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Treatment-Idea 1
TheWorkingTitle,Tagline and Characters
Idea 1- ‘X Marks the spot’
Tagline- Maps don’t always lead you to gold.
Length of the film- 5 minutes.
Characters-Alex- A 18 year old male who is an outgoing person prepared for every challenge and is eager to impress
his companion, his girlfriend.Alex was brought up well with a very positive childhood, although without any siblings,
meaning he is used to getting what he likes, which may provide challenging later on in the film. His appreciation and
respect of people of a lower class may challenge the usual perception of a posh child for the audience.The clothes
that he will be wearing will be suitable for climbing with a back pack with equipment used making him look like he
knows what he's getting himself involved in.
Chloe- A 18 year old who is a very popular member of the pupils in her college, with a very loud personality who
stands out in a crowd. She was brought up on a council estate and with not very much in the way of a positive, happy
household living with just her single mother and 3 other siblings meaning she was passed many responsibilities being
the oldest.This could provide pivotal later in the film as she has to take over from her boyfriend Alex after get lost
and worried.The clothes that she will likely be wearing is likely to be not suitable for walking for a long time as Alex
told her they were going for a surprise date.
Evil Character-This character will never be unveiled to the public and will only see everything from the characters
point of view meaning the audience will always have suspicions of what it looks like.With this being most likely a
creature of some form there will be no dialogue from it only actions.
Synopsis- Act 1
One bright Friday evening Alex and Chloe finish college for the weekend, with a feeling of positivity
after finishing the week Alex suppliesChloe with a surprise of a date. Chloe isn’t all sure on the idea as
she had planned to go out with friends that evening, but feels bad after Alex has supposedly gone to
all this effort and cant help but decide to call off the plans for that evening, which she may wish she
hadn’t done.We then see the popularity of Chloe as she reveals to her friends she cant make it and
they are disappointed not only because she can’t go with them but also because she is going with
Alex.The audiences perception of Alex may be swayed when they see the thoughts of her friends
opinions about Alex and what they think he's really like, giving the audience another angle of Alex.
Chloe ignores the messages and decides to stick up for Alex, much to the laughter of her friends who
all thinks she is oblivious to what he’s really like.
Synopsis- Act 2
With Chloe asking constantly about where they are going and Alex giving nothing away, a long journey
finally comes to an end. Once the scene of a massive woodland with not an ounce of life in sight, although
many cars around them, the camera quickly switches to Chloe and her facials expressions.The fact that
she enjoys going out with friends to nightclubs, which is what she was meant to be doing, and seeing
nothing but woodland means she wasn’t very impressed with he fact she’d been brought there.The
messages she was receiving from her friends hours before that read “he’s a strange one”, “I don’t know
why you’re bothering wit him”, started to make sense in her head as she was brought away from her
more natural habitat into something vastly different.
With the journey taking a while and them setting off late afternoon, the sun began to fall lower and lower
making everything seem darker, at which that pointAlex decided to explain the fact they had to follow a
map to find a pub.Whilst Chloe, not really suited and booted for the occasion, was contemplating why
she chose Alex over her friends, Alex was looking at the map too se what direction they should begin in.
Alex, who is prepared for the situation locks the car and manages to persuade Chloe to join him
explaining it will only take 1 hour and the views will be “worth the wait”.
An hour had passed and Chloe had began getting agitated with Alex and frustrated by his lack of
understanding her situation. By this time the sun had almost switched places with the moon, making Alex
use his torch as the lack of light began to get worrying.Trying to stay mentally strong in front of his
girlfriend, making sure he showed no sign of weakness, Alex was shown by Chloe that they were lost, and
the map was now of no use to them.This began to show Alex’s weakness as he started to get frightened
by anything, such as a bird tweeting to himself braking a branch.
Synopsis- Act 3
At this point Chloe began to fell like she is back at her childhood looking after someone again as Alex,
being an only child, always was helped and has never had to help someone else before. As the moon
begins to riseAlex and Chloe begin losing light, rapidly.As the light reduced it meant Alex and Chloe were
walking into the unknown, not knowing who, what, and where they were going. Every single noise which
was thought not to be made by one of them freaked them both out massively.As Chloe was at the front
taking the leading role she shone the light towards trees surrounding them, with one tree looking like it
had a signal on it a red ‘X’. Chloe then suggested that this may lead them to the end goal and it was a
helping hand for them so they should follow them. Unaware to both of them this ‘X’ marked a spot, which
lead them into a spot of danger.
As they follow these signsAlex asks Chloe the question, why was there so many cars with nobody about,
which added to Chloe's anxious nature. As time ticked on, no life was seen as they followed these signs,
until they heard noises, something following them. Every time they moved a few steps they'd here
something around them move.The noise became closer an closer untilAlex turned round to speak to
Chloe and shed gone, just a pool of blood surrounded where she’d been and at this point Alex started
freaking out.The next sceneAlex was also just a pool of blood along with many other pools of blood.
Target Audience
My target audience is ages ranging between 18-50. My primary audience will be 18- 30 year olds as my film is
similar to the pattern of horror films that would’ve been watched by these ages, although it has a unique spin
on in which the evil character is never revealed to the audience. Another reason why this is my primary
audience is because they are more likely to have time to watch it as they will most likely not have families
and commitments meaning the will have spare time available to watch the short film.As this will be posted
on sites such asYouTube this will also help me advertise my product as people of this age will useYouTube
regularly for entertainment. Furthermore I will be able to access this primary audience easily compared to
older audiences as they will nearly all be members of a social media platform meaning I can reach out to
them easier then potentially a older audience.
The secondary audience for this film will be 31-50 year olds as they will have time away from their jobs by
which they may want to relax and have time where they forget about any problems and escape it all.
Furthermore I believe that this can be fresh ideas and contrast from what they are usually used to watching
from horror movies as this will be more modern. I also feel that the secondary audience is suitable due to the
fact that this will get them thinking about what the evil character could be.
Form and Style
During filming the film I will require a Cannon camera which is high quality with potentially a drone
enabling me to get the right shots across to increase the level of tension.The style I will be aiming for
when shooting the film is a dark scene helping to show the genre of the film which is horror.The dark,
gloomy style will help to add to intensify the plot and create suspicion for the audience. I will be using
the editing software called Adobe premier pro due to the fact this is a very professional piece of
editing software and will give me the tools so represent the thinking behind the film. I will be shooting
many shots in the film through fish eye lens for a point of view shot making the audience think about
what they have seen.
Cuts to: Medium shot of Alex and Chloe arguing in the forest as the sun starts to set. Alex is looking at the map puzzled and worried.
Chloe is beginning to get very frustrated and starting to lose patience with Alex.
I'm sure we’ll find something that gives us a clue where to go.
(Angry) I can’t believe I trusted you to take me somewhere nice.
Well its not my fault, you had the map.
Fine you look at it and try and find where we’re meant to be going.
Look what’s that on the tree.
Probably something unhelpful again.
Well lets follow it and see where it takes us.
Cuts to:The moon shining down on Alex and Chloe, both shivering and looking very frightened lost in the forest late at night.
(Nervously) Chloe, I think we should turn around.
Not now, we’re too close now to turn ba…. (sudden stop)
(Worryingly) Chloe? Where are you?
Cuts to: Close up of the floor where all you can see is the torch Alex is holding shining on the pool of blood on the floor.
Treatment-Idea 2
Title- EverywhereYouTurn
Tagline- You wish you could have eyes in the back of your head.
Length of Film- 5 minutes
Characters- Amanda- A 40 year old women who is lives a luxurious lifestyle, with great job and married
to a wealthy businessman, loves living an expensive lifestyle. Brought up in care the Amanda has earnt
everything she and her husband owns through dedication to work and clever spending. She has no
children and no direct family although she regularly looks after her friends children due to her warming
personality. She has no criminal record and is not really a person to start a confrontation.
Masked Man- His identity is never revealed due to his mask covering his face adding to the audiences
suspicions about him. He was in care as well when he was younger, the same one as his victim,Amanda,
he was affected by going in to care and having nobody to support him.With not many friends he just
minds his own business, however when he sees people happy his jealousy kicks in and turns into a very
angry person.
Simon- He is Amanda’s wealthy husband, although h rarely will feature he plays a vital role in the short
film. Having worked as an apprentice since the age of 16 straight after school his determined nature has
rewarded him and his wife with the luxurious lifestyle. Similar to his wife he has never had a criminal
record and is not one to start a confrontation.
Synopsis-Act 1
One late Monday evening when the moon was lighting up the sky Amanda was saying her goodbyes
to her colleagues as she was packing up ready to go home. As she was leaving her office she received
a silent phone call, in which nothing was said other than Amanda checking to see if anyone was on
the other side.Amanda suspected that somebody had got the wrong number and thought nothing
more of it.As she arrived home her husband, Simon, had made dinner for her and the began to sit
down and talk about their day and what had happened. As they were eating the home phone rang
this time with Simon picking it up, saying ‘hello’ many times, due to it again being a silent call.
Although Amanda is very clever she didn’t link the call she got before leaving work and now together
and dint make nay connection, with them both assuming that they got the wrong number, which in
the long run isn’t right.
Waking up the next morning Amanda is ready for work and just about to leave, doing her usual morning
checks that all the windows are closed and all doors are locked.When going upstairs to make sure her
bedroom window was closed she saw this figure in the distance, dressed all in black with one distinctive
item, a white mask, starring straight at her but she is unable to see his face. She goes to look for her phone
and looks back out the window and the suspicious figure has disappeared, making her think nothing of it
once again. So Amanda carries on her morning like usual and drives to work without any problems or
further suspicions.
As Amanda arrives at work she receives a similar phone call to the ones on Monday evening, this time
raising some suspicions that maybe this has become intentional. Already feeling nervous as she goes to
close the door on her car in the reflection of the window a figure, similar to the one in the morning standing
in the distance behind her. As she turned around the figure had gone, almost as if it had vanished into thin
air.To clarify that there wasn’t someone there she went to check around the space he was standing and
couldn’t see anyone or anything.This made her believe that she was seeing things, her mind and eyes were
playing tricks on her making her feel nervous and worried.
After a long and tricky day at work, Amanda was stressed leaving work due to the requirements in her job
and feeling anxious about the calls and figures following her. As she drives home, in a very reckless and
nervous manner, and pulls up outside her house she can see in her rear view mirror a car pulling up a few
cars behind her. As she gets out her car she looks into the driver seat of the car and all she can see is an all
too familiar white mask. Amanda decides to confront her problem but as she walks towards the car it
accelerates rapidly down the road.
Synopsis-Act 3
Anxious, worried and frightened Amanda rushes inside to an empty house.This is due to her
husband Simon working away for the evening and wasn’t meant to be home. Feeling uneasy
Amanda went round all doors and window similar to the morning making sure everything was
shut and closing all the curtains, closing herself away from any problems.As she got to closing
the downstairs curtain she got to the kitchen window and then she saw the figure, the masked
man up close, mask pressed against the window. Startled and frozen Amanda doesn’t move until
the masked man makes a move for the front door and grabs the first thing she sees, a 7 inch
knife, which could do plenty of damage. Once she has managed to grab the knife she quickly
ruches to a spot behind the front door ready to attack him as soon as the front door opens.The
front door lock can be heard being unlocked and the door thrust open. Prepared to kill the man
who walks through the front door she grips the knife, very tightly, with her palms sweating she
sees two feet make their way on the door mat and decides that is her chance. One punch with the
knife straight to the stomach and the body collapses to the floor. Shivering and sweating she
stands over the body only to see her husband lying in a pool of blood. Already in shock she looks
to her left in the doorway to see the white masked man feet away from her face.
Target Audience
My target audience would be around 16-50., all my target audience would have to be 16+ due to the
goory and moving scenes which could potentially affect a younger audience. Furthermore I believe this
would be my audience as the ages which regularly use websites like Facebook,Twitter andYouTube are
all usually 16+ meaning that this will make it easier to target my target audience directly and I will be
able to access my target audience easier. My primary audience would be ages between 18-30 as they
are likely to be working less ours than my secondary audience who are ages of 31-50 and will have less
commitments making them able to have more time to watch my film.The gender of my target
audience would be both male and female as the main characters are both male and female meaning
the audience are able to potentially relate to my actors and can feel emotionally involved with them.
My secondary audience would be 31-50 year olds due to the fact that they would be able to process
what is happening and feel engrossed in what is happening in the film.Also they would be able to
watch my film when they are relaxing after a stressful day at work and use it as a distraction.
Form and Style
During filming the film I will require a Cannon camera which is high quality with potentially a drone
enabling me to get the right shots across to increase the level of tension and the reflection shots.The
style I will be aiming for is quite an emotional and dark sort of style helping to make a connection with
the audience and making the genre of the film obvious.The emotional style will help the characters to
make an emotion connection to the audience so the audience is able to feel more involved in the short
film.Again I will be using the editing software called Adobe premier pro due to the fact this is a very
professional piece of editing software and will give me the tools so represent the thinking behind the
film. I will be relying on the lighting and reflections for many of my shots during my film as they will
help to intensify the plot of the film.
My film would be uploaded to websites such asYouTube and Short of the week due to the fact
this being easily accessible for my audience and will help to target my target audience. I would
use advertising platforms such asTwitter, Facebook andYouTube adverts to help promote my
short film.This will be a single showing as I feel the ending of the film leaves the audience
guessing at what happens next.There is chance of a prequel in my film as I could go back to
the care home when the masked man and Amanda were in there together and show why the
man in the mask had a hatred for Amanda and why he was stalking her.
Cuts to: Amanda distressed and worried about the man she has seen recently, who has potentially been
following her.
Prank Caller:
(silence on the phone)
Hello, whose this, Hello?
(Phone cuts off)
(Stressed and shouting) Leave me alone!
Cuts to: Amanda preparing and eating dinner with her husband around 30 minutes after the fifth
anonymous phone call.
Hello, good day?
(Stressed)Yeah fine.
You look worried about something, you alright.
(Angry)Yes I'm sure, now eat.

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  • 2. TheWorkingTitle,Tagline and Characters Idea 1- ‘X Marks the spot’ Tagline- Maps don’t always lead you to gold. Length of the film- 5 minutes. Characters-Alex- A 18 year old male who is an outgoing person prepared for every challenge and is eager to impress his companion, his girlfriend.Alex was brought up well with a very positive childhood, although without any siblings, meaning he is used to getting what he likes, which may provide challenging later on in the film. His appreciation and respect of people of a lower class may challenge the usual perception of a posh child for the audience.The clothes that he will be wearing will be suitable for climbing with a back pack with equipment used making him look like he knows what he's getting himself involved in. Chloe- A 18 year old who is a very popular member of the pupils in her college, with a very loud personality who stands out in a crowd. She was brought up on a council estate and with not very much in the way of a positive, happy household living with just her single mother and 3 other siblings meaning she was passed many responsibilities being the oldest.This could provide pivotal later in the film as she has to take over from her boyfriend Alex after get lost and worried.The clothes that she will likely be wearing is likely to be not suitable for walking for a long time as Alex told her they were going for a surprise date. Evil Character-This character will never be unveiled to the public and will only see everything from the characters point of view meaning the audience will always have suspicions of what it looks like.With this being most likely a creature of some form there will be no dialogue from it only actions.
  • 3. Synopsis- Act 1 One bright Friday evening Alex and Chloe finish college for the weekend, with a feeling of positivity after finishing the week Alex suppliesChloe with a surprise of a date. Chloe isn’t all sure on the idea as she had planned to go out with friends that evening, but feels bad after Alex has supposedly gone to all this effort and cant help but decide to call off the plans for that evening, which she may wish she hadn’t done.We then see the popularity of Chloe as she reveals to her friends she cant make it and they are disappointed not only because she can’t go with them but also because she is going with Alex.The audiences perception of Alex may be swayed when they see the thoughts of her friends opinions about Alex and what they think he's really like, giving the audience another angle of Alex. Chloe ignores the messages and decides to stick up for Alex, much to the laughter of her friends who all thinks she is oblivious to what he’s really like.
  • 4. Synopsis- Act 2 With Chloe asking constantly about where they are going and Alex giving nothing away, a long journey finally comes to an end. Once the scene of a massive woodland with not an ounce of life in sight, although many cars around them, the camera quickly switches to Chloe and her facials expressions.The fact that she enjoys going out with friends to nightclubs, which is what she was meant to be doing, and seeing nothing but woodland means she wasn’t very impressed with he fact she’d been brought there.The messages she was receiving from her friends hours before that read “he’s a strange one”, “I don’t know why you’re bothering wit him”, started to make sense in her head as she was brought away from her more natural habitat into something vastly different. With the journey taking a while and them setting off late afternoon, the sun began to fall lower and lower making everything seem darker, at which that pointAlex decided to explain the fact they had to follow a map to find a pub.Whilst Chloe, not really suited and booted for the occasion, was contemplating why she chose Alex over her friends, Alex was looking at the map too se what direction they should begin in. Alex, who is prepared for the situation locks the car and manages to persuade Chloe to join him explaining it will only take 1 hour and the views will be “worth the wait”. An hour had passed and Chloe had began getting agitated with Alex and frustrated by his lack of understanding her situation. By this time the sun had almost switched places with the moon, making Alex use his torch as the lack of light began to get worrying.Trying to stay mentally strong in front of his girlfriend, making sure he showed no sign of weakness, Alex was shown by Chloe that they were lost, and the map was now of no use to them.This began to show Alex’s weakness as he started to get frightened by anything, such as a bird tweeting to himself braking a branch.
  • 5. Synopsis- Act 3 At this point Chloe began to fell like she is back at her childhood looking after someone again as Alex, being an only child, always was helped and has never had to help someone else before. As the moon begins to riseAlex and Chloe begin losing light, rapidly.As the light reduced it meant Alex and Chloe were walking into the unknown, not knowing who, what, and where they were going. Every single noise which was thought not to be made by one of them freaked them both out massively.As Chloe was at the front taking the leading role she shone the light towards trees surrounding them, with one tree looking like it had a signal on it a red ‘X’. Chloe then suggested that this may lead them to the end goal and it was a helping hand for them so they should follow them. Unaware to both of them this ‘X’ marked a spot, which lead them into a spot of danger. As they follow these signsAlex asks Chloe the question, why was there so many cars with nobody about, which added to Chloe's anxious nature. As time ticked on, no life was seen as they followed these signs, until they heard noises, something following them. Every time they moved a few steps they'd here something around them move.The noise became closer an closer untilAlex turned round to speak to Chloe and shed gone, just a pool of blood surrounded where she’d been and at this point Alex started freaking out.The next sceneAlex was also just a pool of blood along with many other pools of blood.
  • 6. Target Audience My target audience is ages ranging between 18-50. My primary audience will be 18- 30 year olds as my film is similar to the pattern of horror films that would’ve been watched by these ages, although it has a unique spin on in which the evil character is never revealed to the audience. Another reason why this is my primary audience is because they are more likely to have time to watch it as they will most likely not have families and commitments meaning the will have spare time available to watch the short film.As this will be posted on sites such asYouTube this will also help me advertise my product as people of this age will useYouTube regularly for entertainment. Furthermore I will be able to access this primary audience easily compared to older audiences as they will nearly all be members of a social media platform meaning I can reach out to them easier then potentially a older audience. The secondary audience for this film will be 31-50 year olds as they will have time away from their jobs by which they may want to relax and have time where they forget about any problems and escape it all. Furthermore I believe that this can be fresh ideas and contrast from what they are usually used to watching from horror movies as this will be more modern. I also feel that the secondary audience is suitable due to the fact that this will get them thinking about what the evil character could be.
  • 7. Form and Style During filming the film I will require a Cannon camera which is high quality with potentially a drone enabling me to get the right shots across to increase the level of tension.The style I will be aiming for when shooting the film is a dark scene helping to show the genre of the film which is horror.The dark, gloomy style will help to add to intensify the plot and create suspicion for the audience. I will be using the editing software called Adobe premier pro due to the fact this is a very professional piece of editing software and will give me the tools so represent the thinking behind the film. I will be shooting many shots in the film through fish eye lens for a point of view shot making the audience think about what they have seen.
  • 8. Script Cuts to: Medium shot of Alex and Chloe arguing in the forest as the sun starts to set. Alex is looking at the map puzzled and worried. Chloe is beginning to get very frustrated and starting to lose patience with Alex. Alex: I'm sure we’ll find something that gives us a clue where to go. Chloe: (Angry) I can’t believe I trusted you to take me somewhere nice. Alex: Well its not my fault, you had the map. Chloe: Fine you look at it and try and find where we’re meant to be going. Alex: Look what’s that on the tree. Chloe: Probably something unhelpful again. Alex: Well lets follow it and see where it takes us. Cuts to:The moon shining down on Alex and Chloe, both shivering and looking very frightened lost in the forest late at night. Alex: (Nervously) Chloe, I think we should turn around. Chloe: Not now, we’re too close now to turn ba…. (sudden stop) Alex: (Worryingly) Chloe? Where are you? Cuts to: Close up of the floor where all you can see is the torch Alex is holding shining on the pool of blood on the floor.
  • 10. Title- EverywhereYouTurn Tagline- You wish you could have eyes in the back of your head. Length of Film- 5 minutes Characters- Amanda- A 40 year old women who is lives a luxurious lifestyle, with great job and married to a wealthy businessman, loves living an expensive lifestyle. Brought up in care the Amanda has earnt everything she and her husband owns through dedication to work and clever spending. She has no children and no direct family although she regularly looks after her friends children due to her warming personality. She has no criminal record and is not really a person to start a confrontation. Masked Man- His identity is never revealed due to his mask covering his face adding to the audiences suspicions about him. He was in care as well when he was younger, the same one as his victim,Amanda, he was affected by going in to care and having nobody to support him.With not many friends he just minds his own business, however when he sees people happy his jealousy kicks in and turns into a very angry person. Simon- He is Amanda’s wealthy husband, although h rarely will feature he plays a vital role in the short film. Having worked as an apprentice since the age of 16 straight after school his determined nature has rewarded him and his wife with the luxurious lifestyle. Similar to his wife he has never had a criminal record and is not one to start a confrontation.
  • 11. Synopsis-Act 1 One late Monday evening when the moon was lighting up the sky Amanda was saying her goodbyes to her colleagues as she was packing up ready to go home. As she was leaving her office she received a silent phone call, in which nothing was said other than Amanda checking to see if anyone was on the other side.Amanda suspected that somebody had got the wrong number and thought nothing more of it.As she arrived home her husband, Simon, had made dinner for her and the began to sit down and talk about their day and what had happened. As they were eating the home phone rang this time with Simon picking it up, saying ‘hello’ many times, due to it again being a silent call. Although Amanda is very clever she didn’t link the call she got before leaving work and now together and dint make nay connection, with them both assuming that they got the wrong number, which in the long run isn’t right.
  • 12. Synopsis-Act2 Waking up the next morning Amanda is ready for work and just about to leave, doing her usual morning checks that all the windows are closed and all doors are locked.When going upstairs to make sure her bedroom window was closed she saw this figure in the distance, dressed all in black with one distinctive item, a white mask, starring straight at her but she is unable to see his face. She goes to look for her phone and looks back out the window and the suspicious figure has disappeared, making her think nothing of it once again. So Amanda carries on her morning like usual and drives to work without any problems or further suspicions. As Amanda arrives at work she receives a similar phone call to the ones on Monday evening, this time raising some suspicions that maybe this has become intentional. Already feeling nervous as she goes to close the door on her car in the reflection of the window a figure, similar to the one in the morning standing in the distance behind her. As she turned around the figure had gone, almost as if it had vanished into thin air.To clarify that there wasn’t someone there she went to check around the space he was standing and couldn’t see anyone or anything.This made her believe that she was seeing things, her mind and eyes were playing tricks on her making her feel nervous and worried. After a long and tricky day at work, Amanda was stressed leaving work due to the requirements in her job and feeling anxious about the calls and figures following her. As she drives home, in a very reckless and nervous manner, and pulls up outside her house she can see in her rear view mirror a car pulling up a few cars behind her. As she gets out her car she looks into the driver seat of the car and all she can see is an all too familiar white mask. Amanda decides to confront her problem but as she walks towards the car it accelerates rapidly down the road.
  • 13. Synopsis-Act 3 Anxious, worried and frightened Amanda rushes inside to an empty house.This is due to her husband Simon working away for the evening and wasn’t meant to be home. Feeling uneasy Amanda went round all doors and window similar to the morning making sure everything was shut and closing all the curtains, closing herself away from any problems.As she got to closing the downstairs curtain she got to the kitchen window and then she saw the figure, the masked man up close, mask pressed against the window. Startled and frozen Amanda doesn’t move until the masked man makes a move for the front door and grabs the first thing she sees, a 7 inch knife, which could do plenty of damage. Once she has managed to grab the knife she quickly ruches to a spot behind the front door ready to attack him as soon as the front door opens.The front door lock can be heard being unlocked and the door thrust open. Prepared to kill the man who walks through the front door she grips the knife, very tightly, with her palms sweating she sees two feet make their way on the door mat and decides that is her chance. One punch with the knife straight to the stomach and the body collapses to the floor. Shivering and sweating she stands over the body only to see her husband lying in a pool of blood. Already in shock she looks to her left in the doorway to see the white masked man feet away from her face.
  • 14. Target Audience My target audience would be around 16-50., all my target audience would have to be 16+ due to the goory and moving scenes which could potentially affect a younger audience. Furthermore I believe this would be my audience as the ages which regularly use websites like Facebook,Twitter andYouTube are all usually 16+ meaning that this will make it easier to target my target audience directly and I will be able to access my target audience easier. My primary audience would be ages between 18-30 as they are likely to be working less ours than my secondary audience who are ages of 31-50 and will have less commitments making them able to have more time to watch my film.The gender of my target audience would be both male and female as the main characters are both male and female meaning the audience are able to potentially relate to my actors and can feel emotionally involved with them. My secondary audience would be 31-50 year olds due to the fact that they would be able to process what is happening and feel engrossed in what is happening in the film.Also they would be able to watch my film when they are relaxing after a stressful day at work and use it as a distraction.
  • 15. Form and Style Marketplace During filming the film I will require a Cannon camera which is high quality with potentially a drone enabling me to get the right shots across to increase the level of tension and the reflection shots.The style I will be aiming for is quite an emotional and dark sort of style helping to make a connection with the audience and making the genre of the film obvious.The emotional style will help the characters to make an emotion connection to the audience so the audience is able to feel more involved in the short film.Again I will be using the editing software called Adobe premier pro due to the fact this is a very professional piece of editing software and will give me the tools so represent the thinking behind the film. I will be relying on the lighting and reflections for many of my shots during my film as they will help to intensify the plot of the film. My film would be uploaded to websites such asYouTube and Short of the week due to the fact this being easily accessible for my audience and will help to target my target audience. I would use advertising platforms such asTwitter, Facebook andYouTube adverts to help promote my short film.This will be a single showing as I feel the ending of the film leaves the audience guessing at what happens next.There is chance of a prequel in my film as I could go back to the care home when the masked man and Amanda were in there together and show why the man in the mask had a hatred for Amanda and why he was stalking her.
  • 16. Script Cuts to: Amanda distressed and worried about the man she has seen recently, who has potentially been following her. Prank Caller: (silence on the phone) Amanda: Hello, whose this, Hello? Phone: (Phone cuts off) Amanda: (Stressed and shouting) Leave me alone! Cuts to: Amanda preparing and eating dinner with her husband around 30 minutes after the fifth anonymous phone call. Simon: Hello, good day? Amanda: (Stressed)Yeah fine. Simon: You look worried about something, you alright. Amanda: (Angry)Yes I'm sure, now eat.