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Solutions For Veterans Essay
Solutions for Our Veterans
Have you ever seen the loss of hope in the eyes of a homeless veteran? I have and it is an awful
thing, knowing a veteran have served time for your freedom and can't even get their life together.
A veteran living on the streets of Louisville feels hopeless and helpless. Having an honorable
discharge doesn't guarantee great job. Signing up for a class is confusing when you are not
computer literate. Filling out the right forms and applications to get student aid is a hard and a
confusing process, without someone's help, even for the most experienced computer person.
Knowing what you're good at after working for the military can be a bit confusing. Coming back to
civilian life after 4–20 yrs. can be overwhelming. Where do I turn to now? I believe as a combat
veteran that struggled with these questions, there needs to be more help for veterans from the
community. Getting help with a good job, a better education, and a nice home to live in is what a more content...
I visited a local unemployment office and was offered some good jobs from the veteran's job
representative. It helped a great deal when I got out of the military. The V.A. also have websites to
help veterans get good jobs that pay well. A veteran can also get online at USAJobs.Com and find a
well–paying job. These are good resources to help veterans find good jobs and open doors of
Some colleges have Veteran Representatives that can help you get on the right track with filling
your paperwork and getting back to school. Veterans Administration can pay up to 100% of your
tuition if you go to school full time. The Post 911 G.I. Bill is a great program to use, you can get
a book allowance every month. My college helped me get financial aid for what the V.A. didn't
pay for. If you're interested in a college go talk to the V.A. counselor to help you. There are many
ways you can get help going back to
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Veterans : Veterans And The Veterans
Veterans are heroes in the eyes of many citizens of the United States. There are over 20 million
veterans that have risked their lives at young ages to help give the nation a fear free life. They
serve and protect the land for their children, spouses, parents, family, and neighbors. Yet they are
not treated with the love and respect they truly deserve. The veterans took a devastating loss when
the "House Appropriations Subcommittee marked up the 2016 Veterans Affairs funding bill, and
slashed more than $1.4 billion from the presidents requested budget for America's Veterans" ( ask
mrs. Pyle 8). Today, the veterans are treated worse than prisoners who have committed murder or
rape. While these criminals have a safe and warm place to stay, more content...
First of all, we should never let a veteran go homeless or hungry. The government is giving the
murderers, child molesters, and other convicts a better life than the veterans who have kept them
safe for many years. In prison the prisoners live a luxurious life. They have television, weights
rooms, warm showers, heating, air conditioning, beds, well–prepared food, and other "well behavior"
activities. Veterans deserve a much better life than the prison scum, who deserve absolutely
nothing luxurious by any means. Veterans do not have to live at the veteran center to receive care.
Some have a family to care for them. Yet some veterans are not lucky enough to have any family
around, so they are staying in a run down houses that are worse than the prisons. They do not have
insulation, heating, air conditioning, the television doesn't work, and the food they receive from
meals on wheels are cold and come at different times every day. If the government took away the
prisoner's good behavior rights and spent the money on more important causes, like the veterans and
their living situations, it would be a much better use of the American tax dollars. We should focus on
giving the nation's heroes a more comfortable and accessible lives. The money saved should go to
projects such as building more veteran centers, veteran assisted living, and more quality doctor care.
Secondly, we
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Solutions For Veterans Essay
Solutions for Our Veterans
Have you ever seen the loss of hope in the eyes of a homeless veteran? I have and it is an awful
thing, knowing a veteran have served time for your freedom and can't even get their life together.
A veteran living on the streets of Louisville feels hopeless and helpless. Having an honorable
discharge doesn't guarantee great job. Signing up for a class is confusing when you are not
computer literate. Filling out the right forms and applications to get student aid is a hard and a
confusing process, without someone's help, even for the most experienced computer person.
Knowing what you're good at after working for the military can be a bit confusing. Coming back to
civilian life after 4–20 yrs. can be overwhelming. Where do I turn to now? I believe as a combat
veteran that struggled with these questions, there needs to be more help for veterans from the
community. Getting help with a respectable job, an improved education, more content...
I visited a local unemployment office and was offered some good jobs from the veteran's job
representative. It helped a great deal when I got out of the military. The V.A. also have websites to
help veterans get good jobs that pay well. A veteran can also get online at USAJobs.Com and find a
well–paying job. These are decent resources to help veterans find respectable jobs and open doors of
Some colleges have Veteran Representatives that can support you and get on the right track with
filling your paperwork and getting back to school. Veterans Administration can pay up to 100%
of your tuition if you go to school full time. The Post 911 G.I. Bill is a great program to use, you
can get a book allowance every month. My college helped me get financial aid for what the V.A.
didn't pay for. If you're interested in a college go talk to the V.A. counselor to assist you. There are
many ways you can get support going back to
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Essay On American Veterans
American veterans are amazing people because they have been through more than what most
people experience, but some are blessed enough to still be here today to tell their story. American
veterans to me are brave men and women who risk their lives so we can improve our's the
slightest bit. They make the world a better place everyday. Millions of men and women have died
and been severely injured fighting for our country to get one step closer to freedom. George
Washington once said, "The willingness with which our young people are likely to serve in any
war, no matter how justified, shall be directly proportional to how they perceive the veterans of
earlier wars were treated and appreciated by their nation." This quote couldn't be more accurate.
They men and women that have served this country are braver than anyone I know and they do get
the respect they more content...
It is serving your country and standing up for what one believes is right. A veteran's glory is not
appreciated by the majority of the American people, because they do not understand all the
heartache and pain that comes with the job. These heroes did not have to be asked to do what was
right, or uphold their countries' values. True, some were drafted to fight, but not one of these
individuals would say it was not a life changing experience for them. The memory, whether happy or
painful, will be permanently stuck with them for the rest of their lives. The men and women who
helped shape the face of this country through their honor, legacy, and patriotism are those we call
veterans. They are our dads, moms, uncles, aunts, brothers, sisters; they are our family. Yet, we
constantly overlook their desire and passion for this country. The gratitude that they deserve is not
shown towards them, as it should be. I thank all veterans for their
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Department Of Veterans Affairs Essay
United States Military personnel that have sacrificed so much for their country have been
discarded by the very people that they swore an oath to protect. While there are advocates for our
service members, their voice as well of the voice of the men and women in uniform have fallen on
deaf ears. There have been attempts to address some of the issues within the Department of Veterans
Affairs but they have fallen short of fixing the systemic problems that are covered up on a daily
basis. It has been three years since the latest VA scandals were brought into the light by sympathetic
whistleblowers and there are still reports of corruption in the highest ranks of the VA and veterans
continue to be denied quality health care that they more content...
These issues were in the headlines and on the front page of every major news organization in the
country and in over 3 years there has been little to nothing done to fix this problem. These
investigations sparked some change in the VA including forced resignations, further
investigations, and the creation of the Veterans Access, Choice and Accountability Act of 2014,
but these changes were just an appeasement of the American people and fell short of fixing the
problem. To this day veterans are denied the option to choose their health care provider and are
forced to receive care from the very organization that has been killing them with wait times and
substandard health care. The quality of care by the VA is reported in a positive light but
perceived in the exact opposite by veterans. The accuracy of many VA reports are left in doubt
due to the evidence of officials manipulating records in order to receive bonuses and favorable
promotions because of their so called good management skills. Veterans who are eligible for the
Choice Program are being forced seek care at the VA when they could have sought care at a doctor
of their choosing. This is due to misreporting and mismanagement of personnel files and wait times.
Veterans from all services and generations refer to the VA as the Department of
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Veterans Transition Essay
Coming home to nothing; no help, no support, no job, and no one to talk to about their personal
experiences while being deployed. This type lifestyle is something veterans face on a day to day
basis. Transitioning back into society can be difficult, but we as Americans should help them make
this extensive change. The introduction of the book For Love of Country, written by Howard
Schultz and Rajiv Chandrasekaran inspired me to look more into how the American society helps
those who sacrifice their lives so our lives can be free. The introduction also helped with the theme
of veterans and one topic question. What are the common repercussions of veterans leaving the army
and what can American society do to help them? When I first started to research about how the
American society helps discharged soldiers, I first wanted to know what type of help society offer to
them. The article "10 Organizations that Help Veterans Transition to Civilian Life" published by
Vista College helped me view a plethora of organizations that offer help to veterans. The Iraq and
Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) organization helps "connect veterans to one another and
educate them on," issues and benefits they could get when more content...
The article "A Guide for Veterans Transitioning to Civilian Careers" also published by Vista
College, talks about steps and things veterans should consider taking after they come back from
their service. They first talk about how "going back to school is the logical first step," they later
advise how veterans should choose a perfect school for them (A Guide). Then in the article, it
mentions how discharged soldiers can use the GI Bill to help them with their education. This article
itself allows veterans understand how important school should be for them and it's also a way of
society reaching out to
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Essay On Veterans
Over the course of this past year the Veterans Success Center (VSC) has made huge strides in being
more visible and more involved with other areas across campus. I wanted to concentrate on reaching
the incoming student–veterans so that when they encountered the veterans program it appeared to
be far more established than it was, and interaction with it being perceived as a daily opportunity.
This meant that we would need to be far more involved with the early processes of becoming a
student such as: Premiere Night, SOAR/TSOAR/Preview Day/ Veteran specific orientation and
Veteran campus tours. We also wanted to be much more accurate in speaking to our student
population, so we worked directly with the Admission Office to create more content...
This more dynamic space has enabled us to host more student–veterans as well as increased our foot
traffic and use of our area. Because of the central location of the VSC being located in the WUC we
are able to meet student–veterans where they are as they mill through the building to take
advantage of some of the services offered. Lunch time is by far one of the busiest times for the
VSC as well as early mornings and late evenings.
Outreach and events have become some of the larger focuses. In order to accomplish this the VSC
worked collaboratively with several other clubs and organizations such as the student–veterans club,
WOU Student Veterans of America. We developed closer relationships with ASWOU, Abbey's
House, Stonewall Center, Campus Dining and Housing. Some examples of our successful events
include: education Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day markers along Monmouth Ave.,Veterans Day
student–veteran panel, Memorial Day Banquet, Campus–wide Easter Egg Hunt, Toys for Tots float
for the winter parade, raising almost 400 lbs. of food over 3 weeks via a food drive for the WOU
food pantry, and much more. The Student Veterans of
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Veterans In The Military Essay
Anybody that has served our country or still in the military, please stand up. Everyone look around,
they are the ones that made the biggest sacrifices of them all. Joining the military and becoming
veterans of the armed forces. So please give them an around of applause to honor their tribute as
veterans. Thank you, you may now be seated.
You open your eyes and awake with a new day. You had to some chores, long lists to check, and
some annoying stressful challenge for the day. Someone you never knew now stands watching on a
ship and thinking about his little baby girl his wife just recently gave birth to, and possibly may
never see her father for a long time.
After you finish your morning schedule, you then go to school. You put the keys in your car and
drive up to school on the smooth road. During this time, a soldier helps a women cross a mortared
damaged more content...
They fought for basic freedoms that most Americans today take for granted. Freedom of the
press, freedom of religion, and the Bill of Rights were written in the blood of those who raised
their hand when the greater good of our country was at stake. You may say that today, the fight is
different; it is about oil and politics. Whatever the leaders of our country decide, after being duly
elected freely by you and your fellow Americans, has to be carried out by the volunteers who are
on the front lines of the American ideal. The Veterans gave up their lives of comfort, postponed
their dreams for their family, and placed themselves in harms way because it was what you and
your proxies asked of them. If you disagree with the reasons why the Veterans are in one part of
the world or what they are doing there, you should let your opinions be known, by voting or by
speaking or by writing. Make sure you place your dissatisfaction where it belongs, not on the backs
of those who serve your interests but on those who sent them
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Importance Of Veterans Essay
Veterans Those who are veterans are those who fought in the wars and those who leaded the
troops. Today we honor those who are no longer with us and those who are. We honor them
because they fought and saved us from rivalries that were careless about us but our veterans stood
up for us until we were safe. If you read history books about the american war you might've found
that some men were under a lot of stress while training. But the thing that makes them special is
they were the brave ones, some men didn't meet the standards required but some men started
training lifting those weights to meet those standards and try again. There are wise and caring
people in the world and some times you may have to look for them because they are out
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What Does It Mean To Be A Veteran Essay
Our flag stands tall and people say that it blows with the last breathe of every soldier who has
given their life to our country. On the eleventh hour of the eleventh day on the eleventh month in
1918 an armistice occurred.This soon became a federal holiday in 1938. Veterans are important
to our past and future because they stand up for what is right. They put their life on the line to
help defend our country. Although they have families of their own, they have stepped up to
defend everyone elses family in the U.S. too. Veterans fight for our country and we should be
very grateful for them. The veterans who have fought in these wars to protect our country. They
were very giving and not selfish. They put peoples lives, that they didn't even know, before their
own. T Veterans put their life on the line to help defend our country because it's something they
feel they need to do. They are very inspiring people. Most people don't have the courage to go to
war. The men and women who are so courageous are once in a lifetime people who have amazing
stories to tell. Our freedom would not exist if it weren't for more content...
Saying "The Pledge of Allegiance" and singing "The Star Spangled Banner" makes me feel so
proud to live here. Listening to veterans tell stories about wars is so interesting. You wonder how
they survived and how some are still willing to go out and fight. When you see a veteran, you
realize that this is your home. These veterans have given me a life most people would love to
have. These veterans stood up for what they believed in. I will never meet all of them, but I will
never be able to express how thankful I am. These veterans are people we pass every day, they
don't expect a thank you. We lose about 1,000 World War II, Korean War, and Vietnam veterans
everyday. They should be thanked a lot
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Persuasive Essay On Veterans
In today's society where opinion matters, people have been extremely vocal about the lack of
support the government has provided to our veterans. Many feel as if the government should do
more, while others feel as if they are doing enough. Everyone will have a difference of opinion no
matter if they have severed in the military or not. No matter how one may feel, is extremely
important to take care of our veterans. As they have sacrificed their lives, time, and family to
protect our country. Contrary to one's belief, the government provides a substantial amount of
programs, which support the veterans. Honestly more could be done. On any given day you could
see women and men standing on the corner holding signs implying they are homeless veterans and
will work for food. A few programs the government offers our veterans are funding for mental health
services, The Wounded Warrior Project and Vocational Rehabilitation and Education, which will be
discussed throughout this essay. When you research the programs, they make it sound as if all
proceeds are going towards the best treatment and care money could buy. There are an alarming
number of veterans who suffer from Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and depression. The
suicide rate on returning veterans is on the rise. In California, service members were killing
themselves and family members at an alarming rate. After an investigation, it was apparent that they
do not have enough properly trained individuals to over see
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The Veteran Affair: Transitioning Veterans
Does the government support or fail the veterans that have come back home? Veterans who are in
uniform have a hard time transitioning to civilian life. Citizens believe that the government, like the
Veteran Affair(VA), is helping veterans while others believe that the government has not made any
improvements or adjustment to help the veterans in need and how the citizens of the world were
right. The research will prove what the government is really doing for our veterans. A women named
Michele A. Flournoy from the Washington Poststated that the federal government has done great
assistance with transitioning veterans. In 2009 the Veterans Affair put out the new 9/11 GI bill
resulting to one million veterans going to college or more content...
They claimed Iraq and Afghanistan veteran polls have been taken, it shows that whatever
improvements and actions being were taken were not enough. Fifty–nine percent of the people rated
the job the government was doing to help was good, while fifty–six percent rated it as them doing
poorly. In an article by CNN news nineteen veterans have died because of delays for medical
treatments from the Veterans Affair. Those nineteen veterans were only a small proportion of that
group. A number of eight–two veterans who have died because of delays for medical treatments
like colonoscopies or endoscopies. Some people like my father (Jason McLain), who is a retired
veteran, believes that some doctors have their own personal bias toward veterans. Jason McLain
stated, "When I go to the VA they do not help me as soon as I need their help. Although when I go
to any other civilian doctor's office they help me right away with any of their help". A website by the
name of Free Grants Community stated that success and failures of the Departments of Veterans
Affair are frequently the subjects of political promises and debates. There are many places that can
help with benefits or homelessness, simply anything veteran(active/retired) need. A six–year veteran
stated that there are places to help but emphasizes that you have to pursue yourself. After you are
done with the military to go back to school and to keep getting educated. Besides the fact the regular
ordinary citizens complain that veterans are not getting enough help, there have been complaints
against all employers for discrimination has blames the economic crisis and ballooning deficits for
the inability to provide for more
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Military Veterans Essay
Among the many populations that occupational therapists serve are military veterans who have
bravely risked their lives for our country. Whether they are veterans of World War I or II, the Vietnam
War or the current Global War on Terrorism, they often return home from combat with various
injuries, illnesses and impairments. Some common conditions that they may face include
polytrauma, traumatic brain injury and post–traumatic stress disorder. Our military veterans must
learn how to reintegrate into society as they transition back to civilian life, which can prove difficult
for many reasons. They may experience difficulty readjusting to life at home, school, work or within
the community.
The mental health conditions that affect many veterans are concerning. In particular, veterans may
face post–traumatic stress disorder or depression as a result of their combat experiences. Though
awareness of mental illness is increasing, there is still a stigma surrounding these disorders and
those suffering may be hesitant or feel too much shame to reach out for help. In these cases, the
disorder may be left untreated, which more content...
Whether it is educating caregivers to help them better understand what their loved one is going
through or working on structuring daily routines, occupational therapy can help veterans adapt to
demands at home, school, work. For example, it can assist veterans in developing physical and
cognitive skills necessary for proper self–care, effectively managing their emotions, managing
finances, communicating with others, and structuring routines and setting goals. For those
struggling with reintegrating into community life, occupational therapy can assist them in
developing skills for safe driving habits and using public transportation. Occupational therapists can
also help veterans achieve their goals by adapting the environment or
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Transitioning To Combat Veterans Essay
Veterans face many challenges when transitioning from the service. Those that have served shift
from a fairly structured and ridged way of life to the less structured and more chaotic civilian life.
Many veterans, especially those that have been in combat or have had to personally deal with
catastrophic situations, have a very hard time adjusting and often require significant levels of
assistance. Sadly many veterans fail to get help, either because they do not wish to appear weak or
they are simply turned away.
Combat veterans are among the highest at risk for issues in transitioning form military life to
civilian. Many potentially suffer from both physical and/or mental traumas. Many veterans and
even active duty services members have allowed the unofficial culture of if you need mental or
medical help you are weak. Many military families are also afraid of utilizing family support
mechanisms out of fear more content...
Anything that can impact military readiness can be reported to a member's commanding officer.
A sad result this as caused many a service member to become very distrustful of both mental
health and family support personnel. Many civilian counselors have resorted to promising service
members that requests for treatment will not be reported to their supervisors. Fortunately while
the stigma still exists some progress has been made about shifting attitudes up and down the ranks
towards getting the necessary help. (Hall, 2008) This attitude often stems from the fact that if a
member, especially one in command of other service members, makes a bad judgment call due to
having a mental health issue it could very well lead to a significant loss of both life and
government property. Many view or used to view seeking the help of a mental health expert as
showing the inability of making sound calls in the field. (Schreiber & McEnay,
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Essay On Importance Of Veterans
People often say that freedom is not free and that price has been paid by countless brave
individuals. These brave individuals are known as veterans. Veterans should be remembered,
respected and honored because of their sacrifices, courage, and patriotism. All of us make
sacrifices, but consider the sacrifices made by veterans. How many soldiers willingly leave their
worried families behind? Missing life's experiences such as the birth of a baby or celebrating a
favorite holiday impacts a veteran's life in a way that we can hardly comprehend. Many years are
spent without the comforts of their home and yet they still go out on the battlefield knowing their
lives are at stake fighting to grant us our freedoms. Courage
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Care For Veterans Essay
The Care of Our Country's Heroes's definition of the Department of Veterans Affairs is, "The second
–largest cabinet
department, the VA coordinates the distribution of benefits for veterans of the American armed
forces and their dependents. The benefits include compensation for disabilities, the management of
veterans' hospitals, and various insurance programs." My sister, Keara Torkelson, is a retired US
Army Veteran. Every time she takes a trip to the VA's office, she only comes out less and less
satisfied. However, the VA's office isn't the only place Veterans are neglected.
As of 2014, there are 22.5 million veterans in the United States. According to,
between 529,000 and 840,000 veterans are homeless at some time during the year. Did you know
33% of homeless males are veterans? Aside from homelessness, 70% have substance abuse
problems, 45% suffer from PTSD, and there are 22 veterans who commit suicide every day. The
problems don't end there, homelessness is just one problem for our veterans. 573,000 were
unemployed in 2014. There are many causes for unemployment such as PTSD, war injuries, or lack
of knowledge in the work more content...
The New York Times article, "Wait Lists Grow as Many More Veterans Seek Care and Funding
Falls Far Short" says the Department of Veterans Affairs agency has a new crisis they're facing.
The wait list of Veteran's is more than 50% higher than it was last year, departments say. They are
also facing nearly a $3 billion budget short, which could very well affect the care of our veterans.
What can we do to take better care of our veterans? The first thing we can do is start taking care of
the lack of medical treatment they are receiving. We need to prioritize the need for funding to take
care of our veterans and their families. We should make sure the heroes of our country are in the
best of health, and
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Veterans Struggles Essay
The Struggle For Veterans To Obtain Jobs My cousin is going to enter the Marines, and he may
even be able to get in the top group of the Marines. He will do his service, and come home, a
respected and courageous veteran. However, my cousin will be without a job, a house, a family, and
with all of the trauma that came with serving in the military. This in my mind is terrible. These
people have just put their life on the line, and come back with almost nothing. They are clumped
in the same employment field and have to get a job as their other job as ended. They need a job so
that they may receive income, and buy a house, and a car, and they need a car to get to their job.
This is the struggle of many veterans coming out of the military and more content...
The Military Veteran Project, helps those with PTSD with funding and counseling. There is the
Returning Veterans Project, and Team Depot, a group of Home Depot employees that volunteer to
help veterans by building new homes for them. Maybe you have heard of the Wounded Warrior
Project that helps those who have been wounded in service. However, Veterans still face many
struggles. A report done by Mike Echols of Bellevue University on Veteran Employment in 2014
found that Veterans that served in Iraq and Afghanistan have the worst unemployment of all
veterans. The most recent wars are producing worse unemployment rates. Those who have served in
the post 9/11 event, have had an unemployment several percentage points higher than the regular
population. Some of the reasons that employers are not hiring veterans include negative
stereotypes, fear of future employments, as well as many more. Employers had reported a fear of
veterans with PTSD, or that the employees may have little initiative and may be too rigid. With
those serving in the reserve, or the national guard, employers would be constantly worried of an
employment, and the fear of being left one man
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Why Veterans Are Important Essay
A veteran is a person who served in the military. A person who sacrificed their own life to defend
the lives of others. A person who protected our country day after day from harm. A person who had
to endure so much pain and suffering to give us a better tomorrow. Veterans are important to our
nation's history and future because without them having to go through what they encountered, our
lives wouldn't be at all near to how they are today. They make our future better even though they
are unsure of theirs. They give us freedom for a finer future and we as the people of this nation
should ensure that they are an important priority in our life today, tomorrow and always. There are
many wars that happened in history that changed our nation. One war that had an enormous impact
on our nation was The Revolutionary war. The Revolutionary War began the year of 1775. The war
went on till 1783 and within those eight years our nation gained something that will change us
forever. On more content...
We don't hear bomb explosions outside our homes: we don't walk out to see people carrying
around massive weapons and we don't experience suffering and pain on an everyday basis like
other countries do. We are a safe well cared for nation because of our veterans. If our veterans are
willing to sacrifice their lives to protect us, it should be an important task in our lives to make
sure that our nations veterans are well cared for. Many of our nations veterans struggle financially
and emotionally and that is not how they should live. There are veterans who don't have homes
and are homeless. That shouldn't be an issue in our world today. Why should someone who fights
for a good life have to come back from war to have to live on the street? They give us freedom for
a finer future and we as the people of this nation should ensure that they are an important priority in
ensuring their lives are as bright as the people they fight
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Why Are Veterans Important To Society
Throughout US history, many wars and battles were fought that marked America. Fighting within
those wars were brave soldiers, which to this day, we know as veterans. Veterans are important to
our nation's history and future, as they have contributed to make America the great and prosperous
nation that it is today. Veterans, along with other respected groups of people, deserve the nation's
uttermost respect for all the contributions they have made to this country known as America. Not
many people would withstand having to go off to war knowing their life was on the line. There is
much respect and gratitude inclined towards those who did and sacrificed everything they had. Our
cordially veterans – the ones who fought and endured the bestial wars, the ones who knew they
could fall at any moment, the ones who, despite the horror and more content...
One often misinterprets the true meaning of war, believing it is only a dispute that is ended
through fighting. In fact, war is more than just fighting. It is a battle where many brave souls lose
their lives for protecting the country they love. Many of the rights we have today would not have
been possible without the sacrifice of many brave American soldiers. Instead of living in a tranquil
and prosperous nation, we could be living in a nation that resembles countries such as Africa, living
under poor conditions and extreme poverty. It is imperative to take into consideration that the
veterans we have today have made an impact on our nation and we owe much of our respect to them.
Not many people have the courage to take on the heavy and overwhelming duty of going to war,
knowing that death is imminent. Along with that, many of them have experienced traumatizing
moments that have scarred them for life. Because of this, there is much appreciation and respect
inclined towards
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Speech About Veterans
Freedom is not free. It is obtained for us by people we don't know in countries far away. Veterans
are the key to keeping our country safe. They were willing to give up their family, friends,
security, and even their lives to fight for the rights of those they don't know. By risking it all,
veterans are able to be an inspiration to a whole country. While I admire the work that many
veterans have done, I don't believe that I would be able to make the same sacrifices as they did. As
a service to their country, they took it upon themselves to protect those unknown to them. They are a
part of something greater than themselves in which they are essential to the outcome of the whole.
All roles are of equal importance because without them all our rights would be unfound. There
would be no freedom of speech or right to a fair trial. Our country would be without purpose if we more content...
I am proud to say that both my grandma and grandpa served in the military. The experiences that
they have had are invaluable to learn about. Their stories keep the service they have done alive
and helps to enrich others about what serving the country is like. They do not glout about their
service, but are humbled to have been able to make a contribution to the nation's security. If not for
my grandpa's service, I would not be here today as he met my grandma through it. I respect his
service and sacrifice for the country of today. It is important to remember how much of daily life is
affected by the work of veterans. Walking on streets, going to school, eating at restaurants, and
hanging out with friends all depend on the service of veterans. They may not receive the proper
amount of recognition from the younger generations, but their work is appreciated. In actuality, they
gained vital information that can be shared with the future generations. They have gained respect
and honor for their duty for our
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Veterans Essays

  • 1. Solutions For Veterans Essay Solutions for Our Veterans Have you ever seen the loss of hope in the eyes of a homeless veteran? I have and it is an awful thing, knowing a veteran have served time for your freedom and can't even get their life together. A veteran living on the streets of Louisville feels hopeless and helpless. Having an honorable discharge doesn't guarantee great job. Signing up for a class is confusing when you are not computer literate. Filling out the right forms and applications to get student aid is a hard and a confusing process, without someone's help, even for the most experienced computer person. Knowing what you're good at after working for the military can be a bit confusing. Coming back to civilian life after 4–20 yrs. can be overwhelming. Where do I turn to now? I believe as a combat veteran that struggled with these questions, there needs to be more help for veterans from the community. Getting help with a good job, a better education, and a nice home to live in is what a more content... I visited a local unemployment office and was offered some good jobs from the veteran's job representative. It helped a great deal when I got out of the military. The V.A. also have websites to help veterans get good jobs that pay well. A veteran can also get online at USAJobs.Com and find a well–paying job. These are good resources to help veterans find good jobs and open doors of opportunity. Some colleges have Veteran Representatives that can help you get on the right track with filling your paperwork and getting back to school. Veterans Administration can pay up to 100% of your tuition if you go to school full time. The Post 911 G.I. Bill is a great program to use, you can get a book allowance every month. My college helped me get financial aid for what the V.A. didn't pay for. If you're interested in a college go talk to the V.A. counselor to help you. There are many ways you can get help going back to Get more content on
  • 2. Veterans : Veterans And The Veterans Veterans are heroes in the eyes of many citizens of the United States. There are over 20 million veterans that have risked their lives at young ages to help give the nation a fear free life. They serve and protect the land for their children, spouses, parents, family, and neighbors. Yet they are not treated with the love and respect they truly deserve. The veterans took a devastating loss when the "House Appropriations Subcommittee marked up the 2016 Veterans Affairs funding bill, and slashed more than $1.4 billion from the presidents requested budget for America's Veterans" ( ask mrs. Pyle 8). Today, the veterans are treated worse than prisoners who have committed murder or rape. While these criminals have a safe and warm place to stay, more content... First of all, we should never let a veteran go homeless or hungry. The government is giving the murderers, child molesters, and other convicts a better life than the veterans who have kept them safe for many years. In prison the prisoners live a luxurious life. They have television, weights rooms, warm showers, heating, air conditioning, beds, well–prepared food, and other "well behavior" activities. Veterans deserve a much better life than the prison scum, who deserve absolutely nothing luxurious by any means. Veterans do not have to live at the veteran center to receive care. Some have a family to care for them. Yet some veterans are not lucky enough to have any family around, so they are staying in a run down houses that are worse than the prisons. They do not have insulation, heating, air conditioning, the television doesn't work, and the food they receive from meals on wheels are cold and come at different times every day. If the government took away the prisoner's good behavior rights and spent the money on more important causes, like the veterans and their living situations, it would be a much better use of the American tax dollars. We should focus on giving the nation's heroes a more comfortable and accessible lives. The money saved should go to projects such as building more veteran centers, veteran assisted living, and more quality doctor care. Secondly, we Get more content on
  • 3. Solutions For Veterans Essay Solutions for Our Veterans Have you ever seen the loss of hope in the eyes of a homeless veteran? I have and it is an awful thing, knowing a veteran have served time for your freedom and can't even get their life together. A veteran living on the streets of Louisville feels hopeless and helpless. Having an honorable discharge doesn't guarantee great job. Signing up for a class is confusing when you are not computer literate. Filling out the right forms and applications to get student aid is a hard and a confusing process, without someone's help, even for the most experienced computer person. Knowing what you're good at after working for the military can be a bit confusing. Coming back to civilian life after 4–20 yrs. can be overwhelming. Where do I turn to now? I believe as a combat veteran that struggled with these questions, there needs to be more help for veterans from the community. Getting help with a respectable job, an improved education, more content... I visited a local unemployment office and was offered some good jobs from the veteran's job representative. It helped a great deal when I got out of the military. The V.A. also have websites to help veterans get good jobs that pay well. A veteran can also get online at USAJobs.Com and find a well–paying job. These are decent resources to help veterans find respectable jobs and open doors of opportunity. Some colleges have Veteran Representatives that can support you and get on the right track with filling your paperwork and getting back to school. Veterans Administration can pay up to 100% of your tuition if you go to school full time. The Post 911 G.I. Bill is a great program to use, you can get a book allowance every month. My college helped me get financial aid for what the V.A. didn't pay for. If you're interested in a college go talk to the V.A. counselor to assist you. There are many ways you can get support going back to Get more content on
  • 4. Essay On American Veterans American veterans are amazing people because they have been through more than what most people experience, but some are blessed enough to still be here today to tell their story. American veterans to me are brave men and women who risk their lives so we can improve our's the slightest bit. They make the world a better place everyday. Millions of men and women have died and been severely injured fighting for our country to get one step closer to freedom. George Washington once said, "The willingness with which our young people are likely to serve in any war, no matter how justified, shall be directly proportional to how they perceive the veterans of earlier wars were treated and appreciated by their nation." This quote couldn't be more accurate. They men and women that have served this country are braver than anyone I know and they do get the respect they more content... It is serving your country and standing up for what one believes is right. A veteran's glory is not appreciated by the majority of the American people, because they do not understand all the heartache and pain that comes with the job. These heroes did not have to be asked to do what was right, or uphold their countries' values. True, some were drafted to fight, but not one of these individuals would say it was not a life changing experience for them. The memory, whether happy or painful, will be permanently stuck with them for the rest of their lives. The men and women who helped shape the face of this country through their honor, legacy, and patriotism are those we call veterans. They are our dads, moms, uncles, aunts, brothers, sisters; they are our family. Yet, we constantly overlook their desire and passion for this country. The gratitude that they deserve is not shown towards them, as it should be. I thank all veterans for their Get more content on
  • 5. Department Of Veterans Affairs Essay United States Military personnel that have sacrificed so much for their country have been discarded by the very people that they swore an oath to protect. While there are advocates for our service members, their voice as well of the voice of the men and women in uniform have fallen on deaf ears. There have been attempts to address some of the issues within the Department of Veterans Affairs but they have fallen short of fixing the systemic problems that are covered up on a daily basis. It has been three years since the latest VA scandals were brought into the light by sympathetic whistleblowers and there are still reports of corruption in the highest ranks of the VA and veterans continue to be denied quality health care that they more content... These issues were in the headlines and on the front page of every major news organization in the country and in over 3 years there has been little to nothing done to fix this problem. These investigations sparked some change in the VA including forced resignations, further investigations, and the creation of the Veterans Access, Choice and Accountability Act of 2014, but these changes were just an appeasement of the American people and fell short of fixing the problem. To this day veterans are denied the option to choose their health care provider and are forced to receive care from the very organization that has been killing them with wait times and substandard health care. The quality of care by the VA is reported in a positive light but perceived in the exact opposite by veterans. The accuracy of many VA reports are left in doubt due to the evidence of officials manipulating records in order to receive bonuses and favorable promotions because of their so called good management skills. Veterans who are eligible for the Choice Program are being forced seek care at the VA when they could have sought care at a doctor of their choosing. This is due to misreporting and mismanagement of personnel files and wait times. Veterans from all services and generations refer to the VA as the Department of Get more content on
  • 6. Veterans Transition Essay Coming home to nothing; no help, no support, no job, and no one to talk to about their personal experiences while being deployed. This type lifestyle is something veterans face on a day to day basis. Transitioning back into society can be difficult, but we as Americans should help them make this extensive change. The introduction of the book For Love of Country, written by Howard Schultz and Rajiv Chandrasekaran inspired me to look more into how the American society helps those who sacrifice their lives so our lives can be free. The introduction also helped with the theme of veterans and one topic question. What are the common repercussions of veterans leaving the army and what can American society do to help them? When I first started to research about how the American society helps discharged soldiers, I first wanted to know what type of help society offer to them. The article "10 Organizations that Help Veterans Transition to Civilian Life" published by Vista College helped me view a plethora of organizations that offer help to veterans. The Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) organization helps "connect veterans to one another and educate them on," issues and benefits they could get when more content... The article "A Guide for Veterans Transitioning to Civilian Careers" also published by Vista College, talks about steps and things veterans should consider taking after they come back from their service. They first talk about how "going back to school is the logical first step," they later advise how veterans should choose a perfect school for them (A Guide). Then in the article, it mentions how discharged soldiers can use the GI Bill to help them with their education. This article itself allows veterans understand how important school should be for them and it's also a way of society reaching out to Get more content on
  • 7. Essay On Veterans Over the course of this past year the Veterans Success Center (VSC) has made huge strides in being more visible and more involved with other areas across campus. I wanted to concentrate on reaching the incoming student–veterans so that when they encountered the veterans program it appeared to be far more established than it was, and interaction with it being perceived as a daily opportunity. This meant that we would need to be far more involved with the early processes of becoming a student such as: Premiere Night, SOAR/TSOAR/Preview Day/ Veteran specific orientation and Veteran campus tours. We also wanted to be much more accurate in speaking to our student –veteran population, so we worked directly with the Admission Office to create more content... This more dynamic space has enabled us to host more student–veterans as well as increased our foot traffic and use of our area. Because of the central location of the VSC being located in the WUC we are able to meet student–veterans where they are as they mill through the building to take advantage of some of the services offered. Lunch time is by far one of the busiest times for the VSC as well as early mornings and late evenings. Outreach and events have become some of the larger focuses. In order to accomplish this the VSC worked collaboratively with several other clubs and organizations such as the student–veterans club, WOU Student Veterans of America. We developed closer relationships with ASWOU, Abbey's House, Stonewall Center, Campus Dining and Housing. Some examples of our successful events include: education Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day markers along Monmouth Ave.,Veterans Day student–veteran panel, Memorial Day Banquet, Campus–wide Easter Egg Hunt, Toys for Tots float for the winter parade, raising almost 400 lbs. of food over 3 weeks via a food drive for the WOU food pantry, and much more. The Student Veterans of Get more content on
  • 8. Veterans In The Military Essay Anybody that has served our country or still in the military, please stand up. Everyone look around, they are the ones that made the biggest sacrifices of them all. Joining the military and becoming veterans of the armed forces. So please give them an around of applause to honor their tribute as veterans. Thank you, you may now be seated. You open your eyes and awake with a new day. You had to some chores, long lists to check, and some annoying stressful challenge for the day. Someone you never knew now stands watching on a ship and thinking about his little baby girl his wife just recently gave birth to, and possibly may never see her father for a long time. After you finish your morning schedule, you then go to school. You put the keys in your car and drive up to school on the smooth road. During this time, a soldier helps a women cross a mortared damaged more content... They fought for basic freedoms that most Americans today take for granted. Freedom of the press, freedom of religion, and the Bill of Rights were written in the blood of those who raised their hand when the greater good of our country was at stake. You may say that today, the fight is different; it is about oil and politics. Whatever the leaders of our country decide, after being duly elected freely by you and your fellow Americans, has to be carried out by the volunteers who are on the front lines of the American ideal. The Veterans gave up their lives of comfort, postponed their dreams for their family, and placed themselves in harms way because it was what you and your proxies asked of them. If you disagree with the reasons why the Veterans are in one part of the world or what they are doing there, you should let your opinions be known, by voting or by speaking or by writing. Make sure you place your dissatisfaction where it belongs, not on the backs of those who serve your interests but on those who sent them Get more content on
  • 9. Importance Of Veterans Essay Veterans Those who are veterans are those who fought in the wars and those who leaded the troops. Today we honor those who are no longer with us and those who are. We honor them because they fought and saved us from rivalries that were careless about us but our veterans stood up for us until we were safe. If you read history books about the american war you might've found that some men were under a lot of stress while training. But the thing that makes them special is they were the brave ones, some men didn't meet the standards required but some men started training lifting those weights to meet those standards and try again. There are wise and caring people in the world and some times you may have to look for them because they are out Get more content on
  • 10. What Does It Mean To Be A Veteran Essay Our flag stands tall and people say that it blows with the last breathe of every soldier who has given their life to our country. On the eleventh hour of the eleventh day on the eleventh month in 1918 an armistice occurred.This soon became a federal holiday in 1938. Veterans are important to our past and future because they stand up for what is right. They put their life on the line to help defend our country. Although they have families of their own, they have stepped up to defend everyone elses family in the U.S. too. Veterans fight for our country and we should be very grateful for them. The veterans who have fought in these wars to protect our country. They were very giving and not selfish. They put peoples lives, that they didn't even know, before their own. T Veterans put their life on the line to help defend our country because it's something they feel they need to do. They are very inspiring people. Most people don't have the courage to go to war. The men and women who are so courageous are once in a lifetime people who have amazing stories to tell. Our freedom would not exist if it weren't for more content... Saying "The Pledge of Allegiance" and singing "The Star Spangled Banner" makes me feel so proud to live here. Listening to veterans tell stories about wars is so interesting. You wonder how they survived and how some are still willing to go out and fight. When you see a veteran, you realize that this is your home. These veterans have given me a life most people would love to have. These veterans stood up for what they believed in. I will never meet all of them, but I will never be able to express how thankful I am. These veterans are people we pass every day, they don't expect a thank you. We lose about 1,000 World War II, Korean War, and Vietnam veterans everyday. They should be thanked a lot Get more content on
  • 11. Persuasive Essay On Veterans In today's society where opinion matters, people have been extremely vocal about the lack of support the government has provided to our veterans. Many feel as if the government should do more, while others feel as if they are doing enough. Everyone will have a difference of opinion no matter if they have severed in the military or not. No matter how one may feel, is extremely important to take care of our veterans. As they have sacrificed their lives, time, and family to protect our country. Contrary to one's belief, the government provides a substantial amount of programs, which support the veterans. Honestly more could be done. On any given day you could see women and men standing on the corner holding signs implying they are homeless veterans and will work for food. A few programs the government offers our veterans are funding for mental health services, The Wounded Warrior Project and Vocational Rehabilitation and Education, which will be discussed throughout this essay. When you research the programs, they make it sound as if all proceeds are going towards the best treatment and care money could buy. There are an alarming number of veterans who suffer from Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and depression. The suicide rate on returning veterans is on the rise. In California, service members were killing themselves and family members at an alarming rate. After an investigation, it was apparent that they do not have enough properly trained individuals to over see Get more content on
  • 12. The Veteran Affair: Transitioning Veterans Does the government support or fail the veterans that have come back home? Veterans who are in uniform have a hard time transitioning to civilian life. Citizens believe that the government, like the Veteran Affair(VA), is helping veterans while others believe that the government has not made any improvements or adjustment to help the veterans in need and how the citizens of the world were right. The research will prove what the government is really doing for our veterans. A women named Michele A. Flournoy from the Washington Poststated that the federal government has done great assistance with transitioning veterans. In 2009 the Veterans Affair put out the new 9/11 GI bill resulting to one million veterans going to college or more content... They claimed Iraq and Afghanistan veteran polls have been taken, it shows that whatever improvements and actions being were taken were not enough. Fifty–nine percent of the people rated the job the government was doing to help was good, while fifty–six percent rated it as them doing poorly. In an article by CNN news nineteen veterans have died because of delays for medical treatments from the Veterans Affair. Those nineteen veterans were only a small proportion of that group. A number of eight–two veterans who have died because of delays for medical treatments like colonoscopies or endoscopies. Some people like my father (Jason McLain), who is a retired veteran, believes that some doctors have their own personal bias toward veterans. Jason McLain stated, "When I go to the VA they do not help me as soon as I need their help. Although when I go to any other civilian doctor's office they help me right away with any of their help". A website by the name of Free Grants Community stated that success and failures of the Departments of Veterans Affair are frequently the subjects of political promises and debates. There are many places that can help with benefits or homelessness, simply anything veteran(active/retired) need. A six–year veteran stated that there are places to help but emphasizes that you have to pursue yourself. After you are done with the military to go back to school and to keep getting educated. Besides the fact the regular ordinary citizens complain that veterans are not getting enough help, there have been complaints against all employers for discrimination has blames the economic crisis and ballooning deficits for the inability to provide for more Get more content on
  • 13. Military Veterans Essay Among the many populations that occupational therapists serve are military veterans who have bravely risked their lives for our country. Whether they are veterans of World War I or II, the Vietnam War or the current Global War on Terrorism, they often return home from combat with various injuries, illnesses and impairments. Some common conditions that they may face include polytrauma, traumatic brain injury and post–traumatic stress disorder. Our military veterans must learn how to reintegrate into society as they transition back to civilian life, which can prove difficult for many reasons. They may experience difficulty readjusting to life at home, school, work or within the community. The mental health conditions that affect many veterans are concerning. In particular, veterans may face post–traumatic stress disorder or depression as a result of their combat experiences. Though awareness of mental illness is increasing, there is still a stigma surrounding these disorders and those suffering may be hesitant or feel too much shame to reach out for help. In these cases, the disorder may be left untreated, which more content... Whether it is educating caregivers to help them better understand what their loved one is going through or working on structuring daily routines, occupational therapy can help veterans adapt to demands at home, school, work. For example, it can assist veterans in developing physical and cognitive skills necessary for proper self–care, effectively managing their emotions, managing finances, communicating with others, and structuring routines and setting goals. For those struggling with reintegrating into community life, occupational therapy can assist them in developing skills for safe driving habits and using public transportation. Occupational therapists can also help veterans achieve their goals by adapting the environment or Get more content on
  • 14. Transitioning To Combat Veterans Essay Veterans face many challenges when transitioning from the service. Those that have served shift from a fairly structured and ridged way of life to the less structured and more chaotic civilian life. Many veterans, especially those that have been in combat or have had to personally deal with catastrophic situations, have a very hard time adjusting and often require significant levels of assistance. Sadly many veterans fail to get help, either because they do not wish to appear weak or they are simply turned away. Combat veterans are among the highest at risk for issues in transitioning form military life to civilian. Many potentially suffer from both physical and/or mental traumas. Many veterans and even active duty services members have allowed the unofficial culture of if you need mental or medical help you are weak. Many military families are also afraid of utilizing family support mechanisms out of fear more content... Anything that can impact military readiness can be reported to a member's commanding officer. A sad result this as caused many a service member to become very distrustful of both mental health and family support personnel. Many civilian counselors have resorted to promising service members that requests for treatment will not be reported to their supervisors. Fortunately while the stigma still exists some progress has been made about shifting attitudes up and down the ranks towards getting the necessary help. (Hall, 2008) This attitude often stems from the fact that if a member, especially one in command of other service members, makes a bad judgment call due to having a mental health issue it could very well lead to a significant loss of both life and government property. Many view or used to view seeking the help of a mental health expert as showing the inability of making sound calls in the field. (Schreiber & McEnay, Get more content on
  • 15. Essay On Importance Of Veterans People often say that freedom is not free and that price has been paid by countless brave individuals. These brave individuals are known as veterans. Veterans should be remembered, respected and honored because of their sacrifices, courage, and patriotism. All of us make sacrifices, but consider the sacrifices made by veterans. How many soldiers willingly leave their worried families behind? Missing life's experiences such as the birth of a baby or celebrating a favorite holiday impacts a veteran's life in a way that we can hardly comprehend. Many years are spent without the comforts of their home and yet they still go out on the battlefield knowing their lives are at stake fighting to grant us our freedoms. Courage Get more content on
  • 16. Care For Veterans Essay The Care of Our Country's Heroes's definition of the Department of Veterans Affairs is, "The second –largest cabinet department, the VA coordinates the distribution of benefits for veterans of the American armed forces and their dependents. The benefits include compensation for disabilities, the management of veterans' hospitals, and various insurance programs." My sister, Keara Torkelson, is a retired US Army Veteran. Every time she takes a trip to the VA's office, she only comes out less and less satisfied. However, the VA's office isn't the only place Veterans are neglected. As of 2014, there are 22.5 million veterans in the United States. According to, between 529,000 and 840,000 veterans are homeless at some time during the year. Did you know 33% of homeless males are veterans? Aside from homelessness, 70% have substance abuse problems, 45% suffer from PTSD, and there are 22 veterans who commit suicide every day. The problems don't end there, homelessness is just one problem for our veterans. 573,000 were unemployed in 2014. There are many causes for unemployment such as PTSD, war injuries, or lack of knowledge in the work more content... The New York Times article, "Wait Lists Grow as Many More Veterans Seek Care and Funding Falls Far Short" says the Department of Veterans Affairs agency has a new crisis they're facing. The wait list of Veteran's is more than 50% higher than it was last year, departments say. They are also facing nearly a $3 billion budget short, which could very well affect the care of our veterans. What can we do to take better care of our veterans? The first thing we can do is start taking care of the lack of medical treatment they are receiving. We need to prioritize the need for funding to take care of our veterans and their families. We should make sure the heroes of our country are in the best of health, and Get more content on
  • 17. Veterans Struggles Essay The Struggle For Veterans To Obtain Jobs My cousin is going to enter the Marines, and he may even be able to get in the top group of the Marines. He will do his service, and come home, a respected and courageous veteran. However, my cousin will be without a job, a house, a family, and with all of the trauma that came with serving in the military. This in my mind is terrible. These people have just put their life on the line, and come back with almost nothing. They are clumped in the same employment field and have to get a job as their other job as ended. They need a job so that they may receive income, and buy a house, and a car, and they need a car to get to their job. This is the struggle of many veterans coming out of the military and more content... The Military Veteran Project, helps those with PTSD with funding and counseling. There is the Returning Veterans Project, and Team Depot, a group of Home Depot employees that volunteer to help veterans by building new homes for them. Maybe you have heard of the Wounded Warrior Project that helps those who have been wounded in service. However, Veterans still face many struggles. A report done by Mike Echols of Bellevue University on Veteran Employment in 2014 found that Veterans that served in Iraq and Afghanistan have the worst unemployment of all veterans. The most recent wars are producing worse unemployment rates. Those who have served in the post 9/11 event, have had an unemployment several percentage points higher than the regular population. Some of the reasons that employers are not hiring veterans include negative stereotypes, fear of future employments, as well as many more. Employers had reported a fear of veterans with PTSD, or that the employees may have little initiative and may be too rigid. With those serving in the reserve, or the national guard, employers would be constantly worried of an employment, and the fear of being left one man Get more content on
  • 18. Why Veterans Are Important Essay A veteran is a person who served in the military. A person who sacrificed their own life to defend the lives of others. A person who protected our country day after day from harm. A person who had to endure so much pain and suffering to give us a better tomorrow. Veterans are important to our nation's history and future because without them having to go through what they encountered, our lives wouldn't be at all near to how they are today. They make our future better even though they are unsure of theirs. They give us freedom for a finer future and we as the people of this nation should ensure that they are an important priority in our life today, tomorrow and always. There are many wars that happened in history that changed our nation. One war that had an enormous impact on our nation was The Revolutionary war. The Revolutionary War began the year of 1775. The war went on till 1783 and within those eight years our nation gained something that will change us forever. On more content... We don't hear bomb explosions outside our homes: we don't walk out to see people carrying around massive weapons and we don't experience suffering and pain on an everyday basis like other countries do. We are a safe well cared for nation because of our veterans. If our veterans are willing to sacrifice their lives to protect us, it should be an important task in our lives to make sure that our nations veterans are well cared for. Many of our nations veterans struggle financially and emotionally and that is not how they should live. There are veterans who don't have homes and are homeless. That shouldn't be an issue in our world today. Why should someone who fights for a good life have to come back from war to have to live on the street? They give us freedom for a finer future and we as the people of this nation should ensure that they are an important priority in ensuring their lives are as bright as the people they fight Get more content on
  • 19. Why Are Veterans Important To Society Throughout US history, many wars and battles were fought that marked America. Fighting within those wars were brave soldiers, which to this day, we know as veterans. Veterans are important to our nation's history and future, as they have contributed to make America the great and prosperous nation that it is today. Veterans, along with other respected groups of people, deserve the nation's uttermost respect for all the contributions they have made to this country known as America. Not many people would withstand having to go off to war knowing their life was on the line. There is much respect and gratitude inclined towards those who did and sacrificed everything they had. Our cordially veterans – the ones who fought and endured the bestial wars, the ones who knew they could fall at any moment, the ones who, despite the horror and more content... One often misinterprets the true meaning of war, believing it is only a dispute that is ended through fighting. In fact, war is more than just fighting. It is a battle where many brave souls lose their lives for protecting the country they love. Many of the rights we have today would not have been possible without the sacrifice of many brave American soldiers. Instead of living in a tranquil and prosperous nation, we could be living in a nation that resembles countries such as Africa, living under poor conditions and extreme poverty. It is imperative to take into consideration that the veterans we have today have made an impact on our nation and we owe much of our respect to them. Not many people have the courage to take on the heavy and overwhelming duty of going to war, knowing that death is imminent. Along with that, many of them have experienced traumatizing moments that have scarred them for life. Because of this, there is much appreciation and respect inclined towards Get more content on
  • 20. Speech About Veterans Freedom is not free. It is obtained for us by people we don't know in countries far away. Veterans are the key to keeping our country safe. They were willing to give up their family, friends, security, and even their lives to fight for the rights of those they don't know. By risking it all, veterans are able to be an inspiration to a whole country. While I admire the work that many veterans have done, I don't believe that I would be able to make the same sacrifices as they did. As a service to their country, they took it upon themselves to protect those unknown to them. They are a part of something greater than themselves in which they are essential to the outcome of the whole. All roles are of equal importance because without them all our rights would be unfound. There would be no freedom of speech or right to a fair trial. Our country would be without purpose if we more content... I am proud to say that both my grandma and grandpa served in the military. The experiences that they have had are invaluable to learn about. Their stories keep the service they have done alive and helps to enrich others about what serving the country is like. They do not glout about their service, but are humbled to have been able to make a contribution to the nation's security. If not for my grandpa's service, I would not be here today as he met my grandma through it. I respect his service and sacrifice for the country of today. It is important to remember how much of daily life is affected by the work of veterans. Walking on streets, going to school, eating at restaurants, and hanging out with friends all depend on the service of veterans. They may not receive the proper amount of recognition from the younger generations, but their work is appreciated. In actuality, they gained vital information that can be shared with the future generations. They have gained respect and honor for their duty for our Get more content on