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Traditional medicine
& Acupuncture
Traditional Chinese medicine
 Western Han (206-9BC):
 Yinyang & five element 黄帝内经 (The Inner Canon of Huangdi or
Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon)
 Huangfu Mi (215-282 CE) the Suwen and the Zhenjing 鍼經 (“Needling
 Eastern Han (25-220)
 Zhang Zhonjing yin-yang, exterior-interior, deficiency-excess, cold-fever
“On Cold Damage”
 Hua Tuo Surgery, Anesthesia
 Tang dynesty (618-907)
 Sun Simiao theory + experience = over 5000 prescription
 Goguryeo/Koguryo, Japan, Central Asia, West Asia
Traditional Tibetan medicine
 The Tibetan Empire (7th
 India
 Persia in 8th
century from India
 China doctors Buddhism & Medicine
 Roman
 Central Asia
 Yuthog Yontan Gonpo (708-833) Chinese, Greek, Indian medicine
 Yuthok Yontan Gonpo the Younger (1126-1202)
 The Four Medical Tantras
 A four-book treatise on Traditional Tibetan medicine
 The Innermost Essence of the Teachings of Yuthok, Guru practice
 The sun light that dispels the darkness of suffering
 Tibetan medicine – Caspian sea Pacific Ocean
Siberia Himalaya
Traditional Mongolian medicine
 Cold & harsh weather Heat-treatment
Moxa/Moxibustion treatment: “Ye llo w Em pe ro r's Inne r Cano n”
 Nomadic people trauma, injury бэртэж шилжсэнийг тэгшилэн
барих, доргиж шилжсэнийг доргиулан домнох
 Nomadic cattle breeding сэвслэх, арьслах, шээлгэх
 5 therapy – ханах, төөнөх, хатгах, жин тавих, түрхэж илэх, дэвтээх засал
 2 Ютогёндонгомбо АУДҮ-д “Монгол төөнө”, “Ханах засал”
 XVI АУДҮ Монголд
 Лувсансүлрэм “Судал шинжлэх ёсны товч”
 Ишданзанванжил “Шүрэн чимэг” 5 засал
 Жамбал “Увьдсын далай”
 Жамбалдорж “Үзэгсдийн нүдэн чимэг”: ханах, төөнөх бэлчрийн зураг,
 ыбөы
Chinese Medicine
Yin & Yang
5 elements
Tibetan & Mongolian Medicine
rLung, mKhris-pa, Bad-kan
5 elements
Оношийн 4 арга 8 шатаар
Таван махбод Мод Гал Шороо Төмөр Ус
Зүг чиг Зүүн Өмнө Дунд Баруун Хойно
Цаг улирал Хавар Зун Урт зун Намар Өвөл
Уур амьсгал Салхи Халуун Чийг Хуурай Хүйтэн
Цул эрхтэн Элэг Зүрх Дэлүү Уушги Бөөр
Хөндий эрхтэн Цөс Нарийн
Ходоод Бүдүүн гэдэс Давсаг
Эрхтний сүв Нүд Хэл Ам Хамар Чих
Эд Шөрмөс Судас Булчин Арьс Яс
Сэтгэлийн илрэл Уурлах Баярлах Уйтгарлах Сэтгэл зовох Айх
Өнгө Хөх Улаан Шар Цагаан Хар
Амт Исгэлэн Гашуун
(цөс шиг)
Чихэрлэг Хурц Шорвог
1. Basics of Yin Yang Theory
 Yin and Yang:
 Are opposite qualities
 Never exist in isolation: Everything contains both Yin and Yang
aspects, even extreme Yang contains the seed of Yin and vice versa
 Never exist in a static 50-50 balance: While a theoretical ideal, in
reality Yin and Yang are always in a dynamic relationship
 Are always spoken of in relative terms: Antartica's climate is more
Yin than Alaska's and Mexico's climate is more Yang than Ireland's
 Are interdependent: One cannot exist without the other, they can
be distinguished but not separated
 Are mutually consumptive: Extreme Yin (cold/wet) extinguishes
Yang (fire), extreme Yang (fire) burns up Yin (water)
 Are mutually transformative: Extreme Yin ultimately transforms
into Yang and vice versa
Yin Yang Relationships
Yin and Yang Pathological Relationships
Yin Yang
Chronic conditions Acute conditions
Fatique/tiredness Insomnia
Dampness Dryness
Cold/cool Hot/warm
Lethargic Restless
Underactive Overactive
Weak musculature Tight musculature
Lack of thirs Thirst
Pale Red
Soft Hard
Curled up Stretch out
Pale tongue Red tongue
Empty pulse Full pulse
Yin and Yang Constitutional Relationships
Yin Yang
Introvert Extrovert
Calm quiet environments Stimulating energizing environments
Prefers rest and balance Prefers socializing
Lower blood pressure Higher blood pressure
Yin and Yang Body Relationships
Yin Yang
Body Head
Organs Surface
Yin organs Yang organs
Blood and fluids Qi
Lower body Upper body
Inside of limbs Outside of limbs
Anterior Posterior
Ин Ян
Физиологийн үйл
Цус, зүрх, элэг, бөөр,
дэлүү, уушги
Ходоод, бүдүүн, нарийн
гэдэс, давсаг, цөс
Анатомийн байрлал Арьсны дотор тал,
хэвлий үе мөчний дотор
Арьсны гадна тал, нуруу,
үе мөчний гадна тал
Инг-янг эмгэг процесст хэрэглэх
Жилд: 360 хоног, 12 сар, 4 улирал
Хоногт: 12 цаг, 60 м чө
– Yin starts on 22nd
of July
- Yang starts on 22nd
of December
Pathology and Clinical Applications
of Yin Yang Theory
From a clinical perspective the theory of Yin
and Yang is used to help determine the overriding
factors involved in a particular condition. A
condition is most likely to involve the Yin energies
of the body if the problems are present or
aggravated during the evening. Conditions such as
insomnia and night sweats, for example, are often
Yin related conditions. If the symptoms occur
during the day, the condition is more likely to be
related to the Yang energies of the body.
Symptoms of Yang deficiency include fatique,
weakness and lethargy.
In accordance with the general principles of Yin Yang
theory, there are four general patterns of disharmony.
Pattern Symptoms
Excess Yin/Full Cold
60% Yin – 50% Yang, Full
Excess Yin
Cold limbs, weakness, contracture,
pain improved with heat, pale
tongue, slow pulse
Excess Yang/Full Heat
60% Yang – 50% Yin, Full
Excess Yang
Restlessness, headache, irritability,
pain worse with pressure, red
tongue, full pulse
Yin deficiency/Empty Heat
50% Yang – 30% Yin, False
Excess Yang
Signs of heat but arising from a
deficiency of Yin, night sweats, heat
in the 5 palms, insomnia, red
tongue, thin and rapid pulse
Yang Deficiency/Empty Cold
50% Yin – 30% Yang, False
Excess Yin
Signs of excess cold but arising from
a deficiency of Yang, fatique,
weakness, pain which improves with
heat and pressure, pale tongue, slow
and weak pulse
Examinations and Diagnosis
Pulse diagnosis
Tongue diagnosis
“Looking” diagnosis – facial and body
“Listening” diagnosis – voice and body
odor indications
Pulse Diagnosis in TCM Acupuncture Theory
Common Pulse Locations and Related Meridians
Clinical significance of the Pulse at varying levels
- superficial (skin level) – generally shows exogenous pathogens
- Middle – generally shows state of ST/SP Qi
- Deep (bone level) – generally shows internal conditions
Left wrist Right wrist
Cun (inch) – 1st
position HT/SI LU/LI
Guan (barr) – 2nd
position LV/GB SP/ST
Chi (foot) – 3rd
position KD/UB KD/SJ
Common Tongue Geography and Meridian
Lower jiao: The base of
the tongue corresponds to
the Kidney, Urinary
Bladder, Large Intestine
and Small Intestine
Middle Jiao: The sides
of the tongue correspond
to the Liver and Gall
Bladder meridians. Some
theories place the Gall
Bladder on the patients left
side and the Liver on the
patients right side.
Upper Jiao: The Tip of
the tongue corresponds to
the Kung and the Heart
Tongue Body Colors, body shapes, coat and
coat coloration, rooting
 Body color – pink, pale, red, dark red (scarlet, cardinal), purple, blue
 Body shapes – cracked, deviated (crooked), flaccid, long, rigid, short
(contracted), stiff, swollen, thin, thorny (strawberry, granular),
trembling (quivering)
 Tongue coat – thin, thick, dry, moist, wet, sticky (greasy, creamy)
 Coat coloration – white, yellow, gray, black
 Coat rooting – roosted (moss appears firmly implanted), rootless (moss
appears to float on the surface), peeled
“Looking” diagnosis – facial and body indications
 Body shape/Demeanor: muscular/strong, overweight,
abrubt/jerky movements, active movements, withdrawn/slow
movements, withdrawn/slow movements, hunched over
 Facial colors: white, dull white, bright white, yellow,
orange/yellow, red, blue/green (quin), black/dark
 Skin qualities: moist and clear, dry and lifeless
 Eye qualities: dull expression, unconscious movement,
red/congested color
 Sources
 Acupuncture theory related resources
 Discuss acupuncture theory
Traditional Tibentan & Mongolian treatments
 Амирлуулах
 Тан эм, талх эм, тосон эм, үрэл эм, зуурмал эм, үнсэн эм, ханд эм, архин эм,
өвсөн эм, эрдэнийн эм
 Арилгах
 Тосон, хэвлийн туулга, бөөлжүүлэг, зөөлөн шимжүүлэг, нируха, хамрын эм,
бургуйдах, судлын туулга
 Зөөлөн ширүүн засал
 Жин, дэвтээлэг (рашаан, ууранд суулгах, наах, утах засал), илэх түрхэх (илж
нухлах, түрхэх, түрхэж илэх, чимхэх ), ханах, төөнүүр, хатгах засал (зүү,
шивүүр), сэвслэх, соруулдах (бумба), хүчжүүлэх, ясны мултралыг засах,
зөөлөн эдийн гэмтлийг засах, домнох засал, андай засал
Traditional Chinese treatments
 Зүү 针刺
 Төөнүүр
 推拿按摩
 Утас суулгах 埋线
 Зүүний сүвүүдээр тарих 穴位注射
 Жижиг зүүн хутга 小针刀
 火针
 Гуаша/Хусуур 刮痧
 Хатгаж ханах 刺血疗法
 Зөгийн хатгуур 蜂针疗法
 Чихний цэгэн зүү 耳压疗法
12 standard meridians (1)
Meridian name (Chinese) Yin/Yang Hand 5
Organ Time
of day
( 手太阴肺经 ) Taiyin Lung
Meridian of Hand
(greater yin)
( 手 ) Metal
( 金 )
Lung ( 肺 ) 3am-
( 手少阴心经 ) Shaoyin Heart
Meridian of Hand
(lesser yin)
( 手 ) Fire ( 火 ) Heart ( 心 ) 11am-
( 手厥阴心包经 ) Jueyin
Pericardium Meridan of Hand
(absolute yin)
( 手 ) Fire ( 火 ) Pericardium
( 心包 )
( 手少阳三焦经 ) Shaoyang
Sanjiao Meridian of Hand
(lesser yang)
( 手 ) Fire ( 火 ) Trieaple heater
( 三焦 )
( 手太阳小肠经 ) Taiyang Small
Intestine Meridian of Hand
(greater yang)
( 手 ) Fire ( 火 ) Small Intestine
( 小肠 )
( 手阳明大肠经 ) Yangming Large
Intestine Meridian of Hand
(yang brightness)
( 手 ) Metal
( 金 )
Large Intestine
( 大肠 )
12 standard meridians (2)
Meridian name (Chinese) Yin/Yang Foot 5
Organ Time
of day
( 足太阴脾经 ) Taiyin
Spleen Meridian of Foot
(greater yin)
足 Earth ( 土 ) Spleen
( 脾 )
( 足少阴肾经 ) Shaoyin
Kidney Meridian of Foot
(lesser yin)
足 Water ( 水 ) Kidney
( 肾 )
( 足厥阴肝经 ) Jueyin
Liver Meridian of Foot
(absolute yin)
足 Wood ( 木 ) Liver
( 肝 )
( 足少阳胆经 ) Shaoyang
Gallbladder Meridian of Foot
(lesser yang)
足 Wood ( 木 ) Gall Bladder
( 胆 )
( 足太阳膀胱经 ) Taiyang
Bladder Meridian of Foot
(greater yang)
足 Water ( 水 ) Urinary Bladder
( 膀胱 )
( 足阳明胃经 ) Yangming
Stomach Meridian of Foot
(yang brightness)
足 Earth ( 土 ) Stomach
( 胃 )
Eight extraordinary meridians
1. Conception Vessel - 任脈 [rèn mài]
2. Governing Vessel - 督脈 [dū mài]
3. Penetrating Vessel - 衝脈 [chōng mài]
4. Girdle Vessel - 帶脈 [dài mài]
5. Yin linking vessel - 陰維脈 [yīn wéi mài]
6. Yang linking vessel - 陽維脈 [yáng wéi mài]
7. Yin Heel Vessel - 陰蹻脈 [yīn qiāo mài]
8. Yang Heel Vessel - 陽蹻脈 [yáng qiāo mài]
井 荣 输 经 合
源头 溜 注 (浅入深) 行 治六脏病
退热 止痛,兼治身
Water acupuncture
 Vitamins : B1, B2, B6, B12
 Other : anileridine, atrophine sulfate,
raceanisodamine hydrochloride, procaine
hydrochloride, prednisalone, dexamethasone,
 Chinese : Radix isatidis inj, Zihu inj, Dangun
inj, Danshen inj…
Bee therapy

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Traditional medicine

  • 2. Traditional Chinese medicine  Western Han (206-9BC):  Yinyang & five element 黄帝内经 (The Inner Canon of Huangdi or Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon)  Huangfu Mi (215-282 CE) the Suwen and the Zhenjing 鍼經 (“Needling Canon”)  Eastern Han (25-220)  Zhang Zhonjing yin-yang, exterior-interior, deficiency-excess, cold-fever “On Cold Damage”  Hua Tuo Surgery, Anesthesia  Tang dynesty (618-907)  Sun Simiao theory + experience = over 5000 prescription  Goguryeo/Koguryo, Japan, Central Asia, West Asia
  • 3. Traditional Tibetan medicine  The Tibetan Empire (7th century)  India  Persia in 8th century from India  China doctors Buddhism & Medicine  Roman  Central Asia  Yuthog Yontan Gonpo (708-833) Chinese, Greek, Indian medicine  Yuthok Yontan Gonpo the Younger (1126-1202)  The Four Medical Tantras  A four-book treatise on Traditional Tibetan medicine  The Innermost Essence of the Teachings of Yuthok, Guru practice  The sun light that dispels the darkness of suffering  Tibetan medicine – Caspian sea Pacific Ocean Siberia Himalaya
  • 4. Traditional Mongolian medicine  Cold & harsh weather Heat-treatment Moxa/Moxibustion treatment: “Ye llo w Em pe ro r's Inne r Cano n”  Nomadic people trauma, injury бэртэж шилжсэнийг тэгшилэн барих, доргиж шилжсэнийг доргиулан домнох  Nomadic cattle breeding сэвслэх, арьслах, шээлгэх  5 therapy – ханах, төөнөх, хатгах, жин тавих, түрхэж илэх, дэвтээх засал  2 Ютогёндонгомбо АУДҮ-д “Монгол төөнө”, “Ханах засал”  XVI АУДҮ Монголд  Лувсансүлрэм “Судал шинжлэх ёсны товч”  Ишданзанванжил “Шүрэн чимэг” 5 засал  Жамбал “Увьдсын далай”  Жамбалдорж “Үзэгсдийн нүдэн чимэг”: ханах, төөнөх бэлчрийн зураг, тайлбар  ыбөы
  • 5. Chinese Medicine Yin & Yang 5 elements Tibetan & Mongolian Medicine rLung, mKhris-pa, Bad-kan 5 elements
  • 6.
  • 7. Оношийн 4 арга 8 шатаар оношилно Таван махбод Мод Гал Шороо Төмөр Ус Зүг чиг Зүүн Өмнө Дунд Баруун Хойно Цаг улирал Хавар Зун Урт зун Намар Өвөл Уур амьсгал Салхи Халуун Чийг Хуурай Хүйтэн Цул эрхтэн Элэг Зүрх Дэлүү Уушги Бөөр Хөндий эрхтэн Цөс Нарийн гэдэс Ходоод Бүдүүн гэдэс Давсаг Эрхтний сүв Нүд Хэл Ам Хамар Чих Эд Шөрмөс Судас Булчин Арьс Яс Сэтгэлийн илрэл Уурлах Баярлах Уйтгарлах Сэтгэл зовох Айх Өнгө Хөх Улаан Шар Цагаан Хар Амт Исгэлэн Гашуун (цөс шиг) Чихэрлэг Хурц Шорвог (давслаг)
  • 8. 1. Basics of Yin Yang Theory  Yin and Yang:  Are opposite qualities  Never exist in isolation: Everything contains both Yin and Yang aspects, even extreme Yang contains the seed of Yin and vice versa  Never exist in a static 50-50 balance: While a theoretical ideal, in reality Yin and Yang are always in a dynamic relationship  Are always spoken of in relative terms: Antartica's climate is more Yin than Alaska's and Mexico's climate is more Yang than Ireland's  Are interdependent: One cannot exist without the other, they can be distinguished but not separated  Are mutually consumptive: Extreme Yin (cold/wet) extinguishes Yang (fire), extreme Yang (fire) burns up Yin (water)  Are mutually transformative: Extreme Yin ultimately transforms into Yang and vice versa
  • 9.
  • 10. Yin Yang Relationships Yin and Yang Pathological Relationships Yin Yang Chronic conditions Acute conditions Fatique/tiredness Insomnia Dampness Dryness Cold/cool Hot/warm Lethargic Restless Underactive Overactive Weak musculature Tight musculature Lack of thirs Thirst Pale Red Soft Hard Curled up Stretch out Pale tongue Red tongue Empty pulse Full pulse
  • 11. Yin and Yang Constitutional Relationships Yin Yang Introvert Extrovert Calm quiet environments Stimulating energizing environments Prefers rest and balance Prefers socializing Lower blood pressure Higher blood pressure
  • 12. Yin and Yang Body Relationships Yin Yang Body Head Organs Surface Yin organs Yang organs Blood and fluids Qi Lower body Upper body Inside of limbs Outside of limbs Anterior Posterior ,Анатоми физиологийн харилцан шүтэлцээ Ин Ян Физиологийн үйл ажиллагаа Цус, зүрх, элэг, бөөр, дэлүү, уушги Ходоод, бүдүүн, нарийн гэдэс, давсаг, цөс Анатомийн байрлал Арьсны дотор тал, хэвлий үе мөчний дотор тал Арьсны гадна тал, нуруу, үе мөчний гадна тал
  • 13. Инг-янг эмгэг процесст хэрэглэх Жилд: 360 хоног, 12 сар, 4 улирал Хоногт: 12 цаг, 60 м чө – Yin starts on 22nd of July - Yang starts on 22nd of December
  • 14. Pathology and Clinical Applications of Yin Yang Theory From a clinical perspective the theory of Yin and Yang is used to help determine the overriding factors involved in a particular condition. A condition is most likely to involve the Yin energies of the body if the problems are present or aggravated during the evening. Conditions such as insomnia and night sweats, for example, are often Yin related conditions. If the symptoms occur during the day, the condition is more likely to be related to the Yang energies of the body. Symptoms of Yang deficiency include fatique, weakness and lethargy.
  • 15. In accordance with the general principles of Yin Yang theory, there are four general patterns of disharmony. Pattern Symptoms Excess Yin/Full Cold 60% Yin – 50% Yang, Full Excess Yin Cold limbs, weakness, contracture, pain improved with heat, pale tongue, slow pulse Excess Yang/Full Heat 60% Yang – 50% Yin, Full Excess Yang Restlessness, headache, irritability, pain worse with pressure, red tongue, full pulse Yin deficiency/Empty Heat 50% Yang – 30% Yin, False Excess Yang Signs of heat but arising from a deficiency of Yin, night sweats, heat in the 5 palms, insomnia, red tongue, thin and rapid pulse Yang Deficiency/Empty Cold 50% Yin – 30% Yang, False Excess Yin Signs of excess cold but arising from a deficiency of Yang, fatique, weakness, pain which improves with heat and pressure, pale tongue, slow and weak pulse
  • 16. Examinations and Diagnosis Pulse diagnosis Tongue diagnosis “Looking” diagnosis – facial and body indications “Listening” diagnosis – voice and body odor indications
  • 17. Pulse Diagnosis in TCM Acupuncture Theory Common Pulse Locations and Related Meridians Clinical significance of the Pulse at varying levels - superficial (skin level) – generally shows exogenous pathogens - Middle – generally shows state of ST/SP Qi - Deep (bone level) – generally shows internal conditions Left wrist Right wrist Cun (inch) – 1st position HT/SI LU/LI Guan (barr) – 2nd position LV/GB SP/ST Chi (foot) – 3rd position KD/UB KD/SJ
  • 18. Common Tongue Geography and Meridian Correlations Lower jiao: The base of the tongue corresponds to the Kidney, Urinary Bladder, Large Intestine and Small Intestine Meridians. Middle Jiao: The sides of the tongue correspond to the Liver and Gall Bladder meridians. Some theories place the Gall Bladder on the patients left side and the Liver on the patients right side. Upper Jiao: The Tip of the tongue corresponds to the Kung and the Heart Meridians. KD/UB SI/LI LV / GB LV / GB ST / SP LU HT
  • 19. Tongue Body Colors, body shapes, coat and coat coloration, rooting  Body color – pink, pale, red, dark red (scarlet, cardinal), purple, blue  Body shapes – cracked, deviated (crooked), flaccid, long, rigid, short (contracted), stiff, swollen, thin, thorny (strawberry, granular), trembling (quivering)  Tongue coat – thin, thick, dry, moist, wet, sticky (greasy, creamy)  Coat coloration – white, yellow, gray, black  Coat rooting – roosted (moss appears firmly implanted), rootless (moss appears to float on the surface), peeled
  • 20. “Looking” diagnosis – facial and body indications  Body shape/Demeanor: muscular/strong, overweight, abrubt/jerky movements, active movements, withdrawn/slow movements, withdrawn/slow movements, hunched over  Facial colors: white, dull white, bright white, yellow, orange/yellow, red, blue/green (quin), black/dark  Skin qualities: moist and clear, dry and lifeless  Eye qualities: dull expression, unconscious movement, red/congested color  Sources  Acupuncture theory related resources  Discuss acupuncture theory
  • 21. Traditional Tibentan & Mongolian treatments  Амирлуулах  Тан эм, талх эм, тосон эм, үрэл эм, зуурмал эм, үнсэн эм, ханд эм, архин эм, өвсөн эм, эрдэнийн эм  Арилгах  Тосон, хэвлийн туулга, бөөлжүүлэг, зөөлөн шимжүүлэг, нируха, хамрын эм, бургуйдах, судлын туулга  Зөөлөн ширүүн засал  Жин, дэвтээлэг (рашаан, ууранд суулгах, наах, утах засал), илэх түрхэх (илж нухлах, түрхэх, түрхэж илэх, чимхэх ), ханах, төөнүүр, хатгах засал (зүү, шивүүр), сэвслэх, соруулдах (бумба), хүчжүүлэх, ясны мултралыг засах, зөөлөн эдийн гэмтлийг засах, домнох засал, андай засал
  • 22. Traditional Chinese treatments  Зүү 针刺  Төөнүүр  推拿按摩  Утас суулгах 埋线  Зүүний сүвүүдээр тарих 穴位注射  Жижиг зүүн хутга 小针刀  火针  Гуаша/Хусуур 刮痧  Хатгаж ханах 刺血疗法  Зөгийн хатгуур 蜂针疗法  Чихний цэгэн зүү 耳压疗法
  • 24. 12 standard meridians (1) Meridian name (Chinese) Yin/Yang Hand 5 elements Organ Time of day ( 手太阴肺经 ) Taiyin Lung Meridian of Hand Taiyin (greater yin) ( 手 ) Metal ( 金 ) Lung ( 肺 ) 3am- 5am ( 手少阴心经 ) Shaoyin Heart Meridian of Hand Shaoyin (lesser yin) ( 手 ) Fire ( 火 ) Heart ( 心 ) 11am- 1pm ( 手厥阴心包经 ) Jueyin Pericardium Meridan of Hand Jueyin (absolute yin) ( 手 ) Fire ( 火 ) Pericardium ( 心包 ) 7pm- 9pm ( 手少阳三焦经 ) Shaoyang Sanjiao Meridian of Hand Shaoyang (lesser yang) ( 手 ) Fire ( 火 ) Trieaple heater ( 三焦 ) 9pm- 11pm ( 手太阳小肠经 ) Taiyang Small Intestine Meridian of Hand Taiyang (greater yang) ( 手 ) Fire ( 火 ) Small Intestine ( 小肠 ) 1pm- 3pm ( 手阳明大肠经 ) Yangming Large Intestine Meridian of Hand Yangming (yang brightness) ( 手 ) Metal ( 金 ) Large Intestine ( 大肠 ) 5am- 7am
  • 25. 12 standard meridians (2) Meridian name (Chinese) Yin/Yang Foot 5 elements Organ Time of day ( 足太阴脾经 ) Taiyin Spleen Meridian of Foot Taiyin (greater yin) 足 Earth ( 土 ) Spleen ( 脾 ) 9am- 11am ( 足少阴肾经 ) Shaoyin Kidney Meridian of Foot Shaoyin (lesser yin) 足 Water ( 水 ) Kidney ( 肾 ) 5pm- 7pm ( 足厥阴肝经 ) Jueyin Liver Meridian of Foot Jueyin (absolute yin) 足 Wood ( 木 ) Liver ( 肝 ) 1am- 3am ( 足少阳胆经 ) Shaoyang Gallbladder Meridian of Foot Shaoyang (lesser yang) 足 Wood ( 木 ) Gall Bladder ( 胆 ) 11pm- 1am ( 足太阳膀胱经 ) Taiyang Bladder Meridian of Foot Taiyang (greater yang) 足 Water ( 水 ) Urinary Bladder ( 膀胱 ) 3pm- 5pm ( 足阳明胃经 ) Yangming Stomach Meridian of Foot Yangming (yang brightness) 足 Earth ( 土 ) Stomach ( 胃 ) 7am- 9am
  • 26. Eight extraordinary meridians 1. Conception Vessel - 任脈 [rèn mài] 2. Governing Vessel - 督脈 [dū mài] 3. Penetrating Vessel - 衝脈 [chōng mài] 4. Girdle Vessel - 帶脈 [dài mài] 5. Yin linking vessel - 陰維脈 [yīn wéi mài] 6. Yang linking vessel - 陽維脈 [yáng wéi mài] 7. Yin Heel Vessel - 陰蹻脈 [yīn qiāo mài] 8. Yang Heel Vessel - 陽蹻脈 [yáng qiāo mài]
  • 28. 五输穴 井 荣 输 经 合 源头 溜 注 (浅入深) 行 治六脏病 交通阴阳气血 急救,有开窍 醒脑,消炎, 镇痛之效 退热 止痛,兼治身 体沉重由水湿 所致者 外感病,咳嗽 ,哮喘 六腑病,呕吐 ,泄泻,头晕 ,头胀
  • 29. Water acupuncture  Vitamins : B1, B2, B6, B12  Other : anileridine, atrophine sulfate, raceanisodamine hydrochloride, procaine hydrochloride, prednisalone, dexamethasone, piracetam…  Chinese : Radix isatidis inj, Zihu inj, Dangun inj, Danshen inj…