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Reflection On My Community
Before taking this course, I constantly volunteered locally either at school or at my county's
improvement district who organized various events that helped the community. My high school,
Infinity Early College High School (IECHS), often had events dedicated to students and their
parents. Due to lack of bilingual teachers, the school offered volunteering opportunities to students
who knew two languages, such as English and Spanish, in order to help non–speaking English
parents understand the information provided in each event. In order to attend IECHS, the student
first had to apply and then they were given a meeting in which both parent and student had to attend.
For this kind of meetings, volunteers would set up the seating arrangements, set up the projector, and
those who translated had to practice the information beforehand. Volunteers also greeted parents at
the door and directed them to the meeting room. Once the meeting was over, the volunteers helped
the school custodians put away the chairs and put everything back to its designated place. Locally I
constantly volunteered at East Montgomery County Improvement District (EMCID) whenever they
had big events for the community. Events such as the Back to School Bash and the Fire and Ice
festival, I was able to volunteer by helping with stands that gave out candy to students, maintaining
order and reminded people of the rules for riding the festival rides. Helping the community by
providing my time either at school or
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My Community Analysis
My community is very culturally diverse, one of the most in my state. This has allowed me to
experience and meet an abundance of people each with an extremely different life and
background. The majority of people I know are either first or second generation immigrants which
has allowed me to know the struggles that these people go through. Being from a community with a
mix of races, social status, ect. has opened my eyes to what the world is actually like. The majority
of the time people from smaller towns are shut off from this type of diversity, but I am fortunate
enough to have experienced it. I've grown up around poverty I enjoy helping out the community
when I can and bettering those around me. Since my community is so diverse the schools
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Explain How Have I Contributed To My Community
How have I contributed to my community? Being apart of a community isn't a passive job, it's the
cumulative efforts of going out and interacting every day. It's working on the volunteer projects
every month. It's being a voice. The best parts of being in my community have been going and
babysitting every week, learning to love and be "the cool teenager" that I always looked up to for
the next generation of kids. These weren't just strangers but people who I come back to year after
year because they are just as much part of my life as I have been as there, playing games, doing
homework, burning popcorn– all of the memories that come from being together. Being a part of my
community is learning from my neighbor as he teaches
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My Community Importance
Community is a place where everyone should feel comfortable being in and acknowledge one
another's decisions and their presence. Coming from a well developed community in one of the
most developed cities in Nepal, our community still lacked of several moral values and
development. Kathmandu is the capital of Nepal and is one of the most developed cities throughout
the country , but still coming from a well developed community , our community still faced several
problems which lacked moral values and infrastructural developments within the community.
Although our communities lacked on certain things , people in our community were still able to
provide a good amount of resources to each community which was in need of any kind of help or
resources. My Community is very much important to me because it is a big part of my life and
my journey to where i am right now.The community that i live in plays a significant role in
shaping the way i am right now. I've always had a passion in serving for my community because
everyone within my community has sacrificed something in order to do provide for each one of us
in our community. Fastforward to 2014, when Nepal's economy was in the best it could ever be
after several years , was when the government finally decided to extend the roads and highways ,
which wasn't even a part of the five year plan that the government has every five years. Due to the
economic downfall in the past few years before 2014, most of the people had already
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Defining Community Essay
What do you think about your neighbours? How do you feel about your schools? What do you
think about your community? Community has always been a big part of our lives and it has been
here since the day we were born. We might even live on the same street, but we grow up in
different households and this results in many different views on communities. The many definitions
of our community may include our home, our heritage, and even our religion. First, community is
our "home." We have been living in a community ever since we were just little babies and it has
always influenced us. Communities have played a big part in who we are today. We start off in
school not knowing anyone or anything and as you get older you begin to think about
more content...
They go back to our ancestors that have originated our last names. There is background for almost
every last name in your community and that is the great thing about it. Long after you are
deceased, you will be remembered for the great things you have done. You will not just be
remembered for yourself, but for the things that you have accomplished in your community as
well. You will always be recognized and remembered for the things that you chose to do in your
community. Community is a big part of you and everything you do will be associated with it.
Third, Community is your religion. The day you begin to realize what community means to you is
the day you begin to believe in it. Anywhere you go, it will be an instinct for you to represent your
community, whether it be through sports or just leisure travels. You represent what means most to
you and will always defend it the best you can. Community is not an actual religion, but it is a
personal religion. The best way to define a community will never be clear. You have your own
feelings on communities and our thoughts on it will always be different from everyone else's.
Everyone has a different perspective on communities, it is endless. All of the definitions relate to
what I think about a community. Community to me means "home". A community is where I have
grown up and learned important life lessons. The things that matter most to me in my community are
my family, my
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My Love For Community
Love for community I have done a significant amount for my community but they have also done
an enormous amount for me. On saturdays with my sports team we would feed the homeless and
needy. We would also talk to them and ask how they were doing and what goals they have for the
future. During this time period I met wonderful people and realized that I loved my community.
At school I felt this same emotion whether it be helping students, teachers, staff members, and
even the janitor. As a team captain I had to try my best to better my team. I achieved this by
keeping their heads up when they were down, giving them gear, helping with rides, and overall
just being a good genuine friend.I try to make my community a better place because they have
helped me and my family when we were low. I will forever be grateful for this and never forget
where I came from. In the future I plan to donate to charities around my community. I also plan to
give a hand in feeding the homeless, cleaning up parks, building houses, and just anything I could
help in basically. I wanna give back to my community because without them I would be nothing. I
hope one day that my community instead becomes a family in which there is one love. People
have disdain for this city but in reality they are just running from their problems. Why not be that
rose that grows in concrete. Ball is life My greatest talent is Basketball without a doubt. I've been
playing basketball for about 3 years and have played for my
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I wouldn't really say my community as a whole has an impact on me as a person but people in
around me have had a huge impact on me for who I am today. The people who have the biggest
impact on me is defiantly my family and friends, I have done so many things with them that made
me the person who I am today.
First you probably need to know a little bit about me, I love watching sports mostly just football
and basketball, I like playing video and I love watching movies especially from the 80s, for
example some of my favorites are the back to the future trilogy, the first three Indiana jones movies,
Ferris Buller's day off and the Breakfast club, just to name a few. I remember the first time I
watched all those movies. I remember me, my dad and my brother went to blockbuster and we
rented the Indiana jones movies, the first time I seen them I was terrified, then in grade eight me
and a few friends had a movie marathon and watched all of them at once, we also did a star wars,
lord of the rings, and Rocky movie marathon. The first time I watched the breakfast club and
Ferris Buller's day of I was in my basement with my brother. I know that sounds like it has nothing
to do with me and who I am as a person but I love watching movies and watching those kind of
started my love of movies.
I really liked and still do like playing video games but they didn't really make me the person I am
today, but I do remember on snow days me and my friends would play all day and sometimes my
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Essay on Community
When community comes to mind, it reminds me of my own residence of living which encompasses
the people, the parks, the REC centers and so on. But if the deeper meaning of community is
searched, it seems to be more specific than just theses things.
For example, there are communities that separate themselves from the rest of society and are
distinguished by certain characteristics of mannerisms. Some of these groups could be considered
cults, certain ethnic groups, religious groups or even the "class" that one belongs to. A college
could even be considered as a form of community from a certain aspect. These are the things that
separate us more content...
Another example is religion. Religion in itself is considered a community simply because of the
fact that people congregate together with a certain belief system and they practice or show that
belief through religion. Each religious group has activities, picnics, bake sales, etc., and do these
things to either draw others into their community or to simply enjoy themselves in an area where
they feel comfortable being with others of similar feelings or thoughts. Either way, some people
feel a need to be involved with a religious community group in the same way that others like to be
involved in a gambling group. It's the way that it makes people feel and how they can express
themselves or feel comfortable within that community setting.
There are other communities that are also easy to distinguish from each other and that is the upper,
middle, and lower classes. The community settings for these people can be very diverse when it
comes to material settings or belongings, but the sense of community is still similar to others. It is
stated well in Daniel Kemmis's " How
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Essay on Commitment to Community
Commitment to community is a requirement for contemporary Americans and vital to its survival.
"Love thy neighbor as thyself" is the unselfish act of sharing: from a cup of sugar to a wealth of
information to the guardianship of all children involved and the protection of every individual in that
said community. Whether that community consists of the "Classic Neighborhood, those with a
common set of goals, or those who share a common identity" the thread that holds this matrix
together is always woven into the shared identity as well as responsibility of all involved. (Redmond,
2010). A community cannot continue to exist through the will of withdrawn individuals who arms
only embrace themselves and have no involvement whatsoever more content...
However, in the Gemeinschaft they remain essentially united in spite of all separating factors,
whereas in the Gesellschaft they are essentially separated in spite of all uniting factors. (Tonnies,
1957, p. 50).
Gesellschaft helps hide the dormant cells of individuality that rots any vibrant community.
Responsibility to others becomes irrelevant and a useless logo in the familiar diction of
independence. Lone wolves in the wild hardly ever survive, yet, they will take advantage of the
resources of their habitat for as long as they can, even devouring the carcass of their own kind. So is
the case of self–preserving individuals who will bankrupt the wealth of the community with constant
withdrawals from those committed to the survival of the group without ever making any meaningful
The sharing of information has to be the most vital entity, outside of unity, in a community.
Common interests are supported, carried, and guarded by those participants of a neighborhood or
group. Alderman Edward M. Burke of the 14th Ward of Chicago has been alderman since 1969 after
his father's death in May 1968. The "Back of the Yards" community has continually supported him
for over 30 years. In return the community has received additional funding for education, land grants,
public parks renovations, and millions of dollars poured into their ward. It has been in the
community's best and most common
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BASD Mini Thon Essay
Out of the many significant and growing commitments I have, "BASD Mini–Thon" is the most
meaningful. Mini–Thon is a completely student–run committee at my school that raises money for
the Four Diamonds Fund, a non–profit organization that supports families suffering with pediatric
cancer. Our committee emulates the annual "Thon" event at Penn State, which is essentially a
dance marathon in the honor of the suffering children. Although we have one dance marathon a
year, my committee regularly has worthwhile fundraisers that support the purpose. As fundraising
captain, I manage and organize many of the charitable events that take place. So far this year, I
initiated events such as 5k runs and restaurant nights that have helped with reaching our total
fundraising goal of $45,000. Overall, this event has brought my community together to support
an amazing cause. List the required readings from courses during the school year or summer that
you enjoyed most in the past year. (150 words or less) From my English literature course's
assigned summer readings, I enjoyed reading The Road by Cormac Mccarthy and The Twelfth
Night by William Shakespeare. Currently, in my American Political System course, I am reading
"America's Democracy in Peril" by William E. Hudson and "Winner Take all Politics" by Jacob S.
Hacker and Paul Pierson. Both of these books have interesting perspectives on the challenges in our
current government. List the books read for pleasure that you
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Ideal Community to Me Essay examples
Introduction: Everyone has their own perception of an ideal community. The selection of
components for any ideal community will vary depending upon the upbringing, culture, norms and
values that prevail within any individual portraying view of an ideal community. Ultimately the task
is to develop or construct such a community whose underlying principles, values and system of
administration is based on key notes which shall be ideal for all of the people that live in that
community irrespective or their religion, caste, creed, race, culture, ethnicity and other dogma that
prevail within them. Construction Of an Ideal Community: To construct such a community we need
individuals with specific traits and qualities who work for more content...
The reasons mentioned above are huge to me and my ideal community, because as many of them
state they promote a huge sense of togetherness and this would be key in any community of mine.
Law and order: Residents are supposed to adhere to the laws of the country along with observing
community rules and regulations. The rules and regulations shall be made in a way that all residents
shall have independence within their individual capacity but activities of residents that may offend
or disturb another resident within the community will not be permissible as it can disturb the
community. Health, social & spiritual needs: My ideal community will propagate equality of rights
in terms of health, social and spiritual needs. All communities should be allowed to practice their
faiths to a capacity where it does not offend others, and this would be the case in my ideal
community. I feel that quality health care is a required service that must be present within not only
my ideal community, but within any community anywhere. In regards to this, health care facilities,
hospitals, and the proximity to them will be key within my community. In case of emergency
immediate attention, for myself, friends, family, and fellow community
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Many people do not care about where they come from. Many people are selfish with their time
and effort, but not me I do care about where I came from and I devote most of my time and effort
to make many people happy. I try my hardest to do the right thing and to give back when I know I
should. Giving back to my community is an important thing to me. People should care and protect
about their communities. Three reasons why giving back to my community is important to me is
because my community has done so much for me, I take so much pride in where I am from, and
because I want people to see how wonderful my community is.
My community has done so much for me. Giving back to my community is the least I could do for
what all it has done more content...
To look at the mass of woodland and the Emory River is a sight that will take your breath away.
Oakdale is full of so much history its unbelievable. Looking at the old building structures is just
enough to show how much history Oakdale has hiding. This is one reason why giving back to my
community is important to me. I want to keep my community beautiful and I want everyone to know
just how marvelous Oakdale really is.
One other reason, is because I want tourists and anyone visiting my community to feel humble
and welcome. I want the best for my community. Whenever someone comes to visit, I want them
to be amazed by my community, and I want them to see what I see and feel what I feel about my
community. By giving back to my community, I can make sure that it stays a clean, safe, and an
enjoyable place to be. I do not want anyone to leave Oakdale and say anything negative about how
bad the community was. By my contribution I hope that I can make everyone a little happier. I
dislike graffiti or anything of the sorts and if I see any I make my best effort to cover it up. Liter
is another thing that I can not tolerate; I will get rid of it if I see it, because I want my community
to look its best at all times.
In conclusion, giving back to my community is very important to me. The main reasons why
giving back is important to me is because my community has done so much for me, I take pride in
where I am from, and because I want everyone to be amazed about my
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Throughout my life, I have been privileged to know a strong sense of community. My
understanding of community has been carved out and shaped by each community that I have been a
part of and the subsequent life experiences that I have had by being a part of these communities. To
me, community means a sense of belonging with people who have some capacity of
like–mindedness. When you belong to a community, you feel like a piece of a larger puzzle that
comes together to create a whole. Each community you belong to both influences you, and is
influenced by you. Moreover, your belonging to a community generates a sense of unity and shares a
common goal, value, or outlook.
The strong sense of community that I have been privileged to know has been contributed to by many
communities; however, two particular communities come to mind when I think about my own roles
and personal growth.
Firstly, the geographic community of my hometown, Holyrood, has had a particular significance in
my life. This small town, where I lived from childhood until my early twenties, has played an
enormous part in the person I am today. I grew up having been involved in town affiliated children's
groups, social programs, and events. This extensive, positive involvement lead me to then seek out
my first employment and volunteer experiences within the town; leading me to work with and teach
those same programs and events which I enjoyed as a child. Throughout this full circle experience
within my hometown to
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Essay on The Importance of Community
Community is very important and has many factors like kinship, unity, and identity. Community
helps society because it creates solutions, provides security and reveals dedication. It discovers
truthfulness. Communities are part of everyday life and have positive affects on its members.
Communities can be found everywhere and can be created anywhere. You may be unaware of it,
but you are part of a community not only based on your location, but also based on your lifestyle,
your religion, your heritage, your education, or your abilities. As Hewitt once said, "Community
provides a psychological world and a place of identification for its members." Identifying yourself
with a particular community may be easier than more content...
Observing others' behaviors lets one realize and understand more about different types and kinds of
people. Seeing how certain groups or communities act or react to situations lets us see more
perspective and hopefully appreciate their point of view. It is important to be part of communities for
much of the same reason. When you are part of a group, you understand and compromise with the
other members of the group. Discussing issues involving the community helps to lead to solutions.
Talking things through with other members improves social skills as well as relationships. Knowing
how people feel about certain issues let you know more about that person, and in turn, you learn
more about yourself. Hearing what other people have to say may sway your own opinions about
something. For example, maybe you are part of a church you thought you really believed in, but
hearing the discussions at the church meetings you start to think that you do not belong in this
community. Though that specific church may be the right place for many, you learn that you need a
new church community. Churches are communities because the members are unified in their
common beliefs. These communities are like families because the members support and help each
other religiously and they feel secure. Being a sound part of a community, you should continuously
learn more and more about yourself. As a member of a club, taking part in meetings and activities let
you learn
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Personal Narrative: My Community
My family and I have always tried to keep a healthier lifestyle. My father is a chiropractor so he
has always implied in my families' life to not use patented medicine. He knows how to heal people
naturally, with natural remedies and using chiropractor. Through out my years of life I have never
made an appointment to a doctor.
Until I was 19 years of old, I was away from my father, and I stated feeling some pain around my
abdomen. So I made an appointment with the doctors after an hour of taking scans and blood from
me. They told me I have liver deficiency instead of looking for the cause and reason for it, the
doctor proscribed to me patented medicine. After lots of uses of that medicine all I found it did was
loosen the pain and
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I Am Making a Difference in My Community Essay
"Everybody can be great...because anybody can serve. You don't have to have a college degree to
serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul motivated by love."
― Martin Luther King Jr.
Taking time to volunteer at the many nonprofit organizations, homeless shelters, advocacy centers,
philanthropic fundraisers, local schools and child care facilities in the inner city is not always at the
forefront of young people's minds while navigating through their college experiences. But, with a
little push from student organizations, local nonprofits and passionate individuals, volunteerism and
community change can start to take a front seat and become not just an opportunity, but also a
priority in the lives of young more content...
A few times a semester I would volunteer at the Prison Book Program, where I would read letters
from incarcerated individuals from all over the country and find 2–3 books that match their interests
and reading criteria. Opening each letter and hearing people's stories reminded me of the harsh
realities of our world today, and the difficulty many people face in preserving their human dignity
and self–worth.
Whether guilty of crimes or innocent, our incarceration system is an issue that many activists rally
around in terms of its success and promise in correcting and rehabilitating criminal behavior. So, to
read letters and hear the voices of those who are living on the marginalized edges of our society, but
who rarely have a voice in the issue that's being nationally rallied around, is an uncommon
circumstance that should be noted and have more attention and action drawn to. Their desire to
educate themselves within the confines of a prison wall is real and heard by those of us who take
time to spend their weekday evenings in the bottom of a church basement, sorting through donated
books, and reading literary wish–lists of those who are incarcerated.
Another meaningful experience that sticks out to me is when I regularly volunteered at a children's
homeless shelter in Roxbury, Mass. for two years, and was reminded of the fact that the statistics we
hear every day about homelessness are real people – not just numbers. Every child I played
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My Discourse Community Essay
A discourse community comprises of a group of people sharing a common and distinct mode of
communication or discourse, especially within a particular domain of intellectual or social activity
(Oxforddictionaries, 2017). Some of the discourse communities I consider to be a part of, include an
Indian joint family, my peer group, high school education in India, the Apple community and
education at Pace university.
I hail from a Hindu joint family in the South of India. My parents have inculcated the values of
culture, religion, respect, love, humility and care for others ever since I was a child while my
grandparents have coddled me with gifts and stories from their childhood in pre–independent India. I
grew up in a more content...
My parents were kind to provide me with the opportunity to have first–hand knowledge about the
latest technology in Apple and provided me with some Apple products as they deemed fit. I feel
a part of the Apple community also because of the sophisticated vocabulary provided by Apple to its
users to provide a sense of community. For example, iPhotos is used to describe a gallery of photos,
iBooks is used to for a book app, iMessages, iTunes for music and many others.
My desire as a child to travel the world led me to my education at Pace University, first of my many
destinations. The teaching methodology, the process of assigning homework, the serene atmosphere
in the campus and the ever–helping faculty and staff have already instilled confidence in me. This
has helped me ease out of my comfort zone to explore and innovate. Gaining my higher education
in America has exposed me to a whole new set of scholastic vocabularies such as credit hours, GPA,
courses, Greek life involving sororities and fraternities and
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What is a Community? Essay example
A community is established when more than two people share the same values and through time this
personal connection evolves into a fellowship governed by rituals, traditions, and a particular form
of communication that when taken together makes a group of individuals whether living in a
specific geographical area or connected by ideals so distinct that their distinguishing marks allow
them to stand out from among the crowd. They do not just believe in something like an organization
but they need each other to survive and thrive. A good example is the Old OrderAmish Mennonite
community wherein the community serves as source of identity, strength and provides the reason
why they should sustain the community's way of life. more content...
Communities are affected, and in a sense defined by, forces that affect community members and their
space. The forces can range from outside organizations such as the government and large
corporations ... These components of the community vary infinitely, and thus no two communities
are the same; even a given community is not the same over time (Cnaan & Milofsky, p. 1)
Based on this definition it is interesting to note that the Old Order Amish Mennoite community
satisfies the requirements of place, interests and communion. Aside from being a perfect example of
a community the Amish people exemplify what it means to be a part of a community that it is their
source of identity, strength, and sustainability. Each individual exists for the community but as a
whole the community nurtures each member and therefore it is unthinkable for an Amish man or
woman to leave their community behind. On the other hand many Americans feel they must "get
involved." In public life as well as in private, we can discern the habits that sustain individualism and
commitment as well as what makes them problematic. (Bellah, p.74) For the Amish Mennonite
community the purpose of the community is very clear. First, it provides them a sense of identity,
not only who they are as of the present but also helps them to trace their origins and the reason for
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My Favorite Community In My Life
Every person is connected with many communities in their everyday life. Those are related to
their work, related to sport which they are used to play, related to places where they live. Some
people love to work for the community of their religion. Some also like their community of
friends with whom they do their study, traveling, parties, different types of experiments. Now a
day many people are engaged in the community of their social networking site in which the people
with same interest in different things like cars, trucks, gadgets are connected to each other and
talk about different update or any suggestions for the betterment. "Friends are the one who brings
out the best in you." These few words of Henry Ford that are the best to describe my favorite
community which is my college friends group. How was I on the first day of my college and
how was I on the day of leaving my college. I have never thought that this big difference come in
my lifestyle, my thinking, my behavior. On the first day, I was just a blank piece of paper, but at
the last of my college this blank piece of paper has its own colorful story, its own motivated
words, now it has its own wings to fly in the high sky. This is how my community has changed me.
I have completed my half college in aeronautical engineering in India. During the first week, I didn't
have any friends. So, there was nothing to think about except study. But after a week I met my
friends. Basically, they all are living in college
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Reflective Essay About A Community
What do you think of when you hear about a community? My first thought was that a community
had to be a small group of people that share a common interest, but why can't a community be a
large group of people with things in common? I understand it can be. A community can be a large
or small quantity of people that have any one thing in common. When I hear the word community,
I see various of images. I see numerous numbers of people with such a variety, but coming
together as one with commonalities. So, when I was asked to write about a community in my life I
had no idea how to choose my topic, there is so many options, however, when we were assigned to
read the article "Beyond the Pleasure Principle" written by Ann Hulbert I got my inspiration to write
about my generation because I do believe my generation stands out from the past
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While there are hundreds of countries filled with people in my generation I want to focus mainly on
the people in my generation that I grew up with because many of the people can relate to them.
Generation z is one whole generation filled with millions of young adult just starting their lives, in
spite of that, I still thing of my generation as a community of people that interact on an every day
bases. My generation also known as "generation z" is a community of people typically born
between 1995 to 2012 that share many things in common, but one significant thing is that we all
grew up in the same world around the same time. Just in this area alone there are thousands of us
who interact with each other every day. I feel that generation z has seen drastic changes in
technology and education in recent years. Theses significant changes have altered how generation z
and future generations will live their
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My Community Essay

  • 1. Reflection On My Community Before taking this course, I constantly volunteered locally either at school or at my county's improvement district who organized various events that helped the community. My high school, Infinity Early College High School (IECHS), often had events dedicated to students and their parents. Due to lack of bilingual teachers, the school offered volunteering opportunities to students who knew two languages, such as English and Spanish, in order to help non–speaking English parents understand the information provided in each event. In order to attend IECHS, the student first had to apply and then they were given a meeting in which both parent and student had to attend. For this kind of meetings, volunteers would set up the seating arrangements, set up the projector, and those who translated had to practice the information beforehand. Volunteers also greeted parents at the door and directed them to the meeting room. Once the meeting was over, the volunteers helped the school custodians put away the chairs and put everything back to its designated place. Locally I constantly volunteered at East Montgomery County Improvement District (EMCID) whenever they had big events for the community. Events such as the Back to School Bash and the Fire and Ice festival, I was able to volunteer by helping with stands that gave out candy to students, maintaining order and reminded people of the rules for riding the festival rides. Helping the community by providing my time either at school or Get more content on
  • 2. My Community Analysis My community is very culturally diverse, one of the most in my state. This has allowed me to experience and meet an abundance of people each with an extremely different life and background. The majority of people I know are either first or second generation immigrants which has allowed me to know the struggles that these people go through. Being from a community with a mix of races, social status, ect. has opened my eyes to what the world is actually like. The majority of the time people from smaller towns are shut off from this type of diversity, but I am fortunate enough to have experienced it. I've grown up around poverty I enjoy helping out the community when I can and bettering those around me. Since my community is so diverse the schools Get more content on
  • 3. Explain How Have I Contributed To My Community How have I contributed to my community? Being apart of a community isn't a passive job, it's the cumulative efforts of going out and interacting every day. It's working on the volunteer projects every month. It's being a voice. The best parts of being in my community have been going and babysitting every week, learning to love and be "the cool teenager" that I always looked up to for the next generation of kids. These weren't just strangers but people who I come back to year after year because they are just as much part of my life as I have been as there, playing games, doing homework, burning popcorn– all of the memories that come from being together. Being a part of my community is learning from my neighbor as he teaches Get more content on
  • 4. My Community Importance Community is a place where everyone should feel comfortable being in and acknowledge one another's decisions and their presence. Coming from a well developed community in one of the most developed cities in Nepal, our community still lacked of several moral values and development. Kathmandu is the capital of Nepal and is one of the most developed cities throughout the country , but still coming from a well developed community , our community still faced several problems which lacked moral values and infrastructural developments within the community. Although our communities lacked on certain things , people in our community were still able to provide a good amount of resources to each community which was in need of any kind of help or resources. My Community is very much important to me because it is a big part of my life and my journey to where i am right now.The community that i live in plays a significant role in shaping the way i am right now. I've always had a passion in serving for my community because everyone within my community has sacrificed something in order to do provide for each one of us in our community. Fastforward to 2014, when Nepal's economy was in the best it could ever be after several years , was when the government finally decided to extend the roads and highways , which wasn't even a part of the five year plan that the government has every five years. Due to the economic downfall in the past few years before 2014, most of the people had already Get more content on
  • 5. Defining Community Essay What do you think about your neighbours? How do you feel about your schools? What do you think about your community? Community has always been a big part of our lives and it has been here since the day we were born. We might even live on the same street, but we grow up in different households and this results in many different views on communities. The many definitions of our community may include our home, our heritage, and even our religion. First, community is our "home." We have been living in a community ever since we were just little babies and it has always influenced us. Communities have played a big part in who we are today. We start off in school not knowing anyone or anything and as you get older you begin to think about more content... They go back to our ancestors that have originated our last names. There is background for almost every last name in your community and that is the great thing about it. Long after you are deceased, you will be remembered for the great things you have done. You will not just be remembered for yourself, but for the things that you have accomplished in your community as well. You will always be recognized and remembered for the things that you chose to do in your community. Community is a big part of you and everything you do will be associated with it. Third, Community is your religion. The day you begin to realize what community means to you is the day you begin to believe in it. Anywhere you go, it will be an instinct for you to represent your community, whether it be through sports or just leisure travels. You represent what means most to you and will always defend it the best you can. Community is not an actual religion, but it is a personal religion. The best way to define a community will never be clear. You have your own feelings on communities and our thoughts on it will always be different from everyone else's. Everyone has a different perspective on communities, it is endless. All of the definitions relate to what I think about a community. Community to me means "home". A community is where I have grown up and learned important life lessons. The things that matter most to me in my community are my family, my Get more content on
  • 6. My Love For Community Love for community I have done a significant amount for my community but they have also done an enormous amount for me. On saturdays with my sports team we would feed the homeless and needy. We would also talk to them and ask how they were doing and what goals they have for the future. During this time period I met wonderful people and realized that I loved my community. At school I felt this same emotion whether it be helping students, teachers, staff members, and even the janitor. As a team captain I had to try my best to better my team. I achieved this by keeping their heads up when they were down, giving them gear, helping with rides, and overall just being a good genuine friend.I try to make my community a better place because they have helped me and my family when we were low. I will forever be grateful for this and never forget where I came from. In the future I plan to donate to charities around my community. I also plan to give a hand in feeding the homeless, cleaning up parks, building houses, and just anything I could help in basically. I wanna give back to my community because without them I would be nothing. I hope one day that my community instead becomes a family in which there is one love. People have disdain for this city but in reality they are just running from their problems. Why not be that rose that grows in concrete. Ball is life My greatest talent is Basketball without a doubt. I've been playing basketball for about 3 years and have played for my Get more content on
  • 7. I wouldn't really say my community as a whole has an impact on me as a person but people in around me have had a huge impact on me for who I am today. The people who have the biggest impact on me is defiantly my family and friends, I have done so many things with them that made me the person who I am today. First you probably need to know a little bit about me, I love watching sports mostly just football and basketball, I like playing video and I love watching movies especially from the 80s, for example some of my favorites are the back to the future trilogy, the first three Indiana jones movies, Ferris Buller's day off and the Breakfast club, just to name a few. I remember the first time I watched all those movies. I remember me, my dad and my brother went to blockbuster and we rented the Indiana jones movies, the first time I seen them I was terrified, then in grade eight me and a few friends had a movie marathon and watched all of them at once, we also did a star wars, lord of the rings, and Rocky movie marathon. The first time I watched the breakfast club and Ferris Buller's day of I was in my basement with my brother. I know that sounds like it has nothing to do with me and who I am as a person but I love watching movies and watching those kind of started my love of movies. I really liked and still do like playing video games but they didn't really make me the person I am today, but I do remember on snow days me and my friends would play all day and sometimes my Get more content on
  • 8. Essay on Community Community When community comes to mind, it reminds me of my own residence of living which encompasses the people, the parks, the REC centers and so on. But if the deeper meaning of community is searched, it seems to be more specific than just theses things. For example, there are communities that separate themselves from the rest of society and are distinguished by certain characteristics of mannerisms. Some of these groups could be considered cults, certain ethnic groups, religious groups or even the "class" that one belongs to. A college could even be considered as a form of community from a certain aspect. These are the things that separate us more content... Another example is religion. Religion in itself is considered a community simply because of the fact that people congregate together with a certain belief system and they practice or show that belief through religion. Each religious group has activities, picnics, bake sales, etc., and do these things to either draw others into their community or to simply enjoy themselves in an area where they feel comfortable being with others of similar feelings or thoughts. Either way, some people feel a need to be involved with a religious community group in the same way that others like to be involved in a gambling group. It's the way that it makes people feel and how they can express themselves or feel comfortable within that community setting. There are other communities that are also easy to distinguish from each other and that is the upper, middle, and lower classes. The community settings for these people can be very diverse when it comes to material settings or belongings, but the sense of community is still similar to others. It is stated well in Daniel Kemmis's " How Get more content on
  • 9. Essay on Commitment to Community Commitment to community is a requirement for contemporary Americans and vital to its survival. "Love thy neighbor as thyself" is the unselfish act of sharing: from a cup of sugar to a wealth of information to the guardianship of all children involved and the protection of every individual in that said community. Whether that community consists of the "Classic Neighborhood, those with a common set of goals, or those who share a common identity" the thread that holds this matrix together is always woven into the shared identity as well as responsibility of all involved. (Redmond, 2010). A community cannot continue to exist through the will of withdrawn individuals who arms only embrace themselves and have no involvement whatsoever more content... However, in the Gemeinschaft they remain essentially united in spite of all separating factors, whereas in the Gesellschaft they are essentially separated in spite of all uniting factors. (Tonnies, 1957, p. 50). Gesellschaft helps hide the dormant cells of individuality that rots any vibrant community. Responsibility to others becomes irrelevant and a useless logo in the familiar diction of independence. Lone wolves in the wild hardly ever survive, yet, they will take advantage of the resources of their habitat for as long as they can, even devouring the carcass of their own kind. So is the case of self–preserving individuals who will bankrupt the wealth of the community with constant withdrawals from those committed to the survival of the group without ever making any meaningful deposits. The sharing of information has to be the most vital entity, outside of unity, in a community. Common interests are supported, carried, and guarded by those participants of a neighborhood or group. Alderman Edward M. Burke of the 14th Ward of Chicago has been alderman since 1969 after his father's death in May 1968. The "Back of the Yards" community has continually supported him for over 30 years. In return the community has received additional funding for education, land grants, public parks renovations, and millions of dollars poured into their ward. It has been in the community's best and most common Get more content on
  • 10. BASD Mini Thon Essay Out of the many significant and growing commitments I have, "BASD Mini–Thon" is the most meaningful. Mini–Thon is a completely student–run committee at my school that raises money for the Four Diamonds Fund, a non–profit organization that supports families suffering with pediatric cancer. Our committee emulates the annual "Thon" event at Penn State, which is essentially a dance marathon in the honor of the suffering children. Although we have one dance marathon a year, my committee regularly has worthwhile fundraisers that support the purpose. As fundraising captain, I manage and organize many of the charitable events that take place. So far this year, I initiated events such as 5k runs and restaurant nights that have helped with reaching our total fundraising goal of $45,000. Overall, this event has brought my community together to support an amazing cause. List the required readings from courses during the school year or summer that you enjoyed most in the past year. (150 words or less) From my English literature course's assigned summer readings, I enjoyed reading The Road by Cormac Mccarthy and The Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare. Currently, in my American Political System course, I am reading "America's Democracy in Peril" by William E. Hudson and "Winner Take all Politics" by Jacob S. Hacker and Paul Pierson. Both of these books have interesting perspectives on the challenges in our current government. List the books read for pleasure that you Get more content on
  • 11. Ideal Community to Me Essay examples Introduction: Everyone has their own perception of an ideal community. The selection of components for any ideal community will vary depending upon the upbringing, culture, norms and values that prevail within any individual portraying view of an ideal community. Ultimately the task is to develop or construct such a community whose underlying principles, values and system of administration is based on key notes which shall be ideal for all of the people that live in that community irrespective or their religion, caste, creed, race, culture, ethnicity and other dogma that prevail within them. Construction Of an Ideal Community: To construct such a community we need individuals with specific traits and qualities who work for more content... The reasons mentioned above are huge to me and my ideal community, because as many of them state they promote a huge sense of togetherness and this would be key in any community of mine. Law and order: Residents are supposed to adhere to the laws of the country along with observing community rules and regulations. The rules and regulations shall be made in a way that all residents shall have independence within their individual capacity but activities of residents that may offend or disturb another resident within the community will not be permissible as it can disturb the community. Health, social & spiritual needs: My ideal community will propagate equality of rights in terms of health, social and spiritual needs. All communities should be allowed to practice their faiths to a capacity where it does not offend others, and this would be the case in my ideal community. I feel that quality health care is a required service that must be present within not only my ideal community, but within any community anywhere. In regards to this, health care facilities, hospitals, and the proximity to them will be key within my community. In case of emergency immediate attention, for myself, friends, family, and fellow community Get more content on
  • 12. Many people do not care about where they come from. Many people are selfish with their time and effort, but not me I do care about where I came from and I devote most of my time and effort to make many people happy. I try my hardest to do the right thing and to give back when I know I should. Giving back to my community is an important thing to me. People should care and protect about their communities. Three reasons why giving back to my community is important to me is because my community has done so much for me, I take so much pride in where I am from, and because I want people to see how wonderful my community is. My community has done so much for me. Giving back to my community is the least I could do for what all it has done more content... To look at the mass of woodland and the Emory River is a sight that will take your breath away. Oakdale is full of so much history its unbelievable. Looking at the old building structures is just enough to show how much history Oakdale has hiding. This is one reason why giving back to my community is important to me. I want to keep my community beautiful and I want everyone to know just how marvelous Oakdale really is. One other reason, is because I want tourists and anyone visiting my community to feel humble and welcome. I want the best for my community. Whenever someone comes to visit, I want them to be amazed by my community, and I want them to see what I see and feel what I feel about my community. By giving back to my community, I can make sure that it stays a clean, safe, and an enjoyable place to be. I do not want anyone to leave Oakdale and say anything negative about how bad the community was. By my contribution I hope that I can make everyone a little happier. I dislike graffiti or anything of the sorts and if I see any I make my best effort to cover it up. Liter is another thing that I can not tolerate; I will get rid of it if I see it, because I want my community to look its best at all times. In conclusion, giving back to my community is very important to me. The main reasons why giving back is important to me is because my community has done so much for me, I take pride in where I am from, and because I want everyone to be amazed about my Get more content on
  • 13. Throughout my life, I have been privileged to know a strong sense of community. My understanding of community has been carved out and shaped by each community that I have been a part of and the subsequent life experiences that I have had by being a part of these communities. To me, community means a sense of belonging with people who have some capacity of like–mindedness. When you belong to a community, you feel like a piece of a larger puzzle that comes together to create a whole. Each community you belong to both influences you, and is influenced by you. Moreover, your belonging to a community generates a sense of unity and shares a common goal, value, or outlook. The strong sense of community that I have been privileged to know has been contributed to by many communities; however, two particular communities come to mind when I think about my own roles and personal growth. Firstly, the geographic community of my hometown, Holyrood, has had a particular significance in my life. This small town, where I lived from childhood until my early twenties, has played an enormous part in the person I am today. I grew up having been involved in town affiliated children's groups, social programs, and events. This extensive, positive involvement lead me to then seek out my first employment and volunteer experiences within the town; leading me to work with and teach those same programs and events which I enjoyed as a child. Throughout this full circle experience within my hometown to Get more content on
  • 14. Essay on The Importance of Community Community is very important and has many factors like kinship, unity, and identity. Community helps society because it creates solutions, provides security and reveals dedication. It discovers truthfulness. Communities are part of everyday life and have positive affects on its members. Communities can be found everywhere and can be created anywhere. You may be unaware of it, but you are part of a community not only based on your location, but also based on your lifestyle, your religion, your heritage, your education, or your abilities. As Hewitt once said, "Community provides a psychological world and a place of identification for its members." Identifying yourself with a particular community may be easier than more content... Observing others' behaviors lets one realize and understand more about different types and kinds of people. Seeing how certain groups or communities act or react to situations lets us see more perspective and hopefully appreciate their point of view. It is important to be part of communities for much of the same reason. When you are part of a group, you understand and compromise with the other members of the group. Discussing issues involving the community helps to lead to solutions. Talking things through with other members improves social skills as well as relationships. Knowing how people feel about certain issues let you know more about that person, and in turn, you learn more about yourself. Hearing what other people have to say may sway your own opinions about something. For example, maybe you are part of a church you thought you really believed in, but hearing the discussions at the church meetings you start to think that you do not belong in this community. Though that specific church may be the right place for many, you learn that you need a new church community. Churches are communities because the members are unified in their common beliefs. These communities are like families because the members support and help each other religiously and they feel secure. Being a sound part of a community, you should continuously learn more and more about yourself. As a member of a club, taking part in meetings and activities let you learn Get more content on
  • 15. Personal Narrative: My Community Community My family and I have always tried to keep a healthier lifestyle. My father is a chiropractor so he has always implied in my families' life to not use patented medicine. He knows how to heal people naturally, with natural remedies and using chiropractor. Through out my years of life I have never made an appointment to a doctor. Until I was 19 years of old, I was away from my father, and I stated feeling some pain around my abdomen. So I made an appointment with the doctors after an hour of taking scans and blood from me. They told me I have liver deficiency instead of looking for the cause and reason for it, the doctor proscribed to me patented medicine. After lots of uses of that medicine all I found it did was loosen the pain and Get more content on
  • 16. I Am Making a Difference in My Community Essay "Everybody can be great...because anybody can serve. You don't have to have a college degree to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul motivated by love." ― Martin Luther King Jr. Taking time to volunteer at the many nonprofit organizations, homeless shelters, advocacy centers, philanthropic fundraisers, local schools and child care facilities in the inner city is not always at the forefront of young people's minds while navigating through their college experiences. But, with a little push from student organizations, local nonprofits and passionate individuals, volunteerism and community change can start to take a front seat and become not just an opportunity, but also a priority in the lives of young more content... A few times a semester I would volunteer at the Prison Book Program, where I would read letters from incarcerated individuals from all over the country and find 2–3 books that match their interests and reading criteria. Opening each letter and hearing people's stories reminded me of the harsh realities of our world today, and the difficulty many people face in preserving their human dignity and self–worth. Whether guilty of crimes or innocent, our incarceration system is an issue that many activists rally around in terms of its success and promise in correcting and rehabilitating criminal behavior. So, to read letters and hear the voices of those who are living on the marginalized edges of our society, but who rarely have a voice in the issue that's being nationally rallied around, is an uncommon circumstance that should be noted and have more attention and action drawn to. Their desire to educate themselves within the confines of a prison wall is real and heard by those of us who take time to spend their weekday evenings in the bottom of a church basement, sorting through donated books, and reading literary wish–lists of those who are incarcerated. Another meaningful experience that sticks out to me is when I regularly volunteered at a children's homeless shelter in Roxbury, Mass. for two years, and was reminded of the fact that the statistics we hear every day about homelessness are real people – not just numbers. Every child I played alongside, Get more content on
  • 17. My Discourse Community Essay Brainstorming A discourse community comprises of a group of people sharing a common and distinct mode of communication or discourse, especially within a particular domain of intellectual or social activity (Oxforddictionaries, 2017). Some of the discourse communities I consider to be a part of, include an Indian joint family, my peer group, high school education in India, the Apple community and education at Pace university. I hail from a Hindu joint family in the South of India. My parents have inculcated the values of culture, religion, respect, love, humility and care for others ever since I was a child while my grandparents have coddled me with gifts and stories from their childhood in pre–independent India. I grew up in a more content... My parents were kind to provide me with the opportunity to have first–hand knowledge about the latest technology in Apple and provided me with some Apple products as they deemed fit. I feel a part of the Apple community also because of the sophisticated vocabulary provided by Apple to its users to provide a sense of community. For example, iPhotos is used to describe a gallery of photos, iBooks is used to for a book app, iMessages, iTunes for music and many others. My desire as a child to travel the world led me to my education at Pace University, first of my many destinations. The teaching methodology, the process of assigning homework, the serene atmosphere in the campus and the ever–helping faculty and staff have already instilled confidence in me. This has helped me ease out of my comfort zone to explore and innovate. Gaining my higher education in America has exposed me to a whole new set of scholastic vocabularies such as credit hours, GPA, courses, Greek life involving sororities and fraternities and Get more content on
  • 18. What is a Community? Essay example A community is established when more than two people share the same values and through time this personal connection evolves into a fellowship governed by rituals, traditions, and a particular form of communication that when taken together makes a group of individuals whether living in a specific geographical area or connected by ideals so distinct that their distinguishing marks allow them to stand out from among the crowd. They do not just believe in something like an organization but they need each other to survive and thrive. A good example is the Old OrderAmish Mennonite community wherein the community serves as source of identity, strength and provides the reason why they should sustain the community's way of life. more content... Communities are affected, and in a sense defined by, forces that affect community members and their space. The forces can range from outside organizations such as the government and large corporations ... These components of the community vary infinitely, and thus no two communities are the same; even a given community is not the same over time (Cnaan & Milofsky, p. 1) Based on this definition it is interesting to note that the Old Order Amish Mennoite community satisfies the requirements of place, interests and communion. Aside from being a perfect example of a community the Amish people exemplify what it means to be a part of a community that it is their source of identity, strength, and sustainability. Each individual exists for the community but as a whole the community nurtures each member and therefore it is unthinkable for an Amish man or woman to leave their community behind. On the other hand many Americans feel they must "get involved." In public life as well as in private, we can discern the habits that sustain individualism and commitment as well as what makes them problematic. (Bellah, p.74) For the Amish Mennonite community the purpose of the community is very clear. First, it provides them a sense of identity, not only who they are as of the present but also helps them to trace their origins and the reason for their Get more content on
  • 19. My Favorite Community In My Life Every person is connected with many communities in their everyday life. Those are related to their work, related to sport which they are used to play, related to places where they live. Some people love to work for the community of their religion. Some also like their community of friends with whom they do their study, traveling, parties, different types of experiments. Now a day many people are engaged in the community of their social networking site in which the people with same interest in different things like cars, trucks, gadgets are connected to each other and talk about different update or any suggestions for the betterment. "Friends are the one who brings out the best in you." These few words of Henry Ford that are the best to describe my favorite community which is my college friends group. How was I on the first day of my college and how was I on the day of leaving my college. I have never thought that this big difference come in my lifestyle, my thinking, my behavior. On the first day, I was just a blank piece of paper, but at the last of my college this blank piece of paper has its own colorful story, its own motivated words, now it has its own wings to fly in the high sky. This is how my community has changed me. I have completed my half college in aeronautical engineering in India. During the first week, I didn't have any friends. So, there was nothing to think about except study. But after a week I met my friends. Basically, they all are living in college Get more content on
  • 20. Reflective Essay About A Community What do you think of when you hear about a community? My first thought was that a community had to be a small group of people that share a common interest, but why can't a community be a large group of people with things in common? I understand it can be. A community can be a large or small quantity of people that have any one thing in common. When I hear the word community, I see various of images. I see numerous numbers of people with such a variety, but coming together as one with commonalities. So, when I was asked to write about a community in my life I had no idea how to choose my topic, there is so many options, however, when we were assigned to read the article "Beyond the Pleasure Principle" written by Ann Hulbert I got my inspiration to write about my generation because I do believe my generation stands out from the past more content... While there are hundreds of countries filled with people in my generation I want to focus mainly on the people in my generation that I grew up with because many of the people can relate to them. Generation z is one whole generation filled with millions of young adult just starting their lives, in spite of that, I still thing of my generation as a community of people that interact on an every day bases. My generation also known as "generation z" is a community of people typically born between 1995 to 2012 that share many things in common, but one significant thing is that we all grew up in the same world around the same time. Just in this area alone there are thousands of us who interact with each other every day. I feel that generation z has seen drastic changes in technology and education in recent years. Theses significant changes have altered how generation z and future generations will live their Get more content on