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Level 3 Cambridge Introductory
Diploma in Media
Unit 30:
UK Media Publishing
P1 and P2 Evidence
Name: Gus Devlin
Candidate Number: 4032
Center Name: St. Andrew’s Catholic
Center Number: 64135
Set Brief - Print
Project/Brief –
Music Magazine & Promotion
 Clash magazine is published by itself which is
known as Clash Music Ltd and this is therefore
published 12 times a year.
 This was also originally prolonged to live
events as well as festival partnerships until the
magazine was founded by the publisher
himself John O’Rourke in 2004.
 Source:
 Clash magazine is published by Clash Music Ltd.
 This is published 12 times a year.
 Clash magazine is a trademark of Clash Music Ltd.
 Clash Music Ltd was originally stretched to live events such as V Festival, Reading
& Leeds and also festival partnerships also.
 This was until Clash Magazine was founded by publisher John O’Rourke in 2004.
 Soon after John O’Rourke was/Clash Music Ltd was the publisher of Clash
Magazine, they (Clash Music Ltd) went into liquidation which means when a
business is terminated and when this happened, Music Republic Ltd became the
new publisher of Clash Music Magazine.
 Clash magazine is normally known as a
popular music an fashion magazine which is
published by Music Republic Ltd. in the UK.
 Clash magazine’s content changes at a regular
basis between modern bands such as The
horrors, Florence and the Machine as well as
the mix of hip hop artists such as Kanye West
& The Beastie Boys who have all recently had
main front cover issues on this particular
 Clash Music Magazine is
published 12 times a year by
Clash Music Ltd hence they 1
issue per month which
illustrates a certain degree of
 Clash magazine was formatted along
with a running listings of magazines
which is based in Scotland, Dundee in
which it has won a few awards such as
(Best new magazine award at the PPA
magazine awards and the music
magazine of the year and they last
credible awards were in 2005 and 2011
which were the record of the day
These products are advertised within the first
few papers of Clash magazine, and these
caterpillar shoes are also advertised and
displayed through some pages which are taken
at some music festivals. This signifies to the
demographic that these shoes are popular if big
name artists like Rita Ora & Kiesza are wearing
them. The products such as the caterpillar shoes
is just one example alone in the Clash magazine,
and this signifies to me that the lifestyle choices
of artists/bands at a music festival will wear
these type of Indy/music shoes to make them
seem distinguished from the crowd and the
same principal applies to fans that go to music
festivals regularly.
The first advertisement that has appeared into the clash magazine is an old school Budweiser in
which it’s main purpose is to get the customers of the clash magazine to also buy Budweiser and
this works well as Budweiser is a very recognised brand, also it is an easy appeal as some people
might moronically think that you could for some bizarre reason you could have it the easy way
with the female population in your life if you buy Budweiser.
Secondly, the next advertisement is a smoking advertisement which will lure smokers into buying
more cigarettes with the caption “Blow it in her face and she’ll follow you anywhere” Now this has
two connotations, one of the connotations that this advertisement as apparently if you buy these
cigarettes girls will follow your every move. Now the second connotation is a more sexual
connotation by captioning the word first “blow in the face” it is quite a seductive 3-4 words that
could reveal more to the advertisement than there already is.
In accordance to Hartley’s 7 subjectivities, the target gender for the female from the ages between
20-35 is 72.5% of the whole demographic of the females/males who read the magazine clash. In
addition to this the socio economic grade C1C2DE has depth in the sense that the people from the
social grade just listed that read Clash are mainly female orientated.
As you can see, this from a media
pack from Clash Ltd and it entitles
the costs of advertisements. It is
very common for music magazines
to have organisations advertised on
our magazine and this is common
on a full page, quarter page & half
page horizontal. As a music
magazine expands more as a
business/organisation, there would
be more minor music magazines
wanting to advertise on a mass
domestic music magazine as it is a
big platform for small music
magazines to become more
 If a business is not willing to pay the required amount for the front inside cover or
outside back cover, they may look to go for a quarter page or a half page which is a
reduced price from the inside front cover & outside back cover.
 Although some businesses may look for full page ads which are more in quantity
in terms of the pages and less of mass quantity of space which could also benefit
some minor domestic companies which own the products that want their product
advertised on Clash Music Magazine.
 These advertisement costs are essentially important in order for companies to
establish what ideally the costs they are willing to pay for and what they are not
willing to pay for.
 The front cover and back cover whether that be the inside front cover or the outside
back cover are the most expensive due to the reason that products advertisements
within those places would be more recognised by the consumer than anyone else.
 Clash know this and therefore use this to their advantage by informing the companies
on what they need to pay to get the best place possible in order to get the product
recognised by people who are reading Clash Music Magazine.
The advertisements to the side of this page
is mainly associated with shoes and for this
case Converse advertise their product on
Clash’s page and this decision would have
been made due to the fact that both
organisations have a similar target
audience/demographic. Additionally from
the slide previous to this and the adverts
exhibited within this slide demonstrates a
certain level of consistency in terms of the
demographic that these adverts would
appeal to and this is transparent on either
the magazine’s electronic copy or a
hardcopy version of the magazine.
 The adverts in the previous slide have been formatted onto a hardcopy of Clash
Music Magazine due to the brand recognition of Budweiser as their organisation is
not only domestically known but also globally are recognised as a lucrative brand.
 Clash Music Magazine would have paid very generously to have Budweiser on
their magazine as Clash know that a brand that globally recognised would
generate mass purchases from the target audience.
 The next advert which is commonly formatted onto Clash Magazine is the smoking
product advert which is frequently used as an advertisement for smoking on Clash
Music Magazine. This is done in order to benefit both organisations as Clash
obviously want their sales to keep increasing and the same principal applies for
Tipalet’s sales.
 Clash magazine is aimed at 18-25 year olds who seem to be classed as the download
generation, furthermore the demographic that reads this magazine are people that are into
bands such as Jay-Z, Kanye West & Coldplay and this also attracts people who have a further
addition in fashion and film.
 Clash magazine’s demographic is for people that want quick and fast information about the
upcoming music festivals, and not only this but also fashion and films and what music has
been formatted into films and fashion shows. Moreover the readers of clash magazine will
want weekly/monthly information on the latest updates on what music artists such as Jay Z
& Kanye West might be working on e.g. a collaboration and this can be presented through a
duo interview with them two rap icons.
 One of the components of Harley’s 7 subjectivities is age and this links into clash magazine
as in one of my previous slides, I state that from the ages of 21-31, there is an astounding 71%
of people who buy the magazine are aged from 21-31 which just signifies what demographic
this magazine has successfully targeted at their chosen demographic (21-31 aged).
 A couple of the components of Katz Uses & Gratifications are Escapism, Inform & Educate,
additionally the male and female demographic have the opportunity to escape from the
stress of exams. Furthermore Clash as a music magazine may inform the consumers about
particular artists who are destined for success in future.
 Production process of a magazine (clash)
 Date of Publication:
 The first part of the production process for Clash Magazine created in order to select a date
for the editor, this particular date will be the date in which the Clash would ideally want the
finished product to be finalised and published towards the general public. Once this occurs
Clash would then start the production process for their music magazine.
 Managing the schedule:
 Clash would need to manage the schedule so their workers would know what they are doing
on specific days as Clash would want the product to be considerably successfully in order for
Clash to be produced and published successfully. Their schedule must be worked balanced so
that their workload is evenly distributed between them.
 Budget Decisions:
 Clash Magazine will need to make certain decisions which could cause implications on what
amount of budget they are going to use on certain aspects of the magazine. The people that
make these decisions are called the editorial team and they decide what aspects are the most
important and therefore are represented within the budget that is distributed towards the
 Content Acquisition:
 This step is valued as one of the most important steps in the production process as
the staff and external writers produce the content which is then obtained and these
designs are created via a computer program which is most likely Photoshop. These
are then illustrations and designs are then formatted onto a magazine.
 Page Layout:
 Clash as an organisation would need to have a team dedicated to select a layout
which is suited to the style of a magazine, there is a computer program which aids
you when doing this and this is called the Desktop Publishing Programme which is
common for clash when creating a magazine.
 Proof Reading:
 The next stage of the production process of clash magazine is proofreading the
magazine content to see if there is anything in the magazine which should not be in
there. If there is a mistake and Clash did not proof read the mistake, this can result
in embarrassment and a reprimand for the specific male/female who is an editor.
Lastly the editorial team keeps proofreading until every member of the magazine
publication team is satisfied that all mistakes have been corrected.
 Distribution:
 This is the last stage of the entire process. The printing company, having finished
with the printing of the magazines will package the magazines & send them to a
warehouse. From the warehouse, the magazines are then distributed and then sold
to the local demographic.
 Source:
 Cover Pages: The first page of a magazine is a cover page and this is the second
most expensive page in terms of financial costs just behind advertisement pages.
 Editor’s Letter: The editor’s letter is a welcoming letter from the editor in chief
from where he/she explains the content within a specific magazine and it depends
on the style and content of the publication and the editor’s journalism voice which
covers the main topics in the specific magazine.
 Feature Well: The feature well part is the largest part of the magazine and
obviously it contains the most essential part of the features, however this part of
the magazine can be a short article (1 page long). In addition to this, these
designers are given more freedom to illustrate around the text as there is more
space given.
 Source:
 Editor-in-Chief: Simon Harper
 Iain Carnegie - Art Director
 Jon-Paul Kitching - Advertising Director
 Simon Harper - Editor
 John O'Rourke - Publisher
 Deputy Editor: Joe Zadeh
 Head of Digital Content: Matthew Bennett
 Client Director: Matt Goodwin
 Editor: Mike Diver
 Deputy Editor: Robin Murray
 Creative Director: Rob Meyers – RBPM Studio
 Art Editor: Anthony Chapman
 Film Editor: Ben Hopkins
 Business Development Co-ordinator: Anna Wilson
 Staff Writers: Anna Wilson, Ben Murphy, Adam Park, Tristan Parker
 Simon Harper – Editor: Founder / Owner / Editor-In-Chief at Clash Magazine, I
run and manage the UK's most successful independent international music,
fashion and lifestyle magazine, Clash. Having co-founded Clash in 2004, I oversee
all editorial, commercial and business decisions regarding the title. Simon Harper’s
main job role is to oversee the whole project that occurs at Clash Magazine and that
could be anything from business decisions regarding the future of clash magazine
to the changes in content for Clash Magazine.
 John O'Rourke- Publisher: Publisher at Clash Magazine, Clash - The future of
music, while celebrating its past, Clash Magazine - Voted UK 'Music Publication of
the Year' 2011 ROTD 'Magazine of the Year' PPA. John O’Rourke main job role is to
overview the content of the magazine and visibly notice if they are suitable for the
target audience/demographic.
 Client Director: Matt Goodwin: Client Director at Clash Music Group
 Business Development Manager (Fashion)at Clash Music Group,
 I found out that in the hardcopy of the Clash Magazine that Clash usually
advertise shoes in their magazine such as Timberland, which connotes that the
people who read this magazine are very much into shoes and therefore by
formatting shoe advertisements into the magazine as Clash know that people are
more inclined to read their magazine if they products like Timberland shoes that
the target audience already like.
 In addition to this I found that there are more girl artists in the latest edition than
male artists, and more noticeably I established that Rita Ora who is on the cover
was the gatekeeper to the rest of the magazine as she is a worldwide female ‘star’
(Richard Dyer) who everyone knows, and within the contents of this magazine,
there is a vast majority of female artists instead of male artists which is intriguing.
 It is evident who is the main man/women on the front cover of this particular issue of Clash
Music Magazine and that is Rita Ora and they even go far enough to introduce the article
before the article is visible to the reader. Furthermore they do this in this quote “Only 23, and
a conqueror of charts, catwalks and cinema, Rita Ora is a fireball of intent, an autonomous
and tenacious spirit, dodging media bullets to realise her singular vision of an all purpose
pop queen. As she prepared to drop her second album, Clash goes behind the headlines to
meet the young queen of ambition.
 This indicates to readers that Clash Magazine want to protect an image for Rita Ora as a
future queen of music, and they do not want any bad publicity for her and therefore it will be
very likely that the questions will be not only easy and simple to answer but also very
comfortable and it is also likely that there will be no questions which might make her think
twice about the answer e.g. it is also likely that her PR would of gone through this with her
and reminded her of the details of this interview.
 The message that Clash magazine are trying to put across to the demographic/customers of
Clash Magazine are that if people are not aware of how successful Rita Ora has become in
such a short space of time and how much she has had to go through in order to get to the
pinnacle of the music industry. Furthermore Clash are not only trying to promote Rita Ora as
a music worldwide sensation but Clash are also promoting secondary artists/bands such as
Jake Bugg, Ed Sheeran, Kiesza as they will also bring an element of inform and educate about
how they are getting on, if they are appearing in future tours, and music festivals. When we
combine these two elements of the main headline and the cover lines it will nicely bring
together my front cover page which will hopefully in eventuality my music magazine will be
therefore become more popular in time.
Social Grade Social Status Reason
C1 Lower Middle
Lower middle class families that have
teenagers who like to know what is the
gossip in the music industry as of today.
C2 Skilled Working
People that like listening to music to the
point that they want the latest news and
updates in the music industry.
D Students Working class students who music
would take an interest in music
E Low Level
Low level students who enjoy listening to
music would read a music magazine.
 Source:
 Readership:188,940 per issue
 Circulation:50,000 per issue
 The gender of buys from male to female is
distributed very evenly in a % of 50/50.
 From the ages of 21-31, 71% of the people who
bought the magazine in the last month are aged
between 21-31 years old.
 The socio economic needs category that will be used for my chosen music
magazine will be a combination of category C2 & D.
 Firstly category D is students and I be using this as one of the categories involved
in my music magazine as students are young, fresh, and fly in which students want
the latest news and updates in the music industry which can involve specific artists
about their future, past and present content within the music industry.
 Next, I have also chosen C2 to go with this as I feel that the student category is too
minor and too dangerous in terms of number of students buying my magazine in
order for my own personal music magazine to be successful, so in general I cannot
be too dependant on the students category and therefore I need to chose another
category and as a result of this skilled full time workers would be the second
choice to make the combination of the two socio economic needs in order for the
chance of success of my magazine to be at a higher chance with one of these two
groups very likely to be appealed and intrigued to my music magazine.
 The main reason why I have chosen these two socio economic needs for my music
magazine (C2 & D) as the D socio economic needs are normally defined as working
class students who would genuinely take an interest in music to the point where D
level socio economic needs people would buy music magazines as a result of their
music interests.
 As you can see the socio economic
groups made it simplistic for us to
choose what group our Music
Magazine will be based around. The
results from this table established that
C2 & D were our chosen groups and
therefore based our market around
the socio economic group that we
have chosen and this will help us
increase the demand for our Music
 As we were thinking about the target
audience/demographic for our music
magazine we needed to make sure
that our target audience is healthy
and active in the sense that it will be
easy for us to advertise and promote
our music magazine to the local
demographic that we have chosen.
Masthead: This is what is more
commonly known as the name of the
magazine which is “clash” which is
the denotation of the magazine,
furthermore the connotations of the
magazine is that Rita Ora is such a
household name in the music
industry. that she covers over the “A”
in the word “Clash”
Main Headline: The main
headline is an vital aspect
of any front cover of a
music magazine & Clash
have taken upon
themselves to utilize a star
in order to promote their
magazine. Additionally,
the main headline makes it
look like Rita Ora is very
powerful and dominant as
an individual.
Main Image
This is the main image which
is pop sensation Rita Ora and
the connotations of this is the
fact that Rita illustrates that
she is the future of pop and
also a household name, in
addition to this by the
magazine saying “Destiny Is
Calling”, this also
demonstrates to the reader
that she has a very bright
future ahead of her which will
bring her stardom such as
superstars like Cheryl Cole.
This can be categorised as
anything from a web
address to a social media
link, however for this
Clash magazine it is a
web address, in contrast
the connotations of this is
that you can easily access
their website via the
Cover Lines:
This competition are
other music
singers on the side of
Rita Ora’s shoulder
which illustrates the
connotations of how
high esteem Rita Ora is
at in terms of her music
popularity and success.
Slogan: This is known as
something which is
attempted to lure the
local demographic in to
purchase Clash’s
magazine. The main
purpose of a slogan is to
further increase the
likeliness of consumers
obtaining this
Masthead: This is sometimes more commonly
known as the main headline/front cover which
will normally connote some kind of message
towards the reader. The main message in which is
illustrated towards the reader in this type of
Masthead is that the artist King Krule is
envisaging his future success/failure and this can
result in success or failure for the artist. As a
result of this, potential customers can be inclined
as a result of this masthead.
Cover Lines: The cover lines play a underlining
but yet vital role in the music magazine success as
the cover lines are also big features in which
potential customers may be fans of them i.e. Bryan
Ferry, Damon Albarn & Johnny Marr. Generally
fans of music artists who may not be inclined to
buy my music magazine may be more inclined if
there are particular artists that fans would be more
inclined to find updated about i.e. tour dates and
music festival dates.
Main Image: The main image that is used
for this particular issue of Clash Magazine
is a picture which seems like it has been
edited through the form of some kind of
filter which makes the picture looks fresh,
and old fashioned at the same time.
Cover Lines/Promoting
Artists/Bands: The cover lines
allow the reader to know what
other artists and bands will be
featured within this particular
issue of Clash Magazine. The
cover lines also prevent boredom
from the demographic as they
don’t only have the opportunity to
read the DPS on the main
attraction, but also have the
chance to read double page
spreads on other up and coming
artists and bands.
Text Analysis:
The text from the first stand is continually the same type of font for
the rest of the article/interview which demonstrates that this
particular page is all dedicated to Jay Z
Page Number & Web
Address: often appear in
the corner of double page
interviews/articles and this
is certainly the case in this
interview. This again is a
vital convention of any
type of Music Magazine as
you need the page number
and web address format to
see what page the double
page spread is on, plus it
makes the double page
spread look very formal
and professional.
Main quote from
the main
interview: “Music
saved my life, I
dread to think
what I’d be doing
now without it”.
This entices the
reader on to what
to expect from
this forthcoming
interview and this
would work as
the consumers
may want to
know what he
would be doing
without Music
and much more.
Question Analysis:
Questions that are
being differentiated
and therefore
producing more
jovial and better
quality answers from
Jay-Z. The questions
need to be
differentiated and
about different
subjects in his life e.g.
hobbies, personal life
& success just to
name a few. By this
occurring this is
keeping the interview
ticking over but most
importantly keeping
the customers
entertained about the
This is the Drop
Capital and
outlines the
font which
should be
throughout the
rest of the
interview. The
drop capital
allows the
reader to know
what type of
font will be
throughout the
rest of the DPS.
A play on words is
in hand here
“Torrential Reign”
instead of the
weather saying
“Torrential Rain”
which implies a
certain degree of
leadership to an
extent. As I implied
before, the play on
words keep the
reader engaged as
the local
demographic wants
to know the
justification behind
the play on words.
This is known as the brief introduction in which the reader knows a bit about the up and coming
before he (the reader) begins to read the double page spread interview & this is a very useful form
to keep the reader engaged and enticed.
As you can clearly see, Clash Music Magazine
has established a considerable fan base in
which they have accumulated 45,055 likes on
their official Facebook page. Towards the
bottom part of the screenshot you can see that
they upload links and images supporting those
links so fans know what is in store for the next
release of this magazine. Furthermore you can
see they have written a little bio/introduction
about their organisation and what they offer to
the consumers, they also give you a link to their
website where you can order their magazine,
and much more. They have also advertised
their product within a form of advertisement
e.g. their cover photo indicates that they have a
magazine on sale now which features “Jimmy
Page, Joe Cole & Caribou, plus much more”
This is another form of synergy with
social media and from March 2008 when
Clash Music Magazine joined Twitter,
they have accumulated 48,200 followers
which also suggests again that they have a
large fan base which means that fans are
able to keep up to date about when the
next magazine is going to be released and
who will be on that next edition. You can
tell that Clash Music Magazine update
their fans on a constant basis as they have
tweeted 43,000 times which allows the
fans and Clash Music Magazine to have a
good rapport with the fans which allows
the fan base to be increased which can be
both beneficial towards each party. The
features are also very similar to Facebook
in that the cover photo is the same and the
link is nearly in an identical place where it
was to Facebook which indicates a certain
degree of consistency for Clash Music
Magazine’s social media sites.
 As you can see, Clash have demonstrated clearly where their Social Media sites are and these
are very visible for fans to access these sites for more information and updates on the
 Clash have yet again publicized their YouTube channel which may give the consumer the
behind the scenes aspect on what goes when the actual production of the magazine e.g. the
shoot itself and the production plan.
This is a screenshot taken from the Clash Music Magazine twitter page 45.5 thousand tweets have
been sent directly to Clash’s twitter page in which the fans can ask questions on updates about
future issues of Clash’s music magazine. Additionally, Clash have formatted a tweet sign with the
figure as represented above to grant fans the opportunity to give their opinions and thoughts to
Clash & fans may find this a fantastic opportunity to do so as it gives the fans and the organisation
a chance to connect and communicate about the magazine in general.
The clash website gives you a briefing on what
you should expect in the upcoming issues for
Clash Music Magazine, in addition to this on
Clash’s website they have included some tracks
which they view as very good and therefore
have titled this as “Track Of The Day” and it is
likely that the artist/band will be featured on a
Front Cover & Double Page Spread on some
later issues of Clash Music Magazine.
Furthermore, you can see the tabs that are
available for the local demographic to find out
more information about Clash’s music
magazine. The tabs such as the “Magazine &
Shop” enables the fans to buy particular items
from the shops such as a particular artists album
or a Clash Magazine shirt & the magazine
product/service which further make the local
demographic more happy and positive with
Clash Music Magazine.
This part of the Clash Magazine website is the video part of the
website in which you can see a variety of clips of artists that
will be featuring on future covers of Clash Music Magazine. In
addition to this, you can see on the side advertisements of
Converse who would pay a certain amount of money towards
Clash to advertise on the side of their website and I would not
be surprised if this was the same for the hardcopy magazine.
Clash as you can see on the far right hand side have a
recommended list of movie trailers that Clash have enlisted for
their local demographic to watch and they would of taken
market research to find out what genre type movies people
would want to see.
Additionally you can tell that this magazine “Clash” is
separated into sections as there are sections about movies and
music and you can tell that the main video part of this website
page is about music videos about artists/bands who are going
to feature in the future on Clash and to the right hand side are
recommended movie trailers and premiers.
As you can see from the screen shot above, I have tried to contact the publisher but he has
unfortunately not got back in contact with me which is disappointing but this displays the fact that
I have attempted to contact the publisher.
 Free Sheet
 Papers like the independent are classed as free sheet as they are free of charge,
moreover their genre for the free sheet is very mature and business like genre.
 They target their audience by sending out questionnaires either by hardcopy or via
online at a site like e.g., they also find out via surveys
and all sorts of questionnaires and questions that are in a questionnaire similar
 The free sheet purpose is to give people who get on the tube in the morning
something to read, furthermore the free sheet’s ideology is to provide and supply
business men/women
 Broadsheet
 Broadsheet are newspapers such as the guardian and the times and are more
diplomatic and business like in the sense of its layout looks very formal and
punctual. The genre for this broadsheet is generally quite mature so would be
classed as a family newspaper as none of the content is inappropriate.
 Again they target their audience in mind from surveys and questionnaires by
either airing them online or just giving them out to people in the public to answer,
and this can be resulted in graphs and diagrams to show what their target
audience/demographic is.
 The ideology of the broadsheet newspaper is to deliver and supply newspaper to
the British public and in particular adults (females and males) who will want to
read an independent mature newspaper with no out of this world stories.
 Red Top Tabloid
 The red top tabloid’s genre is for people who enjoy reading soft news which is
news which is not news that is hard hitting and the genre is for people who want
up to date in news with a bit of humour added onto the side (Family News +
 Again they target their audience in mind from surveys and questionnaires by
either airing them online or just giving them out to people in the public to answer,
and this can be resulted in graphs and diagrams to show what their target
audience/demographic is.
 The red top tabloid’s ideology is to supply newspaper’s articles/stories to the
British public in which will make the British public updated to the latest news and
The headline is more commonly
known as the main headline which is
made to catch the audience eye by
making the headline big, black and
bold which makes the headline stand
out to the demographic. This denotes
to the demographic that they can
empathise with the person in this
Sunday telegraph headline as most
people in the world have been
humiliated in one way or another.
Furthermore this connotes to this
audience/demographic that the main
headline “Humiliated” signifies the
fact that the person who is related to
this story is the victim of a hoax prank
which according to this article went
terribly wrong and ended with severe
and totally harsh consequences for the
innocent victim.
The two arrows are pointing to adverts that are
displaying items/products that you can save
money from and win, this is a clever and
ordinary way to publish adverts in a
newspaper as a national newspaper is read by
millions of people every day whether it is in the
workplace or on the tube. Furthermore these
adverts catch the eye of the public which may
just make them buy the magazine just for the
sake of the possible opportunities to win some
products from the newspaper. This connotes to
me that people are attracted to these products
especially people who are looking to get a
particular discount of possible Christmas
presents if they are not particular well off.
This is known as the secondary story (cover
lines) which is the story that people should
notice after they read the big story which takes
up the most of the front cover. The denotations
of this is that the font is considerably smaller
than the main headline which signifies to the
demographic of this newspaper that the cover
line story is just there to make up room for the
newspaper article.
The denotations of this text
is known as the main
headline which is classed as
a pun as it is saying “It’s a
Kate crime” which is very
similar to “it’s a hate crime”
which is ironic and in some
ways offensive as the royals
of England see it as a hate
crime that there are nude
snaps of Kate Middleton
being taken by journalists
and by comparing that
offense to a hate crime may
be very insulting to people
that are the victim of hate
crimes. Furthermore, the
connotations of this pun
demonstrates to the reader
that the royals in the UK
think that the offense that
was committed by some
journalists is on a par level
to a hate crime which is a
despicable comment.
This is known as the
main image which
usually denotes a star
appeal and that is
definitely the case for
this Sun newspaper as
Kate Middleton is the
person that is main
image of the newspaper.
The sun newspaper have
done this because a story
which involves
negativity and a royal
on the front, everyone is
going to read. In
similarity the
connotations to this is
that Kate Middleton is
known worldwide as a
royal so anything
negative that she has
caused/anything that
has happened to her, the
whole world wants to
This headline is deemed as the cover line story
which are the secondary story which are essentially
the stories you cover for the reader to take notice of
after the main headline. Moreover, the denotations
of the secondary headline is that it may be a story
which may be more intriguing for the reader but
the article/story is much more obscure to see and
this is because of the size of the main
headline/front cover of the newspaper (The Sun).
In addition to this the connotations of this is that
the short slogan catches the reader out and they
also page the article around middle of the
newspaper in order for the reader to read the
majority of the newspaper and not just the one
The style of language used for this front cover of
this newspaper is classed as a pun which is
essentially known as a play of words and this is
certainly the case for this edition of The Sun
newspaper. By referring to a “hate crime” which is
a legitimate offense and by calling the crime “Kate
Crime” is comparing the two which could be very
offensive towards the reader if they are from the
(black) race. A pun by The Sun writers have
intended to use this as a pun as the writers of The
Sun feel that there is a certain aspect of humour
involved in this main story.
Main Image- This is known as the
main image and it portrays a
women who is omnipotent, and a
women who is fierce and will get
her own way, and this article
matches the denotations of the
article. Furthermore the main image
is used to draw the readers attention
to a women who has somehow
pulled this off, and people who pick
up the newspaper in the morning
will want to read this astounding
Secondary Story/Cover Lines- This is
most commonly known as a
secondary story or cover line and is
mainly used either on a front page or
a double page spread in order to
cover some space which needs filling
in. This is a conventional method that
you would find through the majority
of newspapers whether that be the
front page or a double page spread
Main Headline- The denotation of the
main headline is used to attract readers
towards this article by simply using the
words “ex-model” & “millions” which
demonstrates to the reader that a star
appeal in the sense that it might be
someone famous who has dipped off the
media circuit but has come back and
made “millions”, now whenever we see
the verbal code “millions” we instantly
visualise money which is also certainly
the case here. In addition to this the bold
writing is more noticeable than the little
writing and therefore readers will be
more drawn to the main story.
These 3 social media sites help to
advertise the sun, as they reach out to
people who don’t like reading “old,
boring” newspapers but instead would
rather find out the sun’s
articles/reports online at sites such as:
Twitter, Facebook, & YouTube. An
instance like this is a site like twitter in
which you gain follows from people,
and this is a terrific place to find out
quick and easy information about the
content The Sun have published on
their newspaper by just going through
their timeline. The arrow to the left of
this text displays that people can
subscribe to The Sun YouTube channel
by just one click of a button which will
keep you up to date with all the news,
interviews and gossip of the
newspaper in a more graphic outlet.
These 3 social media sites help to advertise the
sun, as they reach out to people who don’t
like reading “old, boring” newspapers but
instead would rather find out the sun’s
articles/reports online at sites such as:
Twitter, Facebook, & YouTube. An instance
like this is a site like twitter in which you gain
follows from people, and this is a terrific place
to find out quick and easy information about
the content The Sun have published on their
newspaper by just going through their
timeline. The arrow to the left of this text
displays that people can subscribe to The Sun
YouTube channel by just one click of a button
which will keep you up to date with all the
news, interviews and gossip of the newspaper
in a more graphic outlet.
These 3 social media sites help to
advertise the sun, as they reach out
to people who don’t like reading
“old, boring” newspapers but
instead would rather find out the
sun’s articles/reports online at sites
such as: Twitter, Facebook, &
YouTube. An instance like this is a
site like twitter in which you gain
follows from people, and this is a
terrific place to find out quick and
easy information about the content
The Sun have published on their
newspaper by just going through
their timeline. The arrow to the left
of this text displays that people can
subscribe to The Sun YouTube
channel by just one click of a
button which will keep you up to
date with all the news, interviews
and gossip of the newspaper in a
more graphic outlet.
 From this particular Sun newspaper
front cover, the main story reads “LET
ME GO GO”, this is known as a pun
due to the fact that George Michael
wants desperately to be bailed out of
jail today and obviously he had a song
called “GO GO”. The connotations of
this is that someone close to George
Michael for example a family member
or a close friend may find this
particularly offensive towards George
Michael who may be going through a
very tough time.
 The sun are very intelligent in the fact
that they have had a bit of a dig and a
joke at George Michael’s situation and
some people may find this humorous,
but others won’t and that’s why they
have done this so they can divide
opinions & therefore become more
controversial as a result of this story.
As you can see from the screenshot above, there are exactly 14,464 copies from the sun
that are sold on a monthly basis and in relation to the socio economic needs table, the
majority of these people are from C2, D & E as the majority of articles and the content
within the Sun newspaper is soft news which makes this newspaper particularly
popular for that certain demographic audience. Due to the fact that The Sun newspaper
is very much a cheap product/service, it allows certain demographics to buy this
magazine because of the price but this also disables people from the top end bracket of
the socio economic needs table from doing so.
On average every month there are 8,029 copies bought from men alone which allows
men naturally to automatically go to page 3 which is mainly considered the only reason
to buy The Sun magazine.
A reduced amount of 6,436 women buy The Sun and this is due to the reason that they
may think that Page 3 may be discriminating against women which may be the reason
why women are not actually buying The Sun on a more regular basis.
 The news values were created by Galtung & Ruge who
made a list of components which are related to newspaper front cover and these
components are: Recency, threshold/magnitude, proximity/nearness,
consequences, negativity, personality, predictability, unpredictability,
currency/continuity/running story, conflict, oddity/rarity, visual imperatives,
scandal and mass appeal.
 One of the Galtung and Ruge news values from their list is consequences which is
news that affects the reader and this applies to my story about
“Kate’s Crime” as some readers may be very offended
and irritated by this article as the offense who Kate Middleton is the victim of, is
thought to be the same offense as a hate crime which can have severe
 In addition to this, someone like Kate Middleton who is a
household name to people in the UK, and
whenever she is in a front cover newspaper article, people will want to see as they
may be fans off her because of the way she has gone from a norm to stardom. This
can positively effect the newspaper and especially the publisher as they will make
more money when Kate Middleton is on the front cover of The Sun as people will
read that particular article and be drawn to it as she is now royalty.
 There is also a sense of predictabilityas the front cover of the
sun paper about Kate Middleton, there are a couple of cover stories which are
mainly about females, and this may be done to attract the female demographic to
buy their newspaper. As a result of aiming this at the female part of the target
audience/demographic as there is a large female population who work and get the
tube on a regular daily basis.
 Lastly there is a sense of unpredictabilityas one of the cover
stories is about a women who has lost 9 ½ stone in the past year from reading the
book “50 shades of grey”, now this will definitely not only just appeal to females
on how she did this, but both males and females as just the pure shock of the story
on how someone can lose that amount of weight in a year from just reading a
sexual book, people will find this astonishing.
On the sun contacts page
area, it displays that
people can sell their story
for a bit of money by just
clicking on a link which
takes you to send one of
the sun’s writer’s e-mails.
This allows the
demographic who read
the sun who are either for
it or against to write in
and complain about a
specific story or to sell a
story for the sun to report.
Additionally this gives the
customers a tremendous
opportunity to get in
touch with Sun in order to
inform them of a possible
story or even a possible
complaint to be made on a
particular article/story on
The Sun.
The sun even has a google plus
page and a twitter page so that
customers or people that casually
read The Sun newspaper can
tweet in what they think of the
newspaper, possibly with the
view of complaining about the
magazine also. This contact page
enables customers to get in touch
with the Sun either about possible
Advertisements or even to make
the complaints and the Sun do
this in order to keep a good
rapport/communication with
their customers whether they are
pro or against The Sun.
Additionally, you can sign up as
an account linked with Google +
with the sun in order to have a
strong bond and keep
communicating with the sun if
the customers of the sun have any
enquiries that they would like to
voice to the Sun and they can do
this via e-mail which is the most
common choice.
This is where the advertising is placed
and customers, business and students
may want to know the advertising that
occurs within the sun newspaper. This
is where people would file their
complaints whether it would be the
content of the newspaper
story/article, or editorial written
mistakes which can be detrimental to
The Sun. The screengrab to the left of
this text allows the local/mass
demographic of The Sun to get in
communication with The Sun and this
can be anything from General
Inquiries to Advertising to Editorial
complaints to Customer Service which
is available within e-mail which is
very popular with the local
demographic which is suited for The
Sun readers.
 The target audience or demographic for The Sun newspaper is aimed at people
who enjoy a bit of humour and really for soft news, however when there is some
hard news e.g. a royal member dying, then The Sun will most likely report that
 The sun newspaper is related to the Katz and uses & gratifications and the
components such as educate, inform and entertain.
 These components from the Katz, uses and gratifications relate to the sun
newspaper as people could find humour from the newspaper articles in the view
of the puns that they use. This illustrates to the reader that you can clearly identify
the lifestyle that the average Sun reader would view themselves at e.g. if they are a
male, someone who views themselves as a bit of a lad, outgoing and likes a bit of
humour and the same principal applies to the female.
 Moreover the sun newspaper is used to inform and educate readers to see and
update themselves on information on mainly the UK news, also the world news.
This signifies to the reader that the age is very much identified within The Sun
newspaper as you would not see people who are aged from 65-80 reading The Sun
as it is quite a humorous newspaper at times on hard news, in the sense that they
will make puns out of hard stories which is in contrast to a paper like The Daily
 Source:
 A music magazine such as Kerrang, NME, Q, Clash & so on would need to review their
advertising for their own products, or their own personal made magazine and they would
review this by taking it up with the ASA (Advertising Standards Authority) in which the
ASA would see if the advert is suitable to publish towards the general public. An example of
this would be if a certain product was advertised before going through the process, then the
likely outcome would be that the specific company would be fined, and also reprimanded for
this legal action they have taken.
 My newly designed music magazine will need to know the constraints and boundaries of the
PCC (Press Complaints Commission) which can influence the reputation for my music
magazine, for instance if an advertisement of my music magazine is deemed as unsuitable for
my chosen age range, a group of parents, senior members of public may report this sensitive
report of this poorly managed advert.
I must make sure that my music magazine should definitely make sure my music magazine do not
publish information within our articles that are “inaccurate, misleading or distorted information
which includes pictures”, what this means is that my music magazine cannot publish stories that
are untrue and we must publish stories/articles that are 100% completely true. Furthermore if my
music magazine has incorrectly stated something which is untrue about a pop star in the music
industry, the PCC/IBSO will send us a letter regarding us to change the error immediately which
can remove the risk of hindering the reputation of my music magazine
 Source:
 There are a variety of issues that apply to our music magazine whether they are ethical or
 Firstly we must make sure that all of the information and content within our magazine is
NOT false nor in accurate, furthermore we must clearly outline what is a fact if we decide to
put certain content within our music, an example of this could be that WE MUST provide
tour date information which is true because if we don’t we are fooling the fans and it could
also have financial implications on our music magazine in the long term.
 Another example of a ethical/legal issue which applies to our music magazine would be if
we were to go ahead and review a music single, or an album WE MUST then be fair and
equal to the artist/band in hand and if we were to be negative towards their single/album
we must justify our reasons and reach a settlement.
 Source:
 In order to complain towards the IBSO about something they have viewed/read, they will
need the IBSO to view their complaint and see if they deem it worthy enough to prosper with
the complaint.
 For example if the complaint was worthy enough, the IBSO would then write to the editor
about the concerns that have been raised from a particular member of the public. The IBSO
are always aiming to find the suitable solution for everyone so that everyone feels content
about the decision made.
 If the complaint is legitimate, it may resort the organisation apologizing if it was just a simple
typing error. However it is very rare that the PCC will state that financial outcome will be
rewarded due to this complaint.
 ASA:
 Source:
 Firstly, the person complaining must be 100% sure that the complaint needs to be
covered by the ASA.
 Once this is sorted out, you can simply complain online, via phone or even write
to the ASA all suitable options.
 The ASA will then grant the name of the person who will deal with you complaint
and what steps you are taking in order to grant this complaint.
 The ASA have a very strong reputation of finding a solution to complaints, but
these complaints do not have a specified time period of how long it should take, an
example of this is that it could be a very short amount of time or even a very long
amount of time.
 A formal investigation should be made where the ASA will contact all parties
which need to be contacted in order to try and find some evidence to further
support the complaint.
 ASA always publish their rulings and the solution to all of the complaints,
furthermore they take every step in order to make sure that the decision is suitable
towards all parties involved in this.
 It is vitally important in order for every type of magazine whether that be music to have a
copyright logo in order to source, and officially be aware that the information is from a
different organisation. This is further important to include as it could have serious financial
implications on any type of music magazine.
 The copyright logo needs to be formatted in a spot where it is easily viewed so that everyone
knows that all rights are reserved to the original company. Furthermore the copyright
symbol could be detrimental as if you have not stated where you have got certain
information from, you could potentially get sued and as a result, lose a mass amount of
money as a result of this failure to display the copyright logo in a document.

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Unit 30 LO1

  • 1. OCR – Level 3 Cambridge Introductory Diploma in Media Unit 30: UK Media Publishing P1 and P2 Evidence Name: Gus Devlin Candidate Number: 4032 Center Name: St. Andrew’s Catholic School Center Number: 64135 Set Brief - Print Project/Brief – Music Magazine & Promotion
  • 2.
  • 3.  Clash magazine is published by itself which is known as Clash Music Ltd and this is therefore published 12 times a year.  This was also originally prolonged to live events as well as festival partnerships until the magazine was founded by the publisher himself John O’Rourke in 2004.
  • 4.  Source: ambassadors/ambassadors/john-o%E2%80%99rourke- publisher-and-md-clash-magazine.html  Clash magazine is published by Clash Music Ltd.  This is published 12 times a year.  Clash magazine is a trademark of Clash Music Ltd.  Clash Music Ltd was originally stretched to live events such as V Festival, Reading & Leeds and also festival partnerships also.  This was until Clash Magazine was founded by publisher John O’Rourke in 2004.  Soon after John O’Rourke was/Clash Music Ltd was the publisher of Clash Magazine, they (Clash Music Ltd) went into liquidation which means when a business is terminated and when this happened, Music Republic Ltd became the new publisher of Clash Music Magazine.
  • 5.  Clash magazine is normally known as a popular music an fashion magazine which is published by Music Republic Ltd. in the UK.  Clash magazine’s content changes at a regular basis between modern bands such as The horrors, Florence and the Machine as well as the mix of hip hop artists such as Kanye West & The Beastie Boys who have all recently had main front cover issues on this particular magazine.
  • 6.  Clash Music Magazine is published 12 times a year by Clash Music Ltd hence they 1 issue per month which illustrates a certain degree of consistency.
  • 7.  Clash magazine was formatted along with a running listings of magazines which is based in Scotland, Dundee in which it has won a few awards such as (Best new magazine award at the PPA magazine awards and the music magazine of the year and they last credible awards were in 2005 and 2011 which were the record of the day awards.
  • 8. These products are advertised within the first few papers of Clash magazine, and these caterpillar shoes are also advertised and displayed through some pages which are taken at some music festivals. This signifies to the demographic that these shoes are popular if big name artists like Rita Ora & Kiesza are wearing them. The products such as the caterpillar shoes is just one example alone in the Clash magazine, and this signifies to me that the lifestyle choices of artists/bands at a music festival will wear these type of Indy/music shoes to make them seem distinguished from the crowd and the same principal applies to fans that go to music festivals regularly.
  • 9. The first advertisement that has appeared into the clash magazine is an old school Budweiser in which it’s main purpose is to get the customers of the clash magazine to also buy Budweiser and this works well as Budweiser is a very recognised brand, also it is an easy appeal as some people might moronically think that you could for some bizarre reason you could have it the easy way with the female population in your life if you buy Budweiser. Secondly, the next advertisement is a smoking advertisement which will lure smokers into buying more cigarettes with the caption “Blow it in her face and she’ll follow you anywhere” Now this has two connotations, one of the connotations that this advertisement as apparently if you buy these cigarettes girls will follow your every move. Now the second connotation is a more sexual connotation by captioning the word first “blow in the face” it is quite a seductive 3-4 words that could reveal more to the advertisement than there already is. In accordance to Hartley’s 7 subjectivities, the target gender for the female from the ages between 20-35 is 72.5% of the whole demographic of the females/males who read the magazine clash. In addition to this the socio economic grade C1C2DE has depth in the sense that the people from the social grade just listed that read Clash are mainly female orientated.
  • 10. As you can see, this from a media pack from Clash Ltd and it entitles the costs of advertisements. It is very common for music magazines to have organisations advertised on our magazine and this is common on a full page, quarter page & half page horizontal. As a music magazine expands more as a business/organisation, there would be more minor music magazines wanting to advertise on a mass domestic music magazine as it is a big platform for small music magazines to become more recognised.
  • 11.  If a business is not willing to pay the required amount for the front inside cover or outside back cover, they may look to go for a quarter page or a half page which is a reduced price from the inside front cover & outside back cover.  Although some businesses may look for full page ads which are more in quantity in terms of the pages and less of mass quantity of space which could also benefit some minor domestic companies which own the products that want their product advertised on Clash Music Magazine.  These advertisement costs are essentially important in order for companies to establish what ideally the costs they are willing to pay for and what they are not willing to pay for.
  • 12.  The front cover and back cover whether that be the inside front cover or the outside back cover are the most expensive due to the reason that products advertisements within those places would be more recognised by the consumer than anyone else.  Clash know this and therefore use this to their advantage by informing the companies on what they need to pay to get the best place possible in order to get the product recognised by people who are reading Clash Music Magazine.
  • 13. The advertisements to the side of this page is mainly associated with shoes and for this case Converse advertise their product on Clash’s page and this decision would have been made due to the fact that both organisations have a similar target audience/demographic. Additionally from the slide previous to this and the adverts exhibited within this slide demonstrates a certain level of consistency in terms of the demographic that these adverts would appeal to and this is transparent on either the magazine’s electronic copy or a hardcopy version of the magazine.
  • 14.  The adverts in the previous slide have been formatted onto a hardcopy of Clash Music Magazine due to the brand recognition of Budweiser as their organisation is not only domestically known but also globally are recognised as a lucrative brand.  Clash Music Magazine would have paid very generously to have Budweiser on their magazine as Clash know that a brand that globally recognised would generate mass purchases from the target audience.  The next advert which is commonly formatted onto Clash Magazine is the smoking product advert which is frequently used as an advertisement for smoking on Clash Music Magazine. This is done in order to benefit both organisations as Clash obviously want their sales to keep increasing and the same principal applies for Tipalet’s sales.
  • 15.  Clash magazine is aimed at 18-25 year olds who seem to be classed as the download generation, furthermore the demographic that reads this magazine are people that are into bands such as Jay-Z, Kanye West & Coldplay and this also attracts people who have a further addition in fashion and film.  Clash magazine’s demographic is for people that want quick and fast information about the upcoming music festivals, and not only this but also fashion and films and what music has been formatted into films and fashion shows. Moreover the readers of clash magazine will want weekly/monthly information on the latest updates on what music artists such as Jay Z & Kanye West might be working on e.g. a collaboration and this can be presented through a duo interview with them two rap icons.  One of the components of Harley’s 7 subjectivities is age and this links into clash magazine as in one of my previous slides, I state that from the ages of 21-31, there is an astounding 71% of people who buy the magazine are aged from 21-31 which just signifies what demographic this magazine has successfully targeted at their chosen demographic (21-31 aged).  A couple of the components of Katz Uses & Gratifications are Escapism, Inform & Educate, additionally the male and female demographic have the opportunity to escape from the stress of exams. Furthermore Clash as a music magazine may inform the consumers about particular artists who are destined for success in future.
  • 16. Source:  Production process of a magazine (clash)  Date of Publication:  The first part of the production process for Clash Magazine created in order to select a date for the editor, this particular date will be the date in which the Clash would ideally want the finished product to be finalised and published towards the general public. Once this occurs Clash would then start the production process for their music magazine.  Managing the schedule:  Clash would need to manage the schedule so their workers would know what they are doing on specific days as Clash would want the product to be considerably successfully in order for Clash to be produced and published successfully. Their schedule must be worked balanced so that their workload is evenly distributed between them.  Budget Decisions:  Clash Magazine will need to make certain decisions which could cause implications on what amount of budget they are going to use on certain aspects of the magazine. The people that make these decisions are called the editorial team and they decide what aspects are the most important and therefore are represented within the budget that is distributed towards the aspects.
  • 17.  Content Acquisition:  This step is valued as one of the most important steps in the production process as the staff and external writers produce the content which is then obtained and these designs are created via a computer program which is most likely Photoshop. These are then illustrations and designs are then formatted onto a magazine.  Page Layout:  Clash as an organisation would need to have a team dedicated to select a layout which is suited to the style of a magazine, there is a computer program which aids you when doing this and this is called the Desktop Publishing Programme which is common for clash when creating a magazine.  Proof Reading:  The next stage of the production process of clash magazine is proofreading the magazine content to see if there is anything in the magazine which should not be in there. If there is a mistake and Clash did not proof read the mistake, this can result in embarrassment and a reprimand for the specific male/female who is an editor. Lastly the editorial team keeps proofreading until every member of the magazine publication team is satisfied that all mistakes have been corrected.  Distribution:  This is the last stage of the entire process. The printing company, having finished with the printing of the magazines will package the magazines & send them to a warehouse. From the warehouse, the magazines are then distributed and then sold to the local demographic.
  • 18.  Source:  Cover Pages: The first page of a magazine is a cover page and this is the second most expensive page in terms of financial costs just behind advertisement pages.  Editor’s Letter: The editor’s letter is a welcoming letter from the editor in chief from where he/she explains the content within a specific magazine and it depends on the style and content of the publication and the editor’s journalism voice which covers the main topics in the specific magazine.  Feature Well: The feature well part is the largest part of the magazine and obviously it contains the most essential part of the features, however this part of the magazine can be a short article (1 page long). In addition to this, these designers are given more freedom to illustrate around the text as there is more space given.
  • 19.  Source:  Editor-in-Chief: Simon Harper  Iain Carnegie - Art Director  Jon-Paul Kitching - Advertising Director  Simon Harper - Editor  John O'Rourke - Publisher  Deputy Editor: Joe Zadeh  Head of Digital Content: Matthew Bennett  Client Director: Matt Goodwin  Editor: Mike Diver  Deputy Editor: Robin Murray  Creative Director: Rob Meyers – RBPM Studio  Art Editor: Anthony Chapman  Film Editor: Ben Hopkins  Business Development Co-ordinator: Anna Wilson  Staff Writers: Anna Wilson, Ben Murphy, Adam Park, Tristan Parker
  • 20. Source:  Simon Harper – Editor: Founder / Owner / Editor-In-Chief at Clash Magazine, I run and manage the UK's most successful independent international music, fashion and lifestyle magazine, Clash. Having co-founded Clash in 2004, I oversee all editorial, commercial and business decisions regarding the title. Simon Harper’s main job role is to oversee the whole project that occurs at Clash Magazine and that could be anything from business decisions regarding the future of clash magazine to the changes in content for Clash Magazine.
  • 21.  John O'Rourke- Publisher: Publisher at Clash Magazine, Clash - The future of music, while celebrating its past, Clash Magazine - Voted UK 'Music Publication of the Year' 2011 ROTD 'Magazine of the Year' PPA. John O’Rourke main job role is to overview the content of the magazine and visibly notice if they are suitable for the target audience/demographic.  Client Director: Matt Goodwin: Client Director at Clash Music Group  Business Development Manager (Fashion)at Clash Music Group,
  • 22.  I found out that in the hardcopy of the Clash Magazine that Clash usually advertise shoes in their magazine such as Timberland, which connotes that the people who read this magazine are very much into shoes and therefore by formatting shoe advertisements into the magazine as Clash know that people are more inclined to read their magazine if they products like Timberland shoes that the target audience already like.  In addition to this I found that there are more girl artists in the latest edition than male artists, and more noticeably I established that Rita Ora who is on the cover was the gatekeeper to the rest of the magazine as she is a worldwide female ‘star’ (Richard Dyer) who everyone knows, and within the contents of this magazine, there is a vast majority of female artists instead of male artists which is intriguing.
  • 23.
  • 24.  It is evident who is the main man/women on the front cover of this particular issue of Clash Music Magazine and that is Rita Ora and they even go far enough to introduce the article before the article is visible to the reader. Furthermore they do this in this quote “Only 23, and a conqueror of charts, catwalks and cinema, Rita Ora is a fireball of intent, an autonomous and tenacious spirit, dodging media bullets to realise her singular vision of an all purpose pop queen. As she prepared to drop her second album, Clash goes behind the headlines to meet the young queen of ambition.  This indicates to readers that Clash Magazine want to protect an image for Rita Ora as a future queen of music, and they do not want any bad publicity for her and therefore it will be very likely that the questions will be not only easy and simple to answer but also very comfortable and it is also likely that there will be no questions which might make her think twice about the answer e.g. it is also likely that her PR would of gone through this with her and reminded her of the details of this interview.  The message that Clash magazine are trying to put across to the demographic/customers of Clash Magazine are that if people are not aware of how successful Rita Ora has become in such a short space of time and how much she has had to go through in order to get to the pinnacle of the music industry. Furthermore Clash are not only trying to promote Rita Ora as a music worldwide sensation but Clash are also promoting secondary artists/bands such as Jake Bugg, Ed Sheeran, Kiesza as they will also bring an element of inform and educate about how they are getting on, if they are appearing in future tours, and music festivals. When we combine these two elements of the main headline and the cover lines it will nicely bring together my front cover page which will hopefully in eventuality my music magazine will be therefore become more popular in time.
  • 25. Social Grade Social Status Reason C1 Lower Middle Class Lower middle class families that have teenagers who like to know what is the gossip in the music industry as of today. C2 Skilled Working Class People that like listening to music to the point that they want the latest news and updates in the music industry. D Students Working class students who music would take an interest in music magazines. E Low Level Students Low level students who enjoy listening to music would read a music magazine.
  • 26.  Source: s/view/Clash  Readership:188,940 per issue  Circulation:50,000 per issue  The gender of buys from male to female is distributed very evenly in a % of 50/50.  From the ages of 21-31, 71% of the people who bought the magazine in the last month are aged between 21-31 years old.
  • 27.  The socio economic needs category that will be used for my chosen music magazine will be a combination of category C2 & D.  Firstly category D is students and I be using this as one of the categories involved in my music magazine as students are young, fresh, and fly in which students want the latest news and updates in the music industry which can involve specific artists about their future, past and present content within the music industry.  Next, I have also chosen C2 to go with this as I feel that the student category is too minor and too dangerous in terms of number of students buying my magazine in order for my own personal music magazine to be successful, so in general I cannot be too dependant on the students category and therefore I need to chose another category and as a result of this skilled full time workers would be the second choice to make the combination of the two socio economic needs in order for the chance of success of my magazine to be at a higher chance with one of these two groups very likely to be appealed and intrigued to my music magazine.  The main reason why I have chosen these two socio economic needs for my music magazine (C2 & D) as the D socio economic needs are normally defined as working class students who would genuinely take an interest in music to the point where D level socio economic needs people would buy music magazines as a result of their music interests.
  • 28.  As you can see the socio economic groups made it simplistic for us to choose what group our Music Magazine will be based around. The results from this table established that C2 & D were our chosen groups and therefore based our market around the socio economic group that we have chosen and this will help us increase the demand for our Music Magazine.  As we were thinking about the target audience/demographic for our music magazine we needed to make sure that our target audience is healthy and active in the sense that it will be easy for us to advertise and promote our music magazine to the local demographic that we have chosen.
  • 29. Masthead: This is what is more commonly known as the name of the magazine which is “clash” which is the denotation of the magazine, furthermore the connotations of the magazine is that Rita Ora is such a household name in the music industry. that she covers over the “A” in the word “Clash” Main Headline: The main headline is an vital aspect of any front cover of a music magazine & Clash have taken upon themselves to utilize a star in order to promote their magazine. Additionally, the main headline makes it look like Rita Ora is very powerful and dominant as an individual. Main Image This is the main image which is pop sensation Rita Ora and the connotations of this is the fact that Rita illustrates that she is the future of pop and also a household name, in addition to this by the magazine saying “Destiny Is Calling”, this also demonstrates to the reader that she has a very bright future ahead of her which will bring her stardom such as superstars like Cheryl Cole.
  • 30. Convergence: This can be categorised as anything from a web address to a social media link, however for this Clash magazine it is a web address, in contrast the connotations of this is that you can easily access their website via the internet. Cover Lines: This competition are other music groups/individual singers on the side of Rita Ora’s shoulder which illustrates the connotations of how high esteem Rita Ora is at in terms of her music popularity and success. Slogan: This is known as something which is attempted to lure the local demographic in to purchase Clash’s magazine. The main purpose of a slogan is to further increase the likeliness of consumers obtaining this product/service.
  • 31. Masthead: This is sometimes more commonly known as the main headline/front cover which will normally connote some kind of message towards the reader. The main message in which is illustrated towards the reader in this type of Masthead is that the artist King Krule is envisaging his future success/failure and this can result in success or failure for the artist. As a result of this, potential customers can be inclined as a result of this masthead. Cover Lines: The cover lines play a underlining but yet vital role in the music magazine success as the cover lines are also big features in which potential customers may be fans of them i.e. Bryan Ferry, Damon Albarn & Johnny Marr. Generally fans of music artists who may not be inclined to buy my music magazine may be more inclined if there are particular artists that fans would be more inclined to find updated about i.e. tour dates and music festival dates.
  • 32. Main Image: The main image that is used for this particular issue of Clash Magazine is a picture which seems like it has been edited through the form of some kind of filter which makes the picture looks fresh, and old fashioned at the same time. Cover Lines/Promoting Artists/Bands: The cover lines allow the reader to know what other artists and bands will be featured within this particular issue of Clash Magazine. The cover lines also prevent boredom from the demographic as they don’t only have the opportunity to read the DPS on the main attraction, but also have the chance to read double page spreads on other up and coming artists and bands.
  • 33. Text Analysis: The text from the first stand is continually the same type of font for the rest of the article/interview which demonstrates that this particular page is all dedicated to Jay Z Page Number & Web Address: often appear in the corner of double page interviews/articles and this is certainly the case in this interview. This again is a vital convention of any type of Music Magazine as you need the page number and web address format to see what page the double page spread is on, plus it makes the double page spread look very formal and professional.
  • 34. Main quote from the main interview: “Music saved my life, I dread to think what I’d be doing now without it”. This entices the reader on to what to expect from this forthcoming interview and this would work as the consumers may want to know what he would be doing without Music and much more. Question Analysis: Questions that are being differentiated and therefore producing more jovial and better quality answers from Jay-Z. The questions need to be differentiated and about different subjects in his life e.g. hobbies, personal life & success just to name a few. By this occurring this is keeping the interview ticking over but most importantly keeping the customers entertained about the interview.
  • 35. This is the Drop Capital and outlines the font which should be represented throughout the rest of the interview. The drop capital allows the reader to know what type of font will be selected throughout the rest of the DPS. A play on words is in hand here “Torrential Reign” instead of the weather saying “Torrential Rain” which implies a certain degree of leadership to an extent. As I implied before, the play on words keep the reader engaged as the local demographic wants to know the justification behind the play on words. This is known as the brief introduction in which the reader knows a bit about the up and coming before he (the reader) begins to read the double page spread interview & this is a very useful form to keep the reader engaged and enticed.
  • 36. As you can clearly see, Clash Music Magazine has established a considerable fan base in which they have accumulated 45,055 likes on their official Facebook page. Towards the bottom part of the screenshot you can see that they upload links and images supporting those links so fans know what is in store for the next release of this magazine. Furthermore you can see they have written a little bio/introduction about their organisation and what they offer to the consumers, they also give you a link to their website where you can order their magazine, and much more. They have also advertised their product within a form of advertisement e.g. their cover photo indicates that they have a magazine on sale now which features “Jimmy Page, Joe Cole & Caribou, plus much more”
  • 37. This is another form of synergy with social media and from March 2008 when Clash Music Magazine joined Twitter, they have accumulated 48,200 followers which also suggests again that they have a large fan base which means that fans are able to keep up to date about when the next magazine is going to be released and who will be on that next edition. You can tell that Clash Music Magazine update their fans on a constant basis as they have tweeted 43,000 times which allows the fans and Clash Music Magazine to have a good rapport with the fans which allows the fan base to be increased which can be both beneficial towards each party. The features are also very similar to Facebook in that the cover photo is the same and the link is nearly in an identical place where it was to Facebook which indicates a certain degree of consistency for Clash Music Magazine’s social media sites.
  • 38.  As you can see, Clash have demonstrated clearly where their Social Media sites are and these are very visible for fans to access these sites for more information and updates on the magazine.  Clash have yet again publicized their YouTube channel which may give the consumer the behind the scenes aspect on what goes when the actual production of the magazine e.g. the shoot itself and the production plan.
  • 39. This is a screenshot taken from the Clash Music Magazine twitter page 45.5 thousand tweets have been sent directly to Clash’s twitter page in which the fans can ask questions on updates about future issues of Clash’s music magazine. Additionally, Clash have formatted a tweet sign with the figure as represented above to grant fans the opportunity to give their opinions and thoughts to Clash & fans may find this a fantastic opportunity to do so as it gives the fans and the organisation a chance to connect and communicate about the magazine in general.
  • 40. The clash website gives you a briefing on what you should expect in the upcoming issues for Clash Music Magazine, in addition to this on Clash’s website they have included some tracks which they view as very good and therefore have titled this as “Track Of The Day” and it is likely that the artist/band will be featured on a Front Cover & Double Page Spread on some later issues of Clash Music Magazine. Furthermore, you can see the tabs that are available for the local demographic to find out more information about Clash’s music magazine. The tabs such as the “Magazine & Shop” enables the fans to buy particular items from the shops such as a particular artists album or a Clash Magazine shirt & the magazine product/service which further make the local demographic more happy and positive with Clash Music Magazine.
  • 41. This part of the Clash Magazine website is the video part of the website in which you can see a variety of clips of artists that will be featuring on future covers of Clash Music Magazine. In addition to this, you can see on the side advertisements of Converse who would pay a certain amount of money towards Clash to advertise on the side of their website and I would not be surprised if this was the same for the hardcopy magazine. Clash as you can see on the far right hand side have a recommended list of movie trailers that Clash have enlisted for their local demographic to watch and they would of taken market research to find out what genre type movies people would want to see. Additionally you can tell that this magazine “Clash” is separated into sections as there are sections about movies and music and you can tell that the main video part of this website page is about music videos about artists/bands who are going to feature in the future on Clash and to the right hand side are recommended movie trailers and premiers.
  • 42. As you can see from the screen shot above, I have tried to contact the publisher but he has unfortunately not got back in contact with me which is disappointing but this displays the fact that I have attempted to contact the publisher.
  • 43.
  • 44.  Free Sheet  Papers like the independent are classed as free sheet as they are free of charge, moreover their genre for the free sheet is very mature and business like genre.  They target their audience by sending out questionnaires either by hardcopy or via online at a site like e.g., they also find out via surveys and all sorts of questionnaires and questions that are in a questionnaire similar format.  The free sheet purpose is to give people who get on the tube in the morning something to read, furthermore the free sheet’s ideology is to provide and supply business men/women
  • 45.  Broadsheet  Broadsheet are newspapers such as the guardian and the times and are more diplomatic and business like in the sense of its layout looks very formal and punctual. The genre for this broadsheet is generally quite mature so would be classed as a family newspaper as none of the content is inappropriate.  Again they target their audience in mind from surveys and questionnaires by either airing them online or just giving them out to people in the public to answer, and this can be resulted in graphs and diagrams to show what their target audience/demographic is.  The ideology of the broadsheet newspaper is to deliver and supply newspaper to the British public and in particular adults (females and males) who will want to read an independent mature newspaper with no out of this world stories.
  • 46.  Red Top Tabloid  The red top tabloid’s genre is for people who enjoy reading soft news which is news which is not news that is hard hitting and the genre is for people who want up to date in news with a bit of humour added onto the side (Family News + Comedy)  Again they target their audience in mind from surveys and questionnaires by either airing them online or just giving them out to people in the public to answer, and this can be resulted in graphs and diagrams to show what their target audience/demographic is.  The red top tabloid’s ideology is to supply newspaper’s articles/stories to the British public in which will make the British public updated to the latest news and papers.
  • 47. The headline is more commonly known as the main headline which is made to catch the audience eye by making the headline big, black and bold which makes the headline stand out to the demographic. This denotes to the demographic that they can empathise with the person in this Sunday telegraph headline as most people in the world have been humiliated in one way or another. Furthermore this connotes to this audience/demographic that the main headline “Humiliated” signifies the fact that the person who is related to this story is the victim of a hoax prank which according to this article went terribly wrong and ended with severe and totally harsh consequences for the innocent victim.
  • 48. The two arrows are pointing to adverts that are displaying items/products that you can save money from and win, this is a clever and ordinary way to publish adverts in a newspaper as a national newspaper is read by millions of people every day whether it is in the workplace or on the tube. Furthermore these adverts catch the eye of the public which may just make them buy the magazine just for the sake of the possible opportunities to win some products from the newspaper. This connotes to me that people are attracted to these products especially people who are looking to get a particular discount of possible Christmas presents if they are not particular well off. This is known as the secondary story (cover lines) which is the story that people should notice after they read the big story which takes up the most of the front cover. The denotations of this is that the font is considerably smaller than the main headline which signifies to the demographic of this newspaper that the cover line story is just there to make up room for the newspaper article.
  • 49. The denotations of this text is known as the main headline which is classed as a pun as it is saying “It’s a Kate crime” which is very similar to “it’s a hate crime” which is ironic and in some ways offensive as the royals of England see it as a hate crime that there are nude snaps of Kate Middleton being taken by journalists and by comparing that offense to a hate crime may be very insulting to people that are the victim of hate crimes. Furthermore, the connotations of this pun demonstrates to the reader that the royals in the UK think that the offense that was committed by some journalists is on a par level to a hate crime which is a despicable comment. This is known as the main image which usually denotes a star appeal and that is definitely the case for this Sun newspaper as Kate Middleton is the person that is main image of the newspaper. The sun newspaper have done this because a story which involves negativity and a royal on the front, everyone is going to read. In similarity the connotations to this is that Kate Middleton is known worldwide as a royal so anything negative that she has caused/anything that has happened to her, the whole world wants to know.
  • 50. This headline is deemed as the cover line story which are the secondary story which are essentially the stories you cover for the reader to take notice of after the main headline. Moreover, the denotations of the secondary headline is that it may be a story which may be more intriguing for the reader but the article/story is much more obscure to see and this is because of the size of the main headline/front cover of the newspaper (The Sun). In addition to this the connotations of this is that the short slogan catches the reader out and they also page the article around middle of the newspaper in order for the reader to read the majority of the newspaper and not just the one story. The style of language used for this front cover of this newspaper is classed as a pun which is essentially known as a play of words and this is certainly the case for this edition of The Sun newspaper. By referring to a “hate crime” which is a legitimate offense and by calling the crime “Kate Crime” is comparing the two which could be very offensive towards the reader if they are from the (black) race. A pun by The Sun writers have intended to use this as a pun as the writers of The Sun feel that there is a certain aspect of humour involved in this main story.
  • 51. Main Image- This is known as the main image and it portrays a women who is omnipotent, and a women who is fierce and will get her own way, and this article matches the denotations of the article. Furthermore the main image is used to draw the readers attention to a women who has somehow pulled this off, and people who pick up the newspaper in the morning will want to read this astounding story/article/report. Secondary Story/Cover Lines- This is most commonly known as a secondary story or cover line and is mainly used either on a front page or a double page spread in order to cover some space which needs filling in. This is a conventional method that you would find through the majority of newspapers whether that be the front page or a double page spread article.
  • 52. Main Headline- The denotation of the main headline is used to attract readers towards this article by simply using the words “ex-model” & “millions” which demonstrates to the reader that a star appeal in the sense that it might be someone famous who has dipped off the media circuit but has come back and made “millions”, now whenever we see the verbal code “millions” we instantly visualise money which is also certainly the case here. In addition to this the bold writing is more noticeable than the little writing and therefore readers will be more drawn to the main story.
  • 53. These 3 social media sites help to advertise the sun, as they reach out to people who don’t like reading “old, boring” newspapers but instead would rather find out the sun’s articles/reports online at sites such as: Twitter, Facebook, & YouTube. An instance like this is a site like twitter in which you gain follows from people, and this is a terrific place to find out quick and easy information about the content The Sun have published on their newspaper by just going through their timeline. The arrow to the left of this text displays that people can subscribe to The Sun YouTube channel by just one click of a button which will keep you up to date with all the news, interviews and gossip of the newspaper in a more graphic outlet.
  • 54. These 3 social media sites help to advertise the sun, as they reach out to people who don’t like reading “old, boring” newspapers but instead would rather find out the sun’s articles/reports online at sites such as: Twitter, Facebook, & YouTube. An instance like this is a site like twitter in which you gain follows from people, and this is a terrific place to find out quick and easy information about the content The Sun have published on their newspaper by just going through their timeline. The arrow to the left of this text displays that people can subscribe to The Sun YouTube channel by just one click of a button which will keep you up to date with all the news, interviews and gossip of the newspaper in a more graphic outlet.
  • 55. These 3 social media sites help to advertise the sun, as they reach out to people who don’t like reading “old, boring” newspapers but instead would rather find out the sun’s articles/reports online at sites such as: Twitter, Facebook, & YouTube. An instance like this is a site like twitter in which you gain follows from people, and this is a terrific place to find out quick and easy information about the content The Sun have published on their newspaper by just going through their timeline. The arrow to the left of this text displays that people can subscribe to The Sun YouTube channel by just one click of a button which will keep you up to date with all the news, interviews and gossip of the newspaper in a more graphic outlet.
  • 56.  From this particular Sun newspaper front cover, the main story reads “LET ME GO GO”, this is known as a pun due to the fact that George Michael wants desperately to be bailed out of jail today and obviously he had a song called “GO GO”. The connotations of this is that someone close to George Michael for example a family member or a close friend may find this particularly offensive towards George Michael who may be going through a very tough time.  The sun are very intelligent in the fact that they have had a bit of a dig and a joke at George Michael’s situation and some people may find this humorous, but others won’t and that’s why they have done this so they can divide opinions & therefore become more controversial as a result of this story.
  • 57. As you can see from the screenshot above, there are exactly 14,464 copies from the sun that are sold on a monthly basis and in relation to the socio economic needs table, the majority of these people are from C2, D & E as the majority of articles and the content within the Sun newspaper is soft news which makes this newspaper particularly popular for that certain demographic audience. Due to the fact that The Sun newspaper is very much a cheap product/service, it allows certain demographics to buy this magazine because of the price but this also disables people from the top end bracket of the socio economic needs table from doing so. On average every month there are 8,029 copies bought from men alone which allows men naturally to automatically go to page 3 which is mainly considered the only reason to buy The Sun magazine. A reduced amount of 6,436 women buy The Sun and this is due to the reason that they may think that Page 3 may be discriminating against women which may be the reason why women are not actually buying The Sun on a more regular basis.
  • 58.  The news values were created by Galtung & Ruge who made a list of components which are related to newspaper front cover and these components are: Recency, threshold/magnitude, proximity/nearness, consequences, negativity, personality, predictability, unpredictability, currency/continuity/running story, conflict, oddity/rarity, visual imperatives, scandal and mass appeal.  One of the Galtung and Ruge news values from their list is consequences which is news that affects the reader and this applies to my story about “Kate’s Crime” as some readers may be very offended and irritated by this article as the offense who Kate Middleton is the victim of, is thought to be the same offense as a hate crime which can have severe consequences.
  • 59.  In addition to this, someone like Kate Middleton who is a household name to people in the UK, and whenever she is in a front cover newspaper article, people will want to see as they may be fans off her because of the way she has gone from a norm to stardom. This can positively effect the newspaper and especially the publisher as they will make more money when Kate Middleton is on the front cover of The Sun as people will read that particular article and be drawn to it as she is now royalty.  There is also a sense of predictabilityas the front cover of the sun paper about Kate Middleton, there are a couple of cover stories which are mainly about females, and this may be done to attract the female demographic to buy their newspaper. As a result of aiming this at the female part of the target audience/demographic as there is a large female population who work and get the tube on a regular daily basis.
  • 60.  Lastly there is a sense of unpredictabilityas one of the cover stories is about a women who has lost 9 ½ stone in the past year from reading the book “50 shades of grey”, now this will definitely not only just appeal to females on how she did this, but both males and females as just the pure shock of the story on how someone can lose that amount of weight in a year from just reading a sexual book, people will find this astonishing.
  • 61. On the sun contacts page area, it displays that people can sell their story for a bit of money by just clicking on a link which takes you to send one of the sun’s writer’s e-mails. This allows the demographic who read the sun who are either for it or against to write in and complain about a specific story or to sell a story for the sun to report. Additionally this gives the customers a tremendous opportunity to get in touch with Sun in order to inform them of a possible story or even a possible complaint to be made on a particular article/story on The Sun.
  • 62. The sun even has a google plus page and a twitter page so that customers or people that casually read The Sun newspaper can tweet in what they think of the newspaper, possibly with the view of complaining about the magazine also. This contact page enables customers to get in touch with the Sun either about possible Advertisements or even to make the complaints and the Sun do this in order to keep a good rapport/communication with their customers whether they are pro or against The Sun. Additionally, you can sign up as an account linked with Google + with the sun in order to have a strong bond and keep communicating with the sun if the customers of the sun have any enquiries that they would like to voice to the Sun and they can do this via e-mail which is the most common choice.
  • 63. This is where the advertising is placed and customers, business and students may want to know the advertising that occurs within the sun newspaper. This is where people would file their complaints whether it would be the content of the newspaper story/article, or editorial written mistakes which can be detrimental to The Sun. The screengrab to the left of this text allows the local/mass demographic of The Sun to get in communication with The Sun and this can be anything from General Inquiries to Advertising to Editorial complaints to Customer Service which is available within e-mail which is very popular with the local demographic which is suited for The Sun readers.
  • 64.  The target audience or demographic for The Sun newspaper is aimed at people who enjoy a bit of humour and really for soft news, however when there is some hard news e.g. a royal member dying, then The Sun will most likely report that story.  The sun newspaper is related to the Katz and uses & gratifications and the components such as educate, inform and entertain.  These components from the Katz, uses and gratifications relate to the sun newspaper as people could find humour from the newspaper articles in the view of the puns that they use. This illustrates to the reader that you can clearly identify the lifestyle that the average Sun reader would view themselves at e.g. if they are a male, someone who views themselves as a bit of a lad, outgoing and likes a bit of humour and the same principal applies to the female.  Moreover the sun newspaper is used to inform and educate readers to see and update themselves on information on mainly the UK news, also the world news. This signifies to the reader that the age is very much identified within The Sun newspaper as you would not see people who are aged from 65-80 reading The Sun as it is quite a humorous newspaper at times on hard news, in the sense that they will make puns out of hard stories which is in contrast to a paper like The Daily Telegraph.
  • 65.  Source:  A music magazine such as Kerrang, NME, Q, Clash & so on would need to review their advertising for their own products, or their own personal made magazine and they would review this by taking it up with the ASA (Advertising Standards Authority) in which the ASA would see if the advert is suitable to publish towards the general public. An example of this would be if a certain product was advertised before going through the process, then the likely outcome would be that the specific company would be fined, and also reprimanded for this legal action they have taken.  My newly designed music magazine will need to know the constraints and boundaries of the PCC (Press Complaints Commission) which can influence the reputation for my music magazine, for instance if an advertisement of my music magazine is deemed as unsuitable for my chosen age range, a group of parents, senior members of public may report this sensitive report of this poorly managed advert.
  • 66. I must make sure that my music magazine should definitely make sure my music magazine do not publish information within our articles that are “inaccurate, misleading or distorted information which includes pictures”, what this means is that my music magazine cannot publish stories that are untrue and we must publish stories/articles that are 100% completely true. Furthermore if my music magazine has incorrectly stated something which is untrue about a pop star in the music industry, the PCC/IBSO will send us a letter regarding us to change the error immediately which can remove the risk of hindering the reputation of my music magazine
  • 67.  Source:  There are a variety of issues that apply to our music magazine whether they are ethical or legally.  Firstly we must make sure that all of the information and content within our magazine is NOT false nor in accurate, furthermore we must clearly outline what is a fact if we decide to put certain content within our music, an example of this could be that WE MUST provide tour date information which is true because if we don’t we are fooling the fans and it could also have financial implications on our music magazine in the long term.  Another example of a ethical/legal issue which applies to our music magazine would be if we were to go ahead and review a music single, or an album WE MUST then be fair and equal to the artist/band in hand and if we were to be negative towards their single/album we must justify our reasons and reach a settlement.
  • 68.  IBSO:  Source:  In order to complain towards the IBSO about something they have viewed/read, they will need the IBSO to view their complaint and see if they deem it worthy enough to prosper with the complaint.  For example if the complaint was worthy enough, the IBSO would then write to the editor about the concerns that have been raised from a particular member of the public. The IBSO are always aiming to find the suitable solution for everyone so that everyone feels content about the decision made.  If the complaint is legitimate, it may resort the organisation apologizing if it was just a simple typing error. However it is very rare that the PCC will state that financial outcome will be rewarded due to this complaint.
  • 69.  ASA:  Source:  Firstly, the person complaining must be 100% sure that the complaint needs to be covered by the ASA.  Once this is sorted out, you can simply complain online, via phone or even write to the ASA all suitable options.  The ASA will then grant the name of the person who will deal with you complaint and what steps you are taking in order to grant this complaint.  The ASA have a very strong reputation of finding a solution to complaints, but these complaints do not have a specified time period of how long it should take, an example of this is that it could be a very short amount of time or even a very long amount of time.  A formal investigation should be made where the ASA will contact all parties which need to be contacted in order to try and find some evidence to further support the complaint.  ASA always publish their rulings and the solution to all of the complaints, furthermore they take every step in order to make sure that the decision is suitable towards all parties involved in this.
  • 70.  It is vitally important in order for every type of magazine whether that be music to have a copyright logo in order to source, and officially be aware that the information is from a different organisation. This is further important to include as it could have serious financial implications on any type of music magazine.  The copyright logo needs to be formatted in a spot where it is easily viewed so that everyone knows that all rights are reserved to the original company. Furthermore the copyright symbol could be detrimental as if you have not stated where you have got certain information from, you could potentially get sued and as a result, lose a mass amount of money as a result of this failure to display the copyright logo in a document.