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Unit 301 Essay
During the initial assessment the assessor must ensure the learner knowledge performance and practical skills.
The assessor must ensure that the learning understands their course,
The assessor must explain all the units to the learner and support them in choosing the most suited units for their learner.
The assessor and the learner must decide on an assessment plan. Setting dates and times to meet with the well as Agreeing on the best
assessment method. The assessor will be able to use question, observation and examine the learners work.
The learner must submit assignment more content...
Observation and questioning the learning. Completing assignments. Writing statements or gathering appropriate evidence of competence .Assessments
can be on going or summative at the end.
Giving constructive feedback. Always supporting your learner and agreeing and further action that may be needed. Making records of what was
assessed and the decision made should always be maintained.
The assessment plan of the learner can be reviewed updated at any time unit the learner completes . reviewing progress with the learning will give the
assessor the opportunity to discuss any other issues that may be relevant to their progress. Assessment activities will give you the opportunity to amend
them if necessary.
The main role of an assessor is to assess their learner in relation to the agreed criteria to enable the learner to become qualified in their subject. The
assessor responsibilities include planning assessment, giving learner feedback, assessing the learner knowledge and understanding of the subject
.keeping accurate records. There will be certain records and documents that the assessor will need to maintain. These will include assessment plans.
Feedback records and review of progress and overall track sheets. All record must be maintained to organisational and regulatory requirements. An
assessor should also
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Assessment for Learning Essay
It is widely recognized that the form and content of student assessment strongly influence students' attitudes to study and quality of learning (Ramsden,
1997; Shepard, 2000). For most students, assessment requirements literally define the curriculum. Current research suggests it is assessment used in the
right way, as part of teaching to support and enhance learning that has the most significant impact on learning (Elwood and Klenowski, 2002). James
and his colleagues (2002) argue that carefully designed assessment is therefore a powerful tool for educators and caution that equally, "poorly designed
assessment has the potential to hinder learning or stifle curriculum development". New forms of assessment The realization of more content...
Taras outlines three conditions that must be met for effective formative feedback to take place: 1.a knowledge of standards– students must have access
to the tutors' knowledge and assumptions 2.the necessity to compare these standards to one's own work – met through practice on the part of the
student and guidance from the tutor 3.taking action to close the gap – requires learners to use this new information at the same time as producing.
Black and William (1998) reviewed 250 research articles on teachers' assessment practices, from pre–schools to colleges, and found that there is strong
evidence to show that improving formative assessment produces significant and often substantial learning gains. However, they suggest that the current
practice of formative assessment could be improved and identified five key ways to enhance formative assessment: to any student should
relate to the qualities of the work with advice on what the student can do to improve and should avoid comparisons with other students 2.students
should be trained in self–assessment so that they can understand the main purposes of their learning and thereby grasp what they need to do to achieve
3.opportunities for students to express their understanding should be designed into any piece of teaching, for this will initiate the interaction whereby
formative assessment aids learning 4.the dialogue between students and a teacher should be thoughtful, reflective
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Assessment Of Learning : Assessment
Assessment of Learning Assessment of learning is a summative process of assessment, generally undertaken at the end of a particular topic or unit of
learning (MoE, 2004). The main purpose of summative assessment is for reporting; to parents, other teachers, external stakeholders and most
importantly, the student themselves, on the learning the student has achieved at a particular time (Harlen, 2004). It is often gathered for accountability
purposes too. Teachers must carry out summative assessments as they are bound by official documents to provide data about student achievement,
these documents include the Education Standards Act, the National Education Goals, the National Administration Goals and the Ministry of Education
priorities at the current period e.g. literacy and numeracy project or raising achievement and reducing disparity. Assessment of learning is concerned
with gathering information about student achievement in a planned and systematic way, at a certain point in time and as a basis for judgments of
student learning (REFERNCE). There are two types of data that can be gathered – qualitative and quantitative. Qualitative achievement data is guided
by a narrative achievement framework and has an emphasis on the assessment information informing a student's next steps of learning where as
quantitative achievement data guided by a level of performance based on set procedures and often given a level, grade or mark. Its emphasis is more
on the assessment information
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Assessment and Learner Essay
UNIT TITLE: 007 Principles of assessment in lifelong learning LEVEL 3 (3 credits) Learning OutcomesThe learner will:| Assessment CriteriaThe
learner can:| Learner statement | 1. Understand types and methods of assessment used in lifelong learning| 1.1| Explain types of assessment used in
lifelong learning| Assessment can be Formative and should take place continually throughout my learner's time to allow for development, by simply
asking them questions and observing their actions can help give on–going feedback to enable my learner to develop further before a summative
assessment takes place. And it can also be Summative and usually takes place at the end of the program or unit or at the end of the more content...
It allows for holistic approach| Its time consumingYou might not get anything out of the observation.Example: you could be there observing for an
hour and all that might have happened is the learner served one customer.| Guided discussion| Some candidates can discuss better than writing It's
reliable and valid especially if recorded.Example: I have a learner who finds it hard to structure her assignments but when she comes to discuss the
topic she has no problems so by having a guided discussion with her it means she shows her compentacey of knowledge in that area and because its
recorded its reliable and valid not to mention fair because its what's best for the candidate.| Some of the learners might not be confident and may talk
too much about points that are not relevant before you get to the answer that's needed.| examining| Its reliable, valid and fairIt shows what the
candidate has learnt.| It only shows the knowledge they have learnt and not the practical side Might not do as well in exam conditions due to nerves or
a disability| Questioning | Enables to assess the knowledge that individual has in that area.Can be written or spoken.Example it can be used if the
candidate has not gone into enough detail if they have written a personal statement etc. to provide evidence of their understanding.| Some people
struggle to write what they mean yet when you ask them they can tell you the answer straight away,One of my learners
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Essay about Purpose of Assessment
PURPOSE OF ASSESSMENT The primary purpose of assessment is for the learner to provide evidence of learning by demonstrating the understanding
of content and achievement of learning outcomes. This gives an insight of their strengths and areas of development. Whereas for teacher, it provides a
moment to review their assessment strategies in terms of effectiveness and facilitate progression by giving constructive feedback. It also informs the
curriculum board, managers, and relevant staff to evaluate learning programmes for any improvements.
Learners are assessed through various stages of learning journey by using variety of methods and strategies. They are usually assessed formatively
before or during the course and summatively near more content...
Some teachers are predominantly concerned with cognitive learning with some use of psychomotor skills but affective learning can be a useful tool in
changing attitudes i.e. gender, culture etc. even if it's not a requirement of a course.
Summative Assessment happens at the end of the course, unit etc. and is for grading and decision purpose. It is used for informing employers,
institutions etc. about learner's overall performance. It does not however, give information about detailed abilities of learner and there is no feedback
so it is debated for its complete reliability and validity. (Scales, 2008 and Rust, 2002).
Learners are assessed summatively mostly by Examination, Assignments, Portfolios, and Essays. They develop the skill levels of 'cognitive and
psychomotor domains' depending on how effectively they are set out and the type of course. 'MCQs' and 'Viva' for instance can provide better
coverage of syllabus as well as assessment of deeper knowledge whereas essays does not serve the same purpose but assess higher levels of cognitive
domain i.e. synthesis and evaluation.
Feedback is an important element of assessment and is directly related to motivation. In order to accelerate learning process it has to be
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Prior Learning Assessment
(ii) Prior Learning Before this project, I had some skills and knowledge accumulated from personal experience and specific MYP subjects. With the
help of continuous culinary lessons outside of school for the past 2 years and the basic knowledge of diabetes from science and family members, the
basic knowledge of creating recipes suitable for diabetes were acquired (Appendix i, Extract 9) . Furthermore, research skills from library research
lectures were also acquired. Additionally, self–management and organisation skills were developed through the help of design.
(iii) Demonstration of Research Skills During the research process, both information literacy and media literacy skills were applied. Since I had
researched both more content...
Since I was always off task and not being able to finish what I planned, the work was starting to bile up, including school work and attending
extracurricular activities. In order to overcome the challenge, I had to practice delayed gratification by not attending one of the extracurricular activities
during the week of catching up.
I demonstrated emotional management through strategies to reduce stress and anxiety. Because I commonly encounter anxieties and panic attacks
during challenging situations, I will often invite friends over while I was working on my product, so they can support me and give me advices that
will allow me to stay on task (Appendix i, Extract 8).
Reflection skills Because I knew my strengths and weaknesses, I was able to provide personal learning strategies that allowed me to finish my work
faster. Since I'm not able to focus on my work for a long period of time, I will use online applications to block all the websites that will cause
distractions and set a timer while working (Appendix i, Extract 6). Afterwards, I will reward myself with an episode of a TV show or going through
social media. However, time management was still my weakness, as it was always hard for me to go back to work after being
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Learning Styles : A Learning Style Assessment
A learning style is a term used to describe the ways in which people gather, interpret, and store information. Each style can be broken down into a
category based on sensory needs: auditory, visual, and tactile. The presumption is that you will best retain the information presented to you if the
conditions of your learning style meet. Based on the idea that learning styles exist, I consider myself a visual learner. I prefer to write instructions and
keep my thoughts organized. I generate ideas based on reading examples or watching instructional videos. As a child, my preferences were lined
primarily with auditory learning. I could easily remember things that spoken to me. As our personalities develop and environment changes, so do our
learning styles.
A learning style assessment is a good way to gather information about your primary learning style. A series of questions are asked to determine
your sensory preferences. Our learning environment can play a role in how well we will retain the information given to us. We may use different
learning styles based on the situation. A learning style assessment offers a variety of scenarios to assess the way you learn most of the time. The
questions vary from the type of books you enjoy to what you do while you wait in line at a store checkout. According to the assessment, my learning
style is 40% Auditory, 35% Visual, and 25% Tactile. As a primarily auditory learner, "you learn best by hearing and listening" as well as "hum or talk
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Essay on Student Assessment Reflection
This is a report of a delivered session in a core subject to a group of mixed ability pupils in the Reception A class. Keep in mind that they are a
group of students ranging from the age of 4 to 5 years old, energetic, curious and active learners. I need to consider the ways of how they learn best by
carrying out assessments or diagnostic meetings to identify their preferred learning styles, abilities and interests.
Neil Flemming developed the VARK system in 1987 to determine whether a student is a visual, auditory, reading/writing or kinaesthetic learner. From
there, students and teachers are able to formulate new strategies based on which category they learn efficiently. Instead of doing the 16–point
questionnaire, more content...
The title of the story is The Frog and The Princess.
I used different strategies to engage my learners and to keep the lesson interesting such as different voice modulation, body movements and questions
from time to time. In an article written by Rhiana Quick, she says that different students respond to stimuli in different ways, so it is vital to be able to
identify the types of learners in the classroom and proceed with lesson plans that can cater to different pupils. Also, I have taken into account the
Multiple Intelligences developed by Howard Gardner to further tap their strengths to help them learn more effectively.
Students were regularly asked to anticipate the next course of actions of the characters to challenge them in their thinking skills. There are no right or
wrong answers during this session because I want to know how creative can they get when exposed to something new. For example, I asked them to
imagine themselves being the Princess, would they have kissed the ugly frog on the lips? In Vygotsky's theory, he promoteslearning contexts in which
students play an active role in learning rather than having the teacher to 'transmit' information to them. Through this, I gain a variety of responses from
them, which indicates that they are using their head to think while showing me the story from their perspectives. He further says that the roles of the
teacher and students are switched, as a teacher should collaborate with his/her
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Essay On Formative Assessment
Enhancing Student Learning through Formative Assessment
Recently, whenever I hear current teachers discussing about assessing students, 'Formative Assessment' is sure to be highlighted. Nowadays this
method (formative assessment) is becoming popular among schools and is being applied widely in schools including my own school. Loughland and
Kilpatrick (2015) identified in the few past decades, formative assessment has turned out to be the main goal for teachers and educational systems. On
the foundation of Loughland and Kilpatrick (2015) findings and from my experience in the field of teaching, I found out nowadays teachers and school
stakeholders strongly feel that formative assessment is the best method to assess in order to enhance students' learning. For these evident reasons, I am
interested in more content...
Whether formative assessment is the best method to be used to assess students, can a particular method of assessing students have an impact in
students' learning, is teacher's role in assessing students' important for students learning and does students' voice and formative assessment have any
relation in enhancing students learning, are some questions that I want to get crystal clear answers for and look into with keen interest to find out
whether students learning is enhanced through formative assessment. Hence in this essay I will be digging into, a descriptive, a critical and a
reflective deep look through my own experiences, researches and theories in the related field on the questions or issues mentioned above to find out
whether formative assessment in real enhances students' learning. The main focus of this essay is the urge of finding out whether formative
assessment in real enhance students learning. With the high hope of applying and practicing every little bit of information that I compile from the
readings into the current practices in any correlated
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Essay Assessment and Learner
1.1 Explain the function of assessment in learning and development The function of assessment in learning and development is to provide a measure
for the learners progress. Assessment is carried out through checks throughout the course, and at end of course. activities can help the learner to see
their development whilst allowing the Assessor to give valuable feedback when appropriate. This is to measure the learners understanding of the
subject set by the criteria. For example: Assessments provide clear measurements and recording of achievements gained during a course that provides
identification of the persons achievements or learners needs. The learners development is measured using formative or summative assessments that more content...
Assessments provide a great chance for the learners to see how they have progressed whilst providing grades that can be recognised against objective
criteria. Feeding back – I have a responsibility to provide detailed analytical and constructive feedback on a learners work so they can improve their
performance according to pointers. This is crucial as it allows the learner to measure when an objective has been achieved and also when the
assessment objective has to be revisited. It is essential to provide regular feed back verbally and in recorded formats for the learner so as to provide
markers on the work produced and how it can improved in the future. The responsibilities of the Assessor involve planning, managing and delivering
assessment, maintaining the integrity of the qualification, and always keeping a learner–centered approach to assessment. 1.4 Identify the regulations
and requirements relevant to the assessment in own area of practice Company and industry rules and regulations regulatory bodies of standards Sector
Skills Councils Awarding organisations Institute for Learning other regulations such as health and safety equality and diversity/ DDA4 data protection
safeguarding learners during assessment recording/ tracking and logging assessment decisions, communication decisions with learners,
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Assessment Reflection Essay examples
As I reflect on my past assessment process, I realized how much my assessments have changed over the years. In my early years, I used tests for
informational recall as my assessments. I felt these were appropriate guidelines in which I needed to follow in order to substantiate a student's grade.
Every assignment or tests was given a point value and then based on the amount of points, a grade was given. Every student's assessment was exactly
the same, and the assessments did not contain any subjectivity. I felt confident in giving the grade based on a valid point system. However reflecting
back, I see that I did not include any performance–based assessments or individual learning styles in my early assessment. I also did not
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Part of my assessment philosophy is to assess students on a daily basis which also includes their reaction to my class. Students come to school with
so much baggage that if you only chose one day a week, or four or five times a marking period to assess them, chances are, they may be having a bad
day. Therefore, these students may not demonstrate their true ability if given only a few attempts during the marking period. Assessment needs to be a
continuous process throughout the marking period. Everyday my students are given an opportunity to demonstrate their learning whether it is an
observation, a quick answer or a one–on–one discussion or a group project. My assessments are consistent, flexible and achievable. I adhere to the
deadlines that I give my students as part of my assessment process. I want to infuse in my students that the world has deadlines, and you must be
prepared to meet them.
Assessment for many students means failure instead of demonstrating what you know. Too many students walk away from a test, a science lab, or any
other learning experience and feel as if they have failed. Students should walk away from these experiences with a feeling of curiosity. If assessments
are correctly used, students would want to experiment more and take additional risks knowing that the end result would be a feeling of achievement
instead of failure. Assessments
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Assessment for Learning
TDA 3.7–1.1 Compare and contrast the role of the teacher and the learning support practitioner in assessment of learner' achievements.
"Assessment for learning is the process of seeking and interpreting evidence for use by learners and their teachers to decide where the learners are in
their learning, where they need to go and how best to get there".
Assessment Reform Group, 2002
The teacher has ultimate responsibility for setting schemes of work for the class with clear objectives (Formative assessment) and writing end of term
and end of year reports drawing together the information gained through assessment for learning. (Summative Assessment)
The learning objectives are delivered to the class by the teacher and it is the TA' more content...
. Ambergate school regularly asked the children how they think they have done by giving a "thumbs up", "thumbs down" or "thumbs sideways" to
indicate how the children feel about what they have been taught. Sometimes the children will be asked what they know of the subject about to be
taught and to mark themselves out of ten in their books. At the end of the lesson they then give themselves another mark out of ten and compare how
they have fared.
Effective Questioning
To create a classroom climate where pupils come up with their own ideas, think aloud and explore their understanding. Questioning should take the
form of open–ended questions to encourage the children putting their own ideas forward without being led by an adult. The adult can then ask the
children's peers what they think of another child's idea to generate feedback. Generally in the lessons in Ambergate school the children are reminded
when working to ask, who, what, when, why and how to ensure they get sufficient feedback to enable them with the tasks set.
Peer and Self–Assessment and Evaluation.
Peer and Self–Assessment enables learners to recognise success in their own and others' work and to focus on how they are learning as well as what
they are learning. Ambergate school regularly asked the children how they think they have done by
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Educational Assessment Essay
Assessment is the systematic collection, review, and use of information about educational programs undertaken for the purpose of improving student
learning and development (Palomba & Banta, 1999). Educational assessments are carried out to measure the efficiency of the program, the quality of
instruction and progress of a child's learning. The purpose is to determine the growth and development. There are several kinds of assessment carried
out during a student's learning. These include the placement assessment, formative assessment, and summative assessment. Learners coming into the
kindergarten class are often given a pre test or a placement assessment to evaluate what the learner may already know or think about content that is to be more content...
How much each child has improved over time, gives the educators an opportunity to recognize what modifications are needed to improve the
student's achievement. e.g. if a child knows the uppercase and lowercase alphabets very well then the teacher can move on to sounds of the
alphabet. On the other hand if the child is struggling to identify the alphabets then the teacher has to come up with alternate ideas to modify her
lesson plans. The school carries out assessment twice a year. The mid year and end of the year assessment shows that the expectations from the
kindergarteners are slowly raised keeping in mind the consistency of the curriculum and the objectives. An end of the year assessment clearly
shows the child's expected familiarity and independency in the subject. Objectives for the assessment The assessment is used to identify the
various skill levels of learners. There are four levels of expected growth chosen to meet the objectives. Each level has a set of criteria and standards
linked to learning objectives and a scoring system to align it. In the above table, being able to identify two rhyming words in 3 out of 5 sentences
assesses the success of rhyming in a sentence and gives the learner the highest score of 4. For a learner who is able to identify 6 rhyming pairs,
produce 6 ending sounds gets a score of 3. A learner who is able to recognize 6 rhyming pairs is given a
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Assessment In Learning Essay
Since the previous chapter (i.e. chapter 3) discussed some strategies to support and challenge students with disabilities, this chapter focused on
providing effective assessments for students who have difficulties with learning mathematics. Specifically, this fourth chapter is divided into three
major sections. The first section defines the goal of assessments and the challenges with implementing an assessment. The second section describes four
major types of assessments which are: observations, performance assessments, flexible interview, and the different test that teachers can used based
upon the child's age. Finally, the last section discusses how assessments can help educators think deeply about their students' learning, and students more content...
Students with a specific learning disability (or an IEP) are not exempt from state assessments; instead, these students are provided the appropriate
accommodation to allow them to participate in the assessments (p.86–87). Fennell (2011) concluded this section of the chapter by recognizing that
teachers are leery of state assessments (or formal assessments) because of the many negative outcomes of such testings. Thus, Fennell (2011) advocated
that one single measurement cannot accurately provide a full picture of a student, so informal daily classroom assessments are extremely important
There are four main types of informal assessments (or classroom–based formative assessments). The first type is observation. When teachers observe
their students' behaviors, they are not only paying closed attention to the students' overt behavior. As Fennell (2011) emphasized, "Observation should
attempt to detect patterns underlying student errors, strategies determining responses, and other mental and motivational processes that can affect
student learning" (p. 90). To further explain this concept of observation, Fennell (2011) described a scenario in which students used the blackboard to
solve a math problem. Then, Fennell explained the important observations that teachers can yield from the blackboard activity. Before moving onto the
second type of formative assessment, Fennell (2011) explained that
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My Philosophy Of Assessment In Education Essay
Philosophy of Assessment As a young student, the most nerve–wracking times at school for me were formal testing. I would feel extreme pressure and
stress to perform well. I never want my students to feel such anxiety and stress over formal tests. Assessment is extremely important in the classroom
but it should never cause distress of my students. My philosophy of assessment is to stay true to what I have taught my students and assess them fairly
using informal assessment and, when necessary, formal assessment to know how well my students are comprehending the material taught in my
classroom. The role of assessment in the classroom is to one; assess how well you, as the teacher, are portraying the material to your students, and two;
assess how your students are comprehending the material and to come up with alternative ways to help struggling students. Assessment is not used to
put down students for not achieving high scores, but rather to assess what material they do not understand and finding ways to help them learn the
material fully. Assessments are very important in the classroom because you, as the teacher, must know how each of your more content...
Performance tasks, portfolios, and rubrics, will all help me know how well my students are achieving in my classroom and to know what material
they are struggling to learn. I will also use observation in my classroom to gauge how well my students are performing and if they need extra help
on specific material. Observations will also be used in my classroom to see if any specific students are falling behind in their schoolwork and if this
is due to motivation, being bored, or because of a learning disability. I will use formal assessment in my classroom rarely to see how well students
understand large concepts that have been taught and if I need to teach the material in a different way, if test scores are not
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Principles of Assessment Essay
Unit 301: Understanding the principles and practices of assessment Question 1: Define the key concepts and principles of assessment We should
always consider what the assessment experience of assessment is like for our learners. Considering key principles in the designing of our assessments
will keep our views fresh and reflective. Key principle 1: Put the learner at the heart of the assessment. The assessment experience should be a
motivational one for our learners. It is only by developing the learners understanding of the function of assessments and enabling their development as a
learner that a motivational experience is facilitated. Learners often feel detached or on the periphery of assessment because they perceive more
Techniques and activities should be introduced so that learners and peers can actively take part in the grading process. This can assist students in the
understanding of the task and also inform future learning. Stage 4: Analysis of results – consistency in marking is essential to help keep learners
motivated. If inconsistencies are seen in a group, maintaining positivity becomes difficult. Learners should explore results and be offered the
opportunity to comment on their grading. Stage 5 – Feedback – possibly the most important element of the assessment cycle. Supportive, informative
and constructive feedback should be offered to enable students to see how they performed. The feedback should include advice on how to improve
their learning and future performances (feed–forward feedback). Feedback should be offered continuously and in a cyclic manner. Question 3: identify
the regulations and requirements relevant to assessment in your own area of practice. Regulations It is a requirement that centres provide CYQ with
the following: List of named assessors with signatures Details of all assessors' qualifications and experience (CVs) Copies of all relevant certificates
Clear specification of the assessment roles and responsibilities A well planned assessment process from induction to final assessment day plan A valid
and reliable assessment of knowledge and skills that is
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Essay On Learning Outcomes Assessment
The promise of the American dream and the hope of equality, access, and educational opportunity widen the door of the community college to a diverse
population of learners (American Association of Community Colleges, 2012; President's Commission on Higher Education, 1947). The Learning
Revolution has propelled the restructuring and on–going transformation of learning in the community college from the old outdated "architecture" to a
renewed commitment to "building a new nation of learners". Quality teaching and learning offers opportunities for engagement, preparation for transfer
and career, and a satisfaction of the intellectual curiosities of students. Outcomes assessment is the key element in demonstrating that students have more content...
Documentation of Improved and Expanded Learning
One of O'Banion's (1997) principles for the learning college stated the learning college succeeds when learning can be documented. Driven by the
mission, values, and objectives of the institution, student learning outcomes measures learning that occur inside and outside of the classroom that
enhances the students overall collegiate experience (Mueller, 2009). The assessment of learning outcomes is a framework designed for documenting
the results of learning activities throughout the community college that is guided by the following questions: 1) "What does the learner know? 2) what
can this learner do? 3) How does this decision, action, solution, improve student learning?" (O'Banion, 1997). The goal of learning outcomes is to
improve and expand learning by assessing students' knowledge acquisition and skill development (O'Banion, 1997). Assessment results provide learners
with information such as retention, pass rates, and graduation statistics, empowering students to use this information to make informed decisions
regarding their scholastic endeavors. Likewise, faculty uses feedback from student evaluations to make improvements to learning facilitation, however,
this is only a portion of the overall data picture.
College–wide buy–in from all stakeholders
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Purpose Of Assessment For Learning
Thesis Statement This paper aims to examine the purpose of Assessment for Learning and the different methods that can be utilized to put it into
effect in the classroom, through reviewing different pieces of literature, reflecting upon strategies that I have seen in lesson observations and
evaluating the effectiveness of strategies I have used in my own lessons. Introduction Assessment for Learning (AfL) is an aspect of teaching which
has been defined as 'the process of seeking and interpreting evidence for use by learners and their teachers to decide where learners are in their
learning, where they need to go and how best to get there' (Hodgeson and Pyle, 2010). It is an aspect of teaching that has been shown through
research, to be highly important in the improvement of student's achievement and progression. AfL has always been present within our classrooms, but
it is only within the last few decades that more research has been conducted to further examine how AfL can be used effectively within classrooms, in
order to continually support students and help them to improve and succeed. One of the most important pieces of research done on AfL is Black and
Wiliam' 'Inside the Black Box' (2001). They defined assessment as 'activities undertaken by teachers, and by their students in assessing themselves,
which provide information to be used as feedback to modify the teaching and learning activities in which they are engaged. Such assessment becomes
'formative assessment' when
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Types of assessment
What is meant by assessment? What are the strengths and weaknesses of the assessment types and methods you use? How would you involve your
learner into the assessment process? Why do we need to keep records of assessment? Assessments are a critical part of the education system;
highlighted by Black and Wiliams'(1998) who define assessments as activities providing "information to be used as feedback to modify the teaching
and learning activities in which they are engaged". There are two forms of assessment; formative and summative. Formative assessments are carried
out as the course progresses. These are an informal and simple way of gauging how and what your students are learning. This then allows teachers to
amend their more content...
Such observations should be planned in advance with the agreement of the learner's manager and colleagues. However, teachers can take
opportunities to record observations of unplanned events, if useful as evidence. Through observations, teacher/assessor can gather sufficient
evidence and can then relate the observation back to many different units/elements of the qualification. Also, it allows teachers to see natural
competence first hand in an authentic and reliable manner. Nevertheless, there are disadvantages of observations: A learner's normal duties may
not cover all assessment criteria; observations may be unnerving for learners and observations can take a lot of an assessor's time and expense.
Brookfield's (1998) model of reflection states that it is critical that one views themselves and their teaching through the perspective of their learners.
In this lens there is a strong focus on the learner's 'voice' and so value is placed on their viewpoints and also their articulation of work. Therefore, it
is important to gain the learners' thoughts on the assessment strategy. Learners should be informed of how they will be assessed from the onset,
involved in feedback and evaluation at every level. Furthermore, prior to assessment, learners could be shown a model answer and given success
criterion to ensure they understand how to achieve the desired level/grade. Involving learners in the assessment process is a key way of helping them to
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Unit 301 Essay

  • 1. Unit 301 Essay TAQA UNIT 301 UNDERSTANDING THE PRINCIPLES AND PRACTIES OF ASSESSMENT 1.1EXPLAIN THE FUNCATIONS OF ASSESSSMENT IN LEARNING AND DEVELOPMENT. During the initial assessment the assessor must ensure the learner knowledge performance and practical skills. The assessor must ensure that the learning understands their course, The assessor must explain all the units to the learner and support them in choosing the most suited units for their learner. The assessor and the learner must decide on an assessment plan. Setting dates and times to meet with the well as Agreeing on the best assessment method. The assessor will be able to use question, observation and examine the learners work. The learner must submit assignment more content... ASSESSMENT ACTIVITY Observation and questioning the learning. Completing assignments. Writing statements or gathering appropriate evidence of competence .Assessments can be on going or summative at the end. ASSESSMENT DECISION AND FEEDBACK Giving constructive feedback. Always supporting your learner and agreeing and further action that may be needed. Making records of what was assessed and the decision made should always be maintained. REVIEW PROGRESS The assessment plan of the learner can be reviewed updated at any time unit the learner completes . reviewing progress with the learning will give the assessor the opportunity to discuss any other issues that may be relevant to their progress. Assessment activities will give you the opportunity to amend them if necessary. 1.3 EXPLAIN THE RESONSIBILITIES OF THE ASSESSOR The main role of an assessor is to assess their learner in relation to the agreed criteria to enable the learner to become qualified in their subject. The assessor responsibilities include planning assessment, giving learner feedback, assessing the learner knowledge and understanding of the subject .keeping accurate records. There will be certain records and documents that the assessor will need to maintain. These will include assessment plans. Feedback records and review of progress and overall track sheets. All record must be maintained to organisational and regulatory requirements. An assessor should also
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  • 3. Assessment for Learning Essay It is widely recognized that the form and content of student assessment strongly influence students' attitudes to study and quality of learning (Ramsden, 1997; Shepard, 2000). For most students, assessment requirements literally define the curriculum. Current research suggests it is assessment used in the right way, as part of teaching to support and enhance learning that has the most significant impact on learning (Elwood and Klenowski, 2002). James and his colleagues (2002) argue that carefully designed assessment is therefore a powerful tool for educators and caution that equally, "poorly designed assessment has the potential to hinder learning or stifle curriculum development". New forms of assessment The realization of more content... Taras outlines three conditions that must be met for effective formative feedback to take place: 1.a knowledge of standards– students must have access to the tutors' knowledge and assumptions 2.the necessity to compare these standards to one's own work – met through practice on the part of the student and guidance from the tutor 3.taking action to close the gap – requires learners to use this new information at the same time as producing. Black and William (1998) reviewed 250 research articles on teachers' assessment practices, from pre–schools to colleges, and found that there is strong evidence to show that improving formative assessment produces significant and often substantial learning gains. However, they suggest that the current practice of formative assessment could be improved and identified five key ways to enhance formative assessment: to any student should relate to the qualities of the work with advice on what the student can do to improve and should avoid comparisons with other students 2.students should be trained in self–assessment so that they can understand the main purposes of their learning and thereby grasp what they need to do to achieve 3.opportunities for students to express their understanding should be designed into any piece of teaching, for this will initiate the interaction whereby formative assessment aids learning 4.the dialogue between students and a teacher should be thoughtful, reflective Get more content on
  • 4. Assessment Of Learning : Assessment Assessment of Learning Assessment of learning is a summative process of assessment, generally undertaken at the end of a particular topic or unit of learning (MoE, 2004). The main purpose of summative assessment is for reporting; to parents, other teachers, external stakeholders and most importantly, the student themselves, on the learning the student has achieved at a particular time (Harlen, 2004). It is often gathered for accountability purposes too. Teachers must carry out summative assessments as they are bound by official documents to provide data about student achievement, these documents include the Education Standards Act, the National Education Goals, the National Administration Goals and the Ministry of Education priorities at the current period e.g. literacy and numeracy project or raising achievement and reducing disparity. Assessment of learning is concerned with gathering information about student achievement in a planned and systematic way, at a certain point in time and as a basis for judgments of student learning (REFERNCE). There are two types of data that can be gathered – qualitative and quantitative. Qualitative achievement data is guided by a narrative achievement framework and has an emphasis on the assessment information informing a student's next steps of learning where as quantitative achievement data guided by a level of performance based on set procedures and often given a level, grade or mark. Its emphasis is more on the assessment information Get more content on
  • 5. Assessment and Learner Essay UNIT TITLE: 007 Principles of assessment in lifelong learning LEVEL 3 (3 credits) Learning OutcomesThe learner will:| Assessment CriteriaThe learner can:| Learner statement | 1. Understand types and methods of assessment used in lifelong learning| 1.1| Explain types of assessment used in lifelong learning| Assessment can be Formative and should take place continually throughout my learner's time to allow for development, by simply asking them questions and observing their actions can help give on–going feedback to enable my learner to develop further before a summative assessment takes place. And it can also be Summative and usually takes place at the end of the program or unit or at the end of the more content... It allows for holistic approach| Its time consumingYou might not get anything out of the observation.Example: you could be there observing for an hour and all that might have happened is the learner served one customer.| Guided discussion| Some candidates can discuss better than writing It's reliable and valid especially if recorded.Example: I have a learner who finds it hard to structure her assignments but when she comes to discuss the topic she has no problems so by having a guided discussion with her it means she shows her compentacey of knowledge in that area and because its recorded its reliable and valid not to mention fair because its what's best for the candidate.| Some of the learners might not be confident and may talk too much about points that are not relevant before you get to the answer that's needed.| examining| Its reliable, valid and fairIt shows what the candidate has learnt.| It only shows the knowledge they have learnt and not the practical side Might not do as well in exam conditions due to nerves or a disability| Questioning | Enables to assess the knowledge that individual has in that area.Can be written or spoken.Example it can be used if the candidate has not gone into enough detail if they have written a personal statement etc. to provide evidence of their understanding.| Some people struggle to write what they mean yet when you ask them they can tell you the answer straight away,One of my learners Get more content on
  • 6. Essay about Purpose of Assessment PURPOSE OF ASSESSMENT The primary purpose of assessment is for the learner to provide evidence of learning by demonstrating the understanding of content and achievement of learning outcomes. This gives an insight of their strengths and areas of development. Whereas for teacher, it provides a moment to review their assessment strategies in terms of effectiveness and facilitate progression by giving constructive feedback. It also informs the curriculum board, managers, and relevant staff to evaluate learning programmes for any improvements. Learners are assessed through various stages of learning journey by using variety of methods and strategies. They are usually assessed formatively before or during the course and summatively near more content... Some teachers are predominantly concerned with cognitive learning with some use of psychomotor skills but affective learning can be a useful tool in changing attitudes i.e. gender, culture etc. even if it's not a requirement of a course. Summative Assessment happens at the end of the course, unit etc. and is for grading and decision purpose. It is used for informing employers, institutions etc. about learner's overall performance. It does not however, give information about detailed abilities of learner and there is no feedback so it is debated for its complete reliability and validity. (Scales, 2008 and Rust, 2002). Learners are assessed summatively mostly by Examination, Assignments, Portfolios, and Essays. They develop the skill levels of 'cognitive and psychomotor domains' depending on how effectively they are set out and the type of course. 'MCQs' and 'Viva' for instance can provide better coverage of syllabus as well as assessment of deeper knowledge whereas essays does not serve the same purpose but assess higher levels of cognitive domain i.e. synthesis and evaluation. Feedback is an important element of assessment and is directly related to motivation. In order to accelerate learning process it has to be Get more content on
  • 7. Prior Learning Assessment (ii) Prior Learning Before this project, I had some skills and knowledge accumulated from personal experience and specific MYP subjects. With the help of continuous culinary lessons outside of school for the past 2 years and the basic knowledge of diabetes from science and family members, the basic knowledge of creating recipes suitable for diabetes were acquired (Appendix i, Extract 9) . Furthermore, research skills from library research lectures were also acquired. Additionally, self–management and organisation skills were developed through the help of design. (iii) Demonstration of Research Skills During the research process, both information literacy and media literacy skills were applied. Since I had researched both more content... Since I was always off task and not being able to finish what I planned, the work was starting to bile up, including school work and attending extracurricular activities. In order to overcome the challenge, I had to practice delayed gratification by not attending one of the extracurricular activities during the week of catching up. I demonstrated emotional management through strategies to reduce stress and anxiety. Because I commonly encounter anxieties and panic attacks during challenging situations, I will often invite friends over while I was working on my product, so they can support me and give me advices that will allow me to stay on task (Appendix i, Extract 8). Reflection skills Because I knew my strengths and weaknesses, I was able to provide personal learning strategies that allowed me to finish my work faster. Since I'm not able to focus on my work for a long period of time, I will use online applications to block all the websites that will cause distractions and set a timer while working (Appendix i, Extract 6). Afterwards, I will reward myself with an episode of a TV show or going through social media. However, time management was still my weakness, as it was always hard for me to go back to work after being Get more content on
  • 8. Learning Styles : A Learning Style Assessment A learning style is a term used to describe the ways in which people gather, interpret, and store information. Each style can be broken down into a category based on sensory needs: auditory, visual, and tactile. The presumption is that you will best retain the information presented to you if the conditions of your learning style meet. Based on the idea that learning styles exist, I consider myself a visual learner. I prefer to write instructions and keep my thoughts organized. I generate ideas based on reading examples or watching instructional videos. As a child, my preferences were lined primarily with auditory learning. I could easily remember things that spoken to me. As our personalities develop and environment changes, so do our learning styles. A learning style assessment is a good way to gather information about your primary learning style. A series of questions are asked to determine your sensory preferences. Our learning environment can play a role in how well we will retain the information given to us. We may use different learning styles based on the situation. A learning style assessment offers a variety of scenarios to assess the way you learn most of the time. The questions vary from the type of books you enjoy to what you do while you wait in line at a store checkout. According to the assessment, my learning style is 40% Auditory, 35% Visual, and 25% Tactile. As a primarily auditory learner, "you learn best by hearing and listening" as well as "hum or talk Get more content on
  • 9. Essay on Student Assessment Reflection INTRODUCTION This is a report of a delivered session in a core subject to a group of mixed ability pupils in the Reception A class. Keep in mind that they are a group of students ranging from the age of 4 to 5 years old, energetic, curious and active learners. I need to consider the ways of how they learn best by carrying out assessments or diagnostic meetings to identify their preferred learning styles, abilities and interests. Neil Flemming developed the VARK system in 1987 to determine whether a student is a visual, auditory, reading/writing or kinaesthetic learner. From there, students and teachers are able to formulate new strategies based on which category they learn efficiently. Instead of doing the 16–point questionnaire, more content... The title of the story is The Frog and The Princess. I used different strategies to engage my learners and to keep the lesson interesting such as different voice modulation, body movements and questions from time to time. In an article written by Rhiana Quick, she says that different students respond to stimuli in different ways, so it is vital to be able to identify the types of learners in the classroom and proceed with lesson plans that can cater to different pupils. Also, I have taken into account the Multiple Intelligences developed by Howard Gardner to further tap their strengths to help them learn more effectively. Students were regularly asked to anticipate the next course of actions of the characters to challenge them in their thinking skills. There are no right or wrong answers during this session because I want to know how creative can they get when exposed to something new. For example, I asked them to imagine themselves being the Princess, would they have kissed the ugly frog on the lips? In Vygotsky's theory, he promoteslearning contexts in which students play an active role in learning rather than having the teacher to 'transmit' information to them. Through this, I gain a variety of responses from them, which indicates that they are using their head to think while showing me the story from their perspectives. He further says that the roles of the teacher and students are switched, as a teacher should collaborate with his/her Get more content on
  • 10. Essay On Formative Assessment Enhancing Student Learning through Formative Assessment Rationale Recently, whenever I hear current teachers discussing about assessing students, 'Formative Assessment' is sure to be highlighted. Nowadays this method (formative assessment) is becoming popular among schools and is being applied widely in schools including my own school. Loughland and Kilpatrick (2015) identified in the few past decades, formative assessment has turned out to be the main goal for teachers and educational systems. On the foundation of Loughland and Kilpatrick (2015) findings and from my experience in the field of teaching, I found out nowadays teachers and school stakeholders strongly feel that formative assessment is the best method to assess in order to enhance students' learning. For these evident reasons, I am interested in more content... Whether formative assessment is the best method to be used to assess students, can a particular method of assessing students have an impact in students' learning, is teacher's role in assessing students' important for students learning and does students' voice and formative assessment have any relation in enhancing students learning, are some questions that I want to get crystal clear answers for and look into with keen interest to find out whether students learning is enhanced through formative assessment. Hence in this essay I will be digging into, a descriptive, a critical and a reflective deep look through my own experiences, researches and theories in the related field on the questions or issues mentioned above to find out whether formative assessment in real enhances students' learning. The main focus of this essay is the urge of finding out whether formative assessment in real enhance students learning. With the high hope of applying and practicing every little bit of information that I compile from the readings into the current practices in any correlated Get more content on
  • 11. Essay Assessment and Learner 1.1 Explain the function of assessment in learning and development The function of assessment in learning and development is to provide a measure for the learners progress. Assessment is carried out through checks throughout the course, and at end of course. activities can help the learner to see their development whilst allowing the Assessor to give valuable feedback when appropriate. This is to measure the learners understanding of the subject set by the criteria. For example: Assessments provide clear measurements and recording of achievements gained during a course that provides identification of the persons achievements or learners needs. The learners development is measured using formative or summative assessments that more content... Assessments provide a great chance for the learners to see how they have progressed whilst providing grades that can be recognised against objective criteria. Feeding back – I have a responsibility to provide detailed analytical and constructive feedback on a learners work so they can improve their performance according to pointers. This is crucial as it allows the learner to measure when an objective has been achieved and also when the assessment objective has to be revisited. It is essential to provide regular feed back verbally and in recorded formats for the learner so as to provide markers on the work produced and how it can improved in the future. The responsibilities of the Assessor involve planning, managing and delivering assessment, maintaining the integrity of the qualification, and always keeping a learner–centered approach to assessment. 1.4 Identify the regulations and requirements relevant to the assessment in own area of practice Company and industry rules and regulations regulatory bodies of standards Sector Skills Councils Awarding organisations Institute for Learning other regulations such as health and safety equality and diversity/ DDA4 data protection safeguarding learners during assessment recording/ tracking and logging assessment decisions, communication decisions with learners, Get more content on
  • 12. Assessment Reflection Essay examples As I reflect on my past assessment process, I realized how much my assessments have changed over the years. In my early years, I used tests for informational recall as my assessments. I felt these were appropriate guidelines in which I needed to follow in order to substantiate a student's grade. Every assignment or tests was given a point value and then based on the amount of points, a grade was given. Every student's assessment was exactly the same, and the assessments did not contain any subjectivity. I felt confident in giving the grade based on a valid point system. However reflecting back, I see that I did not include any performance–based assessments or individual learning styles in my early assessment. I also did not more content... Part of my assessment philosophy is to assess students on a daily basis which also includes their reaction to my class. Students come to school with so much baggage that if you only chose one day a week, or four or five times a marking period to assess them, chances are, they may be having a bad day. Therefore, these students may not demonstrate their true ability if given only a few attempts during the marking period. Assessment needs to be a continuous process throughout the marking period. Everyday my students are given an opportunity to demonstrate their learning whether it is an observation, a quick answer or a one–on–one discussion or a group project. My assessments are consistent, flexible and achievable. I adhere to the deadlines that I give my students as part of my assessment process. I want to infuse in my students that the world has deadlines, and you must be prepared to meet them. Assessment for many students means failure instead of demonstrating what you know. Too many students walk away from a test, a science lab, or any other learning experience and feel as if they have failed. Students should walk away from these experiences with a feeling of curiosity. If assessments are correctly used, students would want to experiment more and take additional risks knowing that the end result would be a feeling of achievement instead of failure. Assessments Get more content on
  • 13. Assessment for Learning TDA 3.7–1.1 Compare and contrast the role of the teacher and the learning support practitioner in assessment of learner' achievements. "Assessment for learning is the process of seeking and interpreting evidence for use by learners and their teachers to decide where the learners are in their learning, where they need to go and how best to get there". Assessment Reform Group, 2002 The teacher has ultimate responsibility for setting schemes of work for the class with clear objectives (Formative assessment) and writing end of term and end of year reports drawing together the information gained through assessment for learning. (Summative Assessment) The learning objectives are delivered to the class by the teacher and it is the TA' more content... . Ambergate school regularly asked the children how they think they have done by giving a "thumbs up", "thumbs down" or "thumbs sideways" to indicate how the children feel about what they have been taught. Sometimes the children will be asked what they know of the subject about to be taught and to mark themselves out of ten in their books. At the end of the lesson they then give themselves another mark out of ten and compare how they have fared. Effective Questioning To create a classroom climate where pupils come up with their own ideas, think aloud and explore their understanding. Questioning should take the form of open–ended questions to encourage the children putting their own ideas forward without being led by an adult. The adult can then ask the children's peers what they think of another child's idea to generate feedback. Generally in the lessons in Ambergate school the children are reminded when working to ask, who, what, when, why and how to ensure they get sufficient feedback to enable them with the tasks set. Peer and Self–Assessment and Evaluation. Peer and Self–Assessment enables learners to recognise success in their own and others' work and to focus on how they are learning as well as what they are learning. Ambergate school regularly asked the children how they think they have done by
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  • 15. Educational Assessment Essay Assessment is the systematic collection, review, and use of information about educational programs undertaken for the purpose of improving student learning and development (Palomba & Banta, 1999). Educational assessments are carried out to measure the efficiency of the program, the quality of instruction and progress of a child's learning. The purpose is to determine the growth and development. There are several kinds of assessment carried out during a student's learning. These include the placement assessment, formative assessment, and summative assessment. Learners coming into the kindergarten class are often given a pre test or a placement assessment to evaluate what the learner may already know or think about content that is to be more content... How much each child has improved over time, gives the educators an opportunity to recognize what modifications are needed to improve the student's achievement. e.g. if a child knows the uppercase and lowercase alphabets very well then the teacher can move on to sounds of the alphabet. On the other hand if the child is struggling to identify the alphabets then the teacher has to come up with alternate ideas to modify her lesson plans. The school carries out assessment twice a year. The mid year and end of the year assessment shows that the expectations from the kindergarteners are slowly raised keeping in mind the consistency of the curriculum and the objectives. An end of the year assessment clearly shows the child's expected familiarity and independency in the subject. Objectives for the assessment The assessment is used to identify the various skill levels of learners. There are four levels of expected growth chosen to meet the objectives. Each level has a set of criteria and standards linked to learning objectives and a scoring system to align it. In the above table, being able to identify two rhyming words in 3 out of 5 sentences assesses the success of rhyming in a sentence and gives the learner the highest score of 4. For a learner who is able to identify 6 rhyming pairs, produce 6 ending sounds gets a score of 3. A learner who is able to recognize 6 rhyming pairs is given a Get more content on
  • 16. Assessment In Learning Essay Since the previous chapter (i.e. chapter 3) discussed some strategies to support and challenge students with disabilities, this chapter focused on providing effective assessments for students who have difficulties with learning mathematics. Specifically, this fourth chapter is divided into three major sections. The first section defines the goal of assessments and the challenges with implementing an assessment. The second section describes four major types of assessments which are: observations, performance assessments, flexible interview, and the different test that teachers can used based upon the child's age. Finally, the last section discusses how assessments can help educators think deeply about their students' learning, and students more content... Students with a specific learning disability (or an IEP) are not exempt from state assessments; instead, these students are provided the appropriate accommodation to allow them to participate in the assessments (p.86–87). Fennell (2011) concluded this section of the chapter by recognizing that teachers are leery of state assessments (or formal assessments) because of the many negative outcomes of such testings. Thus, Fennell (2011) advocated that one single measurement cannot accurately provide a full picture of a student, so informal daily classroom assessments are extremely important (p.88). There are four main types of informal assessments (or classroom–based formative assessments). The first type is observation. When teachers observe their students' behaviors, they are not only paying closed attention to the students' overt behavior. As Fennell (2011) emphasized, "Observation should attempt to detect patterns underlying student errors, strategies determining responses, and other mental and motivational processes that can affect student learning" (p. 90). To further explain this concept of observation, Fennell (2011) described a scenario in which students used the blackboard to solve a math problem. Then, Fennell explained the important observations that teachers can yield from the blackboard activity. Before moving onto the second type of formative assessment, Fennell (2011) explained that Get more content on
  • 17. My Philosophy Of Assessment In Education Essay Philosophy of Assessment As a young student, the most nerve–wracking times at school for me were formal testing. I would feel extreme pressure and stress to perform well. I never want my students to feel such anxiety and stress over formal tests. Assessment is extremely important in the classroom but it should never cause distress of my students. My philosophy of assessment is to stay true to what I have taught my students and assess them fairly using informal assessment and, when necessary, formal assessment to know how well my students are comprehending the material taught in my classroom. The role of assessment in the classroom is to one; assess how well you, as the teacher, are portraying the material to your students, and two; assess how your students are comprehending the material and to come up with alternative ways to help struggling students. Assessment is not used to put down students for not achieving high scores, but rather to assess what material they do not understand and finding ways to help them learn the material fully. Assessments are very important in the classroom because you, as the teacher, must know how each of your more content... Performance tasks, portfolios, and rubrics, will all help me know how well my students are achieving in my classroom and to know what material they are struggling to learn. I will also use observation in my classroom to gauge how well my students are performing and if they need extra help on specific material. Observations will also be used in my classroom to see if any specific students are falling behind in their schoolwork and if this is due to motivation, being bored, or because of a learning disability. I will use formal assessment in my classroom rarely to see how well students understand large concepts that have been taught and if I need to teach the material in a different way, if test scores are not Get more content on
  • 18. Principles of Assessment Essay Unit 301: Understanding the principles and practices of assessment Question 1: Define the key concepts and principles of assessment We should always consider what the assessment experience of assessment is like for our learners. Considering key principles in the designing of our assessments will keep our views fresh and reflective. Key principle 1: Put the learner at the heart of the assessment. The assessment experience should be a motivational one for our learners. It is only by developing the learners understanding of the function of assessments and enabling their development as a learner that a motivational experience is facilitated. Learners often feel detached or on the periphery of assessment because they perceive more content... Techniques and activities should be introduced so that learners and peers can actively take part in the grading process. This can assist students in the understanding of the task and also inform future learning. Stage 4: Analysis of results – consistency in marking is essential to help keep learners motivated. If inconsistencies are seen in a group, maintaining positivity becomes difficult. Learners should explore results and be offered the opportunity to comment on their grading. Stage 5 – Feedback – possibly the most important element of the assessment cycle. Supportive, informative and constructive feedback should be offered to enable students to see how they performed. The feedback should include advice on how to improve their learning and future performances (feed–forward feedback). Feedback should be offered continuously and in a cyclic manner. Question 3: identify the regulations and requirements relevant to assessment in your own area of practice. Regulations It is a requirement that centres provide CYQ with the following: List of named assessors with signatures Details of all assessors' qualifications and experience (CVs) Copies of all relevant certificates Clear specification of the assessment roles and responsibilities A well planned assessment process from induction to final assessment day plan A valid and reliable assessment of knowledge and skills that is Get more content on
  • 19. Essay On Learning Outcomes Assessment The promise of the American dream and the hope of equality, access, and educational opportunity widen the door of the community college to a diverse population of learners (American Association of Community Colleges, 2012; President's Commission on Higher Education, 1947). The Learning Revolution has propelled the restructuring and on–going transformation of learning in the community college from the old outdated "architecture" to a renewed commitment to "building a new nation of learners". Quality teaching and learning offers opportunities for engagement, preparation for transfer and career, and a satisfaction of the intellectual curiosities of students. Outcomes assessment is the key element in demonstrating that students have more content... Documentation of Improved and Expanded Learning One of O'Banion's (1997) principles for the learning college stated the learning college succeeds when learning can be documented. Driven by the mission, values, and objectives of the institution, student learning outcomes measures learning that occur inside and outside of the classroom that enhances the students overall collegiate experience (Mueller, 2009). The assessment of learning outcomes is a framework designed for documenting the results of learning activities throughout the community college that is guided by the following questions: 1) "What does the learner know? 2) what can this learner do? 3) How does this decision, action, solution, improve student learning?" (O'Banion, 1997). The goal of learning outcomes is to improve and expand learning by assessing students' knowledge acquisition and skill development (O'Banion, 1997). Assessment results provide learners with information such as retention, pass rates, and graduation statistics, empowering students to use this information to make informed decisions regarding their scholastic endeavors. Likewise, faculty uses feedback from student evaluations to make improvements to learning facilitation, however, this is only a portion of the overall data picture. College–wide buy–in from all stakeholders Get more content on
  • 20. Purpose Of Assessment For Learning Thesis Statement This paper aims to examine the purpose of Assessment for Learning and the different methods that can be utilized to put it into effect in the classroom, through reviewing different pieces of literature, reflecting upon strategies that I have seen in lesson observations and evaluating the effectiveness of strategies I have used in my own lessons. Introduction Assessment for Learning (AfL) is an aspect of teaching which has been defined as 'the process of seeking and interpreting evidence for use by learners and their teachers to decide where learners are in their learning, where they need to go and how best to get there' (Hodgeson and Pyle, 2010). It is an aspect of teaching that has been shown through research, to be highly important in the improvement of student's achievement and progression. AfL has always been present within our classrooms, but it is only within the last few decades that more research has been conducted to further examine how AfL can be used effectively within classrooms, in order to continually support students and help them to improve and succeed. One of the most important pieces of research done on AfL is Black and Wiliam' 'Inside the Black Box' (2001). They defined assessment as 'activities undertaken by teachers, and by their students in assessing themselves, which provide information to be used as feedback to modify the teaching and learning activities in which they are engaged. Such assessment becomes 'formative assessment' when Get more content on
  • 21. Types of assessment What is meant by assessment? What are the strengths and weaknesses of the assessment types and methods you use? How would you involve your learner into the assessment process? Why do we need to keep records of assessment? Assessments are a critical part of the education system; highlighted by Black and Wiliams'(1998) who define assessments as activities providing "information to be used as feedback to modify the teaching and learning activities in which they are engaged". There are two forms of assessment; formative and summative. Formative assessments are carried out as the course progresses. These are an informal and simple way of gauging how and what your students are learning. This then allows teachers to amend their more content... Such observations should be planned in advance with the agreement of the learner's manager and colleagues. However, teachers can take opportunities to record observations of unplanned events, if useful as evidence. Through observations, teacher/assessor can gather sufficient evidence and can then relate the observation back to many different units/elements of the qualification. Also, it allows teachers to see natural competence first hand in an authentic and reliable manner. Nevertheless, there are disadvantages of observations: A learner's normal duties may not cover all assessment criteria; observations may be unnerving for learners and observations can take a lot of an assessor's time and expense. Brookfield's (1998) model of reflection states that it is critical that one views themselves and their teaching through the perspective of their learners. In this lens there is a strong focus on the learner's 'voice' and so value is placed on their viewpoints and also their articulation of work. Therefore, it is important to gain the learners' thoughts on the assessment strategy. Learners should be informed of how they will be assessed from the onset, involved in feedback and evaluation at every level. Furthermore, prior to assessment, learners could be shown a model answer and given success criterion to ensure they understand how to achieve the desired level/grade. Involving learners in the assessment process is a key way of helping them to Get more content on