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Simple Leadership
“Your title makes you a manager, people decide if you’re a leader.” Not only
is this one of my favourite quotes, it is also my personal philosophy on
leadership. We all have the potential to be leaders. It has nothing to do with
our title or whether we manage people, and everything to do with how we
approach the world and impact the lives of people we interact with.
• A leader is a coach who encourages empowerment, engagement, sharing ideas,
strategies and teamwork.
• An effective leader encourages his direct and indirect reports to work and think as a
team - sharing ideas about how to make the organization better.
• An effective leader does not " boss " people around - rather he coaches his direct
reports to be creative and empowered to do the best job possible.
• An effective leader encourages creativity and free flowing ideas to help the organization
• An effective leader is always finding strategies to raise the crossbar - in search of
• A leader shares the credit with the entire team in the organization
• A good leader, in other words, should be a thought-leader all the time and an action-
Who is a Leader?
10 Commandments of Leadership
• Treat all of your employees the way that you want to be treated.
• Your title does not make you better than the people you supervise and remember that you
all put your pants on one leg at a time.
• Remember that everyone – including you – makes mistakes.
• View mistakes as opportunities to teach rather than opportunities to punish.
• Remember that „poop‟ happens and people – even you - may fall behind at times.
• Quicker to offer a hand and slower to point a finger.
• Say Thank you way more than you think necessary.
• Not quickly judge new hires.
• Never talk to one member of your team about another…never ever!
• Remember that your team will follow your lead – set a good example and stay positive!
When I started my career, I was pretty sure that I knew what leadership was … or at least what it should be based. About
half way through the process I decided I really didn‟t know as much as I thought. When I finished the program and went
back out into the real world, I discovered that what I now know was really hard to describe in simple terms. Placing
education aside, I also realized that most other people in the business world feel the same way. Defining leadership is not
One of the things I did learn in recent years is that the majority of leadership theories we read about, are misinterpreted …
they are instead a variety of processes that provide insight into only small elements of what leadership is really about. My
favourite leadership theory is "Simple Leadership'. Basically this model suggests that successful leaders are those that
adjust their leadership style to the maturity of the individual or groups they are leading. Meaning that the way you deal with
experienced, self-sufficient people is different from the way you deal with inexperienced people new to the job or to work in
general. This theory is spot on to the extent that it suggests an element of leadership. But this theory alone, like others, is
not adequate to either describe a leader or to provide a fully adequate understanding of leadership.
In addition to a style, leaders are defined by a variety of other important characteristics and motivations. First of all,
leaders have to desire to be leaders or at least be willing to accept all the responsibilities and obligations that leadership
entails. Just because you have a job title or are pushed forward by less responsible forces (people) is not adequate for
one to embrace the label of leader. Leaders also have to want to take the lead for reasons other than self-aggrandizement
or personal gain.
Leaders are motivated not only to do a good job, but to also do the best for the individuals and groups they lead. People
are important to a leader.
What is Simple Leadership?
Perhaps the single greatest characteristic of a leader is the ability to work with and deal effectively with people. Some call this
people skills. When you move beyond the role of individual contributor, you are automatically thrust into the world of people and
groups. Your success depends largely on them. Time and time again people with leadership labels get de-railed because they fail
to integrate with and work well with people. Some label this capability emotional intelligence, which is probably a fair observation.
This type of intelligence combines a variety of skills that include empathy, self-awareness, impulse control and interpersonal
relationship capability to name but a few. Research and science have proven that your ability to deal with people (emotional
intelligence) is at least two times more important than intellect (IQ) in predicting individual and group performance.
Two other characteristics of effective leaders are to have a vision and the ability to communicate with others. The old saying that
“ if you don‟t know where you are going, then any road will get you there” is quite famous. It clearly suggests that if we want to
achieve our own or organizational goals, we have to have a clear vision of what those goals are and at least a glimpse of how to
get there. If a leader has a clear vision but lacks some of the details to achieve it, a true leader will build an effective team that
Will help plan the way.
Achieving the vision and the associated short-term goals requires that a leader be able to communicate well. This does not mean
having a great vocabulary and the ability to speak at length. Good communicators meet the audience with terms they understand
and which are sufficiently detailed as to avoid ambiguity. Always I follow a simple theory simple is better. Clear, simple
communications are always best. Don‟t assume that people will understand what you want or need.
Leaders also have learned or been taught particular skills that non-leaders may lack. These take the form of everyday habits and
tools that include but are not limited to: be willing to accept risk; always be willing to learn and ask questions; be a good listener;
exercise patience; allow failure when possible; reward in public and discipline in private; lead by example; and accept change as
a constant. There are more, but these should get the message across.
What is Simple Leadership?
Finally, contrary to some popular but unenlightened views, we all need to be aware that leaders are made not born. You
heard it correctly, there is no gene for leadership or the many skills that have been discussed. With few exceptions, we are
borne to be what we want to be.
So, leadership is a complex topic and not defined by a single theory. It requires: true motivation; a strong desire and ability
to work with people (emotional intelligence); having a vision; being able to communicate; have a tool kit of everyday skills;
a willingness to learn and listen; and the realization that leadership is a learned skill, not a genetic grant. Desire, education
and practice are the keys to leadership development success.
This is the new style of leadership which has evolved from ages now. Leaders need to be a partner or like a member of
the team to lead their teams.
What is Simple Leadership?
Who is a Simple Leader?
• Simple Leader is people‟s leader
• Simple Leader don‟t worry about position
• Simple Leader is always approachable leader
• Simple Leader is Walk the Talk leader
• Simple Leaders believes every one is a leader
• Simple Leader is always trust worthy
• Simple Leader is always looks his team as “Extended Family”
This is the new style of leadership which has evolved from ages now. Leaders need to be a partner or like
a member of the team to lead their teams.
Simple Leadership – Simple Steps
"Say Good morning/Hello with a smile @ the start of the day improves Employee productivity“
There‟s nothing worse than sitting in traffic or squeezing onto a crowded subway or starting a day in our
house with a bad mood. But for many workers, it‟s the way they both start and end their day. When we think
about the issues that most affect employee happiness and turnover, we often overlook a major factor that
actually takes place outside the office: the quality and length of an employee‟s commute, the problems they
face during the time they reach from Home to Office.
Long commutes can cause personal problems, physical problems, and ultimately disengagement from the
workplace. One big impact that long commutes have on people‟s lives is that they increase their sense of
While a recent study shows that commute distances for both urban and suburban residents are increasing
overall. As leaders we need to help relieve the negative effects of commuting to work by simply welcoming
them with a smile & say a Hello/Good morning with a question how are you this morning will change the day
for the employee a lot.
Employee immediate share what they faced during their transit from home to office & it leaves everything out
of their mind. They start their work with no negative feelings with a fresh mind this always increase
productivity in your team & give a positive atmosphere in your work place. This sure will have a long term
Simple Leadership - Monday (Planning)-Wednesday (follow up)-Friday
(Outcome)The best way to start as a leader is to be always energetic on Monday & follow up on Wednesday of our planned actions from Monday
& close on Friday what we achieved of what we planned on Monday and carry over the rest to Next week.
It this sounds good. Yes, This is the mantra I follow every week with my team.
I start Monday with team meet with very interactive team discussion, listing out all the work needed to take care of that week. With that
being listed out send out a clear action item for the week to the team listed out clear owners of all the actions items.
Wednesday - we just meet for few minutes to have run through how our planned activities are moving & whether it requires any
assistance/support with that we can address those.
Friday - We meet for the longer duration say 1 hour to have a full review of all our Monday planned activities. We have a stock/status of
each & every item with a action item for those moved to next Monday.
This really helps the whole team to list out all the activities & if in case we have adhoc/urgent items to be address we will include in our
list so that it can addressed on Wednesday/Friday.
This is simple but a great technique which I always achieve by MBWA
MBWA (Managing by Walk Around) with my team.
This intended to yield several benefits – demonstrate a concern for your staff and their work, make yourself periodically available for
smaller questions, and develop a sense for what‟s going on within the front lines by checking in with multiple parties. When it‟s done
correctly, it‟s a great way to stay connected with the staff and maintain engagement.
A simple Mantra "Let us win together will not have Monday blue's & pending items to be addressed".
Simple Leadership – Your team is your extended Family
I use this phrase "Extended Family" with all my team members & also in all my team meetings.
Yes my team is my "Extended Family" if don't think like this then I will not behave as a leader.
Most Important character of a true leader in simple words "Taking care of your team". They spend almost 50
hours of the week with you in office & it is the duty of the leader to see they make them feel "Team as
Extended Family".
Simple way to make them feel as your extended family :
 Good Morning to your team members daily when they reach office
 Understand their problem in reaching office due to transportation or a bad morning etc., if they are late
give them one or two excuse then force them to be punctual
 Be humorous with your team always in common topics
 Wish them on their B'days & wedding days etc.,
 Touch base with them when they need any personal help (if they require & it can be done by you. Ex :
Blood donation requirement for a surgery etc.,)
 Appreciate/Recognize their extra works if they put in to office or office work
 Need to be in contact with all your team members daily so that they can feel as a leader you can reached
at any time for help/suggestions/solution
Finally this is the best one I always love to do to prove my team is my extended family :
Simple Leadership – Delegation
Delegation - Advantages, why you don't, how can you delegate !
What are the advantages to you of good delegation?
You get more time to think strategically and adopt the long-term vision required for future success – what
you‟re paid to do!
Personal and career development because delegating allows your team members to stretch their wings and
take on greater responsibilities, preparing them for future more senior roles. Effective delegation reflects well
on you, showing that you‟re sure enough of yourself to allow others to step forward and show what they‟re
capable of.
It demonstrates your trust in the people you‟re delegating to and will increase their self-belief and confidence.
Working long hours trying to do everything yourself will eventually damage your health, relationships and,
ultimately, your performance. No one will want to work for you if you‟re always tired, stressed and grumpy. So
why don‟t you delegate more often? Perhaps:
You fear a loss of control, a reduction of your responsibilities or that mistakes will reflect badly on you. You feel
threatened by your people‟s success. You're reluctant to let go of tasks you‟re comfortable doing or enjoy,
because you‟ll have to face up to more challenging tasks. The organisational culture makes you feel you have
to be seen to be doing things and have all the right answers, leaving your team members as mere passive
Simple Leadership – Delegation
So how can you delegate more effectively?
Stop complaining there‟s never enough time to do everything. Instead, take a close look at your time and
tasks and be ruthless in identifying those that others could do.
Know your people‟s capabilities, motivations and interests to delegate to their strengths: the complexity of
what you can delegate will differ from person to person, and from task to task.
Don‟t micromanage once you've delegated. Hold regular reviews. Treat these as coaching opportunities;
rather than instructing, ask questions and encourage them to reflect on what‟s gone well so far and what
could be improved. Otherwise, let them get on with it.
Delegate for success. Effective delegation requires thought and effort. Ensure they have the resources and
support necessary to achieve their responsibilities and clearly understand what‟s expected of them.
Will you delegate today?
Secret ingredients – Recognition Meet
"Recognition meet" - Secret Ingredient for Success
Recognition is a key word which motivates any one in corporate world.
Recognizing at the correct time for the Right attitude is one of the key character of a Leader.
Leader's need to learn the secret of Recognition, if they recognize their team for their great performance they will
volunteer themselves for future projects and make that successful.
Don‟t underestimate the power of a pat on the back. It is a powerful tool which will reach your team great heights.
Leaders meet with their team very often for reviews, team performance etc., are they meeting with them on a
frequent time interval to celebrate their team accomplishments.
I did ask this question to my friends who are Leaders for a while, the answer is big NO.
I request all the Leaders to try this secret ingredient of conducting "Recognition or Accomplishment Meet" with
your team members on a frequent interval by collecting all their great performance, appreciations and meeting
with them to appreciate them in a open forum. This will go a long way to gain a belief that you are leader who
acknowledges what they do.
I tasted this success I want other to have my secret ingredient for SUCCESSFUL LEADER.
Shankara Consultancy
Secret ingredients – Service Anniversary Meet
Service Anniversary - Creative way to Celebrate
I normally will have the list of employee‟s completion of service data base.
With this I put a trigger to my Outlook calendar & call that particular employee as a surprise to a meeting
room with all other team members already present in the room.
We celebrate their completion of years by stop & take back a moment to appreciate them for all great work
they contributed to the team.
We also will give other team members to share their view about the employee who is celebrating
By doing those we make all employees proud of their anniversary completion.
What is role Leadership should play?
Don’t take all the credit when you win: When you win, you want to take the credit because you are the one who
rallied resources around making things happen. You are the one who had the dream and you were the one who were
constantly pushing people to be up there. But what motivates people? It‟s the belief that they also have played a
significant role in achieving what was considered impossible. Even a janitor might have played a role in ensuring that
success. If that‟s the case then why shouldn‟t credit be given to them? Leader‟s ability to make people believe in their
own abilities is what differentiates a dud leader from a dude leader.
Don't only talk, Walk the talk: We all know that in almost every great organization, the leader and the leadership team
plays a critical role in shaping the culture. First of all they are driven by a great mission, they define the values or the firm
beliefs around which business will be operated and they also decide on what type of people and culture will help them
deliver what they seek to deliver. If in your organization, if the leader is not passionate about these and doesn‟t talk
about it then whatever HR or managers try, sustained engagement will not be created. Question is before you ask
anyone to get engaged, have you checked on what you are doing for better engagement of you and your team. It‟s not
only about giving lectures to others but taking actions, making a difference and communicating about it. Such passion for
people will bring life to all the engagement activities.
Courage to care for people: Having strategic consideration for your decision is acceptable but not having a human
angle evaluated for those strategic consideration is a larger issue. How many times at business meetings leaders do
speak that the possible consequences a particular direction will have on people? Very few. They feel there job is to
expand business, show returns to shareholders, create value and everything related to business except for people who
run these businesses. Only companies & leaders with hearts and soul are able to demonstrate that and have courage to
care for people in true sense and not just make it a part of their talks that, people are our assets (while continuously
putting them on the liability side of the balance sheet)
What is role Leadership should play?
Biggest price for leaders to be leader is their self interest: For me anyone who is driven by self-interest isn’t
yet matured to be a leader despite the fact he/she has the designation/chair to show for it. The reason why people
assume you are a leader is not that you have the corner office or the highest salary in the company, it is the belief
that you being in the top position has the ability to take care of people around you. You are not self-centered and
you always put people’s interest ahead while taking a decision. Your perks, offices and designations doesn’t
bother a normal employee as long as they believe that you deserve all these because you are the one who is
taking care of everyone in the organization. It’s when employees don’t see any connect between your perks and
their experience in the organization the resentment comes in. if you are a leader you will always think this
everyday: what’s I am doing which will make a significant change in the lives of people around you. If you don’t
contemplate on this question every day, then you should question your being a leader itself?
Have a firm believe that if you care for people, people will care for your business and was very genuine in caring
for people and last but not the least the belief that god has provided you with an opportunity to influence and
change so many lives and so do with care.
Leave a Legacy as a Leader Daily.
Simple Leadership Daily "To Do" List?
As a leader you are the "chief cheerleader" for your team. Your role is to keep everyone engaged, provide them with clear
and concise guidance and provide them with the resources they need to get the job done.
There are three simple things you can do every single day to show your employees you "genuinely" care and are interested
in seeing them succeed. Positive reinforcement is always effective.
Make it a habit to do these three easy things every day and your relationships as a leader will strengthen (not just with your
employees, but with others in the organization).
#1: Say, "Thank You!“
Saying these two simple words have a big impact and are the easiest thing to do. You say it every day in many situations.
How often do you say it at work? Your employees work hard. Sometimes things go great, sometimes they don't. Regardless,
thank them for their effort. Show them you appreciate and recognize their hard work. Thank them for something specific,
personalize it.
#2: Show Interest
Drop in and ask what your employees are working on. After all, what they are working on impacts the entire team [and you].
Your job is to stay in tune with their projects, provide guidance and resources and remove roadblocks. Everybody likes
talking about what they are working on and appreciate when others show interest. This is your opportunity to provide
feedback, guidance and identify potential issues.
#3: Recognize Someone
As the "chief cheerleader" your job is to celebrate successes. Small successes, large successes, it doesn't matter. Every
success is a step in the right direction and recognizing these gains will reinforce continuous improvement. However, don't
diminish by recognizing the wrong things. Recognize notable achievements.
3 things for Simple Leadership "To Do" List?
At the end of your day, your answer to these three questions should be "Yes.“
Did you thank someone today?
Did you discuss someone's work with them today?
Did you recognize someone today?
Put them on your "to do" list every day and make it a habit.
The Best Leader
 Had high standards for them, others and for the company
 Really cared about their staff, professionally and personally
 They believe in doing really good work and being fair and honest with all his employees, regardless of
 Provided direction but allowed their staff the latitude to figure out the best way to make something work
 Was not afraid to say, “No, that is not a priority or a good option”, but would always give an explanation
as to why.
 Gave their staff all the recognition for accomplishments. (He was not in one picture on the wall of fame).
 Created a leadership culture - “high emphasis on performance integrated with a high emphasis on
 Make a habit of winning & wanted their staff to believed that when they started something, they finished
it. No one wanted to be part of a project that did not end up on the wall of fame.
 Made an impression on the people. No one (including me) ever forgot his or her time with this strong but
humble leader.
“END is not the end, in fact E.N.D. means “EFFORTS NEVER DIES”
If you get No as an answer, remember N.O. means “Next Opportunity”
Stay Positive – A.P.J.Abdul Kalam
(Ex- Indian President)

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Simple leadership

  • 1. Simple Leadership Hariharavenkataraman “Your title makes you a manager, people decide if you’re a leader.” Not only is this one of my favourite quotes, it is also my personal philosophy on leadership. We all have the potential to be leaders. It has nothing to do with our title or whether we manage people, and everything to do with how we approach the world and impact the lives of people we interact with.
  • 2. • A leader is a coach who encourages empowerment, engagement, sharing ideas, strategies and teamwork. • An effective leader encourages his direct and indirect reports to work and think as a team - sharing ideas about how to make the organization better. • An effective leader does not " boss " people around - rather he coaches his direct reports to be creative and empowered to do the best job possible. • An effective leader encourages creativity and free flowing ideas to help the organization prosper. • An effective leader is always finding strategies to raise the crossbar - in search of excellence. • A leader shares the credit with the entire team in the organization • A good leader, in other words, should be a thought-leader all the time and an action- Who is a Leader?
  • 3.
  • 4. 10 Commandments of Leadership • Treat all of your employees the way that you want to be treated. • Your title does not make you better than the people you supervise and remember that you all put your pants on one leg at a time. • Remember that everyone – including you – makes mistakes. • View mistakes as opportunities to teach rather than opportunities to punish. • Remember that „poop‟ happens and people – even you - may fall behind at times. • Quicker to offer a hand and slower to point a finger. • Say Thank you way more than you think necessary. • Not quickly judge new hires. • Never talk to one member of your team about another…never ever! • Remember that your team will follow your lead – set a good example and stay positive!
  • 5. "SIMPLE LEADERSHIP“ When I started my career, I was pretty sure that I knew what leadership was … or at least what it should be based. About half way through the process I decided I really didn‟t know as much as I thought. When I finished the program and went back out into the real world, I discovered that what I now know was really hard to describe in simple terms. Placing education aside, I also realized that most other people in the business world feel the same way. Defining leadership is not easy. One of the things I did learn in recent years is that the majority of leadership theories we read about, are misinterpreted … they are instead a variety of processes that provide insight into only small elements of what leadership is really about. My favourite leadership theory is "Simple Leadership'. Basically this model suggests that successful leaders are those that adjust their leadership style to the maturity of the individual or groups they are leading. Meaning that the way you deal with experienced, self-sufficient people is different from the way you deal with inexperienced people new to the job or to work in general. This theory is spot on to the extent that it suggests an element of leadership. But this theory alone, like others, is not adequate to either describe a leader or to provide a fully adequate understanding of leadership. In addition to a style, leaders are defined by a variety of other important characteristics and motivations. First of all, leaders have to desire to be leaders or at least be willing to accept all the responsibilities and obligations that leadership entails. Just because you have a job title or are pushed forward by less responsible forces (people) is not adequate for one to embrace the label of leader. Leaders also have to want to take the lead for reasons other than self-aggrandizement or personal gain. Leaders are motivated not only to do a good job, but to also do the best for the individuals and groups they lead. People are important to a leader. What is Simple Leadership?
  • 6. Perhaps the single greatest characteristic of a leader is the ability to work with and deal effectively with people. Some call this people skills. When you move beyond the role of individual contributor, you are automatically thrust into the world of people and groups. Your success depends largely on them. Time and time again people with leadership labels get de-railed because they fail to integrate with and work well with people. Some label this capability emotional intelligence, which is probably a fair observation. This type of intelligence combines a variety of skills that include empathy, self-awareness, impulse control and interpersonal relationship capability to name but a few. Research and science have proven that your ability to deal with people (emotional intelligence) is at least two times more important than intellect (IQ) in predicting individual and group performance. Two other characteristics of effective leaders are to have a vision and the ability to communicate with others. The old saying that “ if you don‟t know where you are going, then any road will get you there” is quite famous. It clearly suggests that if we want to achieve our own or organizational goals, we have to have a clear vision of what those goals are and at least a glimpse of how to get there. If a leader has a clear vision but lacks some of the details to achieve it, a true leader will build an effective team that Will help plan the way. Achieving the vision and the associated short-term goals requires that a leader be able to communicate well. This does not mean having a great vocabulary and the ability to speak at length. Good communicators meet the audience with terms they understand and which are sufficiently detailed as to avoid ambiguity. Always I follow a simple theory simple is better. Clear, simple communications are always best. Don‟t assume that people will understand what you want or need. Leaders also have learned or been taught particular skills that non-leaders may lack. These take the form of everyday habits and tools that include but are not limited to: be willing to accept risk; always be willing to learn and ask questions; be a good listener; exercise patience; allow failure when possible; reward in public and discipline in private; lead by example; and accept change as a constant. There are more, but these should get the message across. What is Simple Leadership?
  • 7. Finally, contrary to some popular but unenlightened views, we all need to be aware that leaders are made not born. You heard it correctly, there is no gene for leadership or the many skills that have been discussed. With few exceptions, we are borne to be what we want to be. So, leadership is a complex topic and not defined by a single theory. It requires: true motivation; a strong desire and ability to work with people (emotional intelligence); having a vision; being able to communicate; have a tool kit of everyday skills; a willingness to learn and listen; and the realization that leadership is a learned skill, not a genetic grant. Desire, education and practice are the keys to leadership development success. This is the new style of leadership which has evolved from ages now. Leaders need to be a partner or like a member of the team to lead their teams. What is Simple Leadership?
  • 8. Who is a Simple Leader? • Simple Leader is people‟s leader • Simple Leader don‟t worry about position • Simple Leader is always approachable leader • Simple Leader is Walk the Talk leader • Simple Leaders believes every one is a leader • Simple Leader is always trust worthy • Simple Leader is always looks his team as “Extended Family” This is the new style of leadership which has evolved from ages now. Leaders need to be a partner or like a member of the team to lead their teams.
  • 9. Simple Leadership – Simple Steps "Say Good morning/Hello with a smile @ the start of the day improves Employee productivity“ There‟s nothing worse than sitting in traffic or squeezing onto a crowded subway or starting a day in our house with a bad mood. But for many workers, it‟s the way they both start and end their day. When we think about the issues that most affect employee happiness and turnover, we often overlook a major factor that actually takes place outside the office: the quality and length of an employee‟s commute, the problems they face during the time they reach from Home to Office. Long commutes can cause personal problems, physical problems, and ultimately disengagement from the workplace. One big impact that long commutes have on people‟s lives is that they increase their sense of loneliness. While a recent study shows that commute distances for both urban and suburban residents are increasing overall. As leaders we need to help relieve the negative effects of commuting to work by simply welcoming them with a smile & say a Hello/Good morning with a question how are you this morning will change the day for the employee a lot. Employee immediate share what they faced during their transit from home to office & it leaves everything out of their mind. They start their work with no negative feelings with a fresh mind this always increase productivity in your team & give a positive atmosphere in your work place. This sure will have a long term productivity.
  • 10. Simple Leadership - Monday (Planning)-Wednesday (follow up)-Friday (Outcome)The best way to start as a leader is to be always energetic on Monday & follow up on Wednesday of our planned actions from Monday & close on Friday what we achieved of what we planned on Monday and carry over the rest to Next week. It this sounds good. Yes, This is the mantra I follow every week with my team. I start Monday with team meet with very interactive team discussion, listing out all the work needed to take care of that week. With that being listed out send out a clear action item for the week to the team listed out clear owners of all the actions items. Wednesday - we just meet for few minutes to have run through how our planned activities are moving & whether it requires any assistance/support with that we can address those. Friday - We meet for the longer duration say 1 hour to have a full review of all our Monday planned activities. We have a stock/status of each & every item with a action item for those moved to next Monday. This really helps the whole team to list out all the activities & if in case we have adhoc/urgent items to be address we will include in our list so that it can addressed on Wednesday/Friday. This is simple but a great technique which I always achieve by MBWA MBWA (Managing by Walk Around) with my team. This intended to yield several benefits – demonstrate a concern for your staff and their work, make yourself periodically available for smaller questions, and develop a sense for what‟s going on within the front lines by checking in with multiple parties. When it‟s done correctly, it‟s a great way to stay connected with the staff and maintain engagement. A simple Mantra "Let us win together will not have Monday blue's & pending items to be addressed".
  • 11. Simple Leadership – Your team is your extended Family I use this phrase "Extended Family" with all my team members & also in all my team meetings. Yes my team is my "Extended Family" if don't think like this then I will not behave as a leader. Most Important character of a true leader in simple words "Taking care of your team". They spend almost 50 hours of the week with you in office & it is the duty of the leader to see they make them feel "Team as Extended Family". Simple way to make them feel as your extended family :  Good Morning to your team members daily when they reach office  Understand their problem in reaching office due to transportation or a bad morning etc., if they are late give them one or two excuse then force them to be punctual  Be humorous with your team always in common topics  Wish them on their B'days & wedding days etc.,  Touch base with them when they need any personal help (if they require & it can be done by you. Ex : Blood donation requirement for a surgery etc.,)  Appreciate/Recognize their extra works if they put in to office or office work  Need to be in contact with all your team members daily so that they can feel as a leader you can reached at any time for help/suggestions/solution Finally this is the best one I always love to do to prove my team is my extended family :
  • 12. Simple Leadership – Delegation Delegation - Advantages, why you don't, how can you delegate ! What are the advantages to you of good delegation? You get more time to think strategically and adopt the long-term vision required for future success – what you‟re paid to do! Personal and career development because delegating allows your team members to stretch their wings and take on greater responsibilities, preparing them for future more senior roles. Effective delegation reflects well on you, showing that you‟re sure enough of yourself to allow others to step forward and show what they‟re capable of. It demonstrates your trust in the people you‟re delegating to and will increase their self-belief and confidence. Working long hours trying to do everything yourself will eventually damage your health, relationships and, ultimately, your performance. No one will want to work for you if you‟re always tired, stressed and grumpy. So why don‟t you delegate more often? Perhaps: You fear a loss of control, a reduction of your responsibilities or that mistakes will reflect badly on you. You feel threatened by your people‟s success. You're reluctant to let go of tasks you‟re comfortable doing or enjoy, because you‟ll have to face up to more challenging tasks. The organisational culture makes you feel you have to be seen to be doing things and have all the right answers, leaving your team members as mere passive
  • 13. Simple Leadership – Delegation So how can you delegate more effectively? Stop complaining there‟s never enough time to do everything. Instead, take a close look at your time and tasks and be ruthless in identifying those that others could do. Know your people‟s capabilities, motivations and interests to delegate to their strengths: the complexity of what you can delegate will differ from person to person, and from task to task. Don‟t micromanage once you've delegated. Hold regular reviews. Treat these as coaching opportunities; rather than instructing, ask questions and encourage them to reflect on what‟s gone well so far and what could be improved. Otherwise, let them get on with it. Delegate for success. Effective delegation requires thought and effort. Ensure they have the resources and support necessary to achieve their responsibilities and clearly understand what‟s expected of them. Will you delegate today?
  • 14. Secret ingredients – Recognition Meet "Recognition meet" - Secret Ingredient for Success Recognition is a key word which motivates any one in corporate world. Recognizing at the correct time for the Right attitude is one of the key character of a Leader. Leader's need to learn the secret of Recognition, if they recognize their team for their great performance they will volunteer themselves for future projects and make that successful. Don‟t underestimate the power of a pat on the back. It is a powerful tool which will reach your team great heights. Leaders meet with their team very often for reviews, team performance etc., are they meeting with them on a frequent time interval to celebrate their team accomplishments. I did ask this question to my friends who are Leaders for a while, the answer is big NO. I request all the Leaders to try this secret ingredient of conducting "Recognition or Accomplishment Meet" with your team members on a frequent interval by collecting all their great performance, appreciations and meeting with them to appreciate them in a open forum. This will go a long way to gain a belief that you are leader who acknowledges what they do. I tasted this success I want other to have my secret ingredient for SUCCESSFUL LEADER. Shankara Consultancy Services
  • 15. Secret ingredients – Service Anniversary Meet Service Anniversary - Creative way to Celebrate I normally will have the list of employee‟s completion of service data base. With this I put a trigger to my Outlook calendar & call that particular employee as a surprise to a meeting room with all other team members already present in the room. We celebrate their completion of years by stop & take back a moment to appreciate them for all great work they contributed to the team. We also will give other team members to share their view about the employee who is celebrating anniversary. By doing those we make all employees proud of their anniversary completion.
  • 16. What is role Leadership should play? Don’t take all the credit when you win: When you win, you want to take the credit because you are the one who rallied resources around making things happen. You are the one who had the dream and you were the one who were constantly pushing people to be up there. But what motivates people? It‟s the belief that they also have played a significant role in achieving what was considered impossible. Even a janitor might have played a role in ensuring that success. If that‟s the case then why shouldn‟t credit be given to them? Leader‟s ability to make people believe in their own abilities is what differentiates a dud leader from a dude leader. Don't only talk, Walk the talk: We all know that in almost every great organization, the leader and the leadership team plays a critical role in shaping the culture. First of all they are driven by a great mission, they define the values or the firm beliefs around which business will be operated and they also decide on what type of people and culture will help them deliver what they seek to deliver. If in your organization, if the leader is not passionate about these and doesn‟t talk about it then whatever HR or managers try, sustained engagement will not be created. Question is before you ask anyone to get engaged, have you checked on what you are doing for better engagement of you and your team. It‟s not only about giving lectures to others but taking actions, making a difference and communicating about it. Such passion for people will bring life to all the engagement activities. Courage to care for people: Having strategic consideration for your decision is acceptable but not having a human angle evaluated for those strategic consideration is a larger issue. How many times at business meetings leaders do speak that the possible consequences a particular direction will have on people? Very few. They feel there job is to expand business, show returns to shareholders, create value and everything related to business except for people who run these businesses. Only companies & leaders with hearts and soul are able to demonstrate that and have courage to care for people in true sense and not just make it a part of their talks that, people are our assets (while continuously putting them on the liability side of the balance sheet)
  • 17. What is role Leadership should play? Biggest price for leaders to be leader is their self interest: For me anyone who is driven by self-interest isn’t yet matured to be a leader despite the fact he/she has the designation/chair to show for it. The reason why people assume you are a leader is not that you have the corner office or the highest salary in the company, it is the belief that you being in the top position has the ability to take care of people around you. You are not self-centered and you always put people’s interest ahead while taking a decision. Your perks, offices and designations doesn’t bother a normal employee as long as they believe that you deserve all these because you are the one who is taking care of everyone in the organization. It’s when employees don’t see any connect between your perks and their experience in the organization the resentment comes in. if you are a leader you will always think this everyday: what’s I am doing which will make a significant change in the lives of people around you. If you don’t contemplate on this question every day, then you should question your being a leader itself? Have a firm believe that if you care for people, people will care for your business and was very genuine in caring for people and last but not the least the belief that god has provided you with an opportunity to influence and change so many lives and so do with care. Leave a Legacy as a Leader Daily.
  • 18. Simple Leadership Daily "To Do" List? As a leader you are the "chief cheerleader" for your team. Your role is to keep everyone engaged, provide them with clear and concise guidance and provide them with the resources they need to get the job done. There are three simple things you can do every single day to show your employees you "genuinely" care and are interested in seeing them succeed. Positive reinforcement is always effective. Make it a habit to do these three easy things every day and your relationships as a leader will strengthen (not just with your employees, but with others in the organization). #1: Say, "Thank You!“ Saying these two simple words have a big impact and are the easiest thing to do. You say it every day in many situations. How often do you say it at work? Your employees work hard. Sometimes things go great, sometimes they don't. Regardless, thank them for their effort. Show them you appreciate and recognize their hard work. Thank them for something specific, personalize it. #2: Show Interest Drop in and ask what your employees are working on. After all, what they are working on impacts the entire team [and you]. Your job is to stay in tune with their projects, provide guidance and resources and remove roadblocks. Everybody likes talking about what they are working on and appreciate when others show interest. This is your opportunity to provide feedback, guidance and identify potential issues. #3: Recognize Someone As the "chief cheerleader" your job is to celebrate successes. Small successes, large successes, it doesn't matter. Every success is a step in the right direction and recognizing these gains will reinforce continuous improvement. However, don't diminish by recognizing the wrong things. Recognize notable achievements.
  • 19. 3 things for Simple Leadership "To Do" List? At the end of your day, your answer to these three questions should be "Yes.“ Did you thank someone today? Did you discuss someone's work with them today? Did you recognize someone today? Put them on your "to do" list every day and make it a habit.
  • 20. The Best Leader  Had high standards for them, others and for the company  Really cared about their staff, professionally and personally  They believe in doing really good work and being fair and honest with all his employees, regardless of level.  Provided direction but allowed their staff the latitude to figure out the best way to make something work  Was not afraid to say, “No, that is not a priority or a good option”, but would always give an explanation as to why.  Gave their staff all the recognition for accomplishments. (He was not in one picture on the wall of fame).  Created a leadership culture - “high emphasis on performance integrated with a high emphasis on people”  Make a habit of winning & wanted their staff to believed that when they started something, they finished it. No one wanted to be part of a project that did not end up on the wall of fame.  Made an impression on the people. No one (including me) ever forgot his or her time with this strong but humble leader.
  • 21. IF YOU FAIL, NEVER GIVE UP BECAUSE F.A.I.L. means “FIRST ATTEMPT IN LEARNING” “END is not the end, in fact E.N.D. means “EFFORTS NEVER DIES” If you get No as an answer, remember N.O. means “Next Opportunity” So LET‟S BE POSITIVE Stay Positive – A.P.J.Abdul Kalam (Ex- Indian President)