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Water Scarcity Of Water Pollution
Many people oppose the idea of the seriousness of water pollution. Many argue that the water
supply for consumption is enough and that there will be no water shortage. "Peak Water" is a
term used for a global water shortage (The Environment), so people who consider that the water
supply is not going to end use this in their favor. They say that thinking that water is going to be
scarce In the future is silly, that people are being peak water alarmists, because there is enough
water for everyone, it's just that there needs to be a way to get to that water. The argument is that
water trapped underground and the developing of new ways and technologies to have the ocean
water go through a process of desalinization and become usable for people is the reason why there
will never be a water shortage. All of this would seem to make the fight for water pollution
pointless because if there are more ways to get to water then there would be no issues with fresh
water shortages. Other opposing arguments are that people do not have the money to prevent water
pollution from happening. In this case it would be farmers who have to use pesticides for some of
their crops. Most farmers would not have in mind that the pesticides they use will end up affecting
water supplies miles away, and even if they did they would not be able to purchase a system that
could contain the chemical runoff because they simply cannot afford it. The cost of having
something that can properly treat water pollution
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Water Scarcity Essay
Year 7 Geography Report– Water in Our World
Water is a natural resource and is imperative for survival. All living things including human beings,
animals and vegetation need clean water to survive. Human beings require clean water to function
properly, water is used to grow crops, which provide food, wash clothes which maintains good
hygiene, and it is crucial that clean water is consumed. However, some countries struggle with an
issue called water scarcity. Water scarcity is the issue of not being able to supply the amount of
clean water necessary for the survival of the country's population. Water scarcity can occur in many
ways, by either a distinctive population, climate, political, or physical aspects. Lack of clean water
affects health, education, and poverty in several ways. Water scarcity can deteriorate good health
by increasing the chances of diseases being developed. It can also affect people's education, as
contaminated water can cause people to develop illnesses, which then results in people not being
able to attend school or other educational programs, affecting their overall education. Water scarcity
impacts poverty as people who are well–educated are more likely to receive jobs. If someone works,
they can afford to buy the necessities which enable them to live a healthy life and avoid poverty.
Access to clean water can change peoples' lives in unimaginable ways. Water scarcity is particularly
an issue in Indonesia and Australia. In Indonesia especially, the
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In the world today, water scarcity persists in being an unnerving issue. The world's supply of water
is diminishing and is further narrowed by pollution. Without measures taken to conserve our water,
there will be a global and chronic drought. As long as water is scarce, it is imperative to develop
proposals concerning water conservation and pollution. Although water is one of the most abundant
resources on the planet, we are not able to utilize the majority of it. Ninety–eight percent of water on
Earth is found in the oceans, while the remaining two percent of water is renewable. Although this
may be true, irrecoverable sources, such as glaciers and underground aquifers, trap nearly all
renewable water (Cooper, "Global" 2). In a final tally, less than one fourth of one percent of the water
on Earth is both renewable and recoverable. Even more frightening is the fact that this supply of
water is not only nominal but also polluted. By disregarding the fact that our supply of water is
finite, we are further limiting this supply by throwing pollution into the equation. Nevertheless, a
dwindling amount of freshwater is not the only concern. Pollution in aquatic environments
contributes to shifts in the Earth 's atmosphere–infamously known as climate change. To put this
phenomenon into perspective, the temperature of the ocean has gradually increased by 0.11 degrees
Celsius per decade from the years 1971 to 2010 (Weeks 12). By polluting Earth 's aquatic
environments, future
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Thesis Statement On Water Scarcity
Rough Draft
Thesis statement: The world is on its way for a water shortage. Water is considered as an essential
for human existence. We all can survive without food for some day but no one can live without
water at least two days. Human body consists of 70% percent of water and our globe is covered
by 69.9% percent of water. But unfortunately the useable fresh water is just 2.5% out of it. Water is
a social good, water is an economic good, water has ecological value and water has religious, moral
and cultural value.
If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water – Loren Eisely, The Immense Journey Water
scarcity is a consequence of imbalances between more content...
Economic relations and resource management, 2. Ideology and culture including the way people
think about the environment and water rights, 3.political agents like the state, transnational actors
and organizations involved in water disputes and trade 4.the transnational social movements which
endorse and resist water privatization, and 5.the power relations which engender unequal access to
safe water (Bywater, 2008).
Till taught by pain, men really know not what good water's worth – Lord Byron, "Don Juan".
Reference List
Bywater, K. (2008). Globalization, privatization, and the crisis of sustainability: Examining the
global water crisis. Conference Papers –– American Sociological Association, 1.
Manzoor, K. P. (2011). The global water crisis: Issues and solutions. IUP Journal of
Infrastructure, 9(2), 34–43.
Solving the global water crisis moves beyond the technical feasibility stage.(2011). Trends
Magazine, (104), 19–24.
Priscoli, J. D. & Wolf, A. T. (2009). Managing and Transforming Water Conflicts: USA:
Cambridge University Press.
Hicks, J. Arii, K. Rothman, S. (2012). Taking sides: Selected articles for discussion. Singapore:
McGraw–Hill companies
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The Scarcity of Water Essay
The procurability of potable water per capita is scarce and is currently diminishing worldwide.
Scientific surveys estimate that the Earth's surface is relatively seventy–one percent water and
twenty–nine percent land. Unfortunately, a substantial amount of the seventy–one percent of water
is salty and non–potable. Only about one percent of the available seventy–one percent can only be
utilized for human consumption, without requiring initial desalinization. It has been predicted by
the United Nations that due to population growth and various other factors that the average person's
water supply will be limited by a third over the next twenty years. Strategists allege that future wars
will be waged over water because it is the most more content...
Factors that provide to the production of goods and services include entrepreneurship, labor, capital,
and land–including water and other natural resources. As a result of the scarcity of water, some
cities and water suppliers can take advantage of the situation by afflicting excessive prices for it due
to the natural ramification of a shortage in economics. A shortage, which implies that the market
price is below equilibrium, is resolved through higher prices. The higher price would promote
profit–maximizing suppliers to increase quantity supplied. The higher price would also discourage
waste and encourage conservation, thereby reducing quantity demanded. Ultimately, if market
forces were able to resolve water scarcity, an equilibrium price and quantity would be reached.
However, putting a high price on water could cause it to simply redistribute from the conserving
poor to the wasteful wealthy. This will severely limit water away from the places where it is most
beneficial to society as a whole. Since market forces are not able to completely resolve the problem,
I believe that government and private sector intervention might be required as well.
One solution is to enact aggressive water conservation programs. For example, the local water
authority could pay homeowners to rip out their lawn and replace it with desert–friendly
landscaping. Doing this would reduce the amount of water required by our lawns by providing an
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Water Scarcity In Africa
Water scarcity occurs when there is the lack of sufficient available water resources to meet the needs
of water within a region. The continent of Africa is a main region that deals with this scarcity; as the
most impoverished continent in the world ("World Bank – Poverty Data 2016"), almost all countries
in Africa lack major resources such as water, causing several organizations and groups to donate
their time and contributions. Water scarcity is categorized by economic and physical levels.
Economic growth can result in physical water scarcity as water is channeled into economic
production. Physical water scarcity occurs when the demand of water surpasses a region's ability to
provide the populations with needed water. On the other hand, economic water scarcity occurs when
government investments in water resources are so inconsiderably low that they are not able to meet
clean water demands for the population, which results in people drinking and using contaminated
Groups such as non–governmental organizations often work in water scarce areas to help those in
need. Non–governmental organizations are not–for–profit groups that aid countries worldwide
through donated funding. There are over four thousand NGOs throughout Africa helping to provide
clean water sources, fighting for poverty, and contributing to education (Edelman & Haugerud, p.
113) By comparing celebrity– and non–celebrity endorsed NGOs, the objective of my research is to
gain a better understanding of
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Water Scarcity
Water is one of the most essential resource in world. It is needed everyday by every human, and
about every living organism. It is a crucial factor to be able to have safe drinking water at hand, no
matter where you are in the world. Water is a resource necessary for survival however many
countries are facing the global issue of not having access to safe drinking water or any water at all.
Today, water scarcity is one of the most serious issues in the world. With over 2 million people
dying each year, the majority being kids, from water–borne diseases. Along with one–sixth of the
entire population not having access to safe drinking water. "The hardest hit regions have been
countries in the Middle East, North Africa and sub–Saharan Africa."(Fox)
Over 40% of the clean water scare is in sub–Saharan Africa. Within Africa, this is by far one of the
most troubling issues. Without the clean water people cannot stay healthy, go to school because the
school lacks clean water and sanitation, nor can they grow food. "Women and children in Africa
walk for miles to obtain water from streams and ponds that often contain disease–causing organisms,
such as those that cause cholera, typhoid fever, and infant diarrhea."(Greentumble) As it is, 40
billion hours in manpower are used up every year just to collect water. That comprises 6 precious
hours for ever person every day that could be used to do something else. These reasons are those
responsible to the fact that approximately 50%
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The History Of Drinking Water
"In an age when man has forgotten his origins and is blind even to his most essential needs for
survival, water along with other resources has become the victim of his indifference."
–– Rachel Carson ––
The water you see around you, flowing freely, sparkling in the noonday sun, quenching your thirst,
bathing you, providing you with life is all limited – there is no place on this planet where new water
springs up from a source. Water has been recycled by nature over and over again since time began.
Our drinking water at one time or another was way up high in the clouds, or streaming down a
mountainside, or gushing out of "Old Faithful." It cannot be created; it cannot be renewed by
planting a "water tree;" no such more content...
Now, much of it is from such sources as fertilizer running off farm fields and motor oil washing off
highways." He concludes, "It's not a matter of getting the attention of a few corporations and cities.
Now we're trying to engage a lot more people."
How Mr. Evans is going to engage a lot more people is never mentioned. Perhaps when we reach
critical levels of toxic elements in our water table than the people will become more involved.
Drinking water is different in that we take it into our bodies. We need this water to live. If the water
is undrinkable due to heavy metals, such as nitrates from farmers, or mercury from power plants, or
by pollution from some other source of industry than the available drinking water becomes scarce.
Informing the public is not enough to engage the people. Battles have been fought over water rights
for many years from the Plaines Indians, cattlemen and ranchers all the way up to Mulholland
stealing water from Owens Valley. Now the fight is between Environmentalist, Industries and the
Government. While they discuss whether EPA reports tell the whole story, there exist an
ever–increasing demand for water from an ever–increasing population. If the people are not
"engaged" in the process of conservation and prevention the water problem will only get worse.
California has seen its share of droughts. Droughts have a way of making things
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Causes Of Water Scarcity Of Niger
The West African nation of Niger has experienced one of the worst water crisis in the world that has
left the population malnourished and in poverty. Location, climate and political instability can be
attributed to the water scarcity, which not only leaves the nation lacking water, but in a state of
underdevelopment. However, many non–government organisations have supported the nation and its
When looking at Niger's spatial distribution, many of the causes of the nation's water issues can be
examined and made obvious. Niger has a geographical disadvantage, being landlocked by the
countries Chad, Berkina Faso, Benin, Mali, Libya and Algeria. Eighty per cent of Niger is occupied
by the Sahara desert, the largest hot desert in the world, renowned for its hot climate and lack of
precipitation. According to statistics, Niger receives an average of 7 inches (17.78 cm) of rainfall
a year, most of which comes in the months of July and August. Niger is in close proximity the
equator, which leads to extremely sultry temperatures, averaging 29 degrees during the dry season
and 40 degrees during the humid season. Compared to the climate of the neighbouring nations of
Morocco and Algeria, the climate of Niger is extreme. However, Niger has a huge supply of water
far underground, about three billion cubic metres of drinking. These factors of Niger's spatial
distribution, from terrain to climate, contribute to the water scarcity.
Niger's ecological distribution shows the effect
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Scarcity Of Water
El Paso is currently a top 20% growth city in Texas and is expanding due to the help of Fort Bliss
and the expansion of the city to the east (City of El Paso, 2016). Like most things in our
environment, water is needed for growth–––a vital nutrient our desert city lacks. Currently, El Paso,
Texas received 9.34 inches of rainwater in 2016, down from 12.54 from 2015 (National Weather
Service, 2017). As of September 28th, 2017, El Paso currently has 8.54 inches to this year
(National Weather Service, 2017). With the scarcity of water and the need for water to support our
growth the importance of finding not only Escherichia coli 0157:H7 but other species of bacteria in
our project can help benefit further research and show the more content...
In addition, immunocompromised individuals, most notably children under 5 and adults over 65,
are most susceptible to contracting diseases from E. coli (Huether, 2012). As medical advances are
increasing the volume of geriatric patients in our communities, our population is increasing in
susceptibility to E. coli. Ironically, history has shown us how even our healthcare system can
become a double–edged sword. Our healthcare system and advances have greatly improved our
ability as humans to battle pathogens and allowed us to create antibiotics and medication for our
arsenal, but we have created super infections as well. Our overuse of antibiotics has led to
multi–drug resistant organisms and rendered our weapons useless. In ME Ibrahim's study in 2012,
Multidrug resistant E. coli was identified and traced back from Sudan Hospitals (Ibrahim 2012).
Ibrahim's study found that 92.7 percent of the MDR E. coli was discovered through urine. All
strands of E. coli were resistant to common routine antibiotic treatment for this organism and lead to
increased burden and healthcare cost to battle the epidemic in Sudan. In addition, Sharmin Akther in
his 2017 study also discovered that hospital waste could potentially lead to public safety in
Bangladesh. In his study he discovered that multidrug resistant strain Escherichia coli were also
found, such as the ones discovered in
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Water Pollution and Water Scarcity Essay
Water is essential for humans and organisms to live "Drinking water, "2008). Water covers most of
the world and makes up more of the world than land. Water comes from different sources. Water
may surround us but there are still shortages. Water allows us to live but it could be harmful to our
bodies when polluted. Humans and natural disasters can cause damage to the water supply It is
important to conserve water whenever possible ("Drinking Water, "2008). Oceans make up
two–thirds of the Earth ("Drinking Water,"2008). It is made up of saltwater. This water is not
useable for humans to drink or use for food. Even though it is not a water source for organisms or
humans to drink, it has it own importance in the world. It contains more content...
Water goes through a cycle called hydrological. Water comes from the atmosphere to the Earth
and continues to repeat the process. It uses energy from the sun and gravity to make the process
happen. The sun creates atmospheric vapor to the atmosphere and returns it to the Earth through
snow, ice and rain. Water is in form of atmospheric vapor for about 0.0001%. The Worlds water is
in from of vapor at some point. Most of the evaporation happens from the ocean. This creates a
cooling effect for the Earth's climate. It recycles many times during the year ("Drinking Water,
"2008). "There is no shortage of water on Earth," ("Drinking Water,"1998). As mention before,
only 3% is drinkable which causes water shortages in many countries. Every human body needs
around 20 to 50 liters of water each day for drinking, cooking and to bathe. There is over billions
and billions of people in the world. The world growing rate is increasing everyday, which means
centuries from now there probably be four to five billion more humans that need water.
Overgrowth and over population causes a red flag for water shortages. Water resources are scarce
and polluted. The more people that exist, the more scarce and polluted water resources become
("Drinking Water," 1998). Water shortages usually occur in the developing world ("Drinking Water,"
1998). There is such a fast rate of growth that sanitation systems are not built in enough time to
support the growth. In this case, people began
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Causes Of Water Scarcity
The Global Water Institute stated that "approximately 700 million people in 43 countries are
currently suffering from water stress and scarcity in 2013", by 2025 2.8 billion people will face
water stress and scarcity (Hameeteman, 2013, p.3). The global water supply is approximately 2.5%
freshwater and 97.5% is saltwater (Hameeteman, 2013, p.4). Hence, it is crucial that the Earth's
population tries to manage the water stress and scarcity. There are many causes of water stress and
scarcity, for instance: overuse of water due to economic reasons, pollution of water, drought,
governmental access and policies, and many more. In Africa, many children and women are
responsible in collecting water, thus, traveling large distances to collect clean or unclean water. In
addition, sanitation facilities are inadequate causing "half the population" to suffer from waterborne
diseases (Hameeteman, 2013, p.6). As a result, unclean water and poor sanitation are a leading
cause of illness and death in this region. There are a few approaches to providing clean water to the
African population, for example: piped water, stand posts and wells. Moreover, poor sanitation can
be alleviated with pit latrines, urine diversion dry toilets and pour flush toilets (Septien, 2015).
However, such methods can be expensive. Hence, it is important to understand the household's
income and the economic situation of the country. Contrary, different strategies are needed to
provide clean water in the developed
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The Scarcity Of Water Crisis
The water crisis has been known in the world for many years now, but as time goes on people
have not realized the greater effect this has had on the world. Most people who know about the
crisis do not know the regions it affects and frankly seem to not care unless it affects them directly.
The shortages of water have led to health concerns and money problems in many countries. Both of
these factors correlate because if health problems go up so does the economic issue. India has been
one of the regions hit badly with the recent depletion of water. It has many small cities that people
have never heard about, that suffer much greater than this country as a whole. The overpopulation in
India is not helping solve the scarcity of water and more content...
Rural cities in India, for example in Chennai, suffer from clean and properly treated water,
although the government may be helping a little. Factual evidence states, "although piped water
facility in the rural regions almost doubled in past two decades, there are still 171 million people
in rural regions who use surface water as the primary source of water" (Kuberan 3). Water
shortages are a far bigger concern and if that many people suffer in small city, what about the rest of
the country? Although many rural cities do have water filter systems, the growing population is not
supported by the amount of water and they have to settle to different "time zones" to get water. One
city may not get water until midnight while another only gets it at 8 am. As stated in a poll, "Water
supply timing was the biggest challenge faced by the majority (94%) of the people" (Kuberan 3).
The timings of the water can make it harder to survive because some people may need water during
the day but may only get it at night. The lack of any water in India is a major reason that India,
compared to many countries is suffering the most.
In addition to not getting any water, India suffers from commercialization and privatization of water
companies that are trying to make more of a profit on an already low income country. Many
companies are trying to set water at price to
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The Scarcity Of Clean Water
Human rights ensures that the basic needs of a human are provided equally to all individuals
regardless of monetary stature, religion or race (Spronk, 2014) Access to clean water should be a
human right because without water there would be no human life on this planet. However, not
every human is blessed with the access to clean water. Moreover, the lack of clean water is
transforming from a limitation to an enormous threat (Spronk, 2014). Therefore, this paper will look
into the water war that happened in Bolivia, and other Latin American countries such as Argentina,
and shine a light on neoliberalism and capitalism. The paper will also provide some suggestion on
how to prevent the privatization of water, and lastly, will look into the aftermath of Bolivia 's
water war, and whether or not it met the MDGs. Furthermore, water is a natural resource that
should not be bought or privatized by companies because it does more harm than good. For
example, in Cochabamba, Bolivia, it caused a water war movement that killed the lives of many,
and although the war ended and water was no longer privatized, it still left a permanent scar that will
never be forgotten.
Bolivia is a country located in South America, and was one of the last countries to gain its
independence from Spain. Unfortunately, Bolivia is not an economically stable country and does
not have the best living conditions for a number of reasons. According to the International Monetary
Fund (IMF) it is South
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The Water Crisis and Solutions Essay
There is a global shortage of drinking water. A person might wonder how this can be if seventy
percent of the earth's surface is covered by water. Most of the Earth's water is unsuitable for human
consuption. Ocean water is salt water, which makes up 97.5% of all water on the planet. Freshwater
is only 3.5% of all the water on Earth. Drinking water is sourced from bodies of freshwater.
Freshwater is quite scarce, but it is even scarcer than one might think: about seventy percent of all
freshwater is frozen in the icecaps of Antarctica and Greenland and is unavailable to humans. Most
of the remainder is present as soil moisture or lies in deep underground aquifers as groundwater. It is
not economically feasible to extract this more content...
Instead of increasing the supply of water to meet demand, a more viable method of addressing the
water crisis is to manage consumption. The world population continues to grow, and trying to
increase the supply of water is risky at best and usually costs exorbitant amounts of money, making
this option available only to wealthy or economically developed countries. Therefore, controlling the
use of water in municipalities or having a national policy of water conservation would allow the
world's supply of freshwater to better sustain itself through rainfall and other methods. Conserving
water also saves energy, and energy is needed to treat, transport, and heat freshwater.
For water–saving programs to succeed, however, several things must be in place. The water saving
program implemented by the city of Zaragoza in Spain highlights some basic actions required for
such a program to succeed. Firstly, "rather than being a collection of fragmented, individual
initiatives, the setting up of the Zaragoza Water Commission allowed the effective coordination of
consultation, implementation and evaluation of different activities, with the aim of achieving a
common goal." (Water demand management, 2010) Secondly, the goal of reducing water use by all
types of consumers requires the cooperation of a wide range of stakeholders. Working closely with
stakeholder representatives allows the identification of realistic and acceptable water
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What is the nature of water scarcity?
Water scarcity is the shortage of adequate accessible water resources. Water scarcity affects every
continent. Around 2.8 billion people around the world are affected by water scarcity at least one
month every year. Water scarcity involves water deficiency, water stress, and water disaster. Water
stress is known as trouble in finding sources of fresh water for use. Water shortages may be caused
by weather change, such as different weather patterns including droughts or floods, pollution,
increased human requests and the overuse of water. Water disasters are when the available filtered
and unpolluted water inside a region is less than that region's request. Physical water scarcity comes
from from insufficient natural water resources to supply a region's request, and economic water
scarcity comes from poor organization of the adequate available water resources.
Where is it occurring?
Yemen is often in a weakened position to receive fresh water. The country has little natural fresh
water to use and relies heavily on water from other sources. Political life in the region often prevents
the people from receiving many necessities and water is the main one.
Libya is suffering from political problems and from the lack of water and other resources. Libya's
local resources have never been reliable, but the added stress of government change have acted to
cut off water for much of the country's population. Libya is also one of the main countries that goes
through a long period without fuel, food or water.
Jordan is an unfortunate country where it is lacking the access to valuable natural resources. This
means they rely heavily on its own natural water resources, The Dead Sea and The Jordan River.
The increased amount of dry land and a growing population means that it will reduce the amount of
water supply.
The Western Sahara
The Western Sahara is home to thousands of Sahrawi refugees who suffer constant food and water
shortages due to the struggle for control between Morocco and Sahrawi tribal group. The conflict is
unlikely to end due to natural resources located in the area and the possibility of offshore oil, which
means people will go thirsty.
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Speech On Water Scarcity
Good morning/afternoon I'm jade and today I am here to talk about how water scarcity is
affecting our world and how we can help fix it.There are many types of water scarcity from one
being economic scarcity. Economic scarcity is when you can not find water or when you do it is
to expensive. Another form of water scarcity is phycical scarcity Physical scarcity is when there
is water but you just do not have the resources to get it. There is also a overpopulation water
scarcity problem, this happens when there are to many people in the country to provide enough
clean, safe water for every one. The last form of water scarcity that I will cover today is drought
/ rainfall water scarcity. This happens when the country/ place is going through drought which means
everything is drying up and there more content...
it also has a lot to do with the climate, evaporation rate, temperature and rainfall. These all link
together because when the climate is hot the evaporation rate goes up and the rainfall stops.
Another way water scarcity occurs is water contamination this is a huge problem especially when
the sewage system is not very good which it is not in the countries where water scarcity is a
problem. Conflict also has a big impact on the occurrence of water scarcity because when
countries are at war over the land it could be difficult to access water. Distance is another issue
when countries are a far distance away from water it will take longer to get water and you would
get less the longer the journey. Governmental Access is a massive issue. In quite a few countries,
specifically those with dictatorships, the use of water is oftenly strictly controlled by those in
power, causing a scarcity for those who may be located in those areas of the
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Water Scarcity Of Clean Water
Water has a long and meaningful history, from providing the sustenance for life to washing our
dishes. As the population increases, this vital natural resource has strain put on it to continue
making life possible. Long ago, humans realized water meant life, and life meant power.
Controlling water means controlling the people. Today we have moved past using water to hold
people in our power; however sources of clean water are being abused, especially in the U.S. with
our huge lawns and daily showers. This abuse is leading to the decline of clean water sources. And
yet, people in third world countries have an even bigger crisis on their hands. While Americans have
virtually unlimited water – until it runs out of course – people in third world countries are struggling
for clean water to simply keep them alive and healthy. So shy would the United States have the
responsibility to help third world countries have safe, clean drinking water? Especially when we have
our own water shortage on our hands? Water is crucial, historically, politically, and for the future.
The U.S. needs to help third world countries in order to provide for the future of the seven billion
people who inhabit this world. Water is the key to the future of the United States and the future of all
humans, if it can be preserved. The history of water is indispensable when examining the history of
humans. Humans could not exist without water, just as stable civilizations cannot exist without a
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Water Scarcity
Essay's topic: Water scarcity is one of the key environmental issue of our time. Identify some major
causes of water scarcity and describe two solutions.
Water plays an important role in developing and maintaining healthy ecosystems. However, water
scarcity is an increasing and widespread phenomenon in many countries in the world. Water
scarcity refers to either the lack of enough water or lack of access to safe water. The shortage of
water is turning out to be more pressing than prediction. This essay will identify some major causes
of water scarcity and specifically focus on the solutions of enhancing water stewardship and
protecting wetlands.
The first major cause of water scarcity is overpopulation. The rapid growth of
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Efficient and effective water management is necessary. Government and the authorities should be
responsible for protecting freshwater sources. In addition to that, new laws and regulations about
preserving water should be ratified by legislators and helpful methods for sustainable water use
should be promoted. Moreover, it is important for countries to expand co–operation with some
international organizations in order to take advantage of opportunities to improve water management
Protecting wetlands is another approach to halt the process of water shortage. Wetlands are an
important part of the national heritage. They provide human not only natural resources, but also
water resources. Therefore, programs and projects need to be established and encouraged to be
carried out in order to effectively protect wetlands. Besides that, all citizens can help protect wetlands
by supporting wetlands conservation initiatives.
Water scarcity has become a serious issue for the Earth. The rapidly increasingworld population and
water pollution have immensely contributed to the situation. There is an urgent need to solve this
problem by enhancing water management and preserving wetlands. If the solutions mentioned above
are taken into consideration and appropriately applied, water scarcity may be halted.
Reference: The Water Project, "Water scarcity: The importance of water & access" , <http:/
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Water Scarcity Essay
It is an essential resource for sustaining life as well as central to agriculture and rural development,
and is intrinsically linked to global challenges of food insecurity and poverty, climate change
adaptation and mitigation, as well as degradation and depletion of natural resources that affect the
livelihoods of millions of people across the world. According to the World Bank, (2010) report,
water is a scarce resource with multiple interwoven uses that range from drinking water, energy,
irrigation, manufacturing things, transport of people and goods among others. The report further
states that, more than one–sixth of the Worlds' population does not have access to safe drinking
water, with 80% living in rural areas thus access to water cannot not be guaranteed globally.
Water scarcity is the lack of sufficient available water resources to meet the demands of water
usage within a region. It already affects every continent and around 2.8 billion people around the
world at least one month out of every year. More than 1.2 billion people lack access to clean
drinking water. Water scarcity involves water stress, water shortage or deficits, andwater crisis.
While the concept of water stress is relatively new, it is the difficulty of obtaining sources of fresh
water for use during a period of time,result in further depletion and deterioration of available water
resources. Water shortages may be caused by climate change, such as altered weather patterns
including droughts or
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Scarcity Of Water Essay

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  • 2. Water Scarcity Essay Year 7 Geography Report– Water in Our World Water is a natural resource and is imperative for survival. All living things including human beings, animals and vegetation need clean water to survive. Human beings require clean water to function properly, water is used to grow crops, which provide food, wash clothes which maintains good hygiene, and it is crucial that clean water is consumed. However, some countries struggle with an issue called water scarcity. Water scarcity is the issue of not being able to supply the amount of clean water necessary for the survival of the country's population. Water scarcity can occur in many ways, by either a distinctive population, climate, political, or physical aspects. Lack of clean water affects health, education, and poverty in several ways. Water scarcity can deteriorate good health by increasing the chances of diseases being developed. It can also affect people's education, as contaminated water can cause people to develop illnesses, which then results in people not being able to attend school or other educational programs, affecting their overall education. Water scarcity impacts poverty as people who are well–educated are more likely to receive jobs. If someone works, they can afford to buy the necessities which enable them to live a healthy life and avoid poverty. Access to clean water can change peoples' lives in unimaginable ways. Water scarcity is particularly an issue in Indonesia and Australia. In Indonesia especially, the Get more content on
  • 3. In the world today, water scarcity persists in being an unnerving issue. The world's supply of water is diminishing and is further narrowed by pollution. Without measures taken to conserve our water, there will be a global and chronic drought. As long as water is scarce, it is imperative to develop proposals concerning water conservation and pollution. Although water is one of the most abundant resources on the planet, we are not able to utilize the majority of it. Ninety–eight percent of water on Earth is found in the oceans, while the remaining two percent of water is renewable. Although this may be true, irrecoverable sources, such as glaciers and underground aquifers, trap nearly all renewable water (Cooper, "Global" 2). In a final tally, less than one fourth of one percent of the water on Earth is both renewable and recoverable. Even more frightening is the fact that this supply of water is not only nominal but also polluted. By disregarding the fact that our supply of water is finite, we are further limiting this supply by throwing pollution into the equation. Nevertheless, a dwindling amount of freshwater is not the only concern. Pollution in aquatic environments contributes to shifts in the Earth 's atmosphere–infamously known as climate change. To put this phenomenon into perspective, the temperature of the ocean has gradually increased by 0.11 degrees Celsius per decade from the years 1971 to 2010 (Weeks 12). By polluting Earth 's aquatic environments, future Get more content on
  • 4. Thesis Statement On Water Scarcity Rough Draft Thesis statement: The world is on its way for a water shortage. Water is considered as an essential for human existence. We all can survive without food for some day but no one can live without water at least two days. Human body consists of 70% percent of water and our globe is covered by 69.9% percent of water. But unfortunately the useable fresh water is just 2.5% out of it. Water is a social good, water is an economic good, water has ecological value and water has religious, moral and cultural value. If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water – Loren Eisely, The Immense Journey Water scarcity is a consequence of imbalances between more content... Economic relations and resource management, 2. Ideology and culture including the way people think about the environment and water rights, 3.political agents like the state, transnational actors and organizations involved in water disputes and trade 4.the transnational social movements which endorse and resist water privatization, and 5.the power relations which engender unequal access to safe water (Bywater, 2008). Till taught by pain, men really know not what good water's worth – Lord Byron, "Don Juan". Reference List Bywater, K. (2008). Globalization, privatization, and the crisis of sustainability: Examining the global water crisis. Conference Papers –– American Sociological Association, 1. Manzoor, K. P. (2011). The global water crisis: Issues and solutions. IUP Journal of Infrastructure, 9(2), 34–43. Solving the global water crisis moves beyond the technical feasibility stage.(2011). Trends Magazine, (104), 19–24. Priscoli, J. D. & Wolf, A. T. (2009). Managing and Transforming Water Conflicts: USA: Cambridge University Press. Hicks, J. Arii, K. Rothman, S. (2012). Taking sides: Selected articles for discussion. Singapore: McGraw–Hill companies Get more content on
  • 5. The Scarcity of Water Essay The procurability of potable water per capita is scarce and is currently diminishing worldwide. Scientific surveys estimate that the Earth's surface is relatively seventy–one percent water and twenty–nine percent land. Unfortunately, a substantial amount of the seventy–one percent of water is salty and non–potable. Only about one percent of the available seventy–one percent can only be utilized for human consumption, without requiring initial desalinization. It has been predicted by the United Nations that due to population growth and various other factors that the average person's water supply will be limited by a third over the next twenty years. Strategists allege that future wars will be waged over water because it is the most more content... Factors that provide to the production of goods and services include entrepreneurship, labor, capital, and land–including water and other natural resources. As a result of the scarcity of water, some cities and water suppliers can take advantage of the situation by afflicting excessive prices for it due to the natural ramification of a shortage in economics. A shortage, which implies that the market price is below equilibrium, is resolved through higher prices. The higher price would promote profit–maximizing suppliers to increase quantity supplied. The higher price would also discourage waste and encourage conservation, thereby reducing quantity demanded. Ultimately, if market forces were able to resolve water scarcity, an equilibrium price and quantity would be reached. However, putting a high price on water could cause it to simply redistribute from the conserving poor to the wasteful wealthy. This will severely limit water away from the places where it is most beneficial to society as a whole. Since market forces are not able to completely resolve the problem, I believe that government and private sector intervention might be required as well. One solution is to enact aggressive water conservation programs. For example, the local water authority could pay homeowners to rip out their lawn and replace it with desert–friendly landscaping. Doing this would reduce the amount of water required by our lawns by providing an incentive Get more content on
  • 6. Water Scarcity In Africa Water scarcity occurs when there is the lack of sufficient available water resources to meet the needs of water within a region. The continent of Africa is a main region that deals with this scarcity; as the most impoverished continent in the world ("World Bank – Poverty Data 2016"), almost all countries in Africa lack major resources such as water, causing several organizations and groups to donate their time and contributions. Water scarcity is categorized by economic and physical levels. Economic growth can result in physical water scarcity as water is channeled into economic production. Physical water scarcity occurs when the demand of water surpasses a region's ability to provide the populations with needed water. On the other hand, economic water scarcity occurs when government investments in water resources are so inconsiderably low that they are not able to meet clean water demands for the population, which results in people drinking and using contaminated water. Groups such as non–governmental organizations often work in water scarce areas to help those in need. Non–governmental organizations are not–for–profit groups that aid countries worldwide through donated funding. There are over four thousand NGOs throughout Africa helping to provide clean water sources, fighting for poverty, and contributing to education (Edelman & Haugerud, p. 113) By comparing celebrity– and non–celebrity endorsed NGOs, the objective of my research is to gain a better understanding of Get more content on
  • 7. Water Scarcity Water is one of the most essential resource in world. It is needed everyday by every human, and about every living organism. It is a crucial factor to be able to have safe drinking water at hand, no matter where you are in the world. Water is a resource necessary for survival however many countries are facing the global issue of not having access to safe drinking water or any water at all. Today, water scarcity is one of the most serious issues in the world. With over 2 million people dying each year, the majority being kids, from water–borne diseases. Along with one–sixth of the entire population not having access to safe drinking water. "The hardest hit regions have been countries in the Middle East, North Africa and sub–Saharan Africa."(Fox) Over 40% of the clean water scare is in sub–Saharan Africa. Within Africa, this is by far one of the most troubling issues. Without the clean water people cannot stay healthy, go to school because the school lacks clean water and sanitation, nor can they grow food. "Women and children in Africa walk for miles to obtain water from streams and ponds that often contain disease–causing organisms, such as those that cause cholera, typhoid fever, and infant diarrhea."(Greentumble) As it is, 40 billion hours in manpower are used up every year just to collect water. That comprises 6 precious hours for ever person every day that could be used to do something else. These reasons are those responsible to the fact that approximately 50% Get more content on
  • 8. The History Of Drinking Water "In an age when man has forgotten his origins and is blind even to his most essential needs for survival, water along with other resources has become the victim of his indifference." –– Rachel Carson –– The water you see around you, flowing freely, sparkling in the noonday sun, quenching your thirst, bathing you, providing you with life is all limited – there is no place on this planet where new water springs up from a source. Water has been recycled by nature over and over again since time began. Our drinking water at one time or another was way up high in the clouds, or streaming down a mountainside, or gushing out of "Old Faithful." It cannot be created; it cannot be renewed by planting a "water tree;" no such more content... Now, much of it is from such sources as fertilizer running off farm fields and motor oil washing off highways." He concludes, "It's not a matter of getting the attention of a few corporations and cities. Now we're trying to engage a lot more people." How Mr. Evans is going to engage a lot more people is never mentioned. Perhaps when we reach critical levels of toxic elements in our water table than the people will become more involved. Drinking water is different in that we take it into our bodies. We need this water to live. If the water is undrinkable due to heavy metals, such as nitrates from farmers, or mercury from power plants, or by pollution from some other source of industry than the available drinking water becomes scarce. Informing the public is not enough to engage the people. Battles have been fought over water rights for many years from the Plaines Indians, cattlemen and ranchers all the way up to Mulholland stealing water from Owens Valley. Now the fight is between Environmentalist, Industries and the Government. While they discuss whether EPA reports tell the whole story, there exist an ever–increasing demand for water from an ever–increasing population. If the people are not "engaged" in the process of conservation and prevention the water problem will only get worse. California has seen its share of droughts. Droughts have a way of making things Get more content on
  • 9. Causes Of Water Scarcity Of Niger The West African nation of Niger has experienced one of the worst water crisis in the world that has left the population malnourished and in poverty. Location, climate and political instability can be attributed to the water scarcity, which not only leaves the nation lacking water, but in a state of underdevelopment. However, many non–government organisations have supported the nation and its people. When looking at Niger's spatial distribution, many of the causes of the nation's water issues can be examined and made obvious. Niger has a geographical disadvantage, being landlocked by the countries Chad, Berkina Faso, Benin, Mali, Libya and Algeria. Eighty per cent of Niger is occupied by the Sahara desert, the largest hot desert in the world, renowned for its hot climate and lack of precipitation. According to statistics, Niger receives an average of 7 inches (17.78 cm) of rainfall a year, most of which comes in the months of July and August. Niger is in close proximity the equator, which leads to extremely sultry temperatures, averaging 29 degrees during the dry season and 40 degrees during the humid season. Compared to the climate of the neighbouring nations of Morocco and Algeria, the climate of Niger is extreme. However, Niger has a huge supply of water far underground, about three billion cubic metres of drinking. These factors of Niger's spatial distribution, from terrain to climate, contribute to the water scarcity. Niger's ecological distribution shows the effect Get more content on
  • 10. Scarcity Of Water El Paso is currently a top 20% growth city in Texas and is expanding due to the help of Fort Bliss and the expansion of the city to the east (City of El Paso, 2016). Like most things in our environment, water is needed for growth–––a vital nutrient our desert city lacks. Currently, El Paso, Texas received 9.34 inches of rainwater in 2016, down from 12.54 from 2015 (National Weather Service, 2017). As of September 28th, 2017, El Paso currently has 8.54 inches to this year (National Weather Service, 2017). With the scarcity of water and the need for water to support our growth the importance of finding not only Escherichia coli 0157:H7 but other species of bacteria in our project can help benefit further research and show the more content... In addition, immunocompromised individuals, most notably children under 5 and adults over 65, are most susceptible to contracting diseases from E. coli (Huether, 2012). As medical advances are increasing the volume of geriatric patients in our communities, our population is increasing in susceptibility to E. coli. Ironically, history has shown us how even our healthcare system can become a double–edged sword. Our healthcare system and advances have greatly improved our ability as humans to battle pathogens and allowed us to create antibiotics and medication for our arsenal, but we have created super infections as well. Our overuse of antibiotics has led to multi–drug resistant organisms and rendered our weapons useless. In ME Ibrahim's study in 2012, Multidrug resistant E. coli was identified and traced back from Sudan Hospitals (Ibrahim 2012). Ibrahim's study found that 92.7 percent of the MDR E. coli was discovered through urine. All strands of E. coli were resistant to common routine antibiotic treatment for this organism and lead to increased burden and healthcare cost to battle the epidemic in Sudan. In addition, Sharmin Akther in his 2017 study also discovered that hospital waste could potentially lead to public safety in Bangladesh. In his study he discovered that multidrug resistant strain Escherichia coli were also found, such as the ones discovered in Get more content on
  • 11. Water Pollution and Water Scarcity Essay Water is essential for humans and organisms to live "Drinking water, "2008). Water covers most of the world and makes up more of the world than land. Water comes from different sources. Water may surround us but there are still shortages. Water allows us to live but it could be harmful to our bodies when polluted. Humans and natural disasters can cause damage to the water supply It is important to conserve water whenever possible ("Drinking Water, "2008). Oceans make up two–thirds of the Earth ("Drinking Water,"2008). It is made up of saltwater. This water is not useable for humans to drink or use for food. Even though it is not a water source for organisms or humans to drink, it has it own importance in the world. It contains more content... Water goes through a cycle called hydrological. Water comes from the atmosphere to the Earth and continues to repeat the process. It uses energy from the sun and gravity to make the process happen. The sun creates atmospheric vapor to the atmosphere and returns it to the Earth through snow, ice and rain. Water is in form of atmospheric vapor for about 0.0001%. The Worlds water is in from of vapor at some point. Most of the evaporation happens from the ocean. This creates a cooling effect for the Earth's climate. It recycles many times during the year ("Drinking Water, "2008). "There is no shortage of water on Earth," ("Drinking Water,"1998). As mention before, only 3% is drinkable which causes water shortages in many countries. Every human body needs around 20 to 50 liters of water each day for drinking, cooking and to bathe. There is over billions and billions of people in the world. The world growing rate is increasing everyday, which means centuries from now there probably be four to five billion more humans that need water. Overgrowth and over population causes a red flag for water shortages. Water resources are scarce and polluted. The more people that exist, the more scarce and polluted water resources become ("Drinking Water," 1998). Water shortages usually occur in the developing world ("Drinking Water," 1998). There is such a fast rate of growth that sanitation systems are not built in enough time to support the growth. In this case, people began Get more content on
  • 12. Causes Of Water Scarcity The Global Water Institute stated that "approximately 700 million people in 43 countries are currently suffering from water stress and scarcity in 2013", by 2025 2.8 billion people will face water stress and scarcity (Hameeteman, 2013, p.3). The global water supply is approximately 2.5% freshwater and 97.5% is saltwater (Hameeteman, 2013, p.4). Hence, it is crucial that the Earth's population tries to manage the water stress and scarcity. There are many causes of water stress and scarcity, for instance: overuse of water due to economic reasons, pollution of water, drought, governmental access and policies, and many more. In Africa, many children and women are responsible in collecting water, thus, traveling large distances to collect clean or unclean water. In addition, sanitation facilities are inadequate causing "half the population" to suffer from waterborne diseases (Hameeteman, 2013, p.6). As a result, unclean water and poor sanitation are a leading cause of illness and death in this region. There are a few approaches to providing clean water to the African population, for example: piped water, stand posts and wells. Moreover, poor sanitation can be alleviated with pit latrines, urine diversion dry toilets and pour flush toilets (Septien, 2015). However, such methods can be expensive. Hence, it is important to understand the household's income and the economic situation of the country. Contrary, different strategies are needed to provide clean water in the developed Get more content on
  • 13. The Scarcity Of Water Crisis The water crisis has been known in the world for many years now, but as time goes on people have not realized the greater effect this has had on the world. Most people who know about the crisis do not know the regions it affects and frankly seem to not care unless it affects them directly. The shortages of water have led to health concerns and money problems in many countries. Both of these factors correlate because if health problems go up so does the economic issue. India has been one of the regions hit badly with the recent depletion of water. It has many small cities that people have never heard about, that suffer much greater than this country as a whole. The overpopulation in India is not helping solve the scarcity of water and more content... Rural cities in India, for example in Chennai, suffer from clean and properly treated water, although the government may be helping a little. Factual evidence states, "although piped water facility in the rural regions almost doubled in past two decades, there are still 171 million people in rural regions who use surface water as the primary source of water" (Kuberan 3). Water shortages are a far bigger concern and if that many people suffer in small city, what about the rest of the country? Although many rural cities do have water filter systems, the growing population is not supported by the amount of water and they have to settle to different "time zones" to get water. One city may not get water until midnight while another only gets it at 8 am. As stated in a poll, "Water supply timing was the biggest challenge faced by the majority (94%) of the people" (Kuberan 3). The timings of the water can make it harder to survive because some people may need water during the day but may only get it at night. The lack of any water in India is a major reason that India, compared to many countries is suffering the most. In addition to not getting any water, India suffers from commercialization and privatization of water companies that are trying to make more of a profit on an already low income country. Many companies are trying to set water at price to Get more content on
  • 14. The Scarcity Of Clean Water Human rights ensures that the basic needs of a human are provided equally to all individuals regardless of monetary stature, religion or race (Spronk, 2014) Access to clean water should be a human right because without water there would be no human life on this planet. However, not every human is blessed with the access to clean water. Moreover, the lack of clean water is transforming from a limitation to an enormous threat (Spronk, 2014). Therefore, this paper will look into the water war that happened in Bolivia, and other Latin American countries such as Argentina, and shine a light on neoliberalism and capitalism. The paper will also provide some suggestion on how to prevent the privatization of water, and lastly, will look into the aftermath of Bolivia 's water war, and whether or not it met the MDGs. Furthermore, water is a natural resource that should not be bought or privatized by companies because it does more harm than good. For example, in Cochabamba, Bolivia, it caused a water war movement that killed the lives of many, and although the war ended and water was no longer privatized, it still left a permanent scar that will never be forgotten. Background: Bolivia is a country located in South America, and was one of the last countries to gain its independence from Spain. Unfortunately, Bolivia is not an economically stable country and does not have the best living conditions for a number of reasons. According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) it is South Get more content on
  • 15. The Water Crisis and Solutions Essay There is a global shortage of drinking water. A person might wonder how this can be if seventy percent of the earth's surface is covered by water. Most of the Earth's water is unsuitable for human consuption. Ocean water is salt water, which makes up 97.5% of all water on the planet. Freshwater is only 3.5% of all the water on Earth. Drinking water is sourced from bodies of freshwater. Freshwater is quite scarce, but it is even scarcer than one might think: about seventy percent of all freshwater is frozen in the icecaps of Antarctica and Greenland and is unavailable to humans. Most of the remainder is present as soil moisture or lies in deep underground aquifers as groundwater. It is not economically feasible to extract this more content... Instead of increasing the supply of water to meet demand, a more viable method of addressing the water crisis is to manage consumption. The world population continues to grow, and trying to increase the supply of water is risky at best and usually costs exorbitant amounts of money, making this option available only to wealthy or economically developed countries. Therefore, controlling the use of water in municipalities or having a national policy of water conservation would allow the world's supply of freshwater to better sustain itself through rainfall and other methods. Conserving water also saves energy, and energy is needed to treat, transport, and heat freshwater. For water–saving programs to succeed, however, several things must be in place. The water saving program implemented by the city of Zaragoza in Spain highlights some basic actions required for such a program to succeed. Firstly, "rather than being a collection of fragmented, individual initiatives, the setting up of the Zaragoza Water Commission allowed the effective coordination of consultation, implementation and evaluation of different activities, with the aim of achieving a common goal." (Water demand management, 2010) Secondly, the goal of reducing water use by all types of consumers requires the cooperation of a wide range of stakeholders. Working closely with stakeholder representatives allows the identification of realistic and acceptable water Get more content on
  • 16. What is the nature of water scarcity? Water scarcity is the shortage of adequate accessible water resources. Water scarcity affects every continent. Around 2.8 billion people around the world are affected by water scarcity at least one month every year. Water scarcity involves water deficiency, water stress, and water disaster. Water stress is known as trouble in finding sources of fresh water for use. Water shortages may be caused by weather change, such as different weather patterns including droughts or floods, pollution, increased human requests and the overuse of water. Water disasters are when the available filtered and unpolluted water inside a region is less than that region's request. Physical water scarcity comes from from insufficient natural water resources to supply a region's request, and economic water scarcity comes from poor organization of the adequate available water resources. Where is it occurring? Yemen Yemen is often in a weakened position to receive fresh water. The country has little natural fresh water to use and relies heavily on water from other sources. Political life in the region often prevents the people from receiving many necessities and water is the main one. Libya Libya is suffering from political problems and from the lack of water and other resources. Libya's local resources have never been reliable, but the added stress of government change have acted to cut off water for much of the country's population. Libya is also one of the main countries that goes through a long period without fuel, food or water. Jordan Jordan is an unfortunate country where it is lacking the access to valuable natural resources. This means they rely heavily on its own natural water resources, The Dead Sea and The Jordan River. The increased amount of dry land and a growing population means that it will reduce the amount of water supply. The Western Sahara The Western Sahara is home to thousands of Sahrawi refugees who suffer constant food and water shortages due to the struggle for control between Morocco and Sahrawi tribal group. The conflict is unlikely to end due to natural resources located in the area and the possibility of offshore oil, which means people will go thirsty. Djibouti Get more content on
  • 17. Speech On Water Scarcity Good morning/afternoon I'm jade and today I am here to talk about how water scarcity is affecting our world and how we can help fix it.There are many types of water scarcity from one being economic scarcity. Economic scarcity is when you can not find water or when you do it is to expensive. Another form of water scarcity is phycical scarcity Physical scarcity is when there is water but you just do not have the resources to get it. There is also a overpopulation water scarcity problem, this happens when there are to many people in the country to provide enough clean, safe water for every one. The last form of water scarcity that I will cover today is drought / rainfall water scarcity. This happens when the country/ place is going through drought which means everything is drying up and there more content... it also has a lot to do with the climate, evaporation rate, temperature and rainfall. These all link together because when the climate is hot the evaporation rate goes up and the rainfall stops. Another way water scarcity occurs is water contamination this is a huge problem especially when the sewage system is not very good which it is not in the countries where water scarcity is a problem. Conflict also has a big impact on the occurrence of water scarcity because when countries are at war over the land it could be difficult to access water. Distance is another issue when countries are a far distance away from water it will take longer to get water and you would get less the longer the journey. Governmental Access is a massive issue. In quite a few countries, specifically those with dictatorships, the use of water is oftenly strictly controlled by those in power, causing a scarcity for those who may be located in those areas of the Get more content on
  • 18. Water Scarcity Of Clean Water Water has a long and meaningful history, from providing the sustenance for life to washing our dishes. As the population increases, this vital natural resource has strain put on it to continue making life possible. Long ago, humans realized water meant life, and life meant power. Controlling water means controlling the people. Today we have moved past using water to hold people in our power; however sources of clean water are being abused, especially in the U.S. with our huge lawns and daily showers. This abuse is leading to the decline of clean water sources. And yet, people in third world countries have an even bigger crisis on their hands. While Americans have virtually unlimited water – until it runs out of course – people in third world countries are struggling for clean water to simply keep them alive and healthy. So shy would the United States have the responsibility to help third world countries have safe, clean drinking water? Especially when we have our own water shortage on our hands? Water is crucial, historically, politically, and for the future. The U.S. needs to help third world countries in order to provide for the future of the seven billion people who inhabit this world. Water is the key to the future of the United States and the future of all humans, if it can be preserved. The history of water is indispensable when examining the history of humans. Humans could not exist without water, just as stable civilizations cannot exist without a stable Get more content on
  • 19. Water Scarcity Essay's topic: Water scarcity is one of the key environmental issue of our time. Identify some major causes of water scarcity and describe two solutions. Water plays an important role in developing and maintaining healthy ecosystems. However, water scarcity is an increasing and widespread phenomenon in many countries in the world. Water scarcity refers to either the lack of enough water or lack of access to safe water. The shortage of water is turning out to be more pressing than prediction. This essay will identify some major causes of water scarcity and specifically focus on the solutions of enhancing water stewardship and protecting wetlands. The first major cause of water scarcity is overpopulation. The rapid growth of more content... Efficient and effective water management is necessary. Government and the authorities should be responsible for protecting freshwater sources. In addition to that, new laws and regulations about preserving water should be ratified by legislators and helpful methods for sustainable water use should be promoted. Moreover, it is important for countries to expand co–operation with some international organizations in order to take advantage of opportunities to improve water management systems. Protecting wetlands is another approach to halt the process of water shortage. Wetlands are an important part of the national heritage. They provide human not only natural resources, but also water resources. Therefore, programs and projects need to be established and encouraged to be carried out in order to effectively protect wetlands. Besides that, all citizens can help protect wetlands by supporting wetlands conservation initiatives. Water scarcity has become a serious issue for the Earth. The rapidly increasingworld population and water pollution have immensely contributed to the situation. There is an urgent need to solve this problem by enhancing water management and preserving wetlands. If the solutions mentioned above are taken into consideration and appropriately applied, water scarcity may be halted. Reference: The Water Project, "Water scarcity: The importance of water & access" , <http:/ />. FAO Get more content on
  • 20. Water Scarcity Essay It is an essential resource for sustaining life as well as central to agriculture and rural development, and is intrinsically linked to global challenges of food insecurity and poverty, climate change adaptation and mitigation, as well as degradation and depletion of natural resources that affect the livelihoods of millions of people across the world. According to the World Bank, (2010) report, water is a scarce resource with multiple interwoven uses that range from drinking water, energy, irrigation, manufacturing things, transport of people and goods among others. The report further states that, more than one–sixth of the Worlds' population does not have access to safe drinking water, with 80% living in rural areas thus access to water cannot not be guaranteed globally. Water scarcity is the lack of sufficient available water resources to meet the demands of water usage within a region. It already affects every continent and around 2.8 billion people around the world at least one month out of every year. More than 1.2 billion people lack access to clean drinking water. Water scarcity involves water stress, water shortage or deficits, andwater crisis. While the concept of water stress is relatively new, it is the difficulty of obtaining sources of fresh water for use during a period of time,result in further depletion and deterioration of available water resources. Water shortages may be caused by climate change, such as altered weather patterns including droughts or Get more content on