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"People of genius do not excel in any profession because they work in it, they work in it because
they exel." Such a large part of our lives is figuring out what to do with our lives. There are so many
options; often times people are lost as to where to go. In our society, many of the decisions we make
are made with money in mind. People will do almost anything for money, even if that means being
unhappy. This class, and my SI education in general has framed for me a new way of living. That is,
living happily. This does not mean that the work/job I perform is not hard. Instead, it means, that I
must find something that I enjoy doing, and find a career based around my interest. This concept is
essentially vocation. Mick McCarthy, ... Show more content on ...
McCarthy believes that he was partly shaped by his home environment (which was steeped in "civic
responsibility") and his educational background. His Jesuit education at SI and SCU gave him the
language "to access and discover what, at a far more profound and mysterious level, I so desired." In
sum, McCarthy's discovery of vocation is a combination of mystery, history, desire and attraction.
His approach in determination of a vocation appears to largely a dialogue with himself and God.
Spohn frames his essay on vocation with Ignatian spirituality. He opens with a description of a job
seeker who wants more than just financial compensation from his life work. He wants his job to
have more meaning. In other words, this job seeker is called to the challenge of discernment in
determining a vocation. Spohn breaks down the different aspects of how Ignatian spiritually helps
one seek the right vocation for them. The first important step is prayerful reflection. This helps one
understand personal desires, special talents and the needs of the world and helps set a foundation for
seeking and choosing a path. "An authentic calling goes beyond personal fulfillment and satisfaction
to a broader concern for justice which demands that the needs of others are addressed, even if they
are strangers."
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A Concept Of A Calling
A Concept Analysis of ?a Calling? to Nursing Christie Emerson Kennesaw State University
ANALYSIS OF ?A CALLING? TO NURSING 14 Abstract The aim of this paper is to clarify the
concept of ?a calling? as it relates to nursing. The purpose is to develop a definition with the detail
and clarity needed to guide reliable and valid research. The classic steps described by Walker and
Avant (2011) are used for the analysis. Literature from several disciplines is reviewed including
vocational psychology, Christian Career counseling, sociology, organizational management and
nursing. The analysis provides an operational definition of ?a calling? to nursing and establishes
three defining attributes of the concept: (a) a passionate intrinsic motivation or desire (perhaps with
a religious component), (b) fulfillment of an aspiration for the work to provide meaningfulness or
purpose in one?s life, and (c) helping other through caregiving. Antecedents to the concept are
personal introspective and cognitive awareness. Positive consequences to the concept are improved
work meaningfulness, work engagement, career commitment, personal well–being and satisfaction.
Negative consequences of having ?a calling? might include willingness to sacrifice wellbeing for
work and problems with work–life balance. Following the concept analysis, philosophical
assumptions, contextual factors, interdisciplinary work,
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My Chosen Vocation Paper
Dustin Webster
Dr. George Bannister
Theology 104–B42
12 June 2016
Biblical Worldview of my Chosen Vocation
"The way we see God influences everything we do in life–the way we treat each other (as
individuals being created in God's image), our stewardship of God's creation, our understanding of
our vocation as a way to glorify" (Etzel and Gutierrez, p.3). If I were to choose just two examples of
how man was created in the image of God, I would have to choose integrity and moral ethics. Upon
completion of my B.S. in Business Administration with an emphasis on Leadership, I will enter the
business world that requires both examples.
Integrity is the quality of being honest and having strong moral convictions. "He never sinned, nor
ever deceived anyone" (New Living Translation ,1 Peter 2.22). I was made in the image of God and
he spoke the truth and kept His word. Leaders know that honesty and integrity are the foundations of
leadership. Leaders stand up for what they believe in. Leaders with integrity may not be the most
famous or flashy of leaders, and they don't care. Integrity means doing the right thing because it is
the right thing to do. "Neither should we become antagonistic or agnostic to the existence of truth.
Jesus said the Word of God is truth, and that is a great starting point for us" (Etzel and Gutierrez,
p.23). The book of Proverbs provides an abundance of verses on integrity. "He who walks in
integrity walks securely, but he who perverts his ways will be found out" (Proverbs 10.9). A person
that has integrity will have a good reputation and not have to fear that he or she will be exposed as a
person that can't be ... Show more content on ...
2012 © by Gabriel Etzel and Ben Gutierrez. Database © 2015 WORD search.
Core Christianity: What Christianity Is All About Copyright © 2007 by Elmer L. Towns
Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House
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Vocation In The Christian Worldview Of The Puritans
The pillars of constitutional liberty are self–government, private property, representative
government, and limited government. Self–government speaks of the individual who attributes
common good to society and does not harm society through selfish actions. Vocation in the Christian
worldview develops political liberty through the practice of self–government (Samson, 1994). James
Madison thought that "the larger the society...the more duly capable it will be" to self–govern
(Madison, 1788). The New England Puritans through practicality needed certain functions such as
common defense to be attended to thus, they created political covenants. These political covenants
gave them the opportunity for self–government in these vocations and helped develop modern
federalism providing for unity and diversity to flourish (Samson S. A., 1993). ... Show more content
on ...
1). Through these concepts democracy has enhanced the lives of many people throughout the world.
It promotes individual liberty and with individual liberty a person is allowed "freedom of
expression, freedom of conscience, and freedom to own private property (Lynn–Jones).
Representative government is the ideal type of polity, it allows for the improvement of the polity.
People are able to engage with their government and are not just passive recipients. The government
by design has to respond to the people and promote the public interest. The responsibility is on the
people to be attentive, capable of taking action when needed, and to have wise judgement as to the
actions of its government
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The Importance Of Academic Success
How do my strengths from the Gallup StrengthsQuest test affect my personal life, my academic
success, and vocational calling in college? Now my five top themes are Harmony, Includer,
Communication, Adaptability, and Consistency. These five strengths are a way for students to
discover themselves and then flourish with this newfound self–awareness. I will apply these themes
to my life to evoke academic success and my vocational calling through college and the rest of my
life. To apply my strengths to my academic success I must first understand what academic success
and vocational calling means. In college, my academic success emerges from doing my best in all
my classes no matter what which means graduating from the honors college with a 4.0, staying in
the honors–nursing bridge program, graduating in 4 years with my registered nurse license, and
graduating with my dream job already lined up. I believe I will accomplish these goals because that
is the physical epitomization of doing my best at this moment. Now my best may change when I
apply my strengths to life and then my goals will grow to encompass greater things. In addition to
this, my vocational calling by God is to help those around me. Now in college this looks like
volunteering through the Baptist Student Ministry or conversing with my friends about their issues.
These strengths combined with my academic goals will bring about academic success and my
vocational calling. My signature strength of communication will
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My Vocation After High School
Serena Tim English 12 CP Mrs. Mennuti March 1, 2016 Obstetrics Nurse During the past four years
people have asked me what I wanted to do for a vocation after high school. I always had an answer,
but I always transmuted my vocation path. I kenned that I wanted to go into health care, but I was
never genuinely certain on what field I wanted to go into. I am still skeptical on what I optate to do
with the rest of my life, but I cerebrate this research has availed me to decide. There is one vocation
in which I find intriguing which is obstetric nursing. An Obstetrics nurse avails medicos with the
care of enceinte mothers afore and after birth. OB nurses customarily avail with preparing the
distribution room, prepping the patients, preparing instruments, caring for a baby immediately after
birth, expounding after birth care to incipient parents, and keeping track of family members and
partners who are present afore and after the birth. Trained obstetric professionals are typically the
ones that women turn to afore, during, and after their nine month journeys. Albeit obstetricians play
an integral and incontrovertibly paramount role during this time in a woman's life, obstetric nurses
are dedicated professionals that should not be overlooked. Due to the long and erratic hours along
with the infrequent tragedy, obstetric nursing as a vocation is sometimes as stressful and challenging
as it is rewarding. When it comes to taking care of a mother and child an OB nurse has many
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Veterinary Vocation Research Paper
Having the capacity to work with numerous sorts of creatures as to their wellbeing takes an
expertise set that should be learned through appropriate instruction. Understudies that need to work
in the veterinary field have a few instructive chances to look over. Get ready for a veterinary
vocation has understudies looking over two fundamental ways. Understudies can get ready for a
vocation by picking which heading in the field they need to go. *Direction One: Preparing to
Become a Veterinary Technician To wind up a veterinary specialist understudies regularly work
through a partner's degree program. The objective of instruction is to show understudies how to
direct clinical undertakings nearby a veterinarian. Helping with dental care methodology, get ready
tissue examples, and getting blood tests are basic clinical aptitudes increased inside a preparation
program. Contingent upon the business, experts may perform encourage clinical care and in addition
standard managerial obligations inside the workplace. This profession decision has understudies
contemplating a particular measure of courses that middle on work that will be led inside the work
environment. Outside of general instruction courses understudies can hope to take courses that could
include: Creature Behavior Veterinary Practice Management ... Show more content on ...
The learning of creature life structures and symptomatic testing techniques gets ready understudies
for an effective vocation as a veterinary professional. Understudies that need to proceed with
training can finish an online four year certification program. This four–year preparing choice in
veterinary innovation trains understudies at a propelled level to wind up pioneers and executives.
The propelled information permits understudies to perform more clinical systems and help a
veterinarian analyze a
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Essay on Psalm 90
Chaya Braxton
Product/Service, Prdtn. & Qual. Impr
Dr. Emily Cabanda
March 16, 2012
Our Dwelling Place:
The Calling of the Christian Entrepreneur By Chaya Braxton
The founder of local grocery chain, Ukrop's, Joseph Ukrop was devoted to his vocation of being
Richmond's local grocer. He put community first and used his grocery stores to build community.
His legacy of entrepreneurship in Richmond was characterized by a distinct commitment to the
Christian principles. For example although Ukrop's was closed on Sundays and sold no alcohol, they
were still able to be a market leader in the Richmond grocery industry. In 2000, ... Show more
content on ...
5Thou carriest them away as with a flood; they are as a sleep: in the morning they are like grass
which groweth up.
The last segment of the Psalm is Moses' appeal to God for him to return his presence to his people:
"Return, O LORD, how long? And let it repent thee concerning thy servants." Not only should God
return, but Moses asks for complete restoration and for God to bless the work of man: "Let thy work
appear unto thy servants, and thy glory unto their children. And let the beauty of the LORD our God
be upon us: and establish thou the work of our hands upon us; yea, the work of our hands establish
thou it.
A synopsis of Psalm 90 is that man God is eternal, man is finite. Therefore man should repent of his
sin, turn from his wicked way and be restored to the dwelling place of the Lord God. Also, because
man's days are numbered, he should seek to be the most productive during his youth as to reflect the
glory of God. There is safety and peace in God's design. good This theme of vocation and purpose is
a constant theme in the both the Hebrew and Christian scriptures.
The Vocation of the Christian Entrepreneur
The significance of Psalm 90 frames the meaning of vocation for the Christian entrepreneur. For the
Christian entrepreneur, vocation , meaning vocare in Latin, indicates that there is a relationship
between the one is calling and the one being called.12 This
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Analysis Of Donald Trump's Politics As A Vocation
In the days following the United States presidential election, many Americans voiced their disbelief
that Donald Trump, a man longtime considered a political joke and nuisance, won the election. But
despite his brashness, entire lack of eloquence, and discriminatory tendencies, Trump was in fact
elected. Many of Trump's supporters attribute his success to his fundamentally different approach to
politics and leadership. Max Weber's lecture, Politics as a Vocation, provides an explanation of how
Trump's campaign was successful, why he is perceived as refreshing and different by his supporters,
and how these same supporters were able to overlook Trump's flaws. Weber defines in his lecture,
three ideal types of authority; traditional, legal, and charismatic. Traditional authority can be
associated with Hillary Clinton and her institutionalized style of politics, while Trump is aligned
with charismatic authority. Trump's charismatic leadership style contrasts the traditional American
political approach which contributes to the perception of him as working against the status quo
rather than for it. Weber's description of how ... Show more content on ...
To be sure, Weber's description of charismatic leadership does not account for all of the forces at
play during the election, but his theory does shed light on why many individuals view Trump's style
of leadership as different and necessary in this current political moment. Weber's discussion of the
charismatic leader as an infallible authority with a perceived legitimate claim of power highlights
why Trump supporters endorsed his rhetoric despite its many logical, political, and ethical flaws.
Yet, according to Weber, Trump's current style of leadership and authority cannot last in the long–
term. This may be a comforting or concerning notion, but nonetheless, sheds light on what may
occur during the Trump
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My Vocation Course Analysis
Approaching the conclusion of this course, I have learned a lot that could be used in both my
everyday life, as well as my current and future career. This course have not only open my eyes to see
some of challenges that await me in my future career as a Health Care Manager, but it has also
taught me some real life lessons that can be used in my personal life. One thing that was useful is
the video that talks about vocation. The video did not only remind me of my job has a vocation
(calling), and how relevant it is to society and the people that I served, moreover myself as a
Christian. "Vocation 101: What is Vocation?".
My personal definition of ethics have not change, however, it has been reformed
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Health Vocation Course Analysis
The health vocation that was chosen was a double degree in Bachelor of Nursing and Bachelor
Midwifery. This was chosen because I highly enjoy helping people and this course offers both
nursing and midwifery so my career options is still left open. What originally made me decide to
choose this course was my mum would come from home from her job as the hospital administrator
and tell me stories about the nurses and my auntie would tell me about the babies' ward. The stories
made me want to work with people and babies. This is the main contributor to the choosing of the
course but also just the general interest of the occupation.
The information that was gathered came from several of sources. Those sources being; the internet
where ... Show more content on ...
Also government funding and t
Water– Clean, fresh water is very important as it is needed to drink about also for sanitisation
reasons. Infections could develop if there is no clean water, this could affect both midwives and
nurses but also the patients. The school pathway that leads to the chosen vacation is to complete
Year 12 and earn a high enough ATAR to be accepted into the course by the chosen university. Also
the completion and with a score of at least 30 in English for VCE Units 3 and 4. If Year 12 was not
completed there is still a chance that the course can still be completed. The current ATAR is between
50 and 65 this is different depending on which campus that is chosen. It is higher in places with
more people wanting to study there and if the University is in a highly populated area. This course
takes 4 years full–time to complete.
This profession that is being studied helps people achieve positive outcomes by either helping them
deliver and plan for their babies also making sure that they are taking the right medication to support
their child. Nurses would help people get better after they have gotten sick or if they were
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The And Vocation Questionnaire For College Students
Introduction How is a calling (the search for or the presence of) mediated by student–reported
measures such as, academic satisfaction, withdrawal deliberation, and major commitment among
college students? To explore the research questions this review will use the Calling and Vocation
Questionnaire (CVQ; Dik, Eldridge, Steger, & Duffy, 2012) to measure calling. Measurement of the
variable of academic satisfaction will be facilitated by a seven–item measure developed by Lent, et
al. (2005). Withdrawal deliberation measures will be adapted from Pleskac, et al. (2009). The
variable of major commitment will be measure through the academic major satisfaction survey
(Nauta, 2007). Review of Instrument The CVQ is a 24 item, self–report measure that assesses an
individual's belief that they have a calling, and/or the individual is searching for a calling (Dik, et
al., 2012). The instrument's purpose as described by its authors is to "assess calling in the domain of
work" (Dik, et al., 2012, pg. 243). The CVQ includes three subscales that relate to the search for a
calling (Search–Transcendent Summons, Search–Purposeful Work, and Search–Prosocial
Orientation) and three subscales that relate to the presence of a calling (Presence–Transcendent
Summons, Presence–Purposeful Work, and Presence–Prosocial Orientation). The items are endorsed
by the test–taker on a Likert–style scale of one to four, one being "Not at all true of me" and four
being "Absolutely true of me". Each of the
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My Vocation In School
A vocation is one's calling in life. We are called to many different areas that it almost seems hard to
know which path is right to follow. This year is my junior year in highschool and I am already being
pushed to think about my future and what I want my life to be like. A decision of this magnitude is
extremely hard and daunting to make. How am I supposed to know what my true vocation is if I'm
not even eighteen yet? There are a plethora of hobbies I love to do and activities I participate in, but
which one is right for me? Which one brings me joy? I started out thinking about what I am good at.
For as long as I can remember, I have always loved school. My mother used to say that I had the
brain of an elephant because I could always remember details when nobody else could. Having that
type brain made it easy to learn and succeed in school. I was never the athletic type. I tried every
sport imaginable, but nothing ever stuck with me; I decided that school would be my sport. Every
year, I tried my hardest to achieve the highest grades and every year it paid off. When I was ten, I
started to get involved with Irish step dancing and I instantly fell in love. Everybody else either did
ballet, tap, jazz, modern, or other dances, but nobody did Irish Step; it was my own thing. As the
years past, I began to compete and move up in the ranks of competitive dancing. When I reached the
championship level, I decided to stop and just dance for my own enjoyment and happiness.
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Council Of Vocations In Ayn Rand's Anthem
In a thought–provoking dystopian novella, Anthem by Ayn Rand, a man by the name of Equality 7–
2521 struggles to survive in a communist society. Despite his vast intelligence, he is given the job of
a street sweeper by his superiors, the Council of Vocations. He uses his knowledge to create an
invention to help society flourish, but ultimately is chastised and flees from his city. In the end, he is
a free, independent man who wishes to help his peers free themselves from the shackles of
communist society. His appointment to street sweeper by the Council is fueled by neither chance nor
incompetence, but rather by obvious calculation. One of the Council's motives is to diminish the
aspirations of others. The Council, in an effort to ensure the government's superiority, seeks to dash
the hopes and dreams of the people, therefore creating loyalty only to the state. If people are allowed
to be creative and aspire to great things, individuality becomes a threat to society, which is against
the idea of communism. Everyone must be equal in order to keep the government in power. We can
see authorities actively demolish hopes and dreams when Equality recalls being a student, ... Show
more content on ...
The government closely monitors people's lives, and has control over every aspect of society.
Equality is different than his peers, as he is much taller than them. He is more intellectual and bigger
than most, therefore somewhat superior to others. The government would not have forgotten the tall
genius, as even his teachers took note of him, when they tell him "There is evil in your bones,
Equality 7–2521, for your body has outgrown the bodies of your brothers." (18) When the
government monitors the lives of people so closely, they leave no margin for error. The Council of
Vocations know Equality by reputation, and know that he is highly intelligent. His appointment to
street sweeper is obviously a calculated act, not a government
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The Failure Of Vocation Ltd Essay
1. Identify the problem The scope of this essay is using the professional knowledge to critically
analyze the failure of Vocation Ltd in 2015. This essay will provide three of possible categories of
corporate failure that contributed to the failure of Vacation Ltd, and using suitable accounting
theories explain these. Further more this essay will choose suitable Corporate Governance Principles
to try preventing the failure of Vocation. This essay focuses on the problem of Vocation Ltd ignoring
the external pressure, such as: changing of policy. In Australia the corporate failures means the
"insolvency" that a company cease its business operation(Michaela 2012, 365–366). The categories
of corporate failures are six possible reasons that lead the failure of corporate(Mickelwaith 2006, 2–
6). The accounting theory is a way to explain the accounting practice or prescribe how accounting
should be done(Michaela 2012, 133–134). Additionally, the corporate governance was defined that
the framework of rules, relationships, systems and processes can be exercised and controlled by
corporate(Council 2014, 3). 2. Determine relevant information The Group of Vocation Ltd consisted
of 22 corporate entities. It provided its training lessons to government and corporate customers
around the major states and territories in Australia. Especially, the major revenue of Vocation Ltd
was from the Federal and State government(Vocation Limited and its associated entities 21
December 2015, 13). In
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The Failure Of Vocation Limited Essay
1 IDENTIFY THE PROBLEM This essay exposits the failure of Vocation Limited to draft how
might a more appropriate application of the eight ASX Corporate Governance Principles (ASX,
2014, p. 4) have conceivably prevented the failure. Corporate failure is referred to insolvency in
Australia, which means the inability to meet the due debt obligations, resulting in business
suspension (Michaela, Patricia, Susan, Kimberly, & Matthew, 2012, p. 365). Corporate governance
denotes to the system by which corporations are directed and controlled (Michaela et al., 2012, p.
188). Moreover, Hamilton and Micklethwait (2006, p. 1) postulates that the six causes of corporate
failure are the most representative with irrespective of sector or geography. Therefore, by applying
the six main causes (Hamilton & Micklethwait, 2006, p. 1) and the eight principles (ASX, 2014, p.
4), the scope of the essay is limited to the company prospective without consideration of external
issues. Additionally, this essay accesses only the public available information of Vocation. 2
DETERMINE RELEVANT INFORMATION As vocational–based training outsourced by the
governments, Vocation pied in pocketing supporting funds and students were endowed education
with HELP loans (Joe & Simon, 2014, p. 2). Vocation established through three considerable RTOs
then first listed in ASX (Vocation, 2014a, p. 2 & 14) and expanded organically through merger and
acquisition till July 2014 (Ferrier, 2015, p. 14; Vocation, 2014a, p. 3).
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Listening Well-A Chaplain Vocation Summary
In "Listening Well – A Chaplain Vocation," Nicole Chivilis surprises me when he points out that
listening has a sacramental dimension. I have no doubt of that, but I never think of listening as
sacrament. Indeed, Chivilis indicates that in the hospital setting, circles of unity, understanding,
reconciliation and forgiveness among family members and friends could be formed to share about
their loved ones. They form a "communion table" and the chaplain is in the "sacred space." Thus,
according to Chivilis, "listening well creates a space in which a truth can be spoken." I think that
recognizing listening as sacrament is very significant because the stories that we the listeners receive
are sacred treasures. For that reason, I always feel blessed
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My Vocation And Passion Is To Be A Paramedic
My vocation and passion is to become a paramedic. During my adolescent years, a close relative
with complex health needs was cared for and treated by paramedics. The idea of a profession which
would utilise problem–solving abilities has always interested and encouraged me to pursue a career
as a paramedic. Having had the opportunity to observe frontline paramedics has inspired me to be
part of a dedicated and dynamic team. As I have had employment in Accident and Emergency and a
doctor's surgery, this had made me recognise and acknowledge the importance of patient care. I have
experience practicing in the workplace lawfully, safely and effectively. Using clear and concise
record management and documentation whilst continually maintaining patient confidentiality. In
previous jobs, particularly in the NHS, I have experience in communication with individuals from
multiple ethnic background, people who are deaf, blind, learning difficulties and people suffering
with mental health conditions. As I strongly believe in equality and diversity, all individuals should
be treated equally disregard of race, gender, ... Show more content on ...
A challenge I intend to embrace. The thought of being able to help save lives, and provide help
where needed, really inspires me. An occasion where I was able to demonstrate my willingness to
help others was when returning from work one day when I came across an elderly lady who had fell.
Using first aid skills, I parked up and offered my assistance. The incident had involved the lady in a
quiet street falling over, who looked to be in serious condition; ensuring she was warm and
comfortable, and assured her that help was on the way. Once the emergency services had arrived, I
walked away knowing I had at least assured the lady of her safety. Even today, I still feel proud of
myself for my act of courage and believe I dealt with the situation in the best way of could,
remaining calm and
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Andrew Johnson Vocation
Andrew Johnson was the 17th president. Andrew became the president after Abraham Lincoln was
assassinated. He was president from 1865–1869, so he only accommodated one term. Jackson was
archaic southern Jacksonian Democrat. Andrew Johnson was one of the most hapless of Presidents.
Born in Raleigh, North Carolina, in 1808, Johnson grew up in impecuniosity. He was apprenticed to
a tailor as a boy, but absquatulated. He opened a tailor shop in Greeneville, Tennessee, espoused
Eliza McCardle, and participated in debates at the local academy.
( The year after he absquatulated he
married Elize Mccardle, they had five children together. ... Show more content on ...
Johnson, a vigorous adherent of the U.S. Constitution, believed it assured individuals the right to
own slaves. Johnson left Congress in 1853 to become governor of Tennessee. He vacated the
governorship in 1857 to take a seat in the U.S. Senate. During the 1850s, as the struggle over states'
rights and slavery in the territories further intensified and divided the North and South, Johnson
perpetuated to believe in the right to own slaves. However, as some Southern bellwethers
commenced calling for secession, he was an advocate for the Cumulation.
(–presidents/andrew–johnson). In November 1860, Abraham
Lincoln, a former U.S. congressman from Illinois and member of the anti–slavery Republican Party,
was elected America's 16th president. On December 20 of that same year, slaveholding South
Carolina seceded from the Amalgamation. Six more Southern states anon followed, and in February
1861, they composed the Confederate States of America (which would eventually include a total of
11 Southern states). Lincoln was inaugurated on March 4, 1861, and just over a month later, on April
12, the U.S. Civil War broke out when Confederate forces fired on Fort Sumter in Charleston
Harbor, South Carolina. That June, Tennessee voters
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Careerbuilder Research Papers
The details on school achievement
As indicated by information from a recent report by the National Center for Education Statistics, six
years in the wake of selecting in a four year college education program in 2007, 41 percent of
understudies still hadn't finished the program or had dropped out totally.
CareerBuilder ascribes this drop–off to a general sentiment instability for understudies with regards
to making sense of what way they need to take. In a review from CareerBuilder, 41 percent of
specialists announced that they wished they had gotten more help and direction before picking a
profession way. Join that with another CareerBuilder study where one in four secondary school
seniors report having "no clue what profession they need ... Show more content on
In the wake of picking an industry, similar to IT, you can pick your area from a drop–down menu
and show "vocation matches" in your state. It conveys up occupation titles, similar to PC developer,
sight and sound craftsman and artist, and distinguishes how much the title coordinates your interests,
and if the employment is developing or not. It likewise discloses to you what the assessed yearly pay
is for the occupation, and what level of instruction you'll have to discover work in that field.
Plunging much more profound into the occupation title, you can get a thought of what the
employment requires and other comparable occupation titles you may be keen on. It gives you a
chance to discover schools in any express that offer projects in that field and even lays out the
everyday errands you'd be in charge of. What's more, if that isn't sufficient, you can likewise observe
what organizations have posted occupation postings for that title over the most recent couple of
years to get a feeling of what organizations you could work
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The Church 's Ministry On Teaching And Learning
The church's ministry on teaching and learning is simultaneously a simple and complex ministry. It
is a ministry that is potentially misunderstood more often than it is understood in the life of a
congregation. As the congregation struggles to combine secular life with spiritual practice, the
vision for the teaching and learning ministry of the church can fall out of focus for those who feel
called to this ministry's vocations. To begin, I will define the teaching and learning ministry of the
church as I understand it followed by an elaboration of its definition. Lastly, I will discuss a few
implications of this ministry as it applies to a congregation.
The church's ministry of teaching and learning is the collective discernment of the community, as
loving people of God, which integrates and challenges the understanding of their presence as
individuals in an ever deepening connection with God and their community of neighbors through
various reflective methods and practices, which engage scripture, tradition, experience, and reason.
This definition may appear simple if taken at its face value. However, upon further inspection its
elements contain subtle meanings even multiple layers of meaning. Thus, further explanation of
these elements is required and displayed herein.
The main element of this definition is community. Humanity, generally speaking, is social in nature
which leads individuals to gather into groups of various sizes. These groups or communities can be
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Vocation Or Exploration Tumgend Analysis
Tugend: Plan or Explore College?
College. One word that has people's minds run like crazy. Panic is one emotion that starts to settle in
for high school seniors when second semester rolls by when they realize they are suppose to figure
out their future soon. Not only is it a stressful time for the seniors, but also for the parents. Alina
Tugend, an experienced journalist, wrote an essay called, "Vocation or Exploration? Pondering the
Purpose of College." Tugend's goal of this article is to inform the audience of college students and
their parents that college is continuously changing its aspect which leads us to different options
when approaching college. This is why making the right choices after graduating high school is
challenging. She pinpoints great examples throughout the essay and uses a good amount of ethos,
logos, but did not have a ... Show more content on ...
If so, how are students suppose to figure out what the "right major or school" is. Throughout the
essay she mentions many quotes and information from a variety of people. A big point she makes is
that college or furthering your education after high school concept has completely changed over the
years and continues to. Nowadays there are options to attend college, vocational schools, internship
programs, and professional training. The bottom line of her argument is how are students and
parents suppose to make a crucial decision for their future when our world keeps changing its needs
and educational values?
Throughout the essay, Tugend used an effective amount of ethos for readers to understand her
character and credibility. She did a wonderful job on not viewing one side of the argument. Tugent
has been a journalist for years over a variety of topics and has received awards for her work. This
was stated in the brief biography before the essay which is helpful for readers to acknowledge her
background information and
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Caroline Chisholm's Catholic Vocation
Caroline Chisholm demonstrated her Catholic vocation through her work towards restoring the
balance between rich and poor, and through this work she reflected the priestly, prophetic and kingly
values of Jesus. Prayer and worship were at the centre of her life, and these beliefs encouraged her
to act on injustice for the marginalised group of immigrants, in particular females. Caroline showed
priestly values because of her work towards restoring the balance. She did this through assisting
immigrants by giving them shelter, supplies and educating them to find employment. She
demonstrated prophetic values by acting on the injustice to immigrants, who at the time were treated
poorly and as if they were not part of society. This was shown when
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Art Therapy in Metal Health Vocation
Art therapy is a common mental health vocation that utilizes the ingenious practice of art making to
ameliorate and improve the mental, emotional, and physical healthfulness of people of all age
groups. It is predicated on the credence that the creative operation involved in imaginative self–
expression avails people to undertake conflicts and quandaries, develop interpersonal skills, manage
comportment, reduce stress, increment self–esteem and self–cognizance, and accomplish
understanding of themselves. Art therapy incorporates the fields of visual arts, human development,
and the ingenious process with models of psychotherapy and counseling.
This is utilized with children, teenagers, adults, elderly people, families, and groups to evaluate and
treat apprehensiveness, despondence, and other mental/emotional quandaries, abuse and domestic
violence, mental illnesses, family and relationship problems, gregarious/emotional difficulties
cognate to incapacitation or illness, personal trauma, loss and post traumatic stress disorder,
physical, cognitive, and neurological quandaries, psychosocial difficulties cognate to medical
illness, substance abuse and other addictions. Throughout the healing procedure, an art therapist will
utilize an array of ingenious art processes to address the issues a patient wants to find a solution too.
Painting, drawing, and sculpting are principal methods.
Daily duties for an art therapist include establishing art therapy treatment program depending
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In-School Youth Vocation Methods
4. What methods will be used to record time, attendance, and progress of participants.
The Vocational Coordinator and the Employment Counselors will ensure all documentation
requested by the Regional Planning Commission and required by this grant is completed in a timely
manner. Regional Planning Commission time sheets will be used to track participation in subsidized
employment and monthly case notes will be completed by the Vocational Coordinator on the IWDS
website. The Vocational Coordinator will submit quarterly reports to the assigned contact at the
Regional Planning Commission.
Excel sheets are set up for each youth to track hours, and performance reports are submitted each
week by the Employment Counselors to the Vocational Coordinator.
Methods for in–school youth and out–of–school youth will be similar in nature, varying only by
requirements of the respective grants and individualized needs of youth.
5. Describe where program activities will take place and accessibility for all participants to be
Program activities for both in–school youth and out–of–school youth will take ... Show more
content on ...
It is projected that 15 will be eligible for up to 240 hours of subsidized part time/full time
employment at $8.25 an hour. The remaining ten are projected to be directly hired or in follow up
without using the full 240 hours. The check for subsidized employment from the Regional Planning
Commission is delivered to the participants by the Employment Counselors who review it with the
young person to assist them in understanding their withholdings and practicing budget management.
Fifteen young people who will be exited from the program will receive a $25 monthly contact
incentive for the period of twelve months to ensure on–going follow up contact. Fifteen young
people who have a high school graduation diploma or GED will receive incentive pay of $100 for
completing and passing the S.T.A.R.T. certification
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Max Weber 's Politics As A Vocation
"He who seeks the salvation of the soul, of his own and of others, should not seek it along the
avenue of politics, for the quite different tasks of politics can only be solved by violence", stated
Max Weber in his lecture "Politics as a Vocation" (Weber 4). In order to participate in politics, an
individual will inevitably encounter times when they must break with traditional morality. An ethic
of ultimate ends is not realistic or plausible for the field of politics, particularly when it is followed
steadfastly. An ethic of responsibility is more compatible with politics, as it allows the response to a
situation to be determined by the circumstances rather than inflexible rules, while still maintaining
accountability for one's own actions. This flexibility is most necessitated by the politicians use of
violence. There is a fallacy that an "ethic of ultimate ends" and an "ethic of responsibility" are
incompatible and cannot be reconciled. A politician can follow an ethic of responsibility, while still
following certain ethical principles of ultimate ends, on which they will hold their ground. Weber
states, "... an ethic of ultimate ends and an ethic of responsibility are not absolute contrasts but rather
supplements, which only in unison constitute a genuine man– a man who can have the 'calling for
politics'"(Weber 4). True morality in politics is found in the compromise between the competing
ethical codes, and the ability to discern when this compromise is necessary is
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Booker Palmer And The Legend Of Bagger Vance
Parker Palmer and the Legend of Bagger Vance both connect with one another to better further our
understanding of the vocational method. Palmer's definition of vocation contains three key
components to it. These components are; who am I? Whose am I? and distractions to our vocation.
These three components help us to go deeper into trying to find our vocation and our understanding
of what vocation is. These same three components are located in the Legend of the Bagger Vance.
The Legend of Bagger Vance connects these three themes together with its own definitions and
descriptions of what they are in order to better shine a light on vocation and delve deeper into what
vocation is to each of us. Both Parker Palmer and the Legend of Bagger ... Show more content on ...
All we got to do is get ourselves out of its way, to let it choose us" (The Legend of Bagger Vance).
Bagger in this is illustrating that our authentic swing is what we are born with, our original selfhood
who we are called to be, and is unique to you only. Bagger stresses this once again by saying, "Now
play the game. Your game. The one that only you was meant to play. The one given to you when you
was born" (The Legend of Bagger Vance). Bagger is ultimately stresses the same points that Parker
Palmer is. Both Palmer and Bagger and saying that we have an original selfhood we were born with
and area called to find and become, and this is unique to the individual alone no one else. Both these
ideas coincide with one another to help illustrate the idea of Who Am I in the vocational method.
The Legend of Bagger Vance and Palmer both illustrate the aspect of whose am I? Palmer describes
the theme of whose am I as an idea of relationships and how our relationshops affect our vocation.
Palmer illustrates this when he says, "For there is no selfhood outside relationship" (Palmer). We
cannot become our true self without understanding our relationships. We need relationships to help
us find out more of who we are as well as we need this relationships to sometimes help to guide us
and grow us. This same idea of relationships is illustrated throughout the Legend of Bagger Vance.
This example can be found in
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The Purpose and Practice of Monastic Vocation Essay
The Purpose and Practice of Monastic Vocation
The monastic vocation can be called a "mystery" and in two senses of the word.
Primarily – divine mystery is a reality proceeding from God, at once hidden and revealed,
expressing in its essence something of the grace, wisdom, peace and fruitfulness of God.
Monastic consecration – a mystery akin to the sacramental mysteries of the Church, in which an
inner change is affected through an outward ritual or symbol and from here becomes a wellspring of
Divine energy.
Apostolic orders
· Dominicans
· Jesuits
· Salesians
· Daughters of Charity
Contemplative orders
· Redemptorists
· Benedictine Monks
· ... Show more content on ...
· Great care must be taken of those who are sick.
For their first reason, silence is very important for Benedictines for the reason that they could
concentrate more and more on hearing God's voice. If they fill their mind with noises they would
not be able to focus their mind on praying and hearing the wisdom of their Abbot, and their brethren
as they guide them in their search of God.
Secondly, talking too much will not be able to avoid having a sin, as our tongue is the effective
weapon of all, which will hurt other people.
However, the control of talking would make a change to peoples lives to good, as this will give
advice to people, support them, encourage them, teach them, console them.
Humility is also important. This will make them understand the truth of being a Christian. Pride is
the opposite of humility, because of our pride lying is sometimes the answer, it can also ruin the
Christian's belief.
When a person wants to join a monastic life they have to make a vow, which are obedience, stability
and Conversatio Morum. Once the vow is made they are making a promise to God that they would
serve Him, until he die. This is how they show how much they love God, just as God's love us
Obedience – Obeying God is the first thing that they have to vow, the fact that in his rule he describe
obedience as "the
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Kingdom Calling: Vocational Stewardship For The Common Good
One of the most shocking statistics noted in Kingdom Calling: Vocational Stewardship for the
Common Good by Amy Sherman is that if one attends church on a weekly basis, they spend 5
percent at most of their waking hours at church. The other 95 percent are spent out in the world.
This illustrates the importance of why this book matters. Sherman starts off by setting the tone for
readers – she gives a background as to why she found it necessary that she write this book – and
how she read a book by Michael Lindsey in which he discussed research of prominent evangelical
business leaders and how their faith impacts their behaviors and decisions at work. A few stood out,
while the rest stated they kept a Christian plaque in their office or wore a cross around their neck.
They did not fulfill their religious identity in conjunction with their careers. There was a complete
disconnect between the two sectors of their lives, and Sherman recognized that. Kingdom Calling is
a guidebook for anyone who has ever been concerned about living a divided life – especially for
pastors and religious leaders, but for lay people and congregation members as well. In Kingdom
Calling, Sherman sets up a three–part framework on how to grow and empower a congregation, a
specific group in the church, or a single member. The first section of the book is about "theological
foundations", as its title notes. Among all of the elements discussed in this section – all of which are
valid and important, an
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Developmental Theories : The Decline Stages Of Vocational...
Vocational Development: Vocational Development may be conceived of as beginning early in life
and as proceeding along a curve late in life. While four year old child who plays the policeman or
solder in his very early stage of vocational development, a old man of sixty who does not work for
money but still keeps himself busy with writing books in the field of his specialization is going
through the late stages of the vacational development. VOCATIONAL Life Stages : 1. Growth :
(birth to 14years) 2.Explanatory : (15–24years) It has sub stage of fantasy which may be tentative or
realistic with appropriate appropriate attitude towards work and occupation. 3. Establishment : (24 –
44 years) It begins with trial and progressing into stable position. 4. Maintenance Stage : (45 –
64years) It is characterized by stability in the field in which establishment has taken place earlier in
life 5.The Decline stage : (65 onwards) It is characterized by declaration during the early part and
progressing into one of retirement. Developmental Theories :
Ginzberg(1951)put forward a theory which identifies four factors in occupational choice. These
factors are reality testing Educational process ., the emotional factors and instill the individuals
values. The theory says that the individual compromises between his wishes and possibilities, the
theory refers to three periods. During the fantasy Period, a child has no knowledge of reality. The
tentative period is the pre–adolescent and adolescent period .Here the child tries to make vocational
considerations that are more realistic regarding to his skill In the realistic period the idea and choice
of the career are crystallized and specific decisions take place. The theory refers tocareer
development Socio–Economic Factors influencing Interest and Choice of an Vocation:
It may be observed that at the outset that although the process of occupational choice is basically
rational there are a number socio–cultural factors which influence it. The evidence available t, the
researches in this area s that indicates that there are two se factors which influence choice of a
vocation by a person: 1 – The hierarchy of
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Nelson Mandela As A Vocation Leader
Nelson Mandela once stated "there is no easy walk to freedom anywhere, and many of us will have
to pass through the valley of the shadow of death again and again before we reach the mountain tops
of our desires." This powerful quote was a summary of his life. Nelson was a liberating activist in
South Africa. His purpose as a leader was to end apartheid and advocate for human rights. On the
journey to his purpose, Nelson loved, lived and lost. Nelson fulfilled his duty as a vocation leader
but at the cost of his freedom, family and life. Vocation leadership is journey, because at the end of
your journey, your purpose in life will be revealed. What does it mean to be a vocation leader? A
vocation leader is a leader who has a purpose and a passion to serve a higher purpose, mostly
through experience. Nelson Mandela's purpose was to abolish apartheid in South Africa. Nelson's
family was royalty of Xhosa–speaking Thembu Tribe in South Africa Village of Mvezon. (cite) On
July 18, 1918, Nelson was born to Nosekeni Fanny and Gadla Henry Mphakanyiswa. (cite)
Education was at the top of Nelson priorities being the first in his family to receive a formal
education form Clarkbury Boarding Institute, a Methodist secondary school. When Nelson was 9
years old, his father died and he was adopted by a noble regent who prepared him for tribal
leadership. (cite) Nelson wrote "long Walk to Freedom" as a demonstration of his Journey
(vocation) and how it led to his purpose.
Nelson was an
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The Vocation As Biography Project: Alice Harris
Do you want to die? Neither did the people of Salem, but they did, and all because of the use of
religious beliefs to justify prejudice. For the Vocation as Biography project, our group decided to
create a character within the period of time of the Salem witch trials that we named Alice Harris.
Through this project, we gained an improved knowledge of: the Salem witch trials, the effect of
religion on moral perspective, and how groups of people can use religion in controlling ways. These
are relevant because it is important to know our history in order to avoid repeating it, especially in
regards to being able to recognize situations where religion is being used as a tool for power gain or
justification for immoral or unreasonable acts. The
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Importance Of Vocation In Education
Having a sense of vocation towards a particular job is something that most people do not think about
when choosing a career path. Vocation is defined as having a strong sense of suitability for a
particular occupation, where as mine is Veterinary Technician. Many people look down on the
occupation Veterinary Technician due to the low income and small amounts of schooling, but to me,
that is not the case. I see an occupation that I will enjoy and look forward to doing everyday due to
my love of animals. It has always been my biggest dream to work around animals, but that dream
was pushed out of the way when I realized the income was not as much as I hoped. After a semester
in college, I have come to learn that as long as I am happy, nothing else matters. With that being
said, I plan to continue my education at Baton Rouge Community College and major in Veterinary
Technician (Vet Tech). In the past few weeks I was given the chance to meet with a friend and attend
job shadows to learn what it is to be a Vet Tech and I even got some insight on how people feel
about the occupation. Not everyone is aware of the duty of a veterinary technician, and they often
get lumped with nurses and even simply called assistants. A few tasks that they are responsible for is
providing first aid, taking vitals, perform diagnostic tests like urinalysis, fecal exams, blood tests
and even radiographs (Sirois 2010). They also help prepare the animals for surgery and assist the
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My Vocation, My Calling Change My Life
Vocation is the calling a person experience in regards of aspirations in their life. Vocation in an
invitation by God to pursue our love for something in particular, some people hear this calling early
on in life, while other spend many years trying to find it. This paper will explore types of God
callings, my calling and how my calling change my life. One of the first calling most people
experience is the call to work. God created people to work, he did not discriminate against men and
women, in his eyes both need to work to be able to provide for them and their families. Many people
are fortunate to have this calling, but unfortunately more people are out of jobs and this is not
because God did not give them this calling, but it is because of different circumstances they
experience. Genesis 1:27–28 expresses God's calling to work "God created humankind in his image,
in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. God blessed them, and God
said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it; and have dominion over the
fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over every living thing that moves upon the earth."
This passage speaks to me because it proves that God wants people to contribute to the community.
The second calling is to live, not only to work: people have to work, our jobs are necessary, but
sometimes we get caught up in our jobs that we forget to realize what is truly important and what
gives our life
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Suffering And Vocation In Hermann Hesse's Siddhartha
Darkness and desperation consume him. In Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse the protagonist,
Siddhartha, has a life changing experience during his darkest hour and realizes numerous important
lessons during this moment. Throughout the novel, Siddhartha holds a variety of vocations,
experiencing a different lifestyle from each one leading to his understanding of suffering and his
desperation. The pivotal point of the book occurs during Siddhartha's darkest hour when he
contemplates suicide by the river. During this moment, Siddhartha learns to look within for answers
and unifies himself with the universe. While learning the ways of business from Kamaswami,
Siddhartha lives a life of wealth, gambling away his money and acquiring a taste for lavish ... Show
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Acting as a spiritual guide, Vasudeva teaches Siddhartha to learn from the river, which realistically
is Siddhartha for all aspects of life are unified. The two ferrymen come to think of the river as "...
the voice of life, the voice of Being, of perpetual Becoming" (Hesse 88). The river holds all the
answers Siddhartha needs, including how to find love, gratitude and unity, while serving as his
spiritual guide to Nirvana. When Little Siddhartha leaves Siddhartha to follow his own path, just as
Siddhartha had done to his father, he uses two lessons that he learns from the river to heal his
wounded heart: patience and listening. These lessons bring him closer to enlightenment and help
him discover "... that love is the most important thing in the world" (Hesse 119). This is the last
lesson Siddhartha needs to learn before reaching Nirvana. Great irony resides in the fact that
Siddhartha contemplates suicide by the river and reaches enlightenment there too, because when he
contemplates ending his life, he awakens and begins a new life of universal unity ending his past
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Ray's Vocation In The Film 'Field Of Dreams'
In the movie Field of Dreams, Ray's true vocation was to host the baseball players on his corn field
in order for Terrance Mann and Archie Graham to get the closure they need in their lives. Once he
heard the mysterious voice, he knew that there was something that he was supposed to do in his life,
but was not quite sure of what it is. However, as the movie progressed, it became clear to Ray that
no matter what difficulties were going on, such as struggling to pay the bills and having his friends
tell him to get rid of the farm, he needed to keep the field. If Ray had not become a farmer, which he
originally assumed was his vocation, the baseball players, particularly Mr. Kinsella, would not have
been on the field. Therefore, Ray would not ... Show more content on ...
Ray was in serious danger of losing the farm because he and Annie were no longer able to pay the
bills and on the surface, there was nothing for him to benefit from. However, he decided to continue
anyway because he knew it was his calling. This is similar to John Baptist de La Salle, as he also
was struggling to make ends meet. He did not have much money to use to help run the schools and
many disliked him for trying to give a Catholic education to poor boys. Next, both men recruited
others to help them in pursuing their vocation once they realized they could not do it all by
themselves. Ray called upon Terrance Mann and Moonlight Graham to try to discover the meaning
behind the voice and the baseball field. In comparison, John Baptist de La Salle also required other
volunteers to help him put his plan into action and to be workers at the school. Finally, both Ray and
John Baptist de La Salle claim that they were told by someone else to follow their mission,
presumably God in both cases. Ray, although he was not quite aware of where it was coming from,
listened to the voice of God and was inspired to help others live their dreams with the baseball field.
This is related to the story of John Baptist de La Salle because he knew God had been calling him to
start the schools for the poor boys so
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Politics As A Vocation Max Weber
In an essay tilted Politics as a Vocation Max Weber asserts that the legitimacy of a government rests
on its monopolization of the "legitimate use of physical force" within a given territory. This
monopoly provides the foundation from which government, at every level, is built upon. At the local
level, we interact with this principle by means of law enforcement. Policeman are the arbiters of a
municipalities' norms, granted the authority to use legitimate force as a means of maintaining order.
Consequently, police agencies are substantively different from other agencies in a municipal
government. While I would like to say my yearning to observe this difference drove me to attend the
police and fire commission at 2:30pm on Feb. 18th, in reality I thought agenda item "Pursuit
Presentation" seemed pretty badass. Discussion at the meeting seemed evenly split between
representatives from both the fire and police departments. In accordance with the agenda, the
representative from the fire department spoke first, presenting a personnel report for the month of
January, 2016. The report included a summary of "activity, inspections, and training." The
representative chose to elaborate the Incident Command System (ICS) that exists to direct
operations within the department. The ICS model is essentially a system of standardized operating
procedure that is coordinated between all major functions of a department, including command,
operations, finance/administration, logistics, and
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The Importance Of Vocation In A Ray Of Darkness
Former Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams' book A Ray of Darkness, has been influential
on my own journey with call and vocation. Prior church experiences taught me that introspection
and self–exploration were too prideful and that it is the Christian's duty to continually pursue
difficult things, in spite of aptitude. The rationale was: if it is difficult, then it must be holy. It was
this very mindset that for many years, kept me from pursuing my calling.
Williams' book was formative in my life because he critiques the common view of vocation as a
"theatrical casting" event, which is also how I once viewed vocation. Williams argues that the "God
finding us a part to play" perspective of vocation is inherently problematic and leads to resentment
when we do not feel we are being "used"1. Rather, in quite ground– breaking fashion Williams
defines vocation as "the call to be" and exist as oneself 2. This frees us
to respond to God's call within our own unique identities. This was a revolutionary thought – that
God wants me to be myself. Williams exposes the tendency to hide in "unreality" and self–
protection, saying that vocation "is what's left when all the games have stopped. 3"
Now that I am moving towards the priesthood, I am actively engaged in discovering myself and
gifts that I possess. This is a unique challenge after years of living up to others' expectations of how
a good Christian should live. In the past, I did not give myself permission as Williams says to
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Blooming Of Progress : Worldview
Blooming in Progress: Worldview in my Vocation As a believer, I believe in Creationism and that
the universe was created by God ex–nihilo, or from nothing. Moreover, when God created man, he
gifted him with vocation. He was given wisdom, understanding, and knowledge to replenish,
subdue, and rule over the other living things. (Genesis 1:28, King James Version) It is important to
note that even in all that man was ordained to do, that God also blessed him with rest. It is
reassuring to know that God wants us to be diligent and faithful in our work and that he desires to
bless us with rest. For some that is a difficult concept, many employees work six days a week or
overtime in excess of twelve hours a day for financial gain. Not every ... Show more content on ...
Jesus paid the price that we could not pay for our sins to redeem us from death and being eternally
separated from him. No matter our shortcomings and our stubbornness, God still chooses to work in
us and through us despite ourselves. (Veith G. E., 2002) This is exemplified by God allowing us to
serve and be served by people from all walks of life. I think it is to remind us of our dependence on
Him. Just as we realize that we cannot make it in life without God's help, we cannot make it in life
without the people around us, the everyday ordinary people. "God, who pours out his generosity on
the just and the unjust, believer and unbeliever alike, hides himself in the ordinary social functions
and stations of life, even the most humble". (Veith G. , 1999) Our service would not be possible if
Christ had not done for us what we could not do for ourselves. As a matter of vocations, I serve
many roles. I am a mother, a daughter, a sister, a cousin, a friend, a niece, a granddaughter, a
neighbor, an aunt, a wife, a student, and an employee. My calling in each of these areas is different,
yet they share something in common. My duty to serve remains constant. I do not often think of
myself as a citizen, yet, I am. Usually, unless I am traveling, it is not something that I give a second
thought. Yet, I am a Tennessee native, a Texas resident, a member of the Tomball community. My
list keeps getting longer. It is
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  • 1. Vocation "People of genius do not excel in any profession because they work in it, they work in it because they exel." Such a large part of our lives is figuring out what to do with our lives. There are so many options; often times people are lost as to where to go. In our society, many of the decisions we make are made with money in mind. People will do almost anything for money, even if that means being unhappy. This class, and my SI education in general has framed for me a new way of living. That is, living happily. This does not mean that the work/job I perform is not hard. Instead, it means, that I must find something that I enjoy doing, and find a career based around my interest. This concept is essentially vocation. Mick McCarthy, ... Show more content on ... McCarthy believes that he was partly shaped by his home environment (which was steeped in "civic responsibility") and his educational background. His Jesuit education at SI and SCU gave him the language "to access and discover what, at a far more profound and mysterious level, I so desired." In sum, McCarthy's discovery of vocation is a combination of mystery, history, desire and attraction. His approach in determination of a vocation appears to largely a dialogue with himself and God. Spohn frames his essay on vocation with Ignatian spirituality. He opens with a description of a job seeker who wants more than just financial compensation from his life work. He wants his job to have more meaning. In other words, this job seeker is called to the challenge of discernment in determining a vocation. Spohn breaks down the different aspects of how Ignatian spiritually helps one seek the right vocation for them. The first important step is prayerful reflection. This helps one understand personal desires, special talents and the needs of the world and helps set a foundation for seeking and choosing a path. "An authentic calling goes beyond personal fulfillment and satisfaction to a broader concern for justice which demands that the needs of others are addressed, even if they are strangers." ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. A Concept Of A Calling A Concept Analysis of ?a Calling? to Nursing Christie Emerson Kennesaw State University Running head: A CONCEPT ANALYSIS OF ?A CALLING? TO NURSING 1 A CONCEPT ANALYSIS OF ?A CALLING? TO NURSING 14 Abstract The aim of this paper is to clarify the concept of ?a calling? as it relates to nursing. The purpose is to develop a definition with the detail and clarity needed to guide reliable and valid research. The classic steps described by Walker and Avant (2011) are used for the analysis. Literature from several disciplines is reviewed including vocational psychology, Christian Career counseling, sociology, organizational management and nursing. The analysis provides an operational definition of ?a calling? to nursing and establishes three defining attributes of the concept: (a) a passionate intrinsic motivation or desire (perhaps with a religious component), (b) fulfillment of an aspiration for the work to provide meaningfulness or purpose in one?s life, and (c) helping other through caregiving. Antecedents to the concept are personal introspective and cognitive awareness. Positive consequences to the concept are improved work meaningfulness, work engagement, career commitment, personal well–being and satisfaction. Negative consequences of having ?a calling? might include willingness to sacrifice wellbeing for work and problems with work–life balance. Following the concept analysis, philosophical assumptions, contextual factors, interdisciplinary work, ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. My Chosen Vocation Paper Dustin Webster Dr. George Bannister Theology 104–B42 12 June 2016 Biblical Worldview of my Chosen Vocation Introduction "The way we see God influences everything we do in life–the way we treat each other (as individuals being created in God's image), our stewardship of God's creation, our understanding of our vocation as a way to glorify" (Etzel and Gutierrez, p.3). If I were to choose just two examples of how man was created in the image of God, I would have to choose integrity and moral ethics. Upon completion of my B.S. in Business Administration with an emphasis on Leadership, I will enter the business world that requires both examples. Integrity Integrity is the quality of being honest and having strong moral convictions. "He never sinned, nor ever deceived anyone" (New Living Translation ,1 Peter 2.22). I was made in the image of God and he spoke the truth and kept His word. Leaders know that honesty and integrity are the foundations of leadership. Leaders stand up for what they believe in. Leaders with integrity may not be the most famous or flashy of leaders, and they don't care. Integrity means doing the right thing because it is the right thing to do. "Neither should we become antagonistic or agnostic to the existence of truth. Jesus said the Word of God is truth, and that is a great starting point for us" (Etzel and Gutierrez, p.23). The book of Proverbs provides an abundance of verses on integrity. "He who walks in integrity walks securely, but he who perverts his ways will be found out" (Proverbs 10.9). A person that has integrity will have a good reputation and not have to fear that he or she will be exposed as a person that can't be ... Show more content on ... 2012 © by Gabriel Etzel and Ben Gutierrez. Database © 2015 WORD search. Core Christianity: What Christianity Is All About Copyright © 2007 by Elmer L. Towns Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Vocation In The Christian Worldview Of The Puritans The pillars of constitutional liberty are self–government, private property, representative government, and limited government. Self–government speaks of the individual who attributes common good to society and does not harm society through selfish actions. Vocation in the Christian worldview develops political liberty through the practice of self–government (Samson, 1994). James Madison thought that "the larger the society...the more duly capable it will be" to self–govern (Madison, 1788). The New England Puritans through practicality needed certain functions such as common defense to be attended to thus, they created political covenants. These political covenants gave them the opportunity for self–government in these vocations and helped develop modern federalism providing for unity and diversity to flourish (Samson S. A., 1993). ... Show more content on ... 1). Through these concepts democracy has enhanced the lives of many people throughout the world. It promotes individual liberty and with individual liberty a person is allowed "freedom of expression, freedom of conscience, and freedom to own private property (Lynn–Jones). Representative government is the ideal type of polity, it allows for the improvement of the polity. People are able to engage with their government and are not just passive recipients. The government by design has to respond to the people and promote the public interest. The responsibility is on the people to be attentive, capable of taking action when needed, and to have wise judgement as to the actions of its government ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. The Importance Of Academic Success How do my strengths from the Gallup StrengthsQuest test affect my personal life, my academic success, and vocational calling in college? Now my five top themes are Harmony, Includer, Communication, Adaptability, and Consistency. These five strengths are a way for students to discover themselves and then flourish with this newfound self–awareness. I will apply these themes to my life to evoke academic success and my vocational calling through college and the rest of my life. To apply my strengths to my academic success I must first understand what academic success and vocational calling means. In college, my academic success emerges from doing my best in all my classes no matter what which means graduating from the honors college with a 4.0, staying in the honors–nursing bridge program, graduating in 4 years with my registered nurse license, and graduating with my dream job already lined up. I believe I will accomplish these goals because that is the physical epitomization of doing my best at this moment. Now my best may change when I apply my strengths to life and then my goals will grow to encompass greater things. In addition to this, my vocational calling by God is to help those around me. Now in college this looks like volunteering through the Baptist Student Ministry or conversing with my friends about their issues. These strengths combined with my academic goals will bring about academic success and my vocational calling. My signature strength of communication will ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. My Vocation After High School Serena Tim English 12 CP Mrs. Mennuti March 1, 2016 Obstetrics Nurse During the past four years people have asked me what I wanted to do for a vocation after high school. I always had an answer, but I always transmuted my vocation path. I kenned that I wanted to go into health care, but I was never genuinely certain on what field I wanted to go into. I am still skeptical on what I optate to do with the rest of my life, but I cerebrate this research has availed me to decide. There is one vocation in which I find intriguing which is obstetric nursing. An Obstetrics nurse avails medicos with the care of enceinte mothers afore and after birth. OB nurses customarily avail with preparing the distribution room, prepping the patients, preparing instruments, caring for a baby immediately after birth, expounding after birth care to incipient parents, and keeping track of family members and partners who are present afore and after the birth. Trained obstetric professionals are typically the ones that women turn to afore, during, and after their nine month journeys. Albeit obstetricians play an integral and incontrovertibly paramount role during this time in a woman's life, obstetric nurses are dedicated professionals that should not be overlooked. Due to the long and erratic hours along with the infrequent tragedy, obstetric nursing as a vocation is sometimes as stressful and challenging as it is rewarding. When it comes to taking care of a mother and child an OB nurse has many ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Veterinary Vocation Research Paper Having the capacity to work with numerous sorts of creatures as to their wellbeing takes an expertise set that should be learned through appropriate instruction. Understudies that need to work in the veterinary field have a few instructive chances to look over. Get ready for a veterinary vocation has understudies looking over two fundamental ways. Understudies can get ready for a vocation by picking which heading in the field they need to go. *Direction One: Preparing to Become a Veterinary Technician To wind up a veterinary specialist understudies regularly work through a partner's degree program. The objective of instruction is to show understudies how to direct clinical undertakings nearby a veterinarian. Helping with dental care methodology, get ready tissue examples, and getting blood tests are basic clinical aptitudes increased inside a preparation program. Contingent upon the business, experts may perform encourage clinical care and in addition standard managerial obligations inside the workplace. This profession decision has understudies contemplating a particular measure of courses that middle on work that will be led inside the work environment. Outside of general instruction courses understudies can hope to take courses that could include: Creature Behavior Veterinary Practice Management ... Show more content on ... The learning of creature life structures and symptomatic testing techniques gets ready understudies for an effective vocation as a veterinary professional. Understudies that need to proceed with training can finish an online four year certification program. This four–year preparing choice in veterinary innovation trains understudies at a propelled level to wind up pioneers and executives. The propelled information permits understudies to perform more clinical systems and help a veterinarian analyze a ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Essay on Psalm 90 Chaya Braxton BMBA622 Product/Service, Prdtn. & Qual. Impr Dr. Emily Cabanda March 16, 2012 Our Dwelling Place: The Calling of the Christian Entrepreneur By Chaya Braxton Introduction The founder of local grocery chain, Ukrop's, Joseph Ukrop was devoted to his vocation of being Richmond's local grocer. He put community first and used his grocery stores to build community. His legacy of entrepreneurship in Richmond was characterized by a distinct commitment to the Christian principles. For example although Ukrop's was closed on Sundays and sold no alcohol, they were still able to be a market leader in the Richmond grocery industry. In 2000, ... Show more content on ... 5Thou carriest them away as with a flood; they are as a sleep: in the morning they are like grass which groweth up. The last segment of the Psalm is Moses' appeal to God for him to return his presence to his people: "Return, O LORD, how long? And let it repent thee concerning thy servants." Not only should God return, but Moses asks for complete restoration and for God to bless the work of man: "Let thy work appear unto thy servants, and thy glory unto their children. And let the beauty of the LORD our God be upon us: and establish thou the work of our hands upon us; yea, the work of our hands establish thou it. A synopsis of Psalm 90 is that man God is eternal, man is finite. Therefore man should repent of his sin, turn from his wicked way and be restored to the dwelling place of the Lord God. Also, because man's days are numbered, he should seek to be the most productive during his youth as to reflect the glory of God. There is safety and peace in God's design. good This theme of vocation and purpose is a constant theme in the both the Hebrew and Christian scriptures. The Vocation of the Christian Entrepreneur The significance of Psalm 90 frames the meaning of vocation for the Christian entrepreneur. For the Christian entrepreneur, vocation , meaning vocare in Latin, indicates that there is a relationship between the one is calling and the one being called.12 This ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Analysis Of Donald Trump's Politics As A Vocation In the days following the United States presidential election, many Americans voiced their disbelief that Donald Trump, a man longtime considered a political joke and nuisance, won the election. But despite his brashness, entire lack of eloquence, and discriminatory tendencies, Trump was in fact elected. Many of Trump's supporters attribute his success to his fundamentally different approach to politics and leadership. Max Weber's lecture, Politics as a Vocation, provides an explanation of how Trump's campaign was successful, why he is perceived as refreshing and different by his supporters, and how these same supporters were able to overlook Trump's flaws. Weber defines in his lecture, three ideal types of authority; traditional, legal, and charismatic. Traditional authority can be associated with Hillary Clinton and her institutionalized style of politics, while Trump is aligned with charismatic authority. Trump's charismatic leadership style contrasts the traditional American political approach which contributes to the perception of him as working against the status quo rather than for it. Weber's description of how ... Show more content on ... To be sure, Weber's description of charismatic leadership does not account for all of the forces at play during the election, but his theory does shed light on why many individuals view Trump's style of leadership as different and necessary in this current political moment. Weber's discussion of the charismatic leader as an infallible authority with a perceived legitimate claim of power highlights why Trump supporters endorsed his rhetoric despite its many logical, political, and ethical flaws. Yet, according to Weber, Trump's current style of leadership and authority cannot last in the long– term. This may be a comforting or concerning notion, but nonetheless, sheds light on what may occur during the Trump ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. My Vocation Course Analysis Approaching the conclusion of this course, I have learned a lot that could be used in both my everyday life, as well as my current and future career. This course have not only open my eyes to see some of challenges that await me in my future career as a Health Care Manager, but it has also taught me some real life lessons that can be used in my personal life. One thing that was useful is the video that talks about vocation. The video did not only remind me of my job has a vocation (calling), and how relevant it is to society and the people that I served, moreover myself as a Christian. "Vocation 101: What is Vocation?". My personal definition of ethics have not change, however, it has been reformed ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. Health Vocation Course Analysis Introduction– The health vocation that was chosen was a double degree in Bachelor of Nursing and Bachelor Midwifery. This was chosen because I highly enjoy helping people and this course offers both nursing and midwifery so my career options is still left open. What originally made me decide to choose this course was my mum would come from home from her job as the hospital administrator and tell me stories about the nurses and my auntie would tell me about the babies' ward. The stories made me want to work with people and babies. This is the main contributor to the choosing of the course but also just the general interest of the occupation. The information that was gathered came from several of sources. Those sources being; the internet where ... Show more content on ... Also government funding and t Water– Clean, fresh water is very important as it is needed to drink about also for sanitisation reasons. Infections could develop if there is no clean water, this could affect both midwives and nurses but also the patients. The school pathway that leads to the chosen vacation is to complete Year 12 and earn a high enough ATAR to be accepted into the course by the chosen university. Also the completion and with a score of at least 30 in English for VCE Units 3 and 4. If Year 12 was not completed there is still a chance that the course can still be completed. The current ATAR is between 50 and 65 this is different depending on which campus that is chosen. It is higher in places with more people wanting to study there and if the University is in a highly populated area. This course takes 4 years full–time to complete. This profession that is being studied helps people achieve positive outcomes by either helping them deliver and plan for their babies also making sure that they are taking the right medication to support their child. Nurses would help people get better after they have gotten sick or if they were ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. The And Vocation Questionnaire For College Students Introduction How is a calling (the search for or the presence of) mediated by student–reported measures such as, academic satisfaction, withdrawal deliberation, and major commitment among college students? To explore the research questions this review will use the Calling and Vocation Questionnaire (CVQ; Dik, Eldridge, Steger, & Duffy, 2012) to measure calling. Measurement of the variable of academic satisfaction will be facilitated by a seven–item measure developed by Lent, et al. (2005). Withdrawal deliberation measures will be adapted from Pleskac, et al. (2009). The variable of major commitment will be measure through the academic major satisfaction survey (Nauta, 2007). Review of Instrument The CVQ is a 24 item, self–report measure that assesses an individual's belief that they have a calling, and/or the individual is searching for a calling (Dik, et al., 2012). The instrument's purpose as described by its authors is to "assess calling in the domain of work" (Dik, et al., 2012, pg. 243). The CVQ includes three subscales that relate to the search for a calling (Search–Transcendent Summons, Search–Purposeful Work, and Search–Prosocial Orientation) and three subscales that relate to the presence of a calling (Presence–Transcendent Summons, Presence–Purposeful Work, and Presence–Prosocial Orientation). The items are endorsed by the test–taker on a Likert–style scale of one to four, one being "Not at all true of me" and four being "Absolutely true of me". Each of the ... Get more on ...
  • 24.
  • 25. My Vocation In School A vocation is one's calling in life. We are called to many different areas that it almost seems hard to know which path is right to follow. This year is my junior year in highschool and I am already being pushed to think about my future and what I want my life to be like. A decision of this magnitude is extremely hard and daunting to make. How am I supposed to know what my true vocation is if I'm not even eighteen yet? There are a plethora of hobbies I love to do and activities I participate in, but which one is right for me? Which one brings me joy? I started out thinking about what I am good at. For as long as I can remember, I have always loved school. My mother used to say that I had the brain of an elephant because I could always remember details when nobody else could. Having that type brain made it easy to learn and succeed in school. I was never the athletic type. I tried every sport imaginable, but nothing ever stuck with me; I decided that school would be my sport. Every year, I tried my hardest to achieve the highest grades and every year it paid off. When I was ten, I started to get involved with Irish step dancing and I instantly fell in love. Everybody else either did ballet, tap, jazz, modern, or other dances, but nobody did Irish Step; it was my own thing. As the years past, I began to compete and move up in the ranks of competitive dancing. When I reached the championship level, I decided to stop and just dance for my own enjoyment and happiness. Although ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Council Of Vocations In Ayn Rand's Anthem In a thought–provoking dystopian novella, Anthem by Ayn Rand, a man by the name of Equality 7– 2521 struggles to survive in a communist society. Despite his vast intelligence, he is given the job of a street sweeper by his superiors, the Council of Vocations. He uses his knowledge to create an invention to help society flourish, but ultimately is chastised and flees from his city. In the end, he is a free, independent man who wishes to help his peers free themselves from the shackles of communist society. His appointment to street sweeper by the Council is fueled by neither chance nor incompetence, but rather by obvious calculation. One of the Council's motives is to diminish the aspirations of others. The Council, in an effort to ensure the government's superiority, seeks to dash the hopes and dreams of the people, therefore creating loyalty only to the state. If people are allowed to be creative and aspire to great things, individuality becomes a threat to society, which is against the idea of communism. Everyone must be equal in order to keep the government in power. We can see authorities actively demolish hopes and dreams when Equality recalls being a student, ... Show more content on ... The government closely monitors people's lives, and has control over every aspect of society. Equality is different than his peers, as he is much taller than them. He is more intellectual and bigger than most, therefore somewhat superior to others. The government would not have forgotten the tall genius, as even his teachers took note of him, when they tell him "There is evil in your bones, Equality 7–2521, for your body has outgrown the bodies of your brothers." (18) When the government monitors the lives of people so closely, they leave no margin for error. The Council of Vocations know Equality by reputation, and know that he is highly intelligent. His appointment to street sweeper is obviously a calculated act, not a government ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. The Failure Of Vocation Ltd Essay 1. Identify the problem The scope of this essay is using the professional knowledge to critically analyze the failure of Vocation Ltd in 2015. This essay will provide three of possible categories of corporate failure that contributed to the failure of Vacation Ltd, and using suitable accounting theories explain these. Further more this essay will choose suitable Corporate Governance Principles to try preventing the failure of Vocation. This essay focuses on the problem of Vocation Ltd ignoring the external pressure, such as: changing of policy. In Australia the corporate failures means the "insolvency" that a company cease its business operation(Michaela 2012, 365–366). The categories of corporate failures are six possible reasons that lead the failure of corporate(Mickelwaith 2006, 2– 6). The accounting theory is a way to explain the accounting practice or prescribe how accounting should be done(Michaela 2012, 133–134). Additionally, the corporate governance was defined that the framework of rules, relationships, systems and processes can be exercised and controlled by corporate(Council 2014, 3). 2. Determine relevant information The Group of Vocation Ltd consisted of 22 corporate entities. It provided its training lessons to government and corporate customers around the major states and territories in Australia. Especially, the major revenue of Vocation Ltd was from the Federal and State government(Vocation Limited and its associated entities 21 December 2015, 13). In ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. The Failure Of Vocation Limited Essay 1 IDENTIFY THE PROBLEM This essay exposits the failure of Vocation Limited to draft how might a more appropriate application of the eight ASX Corporate Governance Principles (ASX, 2014, p. 4) have conceivably prevented the failure. Corporate failure is referred to insolvency in Australia, which means the inability to meet the due debt obligations, resulting in business suspension (Michaela, Patricia, Susan, Kimberly, & Matthew, 2012, p. 365). Corporate governance denotes to the system by which corporations are directed and controlled (Michaela et al., 2012, p. 188). Moreover, Hamilton and Micklethwait (2006, p. 1) postulates that the six causes of corporate failure are the most representative with irrespective of sector or geography. Therefore, by applying the six main causes (Hamilton & Micklethwait, 2006, p. 1) and the eight principles (ASX, 2014, p. 4), the scope of the essay is limited to the company prospective without consideration of external issues. Additionally, this essay accesses only the public available information of Vocation. 2 DETERMINE RELEVANT INFORMATION As vocational–based training outsourced by the governments, Vocation pied in pocketing supporting funds and students were endowed education with HELP loans (Joe & Simon, 2014, p. 2). Vocation established through three considerable RTOs then first listed in ASX (Vocation, 2014a, p. 2 & 14) and expanded organically through merger and acquisition till July 2014 (Ferrier, 2015, p. 14; Vocation, 2014a, p. 3). ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Listening Well-A Chaplain Vocation Summary In "Listening Well – A Chaplain Vocation," Nicole Chivilis surprises me when he points out that listening has a sacramental dimension. I have no doubt of that, but I never think of listening as sacrament. Indeed, Chivilis indicates that in the hospital setting, circles of unity, understanding, reconciliation and forgiveness among family members and friends could be formed to share about their loved ones. They form a "communion table" and the chaplain is in the "sacred space." Thus, according to Chivilis, "listening well creates a space in which a truth can be spoken." I think that recognizing listening as sacrament is very significant because the stories that we the listeners receive are sacred treasures. For that reason, I always feel blessed ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. My Vocation And Passion Is To Be A Paramedic My vocation and passion is to become a paramedic. During my adolescent years, a close relative with complex health needs was cared for and treated by paramedics. The idea of a profession which would utilise problem–solving abilities has always interested and encouraged me to pursue a career as a paramedic. Having had the opportunity to observe frontline paramedics has inspired me to be part of a dedicated and dynamic team. As I have had employment in Accident and Emergency and a doctor's surgery, this had made me recognise and acknowledge the importance of patient care. I have experience practicing in the workplace lawfully, safely and effectively. Using clear and concise record management and documentation whilst continually maintaining patient confidentiality. In previous jobs, particularly in the NHS, I have experience in communication with individuals from multiple ethnic background, people who are deaf, blind, learning difficulties and people suffering with mental health conditions. As I strongly believe in equality and diversity, all individuals should be treated equally disregard of race, gender, ... Show more content on ... A challenge I intend to embrace. The thought of being able to help save lives, and provide help where needed, really inspires me. An occasion where I was able to demonstrate my willingness to help others was when returning from work one day when I came across an elderly lady who had fell. Using first aid skills, I parked up and offered my assistance. The incident had involved the lady in a quiet street falling over, who looked to be in serious condition; ensuring she was warm and comfortable, and assured her that help was on the way. Once the emergency services had arrived, I walked away knowing I had at least assured the lady of her safety. Even today, I still feel proud of myself for my act of courage and believe I dealt with the situation in the best way of could, remaining calm and ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Andrew Johnson Vocation Andrew Johnson was the 17th president. Andrew became the president after Abraham Lincoln was assassinated. He was president from 1865–1869, so he only accommodated one term. Jackson was archaic southern Jacksonian Democrat. Andrew Johnson was one of the most hapless of Presidents. ( Born in Raleigh, North Carolina, in 1808, Johnson grew up in impecuniosity. He was apprenticed to a tailor as a boy, but absquatulated. He opened a tailor shop in Greeneville, Tennessee, espoused Eliza McCardle, and participated in debates at the local academy. ( The year after he absquatulated he married Elize Mccardle, they had five children together. ... Show more content on ... Johnson, a vigorous adherent of the U.S. Constitution, believed it assured individuals the right to own slaves. Johnson left Congress in 1853 to become governor of Tennessee. He vacated the governorship in 1857 to take a seat in the U.S. Senate. During the 1850s, as the struggle over states' rights and slavery in the territories further intensified and divided the North and South, Johnson perpetuated to believe in the right to own slaves. However, as some Southern bellwethers commenced calling for secession, he was an advocate for the Cumulation. (–presidents/andrew–johnson). In November 1860, Abraham Lincoln, a former U.S. congressman from Illinois and member of the anti–slavery Republican Party, was elected America's 16th president. On December 20 of that same year, slaveholding South Carolina seceded from the Amalgamation. Six more Southern states anon followed, and in February 1861, they composed the Confederate States of America (which would eventually include a total of 11 Southern states). Lincoln was inaugurated on March 4, 1861, and just over a month later, on April 12, the U.S. Civil War broke out when Confederate forces fired on Fort Sumter in Charleston Harbor, South Carolina. That June, Tennessee voters ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Careerbuilder Research Papers The details on school achievement As indicated by information from a recent report by the National Center for Education Statistics, six years in the wake of selecting in a four year college education program in 2007, 41 percent of understudies still hadn't finished the program or had dropped out totally. CareerBuilder ascribes this drop–off to a general sentiment instability for understudies with regards to making sense of what way they need to take. In a review from CareerBuilder, 41 percent of specialists announced that they wished they had gotten more help and direction before picking a profession way. Join that with another CareerBuilder study where one in four secondary school seniors report having "no clue what profession they need ... Show more content on ... In the wake of picking an industry, similar to IT, you can pick your area from a drop–down menu and show "vocation matches" in your state. It conveys up occupation titles, similar to PC developer, sight and sound craftsman and artist, and distinguishes how much the title coordinates your interests, and if the employment is developing or not. It likewise discloses to you what the assessed yearly pay is for the occupation, and what level of instruction you'll have to discover work in that field. Plunging much more profound into the occupation title, you can get a thought of what the employment requires and other comparable occupation titles you may be keen on. It gives you a chance to discover schools in any express that offer projects in that field and even lays out the everyday errands you'd be in charge of. What's more, if that isn't sufficient, you can likewise observe what organizations have posted occupation postings for that title over the most recent couple of years to get a feeling of what organizations you could work ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. The Church 's Ministry On Teaching And Learning The church's ministry on teaching and learning is simultaneously a simple and complex ministry. It is a ministry that is potentially misunderstood more often than it is understood in the life of a congregation. As the congregation struggles to combine secular life with spiritual practice, the vision for the teaching and learning ministry of the church can fall out of focus for those who feel called to this ministry's vocations. To begin, I will define the teaching and learning ministry of the church as I understand it followed by an elaboration of its definition. Lastly, I will discuss a few implications of this ministry as it applies to a congregation. The church's ministry of teaching and learning is the collective discernment of the community, as loving people of God, which integrates and challenges the understanding of their presence as individuals in an ever deepening connection with God and their community of neighbors through various reflective methods and practices, which engage scripture, tradition, experience, and reason. This definition may appear simple if taken at its face value. However, upon further inspection its elements contain subtle meanings even multiple layers of meaning. Thus, further explanation of these elements is required and displayed herein. The main element of this definition is community. Humanity, generally speaking, is social in nature which leads individuals to gather into groups of various sizes. These groups or communities can be ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Vocation Or Exploration Tumgend Analysis Tugend: Plan or Explore College? College. One word that has people's minds run like crazy. Panic is one emotion that starts to settle in for high school seniors when second semester rolls by when they realize they are suppose to figure out their future soon. Not only is it a stressful time for the seniors, but also for the parents. Alina Tugend, an experienced journalist, wrote an essay called, "Vocation or Exploration? Pondering the Purpose of College." Tugend's goal of this article is to inform the audience of college students and their parents that college is continuously changing its aspect which leads us to different options when approaching college. This is why making the right choices after graduating high school is challenging. She pinpoints great examples throughout the essay and uses a good amount of ethos, logos, but did not have a ... Show more content on ... If so, how are students suppose to figure out what the "right major or school" is. Throughout the essay she mentions many quotes and information from a variety of people. A big point she makes is that college or furthering your education after high school concept has completely changed over the years and continues to. Nowadays there are options to attend college, vocational schools, internship programs, and professional training. The bottom line of her argument is how are students and parents suppose to make a crucial decision for their future when our world keeps changing its needs and educational values? Throughout the essay, Tugend used an effective amount of ethos for readers to understand her character and credibility. She did a wonderful job on not viewing one side of the argument. Tugent has been a journalist for years over a variety of topics and has received awards for her work. This was stated in the brief biography before the essay which is helpful for readers to acknowledge her background information and ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Caroline Chisholm's Catholic Vocation Caroline Chisholm demonstrated her Catholic vocation through her work towards restoring the balance between rich and poor, and through this work she reflected the priestly, prophetic and kingly values of Jesus. Prayer and worship were at the centre of her life, and these beliefs encouraged her to act on injustice for the marginalised group of immigrants, in particular females. Caroline showed priestly values because of her work towards restoring the balance. She did this through assisting immigrants by giving them shelter, supplies and educating them to find employment. She demonstrated prophetic values by acting on the injustice to immigrants, who at the time were treated poorly and as if they were not part of society. This was shown when ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Art Therapy in Metal Health Vocation Art therapy is a common mental health vocation that utilizes the ingenious practice of art making to ameliorate and improve the mental, emotional, and physical healthfulness of people of all age groups. It is predicated on the credence that the creative operation involved in imaginative self– expression avails people to undertake conflicts and quandaries, develop interpersonal skills, manage comportment, reduce stress, increment self–esteem and self–cognizance, and accomplish understanding of themselves. Art therapy incorporates the fields of visual arts, human development, and the ingenious process with models of psychotherapy and counseling. This is utilized with children, teenagers, adults, elderly people, families, and groups to evaluate and treat apprehensiveness, despondence, and other mental/emotional quandaries, abuse and domestic violence, mental illnesses, family and relationship problems, gregarious/emotional difficulties cognate to incapacitation or illness, personal trauma, loss and post traumatic stress disorder, physical, cognitive, and neurological quandaries, psychosocial difficulties cognate to medical illness, substance abuse and other addictions. Throughout the healing procedure, an art therapist will utilize an array of ingenious art processes to address the issues a patient wants to find a solution too. Painting, drawing, and sculpting are principal methods. Daily duties for an art therapist include establishing art therapy treatment program depending ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. In-School Youth Vocation Methods 4. What methods will be used to record time, attendance, and progress of participants. The Vocational Coordinator and the Employment Counselors will ensure all documentation requested by the Regional Planning Commission and required by this grant is completed in a timely manner. Regional Planning Commission time sheets will be used to track participation in subsidized employment and monthly case notes will be completed by the Vocational Coordinator on the IWDS website. The Vocational Coordinator will submit quarterly reports to the assigned contact at the Regional Planning Commission. Excel sheets are set up for each youth to track hours, and performance reports are submitted each week by the Employment Counselors to the Vocational Coordinator. Methods for in–school youth and out–of–school youth will be similar in nature, varying only by requirements of the respective grants and individualized needs of youth. 5. Describe where program activities will take place and accessibility for all participants to be served. Program activities for both in–school youth and out–of–school youth will take ... Show more content on ... It is projected that 15 will be eligible for up to 240 hours of subsidized part time/full time employment at $8.25 an hour. The remaining ten are projected to be directly hired or in follow up without using the full 240 hours. The check for subsidized employment from the Regional Planning Commission is delivered to the participants by the Employment Counselors who review it with the young person to assist them in understanding their withholdings and practicing budget management. Fifteen young people who will be exited from the program will receive a $25 monthly contact incentive for the period of twelve months to ensure on–going follow up contact. Fifteen young people who have a high school graduation diploma or GED will receive incentive pay of $100 for completing and passing the S.T.A.R.T. certification ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Max Weber 's Politics As A Vocation "He who seeks the salvation of the soul, of his own and of others, should not seek it along the avenue of politics, for the quite different tasks of politics can only be solved by violence", stated Max Weber in his lecture "Politics as a Vocation" (Weber 4). In order to participate in politics, an individual will inevitably encounter times when they must break with traditional morality. An ethic of ultimate ends is not realistic or plausible for the field of politics, particularly when it is followed steadfastly. An ethic of responsibility is more compatible with politics, as it allows the response to a situation to be determined by the circumstances rather than inflexible rules, while still maintaining accountability for one's own actions. This flexibility is most necessitated by the politicians use of violence. There is a fallacy that an "ethic of ultimate ends" and an "ethic of responsibility" are incompatible and cannot be reconciled. A politician can follow an ethic of responsibility, while still following certain ethical principles of ultimate ends, on which they will hold their ground. Weber states, "... an ethic of ultimate ends and an ethic of responsibility are not absolute contrasts but rather supplements, which only in unison constitute a genuine man– a man who can have the 'calling for politics'"(Weber 4). True morality in politics is found in the compromise between the competing ethical codes, and the ability to discern when this compromise is necessary is ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Booker Palmer And The Legend Of Bagger Vance Parker Palmer and the Legend of Bagger Vance both connect with one another to better further our understanding of the vocational method. Palmer's definition of vocation contains three key components to it. These components are; who am I? Whose am I? and distractions to our vocation. These three components help us to go deeper into trying to find our vocation and our understanding of what vocation is. These same three components are located in the Legend of the Bagger Vance. The Legend of Bagger Vance connects these three themes together with its own definitions and descriptions of what they are in order to better shine a light on vocation and delve deeper into what vocation is to each of us. Both Parker Palmer and the Legend of Bagger ... Show more content on ... All we got to do is get ourselves out of its way, to let it choose us" (The Legend of Bagger Vance). Bagger in this is illustrating that our authentic swing is what we are born with, our original selfhood who we are called to be, and is unique to you only. Bagger stresses this once again by saying, "Now play the game. Your game. The one that only you was meant to play. The one given to you when you was born" (The Legend of Bagger Vance). Bagger is ultimately stresses the same points that Parker Palmer is. Both Palmer and Bagger and saying that we have an original selfhood we were born with and area called to find and become, and this is unique to the individual alone no one else. Both these ideas coincide with one another to help illustrate the idea of Who Am I in the vocational method. The Legend of Bagger Vance and Palmer both illustrate the aspect of whose am I? Palmer describes the theme of whose am I as an idea of relationships and how our relationshops affect our vocation. Palmer illustrates this when he says, "For there is no selfhood outside relationship" (Palmer). We cannot become our true self without understanding our relationships. We need relationships to help us find out more of who we are as well as we need this relationships to sometimes help to guide us and grow us. This same idea of relationships is illustrated throughout the Legend of Bagger Vance. This example can be found in ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. The Purpose and Practice of Monastic Vocation Essay The Purpose and Practice of Monastic Vocation The monastic vocation can be called a "mystery" and in two senses of the word. Primarily – divine mystery is a reality proceeding from God, at once hidden and revealed, expressing in its essence something of the grace, wisdom, peace and fruitfulness of God. Monastic consecration – a mystery akin to the sacramental mysteries of the Church, in which an inner change is affected through an outward ritual or symbol and from here becomes a wellspring of Divine energy. Apostolic orders · Dominicans · Jesuits · Salesians · Daughters of Charity Contemplative orders · Redemptorists · Benedictine Monks · ... Show more content on ... · Great care must be taken of those who are sick. For their first reason, silence is very important for Benedictines for the reason that they could concentrate more and more on hearing God's voice. If they fill their mind with noises they would not be able to focus their mind on praying and hearing the wisdom of their Abbot, and their brethren as they guide them in their search of God.
  • 56. Secondly, talking too much will not be able to avoid having a sin, as our tongue is the effective weapon of all, which will hurt other people. However, the control of talking would make a change to peoples lives to good, as this will give advice to people, support them, encourage them, teach them, console them. Humility is also important. This will make them understand the truth of being a Christian. Pride is the opposite of humility, because of our pride lying is sometimes the answer, it can also ruin the Christian's belief. When a person wants to join a monastic life they have to make a vow, which are obedience, stability and Conversatio Morum. Once the vow is made they are making a promise to God that they would serve Him, until he die. This is how they show how much they love God, just as God's love us constantly. Obedience – Obeying God is the first thing that they have to vow, the fact that in his rule he describe obedience as "the ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. Kingdom Calling: Vocational Stewardship For The Common Good One of the most shocking statistics noted in Kingdom Calling: Vocational Stewardship for the Common Good by Amy Sherman is that if one attends church on a weekly basis, they spend 5 percent at most of their waking hours at church. The other 95 percent are spent out in the world. This illustrates the importance of why this book matters. Sherman starts off by setting the tone for readers – she gives a background as to why she found it necessary that she write this book – and how she read a book by Michael Lindsey in which he discussed research of prominent evangelical business leaders and how their faith impacts their behaviors and decisions at work. A few stood out, while the rest stated they kept a Christian plaque in their office or wore a cross around their neck. They did not fulfill their religious identity in conjunction with their careers. There was a complete disconnect between the two sectors of their lives, and Sherman recognized that. Kingdom Calling is a guidebook for anyone who has ever been concerned about living a divided life – especially for pastors and religious leaders, but for lay people and congregation members as well. In Kingdom Calling, Sherman sets up a three–part framework on how to grow and empower a congregation, a specific group in the church, or a single member. The first section of the book is about "theological foundations", as its title notes. Among all of the elements discussed in this section – all of which are valid and important, an ... Get more on ...
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  • 60. Developmental Theories : The Decline Stages Of Vocational... Vocational Development: Vocational Development may be conceived of as beginning early in life and as proceeding along a curve late in life. While four year old child who plays the policeman or solder in his very early stage of vocational development, a old man of sixty who does not work for money but still keeps himself busy with writing books in the field of his specialization is going through the late stages of the vacational development. VOCATIONAL Life Stages : 1. Growth : (birth to 14years) 2.Explanatory : (15–24years) It has sub stage of fantasy which may be tentative or realistic with appropriate appropriate attitude towards work and occupation. 3. Establishment : (24 – 44 years) It begins with trial and progressing into stable position. 4. Maintenance Stage : (45 – 64years) It is characterized by stability in the field in which establishment has taken place earlier in life 5.The Decline stage : (65 onwards) It is characterized by declaration during the early part and progressing into one of retirement. Developmental Theories : Ginzberg(1951)put forward a theory which identifies four factors in occupational choice. These factors are reality testing Educational process ., the emotional factors and instill the individuals values. The theory says that the individual compromises between his wishes and possibilities, the theory refers to three periods. During the fantasy Period, a child has no knowledge of reality. The tentative period is the pre–adolescent and adolescent period .Here the child tries to make vocational considerations that are more realistic regarding to his skill In the realistic period the idea and choice of the career are crystallized and specific decisions take place. The theory refers tocareer development Socio–Economic Factors influencing Interest and Choice of an Vocation: It may be observed that at the outset that although the process of occupational choice is basically rational there are a number socio–cultural factors which influence it. The evidence available t, the researches in this area s that indicates that there are two se factors which influence choice of a vocation by a person: 1 – The hierarchy of ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. Nelson Mandela As A Vocation Leader Nelson Mandela once stated "there is no easy walk to freedom anywhere, and many of us will have to pass through the valley of the shadow of death again and again before we reach the mountain tops of our desires." This powerful quote was a summary of his life. Nelson was a liberating activist in South Africa. His purpose as a leader was to end apartheid and advocate for human rights. On the journey to his purpose, Nelson loved, lived and lost. Nelson fulfilled his duty as a vocation leader but at the cost of his freedom, family and life. Vocation leadership is journey, because at the end of your journey, your purpose in life will be revealed. What does it mean to be a vocation leader? A vocation leader is a leader who has a purpose and a passion to serve a higher purpose, mostly through experience. Nelson Mandela's purpose was to abolish apartheid in South Africa. Nelson's family was royalty of Xhosa–speaking Thembu Tribe in South Africa Village of Mvezon. (cite) On July 18, 1918, Nelson was born to Nosekeni Fanny and Gadla Henry Mphakanyiswa. (cite) Education was at the top of Nelson priorities being the first in his family to receive a formal education form Clarkbury Boarding Institute, a Methodist secondary school. When Nelson was 9 years old, his father died and he was adopted by a noble regent who prepared him for tribal leadership. (cite) Nelson wrote "long Walk to Freedom" as a demonstration of his Journey (vocation) and how it led to his purpose. Nelson was an ... Get more on ...
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  • 64. The Vocation As Biography Project: Alice Harris Do you want to die? Neither did the people of Salem, but they did, and all because of the use of religious beliefs to justify prejudice. For the Vocation as Biography project, our group decided to create a character within the period of time of the Salem witch trials that we named Alice Harris. Through this project, we gained an improved knowledge of: the Salem witch trials, the effect of religion on moral perspective, and how groups of people can use religion in controlling ways. These are relevant because it is important to know our history in order to avoid repeating it, especially in regards to being able to recognize situations where religion is being used as a tool for power gain or justification for immoral or unreasonable acts. The ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. Importance Of Vocation In Education 2017 Vocation Having a sense of vocation towards a particular job is something that most people do not think about when choosing a career path. Vocation is defined as having a strong sense of suitability for a particular occupation, where as mine is Veterinary Technician. Many people look down on the occupation Veterinary Technician due to the low income and small amounts of schooling, but to me, that is not the case. I see an occupation that I will enjoy and look forward to doing everyday due to my love of animals. It has always been my biggest dream to work around animals, but that dream was pushed out of the way when I realized the income was not as much as I hoped. After a semester in college, I have come to learn that as long as I am happy, nothing else matters. With that being said, I plan to continue my education at Baton Rouge Community College and major in Veterinary Technician (Vet Tech). In the past few weeks I was given the chance to meet with a friend and attend job shadows to learn what it is to be a Vet Tech and I even got some insight on how people feel about the occupation. Not everyone is aware of the duty of a veterinary technician, and they often get lumped with nurses and even simply called assistants. A few tasks that they are responsible for is providing first aid, taking vitals, perform diagnostic tests like urinalysis, fecal exams, blood tests and even radiographs (Sirois 2010). They also help prepare the animals for surgery and assist the ... Get more on ...
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  • 68. My Vocation, My Calling Change My Life Vocation is the calling a person experience in regards of aspirations in their life. Vocation in an invitation by God to pursue our love for something in particular, some people hear this calling early on in life, while other spend many years trying to find it. This paper will explore types of God callings, my calling and how my calling change my life. One of the first calling most people experience is the call to work. God created people to work, he did not discriminate against men and women, in his eyes both need to work to be able to provide for them and their families. Many people are fortunate to have this calling, but unfortunately more people are out of jobs and this is not because God did not give them this calling, but it is because of different circumstances they experience. Genesis 1:27–28 expresses God's calling to work "God created humankind in his image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. God blessed them, and God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over every living thing that moves upon the earth." This passage speaks to me because it proves that God wants people to contribute to the community. The second calling is to live, not only to work: people have to work, our jobs are necessary, but sometimes we get caught up in our jobs that we forget to realize what is truly important and what gives our life ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. Suffering And Vocation In Hermann Hesse's Siddhartha Darkness and desperation consume him. In Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse the protagonist, Siddhartha, has a life changing experience during his darkest hour and realizes numerous important lessons during this moment. Throughout the novel, Siddhartha holds a variety of vocations, experiencing a different lifestyle from each one leading to his understanding of suffering and his desperation. The pivotal point of the book occurs during Siddhartha's darkest hour when he contemplates suicide by the river. During this moment, Siddhartha learns to look within for answers and unifies himself with the universe. While learning the ways of business from Kamaswami, Siddhartha lives a life of wealth, gambling away his money and acquiring a taste for lavish ... Show more content on ... Acting as a spiritual guide, Vasudeva teaches Siddhartha to learn from the river, which realistically is Siddhartha for all aspects of life are unified. The two ferrymen come to think of the river as "... the voice of life, the voice of Being, of perpetual Becoming" (Hesse 88). The river holds all the answers Siddhartha needs, including how to find love, gratitude and unity, while serving as his spiritual guide to Nirvana. When Little Siddhartha leaves Siddhartha to follow his own path, just as Siddhartha had done to his father, he uses two lessons that he learns from the river to heal his wounded heart: patience and listening. These lessons bring him closer to enlightenment and help him discover "... that love is the most important thing in the world" (Hesse 119). This is the last lesson Siddhartha needs to learn before reaching Nirvana. Great irony resides in the fact that Siddhartha contemplates suicide by the river and reaches enlightenment there too, because when he contemplates ending his life, he awakens and begins a new life of universal unity ending his past ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. Ray's Vocation In The Film 'Field Of Dreams' In the movie Field of Dreams, Ray's true vocation was to host the baseball players on his corn field in order for Terrance Mann and Archie Graham to get the closure they need in their lives. Once he heard the mysterious voice, he knew that there was something that he was supposed to do in his life, but was not quite sure of what it is. However, as the movie progressed, it became clear to Ray that no matter what difficulties were going on, such as struggling to pay the bills and having his friends tell him to get rid of the farm, he needed to keep the field. If Ray had not become a farmer, which he originally assumed was his vocation, the baseball players, particularly Mr. Kinsella, would not have been on the field. Therefore, Ray would not ... Show more content on ... Ray was in serious danger of losing the farm because he and Annie were no longer able to pay the bills and on the surface, there was nothing for him to benefit from. However, he decided to continue anyway because he knew it was his calling. This is similar to John Baptist de La Salle, as he also was struggling to make ends meet. He did not have much money to use to help run the schools and many disliked him for trying to give a Catholic education to poor boys. Next, both men recruited others to help them in pursuing their vocation once they realized they could not do it all by themselves. Ray called upon Terrance Mann and Moonlight Graham to try to discover the meaning behind the voice and the baseball field. In comparison, John Baptist de La Salle also required other volunteers to help him put his plan into action and to be workers at the school. Finally, both Ray and John Baptist de La Salle claim that they were told by someone else to follow their mission, presumably God in both cases. Ray, although he was not quite aware of where it was coming from, listened to the voice of God and was inspired to help others live their dreams with the baseball field. This is related to the story of John Baptist de La Salle because he knew God had been calling him to start the schools for the poor boys so ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Politics As A Vocation Max Weber In an essay tilted Politics as a Vocation Max Weber asserts that the legitimacy of a government rests on its monopolization of the "legitimate use of physical force" within a given territory. This monopoly provides the foundation from which government, at every level, is built upon. At the local level, we interact with this principle by means of law enforcement. Policeman are the arbiters of a municipalities' norms, granted the authority to use legitimate force as a means of maintaining order. Consequently, police agencies are substantively different from other agencies in a municipal government. While I would like to say my yearning to observe this difference drove me to attend the police and fire commission at 2:30pm on Feb. 18th, in reality I thought agenda item "Pursuit Presentation" seemed pretty badass. Discussion at the meeting seemed evenly split between representatives from both the fire and police departments. In accordance with the agenda, the representative from the fire department spoke first, presenting a personnel report for the month of January, 2016. The report included a summary of "activity, inspections, and training." The representative chose to elaborate the Incident Command System (ICS) that exists to direct operations within the department. The ICS model is essentially a system of standardized operating procedure that is coordinated between all major functions of a department, including command, operations, finance/administration, logistics, and ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. The Importance Of Vocation In A Ray Of Darkness Former Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams' book A Ray of Darkness, has been influential on my own journey with call and vocation. Prior church experiences taught me that introspection and self–exploration were too prideful and that it is the Christian's duty to continually pursue difficult things, in spite of aptitude. The rationale was: if it is difficult, then it must be holy. It was this very mindset that for many years, kept me from pursuing my calling. Williams' book was formative in my life because he critiques the common view of vocation as a "theatrical casting" event, which is also how I once viewed vocation. Williams argues that the "God finding us a part to play" perspective of vocation is inherently problematic and leads to resentment when we do not feel we are being "used"1. Rather, in quite ground– breaking fashion Williams defines vocation as "the call to be" and exist as oneself 2. This frees us to respond to God's call within our own unique identities. This was a revolutionary thought – that God wants me to be myself. Williams exposes the tendency to hide in "unreality" and self– protection, saying that vocation "is what's left when all the games have stopped. 3" Now that I am moving towards the priesthood, I am actively engaged in discovering myself and gifts that I possess. This is a unique challenge after years of living up to others' expectations of how a good Christian should live. In the past, I did not give myself permission as Williams says to ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. Blooming Of Progress : Worldview Blooming in Progress: Worldview in my Vocation As a believer, I believe in Creationism and that the universe was created by God ex–nihilo, or from nothing. Moreover, when God created man, he gifted him with vocation. He was given wisdom, understanding, and knowledge to replenish, subdue, and rule over the other living things. (Genesis 1:28, King James Version) It is important to note that even in all that man was ordained to do, that God also blessed him with rest. It is reassuring to know that God wants us to be diligent and faithful in our work and that he desires to bless us with rest. For some that is a difficult concept, many employees work six days a week or overtime in excess of twelve hours a day for financial gain. Not every ... Show more content on ... Jesus paid the price that we could not pay for our sins to redeem us from death and being eternally separated from him. No matter our shortcomings and our stubbornness, God still chooses to work in us and through us despite ourselves. (Veith G. E., 2002) This is exemplified by God allowing us to serve and be served by people from all walks of life. I think it is to remind us of our dependence on Him. Just as we realize that we cannot make it in life without God's help, we cannot make it in life without the people around us, the everyday ordinary people. "God, who pours out his generosity on the just and the unjust, believer and unbeliever alike, hides himself in the ordinary social functions and stations of life, even the most humble". (Veith G. , 1999) Our service would not be possible if Christ had not done for us what we could not do for ourselves. As a matter of vocations, I serve many roles. I am a mother, a daughter, a sister, a cousin, a friend, a niece, a granddaughter, a neighbor, an aunt, a wife, a student, and an employee. My calling in each of these areas is different, yet they share something in common. My duty to serve remains constant. I do not often think of myself as a citizen, yet, I am. Usually, unless I am traveling, it is not something that I give a second thought. Yet, I am a Tennessee native, a Texas resident, a member of the Tomball community. My list keeps getting longer. It is ... Get more on ...