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social media snapshot
                     30-Day View

         June 2012
The social media analysis was conducted with public data and insight collected
over a 30-day period. An automated and manual approach, using a premium data
analysis tool (Radian6) combined with readily available freemium tools along with
human analysis, was used to collect a small base data sampling from June 1
through to June 30, 2012. The data collected was studied, analyzed and measured
to produce the quantitative and qualitative benchmarks found in the following

Throughout the process, deeper background research was conducted to add
additional data points to complement the 30-day findings and to better represent a
more accurate picture of social performance. From the research conducted, the
observations identified best practices with drawn conclusions to serve as a first
step to identify deeper analysis needs.

The initial data modeling and measurement frameworks used in this analysis were
based on the following key project parameters.

Objective:                      Analysis should study, analyze and extract
                                observations on Western Digital’s social media
                                activity and performance over a recent 30-day
                                time period.

Brands (inclusions)             Western Digital (Brand)
                                Seagate (competitor)
                                Hitachi (competitor)
                                Iomega (competitor)
                                LaCie (competitor)

Focus:                          Conversations, engagements, brand execution
Depth:                          Broad general study
Duration:                       30 days (June 1 - 30, 2012)
Geography:                      USA
Language:                       English

Final Note: This study was conducted to observe Western Digital’s recent
performance across three fundamental social platforms and should serve as an
informational tool only and is not intended to be a comprehensive analysis to
develop strategic direction without additional deeper analyses based on corporate
discovery and insight.

For more information, please contact Daniel McKean, 949 338 4762, or via email
Social Benchmarks            4

WD Performance
Twitter                      7
  Overview                  8
  Social Index Score        9
  Strengths & Weaknesses   11
  Best Practices           13
  Sample Tweet Tips

Facebook                    15
  Overview                 16
  Social Index Score       17
  Strengths & Weaknesses   18
  Best Practices           20
  Sample Post Tips

YouTube                     22
  Overview                 23
  Social Index Score       24
  Strengths & Weaknesses   25
  Best Practices           27
  Sample Tweet Tips

Appendices                  29
Social Index Scoring        30
Research Filters
Share of Voice (Select Competitive Peers)

Geography: United States
Social Properties: Blogs, Mainstream Media, Facebook, Twitter, Video (YouTube), Images (Flickr)

Language Filter: English
Data Sampling Size: 19,962 references
Sample Date: June 1 - 30, 2011

Observation: Reviewing select industry peers based on a set of defined keyword filters, Western
Digital and Seagate clearly have more of a social media presence and share a larger volume of the
active conversation related to storage and complementary products over other select industry peers.

This offers considerable opportunity for Western Digital, with an already substantial active social
presence, to leverage the Brand discussion into Brand building campaigns and programs to exert
influence into social communities. Initial observations reveal Western Digital’s use of social media
has been largely sharing information, product and news -- resulting in marginal success for building
and engaging with communities. As one step to move to the next level of influence, Western Digital
may consider developing a Brand voice with richer content, which should seek to personify and
humanize the Brand for greater community appeal and engagement.

Data Source: Radian6 (Chosen Filters)

Share of Voice (Select Competitive Peers vs. Industry Discussion)

Geography: United States
Social Properties: Blogs, Mainstream Media, Facebook, Twitter, Video (YouTube), Images (Flickr)

Language Filter: English
Data Sampling Size: 198,788 references
Sample Date: June 1 - 30, 2011

Observation: There is an active and robust community discussion re: storage related topics across
the social landscape. Collectively, Western Digital and the four competitive peer brands account for a
very small percentage within the overall discussion. However, it should be noted that much of the
industry discussion is casual where the conversation uses industry nomenclature related to personal
computing experiences and needs without including Brand references.

Strategically, an opportunity may exist to monitor
 and listen to the active industry discussion to broaden
community reach and Brand appeal by selectively engaging
in the casual ‘storage’ conversation. Of more important
note, listening could offer the ability to periodically
mine consumer market and product development
intelligence as to preferences, likes, issues and uses.

It appears that news sites and blogs are the primary
social platforms which would offer the most value in
a monitoring and listening exercise. The discussion
within these channels moves beyond the random
and casual nature of other social platforms to topics
and discussions of deeper industry relevance.

Social Reach / Community Congregation

Geography: United States
Social Properties: Blogs, Mainstream Media, Facebook, Twitter, Video (YouTube), Images (Flickr)

Language Filter: English
Data Sampling Size: 198,788 references
Sample Date: June 1 - 30, 2011

Observation: Analyzing where the social conversation is taking place, Western Digital appears to
mirror the industry discussion trend on a platform by platform basis with some minor variations.

Reinforcing the strategic value for a monitoring and listening initiative, either on an industry or
Brand level basis, Western Digital is presented with
the opportunity and mechanism to capture
Brand insights, solve problems, learn from
recurring themes, and engage customers and
prospects. Monitoring would provide the means
to aggregate data over periodic cycles (metrics,
measurement, sentiments, analytics) to ensure
relevant real-time performance is analyzed against
KPIs. Listening would ensure Western Digital
conversations are processed and examined to aid
in enterprise-wide learning as well as to identify
cross-functional community engagement

In combination, such an initiative would offer the ability to continuously help shape, focus and refine
overall strategic directions via actionable intelligence.


          Active Since:   10/27/08
          Tweets:         (4,066)
          Daily Avg:      (5)
          Following:      (7,203)
          Followers:      (19,231)
          Favorites:      (7)
          Lists:          (4)

          Global Regional Accounts
          @WD_ES (Spain), @WD_Fr (France), @WD_IN (India), @WD_Korea (Korea), @WD@Deutschland
          (Germany), @WD_Turkiye (Turkey), @WD_RU (Russia), @WD_MEast (Middle East), WD_Hungary
          (inactive), @WDMalyasia (Maylasia)

          Online Commerce
          @WDStoreUS, @WDStoreNL, @WDStoreCanada, @WDStoreAU, @WDStoreFrance, @WDStoreES,
          @WDStoreUK, @WDStoreItalia, @WDStoreDE

          Misc Accounts
          @WDTVLive (WD TV Live), @WD_UniRelations (University Recruiting), @WDCteam (inactive)

                       Strategic   Execution   Frequency   Engaged      Rescinded                    Social     Admin
                        Intent      & Focus    Amplitude   Followers   Engagement                 Integration   Mgm’t
                                                                                    Appeal (15)
                          (15)        (15)        (15)        (15)         (15)                       (5)        (5)

           SCORE          5           5           10          3            3            5             2          2

                                                                                       MAX SOCIAL INDEX SCORE 100

          Twitter Scorecard Overview
          Strategic Intent: Information / news sharing with a degree for building brand loyalty using contests
          and giveaways.
          Execution & Focus: Good general overall execution – consistent with clear focus based on current
          strategic direction. Global accounts have small follower, following and engagement counts. Tweet
          counts vary per account (some more active than others).
          Frequency & Amplitude: Average 5 tweets per day. Active community discussion related to Brand
          and products. Approximate 300+ community Brand tweets per day covering topics ranging from
          casual conversational brand mentions, product news, service and product questions, product
          opinions (loyalties and dissatisfaction), financial performance, and contest / promotion participation.
          Engaged Followers: Few RTs, @replies, discussions and likes, which requires a higher degree of
          cultivating the community discussion to stimulate engagement using Twitter posting tips referenced.

          Tweet sentiments vary with negative sentiments typically related to product failures and poor
          consumer education re: need to backup.
          Rescinded Engagement: Little engagement to rescind, but WD does respond as engagement
          develops and reasonably quickly to customer care issues. (No technical support Twitter account.)
          Content Appeal: Primarily news and product information sharing as typical within storage industry –
          lacks richer variety for greater community building and appeal.
          Social Integration: Frequent cross promotion with Facebook profile and links to online WD Support
          Knowledge Base to assist in customer care issues.
          Administrative Management: Community manager is active and involved, but with visible signs of
          non-real-time responses. Reasonably rapid responses to customer care issues.

           Consistent daily tweeting with use of hashtags, links, contests, promotions, tech support
            responses (links to tech support Knowledge Base).
           Consistent cross promotion (and back linking) with other social properties (Facebook) to editorial
            / reviews, but minimal integration with other content and assets.
           General engagement attempts include Twitter Chats (TechTea), casual polling
            (#MusicMonday), and contests & promotions.
           Follower growth is steady, but slow - with no growth in following.
           Excellent promotional use for partnering with tech blogger Techlicious for a TechTea Twitter
            chat. Continual steady follower growth (flat following growth).


           Strategic purpose not visibly evident with execution primarily pushing information out without
            strong commitment for community building – may need strategic purpose and use reviewed and
           Resources may be lacking for a community manager to monitor the daily conversation and to
            foster a higher degree of engagement.
           Brand persona not revealing itself or evident (personality to tweets).
           Few RTs or RTs by community (exception: contest promotions).
           Minimal conversational starters or conversations initiated.
           Small number of click-thrus per the ratio of followers for Tweets using links (typically in low
            double digits).
           Hashtag selections may not be unique with too many choices and without consistent use.
                   •   Consider goals to easily isolate WD social conversations for community members to
                       find, and to rapidly track and conduct Brand engagement (examples - marginal:
                       #WD, #MyNet – good: #WDsupport – (too) specific: #WDSentinel – inconsistencies:
                       #WDMyNet, #MyNet).

Weaknesses (continued)

           Contests and giveaways may generate Brand awareness with interest and participation, and
            increase the amplitude (and on occasion reach) of the Twitter conversation, but may lack a
            higher degree of strategic value in brand building (preference, conversion, loyalty).
           Contests may be offered too frequently where WD contest participants are Twitter professional
            contest ‘stalkers’ always seeking the next free product giveaway (recent contests:
  , phrasethatpays, TechTea, SnapDealQuiz, 7DaysofSling, World Backup Day Sweeps).
                  •    May elect to avoid the #win or #giveaway hashtag in contests to reward more Brand
                       loyalists and community members who are active in the ‘Western Digital’ and ‘storage’
                       social discussion.
           Occasional misinterpretation of contest and promotional rules and winner selection (SlingBox).
           Support responses tend to be grouped into daily time cycles as opposed to real-time or near-
            real-time responses.

          Focus / Content Direction
           News and information sharing with large focus on product promotions.

          Online / Offline
           Occasional cross promotion with online commerce, which reinforces building a community /
            following for the @WDstore as the origination source.

                  •    Could be more proactive with occasional tweets/posts promoting WDstore online
                       outlet links in advance of actual sale and promotion events to build the destination as a
                       ‘must’ visit in the buying cycle.

          Customer Loyalty, Rewards, Customer Support
           Liberal and consistent use of contests, giveaways and promotions.
           Frequent re-direction of consumer support problems to WD Support technical team.

Sampled Best Practices Defined
           Periodically conduct branding exercises to review and refine purpose and use (goals and
            objectives) for each Twitter account – modify accounts and their use based on continual review
            and best practices.
           Experiment with Tweet schedules according to the best times to tweet each day when followers
            are most active (various tools are available to analyze community activity).
           Identify existing key influencers already following to develop Influencer Marketing campaigns –
            identify, cultivate and build relationships with other industry key influencers as well as programs
            for Brand Ambassadors. Re-purpose, produce and publish content according to a master
            programming schedule.
           Frequently cross promote new and existing (re-purpose) social assets across all social properties
            leading to greater content volume, appeal and engagement.
           Stimulate conversations with an assortment of unique, daily content
            (informational, educational, promotional, and entertainment) – keep the conversation fresh and

                     Posting links to
                     Twitter between
                     the hours of
                     1:00 p.m. and
                     3:00 p.m. ET (or
                     10:00 a.m. to
                     1:00 p.m. PT)

                     offers the
                     highest click
                     rate –

                                    Historic Western Digital Tweet Activity (source:TweetStats)

 Engage the community by further stimulating the conversation with frequent @replies, RTs and
           Favorite all tweets and conversations that positively represent the Brand so they are easily
            discoverable. Limit use of commerce accounts. These accounts should serve as a destination and
            source of information for pure product listing specials, sales, promotions, new products
            announcements to maintain a clear purpose and use.
           Use bit.lys in contest tweets to link contest rules and parameters to avoid misinterpretations
            without sacrificing character count and to overcome perceptions of ill-explained contest rules.
           Use and re-use unique custom Western Digital domain and tracking domain URL
            shorteners to better brand and identify content and destinations
            (e.g., WDsupp.rt,, WDrevi.ew, etc.)
           Build Lists for community value, easy reference and as value-added resources (official Twitter
            profiles, WD commerce stores, top-tier editorial, key industry influencers, industry news
            outlets, channel partners, etc.)
           Mine tweets in periodic cycles to identify topical themes, which require a higher degree of
            product education to provide a mechanism for advance consumer product support to build
            greater loyalty and product satisfaction.
                  •    Develop linkable assets for inclusion into the WD Support Knowledge Base or other
                       online depository, which can be referenced by WD and community members in times of
                       need (tutorial setups, configuration videos, protect your data with backups, etc.)
           Consider creating an account reserved for consumers to exchange ideas for product
            design, specs, needs, ideas – similar to the WD Community Ideas forum. Give the community an
            opportunity to get closer to WD.

           Move technical support inquiries to a Twitter support account to offer more real-time rapid
                  •    Humanize the account with a face(s) and name(s) (brand persona)
                  •    Redirect all incoming tech support issues on the corporate account to a support
                       account, and begin to educate and promote to the community the available resource to
                       minimize public exposure to product issues and concerns on the corporate account
                       which is a larger public forum.
                  •    Measure over time end-user appeal and calculate and measure ROI against the impact
                       made against support traffic and satisfaction via traditional support channels.
           Develop KPIs and metrics for consumer engagement, experience and resulting change
            sentiments based on implementing identified ‘best practices’.
                  •    Track and measure change and continually refine for higher benchmarks.
           Continually research, analyze and define industry best practices.
                  •    Potential B2C Tech Twitter aspirational brands: Dell, Intel, KodakCB.
                  •    Potential pure-play Consumer aspirational brands: Coca-Cola, H&M.

Sampled Twitter Posting Tips
          Twitter is about sharing content. Often times more interest, engagement and community perceived
          value can be derived from tweets that are not marketing oriented (company and/or product
          specific). Use the opportunity to be a valued resource of information as well as a conduit to company
          news, products and services.
           Programming calendar – pre-plan as much of the twitter content as possible and publish
            according to a master programming calendar.
           Post interesting articles – to build interest and a stronger community following, curate relevant
            and interesting industry content from third parties.
           Share useful resources – share tools, resources and/or services which would be of value to the
            customer base and be used with Western Digital products.
           Share Western Digital blog posts – stimulate clicks to blog content and occasionally share older
            blog posts to keep posts fresh based on community value and/or to reinforce good end-user
            practices, e.g., backing up.
           Post inspirational industry related quotes – research shows quotes are typically well received;
            find interesting quotes that speak to and are of value to the community without using them as
            content filler.
           Build anticipation into tweet schedules with replicable ‘Tent Pole’
            events, programs, campaigns – continue to develop replicable activities on a daily, weekly or
            monthly basis that build anticipation and engagement such as prior examples used
            #MusicMonday, #TechTea, #WDWin, etc. Continually measure and refine based on community
            engagement and receptance levels. (!deation: #BackupFriday).
           Highlight staff members – occasionally take the opportunity to talk about members of the staff
            to personalize the company and reinforce the Brand persona that WD is comprised of real

           Share breaking news related to industry – stay on top of industry news and tweet it as it breaks
            to demonstrate that Western Digital is a valued resource for news.
           Continue to announce upcoming events – tweet to stimulate attendance, add a human aspect
            to Western Digital, and provide goodwill to other event participants through added exposure.
           Offer frequent, consistent useful tips for using Western Digital and related category products –
            adds community value, while reinforcing company’s expertise.
           Provide real-time updates of behind the scenes activities – used on occasion, provide casual
            ‘behind the scenes’ updates on staff, events, products, causes to offer a glimpse inside Western
           Stimulate commerce – tweet frequent directed tweets promoting @WDStore accounts.
           Promote partnerships – reinforce loyalty among partners by sharing websites, content and links
            to generate new followers and build goodwill – over time they may reciprocate the gesture
            further expanding the WD community.

 Continue to build the brand persona – take opportunities to humanize the Brand whenever
            possible by searching for interesting and inspirational internal stories such as personal
            accomplishments (running a marathon) or new births, promotions and more.
           As part of List building, suggest who to follow (e.g., channel partners, blogs, RSS feeds) –
            provide added value to the community to direct followers to sources of industry-related
           Ask relevant questions – to stimulate engagement and to mine intelligence, frequently ask
            followers to provide opinions and insight via @replies responses or taking a poll – and then
            reach out for each engagement to acknowledge them as a valued consumer and follower.
           Reinforce Western Digital’s Twitter contests with exclusives – reward followers with exclusive
            contests, discount offers or giveaways that are structured so contest ‘stalkers’ are minimized.
           Thank and respond to followers – as a step in community building, take every opportunity to
            thank followers for something they shared, commented or simply for following to demonstrate
            WD appreciation on an individual, personalized level.
                  •    Often times questions that may be asked are applicable to more than one inquirer and
                       others could benefit from the response.
           Continue to share pictures of staff members, contest winners, events and more – tweeting
            more pictures and visual content adds to the interest and appeal of individual tweets and keeps
            routine tweeting fresh and interesting.
                  •    Could even tweet pictures and visual content of end users using WD product.
           Be thankful to handle unhappiness, complaints and issues – consumers who express
            dissatisfaction often times just need to be heard and to have their concerns handled quickly and

                  •    Take the opportunity with each inquiry to showcase the Western Digital customer
                       service with prompt, courteous replies and service.
           Find opportunities to entertain – people enjoy entertaining content and taking the opportunity
            on occasion to tweet about amusing or entertaining content can be well received if offered in
            good taste, and which does not detract from the Brand and/or its image.
           #FF – be an active and good community member by using the Twitter community practice of
            #FollowFriday to occasionally recommend people to follow.
           Curate, publish and promote a weekly social media Brand Page (online newspaper) – capture
            the most relevant social media news, events and activity of each week to share an easy-to-read
            encapsulated view for community members who may have missed various tweets and posts in
            their individual news and Twitter feeds throughout the week.
                  •    Share via social channels, website and email and RSS subscriptions
                       (Twylah,, Flipboard).

f a c e b o o k

                 Active Since:     9/09/08
                 Fans:             41,382
                 Last 7 days:      238
                 Last 30 days:     1,261

                 Daily Posts:   2-3
                 Most Pop. Wk: 3/25/12
                 Most Pop. Age: 18-34

                 Post Engagement (30 day sample)

                 Likes: 446 Comments: 87 Shares: 65 -
                 compared against most popular week of
                 3/25/12 with tallied approximately 175

                 Global Regional Accounts
                 East, Taiwan, Malaysia, Philippines, Pola
                 nd, Italy, Indonesia, Turkey, New
                 Zealand, Germany, Australia, Czech
                 Republic, Hong
                 Kong, France, India, Japan

                 Abandoned, Unsanctioned or Hijacked
                 Brand Impersonator Accounts
                 Examples: Western-Digital, Western
                 Digital, WESTERN DIGITAL

                              Strategic   Execution   Frequency   Engaged      Rescinded                    Social     Admin
                               Intent      & Focus    Amplitude   Followers   Engagement                 Integration   Mgm’t
                                                                                           Appeal (15)
                                 (15)        (15)        (15)        (15)         (15)                       (5)        (5)

                  SCORE          5           5           5           3           10            3             2          3

                                                                                              MAX SOCIAL INDEX SCORE 100

                 Facebook Scorecard Overview

                 Strategic Intent: Information / news sharing without consistency to experiment with posting a
                 variety of content to build a more engaged community.
                 Execution & Focus: Evolving with good overall basic execution with mix of informational and news
                 content including editorial, reviews, product highlight features. There is the occasional pinning of
                 positive Fan comments, community greetings, random post polling (Music Monday), official app
                 polling, weekly promo specials, and random event videos. Various tabs and apps are used, but may

                 be better leveraged (notes app, tab app, video app).
                 A higher engagement level was observed with photos and images such as the random ‘what’s your
                 favorite WD product?’ photo image polling and photo albums such as (My Net Event 2012).
                 Frequency & Amplitude: Consistent frequency of posts, but marginal community engagement with
                 posts (likes, comments, shares).
                 Engaged Followers: Consistent level of low engagement with likes, shares and comments to WD
                 posts. On average, there are 10 or fewer daily Fan posts, mostly with questions related to support
                 issues (small number of inquiries coming via international destinations).
                 Rescinded Engagement: Timely, reasonable, professional and helpful responses to Fan inquiries and
                 posts (typically within a 24-hour period – some near-real-time response, some weekend responses
                 over 24 hours), occasional missed opportunity to respond to all comments.
                 Content Appeal: Aligned with current strategic direction; however, more appealing and engaging
                 content is needed to build community involvement.
                 Social Integration: Frequent and consistent cross promotion with Twitter account. No integration
                 with other social properties, including YouTube account where videos are separately uploaded onto
                 Administrative Management: Community manager present, active and involved during weekday
                 business hours.

                  Good rotation (updates) of Timeline photo.
                  Consistent frequency of posts using a variety of content, but with heavy emphasis on editorial
                   and product information.
                  Cross promotion leveraging content across both Facebook and Twitter.
                  Some experimentation with developing higher engagement levels through polling and occasional
                   photo and images.
                  Typically good response times to daily customer care issues with professional, courteous
                  Continual, steady Fan (Like) growth.

                  Common with Twitter, strategy appears to be sharing news and product information with little
                   emphasis on community building and greater engagement – lack of Brand persona.
                  Potential limitations exist with the Page setup as a ‘local’ business as opposed to a company or
                   product / brand Page (e.g., Expansive Contact information limitations (social profile
                   links, websites, commerce, WD community forums) - or the Recommendations box associated

                   with local businesses takes up real estate on the Page but offers minimal benefit).
                  No promotion or links in the ‘About’ section for Western Digital’s other social properties with
                   the exception of a Twitter tab on the profile page.
                  Twitter feeds could be incorporated onto the Brand Page and be used as additional content
                   while promoting the WD Twitter account.
                  Completed event Tab pages exist with less than appealing content – if they remain, tabs should
                   be redesigned to capture the spirit, goodwill and outcome of each event as a showcase of past
                   WD events, charitable causes, contest winners and other related activities.
                  Other Tab issues: Poll App Tab does not display properly and presents a negative impression –
                   Events Tab has not been used since Feb. 2010.
                  Overall low engagement (likes, comments, shares, Fan posts) with average daily engagement in
                   the low double digits.
                  Minimal conversational starters or conversations initiated.

                 Focus / Content Direction
                  Heavy emphasis on news, editorial and information sharing.

Online / Offline
                  Weekly promotions do offer cross promotion with online WD Store commerce.
                         •    As with Twitter, could be more proactive with occasional posts promoting the online
                              store reminding Fans of its existence in advance of actual sale and promotion events to
                              build the destination as a ‘must’ visit in the buying cycle.

                 Customer Loyalty, Rewards, Customer Support
                  Frequent re-direction of consumer support problems to WD Support technical team.

                 Sampled Best Practices Defined
                  Periodically, conduct branding exercises to review strategic use and objectives of global regional
                   accounts, which could be serviced from the corporate Facebook account using language and
                   location filters.
                         •    Potentially would strengthen Facebook Brand presence through one centralized
                  Experiment with Post schedules, content and frequency of posts according to when and how
                   often each day (similar to Twitter) to measure the average lifespan (post impressions in the news

                   feed) of a single post (tools such as PageLever and methodologies exist to analyze peak
                   performance of posts).
                         •    According to research conducted by, Facebook’s optimal posting times are slightly
                              different than Twitter. Links sent between 1:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. get the most
                              traction, with Wednesday at 3:00 p.m. being the best time to post on Facebook all
                  Identify key influencers who like to share on Facebook and cultivate relationships to develop
                   exclusive advance content which they can share with their own networks ahead of public
                         •    Convert the small number of Super Influencers into Brand ambassadors with more
                              exclusivity, appreciation gestures and VIP status to support all Branding efforts.
                  Re-purpose, produce, curate and publish content according to a master programming schedule.
                  Produce content according to specifications to display well for all media, including mobile.
                  Frequently cross promote new and existing (re-purpose) social assets across all social properties
                   leading to greater content volume, appeal and engagement.
                  Bit.lys used should be customized to Brand and track Western Digital activity – avoid using
                   generic or source URL shorteners.
                  Add more interest in the historic timeline by tracking down interesting visuals supporting the

 Stimulate conversations with a variety of unique daily content
                   (informational, educational, promotional, and entertainment) – keep the conversation fresh and
                  Be responsive to all community                              Entertainment and passing time are
                   likes, comments, shares and Fan posts to                   motivators for Facebook engagement.
                   acknowledge engagement on a personal level to
                   build and reinforce the community.
                  Offer Facebook Fans exclusive rewards for
                   feedback, purchases and referrals. Rewards are
                   ranked second for building Brand loyalty (US
                   Internet Users study, Mar 2012).
                  Become an active community denizen by ‘Liking’
                   and sharing more relevant industry news, partner
                   news, events and resources. Categorize ‘Likes” for
                   easy Fan discovery (Springpad).
                  Consider an app to engage consumers who have
                   input on product design, specs, needs, ideas similar
                   to the WD Community Ideas forum.
                  Build an App or use a tool (e.g., NorthSocial) to
                   organize the Facebook videos into topical categories
                   to allow Fans to find videos of interest more easily.

                   Use this approach to keep content fresh and re-           Seagate and Iomega frequently post
                   promote by selectively adding videos into the             content which is both visually appealing
                   master programming (publishing) schedule.                 and entertaining to strengthen community
                  With almost half of all online customers expecting        bonds & engagement.
                   to receive customer support on Facebook - consider
                   building a custom, easy-to-use Support Tab to filter
                   inquiries and concerns directly into WD Support.
                   Alternatively, as a measure to enhance customer
                   service, personalize customer care responses (if
                   initial technical support inquiries are directed to and
                   handled by someone within WD Support) via
                   humanizing the Brand persona by allowing support
                   personnel to comment using their name and
                  Continually research, analyze and define industry
                   best practices.
                         •    Potential Tech Facebook aspirational
                              brands: Dell, Intel, Nokia.
                         •    Potential pure-play Consumer aspirational
                              brands: Coca-Cola, Starbucks.

                                                                               Fans expect to receive customer support
                                                                                    on a Brand’s Facebook Page.
Sampled Facebook Posting Tips
                 Some best practices apply to all social media platforms , but the new Facebook Timeline is much more
                 image-focused than earlier iterations of Brand Pages, and therefore should leverage appealing visual
                 elements as often as possible.
                  Programming calendar – pre-plan as much of the Facebook content as possible and publish
                   according to a master programming schedule.
                  Timeline cover photo – a recent eye-tracking study revealed consumers pay far more attention to
                   the cover photo than any other post on the wall. Always carefully design and use eye-
                   popping, high-res Branded images and photos for timeline photos.
                         •    Studies also show the timeline cover photo should be swapped out frequently for
                              sustaining interest and appeal.
                         •    The second most viewed area on the new Timeline format is the App windows where
                              order and selection of the Apps displayed is almost as equally as important as the cover
                  Keep Posts Short and Timely -- keeping the post length to less than 250 characters generates the
                   most interaction and engagement. According to Facebook, posts of this length generate 60%
                   more likes, comments and shares than posts greater than 250 characters.
                  Post photos, video and quotes – high definition photos and videos in graphic detail and vivid

                   color provide engagement levels that far exceed plain and simple text.
                         •    Visual elements for other content related posts are equally as important as the visual
                              appeal of the content is likely to generate more interest and engagement in news feeds.
                  Post consistently – educational or entertaining content will not be seen as over sharing or too
                   promoting using a good rule of thumb based on having one marketing message for every nine to
                   ten informational posts.
                  Ask for Fan opinions – aside from conveying to consumers their opinions count and are
                   welcome, crowd sourcing product tech specifications and features may go a long way in Brand
                   loyalty and new product introductions.
                  Ask questions using the FB Questions App – using the native questions app that is very easy to
                   use (a vote can be one click) in place of a Polling App can be used for a host of entertainment or
                   business intelligence purposes.
                  Experiment with Fill-In-The-Blank posts – the approach offers a very simple way for Fans to
                   engage with a post by asking them to finish a sentence, Fill-in-the-blank posts generate about 90%
                   more engagement than the average post.
                  Highlight and Pin the best weekly posts – pin to the top one post per week and highlight several
                   others posts each week for maximum exposure.
                  Give Fans access to exclusive information – reinforcing why a Fan should be a ‘Fan’, this
                   technique is used by either breaking news first on Facebook or providing special content such as a
                   video or an article when they “like” your page.

 Reward Fans with deals and perks – increase Brand loyalty with frequent offers exclusive to the
                   Facebook community.
                  Localize posts relevant to specific audiences – to get closer to targeted community
                   audiences, posts can be directed to a subset of Fans, or geographies and languages using available
                   posting and geo-targeting filters.
                  Put a face on the Western Digital customer – showcase once a month (or more frequently), a
                   consumer and an application story for a select product or product line for greater Brand appeal.
                  Experiment with Facebook’s suite of new Ad tools – a study by All Facebook in January revealed
                   that a post on a Brand Page is seen by just 17% of Fans, new Ad tools such as Reach Generator
                   and Sponsored Stories manipulate the news feed algorithm to expose fans to content when they
                   otherwise would have missed it with visibility results increasing into high double digit

                 Common Cross Platform Tips
                  Provide real-time updates of behind the scenes activities – used on occasion but not too
                   frequently, staff, events, products, causes all serve as content to offer a glimpse inside Western
                  Offer frequent, consistent useful tips for using Western Digital and related category products –

                   posting product-related tips adds community value, while reinforcing WD’s expertise.
                  Promote partnerships – reinforce loyalty among partners by sharing websites, content and links
                   to generate new followers and build goodwill – over time they may reciprocate the gesture.
                  Thank Fans – as a step in community building, take every opportunity to thank Fans for something
                   they shared, commented or simply for ‘liking’ to demonstrate that you appreciate them.
                  Continue to share pictures of staff members, contest winners, events and more.
                  Curate, publish and promote a weekly social media Brand Page (online newspaper) – capture
                   the most relevant social media news, events and activity of each week to share an easy-to-read
                   encapsulated view for community members who may have missed various tweets and posts in
                   news and Twitter feeds throughout the week.
                         •    Share via social channels, website and email and RSS subscriptions
                              (Twylah,, Flipboard).

Yo u Tu b e

          Active Since:    9/16/06
          Subscribers:     1,004
          Videos:          103
          Video Views:     2,011,576

          Playlists:       6
          Favorite Videos: 19

          Other YouTube Properties
          The Power of Choice by WD (South Pacific) YouTube – 12/09
          39 subscribers – 850K video views – 34 uploaded videos

          Western Digital India YouTube (India) – 12/09
          34 subscribers – 10K video views – 11 uploaded videos

          (YouTube Auto Generated WD Channels) – Past Year
          small # subscribers – aggregated video view counts – 1,000s uploaded videos – wide range of
          topical WD channels

                       Strategic   Execution   Frequency   Engaged      Rescinded                    Social     Admin
                        Intent      & Focus    Amplitude   Followers   Engagement                 Integration   Mgm’t
                                                                                    Appeal (15)
                          (15)        (15)        (15)        (15)         (15)                       (5)        (5)

           SCORE          5           5           5           5            3            5             1          2
                                                                                       MAX SOCIAL INDEX SCORE 100

          YouTube Scorecard Overview

          Strategic Intent: Used as a social destination to visually showcase product, tutorials and
          promotions, while serving as a host depository for reference-able assets.
          Execution & Focus: Minimally branded channel with frequent fresh content garners reasonable and
          moderate view counts. Assortment of video ranging from pure product promotions and product
          demonstrations to a mix of special event / activity videos such as the recent productions of the
          World Backup Day series. No CTAs (call to actions) in videos.
          Tutorial videos are more appealing and are receiving higher view counts over other types of videos.
          Frequency & Amplitude: Consistent frequency of uploads with average amplitude (view counts), but
          dropping in view counts over the last six months.

          Engaged Followers: Consistent level of low engagement with likes, shares, playlist adds and
          Rescinded Engagement: YouTube is historically a channel with little user engagement beyond the
          video view. Comments, shares remain low. However there appears to be no monitoring of the
          comments when they do appear to provide a timely response.
          Content Appeal: Aligned with industry norms for storage, but videos could be produced for larger
          audience appeal. Video production is evolving to be more creative and up-tempo with the
          opportunity to ‘push the envelope’ further.
          Social Integration: Little to no observed cross promotion or CTAs with other corporate social
          properties and assets. No linking to or mention of the social properties in the profile information or
          within videos.
          Administrative Management: Community manager present without visible evidence of growing the

           Good consistent uploading of videos.
           Nice balance and assortment of video content with tutorials receiving a lot of play (interest).
                   •   Product intros / product reviews / product promos / product tutorials / street
                       interviews / user app stories (creative Master series).
           Consistent tag and metadata use, but tags may be used inconsistently.
           Use of playlists to favorite third-party product reviews.
           Appealing video production techniques (action music oriented application storyboards: Team
           Recent experimentation with multi-language video versions.

           Stronger Brand channel could be developed.
           Video library has no organization and is random based on date uploaded (with exception of
            video playlists, which groups some videos together).
           No cross promotion with other social properties in profile or as a CTA (call to action) in videos.
           Low video engagement counts and interaction with likes, shares, playlist adds and comments.
           No leverage for CTAs in videos for further community building or Brand engagement

            (subscribe, like, share, comment, follow or Fan).
           Recent video view counts are down possibly representing analysis is needed to gauge popular
            content, production techniques, posting practices.

          Focus / Content Direction
           Heavy emphasis on product and promo videos.

          Online / Offline
           No online / offline incentives offered. Could be offered as CTAs in videos.

          Customer Loyalty, Rewards, Customer Support
           Product tutorial videos offer advance customer care support.

Sampled Best Practices Defined
           Visually Re-Brand the Channel as a “Brand
            Channel” for greater visual appeal and for
            cross promotion of links and calls to actions /
            clicks to other online content, assets and
            social properties.
           Optimize videos by experimenting with and
            tags, descriptions, thumbnails, titles, subtitles
            for easy discovery within the YouTube
            community (use terminology YouTube
            members would use to search).
           Produce video content with emphasis on
            reinforcing latest umbrella marketing themes
            / taglines such as “Put Your Life On It”.

          Content & Production
           Value, not promotion – produce videos to tell
            the Brand / Product story using consumer
            touch points: pains, challenges, and/or

           Quality over quantity – maintain a high             Branded Channels Examples
            production value to reinforce Brand image.
           Create a balance of content that is
            unique, compelling, entertaining and
            (brand, product, educational, entertainment).
           Create and upload eye-catching, high-
            resolution thumbnails to attract video
           Optimize the first 15 seconds of each video to
            create immediate interest and appeal. Take
            the opportunity to include CTAs (call to action)
            in each video – experiment with annotations.
           Offer a good balance of variety and
            assortment of content to create community
            appeal. Produce videos to be leveraged and
            re-purposed across multi-channels and
            consumer devices.

 Use video series vs. longer length productions to maintain interest and appeal.
           Experiment and use latest video production techniques such as Interactive Video
            (branching story lines, interactive scenes, overlay information) to increase viewer appeal
            and engagement.
                   •   Samsung video production example:
           Leverage and isolate interesting and compelling video frame images into a series of images
            to cross promote (with a shelf life) on other social channels linking images back to
            YouTube channel for higher view and engagement counts.

          Community Engagement
           Explore the YouTube community and engage, subscribe, like, comment on related videos
            and topics (participate with others and make friends).
           Cross promote across other online properties (web and social) – create a video blog.
           Design a click path to always include call or click to action within videos for cross
           Track, measure, identify and continually refine best practices using the Insights analytic
            tool – replicate.

          Analytics, Metadata and More

           Use Analytics to better understand the audience, improve content and to aid in developing
            or refining effective programming and production strategies.
           Write detailed and comprehensive metadata following proper formatting and guidelines
            optimizing titles, tags, and descriptions for content (think what community members
            would use in searches) in order for YouTube to index the content which is critical to
            building views from YouTube’s search and suggested videos algorithm.
           Explore aspirational brands to glean compelling techniques and uses as a source of
            stimulating continual creative and approaches.
           Potential Tech YouTube aspirational brands: Sony Pocket TV, HP You on You.
           Potential pure-play Consumer aspirational brands: Air New Zealand, Starbucks.

Sampled YouTube Posting / Content Tips
          YouTube offers a comprehensive strategy for showcasing WD videos. Although videos can be
          easily uploaded to Facebook, YouTube remains the social destination for most online
          consumers when they are searching for video content on topics of interest.
           Programming calendar – pre-plan as much of the YouTube content as possible and publish
            according to a master programming calendar.
           Increase productions targeted at younger consumer demographics using up tempo, high
            energy, music video style action shorts, teasers and series (Team Tempest style).
                  •    Ideal for video, music, photo, image consumer applications.
           Increase productions targeted at family demographics relative to a warm, heart-felt
            family oriented series (Brilliant Moments).
           Increase productions targeted at creative professional demographics surrounding the
            Creative Master series (photography) with consideration for expanding series to include
            video and music pro apps.
           Showcase more real life (tutorial) examples (WD TV Live videos were well received) to
            introduce, educate, teach consumers re: product installation, features and tech benefits.
           Find opportunities to document Freedom Quest style contests with similar video
           Continue productions of product promos / ad shorts historically producing high view
            counts – use opportunity to entertain as well as to educate.

           Increase productions of entertaining short Brand teaser videos with unusual visual
            content used to entertain as well as to inform (Before you Lose It, Back It Up animal
           Identify channels with similar or complementary content and/or relevant audiences to
            cultivate cross promotion and collaborative opportunities.
           Organize content using playlists into video sets to show separation of themed or curate
            content to improve navigation and increase the number of views.
           ‘Like’ and ‘favorite’ WD videos on the WD channel several times in timely increments
            within the first 24 hours after uploading to have the activity appear in Western Digital’s
            subscriber news feeds.

Strategic   Execution    Frequency     Engaged      Rescinded      Content        Social      Admin
                  Intent      & Focus     Amplitude     Followers   Engagement      Appeal      Integration    Mgm’t
                    (15)        (15)         (15)          (15)         (15)         (15)           (5)         (5)

                     5            5            5            3              10          3            2              3

                     5            5           10            3              3           5            2              2

                     5            5            5            5              3           5            1              2

                 The opportunities are endless for Western Digital to reach a new level of performance in Social
                 Media. The company to date has gone through a stage many large companies have
                 experienced – namely making the initial commitment , establishing a presence, learning while
                 experimenting, and actively becoming part of the conversation.

                 Observations throughout this preliminary analysis reveals a number of Best Practices, which
                 can be deployed immediately. However, either as the next step or one taken in tandem with
                 exploring Best Practices, a deeper, expanded analysis is warranted to identify greater
                 opportunities for community building at a deeper level.

                 If the commitment is made, Western Digital is positioned well to move beyond its peers within
                 the storage industry to cultivate and strengthen a more respected Brand image with
                 magnitudes of greater influence and appeal among consumers. However, this approach will
                 require a top / down effort re-assessing and evaluating goals and objectives, systems and
                 processes, KPIs, measurement metrics, support needs and allocations, and more – along with a
                 steady stream of intelligence mining to more deeply engage with the active Western Digital
                 community in social media.


                                   Represents whether a social property has an identified purpose. Does not
             Strategic Intent
                                   represent the degree or sophistication of strategic alignment.

             Execution / Content   Represents whether a social property has some level of advance thought prior to
             Focus                 execution including content developed and posted.

             Consistent            Represents whether a social property is active in the use of the social property
             Frequency             with consistent, frequent posts.

             Engaged Fans /        Represents whether a social property is succeeding in stimulating fan / follower
             Followers             engagement at any level.

             Rescinded             Represents whether the social property and its administrator is actively engaging
             Engagement            with its fans / followers via responses and conversations.

                                   Represents whether a social property has adequate appeal to stimulate fan /
             Content Appeal
                                   follower engagement at any level.

                                   Represents whether a social property and its execution efforts are integrated with
             Social Integration
                                   any other social property.

             Assigned              Represents whether a social property has an assigned administrator to manage
             Administrator         the efforts on an ongoing, consistent basis.


             Category Keywords

             Topical (all):
             hard drive(s), USB drive(s), FireWire drives, Ethernet drives, hdd, hd, dual band
             drives, network drive(s), external drive(s), internal drive(s), desktop drive(s), portable
             drive(s), laptop drive(s), notebook drive(s), pocket size drive(s), slim drive(s), thin
             drive(s), mini drive(s), mobile drive(s), self encrypting drive(s), media
             drive(s), performance drive(s), solid state drive(s), wireless drive(s), data backup
             drive(s), backup drive(s), digital drive(s), home entertainment drive(s), dual drive(s)

             hard disk(s), disk drive(s), disk storage

             external disk storage, internal disk storage, network storage, network server
             storage, workstation storage, desktop storage, laptop storage, notebook

             storage, portable storage, pocket size storage, dual-drive storage, media storage, digital
             storage, cloud storage, DVR storage, low power disk storage

             network router(s), network switch(es), network hub(s), data protection, data
             recovery, data backup, media player(s), network storage server(s), storage array


Brand Category Keywords

             Roots: Western Digital, WesternDigital

             Product Brands (External): Brand name roots: [WD] [&] [My Book], [My Passport], [Elements], [Nomad]
             My Book Essential, WD Elements Desktop, My Book for Mac, My Book Studio, My Book Thunderbolt
             Duo, My Book Studio II, My Passport, My Passport Essential SE, My Passport Essential, WD Elements, My
             Passport for Mac, My Passport Studio, WD Nomad

             Product Brands (Network): Brand name roots: [WD] [&] [Sentinel], [My Book], [My Net], [Livewire]
             WD Sentinel DX4000, My Book Live, My Book Live Duo, My Net N900 Central, My Net N900, My Net
             N750, My Net N600, My Net Switch, WD Livewire

             Product Brands (Home Entertainment): Brand name roots: [WD] [&] [TV Live], [My Book], [My
             Passport], [Elements]

             WD TV Live Hub, WD TV Live Plus, WD TV Live, My Book AV, My Passport AV, WD Elements Play

             Product Brands (Internal): Brand name roots: [WD] [&] [Caviar], [Scorpio], [VelociRaptor], [WD XE], [WD
             RE], [WD AV]

             WD Caviar Blue, WD Caviar Green, WD Caviar Black, WD VelociRaptor, WD Scorpio Blue, WD Scorpio
             Black, WD XE, WD RE SAS, WD RE4, WD AV-GP, WD AV-25,

             Tagline: Put Your Life On It

             Category Keywords

             Topical (all):
             [WD] [&] [drive(s)] - hard drive(s), USB drive(s), network drive(s), external drive(s), internal
             drive(s), desktop drive(s), portable drive(s), laptop drive(s), notebook drive(s), pocket size drive(s), slim
             drive(s), thin drive(s), mini drive(s), mobile drive(s), self encrypting drive(s), media drive(s), performance
             drive(s), solid state drive(s), wireless drive(s), data backup drive(s), backup drive(s), digital drive(s), home
             entertainment drive(s)

             [WD] [&] [disk(s)] - hard disk(s), disk drive(s), disk storage

             [WD] [&] [storage] - external storage, network storage, small business storage, server
             storage, workstation storage, desktop storage, laptop storage, notebook storage, portable
             storage, pocket size storage, dual drive storage, media storage, digital storage, cloud storage, DVR
             storage, low power storage
             [WD] [&] router(s), switch(es), hub(s), powerline AV network (kit), data protection, guardian
             services, data recovery, data backup, backup, media player(s), network storage server(s), solid
             state, storage array, IPTV, USB, FireWire, Ethernet, hdd, dual band, dual drive(s), home entertainment

             Misc (all):
             [WD] service, warranty(ies), support

Brand Category Keywords

             Roots: Seagate

             Product Brands (External): Brand name roots: [Seagate] [&] [GoFlex], [Backup Plus], [Seagate
             Slim], [BlackArmor]
                  Portable External Hard Drives: GoFlex Turbo Performance Drive, GoFlex Pro Ultra
                       Portable, GoFlex Pro for Mac Ultra Portable, Backup Plus Portable Drive, Backup Plus Portable
                       Drive for Mac, Seagate Slim Portable Drive, Seagate Slim Portable Drive for Mac, Expansion
                       Portable Hard Drive, GoFlex Satellite Mobile Wireless Storage
                  Desktop External Hard Drives: Backup Plus Desktop Drive, Backup Plus Desktop Drive for
                       Mac, Expansion External, GoFlex Home Network Storage System
                  NAS Hard Drives: BlackArmor NAS (440, 400, 220, 110)

             Product Brands (Internal): Brand name roots: [Seagate] [&]
             [Momentus], [Barracuda], [Pulsar], [Savvio], [Constellation], [Cheetah], [Pipeline HD], [SV35]
                  Laptop Hard Drives: Momentus XT, Momentus Laptop, Momentus Thin
                  Desktop Hard Drives: Barracuda
                  Solid State / Hybrid Hard Drives: Momentus XT, Pulsar

                  Enterprise Hard Drives: Barracuda: Pulsar, Savvio (15K, 10K), Constellation, Constellation
                     ES, Cheetah 15K
                  Video Storage Hard Drives: Pipeline HD, SV35 Series

             Product Brands (Home Entertainment): Brand name roots: [Seagate] [&] [GoFlex]
                  Digital Media Players: GoFlex TV HD Media Player

             Category Keywords

             Topical (all):
             [Seagate] [&] [drive(s)] - hard drive(s), USB drive(s), network drive(s), external drive(s), internal
             drive(s), desktop drive(s), portable drive(s), laptop drive(s), notebook drive(s), pocket size drive(s), slim
             drive(s), thin drive(s), mini drive(s), mobile drive(s), self encrypting drive(s), media drive(s), performance
             drive(s), solid state drive(s), wireless drive(s), data backup drive(s), backup drive(s), digital drive(s), home
             entertainment drive(s)

             [Seagate] [&] [disk(s)] - hard disk(s), disk drive(s), disk storage

             [Seagate] [&] [storage] - external storage, network storage, small business storage, server
             storage, workstation storage, desktop storage, laptop storage, notebook storage, portable
             storage, pocket size storage, dual-drive storage, media storage, digital storage, cloud storage, DVR
             storage, low power storage

             [Seagate] [&] router(s), switch(es), hub(s), powerline AV network (kit), data protection, guardian
             services, data recovery, data backup, backup, media player(s), network storage server(s), solid
             state, storage array, IPTV, USB, FireWire, Ethernet, hdd, dual band, dual drive(s), home entertainment

             Misc (all):
             [Seagate] [&] service, warranty(ies), support /,
Brand Category Keywords

             Roots: Hitachi Global Storage Technologies, Hitachi Global Storage, Hitachi Storage, HGST

             Product Brands (External): Brand name roots: [Hitachi] [&] [Touro], [G-Technology], [G-RAID (G
             RAID)], [G-Speed Q (G Speed)], [G-Connect (G Connect)], [G-Drive (G Drive)]

                External Mobile Hard Drives: Touro Mobile, Touro Mobile Pro
                External Desktop Hard Drives: Touro Desk, Touro Desk Pro

             Product Brands (Internal): Brand name roots: [Hitachi] [&]
             [Travelstar], [Deskstar], [Ultrastar], [Cinemastar], [Endurastar]

                Mobile Hard Drives: Travelstar (series) / Desktop Hard Drives: Deskstar (series)
                Enterprise Hard Drives: Ultrastar (series) / Consumer Electronics Hard Drives: Cinemastar
                 (series) Automotive / Industrial Hard Drives: Endurastar (series)
                Self Encrypting Hard Drives: Travelstar (series), Ultrastar (series)

             Product Brands (Solid State): Brand name roots: [Hitachi] [&] [Ultrastar] (MLC NAND, SLC NAND series)
             - [HGST] [&] [Ultrastar]

             Category Keywords

             Topical (all):
             [Hitachi] [&] [drive(s)] - hard drive(s), USB drive(s), network drive(s), external drive(s), internal
             drive(s), desktop drive(s), portable drive(s), laptop drive(s), notebook drive(s), pocket size drive(s), slim
             drive(s), thin drive(s), mini drive(s), mobile drive(s), self encrypting drive(s), media
             drive(s), performance drive(s), solid state drive(s), wireless drive(s), data backup drive(s), backup
             drive(s), digital drive(s), home entertainment drive(s)

             [Hitachi] [&] [disk(s)] - hard disk(s), disk drive(s), disk storage

             [Hitachi] [&] [storage] - external storage, network storage, small business storage, server
             storage, workstation storage, desktop storage, laptop storage, notebook storage, portable
             storage, pocket size storage, dual-drive storage, media storage, digital storage, cloud storage, DVR
             storage, low power storage

             [Hitachi] [&] router(s), switch(es), hub(s), powerline AV network (kit), data protection, guardian
             services, data recovery, data backup, backup, media player(s), network storage server(s), solid
             state, storage array, IPTV, USB, FireWire, Ethernet, hdd, dual band, dual drive(s), home entertainment

             Misc (all):
             [Hitachi] [&] service, warranty(ies), support /,

Brand Category Keywords

             Roots: Iomega

             Product Brands (Network Storage): Brand name roots: [Iomega] [&] [StorCenter]

             Product Brands (Home Network): Brand name roots: [Iomega] [&] [Home Media], [EZ
             Media], [StorCenter]

             Product Brands (Multimedia): Brand name roots: [Iomega] [&] [ScreenPlay], [EZ Media]

             Product Brands (Desktop): Brand name roots: [Iomega] [&] [Prestige], [eGo], [Mac
             Companion], [UltraMax], [MiniMax]

             Product Brands (Portable): Brand name roots: [Iomega] [&] [Prestige], [eGo]

             Product Brands (iPhone): Brand name roots: [Iomega] [&] [SuperHero]

             Category Keywords

             Topical (all):
             [Iomega] [&] [drive(s)] - hard drive(s), USB drive(s), network drive(s), external drive(s), internal
             drive(s), desktop drive(s), portable drive(s), laptop drive(s), notebook drive(s), pocket size drive(s), slim
             drive(s), thin drive(s), mini drive(s), mobile drive(s), self encrypting drive(s), media
             drive(s), performance drive(s), solid state drive(s), wireless drive(s), data backup drive(s), backup
             drive(s), digital drive(s), home entertainment drive(s)

             [Iomega] [&] [disk(s)] - hard disk(s), disk drive(s), disk storage

             [Iomega] [&] [storage] - external storage, network storage, small business storage, server
             storage, workstation storage, desktop storage, laptop storage, notebook storage, portable
             storage, pocket size storage, dual-drive storage, media storage, digital storage, cloud storage, DVR
             storage, low power storage

             [Iomega] [&] router(s), switch(es), hub(s), powerline AV network (kit), data protection, guardian
             services, data recovery, data backup, backup, media player(s), network storage server(s), solid
             state, storage array, IPTV, USB, FireWire, Ethernet, hdd, dual band, dual drive(s), home entertainment

             Misc (all):
             [Iomega] [&] service, warranty(ies), support /

Brand Category Keywords

             Roots: LaCie

             Product Brands (Desktop): Brand name roots: [LaCie] [&] [Porsche
             Design], [Porsche], [Minimus], [Starck], [Rugged XL], [eSATA Hub], [Quadra], [Hard Disk Max]

             Product Brands (Mobile): Brand name roots: [LaCie] [&] [Rugged Safe], [Little Big Disk], [Porsche
             Design], [Rugged Mini], [Rugged Triple], [Rikiki]

             Product Brands (Network Storage): Brand name roots: [LaCie] [&] [Network
             Space], [CloudBox], [LaPlug], [Wireless Space], [d2 Network], [2big], [5big], [4big], [12big]

             Product Brands (RAID): Brand name roots: [LaCie] [&] [2big], [4big], [12big]

             Product Brands (Multimedia): Brand name roots: [LaCie] [&] [LaCinema]

             Category Keywords

             Topical (all):
             [LaCie] [&] [drive(s)] - hard drive(s), USB drive(s), network drive(s), external drive(s), internal
             drive(s), desktop drive(s), portable drive(s), laptop drive(s), notebook drive(s), pocket size drive(s), slim
             drive(s), thin drive(s), mini drive(s), mobile drive(s), self encrypting drive(s), media
             drive(s), performance drive(s), solid state drive(s), wireless drive(s), data backup drive(s), backup
             drive(s), digital drive(s), home entertainment drive(s)

             [LaCie] [&] [disk(s)] - hard disk(s), disk drive(s), disk storage

             [LaCie] [&] [storage] - external storage, network storage, small business storage, server
             storage, workstation storage, desktop storage, laptop storage, notebook storage, portable
             storage, pocket size storage, dual-drive storage, media storage, digital storage, cloud storage, DVR
             storage, low power storage

             [LaCie] [&] router(s), switch(es), hub(s), powerline AV network (kit), data protection, guardian
             services, data recovery, data backup, backup, media player(s), network storage server(s), solid
             state, storage array, IPTV, USB, FireWire, Ethernet, hdd, dual band, dual drive(s), home entertainment

             Misc (all):
             [LaCie] service, warranty(ies), support /,


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Western Digital snapshot

  • 1. social media snapshot 30-Day View June 2012
  • 2. Preface The social media analysis was conducted with public data and insight collected over a 30-day period. An automated and manual approach, using a premium data analysis tool (Radian6) combined with readily available freemium tools along with human analysis, was used to collect a small base data sampling from June 1 through to June 30, 2012. The data collected was studied, analyzed and measured to produce the quantitative and qualitative benchmarks found in the following analysis. Throughout the process, deeper background research was conducted to add additional data points to complement the 30-day findings and to better represent a more accurate picture of social performance. From the research conducted, the observations identified best practices with drawn conclusions to serve as a first step to identify deeper analysis needs. The initial data modeling and measurement frameworks used in this analysis were based on the following key project parameters. Objective: Analysis should study, analyze and extract observations on Western Digital’s social media activity and performance over a recent 30-day time period. Brands (inclusions) Western Digital (Brand) Seagate (competitor) Hitachi (competitor) Iomega (competitor) LaCie (competitor) Focus: Conversations, engagements, brand execution Depth: Broad general study Duration: 30 days (June 1 - 30, 2012) Geography: USA Language: English Final Note: This study was conducted to observe Western Digital’s recent performance across three fundamental social platforms and should serve as an informational tool only and is not intended to be a comprehensive analysis to develop strategic direction without additional deeper analyses based on corporate discovery and insight. For more information, please contact Daniel McKean, 949 338 4762, or via email at
  • 3. Social Benchmarks 4 WD Performance Twitter 7  Overview 8  Social Index Score 9  Strengths & Weaknesses 11  Best Practices 13  Sample Tweet Tips Facebook 15  Overview 16  Social Index Score 17  Strengths & Weaknesses 18  Best Practices 20  Sample Post Tips YouTube 22  Overview 23  Social Index Score 24  Strengths & Weaknesses 25  Best Practices 27  Sample Tweet Tips 28 Conclusions Appendices 29 Social Index Scoring 30 Research Filters
  • 4. Share of Voice (Select Competitive Peers) Geography: United States Social Properties: Blogs, Mainstream Media, Facebook, Twitter, Video (YouTube), Images (Flickr) Language Filter: English Data Sampling Size: 19,962 references Sample Date: June 1 - 30, 2011 Observation: Reviewing select industry peers based on a set of defined keyword filters, Western Digital and Seagate clearly have more of a social media presence and share a larger volume of the active conversation related to storage and complementary products over other select industry peers. This offers considerable opportunity for Western Digital, with an already substantial active social presence, to leverage the Brand discussion into Brand building campaigns and programs to exert influence into social communities. Initial observations reveal Western Digital’s use of social media has been largely sharing information, product and news -- resulting in marginal success for building and engaging with communities. As one step to move to the next level of influence, Western Digital may consider developing a Brand voice with richer content, which should seek to personify and humanize the Brand for greater community appeal and engagement. Data Source: Radian6 (Chosen Filters) 4
  • 5. Share of Voice (Select Competitive Peers vs. Industry Discussion) Geography: United States Social Properties: Blogs, Mainstream Media, Facebook, Twitter, Video (YouTube), Images (Flickr) Language Filter: English Data Sampling Size: 198,788 references Sample Date: June 1 - 30, 2011 Observation: There is an active and robust community discussion re: storage related topics across the social landscape. Collectively, Western Digital and the four competitive peer brands account for a very small percentage within the overall discussion. However, it should be noted that much of the industry discussion is casual where the conversation uses industry nomenclature related to personal computing experiences and needs without including Brand references. Strategically, an opportunity may exist to monitor and listen to the active industry discussion to broaden community reach and Brand appeal by selectively engaging in the casual ‘storage’ conversation. Of more important note, listening could offer the ability to periodically mine consumer market and product development intelligence as to preferences, likes, issues and uses. It appears that news sites and blogs are the primary social platforms which would offer the most value in a monitoring and listening exercise. The discussion within these channels moves beyond the random and casual nature of other social platforms to topics and discussions of deeper industry relevance. 5
  • 6. Social Reach / Community Congregation Geography: United States Social Properties: Blogs, Mainstream Media, Facebook, Twitter, Video (YouTube), Images (Flickr) Language Filter: English Data Sampling Size: 198,788 references Sample Date: June 1 - 30, 2011 Observation: Analyzing where the social conversation is taking place, Western Digital appears to mirror the industry discussion trend on a platform by platform basis with some minor variations. Reinforcing the strategic value for a monitoring and listening initiative, either on an industry or Brand level basis, Western Digital is presented with the opportunity and mechanism to capture Brand insights, solve problems, learn from recurring themes, and engage customers and prospects. Monitoring would provide the means to aggregate data over periodic cycles (metrics, measurement, sentiments, analytics) to ensure relevant real-time performance is analyzed against KPIs. Listening would ensure Western Digital conversations are processed and examined to aid in enterprise-wide learning as well as to identify cross-functional community engagement opportunities. In combination, such an initiative would offer the ability to continuously help shape, focus and refine overall strategic directions via actionable intelligence. 6
  • 7. T W I T T E R Active Since: 10/27/08 Tweets: (4,066) Daily Avg: (5) Following: (7,203) Followers: (19,231) Favorites: (7) Lists: (4) TWITTER Global Regional Accounts @WD_ES (Spain), @WD_Fr (France), @WD_IN (India), @WD_Korea (Korea), @WD@Deutschland (Germany), @WD_Turkiye (Turkey), @WD_RU (Russia), @WD_MEast (Middle East), WD_Hungary (inactive), @WDMalyasia (Maylasia) Online Commerce @WDStoreUS, @WDStoreNL, @WDStoreCanada, @WDStoreAU, @WDStoreFrance, @WDStoreES, @WDStoreUK, @WDStoreItalia, @WDStoreDE Misc Accounts @WDTVLive (WD TV Live), @WD_UniRelations (University Recruiting), @WDCteam (inactive) 7
  • 8. SOCIAL INDEX SCORE 35 Strategic Execution Frequency Engaged Rescinded Social Admin Content Intent & Focus Amplitude Followers Engagement Integration Mgm’t Appeal (15) (15) (15) (15) (15) (15) (5) (5) SCORE 5 5 10 3 3 5 2 2 MAX SOCIAL INDEX SCORE 100 Twitter Scorecard Overview Strategic Intent: Information / news sharing with a degree for building brand loyalty using contests and giveaways. Execution & Focus: Good general overall execution – consistent with clear focus based on current strategic direction. Global accounts have small follower, following and engagement counts. Tweet counts vary per account (some more active than others). Frequency & Amplitude: Average 5 tweets per day. Active community discussion related to Brand and products. Approximate 300+ community Brand tweets per day covering topics ranging from casual conversational brand mentions, product news, service and product questions, product opinions (loyalties and dissatisfaction), financial performance, and contest / promotion participation. Engaged Followers: Few RTs, @replies, discussions and likes, which requires a higher degree of cultivating the community discussion to stimulate engagement using Twitter posting tips referenced. TWITTER Tweet sentiments vary with negative sentiments typically related to product failures and poor consumer education re: need to backup. Rescinded Engagement: Little engagement to rescind, but WD does respond as engagement develops and reasonably quickly to customer care issues. (No technical support Twitter account.) Content Appeal: Primarily news and product information sharing as typical within storage industry – lacks richer variety for greater community building and appeal. Social Integration: Frequent cross promotion with Facebook profile and links to online WD Support Knowledge Base to assist in customer care issues. Administrative Management: Community manager is active and involved, but with visible signs of non-real-time responses. Reasonably rapid responses to customer care issues. 8
  • 9. Strengths  Consistent daily tweeting with use of hashtags, links, contests, promotions, tech support responses (links to tech support Knowledge Base).  Consistent cross promotion (and back linking) with other social properties (Facebook) to editorial / reviews, but minimal integration with other content and assets.  General engagement attempts include Twitter Chats (TechTea), casual polling (#MusicMonday), and contests & promotions.  Follower growth is steady, but slow - with no growth in following.  Excellent promotional use for partnering with tech blogger Techlicious for a TechTea Twitter chat. Continual steady follower growth (flat following growth). Weaknesses TWITTER  Strategic purpose not visibly evident with execution primarily pushing information out without strong commitment for community building – may need strategic purpose and use reviewed and re-validated.  Resources may be lacking for a community manager to monitor the daily conversation and to foster a higher degree of engagement.  Brand persona not revealing itself or evident (personality to tweets).  Few RTs or RTs by community (exception: contest promotions).  Minimal conversational starters or conversations initiated.  Small number of click-thrus per the ratio of followers for Tweets using links (typically in low double digits).  Hashtag selections may not be unique with too many choices and without consistent use. • Consider goals to easily isolate WD social conversations for community members to find, and to rapidly track and conduct Brand engagement (examples - marginal: #WD, #MyNet – good: #WDsupport – (too) specific: #WDSentinel – inconsistencies: #WDMyNet, #MyNet). 9
  • 10. Weaknesses (continued)  Contests and giveaways may generate Brand awareness with interest and participation, and increase the amplitude (and on occasion reach) of the Twitter conversation, but may lack a higher degree of strategic value in brand building (preference, conversion, loyalty).  Contests may be offered too frequently where WD contest participants are Twitter professional contest ‘stalkers’ always seeking the next free product giveaway (recent contests:, phrasethatpays, TechTea, SnapDealQuiz, 7DaysofSling, World Backup Day Sweeps). • May elect to avoid the #win or #giveaway hashtag in contests to reward more Brand loyalists and community members who are active in the ‘Western Digital’ and ‘storage’ social discussion.  Occasional misinterpretation of contest and promotional rules and winner selection (SlingBox).  Support responses tend to be grouped into daily time cycles as opposed to real-time or near- real-time responses. Focus / Content Direction  News and information sharing with large focus on product promotions. Online / Offline  Occasional cross promotion with online commerce, which reinforces building a community / following for the @WDstore as the origination source. TWITTER • Could be more proactive with occasional tweets/posts promoting WDstore online outlet links in advance of actual sale and promotion events to build the destination as a ‘must’ visit in the buying cycle. Customer Loyalty, Rewards, Customer Support  Liberal and consistent use of contests, giveaways and promotions.  Frequent re-direction of consumer support problems to WD Support technical team. 10
  • 11. Sampled Best Practices Defined  Periodically conduct branding exercises to review and refine purpose and use (goals and objectives) for each Twitter account – modify accounts and their use based on continual review and best practices.  Experiment with Tweet schedules according to the best times to tweet each day when followers are most active (various tools are available to analyze community activity).  Identify existing key influencers already following to develop Influencer Marketing campaigns – identify, cultivate and build relationships with other industry key influencers as well as programs for Brand Ambassadors. Re-purpose, produce and publish content according to a master programming schedule.  Frequently cross promote new and existing (re-purpose) social assets across all social properties leading to greater content volume, appeal and engagement.  Stimulate conversations with an assortment of unique, daily content (informational, educational, promotional, and entertainment) – keep the conversation fresh and appealing. Posting links to Twitter between the hours of 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. ET (or 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. PT) potentially TWITTER offers the highest click rate – research Historic Western Digital Tweet Activity (source:TweetStats) 11
  • 12.  Engage the community by further stimulating the conversation with frequent @replies, RTs and DMs.  Favorite all tweets and conversations that positively represent the Brand so they are easily discoverable. Limit use of commerce accounts. These accounts should serve as a destination and source of information for pure product listing specials, sales, promotions, new products announcements to maintain a clear purpose and use.  Use bit.lys in contest tweets to link contest rules and parameters to avoid misinterpretations without sacrificing character count and to overcome perceptions of ill-explained contest rules.  Use and re-use unique custom Western Digital domain and tracking domain URL shorteners to better brand and identify content and destinations (e.g., WDsupp.rt,, WDrevi.ew, etc.)  Build Lists for community value, easy reference and as value-added resources (official Twitter profiles, WD commerce stores, top-tier editorial, key industry influencers, industry news outlets, channel partners, etc.)  Mine tweets in periodic cycles to identify topical themes, which require a higher degree of product education to provide a mechanism for advance consumer product support to build greater loyalty and product satisfaction. • Develop linkable assets for inclusion into the WD Support Knowledge Base or other online depository, which can be referenced by WD and community members in times of need (tutorial setups, configuration videos, protect your data with backups, etc.)  Consider creating an account reserved for consumers to exchange ideas for product design, specs, needs, ideas – similar to the WD Community Ideas forum. Give the community an opportunity to get closer to WD. TWITTER  Move technical support inquiries to a Twitter support account to offer more real-time rapid response. • Humanize the account with a face(s) and name(s) (brand persona) • Redirect all incoming tech support issues on the corporate account to a support account, and begin to educate and promote to the community the available resource to minimize public exposure to product issues and concerns on the corporate account which is a larger public forum. • Measure over time end-user appeal and calculate and measure ROI against the impact made against support traffic and satisfaction via traditional support channels.  Develop KPIs and metrics for consumer engagement, experience and resulting change sentiments based on implementing identified ‘best practices’. • Track and measure change and continually refine for higher benchmarks.  Continually research, analyze and define industry best practices. • Potential B2C Tech Twitter aspirational brands: Dell, Intel, KodakCB. • Potential pure-play Consumer aspirational brands: Coca-Cola, H&M. 12
  • 13. Sampled Twitter Posting Tips Twitter is about sharing content. Often times more interest, engagement and community perceived value can be derived from tweets that are not marketing oriented (company and/or product specific). Use the opportunity to be a valued resource of information as well as a conduit to company news, products and services.  Programming calendar – pre-plan as much of the twitter content as possible and publish according to a master programming calendar.  Post interesting articles – to build interest and a stronger community following, curate relevant and interesting industry content from third parties.  Share useful resources – share tools, resources and/or services which would be of value to the customer base and be used with Western Digital products.  Share Western Digital blog posts – stimulate clicks to blog content and occasionally share older blog posts to keep posts fresh based on community value and/or to reinforce good end-user practices, e.g., backing up.  Post inspirational industry related quotes – research shows quotes are typically well received; find interesting quotes that speak to and are of value to the community without using them as content filler.  Build anticipation into tweet schedules with replicable ‘Tent Pole’ events, programs, campaigns – continue to develop replicable activities on a daily, weekly or monthly basis that build anticipation and engagement such as prior examples used #MusicMonday, #TechTea, #WDWin, etc. Continually measure and refine based on community engagement and receptance levels. (!deation: #BackupFriday).  Highlight staff members – occasionally take the opportunity to talk about members of the staff to personalize the company and reinforce the Brand persona that WD is comprised of real TWITTER people.  Share breaking news related to industry – stay on top of industry news and tweet it as it breaks to demonstrate that Western Digital is a valued resource for news.  Continue to announce upcoming events – tweet to stimulate attendance, add a human aspect to Western Digital, and provide goodwill to other event participants through added exposure.  Offer frequent, consistent useful tips for using Western Digital and related category products – adds community value, while reinforcing company’s expertise.  Provide real-time updates of behind the scenes activities – used on occasion, provide casual ‘behind the scenes’ updates on staff, events, products, causes to offer a glimpse inside Western Digital.  Stimulate commerce – tweet frequent directed tweets promoting @WDStore accounts.  Promote partnerships – reinforce loyalty among partners by sharing websites, content and links to generate new followers and build goodwill – over time they may reciprocate the gesture further expanding the WD community. 13
  • 14.  Continue to build the brand persona – take opportunities to humanize the Brand whenever possible by searching for interesting and inspirational internal stories such as personal accomplishments (running a marathon) or new births, promotions and more.  As part of List building, suggest who to follow (e.g., channel partners, blogs, RSS feeds) – provide added value to the community to direct followers to sources of industry-related information.  Ask relevant questions – to stimulate engagement and to mine intelligence, frequently ask followers to provide opinions and insight via @replies responses or taking a poll – and then reach out for each engagement to acknowledge them as a valued consumer and follower.  Reinforce Western Digital’s Twitter contests with exclusives – reward followers with exclusive contests, discount offers or giveaways that are structured so contest ‘stalkers’ are minimized.  Thank and respond to followers – as a step in community building, take every opportunity to thank followers for something they shared, commented or simply for following to demonstrate WD appreciation on an individual, personalized level. • Often times questions that may be asked are applicable to more than one inquirer and others could benefit from the response.  Continue to share pictures of staff members, contest winners, events and more – tweeting more pictures and visual content adds to the interest and appeal of individual tweets and keeps routine tweeting fresh and interesting. • Could even tweet pictures and visual content of end users using WD product.  Be thankful to handle unhappiness, complaints and issues – consumers who express dissatisfaction often times just need to be heard and to have their concerns handled quickly and effectively. TWITTER • Take the opportunity with each inquiry to showcase the Western Digital customer service with prompt, courteous replies and service.  Find opportunities to entertain – people enjoy entertaining content and taking the opportunity on occasion to tweet about amusing or entertaining content can be well received if offered in good taste, and which does not detract from the Brand and/or its image.  #FF – be an active and good community member by using the Twitter community practice of #FollowFriday to occasionally recommend people to follow.  Curate, publish and promote a weekly social media Brand Page (online newspaper) – capture the most relevant social media news, events and activity of each week to share an easy-to-read encapsulated view for community members who may have missed various tweets and posts in their individual news and Twitter feeds throughout the week. • Share via social channels, website and email and RSS subscriptions (Twylah,, Flipboard). 14
  • 15. f a c e b o o k Active Since: 9/09/08 Fans: 41,382 Last 7 days: 238 (+0.58%) Last 30 days: 1,261 (+3.14%) Daily Posts: 2-3 Most Pop. Wk: 3/25/12 Most Pop. Age: 18-34 FA C E B O O K Post Engagement (30 day sample) Likes: 446 Comments: 87 Shares: 65 - compared against most popular week of 3/25/12 with tallied approximately 175 likes Global Regional Accounts Middle East, Taiwan, Malaysia, Philippines, Pola nd, Italy, Indonesia, Turkey, New Zealand, Germany, Australia, Czech Republic, Hong Kong, France, India, Japan Abandoned, Unsanctioned or Hijacked Brand Impersonator Accounts Examples: Western-Digital, Western Digital, WESTERN DIGITAL 15
  • 16. SOCIAL INDEX SCORE 36 Strategic Execution Frequency Engaged Rescinded Social Admin Content Intent & Focus Amplitude Followers Engagement Integration Mgm’t Appeal (15) (15) (15) (15) (15) (15) (5) (5) SCORE 5 5 5 3 10 3 2 3 MAX SOCIAL INDEX SCORE 100 Facebook Scorecard Overview Strategic Intent: Information / news sharing without consistency to experiment with posting a variety of content to build a more engaged community. Execution & Focus: Evolving with good overall basic execution with mix of informational and news content including editorial, reviews, product highlight features. There is the occasional pinning of positive Fan comments, community greetings, random post polling (Music Monday), official app polling, weekly promo specials, and random event videos. Various tabs and apps are used, but may FA C E B O O K be better leveraged (notes app, tab app, video app). A higher engagement level was observed with photos and images such as the random ‘what’s your favorite WD product?’ photo image polling and photo albums such as (My Net Event 2012). Frequency & Amplitude: Consistent frequency of posts, but marginal community engagement with posts (likes, comments, shares). Engaged Followers: Consistent level of low engagement with likes, shares and comments to WD posts. On average, there are 10 or fewer daily Fan posts, mostly with questions related to support issues (small number of inquiries coming via international destinations). Rescinded Engagement: Timely, reasonable, professional and helpful responses to Fan inquiries and posts (typically within a 24-hour period – some near-real-time response, some weekend responses over 24 hours), occasional missed opportunity to respond to all comments. Content Appeal: Aligned with current strategic direction; however, more appealing and engaging content is needed to build community involvement. Social Integration: Frequent and consistent cross promotion with Twitter account. No integration with other social properties, including YouTube account where videos are separately uploaded onto Facebook. Administrative Management: Community manager present, active and involved during weekday business hours. 16
  • 17. Strengths  Good rotation (updates) of Timeline photo.  Consistent frequency of posts using a variety of content, but with heavy emphasis on editorial and product information.  Cross promotion leveraging content across both Facebook and Twitter.  Some experimentation with developing higher engagement levels through polling and occasional photo and images.  Typically good response times to daily customer care issues with professional, courteous responses.  Continual, steady Fan (Like) growth. Weaknesses  Common with Twitter, strategy appears to be sharing news and product information with little emphasis on community building and greater engagement – lack of Brand persona.  Potential limitations exist with the Page setup as a ‘local’ business as opposed to a company or product / brand Page (e.g., Expansive Contact information limitations (social profile links, websites, commerce, WD community forums) - or the Recommendations box associated FA C E B O O K with local businesses takes up real estate on the Page but offers minimal benefit).  No promotion or links in the ‘About’ section for Western Digital’s other social properties with the exception of a Twitter tab on the profile page.  Twitter feeds could be incorporated onto the Brand Page and be used as additional content while promoting the WD Twitter account.  Completed event Tab pages exist with less than appealing content – if they remain, tabs should be redesigned to capture the spirit, goodwill and outcome of each event as a showcase of past WD events, charitable causes, contest winners and other related activities.  Other Tab issues: Poll App Tab does not display properly and presents a negative impression – Events Tab has not been used since Feb. 2010.  Overall low engagement (likes, comments, shares, Fan posts) with average daily engagement in the low double digits.  Minimal conversational starters or conversations initiated. Focus / Content Direction  Heavy emphasis on news, editorial and information sharing. 17
  • 18. Online / Offline  Weekly promotions do offer cross promotion with online WD Store commerce. • As with Twitter, could be more proactive with occasional posts promoting the online store reminding Fans of its existence in advance of actual sale and promotion events to build the destination as a ‘must’ visit in the buying cycle. Customer Loyalty, Rewards, Customer Support  Frequent re-direction of consumer support problems to WD Support technical team. Sampled Best Practices Defined  Periodically, conduct branding exercises to review strategic use and objectives of global regional accounts, which could be serviced from the corporate Facebook account using language and location filters. • Potentially would strengthen Facebook Brand presence through one centralized destination.  Experiment with Post schedules, content and frequency of posts according to when and how often each day (similar to Twitter) to measure the average lifespan (post impressions in the news FA C E B O O K feed) of a single post (tools such as PageLever and methodologies exist to analyze peak performance of posts). • According to research conducted by, Facebook’s optimal posting times are slightly different than Twitter. Links sent between 1:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. get the most traction, with Wednesday at 3:00 p.m. being the best time to post on Facebook all week.  Identify key influencers who like to share on Facebook and cultivate relationships to develop exclusive advance content which they can share with their own networks ahead of public sharing. • Convert the small number of Super Influencers into Brand ambassadors with more exclusivity, appreciation gestures and VIP status to support all Branding efforts.  Re-purpose, produce, curate and publish content according to a master programming schedule.  Produce content according to specifications to display well for all media, including mobile.  Frequently cross promote new and existing (re-purpose) social assets across all social properties leading to greater content volume, appeal and engagement.  Bit.lys used should be customized to Brand and track Western Digital activity – avoid using generic or source URL shorteners.  Add more interest in the historic timeline by tracking down interesting visuals supporting the milestones. 18
  • 19.  Stimulate conversations with a variety of unique daily content (informational, educational, promotional, and entertainment) – keep the conversation fresh and appealing.  Be responsive to all community Entertainment and passing time are likes, comments, shares and Fan posts to motivators for Facebook engagement. acknowledge engagement on a personal level to build and reinforce the community.  Offer Facebook Fans exclusive rewards for feedback, purchases and referrals. Rewards are ranked second for building Brand loyalty (US Internet Users study, Mar 2012).  Become an active community denizen by ‘Liking’ and sharing more relevant industry news, partner news, events and resources. Categorize ‘Likes” for easy Fan discovery (Springpad).  Consider an app to engage consumers who have input on product design, specs, needs, ideas similar to the WD Community Ideas forum.  Build an App or use a tool (e.g., NorthSocial) to organize the Facebook videos into topical categories to allow Fans to find videos of interest more easily. FA C E B O O K Use this approach to keep content fresh and re- Seagate and Iomega frequently post promote by selectively adding videos into the content which is both visually appealing master programming (publishing) schedule. and entertaining to strengthen community  With almost half of all online customers expecting bonds & engagement. to receive customer support on Facebook - consider building a custom, easy-to-use Support Tab to filter inquiries and concerns directly into WD Support. Alternatively, as a measure to enhance customer service, personalize customer care responses (if initial technical support inquiries are directed to and handled by someone within WD Support) via humanizing the Brand persona by allowing support personnel to comment using their name and gravitar.  Continually research, analyze and define industry best practices. • Potential Tech Facebook aspirational brands: Dell, Intel, Nokia. • Potential pure-play Consumer aspirational brands: Coca-Cola, Starbucks. Fans expect to receive customer support on a Brand’s Facebook Page. 19
  • 20. Sampled Facebook Posting Tips Some best practices apply to all social media platforms , but the new Facebook Timeline is much more image-focused than earlier iterations of Brand Pages, and therefore should leverage appealing visual elements as often as possible.  Programming calendar – pre-plan as much of the Facebook content as possible and publish according to a master programming schedule.  Timeline cover photo – a recent eye-tracking study revealed consumers pay far more attention to the cover photo than any other post on the wall. Always carefully design and use eye- popping, high-res Branded images and photos for timeline photos. • Studies also show the timeline cover photo should be swapped out frequently for sustaining interest and appeal. • The second most viewed area on the new Timeline format is the App windows where order and selection of the Apps displayed is almost as equally as important as the cover photo.  Keep Posts Short and Timely -- keeping the post length to less than 250 characters generates the most interaction and engagement. According to Facebook, posts of this length generate 60% more likes, comments and shares than posts greater than 250 characters.  Post photos, video and quotes – high definition photos and videos in graphic detail and vivid FA C E B O O K color provide engagement levels that far exceed plain and simple text. • Visual elements for other content related posts are equally as important as the visual appeal of the content is likely to generate more interest and engagement in news feeds.  Post consistently – educational or entertaining content will not be seen as over sharing or too promoting using a good rule of thumb based on having one marketing message for every nine to ten informational posts.  Ask for Fan opinions – aside from conveying to consumers their opinions count and are welcome, crowd sourcing product tech specifications and features may go a long way in Brand loyalty and new product introductions.  Ask questions using the FB Questions App – using the native questions app that is very easy to use (a vote can be one click) in place of a Polling App can be used for a host of entertainment or business intelligence purposes.  Experiment with Fill-In-The-Blank posts – the approach offers a very simple way for Fans to engage with a post by asking them to finish a sentence, Fill-in-the-blank posts generate about 90% more engagement than the average post.  Highlight and Pin the best weekly posts – pin to the top one post per week and highlight several others posts each week for maximum exposure.  Give Fans access to exclusive information – reinforcing why a Fan should be a ‘Fan’, this technique is used by either breaking news first on Facebook or providing special content such as a video or an article when they “like” your page. 20
  • 21.  Reward Fans with deals and perks – increase Brand loyalty with frequent offers exclusive to the Facebook community.  Localize posts relevant to specific audiences – to get closer to targeted community audiences, posts can be directed to a subset of Fans, or geographies and languages using available posting and geo-targeting filters.  Put a face on the Western Digital customer – showcase once a month (or more frequently), a consumer and an application story for a select product or product line for greater Brand appeal.  Experiment with Facebook’s suite of new Ad tools – a study by All Facebook in January revealed that a post on a Brand Page is seen by just 17% of Fans, new Ad tools such as Reach Generator and Sponsored Stories manipulate the news feed algorithm to expose fans to content when they otherwise would have missed it with visibility results increasing into high double digit percentages. Common Cross Platform Tips  Provide real-time updates of behind the scenes activities – used on occasion but not too frequently, staff, events, products, causes all serve as content to offer a glimpse inside Western Digital.  Offer frequent, consistent useful tips for using Western Digital and related category products – FA C E B O O K posting product-related tips adds community value, while reinforcing WD’s expertise.  Promote partnerships – reinforce loyalty among partners by sharing websites, content and links to generate new followers and build goodwill – over time they may reciprocate the gesture.  Thank Fans – as a step in community building, take every opportunity to thank Fans for something they shared, commented or simply for ‘liking’ to demonstrate that you appreciate them.  Continue to share pictures of staff members, contest winners, events and more.  Curate, publish and promote a weekly social media Brand Page (online newspaper) – capture the most relevant social media news, events and activity of each week to share an easy-to-read encapsulated view for community members who may have missed various tweets and posts in news and Twitter feeds throughout the week. • Share via social channels, website and email and RSS subscriptions (Twylah,, Flipboard). 21
  • 22. Yo u Tu b e Active Since: 9/16/06 Subscribers: 1,004 Videos: 103 Video Views: 2,011,576 Playlists: 6 Favorite Videos: 19 YOUTUBE Other YouTube Properties The Power of Choice by WD (South Pacific) YouTube – 12/09 39 subscribers – 850K video views – 34 uploaded videos Western Digital India YouTube (India) – 12/09 34 subscribers – 10K video views – 11 uploaded videos (YouTube Auto Generated WD Channels) – Past Year small # subscribers – aggregated video view counts – 1,000s uploaded videos – wide range of topical WD channels 22
  • 23. SOCIAL INDEX SCORE 31 Strategic Execution Frequency Engaged Rescinded Social Admin Content Intent & Focus Amplitude Followers Engagement Integration Mgm’t Appeal (15) (15) (15) (15) (15) (15) (5) (5) SCORE 5 5 5 5 3 5 1 2 MAX SOCIAL INDEX SCORE 100 YouTube Scorecard Overview Strategic Intent: Used as a social destination to visually showcase product, tutorials and promotions, while serving as a host depository for reference-able assets. Execution & Focus: Minimally branded channel with frequent fresh content garners reasonable and moderate view counts. Assortment of video ranging from pure product promotions and product demonstrations to a mix of special event / activity videos such as the recent productions of the World Backup Day series. No CTAs (call to actions) in videos. Tutorial videos are more appealing and are receiving higher view counts over other types of videos. Frequency & Amplitude: Consistent frequency of uploads with average amplitude (view counts), but dropping in view counts over the last six months. YOUTUBE Engaged Followers: Consistent level of low engagement with likes, shares, playlist adds and comments. Rescinded Engagement: YouTube is historically a channel with little user engagement beyond the video view. Comments, shares remain low. However there appears to be no monitoring of the comments when they do appear to provide a timely response. Content Appeal: Aligned with industry norms for storage, but videos could be produced for larger audience appeal. Video production is evolving to be more creative and up-tempo with the opportunity to ‘push the envelope’ further. Social Integration: Little to no observed cross promotion or CTAs with other corporate social properties and assets. No linking to or mention of the social properties in the profile information or within videos. Administrative Management: Community manager present without visible evidence of growing the community. 23
  • 24. Strengths  Good consistent uploading of videos.  Nice balance and assortment of video content with tutorials receiving a lot of play (interest). • Product intros / product reviews / product promos / product tutorials / street interviews / user app stories (creative Master series).  Consistent tag and metadata use, but tags may be used inconsistently.  Use of playlists to favorite third-party product reviews.  Appealing video production techniques (action music oriented application storyboards: Team Tempest).  Recent experimentation with multi-language video versions. Weaknesses  Stronger Brand channel could be developed.  Video library has no organization and is random based on date uploaded (with exception of video playlists, which groups some videos together).  No cross promotion with other social properties in profile or as a CTA (call to action) in videos.  Low video engagement counts and interaction with likes, shares, playlist adds and comments.  No leverage for CTAs in videos for further community building or Brand engagement YOUTUBE (subscribe, like, share, comment, follow or Fan).  Recent video view counts are down possibly representing analysis is needed to gauge popular content, production techniques, posting practices. Focus / Content Direction  Heavy emphasis on product and promo videos. Online / Offline  No online / offline incentives offered. Could be offered as CTAs in videos. Customer Loyalty, Rewards, Customer Support  Product tutorial videos offer advance customer care support. 24
  • 25. Sampled Best Practices Defined Branding  Visually Re-Brand the Channel as a “Brand Channel” for greater visual appeal and for cross promotion of links and calls to actions / clicks to other online content, assets and social properties.  Optimize videos by experimenting with and refining tags, descriptions, thumbnails, titles, subtitles for easy discovery within the YouTube community (use terminology YouTube members would use to search).  Produce video content with emphasis on reinforcing latest umbrella marketing themes / taglines such as “Put Your Life On It”. Content & Production  Value, not promotion – produce videos to tell the Brand / Product story using consumer touch points: pains, challenges, and/or aspirations. YOUTUBE  Quality over quantity – maintain a high Branded Channels Examples production value to reinforce Brand image.  Create a balance of content that is unique, compelling, entertaining and informative (brand, product, educational, entertainment).  Create and upload eye-catching, high- resolution thumbnails to attract video viewers.  Optimize the first 15 seconds of each video to create immediate interest and appeal. Take the opportunity to include CTAs (call to action) in each video – experiment with annotations.  Offer a good balance of variety and assortment of content to create community appeal. Produce videos to be leveraged and re-purposed across multi-channels and consumer devices. 25
  • 26.  Use video series vs. longer length productions to maintain interest and appeal.  Experiment and use latest video production techniques such as Interactive Video (branching story lines, interactive scenes, overlay information) to increase viewer appeal and engagement. • Samsung video production example: (  Leverage and isolate interesting and compelling video frame images into a series of images to cross promote (with a shelf life) on other social channels linking images back to YouTube channel for higher view and engagement counts. Community Engagement  Explore the YouTube community and engage, subscribe, like, comment on related videos and topics (participate with others and make friends).  Cross promote across other online properties (web and social) – create a video blog.  Design a click path to always include call or click to action within videos for cross promotion.  Track, measure, identify and continually refine best practices using the Insights analytic tool – replicate. Analytics, Metadata and More YOUTUBE  Use Analytics to better understand the audience, improve content and to aid in developing or refining effective programming and production strategies.  Write detailed and comprehensive metadata following proper formatting and guidelines optimizing titles, tags, and descriptions for content (think what community members would use in searches) in order for YouTube to index the content which is critical to building views from YouTube’s search and suggested videos algorithm.  Explore aspirational brands to glean compelling techniques and uses as a source of stimulating continual creative and approaches.  Potential Tech YouTube aspirational brands: Sony Pocket TV, HP You on You.  Potential pure-play Consumer aspirational brands: Air New Zealand, Starbucks. 26
  • 27. Sampled YouTube Posting / Content Tips YouTube offers a comprehensive strategy for showcasing WD videos. Although videos can be easily uploaded to Facebook, YouTube remains the social destination for most online consumers when they are searching for video content on topics of interest.  Programming calendar – pre-plan as much of the YouTube content as possible and publish according to a master programming calendar.  Increase productions targeted at younger consumer demographics using up tempo, high energy, music video style action shorts, teasers and series (Team Tempest style). • Ideal for video, music, photo, image consumer applications.  Increase productions targeted at family demographics relative to a warm, heart-felt family oriented series (Brilliant Moments).  Increase productions targeted at creative professional demographics surrounding the Creative Master series (photography) with consideration for expanding series to include video and music pro apps.  Showcase more real life (tutorial) examples (WD TV Live videos were well received) to introduce, educate, teach consumers re: product installation, features and tech benefits.  Find opportunities to document Freedom Quest style contests with similar video production.  Continue productions of product promos / ad shorts historically producing high view counts – use opportunity to entertain as well as to educate. YOUTUBE  Increase productions of entertaining short Brand teaser videos with unusual visual content used to entertain as well as to inform (Before you Lose It, Back It Up animal series).  Identify channels with similar or complementary content and/or relevant audiences to cultivate cross promotion and collaborative opportunities.  Organize content using playlists into video sets to show separation of themed or curate content to improve navigation and increase the number of views.  ‘Like’ and ‘favorite’ WD videos on the WD channel several times in timely increments within the first 24 hours after uploading to have the activity appear in Western Digital’s subscriber news feeds. 27
  • 28. Strategic Execution Frequency Engaged Rescinded Content Social Admin Intent & Focus Amplitude Followers Engagement Appeal Integration Mgm’t (15) (15) (15) (15) (15) (15) (5) (5) FACEBOOK 5 5 5 3 10 3 2 3 (36) TWITTER 5 5 10 3 3 5 2 2 (35) YOUTUBE 5 5 5 5 3 5 1 2 (31) CONCLUSIONS The opportunities are endless for Western Digital to reach a new level of performance in Social Media. The company to date has gone through a stage many large companies have experienced – namely making the initial commitment , establishing a presence, learning while experimenting, and actively becoming part of the conversation. Observations throughout this preliminary analysis reveals a number of Best Practices, which can be deployed immediately. However, either as the next step or one taken in tandem with exploring Best Practices, a deeper, expanded analysis is warranted to identify greater opportunities for community building at a deeper level. If the commitment is made, Western Digital is positioned well to move beyond its peers within the storage industry to cultivate and strengthen a more respected Brand image with magnitudes of greater influence and appeal among consumers. However, this approach will require a top / down effort re-assessing and evaluating goals and objectives, systems and processes, KPIs, measurement metrics, support needs and allocations, and more – along with a steady stream of intelligence mining to more deeply engage with the active Western Digital community in social media. 28
  • 29. APPENDICES Represents whether a social property has an identified purpose. Does not Strategic Intent represent the degree or sophistication of strategic alignment. Execution / Content Represents whether a social property has some level of advance thought prior to Focus execution including content developed and posted. Consistent Represents whether a social property is active in the use of the social property Frequency with consistent, frequent posts. Engaged Fans / Represents whether a social property is succeeding in stimulating fan / follower Followers engagement at any level. Rescinded Represents whether the social property and its administrator is actively engaging Engagement with its fans / followers via responses and conversations. Represents whether a social property has adequate appeal to stimulate fan / Content Appeal follower engagement at any level. Represents whether a social property and its execution efforts are integrated with Social Integration any other social property. Assigned Represents whether a social property has an assigned administrator to manage Administrator the efforts on an ongoing, consistent basis. 29
  • 30. DISK DRIVE INDUSTRY Category Keywords Topical (all): hard drive(s), USB drive(s), FireWire drives, Ethernet drives, hdd, hd, dual band drives, network drive(s), external drive(s), internal drive(s), desktop drive(s), portable drive(s), laptop drive(s), notebook drive(s), pocket size drive(s), slim drive(s), thin drive(s), mini drive(s), mobile drive(s), self encrypting drive(s), media drive(s), performance drive(s), solid state drive(s), wireless drive(s), data backup drive(s), backup drive(s), digital drive(s), home entertainment drive(s), dual drive(s) hard disk(s), disk drive(s), disk storage external disk storage, internal disk storage, network storage, network server storage, workstation storage, desktop storage, laptop storage, notebook APPENDICES storage, portable storage, pocket size storage, dual-drive storage, media storage, digital storage, cloud storage, DVR storage, low power disk storage network router(s), network switch(es), network hub(s), data protection, data recovery, data backup, media player(s), network storage server(s), storage array IPTV 30
  • 31. Brand Category Keywords Roots: Western Digital, WesternDigital Product Brands (External): Brand name roots: [WD] [&] [My Book], [My Passport], [Elements], [Nomad] My Book Essential, WD Elements Desktop, My Book for Mac, My Book Studio, My Book Thunderbolt Duo, My Book Studio II, My Passport, My Passport Essential SE, My Passport Essential, WD Elements, My Passport for Mac, My Passport Studio, WD Nomad Product Brands (Network): Brand name roots: [WD] [&] [Sentinel], [My Book], [My Net], [Livewire] WD Sentinel DX4000, My Book Live, My Book Live Duo, My Net N900 Central, My Net N900, My Net N750, My Net N600, My Net Switch, WD Livewire Product Brands (Home Entertainment): Brand name roots: [WD] [&] [TV Live], [My Book], [My Passport], [Elements] WD TV Live Hub, WD TV Live Plus, WD TV Live, My Book AV, My Passport AV, WD Elements Play APPENDICES Product Brands (Internal): Brand name roots: [WD] [&] [Caviar], [Scorpio], [VelociRaptor], [WD XE], [WD RE], [WD AV] WD Caviar Blue, WD Caviar Green, WD Caviar Black, WD VelociRaptor, WD Scorpio Blue, WD Scorpio Black, WD XE, WD RE SAS, WD RE4, WD AV-GP, WD AV-25, Tagline: Put Your Life On It Category Keywords Topical (all): [WD] [&] [drive(s)] - hard drive(s), USB drive(s), network drive(s), external drive(s), internal drive(s), desktop drive(s), portable drive(s), laptop drive(s), notebook drive(s), pocket size drive(s), slim drive(s), thin drive(s), mini drive(s), mobile drive(s), self encrypting drive(s), media drive(s), performance drive(s), solid state drive(s), wireless drive(s), data backup drive(s), backup drive(s), digital drive(s), home entertainment drive(s) [WD] [&] [disk(s)] - hard disk(s), disk drive(s), disk storage [WD] [&] [storage] - external storage, network storage, small business storage, server storage, workstation storage, desktop storage, laptop storage, notebook storage, portable storage, pocket size storage, dual drive storage, media storage, digital storage, cloud storage, DVR storage, low power storage [WD] [&] router(s), switch(es), hub(s), powerline AV network (kit), data protection, guardian services, data recovery, data backup, backup, media player(s), network storage server(s), solid state, storage array, IPTV, USB, FireWire, Ethernet, hdd, dual band, dual drive(s), home entertainment Misc (all): [WD] service, warranty(ies), support 31
  • 32. Brand Category Keywords Roots: Seagate Product Brands (External): Brand name roots: [Seagate] [&] [GoFlex], [Backup Plus], [Seagate Slim], [BlackArmor]  Portable External Hard Drives: GoFlex Turbo Performance Drive, GoFlex Pro Ultra Portable, GoFlex Pro for Mac Ultra Portable, Backup Plus Portable Drive, Backup Plus Portable Drive for Mac, Seagate Slim Portable Drive, Seagate Slim Portable Drive for Mac, Expansion Portable Hard Drive, GoFlex Satellite Mobile Wireless Storage  Desktop External Hard Drives: Backup Plus Desktop Drive, Backup Plus Desktop Drive for Mac, Expansion External, GoFlex Home Network Storage System  NAS Hard Drives: BlackArmor NAS (440, 400, 220, 110) Product Brands (Internal): Brand name roots: [Seagate] [&] [Momentus], [Barracuda], [Pulsar], [Savvio], [Constellation], [Cheetah], [Pipeline HD], [SV35]  Laptop Hard Drives: Momentus XT, Momentus Laptop, Momentus Thin  Desktop Hard Drives: Barracuda  Solid State / Hybrid Hard Drives: Momentus XT, Pulsar APPENDICES  Enterprise Hard Drives: Barracuda: Pulsar, Savvio (15K, 10K), Constellation, Constellation ES, Cheetah 15K  Video Storage Hard Drives: Pipeline HD, SV35 Series Product Brands (Home Entertainment): Brand name roots: [Seagate] [&] [GoFlex]  Digital Media Players: GoFlex TV HD Media Player Category Keywords Topical (all): [Seagate] [&] [drive(s)] - hard drive(s), USB drive(s), network drive(s), external drive(s), internal drive(s), desktop drive(s), portable drive(s), laptop drive(s), notebook drive(s), pocket size drive(s), slim drive(s), thin drive(s), mini drive(s), mobile drive(s), self encrypting drive(s), media drive(s), performance drive(s), solid state drive(s), wireless drive(s), data backup drive(s), backup drive(s), digital drive(s), home entertainment drive(s) [Seagate] [&] [disk(s)] - hard disk(s), disk drive(s), disk storage [Seagate] [&] [storage] - external storage, network storage, small business storage, server storage, workstation storage, desktop storage, laptop storage, notebook storage, portable storage, pocket size storage, dual-drive storage, media storage, digital storage, cloud storage, DVR storage, low power storage [Seagate] [&] router(s), switch(es), hub(s), powerline AV network (kit), data protection, guardian services, data recovery, data backup, backup, media player(s), network storage server(s), solid state, storage array, IPTV, USB, FireWire, Ethernet, hdd, dual band, dual drive(s), home entertainment Misc (all): [Seagate] [&] service, warranty(ies), support /, 32
  • 33. Brand Category Keywords Roots: Hitachi Global Storage Technologies, Hitachi Global Storage, Hitachi Storage, HGST Product Brands (External): Brand name roots: [Hitachi] [&] [Touro], [G-Technology], [G-RAID (G RAID)], [G-Speed Q (G Speed)], [G-Connect (G Connect)], [G-Drive (G Drive)]  External Mobile Hard Drives: Touro Mobile, Touro Mobile Pro  External Desktop Hard Drives: Touro Desk, Touro Desk Pro Product Brands (Internal): Brand name roots: [Hitachi] [&] [Travelstar], [Deskstar], [Ultrastar], [Cinemastar], [Endurastar]  Mobile Hard Drives: Travelstar (series) / Desktop Hard Drives: Deskstar (series)  Enterprise Hard Drives: Ultrastar (series) / Consumer Electronics Hard Drives: Cinemastar (series) Automotive / Industrial Hard Drives: Endurastar (series)  Self Encrypting Hard Drives: Travelstar (series), Ultrastar (series) APPENDICES Product Brands (Solid State): Brand name roots: [Hitachi] [&] [Ultrastar] (MLC NAND, SLC NAND series) - [HGST] [&] [Ultrastar] Category Keywords Topical (all): [Hitachi] [&] [drive(s)] - hard drive(s), USB drive(s), network drive(s), external drive(s), internal drive(s), desktop drive(s), portable drive(s), laptop drive(s), notebook drive(s), pocket size drive(s), slim drive(s), thin drive(s), mini drive(s), mobile drive(s), self encrypting drive(s), media drive(s), performance drive(s), solid state drive(s), wireless drive(s), data backup drive(s), backup drive(s), digital drive(s), home entertainment drive(s) [Hitachi] [&] [disk(s)] - hard disk(s), disk drive(s), disk storage [Hitachi] [&] [storage] - external storage, network storage, small business storage, server storage, workstation storage, desktop storage, laptop storage, notebook storage, portable storage, pocket size storage, dual-drive storage, media storage, digital storage, cloud storage, DVR storage, low power storage [Hitachi] [&] router(s), switch(es), hub(s), powerline AV network (kit), data protection, guardian services, data recovery, data backup, backup, media player(s), network storage server(s), solid state, storage array, IPTV, USB, FireWire, Ethernet, hdd, dual band, dual drive(s), home entertainment Misc (all): [Hitachi] [&] service, warranty(ies), support /, 33
  • 34. Brand Category Keywords Roots: Iomega Product Brands (Network Storage): Brand name roots: [Iomega] [&] [StorCenter] Product Brands (Home Network): Brand name roots: [Iomega] [&] [Home Media], [EZ Media], [StorCenter] Product Brands (Multimedia): Brand name roots: [Iomega] [&] [ScreenPlay], [EZ Media] Product Brands (Desktop): Brand name roots: [Iomega] [&] [Prestige], [eGo], [Mac Companion], [UltraMax], [MiniMax] Product Brands (Portable): Brand name roots: [Iomega] [&] [Prestige], [eGo] Product Brands (iPhone): Brand name roots: [Iomega] [&] [SuperHero] APPENDICES Category Keywords Topical (all): [Iomega] [&] [drive(s)] - hard drive(s), USB drive(s), network drive(s), external drive(s), internal drive(s), desktop drive(s), portable drive(s), laptop drive(s), notebook drive(s), pocket size drive(s), slim drive(s), thin drive(s), mini drive(s), mobile drive(s), self encrypting drive(s), media drive(s), performance drive(s), solid state drive(s), wireless drive(s), data backup drive(s), backup drive(s), digital drive(s), home entertainment drive(s) [Iomega] [&] [disk(s)] - hard disk(s), disk drive(s), disk storage [Iomega] [&] [storage] - external storage, network storage, small business storage, server storage, workstation storage, desktop storage, laptop storage, notebook storage, portable storage, pocket size storage, dual-drive storage, media storage, digital storage, cloud storage, DVR storage, low power storage [Iomega] [&] router(s), switch(es), hub(s), powerline AV network (kit), data protection, guardian services, data recovery, data backup, backup, media player(s), network storage server(s), solid state, storage array, IPTV, USB, FireWire, Ethernet, hdd, dual band, dual drive(s), home entertainment Misc (all): [Iomega] [&] service, warranty(ies), support /,,, 34
  • 35. Brand Category Keywords Roots: LaCie Product Brands (Desktop): Brand name roots: [LaCie] [&] [Porsche Design], [Porsche], [Minimus], [Starck], [Rugged XL], [eSATA Hub], [Quadra], [Hard Disk Max] Product Brands (Mobile): Brand name roots: [LaCie] [&] [Rugged Safe], [Little Big Disk], [Porsche Design], [Rugged Mini], [Rugged Triple], [Rikiki] Product Brands (Network Storage): Brand name roots: [LaCie] [&] [Network Space], [CloudBox], [LaPlug], [Wireless Space], [d2 Network], [2big], [5big], [4big], [12big] Product Brands (RAID): Brand name roots: [LaCie] [&] [2big], [4big], [12big] Product Brands (Multimedia): Brand name roots: [LaCie] [&] [LaCinema] Category Keywords APPENDICES Topical (all): [LaCie] [&] [drive(s)] - hard drive(s), USB drive(s), network drive(s), external drive(s), internal drive(s), desktop drive(s), portable drive(s), laptop drive(s), notebook drive(s), pocket size drive(s), slim drive(s), thin drive(s), mini drive(s), mobile drive(s), self encrypting drive(s), media drive(s), performance drive(s), solid state drive(s), wireless drive(s), data backup drive(s), backup drive(s), digital drive(s), home entertainment drive(s) [LaCie] [&] [disk(s)] - hard disk(s), disk drive(s), disk storage [LaCie] [&] [storage] - external storage, network storage, small business storage, server storage, workstation storage, desktop storage, laptop storage, notebook storage, portable storage, pocket size storage, dual-drive storage, media storage, digital storage, cloud storage, DVR storage, low power storage [LaCie] [&] router(s), switch(es), hub(s), powerline AV network (kit), data protection, guardian services, data recovery, data backup, backup, media player(s), network storage server(s), solid state, storage array, IPTV, USB, FireWire, Ethernet, hdd, dual band, dual drive(s), home entertainment Misc (all): [LaCie] service, warranty(ies), support /, 35