is most likely correlated with the school 
year. As the book from the organization is promoted in schools, readers of the book are 
more inclined to learn more about the organization. When the book is not being 
promoted, during the summer months, there is a large decrease in visitors.  
In the future, this information can be used to increase the conversion rates of donations 
of visitors on the site. From this information, it is best to say that promoting donations/ 
other call to actions will be the most successful during the school year. However, the 
monthly interaction rates will have to be continuously monitored to see if the number of 
monthly site visitors is consistently increasing, or if the number of visitors will again 
significantly decrease in the summer months. 
If Water for South Sudan looks to increase the number of monthly visitors, this graph 
shows that the best months to seek improvements would be June, July and August. For 
future thoughts, initiating a marketing campaign and donation initiative would be ideal in 
these months to increase awareness of the Water for South Sudan brand.  
Hourly Visitors 
The number of visitors per hour is shown in the graph below: 
This graph shows that most of the activity on the site is coming in the early afternoon 
and evening. This is important to know because it means that any updates to the site 
will have the largest audience during this time. So, posting new content and promoting a 
call to action would be most successful between the hours of 12:00pm and 5:00pm. 
Popular Content 
The following is a graph showing the page ranking amongst each other on the website: 
This graph shows that a large majority of visitors are viewing the Home page; the most 
out of any page on the site. From there, visitors are navigating towards the emotional 
aspects of the site. The ​Take Action​ page is getting a low amount of views overall. This 
means that any call to actions and messaging that Water for South Sudan wants to give 
to visitors must be on the Home or Salva’s Story page. Additionally, this information 
should be on the top fold of the page so that the visitor is able to see the call to action 
without having to search for it at all.   
Currently, the Home page’s top fold is an image of a young boy drinking water. Scrolling 
down, the “donate” button is on the right side of that page. The button should be 
differentiated more than the adjacent “WFSS Newsletter” button, and have a more 
specific call to action. In order to attract visitors to make a donation, this needs to be 
visible on the Homepage, preferable close to the top fold.  
Facebook Analytics 
Facebook is an essential aspect of engaging with people through Water for South 
Sudan. With these Facebook analytics, The PRIMA Group will be able to determine 
what content is successful, and what is not, understand the people who engage with the 
posts, and from this make decisions on how to best engage with the audiences.  
Page Visits 
Below is a graph showing the number of daily page visits to Facebook.  
From this chart, you can see that there are systematic spikes in the number of 
Facebook pageviews. The spikes happen on a weekly basis during the school week. 
From this data, it is safe to suggest that content should be posted during these times. 
Additionally, the Timeline is receiving most of the traffic on the page. In order to 
capitalize on this information, make sure to post the most relevant information and calls 
to action on the main Timeline.  
Fan Facebook Times 
The following graph shows when Water for South Sudan’s fans are on Facebook.  
This graph shows the largest amount of the page’s fans are online from 6 p.m. until 9 
p.m. There is also an increase in fans on Facebook from 9:30 a.m. until 12 p.m. From 
this, it is suggested that all content be posted during these times. It is advised against 
posting any content after 9 p.m. until 7 a.m.  
Looking at the posting times for the current content on Water for South Sudan’s 
Facebook page, most content is posted around 9 a.m., 5 p.m., and 7 p.m. Overall, these 
posting times are good, but increasing the number of posts between 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. 
is ideal for more engagement with the audience. With Facebook posts, as a general 
rule, keep the calls to action in the first two sentences of the post.  
Content Analysis 
Looking at the content posted on the Water for South Sudan’s Facebook page in the 
past month, the most recent successful postings were “Matt Damon Wants Safe Water 
for All” and “Salva Dut’s Trip to the US, and his upcoming trips, have been 
The Matt Damon post had a reach of 1,196 people. A post reach is the number of 
unique individuals who see the post displayed on their Facebook page. From here, 30 
people engaged with the link. This could be from the time that the post was displayed, 
which was 8:00pm, and also from the content; perhaps the fans of Water for South 
Sudan are also fans of celebrity endorsers. 
The post about Salva Dut’s trip had a reach of 1,972, and had 78 engaged audience 
members. This post was published at 5:05 pm, a successful posting time as people are 
just getting out of work at this time. Additionally, there could have been so much support 
for this post because of the sad content. Many people send kind thoughts and prayers 
to the family through this post.  
Taking this information and moving forward with ideas on what to post for engaged fans, 
there are two suggestions on what to post. First, it is suggested to post content that 
brings the stories of those in South Sudan to life, such as the post about Salva Dut’s 
trip. Doing this pulls on the heartstrings of the page’s fans, and shows how much of an 
impact people can have on others. Emotional posts have the potential to be a subtle call 
to action. The second form of successful post would be to make Water for South Sudan 
approachable through linking it with cultural icons and other missions. This was shown 
with the Matt Damon post. Many people may not know the purpose of Water for South 
Sudan, but since they are able to recognize Matt Damon, they immediately have more 
interest in information he is sharing.  
In conclusion of this brief social media analysis on Water for South Sudan, there are 
several key pieces of information that can increase the website and Facebook success:  
● Most traffic on the website is coming during the school year and in the afternoon. 
● Promote new information during these time frames.  
● Promote any information for fundraising and community engagement during 
these times 
● Use slower times to work internally to think of new ways to engage members on 
the site.  
● It is best to have the most important information on the homepage, as many 
visitors visit primarily that page.  
● In regards to Facebook, the main timeline receives the most traffic during the 
week in the evening.  
● Promote articles during these time periods. 
● The best content to post is either emotional content, or content that is related to 
other aspects of American culture. These two posting techniques will engage a 
large amount of the page’s fans.  
In future social media analyses, The PRIMA Group will continue to monitor the postings 
to see additional emerging trends.  
Water for South Sudan 
Social Media Analytics 
Week of November 23, 2015 
Presented by The PRIMA Group 
This is the second social media report for Water for South Sudan that The PRIMA 
Group is creating. After reviewing the first presentation with Lynn, we are going to 
continue to monitor the traffic on the website and Facebook account. 
Website Analytics 
Overall, the website’s number of pageviews has been steadily increasing all year, and 
this week followed the same pattern. The number of pageviews is the number of 
different pages a visitor goes on during their visit on the website. This graph reflects this 
number of visits in one sum. There was an approximate 2,000 page view increase from 
the week of November 8th to the week of November 15th. This is displayed in the graph 
Number of Pageviews on Website Week of 11/16 
These numbers are coming from the highest, light gray line on the graph. The week of 
November 8th had 24,799 page visits, while the week of November 15th had 26,150 
page visits.  
The darkest line on the graph represents the audience size, and the middle line 
represents visits. As shown on the graph, both of these lines increased in the week of 
November 15th as well, but not to the extent of the number of pageviews. 
This means that although there are more visitors to the site, the number of pages these 
visitors are visiting is increasing. This is great news; the more pages a visitor goes on, 
the more likely they are to become a supporter of Water for South Sudan.  
Popular Content 
The popular content on Water for South Sudan’s website is important to know what the 
priorities are of the visitors on the website. Ideally, visitor’s main goal is to learn about 
the cause, and to support it. Below is a chart showing the popularity of each page on 
the website: 
Popular Content on Website Week of 11/16 
This data is showing that the home page is the primary page for all visitors. This makes 
sense, because unless a visitor went to a specific site organically, they will automatically 
be directed to this page.  
Aside from the home page, ‘Salva’s Story’ is the most popular page. People who visit 
the site want to know the drive behind this cause. This goes beyond knowing ‘The 
Need’ and ‘Who We Are’. Visitors want to see the passion in this cause. The popularity 
in this page may also be due to Salva’s recent canceled visit to the United States; 
although he was not able to visit, the news of his visit may have stirred some interest in 
the Rochester community.  
Overall, reviewing this information, the visitors on the site want to know the passion and 
purpose of Water for South Sudan before making a donation. A recommendation to 
increase the percentage of visitors who make a donation is to put the vital information 
that visitors want on the home page. Giving this information on the primary page the 
visitors see will reduce the number of pages a visitor goes through before deciding to 
make a donation.  
Site Search Queries  
The information that a person searches for while on the page is important because it 
shows the priorities that the visitors have. The graph below shows the most popular 
searches in the past weeks.  
Site Search Queries Week of 11/16 
According to this week’s site search queries, many of the visitors are concerned with the 
hygiene and wells of Water for South Sudan. This information is important to know 
because now you know what your visitors are interested in. They want to know about 
the impact and that the purpose of Water for South Sudan is being fulfilled. 
Moving forward, creating donation campaigns should be based off of this information. 
For now, making a clear Call to Action on the pages concerning the wells and hygiene 
should be put into place.  
Facebook Analytics 
Knowing the statistics behind the Facebook page is important in order to develop an 
understanding for the fans of the page, and how to properly utilize the marketing budget 
in regards to Facebook. 
Page Likes 
In the past week, there has been an overall increase in likes for the Water for South 
Sudan page: 
Number of Facebook Page Likes Week of 11/16 
This graph shows an overall increase in likes of 1.1% from last week, with 26 new likes. 
All of these likes were organic, which is great. An organic like means that the user 
searched for the Water for South Sudan page on their own; Water for South Sudan did 
not pay anything to earn these likes. The organization as a whole has a positive 
reputation, which in turn encourages Facebook uses to take action on their own. 
Post Reach 
Despite the increase in page likes, the post reach decreased in the past week: 
Facebook Post Reach Week of 11/16 
The number of post reaches, meaning the number of Facebook users who saw what 
Water for South Sudan posted, is barely reaching 2,000 users. This is not productive, 
especially considering the number of page likes. Looking at other information, this 
decrease from the past week is partially due to the fact that there was not as much paid 
post boosting this week as last week. The previous week had a large majority of their 
posts boosted. This is shown in the graph below:  
Facebook Post Reach Boosting 
The amount of paid post boosting the previous week could have to do with why there is 
so much less post reach this week.  
Time in Relation to Facebook Post Reach 
The time that the posts were posted may also have to do with why there is a substantial 
decrease in post reach the week of 11/16. The times that the posts on Water for South 
Sudan were posted varied, but primarily were in the late afternoon and early evening. In 
the previous report, The PRIMA Group found that most of Water for South Sudan’s fans 
were on during this same time; this information is still accurate. Because of this, the 
time may not be the issue with the low post reach. 
Demographics of Facebook Fans 
In discussing the insights that The PRIMA Group could provide for Water for South 
Sudan, one aspect was discovering who the fan base was. In order to fully understand 
how to target the specific markets interested in Water for South Sudan, the target age 
must be known. The following is a graph providing the age demographics of the 
Facebook fans of Water for South Sudan: 
Ages of Facebook Fans for Water for South Sudan 
As the graph shows, a 75% majority of the Facebook fans are female. This information 
should not be surprising; females are more likely to be active on Facebook and touched 
by heartfelt organizations. Also shown on the graph is that a majority of the likes are 
coming from the ages of 35­54 years old. This demographic typically has well paying 
jobs, but are also paying for other aspects in life, including retirement and their 
children’s education. Knowing this, marketing campaigns can be created around this 
demographic’s interests and lifestyles. 
This second report on Water for South Sudan’s social medias, including the website and 
Facebook page, reflected on the audience and outreach. Moving forward, the following 
advice can be given on each of the platforms: 
Website Analytics Summary 
● Utilize the passion and purpose aspects of Water for South Sudan. People need 
to be moved before deciding to donate.  
● Place the most searched information on the home page. Giving visitors this 
information will satisfy visitor’s curiosities and create a more direct response to 
● Place emphasis on information related to the wells and hygiene. Once this is 
done, there will be a more direct call to action. 
Facebook Analytics Summary: 
● The number of views on posts can be increased through boosting them. 
● A strong portion of visitors are visiting Facebook organically; money does not 
need to be spent in boosting the page itself. 
● Target posts to females between the ages of 35­54 years old.  
Water for South Sudan 
Social Media Analytics 
Week of November 30, 2015 
Presented by The PRIMA Group 
This is the third social media report for Water for South Sudan that The PRIMA Group is 
creating. This report will discuss the reasoning behind the popularity in Salva’s Story, 
and the reasoning behind popular search terms. 
Synopsis of Salva’s Story 
As previously found in the second social media report, the most popular page on the 
Water for South Sudan website, other than the home page, is the Salva’s Story page. 
Knowing this, the organization can work their marketing around Salva’s Story to build 
user engagement and brand awareness. 
Knowing what exactly is popular from Salva’s Story is important to know in order to 
move forward with working with the story. At the top of the page, there is a video 
explaining and introducing Salva and his story. The video talks briefly about the war in 
Sudan, the Lost Boys, and then goes into the story of how Water for South Sudan was 
found. It was found after Salva’ father got sick, and needed clean drinking water in order 
to survive and stay healthy.  
Below this video is a short article mirroring the video. However, the difference is that the 
article does not touch on the health need that is driving the organization, and instead 
goes from explaining the Lost Boys to talking about the organization based out of 
Rochester, New York. 
Reflecting on the difference in the video and the article, there needs to be more of a 
connection. Although the story of the war and Lost Boys is informational, it does not 
draw a direct parallel for visitors to see the purpose of Water for South Sudan. The real 
connection piece in the story is of Salva’s father, and how he was sick and in need of 
fresh water. It is important to make this connection in order to build the brand 
connection increase visitor engagement in the form of support and donations. 
The Importance of Site Search Queries 
Squarespace, the Water for South Sudan website host, has recorded data on the most 
searched topic on the website. It was found that “hygiene education”, and “hygiene” 
were two of the three most searched topics on the site at a combined 26.25% over the 
past month. This is shown below in the chart from Squarespace: 
This graph is showing that there is real desire to know about the hygiene in South 
Sudan , and how much people are educated about it’s importance.  
The desire to know more about the hygiene is directly connected to Salva’s main 
purpose of starting the organization, which was for his father’s health. Knowing this, 
Water for South Sudan can create marketing campaigns and donation tactics around 
the hygiene behind safe drinking water.  
Topics to focus on while promoting the brand 
Everyone can relate to a real success story, a story with a happy ending, and makes a 
person feel happy inside. This mentality is what Water for South Sudan should focus on. 
Water for South Sudan’s success story is Salva’s passion for clean water that was 
fueled by his father’s health. This story shows the utmost love and dedication a family 
can have for one another, and now the results of this love are growing. This is the 
information that will have the visitors of Water for South Sudan become true brand 
Going above Salva’s love and dedication to his father, visitors of the website are curious 
of the success of Salva’s mission. They want to know exactly how clean the water is in 
South Sudan because of Salva, and they want to know if these wells are clean and 
utilized. This is shows above in the Site Search Query graph, where people are 
searching for “hygiene” and “hygiene education”. Once people know the organization 
and Salva, they want to know the success of the organization. 
Knowing this, there can be several things that are done to capitalize on the desire to 
know the hygiene education and success of Water for South Sudan. To start, the home 
page can have a counter to show how many wells are in South Sudan, and how many 
people have benefited from these wells. This gives the brand authenticity, and shows 
that the brand is active and successful. Additionally, Water for South Sudan could share 
the success of their hygiene education through infographics and video interviews with 
those who have used the wells and been educated on safe drinking water.   
In conclusion, the data provided by Squarespace shows that visitors have an interest in 
Salva’s passion and success for clean water in South Sudan. Knowing this, any 
campaign to raise awareness or money should be focused on the positives in Salva’s 
Topics to avoid while promoting the brand 
Salva’s history and life is a very moving and touching topic. Success stories like his are 
what really touches the lives of strangers. Because of this, it is beneficial to work with 
the positive aspects of Salva’s story, and to touch less on the negative aspects. The war 
in South Sudan and the story of the Lost Boys is important; however, it is not positive, 
and does not show a direct correlation to the purpose behind Water for South Sudan. 
To the outside eye, it is the story of South Sudan, not the story of Salva. 
The data from Squarespace agrees with this. The site search query all shows searches 
on the purpose behind Water for South Sudan, and the success thus far. There have 
been few or no searches on the Lost Boys or the war in South Sudan. Those interested 
in learning about the brand want to know of the current success, not of past difficulties. 
Additionally, society as a whole does not need more negative news in their life. With 
national and international tragedies happening on a regular basis, negative news is 
practically numb to consumers. The best way to break away from the mold of negativity 
and gain attention is to shine with positive light. 
With this in mind, “Salva’s Story” should be reorganized to first show off the success, 
but then also mention the hardships that he has faced. The positivity and information on 
hygiene will first grab the reader’s attention, and then the news of the war and Lost 
Boys will be more pertinent to them.  
Areas to further research 
One aspect of Salva’s Story that has room to expand on is why Salva chose Rochester, 
New York to base Water for South Sudan out of. Under “Salva’s Story”, there is brief 
detail on how Salva and other Lost Boys made their way to the United States. However, 
why Rochester? Knowing this, and what other organizations Salva is involved with will 
increase the brand awareness locally in Rochester, and create hometown supporters for 
the cause. If there are hometown supporters, Salva and the organization have the 
possibility to go beyond the area to further develop the brand.  
Key Takeaways 
● Create more of a parallel between Salva’s father’s need for clean water and the 
purpose behind the organization. 
● Gain visitor attention with Salva’s father’s story. 
● Focus on the positives in “Salva’s Story” to gain visitor’s attention. 
● Show active results of the wells to show how many people are benefiting from 
the wells, and the increase in hygiene education. 
● Frequently focus on the hygiene in South Sudan, and how the organization is 
helping the cause. 
Water for South Sudan 
Social Media Analytics 
Week of December 6th, 2015 
Presented by The PRIMA Group 
This last installment of the Fall 2015 social media analytics will be looking at the 
previously posted content in detail in relation to fan engagement rate.  
Facebook Net Likes 
According to Facebook Analytics, the number of net likes, the total number of likes and 
dislikes of the pag, have been unstable over the past month. This is shown in the graph 
This graph is showing that there is an overall positive number of likes for the Water for 
South Sudan Facebook page. However, there have been a number of unlikes, and even 
some days where there is no activity whatsoever. Although it is important to build 
continuous support from people who are already fans, it is important to be consistently 
growing this fan base as well. Next will be an analysis of page content to see what has 
and has not been successful in attracting new fans. 
Page Content Analysis 
This analysis will look at page content from Water for South Sudan’s Facebook postings 
from the past month. With this, we will be able to determine what information has been 
attractive to fans, and what has not been.  
A majority of postings from November 6, 2015 to December 6, 2015 have been 
links to other information. These links leave the Facebook page, and direct readers to a 
variety of different posts, either on Water for South Sudan, or information pertaining to 
clean water in South Sudan. These links have a relatively low engagement rate with 
readers. This may be due to the fact that readers do not want to leave Facebook, do not 
have the time to read the articles, or they do not like the content that is being posted.  
Going further into researching the content posted through links, it appears that 
the most popular content has been: Water for South Sudan preparing for the drilling 
season, For Rochester, immigration has been a bonus, and Linda Sue Park Tedx Talk. 
All of this content is related to Water for South Sudan, the purpose, and the results. It 
appears that the fans are results oriented, and want to see Water for South Sudan in 
On a different note, the least popular linked content on the Water for South 
Sudan Facebook page was all relating to World Toilet Day. Although pairing with such 
an awareness campaign aligns directly with the purpose of Water for South  Sudan, the 
low engagement rate is probably due to the fact that fans want to support just one 
cause, or they do not see the relation from toilet water to clean drinking water. Moving 
forward with knowing what the fans do not like to engage with, it is best to either better 
educate the fans on the relation between the two causes, or to simply not post about 
different causes not directly related to Water for South Sudan.  
In regards to visual postings, such as images, the content was generally received 
well from fans, with a consistent engagement rate. For future postings, it would be ideal 
to post images of the impact of Water for South Sudan, and follow this image with a link 
to an article relating to the image. Based off the fan’s engagement with links, the 
amount of engagement would increase with images if the images pertained directly to 
the success of Water for South Sudan.  
The Water for South Sudan’s Facebook page has had some success, but still struggles 
to earn new visitors and maintain their old ones. In order to combat this, and build brand 
ambassadors for the organization, the content posted should all be related to Water for 
South Sudan’s goals and success’.  
Key Takeaways for Facebook Content 
● Post links related to Water for South Sudan’s founding, purpose, goals, and 
● Refrain from posting links in regards to other missions or organizations. 
● Post images relating to the success of Water for South Sudan.  

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