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How Astronomy Has Changed The World
Astronomy is an ongoing process because it has changed the world and continues to throughout
time. For example, NASA astronauts have continued in their mission to establish a human
settlement on Mars from the first successful flyby of Mariner 4 to the current Mars rover, the
Curiosity. NASA has even planned future missions to the planet. For example, they have future
plans for a rover called the ExoMars Rover to be sent in 2018 that will carry the equipment needed to
truly answer if life ever existed on Mars. Astronomy is an ongoing process because over time, our
atmosphere has continued to change, so astronomers have to continue to learn about our skies in
order to keep the people on earth safe.
Scientific discoveries influence everything
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Astronomy Research Paper
Michael Wachter
Period 5 9/1/15
Astronomy Project Research Paper
The History of Astronomy Astronomy (Before 500 BC) has been around since the first humans
looked to the stars and wondered what the lights in the sky were. Many early cultures revolved
around the stars in the sky, and the Mayan culture was one of the most successful, due to their long
standing religions that are based off the sun, moon, and different seasons of the year. Stonehenge is a
prehistoric monument located in Wiltshire, England, scientists believed that this monument was
used for predicting when the summer and winter solstices were going to happen, and making
calendars for each year that would correctly present the seasons. Mayans believed that the stars in the more content...
It also includes the time that we landed on the moon, and launched more than a few satellites into
orbit to see what the solar system was all about, or what it looked like for that matter. Modern
astronomy has been one of the driving forces behind the development of the technology here on
earth. Computers were used on the space missions, and now we have computers everywhere,
satellites were used to relay information, and now they are used to relay TV and phone
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I Want To Be An Astronomer
When I grow up, I want to have a career in astronomy. Astronomers study planets, celestial bodies,
stars, and galaxies ("Summary"). I love answering difficult, deep questions and learning how the
galaxie works. I've always had an interest in outer space and in other worlds and would love a
career in which I can let my curiosity fuel me. It is important to understand the education or training
requirements, skills or talents needed, salary and benefits offered, and the duties for becoming an
astronomer when making this decision. Although most work in offices, some astronomers visit
observatories multiple times a year ("Summary"). While most hours are standard office hours, nights
provide the clearest view of the sky, therefore creating the perfect conditions for observing. This
means occasionally astronomers work nights in order to achieve their goals. Most of the time travel
is required in order to present ideas, use different equipment, or see different parts of the sky, but
where you work will depend on who you work for and what you are studying. If I indeed become
an astronomer my daily life will consist of developing theories, conducting scientific experiments,
and writing and presenting findings and proposals ("Summary"). For example, if I want to study
the effects unknown material will have on a satellite, I would develop a hypothesis and test it using
an electron particle accelerator. I will also deal with complex math calculations, which is good
because I enjoy
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Astronomy Essay
Astronomy is not just about the stars. Astronomy is about the constellations, the nine planets, the
sun and the moons. The solar system is very complex and has many extraordinary objects. There are
four different types of stars: Protostars, Bright Stars, Red Giants, and White Dwarfs. Protostars are
stars that are on the verge of being born. They are glowing clouds of dust and gas. Gravity pulls
on every atom moving them towards the center of the cloud of dust, which causes the Protostar to
collapse. Over a period of twenty million years the star begins to form and 10 million years after the
pocket of gas was formed, a star is born.
The second types of stars are called Bright Stars. They are formed when the new more
Because it is so hot it gives off a glowing white light. This star is called a "White Dwarf" because of
its color. Out of the twenty stars that are closest to the Earth, two are White Dwarfs. The next big
thing about the solar system is the Planets. The nine planets play a big part in our solar system.
Astronomers have been studying them for a long time but there are still many things to learn about
them. The nine planets are Earth, Jupiter, Uranus, Pluto, Saturn, Neptune, Mars, Venus, and Mercury.
Mercury is also known as the planet of Hot days and Cold nights and it is the closest planet to the
sun. It has the shortest year out of all the other planets, which is 88 days long and is half the size
of Earth. Mercury orbits the sun at an average distance of 36 million miles. Daytime temperatures of
Mercury can reach up to 800 degrees Fahrenheit. At night they can get down as low as –279 degrees
Venus, also known as Cauldron, has a yearlong period of 243 Earth days. It is the second planet
away from the sun and can reach oven–like temperatures up to 475 degrees Fahrenheit, even at night.
Venus is a very bright planet, totally surrounded by clouds. "It is the sunlight reflected off these
clouds that makes the planet so bright" (Ridpath 24). This planet is very unique compared to the
other planets because scientists discovered that Venus actually rotates backwards also.
Mars, also known as the red planet, has air so thin that a
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Astronomy: A Career Essay
Timothy Ferris once said, "We live in a changing universe and few things are changing faster than
our conception of it. " Astronomy is a centuries old profession that has developed immensely
throughout history. As time has moved foreword, astronomy has moved with it. It has developed a
non–utilitarian use in modern–day society compared to its early use like navigation. As this
profession has developed, the competitiveness has also emerged due to several factors such as
government cutbacks. Astronomy is a rigorous job that requires the right degrees and personal
qualities to keep up with it. Even though astronomy has changed much throughout history in many
aspects, it retains the overall sense of wonderment and amazement that astounded more
It is mentioned in the Encyclopedia Britannica that "Perhaps the single greatest effect that
astronomical studies have had on our modern society has been in molding its perceptions and
opinions. Our conceptions of the cosmos and our place in it, our perceptions of space and time, and
the development of the systematic pursuit of knowledge known as the scientific method have been
profoundly influenced by astronomical observations" (Evans). Astronomy works to answer the
fundamental questions humanity has about the universe and what else is out there. Astronomy has
changed humanity's method of thinking. Astronomy has opened the doors to discoveries and
advancements in other fields and areas in society. In C. RenГ©e James' paper titled What Has
Astronomy Done For You Lately, she states, "Engineer John O'Sullivan worked with others to
search for signals from evaporating black holes. He later extended that same technology to create
the basis for reliable wireless networking" (33). Without astronomy, wireless Internet would not
exist. It is the principles taken from astronomy and applied to other sciences that is one of the
reasons astronomy is so important to the world. Another example of astronomy influences other
inventions are optical mapping technologies. James say, "Optical mapping technologies developed
for the James Webb Space Telescope's optics system are also benefitting contact lens fittings and
laser eye surgeries"
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Reflective Essay On Astronomy
The last time I remember learning about astronomy formally was as far back as elementary
school, where we learned about the basics of our solar system's planets and other ideas about
space commonly known by most people. Having never studied astronomy at a higher level, going
into this class felt similar to traveling to a foreign country, or sailing in foreign waters, so to
speak. Many of the concepts and facts have been things I have had little to no prior knowledge of.
But regardless of any of that, I cannot express the importance of this area of study in my life. In
the past I have read comments online, as well as heard things in real life, about how some
subjects have no value in being studied unless one is majoring in them. While my major is not
astronomy, much less even science, I still could not disagree more with this sort of thought. I can
relate to some of the concepts of astronomy on a very deep and personal level, to the point where
my psychological state is affected, and I will explain these thoughts in detail later. While these
areas of great interest have not yet been covered in the course, I cannot say that I have not found
all of the current topics fascinating. As one who has a deep interest in mathematics, I found a few
of the concepts rather thought provoking, and I will again this later. I will lastly discuss what I
thought of the material as a whole, what I got most out of it, and what my experiences were during
and after learning it. Out of everything
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Astronomy Essay
I am excited to say that me and my team of astronomy researchers have discovered a correlation
between finding potential habitable star systems and a star's magnetic activity and X–ray emissions.
Our study, titled "An Improved Age–Activity Relationship for Cool Stars Older than a Gigayear",
was led by Rachel Booth, a PhD student from the Astrophysics Research Center at Queen's
University Belfast. Our data was gathered using NASA's Chandra X–ray Observatory and ESA's
XMM–Newton. NASA's Chandra X–ray Observatory is a telescope specifically built to detect X–ray
emissions from regions in the universe which exhibit very high temperatures such as stars. ESA's
Chandra X–ray Observatory is a telescope whose purpose is similar to that of NASA' more
ESA's XMM–Newton satellite follows an eccentric orbit and each telescope contains a mirror
module with 58 high–precision concentric mirrors to detect millions of sources and catch elusive
Through our research, we discovered results that linked a star's age to their X–ray emissions. We
found out that from the 24 stars analyzed, 14 of them had X–ray emissions that were discernible. We
were then able to calculate the stars' ages and from that, we recognized that there was a relationship
between their longevity and luminosity. Stars similar to that of our Sun are likely to emit less
high–energy radiation as they exceed 1 billion years in age.
While we made this amazing discovery, the reasons for this relationship are still unknown to us. We
are currently examining the causes and reasons this relationship may occur. A possibility of this is
through the reduction in spin rate of stars. The reduction in spin rate is faster in older stars than in
younger stars, which could explain the emission of less high–energy radiation as the stars grow
older. Another possibility this relationship can occur is because of the luminosity of X–rays. The
X–ray brightness declines quicker in older, more slowly–rotating stars than it does for younger,
faster ones.
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History of Astronomy
Astronomy is the oldest of the natural sciences, dating back to antiquity, with its origins in the
religious, mythological, and astrological practices of pre–history: vestiges of these are still found in
astrology, a discipline long interwoven with public and governmental astronomy, and not completely
disentangled from it until a few centuries ago in the Western World . In some cultures astronomical
data was used for astrological prognostication.
Ancient astronomers were able to differentiate between stars and planets, as stars remain relatively
fixed over the centuries while planets will move an appreciable amount during a comparatively short
Early history
Early cultures identified celestial objects more content...
The original mechanism is displayed in the Bronze collection of the National Archaeological
Museum of Athens, accompanied by a replica. India
Ancient Indian astrology is based upon sidereal calculation. The sidereal astronomy is based upon
the stars and the sidereal period is the time that it takes the object to make one full orbit around the
Sun, relative to the stars. It can be traced to the final centuries BC with the Vedanga Jyotisha
attributed to Lagadha, one of the circum–Vedic texts, which describes rules for tracking the motions
of the Sun and the Moon for the purposes of ritual. After formation of Indo–Greekkingdoms, Indian
astronomy was influenced by Hellenistic astronomy (adopting the zodiacal signs or rДЃЕ›is).
Identical numerical computations for lunar cycles have been found to be used in India and in early
Babylonian texts.[11]
Astronomy was advanced during the Sunga Empire and many star catalogues were produced during
this time. The Sunga period is known as the "Golden age of astronomy in India".
The astronomy of East Asia began in China. Solar term was completed in Warring States Period. The
knowledge of Chinese astronomy was introduced into East Asia.
Astronomy in China has a long history. Detailed records of astronomical observations were kept
from about the 6th century BC,
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Ancient Greek Astronomy Essay
Ancient Greek Astronomy
Since the first Egyptian farmers discovered the annual reappearance of Sirius just before dawn a
few days before the yearly rising of the Nile, ancient civilizations around the Mediterranean have
sought to explain the movements of the heavens as a sort of calendar to help guide them conduct
earthly activities. Counting phases of the moon or observing the annual variations of day length
could, after many years' collection of observations, serve as vital indicators for planting and
harvesting times, safe or stormy season for sailing, or time to bring the flocks from winter to summer
pastures. With our millennia of such observation behind us, we sometimes forget that seeing and
recording anything less obvious more content...
There are hints of the Greek conception of the universe in Homer, who mentions many subjects on
his two epics describing war and the perils of trying to come home after long absence. For Homer,
heaven is a solid inverted bowl straddling the earth, with fiery, gleaming "aither" above the
cloud–bearing air. Homer mentions the movements of sun, moon, and many stars by name. The fact
that Hades is on the underside of earth has an important impact on conceptions of heaven: it is unlit
by the sun, therefore, the sun––and by extension, other heavenly bodies–– must sink only to the level
of Ocean, which is conceived as a river circling earth's edge. From it the Sun must also rise––though
how it gets back to the eastern bank of Ocean is never explained. These popular conceptions of sky
are more fully explained in Hesiod, whose works on gods, on agriculture, and animal–herding are
more closely connected to the practical application of astronomy. He clocks spring, summer, and
harvest by solstices and the rising and setting of certain stars, and notices that the sun migrates
southwards in winter
As the Greeks began to travel and explore, their ideas of the order of the universe began to change.
Many Greeks settled on the coast of Turkey in the early migrations of the eleventh century BCE, and
there enjoyed rich cultural mingling with their neighbors the Lydians and Persians, latest
descendents of Mesopotamian civilization. They kept in
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Reflection Paper On Astronomy
The material covered beyond the first exam has been a step up from the material before it, both
conceptually speaking, and in terms of the scale of the universe we have studied thus far, which has
been up to the outer reaches of our solar system, around where the dwarf planet, Pluto, resides. The
early portions of the course taught us a number of the fundamental principles and historical insights
of the study of astronomy, such as Kepler's three laws. Since then, we have greatly expanded our
study of astronomy, by which we have briefly examined some of the important details of telescopes,
the earth and moon, the formation of our solar system and the planets orbiting it, as well as the sun,
and the seasons which came about due to the nature of concepts in astronomy we have learned
thus far. I personally enjoyed this portion of the course more than the parts before the first exam,
not that those portions were not fascinating in their own right, though the parts beyond the first
exam were a step up. More so, I found a number of the concepts conceptually more difficult to
understand, which only made it more rewarding when I was able to figure them out. From this
point forward, I will explain what I thought about the last three chapters we have studied. The first
new chapter was about observations, but the emphasis was on telescopes, since they are an
integral part observing the universe and collecting date in the field of astronomy. I had almost no
knowledge about the concepts covered, so I had to rewatch and reread the material a number of
times to have a better understanding. I never knew that some telescopes worked in different ways
that others to collect light. I did know a bit about the electromagnetic spectrum from chemistry,
though I never knew how relevant it was in the study of astronomy. Having taken a trigonometry
class in the past, I have a decent of understanding about how the graphs of the types of lights in the
spectrum relates to waves and their frequencies and wavelengths. One other thing I never knew was
how, one of the reasons why satellites are launched into space, is for the purpose of observation. The
earth's atmosphere blocks a number of different types of light, which is very important
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Astronomy : My Goals In Life, My Dream Career
The study of celestial objects, space, and the physical universe as a whole, also known as
Astronomy. That's my goal in life, my dream career. It'd be an honor to work for the National
Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and have any type of involvement with them.
Something I've wanted and was sure of at the age of 12. I know that, in order to be an astronomer,
I need more understanding of the science field and further knowledge. I know that, for this type
of career, there will be further more years into this but in the end it'll be all worth it. Once with a
degree, which I'm still indecisive which will be the best for me, I'll be very proud of myself for
getting that far. My goal has always been to successfully graduate, receive my high school diploma
and to attend a two year college. Later on, I will transfer to a University for the rest of my college
years. Since Astronomy is my dream career, I will take classes relating to this subject, filling in
the years that I didn't take. In order to achieve these goals, I really have to dedicate all my time on
my education. Something that I really don't mind because at the end, it'll all be worth it. Staying
dedicated is key. Something that I love about myself is that I'm ready to learn and ready to try my
best.I can proudly say that I'm content with my academic achievements, and scores. Since i was in
kindergarden, I've always had good grades. Nothing has changed and I hope it stays that way.
College is going to be a
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Mayan Astronomy Essay
Before advanced technology, the Mayan observed the "Seven Stars" Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus,
Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn using positional and horizon astronomy just like the Greeks and
Mesopotamians before them. Although the Mayans observations were made with the naked eye they
still had many interpretations associated with the sun and moon. They also independently
discovered octa eteris, a mesh between eight solar years with five Venus cycles of 584 days and 99
lunar months. Mayan warfare was also scheduled to get the most astrological benefits. To the Mayan
astronomy was a sacred activity.
One of the many scientific discoveries that have influenced today's society is the invention of the
cell phone. In 1876 an older male with the name of more content...
This nebula is about 1/3 of a light–year thick, and five light–years across. Most nebulae are shaped
are more sphere shaped and most commonly a butterfly shape. Abella 39 is one extremely rare cases
in which the geometry is much simpler. This star, unlike its usual common shape is in the form of a
cat eye. This star is off center in the constellation about one tenth of a light–year.
Hercules is one of the largest constellations but doesn't have many brightly lit stars which makes is
hard to see in cities. This constellation is better viewed with the naked eye because of how dull its
stars are. Hercules is located in the southern hemisphere. Hercules contains a cluster of over 500,000
stars called the M–13 cluster. In mythology Hercules was believed to kill the Dragon, the guardian
of the garden of Hesperides.
In the winter me and my family like to take a short trip to Jupiter because of its nice, hot weather.
The vacation is always fun, but we try to stay away from the big red spot. It's always stormy there!!
It's only 5 planets away from the sun so my tan comes out very nicely and i show it off when i get
back to Earth. We always drive to the moons too, they're smaller and not as hot so i don't sunburnt
and we like to explore each community. It's a great time every
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Astronomy Observations
Astronomy Observing Report.
On Monday, June 26, I had the opportunity to observe some planets and stars with the help of
professor Lowry and his amazing telescope. What I saw and learned that night about Saturn, Jupiter
and the constellations was remarkable and complemented what I have being learning in my
astronomy course. The night of the observation was a clear night. The sun was out, it was 9:30 pm
and we could see the yellow and orange spectrum of the sun. This was a great example of what
happen to the Northern Hemisphere in June solstice, when days are longer. That bright night I saw
the planet Earth satellite "our beautiful moon" growing larger and on waxing crescent phase.
Looking in the telescope I saw the craters made by the impact
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Astronomy Essay
One thing us as humans have never been able to fully understand is astronomy. Always having an
unexplained mystery, astronomy also has served as a way to keep time and predict the future. The
word "astronomy" is defined as the study of heavenly bodies, meaning anything in the sky such as
stars, galaxies, comets, planets, nebulae, and so on. Many people, if not everyone, is amazed by the
night sky on a clear, moonless night.
Astronomy dates back to ancient times when peoples such as the Babylonians, Egyptians, and
Chinese kept written records of astronomical events and occurrences. Today's seven day week
originates from the Babylonians' seven important bodies in the night sky: the Sun, Moon, Mars,
Mercury, more content...
A wide array of instruments is used to observe heavenly bodies today. These instruments include
optical telescopes which are used to magnify objects that emit visible light. Some celestial bodies
are very difficult or impossible to see with optical telescopes. To see these, we use radio, X–ray,
ultraviolet, or infrared instruments. An advantage of radio astronomy is the fact that radio waves
aren't stopped by the sun or clouds, therefore the stars can be observed at any time.
Our own solar system today is thought to have formed from a large, single cloud of dust and gas.
The center of the cloud became dense enough and created enough energy from contraction to spark a
nuclear reaction, forming the Sun. The remaining dust and ice in the cloud formed into the nine
planets we know of today. Other objects within the solar system include comets, asteroids,
meteorites, interplanetary dust and plasma.
Any star that we can see belongs to our own galaxy, the Milky Way. Stars do not exist outside of
galaxies in empty space, rather in galaxies which are groups of billions of stars orbiting the center of
the galaxy (Fradin 140). Every star has a color ranging from red to blue–white. These colors tell us
many things about each star. Also, a star's
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Astronomy Essay
Since man has looked to the heavens, he has used some form of identification to recognize the
"stars". Early man named the constellations he could see in his own ways. Even the ancient
Australian Aboriginals used stories of the stars to identify times of the year for different things, be it
song lines, migration, vegetation growth and ripening, the list goes on. The Australian Aboriginals
today still refer to the Milky Way's galactic centre and coal sack nebula, as they are seen from earth,
as the Emu; as it traverses the sky and ultimately out of visual, the song line changes and talks about
it crossing the land. The point being that man has always used some form of classification to discuss
objects within more content...
Essentially these pre–date the ability to distinguish between true gaseous nebulae and a galaxy. http:/
/ Figure 1 Wolf Classification Scheme
1908 cited by W. Keel (Keel, 2006)
Much like climatologists looking at global warming, gather data to see what has from looking at
core samples of the permafrost, using this data to make reasonable hypotheses about what our
climate will do in the future; we, humans, want to know more about what's happening in the
universe, including confirming the assumption that life exists beyond our solar system. To do
this, Astronomers when looking to the skies, are looking into the past. Why? One of the universal
constants, light. Light has a finite speed and as a result of the tyranny of distance, light can only
travel so far in a given Earth Year. This means that when we are observing galaxies today, we are
looking into the past, hundreds of thousands of years to billions of years ago. However, just looking
at galaxies is not good enough to be able to make these hypotheses. Wolf
Wider community?
There are many Sky surveys being undertaken, from the
Galaxy 1 Classification Galaxy 1 Supplied by (The University of Southern Queensland, 2017)
Shows flat disk type galaxy with a spiral pattern. A bulging centre is identified, however it does not
appear to
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Socrates On Astronomy
Astronomer According to Socrates, a famous philosopher from Athens, Greece, "Man must rise
above the Earth–to the top of the atmosphere and beyond–for only thus will he fully understand the
world in which he lives." Socrates believes that astronomy can help other people understand the
world better. Astronomy is the study of space, and in order for someone to to be an astronomer,
they have to learn a lot of math and science and be good at it. Astronomy is not a big science field
either, but there are a lot of different people employing for it. Astronomy helps people understand
the world and that they are not the most important part of it, and that they are just a small part of it.
Astronomers have a lot they need to do because of their jobs. They have to study the origins of the
universe and what happens in space ("Physicists and Astronomers"). One thing they have to watch
for in space, is to watch out for comets that could possibly hit Earth. If they do not see a comet, they
can put many people at risk. If a large comet hits earth, it can end up changing the climate a little.
Astronomers do not look through telescopes to do this though. They mostly view space through
pictures the telescopes send to computers, and when they have to view at computers for a long time,
their eyes can end up strained ("Astronomer"). Because of how much work they have to do, they
have to be able to concentrate well, for longer periods of time. Some other things they need to be
able to do are
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Essay about Telescopes in Astronomy
Telescopes in Astronomy
Once upon a time, we believed the Earth was at the center of our universe. We were seriously
mistaken. We have come to find that at the center of most galaxies is a giant black hole that keeps
everything together. With the use of telescopes, we have made it possible to see the "impossible".
We are able to see the geographic landscape of distant planets and moons.Telescopes have made it
possible to measure the speed of light, understand gravity, and grasp other laws of physics. Will the
innovation of telescopes, we can detect stars by studying the heat and what kind of radioactive rays
they emit. It is exciting to think of how our knowledge of the heavens will be greatened in the future
with the development more content...
Optical and infrared telescope need to be in warm, high areas to be most effective. High altitude
is key, to avoid local weather and atmospheric activities. Building telescopes in on the west coast
in also popular to avoid pollutants in the air. Radio telescopes are most effective in low valleys.
These valleys help block radio rays from outside sources. Radio frequency interference continues to
become an arising problem with these kinds of telescopes. More of these telescopes will be built in
less populated areas (such as Australia) in order to insure efficiency.
Telescopes in space are an essential resource for detecting ultraviolet, X–rays, and gamma rays for
our research. With telescopes in space, we avoid atmospheric issues and get clearer images from
space. Unfortunately, these telescopes cost a lot of money. Their lifespan is also affected
depending on how much fuel the telescopes can carry. There is also a great risk when launching
these telescopes. Many of these missions have failed at the launch point. Once in space, these
telescopes can be damaged from debris in space, solar flares, or even cosmic rays. Size is also an
issue. It takes certain elements to make sure that these telescopes and their mirrors don't warp when
in space. This turns out to be yet another expensive factor. Maintenance and upgrades are usually
pretty simple for ground level telescopes. When it comes to the one's in space, it is nearly
impossible to maintain
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Astronomy Research Paper
Astronomy is a very interesting subject to me as there so much more out there that we can learn
about other than just Planet Earth. There is a lot to discover on Earth alone but there is even more
in the Solar System. New stuff can be discovered every day and there are astronomers and
Mathematicians everywhere who are working hard to discover this and give us the information they
have found so we can continue to learn new things about what is out in the sky.
Although some people may disagree, there is a difference between Muggle and Magical Astronomy.
Also known as Muggle 'Science', the muggles have developed telescopes that they can send out into
space to observe the planets that their telescopes on the ground simply could not reach. Although more content...
Let us start from the very beginning with the first planet closest to the sun, Mercury.
В· Although closest to the sun it is not the hottest planet in the solar system with temperatures
ranging from 90 Kelvin to 700 kelvin!
В· Mercury's Magnetic is 1/100th that of Earths.
Next up is Venus
В· Names after the Roman Goddess of Beauty and Love
В· The atmosphere of Venus is approximately 96.5% Carbon Dioxide and 3.5% Nitrogen.
Third on the list is the one and only Planet Earth!
В· The only known planet to support any life form
В· Earth's crust is divided into Tectonic Plates, or separate plates, which float independently on top
of much hotter mantle.
Next in line, Mars.
В· Mars rotates once every 24.6 hours.
В· Mars has two small moons called Phobos and Deimos
Moving onto Jupiter
В· Jupiter is the biggest planet in the Solar System
В· Jupiter is mostly made up of Hydrogen and Helium which makes up 99% of the atmosphere.
Next, Saturn.
В· Saturn has many rings surrounding the planet which were discovered in 1610
В· Saturn has 53 known moons with a possible 9 other
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A Career In Astronomy
A young boy is walking through the mall and sees an advertisement that The Hunger Games is
coming out soon in theaters. He has always wanted to see it, and begs his mom for money. This is
the kind of excitement that a film editor can bring to the films they make. The final changes in the
movie can make or break how well the movie connects to the audience. Becoming a film and video
editor is a better career choice for me than an astronomer because of education, job environment, and
skills. Film editors must be very tech savvy, for the majority of film editing is accomplished digitally
on computers ("How"). However, they do not have to be able to perform complicated tasks such as
programming and writing code. Instead, they have an more content...
To be a film editor one needs to have a high school diploma or a GED, and then pursue a four year
college or university to study broadcasting and film ("How"). There are many schools with reputable
film departments where future film editors learn about the whole spectrum of filmmaking, "
pre–production and planning, scriptwriting, cinematography, lighting, set design..." ("How"). It is
important to test and explore the required skills before committing to a new career. A solid high
school education can introduce career options based on innate interests. Astronomy requires a
higher level academic rigour that is meant to weed out the selective few that will become future
astronomers. It is important to pursue a rigorous math and science curriculum in school, as they
are the main subjects used in astronomy ("Careers in Astronomy," American). Astronomy majors
require more advanced degrees, which differs from the career of film editing. Astronomers must
have a PhD to work in observatories, according to Daniel Devost it is, "3 to 6 years of graduate
college studies"(qtd. in Cullen). This could accumulate to 10 years of post high school education,
which is undesirable because the expenses would be high, with minimal income. Obtaining a
college degree after four to five years is a preferable pathway for me because I am more interested in
a hands–on experience. A
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Women In Astronomy Essay
Monica Neira
Astro 1105
Professor Kornreich
5 August 2015
Women in Astronomy
Throughout history, women have always stood in the shadows of men for power, recognition, and
praise. Their roles throughout history consisted primarily of tending to the house and children. Even
when they were able to attain jobs, they were of little intellectual stimulation such as secretarial
work. Fortunately, women have never let the male– dominated cultures of their time hinder their
involvements and advancements within the academic realms. Three women from the ancient,
middle, and modern periods provide examples of female persistence within the field of astronomy
that reflects a long–time battle for gender involvement in academia. Despite the common theme more content...
Although the misogyny women have faced in the passed has settled a bit, it still exists. Even today,
women within scientific fields are struggling to be held to the same esteem of men, however female
contributions throughout history and today cannot be undermined. Ms. Armstrong captured the
essence of women in astronomy best as she stated, "Astronomy was never just a man's field. Women
have always studied the night sky" (Cecilia Payne–Gaposchkin).
Works Cited
"Brahe, Sophia." March 2012. Astronomy. .
"Cecilia Payne–Gaposchkin." 2015. She is an Astronomer. .
Gordon, Robin. "Sophie Brahe: Carrier of Sulphur." 2015. womenalchemists. .
"Hypatia." 2008. The Woman Astronomer. .
"Hypatia – 4th Century Woman Astronomer." 29 July 2010. Space Daily. .
HYPATIA of Alexandria, the Last Philosopher of the Hellenistic Era and her Brutal Assassination.
By Yannis Yalamas. Dir. Yannis Yalamas. 2008.
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Turner, Jean. "Cecilia Helena Payne–Gaposchkin." 2001. UCLA. .
"Tycho Brahe." 1995. The Galileo Project. .
Zielinski, Sarah. "Hypatia, Ancient Alexandria's Great Female Scholar." 14 March 2010.
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Astronomy Essay

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  • 7. Astronomy Essay I am excited to say that me and my team of astronomy researchers have discovered a correlation between finding potential habitable star systems and a star's magnetic activity and X–ray emissions. Our study, titled "An Improved Age–Activity Relationship for Cool Stars Older than a Gigayear", was led by Rachel Booth, a PhD student from the Astrophysics Research Center at Queen's University Belfast. Our data was gathered using NASA's Chandra X–ray Observatory and ESA's XMM–Newton. NASA's Chandra X–ray Observatory is a telescope specifically built to detect X–ray emissions from regions in the universe which exhibit very high temperatures such as stars. ESA's Chandra X–ray Observatory is a telescope whose purpose is similar to that of NASA' more content... ESA's XMM–Newton satellite follows an eccentric orbit and each telescope contains a mirror module with 58 high–precision concentric mirrors to detect millions of sources and catch elusive X–rays. Through our research, we discovered results that linked a star's age to their X–ray emissions. We found out that from the 24 stars analyzed, 14 of them had X–ray emissions that were discernible. We were then able to calculate the stars' ages and from that, we recognized that there was a relationship between their longevity and luminosity. Stars similar to that of our Sun are likely to emit less high–energy radiation as they exceed 1 billion years in age. While we made this amazing discovery, the reasons for this relationship are still unknown to us. We are currently examining the causes and reasons this relationship may occur. A possibility of this is through the reduction in spin rate of stars. The reduction in spin rate is faster in older stars than in younger stars, which could explain the emission of less high–energy radiation as the stars grow older. Another possibility this relationship can occur is because of the luminosity of X–rays. The X–ray brightness declines quicker in older, more slowly–rotating stars than it does for younger, faster ones. Get more content on
  • 8. History of Astronomy HISTORY OF ASTRONOMY Astronomy is the oldest of the natural sciences, dating back to antiquity, with its origins in the religious, mythological, and astrological practices of pre–history: vestiges of these are still found in astrology, a discipline long interwoven with public and governmental astronomy, and not completely disentangled from it until a few centuries ago in the Western World . In some cultures astronomical data was used for astrological prognostication. Ancient astronomers were able to differentiate between stars and planets, as stars remain relatively fixed over the centuries while planets will move an appreciable amount during a comparatively short time. Early history Early cultures identified celestial objects more content... The original mechanism is displayed in the Bronze collection of the National Archaeological Museum of Athens, accompanied by a replica. India Ancient Indian astrology is based upon sidereal calculation. The sidereal astronomy is based upon the stars and the sidereal period is the time that it takes the object to make one full orbit around the Sun, relative to the stars. It can be traced to the final centuries BC with the Vedanga Jyotisha attributed to Lagadha, one of the circum–Vedic texts, which describes rules for tracking the motions of the Sun and the Moon for the purposes of ritual. After formation of Indo–Greekkingdoms, Indian astronomy was influenced by Hellenistic astronomy (adopting the zodiacal signs or rДЃЕ›is). Identical numerical computations for lunar cycles have been found to be used in India and in early Babylonian texts.[11] Astronomy was advanced during the Sunga Empire and many star catalogues were produced during this time. The Sunga period is known as the "Golden age of astronomy in India". China The astronomy of East Asia began in China. Solar term was completed in Warring States Period. The knowledge of Chinese astronomy was introduced into East Asia. Astronomy in China has a long history. Detailed records of astronomical observations were kept from about the 6th century BC, Get more content on
  • 9. Ancient Greek Astronomy Essay Ancient Greek Astronomy Since the first Egyptian farmers discovered the annual reappearance of Sirius just before dawn a few days before the yearly rising of the Nile, ancient civilizations around the Mediterranean have sought to explain the movements of the heavens as a sort of calendar to help guide them conduct earthly activities. Counting phases of the moon or observing the annual variations of day length could, after many years' collection of observations, serve as vital indicators for planting and harvesting times, safe or stormy season for sailing, or time to bring the flocks from winter to summer pastures. With our millennia of such observation behind us, we sometimes forget that seeing and recording anything less obvious more content... There are hints of the Greek conception of the universe in Homer, who mentions many subjects on his two epics describing war and the perils of trying to come home after long absence. For Homer, heaven is a solid inverted bowl straddling the earth, with fiery, gleaming "aither" above the cloud–bearing air. Homer mentions the movements of sun, moon, and many stars by name. The fact that Hades is on the underside of earth has an important impact on conceptions of heaven: it is unlit by the sun, therefore, the sun––and by extension, other heavenly bodies–– must sink only to the level of Ocean, which is conceived as a river circling earth's edge. From it the Sun must also rise––though how it gets back to the eastern bank of Ocean is never explained. These popular conceptions of sky are more fully explained in Hesiod, whose works on gods, on agriculture, and animal–herding are more closely connected to the practical application of astronomy. He clocks spring, summer, and harvest by solstices and the rising and setting of certain stars, and notices that the sun migrates southwards in winter As the Greeks began to travel and explore, their ideas of the order of the universe began to change. Many Greeks settled on the coast of Turkey in the early migrations of the eleventh century BCE, and there enjoyed rich cultural mingling with their neighbors the Lydians and Persians, latest descendents of Mesopotamian civilization. They kept in Get more content on
  • 10. Reflection Paper On Astronomy The material covered beyond the first exam has been a step up from the material before it, both conceptually speaking, and in terms of the scale of the universe we have studied thus far, which has been up to the outer reaches of our solar system, around where the dwarf planet, Pluto, resides. The early portions of the course taught us a number of the fundamental principles and historical insights of the study of astronomy, such as Kepler's three laws. Since then, we have greatly expanded our study of astronomy, by which we have briefly examined some of the important details of telescopes, the earth and moon, the formation of our solar system and the planets orbiting it, as well as the sun, and the seasons which came about due to the nature of concepts in astronomy we have learned thus far. I personally enjoyed this portion of the course more than the parts before the first exam, not that those portions were not fascinating in their own right, though the parts beyond the first exam were a step up. More so, I found a number of the concepts conceptually more difficult to understand, which only made it more rewarding when I was able to figure them out. From this point forward, I will explain what I thought about the last three chapters we have studied. The first new chapter was about observations, but the emphasis was on telescopes, since they are an integral part observing the universe and collecting date in the field of astronomy. I had almost no knowledge about the concepts covered, so I had to rewatch and reread the material a number of times to have a better understanding. I never knew that some telescopes worked in different ways that others to collect light. I did know a bit about the electromagnetic spectrum from chemistry, though I never knew how relevant it was in the study of astronomy. Having taken a trigonometry class in the past, I have a decent of understanding about how the graphs of the types of lights in the spectrum relates to waves and their frequencies and wavelengths. One other thing I never knew was how, one of the reasons why satellites are launched into space, is for the purpose of observation. The earth's atmosphere blocks a number of different types of light, which is very important Get more content on
  • 11. Astronomy : My Goals In Life, My Dream Career The study of celestial objects, space, and the physical universe as a whole, also known as Astronomy. That's my goal in life, my dream career. It'd be an honor to work for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and have any type of involvement with them. Something I've wanted and was sure of at the age of 12. I know that, in order to be an astronomer, I need more understanding of the science field and further knowledge. I know that, for this type of career, there will be further more years into this but in the end it'll be all worth it. Once with a degree, which I'm still indecisive which will be the best for me, I'll be very proud of myself for getting that far. My goal has always been to successfully graduate, receive my high school diploma and to attend a two year college. Later on, I will transfer to a University for the rest of my college years. Since Astronomy is my dream career, I will take classes relating to this subject, filling in the years that I didn't take. In order to achieve these goals, I really have to dedicate all my time on my education. Something that I really don't mind because at the end, it'll all be worth it. Staying dedicated is key. Something that I love about myself is that I'm ready to learn and ready to try my best.I can proudly say that I'm content with my academic achievements, and scores. Since i was in kindergarden, I've always had good grades. Nothing has changed and I hope it stays that way. College is going to be a Get more content on
  • 12. Mayan Astronomy Essay Before advanced technology, the Mayan observed the "Seven Stars" Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn using positional and horizon astronomy just like the Greeks and Mesopotamians before them. Although the Mayans observations were made with the naked eye they still had many interpretations associated with the sun and moon. They also independently discovered octa eteris, a mesh between eight solar years with five Venus cycles of 584 days and 99 lunar months. Mayan warfare was also scheduled to get the most astrological benefits. To the Mayan astronomy was a sacred activity. One of the many scientific discoveries that have influenced today's society is the invention of the cell phone. In 1876 an older male with the name of more content... This nebula is about 1/3 of a light–year thick, and five light–years across. Most nebulae are shaped are more sphere shaped and most commonly a butterfly shape. Abella 39 is one extremely rare cases in which the geometry is much simpler. This star, unlike its usual common shape is in the form of a cat eye. This star is off center in the constellation about one tenth of a light–year. Hercules is one of the largest constellations but doesn't have many brightly lit stars which makes is hard to see in cities. This constellation is better viewed with the naked eye because of how dull its stars are. Hercules is located in the southern hemisphere. Hercules contains a cluster of over 500,000 stars called the M–13 cluster. In mythology Hercules was believed to kill the Dragon, the guardian of the garden of Hesperides. In the winter me and my family like to take a short trip to Jupiter because of its nice, hot weather. The vacation is always fun, but we try to stay away from the big red spot. It's always stormy there!! It's only 5 planets away from the sun so my tan comes out very nicely and i show it off when i get back to Earth. We always drive to the moons too, they're smaller and not as hot so i don't sunburnt and we like to explore each community. It's a great time every Get more content on
  • 13. Astronomy Observations Astronomy Observing Report. On Monday, June 26, I had the opportunity to observe some planets and stars with the help of professor Lowry and his amazing telescope. What I saw and learned that night about Saturn, Jupiter and the constellations was remarkable and complemented what I have being learning in my astronomy course. The night of the observation was a clear night. The sun was out, it was 9:30 pm and we could see the yellow and orange spectrum of the sun. This was a great example of what happen to the Northern Hemisphere in June solstice, when days are longer. That bright night I saw the planet Earth satellite "our beautiful moon" growing larger and on waxing crescent phase. Looking in the telescope I saw the craters made by the impact Get more content on
  • 14. Astronomy Essay One thing us as humans have never been able to fully understand is astronomy. Always having an unexplained mystery, astronomy also has served as a way to keep time and predict the future. The word "astronomy" is defined as the study of heavenly bodies, meaning anything in the sky such as stars, galaxies, comets, planets, nebulae, and so on. Many people, if not everyone, is amazed by the night sky on a clear, moonless night. Astronomy dates back to ancient times when peoples such as the Babylonians, Egyptians, and Chinese kept written records of astronomical events and occurrences. Today's seven day week originates from the Babylonians' seven important bodies in the night sky: the Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, more content... A wide array of instruments is used to observe heavenly bodies today. These instruments include optical telescopes which are used to magnify objects that emit visible light. Some celestial bodies are very difficult or impossible to see with optical telescopes. To see these, we use radio, X–ray, ultraviolet, or infrared instruments. An advantage of radio astronomy is the fact that radio waves aren't stopped by the sun or clouds, therefore the stars can be observed at any time. Our own solar system today is thought to have formed from a large, single cloud of dust and gas. The center of the cloud became dense enough and created enough energy from contraction to spark a nuclear reaction, forming the Sun. The remaining dust and ice in the cloud formed into the nine planets we know of today. Other objects within the solar system include comets, asteroids, meteorites, interplanetary dust and plasma. Any star that we can see belongs to our own galaxy, the Milky Way. Stars do not exist outside of galaxies in empty space, rather in galaxies which are groups of billions of stars orbiting the center of the galaxy (Fradin 140). Every star has a color ranging from red to blue–white. These colors tell us many things about each star. Also, a star's Get more content on
  • 15. Astronomy Essay Aim Introduction Since man has looked to the heavens, he has used some form of identification to recognize the "stars". Early man named the constellations he could see in his own ways. Even the ancient Australian Aboriginals used stories of the stars to identify times of the year for different things, be it song lines, migration, vegetation growth and ripening, the list goes on. The Australian Aboriginals today still refer to the Milky Way's galactic centre and coal sack nebula, as they are seen from earth, as the Emu; as it traverses the sky and ultimately out of visual, the song line changes and talks about it crossing the land. The point being that man has always used some form of classification to discuss objects within more content... Essentially these pre–date the ability to distinguish between true gaseous nebulae and a galaxy. http:/ / Figure 1 Wolf Classification Scheme 1908 cited by W. Keel (Keel, 2006) Much like climatologists looking at global warming, gather data to see what has from looking at core samples of the permafrost, using this data to make reasonable hypotheses about what our climate will do in the future; we, humans, want to know more about what's happening in the universe, including confirming the assumption that life exists beyond our solar system. To do this, Astronomers when looking to the skies, are looking into the past. Why? One of the universal constants, light. Light has a finite speed and as a result of the tyranny of distance, light can only travel so far in a given Earth Year. This means that when we are observing galaxies today, we are looking into the past, hundreds of thousands of years to billions of years ago. However, just looking at galaxies is not good enough to be able to make these hypotheses. Wolf Wider community? There are many Sky surveys being undertaken, from the Galaxy 1 Classification Galaxy 1 Supplied by (The University of Southern Queensland, 2017) Classification Shows flat disk type galaxy with a spiral pattern. A bulging centre is identified, however it does not appear to Get more content on
  • 16. Socrates On Astronomy Astronomer According to Socrates, a famous philosopher from Athens, Greece, "Man must rise above the Earth–to the top of the atmosphere and beyond–for only thus will he fully understand the world in which he lives." Socrates believes that astronomy can help other people understand the world better. Astronomy is the study of space, and in order for someone to to be an astronomer, they have to learn a lot of math and science and be good at it. Astronomy is not a big science field either, but there are a lot of different people employing for it. Astronomy helps people understand the world and that they are not the most important part of it, and that they are just a small part of it. Astronomers have a lot they need to do because of their jobs. They have to study the origins of the universe and what happens in space ("Physicists and Astronomers"). One thing they have to watch for in space, is to watch out for comets that could possibly hit Earth. If they do not see a comet, they can put many people at risk. If a large comet hits earth, it can end up changing the climate a little. Astronomers do not look through telescopes to do this though. They mostly view space through pictures the telescopes send to computers, and when they have to view at computers for a long time, their eyes can end up strained ("Astronomer"). Because of how much work they have to do, they have to be able to concentrate well, for longer periods of time. Some other things they need to be able to do are Get more content on
  • 17. Essay about Telescopes in Astronomy Telescopes in Astronomy Once upon a time, we believed the Earth was at the center of our universe. We were seriously mistaken. We have come to find that at the center of most galaxies is a giant black hole that keeps everything together. With the use of telescopes, we have made it possible to see the "impossible". We are able to see the geographic landscape of distant planets and moons.Telescopes have made it possible to measure the speed of light, understand gravity, and grasp other laws of physics. Will the innovation of telescopes, we can detect stars by studying the heat and what kind of radioactive rays they emit. It is exciting to think of how our knowledge of the heavens will be greatened in the future with the development more content... Optical and infrared telescope need to be in warm, high areas to be most effective. High altitude is key, to avoid local weather and atmospheric activities. Building telescopes in on the west coast in also popular to avoid pollutants in the air. Radio telescopes are most effective in low valleys. These valleys help block radio rays from outside sources. Radio frequency interference continues to become an arising problem with these kinds of telescopes. More of these telescopes will be built in less populated areas (such as Australia) in order to insure efficiency. Telescopes in space are an essential resource for detecting ultraviolet, X–rays, and gamma rays for our research. With telescopes in space, we avoid atmospheric issues and get clearer images from space. Unfortunately, these telescopes cost a lot of money. Their lifespan is also affected depending on how much fuel the telescopes can carry. There is also a great risk when launching these telescopes. Many of these missions have failed at the launch point. Once in space, these telescopes can be damaged from debris in space, solar flares, or even cosmic rays. Size is also an issue. It takes certain elements to make sure that these telescopes and their mirrors don't warp when in space. This turns out to be yet another expensive factor. Maintenance and upgrades are usually pretty simple for ground level telescopes. When it comes to the one's in space, it is nearly impossible to maintain Get more content on
  • 18. Astronomy Research Paper Astronomy is a very interesting subject to me as there so much more out there that we can learn about other than just Planet Earth. There is a lot to discover on Earth alone but there is even more in the Solar System. New stuff can be discovered every day and there are astronomers and Mathematicians everywhere who are working hard to discover this and give us the information they have found so we can continue to learn new things about what is out in the sky. Although some people may disagree, there is a difference between Muggle and Magical Astronomy. Also known as Muggle 'Science', the muggles have developed telescopes that they can send out into space to observe the planets that their telescopes on the ground simply could not reach. Although more content... Let us start from the very beginning with the first planet closest to the sun, Mercury. Mercury: В· Although closest to the sun it is not the hottest planet in the solar system with temperatures ranging from 90 Kelvin to 700 kelvin! В· Mercury's Magnetic is 1/100th that of Earths. Next up is Venus Venus: В· Names after the Roman Goddess of Beauty and Love В· The atmosphere of Venus is approximately 96.5% Carbon Dioxide and 3.5% Nitrogen. Third on the list is the one and only Planet Earth! Earth: В· The only known planet to support any life form В· Earth's crust is divided into Tectonic Plates, or separate plates, which float independently on top of much hotter mantle. Next in line, Mars. Mars:
  • 19. В· Mars rotates once every 24.6 hours. В· Mars has two small moons called Phobos and Deimos Moving onto Jupiter Jupiter: В· Jupiter is the biggest planet in the Solar System В· Jupiter is mostly made up of Hydrogen and Helium which makes up 99% of the atmosphere. Next, Saturn. Saturn: В· Saturn has many rings surrounding the planet which were discovered in 1610 В· Saturn has 53 known moons with a possible 9 other Get more content on
  • 20. A Career In Astronomy A young boy is walking through the mall and sees an advertisement that The Hunger Games is coming out soon in theaters. He has always wanted to see it, and begs his mom for money. This is the kind of excitement that a film editor can bring to the films they make. The final changes in the movie can make or break how well the movie connects to the audience. Becoming a film and video editor is a better career choice for me than an astronomer because of education, job environment, and skills. Film editors must be very tech savvy, for the majority of film editing is accomplished digitally on computers ("How"). However, they do not have to be able to perform complicated tasks such as programming and writing code. Instead, they have an more content... To be a film editor one needs to have a high school diploma or a GED, and then pursue a four year college or university to study broadcasting and film ("How"). There are many schools with reputable film departments where future film editors learn about the whole spectrum of filmmaking, " pre–production and planning, scriptwriting, cinematography, lighting, set design..." ("How"). It is important to test and explore the required skills before committing to a new career. A solid high school education can introduce career options based on innate interests. Astronomy requires a higher level academic rigour that is meant to weed out the selective few that will become future astronomers. It is important to pursue a rigorous math and science curriculum in school, as they are the main subjects used in astronomy ("Careers in Astronomy," American). Astronomy majors require more advanced degrees, which differs from the career of film editing. Astronomers must have a PhD to work in observatories, according to Daniel Devost it is, "3 to 6 years of graduate college studies"(qtd. in Cullen). This could accumulate to 10 years of post high school education, which is undesirable because the expenses would be high, with minimal income. Obtaining a college degree after four to five years is a preferable pathway for me because I am more interested in a hands–on experience. A Get more content on
  • 21. Women In Astronomy Essay Monica Neira Astro 1105 Professor Kornreich 5 August 2015 Women in Astronomy Throughout history, women have always stood in the shadows of men for power, recognition, and praise. Their roles throughout history consisted primarily of tending to the house and children. Even when they were able to attain jobs, they were of little intellectual stimulation such as secretarial work. Fortunately, women have never let the male– dominated cultures of their time hinder their involvements and advancements within the academic realms. Three women from the ancient, middle, and modern periods provide examples of female persistence within the field of astronomy that reflects a long–time battle for gender involvement in academia. Despite the common theme more content... Although the misogyny women have faced in the passed has settled a bit, it still exists. Even today, women within scientific fields are struggling to be held to the same esteem of men, however female contributions throughout history and today cannot be undermined. Ms. Armstrong captured the essence of women in astronomy best as she stated, "Astronomy was never just a man's field. Women have always studied the night sky" (Cecilia Payne–Gaposchkin). Works Cited "Brahe, Sophia." March 2012. Astronomy. . "Cecilia Payne–Gaposchkin." 2015. She is an Astronomer. . Gordon, Robin. "Sophie Brahe: Carrier of Sulphur." 2015. womenalchemists. . "Hypatia." 2008. The Woman Astronomer. . "Hypatia – 4th Century Woman Astronomer." 29 July 2010. Space Daily. . HYPATIA of Alexandria, the Last Philosopher of the Hellenistic Era and her Brutal Assassination. By Yannis Yalamas. Dir. Yannis Yalamas. 2008. "Sophia Brahe." 2015. . "Sophia Brahe Helped Map Planets." 11 March 2002. Gazette. . Turner, Jean. "Cecilia Helena Payne–Gaposchkin." 2001. UCLA. . "Tycho Brahe." 1995. The Galileo Project. .
  • 22. Zielinski, Sarah. "Hypatia, Ancient Alexandria's Great Female Scholar." 14 March 2010. Smithsonian. Get more content on