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Web 2.0: The Global Impact 
Study by Universal McCann Dec 2006
A welcome note 
Universal McCann's global research into the impact of 
Web 2.0 on frequent Internet users is the largest 
exploration of its kind. Interviews from more than 16,000 
online users worldwide has for the first time allowed a true 
world-wide perspective into to key trends associated with 
the changing Internet. This research focuses on levels of 
penetration, the differences by market and the potential 
universe sizes of Web 2.0 technologies, platforms and 
applications; exploring 3 key areas: 
Creation: Blogging, social networks, photo sharing, Wiki's, 
social news sites and writing comments, reviews and 
feedback have all fundamentally changed the web, 
providing consumers with the tools to drive the 
content agenda. 
Connection: Social networking, personal blogging, instant 
messenger and VOIP are all playing a role to revolutionise 
and globalise the way we interact, stay in touch and meet 
new people. 
Entertainment: Thanks to the unstoppable rise of 
broadband - video, audio, live TV and radio are all central 
to the way we use the web today. 
The results are staggering. From a global perspective Web 
2.0 applications and technology are being adopted in 
immense numbers with hundreds of millions creating and 
sharing their own content, socialising and communicating 
regardless of local culture, demographic, economic 
development or local Internet penetration. 
There are 40m+ active bloggers, 100m+ blog readers 
in the markets surveyed. 
Asia is at the forefront of many aspects of Web 2.0 
adoption; in particular user generated content where 
personal blogging is an obsession for millions across the 
region. China leads the world, where despite decades of 
media oppression, millions of Chinese consumers are 
using blogging platforms to express themselves in ways 
unthinkable in years gone by. 
This research confirms what marketers, advertisers and 
media owners should already know. The changing internet 
is radically altering user's media habits the world over; 
irreversibly altering the media and communications 
environment by driving globalisation of media 
consumption, mega fragmentation of media channels and 
creating a truly international social network. These are 
real challenges that brands and media companies 
regardless of country must face up to now - 
not in ten years time. 
This research is an ongoing commitment, tracking the 
adoption of Web 2.0 platforms and technologies from a 
global perspective, understanding the evolving impact of 
the changing internet. To contact me regarding this and 
future research please email:
Global Web 2.0 Research 3 
Over the last 18 months the term “Web 2.0” has firmly 
entered the mainstream consciousness of the online world; 
however the definition and even its existence as a concept 
have been hotly disputed. We like to define it in the 
simplest of terms: “an evolution of the internet to become 
a network of interconnected web pages and applications 
that encourage consumer participation, creativity and interaction”. 
The really important point behind Web 2.0, particularly for 
advertisers, marketers and media owners is not the name 
or the definition, but the impact. It is clear that these 
recent online developments have the potential to transform 
the media landscape quicker than at any other time in 
history. The technologies commonly associated with Web 
2.0 such as social networking, RSS, tagging, blogging, 
aggregators, and Wiki's, coupled with the explosion 
of broadband enabled services like Instant Messenger, IPTV, 
Podcasting and VOIP (see glossary for more information) 
mean it has never been easier to create and share 
content, meet people and enjoy a personalised multimedia 
experience. The tools and channels to create and share 
video, images and the written word have never before 
been as accessible or democratic - never before has there 
been a completely open media and communication 
platform available for everyone to contribute to. Controlled 
media distribution channels, the need for funding, lack of 
access to production technology and the need for industry 
contacts have all been eroded as barriers to becoming a 
‘media owner’. The only barrier today is a willingness to 
create. The potential is clear - if consumers want to they 
can be the lead creators of media content. 
Of course the hype has been huge; Newspapers the world 
over proclaim the ‘Citizen Journalist’, investors push huge 
sums of money into online start ups, while established 
media companies desperately try to grab a piece of the action. 
It’s hard not get caught up in the hype; Technorati claim 
52 million blogs in existence, with 75,000 added each 
day, Youtube stream in excess of 3 billion videos a 
month and MySpace recently breached the 100 million 
members mark. The media, advertising and communications 
environment shows all the signs of changing as quickly as hype. 
To understand the real impact, Universal McCann 
implemented a global study into the adoption of Web 
2.0 tools, sites and services to assess the extent to 
which consumers are getting involved, establish how 
they are adopting and identify the country by country 
differences. The results form the basis for the exploration 
of Web 2.0 that follows, considering the impact for media 
owners, advertisers and marketers the world over.
Key findings 4 
•Web 2.0 technologies have made a global impact. 
o Internet users in every country are adopting 
Web 2.0 applications, platforms and media 
in vast numbers. 
o In some markets the numbers of users may be 
small, but on a global level all these technologies 
are huge. •Adoption does not follow traditional economic lines - 
online users in less developed markets are as involved 
as developed ones, in many cases more involved. 
o Asia leads the way - the top 5 markets in terms of 
adopting Web 2.0 services are China, South Korea, 
Malaysia, Hong Kong and the Philippines. 
o Spain, Italy and France are driving the Western 
world's usage, up there with Asia in adoption terms. 
o This is far from being just a US phenomenon as 
often assumed. The sheer size of the US market 
often masks lower than average adoption rates. 
o China is vying with the US as the largest volume 
market for the adoption of Web 2.0 technologies, 
platforms and applications. •There are clear global trends in the adoption of 
different technologies. If you were to order technologies 
in terms of popularity it would be as follows: 
o 1 - Instant Messenger 2 - Reviewing products and 
services / leaving feedback 3 - Photo Sharing 4 - 
Streaming live media 5 - Reading Blogs 6 - 
Watching video clips on demand 7 - 
Social Networking 8 - Creating a Blog 9 - VOIP 10 - 
RSS 11 - Podcasting 
o Generally speaking Asia is the most actively involved 
in content creation and sharing thanks to their 
passion for personal blogging while Europe and the 
US lead with entertainment and social networking. 
o The differences between the regions is magnified 
when looking at blogging: In Asia personal blogging 
is key, interacting with your social group, while in 
US and Europe its more about individuals making 
their opinion heard - often on a broad rang of topics. •The large scale global adoption of Web 2.0 means 
the impact of these technologies is massive, 
not just for media, advertising and telecoms but 
for wider society and culture. Their role in the 
inter-connectedness of the world is huge and is 
helping to fuel a global culture of sharing. Technologies 
such as photo sharing, video platforms, instant 
messenger, VOIP and social networking are truly 
international and being used everywhere world-wide. •Media distribution platforms and consumption of 
multimedia content is moving to become more global 
in outlook, or developing along language lines as 
opposed to market lines - marketing, advertising and 
branding will have to follow to stay relevant.
Methodology 5 
Figure 1: 16-44 Online Universe - Frequency users V Non Frequent 
Source: TGI Europa / TGI Russia / Simmons / Media in Mind / Synovate 
Pacific Media Handbook / Nielsen Media Index 
The research was conducted amongst a representative 
sample of frequent internet users (Use the internet every 
day / every other day), who in general now make 
up the majority of the online universe particularly in 
developed markets (see Figure1). These users are best 
placed to demonstrate consumer uptake of Web 2.0 
services. They are the vast majority of adopters of 
new products and services online and will be the 
majority of Web 2.0 adopters. 
The study took place between March and September 2006 
in mix of 15 highly developed and emerging internet 
markets; France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Russia, UK, US, 
China, South Korea, Thailand, Malaysia, Hong Kong, 
Singapore, Philippines and Australia. Combined they 
make up 60% of the global Internet universe: 
In every market the sample is representative to the 16-44 
frequent internet user population with the research con-ducted 
Italy, Spain, 
UK, Russia 
60% of the world’s Internet Population 
Hong Kong 
South Korea 
online. Respondents were provided by Ciao 
European Media Panel, Insight Express in the US and local 
media partners in Asia. Unsurprisingly (Figure 1) relative 
numbers by market differ hugely both in size and overall 
penetration of online - however it is clear that frequent 
usage is becoming the norm. It also worth reflecting on 
these numbers for the results that follow and the relative 
sizes of the universes that the results indicate. 
All universe size estimates are based upon applying the 
percentages in the survey to the latest universe sizes that 
exist from industry surveys such as TGI and Simmons. 
As the research audience makes up 60% of frequent 
online world for 16-44's and as there are consistencies in 
technology adoption, it allows for robust estimations on the 
global reach of these technologies. It should also be 
considered that some Internet markets are less mature 
than others and so tend to have a younger, male skew, 
whereas markets such as the US, UK, France and South 
Korea are more established tend to have normalised 
profiles. This can be a factor in overall penetration of services.
Creating and sharing content 7 
One of the most exciting outcomes of Web 2.0 is the 
possibility for web users to create and share their own 
content. It has never been easier to create the written 
word, photos, video and music; sharing with friends, 
family and the wider world. In the past it was possible, 
but it took technical knowledge and determination, preventing 
these activities from entering the mainstream. Today, thanks 
to blogging platforms like Typepad, and Sky 
Blog; social network sites like Myspace, Bebo and Cyworld; 
video sharing sites such as, Guba and Revver 
and photo sharing sites like Flickr, Webpics and Picassa - 
creating and sharing content has never been simpler. 
Web 2.0 has made media ownership possible for all 
propelling it to the mainstream. 
Blogging has been at the epicentre of the Web 2.0 
movement typifying the rise of the shift towards consumer 
content. Over the past couple of years there has been an 
explosion of blogs covering every topic imaginable. 
Companies and media organisations have begun to 
integrate blogging into their online activities; however it 
is consumer usage that is really exciting, and promises 
the biggest potential to shake up the media landscape. 
The ever expanding blogosphere has whipped up a fever 
of hype about the emergence of the ‘Citizen Journalist’ 
and the flipping of the media world from top down to 
bottom up, with consumers leading the news agenda. 
So is this hype justified? 
Blogs - 
“A regularly updated website in which items 
are posted in reverse chronological order, 
known as Blogs or Weblogs the act of posting 
stories is known as Blogging. Blogs usually 
focus on one subject - a typical Blog will 
contain stories in a diary format, pictures, 
links to other Blogs and web pages and will 
organise content by category and month of 
posting. The collective universe of blogs is 
often referred to as the blogosphere”
Creating and sharing content 8 
The results from the study show that Blogging is 
making a big impact. The global average (figure 2) for 
reading and visiting blogs is an impressive 48%. It has 
entered the mainstream as an established online medium 
for browsing and reading. There are however large 
market differences, with Italy, Spain, France, Russia, 
South Korea and China leading the way. Interestingly 
the US, the perceived home of the blog lags in 
relative terms. Northern European markets and South 
East Asian markets also lag; in particular Germany and 
Australia are failing to embrace the blog as a media 
source. Looking at this in the context of universe sizes 
(figure 3) it is clear that despite the lower than average 
level of overall adoption, the US with its vast universe 
of 27m readers, has led the blogosphere in audience 
terms. The impact on China's is clear - its 26m readers, 
nearly matching the US. 
Figure 2: “Visiting / Reading any Blog” - Base = All Respondents 
Australia, 0.34 
Russia, 3.48 
UK, 4.16 
Figure 3: “Visiting / Reading any Blog universe sizes”. 
Base = All Respondents. Figures in Million 
China, 26.01 
South Korea, 6.18 
Singapore, 0.17 
Hong Kong, 0.18 
Thailand, 0.35 
Malaysia, 0.43 
Philippines, 0.46 
Germany, 1.55 France, 5.9 
Italy, 7.48 
Spain, 3.63
Creating and sharing content 9 
Interestingly the content that is driving readership 
(see figure 4) is personal (e.g friends and family), 
with most people interacting with blogs as means of 
social contact. As the line between social networks 
(see figure 12) and blogging platforms narrows 
(e.g Live Spaces, Skyblog, Cyworld and Bokee) this is 
no surprise. The only markets where there are significant 
numbers only reading blogs which are not personal 
content are the US, France, Italy, Spain and Russia. 
Figure 5 shows the levels of interaction with blogging-both 
leaving comments and creating your own blog. 
the global average for leaving comments is 31% and 
for writing a blog 26%. But again, as with reading, there 
are significant differences. Only in Europe is there a 
difference between leaving comments and creating a 
blog. In terms of writing blogs, Northern Asia clearly 
leads the world. South Korea is the world leader where 
a staggering 64% write a blog, however there are large 
Figure 4: “Reading all blogs versus personal blogs”. numbers in most markets. 
Base = All Respondents 
Figure 5: “Leaving Comments V Creating Blogs”. 
Base = All Respondents
Creating and sharing content 10 
From a regional perspective Asia has by far the highest 
levels of active involvement, a fact that is particularly 
clear when looking at the impressive levels of blog 
readers who have their own blog as shown in figure 6. 
This suggests that web users from Northern Europe, 
the US and Australia are far more passive in their 
uptake of blogging as a media platform, using it more 
as a one way traditional media channel as opposed 
to a dialogue. 
Figure 6: “Conversion of blog reader to blog creator - 
% of blog visitors who have their own blog”. 
Base = All Respondents 
China makes up just over half of our blogging internet 
universe, with a staggering 25 million bloggers, far 
exceeding the US, where 10.7m 16-44's have their 
own sites. This makes China the world's biggest active 
blogging market by some distance, a dramatic finding 
with interesting ramifications for China's restricted 
media market. 
In total there are massive 50 million people blogging 
across our research universe. The markets covered in the 
research make up 60% of the world's Internet population, 
which would suggest that there are at least 80 million 
16-44 active bloggers worldwide. 
Australia, 0.26 
US, 10.7 
China, 24.83 
Spain, 1.29 Italy, 2.14 
Russia, 0.5 
Figure 7: “percentage of blog readers who are blog creators. 
Base = All Respondents. Figures in Millions 
South Korea, 5.46 
Singapore, 0.14 
Hong Kong, 0.17 
Thailand, 0.25 
Malaysia, 0.38 
Philippines, 0.43 
France, 1.38 
Germany, 0.47 
UK, 1.07
Creating and sharing content 11 
These numbers are set to grow thanks to consumer 
interest translating into major future potential. 
Figure 8 below, shows the numbers of users who plan 
to create their own blog in the future and the results 
are surprisingly consistent across markets, demonstrating 
a uniform level of interest and future growth. 
All markets fall broadly around the 20% mark with 
only Italy, Spain and the South East Asian markets 
of Thailand, Malaysia and Philippines showing any 
significant upward deviation on the global average. 
When translated into numbers (figure 9) it is clear the 
blogging universe has potential to almost double with 
33m planning to start their own blog. Interestingly 
potential adoption rates in Northern Chinese 
influenced Asia are lower than the average, suggesting 
some element of saturation. However is also worth 
considering the growth potential from the enlarging 
internet universe and the large number of under 
16 bloggers moving into the 16+ category. 
Which ever way you look it; blogs are not going 
away and set to become the mainstream. 
Figure 8: “I plan to start my own blog in future”. 
Base = All Respondents 
US, 9.3 
Australia, 0.3 
China, 10.3 
South Korea, 1.4 
Singapore, 0.1 
Hong Kong, 0.1 
Thailand, 0.6 
Malaysia, 0.3 
Philippines, 0.4 
Germany, 1.1 France, 1.8 
Italy, 2.9 
Russia, 0.9 
UK, 1.5 
Spain, 1.8 
Figure 9: “I plan to start my own blog in future” universe figures. 
Base = All Respondents. Figures in Millions
Creating and sharing content 12 
From a global perspective the numbers of blog owners and 
readers shown in this report are huge for a media platform 
that is little more than a couple of years old. Sure some of 
the markets are small, but combined it is a large platform. 
Blogging is living up to some of its hype and it looks set 
to grow into a mainstream media platform. 
The differences between Asia and the rest of the world are 
interesting with the conversion of readers to active users in Asia 
particularly impressive. Compare this to Europe and the US where 
the blog readership universe is substantial, but conversions to 
creating content are relatively low - it is clear that Asia is driving 
blogging in terms of creating content. There are a number of 
factors that could explain this difference •Asian use of blogging is orientated around personal content - 
its use is closer to social networking. The barriers to entry 
here are lower and growth is viral thanks to this social aspect. •The huge uptake in China can be linked to the lack of 
uncensored media and a thirst for independent information 
and fresh opinions. The blog run by Chinese actress Xu Jinglei 
is now the world's most popular blog. (Technorati August 2006) •Due to the heavy governmental controls in China, personal 
blogging is a safe subject matter. Chinese blogs tend to 
avoid political topics and so have little impact on political 
discourse, unlike in Western Europe and the US. 
This strengthens the associations of blogging as a social 
medium and fuels adoption. (International Herald Tribune 
“Battle of the blogs in China” August 2005) •Asian markets like China, South Korea tend to be more 
closed to the outside world for cultural, social and 
political reasons that help build the internal focus that 
drives person blogging. 
•The emphasis on personal content is reflected by the 
success of platforms such as Cyworld, Bokee and BlogCN 
shows that blogging has become an essential social tool. •Blogs in Asia tend to be populated by very short posts 
and photos making them easier to maintain and 
more accessible. •The concepts of Confucianism (which manifests itself as a 
strong respect for others and authority) that govern social 
conduct in Chinese influenced culture affect blogging in 
two ways. Firstly bloggers have strong ideas of responsibility 
for what they write, which makes blogging more community 
focused, and secondly there is an unwritten code of 
conduct - that it is basic manners to comment on friend's 
blogs - developing the community aspect. (APAC UM) •In China blogging is the first time many have had the 
chance for self expression. •Blogging in Western Europe and US is more associated 
with individualism and sharing your opinion. This is likely 
to have channeled social interaction into established 
social networking sites. (see figure 13) •This explains the rise of personality blogs in the US 
•and Europe, something less evident in Asia Blogging in China is popular due to a generation 
of only children.
Creating and sharing content 13 
•Reading blogs as a media platform is higher in Europe 
and there are huge numbers in the US due to the rise 
of the professional blog. Blogs are integrated into existing 
media organisations’ output, used by corporations as a 
consumer communication tool and run as full time 
blog sites such as Engadget and Cool Hunting. In the US 
and Europe there is a wider universe of non personal blog 
content to tap into - this is a bigger threat to media owners 
than the personal blogging of Asia. It also means the 
perceived barriers to entry are higher. •The huge usage of blogs as a media platform in Spain, 
France, Italy and Russia is influenced by language. 
The huge amount of English language content on the 
web means US and UK readers are already overwhelmed 
with choice and there is less of a personal urge to create. •Some of these markets have a younger profile than others 
- Spain, Italy and China have a younger and more male 
profile than the more established markets of the US, UK 
and South Korea. This will be a factor in higher levels of usage. •South Korea has an exceptionally well developed broadband 
market. Hong Kong and Singapore are also very developed 
internet markets that have led to strong adoption of 
online as a core social medium. 
Despite this variance by market there is clearly global take 
up and growth potential. This suggests that there may be 
truth in some of the hype around the consumer as the lead 
content creators. Two facts are clear; online users read blogs 
and increasing numbers are writing them. Although most of 
this will cover personal subjects there is clearly a threat. If 
just 5% of our 50m bloggers blog about non personal topics, 
that is 2.5m new media sources - obviously not all of these 
will be able to maintain an audience or have compelling 
content, but when amplified through blog search engines 
and aggregators like Technorati and Google Blog search, 
it is clearly a potential threat.
Creating and sharing content 14 
Sharing photos 
Figure 10 below demonstrates the impact of these 
changes - photo sharing is clearly a mainstream form 
of content creation and sharing in all markets. 
The global average is 68% but the variation is small 
compared to blogging - even in France, the market of 
lowest adoption 48% have shared. These numbers are 
consequently vast (see figure 11). The total universe for 
photo sharing is 122 million in our research universe - 
with a massive 43 million in the US and 41 million 
in China alone. 
Figure 10: “Sharing Photos Online”. 
Base = All Respondents 
Tags / Tagging 
“A series of keywords assigned by users to cat-egorise 
Italy, 5.74 
UK, 6.03 
Figure 11: “Sharing Photos - Universe”. 
Base = All Respondents. Figures in Millions. 
The way we take and share photos has transformed 
thanks to the combination of broadband, the availability 
of digital cameras and camera enabled mobile phones. 
When photos are in a digital format there is clearly a 
demand to share them. Thanks to the rise of simple 
online photo management and sharing tools such as, and it has never 
been easier. These new services have changed photo 
sharing by making your photos publicly searchable 
through the introduction of tagging (labelling a photo 
with a searchable keyword) and social networking 
aspects. Also as users have become more sophisticated, 
photos have also become an integral part of social 
networking profiles and personal blog pages. 
US, 43.23 
Australia, 1.05 
China, 40.67 
South Korea, 6.6 
Singapore, 0.35 
Hong Kong, 0.35 
Thailand, 1.09 
Malaysia, 0.91 
Philippines, 1.13 
France, 3.73 
Germany, 3.95 
Spain, 3.72 
Russia, 2.74 
web pages, products and services or 
content by subject or category. Pages can also 
be scored or ranked allowing search for content 
based on Social Recommendation rather than 
traditional algorithm based search engines.”
Creating and sharing content 15 
Sharing photos online is the most mainstream of content 
sharing. It is easily accessible and a natural step for digital 
photos and images. Interestingly users are very willing to 
share these images publicly through services such as Flickr, 
who report that 70% of photos uploaded are made public 
(.Net Magazine September 2006). It's the popularity of 
sharing images which is changing the internet to a much 
more personal and connected medium and its impact is 
huge in terms of how users interact online. Photo sharing 
is changing concepts of privacy, openness and connection 
with strangers on an unprecedented scale in part thanks 
to its reach into the mainstream. The fact that 40m+ 
people in China have uploaded photos online provides an 
amazing internal perspective that would have never existed 
just a few years ago. Photo sharing is in effect making 
the internet into a mass storage device for the world's 
experiences and memories - making the whole world 
visible and visually accessible.
Reviewing products and services 16 
Although there has long been the facility to review 
products and services, in a Web 2.0 enabled space this 
has become more central to shopping online and 
researching purchases. Reviews have become easier to 
create and due to integration with tagging and profiles, 
now carry more weight than they did. Reviews matched 
with social profiles allow you to search for products 
and services that will interest you from people you 
trust. Regular reviewers are often rewarded for their 
work with a higher status and often users become 
habitual reviewers. 
For many users, writing reviews is one of their primary 
contributions to the Internet and this can be seen in 
the level of usage as shown in figure 12. 
All markets show a very high level of involvement and 
the global average is 74.1%, making it the second 
highest reaching activity in the survey. France and 
Spain lead the way, however it is interesting to see 
that some of the more developed markets show lower 
adoption rates than may be expected, in particular the 
US, UK, Germany and Italy. Russia is the one market 
with significant lag, but, in the main, reviewing products 
and services online is a mass market phenomenon and 
the adoption in less developed consumer markets is 
very significant - particularly marked is usage in 
Thailand and Malaysia. Again, as with blogging 
adoption of online services does not follow 
traditional economic lines. 
The role of online as a commerce tool is firmly entrenched, 
both in terms of purchasing through online channels and as 
a source of information for products and services. In a Web 
2.0 world where social interaction and personal content are 
central, the role of the consumer review will hold huge weight. 
As web users become more comfortable with interacting with 
people they do not know personally and become more familiar 
with the concepts of tagging and consumer powered recommendation 
systems, the role of the consumer review will increase in 
importance, changing the nature of “word of mouth” as a 
communication channel. It will be the primary source of 
information in the purchase process for all online consumers. 
Also it is clear that online helps cement consumer societies 
in all markets where online is active. 
Figure 12: “Reviewing products and services online”. 
Base = All Respondents
Social interaction online 18 
Communication online has never been simpler. Not only 
have a wealth of new social networking sites emerged 
such as Myspace, Tagworld and Bebo that encourage 
interaction through personal profiles and message boards; 
but technologies such as Instant Messaging and VOIP have 
become essential online tools that have opened up whole 
new channels of real time peer to peer communications. 
These two platforms could potentially revolutionise 
telecoms and could transform the Internet into the 
key communication medium, spelling trouble for the 
fixed line telecoms world. 
Social Networking 
The first clear observation on the uptake of dedicated 
Social Networking platforms (figure 13) is that usage is 
higher than blogging, with a global average of 28.6%. 
Again as with blogging there are some differences by 
market, with South Korea leading the way on 51.5%, 
however Asia does not dominate as it does with blogging. 
The other interesting point is that Russia, with its younger 
online profile has the highest usage in Europe, far exceeding 
that of Western Europe. The US, often seen as the home 
of social networking thanks to Myspace, Friendster and 
Facebook amongst others, actually lags other markets in 
percentage reach but in terms of numbers (see figure 14) 
remains the largest market - its 17.8m users representing 
nearly half the global research universe. 
Social Networking 
“Virtual communities of users who have their 
own online profile of personal information and 
content. The social network technology allows 
them to associate, communicate and share 
content with other users based on their personal 
profiles - thus building a network of individuals.” 
Instant Messenger 
“Software that allows real time email type 
conversations with messenger buddies. Popular 
programmes include MSN Messenger, Yahoo 
Messenger and Google Talk” 
VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) 
”Voice telephone calls conducted over the 
internet. The most well known service is Skype” 
Figure 13: “Usage of Social Networking Sites / Platforms” 
Base = All Respondents
Social interaction online 19 
Social networking is outperforming blogging in Western 
Europe and the US. Why? Well mainly because it is very 
simple to use and interact with, but also because it has 
become an essential part of maintaining social status for 
a certain generation. It is now a core tool, along with the 
mobile phone to both to stay in contact with friends but 
also as a way of meeting new people. Blogging in its 
traditional sense is more demanding, even when writing 
about personal topics. However, increasingly it will become 
difficult to pick the two apart as the big social networks 
increasingly make blogging a core component. 
It is also worth considering that mass usage of Social 
Networking is a fairly new concept and many users of 
these sites are populated by under 16's (hence outside 
our research). Dramatic growth should be anticipated as 
they move into the 16+ bracket. That said there are 
already huge numbers using Social Networks between 
the ages of 16-44, with our research estimated at least 
49m - suggesting a worldwide figure of almost 90m. 
These are massive numbers and its impact is big in 
terms of socialising the web - in particular changing 
concepts of privacy, by making every one and everything 
public and searchable. It is also making users comfortable 
with the idea of meeting people online and using online 
as a social tool. 
Also we should not forget the role that Social Network 
sites play in content creation and sharing. Users are 
becoming more sophisticated in the creation of their 
personal pages with the integration of graphics, photos, 
blogging, music and video. For many people online this 
is where they create most content. The social networks 
have embraced this, integrating music and video 
streaming, blogging platforms and full html support. 
As personal blogging and social networking continue 
to merge this is a trend set to continue. 
US, 17.87 
Australia, 0.31 
Italy, 1.01 
UK, 1.85 
Figure 14: “Social Networking Universe Sizes” 
Base = All Respondents 
China, 15.64 
South Korea, 4.39 
Singapore, 0.14 
Hong Kong, 0.11 
Thailand, 0.4 
Malaysia, 0.51 
Philippines, 0.64 
France, 1.1 
Germany, 1.77 
Spain, 1.32 
Russia, 1.81
Social interaction online 20 
Instant Messenger (IM) 
The number of IM users is vast, one that could only be 
rivalled by email. Figure 15 below shows how mass 
market Messenger has become, with a global average 
penetration of 78.4%. There are small market 
differences, with Asia marginally ahead of Europe, 
US and Australia. China leads the way with near 
universal usage at 97% and (see figure 15 and 16) 
43m users, tied with the US also on 43m. 
The only exception is Germany, where strangely it has 
failed to take off. The interesting difference with other 
platforms is that usage is consistently high across the 
whole of Asia, regardless of market development. 
Figure 15: “Instant Messenger” 
Base = All Respondents 
US, 43.1 
Australia, 1.14 
Italy, 6.53 
Russia, 3.87 
UK, 7.74 
Figure 16: “Instant Messenger Universe Sizes” 
Base = All Respondents 
China, 43.35 
South Korea, 6.89 
Singapore, 0.38 
Hong Kong, 0.35 
Thailand, 1.65 
Malaysia, 0.98 
Philippines, 1.24 
France, 6.58 
Germany, 3.78 
Spain, 4.35
VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) 21 
As a technology VOIP could be one of most revolutionary 
online developments in the past few years. The ability to 
make phone calls for free anywhere in the world could 
completely revolutionise not just the online experience but 
the telecoms model. VOIP is becoming more consumer 
centric with services such as Skype and retailers like Tesco 
making it easier to set up and operate while existing online 
platforms like Ebay are beginning to integrate it as a form 
of buyer / seller communication. Understandably telecom 
companies the world over look at VOIP with a sense of 
foreboding and figure 17 will show why. For such a new 
and relatively complex technology the growth in VOIP users is 
impressive. The global average is 23.4% with less developed 
markets leading the way; embracing a service that bypasses 
unreliable, expensive and bureaucratic fixed line services. 
Malaysia has the highest level of usage with 39%, while 
interestingly the US and the UK which are two of the most 
developed telecoms markets, rank last with just 12%. 
This suggests that VOIP may grow more slowly in more 
developed markets. Once again, adoption of online 
services is not linked to economic development. 
US, 6.73 
Australia, 0.27 
Russia, 0.66 
UK, 1.36 
Figure 18: “VOIP universe” 
Base = All Respondents 
China, 16.04 
South Korea, 1.54 
Singapore, 0.12 
Hong Kong, 0.08 
Thailand, 0.47 
Malaysia, 0.44 
Philippines, 0.48 
France, 2.06 
Germany, 1.87 
Italy, 2.92 
Spain, 0.95 
Figure 17: “Usage of VOIP” 
Base = All Respondents
VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) + (IM) 22 
It is clear that IM is changing the nature of global communication. 
Its stealth growth has made IM a main stream form of 
communication. Its impact is much underrated, enabling real-time 
global communication for no cost above the price of the internet 
connection. Anyone with friends and relatives abroad will tell you 
how important it is. Thanks to these factors it is universally 
embraced in all markets (except strangely Germany) and plays 
a big role in globalising and connecting the web. 
It is a much untapped platform and more could be done to integrate 
it into social network platforms, ecommerce or as a real time 
method of customer service and site assistance. It is however 
clearly acting as a catalyst for VOIP, with growing availability of 
video and voice via webcams through Instant Messenger platforms. 
Most VOIP services are not much more than enhanced Messenger 
services and it's this similarity that could propel it into the 
mainstream and potentially revolutionise telecoms. 
It could have bigger ramifications for an existing business model 
than consumer content creation could have on the established 
media world. It is also interesting to see that growth of VOIP 
is driven by less developed markets suggesting that this technology 
could help level the playing field and play a role in creating 
an increasingly globalised and connected world.
Personalised multimedia experience 24 
Watching video clips online 
Fuelled by Web 2.0 technology and the massive growth 
in broadband the Internet has taken real steps towards 
becoming an entertainment medium. The much quoted 
rise of and its 3 billion streams a month 
sum up the rise of multimedia content online. 
There are signifiers of the multimedia nature of the 
Internet everywhere you look, for example: all Champions 
League football is now broadcast online; Warner Music 
signing a deal to make all their music videos available 
through; MTV launching MTV flux an 
online video portal. It's a clear shift - not only for 
video, but podcasts, online radio, music, aggregators 
and personalised homepages. It is also easier for 
consumers to get involved: creating video and audio 
thanks to the wealth of low cost and increasingly 
high quality digital cameras and mobile phones which 
offer live recording. 
Figure 19 shows the extent to which watching online 
video is now beginning to enter the mass market - with 
a global average penetration of 32%. There are however 
some interesting distinctions by market. China leads the 
way with a massive 56.2%, fuelled by the opportunity to 
consume independent and relatively un-censored media. 
The next two markets are Malaysia and Philippines, again 
demonstrating the global appeal of new Internet services. 
The other interesting point within Asia is the relatively 
low take up in South Korea - a market normally at the 
forefront. Within Europe, Italy, Spain and the UK are more 
entertainment oriented, while France and Germany lag. 
The US hits the global average which for such a mature 
market shows the real impact of online video. 
Figure 19: “Watching Video clips online” 
Base = All Respondents
Personalised multimedia experience 25 
“A method of delivering audio files over the net. 
Podcasts are typically half and hour to an hour 
in length and usually recorded in the style of a 
radio show. Podcasts available to today cover 
every imaginable topic from unsigned bands to 
technology. You can subscribe to Podcasts via 
RSS, through services like iTunes or downloaded 
directly from the publishers website. Once you 
have subscribed you automatically receive the 
next installment when it is published” individuals.” 
Compare watching video clips to Podcasts (figure 20), and 
it's clear that on demand video is beating audio hands 
down. The global average is just 17.4%, well beneath video 
clips. Interestingly France and South Korea have the highest 
reach, but the pattern across all markets is similarly low. 
Why? There are a number of clear reasons that could 
explain this: copyright limits the musical content that 
Podcasts can include so the vast majority are voice and 
special / niche interest; video clips are shorter, more 
interactive and easier to share virally; it is easier to create 
video clips that are entertaining - Podcasts require more 
equipment and radio production skills to make engaging 
content; the distribution platforms for video clips are more 
consumer friendly and easier to make part of your 
day to day surfing. Distribution platforms for Podcasts 
are improving, in particular the integration with the Itunes 
music store, however until copyright issues are resolved 
then the Podcasts in the future are still likely to lag video. 
Figure 20: “Listening to Podcasts” 
Base = All Respondents
Personalised multimedia experience 26 
Comparing these figures to Figure 21 for Streaming Live 
Video / Audio and some interesting differences emerge. 
Firstly the levels of streaming live are much higher in 
all markets, secondly live streaming is driven by Western 
Europe and the US - whereas watching video clips is 
driven by Asia. This suggests a different relationship to 
media, with established Western Europe and US markets 
orientated around delivery in a more conventional live 
form. One reason is that the majority of live streaming 
is likely to be audio, hence far more likely to be 
Internet radio streams. Radio has a stronger heritage in 
Western Europe and the US and higher levels of online 
listening have been inherited from traditional broadcasters. 
Also developed media markets have better resourced 
organisations such as the BBC, Canal+, CBS who have 
the resource to deliver live content and have promoted 
it. The one Asian market that matches Europe and the 
US is China, whose figures again indicate the appeal 
of external new sources of media. 
Figure 21: “Streaming Live Music / Video” 
Base = All Respondents
Personalised multimedia experience 27 
Comparing the universe sizes for streaming to those 
for watching video clips on demand (figure 22 /23) 
makes these differences even more obvious. 
Asia has a much larger share of watching video clips 
versus streaming and China is marginally the largest 
market. The other interesting comparison is within 
Western Europe, where France, Germany and the 
UK lead in terms of volume for streaming but only 
the UK has a large take up of watching clips. 
The enthusiasm with which Europe and the US embrace 
streaming is an interesting difference and one that is 
likely to be a result of the legacy of well resourced 
and established media organisations that are more 
likely to stream live and more likely to promote it. 
US, 19.17 
Australia, 0.4 
China, 25.2 
South Korea, 2.53 
Singapore, 0.15 
Hong Kong, 0.15 
Thailand, 0.58 
Malaysia, 0.44 
Philippines, 0.56 
France, 1.83 
Italy, 3.29 
Germany, 1.57 
UK, 3.52 
Spain, 1.46 
Russia, 1.03 
Figure 22: “Universe of users viewing video clips online” 
Base = All Respondents 
US, 32.84 
Australia, 0.44 
China, 25.39 
South Korea, 2.96 
Singapore, 0.15 
Hong Kong, 0.12 
Thailand, 0.59 
Malaysia, 0.5 
France, 5.33 Philippines, 0.61 
Germany, 4.23 
Italy, 4.09 
Russia, 1.63 
UK, 5.52 
Spain, 3.42 
Figure 23: “Universe of users streaming live music / video 
Base = All Respondents
Personalised multimedia experience 28 
Multi-media online is now the norm for our online universe 
in all markets. This is particularly case for streaming 
media via online in the traditional live sense. Watching 
clips on demand has a much smaller reach but its growth 
is significant. The idea of trawling pre made and user 
generated video is a fairly new concept. Podcasting is also 
relatively new and, although its take up is markedly lower, 
thanks to the global nature of online there is still an 
audience of millions. Streaming live media is more popular 
particularly in developed media markets mainly due to 
existing media organisations moving their radio and, 
increasingly, TV delivery online. This has been promoted 
heavily and has been made available through existing 
media organisations' online properties. In the main it is 
an easier point of entry for consumers wishing to utilise 
their PC as an entertainment medium. It is also a more 
familiar concept, with media delivered in real time. 
On-demand media is newer, requiring more consumer 
input and sifting of content. 
Despite this, on demand is clearly set to grow and 
become the preferred method of receiving content online. 
Video will lead the way especially as established media 
content producers start distribution of new productions in 
an on-demand format and see the value of monetising 
their archives. Podcasting is likely to continue to lag and 
will only compete if copyright issues are resolved - 
currently the record industry is holding this back. 
In summary the internet clearly is evolving into a global 
entertainment platform, which, for content producers both 
consumer and professional, is a massive opportunity. 
It is also a big boost for the advocates of convergence 
and the idea of internet delivered content being made 
available through your main TV set in the living room. 
It is surely only a matter of time before this is the norm 
and many companies will benefit substantially: online 
distribution channels like Yahoo Go; technology companies 
such as Sony who will connect the PC and the TV and 
content producers themselves. The barriers to creating 
globally recognised and appreciated content are falling 
and a golden age of video could emerge. 
The industries who should be really concerned are the 
networks, cable companies and satellite broadcasters 
who have historically controlled distribution within 
markets very tightly.
Personalised multimedia experience 29 
RSS (Really Simple Syndication) 
RSS at face value may seem somewhat unexciting, 
however it is a very important concept in enabling the 
on-demand multimedia internet that is taking shape. 
RSS essentially brings content to you rather you having 
to search for it - hence its importance in a world of 
seemingly infinite media choice. RSS technology is gradually 
becoming integrated into various online applications, 
including email systems, web browsers, personalised home 
pages, news aggregators and media centre software. It 
delivers new stories from blogs and news sites, Podcasts 
and videocasts. However as figure 24 shows RSS has really 
failed to take off across all markets. Just 20% have ever 
used it with the developed markets of Europe and US 
lagging Southern Europe and Asia. Mirroring Germany's low 
use of blogs, just 5% have ever used RSS. In all markets 
the low use is far below the adoption of platforms such 
as blogging, online video platforms, Podcasts etc that have 
RSS as an integral technology. This makes it clear that 
RSS has not resonated as a concept with consumers. 
RSS Feeds 
- “A web technology which allows you to 
subscribe to content from a particular web 
page or blog. When new content is published 
it is send directly to you, rather you having to 
visit the web page or blog. As well as specialist 
reader products aggregator technology is 
gradually being built into portals, search 
engines, and email programmes.” 
Figure 24: “RSS Usage” 
Base = All Respondents
Personalised multimedia experience 30 
RSS clearly has a bit of image problem and its 
adoption lags the technology it helps consumers find, 
use and subscribe to. The concept of subscribing to 
content is not yet consumer friendly enough and has 
not been promoted or packaged correctly. It needs 
simplifying and needs clearer integration into the tools 
everyone uses online, such as web mail and instant 
messenger. Once RSS has been integrated properly 
across all platforms, particularly home media centers, 
it will inevitably become a core mass market technology, 
even if it is not known as RSS. As more and more 
web users immerse themselves in user generated content 
and the world of near infinite media choice, RSS will 
become required to navigated the wealth of content choice.
Overall summary - what is the impact? 31 
It's clear that Web 2.0 technologies are being adopted 
on a global scale regardless of internet penetration, 
region of the world and economic development. 
It is a global phenomenon and web users are showing 
signs of living up to the hype. The summary of adoption 
as shown in figure 23 demonstrates how wide-scale overall 
adoption levels are, while figure 24 demonstrates the size 
of these potential audiences. Consumers are creating and 
sharing content, connecting socially and increasingly using 
the internet as a multi-media experience. 
The numbers are huge (see figure 24) and it is happening 
now, not in the future. Interestingly adoption is not along 
the traditional economic lines. Figure 25 reveals the extent 
to which online is going to be driven by Asia, with the top 
five markets all being from Asia, with only Thailand falling 
into the bottom half. Spain and France lead the rest of 
the world, including the US. 
Figure 23: “Global reach” 
Base = All Respondents: Average usage across all markets 
Figure 24: “Global Research Universes” (Figures in millions) 
Base = All Respondents 
Figure 25: Global Web 2.0 adoption index (average take up by 
market across all technologies and activities in the questionaire) 
- All Respondents
Overall summary 32 
Implications for media owners 
Online is progressively becoming the core medium for interaction, 
creativity and entertainment across the world. Although it goes 
without saying that internet users are not yet entirely bypassing 
regular media sources in favour of creating, sharing and consuming 
user generated content there are clearly massive implications for 
all media owners, in terms of near and far future trends. 
If offline media owners have not already put online at the heart 
of their product, they must do so regardless of the market they 
operate in. Media brands need stretch across a variety of digital 
platforms if they are going to survive this world of unlimited 
fragmentation and the demise of tightly controlled market 
orientated distribution platforms. Web 2.0 technologies are 
increasingly shifting media distribution platforms to a global 
scale - presenting media owners both with opportunities to 
reach new audiences, but also the some key challenges: 
remaining relevant to their audience; increased competition; 
growing issues with copyright and rights ownership. Also, media 
owners will have to produce more as the delivery of basic news 
will increasingly become commoditised due to the wealth of 
sources and the always switched on nature of online. Editorially 
there will be more demand for expertise and niche content as 
people increasingly mix and match expert content with a distinct 
voice and point of view via their personalised page or content aggregator. 
As well as an increasingly competitive professional environment, 
there is going to be huge competition from consumer content, 
which as demonstrated has a big future in all markets. Asia is 
leading the way with content creation and interaction, but the 
other regions will follow along the path from passivity to 
interactivity. Although vast majority of this content is of personal 
interest and clearly not everyone will start creating content, the 
scale is alarming for established media companies. Supposing that 
10% of users create content and 10% of these produce 
something of wider interest, millions of new media sources will 
emerge to challenge established media owners. The threat is 
magnified by the new online platforms that are emerging: video 
sites, photo sharing, aggregators and personalised homepages all 
sift and sort the best of user generated content bringing together 
user created media into a viable channel. 
In order to survive this onslaught of user generated content, 
existing media brands must try to involve consumer interaction and 
content creation within their digital platforms, while at the same 
time opening up communication with users to become more 
conversant. They must be comfortable at releasing their content 
in channels not controlled by them, while delivery should evolve 
into short regular feeds in order to remain relevant in an age 
of RSS feeds, aggregators and personalised home pages. 
Anyone that produces video and audio content is provided a 
massive opportunity if they embrace Web 2.0 properly: broadcasters, 
production companies, record labels, movie production companies 
and TV stations could potentially distribute their new and archived 
content across the world - directly controlling distribution and 
access rather than relying on the satellite, cable and TV networks 
or the DVD and CD store. This should be seen as a massive 
opportunity rather than a threat. Also the potential to make 
revenue from old content currently sitting in dusty boxes is vast - 
it can be monetised through sponsorship, adverts, subscription or 
pay per view. Why TV networks, movie studios and record 
companies cannot see this currently is baffling. Rather than 
threatening to sue the users and channels who use their content 
illegally they should be embracing the potential to reach hundreds 
of millions of consumers in new markets with recycled content. 
Media in this on-demand format will change revenue structures 
meaning that retaining revenue through traditional interruptive 
advertising formats, such as the 30 second commercial will 
become more difficult. Live broadcasting and event TV will 
become more important to deliver any kind of significant mass 
audience. However the rights to screen live events will become 
more difficult to source as rights owners may in the future 
increasingly wish to distribute coverage themselves rather than 
sell their rights to the TV networks and Satellite broadcasters. 
The real threat is to the existing controllers of the distribution 
channels. The appetite online users across the world show for 
consuming audio and video media online is a real long term 
threat to the cable, satellite and TV networks. When online links 
to the main screen in the household as will happen inevitably 
in the near future, services such as Youtube and Itunes, or the 
future as yet to emerge equivalent could be the distribution 
channels of the future.
Overall summary 33 
Implications for advertisers 
Advertisers and marketers who embrace the changes that Web 
2.0 is delivering have massive opportunities to connect with 
consumers as never seen before. The number of new channels of 
communication are huge and the possibilities are endless. It also 
opens up new revenue streams, and links communications and 
sales in ways that were never previously possible. 
Future communications can work as revenue earner for Web 2.0 
embracing brands. There is also a major opportunity to build 
global brands and access new markets in ways and at a cost 
never previously possible. As culture becomes more intermixed 
and accessible it is likely that existing established international 
brands many of which are European and American will be well 
placed to benefit. 
Marketers and agencies that continue view this as a threat and 
refuse to adapt from the old interruptive model will see their 
communications lose effectiveness over time and their brands 
and sales suffer. The clear global trends of adoption show this 
is taking off now so it is not something to plan for in ten to 
twenty years. This is a current reality and as more and more 
people move online and embrace Web 2.0 services it will 
grow and grow. 
There are a number of things that marketers, advertisers and 
communications agencies need to do to survive in a world of 
consumer generate media and infinite channel fragmentation. •Ensure online is central to all brand communications - 
linking all elements together •Shift from thinking about interruptive advertising to creating 
content and services available across multiple digital platforms 
that offer genuine consumer benefit. 
E.g which offers a full online resource for 
parents with young children. •Brands have the same opportunities as consumers - 
it's never been easier to create and share content 
and they should embrace it. 
E.g BMW video casts on iTunes 
•Embrace sponsorship and new online formats, such as 
Podcasts and Videocasts. Consumers like online because 
access is generally free and will happily trade commercial 
intrusion for access. 
E.g Visa and Dell sponsoring “This week in technology” 
and “Inside the Net” Podcasts •In an on-demand content world there are huge opportunities 
for brands to create experience for customers by providing 
free content and media. 
E.g Free iTunes downloads with Coca-Cola. •Encourage consumers to interact with your brand 
E.g Lynx Boost - Shower boy blog and myspace site 
tracking their on street event activity •Be comfortable distributing your brand in channels you cannot 
control. In a world orientated around consumers creating 
content anything could happen. Good brands will benefit, 
bad brands with false promises will be found out 
E.g Mentos and Diet Coke fountains competition on youtube •Do not try to control the channels of creativity - 
consumers have too many options. They will go somewhere else 
E.g. Land Rover’s ‘go beyond’ video platform. •In the new world of online, everything is inter-connected. 
This also applies to branded websites - siloed sites will 
struggle to engage in the future online space. •Web 2.0 is globalising media consumption - online media 
platforms work across markets, really only limited by language. 
The conventions of working within a market will lose 
relevance and increasingly, a global perspective will be needed. 
Brands will have to have global identities and positioning 
universal, executed through global strategies by agencies who 
can deliver on a worldwide basis. Conflicting local positioning 
in a Web 2.0 world is likely to create confusion in the eyes 
of consumers. 
For more information contact

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Wave 1 - Web 2.0 The Global Impact | UM | Social Media Tracker

  • 2. Web 2.0: The Global Impact Study by Universal McCann Dec 2006
  • 3. A welcome note Universal McCann's global research into the impact of Web 2.0 on frequent Internet users is the largest exploration of its kind. Interviews from more than 16,000 online users worldwide has for the first time allowed a true world-wide perspective into to key trends associated with the changing Internet. This research focuses on levels of penetration, the differences by market and the potential universe sizes of Web 2.0 technologies, platforms and applications; exploring 3 key areas: Creation: Blogging, social networks, photo sharing, Wiki's, social news sites and writing comments, reviews and feedback have all fundamentally changed the web, providing consumers with the tools to drive the content agenda. Connection: Social networking, personal blogging, instant messenger and VOIP are all playing a role to revolutionise and globalise the way we interact, stay in touch and meet new people. Entertainment: Thanks to the unstoppable rise of broadband - video, audio, live TV and radio are all central to the way we use the web today. The results are staggering. From a global perspective Web 2.0 applications and technology are being adopted in immense numbers with hundreds of millions creating and sharing their own content, socialising and communicating regardless of local culture, demographic, economic development or local Internet penetration. There are 40m+ active bloggers, 100m+ blog readers in the markets surveyed. Asia is at the forefront of many aspects of Web 2.0 adoption; in particular user generated content where personal blogging is an obsession for millions across the region. China leads the world, where despite decades of media oppression, millions of Chinese consumers are using blogging platforms to express themselves in ways unthinkable in years gone by. This research confirms what marketers, advertisers and media owners should already know. The changing internet is radically altering user's media habits the world over; irreversibly altering the media and communications environment by driving globalisation of media consumption, mega fragmentation of media channels and creating a truly international social network. These are real challenges that brands and media companies regardless of country must face up to now - not in ten years time. This research is an ongoing commitment, tracking the adoption of Web 2.0 platforms and technologies from a global perspective, understanding the evolving impact of the changing internet. To contact me regarding this and future research please email:
  • 4.
  • 5. Global Web 2.0 Research 3 Introduction Over the last 18 months the term “Web 2.0” has firmly entered the mainstream consciousness of the online world; however the definition and even its existence as a concept have been hotly disputed. We like to define it in the simplest of terms: “an evolution of the internet to become a network of interconnected web pages and applications that encourage consumer participation, creativity and interaction”. The really important point behind Web 2.0, particularly for advertisers, marketers and media owners is not the name or the definition, but the impact. It is clear that these recent online developments have the potential to transform the media landscape quicker than at any other time in history. The technologies commonly associated with Web 2.0 such as social networking, RSS, tagging, blogging, aggregators, and Wiki's, coupled with the explosion of broadband enabled services like Instant Messenger, IPTV, Podcasting and VOIP (see glossary for more information) mean it has never been easier to create and share content, meet people and enjoy a personalised multimedia experience. The tools and channels to create and share video, images and the written word have never before been as accessible or democratic - never before has there been a completely open media and communication platform available for everyone to contribute to. Controlled media distribution channels, the need for funding, lack of access to production technology and the need for industry contacts have all been eroded as barriers to becoming a ‘media owner’. The only barrier today is a willingness to create. The potential is clear - if consumers want to they can be the lead creators of media content. Of course the hype has been huge; Newspapers the world over proclaim the ‘Citizen Journalist’, investors push huge sums of money into online start ups, while established media companies desperately try to grab a piece of the action. It’s hard not get caught up in the hype; Technorati claim 52 million blogs in existence, with 75,000 added each day, Youtube stream in excess of 3 billion videos a month and MySpace recently breached the 100 million members mark. The media, advertising and communications environment shows all the signs of changing as quickly as hype. To understand the real impact, Universal McCann implemented a global study into the adoption of Web 2.0 tools, sites and services to assess the extent to which consumers are getting involved, establish how they are adopting and identify the country by country differences. The results form the basis for the exploration of Web 2.0 that follows, considering the impact for media owners, advertisers and marketers the world over.
  • 6. Key findings 4 •Web 2.0 technologies have made a global impact. o Internet users in every country are adopting Web 2.0 applications, platforms and media in vast numbers. o In some markets the numbers of users may be small, but on a global level all these technologies are huge. •Adoption does not follow traditional economic lines - online users in less developed markets are as involved as developed ones, in many cases more involved. o Asia leads the way - the top 5 markets in terms of adopting Web 2.0 services are China, South Korea, Malaysia, Hong Kong and the Philippines. o Spain, Italy and France are driving the Western world's usage, up there with Asia in adoption terms. o This is far from being just a US phenomenon as often assumed. The sheer size of the US market often masks lower than average adoption rates. o China is vying with the US as the largest volume market for the adoption of Web 2.0 technologies, platforms and applications. •There are clear global trends in the adoption of different technologies. If you were to order technologies in terms of popularity it would be as follows: o 1 - Instant Messenger 2 - Reviewing products and services / leaving feedback 3 - Photo Sharing 4 - Streaming live media 5 - Reading Blogs 6 - Watching video clips on demand 7 - Social Networking 8 - Creating a Blog 9 - VOIP 10 - RSS 11 - Podcasting o Generally speaking Asia is the most actively involved in content creation and sharing thanks to their passion for personal blogging while Europe and the US lead with entertainment and social networking. o The differences between the regions is magnified when looking at blogging: In Asia personal blogging is key, interacting with your social group, while in US and Europe its more about individuals making their opinion heard - often on a broad rang of topics. •The large scale global adoption of Web 2.0 means the impact of these technologies is massive, not just for media, advertising and telecoms but for wider society and culture. Their role in the inter-connectedness of the world is huge and is helping to fuel a global culture of sharing. Technologies such as photo sharing, video platforms, instant messenger, VOIP and social networking are truly international and being used everywhere world-wide. •Media distribution platforms and consumption of multimedia content is moving to become more global in outlook, or developing along language lines as opposed to market lines - marketing, advertising and branding will have to follow to stay relevant.
  • 7. Methodology 5 Figure 1: 16-44 Online Universe - Frequency users V Non Frequent Source: TGI Europa / TGI Russia / Simmons / Media in Mind / Synovate Asia Pacific Media Handbook / Nielsen Media Index The research was conducted amongst a representative sample of frequent internet users (Use the internet every day / every other day), who in general now make up the majority of the online universe particularly in developed markets (see Figure1). These users are best placed to demonstrate consumer uptake of Web 2.0 services. They are the vast majority of adopters of new products and services online and will be the majority of Web 2.0 adopters. The study took place between March and September 2006 in mix of 15 highly developed and emerging internet markets; France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Russia, UK, US, China, South Korea, Thailand, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Singapore, Philippines and Australia. Combined they make up 60% of the global Internet universe: In every market the sample is representative to the 16-44 frequent internet user population with the research con-ducted . USA France, Germany, Italy, Spain, UK, Russia 60% of the world’s Internet Population China Hong Kong Philippines Thailand Malaysia Singapore Australia South Korea online. Respondents were provided by Ciao European Media Panel, Insight Express in the US and local media partners in Asia. Unsurprisingly (Figure 1) relative numbers by market differ hugely both in size and overall penetration of online - however it is clear that frequent usage is becoming the norm. It also worth reflecting on these numbers for the results that follow and the relative sizes of the universes that the results indicate. All universe size estimates are based upon applying the percentages in the survey to the latest universe sizes that exist from industry surveys such as TGI and Simmons. As the research audience makes up 60% of frequent online world for 16-44's and as there are consistencies in technology adoption, it allows for robust estimations on the global reach of these technologies. It should also be considered that some Internet markets are less mature than others and so tend to have a younger, male skew, whereas markets such as the US, UK, France and South Korea are more established tend to have normalised profiles. This can be a factor in overall penetration of services.
  • 8.
  • 9. Creating and sharing content 7 Blogging One of the most exciting outcomes of Web 2.0 is the possibility for web users to create and share their own content. It has never been easier to create the written word, photos, video and music; sharing with friends, family and the wider world. In the past it was possible, but it took technical knowledge and determination, preventing these activities from entering the mainstream. Today, thanks to blogging platforms like Typepad, and Sky Blog; social network sites like Myspace, Bebo and Cyworld; video sharing sites such as, Guba and Revver and photo sharing sites like Flickr, Webpics and Picassa - creating and sharing content has never been simpler. Web 2.0 has made media ownership possible for all propelling it to the mainstream. Blogging Blogging has been at the epicentre of the Web 2.0 movement typifying the rise of the shift towards consumer content. Over the past couple of years there has been an explosion of blogs covering every topic imaginable. Companies and media organisations have begun to integrate blogging into their online activities; however it is consumer usage that is really exciting, and promises the biggest potential to shake up the media landscape. The ever expanding blogosphere has whipped up a fever of hype about the emergence of the ‘Citizen Journalist’ and the flipping of the media world from top down to bottom up, with consumers leading the news agenda. So is this hype justified? Blogs - “A regularly updated website in which items are posted in reverse chronological order, known as Blogs or Weblogs the act of posting stories is known as Blogging. Blogs usually focus on one subject - a typical Blog will contain stories in a diary format, pictures, links to other Blogs and web pages and will organise content by category and month of posting. The collective universe of blogs is often referred to as the blogosphere”
  • 10. Creating and sharing content 8 Blogging The results from the study show that Blogging is making a big impact. The global average (figure 2) for reading and visiting blogs is an impressive 48%. It has entered the mainstream as an established online medium for browsing and reading. There are however large market differences, with Italy, Spain, France, Russia, South Korea and China leading the way. Interestingly the US, the perceived home of the blog lags in relative terms. Northern European markets and South East Asian markets also lag; in particular Germany and Australia are failing to embrace the blog as a media source. Looking at this in the context of universe sizes (figure 3) it is clear that despite the lower than average level of overall adoption, the US with its vast universe of 27m readers, has led the blogosphere in audience terms. The impact on China's is clear - its 26m readers, nearly matching the US. Figure 2: “Visiting / Reading any Blog” - Base = All Respondents US,27.64 Australia, 0.34 Russia, 3.48 UK, 4.16 Figure 3: “Visiting / Reading any Blog universe sizes”. Base = All Respondents. Figures in Million China, 26.01 South Korea, 6.18 Singapore, 0.17 Hong Kong, 0.18 Thailand, 0.35 Malaysia, 0.43 Philippines, 0.46 Germany, 1.55 France, 5.9 Italy, 7.48 Spain, 3.63
  • 11. Creating and sharing content 9 Blogging Interestingly the content that is driving readership (see figure 4) is personal (e.g friends and family), with most people interacting with blogs as means of social contact. As the line between social networks (see figure 12) and blogging platforms narrows (e.g Live Spaces, Skyblog, Cyworld and Bokee) this is no surprise. The only markets where there are significant numbers only reading blogs which are not personal content are the US, France, Italy, Spain and Russia. Figure 5 shows the levels of interaction with blogging-both leaving comments and creating your own blog. the global average for leaving comments is 31% and for writing a blog 26%. But again, as with reading, there are significant differences. Only in Europe is there a difference between leaving comments and creating a blog. In terms of writing blogs, Northern Asia clearly leads the world. South Korea is the world leader where a staggering 64% write a blog, however there are large Figure 4: “Reading all blogs versus personal blogs”. numbers in most markets. Base = All Respondents Figure 5: “Leaving Comments V Creating Blogs”. Base = All Respondents
  • 12. Creating and sharing content 10 Blogging From a regional perspective Asia has by far the highest levels of active involvement, a fact that is particularly clear when looking at the impressive levels of blog readers who have their own blog as shown in figure 6. This suggests that web users from Northern Europe, the US and Australia are far more passive in their uptake of blogging as a media platform, using it more as a one way traditional media channel as opposed to a dialogue. Figure 6: “Conversion of blog reader to blog creator - % of blog visitors who have their own blog”. Base = All Respondents China makes up just over half of our blogging internet universe, with a staggering 25 million bloggers, far exceeding the US, where 10.7m 16-44's have their own sites. This makes China the world's biggest active blogging market by some distance, a dramatic finding with interesting ramifications for China's restricted media market. In total there are massive 50 million people blogging across our research universe. The markets covered in the research make up 60% of the world's Internet population, which would suggest that there are at least 80 million 16-44 active bloggers worldwide. Australia, 0.26 US, 10.7 China, 24.83 Spain, 1.29 Italy, 2.14 Russia, 0.5 Figure 7: “percentage of blog readers who are blog creators. Base = All Respondents. Figures in Millions South Korea, 5.46 Singapore, 0.14 Hong Kong, 0.17 Thailand, 0.25 Malaysia, 0.38 Philippines, 0.43 France, 1.38 Germany, 0.47 UK, 1.07
  • 13. Creating and sharing content 11 Blogging These numbers are set to grow thanks to consumer interest translating into major future potential. Figure 8 below, shows the numbers of users who plan to create their own blog in the future and the results are surprisingly consistent across markets, demonstrating a uniform level of interest and future growth. All markets fall broadly around the 20% mark with only Italy, Spain and the South East Asian markets of Thailand, Malaysia and Philippines showing any significant upward deviation on the global average. When translated into numbers (figure 9) it is clear the blogging universe has potential to almost double with 33m planning to start their own blog. Interestingly potential adoption rates in Northern Chinese influenced Asia are lower than the average, suggesting some element of saturation. However is also worth considering the growth potential from the enlarging internet universe and the large number of under 16 bloggers moving into the 16+ category. Which ever way you look it; blogs are not going away and set to become the mainstream. Figure 8: “I plan to start my own blog in future”. Base = All Respondents US, 9.3 Australia, 0.3 China, 10.3 South Korea, 1.4 Singapore, 0.1 Hong Kong, 0.1 Thailand, 0.6 Malaysia, 0.3 Philippines, 0.4 Germany, 1.1 France, 1.8 Italy, 2.9 Russia, 0.9 UK, 1.5 Spain, 1.8 Figure 9: “I plan to start my own blog in future” universe figures. Base = All Respondents. Figures in Millions
  • 14. Creating and sharing content 12 Implications From a global perspective the numbers of blog owners and readers shown in this report are huge for a media platform that is little more than a couple of years old. Sure some of the markets are small, but combined it is a large platform. Blogging is living up to some of its hype and it looks set to grow into a mainstream media platform. The differences between Asia and the rest of the world are interesting with the conversion of readers to active users in Asia particularly impressive. Compare this to Europe and the US where the blog readership universe is substantial, but conversions to creating content are relatively low - it is clear that Asia is driving blogging in terms of creating content. There are a number of factors that could explain this difference •Asian use of blogging is orientated around personal content - its use is closer to social networking. The barriers to entry here are lower and growth is viral thanks to this social aspect. •The huge uptake in China can be linked to the lack of uncensored media and a thirst for independent information and fresh opinions. The blog run by Chinese actress Xu Jinglei is now the world's most popular blog. (Technorati August 2006) •Due to the heavy governmental controls in China, personal blogging is a safe subject matter. Chinese blogs tend to avoid political topics and so have little impact on political discourse, unlike in Western Europe and the US. This strengthens the associations of blogging as a social medium and fuels adoption. (International Herald Tribune “Battle of the blogs in China” August 2005) •Asian markets like China, South Korea tend to be more closed to the outside world for cultural, social and political reasons that help build the internal focus that drives person blogging. •The emphasis on personal content is reflected by the success of platforms such as Cyworld, Bokee and BlogCN shows that blogging has become an essential social tool. •Blogs in Asia tend to be populated by very short posts and photos making them easier to maintain and more accessible. •The concepts of Confucianism (which manifests itself as a strong respect for others and authority) that govern social conduct in Chinese influenced culture affect blogging in two ways. Firstly bloggers have strong ideas of responsibility for what they write, which makes blogging more community focused, and secondly there is an unwritten code of conduct - that it is basic manners to comment on friend's blogs - developing the community aspect. (APAC UM) •In China blogging is the first time many have had the chance for self expression. •Blogging in Western Europe and US is more associated with individualism and sharing your opinion. This is likely to have channeled social interaction into established social networking sites. (see figure 13) •This explains the rise of personality blogs in the US •and Europe, something less evident in Asia Blogging in China is popular due to a generation of only children.
  • 15. Creating and sharing content 13 Implications •Reading blogs as a media platform is higher in Europe and there are huge numbers in the US due to the rise of the professional blog. Blogs are integrated into existing media organisations’ output, used by corporations as a consumer communication tool and run as full time blog sites such as Engadget and Cool Hunting. In the US and Europe there is a wider universe of non personal blog content to tap into - this is a bigger threat to media owners than the personal blogging of Asia. It also means the perceived barriers to entry are higher. •The huge usage of blogs as a media platform in Spain, France, Italy and Russia is influenced by language. The huge amount of English language content on the web means US and UK readers are already overwhelmed with choice and there is less of a personal urge to create. •Some of these markets have a younger profile than others - Spain, Italy and China have a younger and more male profile than the more established markets of the US, UK and South Korea. This will be a factor in higher levels of usage. •South Korea has an exceptionally well developed broadband market. Hong Kong and Singapore are also very developed internet markets that have led to strong adoption of online as a core social medium. Despite this variance by market there is clearly global take up and growth potential. This suggests that there may be truth in some of the hype around the consumer as the lead content creators. Two facts are clear; online users read blogs and increasing numbers are writing them. Although most of this will cover personal subjects there is clearly a threat. If just 5% of our 50m bloggers blog about non personal topics, that is 2.5m new media sources - obviously not all of these will be able to maintain an audience or have compelling content, but when amplified through blog search engines and aggregators like Technorati and Google Blog search, it is clearly a potential threat.
  • 16. Creating and sharing content 14 Sharing photos Figure 10 below demonstrates the impact of these changes - photo sharing is clearly a mainstream form of content creation and sharing in all markets. The global average is 68% but the variation is small compared to blogging - even in France, the market of lowest adoption 48% have shared. These numbers are consequently vast (see figure 11). The total universe for photo sharing is 122 million in our research universe - with a massive 43 million in the US and 41 million in China alone. Figure 10: “Sharing Photos Online”. Base = All Respondents Tags / Tagging “A series of keywords assigned by users to cat-egorise Italy, 5.74 UK, 6.03 Figure 11: “Sharing Photos - Universe”. Base = All Respondents. Figures in Millions. The way we take and share photos has transformed thanks to the combination of broadband, the availability of digital cameras and camera enabled mobile phones. When photos are in a digital format there is clearly a demand to share them. Thanks to the rise of simple online photo management and sharing tools such as, and it has never been easier. These new services have changed photo sharing by making your photos publicly searchable through the introduction of tagging (labelling a photo with a searchable keyword) and social networking aspects. Also as users have become more sophisticated, photos have also become an integral part of social networking profiles and personal blog pages. US, 43.23 Australia, 1.05 China, 40.67 South Korea, 6.6 Singapore, 0.35 Hong Kong, 0.35 Thailand, 1.09 Malaysia, 0.91 Philippines, 1.13 France, 3.73 Germany, 3.95 Spain, 3.72 Russia, 2.74 web pages, products and services or content by subject or category. Pages can also be scored or ranked allowing search for content based on Social Recommendation rather than traditional algorithm based search engines.”
  • 17. Creating and sharing content 15 Implications Sharing photos online is the most mainstream of content sharing. It is easily accessible and a natural step for digital photos and images. Interestingly users are very willing to share these images publicly through services such as Flickr, who report that 70% of photos uploaded are made public (.Net Magazine September 2006). It's the popularity of sharing images which is changing the internet to a much more personal and connected medium and its impact is huge in terms of how users interact online. Photo sharing is changing concepts of privacy, openness and connection with strangers on an unprecedented scale in part thanks to its reach into the mainstream. The fact that 40m+ people in China have uploaded photos online provides an amazing internal perspective that would have never existed just a few years ago. Photo sharing is in effect making the internet into a mass storage device for the world's experiences and memories - making the whole world visible and visually accessible.
  • 18. Reviewing products and services 16 Implications Although there has long been the facility to review products and services, in a Web 2.0 enabled space this has become more central to shopping online and researching purchases. Reviews have become easier to create and due to integration with tagging and profiles, now carry more weight than they did. Reviews matched with social profiles allow you to search for products and services that will interest you from people you trust. Regular reviewers are often rewarded for their work with a higher status and often users become habitual reviewers. For many users, writing reviews is one of their primary contributions to the Internet and this can be seen in the level of usage as shown in figure 12. All markets show a very high level of involvement and the global average is 74.1%, making it the second highest reaching activity in the survey. France and Spain lead the way, however it is interesting to see that some of the more developed markets show lower adoption rates than may be expected, in particular the US, UK, Germany and Italy. Russia is the one market with significant lag, but, in the main, reviewing products and services online is a mass market phenomenon and the adoption in less developed consumer markets is very significant - particularly marked is usage in Thailand and Malaysia. Again, as with blogging adoption of online services does not follow traditional economic lines. The role of online as a commerce tool is firmly entrenched, both in terms of purchasing through online channels and as a source of information for products and services. In a Web 2.0 world where social interaction and personal content are central, the role of the consumer review will hold huge weight. As web users become more comfortable with interacting with people they do not know personally and become more familiar with the concepts of tagging and consumer powered recommendation systems, the role of the consumer review will increase in importance, changing the nature of “word of mouth” as a communication channel. It will be the primary source of information in the purchase process for all online consumers. Also it is clear that online helps cement consumer societies in all markets where online is active. Figure 12: “Reviewing products and services online”. Base = All Respondents
  • 19.
  • 20. Social interaction online 18 Communication online has never been simpler. Not only have a wealth of new social networking sites emerged such as Myspace, Tagworld and Bebo that encourage interaction through personal profiles and message boards; but technologies such as Instant Messaging and VOIP have become essential online tools that have opened up whole new channels of real time peer to peer communications. These two platforms could potentially revolutionise telecoms and could transform the Internet into the key communication medium, spelling trouble for the fixed line telecoms world. Social Networking The first clear observation on the uptake of dedicated Social Networking platforms (figure 13) is that usage is higher than blogging, with a global average of 28.6%. Again as with blogging there are some differences by market, with South Korea leading the way on 51.5%, however Asia does not dominate as it does with blogging. The other interesting point is that Russia, with its younger online profile has the highest usage in Europe, far exceeding that of Western Europe. The US, often seen as the home of social networking thanks to Myspace, Friendster and Facebook amongst others, actually lags other markets in percentage reach but in terms of numbers (see figure 14) remains the largest market - its 17.8m users representing nearly half the global research universe. Social Networking “Virtual communities of users who have their own online profile of personal information and content. The social network technology allows them to associate, communicate and share content with other users based on their personal profiles - thus building a network of individuals.” Instant Messenger “Software that allows real time email type conversations with messenger buddies. Popular programmes include MSN Messenger, Yahoo Messenger and Google Talk” VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) ”Voice telephone calls conducted over the internet. The most well known service is Skype” Figure 13: “Usage of Social Networking Sites / Platforms” Base = All Respondents
  • 21. Social interaction online 19 Implications Social networking is outperforming blogging in Western Europe and the US. Why? Well mainly because it is very simple to use and interact with, but also because it has become an essential part of maintaining social status for a certain generation. It is now a core tool, along with the mobile phone to both to stay in contact with friends but also as a way of meeting new people. Blogging in its traditional sense is more demanding, even when writing about personal topics. However, increasingly it will become difficult to pick the two apart as the big social networks increasingly make blogging a core component. It is also worth considering that mass usage of Social Networking is a fairly new concept and many users of these sites are populated by under 16's (hence outside our research). Dramatic growth should be anticipated as they move into the 16+ bracket. That said there are already huge numbers using Social Networks between the ages of 16-44, with our research estimated at least 49m - suggesting a worldwide figure of almost 90m. These are massive numbers and its impact is big in terms of socialising the web - in particular changing concepts of privacy, by making every one and everything public and searchable. It is also making users comfortable with the idea of meeting people online and using online as a social tool. Also we should not forget the role that Social Network sites play in content creation and sharing. Users are becoming more sophisticated in the creation of their personal pages with the integration of graphics, photos, blogging, music and video. For many people online this is where they create most content. The social networks have embraced this, integrating music and video streaming, blogging platforms and full html support. As personal blogging and social networking continue to merge this is a trend set to continue. US, 17.87 Australia, 0.31 Italy, 1.01 UK, 1.85 Figure 14: “Social Networking Universe Sizes” Base = All Respondents China, 15.64 South Korea, 4.39 Singapore, 0.14 Hong Kong, 0.11 Thailand, 0.4 Malaysia, 0.51 Philippines, 0.64 France, 1.1 Germany, 1.77 Spain, 1.32 Russia, 1.81
  • 22. Social interaction online 20 Instant Messenger (IM) The number of IM users is vast, one that could only be rivalled by email. Figure 15 below shows how mass market Messenger has become, with a global average penetration of 78.4%. There are small market differences, with Asia marginally ahead of Europe, US and Australia. China leads the way with near universal usage at 97% and (see figure 15 and 16) 43m users, tied with the US also on 43m. The only exception is Germany, where strangely it has failed to take off. The interesting difference with other platforms is that usage is consistently high across the whole of Asia, regardless of market development. Figure 15: “Instant Messenger” Base = All Respondents US, 43.1 Australia, 1.14 Italy, 6.53 Russia, 3.87 UK, 7.74 Figure 16: “Instant Messenger Universe Sizes” Base = All Respondents China, 43.35 South Korea, 6.89 Singapore, 0.38 Hong Kong, 0.35 Thailand, 1.65 Malaysia, 0.98 Philippines, 1.24 France, 6.58 Germany, 3.78 Spain, 4.35
  • 23. VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) 21 As a technology VOIP could be one of most revolutionary online developments in the past few years. The ability to make phone calls for free anywhere in the world could completely revolutionise not just the online experience but the telecoms model. VOIP is becoming more consumer centric with services such as Skype and retailers like Tesco making it easier to set up and operate while existing online platforms like Ebay are beginning to integrate it as a form of buyer / seller communication. Understandably telecom companies the world over look at VOIP with a sense of foreboding and figure 17 will show why. For such a new and relatively complex technology the growth in VOIP users is impressive. The global average is 23.4% with less developed markets leading the way; embracing a service that bypasses unreliable, expensive and bureaucratic fixed line services. Malaysia has the highest level of usage with 39%, while interestingly the US and the UK which are two of the most developed telecoms markets, rank last with just 12%. This suggests that VOIP may grow more slowly in more developed markets. Once again, adoption of online services is not linked to economic development. US, 6.73 Australia, 0.27 Russia, 0.66 UK, 1.36 Figure 18: “VOIP universe” Base = All Respondents China, 16.04 South Korea, 1.54 Singapore, 0.12 Hong Kong, 0.08 Thailand, 0.47 Malaysia, 0.44 Philippines, 0.48 France, 2.06 Germany, 1.87 Italy, 2.92 Spain, 0.95 Figure 17: “Usage of VOIP” Base = All Respondents
  • 24. VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) + (IM) 22 Implications It is clear that IM is changing the nature of global communication. Its stealth growth has made IM a main stream form of communication. Its impact is much underrated, enabling real-time global communication for no cost above the price of the internet connection. Anyone with friends and relatives abroad will tell you how important it is. Thanks to these factors it is universally embraced in all markets (except strangely Germany) and plays a big role in globalising and connecting the web. It is a much untapped platform and more could be done to integrate it into social network platforms, ecommerce or as a real time method of customer service and site assistance. It is however clearly acting as a catalyst for VOIP, with growing availability of video and voice via webcams through Instant Messenger platforms. Most VOIP services are not much more than enhanced Messenger services and it's this similarity that could propel it into the mainstream and potentially revolutionise telecoms. It could have bigger ramifications for an existing business model than consumer content creation could have on the established media world. It is also interesting to see that growth of VOIP is driven by less developed markets suggesting that this technology could help level the playing field and play a role in creating an increasingly globalised and connected world.
  • 25.
  • 26. Personalised multimedia experience 24 Watching video clips online Fuelled by Web 2.0 technology and the massive growth in broadband the Internet has taken real steps towards becoming an entertainment medium. The much quoted rise of and its 3 billion streams a month sum up the rise of multimedia content online. There are signifiers of the multimedia nature of the Internet everywhere you look, for example: all Champions League football is now broadcast online; Warner Music signing a deal to make all their music videos available through; MTV launching MTV flux an online video portal. It's a clear shift - not only for video, but podcasts, online radio, music, aggregators and personalised homepages. It is also easier for consumers to get involved: creating video and audio thanks to the wealth of low cost and increasingly high quality digital cameras and mobile phones which offer live recording. Figure 19 shows the extent to which watching online video is now beginning to enter the mass market - with a global average penetration of 32%. There are however some interesting distinctions by market. China leads the way with a massive 56.2%, fuelled by the opportunity to consume independent and relatively un-censored media. The next two markets are Malaysia and Philippines, again demonstrating the global appeal of new Internet services. The other interesting point within Asia is the relatively low take up in South Korea - a market normally at the forefront. Within Europe, Italy, Spain and the UK are more entertainment oriented, while France and Germany lag. The US hits the global average which for such a mature market shows the real impact of online video. Figure 19: “Watching Video clips online” Base = All Respondents
  • 27. Personalised multimedia experience 25 Podcasts Podcasts “A method of delivering audio files over the net. Podcasts are typically half and hour to an hour in length and usually recorded in the style of a radio show. Podcasts available to today cover every imaginable topic from unsigned bands to technology. You can subscribe to Podcasts via RSS, through services like iTunes or downloaded directly from the publishers website. Once you have subscribed you automatically receive the next installment when it is published” individuals.” Podcasts Compare watching video clips to Podcasts (figure 20), and it's clear that on demand video is beating audio hands down. The global average is just 17.4%, well beneath video clips. Interestingly France and South Korea have the highest reach, but the pattern across all markets is similarly low. Why? There are a number of clear reasons that could explain this: copyright limits the musical content that Podcasts can include so the vast majority are voice and special / niche interest; video clips are shorter, more interactive and easier to share virally; it is easier to create video clips that are entertaining - Podcasts require more equipment and radio production skills to make engaging content; the distribution platforms for video clips are more consumer friendly and easier to make part of your day to day surfing. Distribution platforms for Podcasts are improving, in particular the integration with the Itunes music store, however until copyright issues are resolved then the Podcasts in the future are still likely to lag video. Figure 20: “Listening to Podcasts” Base = All Respondents
  • 28. Personalised multimedia experience 26 Streaming Comparing these figures to Figure 21 for Streaming Live Video / Audio and some interesting differences emerge. Firstly the levels of streaming live are much higher in all markets, secondly live streaming is driven by Western Europe and the US - whereas watching video clips is driven by Asia. This suggests a different relationship to media, with established Western Europe and US markets orientated around delivery in a more conventional live form. One reason is that the majority of live streaming is likely to be audio, hence far more likely to be Internet radio streams. Radio has a stronger heritage in Western Europe and the US and higher levels of online listening have been inherited from traditional broadcasters. Also developed media markets have better resourced organisations such as the BBC, Canal+, CBS who have the resource to deliver live content and have promoted it. The one Asian market that matches Europe and the US is China, whose figures again indicate the appeal of external new sources of media. Figure 21: “Streaming Live Music / Video” Base = All Respondents
  • 29. Personalised multimedia experience 27 Streaming Comparing the universe sizes for streaming to those for watching video clips on demand (figure 22 /23) makes these differences even more obvious. Asia has a much larger share of watching video clips versus streaming and China is marginally the largest market. The other interesting comparison is within Western Europe, where France, Germany and the UK lead in terms of volume for streaming but only the UK has a large take up of watching clips. The enthusiasm with which Europe and the US embrace streaming is an interesting difference and one that is likely to be a result of the legacy of well resourced and established media organisations that are more likely to stream live and more likely to promote it. US, 19.17 Australia, 0.4 China, 25.2 South Korea, 2.53 Singapore, 0.15 Hong Kong, 0.15 Thailand, 0.58 Malaysia, 0.44 Philippines, 0.56 France, 1.83 Italy, 3.29 Germany, 1.57 UK, 3.52 Spain, 1.46 Russia, 1.03 Figure 22: “Universe of users viewing video clips online” Base = All Respondents US, 32.84 Australia, 0.44 China, 25.39 South Korea, 2.96 Singapore, 0.15 Hong Kong, 0.12 Thailand, 0.59 Malaysia, 0.5 France, 5.33 Philippines, 0.61 Germany, 4.23 Italy, 4.09 Russia, 1.63 UK, 5.52 Spain, 3.42 Figure 23: “Universe of users streaming live music / video online” Base = All Respondents
  • 30.
  • 31. Personalised multimedia experience 28 Implications Multi-media online is now the norm for our online universe in all markets. This is particularly case for streaming media via online in the traditional live sense. Watching clips on demand has a much smaller reach but its growth is significant. The idea of trawling pre made and user generated video is a fairly new concept. Podcasting is also relatively new and, although its take up is markedly lower, thanks to the global nature of online there is still an audience of millions. Streaming live media is more popular particularly in developed media markets mainly due to existing media organisations moving their radio and, increasingly, TV delivery online. This has been promoted heavily and has been made available through existing media organisations' online properties. In the main it is an easier point of entry for consumers wishing to utilise their PC as an entertainment medium. It is also a more familiar concept, with media delivered in real time. On-demand media is newer, requiring more consumer input and sifting of content. Despite this, on demand is clearly set to grow and become the preferred method of receiving content online. Video will lead the way especially as established media content producers start distribution of new productions in an on-demand format and see the value of monetising their archives. Podcasting is likely to continue to lag and will only compete if copyright issues are resolved - currently the record industry is holding this back. In summary the internet clearly is evolving into a global entertainment platform, which, for content producers both consumer and professional, is a massive opportunity. It is also a big boost for the advocates of convergence and the idea of internet delivered content being made available through your main TV set in the living room. It is surely only a matter of time before this is the norm and many companies will benefit substantially: online distribution channels like Yahoo Go; technology companies such as Sony who will connect the PC and the TV and content producers themselves. The barriers to creating globally recognised and appreciated content are falling and a golden age of video could emerge. The industries who should be really concerned are the networks, cable companies and satellite broadcasters who have historically controlled distribution within markets very tightly.
  • 32. Personalised multimedia experience 29 RSS (Really Simple Syndication) RSS at face value may seem somewhat unexciting, however it is a very important concept in enabling the on-demand multimedia internet that is taking shape. RSS essentially brings content to you rather you having to search for it - hence its importance in a world of seemingly infinite media choice. RSS technology is gradually becoming integrated into various online applications, including email systems, web browsers, personalised home pages, news aggregators and media centre software. It delivers new stories from blogs and news sites, Podcasts and videocasts. However as figure 24 shows RSS has really failed to take off across all markets. Just 20% have ever used it with the developed markets of Europe and US lagging Southern Europe and Asia. Mirroring Germany's low use of blogs, just 5% have ever used RSS. In all markets the low use is far below the adoption of platforms such as blogging, online video platforms, Podcasts etc that have RSS as an integral technology. This makes it clear that RSS has not resonated as a concept with consumers. RSS Feeds - “A web technology which allows you to subscribe to content from a particular web page or blog. When new content is published it is send directly to you, rather you having to visit the web page or blog. As well as specialist reader products aggregator technology is gradually being built into portals, search engines, and email programmes.” Figure 24: “RSS Usage” Base = All Respondents
  • 33. Personalised multimedia experience 30 Implications RSS clearly has a bit of image problem and its adoption lags the technology it helps consumers find, use and subscribe to. The concept of subscribing to content is not yet consumer friendly enough and has not been promoted or packaged correctly. It needs simplifying and needs clearer integration into the tools everyone uses online, such as web mail and instant messenger. Once RSS has been integrated properly across all platforms, particularly home media centers, it will inevitably become a core mass market technology, even if it is not known as RSS. As more and more web users immerse themselves in user generated content and the world of near infinite media choice, RSS will become required to navigated the wealth of content choice.
  • 34. Overall summary - what is the impact? 31 It's clear that Web 2.0 technologies are being adopted on a global scale regardless of internet penetration, region of the world and economic development. It is a global phenomenon and web users are showing signs of living up to the hype. The summary of adoption as shown in figure 23 demonstrates how wide-scale overall adoption levels are, while figure 24 demonstrates the size of these potential audiences. Consumers are creating and sharing content, connecting socially and increasingly using the internet as a multi-media experience. The numbers are huge (see figure 24) and it is happening now, not in the future. Interestingly adoption is not along the traditional economic lines. Figure 25 reveals the extent to which online is going to be driven by Asia, with the top five markets all being from Asia, with only Thailand falling into the bottom half. Spain and France lead the rest of the world, including the US. Figure 23: “Global reach” Base = All Respondents: Average usage across all markets Figure 24: “Global Research Universes” (Figures in millions) Base = All Respondents Figure 25: Global Web 2.0 adoption index (average take up by market across all technologies and activities in the questionaire) - All Respondents
  • 35. Overall summary 32 Implications for media owners Online is progressively becoming the core medium for interaction, creativity and entertainment across the world. Although it goes without saying that internet users are not yet entirely bypassing regular media sources in favour of creating, sharing and consuming user generated content there are clearly massive implications for all media owners, in terms of near and far future trends. If offline media owners have not already put online at the heart of their product, they must do so regardless of the market they operate in. Media brands need stretch across a variety of digital platforms if they are going to survive this world of unlimited fragmentation and the demise of tightly controlled market orientated distribution platforms. Web 2.0 technologies are increasingly shifting media distribution platforms to a global scale - presenting media owners both with opportunities to reach new audiences, but also the some key challenges: remaining relevant to their audience; increased competition; growing issues with copyright and rights ownership. Also, media owners will have to produce more as the delivery of basic news will increasingly become commoditised due to the wealth of sources and the always switched on nature of online. Editorially there will be more demand for expertise and niche content as people increasingly mix and match expert content with a distinct voice and point of view via their personalised page or content aggregator. As well as an increasingly competitive professional environment, there is going to be huge competition from consumer content, which as demonstrated has a big future in all markets. Asia is leading the way with content creation and interaction, but the other regions will follow along the path from passivity to interactivity. Although vast majority of this content is of personal interest and clearly not everyone will start creating content, the scale is alarming for established media companies. Supposing that 10% of users create content and 10% of these produce something of wider interest, millions of new media sources will emerge to challenge established media owners. The threat is magnified by the new online platforms that are emerging: video sites, photo sharing, aggregators and personalised homepages all sift and sort the best of user generated content bringing together user created media into a viable channel. In order to survive this onslaught of user generated content, existing media brands must try to involve consumer interaction and content creation within their digital platforms, while at the same time opening up communication with users to become more conversant. They must be comfortable at releasing their content in channels not controlled by them, while delivery should evolve into short regular feeds in order to remain relevant in an age of RSS feeds, aggregators and personalised home pages. Anyone that produces video and audio content is provided a massive opportunity if they embrace Web 2.0 properly: broadcasters, production companies, record labels, movie production companies and TV stations could potentially distribute their new and archived content across the world - directly controlling distribution and access rather than relying on the satellite, cable and TV networks or the DVD and CD store. This should be seen as a massive opportunity rather than a threat. Also the potential to make revenue from old content currently sitting in dusty boxes is vast - it can be monetised through sponsorship, adverts, subscription or pay per view. Why TV networks, movie studios and record companies cannot see this currently is baffling. Rather than threatening to sue the users and channels who use their content illegally they should be embracing the potential to reach hundreds of millions of consumers in new markets with recycled content. Media in this on-demand format will change revenue structures meaning that retaining revenue through traditional interruptive advertising formats, such as the 30 second commercial will become more difficult. Live broadcasting and event TV will become more important to deliver any kind of significant mass audience. However the rights to screen live events will become more difficult to source as rights owners may in the future increasingly wish to distribute coverage themselves rather than sell their rights to the TV networks and Satellite broadcasters. The real threat is to the existing controllers of the distribution channels. The appetite online users across the world show for consuming audio and video media online is a real long term threat to the cable, satellite and TV networks. When online links to the main screen in the household as will happen inevitably in the near future, services such as Youtube and Itunes, or the future as yet to emerge equivalent could be the distribution channels of the future.
  • 36. Overall summary 33 Implications for advertisers Advertisers and marketers who embrace the changes that Web 2.0 is delivering have massive opportunities to connect with consumers as never seen before. The number of new channels of communication are huge and the possibilities are endless. It also opens up new revenue streams, and links communications and sales in ways that were never previously possible. Future communications can work as revenue earner for Web 2.0 embracing brands. There is also a major opportunity to build global brands and access new markets in ways and at a cost never previously possible. As culture becomes more intermixed and accessible it is likely that existing established international brands many of which are European and American will be well placed to benefit. Marketers and agencies that continue view this as a threat and refuse to adapt from the old interruptive model will see their communications lose effectiveness over time and their brands and sales suffer. The clear global trends of adoption show this is taking off now so it is not something to plan for in ten to twenty years. This is a current reality and as more and more people move online and embrace Web 2.0 services it will grow and grow. There are a number of things that marketers, advertisers and communications agencies need to do to survive in a world of consumer generate media and infinite channel fragmentation. •Ensure online is central to all brand communications - linking all elements together •Shift from thinking about interruptive advertising to creating content and services available across multiple digital platforms that offer genuine consumer benefit. E.g which offers a full online resource for parents with young children. •Brands have the same opportunities as consumers - it's never been easier to create and share content and they should embrace it. E.g BMW video casts on iTunes •Embrace sponsorship and new online formats, such as Podcasts and Videocasts. Consumers like online because access is generally free and will happily trade commercial intrusion for access. E.g Visa and Dell sponsoring “This week in technology” and “Inside the Net” Podcasts •In an on-demand content world there are huge opportunities for brands to create experience for customers by providing free content and media. E.g Free iTunes downloads with Coca-Cola. •Encourage consumers to interact with your brand E.g Lynx Boost - Shower boy blog and myspace site tracking their on street event activity •Be comfortable distributing your brand in channels you cannot control. In a world orientated around consumers creating content anything could happen. Good brands will benefit, bad brands with false promises will be found out E.g Mentos and Diet Coke fountains competition on youtube •Do not try to control the channels of creativity - consumers have too many options. They will go somewhere else E.g. Land Rover’s ‘go beyond’ video platform. •In the new world of online, everything is inter-connected. This also applies to branded websites - siloed sites will struggle to engage in the future online space. •Web 2.0 is globalising media consumption - online media platforms work across markets, really only limited by language. The conventions of working within a market will lose relevance and increasingly, a global perspective will be needed. Brands will have to have global identities and positioning universal, executed through global strategies by agencies who can deliver on a worldwide basis. Conflicting local positioning in a Web 2.0 world is likely to create confusion in the eyes of consumers. For more information contact