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Annual Report 2011:
Welcome to Social Entertainment

                        The most detailed set of data on your online audience ever compiled
@globalwebindex                                  2011: 90K web users | 26 markets | 3 Waves of Data
globalwebindex - Annual Report 2011

2010: Welcome to the Social Entertainment Age

   The first year of the GlobalWebIndex has revealed three clear trends in the consumer adoption of the internet. In combination they are driving a new age of social
   entertainment through internet platforms. In this report, we analyse the current global situation and the opportunities for the future for professional media, content
   producers and brands:

   Social media has reached mass maturity. Today it’s no longer about massive growth but a shift of already active social consumers to ‘real-time’ technologies, such
   as status updates or tweets. The old view of text-based social media, defined by blogs and forums, is being surpassed, moving the impact of social media, from
   creating content and publishing to sharing other people’s content and ‘live’ opinions about real-world events. In short ‘real-time’ is re-orientating consumer from creator
   to distributor and moving the focus to traditional media and professional content.

   The open browser-based web is losing out to packaged internet platforms such as mobile apps, internet connected TVs, tablets, e-readers, pc apps, gaming and
   video platforms. These packaged platforms are re-engineering the internet and destroying the notion of the internet being a singular entity. Crucially for the
   entertainment revolution, they provide professional media with the means to create sustainable internet business models, something the economics of the
   browser-based web totally failed to enable.

   Professional “traditional style” content is now a core part of the consumer online experience. Internet platforms, for hundreds of millions of consumers, are
   increasingly the entertainment platform of choice. This is due to continual growth of professional content in video sites (legal and illegal), the rise of ‘real-time’, and the
   growth of packaged platforms.

                                Tom Smith
                                Founder of the GlobalWebindex
                                @globalwebindex |
globalwebindex - Annual Report 2011

 2010: Welcome to the Social Entertainment Age
These trends will revolutionise our view of the internet. In particular, the packaged
internet will transform the way we get online, the content we consume, and the ways                  Rise of the
we can create, share and communicate. Going forward five years it is clear that many
people’s internet experience will not be through a browser, but through some form of                 packaged
packaged platform. While many ‘internet purists’ will bemoan their lack of openness,
the creation of barriers to entry, and shift in control to small numbers of gatekeepers,              internet
packaged platforms crucially enable professional media to create sustainable
businesses online without having to change the way that the open web works.

This is as important, if not more important, for a healthy society as enabling
consumers to publish and share their opinions or content. The open browser based
internet has failed to create the economics to deliver professional media business
online, as advertising could not demand the premiums needed and consumers are
unwilling to pay for content delivered through a browser. These changing commercial
opportunities will capitalise on the consumer demand for social entertainment online.
They will however have to change the way that they create and deliver content and
make sure they integrate social technologies into their product.
                                                                                              Professional             Social
                                                                                                Content            Entertainment
Increasingly ‘real-time’ social will be integrated with the traditional content experience.
Imagine live Twitter style messaging around major TV events or programming                     Explosion
recommended by your social network. This will extend the impact of social media
outside of the browser as well as surpassing the old models of delivering media, such
as cable TV, satellite, radio or newspaper

2011 and beyond is a promising to be an extremely interesting period of innovation.
Next year the GlobalWebIndex will track these shifts through 26 countries, 3 waves of
research and 90,000 surveys.

globalwebindex - Annual Report 2011

 The Data Source: GlobalWebindex
• The GlobalWebIndex tool is powered by the most detailed set of data ever
  compiled on global internet behaviour, social technologies, digital content
  and the role for brands online. All of our trends are sourced from this data set.

• Such a regular and detailed view of changing internet trends has never been
  compiled before at a global level.

• The release of the third set of data covering 51,000 consumers globally over
  the last 12 months paints a unique picture of changing internet behaviour and,
  more importantly, what it means for your audience, category and brand.

• There is a minimum sample of 2,250 per market over 12 months, to enable deep
  analysis, and over 500 variables to define audiences specific to your business.

• All of this analysis is primary research data. The data set is based on a
  representative sample of web users’ primary research data collected via online
  surveys from Lightspeed Research global online panels.

• The GlobalWebIndex tool was created by Trendstream, a company who create
  data-driven applications to aid decision making. All insight and analysis in this
  document is provided by, Trendstream Consulting, a dedicated team of experts
  on the global adoption of internet, social technology, marketing
  communications and paid content, who help their clients to understand the
  opportunities of the changing internet ecosystem.

                              Wave 2
                                                        Wave 3
           Wave 1              Jan 2010                Sept 2010
           July 2009

                                   Year 1
globalwebindex - Annual Report 2011

Social Media: The Move to “Real-Time”

              Creator                   Network
globalwebindex - Annual Report 2011

 Social Media has reached Mass Maturity
Overall social engagement across social networking, micro-blogging, video
uploading, news writing or blog production has reached massive levels in all markets.         Figure 1: Combined monthly involvement of social network users, micro-blog users,
Even in the least engaged markets, nearly 50% of consumers participated in some               video uploaders, news writers and blog writers. PC internet. Wave 1 to 3.
form of social contribution in the last month. This is a significant indication of the total
impact of social media. It has, in the last 5 years, redefined all internet markets.                                                   Japan
                                                                                                                                        90%           Spain
When we look at the combined reach in markets such as Brazil and India, this almost                                  Brazil
reaches 90%, showing mass saturation. This a clear indication that the massive
periods of growth are over.                                                                                                             70%
This view of total social engagement reveals a smaller gap between fast growing
emerging markets and older developed web markets than is often reported. For
example, the US and China have the same level of social engagement, although if you               Russia
look at individual platforms (see Figure 3) China will lead the US in everything. This                                                  30%
shows us that social users in China tend to do more across more platforms, while
users in the US are more fragmented.

                                                                                                China                                   0%                                       Germany

                                                                                                    USA                                                                       South Korea

                                                                                                           Canada                                                 Australia

                                                                                                                              UK                       Italy

                                                                                                                                                                   Wave 1 (July 2009)
                                                                                                                                                                   Wave 3 (Sept 2010)
globalwebindex - Annual Report 2011

 From “Static Social” to “Real-Time” Social
Despite the overall saturation, there has been major shifts in the last 12 months among                                                                                         This shift into micro-blogs and social networks means that the majority of consumer
existing social consumers from creation platforms to networked ones and social                                                                                                  involvement in social media is related to providing real-time opinions, links or shared
networks and micro-blogs which have both grown a huge 20% year on year.                                                                                                         content through status updates. This radically changes the impact of social media, by
                                                                                                                                                                                primarily creating an ongoing shared agenda and conversation, that steers consumer
Social media used to be defined by long form primarily text-based content, whether                                                                                               involvement towards reacting or interacting with live events and discourse, rather than
that be forums, websites or blogs. But not anymore; blog writing has declined by 4%                                                                                             creating their own agenda or content.
and forum contribution has shown an 11% decline.
                                                                                                                                                                                There is also a clear embracement of the entertainment agenda and there is a
                                                                                                                                                                                significant 16% increase in uploading video online, again a clear shift away from the
                                                                                                                                                                                old model of text and commentary.

   Figure 2: Online behaviour % of monthly access/usage – Global Data. Waves 1 – 3.                                                                                                                                     Professional / Rich content
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Live “Real-Time” Social
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Creation Social
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Online services / productivity
       60%                                                                                                                                                                                                              Change (last 12 months)


























































































































































































globalwebindex - Annual Report 2011

 The “Real-Time” Shift is Global
Looking at the global distribution of “real-time” versus traditional social platforms, we               Interestingly, developed web markets such as the UK, the US or Canada, while not
see an interesting distribution in monthly consumer involvement. The Asian markets                      leading the way, are far more skewed towards real-time platforms, due to lower
are still very focused on personal publishing, with China, Japan and South Korea                        consumer engagement in blogs and forums and the mass adoption of social
having a strong focus on social blogging platforms.                                                     networks.

The fast growing web markets of Brazil, India, Malaysia, Poland and Russia lead the
way in social networking and micro-blogging involvement. However, they also have
very high levels of involvement in blogging and forums, showing that there is a two-tier
involvement between real-time and old time social platforms.

    Figure 3: Active monthly behaviour. Wave 3.

                                                                                                                               Manage your own social network profile
                                                                                                                               Used a microblogging service
                                                                                                                               Written your own blog
                                                                                                                               Contribute to a forum









































    Source: Wave 3, September 2010
globalwebindex - Annual Report 2011

 “Real-Time” – Mass Involvement
Social Networks have been transformed by real-time involvement. Once upon a
time (when MySpace was big) they were static places focused on consumer                   Figure 4: Frequency of updating social network – status updates. Global Data
profiles. Now thanks to inspiration from Twitter, they are real-time as pioneered by
Facebook news stream and being replicated across the world, in-particular
services like RenRen in China. The impact is clear, already 10% of all web users are
updating their social network profile on a daily basis and 24% on a weekly basis.
Micro-blogs, remain smaller, are still updated daily by 5% of all web users. Twitters
greatest impact is by creating the concept of real time contribution, not necessarily
direct usage of the service.                                                                                                                                +10% - Daily

This is a massive volume of interaction, conversation, opinion and content sharing                                                                          +24% - Weekly
that is reshaping the way the web works:
                                                                                                                                                            +32% - Monthly
• These platforms depend on shared focal points and events. These are frequently
  live real life ones or mass media.
                                                                                                                                                            +55% - Ever Done

• The light nature of interaction focuses users on sharing content over creating. This
  means that consumers can no longer shape the agenda through long form content
  and expressed ideas and opinions. Links, great content and light commentary on
  external events are what define consumer involvement.

• The bottom up dynamic, that defined early social platforms is being eroded. This is
  particularly stark with micro-blogs, as we all seek to connect and follow with people
  in the public eye. Its no surprise that celebrities, politicians, sports people,
  journalists and musicians dominate the rankings on Twitter                              Figure 5: Frequency of updating micro-blog – status updates. Global Data

This is a major change. For years the web has been seen as a threat to the old order
of media giants, big brands and the political elite. Now, as clearly shown in this                                                                          +5% - Daily
research, changing trends in social participation are reinforcing and promoting the old
hierarchical model. A major shift in the perception of social media.                                                                                        +9% - Weekly

                                                                                                                                                            +12% - Monthly

                                                                                                                                                            +29% - Ever Done
globalwebindex - Annual Report 2011

 Who is Driving “Real-Time”?
The “real-time” revolution is being driven by younger demographics. Almost 17% of
16-24s are updating their social network on a daily basis.                             Figure 6: Percentage of web users who update their social network on a daily basis
                                                                                       Wave 3 September 2010. Global Data
When we delve into the demographics we can see distinct differences in the type of
                                                                                                                                                                0%   5%   10%   15%   20%
web user who is embracing real time.

Taking “Category of Work” as an example, we can see that people who work in                                                                                Male

advertising and marketing are the most likely to be contributing to the real-time                                                                        Female
revolution. This is followed by people in IT, then retail and healthcare. This shows
that the industry is leading the curve in adoption.






                                                                                                                                              Financial Services

                                                                                       Category of Work

                                                                                                          Professional Services (Law, Accounting, Architect etc)


                                                                                                                      Manufacturing, Engineering Construction


                                                                                                                    Government (excluding Education & Health)

                                                                                                                                         Police oArmed Forces

                                                                                                                                            Agriculture oMining

                                                                                                                        IT, Internet, Software, ComputeServices

                                                                                                                               Transport, Logistics, Distribution

                                                                                                                               Travel, Tourism, Leisure Services

                                                                                                                                  Advertising marketing omedia
globalwebindex - Annual Report 2011

 The Synergy between “Real-Time” and Professional Content
We can clearly see how micro-bloggers are driving this new era of entertainment.
                                                                                            Figure 7: Micro-blog frequency versus consumption of TV content online.
If we take the example of consumption of TV content via internet platforms, frequent        Wave 3 September 2010. Global Data
micro-bloggers are far more likely to consume professional content.
                                                                                                                             0%   10%      20%     30%      40%      50%     60%      70%   80%
Over 70% of users that post more than once a day have streamed a TV show on
demand or live in the last month. Then, as frequency diminishes, consumption of TV
content falls.                                                                                             Every other day

Traditionally we think of “hard core” social media users as turning their back on
traditional media or professional content. This is not true and, as we can see, people
                                                                                                           Every 3-4 days
who have never used a micro-blog are very light consumers of TV content online, with
only 25% streaming TV or watching live TV online in the last month.

It’s this relationship between traditional content and real-time social that demonstrates                    Once a week
how the two are interlinked and are driving a new social ecosystem.

                                                                                                         Twice this month

                                                                                             One time only this past month

                                                                                            Haven't Used in the Last Month

                                                                                                              Never Used

                                                                                                                                        Watch TV shows on demand via online service
                                                                                                                                        Watched Live TV / Video online
globalwebindex - Annual Report 2011

 We are the Network – not the Creator
The changing social ecosystem can be seen through the way that users are adopting                  This is contrary to the impact of when social media emerged. For example, when blogs
micro-blogs. Figure 8 shows current behaviour on a micro-blog and also growth rates                arrived they were seen as a publishing revolution and one that opened up the media
between January and September, clearly indicating a shifting dynamic from personal                 world to consumers. Today, these creation platforms are in decline and the
content to professional content. Personal pictures, while still the number one action on           professionals are back in the driving seat when it comes to content. This makes the
a micro-blog, fell by 5% in the period, while links to external news stories increased             opportunity for brands and media companies even more compelling.
by 17%. This is a pattern that is repeated on social networks and video sharing
platforms, which are orientating away from being places to share personal content.

        “‘real time’ technologies such as Twitter are increasingly orientating
        us towards the professional, rather than driving a bottom up dynamic”

   Figure 8: Activities on a micro-blog. Monthly percentage by active micro- blog users and Wave 2 v Wave 3 percentage change

             Links to news stories

   An opinion on a product / brand

                A link to your blog

                  Personal photos

                                      0%     10%            20%             30%            40%            50%
globalwebindex - Annual Report 2011

 The Impact of the Consumer-Driven Network
While professional content grows massively, the consumer rises in influence. Figure 9                 This shows how important the synergy between professional content and the
looks at the change in perception of “trusted product recommendations”, with a huge                  consumer distributor will be into the future. Increasingly, we turn to the consumer
growth in trust for social network or micro-blog contacts.                                           network to drive our consumption trends.

     Figure 9: % change from Wave 1 to Wave 3 data. Scored 4/5 from a 5 point scale, where 5 = strongly trust.
     5 from 21 sources of recommendation shown

                   Newspaper               Blogger                                  A Social Network Contact

      Television               Radio                      Microblog Contact

                                         +16%              +21%
globalwebindex - Annual Report 2011

 Entertainment is Driven by the Consumer Network
It is clear how this consumer network is impacting content distribution, when we               It’s this increase for entertainment-driven content that demonstrates how important
explore the importance of “friend recommendation” in sourcing content online. When             the consumer network will be in guiding our content consumption and choices as we
looking at news, only 17% of respondents choose this as the key motivation.                    move into the future.
However, when we look at video, this rises to 28%.

  Figure 10: Key factor in sourcing a news story online. Wave 3. Global Data                     Figure 11: Key factor in sourcing an online video. Wave 3. Global Data

  News                                                                                           Video

                                                                36.8% - Familiar Site                                                                          39.2% - Familiar Site
                                                                18% - Answers a search query                                                                   16.5% - Answers a search query
                                                                17% - Friend Recommendation                      10.6%                                         28.2% - Friend Recommendation
                                                                11.2% - Quality of Design                                                                      11.8% - Quality of Design

                                                                18% - Recently Produced                                                                        10.6% - Recently Produced
globalwebindex - Annual Report 2011

The Rise of the Packaged Internet

                                               Games Consoles

                                      E-Readers/Tablets                     Mobile Devices

globalwebindex - Annual Report 2011

 The Death of the Internet – Hail the internet
In 2010, we have seen a massive growth in “packaged internet” platforms, such as        This growing trend thoroughly undermines the concept of “the internet” as a media or
applications, games consoles, mobile (technically allows open web usage but typically   singular entity. More crucially, they are bringing back “traditional media” economics,
focused on repackaged sites and apps), and now television sets and e-readers into       included barriers to entry for consumers’ content and a more limited and dictated
the mainstream. They are moving interaction away from the open browser-based            choice for consumers. In the future, connecting to the internet may look more like
delivery of content that people think of the internet. We can already see that 4% of    switching on your TV..
global web users have accessed the web through their TV, 10% through a games
console and 2% through an e-reader.                                                     As our research shows, these “packaged platforms” will grow massively. While they’re
                                                                                        not open, or consumer driven, they work. You only have to look at the success of the
                                                                                        iPhone and app platforms. If it works, we embrace. Disconnected, open
                                                                                        browser-based platforms tend not to work as well as packaged ones for delivery of a
                                                                                        seamless entertainment experience.

   Figure 12: Monthly access to the packaged internet. Global Data

                                                                                                           4%         Mobile Apps

                                                                                                         Mobile               TV Streaming
                                                                                                          35%                  On-Demand

                                                                                                        E-Readers      Gaming
                                                                                                           2%           10%

                      Browser-based Web                                                              Packaged Internet
globalwebindex - Annual Report 2011

 The Impact of Mobile: Entertainment Everywhere
Internet access via mobiles has exploded (Figure 13) in the last 12 months, rising from   Today (Figure 14), mobile devices are being primarily utilised for services. However,
25% of web users to 33%. While you can use your mobile device to access the open          updates to a social network service now stand at 38% of web users, while an update
web, the large areas of growth are due to applications or mobile formatted sites, which   to a micro-blog service stands at 14%. This will grow massively. This light social
limit user experience or provide a smaller section of content. The mobile drives the      involvement will define the future of consumer contribution as more and more of web
shift into the packaged internet.                                                         access is via mobile and portable devices.

                                                                                          Mobile is also bringing in an age of entertainment, despite small screens. Just over
                                                                                          17% have watched live streamed TV in the last month, while 26% have watch an
                                                                                          on-demand video.

  Figure 13: Percentage of PC internet users who access via mobile in the last month.       Figure 14: Mobile internet actions/behaviour last month. Percentage of mobile
  Global data                                                                               internet users. Global data

                                                                                                                           Read news

                                                                                          Used mapping service / search for directions

                                                                                             Searched for local services / places to go

                                                                                                Searched for a product / service to buy

                                                                                                   Updated your social network profile

            25%                       27%                         Wave 3                                       Checked sports scores

                                                                                                       Used an online banking service
           Wave 1                     Wave 2                                                            Uploaded a photo to a website

                                                                                                        Watched an on-demand video

                                                                                                      Wrote and uploaded a blog post

                                                                                                      Bought a product on a retail site

                                                                                                             Watched live streamed TV

                                                                                                         Update your microblog status

                                                                                                         Access live travel information

                                                                                                Check stocks and financial information

                                                                                                                                          0%   10%   20%   30%   40%   50%   60%
Social media Entertainment 2011 report from GlobalWebIndex
Social media Entertainment 2011 report from GlobalWebIndex
Social media Entertainment 2011 report from GlobalWebIndex
Social media Entertainment 2011 report from GlobalWebIndex
Social media Entertainment 2011 report from GlobalWebIndex
Social media Entertainment 2011 report from GlobalWebIndex
Social media Entertainment 2011 report from GlobalWebIndex
Social media Entertainment 2011 report from GlobalWebIndex
Social media Entertainment 2011 report from GlobalWebIndex
Social media Entertainment 2011 report from GlobalWebIndex
Social media Entertainment 2011 report from GlobalWebIndex
Social media Entertainment 2011 report from GlobalWebIndex
Social media Entertainment 2011 report from GlobalWebIndex
Social media Entertainment 2011 report from GlobalWebIndex

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Social media Entertainment 2011 report from GlobalWebIndex

  • 1. Annual Report 2011: Welcome to Social Entertainment The most detailed set of data on your online audience ever compiled @globalwebindex 2011: 90K web users | 26 markets | 3 Waves of Data
  • 2. globalwebindex - Annual Report 2011 2010: Welcome to the Social Entertainment Age The first year of the GlobalWebIndex has revealed three clear trends in the consumer adoption of the internet. In combination they are driving a new age of social entertainment through internet platforms. In this report, we analyse the current global situation and the opportunities for the future for professional media, content producers and brands: Social media has reached mass maturity. Today it’s no longer about massive growth but a shift of already active social consumers to ‘real-time’ technologies, such as status updates or tweets. The old view of text-based social media, defined by blogs and forums, is being surpassed, moving the impact of social media, from creating content and publishing to sharing other people’s content and ‘live’ opinions about real-world events. In short ‘real-time’ is re-orientating consumer from creator to distributor and moving the focus to traditional media and professional content. The open browser-based web is losing out to packaged internet platforms such as mobile apps, internet connected TVs, tablets, e-readers, pc apps, gaming and video platforms. These packaged platforms are re-engineering the internet and destroying the notion of the internet being a singular entity. Crucially for the entertainment revolution, they provide professional media with the means to create sustainable internet business models, something the economics of the browser-based web totally failed to enable. Professional “traditional style” content is now a core part of the consumer online experience. Internet platforms, for hundreds of millions of consumers, are increasingly the entertainment platform of choice. This is due to continual growth of professional content in video sites (legal and illegal), the rise of ‘real-time’, and the growth of packaged platforms. Tom Smith Founder of the GlobalWebindex @globalwebindex |
  • 3. globalwebindex - Annual Report 2011 2010: Welcome to the Social Entertainment Age These trends will revolutionise our view of the internet. In particular, the packaged internet will transform the way we get online, the content we consume, and the ways Rise of the we can create, share and communicate. Going forward five years it is clear that many people’s internet experience will not be through a browser, but through some form of packaged packaged platform. While many ‘internet purists’ will bemoan their lack of openness, the creation of barriers to entry, and shift in control to small numbers of gatekeepers, internet packaged platforms crucially enable professional media to create sustainable businesses online without having to change the way that the open web works. This is as important, if not more important, for a healthy society as enabling consumers to publish and share their opinions or content. The open browser based internet has failed to create the economics to deliver professional media business online, as advertising could not demand the premiums needed and consumers are unwilling to pay for content delivered through a browser. These changing commercial opportunities will capitalise on the consumer demand for social entertainment online. They will however have to change the way that they create and deliver content and make sure they integrate social technologies into their product. Professional Social Content Entertainment Increasingly ‘real-time’ social will be integrated with the traditional content experience. Imagine live Twitter style messaging around major TV events or programming Explosion recommended by your social network. This will extend the impact of social media outside of the browser as well as surpassing the old models of delivering media, such as cable TV, satellite, radio or newspaper 2011 and beyond is a promising to be an extremely interesting period of innovation. Next year the GlobalWebIndex will track these shifts through 26 countries, 3 waves of research and 90,000 surveys. Real-time Social
  • 4. globalwebindex - Annual Report 2011 The Data Source: GlobalWebindex • The GlobalWebIndex tool is powered by the most detailed set of data ever compiled on global internet behaviour, social technologies, digital content and the role for brands online. All of our trends are sourced from this data set. • Such a regular and detailed view of changing internet trends has never been compiled before at a global level. • The release of the third set of data covering 51,000 consumers globally over the last 12 months paints a unique picture of changing internet behaviour and, more importantly, what it means for your audience, category and brand. • There is a minimum sample of 2,250 per market over 12 months, to enable deep analysis, and over 500 variables to define audiences specific to your business. • All of this analysis is primary research data. The data set is based on a representative sample of web users’ primary research data collected via online surveys from Lightspeed Research global online panels. • The GlobalWebIndex tool was created by Trendstream, a company who create data-driven applications to aid decision making. All insight and analysis in this document is provided by, Trendstream Consulting, a dedicated team of experts on the global adoption of internet, social technology, marketing communications and paid content, who help their clients to understand the opportunities of the changing internet ecosystem. Wave 2 Wave 3 Wave 1 Jan 2010 Sept 2010 July 2009 Year 1
  • 5. globalwebindex - Annual Report 2011 Social Media: The Move to “Real-Time” Creator Network
  • 6. globalwebindex - Annual Report 2011 Social Media has reached Mass Maturity Overall social engagement across social networking, micro-blogging, video uploading, news writing or blog production has reached massive levels in all markets. Figure 1: Combined monthly involvement of social network users, micro-blog users, Even in the least engaged markets, nearly 50% of consumers participated in some video uploaders, news writers and blog writers. PC internet. Wave 1 to 3. form of social contribution in the last month. This is a significant indication of the total impact of social media. It has, in the last 5 years, redefined all internet markets. Japan 90% Spain When we look at the combined reach in markets such as Brazil and India, this almost Brazil 80% reaches 90%, showing mass saturation. This a clear indication that the massive periods of growth are over. 70% Netherlands India 60% This view of total social engagement reveals a smaller gap between fast growing 50% emerging markets and older developed web markets than is often reported. For example, the US and China have the same level of social engagement, although if you Russia 40% France look at individual platforms (see Figure 3) China will lead the US in everything. This 30% shows us that social users in China tend to do more across more platforms, while 20% users in the US are more fragmented. 10% China 0% Germany USA South Korea Canada Australia UK Italy Mexico Wave 1 (July 2009) Wave 3 (Sept 2010)
  • 7. globalwebindex - Annual Report 2011 From “Static Social” to “Real-Time” Social Despite the overall saturation, there has been major shifts in the last 12 months among This shift into micro-blogs and social networks means that the majority of consumer existing social consumers from creation platforms to networked ones and social involvement in social media is related to providing real-time opinions, links or shared networks and micro-blogs which have both grown a huge 20% year on year. content through status updates. This radically changes the impact of social media, by primarily creating an ongoing shared agenda and conversation, that steers consumer Social media used to be defined by long form primarily text-based content, whether involvement towards reacting or interacting with live events and discourse, rather than that be forums, websites or blogs. But not anymore; blog writing has declined by 4% creating their own agenda or content. and forum contribution has shown an 11% decline. There is also a clear embracement of the entertainment agenda and there is a significant 16% increase in uploading video online, again a clear shift away from the old model of text and commentary. Figure 2: Online behaviour % of monthly access/usage – Global Data. Waves 1 – 3. Professional / Rich content Live “Real-Time” Social Creation Social 70% Online services / productivity 60% Change (last 12 months) 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% -10% og e l ip e ed d e g ns t te e ic te s te e IP e le te er r ai as to lm re lin in lin cl lin in oa us ofi cl si si si si ng O m io fe bl a rti l nk dc rf on on on on /fi eb eb /V nl eg lm eb o at g pr ng sa /a n S fo de ba in w po ic w w ow RS gr W os o o o s gi es k e ga ar do e pl w di e de vi or y lin n or ag og et a ar ot id tm sh or d o le ow ap ra ur an w a vi e on rn se ed sh ftw /v ph y bl st an ar et yo d ed eo or VE an te a e U ro to ch ed oa TV tw ll ln s TV so fic d st in d ch d id ca st n w ic LI de at ed ag nl de se of ia te of tv ne VE a m in d d e at to /w w e oc rs rit oa ib se fre an U de oa on W on e si d a do LI n W cr d lin rs se fo U pl Vi /m oa te pl d ed e d ph t d bs se en U to on en U U de rit u id e nl en yo ch Su d e U W m Pa id st ow oa d ad ite st m at Pa Li se ed nl Li D Ed M co W U ow ag a an /d ft M Le am re St
  • 8. globalwebindex - Annual Report 2011 The “Real-Time” Shift is Global Looking at the global distribution of “real-time” versus traditional social platforms, we Interestingly, developed web markets such as the UK, the US or Canada, while not see an interesting distribution in monthly consumer involvement. The Asian markets leading the way, are far more skewed towards real-time platforms, due to lower are still very focused on personal publishing, with China, Japan and South Korea consumer engagement in blogs and forums and the mass adoption of social having a strong focus on social blogging platforms. networks. The fast growing web markets of Brazil, India, Malaysia, Poland and Russia lead the way in social networking and micro-blogging involvement. However, they also have very high levels of involvement in blogging and forums, showing that there is a two-tier involvement between real-time and old time social platforms. Figure 3: Active monthly behaviour. Wave 3. 80% Manage your own social network profile Used a microblogging service 70% Written your own blog Contribute to a forum 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% K lia na o SA nd s e l a a ia in an y a ly i a ic nd az U c ad si an re di ss ra a hi Ita an la U p ex ay Sp Br Ko rla In an m st C Ja Po Ru Fr M al Au er he C th M G et u So N Source: Wave 3, September 2010
  • 9. globalwebindex - Annual Report 2011 “Real-Time” – Mass Involvement Social Networks have been transformed by real-time involvement. Once upon a time (when MySpace was big) they were static places focused on consumer Figure 4: Frequency of updating social network – status updates. Global Data profiles. Now thanks to inspiration from Twitter, they are real-time as pioneered by Facebook news stream and being replicated across the world, in-particular services like RenRen in China. The impact is clear, already 10% of all web users are updating their social network profile on a daily basis and 24% on a weekly basis. Micro-blogs, remain smaller, are still updated daily by 5% of all web users. Twitters greatest impact is by creating the concept of real time contribution, not necessarily direct usage of the service. +10% - Daily This is a massive volume of interaction, conversation, opinion and content sharing +24% - Weekly that is reshaping the way the web works: +32% - Monthly • These platforms depend on shared focal points and events. These are frequently live real life ones or mass media. +55% - Ever Done • The light nature of interaction focuses users on sharing content over creating. This means that consumers can no longer shape the agenda through long form content and expressed ideas and opinions. Links, great content and light commentary on external events are what define consumer involvement. • The bottom up dynamic, that defined early social platforms is being eroded. This is particularly stark with micro-blogs, as we all seek to connect and follow with people in the public eye. Its no surprise that celebrities, politicians, sports people, journalists and musicians dominate the rankings on Twitter Figure 5: Frequency of updating micro-blog – status updates. Global Data This is a major change. For years the web has been seen as a threat to the old order of media giants, big brands and the political elite. Now, as clearly shown in this +5% - Daily research, changing trends in social participation are reinforcing and promoting the old hierarchical model. A major shift in the perception of social media. +9% - Weekly +12% - Monthly +29% - Ever Done
  • 10. globalwebindex - Annual Report 2011 Who is Driving “Real-Time”? The “real-time” revolution is being driven by younger demographics. Almost 17% of 16-24s are updating their social network on a daily basis. Figure 6: Percentage of web users who update their social network on a daily basis Wave 3 September 2010. Global Data When we delve into the demographics we can see distinct differences in the type of 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% web user who is embracing real time. Taking “Category of Work” as an example, we can see that people who work in Male Demographics advertising and marketing are the most likely to be contributing to the real-time Female revolution. This is followed by people in IT, then retail and healthcare. This shows that the industry is leading the curve in adoption. 16-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 Financial Services Category of Work Retail Professional Services (Law, Accounting, Architect etc) Healthcare/Medicine Manufacturing, Engineering Construction Education Government (excluding Education & Health) Police oArmed Forces Agriculture oMining IT, Internet, Software, ComputeServices Transport, Logistics, Distribution Travel, Tourism, Leisure Services Advertising marketing omedia
  • 11. globalwebindex - Annual Report 2011 The Synergy between “Real-Time” and Professional Content We can clearly see how micro-bloggers are driving this new era of entertainment. Figure 7: Micro-blog frequency versus consumption of TV content online. If we take the example of consumption of TV content via internet platforms, frequent Wave 3 September 2010. Global Data micro-bloggers are far more likely to consume professional content. 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% Over 70% of users that post more than once a day have streamed a TV show on demand or live in the last month. Then, as frequency diminishes, consumption of TV content falls. Every other day Traditionally we think of “hard core” social media users as turning their back on traditional media or professional content. This is not true and, as we can see, people Every 3-4 days who have never used a micro-blog are very light consumers of TV content online, with only 25% streaming TV or watching live TV online in the last month. It’s this relationship between traditional content and real-time social that demonstrates Once a week how the two are interlinked and are driving a new social ecosystem. Twice this month One time only this past month Haven't Used in the Last Month Never Used Watch TV shows on demand via online service Watched Live TV / Video online
  • 12. globalwebindex - Annual Report 2011 We are the Network – not the Creator The changing social ecosystem can be seen through the way that users are adopting This is contrary to the impact of when social media emerged. For example, when blogs micro-blogs. Figure 8 shows current behaviour on a micro-blog and also growth rates arrived they were seen as a publishing revolution and one that opened up the media between January and September, clearly indicating a shifting dynamic from personal world to consumers. Today, these creation platforms are in decline and the content to professional content. Personal pictures, while still the number one action on professionals are back in the driving seat when it comes to content. This makes the a micro-blog, fell by 5% in the period, while links to external news stories increased opportunity for brands and media companies even more compelling. by 17%. This is a pattern that is repeated on social networks and video sharing platforms, which are orientating away from being places to share personal content. “‘real time’ technologies such as Twitter are increasingly orientating us towards the professional, rather than driving a bottom up dynamic” Figure 8: Activities on a micro-blog. Monthly percentage by active micro- blog users and Wave 2 v Wave 3 percentage change Links to news stories An opinion on a product / brand A link to your blog Personal photos 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%
  • 13. globalwebindex - Annual Report 2011 The Impact of the Consumer-Driven Network While professional content grows massively, the consumer rises in influence. Figure 9 This shows how important the synergy between professional content and the looks at the change in perception of “trusted product recommendations”, with a huge consumer distributor will be into the future. Increasingly, we turn to the consumer growth in trust for social network or micro-blog contacts. network to drive our consumption trends. Figure 9: % change from Wave 1 to Wave 3 data. Scored 4/5 from a 5 point scale, where 5 = strongly trust. 5 from 21 sources of recommendation shown Newspaper Blogger A Social Network Contact Television Radio Microblog Contact +47.5% +16% +21% +3% +8% +2.5%
  • 14. globalwebindex - Annual Report 2011 Entertainment is Driven by the Consumer Network It is clear how this consumer network is impacting content distribution, when we It’s this increase for entertainment-driven content that demonstrates how important explore the importance of “friend recommendation” in sourcing content online. When the consumer network will be in guiding our content consumption and choices as we looking at news, only 17% of respondents choose this as the key motivation. move into the future. However, when we look at video, this rises to 28%. Figure 10: Key factor in sourcing a news story online. Wave 3. Global Data Figure 11: Key factor in sourcing an online video. Wave 3. Global Data News Video 16.5% 32.9% 36.8% - Familiar Site 39.2% - Familiar Site 18.0% 36.8% 18% - Answers a search query 16.5% - Answers a search query 28.2% 17.0% 17% - Friend Recommendation 10.6% 28.2% - Friend Recommendation 11.8% 11.2% 11.2% - Quality of Design 11.8% - Quality of Design 18.0% 18% - Recently Produced 10.6% - Recently Produced
  • 15. globalwebindex - Annual Report 2011 The Rise of the Packaged Internet Games Consoles TV E-Readers/Tablets Mobile Devices Apps
  • 16. globalwebindex - Annual Report 2011 The Death of the Internet – Hail the internet In 2010, we have seen a massive growth in “packaged internet” platforms, such as This growing trend thoroughly undermines the concept of “the internet” as a media or applications, games consoles, mobile (technically allows open web usage but typically singular entity. More crucially, they are bringing back “traditional media” economics, focused on repackaged sites and apps), and now television sets and e-readers into included barriers to entry for consumers’ content and a more limited and dictated the mainstream. They are moving interaction away from the open browser-based choice for consumers. In the future, connecting to the internet may look more like delivery of content that people think of the internet. We can already see that 4% of switching on your TV.. global web users have accessed the web through their TV, 10% through a games console and 2% through an e-reader. As our research shows, these “packaged platforms” will grow massively. While they’re not open, or consumer driven, they work. You only have to look at the success of the iPhone and app platforms. If it works, we embrace. Disconnected, open browser-based platforms tend not to work as well as packaged ones for delivery of a seamless entertainment experience. Figure 12: Monthly access to the packaged internet. Global Data TV 4% Mobile Apps 25% Mobile TV Streaming 35% On-Demand 27% E-Readers Gaming 2% 10% Browser-based Web Packaged Internet
  • 17. globalwebindex - Annual Report 2011 The Impact of Mobile: Entertainment Everywhere Internet access via mobiles has exploded (Figure 13) in the last 12 months, rising from Today (Figure 14), mobile devices are being primarily utilised for services. However, 25% of web users to 33%. While you can use your mobile device to access the open updates to a social network service now stand at 38% of web users, while an update web, the large areas of growth are due to applications or mobile formatted sites, which to a micro-blog service stands at 14%. This will grow massively. This light social limit user experience or provide a smaller section of content. The mobile drives the involvement will define the future of consumer contribution as more and more of web shift into the packaged internet. access is via mobile and portable devices. Mobile is also bringing in an age of entertainment, despite small screens. Just over 17% have watched live streamed TV in the last month, while 26% have watch an on-demand video. Figure 13: Percentage of PC internet users who access via mobile in the last month. Figure 14: Mobile internet actions/behaviour last month. Percentage of mobile Global data internet users. Global data Read news Used mapping service / search for directions Searched for local services / places to go 33% Searched for a product / service to buy Updated your social network profile 25% 27% Wave 3 Checked sports scores Used an online banking service Wave 1 Wave 2 Uploaded a photo to a website Watched an on-demand video Wrote and uploaded a blog post Bought a product on a retail site Watched live streamed TV Update your microblog status Access live travel information Check stocks and financial information 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%