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Introduction to user centered design – Use in context – Interface and interaction – User centered 
design principles – Task analysis – Evaluation – Introduction to design review– Testing the 
design – Walk throughs – Review against check lists. 
The blueprint for a house (its architectural design) is not complete without a 
representation of doors, windows, and utility connections for water, electricity, and telephone 
(not to mention cable TV). The “doors, windows, and utility connections” for computer software 
make up the interface design of a system. 
Interface design focuses on three areas of concern: (1) the design of interfaces between 
software components, (2) the design of interfaces between the software and other nonhuman 
producers and consumers of information (i.e., other external entities), and (3) the design of the 
interface between a human (i.e., the user) and the computer. In this chapter we focus exclusively 
on the third interface design category—user interface design. In the preface to his classic book 
on user interface design, Ben Shneiderman [SHN90] states: 
Frustration and anxiety are part of daily life for many users of computerized information 
systems. They struggle to learn command language or menu selection systems that are supposed 
to help them do their job. Some people encounter such serious cases of computer shock, terminal 
terror, or network neurosis that they avoid using computerized systems. 
The problems to which Shneiderman alludes are real. It is true that graphical user 
interfaces, windows, icons, and mouse picks have eliminated many of the most horrific interface 
problems. But even in a “Windows world,” we all have encountered user interfaces that are 
difficult to learn, difficult to use, confusing, unforgiving, and in many cases, totally frustrating. 
Yet, someone spent time and energy building each of these interfaces, and it is not likely that the 
builder created these problems purposely. 
User interface design has as much to do with the study of people as it does with 
technology issues. Who is the user? How does the user learn to interact with a new computer-based 
system? How does the user interpret information produced by the system? What will the 
user expect of the system? These are only a few of the many questions that must be asked and 
answered as part of user interface design. 
In his book on interface design, Theo Mandel [MAN97] coins three “golden rules”: 
1. Place the user in control. 
2. Reduce the user’s memory load. 
3. Make the interface consistent.
These golden rules actually form the basis for a set of user interface design principles that guide 
this important software design activity. 
Place the User in Control 
During a requirements-gathering session for a major new information system, a key user 
was asked about the attributes of the window-oriented graphical interface. “What I really would 
like,” said the user solemnly, “is a system that reads my mind. It knows what I want to do before 
I need to do it and makes it very easy for me to get it done. That’s all, just that.” 
My first reaction was to shake of my head and smile, but I paused for a moment. There was 
absolutely nothing wrong with the user’s request. She wanted a system that reacted to her needs 
and helped her get things done. She wanted to control the computer, not have the computer 
control her. 
Most interface constraints and restrictions that are imposed by a designer are intended to 
simplify the mode of interaction. But for whom? In many cases, the designer might introduce 
constraints and limitations to simplify the implementation of the interface. The result may be an 
interface that is easy to build, but frustrating to use. Mandel [MAN97] defines a number of 
design principles that allow the user to maintain control: 
Define interaction modes in a way that does not force a user into unnecessary or 
undesired actions. An interaction mode is the current state of the interface. For example, if spell 
check is selected in a word-processor menu, the software moves to a spell checking mode. There 
is no reason to force the user to remain in spell checking mode if the user desires to make a small 
text edit along the way. The user should be able to enter and exit the mode with little or 
no effort. 
Provide for flexible interaction. Because different users have different interaction 
preferences, choices should be provided. For example, software might allow a user to interact via 
keyboard commands, mouse movement, a digitizer pen, or voice recognition commands. But 
every action is not amenable to every interaction mechanism. Consider, for example, the 
difficulty of using keyboard command (or voice input) to draw a complex shape. 
Allow user interaction to be interruptible and undoable. Even when involved in a 
sequence of actions, the user should be able to interrupt the sequence to do something else 
(without losing the work that had been done). The user should also be able to “undo” any action. 
Streamline interaction as skill levels advance and allow the interaction to be customized. Users 
often find that they perform the same sequence of interactions repeatedly. It is worthwhile to 
design a “macro” mechanism that enables an advanced user to customize the interface to 
facilitate interaction. 
Hide technical internals from the casual user. The user interface should move the user 
into the virtual world of the application. The user should not be aware of the operating system, 
file management functions, or other arcane computing technology. In essence, the interface 
should never require that the user interact at a level that is “inside” the machine (e.g., a user 
should never be required to type operating system commands from within application software).
Design for direct interaction with objects that appear on the screen. The user feels a sense 
of control when able to manipulate the objects that are necessary to perform a task in a manner 
similar to what would occur if the object were a physical thing. For example, an application 
interface that allows a user to “stretch” an object (scale it in size) is an implementation of direct 
Reduce the User’s Memory Load 
The more a user has to remember, the more error-prone will be the interaction with the 
system. It is for this reason that a well-designed user interface does not tax the user’s memory. 
Whenever possible, the system should “remember” pertinent information and assist the user with 
an interaction scenario that assists recall. Mandel [MAN97] defines design principles that enable 
an interface to reduce the user’s memory load: 
Reduce demand on short-term memory. When users are involved in complex tasks, the 
demand on short-term memory can be significant. The interface should be designed to reduce the 
requirement to remember past actions and results. This can be accomplished by providing visual 
cues that enable a user to recognize past actions, rather than having to recall them. 
Establish meaningful defaults. The initial set of defaults should make sense for the average 
user, but a user should be able to specify individual preferences. However, a “reset” option 
should be available, enabling the redefinition of original default values. 
Define shortcuts that are intuitive. When mnemonics are used to accomplish a system function 
(e.g., alt-P to invoke the print function), the mnemonic should be tied to the action in a way that 
is easy to remember (e.g., first letter of the task to be invoked). 
The visual layout of the interface should be based on a real world metaphor. For example, a 
bill payment system should use a check book and check register metaphor to guide the user 
through the bill paying process. This enables the user to rely on well-understood visual cues, 
rather than memorizing an arcane interaction sequence. 
Disclose information in a progressive fashion. The interface should be organized 
hierarchically. That is, information about a task, an object, or some behavior should be presented 
first at a high level of abstraction. More detail should be presented after the user indicates 
interest with a mouse pick. An example, common to many word-processing applications, is the 
underlining function. The function itself is one of a number of of functions under a text style 
menu. However, every underlining capability is not listed. The user must pick underlining, then 
all underlining options (e.g., single underline, double underline, dashed underline) are presented. 
Make the Interface Consistent 
The interface should present and acquire information in a consistent fashion. This implies 
that (1) all visual information is organized according to a design standard that is maintained 
throughout all screen displays, (2) input mechanisms are constrained to a limited set that are used
consistently throughout the application, and (3) mechanisms for navigating from task to task are 
consistently defined and implemented. Mandel [MAN97] defines a set of design principles 
that help make the interface consistent: 
Allow the user to put the current task into a meaningful context. Many interfaces 
implement complex layers of interactions with dozens of screen images. It is important to 
provide indicators (e.g., window titles, graphical icons, consistent color coding) that enable the 
user to know the context of the work at hand. In addition, the user should be able to determine 
where he has come from and what alternatives exist for a transition to a new task. Maintain 
consistency across a family of applications. A set of applications (or products) should all 
implement the same design rules so that consistency is maintained for all interaction. 
If past interactive models have created user expectations, do not make changes unless 
there is a compelling reason to do so. Once a particular interactive sequence has become a de 
facto standard (e.g., the use of alt-S to save a file), the user expects this in every application he 
encounters. A change (e.g., using alt-S to invoke scaling) will cause confusion. 
The interface design principles discussed in this and the preceding sections provide basic 
guidance for a software engineer. In the sections that follow, we examine the interface design 
process itself. 
The overall process for designing a user interface begins with the creation of different 
models of system function (as perceived from the outside). The human- and computer-oriented 
tasks that are required to achieve system function are then delineated; design issues that apply to 
all interface designs are considered; tools are used to prototype and ultimately implement the 
design model; and the result is evaluated for quality. 
Interface Design Models 
Four different models come into play when a user interface is to be designed. The 
software engineer creates a design model, a human engineer (or the software engineer) 
establishes a user model, the end-user develops a mental image that is often called the user's 
model or the system perception, and the implementers of the system create a system image 
[RUB88]. Unfortunately, each of these models may differ significantly.The role of interface 
designer is to reconcile these differences and derive a consistent representation of the interface. 
A design model of the entire system incorporates data, architectural, interface, and 
procedural representations of the software. The requirements specification may establish certain 
constraints that help to define the user of the system, but the interface design is often only 
incidental to the design model. The user model establishes the profile of end-users of the system. 
To build an effective user interface, "all design should begin with an understanding of the 
intended users, including profiles of their age, sex, physical abilities, education, cultural or ethnic 
background, motivation, goals and personality" [SHN90]. In addition, users can be categorized 
• Novices. No syntactic knowledge2 of the system and little semantic knowledge3 of the 
application or computer usage in general. 
• Knowledgeable, intermittent users. Reasonable semantic knowledge of the application but 
relatively low recall of syntactic information necessary to use the interface. 
• Knowledgeable, frequent users. Good semantic and syntactic knowledge that often leads to the 
"power-user syndrome"; that is, individuals who look for shortcuts and abbreviated modes of 
The system perception (user's model) is the image of the system that end-users carry in 
their heads. For example, if the user of a particular word processor were asked to describe its 
operation, the system perception would guide the response. The accuracy of the description will 
depend upon the user's profile (e.g., novices would provide a sketchy response at best) and 
overall familiarity with software in the application domain. A user who understands word 
processors fully but has worked with the specific word processor only once might actually be 
able to provide a more complete description of its function than the novice who has spent weeks 
trying to learn the system. 
The system image combines the outward manifestation of the computer-based system 
(the look and feel of the interface), 
coupled with all supporting 
information (books, manuals, 
videotapes, help files) that describe 
system syntax and semantics. When 
the system image and the system 
perception are coincident, users 
generally feel comfortable with the 
software and use it effectively. To 
accomplish this "melding" of the 
models, the design model must have 
been developed to accommodate the 
information contained in the user 
model, and the system image must 
accurately reflect syntactic and 
semantic information about the 
interface. Fig: The user interface design process. The models described in this section are 
"abstractions of what the user is doing or thinks he is doing or what somebody else thinks he 
ought to be doing when he uses an interactive system" [MON84]. In essence, these models 
enable the interface designer to satisfy a key element of the most important principle of user 
interface design: "Know the user, know the tasks." 
The User Interface Design Process 
The design process for user interfaces is iterative and can be represented using a spiral 
model similar to the one discussed in Chapter 2. Referring to Figure 15.1, the user interface 
design process encompasses four distinct framework activities [MAN97]:
1. User, task, and environment analysis and modeling 
2. Interface design 
3. Interface construction 
4. Interface validation 
The spiral shown in Figure 15.1 implies that each of these tasks will occur more than once, 
with each pass around the spiral representing additional elaboration of requirements and the 
resultant design. In most cases, the implementation activity involves prototyping—the only 
practical way to validate what has been designed. 
The initial analysis activity focuses on the profile of the users who will interact with the 
system. Skill level, business understanding, and general receptiveness to the new system are 
recorded; and different user categories are defined. For each user category, requirements are 
elicited. In essence, the software engineer attempts to understand the system perception (Section 
15.2.1) for each class of users. Once general requirements have been defined, a more detailed 
task analysis is conducted. Those tasks that the user performs to accomplish the goals of the 
system are identified, described, and elaborated (over a number of iterative passes through the 
spiral). Task analysis is discussed in more detail in Section 15.3. The analysis of the user 
environment focuses on the physical work environment. Among the questions to be asked are 
• Where will the interface be located physically? 
• Will the user be sitting, standing, or performing other tasks unrelated to the interface? 
• Does the interface hardware accommodate space, light, or noise constraints? 
• Are there special human factors considerations driven by environmental factors? 
The information gathered as part of the analysis activity is used to create an analysis 
model for the interface. Using this model as a basis, the design activity commences. The goal of 
interface design is to define a set of interface objects and actions (and their screen 
representations) that enable a user to perform all defined tasks in a manner that meets every 
usability goal defined for the system. Interface design is discussed in more detail in Section 15.4. 
The implementation activity normally begins with the creation of a prototype that enables 
usage scenarios to be evaluated. As the iterative design process continues, a user interface tool 
kit (Section 15.5) may be used to complete the construction of the interface. 
Validation focuses on (1) the ability of the interface to implement every user task 
correctly, to accommodate all task variations, and to achieve all general user requirements; (2) 
the degree to which the interface is easy to use and easy to learn; and (3) the users’ accep tance of 
the interface as a useful tool in their work. As we have already noted, the activities described in 
this section occur iteratively. Therefore, there is no need to attempt to specify every detail (for 
the analysis or design model) on the first pass. Subsequent passes through the process elaborate 
task detail, design information, and the operational features of the interface.
In Chapter 13, we discussed stepwise elaboration (also called functional decomposition or 
stepwise refinement) as a mechanism for refining the processing tasks that are required for 
software to accomplish some desired function. Later in this book, we consider object-oriented 
analysis as a modeling approach for computer-based systems. Task analysis for interface design 
uses either an elaborative or object-oriented approach but applies this approach to human 
Task analysis can be applied in two ways. As we have already noted, an interactive, 
computer-based system is often used to replace a manual or semi-manual activity. To understand 
the tasks that must be performed to accomplish the goal of the activity, a human engineer4 must 
understand the tasks that humans currently perform (when using a manual approach) and then 
map these into a similar (but not necessarily identical) set of tasks that are implemented in the 
context of the user interface. Alternatively, the human engineer can study an existing 
specification for a computer-based solution and derive a set of user tasks that will accommodate 
the user model, the design model, and the system perception. 
Regardless of the overall approach to task analysis, a human engineer must first define 
and classify tasks. We have already noted that one approach is stepwise elaboration. For 
example, assume that a small software company wants to build a computer-aided design system 
explicitly for interior designers. By observing an interior designer at work, the engineer notices 
that interior design comprises a number of major activities: furniture layout, fabric and material 
selection, wall and window coverings selection, presentation (to the customer), costing, and 
shopping. Each of these major tasks can be elaborated into subtasks. For example, furniture 
layout can be refined into the following tasks: (1) draw a floor plan based on room dimensions; 
(2) place windows and doors at appropriate locations; (3) use furniture templates to draw scaled 
furniture outlines on floor plan; (4) move furniture outlines to get best placement; (5) label all 
furniture outlines; (6) draw dimensions to show location; (7) draw perspective view for 
customer. A similar approach could be used for each of the other major tasks. Subtasks 1–7 can 
each be refined further. Subtasks 1–6 will be performed by manipulating information and 
performing actions within the user interface. On the other hand, subtask 7 can be performed 
automatically in software and will result in little direct user interaction. The design model of the 
interface should accommodate each of these tasks in a way that is consistent with the user model 
(the profile of a "typical" interior designer) and system perception (what the interior designer 
expects from an automated system). 
An alternative approach to task analysis takes an object-oriented point of view. The human 
engineer observes the physical objects that are used by the interior designer and the actions that 
are applied to each object. For example, the furniture template would be an object in this 
approach to task analysis. The interior designer would select the appropriate template, move it to 
a position on the floor plan, trace the furniture outline and so forth. The design model for the 
interface would not provide a literal implementation for each of these actions, but it would define 
user tasks that accomplish the end result (drawing furniture outlines on the floor plan).
Once task analysis has been completed, all tasks (or objects and actions) required by the 
end-user have been identified in detail and the interface design activity commences. The first 
interface design steps [NOR86] can be accomplished using the following approach: 
1. Establish the goals5 and intentions for each task. 
2. Map each goal and intention to a sequence of specific actions. 
3. Specify the action sequence of tasks and subtasks, also called a user scenario, as it will be 
executed at the interface level. 
4. Indicate the state of the system; that is, what does the interface look like at the time that a user 
scenario is performed? 
5. Define control mechanisms; that is, the objects and actions available to the user to alter the 
system state. 
6. Show how control mechanisms affect the state of the system. 
7. Indicate how the user interprets the state of the system from information provided through the 
Always following the golden rules discussed in Section 15.1, the interface designer must 
also consider how the interface will be implemented, the environment (e.g., display technology, 
operating system, development tools) that will be used, and other elements of the application that 
“sit behind” the interface. 
Defining Interface Objects and Actions 
An important step in interface design is the definition of interface objects and the actions 
that are applied to them. To accomplish this, the user scenario is parsed in much the same way as 
processing narratives were parsed in Chapter 12. That is, a description of a user scenario is 
written. Nouns (objects) and verbs (actions) are isolated to create a list of objects and actions. 
Once the objects and actions have been defined and elaborated iteratively, they are categorized 
by type. Target, source, and application objects are identified. A source object (e.g., a report 
icon) is dragged and dropped onto a target object (e.g., a printer icon). The implication of this 
action is to create a hard-copy report. An application object represents application-specific data 
that is not directly manipulated as part of screen interaction. For example, a mailing list is used 
to store names for a mailing. 
The list itself might be sorted, merged, or purged (menu-based actions) but it is not 
dragged and dropped via user interaction. When the designer is satisfied that all important 
objects and actions have been defined (for one design iteration), screen layout is performed. Like 
other interface design activities, screen layout is an interactive process in which graphical design 
and placement of icons, definition of descriptive screen text, specification and titling for 
windows, and definition of major and minor menu items is conducted. If a real world metaphor is 
appropriate for the application, it is specified at this time and the layout is organized in a manner 
that complements the metaphor.
To provide a brief illustration of the design steps noted previously, we consider a user 
scenario for an advanced version of the SafeHome system (discussed in earlier chapters). In the 
advanced version, SafeHome can be accessed via modem or through the Internet. A PC 
application allows the homeowner to check the status of the house from a remote location, reset 
the SafeHome configuration, arm and disarm the system, and (using an extra cost video option6) 
monitor rooms within the house visually. A preliminary user scenario for the interface follows: 
Scenario: The homeowner wishes to gain access to the SafeHome system installed in his 
house. Using software operating on a remote PC (e.g., a notebook computer carried by the 
homeowner while at work or traveling), the homeowner determines the status of the alarm 
system, arms or disarms the system, reconfigures security zones, and views different rooms 
within the house via preinstalled video cameras. To access SafeHome from a remote location, the 
homeowner provides an identifier and a password. These define levels of access (e.g., all users 
may not be able to reconfigure the system) and provide security. Once validated, the user (with 
full access privileges) checks the status of the system and changes status by arming or disarming 
SafeHome. The user reconfigures the system by displaying a floor plan of the house, viewing 
each of the security sensors, displaying each currently configured zone, and modifying zones as 
required. The user views the interior of the house via strategically placed video cameras. The 
user can pan and zoom each camera to provide different views of the interior. 
Homeowner tasks: 
• accesses the SafeHome system 
• enters an ID and password to allow remote access 
• checks system status 
• arms or disarms SafeHome system 
• displays floor plan and sensor locations 
• displays zones on floor plan 
• changes zones on floor plan 
• displays video camera locations on floor plan 
• selects video camera for viewing 
• views video images (4 frames per second) 
• pans or zooms the video camera 
Objects (boldface) and actions (italics) are extracted from this list of homeowner tasks. 
The majority of objects noted are application objects. However, video camera location (a source 
object) is dragged and dropped onto video camera (a target object) to create a video image (a 
window with video display). A preliminary sketch of the screen layout for video monitoring is 
created (Figure 15.2). To invoke the video image, a video camera location icon, C, located in 
floor plan displayed in the monitoring window is selected. In this case a camera location in the
living room, LR, is then dragged and dropped onto the video camera icon in the upper left-hand 
portion of the screen. The video image window appears, displaying streaming video from the 
camera located in the living room (LR). The zoom and pan control slides are used to control the 
magnification and direction of the video image. To select a view from another camera, the user 
simply drags and drops a different camera location icon into the camera icon in the upper left-hand 
corner of the screen. The layout sketch shown would have to be supplemented with an 
expansion of each menu item within the menu bar, indicating what actions are available for the 
FIGURE: Preliminary screen layout 
video monitoring mode (state). A complete set of sketches for each homeowner task noted in the 
user scenario would be created during the interface design. 
Design Issues 
As the design of a user interface evolves, four common design issues almost always 
surface: system response time, user help facilities, error information handling, and command 
labeling. Unfortunately, many designers do not address these issues until relatively late in the 
design process (sometimes the first inkling of a problem doesn't occur until an operational 
prototype is available). Unnecessary iteration, project delays, and customer frustration often
result. It is far better to establish each as a design issue to be considered at the beginning of 
software design, when changes are easy and costs are low. 
System response time is the primary complaint for many interactive applications. In 
general, system response time is measured from the point at which the user performs some 
control action (e.g., hits the return key or clicks a mouse) until the software responds with 
desired output or action. System response time has two important characteristics: length and 
variability. If the length of system response is too long, user frustration and stress is the 
inevitable result. However, a very brief response time can also be detrimental if the user is being 
paced by the interface. A rapid response may force the user to rush and therefore make mistakes. 
Variability refers to the deviation from average response time, and in many ways, it is the 
most important response time characteristic. Low variability enables the user to establish an 
interaction rhythm, even if response time is relatively long. For example, a 1-second response to 
a command is preferable to a response that varies from 0.1 to 2.5 seconds. The user is always off 
balance, always wondering whether something "different" has occurred behind the scenes. 
Almost every user of an interactive, computer-based system requires help now and then. In some 
cases, a simple question addressed to a knowledgeable colleague can do the trick. In others, 
detailed research in a multivolume set of "user manuals" may be the only option. In many cases, 
however, modern software provides on-line help facilities that enable a user to get a question 
answered or resolve a problem without leaving the interface. 
Two different types of help facilities are encountered: integrated and add-on [RUB88]. An 
integrated help facility is designed into the software from the beginning. It is often context 
sensitive, enabling the user to select from those topics that are relevant to the actions currently 
being performed. Obviously, this reduces the time required for the user to obtain help and 
increases the "friendliness" of the interface. An add-on help facility is added to the software after 
the system has been built. In many ways, it is really an on-line user's manual with limited query 
capability. The user may have to search through a list of hundreds of topics to find appropriate 
guidance, often making many false starts and receiving much irrelevant information. There is 
little doubt that the integrated help facility is preferable to the add-on approach. A number of 
design issues [RUB88] must be addressed when a help facility is considered: 
• Will help be available for all system functions and at all times during system interaction? 
Options include help for only a subset of all functions and actions or help for all functions. 
• How will the user request help? Options include a help menu, a special function key, or a 
HELP command. 
• How will help be represented? Options include a separate window, a reference to a printed 
document (less than ideal), or a one- or two-line suggestion produced in a fixed screen location. 
• How will the user return to normal interaction? Options include a return button displayed on 
the screen, a function key, or control sequence. 
• How will help information be structured? Options include a "flat" structure in which all 
information is accessed through a keyword, a layered hierarchy of information that provides 
increasing detail as the user proceeds into the structure, or the use of hypertext. Error messages 
and warnings are "bad news" delivered to users of interactive systems when something has gone 
awry. At their worst, error messages and warnings impart useless or misleading information and 
serve only to increase user frustration. There are few computer users who have not encountered 
an error of the form: 
Somewhere, an explanation for error 14A must exist; otherwise, why would the designers 
have added the identification? Yet, the error message provides no real indication of what is 
wrong or where to look to get additional information. An error message presented in this manner 
does nothing to assuage user anxiety or to help correct the problem. In general, every error 
message or warning produced by an interactive system should have the following characteristics: 
• The message should describe the problem in jargon that the user can understand. 
• The message should provide constructive advice for recovering from the error. 
• The message should indicate any negative consequences of the error (e.g., potentially corrupted 
data files) so that the user can check to ensure that they have not occurred (or correct them if 
they have). 
• The message should be accompanied by an audible or visual cue. That is, a beep might be 
generated to accompany the display of the message, or the message might flash momentarily or 
be displayed in a color that is easily recognizable as the "error color." 
• The message should be "nonjudgmental." That is, the wording should never place blame on the 
Because no one really likes bad news, few users will like an error message no matter how 
well designed. But an effective error message philosophy can do much to improve the quality of 
an interactive system and will significantly reduce user frustration when problems do occur. 
The typed command was once the most common mode of interaction between user and 
system software and was commonly used for applications of every type. Today, the use of 
window-oriented, point and pick interfaces has reduced reliance on typed commands, but many 
power-users continue to prefer a command-oriented mode of interaction. A number of design 
issues arise when typed commands are provided as a mode of interaction: 
• Will every menu option have a corresponding command? 
• What form will commands take? Options include a control sequence (e.g., alt-P), function keys, 
or a typed word. 
• How difficult will it be to learn and remember the commands? What can be done if a command 
is forgotten? 
• Can commands be customized or abbreviated by the user? 
As we noted earlier in this chapter, conventions for command usage should be established 
across all applications. It is confusing and often error-prone for a user to type alt-D when a
graphics object is to be duplicated in one application and alt-D when a graphics object is to be 
deleted in another. The potential for error is obvious. 
Once a design model is created, it is implemented as a prototype,7 examined by users 
(who fit the user model described earlier) and modified based on their comments. To 
accommodate this iterative design approach, a broad class of interface design and prototyping 
tools has evolved. Called user-interface toolkits or user-interface development systems (UIDS), 
these tools provide components or objects that facilitate creation of windows, menus, device 
interaction, error messages, commands, and many other elements of an interactive environment. 
Using prepackaged software components to create a user interface, a UIDS provides built-in 
mechanisms [MYE89] for • managing input devices (such as a mouse or keyboard) 
• validating user input 
• handling errors and displaying error messages 
• providing feedback (e.g., automatic input echo) 
• providing help and prompts 
• handling windows and fields, scrolling within windows 
• establishing connections between application software and the interface 
• insulating the application from interface management functions 
• allowing the user to customize the interface 
These functions can be implemented using either a language-based or graphical approach. 
Design Evaluation 
Once an operational user interface prototype has been created, it must be evaluated to 
determine whether it meets the needs of the user. Evaluation can span a formality spectrum that 
ranges from an informal "test drive," in which a user provides impromptu feedback to a formally 
designed study that uses statistical methods for the evaluation of questionnaires completed by a 
population of end-users. The user interface evaluation cycle takes the form shown in Figure 15.3. 
After the design model has been completed, a first-level prototype is created. The prototype is 
evaluated by the user, who provides the designer with direct comments about the efficacy of the 
interface. In addition, if formal evaluation techniques are used (e.g., questionnaires, rating 
sheets), the designer may extract information from these data (e.g., 80 percent of all users did not 
like the mechanism for saving data files). Design modifications are made based on user input and 
the next level prototype is created. The evaluation cycle continues until no further modifications 
to the interface design are necessary. 
The prototyping approach is effective, but is it possible to evaluate the quality of a user 
interface before a prototype is built? If potential problems can be uncovered and corrected early, 
the number of loops through the evaluation cycle will be reduced and development time will
shorten. If a design model of the interface has been created, a number of evaluation criteria 
[MOR81] can be applied during early design reviews: 
1. The length and complexity of the written specification of the system and its interface provide 
an indication of the amount of learning required by users of the system. 
2. The number of user tasks specified and the average number of actions per task provide an 
indication of interaction time and the overall efficiency of the system. 
3. The number of actions, tasks, and system states indicated by the design model imply the 
memory load on users of the system. 
4. Interface style, help facilities, and error handling protocol provide a general indication of the 
complexity of the interface and the degree to which it will be accepted by the user. 
Once the first prototype is built, the designer can collect a variety of qualitative and 
quantitative data that will assist in evaluating the interface. To collect qualitative data, 
questionnaires can be distributed to users of the prototype. Questions can be all (1) simple yes/no 
response, (2) numeric response, (3) scaled (subjective) response, or (4) percentage (subjective) 
response. Examples are 
1. Were the icons self-explanatory? If not, which icons were unclear? 
2. Were the actions easy to remember and to invoke? 
3. How many different actions did you use? 
4. How easy was it to learn basic system operations (scale 1 to 5)? 
5. Compared to other interfaces you've used, how would this rate—top 1%, top 10%, top 25%, 
top 50%, bottom 50%? 
If quantitative data are desired, a form of time study analysis can be conducted. Users are 
observed during interaction, and data—such as number of tasks correctly completed over a 
standard time period, frequency of actions, sequence of actions, time spent "looking" at the 
display, number and types of errors, error recovery time, time spent using help, and number of 
help references per standard time period—are collected and used as a guide for interface 
modification. A complete discussion of user interface evaluation methods is beyond the scope of 
this book. For further information, see [LEA88] and [MAN97]. 
Interface evaluation is the process of assessing the usability of an interface and checking 
that it meets user requirements. Therefore, it should be part of the normal verification and 
validation process for software systems. Neilsen (Neilsen, 1993) includes a good chapter on this 
topic in his book on usability engineering. Ideally, an evaluation should be conducted against a 
usability specification based on usability attributes, as shown in Figure 16.17. Metrics for these 
usability attributes can be devised. For example, in a learnability specification, you might state 
that an operator who is familiar with the work supported should be able to use 80% of the system 
functionality after a three-hour training session. However, it is more common to specify
usability (if it is specified at all) qualitatively rather than using metrics. You therefore usually 
have to use your judgement and experience in interface evaluation. 
Systematic evaluation of a user interface desig n can be an expensive process involving 
cognitive scientists and graphics designers. You may have to design and carry out a statistically 
significant number of experiments with typical users. You may need to use specially constructed 
laboratories fitted with monitoring equipment. A user interface evaluation of this kind is 
economically unrealistic for systems developed by small organisations with limited resources. 
There are a number of simpler, less expensive techniques of user interface evaluation that can 
identify particular user interface design deficiencies: 
1. Questionnaires that collect information about what users thought of the interface; 
2. Observation of users at work with the system and ‘thinking aloud’ about how they are trying 
to use the system to accomplish some task; 
3. Video ‘snapshots’ of typical system use; 
4. The inclusion in the software of code which collects information about the mostused facilities 
and the most common errors. 
Surveying users by questionnaire is a relatively cheap way to evaluate an interface. The 
questions should be precise rather than general. It is no use asking questions such as ‘Please 
comment on the usability of the interface’ as the responses will probably vary so much that you 
won’t see any common trend. Rather, specific questions such as ‘Please rate the 
understandability of the error messages on a scale from 1 to 5. A rating of 1 means very clear and 
5 means incomprehensible’ are better. They are both easier to answer and more likely to provide 
useful information to improve the interface. Users should be asked to rate their own experience 
and background when filling in the questionnaire. This allows the designer to find out whether 
users from any particular background have problems with the interface. Questionnaires can even 
be used before any executable system is available if a paper mock-up of the interface is 
constructed and evaluated. 
Observation-based evaluation simply involves watching users as they use a 
system,looking at the facilities used, the errors made and so on. This can be supplemented by 
‘think aloud’ sessions where users talk about what they are trying to achieve, how they 
understand the system and how they are trying to use the system to accomplish their objectives. 
Relatively low-cost video 
equipment means that you can record 
user sessions for later analysis. 
Complete video analysis is expensive 
and requires a specially equipped 
evaluation suite with several cameras 
focused on the user and on the screen. 
However, video recording of selected 
user operations can be helpful in 
detecting problems. Other evaluation 
methods must be used to find out
which operations cause user difficulties.Figure: Usability attributes. 
Analysis of recordings allows the designer to find out whether the interface requires too 
much hand movement (a problem with some systems is that users must regularly move their 
hand from keyboard to mouse) and to see whether unnatural eye movements are necessary. An 
interface that requires many shifts of focus may mean that the user makes more errors and misses 
parts of the display. Instrumenting code to collect usage statistics allows interfaces to be 
improved in a number of ways. The most common operations can be detected. The interface can 
be reorganised so that these are the fastest to select. For example, if pop-up or pull-down menus 
are used, the most frequent operations should be at the top of the menu and destructive 
operations towards the bottom. Code instrumentation also allows error-prone commands to be 
detected and modified. Finally, it is easy to give users a ‘gripe’ command that they can use to 
pass messages to the tool designer. This makes users feel that their views are being considered. 
The interface designer and other engineers can gain rapid feedback about individual problems. 
None of these relatively simple approaches to user interface evaluation is foolproof and 
they are unlikely to detect all user interface problems. However, the techniques can be used with 
a group of volunteers before a system is released without a large outlay of resources. Many of the 
worst problems of the user interface design can then be discovered and corrected. 
The experiences leading to these patterns were made in the context of software 
development for embedded systems. However, they contain practices that can be useful in every 
kind of software design review. The patterns came to my mind while I was learning to apply the 
review method DRBFM to software development. DRBFM stands for Design Review Based on 
Failure Mode and is a review method invented by Toyota and now slowly spreading into other 
organizations. Initially, it was developed for proving the robust design of mechanical products. 
But it turns out that DRBFM is a powerful way to look at software design, too. 
Software for embedded systems typically is connected very closely to the “real world”. 
There are sensor signals that have to be transformed into numerical values, maybe the system has 
a processor working with integer arithmetics, and the system always has time constraints because 
there are limited reaction times specified. Due to this close connection of software and hardware 
there are many constraints on the software such as accuracy of the conversion of sensor signals 
or runtime and memory consumption. In the design review the software must not be analysed as 
an isolated product but as one part of a system. 
In the field of embedded software development, reviews are held after every 
development phase. There are reviews of the specification, of the functional design, of the code, 
of the software and system tests. All the different review methods are based on the assumption 
that it is helpful if someone different from the developer examines a product and brings in their 
expertise. Therefore the main parameter defining the success of the review is the knowledge, the 
communication and the behaviour of the review participants.
Deciding to do a review 
Context: You are designing a new software part or a change in an existing partand you are 
wondering how much effort you should put into the review. 
Risk over Size 
Problem: Decisions on reviews often are taken against the background of practical reasons. 
The availability of time and expertise or the mere size of a software module determine the 
content and the intensity of reviews. So a rather common algorithm might be looked at 
very carefully while a very innovative software part might be more or less neglected. 
Reasons: In software development, not only the final product counts but also the development 
time and effort. In most cases, developers have to make a trade off between quality and 
adherence to deadlines. The developer of new software usually has some influence on the 
intensity and the extent of the review that is done on the design. 
However, often, there is not the time to review everything with the same intensity. If you set the 
focus improperly, maybe big risks are overlooked. 
Solution: Find out where is the biggest risk and put most of your effort on this part. 
Implementation: A design resulting in a high number of lines of code is not automatically 
riskier than a small change in an existing software part. You should watch out for changes with a 
high degree of innovation or changes in complex interfaces. 
If you have used a commonly known solution or you have developed a module similar to one 
you have developed before, the risk is not as high as there is for completely new algorithms or 
changes in interfaces with cross connections to many other parts of the software. 
Of course it is difficult to find an impartial technique leading to decisions comparable to 
decisions in other reviews. It is hard to measure risk which does not only depend on the 
properties of the software but also on the properties of the developer and his or her environment. 
By discussions with colleages about your development and how it impacts the system, you will 
develop a sense of how intense the review should be. 
1. You are using a filter algorithm looking very complicated at first sight. The code for it is 
rather big. But in fact you have a lot of experience with this algorithm because you have used it 
many times before. Moreover the algorithm does not have many boundary conditions or 
dependencies. Therefore the review of this part of the design does not have to be elaborate. 
2. You are changing an interface used as an input for a timer from a 32-bitvariable to a 16-bit 
variable. Maybe you have tested the new function in the target environment and you have shown 
that the behaviour is the same as before. Unfortunately you did not consider the fact that now 
there is a variable overflow much faster and that then the timer will fail. This example shows that 
especially when there are changes in interfaces it is good to review with a rather high effort.
Preparing the Review 
Context: You as a developer are starting the design phase and you know that you will have to do 
a design review. You have to collect and prepare all the information necessary for the review 
meeting, you have to decide when to hold the meeting and who to invite. 
Continuously Prepare the Review 
Problem: The review often is perceived as a point in time. That is the point when the review 
meeting takes place. Consequences are unprepared reviews, unsatisfying results and 
unmotivated participants. 
Reasons: 1. During the design phase, you have to keep in mind all the requirements and 
constraints to your product as well as the process you have to follow. Preparing for the review is 
another task you have to plan for during the design phase. The review preparation will consume 
a certain amount of time and energy in addition to the core design tasks. For this reason, review 
preparation often is neglected. 
2. If you take care of the review only very shortly before the review meeting, you will prepare 
and organize the review in a hurry, forgetting about important points, inviting the wrong people, 
neglecting presentation rules. 
Solution: Start preparing the review from the beginning of the design phase and continue 
all through the design process. 
Implementation: Take notes about concerns or questions you have. Talk to the colleagues you 
would like to invite to the review. Prepare the information you want to give to the review 
participants before or during the review. Set the date for the review meeting as soon as you know 
when you will have finished the design. REVIEW THE FINAL DESIGN and plan some time 
after the review for doing some rework if necessary. Early planning will increase the chance that 
you get the experts you want to have in the meeting and they will have some time to prepare for 
the review. 
Example: You design a software module for the control of a machine. This module has the 
engine speed as an input variable. In fact there are two variables representing the engine speed 
available in the software. A raw signal NEng_unfilt and a filtered signal NEng_filt. At the 
beginning of the design you are not sure yet which signal is best for your application. You are 
taking the raw signal for the first draft version. As you have started to prepare for the review 
from the very beginning of the design phase, you always have in mind that you need to clarify 
this point until the design is finished. So there is no risk that the first choice for the draft version 
will stay in the solution just by chance. 
Moreover, when you present the input values at the review meeting, you can say which variable 
for the engine speed you have chosen and, very important, why. 
Review the Final Design 
Problem: A review meeting hold at the wrong time can lead either to discussions about 
what is really the concrete solution and by this to a kind of developers workshop. Or it can
lead to a hurried meeting where the developer tries to dismiss as many points as possible in 
order to avoid rework. 
Reasons: 1. If you hold the review meeting too early, there is a danger that not all the necessary 
information will be available or some details even are not defined yet. You will have to review 
alternatives or theoretical concepts. This can result in endless discussions. 
2. On the other hand, if the review meeting is hold too late, you will not have the time to 
implement the measures you have decided on in the meeting. Maybe you will even try to avoid 
some findings in the meeting because you know that will not have the time to do the rework 
identified to reduce the risks. 
Solution: Hold the review meeting only after you have collected all the facts the review 
participants need to examine the design but keep enough time after the review to change 
the design where necessary. 
Implementation: As you CONTINUOSLY PREPARE THE REVIEW, you can look for the best 
time for the review meeting from the beginning of the development. You can already talk with 
the colleagues you would like to participate in the meeting so that you find out when persons that 
are very important for the review success are on vacation et cetera. 
As the delivery date normally is fixed, you can estimate how much rework will be necessary 
after the review in the worst case and then you can calculate the date when the meeting has to be 
held the latest. The review participants also need some time for the preparation of the review. 
Taking this into consideration you know when your design has to be finished. So by calculating 
backwards from the delivery date you make sure that you have enough time for the review and 
the rework and that you also go into the review with a real design and not only a design idea. 
Example: Here you can look at the same example as in CONTINUOUSLY PREPARE THE 
REVIEW. Imagine you are still not sure yet whether you should take the filtered or the unfiltered 
signal as an input value. Therefore you do not put NEng_filt or NEng_unfilt into your design, 
you just write down NEng. If you are doing the review now, there is a high risk that some of the 
participants will have NEng_filt in mind and some will think about NEng_unfilt. They will be 
talking about different things without noticing the problem. If they notice this open point, the 
risk is high that the review will not be a design review on the complete design but a discussion 
about which of the two variables would be the better one for your application. Of course this 
might be a helpful discussion but it is not the goal of the review. 
Don’t Think – Describe your Solution! 
Problem: If you as the developer already make a selection of certain aspects of a 
development before the review meeting, the review participants do not have the chance to 
get their own picture of your work. Understated changes possibly carrying big risks may be 
Reasons: 1. When developing software, you do not just write code. You also define new 
interfaces, your software consumes memory and clock cycles in the processor, you might call 
library functions, maybe you use new development tools. This is often overlooked. As a 
developer you tend to focus on the changes you consider to be important. Changes that do not
affect the functionality are easily ignored. However, things that seem unimportant to you might 
affect the overall system or parts of the system interacting with your module. 
2. You want to avoid to drown important changes in unimportant “stuff” and you think that a 
comprehensive list of changes might overwhelm the review participants. So your idea is to make 
a selection of the most important aspects in advance. 
Solution: When preparing for the review, describe every part of your solution, even if it 
seems unimportant to you. Avoid any judgement on the importance or the risks of 
individual aspects. Try to be as neutral as possible. 
Implementation: A checklist can be really helpful to identify all the changes that were made. If 
you have filled out a checklist before, you can show this checklist to the review participants. If 
there is a very high number of changes, you can, later in the review meeting, make suggestions to 
put some details aside or summarize some minor changes in one common heading. But you have 
to justify why it is safe to do so to the review participants. 
If safety is a concern, you should rather err on the side of caution and mention too many changes 
rather than too few. 
Example: The precision of the output value of a function is increased while the functionality 
itself remains unchanged. To the developer, this change seems to be unimportant, as his function 
is now providing a more precise value than before. Unfortunately, there is another function 
which uses this value as an input and performs a modulo operation on it. As now the resolution is 
higher, the results of the modulo operation will be completely different. The function fails. 
If in the review this change had been mentioned, the potentially fatal consequences could have 
been found. 
Make Implicit Requirements Explicit 
Problem: When judging whether a product meets the requirements everybody makes his 
own assumptions about implicit requirements. If these assumptions are not talked about 
and documented, they can lead to misunderstanding and undedected errors. 
Forces: 1. You have designed your new software module based on the specification of the 
customer. The customer wrote the specification from his point of view. Often, he has no 
information about the processes or constraints in your company. He might not know all the 
technical details of the system your software will be integrated into. But these details can have 
significant influence on your choices of specific solutions during the design phase. 
2. On the other hand, the customer has his own processes and constraints. His company’s 
philosophy might be completely different from the philosophy of your company, a fact that you, 
both the costumer and the developer, often are not fully aware of. 
For these reasons you can almost be sure that the requirements are not complete from your point 
of view. You will design the software based on the requirements you got from the customer, 
completed with assumptions on what the customer wants to have but did not say explicitely.
Solution: Specify clearly what you think are the requirements to the product even if these 
requirements were not mentioned explicitely by the customer. 
Implementation: Put yourself in the place of the customer and think of what he or she wants the 
product to do or not to do. What are the different possibilities of using the product and how can 
they be combined? List all the aspects and circumstances of use. Think about what might be 
obvious to the customer but not to you. Then, think about what might be obvious to you but not 
to the customer. 
You can take these assumptions as a basis for discussion. Chances are high that in the review 
meeting there is an expert who can confirm or correct these assumptions. When you are 
wondering which requirements are obvious to the customer but not to you, of course it is a good 
idea to simply ask the customer. But even then, there will be implicit requirements remaining 
implicit if you do not find them and make them explicit. 
When looking for implicit requirements it might be helpful to use checklists. In DRBFM for 
example, you are invited to find, for each module, the “basic function” which describes the 
actual purpose of the module, “additional functions” which focus on the on the look and feel of a 
product, “harm prevention” which avoids that the product can cause harm to people, or the 
environment and “self protection” which avoids that the module itself is damaged or destroyed. 
Example: The customer ordered a new application for a mobile phone: Photos taken with the 
camera integrated into the phone can be sorted into different albums. He has given you a 
specification where all the different possibilities of sorting, opening and modifying the albums 
are described. As it seems obvious to him, he has not specified the fact that the basic function of 
the phone, namely the possibility to place and receive calls must not be disabled by the new 
application. If you do not integrate this requirement into your review, you might only find out 
that your design is good for sorting photos and so fulfilles the requirements you limited the 
module to. 
Look at the System 
Problem: When you are developing only a small part of a complex technical product you 
tend to find a solution fitting this small part but maybe carrying risks for the whole 
product. If you do not consider this in the review you will not find these risks. 
Reasons: 1. You know 
best about all the obstacles 
you had to overcome and 
about the reasons why you 
have chosen this specific 
solution. Digging deeply 
into the subject for a long 
time, you have probably 
lost an overall view on the 
product. As a 
consequence, there is a 
risk that you have created a locally optimized solution which works well if you regard it for itself 
but which does not really fit into the greater context. In software development, especially in large 
projects, there is a risk that a developer who is working on a specific part of the software for a 
long time loses sight of the real function of the product. 
2. In embedded systems, software is not an end in itself. Often there are many interfaces of one 
software function to other functions and to sensor signals or device drivers. It is difficult to keep 
in mind all interactions all the time during development. 
Solution: Ask yourself what is the function of your development for the whole product and 
document this function during review preparation. 
Implementation: When preparing for the review it is important to step back and look at the 
whole system and at all the interfaces that your software module has with the overall system. 
These are inputs and outputs as well as environmental conditions. 
Find answers to the following questions: 
1. Why was there a need for this development? 
2. Why did the requirement come up right now? 
3. Have there been other attempts to fulfill the requirements? Why were they successful or why 
did they fail? 
Example: The software is getting a sensor signal as an input and calculates some output value 
based on it. In order to find out if the output value meets the accuracy requirements you have to 
get some information about the accuracy of the input value. You read the technical data sheet of 
the sensor. But this is not the only information you should take into consideration. You should
also ask yourself: Is it possible, in certain circumstances, that the sensor signal does not have the 
specified accuracy, although the sensor works properly? When might this be possible? For 
example, due to the signal processing from the raw signal to the signal received by your module. 
Maybe there is some filtering or some hysteresis applied you did not take into your 
consideration. Also: what do I do (in my module) if the accuracy is not as good as I expect it? 
Can my module deal with that? 
Free Requirements from Solution 
Problem: As soon as you have a specific solution in mind you tend to regard the 
characteristics of this solution as requirements. This distorts the view on the requirements 
and in the end it is difficult to judge if the solution really meets the requirements. 
Reasons: 1. When thinking about the requirements, a developer never is unbiased. He or she 
always has the solution in mind. Thus there is a high risk that in the review there will be no clear 
separation between solution and requirements description. 
The problem with this is that if you do not clearly state what your product should do you cannot 
tell whether the design is applicable or not. Also, if you and the other review participants think 
into a certain direction from the beginning, you limit the chances that you will find the best 
possible solution. The review should lead you back to the question what you really need this part 
of the system for. 
2. Boundary conditions are essential because they define the scope you have to look at. Many 
designs work under certain conditions, but in the review, it has to be checked if these are the 
conditions that will prevail in the real system. 
Solution: Ask yourself and your colleagues what your development should really do. Why 
was it requested by the customer, what does he expect it to do? 
Implementation: When describing the requirements, make your product a black box and 
describe its behaviours seen from outside. Divide your description into two parts: 
First, describe the function. What is really the job of the module? How does the customer want 
your module to behave? What does the system your module will be integrated into “expect” from 
your module? 
Second, describe the boundary conditions. This can be environmental conditions the product still 
has to work correctly in. It can also be requirements on precision, calculation speed or control 
quality. If you have a rather complex design with different parts, it makes sense to break down 
the requirements into smaller pieces. In other words, you have to open the black box and make 
several smaller black boxes out of it. This sounds contradictory to the the pattern itself, but it is 
not as long as you keep the boxes black at each level of granularity you have chosen and you 
make sure that there is one black box at the same level of your whole design. Having this highest 
level, you get the view on the complete design and the interfaces to the system. 
Example: You are describing the functions of a software part modelling the temperature at a 
specific location of the system (virtual sensor). This software consists of several subparts. So the 
overall function would be “calculating temperature at position x”. Describing the function of one
of the subparts you might say “signal range check of sensor input S1”. That means you are 
looking into your top-level black box “temperature calculation” and your are delimiting the 
solutions to those solutions using S1 as an input. The key point is that for this granularity level 
you must not say “signal range check with algorithm a” but only “signal range check with 
boundary conditions c1, c2 and c3”. 
Running the Review 
Context: You have prepared the review and now all the participants come together for the 
review meeting. You have time limitations for the meeting. On the other hand you have to deal 
with all the questions and doubts that are brought in by the participants. And you want to make 
sure that every participant contributes to the success of the review and that everybody is 
motivated for this review and the reviews to come. 
You are the Entertainer 
Problem: If you are not able to motivate the review participants and to arouse their 
interest for your work, they will not contribute to a good review outcome. Not only is there 
a lot of time wasted, but there is also a higher possibility that not all the risks and errors 
are found. 
Reasons: 1. Maybe the review participants see the review rather as an inevitable evil and so they 
come into the meeting without any motivation and without any expectation. They probably have 
attended a lot of boring review meetings before. There is a big risk that, when some people with 
this attitude meet, this will turn into a self-fullfilling prophecy. They expect to have a boring
meeting and so they make the meeting boring. This blocks all the creativity and concentration 
and finally leads to nonsatisfying results. 
2. Even if your colleagues come to the review meeting with positive expectations, they can 
become unmotivated very quickly if you are presenting and moderating the review in a boring or 
confusing manner. 
Solution: Make the review fun! During the review meeting, you are the entertainer! You 
are responsible to create an atmosphere where all the review participants are comfortable 
and really want to contribute to the analysis of the product. 
Implementation: At the beginning, you should make sure that all the participants know each 
other and know you. This helps everybody to get some orientation in the group. 
Second you should give a short overview of the review so that everybody knows how long the 
meeting will take, what will be the steps to take and, very important, what should be the outcome 
of the meeting. When you are presenting your work, tell a story to the audience. Give 
information about the motivation, about your ideas for a solution, about which obstacles you had 
to overcome, which actions you took in order to make the outcome robust and what is the final 
result. It does not mean that you should manipulate the information in order to create a 
breathtaking story or to show what a great developer you are. The story does not have to be 
thrilling and it does not need to have a happy ending. But is has to be clear, logic and complete. 
By this you make sure that the review participants can follow. Also it creates an open 
atmosphere and motivates people to account for the story in order to make it a succesful one.Use 
the fact that IT IS NOT ABOUT FORM in order to arrange the meeting so that the participants 
remember it as some very interesting and motivating hours. 
Example: You have designed a software module for an automobile engine control. For the 
development you had to do measurements at very low temperatures in a climate chamber in the 
middle of summer. So you came out of the climate chamber with a complete arctic dress in July. 
In the review meeting, show a photo of you in your winter dress to the colleagues. Instantly they 
will pay attention and they will be inspired to be creative. 
Software metrics plays an important role in measuring attributes that are critical to the success of 
a software project. Measurement of these attributes helps to make the characteristics and 
relationships between the attributes clearer. This in turn supports informed decision making. The 
field of software engineering is affected by infrequent, incomplete and inconsistent 
measurements. Software testing is an integral part of software development, providing 
opportunities for measurement of process attributes. The measurement of software testing 
process attributes enables the management to have better insight in to the software testing 
The aim of this thesis is to investigate the metric support for software test planning and test 
design processes. The study comprises of an extensive literature study and follows a methodical 
approach. This approach consists of two steps. The first step comprises of analyzing key phases 
in software testing life cycle, inputs required for starting the software test planning and design
processes and metrics indicating the end of software test planning and test design processes. 
After establishing a basic understanding of the related concepts, the second step identifies the 
attributes of software test planning and test design processes including metric support for each of 
the identified attributes. The results of the literature survey showed that there are a number of 
different measurable attributes for software test planning and test design processes. The study 
partitioned these attributes in multiple categories for software test planning and test design 
processes. For each of these attributes, different existing measurements are studied. A 
consolidation of these measurements is presented in this thesis which is intended to provide an 
opportunity for management to consider improvement in these processes. 
The Test design process is very broad and includes critical activities like determining the test 
objectives (i.e. broad categories of things to test), selection of test case design techniques, 
preparing test data, developing test procedures, setting up the test environment and supporting 
tools. Brian Marick points out the importance of test case design: Paying more attention to 
running tests than to designing them is a classic mistake [8]. Determination of test objectives is a 
fundamental activity which leads to the creation of a testing matrix reflecting the fundamental 
elements that needs to be tested to satisfy an objective. This requires the gathering reference 
materials like software requirements specification and design documentation. Then on the basis 
of reference materials, a team of experts (e.g. test analyst and business analyst) meet in a 
brainstorming session to compile a list of test objectives. For example, while doing system 
testing, the test objectives that can be 
 System Test Plan 
 Delivery of builds 
 Exit/Entrance criteria 
 Smoke tests 
 Software risk issues and assumptions 
 Test items 
 Approach 
 Features to be tested 
 Items pass/fail criteria 
 Suspension criteria 
 Smoke tests 
 Test deliverables 
 Schedule 
 Environmental needs 
 Testing tasks 
 Responsibilities Staffing and training needs 
compiled may include functional, navigational flow, input data fields validation, GUI, data 
exchange to and from database and rule validation. The design process can take advantage from 
some generic test objectives applicable to different projects. After the list of test objectives have 
been compiled, it should be prioritized depending upon scope and risk [6]. The objectives are 
now ready to be transformed into lists of items that are to be tested under an objective e.g. while 
testing GUI, the list might contain testing GUI presentation, framework, windows and dialogs. 
After compiling the list of items, a mapping can be created between the list of items and any
existing test cases. This helps in re-using the test cases for satisfying the objectives. This 
mapping can be in the form of a matrix. The advantages offered by using the matrix are that it 
helps in identifying the majority of test scenarios and in reducing redundant test cases. This 
mapping also identifies the absence of a test case for a particular objective in the list; therefore, 
the testing team needs to create those test cases. After this, each item in the list is evaluated to 
assess for adequacy of coverage. It is done by using tester’s experience and judgment. More test 
cases should be developed if an item is not adequately covered. The mapping in the form of a 
matrix should be maintained throughout the system development. 
While designing test cases, there are two broad categories, namely black box testing and white 
box testing. Black box test case design techniques generate test cases without knowing the 
internal working of the system. White box test case design techniques examine the structure of 
code to examine how the system works. Due to time and cost constraints, the challenge 
designing test cases is that what subset of all possible test cases has the highest probability of 
detecting the most errors [2]. Rather than focusing on one technique, test cases that are designed 
using multiple techniques is recommended. [11] recommends a combination of functional 
analysis, equivalence partitioning, path analysis, boundary value analysis and orthogonal array 
testing. The tendency is that structural (white box) test case design techniques are applied at 
lower level of abstraction and functional (black box) test case design techniques are likely to be 
used at higher level of abstraction [15]. According to Tsuneo Yamaura, there is only one rule in 
designing test cases: cover all features, but do not make too many test cases [8]. The testing 
objectives identified earlier are used to create test cases. Normally one test case is prepared per 
objective, this helps in maintaining test cases when a change occurs. The test cases created 
becomes part of a document called test design specification [5]. The purpose of the test design 
specification is to group similar test cases together. There might be a single test design 
specification for each feature or a single test design specification for all the features. 
The test design specification documents the input specifications, output specifications, 
environmental needs and other procedural requirements for the test case. The hierarchy of 
documentation is shown in Figure 11 by taking an example from system testing [6]. After the 
creation of test case specification, the next artifact is called Test Procedure Specification [5]. It is 
a description of how the tests will be run. Test procedure describes sequencing of individual test 
cases and the switch over from one test run to another [15]. Figure 12 shows the test design 
process applicable at the system level [6]. 
Preparation of test environment also comes under test design. Test environment includes e.g. test 
data, hardware configurations, testers, interfaces, operating systems and manuals. The test 
environment more closely matches the user environment as one moves higher up in the testing 
levels. Preparation of test data is an essential activity that will result in identification of faults. 
Data can take the form of e.g. messages, transactions and records. According to [11], the test 
data should be reviewed for several data concerns: 
Depth: The test team must consider the quantity and size of database records needed to support 
Breadth: The test data should have variation in data values. 
Scope: The test data needs to be accurate, relevant and complete. 
Data integrity during testing: The test data for one person should not adversely affect data 
required for others. 
Conditions: Test data should match specific conditions in the domain of application. 
It is important that an organization follows some test design standards, so that everyone 
conforms to the design guidelines and required information is produced [16]. The test procedure 
and test design specification documents should be treated as living documents and they should be 
updated as changes are made to the requirements and design. These updated test cases and 
procedures become useful for reusing them in later projects. If during the course of test 
execution, a new scenario evolves then it must be made part of the test design documents. After 
test design, the next activity is test execution as described next.
A design walkthrough is a quality practice that allows designers to obtain an early validation of 
design decisions related to the development and treatment of content, design of the graphical 
user interface, and the elements of product functionality. Design walkthroughs provide designers 
with a way to identify and assess early on whether the proposed design meets the requirements 
and addresses the project's goal. 
For a design walkthrough to be effective, it needs to include specific components. The following 
guidelines highlight these key components. Use these guidelines to plan, conduct, and participate 
in design walkthroughs and increase their effectiveness. 
1. Plan for a Design Walkthrough 
A design walkthrough should be scheduled when detailing the micro-level tasks of a project. 
Time and effort of every participant should be built into the project plan so that participants can 
schedule their personal work plans accordingly. The plan should include time for individual 
preparation, the design walkthrough (meeting), and the likely rework. 
2. Get the Right Participants 
It is important to invite the right participants to a design walkthrough. The reviewers/experts 
should have the appropriate skills and knowledge to make the walkthrough meaningful for all. It 
is imperative that participants add quality and value to the product and not simply 'add to their 
3. Understand Key Roles and Responsibilities 
All participants in the design walkthrough should clearly understand their role and 
responsibilities so that they can consistently practice effective and efficient reviews. 
4. Prepare for a Design Walkthrough 
Besides planning, all participants need to prepare for the design walkthrough. One cannot 
possibly find all high-impact mistakes in a work product that they have looked at only 10 
minutes before the meeting. If all participants are adequately prepared as per their 
responsibilities, the design walkthrough is likely to be more effective. 
5. Use a Well-Structured Process 
A design walkthrough should follow a well-structured, documented process. This process should 
help define the key purpose of the walkthrough and should provide systematic practices and rules 
of conduct that can help participants collaborate with one another and add value to the review. 
6. Review and Critique the Product, not the Designer
The design walkthrough should be used as a means to review and critique the product, not the 
person who created the design. Use the collective wisdom to improve the quality of the product, 
add value to the interactions, and encourage participants to submit their products for a design 
7. Review, do not Solve Problems 
A design walkthrough has only one purpose, to find defects. There may, however, be times when 
participants drift from the main purpose. A moderator needs to prevent this from happening and 
ensure that the walkthrough focuses on the defects or weaknesses rather than identifying fixes or 
In addition to these guidelines, there are a few best practices that can help you work towards 
effective design walkthroughs: 
 The document or work product for the design walkthrough should be complete from all 
respects including all the necessary reviews/filters. 
 Plan for a design walkthrough in a time-box mode. A session should be scheduled for a 
minimum of one hour and should not stretch beyond two and a half hours. When 
walkthroughs last more than three hours, the effectiveness of the design walkthrough and 
the review process decreases dramatically. 
 It is best to work with 5-10 participants to add different perspectives to the design 
walkthrough. However, with more than 15 participants, the process becomes slow and 
each participant may not be able to contribute to their full capacity. 
 Design walkthroughs planned for morning sessions work better than afternoon sessions. 
 A design walkthrough should definitely include the instructional designers, graphic 
artists, course architects, and any other roles that have been instrumental in creating the 
design. You may also want to invite designers from other projects to add a fresh and 
independent perspective to the review process. 
 Involving senior management or business decision makers in a design walkthrough may 
not always be a good idea as it can intimidate the designers and they may feel that the 
senior management is judging their competencies in design. With senior management in 
the room, other participants and reviewers may also be hesitant in sharing problems with 
the design. 
 Effective design walkthroughs rely on a 'moderator' who is a strong Lead Reviewer and is 
in charge of the review process. It is critical that the group remains focused on the task at 
hand. The Lead Reviewer can help in this process by curbing unnecessary discussions 
and lead the group in the right direction. 
 Design walkthroughs are more effective if the reviewers use specific checklists for 
reviewing various aspects of the work product. 
 It is a good practice to involve the potential end users in the design walkthrough. 
However, in most situations it is difficult to get access to the end users. Therefore, you 
may request reviewer(s) to take on the role of the end user and review the product from 
the end-user perspective. These reviewers may be Subject Matter Experts or practitioners 
in the same field/industry who have an understanding of the audience profile for the 
 The effectiveness of a design walkthrough depends on what happens after the defects 
have been identified in the meeting and how the defects are addressed and closed in the 
work product. The team needs to prioritise the defects based on their impact and assign 
responsibility for closing the defects. 
Design walkthroughs, if done correctly, provide immediate short-term benefits, like early defect 
detection and correction within the current project and offer important long-term returns. From a 
long-term perspective, design walkthroughs help designers identify their mistakes and learn from 
them, therefore moving towards continuous improvement. During the process, designers are also 
able to unravel the basic principles of design and the key mistakes that violate these principles. 
By participating in walkthroughs, reviewers are able to create a mental 'catalogue of mistakes' 
that are likely to happen and are therefore more equipped to detect these early in any product. By 
analysing the kind of defects made by designers, over time, reviewers can use this information to 
support root-cause analysis and participate in organisation-wide improvement initiatives. 
Effective design walkthroughs are one of the most powerful quality tools that can be leveraged 
by designers to detect defects early and promote steps towards continuous improvement. 
1. Are the following attributes well-defined for each design entity? 
a. Identification (unique name) 
b. Type (describing what kind of design entity it is) 
c. Purpose (describing why it was introduced, in terms of the requirements) 
d. Function (summarizing what the component does) 
e. Dependencies (possibly `none'; describing the requires or uses relationship) 
f. Interface (provided by the design entity) 
g. Processing (including autonomous activities) 
h. Data (information `hidden' inside) 
2. Is the relationship to the requirements clearly motivated? Is it clear why the proposed 
architecture realizes the requirements? 
3. Is the software architecture as simple as possible (but no simpler)? 
o No more than 7 loosely-coupled coherent high- level components. 
o Lower-level components possibly clustered into high-level components 
o Using standard(ized) components. 
o Is deviation from intuitively obvious solution motivated? 
Is the architecture complete? 
o Are all requirements covered? 
o Trace some critical requirements through the architecture (e.g. via use cases). 
Are the component descriptions sufficiently precise? 
o Do they allow independent construction? 
o Are interfaces and external functionality of the high-level components 
described in sufficient detail? 
o Interface details:
 Routine kind, name, parameters and their types, return type, pre- and post-condition, 
usage protocol with respect to other routines. 
 File name, format, permissions. 
 Socket number and protocol. 
 Shared variables, synchronization primitives (locks). 
o Have features of the target programming language been used where appropriate? 
o Have implementation details been avoided? (No details of internal classes.) 
Are the relationships between the components explicitly documented? 
o Preferably use a diagram 
Is the proposed solution achievable? 
o Can the components be implemented or bought, and then integrated together. 
o Possibly introduce a second layer of decomposition to get a better grip on 
Are all relevant architectural views documented? 
o Logical (Structural) view (class diagram per component expresses functionality). 
o Process view (how control threads are set up, interact, evolve, and die). 
o Physical view (deployment diagram relates components to equipment). 
o Development view (how code is organized in files). 
Are cross-cutting issues clearly and generally resolved? 
o Exception handling. 
o Initialization and reset. 
o Memory management. 
o Security. 
o Internationalization. 
o Built- in help. 
o Built- in test facilities. 
Is all formalized material and diagrammatic material accompanied by sufficient 
explanatory text in natural language? 
Are design decisions documented explicitly and motivated? 
o Restrictions on developer freedom with respect to the requirements. 
Has an evaluation of the software architecture been documented? 
o Have alternative architectures been considered? 
o Have non-functional requirements also been considered? 
o Negative indicators: 
 High complexity: a component has a complex interface or functionality. 
 Low cohesion: a component contains unrelated functionality. 
 High coupling: two or more components have many (mutual) connections. 
 High fan-in: a component is needed by many other components. 
 High fan-out: a component depends on many other components. 
Is the flexibility of the architecture demonstrated? 
o How can it cope with likely changes in the requirements? 
o Have the most relevant change scenarios been documented?

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Unit v

  • 1. 233 UNIT V USER CENTERED DESIGN AND DESIGN REVIEW 9 Introduction to user centered design – Use in context – Interface and interaction – User centered design principles – Task analysis – Evaluation – Introduction to design review– Testing the design – Walk throughs – Review against check lists. INTRODUCTION TO USER CENTERED DESIGN The blueprint for a house (its architectural design) is not complete without a representation of doors, windows, and utility connections for water, electricity, and telephone (not to mention cable TV). The “doors, windows, and utility connections” for computer software make up the interface design of a system. Interface design focuses on three areas of concern: (1) the design of interfaces between software components, (2) the design of interfaces between the software and other nonhuman producers and consumers of information (i.e., other external entities), and (3) the design of the interface between a human (i.e., the user) and the computer. In this chapter we focus exclusively on the third interface design category—user interface design. In the preface to his classic book on user interface design, Ben Shneiderman [SHN90] states: Frustration and anxiety are part of daily life for many users of computerized information systems. They struggle to learn command language or menu selection systems that are supposed to help them do their job. Some people encounter such serious cases of computer shock, terminal terror, or network neurosis that they avoid using computerized systems. The problems to which Shneiderman alludes are real. It is true that graphical user interfaces, windows, icons, and mouse picks have eliminated many of the most horrific interface problems. But even in a “Windows world,” we all have encountered user interfaces that are difficult to learn, difficult to use, confusing, unforgiving, and in many cases, totally frustrating. Yet, someone spent time and energy building each of these interfaces, and it is not likely that the builder created these problems purposely. User interface design has as much to do with the study of people as it does with technology issues. Who is the user? How does the user learn to interact with a new computer-based system? How does the user interpret information produced by the system? What will the user expect of the system? These are only a few of the many questions that must be asked and answered as part of user interface design. THE GOLDEN RULES In his book on interface design, Theo Mandel [MAN97] coins three “golden rules”: 1. Place the user in control. 2. Reduce the user’s memory load. 3. Make the interface consistent.
  • 2. These golden rules actually form the basis for a set of user interface design principles that guide this important software design activity. 234 Place the User in Control During a requirements-gathering session for a major new information system, a key user was asked about the attributes of the window-oriented graphical interface. “What I really would like,” said the user solemnly, “is a system that reads my mind. It knows what I want to do before I need to do it and makes it very easy for me to get it done. That’s all, just that.” My first reaction was to shake of my head and smile, but I paused for a moment. There was absolutely nothing wrong with the user’s request. She wanted a system that reacted to her needs and helped her get things done. She wanted to control the computer, not have the computer control her. Most interface constraints and restrictions that are imposed by a designer are intended to simplify the mode of interaction. But for whom? In many cases, the designer might introduce constraints and limitations to simplify the implementation of the interface. The result may be an interface that is easy to build, but frustrating to use. Mandel [MAN97] defines a number of design principles that allow the user to maintain control: Define interaction modes in a way that does not force a user into unnecessary or undesired actions. An interaction mode is the current state of the interface. For example, if spell check is selected in a word-processor menu, the software moves to a spell checking mode. There is no reason to force the user to remain in spell checking mode if the user desires to make a small text edit along the way. The user should be able to enter and exit the mode with little or no effort. Provide for flexible interaction. Because different users have different interaction preferences, choices should be provided. For example, software might allow a user to interact via keyboard commands, mouse movement, a digitizer pen, or voice recognition commands. But every action is not amenable to every interaction mechanism. Consider, for example, the difficulty of using keyboard command (or voice input) to draw a complex shape. Allow user interaction to be interruptible and undoable. Even when involved in a sequence of actions, the user should be able to interrupt the sequence to do something else (without losing the work that had been done). The user should also be able to “undo” any action. Streamline interaction as skill levels advance and allow the interaction to be customized. Users often find that they perform the same sequence of interactions repeatedly. It is worthwhile to design a “macro” mechanism that enables an advanced user to customize the interface to facilitate interaction. Hide technical internals from the casual user. The user interface should move the user into the virtual world of the application. The user should not be aware of the operating system, file management functions, or other arcane computing technology. In essence, the interface should never require that the user interact at a level that is “inside” the machine (e.g., a user should never be required to type operating system commands from within application software).
  • 3. Design for direct interaction with objects that appear on the screen. The user feels a sense of control when able to manipulate the objects that are necessary to perform a task in a manner similar to what would occur if the object were a physical thing. For example, an application interface that allows a user to “stretch” an object (scale it in size) is an implementation of direct manipulation. 235 Reduce the User’s Memory Load The more a user has to remember, the more error-prone will be the interaction with the system. It is for this reason that a well-designed user interface does not tax the user’s memory. Whenever possible, the system should “remember” pertinent information and assist the user with an interaction scenario that assists recall. Mandel [MAN97] defines design principles that enable an interface to reduce the user’s memory load: Reduce demand on short-term memory. When users are involved in complex tasks, the demand on short-term memory can be significant. The interface should be designed to reduce the requirement to remember past actions and results. This can be accomplished by providing visual cues that enable a user to recognize past actions, rather than having to recall them. Establish meaningful defaults. The initial set of defaults should make sense for the average user, but a user should be able to specify individual preferences. However, a “reset” option should be available, enabling the redefinition of original default values. Define shortcuts that are intuitive. When mnemonics are used to accomplish a system function (e.g., alt-P to invoke the print function), the mnemonic should be tied to the action in a way that is easy to remember (e.g., first letter of the task to be invoked). The visual layout of the interface should be based on a real world metaphor. For example, a bill payment system should use a check book and check register metaphor to guide the user through the bill paying process. This enables the user to rely on well-understood visual cues, rather than memorizing an arcane interaction sequence. Disclose information in a progressive fashion. The interface should be organized hierarchically. That is, information about a task, an object, or some behavior should be presented first at a high level of abstraction. More detail should be presented after the user indicates interest with a mouse pick. An example, common to many word-processing applications, is the underlining function. The function itself is one of a number of of functions under a text style menu. However, every underlining capability is not listed. The user must pick underlining, then all underlining options (e.g., single underline, double underline, dashed underline) are presented. Make the Interface Consistent The interface should present and acquire information in a consistent fashion. This implies that (1) all visual information is organized according to a design standard that is maintained throughout all screen displays, (2) input mechanisms are constrained to a limited set that are used
  • 4. consistently throughout the application, and (3) mechanisms for navigating from task to task are consistently defined and implemented. Mandel [MAN97] defines a set of design principles that help make the interface consistent: Allow the user to put the current task into a meaningful context. Many interfaces implement complex layers of interactions with dozens of screen images. It is important to provide indicators (e.g., window titles, graphical icons, consistent color coding) that enable the user to know the context of the work at hand. In addition, the user should be able to determine where he has come from and what alternatives exist for a transition to a new task. Maintain consistency across a family of applications. A set of applications (or products) should all implement the same design rules so that consistency is maintained for all interaction. If past interactive models have created user expectations, do not make changes unless there is a compelling reason to do so. Once a particular interactive sequence has become a de facto standard (e.g., the use of alt-S to save a file), the user expects this in every application he encounters. A change (e.g., using alt-S to invoke scaling) will cause confusion. The interface design principles discussed in this and the preceding sections provide basic guidance for a software engineer. In the sections that follow, we examine the interface design process itself. 236 USER INTERFACE DESIGN The overall process for designing a user interface begins with the creation of different models of system function (as perceived from the outside). The human- and computer-oriented tasks that are required to achieve system function are then delineated; design issues that apply to all interface designs are considered; tools are used to prototype and ultimately implement the design model; and the result is evaluated for quality. Interface Design Models Four different models come into play when a user interface is to be designed. The software engineer creates a design model, a human engineer (or the software engineer) establishes a user model, the end-user develops a mental image that is often called the user's model or the system perception, and the implementers of the system create a system image [RUB88]. Unfortunately, each of these models may differ significantly.The role of interface designer is to reconcile these differences and derive a consistent representation of the interface. A design model of the entire system incorporates data, architectural, interface, and procedural representations of the software. The requirements specification may establish certain constraints that help to define the user of the system, but the interface design is often only incidental to the design model. The user model establishes the profile of end-users of the system. To build an effective user interface, "all design should begin with an understanding of the intended users, including profiles of their age, sex, physical abilities, education, cultural or ethnic background, motivation, goals and personality" [SHN90]. In addition, users can be categorized as:
  • 5. • Novices. No syntactic knowledge2 of the system and little semantic knowledge3 of the application or computer usage in general. • Knowledgeable, intermittent users. Reasonable semantic knowledge of the application but relatively low recall of syntactic information necessary to use the interface. • Knowledgeable, frequent users. Good semantic and syntactic knowledge that often leads to the "power-user syndrome"; that is, individuals who look for shortcuts and abbreviated modes of interaction. The system perception (user's model) is the image of the system that end-users carry in their heads. For example, if the user of a particular word processor were asked to describe its operation, the system perception would guide the response. The accuracy of the description will depend upon the user's profile (e.g., novices would provide a sketchy response at best) and overall familiarity with software in the application domain. A user who understands word processors fully but has worked with the specific word processor only once might actually be able to provide a more complete description of its function than the novice who has spent weeks trying to learn the system. The system image combines the outward manifestation of the computer-based system (the look and feel of the interface), coupled with all supporting information (books, manuals, videotapes, help files) that describe system syntax and semantics. When the system image and the system perception are coincident, users generally feel comfortable with the software and use it effectively. To accomplish this "melding" of the models, the design model must have been developed to accommodate the information contained in the user model, and the system image must accurately reflect syntactic and semantic information about the interface. Fig: The user interface design process. The models described in this section are "abstractions of what the user is doing or thinks he is doing or what somebody else thinks he ought to be doing when he uses an interactive system" [MON84]. In essence, these models enable the interface designer to satisfy a key element of the most important principle of user interface design: "Know the user, know the tasks." 237 The User Interface Design Process The design process for user interfaces is iterative and can be represented using a spiral model similar to the one discussed in Chapter 2. Referring to Figure 15.1, the user interface design process encompasses four distinct framework activities [MAN97]:
  • 6. 238 1. User, task, and environment analysis and modeling 2. Interface design 3. Interface construction 4. Interface validation The spiral shown in Figure 15.1 implies that each of these tasks will occur more than once, with each pass around the spiral representing additional elaboration of requirements and the resultant design. In most cases, the implementation activity involves prototyping—the only practical way to validate what has been designed. The initial analysis activity focuses on the profile of the users who will interact with the system. Skill level, business understanding, and general receptiveness to the new system are recorded; and different user categories are defined. For each user category, requirements are elicited. In essence, the software engineer attempts to understand the system perception (Section 15.2.1) for each class of users. Once general requirements have been defined, a more detailed task analysis is conducted. Those tasks that the user performs to accomplish the goals of the system are identified, described, and elaborated (over a number of iterative passes through the spiral). Task analysis is discussed in more detail in Section 15.3. The analysis of the user environment focuses on the physical work environment. Among the questions to be asked are • Where will the interface be located physically? • Will the user be sitting, standing, or performing other tasks unrelated to the interface? • Does the interface hardware accommodate space, light, or noise constraints? • Are there special human factors considerations driven by environmental factors? The information gathered as part of the analysis activity is used to create an analysis model for the interface. Using this model as a basis, the design activity commences. The goal of interface design is to define a set of interface objects and actions (and their screen representations) that enable a user to perform all defined tasks in a manner that meets every usability goal defined for the system. Interface design is discussed in more detail in Section 15.4. The implementation activity normally begins with the creation of a prototype that enables usage scenarios to be evaluated. As the iterative design process continues, a user interface tool kit (Section 15.5) may be used to complete the construction of the interface. Validation focuses on (1) the ability of the interface to implement every user task correctly, to accommodate all task variations, and to achieve all general user requirements; (2) the degree to which the interface is easy to use and easy to learn; and (3) the users’ accep tance of the interface as a useful tool in their work. As we have already noted, the activities described in this section occur iteratively. Therefore, there is no need to attempt to specify every detail (for the analysis or design model) on the first pass. Subsequent passes through the process elaborate task detail, design information, and the operational features of the interface.
  • 7. 239 TASK ANALYSIS AND MODELING In Chapter 13, we discussed stepwise elaboration (also called functional decomposition or stepwise refinement) as a mechanism for refining the processing tasks that are required for software to accomplish some desired function. Later in this book, we consider object-oriented analysis as a modeling approach for computer-based systems. Task analysis for interface design uses either an elaborative or object-oriented approach but applies this approach to human activities. Task analysis can be applied in two ways. As we have already noted, an interactive, computer-based system is often used to replace a manual or semi-manual activity. To understand the tasks that must be performed to accomplish the goal of the activity, a human engineer4 must understand the tasks that humans currently perform (when using a manual approach) and then map these into a similar (but not necessarily identical) set of tasks that are implemented in the context of the user interface. Alternatively, the human engineer can study an existing specification for a computer-based solution and derive a set of user tasks that will accommodate the user model, the design model, and the system perception. Regardless of the overall approach to task analysis, a human engineer must first define and classify tasks. We have already noted that one approach is stepwise elaboration. For example, assume that a small software company wants to build a computer-aided design system explicitly for interior designers. By observing an interior designer at work, the engineer notices that interior design comprises a number of major activities: furniture layout, fabric and material selection, wall and window coverings selection, presentation (to the customer), costing, and shopping. Each of these major tasks can be elaborated into subtasks. For example, furniture layout can be refined into the following tasks: (1) draw a floor plan based on room dimensions; (2) place windows and doors at appropriate locations; (3) use furniture templates to draw scaled furniture outlines on floor plan; (4) move furniture outlines to get best placement; (5) label all furniture outlines; (6) draw dimensions to show location; (7) draw perspective view for customer. A similar approach could be used for each of the other major tasks. Subtasks 1–7 can each be refined further. Subtasks 1–6 will be performed by manipulating information and performing actions within the user interface. On the other hand, subtask 7 can be performed automatically in software and will result in little direct user interaction. The design model of the interface should accommodate each of these tasks in a way that is consistent with the user model (the profile of a "typical" interior designer) and system perception (what the interior designer expects from an automated system). An alternative approach to task analysis takes an object-oriented point of view. The human engineer observes the physical objects that are used by the interior designer and the actions that are applied to each object. For example, the furniture template would be an object in this approach to task analysis. The interior designer would select the appropriate template, move it to a position on the floor plan, trace the furniture outline and so forth. The design model for the interface would not provide a literal implementation for each of these actions, but it would define user tasks that accomplish the end result (drawing furniture outlines on the floor plan).
  • 8. 240 INTERFACE DESIGN ACTIVITIES Once task analysis has been completed, all tasks (or objects and actions) required by the end-user have been identified in detail and the interface design activity commences. The first interface design steps [NOR86] can be accomplished using the following approach: 1. Establish the goals5 and intentions for each task. 2. Map each goal and intention to a sequence of specific actions. 3. Specify the action sequence of tasks and subtasks, also called a user scenario, as it will be executed at the interface level. 4. Indicate the state of the system; that is, what does the interface look like at the time that a user scenario is performed? 5. Define control mechanisms; that is, the objects and actions available to the user to alter the system state. 6. Show how control mechanisms affect the state of the system. 7. Indicate how the user interprets the state of the system from information provided through the interface. Always following the golden rules discussed in Section 15.1, the interface designer must also consider how the interface will be implemented, the environment (e.g., display technology, operating system, development tools) that will be used, and other elements of the application that “sit behind” the interface. Defining Interface Objects and Actions An important step in interface design is the definition of interface objects and the actions that are applied to them. To accomplish this, the user scenario is parsed in much the same way as processing narratives were parsed in Chapter 12. That is, a description of a user scenario is written. Nouns (objects) and verbs (actions) are isolated to create a list of objects and actions. Once the objects and actions have been defined and elaborated iteratively, they are categorized by type. Target, source, and application objects are identified. A source object (e.g., a report icon) is dragged and dropped onto a target object (e.g., a printer icon). The implication of this action is to create a hard-copy report. An application object represents application-specific data that is not directly manipulated as part of screen interaction. For example, a mailing list is used to store names for a mailing. The list itself might be sorted, merged, or purged (menu-based actions) but it is not dragged and dropped via user interaction. When the designer is satisfied that all important objects and actions have been defined (for one design iteration), screen layout is performed. Like other interface design activities, screen layout is an interactive process in which graphical design and placement of icons, definition of descriptive screen text, specification and titling for windows, and definition of major and minor menu items is conducted. If a real world metaphor is appropriate for the application, it is specified at this time and the layout is organized in a manner that complements the metaphor.
  • 9. To provide a brief illustration of the design steps noted previously, we consider a user scenario for an advanced version of the SafeHome system (discussed in earlier chapters). In the advanced version, SafeHome can be accessed via modem or through the Internet. A PC application allows the homeowner to check the status of the house from a remote location, reset the SafeHome configuration, arm and disarm the system, and (using an extra cost video option6) monitor rooms within the house visually. A preliminary user scenario for the interface follows: Scenario: The homeowner wishes to gain access to the SafeHome system installed in his house. Using software operating on a remote PC (e.g., a notebook computer carried by the homeowner while at work or traveling), the homeowner determines the status of the alarm system, arms or disarms the system, reconfigures security zones, and views different rooms within the house via preinstalled video cameras. To access SafeHome from a remote location, the homeowner provides an identifier and a password. These define levels of access (e.g., all users may not be able to reconfigure the system) and provide security. Once validated, the user (with full access privileges) checks the status of the system and changes status by arming or disarming SafeHome. The user reconfigures the system by displaying a floor plan of the house, viewing each of the security sensors, displaying each currently configured zone, and modifying zones as required. The user views the interior of the house via strategically placed video cameras. The user can pan and zoom each camera to provide different views of the interior. 241 Homeowner tasks: • accesses the SafeHome system • enters an ID and password to allow remote access • checks system status • arms or disarms SafeHome system • displays floor plan and sensor locations • displays zones on floor plan • changes zones on floor plan • displays video camera locations on floor plan • selects video camera for viewing • views video images (4 frames per second) • pans or zooms the video camera Objects (boldface) and actions (italics) are extracted from this list of homeowner tasks. The majority of objects noted are application objects. However, video camera location (a source object) is dragged and dropped onto video camera (a target object) to create a video image (a window with video display). A preliminary sketch of the screen layout for video monitoring is created (Figure 15.2). To invoke the video image, a video camera location icon, C, located in floor plan displayed in the monitoring window is selected. In this case a camera location in the
  • 10. living room, LR, is then dragged and dropped onto the video camera icon in the upper left-hand portion of the screen. The video image window appears, displaying streaming video from the camera located in the living room (LR). The zoom and pan control slides are used to control the magnification and direction of the video image. To select a view from another camera, the user simply drags and drops a different camera location icon into the camera icon in the upper left-hand corner of the screen. The layout sketch shown would have to be supplemented with an expansion of each menu item within the menu bar, indicating what actions are available for the 242 FIGURE: Preliminary screen layout video monitoring mode (state). A complete set of sketches for each homeowner task noted in the user scenario would be created during the interface design. Design Issues As the design of a user interface evolves, four common design issues almost always surface: system response time, user help facilities, error information handling, and command labeling. Unfortunately, many designers do not address these issues until relatively late in the design process (sometimes the first inkling of a problem doesn't occur until an operational prototype is available). Unnecessary iteration, project delays, and customer frustration often
  • 11. result. It is far better to establish each as a design issue to be considered at the beginning of software design, when changes are easy and costs are low. System response time is the primary complaint for many interactive applications. In general, system response time is measured from the point at which the user performs some control action (e.g., hits the return key or clicks a mouse) until the software responds with desired output or action. System response time has two important characteristics: length and variability. If the length of system response is too long, user frustration and stress is the inevitable result. However, a very brief response time can also be detrimental if the user is being paced by the interface. A rapid response may force the user to rush and therefore make mistakes. Variability refers to the deviation from average response time, and in many ways, it is the most important response time characteristic. Low variability enables the user to establish an interaction rhythm, even if response time is relatively long. For example, a 1-second response to a command is preferable to a response that varies from 0.1 to 2.5 seconds. The user is always off balance, always wondering whether something "different" has occurred behind the scenes. Almost every user of an interactive, computer-based system requires help now and then. In some cases, a simple question addressed to a knowledgeable colleague can do the trick. In others, detailed research in a multivolume set of "user manuals" may be the only option. In many cases, however, modern software provides on-line help facilities that enable a user to get a question answered or resolve a problem without leaving the interface. Two different types of help facilities are encountered: integrated and add-on [RUB88]. An integrated help facility is designed into the software from the beginning. It is often context sensitive, enabling the user to select from those topics that are relevant to the actions currently being performed. Obviously, this reduces the time required for the user to obtain help and increases the "friendliness" of the interface. An add-on help facility is added to the software after the system has been built. In many ways, it is really an on-line user's manual with limited query capability. The user may have to search through a list of hundreds of topics to find appropriate guidance, often making many false starts and receiving much irrelevant information. There is little doubt that the integrated help facility is preferable to the add-on approach. A number of design issues [RUB88] must be addressed when a help facility is considered: • Will help be available for all system functions and at all times during system interaction? Options include help for only a subset of all functions and actions or help for all functions. • How will the user request help? Options include a help menu, a special function key, or a HELP command. • How will help be represented? Options include a separate window, a reference to a printed document (less than ideal), or a one- or two-line suggestion produced in a fixed screen location. • How will the user return to normal interaction? Options include a return button displayed on the screen, a function key, or control sequence. • How will help information be structured? Options include a "flat" structure in which all information is accessed through a keyword, a layered hierarchy of information that provides increasing detail as the user proceeds into the structure, or the use of hypertext. Error messages and warnings are "bad news" delivered to users of interactive systems when something has gone 243
  • 12. awry. At their worst, error messages and warnings impart useless or misleading information and serve only to increase user frustration. There are few computer users who have not encountered an error of the form: 244 SEVERE SYSTEM FAILURE -- 14A Somewhere, an explanation for error 14A must exist; otherwise, why would the designers have added the identification? Yet, the error message provides no real indication of what is wrong or where to look to get additional information. An error message presented in this manner does nothing to assuage user anxiety or to help correct the problem. In general, every error message or warning produced by an interactive system should have the following characteristics: • The message should describe the problem in jargon that the user can understand. • The message should provide constructive advice for recovering from the error. • The message should indicate any negative consequences of the error (e.g., potentially corrupted data files) so that the user can check to ensure that they have not occurred (or correct them if they have). • The message should be accompanied by an audible or visual cue. That is, a beep might be generated to accompany the display of the message, or the message might flash momentarily or be displayed in a color that is easily recognizable as the "error color." • The message should be "nonjudgmental." That is, the wording should never place blame on the user. Because no one really likes bad news, few users will like an error message no matter how well designed. But an effective error message philosophy can do much to improve the quality of an interactive system and will significantly reduce user frustration when problems do occur. The typed command was once the most common mode of interaction between user and system software and was commonly used for applications of every type. Today, the use of window-oriented, point and pick interfaces has reduced reliance on typed commands, but many power-users continue to prefer a command-oriented mode of interaction. A number of design issues arise when typed commands are provided as a mode of interaction: • Will every menu option have a corresponding command? • What form will commands take? Options include a control sequence (e.g., alt-P), function keys, or a typed word. • How difficult will it be to learn and remember the commands? What can be done if a command is forgotten? • Can commands be customized or abbreviated by the user? As we noted earlier in this chapter, conventions for command usage should be established across all applications. It is confusing and often error-prone for a user to type alt-D when a
  • 13. graphics object is to be duplicated in one application and alt-D when a graphics object is to be deleted in another. The potential for error is obvious. 245 IMPLEMENTATION TOOLS Once a design model is created, it is implemented as a prototype,7 examined by users (who fit the user model described earlier) and modified based on their comments. To accommodate this iterative design approach, a broad class of interface design and prototyping tools has evolved. Called user-interface toolkits or user-interface development systems (UIDS), these tools provide components or objects that facilitate creation of windows, menus, device interaction, error messages, commands, and many other elements of an interactive environment. Using prepackaged software components to create a user interface, a UIDS provides built-in mechanisms [MYE89] for • managing input devices (such as a mouse or keyboard) • validating user input • handling errors and displaying error messages • providing feedback (e.g., automatic input echo) • providing help and prompts • handling windows and fields, scrolling within windows • establishing connections between application software and the interface • insulating the application from interface management functions • allowing the user to customize the interface These functions can be implemented using either a language-based or graphical approach. Design Evaluation Once an operational user interface prototype has been created, it must be evaluated to determine whether it meets the needs of the user. Evaluation can span a formality spectrum that ranges from an informal "test drive," in which a user provides impromptu feedback to a formally designed study that uses statistical methods for the evaluation of questionnaires completed by a population of end-users. The user interface evaluation cycle takes the form shown in Figure 15.3. After the design model has been completed, a first-level prototype is created. The prototype is evaluated by the user, who provides the designer with direct comments about the efficacy of the interface. In addition, if formal evaluation techniques are used (e.g., questionnaires, rating sheets), the designer may extract information from these data (e.g., 80 percent of all users did not like the mechanism for saving data files). Design modifications are made based on user input and the next level prototype is created. The evaluation cycle continues until no further modifications to the interface design are necessary. The prototyping approach is effective, but is it possible to evaluate the quality of a user interface before a prototype is built? If potential problems can be uncovered and corrected early, the number of loops through the evaluation cycle will be reduced and development time will
  • 14. shorten. If a design model of the interface has been created, a number of evaluation criteria [MOR81] can be applied during early design reviews: 1. The length and complexity of the written specification of the system and its interface provide an indication of the amount of learning required by users of the system. 2. The number of user tasks specified and the average number of actions per task provide an indication of interaction time and the overall efficiency of the system. 3. The number of actions, tasks, and system states indicated by the design model imply the memory load on users of the system. 4. Interface style, help facilities, and error handling protocol provide a general indication of the complexity of the interface and the degree to which it will be accepted by the user. Once the first prototype is built, the designer can collect a variety of qualitative and quantitative data that will assist in evaluating the interface. To collect qualitative data, questionnaires can be distributed to users of the prototype. Questions can be all (1) simple yes/no response, (2) numeric response, (3) scaled (subjective) response, or (4) percentage (subjective) response. Examples are 246 1. Were the icons self-explanatory? If not, which icons were unclear? 2. Were the actions easy to remember and to invoke? 3. How many different actions did you use? 4. How easy was it to learn basic system operations (scale 1 to 5)? 5. Compared to other interfaces you've used, how would this rate—top 1%, top 10%, top 25%, top 50%, bottom 50%? If quantitative data are desired, a form of time study analysis can be conducted. Users are observed during interaction, and data—such as number of tasks correctly completed over a standard time period, frequency of actions, sequence of actions, time spent "looking" at the display, number and types of errors, error recovery time, time spent using help, and number of help references per standard time period—are collected and used as a guide for interface modification. A complete discussion of user interface evaluation methods is beyond the scope of this book. For further information, see [LEA88] and [MAN97]. INTERFACE EVALUATION Interface evaluation is the process of assessing the usability of an interface and checking that it meets user requirements. Therefore, it should be part of the normal verification and validation process for software systems. Neilsen (Neilsen, 1993) includes a good chapter on this topic in his book on usability engineering. Ideally, an evaluation should be conducted against a usability specification based on usability attributes, as shown in Figure 16.17. Metrics for these usability attributes can be devised. For example, in a learnability specification, you might state that an operator who is familiar with the work supported should be able to use 80% of the system functionality after a three-hour training session. However, it is more common to specify
  • 15. usability (if it is specified at all) qualitatively rather than using metrics. You therefore usually have to use your judgement and experience in interface evaluation. Systematic evaluation of a user interface desig n can be an expensive process involving cognitive scientists and graphics designers. You may have to design and carry out a statistically significant number of experiments with typical users. You may need to use specially constructed laboratories fitted with monitoring equipment. A user interface evaluation of this kind is economically unrealistic for systems developed by small organisations with limited resources. There are a number of simpler, less expensive techniques of user interface evaluation that can identify particular user interface design deficiencies: 247 1. Questionnaires that collect information about what users thought of the interface; 2. Observation of users at work with the system and ‘thinking aloud’ about how they are trying to use the system to accomplish some task; 3. Video ‘snapshots’ of typical system use; 4. The inclusion in the software of code which collects information about the mostused facilities and the most common errors. Surveying users by questionnaire is a relatively cheap way to evaluate an interface. The questions should be precise rather than general. It is no use asking questions such as ‘Please comment on the usability of the interface’ as the responses will probably vary so much that you won’t see any common trend. Rather, specific questions such as ‘Please rate the understandability of the error messages on a scale from 1 to 5. A rating of 1 means very clear and 5 means incomprehensible’ are better. They are both easier to answer and more likely to provide useful information to improve the interface. Users should be asked to rate their own experience and background when filling in the questionnaire. This allows the designer to find out whether users from any particular background have problems with the interface. Questionnaires can even be used before any executable system is available if a paper mock-up of the interface is constructed and evaluated. Observation-based evaluation simply involves watching users as they use a system,looking at the facilities used, the errors made and so on. This can be supplemented by ‘think aloud’ sessions where users talk about what they are trying to achieve, how they understand the system and how they are trying to use the system to accomplish their objectives. Relatively low-cost video equipment means that you can record user sessions for later analysis. Complete video analysis is expensive and requires a specially equipped evaluation suite with several cameras focused on the user and on the screen. However, video recording of selected user operations can be helpful in detecting problems. Other evaluation methods must be used to find out
  • 16. 248 which operations cause user difficulties.Figure: Usability attributes. Analysis of recordings allows the designer to find out whether the interface requires too much hand movement (a problem with some systems is that users must regularly move their hand from keyboard to mouse) and to see whether unnatural eye movements are necessary. An interface that requires many shifts of focus may mean that the user makes more errors and misses parts of the display. Instrumenting code to collect usage statistics allows interfaces to be improved in a number of ways. The most common operations can be detected. The interface can be reorganised so that these are the fastest to select. For example, if pop-up or pull-down menus are used, the most frequent operations should be at the top of the menu and destructive operations towards the bottom. Code instrumentation also allows error-prone commands to be detected and modified. Finally, it is easy to give users a ‘gripe’ command that they can use to pass messages to the tool designer. This makes users feel that their views are being considered. The interface designer and other engineers can gain rapid feedback about individual problems. None of these relatively simple approaches to user interface evaluation is foolproof and they are unlikely to detect all user interface problems. However, the techniques can be used with a group of volunteers before a system is released without a large outlay of resources. Many of the worst problems of the user interface design can then be discovered and corrected. INTRODUCTION TO DESIGN REVIEW The experiences leading to these patterns were made in the context of software development for embedded systems. However, they contain practices that can be useful in every kind of software design review. The patterns came to my mind while I was learning to apply the review method DRBFM to software development. DRBFM stands for Design Review Based on Failure Mode and is a review method invented by Toyota and now slowly spreading into other organizations. Initially, it was developed for proving the robust design of mechanical products. But it turns out that DRBFM is a powerful way to look at software design, too. Software for embedded systems typically is connected very closely to the “real world”. There are sensor signals that have to be transformed into numerical values, maybe the system has a processor working with integer arithmetics, and the system always has time constraints because there are limited reaction times specified. Due to this close connection of software and hardware there are many constraints on the software such as accuracy of the conversion of sensor signals or runtime and memory consumption. In the design review the software must not be analysed as an isolated product but as one part of a system. In the field of embedded software development, reviews are held after every development phase. There are reviews of the specification, of the functional design, of the code, of the software and system tests. All the different review methods are based on the assumption that it is helpful if someone different from the developer examines a product and brings in their expertise. Therefore the main parameter defining the success of the review is the knowledge, the communication and the behaviour of the review participants.
  • 17. 249 Deciding to do a review Context: You are designing a new software part or a change in an existing partand you are wondering how much effort you should put into the review. Risk over Size Problem: Decisions on reviews often are taken against the background of practical reasons. The availability of time and expertise or the mere size of a software module determine the content and the intensity of reviews. So a rather common algorithm might be looked at very carefully while a very innovative software part might be more or less neglected. Reasons: In software development, not only the final product counts but also the development time and effort. In most cases, developers have to make a trade off between quality and adherence to deadlines. The developer of new software usually has some influence on the intensity and the extent of the review that is done on the design. However, often, there is not the time to review everything with the same intensity. If you set the focus improperly, maybe big risks are overlooked. Solution: Find out where is the biggest risk and put most of your effort on this part. Implementation: A design resulting in a high number of lines of code is not automatically riskier than a small change in an existing software part. You should watch out for changes with a high degree of innovation or changes in complex interfaces. If you have used a commonly known solution or you have developed a module similar to one you have developed before, the risk is not as high as there is for completely new algorithms or changes in interfaces with cross connections to many other parts of the software. Of course it is difficult to find an impartial technique leading to decisions comparable to decisions in other reviews. It is hard to measure risk which does not only depend on the properties of the software but also on the properties of the developer and his or her environment. By discussions with colleages about your development and how it impacts the system, you will develop a sense of how intense the review should be. Examples: 1. You are using a filter algorithm looking very complicated at first sight. The code for it is rather big. But in fact you have a lot of experience with this algorithm because you have used it many times before. Moreover the algorithm does not have many boundary conditions or dependencies. Therefore the review of this part of the design does not have to be elaborate. 2. You are changing an interface used as an input for a timer from a 32-bitvariable to a 16-bit variable. Maybe you have tested the new function in the target environment and you have shown that the behaviour is the same as before. Unfortunately you did not consider the fact that now there is a variable overflow much faster and that then the timer will fail. This example shows that especially when there are changes in interfaces it is good to review with a rather high effort.
  • 18. 250 Preparing the Review Context: You as a developer are starting the design phase and you know that you will have to do a design review. You have to collect and prepare all the information necessary for the review meeting, you have to decide when to hold the meeting and who to invite. Continuously Prepare the Review Problem: The review often is perceived as a point in time. That is the point when the review meeting takes place. Consequences are unprepared reviews, unsatisfying results and unmotivated participants. Reasons: 1. During the design phase, you have to keep in mind all the requirements and constraints to your product as well as the process you have to follow. Preparing for the review is another task you have to plan for during the design phase. The review preparation will consume a certain amount of time and energy in addition to the core design tasks. For this reason, review preparation often is neglected. 2. If you take care of the review only very shortly before the review meeting, you will prepare and organize the review in a hurry, forgetting about important points, inviting the wrong people, neglecting presentation rules. Solution: Start preparing the review from the beginning of the design phase and continue all through the design process. Implementation: Take notes about concerns or questions you have. Talk to the colleagues you would like to invite to the review. Prepare the information you want to give to the review participants before or during the review. Set the date for the review meeting as soon as you know when you will have finished the design. REVIEW THE FINAL DESIGN and plan some time after the review for doing some rework if necessary. Early planning will increase the chance that you get the experts you want to have in the meeting and they will have some time to prepare for the review. Example: You design a software module for the control of a machine. This module has the engine speed as an input variable. In fact there are two variables representing the engine speed available in the software. A raw signal NEng_unfilt and a filtered signal NEng_filt. At the beginning of the design you are not sure yet which signal is best for your application. You are taking the raw signal for the first draft version. As you have started to prepare for the review from the very beginning of the design phase, you always have in mind that you need to clarify this point until the design is finished. So there is no risk that the first choice for the draft version will stay in the solution just by chance. Moreover, when you present the input values at the review meeting, you can say which variable for the engine speed you have chosen and, very important, why. Review the Final Design Problem: A review meeting hold at the wrong time can lead either to discussions about what is really the concrete solution and by this to a kind of developers workshop. Or it can
  • 19. lead to a hurried meeting where the developer tries to dismiss as many points as possible in order to avoid rework. Reasons: 1. If you hold the review meeting too early, there is a danger that not all the necessary information will be available or some details even are not defined yet. You will have to review alternatives or theoretical concepts. This can result in endless discussions. 2. On the other hand, if the review meeting is hold too late, you will not have the time to implement the measures you have decided on in the meeting. Maybe you will even try to avoid some findings in the meeting because you know that will not have the time to do the rework identified to reduce the risks. Solution: Hold the review meeting only after you have collected all the facts the review participants need to examine the design but keep enough time after the review to change the design where necessary. Implementation: As you CONTINUOSLY PREPARE THE REVIEW, you can look for the best time for the review meeting from the beginning of the development. You can already talk with the colleagues you would like to participate in the meeting so that you find out when persons that are very important for the review success are on vacation et cetera. As the delivery date normally is fixed, you can estimate how much rework will be necessary after the review in the worst case and then you can calculate the date when the meeting has to be held the latest. The review participants also need some time for the preparation of the review. Taking this into consideration you know when your design has to be finished. So by calculating backwards from the delivery date you make sure that you have enough time for the review and the rework and that you also go into the review with a real design and not only a design idea. Example: Here you can look at the same example as in CONTINUOUSLY PREPARE THE REVIEW. Imagine you are still not sure yet whether you should take the filtered or the unfiltered signal as an input value. Therefore you do not put NEng_filt or NEng_unfilt into your design, you just write down NEng. If you are doing the review now, there is a high risk that some of the participants will have NEng_filt in mind and some will think about NEng_unfilt. They will be talking about different things without noticing the problem. If they notice this open point, the risk is high that the review will not be a design review on the complete design but a discussion about which of the two variables would be the better one for your application. Of course this might be a helpful discussion but it is not the goal of the review. 251 Don’t Think – Describe your Solution! Problem: If you as the developer already make a selection of certain aspects of a development before the review meeting, the review participants do not have the chance to get their own picture of your work. Understated changes possibly carrying big risks may be neglected. Reasons: 1. When developing software, you do not just write code. You also define new interfaces, your software consumes memory and clock cycles in the processor, you might call library functions, maybe you use new development tools. This is often overlooked. As a developer you tend to focus on the changes you consider to be important. Changes that do not
  • 20. affect the functionality are easily ignored. However, things that seem unimportant to you might affect the overall system or parts of the system interacting with your module. 2. You want to avoid to drown important changes in unimportant “stuff” and you think that a comprehensive list of changes might overwhelm the review participants. So your idea is to make a selection of the most important aspects in advance. Solution: When preparing for the review, describe every part of your solution, even if it seems unimportant to you. Avoid any judgement on the importance or the risks of individual aspects. Try to be as neutral as possible. Implementation: A checklist can be really helpful to identify all the changes that were made. If you have filled out a checklist before, you can show this checklist to the review participants. If there is a very high number of changes, you can, later in the review meeting, make suggestions to put some details aside or summarize some minor changes in one common heading. But you have to justify why it is safe to do so to the review participants. If safety is a concern, you should rather err on the side of caution and mention too many changes rather than too few. Example: The precision of the output value of a function is increased while the functionality itself remains unchanged. To the developer, this change seems to be unimportant, as his function is now providing a more precise value than before. Unfortunately, there is another function which uses this value as an input and performs a modulo operation on it. As now the resolution is higher, the results of the modulo operation will be completely different. The function fails. If in the review this change had been mentioned, the potentially fatal consequences could have been found. 252 Make Implicit Requirements Explicit Problem: When judging whether a product meets the requirements everybody makes his own assumptions about implicit requirements. If these assumptions are not talked about and documented, they can lead to misunderstanding and undedected errors. Forces: 1. You have designed your new software module based on the specification of the customer. The customer wrote the specification from his point of view. Often, he has no information about the processes or constraints in your company. He might not know all the technical details of the system your software will be integrated into. But these details can have significant influence on your choices of specific solutions during the design phase. 2. On the other hand, the customer has his own processes and constraints. His company’s philosophy might be completely different from the philosophy of your company, a fact that you, both the costumer and the developer, often are not fully aware of. For these reasons you can almost be sure that the requirements are not complete from your point of view. You will design the software based on the requirements you got from the customer, completed with assumptions on what the customer wants to have but did not say explicitely.
  • 21. Solution: Specify clearly what you think are the requirements to the product even if these requirements were not mentioned explicitely by the customer. Implementation: Put yourself in the place of the customer and think of what he or she wants the product to do or not to do. What are the different possibilities of using the product and how can they be combined? List all the aspects and circumstances of use. Think about what might be obvious to the customer but not to you. Then, think about what might be obvious to you but not to the customer. You can take these assumptions as a basis for discussion. Chances are high that in the review meeting there is an expert who can confirm or correct these assumptions. When you are wondering which requirements are obvious to the customer but not to you, of course it is a good idea to simply ask the customer. But even then, there will be implicit requirements remaining implicit if you do not find them and make them explicit. When looking for implicit requirements it might be helpful to use checklists. In DRBFM for example, you are invited to find, for each module, the “basic function” which describes the actual purpose of the module, “additional functions” which focus on the on the look and feel of a product, “harm prevention” which avoids that the product can cause harm to people, or the environment and “self protection” which avoids that the module itself is damaged or destroyed. Example: The customer ordered a new application for a mobile phone: Photos taken with the camera integrated into the phone can be sorted into different albums. He has given you a specification where all the different possibilities of sorting, opening and modifying the albums are described. As it seems obvious to him, he has not specified the fact that the basic function of the phone, namely the possibility to place and receive calls must not be disabled by the new application. If you do not integrate this requirement into your review, you might only find out 253
  • 22. that your design is good for sorting photos and so fulfilles the requirements you limited the module to. 254 Look at the System Problem: When you are developing only a small part of a complex technical product you tend to find a solution fitting this small part but maybe carrying risks for the whole product. If you do not consider this in the review you will not find these risks. Reasons: 1. You know best about all the obstacles you had to overcome and about the reasons why you have chosen this specific solution. Digging deeply into the subject for a long time, you have probably lost an overall view on the product. As a consequence, there is a risk that you have created a locally optimized solution which works well if you regard it for itself but which does not really fit into the greater context. In software development, especially in large projects, there is a risk that a developer who is working on a specific part of the software for a long time loses sight of the real function of the product. 2. In embedded systems, software is not an end in itself. Often there are many interfaces of one software function to other functions and to sensor signals or device drivers. It is difficult to keep in mind all interactions all the time during development. Solution: Ask yourself what is the function of your development for the whole product and document this function during review preparation. Implementation: When preparing for the review it is important to step back and look at the whole system and at all the interfaces that your software module has with the overall system. These are inputs and outputs as well as environmental conditions. Find answers to the following questions: 1. Why was there a need for this development? 2. Why did the requirement come up right now? 3. Have there been other attempts to fulfill the requirements? Why were they successful or why did they fail? Example: The software is getting a sensor signal as an input and calculates some output value based on it. In order to find out if the output value meets the accuracy requirements you have to get some information about the accuracy of the input value. You read the technical data sheet of the sensor. But this is not the only information you should take into consideration. You should
  • 23. also ask yourself: Is it possible, in certain circumstances, that the sensor signal does not have the specified accuracy, although the sensor works properly? When might this be possible? For example, due to the signal processing from the raw signal to the signal received by your module. Maybe there is some filtering or some hysteresis applied you did not take into your consideration. Also: what do I do (in my module) if the accuracy is not as good as I expect it? Can my module deal with that? 255 Free Requirements from Solution Problem: As soon as you have a specific solution in mind you tend to regard the characteristics of this solution as requirements. This distorts the view on the requirements and in the end it is difficult to judge if the solution really meets the requirements. Reasons: 1. When thinking about the requirements, a developer never is unbiased. He or she always has the solution in mind. Thus there is a high risk that in the review there will be no clear separation between solution and requirements description. The problem with this is that if you do not clearly state what your product should do you cannot tell whether the design is applicable or not. Also, if you and the other review participants think into a certain direction from the beginning, you limit the chances that you will find the best possible solution. The review should lead you back to the question what you really need this part of the system for. 2. Boundary conditions are essential because they define the scope you have to look at. Many designs work under certain conditions, but in the review, it has to be checked if these are the conditions that will prevail in the real system. Solution: Ask yourself and your colleagues what your development should really do. Why was it requested by the customer, what does he expect it to do? Implementation: When describing the requirements, make your product a black box and describe its behaviours seen from outside. Divide your description into two parts: First, describe the function. What is really the job of the module? How does the customer want your module to behave? What does the system your module will be integrated into “expect” from your module? Second, describe the boundary conditions. This can be environmental conditions the product still has to work correctly in. It can also be requirements on precision, calculation speed or control quality. If you have a rather complex design with different parts, it makes sense to break down the requirements into smaller pieces. In other words, you have to open the black box and make several smaller black boxes out of it. This sounds contradictory to the the pattern itself, but it is not as long as you keep the boxes black at each level of granularity you have chosen and you make sure that there is one black box at the same level of your whole design. Having this highest level, you get the view on the complete design and the interfaces to the system. Example: You are describing the functions of a software part modelling the temperature at a specific location of the system (virtual sensor). This software consists of several subparts. So the overall function would be “calculating temperature at position x”. Describing the function of one
  • 24. of the subparts you might say “signal range check of sensor input S1”. That means you are looking into your top-level black box “temperature calculation” and your are delimiting the solutions to those solutions using S1 as an input. The key point is that for this granularity level you must not say “signal range check with algorithm a” but only “signal range check with boundary conditions c1, c2 and c3”. 256 Running the Review Context: You have prepared the review and now all the participants come together for the review meeting. You have time limitations for the meeting. On the other hand you have to deal with all the questions and doubts that are brought in by the participants. And you want to make sure that every participant contributes to the success of the review and that everybody is motivated for this review and the reviews to come. You are the Entertainer Problem: If you are not able to motivate the review participants and to arouse their interest for your work, they will not contribute to a good review outcome. Not only is there a lot of time wasted, but there is also a higher possibility that not all the risks and errors are found. Reasons: 1. Maybe the review participants see the review rather as an inevitable evil and so they come into the meeting without any motivation and without any expectation. They probably have attended a lot of boring review meetings before. There is a big risk that, when some people with this attitude meet, this will turn into a self-fullfilling prophecy. They expect to have a boring
  • 25. meeting and so they make the meeting boring. This blocks all the creativity and concentration and finally leads to nonsatisfying results. 2. Even if your colleagues come to the review meeting with positive expectations, they can become unmotivated very quickly if you are presenting and moderating the review in a boring or confusing manner. Solution: Make the review fun! During the review meeting, you are the entertainer! You are responsible to create an atmosphere where all the review participants are comfortable and really want to contribute to the analysis of the product. Implementation: At the beginning, you should make sure that all the participants know each other and know you. This helps everybody to get some orientation in the group. Second you should give a short overview of the review so that everybody knows how long the meeting will take, what will be the steps to take and, very important, what should be the outcome of the meeting. When you are presenting your work, tell a story to the audience. Give information about the motivation, about your ideas for a solution, about which obstacles you had to overcome, which actions you took in order to make the outcome robust and what is the final result. It does not mean that you should manipulate the information in order to create a breathtaking story or to show what a great developer you are. The story does not have to be thrilling and it does not need to have a happy ending. But is has to be clear, logic and complete. By this you make sure that the review participants can follow. Also it creates an open atmosphere and motivates people to account for the story in order to make it a succesful one.Use the fact that IT IS NOT ABOUT FORM in order to arrange the meeting so that the participants remember it as some very interesting and motivating hours. Example: You have designed a software module for an automobile engine control. For the development you had to do measurements at very low temperatures in a climate chamber in the middle of summer. So you came out of the climate chamber with a complete arctic dress in July. In the review meeting, show a photo of you in your winter dress to the colleagues. Instantly they will pay attention and they will be inspired to be creative. 257 TESTING THE DESIGN Software metrics plays an important role in measuring attributes that are critical to the success of a software project. Measurement of these attributes helps to make the characteristics and relationships between the attributes clearer. This in turn supports informed decision making. The field of software engineering is affected by infrequent, incomplete and inconsistent measurements. Software testing is an integral part of software development, providing opportunities for measurement of process attributes. The measurement of software testing process attributes enables the management to have better insight in to the software testing process. The aim of this thesis is to investigate the metric support for software test planning and test design processes. The study comprises of an extensive literature study and follows a methodical approach. This approach consists of two steps. The first step comprises of analyzing key phases in software testing life cycle, inputs required for starting the software test planning and design
  • 26. processes and metrics indicating the end of software test planning and test design processes. After establishing a basic understanding of the related concepts, the second step identifies the attributes of software test planning and test design processes including metric support for each of the identified attributes. The results of the literature survey showed that there are a number of different measurable attributes for software test planning and test design processes. The study partitioned these attributes in multiple categories for software test planning and test design processes. For each of these attributes, different existing measurements are studied. A consolidation of these measurements is presented in this thesis which is intended to provide an opportunity for management to consider improvement in these processes. The Test design process is very broad and includes critical activities like determining the test objectives (i.e. broad categories of things to test), selection of test case design techniques, preparing test data, developing test procedures, setting up the test environment and supporting tools. Brian Marick points out the importance of test case design: Paying more attention to running tests than to designing them is a classic mistake [8]. Determination of test objectives is a fundamental activity which leads to the creation of a testing matrix reflecting the fundamental elements that needs to be tested to satisfy an objective. This requires the gathering reference materials like software requirements specification and design documentation. Then on the basis of reference materials, a team of experts (e.g. test analyst and business analyst) meet in a brainstorming session to compile a list of test objectives. For example, while doing system testing, the test objectives that can be 258  System Test Plan  Delivery of builds  Exit/Entrance criteria  Smoke tests  Software risk issues and assumptions  Test items  Approach  Features to be tested  Items pass/fail criteria  Suspension criteria  Smoke tests  Test deliverables  Schedule  Environmental needs  Testing tasks  Responsibilities Staffing and training needs compiled may include functional, navigational flow, input data fields validation, GUI, data exchange to and from database and rule validation. The design process can take advantage from some generic test objectives applicable to different projects. After the list of test objectives have been compiled, it should be prioritized depending upon scope and risk [6]. The objectives are now ready to be transformed into lists of items that are to be tested under an objective e.g. while testing GUI, the list might contain testing GUI presentation, framework, windows and dialogs. After compiling the list of items, a mapping can be created between the list of items and any
  • 27. existing test cases. This helps in re-using the test cases for satisfying the objectives. This mapping can be in the form of a matrix. The advantages offered by using the matrix are that it helps in identifying the majority of test scenarios and in reducing redundant test cases. This mapping also identifies the absence of a test case for a particular objective in the list; therefore, the testing team needs to create those test cases. After this, each item in the list is evaluated to assess for adequacy of coverage. It is done by using tester’s experience and judgment. More test cases should be developed if an item is not adequately covered. The mapping in the form of a matrix should be maintained throughout the system development. While designing test cases, there are two broad categories, namely black box testing and white box testing. Black box test case design techniques generate test cases without knowing the internal working of the system. White box test case design techniques examine the structure of code to examine how the system works. Due to time and cost constraints, the challenge designing test cases is that what subset of all possible test cases has the highest probability of detecting the most errors [2]. Rather than focusing on one technique, test cases that are designed using multiple techniques is recommended. [11] recommends a combination of functional analysis, equivalence partitioning, path analysis, boundary value analysis and orthogonal array testing. The tendency is that structural (white box) test case design techniques are applied at lower level of abstraction and functional (black box) test case design techniques are likely to be used at higher level of abstraction [15]. According to Tsuneo Yamaura, there is only one rule in designing test cases: cover all features, but do not make too many test cases [8]. The testing objectives identified earlier are used to create test cases. Normally one test case is prepared per objective, this helps in maintaining test cases when a change occurs. The test cases created becomes part of a document called test design specification [5]. The purpose of the test design specification is to group similar test cases together. There might be a single test design specification for each feature or a single test design specification for all the features. The test design specification documents the input specifications, output specifications, environmental needs and other procedural requirements for the test case. The hierarchy of documentation is shown in Figure 11 by taking an example from system testing [6]. After the creation of test case specification, the next artifact is called Test Procedure Specification [5]. It is a description of how the tests will be run. Test procedure describes sequencing of individual test cases and the switch over from one test run to another [15]. Figure 12 shows the test design process applicable at the system level [6]. 259
  • 28. Preparation of test environment also comes under test design. Test environment includes e.g. test data, hardware configurations, testers, interfaces, operating systems and manuals. The test environment more closely matches the user environment as one moves higher up in the testing levels. Preparation of test data is an essential activity that will result in identification of faults. Data can take the form of e.g. messages, transactions and records. According to [11], the test data should be reviewed for several data concerns: Depth: The test team must consider the quantity and size of database records needed to support tests. 260 Breadth: The test data should have variation in data values. Scope: The test data needs to be accurate, relevant and complete. Data integrity during testing: The test data for one person should not adversely affect data required for others. Conditions: Test data should match specific conditions in the domain of application. It is important that an organization follows some test design standards, so that everyone conforms to the design guidelines and required information is produced [16]. The test procedure and test design specification documents should be treated as living documents and they should be updated as changes are made to the requirements and design. These updated test cases and procedures become useful for reusing them in later projects. If during the course of test execution, a new scenario evolves then it must be made part of the test design documents. After test design, the next activity is test execution as described next.
  • 29. 261 WALK THROUGHS A design walkthrough is a quality practice that allows designers to obtain an early validation of design decisions related to the development and treatment of content, design of the graphical user interface, and the elements of product functionality. Design walkthroughs provide designers with a way to identify and assess early on whether the proposed design meets the requirements and addresses the project's goal. For a design walkthrough to be effective, it needs to include specific components. The following guidelines highlight these key components. Use these guidelines to plan, conduct, and participate in design walkthroughs and increase their effectiveness. 1. Plan for a Design Walkthrough A design walkthrough should be scheduled when detailing the micro-level tasks of a project. Time and effort of every participant should be built into the project plan so that participants can schedule their personal work plans accordingly. The plan should include time for individual preparation, the design walkthrough (meeting), and the likely rework. 2. Get the Right Participants It is important to invite the right participants to a design walkthrough. The reviewers/experts should have the appropriate skills and knowledge to make the walkthrough meaningful for all. It is imperative that participants add quality and value to the product and not simply 'add to their learning.' 3. Understand Key Roles and Responsibilities All participants in the design walkthrough should clearly understand their role and responsibilities so that they can consistently practice effective and efficient reviews. 4. Prepare for a Design Walkthrough Besides planning, all participants need to prepare for the design walkthrough. One cannot possibly find all high-impact mistakes in a work product that they have looked at only 10 minutes before the meeting. If all participants are adequately prepared as per their responsibilities, the design walkthrough is likely to be more effective. 5. Use a Well-Structured Process A design walkthrough should follow a well-structured, documented process. This process should help define the key purpose of the walkthrough and should provide systematic practices and rules of conduct that can help participants collaborate with one another and add value to the review. 6. Review and Critique the Product, not the Designer
  • 30. The design walkthrough should be used as a means to review and critique the product, not the person who created the design. Use the collective wisdom to improve the quality of the product, add value to the interactions, and encourage participants to submit their products for a design walkthrough. 262 7. Review, do not Solve Problems A design walkthrough has only one purpose, to find defects. There may, however, be times when participants drift from the main purpose. A moderator needs to prevent this from happening and ensure that the walkthrough focuses on the defects or weaknesses rather than identifying fixes or resolutions. In addition to these guidelines, there are a few best practices that can help you work towards effective design walkthroughs:  The document or work product for the design walkthrough should be complete from all respects including all the necessary reviews/filters.  Plan for a design walkthrough in a time-box mode. A session should be scheduled for a minimum of one hour and should not stretch beyond two and a half hours. When walkthroughs last more than three hours, the effectiveness of the design walkthrough and the review process decreases dramatically.  It is best to work with 5-10 participants to add different perspectives to the design walkthrough. However, with more than 15 participants, the process becomes slow and each participant may not be able to contribute to their full capacity.  Design walkthroughs planned for morning sessions work better than afternoon sessions.  A design walkthrough should definitely include the instructional designers, graphic artists, course architects, and any other roles that have been instrumental in creating the design. You may also want to invite designers from other projects to add a fresh and independent perspective to the review process.  Involving senior management or business decision makers in a design walkthrough may not always be a good idea as it can intimidate the designers and they may feel that the senior management is judging their competencies in design. With senior management in the room, other participants and reviewers may also be hesitant in sharing problems with the design.  Effective design walkthroughs rely on a 'moderator' who is a strong Lead Reviewer and is in charge of the review process. It is critical that the group remains focused on the task at hand. The Lead Reviewer can help in this process by curbing unnecessary discussions and lead the group in the right direction.  Design walkthroughs are more effective if the reviewers use specific checklists for reviewing various aspects of the work product.  It is a good practice to involve the potential end users in the design walkthrough. However, in most situations it is difficult to get access to the end users. Therefore, you may request reviewer(s) to take on the role of the end user and review the product from the end-user perspective. These reviewers may be Subject Matter Experts or practitioners in the same field/industry who have an understanding of the audience profile for the product.
  • 31.  The effectiveness of a design walkthrough depends on what happens after the defects have been identified in the meeting and how the defects are addressed and closed in the work product. The team needs to prioritise the defects based on their impact and assign responsibility for closing the defects. Design walkthroughs, if done correctly, provide immediate short-term benefits, like early defect detection and correction within the current project and offer important long-term returns. From a long-term perspective, design walkthroughs help designers identify their mistakes and learn from them, therefore moving towards continuous improvement. During the process, designers are also able to unravel the basic principles of design and the key mistakes that violate these principles. By participating in walkthroughs, reviewers are able to create a mental 'catalogue of mistakes' that are likely to happen and are therefore more equipped to detect these early in any product. By analysing the kind of defects made by designers, over time, reviewers can use this information to support root-cause analysis and participate in organisation-wide improvement initiatives. Effective design walkthroughs are one of the most powerful quality tools that can be leveraged by designers to detect defects early and promote steps towards continuous improvement. 263 DESIGN REVIEW CHECKLIST 1. Are the following attributes well-defined for each design entity? a. Identification (unique name) b. Type (describing what kind of design entity it is) c. Purpose (describing why it was introduced, in terms of the requirements) d. Function (summarizing what the component does) e. Dependencies (possibly `none'; describing the requires or uses relationship) f. Interface (provided by the design entity) g. Processing (including autonomous activities) h. Data (information `hidden' inside) 2. Is the relationship to the requirements clearly motivated? Is it clear why the proposed architecture realizes the requirements? 3. Is the software architecture as simple as possible (but no simpler)? o No more than 7 loosely-coupled coherent high- level components. o Lower-level components possibly clustered into high-level components (hierarchy). o Using standard(ized) components. o Is deviation from intuitively obvious solution motivated? Is the architecture complete? o Are all requirements covered? o Trace some critical requirements through the architecture (e.g. via use cases). Are the component descriptions sufficiently precise? o Do they allow independent construction? o Are interfaces and external functionality of the high-level components described in sufficient detail? o Interface details:
  • 32.  Routine kind, name, parameters and their types, return type, pre- and post-condition, 264 usage protocol with respect to other routines.  File name, format, permissions.  Socket number and protocol.  Shared variables, synchronization primitives (locks). o Have features of the target programming language been used where appropriate? o Have implementation details been avoided? (No details of internal classes.) Are the relationships between the components explicitly documented? o Preferably use a diagram Is the proposed solution achievable? o Can the components be implemented or bought, and then integrated together. o Possibly introduce a second layer of decomposition to get a better grip on achievability. Are all relevant architectural views documented? o Logical (Structural) view (class diagram per component expresses functionality). o Process view (how control threads are set up, interact, evolve, and die). o Physical view (deployment diagram relates components to equipment). o Development view (how code is organized in files). Are cross-cutting issues clearly and generally resolved? o Exception handling. o Initialization and reset. o Memory management. o Security. o Internationalization. o Built- in help. o Built- in test facilities. Is all formalized material and diagrammatic material accompanied by sufficient explanatory text in natural language? Are design decisions documented explicitly and motivated? o Restrictions on developer freedom with respect to the requirements. Has an evaluation of the software architecture been documented? o Have alternative architectures been considered? o Have non-functional requirements also been considered? o Negative indicators:  High complexity: a component has a complex interface or functionality.  Low cohesion: a component contains unrelated functionality.  High coupling: two or more components have many (mutual) connections.  High fan-in: a component is needed by many other components.  High fan-out: a component depends on many other components. Is the flexibility of the architecture demonstrated? o How can it cope with likely changes in the requirements? o Have the most relevant change scenarios been documented?