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Unleash the Power of Ceph
Across the Data Center
TUT18972: FC/iSCSI for Ceph
Ettore Simone
Senior Architect
Alchemy Solutions Lab
• Introduction
• The Bridge
• The Architecture
• Use Cases
• How It Works
• Some Benchmarks
• Some Optimizations
• Q&A
• Bonus Tracks
About Ceph
“Ceph is a distributed object store and file system
designed to provide excellent performance, reliability
and scalability.” (
FUT19336 - SUSE Enterprise Storage Overview and Roadmap
TUT20074 - SUSE Enterprise Storage Design and Performance
Ceph timeline
Q3 2012
Storage 2.0
Q4 2015
Start at
Q2 2012
Launch of
Q1 2015
Storage 1.0
Some facts
Common data centers storage solutions are built
mainly on top of Fibre Channel (yes, and NAS too).
Source: Wikibon Server SAN Research Project 2014
Is the storage mindset changing?
‒ Micro-services Composed Applications
‒ NoSQL and Distributed Database (lazy commit, replication)
‒ Object and Distributed Storage
‒ Traditional Application → Relational DB → Traditional Storage
‒ Transactional Process → Commit on DB → Commit on Disk
Is the storage mindset changing? No.
‒ Micro-services Composed Applications
‒ NoSQL and Distributed Database (lazy commit, replication)
‒ Object and Distributed Storage
Natural playground of Ceph
‒ Traditional Application → Relational DB → Traditional Storage
‒ Transactional Process → Commit on DB → Commit on Disk
Where we want to introduce Ceph!
Is the new kid on the block so noisy?
Ceph is cool but I cannot rearchitect my storage!
And what about my shiny big disk arrays?
I have already N protocols, why another one?
<Add your own fear here>
over FC
Our goal
How to achieve a non disruptive introduction of Ceph
into a traditional storage infrastructure?
over Ethernet
over Ethernet
How to let happily coexist Ceph in your
datacenter with the existing neighborhood
(traditional workloads, legacy servers, FC switches etc...)
The Bridge
FC/iSCSI gateway
‒ Out-of-the-box feature of SES 2.0
‒ TUT16512 - Ceph RBD Devices and iSCSI
Fiber Channel
‒ That's the point we will focus today
Back to our goal
How to achieve a non disruptive introduction of Ceph
into a traditional storage infrastructure?
Linux-IO Target (LIO™)
Is the most common open-source SCSI target in
modern GNU/Linux distros:
Kernel space
The Architecture
Technical Reference for Entry Level
Dedicated nodes connect Ceph to Fiber Channel
Hypothesis for High Throughput
All OSDs nodes connect Ceph to Fiber Channel
Our LAB Architecture
Pool and OSD geometry
Multi root CRUSH map
Multipath I/O (MPIO)
devices {
device {
vendor "(LIO-ORG|SUSE)"
product "*"
path_grouping_policy "multibus"
path_checker "tur"
features "0"
hardware_handler "1 alua"
prio "alua"
failback "immediate"
rr_weight "uniform"
no_path_retry "fail"
rr_min_io 100
Automatically classify the OSD
# ceph-disk-classify
osd01 0 sdb 300G 0.287 15K
osd01 1 sdc 300G 0.287 15K
osd01 2 sdd 200G 0.177 SSD
osd01 3 sde 1.0T 0.971 7.2K
osd01 4 sdf 1.0T 0.971 7.2K
osd02 5 sdb 300G 0.287 15K
osd02 6 sdd 200G 0.177 SSD
osd02 7 sde 1.0T 0.971 7.2K
osd01 8 sdf 1.0T 0.971 7.2K
osd03 9 sdb 300G 0.287 15K
Avoid standard CRUSH location
osd crush location = root=default host=`hostname -s`
Using an helper script:
osd crush location hook = /path/to/script
Or entirely manual:
osd crush update on start = false
# ceph osd crush [add|set] 39 0.971 root=root-7.2K
Use Cases
Smooth transition
Native migration of SAN/LUN to RBD/Volumes help
Traditional Workloads Private Cloud
New Workloads
Smooth transition
Native migration of SAN/LUN to RBD/Volumes help
Traditional Workloads Private Cloud
New Workloads
Smooth transition
Native migration of SAN/LUN to RBD/Volumes help
Traditional Workloads Private Cloud
New Workloads
Smooth transition
Native migration of SAN/LUN to RBD/Volumes help
Traditional Workloads Private Cloud
New Workloads
Storage replacement
No drama at the End of Life/Support of traditional
Traditional Workloads Private Cloud
New Workloads
D/R and Business Continuity
Site A Site B
Ceph GW
How It Works
Ceph and Linux-IO
SCSI commands from fabrics are addressed by LIO
core, configured using targetcli or directly via sysfs,
and proxied to the interested block device through the
relative backstore module.
← user space →
← kernel space →
Enable QLocig in target mode
# modprobe qla2xxx qlini_mode="disabled"
← user space →
← kernel space →
Identify and enable HBAs
# cat
ost*/port_name | 
sed -e 's/../:&/g' -e 's/:0x://'
# targetcli qla2xxx/ create ${WWPN}
← user space →
← kernel space →
Map RBDs and create backstores
# rbd map -p ${POOL} ${VOL}
# targetcli backstores/rbd create name="$
{POOL}-${VOL}" dev="${DEV}"
← user space →
← kernel space →
Create LUNs connected to RBDs
# targetcli qla2xxx/${WWPN}/luns create
← user space →
← kernel space →
“Zoning” to filter access with ACLs
# targetcli qla2xxx/${WWPN}/acls create $
← user space →
← kernel space →
Some Benchmarks
First of all...
This solution is NOT a drop in replacement for SAN nor
NAS (at the moment at least!).
The main focus is to identify how to minimize the
overhead from native RBD to FC/iSCSI.
Raw performance/estimation on 15K
Physical Disk IOPS: Ceph IOPS:
‒ 4K RND Read = 193 x 24 = 4.632
‒ 4K RND Write = 178 x 24 / 3 = 1.424 / 3 = 475
Physical Disk Throughput: Ceph Throughput:
‒ 512K RND Read = 108 MB/s x 24 = 2.600
‒ 512K RND Write = 105 MB/s x 24 / 3 = 840 / 2 = 420 MB/s
‒ 24 OSD and 3 Replicas per Pool
‒ No SSD for journal (so ~1/3 IOPS and ~1/2 of bandwidth for
64K SEQ Read
64K SEQ Write
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
4K RND Read
4K RND Write
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000
Compared performance on 15K
‒ SEQ 64K on RBD Client → RND 512K on Ceph OSD
Work in Progress
Where we are working on
Centralized management with GUI/CLI
‒ Deploy MON/OSD/GW nodes
‒ Manage Nodes/Disk/Pools/Map/LIO
‒ Monitor cluster and node status
Reaction on failures
Using librados/librbd with tcmu for backstore
Central Management Console
• Intel Virtual Storage Manager
• Ceph Calamari
• inkScope
More integration with existing tools
Extend LRBD do accept multiple Fabric:
‒ iSCSI (native support)
‒ FC
‒ FCoE
‒ Use of librados via tcmu
Some Optimizations
I/O scheduler matter!
On OSD nodes:
‒ deadline on physical disk (cfq if ionice scrub thread)
‒ noop on RAID disk
‒ read_ahead_kb=2048
On Gateway nodes:
‒ noop on mapped RBD
On Client nodes:
‒ noop or deadline on multipath device
Reduce I/O concurrency
• Reduce OSD scrub priority:
‒ I/O scheduler cfq
‒ osd_disk_thread_ioprio_class = idle
‒ osd_disk_thread_ioprio_priority = 7
Design optimizations
• SSD on monitor nodes for LevelDB: decrease CPU,
memory usage and time during recovery
• SSD Journal decrease I/O latency: 3x IOPS and better
Thank you.
Corporate Headquarters
Maxfeldstrasse 5
90409 Nuremberg
+49 911 740 53 0 (Worldwide)
Join us on:
Bonus Tracks
Business Continuity architecture
Low latency connected sites:
WARNING: To improve availability a third site to place a
quorum node are highly encouraged.
Disaster Recovery architecture
High latency or disconnected sites:
As in OpenStack Ceph plug-in for Cinder Backup:
# rbd export-diff pool/image@end --from-snap start - |
ssh -C remote rbd import-diff – pool/image
KVM Gateways
• VT-x Physical passthrough of QLogic
• RBD Volumes as VirtIO devices
• Linux-IO iblock backstore
VT-x PCI passthrough 1/2
Install KVM and tools
Boot with intel_iommu=on
# lspci -D | grep -i QLogic | awk '{ print $1 }'
# readlink /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:24:00.
# modprobe -r qla2xxx
VT-x PCI passthrough 2/2
# virsh nodedev-detach pci_0000_24_00_{0,1}
Device pci_0000_24_00_0 detached
Device pci_0000_24_00_1 detached
# virsh edit VM
<hostdev mode='subsystem' type='pci' managed='yes'>
<address domain='0x0000' bus='0x24' slot='0x0' function='0x0'/>
<hostdev mode='subsystem' type='pci' managed='yes'>
<address domain='0x0000' bus='0x24' slot='0x0' function='0x1'/>
# virsh start VM
KVM hot-add RBD 1/2
# ceph auth get-or-create client.libvirt mon 'allow r'
osd 'allow rwx'
key = AQBN3S9W0Z2gKxAAnua2fIlcSVSZ/c7pqHtTwA==
# cat secret.xml
<secret ephemeral='no' private='no'>
<usage type='ceph'>
<name>client.libvirt secret</name>
# virsh secret-define --file secret.xml
Secret 363aad3c-d13c-440d-bb27-fd58fca6aac2 created
# virsh secret-set-value --secret 363aad3c-d13c-440d-
bb27-fd58fca6aac2 --base64
KVM hot-add RBD 2/2
# cat disk.xml
<disk type='network' device='disk'>
<source protocol='rbd' name='pool/vol'>
<host name='mon01' port='6789'/>
<host name='mon02' port='6789'/>
<host name='mon03' port='6789'/>
<auth username='libvirt'>
<secret type='ceph' uuid='363aad3c-d13c-440d-bb27-
<target dev='vdb' bus='virtio'/>
# virsh attach-device --persistent VM disk.xml
Device attached successfully
# Enumerate OSDs
ceph osd ls | 
while read OSD; do
# Extract IP/HOST from Cluster Map
IP=`ceph osd find $OSD | tr -d '"' | grep 'ip:' | awk -F: '{ print $2 }'`
NODE=`getent hosts $IP | sed -e 's/.* //'`
test -n "$NODE" || NODE=$IP
# Evaluate mount point for osd.<N> (so skip Journals and not used ones)
MOUNT=`ssh -n $NODE ceph-disk list 2>/dev/null | grep "osd.$OSD" | awk '{ print $1 }'`
DEV=`echo $MOUNT | sed -e 's/[0-9]*$//' -e 's|/dev/||'`
# Calculate Disk size and FS size
SIZE=`ssh -n $NODE cat /sys/block/$DEV/size`
DF=`ssh -n $NODE df $MOUNT | grep $MOUNT | awk '{ print $2 }'`
# Weight is the size in TByte
WEIGHT=`printf '%3.3f' $(bc -l<<<$DF/1000000000)`
SPEED=`ssh -n $NODE sginfo -g /dev/$DEV | sed -n -e 's/^Rotational Rates*//p'`
test "$SPEED" = '1' && SPEED='SSD'
# Output
echo $NODE $OSD $DEV `numfmt --to=si $SIZE` $WEIGHT $SPEED
A Light Hands-On
A Vagrant LAB for Ceph and iSCSI
• 3 all-in-one nodes (MON+OSD+iSCSI Target)
• 1 admin Calamari and iSCSI Initiator with MPIO
• 3 disks per OSD node
• 2 replicas
• Placement Groups: 3*3*100/2 = 450 → 512
Ceph Initial Configuration
Login into ceph-admin and create initial ceph.conf
# ceph-deploy install ceph-{admin,1,2,3}
# ceph-deploy new ceph-{1,2,3}
# cat <<-EOD >>ceph.conf
osd_pool_default_size = 2
osd_pool_default_min_size = 1
osd_pool_default_pg_num = 512
osd_pool_default_pgp_num = 512
Ceph Deploy
Login into ceph-admin and create the Ceph cluster
# ceph-deploy mon create-initial
# ceph-deploy osd create ceph-{1,2,3}:sd{b,c,d}
# ceph-deploy admin ceph-{admin,1,2,3}
LRBD “auth”
"auth": [
"authentication": "none",
"target": "iqn.2015-09.ceph:sn"
LRBD “targets”
"targets": [
"hosts": [
"host": "ceph-1", "portal": "portal1"
"host": "ceph-2", "portal": "portal2"
"host": "ceph-3", "portal": "portal3"
"target": "iqn.2015-09.ceph:sn"
LRBD “portals”
"portals": [
"name": "portal1",
"addresses": [ "" ]
"name": "portal2",
"addresses": [ "" ]
"name": "portal3",
"addresses": [ "" ]
LRBD “pools”
"pools": [
"pool": "rbd",
"gateways": [
"target": "iqn.2015-09.ceph:sn",
"tpg": [
"image": "data",
"initiator": "iqn.1996-04.suse:cl"
Unpublished Work of SUSE LLC. All Rights Reserved.
This work is an unpublished work and contains confidential, proprietary and trade secret information of SUSE LLC.
Access to this work is restricted to SUSE employees who have a need to know to perform tasks within the scope of their
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Any use or exploitation of this work without authorization could subject the perpetrator to criminal and civil liability.
General Disclaimer
This document is not to be construed as a promise by any participating company to develop, deliver, or market a
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presentation are trademarks or registered trademarks of Novell, Inc. in the United States and other countries. All third-
party trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

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TUT18972: Unleash the power of Ceph across the Data Center

  • 1. Unleash the Power of Ceph Across the Data Center TUT18972: FC/iSCSI for Ceph Ettore Simone Senior Architect Alchemy Solutions Lab
  • 2. 2 Agenda • Introduction • The Bridge • The Architecture • Use Cases • How It Works • Some Benchmarks • Some Optimizations • Q&A • Bonus Tracks
  • 4. 4 About Ceph “Ceph is a distributed object store and file system designed to provide excellent performance, reliability and scalability.” ( FUT19336 - SUSE Enterprise Storage Overview and Roadmap TUT20074 - SUSE Enterprise Storage Design and Performance
  • 5. 5 Ceph timeline Open Source 2006 OpenStack Integration 2011 Production Ready Q3 2012 Xen Integration 2013 SUSE Enterprise Storage 2.0 Q4 2015 2004 Project Start at UCSC 2010 Mainline Linux Kernel Q2 2012 Launch of Inktank 2012 CloudStack Integration Q1 2015 SUSE Storage 1.0
  • 6. 6 Some facts Common data centers storage solutions are built mainly on top of Fibre Channel (yes, and NAS too). Source: Wikibon Server SAN Research Project 2014
  • 7. 7 Is the storage mindset changing? New/Cloud ‒ Micro-services Composed Applications ‒ NoSQL and Distributed Database (lazy commit, replication) ‒ Object and Distributed Storage SCALE-OUT Classic ‒ Traditional Application → Relational DB → Traditional Storage ‒ Transactional Process → Commit on DB → Commit on Disk SCALE-UP
  • 8. 8 Is the storage mindset changing? No. New/Cloud ‒ Micro-services Composed Applications ‒ NoSQL and Distributed Database (lazy commit, replication) ‒ Object and Distributed Storage Natural playground of Ceph Classic ‒ Traditional Application → Relational DB → Traditional Storage ‒ Transactional Process → Commit on DB → Commit on Disk Where we want to introduce Ceph!
  • 9. 9 Is the new kid on the block so noisy? Ceph is cool but I cannot rearchitect my storage! And what about my shiny big disk arrays? I have already N protocols, why another one? <Add your own fear here>
  • 10. 10 SAN SCSI over FC Our goal How to achieve a non disruptive introduction of Ceph into a traditional storage infrastructure? NAS NFS/SMB/iSCSI over Ethernet RBD over Ethernet Ceph
  • 11. 11 How to let happily coexist Ceph in your datacenter with the existing neighborhood (traditional workloads, legacy servers, FC switches etc...)
  • 13. 13 FC/iSCSI gateway iSCSI ‒ Out-of-the-box feature of SES 2.0 ‒ TUT16512 - Ceph RBD Devices and iSCSI Fiber Channel ‒ That's the point we will focus today
  • 14. 14 Back to our goal How to achieve a non disruptive introduction of Ceph into a traditional storage infrastructure? RBDSAN NAS
  • 15. 15 Linux-IO Target (LIO™) Is the most common open-source SCSI target in modern GNU/Linux distros: FC FCoE FireWire iSCSI iSER SRP loop vHost FABRIC BACKSTORELIO FILEIO IBLOCK RBD pSCSI RAMDISK TCMU Kernel space
  • 17. 17 Technical Reference for Entry Level Dedicated nodes connect Ceph to Fiber Channel
  • 18. 18 Hypothesis for High Throughput All OSDs nodes connect Ceph to Fiber Channel
  • 20. 20 Pool and OSD geometry x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
  • 22. 22 Multipath I/O (MPIO) devices { device { vendor "(LIO-ORG|SUSE)" product "*" path_grouping_policy "multibus" path_checker "tur" features "0" hardware_handler "1 alua" prio "alua" failback "immediate" rr_weight "uniform" no_path_retry "fail" rr_min_io 100 } }
  • 23. 23 Automatically classify the OSD Classify by NODE;OSD;DEV;SIZE;WEIGHT;SPEED # ceph-disk-classify osd01 0 sdb 300G 0.287 15K osd01 1 sdc 300G 0.287 15K osd01 2 sdd 200G 0.177 SSD osd01 3 sde 1.0T 0.971 7.2K osd01 4 sdf 1.0T 0.971 7.2K osd02 5 sdb 300G 0.287 15K osd02 6 sdd 200G 0.177 SSD osd02 7 sde 1.0T 0.971 7.2K osd01 8 sdf 1.0T 0.971 7.2K osd03 9 sdb 300G 0.287 15K …
  • 24. 24 Avoid standard CRUSH location Default: osd crush location = root=default host=`hostname -s` Using an helper script: osd crush location hook = /path/to/script Or entirely manual: osd crush update on start = false … # ceph osd crush [add|set] 39 0.971 root=root-7.2K host=osd08-7.2K
  • 26. 26 Smooth transition Native migration of SAN/LUN to RBD/Volumes help migration/conversion/coexisting: Traditional Workloads Private Cloud CephSAN GW New Workloads
  • 27. 27 Smooth transition Native migration of SAN/LUN to RBD/Volumes help migration/conversion/coexisting: Traditional Workloads Private Cloud CephSAN GW New Workloads
  • 28. 28 Smooth transition Native migration of SAN/LUN to RBD/Volumes help migration/conversion/coexisting: Traditional Workloads Private Cloud CephSAN GW New Workloads
  • 29. 29 Smooth transition Native migration of SAN/LUN to RBD/Volumes help migration/conversion/coexisting: Traditional Workloads Private Cloud CephSAN GW New Workloads
  • 30. 30 Storage replacement No drama at the End of Life/Support of traditional storages: Traditional Workloads Private Cloud CephGW New Workloads
  • 31. 31 D/R and Business Continuity CephGW Site A Site B Ceph GW
  • 33. 33 Ceph and Linux-IO SCSI commands from fabrics are addressed by LIO core, configured using targetcli or directly via sysfs, and proxied to the interested block device through the relative backstore module. CLIENTS CEPHCLUSTER /sys/kernel/config/target ← user space → ← kernel space →
  • 34. 34 Enable QLocig in target mode # modprobe qla2xxx qlini_mode="disabled" CLIENTS CEPHCLUSTER /sys/kernel/config/target ← user space → ← kernel space →
  • 35. 35 Identify and enable HBAs # cat /sys/class/scsi_host/host*/device/fc_host/h ost*/port_name | sed -e 's/../:&/g' -e 's/:0x://' # targetcli qla2xxx/ create ${WWPN} CLIENTS CEPHCLUSTER /sys/kernel/config/target ← user space → ← kernel space →
  • 36. 36 Map RBDs and create backstores # rbd map -p ${POOL} ${VOL} # targetcli backstores/rbd create name="$ {POOL}-${VOL}" dev="${DEV}" CLIENTS CEPHCLUSTER /sys/kernel/config/target /dev/rbd0 ← user space → ← kernel space →
  • 37. 37 Create LUNs connected to RBDs # targetcli qla2xxx/${WWPN}/luns create /backstores/rbd/${POOL}-${VOL} CLIENTS CEPHCLUSTER /sys/kernel/config/target /dev/rbd0 ← user space → ← kernel space → LUN0
  • 38. 38 “Zoning” to filter access with ACLs # targetcli qla2xxx/${WWPN}/acls create $ {INITIATOR} true CLIENTS CEPHCLUSTER /sys/kernel/config/target /dev/rbd0 ← user space → ← kernel space → LUN0
  • 40. 40 First of all... This solution is NOT a drop in replacement for SAN nor NAS (at the moment at least!). The main focus is to identify how to minimize the overhead from native RBD to FC/iSCSI.
  • 41. 41 Raw performance/estimation on 15K Physical Disk IOPS: Ceph IOPS: ‒ 4K RND Read = 193 x 24 = 4.632 ‒ 4K RND Write = 178 x 24 / 3 = 1.424 / 3 = 475 Physical Disk Throughput: Ceph Throughput: ‒ 512K RND Read = 108 MB/s x 24 = 2.600 ‒ 512K RND Write = 105 MB/s x 24 / 3 = 840 / 2 = 420 MB/s NOTE: ‒ 24 OSD and 3 Replicas per Pool ‒ No SSD for journal (so ~1/3 IOPS and ~1/2 of bandwidth for writes)
  • 42. 43 64K SEQ Read 64K SEQ Write 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 Estimated RBD MAP/AIO MAP/LIO QEMU/LIO ThroughputinMB/s 4K RND Read 4K RND Write 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Estimated RBD MAP/AIO MAP/LIO QEMU/LIO IOPS Compared performance on 15K NOTE: ‒ SEQ 64K on RBD Client → RND 512K on Ceph OSD
  • 44. 46 Where we are working on Centralized management with GUI/CLI ‒ Deploy MON/OSD/GW nodes ‒ Manage Nodes/Disk/Pools/Map/LIO ‒ Monitor cluster and node status Reaction on failures Using librados/librbd with tcmu for backstore
  • 45. 47 Central Management Console • Intel Virtual Storage Manager • Ceph Calamari • inkScope
  • 46. 48 More integration with existing tools Extend LRBD do accept multiple Fabric: ‒ iSCSI (native support) ‒ FC ‒ FCoE Linux-IO: ‒ Use of librados via tcmu
  • 48. 50 I/O scheduler matter! On OSD nodes: ‒ deadline on physical disk (cfq if ionice scrub thread) ‒ noop on RAID disk ‒ read_ahead_kb=2048 On Gateway nodes: ‒ noop on mapped RBD On Client nodes: ‒ noop or deadline on multipath device
  • 49. 51 Reduce I/O concurrency • Reduce OSD scrub priority: ‒ I/O scheduler cfq ‒ osd_disk_thread_ioprio_class = idle ‒ osd_disk_thread_ioprio_priority = 7
  • 50. 52 Design optimizations • SSD on monitor nodes for LevelDB: decrease CPU, memory usage and time during recovery • SSD Journal decrease I/O latency: 3x IOPS and better throughput
  • 51. Q&A
  • 53. Corporate Headquarters Maxfeldstrasse 5 90409 Nuremberg Germany +49 911 740 53 0 (Worldwide) Join us on: 55
  • 55. 57 Business Continuity architecture Low latency connected sites: WARNING: To improve availability a third site to place a quorum node are highly encouraged.
  • 56. 58 Disaster Recovery architecture High latency or disconnected sites: As in OpenStack Ceph plug-in for Cinder Backup: # rbd export-diff pool/image@end --from-snap start - | ssh -C remote rbd import-diff – pool/image
  • 57. 59 KVM Gateways • VT-x Physical passthrough of QLogic • RBD Volumes as VirtIO devices • Linux-IO iblock backstore
  • 58. 60 VT-x PCI passthrough 1/2 Install KVM and tools Boot with intel_iommu=on # lspci -D | grep -i QLogic | awk '{ print $1 }' 0000:24:00:0 0000:24:00:1 # readlink /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:24:00. {0,1}/driver ../../../../bus/pci/drivers/qla2xxx ../../../../bus/pci/drivers/qla2xxx # modprobe -r qla2xxx
  • 59. 61 VT-x PCI passthrough 2/2 # virsh nodedev-detach pci_0000_24_00_{0,1} Device pci_0000_24_00_0 detached Device pci_0000_24_00_1 detached # virsh edit VM <hostdev mode='subsystem' type='pci' managed='yes'> <source> <address domain='0x0000' bus='0x24' slot='0x0' function='0x0'/> </source> </hostdev> <hostdev mode='subsystem' type='pci' managed='yes'> <source> <address domain='0x0000' bus='0x24' slot='0x0' function='0x1'/> </source> </hostdev> # virsh start VM
  • 60. 62 KVM hot-add RBD 1/2 # ceph auth get-or-create client.libvirt mon 'allow r' osd 'allow rwx' [client.libvirt] key = AQBN3S9W0Z2gKxAAnua2fIlcSVSZ/c7pqHtTwA== # cat secret.xml <secret ephemeral='no' private='no'> <usage type='ceph'> <name>client.libvirt secret</name> </usage> </secret> # virsh secret-define --file secret.xml Secret 363aad3c-d13c-440d-bb27-fd58fca6aac2 created # virsh secret-set-value --secret 363aad3c-d13c-440d- bb27-fd58fca6aac2 --base64 AQBN3S9W0Z2gKxAAnua2fIlcSVSZ/c7pqHtTwA==
  • 61. 63 KVM hot-add RBD 2/2 # cat disk.xml <disk type='network' device='disk'> <source protocol='rbd' name='pool/vol'> <host name='mon01' port='6789'/> <host name='mon02' port='6789'/> <host name='mon03' port='6789'/> </source> <auth username='libvirt'> <secret type='ceph' uuid='363aad3c-d13c-440d-bb27- fd58fca6aac2'/> </auth> <target dev='vdb' bus='virtio'/> </disk> # virsh attach-device --persistent VM disk.xml Device attached successfully
  • 62. 64 /usr/local/sbin/ceph-disk-classify # Enumerate OSDs ceph osd ls | while read OSD; do # Extract IP/HOST from Cluster Map IP=`ceph osd find $OSD | tr -d '"' | grep 'ip:' | awk -F: '{ print $2 }'` NODE=`getent hosts $IP | sed -e 's/.* //'` test -n "$NODE" || NODE=$IP # Evaluate mount point for osd.<N> (so skip Journals and not used ones) MOUNT=`ssh -n $NODE ceph-disk list 2>/dev/null | grep "osd.$OSD" | awk '{ print $1 }'` DEV=`echo $MOUNT | sed -e 's/[0-9]*$//' -e 's|/dev/||'` # Calculate Disk size and FS size SIZE=`ssh -n $NODE cat /sys/block/$DEV/size` SIZE=$[SIZE*512] DF=`ssh -n $NODE df $MOUNT | grep $MOUNT | awk '{ print $2 }'` # Weight is the size in TByte WEIGHT=`printf '%3.3f' $(bc -l<<<$DF/1000000000)` SPEED=`ssh -n $NODE sginfo -g /dev/$DEV | sed -n -e 's/^Rotational Rates*//p'` test "$SPEED" = '1' && SPEED='SSD' # Output echo $NODE $OSD $DEV `numfmt --to=si $SIZE` $WEIGHT $SPEED done
  • 64. 66 A Vagrant LAB for Ceph and iSCSI • 3 all-in-one nodes (MON+OSD+iSCSI Target) • 1 admin Calamari and iSCSI Initiator with MPIO • 3 disks per OSD node • 2 replicas • Placement Groups: 3*3*100/2 = 450 → 512
  • 65. 67 Ceph Initial Configuration Login into ceph-admin and create initial ceph.conf # ceph-deploy install ceph-{admin,1,2,3} # ceph-deploy new ceph-{1,2,3} # cat <<-EOD >>ceph.conf osd_pool_default_size = 2 osd_pool_default_min_size = 1 osd_pool_default_pg_num = 512 osd_pool_default_pgp_num = 512 EOD
  • 66. 68 Ceph Deploy Login into ceph-admin and create the Ceph cluster # ceph-deploy mon create-initial # ceph-deploy osd create ceph-{1,2,3}:sd{b,c,d} # ceph-deploy admin ceph-{admin,1,2,3}
  • 67. 69 LRBD “auth” "auth": [ { "authentication": "none", "target": "iqn.2015-09.ceph:sn" } ]
  • 68. 70 LRBD “targets” "targets": [ { "hosts": [ { "host": "ceph-1", "portal": "portal1" }, { "host": "ceph-2", "portal": "portal2" }, { "host": "ceph-3", "portal": "portal3" } ], "target": "iqn.2015-09.ceph:sn" } ]
  • 69. 71 LRBD “portals” "portals": [ { "name": "portal1", "addresses": [ "" ] }, { "name": "portal2", "addresses": [ "" ] }, { "name": "portal3", "addresses": [ "" ] } ]
  • 70. 72 LRBD “pools” "pools": [ { "pool": "rbd", "gateways": [ { "target": "iqn.2015-09.ceph:sn", "tpg": [ { "image": "data", "initiator": "iqn.1996-04.suse:cl" } ] } ] } ]
  • 71. Unpublished Work of SUSE LLC. All Rights Reserved. This work is an unpublished work and contains confidential, proprietary and trade secret information of SUSE LLC. Access to this work is restricted to SUSE employees who have a need to know to perform tasks within the scope of their assignments. No part of this work may be practiced, performed, copied, distributed, revised, modified, translated, abridged, condensed, expanded, collected, or adapted without the prior written consent of SUSE. Any use or exploitation of this work without authorization could subject the perpetrator to criminal and civil liability. General Disclaimer This document is not to be construed as a promise by any participating company to develop, deliver, or market a product. It is not a commitment to deliver any material, code, or functionality, and should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions. SUSE makes no representations or warranties with respect to the contents of this document, and specifically disclaims any express or implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. The development, release, and timing of features or functionality described for SUSE products remains at the sole discretion of SUSE. Further, SUSE reserves the right to revise this document and to make changes to its content, at any time, without obligation to notify any person or entity of such revisions or changes. All SUSE marks referenced in this presentation are trademarks or registered trademarks of Novell, Inc. in the United States and other countries. All third- party trademarks are the property of their respective owners.