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Essay about The Global Water Shortage
One of the biggest problems in the world is water scarcity. Almost all countries suffer from it and
many of them cannot find the most effective solution to avoid this difficulty. The meaning of the
world water crisis is very easy to understand, but solving it is very difficult. The amount of world
water is limited, as the population is growing fast; the necessity of water use is growing even faster.
This essay will examine the water crisis specifically in China, because it is the country with the most
serious water shortage problems in the world. Also, this essay will suggest possible solutions on
solving these problems and evaluate them. Although to stop the water shortage problems is difficult
and costly, and takes a lot more content...
So according to Zhao, Liu, and Deng (2005), agriculture exploits almost 70 percent of freshwater
available in China, and there is an expectation that this quantity will grow because of the increase of
world food production. Chinese people need a comprehensive scientific approach with long–term,
coordinated efforts to solve this serious problem. So the first possible solution is recycling water in
order to meet environmental needs, provide an additional source of water and have sustainable
development and a viable economy. For this approach the Chinese Government needs advanced
technologies that clean the water properly and also huge investment, so this would lead to having a
big impact on economic development of the country. However, according to Chang (2009), the
water which has been recycled is an essential resource of water for "non–potable"(not for drinking)
uses in China and this water can be used for flushing toilets, car washing, agricultural irrigation, fire
fighting, landscape irrigation, industrial processes and street washing. But one major disadvantage
of this approach is that after water recycling there is no proof of that this water is clean enough for
reusing it. For example, there might be quite an amount of pollutants, such as some chemicals,
bacteria, even heavy metals and organic compounds (Wang, 1989). So as consequences, there
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The Scarcity of Water Essay
The procurability of potable water per capita is scarce and is currently diminishing worldwide.
Scientific surveys estimate that the Earth's surface is relatively seventy–one percent water and
twenty–nine percent land. Unfortunately, a substantial amount of the seventy–one percent of water
is salty and non–potable. Only about one percent of the available seventy–one percent can only be
utilized for human consumption, without requiring initial desalinization. It has been predicted by
the United Nations that due to population growth and various other factors that the average person's
water supply will be limited by a third over the next twenty years. Strategists allege that future wars
will be waged over water because it is the most more content...
Factors that provide to the production of goods and services include entrepreneurship, labor, capital,
and land–including water and other natural resources. As a result of the scarcity of water, some
cities and water suppliers can take advantage of the situation by afflicting excessive prices for it due
to the natural ramification of a shortage in economics. A shortage, which implies that the market
price is below equilibrium, is resolved through higher prices. The higher price would promote
profit–maximizing suppliers to increase quantity supplied. The higher price would also discourage
waste and encourage conservation, thereby reducing quantity demanded. Ultimately, if market
forces were able to resolve water scarcity, an equilibrium price and quantity would be reached.
However, putting a high price on water could cause it to simply redistribute from the conserving
poor to the wasteful wealthy. This will severely limit water away from the places where it is most
beneficial to society as a whole. Since market forces are not able to completely resolve the problem,
I believe that government and private sector intervention might be required as well.
One solution is to enact aggressive water conservation programs. For example, the local water
authority could pay homeowners to rip out their lawn and replace it with desert–friendly
landscaping. Doing this would reduce the amount of water required by our lawns by providing an
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Speech On Water Scarcity
Good morning/afternoon I'm jade and today I am here to talk about how water scarcity is
affecting our world and how we can help fix it.There are many types of water scarcity from one
being economic scarcity. Economic scarcity is when you can not find water or when you do it is
to expensive. Another form of water scarcity is phycical scarcity Physical scarcity is when there
is water but you just do not have the resources to get it. There is also a overpopulation water
scarcity problem, this happens when there are to many people in the country to provide enough
clean, safe water for every one. The last form of water scarcity that I will cover today is drought
/ rainfall water scarcity. This happens when the country/ place is going through drought which means
everything is drying up and there more content...
it also has a lot to do with the climate, evaporation rate, temperature and rainfall. These all link
together because when the climate is hot the evaporation rate goes up and the rainfall stops.
Another way water scarcity occurs is water contamination this is a huge problem especially when
the sewage system is not very good which it is not in the countries where water scarcity is a
problem. Conflict also has a big impact on the occurrence of water scarcity because when
countries are at war over the land it could be difficult to access water. Distance is another issue
when countries are a far distance away from water it will take longer to get water and you would
get less the longer the journey. Governmental Access is a massive issue. In quite a few countries,
specifically those with dictatorships, the use of water is oftenly strictly controlled by those in
power, causing a scarcity for those who may be located in those areas of the
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Causes Of Water Scarcity
The Global Water Institute stated that "approximately 700 million people in 43 countries are
currently suffering from water stress and scarcity in 2013", by 2025 2.8 billion people will face
water stress and scarcity (Hameeteman, 2013, p.3). The global water supply is approximately 2.5%
freshwater and 97.5% is saltwater (Hameeteman, 2013, p.4). Hence, it is crucial that the Earth's
population tries to manage the water stress and scarcity. There are many causes of water stress and
scarcity, for instance: overuse of water due to economic reasons, pollution of water, drought,
governmental access and policies, and many more. In Africa, many children and women are
responsible in collecting water, thus, traveling large distances to collect clean or unclean water. In
addition, sanitation facilities are inadequate causing "half the population" to suffer from waterborne
diseases (Hameeteman, 2013, p.6). As a result, unclean water and poor sanitation are a leading
cause of illness and death in this region. There are a few approaches to providing clean water to the
African population, for example: piped water, stand posts and wells. Moreover, poor sanitation can
be alleviated with pit latrines, urine diversion dry toilets and pour flush toilets (Septien, 2015).
However, such methods can be expensive. Hence, it is important to understand the household's
income and the economic situation of the country. Contrary, different strategies are needed to
provide clean water in the developed
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Effects Of Water Scarcity
Climate change is arguably the greatest threat to humanity and the worst of it's effects are fast
approaching. It is the basis of a myriad of problems, one of which is water scarcity. As the world
population grows and the climate warms, demand for fresh water has surged–– with water scarcity
affecting more than 40 percent of the global population (United Nations, 2010). Conversely, the
world's fresh water supplies are dropping. Water is indispensable to biotic existence. While it aided
in humankind's creation, it can also aid in its downfall. Bearing these elements in mind, one can
consider the implications of this water crisis: What are the threats to its quality? Who will it affect?
Is water a right or a commodity? What are the social, economic, and political variables and how do
they connect? And ultimately, how can we fix this? Throughout my research I seek the answers to
these critical questions.
Water scarcity has a substantial impact on social welfare. Women are disproportionately affected
by the water crisis. It is common for women to bear the traditional responsibility for collecting
water in water scarce countries. Solving the water crisis is essential to empowering women. When
women have access to safe water they can pursue skills outside of these traditional roles that will
gain them greater independence and break a cycle of poverty. One such water scarce country is
Morocco, where 35 percent of the population will be below the absolute scarcity threshold of 500
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Water Scarcity
Essay's topic: Water scarcity is one of the key environmental issue of our time. Identify some major
causes of water scarcity and describe two solutions.
Water plays an important role in developing and maintaining healthy ecosystems. However, water
scarcity is an increasing and widespread phenomenon in many countries in the world. Water
scarcity refers to either the lack of enough water or lack of access to safe water. The shortage of
water is turning out to be more pressing than prediction. This essay will identify some major causes
of water scarcity and specifically focus on the solutions of enhancing water stewardship and
protecting wetlands.
The first major cause of water scarcity is overpopulation. The rapid growth of
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Efficient and effective water management is necessary. Government and the authorities should be
responsible for protecting freshwater sources. In addition to that, new laws and regulations about
preserving water should be ratified by legislators and helpful methods for sustainable water use
should be promoted. Moreover, it is important for countries to expand co–operation with some
international organizations in order to take advantage of opportunities to improve water management
Protecting wetlands is another approach to halt the process of water shortage. Wetlands are an
important part of the national heritage. They provide human not only natural resources, but also
water resources. Therefore, programs and projects need to be established and encouraged to be
carried out in order to effectively protect wetlands. Besides that, all citizens can help protect wetlands
by supporting wetlands conservation initiatives.
Water scarcity has become a serious issue for the Earth. The rapidly increasingworld population and
water pollution have immensely contributed to the situation. There is an urgent need to solve this
problem by enhancing water management and preserving wetlands. If the solutions mentioned above
are taken into consideration and appropriately applied, water scarcity may be halted.
Reference: The Water Project, "Water scarcity: The importance of water & access" , <http:/
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Water Scarcity Essay
Year 7 Geography Report– Water in Our World
Water is a natural resource and is imperative for survival. All living things including human beings,
animals and vegetation need clean water to survive. Human beings require clean water to function
properly, water is used to grow crops, which provide food, wash clothes which maintains good
hygiene, and it is crucial that clean water is consumed. However, some countries struggle with an
issue called water scarcity. Water scarcity is the issue of not being able to supply the amount of
clean water necessary for the survival of the country's population. Water scarcity can occur in many
ways, by either a distinctive population, climate, political, or physical aspects. Lack of clean water
affects health, education, and poverty in several ways. Water scarcity can deteriorate good health
by increasing the chances of diseases being developed. It can also affect people's education, as
contaminated water can cause people to develop illnesses, which then results in people not being
able to attend school or other educational programs, affecting their overall education. Water scarcity
impacts poverty as people who are well–educated are more likely to receive jobs. If someone works,
they can afford to buy the necessities which enable them to live a healthy life and avoid poverty.
Access to clean water can change peoples' lives in unimaginable ways. Water scarcity is particularly
an issue in Indonesia and Australia. In Indonesia especially, the
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Water Scarcity in History
Natural ecosystems require water for the survival of the plants and animals that live within them.
These ecosystems help to regulate water quality and quantity of water. Wetlands hold water in
periods of high rainfall, slowly releasing it during dryer periods, and purify it of heavy metals and
other contaminants. Forests recharge our groundwater, which can be used elsewhere for drinking or
irrigation. (Bergkamp 1) Natural ecosystems can help to prevent floods, provide shelter and
millions of people are able to get their food, water, and fuel from these areas. As the world
population continues to expand people are overusing water and destroying many natural resources.
By destroying these ecosystems, more that 3,500 species are more content...
Desert areas have a short supply of water, the climate is very dry and frequently there are long
periods of drought. In some areas of Africa there are very few water sources even available. Africa
is home to 6.3 percent of the world's population, but it contains only 1.4 percent of the world's
renewable fresh water. Water shortages, polluted water and poorwater management are causing
serious public health problems in Africa. Water related diseases such as malaria, cholera,
schistosomiasis and dysentery harm or kill millions of people each year. People are not able to
maintain a minimum standard of personal hygiene and are forced out of necessity to drink water
that has been contaminated by human, animal or other types of waste. Since there is no medical
treatment for these diseases, the only answer is a safe water supply. Some of these diseases in hot
climates are not only caused by bad sanitation, but by the presence of water. Insects and parasites
breed in standing water, so water that is transported from one place to another may be spreading
disease. In these underdeveloped countries there is not enough money to install safe water supplies.
In areas where water is not readily available the women and children carry water long distances to
their homes. As the population in Africa increases, so does the demand for water. Experts measure
water availability in terms of the amount of annual
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Water Scarcity
Water is a necessity for all life forms. However we exist in a world where clean water is
guaranteed to every person. It seems something so important would be supplied by the government
for its people. There's a lot of places that can't guarantee its own people the things needed to survive.
Living in the United states people don't think this is a prominent problem that exists. However
recently in Flint Michigan they had a water crisis that affected a massive amount of people who had
thought their water was perfectly fine. California's water shortage is another example of people even
in the 'first world' having problems with obtaining drinking water. These hardships are nowhere in
comparison to the hardships faced in other countries. The problem's root seems to be caused by the
people who need it most, humans. Water scarcity affects every continent on earth. According to the
World Health Organization "by 2025 half of the world will be living in water stressed areas". Water
Stressed areas are have less water supply than the demand. now a water stressed area; in 205
Californians cut water usage by 25% in efforts to lower demand. Most water was being used by
farmers, these cuts significantly hurt the agricultural field. In addition the drought costed the state
six million dollars as well as leading to several wildfires that burned 306,000 acres in 2016 . Western
australia has seen climate change hit them hard, already one of the driest inhabited continents they are
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Water Scarcity Essay
It is an essential resource for sustaining life as well as central to agriculture and rural development,
and is intrinsically linked to global challenges of food insecurity and poverty, climate change
adaptation and mitigation, as well as degradation and depletion of natural resources that affect the
livelihoods of millions of people across the world. According to the World Bank, (2010) report,
water is a scarce resource with multiple interwoven uses that range from drinking water, energy,
irrigation, manufacturing things, transport of people and goods among others. The report further
states that, more than one–sixth of the Worlds' population does not have access to safe drinking
water, with 80% living in rural areas thus access to water cannot not be guaranteed globally.
Water scarcity is the lack of sufficient available water resources to meet the demands of water
usage within a region. It already affects every continent and around 2.8 billion people around the
world at least one month out of every year. More than 1.2 billion people lack access to clean
drinking water. Water scarcity involves water stress, water shortage or deficits, andwater crisis.
While the concept of water stress is relatively new, it is the difficulty of obtaining sources of fresh
water for use during a period of time,result in further depletion and deterioration of available water
resources. Water shortages may be caused by climate change, such as altered weather patterns
including droughts or
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Water Scarcity
Water is one of the most essential resource in world. It is needed everyday by every human, and
about every living organism. It is a crucial factor to be able to have safe drinking water at hand, no
matter where you are in the world. Water is a resource necessary for survival however many
countries are facing the global issue of not having access to safe drinking water or any water at all.
Today, water scarcity is one of the most serious issues in the world. With over 2 million people
dying each year, the majority being kids, from water–borne diseases. Along with one–sixth of the
entire population not having access to safe drinking water. "The hardest hit regions have been
countries in the Middle East, North Africa and sub–Saharan Africa."(Fox)
Over 40% of the clean water scare is in sub–Saharan Africa. Within Africa, this is by far one of the
most troubling issues. Without the clean water people cannot stay healthy, go to school because the
school lacks clean water and sanitation, nor can they grow food. "Women and children in Africa
walk for miles to obtain water from streams and ponds that often contain disease–causing organisms,
such as those that cause cholera, typhoid fever, and infant diarrhea."(Greentumble) As it is, 40
billion hours in manpower are used up every year just to collect water. That comprises 6 precious
hours for ever person every day that could be used to do something else. These reasons are those
responsible to the fact that approximately 50%
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Water Scarcity In Africa
Water scarcity occurs when there is the lack of sufficient available water resources to meet the needs
of water within a region. The continent of Africa is a main region that deals with this scarcity; as the
most impoverished continent in the world ("World Bank – Poverty Data 2016"), almost all countries
in Africa lack major resources such as water, causing several organizations and groups to donate
their time and contributions. Water scarcity is categorized by economic and physical levels.
Economic growth can result in physical water scarcity as water is channeled into economic
production. Physical water scarcity occurs when the demand of water surpasses a region's ability to
provide the populations with needed water. On the other hand, economic water scarcity occurs when
government investments in water resources are so inconsiderably low that they are not able to meet
clean water demands for the population, which results in people drinking and using contaminated
Groups such as non–governmental organizations often work in water scarce areas to help those in
need. Non–governmental organizations are not–for–profit groups that aid countries worldwide
through donated funding. There are over four thousand NGOs throughout Africa helping to provide
clean water sources, fighting for poverty, and contributing to education (Edelman & Haugerud, p.
113) By comparing celebrity– and non–celebrity endorsed NGOs, the objective of my research is to
gain a better understanding of
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Water Scarcity Essay

  • 1. Essay about The Global Water Shortage One of the biggest problems in the world is water scarcity. Almost all countries suffer from it and many of them cannot find the most effective solution to avoid this difficulty. The meaning of the world water crisis is very easy to understand, but solving it is very difficult. The amount of world water is limited, as the population is growing fast; the necessity of water use is growing even faster. This essay will examine the water crisis specifically in China, because it is the country with the most serious water shortage problems in the world. Also, this essay will suggest possible solutions on solving these problems and evaluate them. Although to stop the water shortage problems is difficult and costly, and takes a lot more content... So according to Zhao, Liu, and Deng (2005), agriculture exploits almost 70 percent of freshwater available in China, and there is an expectation that this quantity will grow because of the increase of world food production. Chinese people need a comprehensive scientific approach with long–term, coordinated efforts to solve this serious problem. So the first possible solution is recycling water in order to meet environmental needs, provide an additional source of water and have sustainable development and a viable economy. For this approach the Chinese Government needs advanced technologies that clean the water properly and also huge investment, so this would lead to having a big impact on economic development of the country. However, according to Chang (2009), the water which has been recycled is an essential resource of water for "non–potable"(not for drinking) uses in China and this water can be used for flushing toilets, car washing, agricultural irrigation, fire fighting, landscape irrigation, industrial processes and street washing. But one major disadvantage of this approach is that after water recycling there is no proof of that this water is clean enough for reusing it. For example, there might be quite an amount of pollutants, such as some chemicals, bacteria, even heavy metals and organic compounds (Wang, 1989). So as consequences, there Get more content on
  • 2. The Scarcity of Water Essay The procurability of potable water per capita is scarce and is currently diminishing worldwide. Scientific surveys estimate that the Earth's surface is relatively seventy–one percent water and twenty–nine percent land. Unfortunately, a substantial amount of the seventy–one percent of water is salty and non–potable. Only about one percent of the available seventy–one percent can only be utilized for human consumption, without requiring initial desalinization. It has been predicted by the United Nations that due to population growth and various other factors that the average person's water supply will be limited by a third over the next twenty years. Strategists allege that future wars will be waged over water because it is the most more content... Factors that provide to the production of goods and services include entrepreneurship, labor, capital, and land–including water and other natural resources. As a result of the scarcity of water, some cities and water suppliers can take advantage of the situation by afflicting excessive prices for it due to the natural ramification of a shortage in economics. A shortage, which implies that the market price is below equilibrium, is resolved through higher prices. The higher price would promote profit–maximizing suppliers to increase quantity supplied. The higher price would also discourage waste and encourage conservation, thereby reducing quantity demanded. Ultimately, if market forces were able to resolve water scarcity, an equilibrium price and quantity would be reached. However, putting a high price on water could cause it to simply redistribute from the conserving poor to the wasteful wealthy. This will severely limit water away from the places where it is most beneficial to society as a whole. Since market forces are not able to completely resolve the problem, I believe that government and private sector intervention might be required as well. One solution is to enact aggressive water conservation programs. For example, the local water authority could pay homeowners to rip out their lawn and replace it with desert–friendly landscaping. Doing this would reduce the amount of water required by our lawns by providing an incentive Get more content on
  • 3. Speech On Water Scarcity Good morning/afternoon I'm jade and today I am here to talk about how water scarcity is affecting our world and how we can help fix it.There are many types of water scarcity from one being economic scarcity. Economic scarcity is when you can not find water or when you do it is to expensive. Another form of water scarcity is phycical scarcity Physical scarcity is when there is water but you just do not have the resources to get it. There is also a overpopulation water scarcity problem, this happens when there are to many people in the country to provide enough clean, safe water for every one. The last form of water scarcity that I will cover today is drought / rainfall water scarcity. This happens when the country/ place is going through drought which means everything is drying up and there more content... it also has a lot to do with the climate, evaporation rate, temperature and rainfall. These all link together because when the climate is hot the evaporation rate goes up and the rainfall stops. Another way water scarcity occurs is water contamination this is a huge problem especially when the sewage system is not very good which it is not in the countries where water scarcity is a problem. Conflict also has a big impact on the occurrence of water scarcity because when countries are at war over the land it could be difficult to access water. Distance is another issue when countries are a far distance away from water it will take longer to get water and you would get less the longer the journey. Governmental Access is a massive issue. In quite a few countries, specifically those with dictatorships, the use of water is oftenly strictly controlled by those in power, causing a scarcity for those who may be located in those areas of the Get more content on
  • 4. Causes Of Water Scarcity The Global Water Institute stated that "approximately 700 million people in 43 countries are currently suffering from water stress and scarcity in 2013", by 2025 2.8 billion people will face water stress and scarcity (Hameeteman, 2013, p.3). The global water supply is approximately 2.5% freshwater and 97.5% is saltwater (Hameeteman, 2013, p.4). Hence, it is crucial that the Earth's population tries to manage the water stress and scarcity. There are many causes of water stress and scarcity, for instance: overuse of water due to economic reasons, pollution of water, drought, governmental access and policies, and many more. In Africa, many children and women are responsible in collecting water, thus, traveling large distances to collect clean or unclean water. In addition, sanitation facilities are inadequate causing "half the population" to suffer from waterborne diseases (Hameeteman, 2013, p.6). As a result, unclean water and poor sanitation are a leading cause of illness and death in this region. There are a few approaches to providing clean water to the African population, for example: piped water, stand posts and wells. Moreover, poor sanitation can be alleviated with pit latrines, urine diversion dry toilets and pour flush toilets (Septien, 2015). However, such methods can be expensive. Hence, it is important to understand the household's income and the economic situation of the country. Contrary, different strategies are needed to provide clean water in the developed Get more content on
  • 5. Effects Of Water Scarcity Climate change is arguably the greatest threat to humanity and the worst of it's effects are fast approaching. It is the basis of a myriad of problems, one of which is water scarcity. As the world population grows and the climate warms, demand for fresh water has surged–– with water scarcity affecting more than 40 percent of the global population (United Nations, 2010). Conversely, the world's fresh water supplies are dropping. Water is indispensable to biotic existence. While it aided in humankind's creation, it can also aid in its downfall. Bearing these elements in mind, one can consider the implications of this water crisis: What are the threats to its quality? Who will it affect? Is water a right or a commodity? What are the social, economic, and political variables and how do they connect? And ultimately, how can we fix this? Throughout my research I seek the answers to these critical questions. Water scarcity has a substantial impact on social welfare. Women are disproportionately affected by the water crisis. It is common for women to bear the traditional responsibility for collecting water in water scarce countries. Solving the water crisis is essential to empowering women. When women have access to safe water they can pursue skills outside of these traditional roles that will gain them greater independence and break a cycle of poverty. One such water scarce country is Morocco, where 35 percent of the population will be below the absolute scarcity threshold of 500 Get more content on
  • 6. Water Scarcity Essay's topic: Water scarcity is one of the key environmental issue of our time. Identify some major causes of water scarcity and describe two solutions. Water plays an important role in developing and maintaining healthy ecosystems. However, water scarcity is an increasing and widespread phenomenon in many countries in the world. Water scarcity refers to either the lack of enough water or lack of access to safe water. The shortage of water is turning out to be more pressing than prediction. This essay will identify some major causes of water scarcity and specifically focus on the solutions of enhancing water stewardship and protecting wetlands. The first major cause of water scarcity is overpopulation. The rapid growth of more content... Efficient and effective water management is necessary. Government and the authorities should be responsible for protecting freshwater sources. In addition to that, new laws and regulations about preserving water should be ratified by legislators and helpful methods for sustainable water use should be promoted. Moreover, it is important for countries to expand co–operation with some international organizations in order to take advantage of opportunities to improve water management systems. Protecting wetlands is another approach to halt the process of water shortage. Wetlands are an important part of the national heritage. They provide human not only natural resources, but also water resources. Therefore, programs and projects need to be established and encouraged to be carried out in order to effectively protect wetlands. Besides that, all citizens can help protect wetlands by supporting wetlands conservation initiatives. Water scarcity has become a serious issue for the Earth. The rapidly increasingworld population and water pollution have immensely contributed to the situation. There is an urgent need to solve this problem by enhancing water management and preserving wetlands. If the solutions mentioned above are taken into consideration and appropriately applied, water scarcity may be halted. Reference: The Water Project, "Water scarcity: The importance of water & access" , <http:/ />. FAO Get more content on
  • 7. Water Scarcity Essay Year 7 Geography Report– Water in Our World Water is a natural resource and is imperative for survival. All living things including human beings, animals and vegetation need clean water to survive. Human beings require clean water to function properly, water is used to grow crops, which provide food, wash clothes which maintains good hygiene, and it is crucial that clean water is consumed. However, some countries struggle with an issue called water scarcity. Water scarcity is the issue of not being able to supply the amount of clean water necessary for the survival of the country's population. Water scarcity can occur in many ways, by either a distinctive population, climate, political, or physical aspects. Lack of clean water affects health, education, and poverty in several ways. Water scarcity can deteriorate good health by increasing the chances of diseases being developed. It can also affect people's education, as contaminated water can cause people to develop illnesses, which then results in people not being able to attend school or other educational programs, affecting their overall education. Water scarcity impacts poverty as people who are well–educated are more likely to receive jobs. If someone works, they can afford to buy the necessities which enable them to live a healthy life and avoid poverty. Access to clean water can change peoples' lives in unimaginable ways. Water scarcity is particularly an issue in Indonesia and Australia. In Indonesia especially, the Get more content on
  • 8. Water Scarcity in History Natural ecosystems require water for the survival of the plants and animals that live within them. These ecosystems help to regulate water quality and quantity of water. Wetlands hold water in periods of high rainfall, slowly releasing it during dryer periods, and purify it of heavy metals and other contaminants. Forests recharge our groundwater, which can be used elsewhere for drinking or irrigation. (Bergkamp 1) Natural ecosystems can help to prevent floods, provide shelter and millions of people are able to get their food, water, and fuel from these areas. As the world population continues to expand people are overusing water and destroying many natural resources. By destroying these ecosystems, more that 3,500 species are more content... Desert areas have a short supply of water, the climate is very dry and frequently there are long periods of drought. In some areas of Africa there are very few water sources even available. Africa is home to 6.3 percent of the world's population, but it contains only 1.4 percent of the world's renewable fresh water. Water shortages, polluted water and poorwater management are causing serious public health problems in Africa. Water related diseases such as malaria, cholera, schistosomiasis and dysentery harm or kill millions of people each year. People are not able to maintain a minimum standard of personal hygiene and are forced out of necessity to drink water that has been contaminated by human, animal or other types of waste. Since there is no medical treatment for these diseases, the only answer is a safe water supply. Some of these diseases in hot climates are not only caused by bad sanitation, but by the presence of water. Insects and parasites breed in standing water, so water that is transported from one place to another may be spreading disease. In these underdeveloped countries there is not enough money to install safe water supplies. In areas where water is not readily available the women and children carry water long distances to their homes. As the population in Africa increases, so does the demand for water. Experts measure water availability in terms of the amount of annual Get more content on
  • 9. Water Scarcity Water Water is a necessity for all life forms. However we exist in a world where clean water is guaranteed to every person. It seems something so important would be supplied by the government for its people. There's a lot of places that can't guarantee its own people the things needed to survive. Living in the United states people don't think this is a prominent problem that exists. However recently in Flint Michigan they had a water crisis that affected a massive amount of people who had thought their water was perfectly fine. California's water shortage is another example of people even in the 'first world' having problems with obtaining drinking water. These hardships are nowhere in comparison to the hardships faced in other countries. The problem's root seems to be caused by the people who need it most, humans. Water scarcity affects every continent on earth. According to the World Health Organization "by 2025 half of the world will be living in water stressed areas". Water Stressed areas are have less water supply than the demand. now a water stressed area; in 205 Californians cut water usage by 25% in efforts to lower demand. Most water was being used by farmers, these cuts significantly hurt the agricultural field. In addition the drought costed the state six million dollars as well as leading to several wildfires that burned 306,000 acres in 2016 . Western australia has seen climate change hit them hard, already one of the driest inhabited continents they are Get more content on
  • 10. Water Scarcity Essay It is an essential resource for sustaining life as well as central to agriculture and rural development, and is intrinsically linked to global challenges of food insecurity and poverty, climate change adaptation and mitigation, as well as degradation and depletion of natural resources that affect the livelihoods of millions of people across the world. According to the World Bank, (2010) report, water is a scarce resource with multiple interwoven uses that range from drinking water, energy, irrigation, manufacturing things, transport of people and goods among others. The report further states that, more than one–sixth of the Worlds' population does not have access to safe drinking water, with 80% living in rural areas thus access to water cannot not be guaranteed globally. Water scarcity is the lack of sufficient available water resources to meet the demands of water usage within a region. It already affects every continent and around 2.8 billion people around the world at least one month out of every year. More than 1.2 billion people lack access to clean drinking water. Water scarcity involves water stress, water shortage or deficits, andwater crisis. While the concept of water stress is relatively new, it is the difficulty of obtaining sources of fresh water for use during a period of time,result in further depletion and deterioration of available water resources. Water shortages may be caused by climate change, such as altered weather patterns including droughts or Get more content on
  • 11. Water Scarcity Water is one of the most essential resource in world. It is needed everyday by every human, and about every living organism. It is a crucial factor to be able to have safe drinking water at hand, no matter where you are in the world. Water is a resource necessary for survival however many countries are facing the global issue of not having access to safe drinking water or any water at all. Today, water scarcity is one of the most serious issues in the world. With over 2 million people dying each year, the majority being kids, from water–borne diseases. Along with one–sixth of the entire population not having access to safe drinking water. "The hardest hit regions have been countries in the Middle East, North Africa and sub–Saharan Africa."(Fox) Over 40% of the clean water scare is in sub–Saharan Africa. Within Africa, this is by far one of the most troubling issues. Without the clean water people cannot stay healthy, go to school because the school lacks clean water and sanitation, nor can they grow food. "Women and children in Africa walk for miles to obtain water from streams and ponds that often contain disease–causing organisms, such as those that cause cholera, typhoid fever, and infant diarrhea."(Greentumble) As it is, 40 billion hours in manpower are used up every year just to collect water. That comprises 6 precious hours for ever person every day that could be used to do something else. These reasons are those responsible to the fact that approximately 50% Get more content on
  • 12. Water Scarcity In Africa Water scarcity occurs when there is the lack of sufficient available water resources to meet the needs of water within a region. The continent of Africa is a main region that deals with this scarcity; as the most impoverished continent in the world ("World Bank – Poverty Data 2016"), almost all countries in Africa lack major resources such as water, causing several organizations and groups to donate their time and contributions. Water scarcity is categorized by economic and physical levels. Economic growth can result in physical water scarcity as water is channeled into economic production. Physical water scarcity occurs when the demand of water surpasses a region's ability to provide the populations with needed water. On the other hand, economic water scarcity occurs when government investments in water resources are so inconsiderably low that they are not able to meet clean water demands for the population, which results in people drinking and using contaminated water. Groups such as non–governmental organizations often work in water scarce areas to help those in need. Non–governmental organizations are not–for–profit groups that aid countries worldwide through donated funding. There are over four thousand NGOs throughout Africa helping to provide clean water sources, fighting for poverty, and contributing to education (Edelman & Haugerud, p. 113) By comparing celebrity– and non–celebrity endorsed NGOs, the objective of my research is to gain a better understanding of Get more content on