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Running head: WEEK 5 REFLECTION 1
Week 5 Reflection: The Traits of a Driver Leader for a Turnaround Healthcare
Modupe Sarratt
HCAD 670
Week 5 Essay Paper
University of Maryland University College
March 4, 2018
Author Note
Driver Leadership
Business, individuals and healthcare professionals can turnaround a system that is not working
for the benefit of all. When we think about the current healthcare systems, the people are tired of
nothing being done by our leaders to make changes or improve the current health care for the
better. The current administration with president Trump indicated that "healthcare is too
complex" for a solution to do nothing. Here is where I think the creativity of a driven leader is
advantageous; for getting the action that is required for making the decision, to do what is
possible now to make healthcare system a workable system, which improves the health of all
people is a driver leader by example to lead other leaders or the executives to an action for a
leadership driver and to turn things around for a change is a driver leadership for decision
Driver leader command for action by example
Leadership drive droves other to an action
Driver leadership is driven to make the decision for action to change
Keywords: (driver leader, primal leader, and authentic leader, leadership drive, driver
leadership for a turnaround healthcare)
Week 5 Reflection: The Traits of a Driver Leader for a Turnaround Healthcare
The complex of healthcare systems for services requires new direction that enabling the
making of decisions to command all aspects of healthcare and medical care for the appropriate
actions. I learned the importance of action is the ability to make the decision that affects all.
Many leaders in healthcare professions have often wondered what might possibly be the greatest
structure for healthcare systems. The structure for primary care, hospital care, and surgical care.
The trait of a driver leader is the drive to continue with driving to the intended destination.
Driver leader will not stop doing until the task is accomplished as well a driver leader will not
stop going until a destination is reached and sustainable for the occasion. A driver leader is
driven by action to drive others to an action; therefore, a drive leader cannot stop solving
problems without providing the solutions. A driver leader is making a decision for meeting the
end is efficient and effective for an action. However, the driven of others for an action sometimes
is the key to evaluate whether the action of others is effective enough for a problem solved. As
well the driver leader decision for action usually may not be thorough enough to solve the
associated problem because a driver leader usually focuses on the immediate problem for a
solution that may not consider the future impact. Driver leader is driven by an action to solve a
problem at hand for a solution is my professional experience.
Professional experience to relate to healthcare administration is a Lifelong Learning Plan
for a driver leader to lead by example
Healthcare systems are the most complex field of diverse careers for the diversity of the
people for an individuality, an ethnicity, and nationality. Healthcare is where one management
styles do not fit all for leadership style, an online article posted for management styles indicated
“one management style does not fit all is managing a group successful requires different styles
depending on the individuals and the situation involved” can be transfer to healthcare systems for
diverse careers is the “wearer of many hats” for diverse leadership styles (Young, n.d).
The professional experience in healthcare include personal knowledge of self for ability
and the capability to lead (is the authenticity of a leader); to be effective to lead other with
emotional intelligence to influence other for action (is a primal leader), and to be self-efficient to
make decisions to drive self and other for action to change (is a driver leader) for a lifelong of
learning to growth to achieve and with unrelenting understanding to impact other to take action
that will help them to achieve as well is self-notion of a successful business.
The action of a leader to inspire other for action to do, to change unproductive behavior
and to turn things around for good can feel like a rundown or a burnout for doing too much is the
cause of leader fatigued for ineffective leadership.
A driver leader may sound like a new concept but it is not for the characteristic of a driver
leader is driven into action to perform task on personal level as well driven to make decision for
other leaders to take action that slightly different from a primal leader of using emotional
intelligence to influence another for the action to do a task.
A driver leader makes decisions to tackle the problem by generating the action, a driver
leader lead by example to start doing to command his or her follower with "do as I do" for others
to follow his or her lead for a direction to do the task that needs to be done. The action of a driver
leader is similar to a driver of a car with the passengers. The driver of a car is the one with the
instrument and the information about the car for the information and the resources to where the
car is going with the passenger for the driver actions to drive the car with the passenger to their
destination is a driver leader for leadership drive that droves another leader to an action.
For a leader to lead with efficiency to be effectively productive in today's work
environment, it is necessary to know where to find the type of information to reference for
material and the resources needed by others to process information that is informative to
command an action.
A leader with information that generates the action of another leader is driven to make the
decision to command for the executive action is a driver leadership. A driver leadership is the
body language for presenting the message that supported by his or her mannerism to drive
another to take action or demanding others to take a stand with actions. The characteristic of a
driver leadership includes but not limited;
• Having the body language to ascribe and inspire other
• Being an effective speaker for understanding situations and conditions of other
• Provider of an excellent choice for right selection
• Supportive of the opposition for an option as the alternative (if you cannot do this,
then do what you said you can do for an action)
• Presenter of messages for actions (not just talk because his or her message is requesting
others to take a position for an action)
• Never a slumber ( driver leaders never blame others or claim to be the victim
because they are determined to remain in a driver’s seat is their take of responsibility for their
actions since they know that things can and will go wrong and others can choose the alternative
not to take action.
The advantage of driver leadership is they take matters into their own hand for their own
action that will influence other is their diversity to make things happens for others to encourage
that it can be done. A driver leader is an example to others by drive other to emulate their
The mannerism of driver leader body language is visible in his or her facial expressions,
posture and gestures that speak to the people and that can be heard by the listeners “I need you
with me now for action to get the task done” is a leader in the driver seat to drive for you cannot
keep your boss waiting.
The distinction between a driver leader and a primal leader is that a driver leader is a
leader with good posture for confidence to get things done while a primal leader is exploring the
emotional intelligence of other to influence for action.
Driver leadership for turnaround healthcare.
Healthcare operations at all level including patient care should be simple for asking
questions to gather information that can be analyzed for an answer as well that can be used to
solve problems and provide the solutions for issues solved. Simple as asking for: What is health?
What is clear for a sickness? And what is the medicine that will a cure sickness?
Health is what we have to maintain from knowledge, the common saying “to prevent an
illness is better than curing a sickness” is the fact that we have the power to avoid sickness is the
healthcare policy for a yearly physical checkup. However, that is not the case in today’s health
care for marketing health insurance and the manufacture of drugs.
The annual physical checkup to measure where we at with our health and to improve our
health for better with early detection of potential illness for treatments are all the mechanism to
avoid having a disease for a sickness. Today seems to be the opposite of healthcare providers’
leadership gearing toward money for the mischief of patients’ exposure to disease causing-agents
and for the unhealthy society of inactivity to rely on or relinquish self-health to doctor visits.
In today’s healthcare system for the greed of money, patients mandate for physical is a
policy of exposure of the patient to radiation and communicable diseases. The result of the
experience is that healthcare is no longer about the health of the patient it more about profit at
patient expense make me wanted to be a teacher for health that helps the patient to know about
the human body in health and in disease to create awareness for how do we get sick from being
I cherished several publications, articles, and movies that include titles such as; “What
Your Doctor Won’t Tell You” (Murphree II, 2005) a doctor will not tell a patient “how to
prevent heart disease” or an illness as well will not tell a patient that some medical procedure is
an “exposure to radical” that increase the risk of exposing patient to cancer-causing agents for
untreatable sicknesses. A movie “The Doctor” filmed by William Hurt in 1991 for “a taste of my
own medicine” in a book written by Rosenbaum in 1988 to showed that medical procedures with
treatments create the complex of a disease for untreatable sickness such cancer, in the movie, a
symptom of coughing and gaging compounded with exposures to radiation increase an illness to
a sickness for a cancer patient. The innate intelligent that prevention of an illness is better than
the curing of a sickness is medical procedure is the cause of pathology (disease). The fact is a
disease is a damage that can lead to being deceased or dead for the most disease are not treatable,
but manageable is the managed care organizations (MCOs) or healthcare managed organizations
(HMOs) to manage untreatable sickness with drugs as well to improve the economy with manage
health for medical checkups.
How MCO or HMO to operate is by marketing for drugs that help manage diseases is
MCO or marketing for the economy to improve health is HMO and the purpose is to combine
health with sickness for prevention and cure. However, medicine cannot cure a disease for the
side effects as well the long run of taken medicine is toxicity or death by the drug. What is wrong
with the Managed care organizations (MCOs) and Healthcare managed organizations (HMOs) is
marketing health is the financial economy of the pharmaceutical and the physicians to manage
the disease with drugs.
The current healthcare system is not about the patients' health for the opposite is taking
advantage of patient health with policy or mandate for the yearly checkup to expose patients to
the risk of agents that causes diseases. The trauma of Pap smear for scraping the cervical can
expose a patient to virus and bacteria. The mammogram can expose the patient to x-ray radical
or ultraviolet radiation. The medical procedures are not natural and cannot be controlled by the
patient is left to a patient trust of the healthcare provider to do no harm. For example, a patient
can control his or her outdoor activity for sun exposure, however, a patient cannot control what a
healthcare professional expose them for a procedure.
The Concept of Driver Leader for Turnaround by Casse (2014)
The concept of driver leader for "turnaround” by Casse (2014) features "what leaders
must do to make a difference as a result of his dealings with hundreds of executives from many
different sectors, he concludes that, in order to perform and enjoy in today's fast-changing
business world, leaders must consider three critical requirements as follows:
Firstly, they must have a good grasp of the leadership fundamentals, they must
understand the basic requirements of leadership practice, such as the ability to:
 Provide a clear direction to those with whom they collaborate
 Mobilize their people by focusing on selected key priorities
 Transform ideas into actions
 Coordinate appropriate actions to generate tangible results.
Secondly, leaders must understand that different roles within the organization require
different ways of thinking and behaving that illustrate for instance such as:
 The leadership requirements at the top of the organization are not the same as those
required in the field.
 The leaders at board level will need to take a more strategic perspective and focus more
on the long-term,
 And the leaders in the field must necessarily be more short-term focused.
Thirdly, the author research shows that the leadership fundamentals also comprise the
following four key drivers:
 The ability to project oneself into the future and anticipate what would be necessary to
improve on what currently exists process
 The ability to organize scarce resources so that ideas can be released effectively and
efficiently people
 The ability to generate commitment and engagement among others around ideas,
strategies, and action plans action
 The ability to transform ideas, strategies, and plans into concrete results.
The point by the author is that, while there will be overlap in some leadership requirements, there
will also be function-specific ones to consider such as understand the basic requirements of
leadership practice as the ability to:
 Know self in terms of strengths and weaknesses
 Make a diagnosis of the situation in which a leader finds self, in terms of the
requirements for success
 As well a leader should know how to understand and measure the impact of his/her own
behaviors in the situation.
Furthermore, the author suggests that the leaders must also appreciate the following three key
dimensions of leadership:
 leading oneself - the ability to be an effective role model leading the team –
 the ability to help people in a team to achieve together what they would have been unable
to achieve alone leading the organization –
 the ability to move the organization forward while making sure continued performance
improvement is beneficial to all those involved, as well as to the wider society
Casse concluded the features of a driver leader is a result of dealings with hundreds of executives
from many different sectors. According to Casse, in today's fast-changing business world, leaders
must consider four critical requirements with the elements of a driver leader in order to prove
effectiveness: (1) leaders must make special efforts in the management of their teams,
organizations and even countries to activate the drive for doing things the right way and at the
right time. (2) Leaders in close collaboration with the executive in charge must prove
complementary. This is not to say that leaders must be able to get everything done at break-neck
speed but, certainly, the ability to make progress in vital areas without delay is a key leadership
success factor of a driver leader. (3) In a turnaround world full of unexpected surprises and
demands, leaders must be able to prioritize and, in so doing, focus on what is important at the
moment in question. Leaders at board level will need to take a more strategic perspective and
focus more on the long term, whereas leaders in the field must necessarily be more short-term
focused. (4) Furthermore, leaders must understand that different roles within the organization
require different ways of thinking and behaving. From Casse conclusion, a driver leader is a
leader who makes the decision by example for the action that other leaders must follow for his or
her own leadership to make a combined decision for the action in which a change must occur.
Despite the strength of driver leader, there is a weakness that a driver leader excludes the
confidence to gravitate toward a leadership position. According to an online article for leadership
psychology describe a driver personality as follows:
Driver leaders are the dynamic and active personality type. They exclude confidence and
naturally gravitate toward leadership positions. They move very quickly to action, but
they are not detail oriented. Driver leaders are great with the big picture, they are
visionaries and they see how we are going to get to where we need to go, but they're not
always great at taking the interim steps needed to get there.
Driver leaders strengths are they are very determined individuals, they are independent
and they are productive, they get a lot of things done, they visionaries and decisive. A
driver leader would rather make a decision rather than no decision. They just want that
decision to be made. Driver leader is known for making decisions. It can be said that if
you want to get to the moon you hire a driver leader, but if you want to get back you hire
an analytical (, 2015), an analytical is a systematic leader for no
To turn around a nonworking system is a driver leader driven by decision for making the change
is the action of a driver leadership. The stagnation of the current healthcare system for no action
requires a driver leadership for an action that makes a change.
A driver leader of a driver leadership
A driver leader of a driver leadership is a leader who is driven to make the decision to set
an example for action that influences others to command others to take the actions that were
expected from them is a leader by example. Driver leadership is a reflection of my personality
and professional experience for what I have learned in the healthcare administration program to
view self as a leader is by setting an example for action to do as I do, to teach others to follow,
and to command and demand actions is how to make a change to happen. According to Heifetz et
al., (2009), the use of the leadership driver is “in the context of active implementation focuses on
leadership approaches related to transforming systems and creating change." Healthcare
operations should be simple for asking questions to gather information that can be analyzed for
the answers as well that can be used to solve the problems and to provide the solutions.
A health problem can be solved simply by as asking the right question to make the right
decision as such with: What is health means? It is about the knowledge of knowing what is
wrong that needs to change from not feeling well to feeling good about getting better. What is
care? It is the ability of a healthcare provider to explain what needs to be done for a treatment.
What is medicine? It is the capability of a doctor to make the decision to prescribe medicine to
cure a sickness. The leadership driver described the leader with many traits needed to make the
change, support staff, and sustain outcomes while a driver leadership is an action that made the
change for a turnaround.
The attributes of driver leader for discovering the reality
The attributes of driver leader for leadership drive of a driver leadership for discovering
the reality involves taken this five steps. According to Geoffrey Bellman (2001) is using our
ability through our “five senses for ‘five steps’” to identify uncomfortable issues that is going on
right now or at the moment for steps to take is step one. Step two is the gathering of information
before taking action to find out more by asking others to study the issues for relevant information
or data. Step three is known for understanding come from familiarizing self with the data and
the information gathered to move for action or to go beyond to indicate we have what we need to
act or all the data necessary to drive others to action for interrelating or reciting the action for the
data or information. Step four is the respect and acceptance of what others are able to do or have
done. Although respecting and accepting others does not necessarily means an agreement, but it
represents the action of others for a leadership driver of honorable intentions, perhaps noble for
skillful or effectiveness to get people together to take action. Step five is the decision to act with
the combined actions of others to make things happens (p.35-37).
5: Decide and
Act to make
things work and
to make things
3: Know to
2: Gather
Information 1:Identify issues
4: Respect and
Accept others for
grasping the
Bellman, G. M. (2001). Getting things done when you are not in charge. Berrett-Koehler
Casse, P. (2014, February 1). The new drivers of leadership. Retrieved from (2015, November 24) 4 personality types that all leaders should learn to
recognize "Driver". Leadership Psychology. Retrieved from
Heifetz, R. A., Grashow, A., & Linsky, M. (2009). The practice of adaptive leadership: Tools and
Tactics for changing your organization and the world. Harvard Business Review, 75(1),
Murphree II, R. H. (2005). What Your Doctor Won’t Tell You.
Hurt, W. (1991). “The Doctor” Film.
Rosenbaum, E. E. (1988). A taste of my own medicine: When the doctor is the patient. Random
Young, J (n.d). Wearer of many Hats: One Management Style Does Not Fit All. Writing
Assistance, Inc. Retrieved from

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Week 5 reflection essay paper (2)

  • 1. Running head: WEEK 5 REFLECTION 1 Week 5 Reflection: The Traits of a Driver Leader for a Turnaround Healthcare Modupe Sarratt HCAD 670 Week 5 Essay Paper University of Maryland University College March 4, 2018 Author Note Driver Leadership
  • 2. WEEK 5 REFLECTION 2 Abstract Business, individuals and healthcare professionals can turnaround a system that is not working for the benefit of all. When we think about the current healthcare systems, the people are tired of nothing being done by our leaders to make changes or improve the current health care for the better. The current administration with president Trump indicated that "healthcare is too complex" for a solution to do nothing. Here is where I think the creativity of a driven leader is advantageous; for getting the action that is required for making the decision, to do what is possible now to make healthcare system a workable system, which improves the health of all people is a driver leader by example to lead other leaders or the executives to an action for a leadership driver and to turn things around for a change is a driver leadership for decision making. Driver leader command for action by example Leadership drive droves other to an action Driver leadership is driven to make the decision for action to change Keywords: (driver leader, primal leader, and authentic leader, leadership drive, driver leadership for a turnaround healthcare)
  • 3. WEEK 5 REFLECTION 3 Week 5 Reflection: The Traits of a Driver Leader for a Turnaround Healthcare The complex of healthcare systems for services requires new direction that enabling the making of decisions to command all aspects of healthcare and medical care for the appropriate actions. I learned the importance of action is the ability to make the decision that affects all. Many leaders in healthcare professions have often wondered what might possibly be the greatest structure for healthcare systems. The structure for primary care, hospital care, and surgical care. The trait of a driver leader is the drive to continue with driving to the intended destination. Driver leader will not stop doing until the task is accomplished as well a driver leader will not stop going until a destination is reached and sustainable for the occasion. A driver leader is driven by action to drive others to an action; therefore, a drive leader cannot stop solving problems without providing the solutions. A driver leader is making a decision for meeting the end is efficient and effective for an action. However, the driven of others for an action sometimes is the key to evaluate whether the action of others is effective enough for a problem solved. As well the driver leader decision for action usually may not be thorough enough to solve the associated problem because a driver leader usually focuses on the immediate problem for a solution that may not consider the future impact. Driver leader is driven by an action to solve a problem at hand for a solution is my professional experience. Professional experience to relate to healthcare administration is a Lifelong Learning Plan for a driver leader to lead by example Healthcare systems are the most complex field of diverse careers for the diversity of the people for an individuality, an ethnicity, and nationality. Healthcare is where one management styles do not fit all for leadership style, an online article posted for management styles indicated “one management style does not fit all is managing a group successful requires different styles
  • 4. WEEK 5 REFLECTION 4 depending on the individuals and the situation involved” can be transfer to healthcare systems for diverse careers is the “wearer of many hats” for diverse leadership styles (Young, n.d). The professional experience in healthcare include personal knowledge of self for ability and the capability to lead (is the authenticity of a leader); to be effective to lead other with emotional intelligence to influence other for action (is a primal leader), and to be self-efficient to make decisions to drive self and other for action to change (is a driver leader) for a lifelong of learning to growth to achieve and with unrelenting understanding to impact other to take action that will help them to achieve as well is self-notion of a successful business. The action of a leader to inspire other for action to do, to change unproductive behavior and to turn things around for good can feel like a rundown or a burnout for doing too much is the cause of leader fatigued for ineffective leadership. A driver leader may sound like a new concept but it is not for the characteristic of a driver leader is driven into action to perform task on personal level as well driven to make decision for other leaders to take action that slightly different from a primal leader of using emotional intelligence to influence another for the action to do a task. A driver leader makes decisions to tackle the problem by generating the action, a driver leader lead by example to start doing to command his or her follower with "do as I do" for others to follow his or her lead for a direction to do the task that needs to be done. The action of a driver leader is similar to a driver of a car with the passengers. The driver of a car is the one with the instrument and the information about the car for the information and the resources to where the car is going with the passenger for the driver actions to drive the car with the passenger to their destination is a driver leader for leadership drive that droves another leader to an action.
  • 5. WEEK 5 REFLECTION 5 For a leader to lead with efficiency to be effectively productive in today's work environment, it is necessary to know where to find the type of information to reference for material and the resources needed by others to process information that is informative to command an action. A leader with information that generates the action of another leader is driven to make the decision to command for the executive action is a driver leadership. A driver leadership is the body language for presenting the message that supported by his or her mannerism to drive another to take action or demanding others to take a stand with actions. The characteristic of a driver leadership includes but not limited; • Having the body language to ascribe and inspire other • Being an effective speaker for understanding situations and conditions of other • Provider of an excellent choice for right selection • Supportive of the opposition for an option as the alternative (if you cannot do this, then do what you said you can do for an action) • Presenter of messages for actions (not just talk because his or her message is requesting others to take a position for an action) • Never a slumber ( driver leaders never blame others or claim to be the victim because they are determined to remain in a driver’s seat is their take of responsibility for their actions since they know that things can and will go wrong and others can choose the alternative not to take action. The advantage of driver leadership is they take matters into their own hand for their own action that will influence other is their diversity to make things happens for others to encourage
  • 6. WEEK 5 REFLECTION 6 that it can be done. A driver leader is an example to others by drive other to emulate their leadership. The mannerism of driver leader body language is visible in his or her facial expressions, posture and gestures that speak to the people and that can be heard by the listeners “I need you with me now for action to get the task done” is a leader in the driver seat to drive for you cannot keep your boss waiting. The distinction between a driver leader and a primal leader is that a driver leader is a leader with good posture for confidence to get things done while a primal leader is exploring the emotional intelligence of other to influence for action. Driver leadership for turnaround healthcare. Healthcare operations at all level including patient care should be simple for asking questions to gather information that can be analyzed for an answer as well that can be used to solve problems and provide the solutions for issues solved. Simple as asking for: What is health? What is clear for a sickness? And what is the medicine that will a cure sickness? Health is what we have to maintain from knowledge, the common saying “to prevent an illness is better than curing a sickness” is the fact that we have the power to avoid sickness is the healthcare policy for a yearly physical checkup. However, that is not the case in today’s health care for marketing health insurance and the manufacture of drugs. The annual physical checkup to measure where we at with our health and to improve our health for better with early detection of potential illness for treatments are all the mechanism to avoid having a disease for a sickness. Today seems to be the opposite of healthcare providers’ leadership gearing toward money for the mischief of patients’ exposure to disease causing-agents and for the unhealthy society of inactivity to rely on or relinquish self-health to doctor visits.
  • 7. WEEK 5 REFLECTION 7 In today’s healthcare system for the greed of money, patients mandate for physical is a policy of exposure of the patient to radiation and communicable diseases. The result of the experience is that healthcare is no longer about the health of the patient it more about profit at patient expense make me wanted to be a teacher for health that helps the patient to know about the human body in health and in disease to create awareness for how do we get sick from being healthy. I cherished several publications, articles, and movies that include titles such as; “What Your Doctor Won’t Tell You” (Murphree II, 2005) a doctor will not tell a patient “how to prevent heart disease” or an illness as well will not tell a patient that some medical procedure is an “exposure to radical” that increase the risk of exposing patient to cancer-causing agents for untreatable sicknesses. A movie “The Doctor” filmed by William Hurt in 1991 for “a taste of my own medicine” in a book written by Rosenbaum in 1988 to showed that medical procedures with treatments create the complex of a disease for untreatable sickness such cancer, in the movie, a symptom of coughing and gaging compounded with exposures to radiation increase an illness to a sickness for a cancer patient. The innate intelligent that prevention of an illness is better than the curing of a sickness is medical procedure is the cause of pathology (disease). The fact is a disease is a damage that can lead to being deceased or dead for the most disease are not treatable, but manageable is the managed care organizations (MCOs) or healthcare managed organizations (HMOs) to manage untreatable sickness with drugs as well to improve the economy with manage health for medical checkups. How MCO or HMO to operate is by marketing for drugs that help manage diseases is MCO or marketing for the economy to improve health is HMO and the purpose is to combine health with sickness for prevention and cure. However, medicine cannot cure a disease for the
  • 8. WEEK 5 REFLECTION 8 side effects as well the long run of taken medicine is toxicity or death by the drug. What is wrong with the Managed care organizations (MCOs) and Healthcare managed organizations (HMOs) is marketing health is the financial economy of the pharmaceutical and the physicians to manage the disease with drugs. The current healthcare system is not about the patients' health for the opposite is taking advantage of patient health with policy or mandate for the yearly checkup to expose patients to the risk of agents that causes diseases. The trauma of Pap smear for scraping the cervical can expose a patient to virus and bacteria. The mammogram can expose the patient to x-ray radical or ultraviolet radiation. The medical procedures are not natural and cannot be controlled by the patient is left to a patient trust of the healthcare provider to do no harm. For example, a patient can control his or her outdoor activity for sun exposure, however, a patient cannot control what a healthcare professional expose them for a procedure. The Concept of Driver Leader for Turnaround by Casse (2014) The concept of driver leader for "turnaround” by Casse (2014) features "what leaders must do to make a difference as a result of his dealings with hundreds of executives from many different sectors, he concludes that, in order to perform and enjoy in today's fast-changing business world, leaders must consider three critical requirements as follows: Firstly, they must have a good grasp of the leadership fundamentals, they must understand the basic requirements of leadership practice, such as the ability to:  Provide a clear direction to those with whom they collaborate  Mobilize their people by focusing on selected key priorities  Transform ideas into actions  Coordinate appropriate actions to generate tangible results.
  • 9. WEEK 5 REFLECTION 9 Secondly, leaders must understand that different roles within the organization require different ways of thinking and behaving that illustrate for instance such as:  The leadership requirements at the top of the organization are not the same as those required in the field.  The leaders at board level will need to take a more strategic perspective and focus more on the long-term,  And the leaders in the field must necessarily be more short-term focused. Thirdly, the author research shows that the leadership fundamentals also comprise the following four key drivers:  The ability to project oneself into the future and anticipate what would be necessary to improve on what currently exists process  The ability to organize scarce resources so that ideas can be released effectively and efficiently people  The ability to generate commitment and engagement among others around ideas, strategies, and action plans action  The ability to transform ideas, strategies, and plans into concrete results. The point by the author is that, while there will be overlap in some leadership requirements, there will also be function-specific ones to consider such as understand the basic requirements of leadership practice as the ability to:  Know self in terms of strengths and weaknesses  Make a diagnosis of the situation in which a leader finds self, in terms of the requirements for success
  • 10. WEEK 5 REFLECTION 10  As well a leader should know how to understand and measure the impact of his/her own behaviors in the situation. Furthermore, the author suggests that the leaders must also appreciate the following three key dimensions of leadership:  leading oneself - the ability to be an effective role model leading the team –  the ability to help people in a team to achieve together what they would have been unable to achieve alone leading the organization –  the ability to move the organization forward while making sure continued performance improvement is beneficial to all those involved, as well as to the wider society Casse concluded the features of a driver leader is a result of dealings with hundreds of executives from many different sectors. According to Casse, in today's fast-changing business world, leaders must consider four critical requirements with the elements of a driver leader in order to prove effectiveness: (1) leaders must make special efforts in the management of their teams, organizations and even countries to activate the drive for doing things the right way and at the right time. (2) Leaders in close collaboration with the executive in charge must prove complementary. This is not to say that leaders must be able to get everything done at break-neck speed but, certainly, the ability to make progress in vital areas without delay is a key leadership success factor of a driver leader. (3) In a turnaround world full of unexpected surprises and demands, leaders must be able to prioritize and, in so doing, focus on what is important at the moment in question. Leaders at board level will need to take a more strategic perspective and focus more on the long term, whereas leaders in the field must necessarily be more short-term focused. (4) Furthermore, leaders must understand that different roles within the organization require different ways of thinking and behaving. From Casse conclusion, a driver leader is a
  • 11. WEEK 5 REFLECTION 11 leader who makes the decision by example for the action that other leaders must follow for his or her own leadership to make a combined decision for the action in which a change must occur. Despite the strength of driver leader, there is a weakness that a driver leader excludes the confidence to gravitate toward a leadership position. According to an online article for leadership psychology describe a driver personality as follows: Driver leaders are the dynamic and active personality type. They exclude confidence and naturally gravitate toward leadership positions. They move very quickly to action, but they are not detail oriented. Driver leaders are great with the big picture, they are visionaries and they see how we are going to get to where we need to go, but they're not always great at taking the interim steps needed to get there. Driver leaders strengths are they are very determined individuals, they are independent and they are productive, they get a lot of things done, they visionaries and decisive. A driver leader would rather make a decision rather than no decision. They just want that decision to be made. Driver leader is known for making decisions. It can be said that if you want to get to the moon you hire a driver leader, but if you want to get back you hire an analytical (, 2015), an analytical is a systematic leader for no change. To turn around a nonworking system is a driver leader driven by decision for making the change is the action of a driver leadership. The stagnation of the current healthcare system for no action requires a driver leadership for an action that makes a change.
  • 12. WEEK 5 REFLECTION 12 A driver leader of a driver leadership A driver leader of a driver leadership is a leader who is driven to make the decision to set an example for action that influences others to command others to take the actions that were expected from them is a leader by example. Driver leadership is a reflection of my personality and professional experience for what I have learned in the healthcare administration program to view self as a leader is by setting an example for action to do as I do, to teach others to follow, and to command and demand actions is how to make a change to happen. According to Heifetz et al., (2009), the use of the leadership driver is “in the context of active implementation focuses on leadership approaches related to transforming systems and creating change." Healthcare operations should be simple for asking questions to gather information that can be analyzed for the answers as well that can be used to solve the problems and to provide the solutions. A health problem can be solved simply by as asking the right question to make the right decision as such with: What is health means? It is about the knowledge of knowing what is wrong that needs to change from not feeling well to feeling good about getting better. What is care? It is the ability of a healthcare provider to explain what needs to be done for a treatment. What is medicine? It is the capability of a doctor to make the decision to prescribe medicine to cure a sickness. The leadership driver described the leader with many traits needed to make the change, support staff, and sustain outcomes while a driver leadership is an action that made the change for a turnaround. The attributes of driver leader for discovering the reality The attributes of driver leader for leadership drive of a driver leadership for discovering the reality involves taken this five steps. According to Geoffrey Bellman (2001) is using our ability through our “five senses for ‘five steps’” to identify uncomfortable issues that is going on
  • 13. WEEK 5 REFLECTION 13 right now or at the moment for steps to take is step one. Step two is the gathering of information before taking action to find out more by asking others to study the issues for relevant information or data. Step three is known for understanding come from familiarizing self with the data and the information gathered to move for action or to go beyond to indicate we have what we need to act or all the data necessary to drive others to action for interrelating or reciting the action for the data or information. Step four is the respect and acceptance of what others are able to do or have done. Although respecting and accepting others does not necessarily means an agreement, but it represents the action of others for a leadership driver of honorable intentions, perhaps noble for skillful or effectiveness to get people together to take action. Step five is the decision to act with the combined actions of others to make things happens (p.35-37). 5: Decide and Act to make things work and to make things happpen 3: Know to Understand 2: Gather Information 1:Identify issues 4: Respect and Accept others for grasping the situation
  • 14. WEEK 5 REFLECTION 14 References Bellman, G. M. (2001). Getting things done when you are not in charge. Berrett-Koehler Publishers. Casse, P. (2014, February 1). The new drivers of leadership. Retrieved from (2015, November 24) 4 personality types that all leaders should learn to recognize "Driver". Leadership Psychology. Retrieved from recognize/ Heifetz, R. A., Grashow, A., & Linsky, M. (2009). The practice of adaptive leadership: Tools and Tactics for changing your organization and the world. Harvard Business Review, 75(1), 124-134. Murphree II, R. H. (2005). What Your Doctor Won’t Tell You. Hurt, W. (1991). “The Doctor” Film. Rosenbaum, E. E. (1988). A taste of my own medicine: When the doctor is the patient. Random House. Young, J (n.d). Wearer of many Hats: One Management Style Does Not Fit All. Writing Assistance, Inc. Retrieved from of-many-hats-one-management-styles-does-not-fit-all/