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Types End-to-end
More Features And Fewer Bugs with GraphQL
hello, i'm stephen!
Samsara, end-to-end
Samsara, end-to-end
Samsara, end-to-end
Samsara, end-to-end
mo' features, mo' problems.
GraphQL Schema
type Device {
name: string!;
id: number!;
currentDriver: Driver;
locations: [Location!]!;
// ...
type Root {
device(id: number!): Device;
mo' features, mo' problems.
(mo' static types)
editor tooling
static verification at compile time and deployment
editor tooling
autocomplete, go to definition, type hints
GraphQL + TypeScript
a simple example
# server_schema.graphql:
type Device {
name: string!;
type Root {
device(id: number!): Device;
a simple example
# server_schema.graphql:
type Device {
name: string!;
type Root {
device(id: number!): Device;
# device_name_query.graphql:
query DeviceName($id: number!) {
device(id: $id) {
plain old javascript
const DeviceNameComponent = props => {
return <div>Name: {props.graphqlValue.device.fullName}</div>;
export default connectGraphQL(DeviceNameComponent, () => ({
query: ...,
variables: {
deviceId: 202152006793,
oh no
const DeviceNameComponent = props => {
return <div>Name: {props.graphqlValue.device.fullName}</div>;
export default connectGraphQL(DeviceNameComponent, () => ({
query: ...,
variables: {
deviceId: 202152006793,
oh no
const DeviceNameComponent = props => {
return <div>Name: {props.graphqlValue.device.fullName}</div>;
export default connectGraphQL(DeviceNameComponent, () => ({
query: ...,
variables: {
deviceId: 202152006793,
oh no
const DeviceNameComponent = props => {
return <div>Name: {props.graphqlValue.device.fullName}</div>;
export default connectGraphQL(DeviceNameComponent, () => ({
query: ...,
variables: {
deviceId: 202152006793,
oh no
const DeviceNameComponent = props => {
return <div>Name: {props.graphqlValue.device.fullName}</div>;
export default connectGraphQL(DeviceNameComponent, () => ({
query: ...,
variables: {
deviceId: 202152006793,
✨ typescript ✨
typing it all out (by hand)
# server_schema.graphql:
type Device {
name: string!;
type Root {
device(id: number!): Device;
# device_name_query.graphql:
query DeviceName($id: number!) {
device(id: $id) {
typing it all out
const DeviceNameComponent = props => {
return <div>Name: {props.graphqlValue.device.fullName}</div>;
export default connectGraphQL(DeviceNameComponent, () => ({
query: ...,
variables: {
deviceId: 202152006793,
typing it all out (with typescript!)
const DeviceNameComponent = (props: Props) => {
return <div>Name: {props.graphqlValue.device.fullName}</div>;
export default connectGraphQL<Props, DeviceNameQuery, DeviceNameQueryInputVariables>
(DeviceNameComponent, () => ({
query: ...,
variables: {
deviceId: 202152006793,
typing it all out with typescript!
const DeviceNameComponent = (props: Props) => {
return <div>Name: {props.graphqlValue.device.fullName}</div>;
export default connectGraphQL<Props, DeviceNameQuery, DeviceNameQueryVariables>
(DeviceNameComponent, () => ({
query: ...,
variables: {
deviceId: 202152006793,
typing it all out with typescript!
const DeviceNameComponent = (props: Props) => {
return <div>Name: {props.graphqlValue.device.fullName}</div>;
export default connectGraphQL<Props, DeviceNameQuery, DeviceNameQueryVariables>
(DeviceNameComponent, () => ({
query: ...,
variables: {
deviceId: 202152006793,
this works pretty well, but...
a simple example
# server_schema.graphql:
type Device {
name: string!;
type Root {
device(id: number!): Device;
# device_name_query.graphql:
query DeviceName($id: number!) {
device(id: $id) {
uh oh
query VehicleInfo($deviceId: int64, $durationMs: int64!, $endMs: int64) {
device(id: $deviceId) {
currentDriver {
setPoint: objectStat(statType: SET_POINT) {
vehicleActivityReport(duration: $durationMs, endTime: $endMs) {
tripEntries {
start { address }
end { address }
uh oh uh oh
query VehicleInfo($deviceId: int64, $durationMs: int64!, $endMs: int64) {
device(id: $deviceId) {
currentDriver {
setPoint: objectStat(statType: SET_POINT) {
vehicleActivityReport(duration: $durationMs, endTime: $endMs) {
tripEntries {
start { address }
end { address }
type VehicleInfoQueryVariables = {
deviceId: number,
durationMs: number,
endM?: number,
type VehicleInfoQueryResult = {
device: {
id: number,
name: string,
setPoint: Array<number>,
vehicleActivityReport: {
start: {
address: string,
end: {
address: string,
} >,
lastDashcamEvent: {
reportType: number,
triggerTime: number,
urls: {
still: string,
} | null,
# server_schema.graphql:
type Device {
name: string!;
type Root {
device(id: number!): Device;
# device_name_query.graphql:
query DeviceName($id: number!) {
device(id: $id) {
// generated_types.d.ts
type DeviceNameQueryInputVariables = {
id: number;
type DeviceNameQuery = {
device: {
name: string;
the graphql schema and typescript types can be mapped 1:1
✨ apollo-codegen ✨
what is codegen?
how does codegen work?
# server_schema.graphql:
type Device {
name: string!;
type Root {
device(id: number!): Device;
# device_name_query.graphql:
query DeviceName($id: number!) {
device(id: $id) {
how does codegen work?
# server_schema.graphql:
type Device {
name: string!;
type Root {
device(id: number!): Device;
# device_name_query.graphql:
query DeviceName($id: number!) {
device(id: $id) {
how does codegen work?
# server_schema.graphql:
type Device {
name: string!;
type Root {
device(id: number!): Device;
# device_name_query.graphql:
query DeviceName($id: number!) {
device(id: $id) {
// generated_types.d.ts
type DeviceNameQueryInputVariables = {
id: number;
how does codegen work?
# server_schema.graphql:
type Device {
name: string!;
type Root {
device(id: number!): Device;
# device_name_query.graphql:
query DeviceName($id: number!) {
device(id: $id) {
how does codegen work?
# server_schema.graphql:
type Device {
name: string!;
type Root {
device(id: number!): Device;
# device_name_query.graphql:
query DeviceName($id: number!) {
device(id: $id) {
how does codegen work?
# server_schema.graphql:
type Device {
name: string!;
type Root {
device(id: number!): Device;
# device_name_query.graphql:
query DeviceName($id: number!) {
device(id: $id) {
how does codegen work?
# server_schema.graphql:
type Device {
name: string!;
type Root {
device(id: number!): Device;
# device_name_query.graphql:
query DeviceName($id: number!) {
device(id: $id) {
// generated_types.d.ts
type DeviceNameQuery = {
device: {
name: string;
$ ts-node codegen.ts > schema.d.ts
typing without typing
const DeviceNameComponent = (props: Props) => {
return <div>Name: {}</div>;
export default connectGraphQL<Props, DeviceNameQuery, DeviceNameQueryVariables> (DeviceNameComponent, () =>
query: ...,
variables: {
id: 202152006793,
typing without typing
import { DeviceNameQuery, DeviceNameQueryVariables } from "./generated_types";
const DeviceNameComponent = (props: Props) => {
return <div>Name: {}</div>;
export default connectGraphQL<Props, DeviceNameQuery, DeviceNameQueryVariables> (DeviceNameComponent, () =>
query: ...,
variables: {
id: 202152006793,
data, end-to-end
shared type land
can we go further?
can we go further?
golang types
# graphqlschema/device.go
type Device struct {
Id int64
Name string
OrganizationId int64
// ...
type deviceArgs struct { Id int64 }
root.FieldFunc("device", func(ctx context.Context, args userArgs) (*Device, error) {
user, err := db.Device.Get(...)
return user, err
golang types
# graphqlschema/device.go
type Device struct {
Id int64
Name string
OrganizationId int64
// ...
type deviceArgs struct { Id int64 }
root.FieldFunc("device", func(ctx context.Context, args userArgs) (*Device, error) {
user, err := db.Device.Get(...)
return user, err
# server_schema.graphql:
type Device {
name: string!;
id: number;
// ...
type Root {
device(id: number!): Device;
the go type definitions and graphql schema can also be mapped 1:1
✨ thunder + reflection ✨
golang types
# graphqlschema/device.go
type Device struct {
Id int64
Name string
OrganizationId int64
// ...
type deviceArgs struct { Id int64 }
root.FieldFunc("device", func(ctx context.Context, args userArgs) (*Device, error) {
user, err := db.Device.Get(...)
return user, err
golang types
# graphqlschema/device.go
type Device struct {
Id int64
Name string
OrganizationId int64
// ...
type deviceArgs struct { Id int64 }
root.FieldFunc("device", func(ctx context.Context, args userArgs) (*Device, error) {
user, err := db.Device.Get(...)
return user, err
# server_schema.graphql:
type Root {
device(id: number!): Device;
golang types
# graphqlschema/device.go
type Device struct {
Id int64
Name string
OrganizationId int64
// ...
type deviceArgs struct { Id int64 }
root.FieldFunc("device", func(ctx context.Context, args userArgs) (*Device, error) {
user, err := db.Device.Get(...)
return user, err
# server_schema.graphql:
type Device {
name: string!;
id: number;
// ...
$ go run schema_generator.go > schema.graphql
shared type land
shared type land
can we go further?
can we go further?
can we go further?
protobuf go generation
message TemperatureStat {
int64 time = 1;
double double_value = 3;
surprise! protobufs and go types can also, also be mapped 1:1
✨ protoc-gen-go ✨
protobuf go generation
message TemperatureStat {
int64 time = 1;
double double_value = 3;
protobuf go generation
message TemperatureStat {
int64 time = 1;
double double_value = 3;
type TemperatureStat struct {
Time int64
DoubleValue float64
$ protoc-gen-go > stat.pb.go
shared type land
shared type land
type once, benefit everywhere.
schemas and typings can never be out of sync.
type once, benefit everywhere.
autocomplete, go to def, outlines in your {.pb.go, .go, .graphql, .tsx}.
type once, benefit everywhere.
a type can travel from the hardware device to the web application.
type once, benefit everywhere.
available in an open source repository near you.
type once, benefit everywhere.
a powerful default. let the computer do the busy work for you.
thank you!
bonus slides
the tools are there! we just need to add a little grease.
Never Type
Type TypeScript from
Type GraphQL from
Type Go from
Type mapping is not always 1:1
● Union Types (supported ts, graphql, but not go)
● Enums Types (supported in ts, graphql, but not go)
● Number Types (float64 only in javascript)
○ A bit of a type safety problem, but we haven't hit the bounds of float64 in production yet.
○ We could also have a different over the wire representation for dealing with this
● Nullable Types (pointer types are not quite option types)
○ Error | Null | Value vs. (Null | Value, Error)
apollo-codegen: Autocomplete
what do we get out of static type checking?
● Type Safety
● Deployment Safety
● Autocomplete, Go to Definition
GraphQL: Deployment Safety
GraphQL: Deployment Safety
protobufs cont. (grpc systems behind graphql)
rpc UpdateDriverSafetyEvents(UpdateDriverSafetyEventsRequest) returns (UpdateDriverSafetyEventsResponse) {}
message DriverSafetyEventsRequest {
int64 org_id = 1;
repeated int64 device_ids = 2;
int64 end_ms = 3;
int64 start_ms = 4;
message DriverSafetyEvent {
int64 device_id = 1;
int64 harsh_event_ms = 2;
HarshEvent harsh_event = 3;
SafetyEventMetadataInboxState state = 4;
message DriverSafetyEventsRequest {
int64 org_id = 1;
repeated int64 device_ids = 2;
int64 end_ms = 3;
can we make this nicer?
Demands: more codegen
● What else can we do?
● extracting golang comments at compile time
● apollo-codegen with a go compilation target (i.e. for a graphql consumer api
Demands: Better Type Interoperability
● Steps for code generation are still a little hard
● Need better ways of providing types across the board
● Providing Types: typescript/#3136
Types End-to-End @ samsara
Types End-to-End @ samsara

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Types End-to-End @ samsara

  • 1. Types End-to-end More Features And Fewer Bugs with GraphQL
  • 7.
  • 8. mo' features, mo' problems.
  • 9. GraphQL Schema type Device { name: string!; id: number!; currentDriver: Driver; locations: [Location!]!; // ... } type Root { device(id: number!): Device; }
  • 10. mo' features, mo' problems. (mo' static types)
  • 12. safety static verification at compile time and deployment editor tooling autocomplete, go to definition, type hints
  • 14. a simple example # server_schema.graphql: type Device { name: string!; } type Root { device(id: number!): Device; }
  • 15. a simple example # server_schema.graphql: type Device { name: string!; } type Root { device(id: number!): Device; } # device_name_query.graphql: query DeviceName($id: number!) { device(id: $id) { name } }
  • 16. plain old javascript const DeviceNameComponent = props => { return <div>Name: {props.graphqlValue.device.fullName}</div>; } export default connectGraphQL(DeviceNameComponent, () => ({ query: ..., variables: { deviceId: 202152006793, }, }));
  • 17. oh no const DeviceNameComponent = props => { return <div>Name: {props.graphqlValue.device.fullName}</div>; } export default connectGraphQL(DeviceNameComponent, () => ({ query: ..., variables: { deviceId: 202152006793, }, }));
  • 18. oh no const DeviceNameComponent = props => { return <div>Name: {props.graphqlValue.device.fullName}</div>; } export default connectGraphQL(DeviceNameComponent, () => ({ query: ..., variables: { deviceId: 202152006793, }, }));
  • 19. oh no const DeviceNameComponent = props => { return <div>Name: {props.graphqlValue.device.fullName}</div>; } export default connectGraphQL(DeviceNameComponent, () => ({ query: ..., variables: { deviceId: 202152006793, }, }));
  • 20. oh no const DeviceNameComponent = props => { return <div>Name: {props.graphqlValue.device.fullName}</div>; } export default connectGraphQL(DeviceNameComponent, () => ({ query: ..., variables: { deviceId: 202152006793, }, }));
  • 22. typing it all out (by hand) # server_schema.graphql: type Device { name: string!; } type Root { device(id: number!): Device; } # device_name_query.graphql: query DeviceName($id: number!) { device(id: $id) { name } }
  • 23. typing it all out const DeviceNameComponent = props => { return <div>Name: {props.graphqlValue.device.fullName}</div>; } export default connectGraphQL(DeviceNameComponent, () => ({ query: ..., variables: { deviceId: 202152006793, }, }));
  • 24. typing it all out (with typescript!) const DeviceNameComponent = (props: Props) => { return <div>Name: {props.graphqlValue.device.fullName}</div>; } export default connectGraphQL<Props, DeviceNameQuery, DeviceNameQueryInputVariables> (DeviceNameComponent, () => ({ query: ..., variables: { deviceId: 202152006793, }, }) );
  • 25. typing it all out with typescript! const DeviceNameComponent = (props: Props) => { return <div>Name: {props.graphqlValue.device.fullName}</div>; } export default connectGraphQL<Props, DeviceNameQuery, DeviceNameQueryVariables> (DeviceNameComponent, () => ({ query: ..., variables: { deviceId: 202152006793, }, }) );
  • 26. typing it all out with typescript! const DeviceNameComponent = (props: Props) => { return <div>Name: {props.graphqlValue.device.fullName}</div>; } export default connectGraphQL<Props, DeviceNameQuery, DeviceNameQueryVariables> (DeviceNameComponent, () => ({ query: ..., variables: { deviceId: 202152006793, }, }) );
  • 27. this works pretty well, but...
  • 28. a simple example # server_schema.graphql: type Device { name: string!; } type Root { device(id: number!): Device; } # device_name_query.graphql: query DeviceName($id: number!) { device(id: $id) { name } }
  • 29. uh oh query VehicleInfo($deviceId: int64, $durationMs: int64!, $endMs: int64) { device(id: $deviceId) { id name currentDriver { id name } setPoint: objectStat(statType: SET_POINT) { intValue } vehicleActivityReport(duration: $durationMs, endTime: $endMs) { tripEntries { start { address } end { address } } } ...DashcamLatestImage ...CurrentStats } }
  • 30. uh oh uh oh query VehicleInfo($deviceId: int64, $durationMs: int64!, $endMs: int64) { device(id: $deviceId) { id name currentDriver { id name } setPoint: objectStat(statType: SET_POINT) { intValue } vehicleActivityReport(duration: $durationMs, endTime: $endMs) { tripEntries { start { address } end { address } } } ...DashcamLatestImage ...CurrentStats } } type VehicleInfoQueryVariables = { deviceId: number, durationMs: number, endM?: number, }; type VehicleInfoQueryResult = { device: { id: number, name: string, setPoint: Array<number>, vehicleActivityReport: { start: { address: string, }, end: { address: string, }, } >, }, lastDashcamEvent: { reportType: number, triggerTime: number, urls: { still: string, }, } | null, },
  • 31. hmm... # server_schema.graphql: type Device { name: string!; } type Root { device(id: number!): Device; } # device_name_query.graphql: query DeviceName($id: number!) { device(id: $id) { name } } // generated_types.d.ts type DeviceNameQueryInputVariables = { id: number; } type DeviceNameQuery = { device: { name: string; } }
  • 32. the graphql schema and typescript types can be mapped 1:1
  • 35. how does codegen work? # server_schema.graphql: type Device { name: string!; } type Root { device(id: number!): Device; } # device_name_query.graphql: query DeviceName($id: number!) { device(id: $id) { name } }
  • 36. how does codegen work? # server_schema.graphql: type Device { name: string!; } type Root { device(id: number!): Device; } # device_name_query.graphql: query DeviceName($id: number!) { device(id: $id) { name } }
  • 37. how does codegen work? # server_schema.graphql: type Device { name: string!; } type Root { device(id: number!): Device; } # device_name_query.graphql: query DeviceName($id: number!) { device(id: $id) { name } } // generated_types.d.ts type DeviceNameQueryInputVariables = { id: number; }
  • 38. how does codegen work? # server_schema.graphql: type Device { name: string!; } type Root { device(id: number!): Device; } # device_name_query.graphql: query DeviceName($id: number!) { device(id: $id) { name } }
  • 39. how does codegen work? # server_schema.graphql: type Device { name: string!; } type Root { device(id: number!): Device; } # device_name_query.graphql: query DeviceName($id: number!) { device(id: $id) { name } }
  • 40. how does codegen work? # server_schema.graphql: type Device { name: string!; } type Root { device(id: number!): Device; } # device_name_query.graphql: query DeviceName($id: number!) { device(id: $id) { name } }
  • 41. how does codegen work? # server_schema.graphql: type Device { name: string!; } type Root { device(id: number!): Device; } # device_name_query.graphql: query DeviceName($id: number!) { device(id: $id) { name } } // generated_types.d.ts type DeviceNameQuery = { device: { name: string; } }
  • 42. $ ts-node codegen.ts > schema.d.ts
  • 43. typing without typing const DeviceNameComponent = (props: Props) => { return <div>Name: {}</div>; } export default connectGraphQL<Props, DeviceNameQuery, DeviceNameQueryVariables> (DeviceNameComponent, () => ({ query: ..., variables: { id: 202152006793, }, }) );
  • 44. typing without typing import { DeviceNameQuery, DeviceNameQueryVariables } from "./generated_types"; const DeviceNameComponent = (props: Props) => { return <div>Name: {}</div>; } export default connectGraphQL<Props, DeviceNameQuery, DeviceNameQueryVariables> (DeviceNameComponent, () => ({ query: ..., variables: { id: 202152006793, }, }) );
  • 47. can we go further?
  • 48. can we go further?
  • 49. golang types # graphqlschema/device.go type Device struct { Id int64 Name string OrganizationId int64 // ... } type deviceArgs struct { Id int64 } root.FieldFunc("device", func(ctx context.Context, args userArgs) (*Device, error) { user, err := db.Device.Get(...) return user, err })
  • 50. golang types # graphqlschema/device.go type Device struct { Id int64 Name string OrganizationId int64 // ... } type deviceArgs struct { Id int64 } root.FieldFunc("device", func(ctx context.Context, args userArgs) (*Device, error) { user, err := db.Device.Get(...) return user, err }) # server_schema.graphql: type Device { name: string!; id: number; // ... } type Root { device(id: number!): Device; }
  • 51. the go type definitions and graphql schema can also be mapped 1:1
  • 52. ✨ thunder + reflection ✨
  • 53. golang types # graphqlschema/device.go type Device struct { Id int64 Name string OrganizationId int64 // ... } type deviceArgs struct { Id int64 } root.FieldFunc("device", func(ctx context.Context, args userArgs) (*Device, error) { user, err := db.Device.Get(...) return user, err })
  • 54. golang types # graphqlschema/device.go type Device struct { Id int64 Name string OrganizationId int64 // ... } type deviceArgs struct { Id int64 } root.FieldFunc("device", func(ctx context.Context, args userArgs) (*Device, error) { user, err := db.Device.Get(...) return user, err }) # server_schema.graphql: type Root { device(id: number!): Device; }
  • 55. golang types # graphqlschema/device.go type Device struct { Id int64 Name string OrganizationId int64 // ... } type deviceArgs struct { Id int64 } root.FieldFunc("device", func(ctx context.Context, args userArgs) (*Device, error) { user, err := db.Device.Get(...) return user, err }) # server_schema.graphql: type Device { name: string!; id: number; // ... }
  • 56. $ go run schema_generator.go > schema.graphql
  • 59. can we go further?
  • 60. can we go further?
  • 61. can we go further?
  • 62. protobuf go generation message TemperatureStat { int64 time = 1; double double_value = 3; }
  • 63. surprise! protobufs and go types can also, also be mapped 1:1
  • 65. protobuf go generation message TemperatureStat { int64 time = 1; double double_value = 3; }
  • 66. protobuf go generation message TemperatureStat { int64 time = 1; double double_value = 3; } type TemperatureStat struct { Time int64 DoubleValue float64 }
  • 67. $ protoc-gen-go > stat.pb.go
  • 70. type once, benefit everywhere. schemas and typings can never be out of sync.
  • 71. type once, benefit everywhere. autocomplete, go to def, outlines in your {.pb.go, .go, .graphql, .tsx}.
  • 72. type once, benefit everywhere. a type can travel from the hardware device to the web application.
  • 73. type once, benefit everywhere. available in an open source repository near you.
  • 74. type once, benefit everywhere. a powerful default. let the computer do the busy work for you.
  • 77. the tools are there! we just need to add a little grease.
  • 78. Never Type Anything Type TypeScript from GraphQL Type GraphQL from Go Type Go from Protobufs
  • 79. Type mapping is not always 1:1 ● Union Types (supported ts, graphql, but not go) ● Enums Types (supported in ts, graphql, but not go) ● Number Types (float64 only in javascript) ○ A bit of a type safety problem, but we haven't hit the bounds of float64 in production yet. ○ We could also have a different over the wire representation for dealing with this ● Nullable Types (pointer types are not quite option types) ○ Error | Null | Value vs. (Null | Value, Error)
  • 81. what do we get out of static type checking? ● Type Safety ● Deployment Safety ● Autocomplete, Go to Definition
  • 84. protobufs cont. (grpc systems behind graphql) rpc UpdateDriverSafetyEvents(UpdateDriverSafetyEventsRequest) returns (UpdateDriverSafetyEventsResponse) {} message DriverSafetyEventsRequest { int64 org_id = 1; repeated int64 device_ids = 2; int64 end_ms = 3; int64 start_ms = 4; } message DriverSafetyEvent { int64 device_id = 1; int64 harsh_event_ms = 2; HarshEvent harsh_event = 3; SafetyEventMetadataInboxState state = 4; } message DriverSafetyEventsRequest { int64 org_id = 1; repeated int64 device_ids = 2; int64 end_ms = 3;
  • 85. can we make this nicer?
  • 86. Demands: more codegen ● What else can we do? ● extracting golang comments at compile time ● apollo-codegen with a go compilation target (i.e. for a graphql consumer api service)
  • 87. Demands: Better Type Interoperability ● Steps for code generation are still a little hard ● Need better ways of providing types across the board ● Providing Types: typescript/#3136

Editor's Notes

  1. i am stephen frontend infra, including graphql
  2. We really view ourselves as a platform company - there are so many applications we can build on top of our hardware and software.
  3. So behind the scenes, what does this look like? We have our gateway device that can run go programs, It sends its data over to our go-based backend services, and those services are abstracted behind our GraphQL layer, which ends up serving our react web application, and react native mobile application, written in typescript
  4. GraphQL becomes our one true language from the backend
  5. Going back a little, we have a lot of different types of data flowing through the system that need to make it on to the page. A vehicle might have a dash cam installed taking videos, it might have a temperature sensor for monitoring food shipments, it might be taking gps speed measurements - the relationships between all of this can get complicated And that's where we think a type system has a really big impact
  6. Find (some) bugs without executing the program Matters when you write a ton of features, lots of people doing everything (x functional teams) We have lots of teams working on features, some that overlap. Maintaining consistency is important.
  7. Find (some) bugs without executing the program Matters when you write a ton of features, lots of people doing everything (x functional teams) We have lots of teams working on features, some that overlap. Maintaining consistency is important.
  8. Find (some) bugs without executing the program Matters when you write a ton of features, lots of people doing everything (x functional teams) We have lots of teams working on features, some that overlap. Maintaining consistency is important.
  9. Mentioned earlier that we use GraphQL and TypeScript Let's look at an example where this might be useful
  10. What's wrong? (It's hard to tell)
  11. query inputs are checked
  12. query inputs are checked
  13. query inputs are checked
  14. query inputs are checked
  15. query inputs are checked
  16. query inputs are checked
  17. query inputs are checked
  18. query inputs are checked
  19. query inputs are checked
  20. but it's kind of disatisfying
  21. query inputs are checked
  22. Find (some) bugs without executing the program Matters when you write a ton of features, lots of people doing everything (x functional teams) We have lots of teams working on features, some that overlap. Maintaining consistency is important.
  23. Read the code for this Draw a diagram for inputs/outputs "mapping" type systems
  24. run it on the command line
  25. reflection: program reflecting, asking about itself
  26. query inputs are checked
  27. Now we know that our graphql service and our frontend will always agree, with no manual steps required Autocomplete, compile time checking in the frontend
  28. Highlight GraphQL service / web client as type safe Where does the graphql schema come from?
  29. Find (some) bugs without executing the program Matters when you write a ton of features, lots of people doing everything (x functional teams) We have lots of teams working on features, some that overlap. Maintaining consistency is important.
  30. Highlight GraphQL service / web client as type safe Where does the graphql schema come from?
  31. reflection: program reflecting, asking about itself
  32. reflection: program reflecting, asking about itself
  33. Highlight GraphQL service / web client as type safe Where does the graphql schema come from?
  34. Highlight GraphQL service / web client / Backend as type safe
  35. Find (some) bugs without executing the program Matters when you write a ton of features, lots of people doing everything (x functional teams) We have lots of teams working on features, some that overlap. Maintaining consistency is important.
  36. Highlight GraphQL service / web client / Backend as type safe
  37. Highlight GraphQL service / web client / Backend as type safe Show some code snippets (which are handwritten? which are generatede)
  38. Find (some) bugs without executing the program Matters when you write a ton of features, lots of people doing everything (x functional teams) We have lots of teams working on features, some that overlap. Maintaining consistency is important.
  39. reflection: program reflecting, asking about itself
  40. reflection: program reflecting, asking about itself
  41. Highlight GraphQL service / web client / Backend as type safe Show some code snippets (which are handwritten? which are generatede)
  42. Single shared type defintion, for any piece of data Generate defintions, so developers don't need to
  43. entire class of problem
  44. not novel - everything is available in open source (protobufs, thunder, apollo-codegen, typescript) we encourage you to try this out. we look forward to ???
  45. really powerful default when working across the stack we encourage you to try this out. there's a little grease involved,
  46. reflection: program reflecting, asking about itself really powerful default individual steps not really novel apollo-codegen star count apollo-client example documentation
  47. It's still possible to ship buggy changes to business logic But we've eliminated an entire source of potential errors from production
  48. It's still possible to ship buggy changes to business logic But we've eliminated an entire source of potential errors from production