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My topic will be about fighting against gender stereotypes and
gender roles, and gender identity that a culture incorporate for
male and female, but the more concern is about females’ gender
roles, gender identity, and gender stereotypes as described in
chapter 7 and page number 150. Pai is dared to confront the
cultural traditions about gender roles and gender stereotypes
that are the hurdle in her way to adopt her own actual
personality. This confrontation is the soul of the film and this
theme is really important because this theme is so broad that
every culture depicts this kind of the theme and every culture
has its own defined gender stereotypes and gender roles. The
importance of this topic is to evaluate the gender roles in every
culture because without this evaluation we cannot put right
people on right place to move ahead towards success of the
people and the whole community.
Film description
At the East Coast of New Zealand, the people of Whangara
believed that their existence was based on a purely brave
prophet-Paikea, who did ride on the back of the whale in order
to escape death when his canoe was capsized in the sea. Based
on that believe, Whangarra chiefs had the belief that the only
first born males were the directly the descendants of Paikea
(Whale Rider, 2002). The protagonist in the movie is Paikea
Apirana who is aged 11 years old girl born in this patriarchal
tribe. Being a girl is shunned down by the society because of
her mother, as well as her twin brother, died at the time of
delivery, therefore, leaving the girl as unfavorable to Koro- her
grandfather. She says that she was not glad when she was born
as her twin brother died and took her mother away. The hope of
the family was the boy who could lead the family (Whale Rider,
2002). The traditions bound her grandmother to choose a male
leader in the society. The girl loves her grandfather than anyone
else. Pai has to fight her grandfather as well as thousand years
of the tradition in order to fulfill as well as meet her destiny.
Pai shows great courage to collide with cultural norms and
especially gender roles are very important to analyze to evaluate
the direction of culture as far as the credibility and authenticity
of gender stereotypes and gender roles are concerned.
Moreover, the evaluation must be done to analyze the need to
establish cultural gender roles and gender stereotypes. The
persistence of Pai is another important feature of the film. The
way Pai transformed from her outcast to the chief of the tribe
depicts that cultural stereotypes can be defeated if a right
person fights with his or her ability and persistence. The love of
Pai for her tribe, grandparents, and the lifestyle of the tribe
make her prominent from other children because other children
love the modern and urban lifestyle. Pai persistently achieves
the leading role of her tribe and proves that women shouldn’t be
underestimated. They can rule and lead the communities.
My thesis is that cultural gender stereotypes and gender roles
are baseless, ambiguous, and a hindrance in the way of people’s
thought process which creates trouble for them to adjust their
selves within the culture which turns them into a revolutionary
character to act against the cultural gender stereotypes and
gender roles.
Two external sources
Gender stereotypes stem from the distribution of women and
men into social roles.
Authors: Eagly, Alice H.; Steffen, Valerie J.
Source: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol
46(4), Apr 1984, 735-754.
#2- Description and Prescription: How Gender Stereotypes
Prevent Women's Ascent Up the Organizational Ladder
Authors: Madeline E. Heilman
Source: Journal of the Society for the Psychological Study of
Social Issues, Volume 57, Issue 4, pages 657-674, winter 2001.
DOI: 10.1111/0022-4537.00234
Two external sources
I am going to use these two external sources because these
sources analyzes the gender stereotypes of cultures and go along
what the film depicts about gender roles and gender stereotypes.
Cultural gender stereotypes don’t allow women to thrash in the
society. Women are supposed to be in the lower ranks than men
when it comes to lead the family for a bright future. Cultural
gender stereotypes and gender roles assign the duty of leading
the family to men which are supposed to be stronger, wiser, and
diplomatic than women. This cannot be true in both perspectives
of women and men. The film describes the hope of the family to
have the boy who could lead the family. The family doesn’t
consider Pai to be able enough to lead the family and the reason
behind their consideration is gender stereotypes and gender
roles of their culture.
These two sources go against the gender stereotypes and gender
roles which diminish or lessen the active, effective, and leading
role of the women.
Source # 1
The article includes experiments about the communal and
agentic nature of males and females. The experiments of the
article disqualify the stereotypic belief that women are more
likely than men to hold the position of lower status and
authority. Moreover, the article also clarifies that women,
definitely, want to master in the field they like.
The article is well written and proves that the gender
stereotypes must be redefined and analyzed especially about
women perspective. The article’s conclusion backs up the
thinking of the protagonist character of the film “Pai”.
Source # 2
The articles analyzes the scarcity of women at the upper or
higher levels of organizations and poses the reasons behind this
scarcity as gender stereotypes and gender roles that culture
assigns to its population. The gender bias hinders women to
proceed as much as they have the ability as compared to men do
in their life.
The article’s context is wonderful and it totally agrees with my
thesis. Gender stereotypes and gender roles are killers of
women success and their actual abilities to thrash in their life.
Course concepts connections
The best description about gender stereotypes can be finding in
the textbook’s chapter 7 on page 161, the Adjective Checklist
Study of Williams and Best suggests that gender stereotypes are
baseless and ambiguous because study mentions men to be more
active, aggressive, extrovert and open as compared to women,
but the uncertainty about the basis of the development of gender
stereotypes still remains alive. No one knows the factors and
boundaries of gender stereotypes. The context of chapter 7
thrashes the gender roles that are based on cultural stereotypes
and makes a statement against them. Gender roles are not based
on the personal abilities of women or men. Cultural
incorporates gender roles from nowhere. Women are equally
able to have the leading role as men. By defining the terms
gender roles, gender stereotypes, and gender identity gender
role means the extent to which a person adopts the gender
specific behavior defined by his or her culture. Gender
stereotypes means psychological and behavioral characteristics
attached with men and women and gender identity means the
extent to which a person has awareness that he or she adopts the
gender role. But the question is there any credibility of gender
role and gender stereotypes that the culture propagates through
generation after generation defined by our textbook? The
answer is simply no. That’s what the film depicts and proves the
concept of gender roles in her culture wrong by becoming the
leader of her tribe.
Real life issues
Gender stereotypes and gender roles are literally the issues of
real life. Women are being affected by the cultural gender
stereotypes and gender roles. Different countries have different
gender stereotypes. For example, in Afghanistan, girls are not
allowed to go to schools especially in those areas where there is
an influence of Taliban. This is totally wrong concept. Taliban
cannot give any factual reason behind this stereotype except
their vague and pathetic mentality.
Secondly, the leader of the family is supposed to be the man in
most part of the world. This is even a gender stereotype which
restricts women to be the housewives with no other available
profession. Moreover, we can calculate the number of women
who are leading the countries as the head of their state. The
numbers of women who are the head of their countries are less
as compared to the men in same situation. Hillary Clinton
competed in the election but failed. There can be some other
reasons behind her defeat and those reasons are not the part of
our paper, but Britain, Germany, Bangladesh, and Poland are
the countries who have female head of the government as I
remember. The reason behind this is also the concept of gender
stereotypes and roles. There is the mentality of people which
prevails is that females are not able than to lead the countries.
Future research
After watching film and analyzing the external sources the
gender stereotypes and gender roles demands research on their
factors and boundaries. There is a need to evaluate as much
cultures as possible to know why the people develop and believe
in their gender stereotypes and gender roles while not knowing
the reasons behind those gender stereotypes and gender roles.
DQ and Discussion
What are the factors which develop gender stereotypes? Is
religion one of the reasons of gender stereotypes? What does
the comparison between monotheistic, polytheistic, and
atheistic societies suggest about the presence of gender
stereotypes in each society respectively?
What would be the positive outcomes if there are some effective
interventions started to eradicate gender stereotypes? Do female
leaders of some countries like Britain and Germany quantifies
the negation of gender stereotypes?
To conclude, gender stereotypes and gender roles are needed to
be redefined and reevaluate for the best of the people’s
prosperity. Until now, gender stereotypes are totally baseless
and ambiguous. The film, two external sources, and the chapter
7 of the textbook describe similar perspective which goes
against the practice of gender stereotypes and gender roles.
Every connection, whether external connections or course
connections, describes that cultural gender stereotypes and
gender roles need concrete basis to be established in any culture
with dignity and credibility. Until now the cultural gender
stereotypes and gender roles are baseless and ambiguous
because there is no criterion mentioned to judge anyone’s
ability to hold the leading role. Cultures are wrongly assigning
male members right to have the leading roles in culture just
because there role is admitted in the culture as a stereotype.
Whale Rider by Niki Caro, 30 January 2017
#1- Gender stereotypes stem from the distribution of women and
men into social roles.
Authors: Eagly, Alice H.; Steffen, Valerie J.
Source: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol
46(4), Apr 1984, 735-754.
#2- Description and Prescription: How Gender Stereotypes
Prevent Women's Ascent Up the Organizational Ladder
Authors: Madeline E. Heilman
Source: Journal of the Society for the Psychological Study of
Social Issues, Volume 57, Issue 4, pages 657-674, winter 2001.
DOI: 10.1111/0022-4537.00234
Chapter 7, Culture and Psychology by David Matsumoto and
Linda Juang
Course connections:
Matsumoto & Juang, 2013, p. 161).
Ali Almarzooqi
Gender stereotypes
Gender roles
More concern is about females
Film description
cultural gender stereotypes and gender roles are baseless,
ambiguous, and a hindrance in the way of people’s thought.
external sources
#1 Gender stereotypes stem from the distribution of women and
men into social roles. Authors: Eagly, Alice H.; Steffen, Valerie
J. (1984).
Source # 1
experiments about agentic nature of males and females.
women are more likely to hold the position of lower status.
external sources
#2 Description and Prescription: How Gender Stereotypes
Prevent Women's Ascent Up the Organizational Ladder.
Authors: Madeline E. Heilman (2001).
Source # 2
Analyzes the scarcity of women.
Reasons behind this scarcity.
Course concepts connections
textbook’s chapter 7. on page 161, the Adjective Checklist
Study of Williams and Best.
in chapter 7 and page number 150 there is more concern is
about females’ gender roles, gender identity, and gender
Real life issues
Girls are not allowed to go to schools.
leader of the family is supposed to be the man.
Future Research
Future research
Why developing gender roles and gender stereotype.
Discussion question
What are the factors which develop gender stereotypes?
Where we can see gender stereotype on these days?
#1- Gender stereotypes stem from the distribution of women and
men into social roles.
Authors: Eagly, Alice H.; Steffen, Valerie J.
Source: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol
46(4), Apr 1984, 735-754.
#2- Description and Prescription: How Gender Stereotypes
Prevent Women's Ascent Up the Organizational Ladder
Authors: Madeline E. Heilman
Source: Journal of the Society for the Psychological Study of
Social Issues, Volume 57, Issue 4, pages 657-674, winter 2001.
DOI: 10.1111/0022-4537.00234
Chapter 7, Culture and Psychology by David Matsumoto and
Linda Juang
Psychology of Gender (PSY 321)
Guidelines for Film Analysis Proposal and Presentation
General Information
• You will be asked to give an approximately 12-minute
presentation in which you analyze a feature-
length film (of your choosing) that relates to specific
psychology of gender concepts or issues.
• The presentations take place in class on MON, 12/4; TH, 12/7;
and TH, 12/14. Note that your
attendance on your non-presentation dates figures into your
presentation grade.
• Your presentation must incorporate at least two scholarly,
peer-reviewed sources related to your film
and psychology of gender topic area—as well as specific
information from our course readings
(textbook and/or Canvas DQ articles).
• Your presentation must be centered around a coherent thesis,
which is a point that you seek to argue
and support with evidence in your presentation.
• As a preliminary step in preparing your presentation, you will
be asked to turn in a proposal.
• You will find additional useful information (such as a list of
example films and an example
proposal) in the Film Analysis Proposal and Presentation
module in Canvas.
NOTE: The main point of this assignment is for you to identify
a relevant feature-length film and
analyze how it relates to specific psychology of gender concepts
or research findings. These concepts
or research findings should NOT be addressed explicitly (by
name) in the film; it is your job to
make these connections in your presentation. You should also
NOT use scholarly articles that
analyze the film for you, as this is your job.
Presentation Proposal (30 points) – Due Thursday, 10/26 (post
to Canvas by beginning of class)
• Your presentation proposal consists of the following parts:
• a clearly written description of the film (in your own words)
• a clearly written description of the gender psychology topics
that you plan to address in your
presentation (be sure to identify and explain specific and
relevant textbook concepts, provide
the corresponding text page #s, and explain how they will be
useful in your analysis),
• a direct articulation of your thesis statement, and
• two abstracts of scholarly, peer-reviewed articles in detailed-
record format that pertain to
your presentation topic (be sure to include the full reference
information for each article).
• Combine your proposal narrative and two abstracts into one
file and upload the file to the Proposal
assignment link in Canvas (in the Film Analysis Proposal and
Presentation module).
• Refer to the Film Analysis Proposal and Presentation module
for info on writing a good thesis
statement and to the Library Resources tab for info on how to
search for scholarly sources.
• If you need any help generating an idea, finding a film,
writing a good thesis statement, or finding
good sources, do not hesitate to come see me.
Film Analysis Presentation (100 points) – MON, 12/4; TH,
12/7; and TH, 12/14
Supplementary Materials
Submit the following materials to Canvas to the Film Analysis
Presentation assignment link (the
submission deadline is 9:00 a.m. on Thursday, 12/14, regardless
of your presentation date):
• Your presentation notes (detailed, typed notes that address the
requested elements of the
• Your presentation PowerPoint (the more schematic notes you
display during your presentation)
• Your two external scholarly sources (upload pdf versions of
the full sources to Canvas). If a source
is not available electronically, turn in a paper copy. I advise
you NOT to post links to the articles,
as these often do not bring me to the article.
Format of the Presentation and Helpful Tips
• Prepare two sets of notes: 1) detailed, typed notes that
thoroughly address the requested elements
of the presentation, and 2) a more schematic PowerPoint (or
equivalent) presentation that you will
display during your presentation.
• Your detailed notes will be more than you can cover in the
allotted time frame. I will use these
notes—in addition to the content and style of your
presentation—to assign your grade (evaluating, in
particular, the depth of your analysis).
• In your analysis, be sure to incorporate at least two external,
scholarly, peer-reviewed sources
AND at least two connections to course concepts, theories, or
research findings from the
Helgeson text and/or the Canvas DQ articles.
• Make sure your PowerPoint is not too detailed and text-heavy.
I will assess how effective it is
• Make your presentation clear and well-organized.
• Avoid all forms of plagiarism in your detailed notes and
PowerPoint presentation. This means
providing proper attribution to all sources and using quotation
marks appropriately. Your detailed
notes and your PowerPoint should have a References section
that includes all sources cited in
your analysis and a citation for your film. This is extremely
important—carefully read all
information on avoiding plagiarism posted in Canvas.
• Pay attention to your presentation style (make eye contact,
avoid reading directly from notes, etc.).
• Keep within the time limit (~12 minutes). In order to ensure
that each student has the same amount
of presentation time, I will keep time and stop you after a set
time. It is thus your responsibility,
when preparing your presentation, to make sure that everything
you need to cover (including class
discussion of your question) fits within the time limit.
• On your presentation date, come to class early and get your
presentation set up on the class
computer BEFORE the class period begins.
Content of the Presentation (Address the following elements
DURING your presentation):
• Specify your topic area and describe the importance of
studying it.
• Describe your film briefly.
• State your thesis.
• Explain how you used your two external scholarly sources to
analyze your film and address your
thesis. You need to refer to these external sources directly by
author name and year (e.g., Smith &
Jones, 2005…). Be careful not to provide detailed annotations
(summaries) of your sources. This
part of your presentation should focus on providing the main
themes and concepts in your sources
that helped you analyze your film and address your thesis.
• Describe the two connections that you made to course
concepts, theories, or research findings from
either the Helgeson text or the Canvas articles (these are
considered your course concept
connections). You need to provide author names, year, and page
number for both of these
connections (e.g., Helgeson, 2012, p. 204). (Note that these
course concept connections are in
addition to the material you incorporate from your two external
scholarly sources.)
• Describe your main conclusions, particularly with respect to
your thesis.
• Describe how the topic you analyzed connects to and informs
some real-life problem or issue.
• Specify directions for future research in your topic area (i.e.,
what questions remain unanswered in
your topic area?).
• Ask the class at least one thought-provoking question on your
topic to spur class discussion. This
can be anywhere in your presentation. Follow the guidelines for
writing good discussion questions
when preparing this question. Though you only need to ask one
question that generates discussion,
you may want to prepare two questions in case one falls flat.
Psychology of Gender (PSY 321)
Guidelines for Film Analysis Proposal and Presentation
General Information
• You will be asked to give an approximately 12-minute
presentation in which you analyze a feature-
length film (of your choosing) that relates to specific
psychology of gender concepts or issues.
• The presentations take place in class on MON, 12/4; TH, 12/7;
and TH, 12/14. Note that your
attendance on your non-presentation dates figures into your
presentation grade.
• Your presentation must incorporate at least two scholarly,
peer-reviewed sources related to your film
and psychology of gender topic area—as well as specific
information from our course readings
(textbook and/or Canvas DQ articles).
• Your presentation must be centered around a coherent thesis,
which is a point that you seek to argue
and support with evidence in your presentation.
• As a preliminary step in preparing your presentation, you will
be asked to turn in a proposal.
• You will find additional useful information (such as a list of
example films and an example
proposal) in the Film Analysis Proposal and Presentation
module in Canvas.
NOTE: The main point of this assignment is for you to identify
a relevant feature-length film and
analyze how it relates to specific psychology of gender concepts
or research findings. These concepts
or research findings should NOT be addressed explicitly (by
name) in the film; it is your job to
make these connections in your presentation. You should also
NOT use scholarly articles that
analyze the film for you, as this is your job.
Presentation Proposal (30 points) – Due Thursday, 10/26 (post
to Canvas by beginning of class)
• Your presentation proposal consists of the following parts:
• a clearly written description of the film (in your own words)
• a clearly written description of the gender psychology topics
that you plan to address in your
presentation (be sure to identify and explain specific and
relevant textbook concepts, provide
the corresponding text page #s, and explain how they will be
useful in your analysis),
• a direct articulation of your thesis statement, and
• two abstracts of scholarly, peer-reviewed articles in detailed-
record format that pertain to
your presentation topic (be sure to include the full reference
information for each article).
• Combine your proposal narrative and two abstracts into one
file and upload the file to the Proposal
assignment link in Canvas (in the Film Analysis Proposal and
Presentation module).
• Refer to the Film Analysis Proposal and Presentation module
for info on writing a good thesis
statement and to the Library Resources tab for info on how to
search for scholarly sources.
• If you need any help generating an idea, finding a film,
writing a good thesis statement, or finding
good sources, do not hesitate to come see me.
Film Analysis Presentation (100 points) – MON, 12/4; TH,
12/7; and TH, 12/14
Supplementary Materials
Submit the following materials to Canvas to the Film Analysis
Presentation assignment link (the
submission deadline is 9:00 a.m. on Thursday, 12/14, regardless
of your presentation date):
• Your presentation notes (detailed, typed notes that address the
requested elements of the
• Your presentation PowerPoint (the more schematic notes you
display during your presentation)
• Your two external scholarly sources (upload pdf versions of
the full sources to Canvas). If a source
is not available electronically, turn in a paper copy. I advise
you NOT to post links to the articles,
as these often do not bring me to the article.
Format of the Presentation and Helpful Tips
• Prepare two sets of notes: 1) detailed, typed notes that
thoroughly address the requested elements
of the presentation, and 2) a more schematic PowerPoint (or
equivalent) presentation that you will
display during your presentation.
• Your detailed notes will be more than you can cover in the
allotted time frame. I will use these
notes—in addition to the content and style of your
presentation—to assign your grade (evaluating, in
particular, the depth of your analysis).
• In your analysis, be sure to incorporate at least two external,
scholarly, peer-reviewed sources
AND at least two connections to course concepts, theories, or
research findings from the
Helgeson text and/or the Canvas DQ articles.
• Make sure your PowerPoint is not too detailed and text-heavy.
I will assess how effective it is
• Make your presentation clear and well-organized.
• Avoid all forms of plagiarism in your detailed notes and
PowerPoint presentation. This means
providing proper attribution to all sources and using quotation
marks appropriately. Your detailed
notes and your PowerPoint should have a References section
that includes all sources cited in
your analysis and a citation for your film. This is extremely
important—carefully read all
information on avoiding plagiarism posted in Canvas.
• Pay attention to your presentation style (make eye contact,
avoid reading directly from notes, etc.).
• Keep within the time limit (~12 minutes). In order to ensure
that each student has the same amount
of presentation time, I will keep time and stop you after a set
time. It is thus your responsibility,
when preparing your presentation, to make sure that everything
you need to cover (including class
discussion of your question) fits within the time limit.
• On your presentation date, come to class early and get your
presentation set up on the class
computer BEFORE the class period begins.
Content of the Presentation (Address the following elements
DURING your presentation):
• Specify your topic area and describe the importance of
studying it.
• Describe your film briefly.
• State your thesis.
• Explain how you used your two external scholarly sources to
analyze your film and address your
thesis. You need to refer to these external sources directly by
author name and year (e.g., Smith &
Jones, 2005…). Be careful not to provide detailed annotations
(summaries) of your sources. This
part of your presentation should focus on providing the main
themes and concepts in your sources
that helped you analyze your film and address your thesis.
• Describe the two connections that you made to course
concepts, theories, or research findings from
either the Helgeson text or the Canvas articles (these are
considered your course concept
connections). You need to provide author names, year, and page
number for both of these
connections (e.g., Helgeson, 2012, p. 204). (Note that these
course concept connections are in
addition to the material you incorporate from your two external
scholarly sources.)
• Describe your main conclusions, particularly with respect to
your thesis.
• Describe how the topic you analyzed connects to and informs
some real-life problem or issue.
• Specify directions for future research in your topic area (i.e.,
what questions remain unanswered in
your topic area?).
• Ask the class at least one thought-provoking question on your
topic to spur class discussion. This
can be anywhere in your presentation. Follow the guidelines for
writing good discussion questions
when preparing this question. Though you only need to ask one
question that generates discussion,
you may want to prepare two questions in case one falls flat.
Film Analysis Proposal
“Easy A”
Film Description:
Easy A is a film about a high-school girl named Olive. At the
beginning of the movie, Olive lies to her friend Rhiannon about
losing her virginity over one particular weekend. This begins a
cascade of events that upend Olive’s high school experience.
First, the local group of Christian girls decides that they need to
become involved in Olive’s business due to her newly ‘sinful’
nature. Eventually an argument gets Olive sent to the
principal’s office where she meets Brandon. Brandon is a gay
teenager who wants Olive to pretend to sleep with him in order
to ‘prove’ to the other students that he’s heterosexual.
She agrees, and before long, the entire school considers
Olive to be a promiscuous tramp. Soon she has a thriving
business pretending to sleep with boys in the school in order to
bolster their reputations. She embraces her ‘new identity’ and
acts the part. Eventually, one of the boys she pretended to sleep
with lies and says Olive gave him an STD (that he actually got
from sleeping with a teacher’s wife), and Olive decides to come
clean. The movie ends with Olive getting together with an old
crush of hers, Todd, who didn’t believe the rumors about her,
and pledging to keep her sex life secret in the future.
Topic Description:
There is a lot of exploration of gender double standards in Easy
A. For my topic, I want to explore how the girls and boys are
treated differently regarding social activity or gender role. In
the movie, sexual behavior and sexual activity raises the boys’
social status while it causes a lot of problems for Olive, who is
seen to be a ‘slut’. In addition to the explicit presentation of
this issue, I also found it interesting to note that Olive is
sympathetic in part because she actually is still a virgin. If she
weren’t a virgin, would she be as sympathetic?
Women who are virgins are considered to be high status, and
women who have had a lot of sexual partners are considered to
be low status, while the reverse is true for men.
Title: Sex and Punishment: An Examination of Sexual
Consequences and the Sexual Double Standard in Teen
Author: Aubrey, Jennifer Stevens
Source: Sex Roles, Vol. 50, Nos. 7/8, April 2004
A content analysis was conducted to examine sexual
consequences on teen programming. The sample consisted of
prime-time television dramas that featured characters between
the ages of 12 and 22 years. Two major goals guided the study.
First, the types of sexual consequences in teen programming
were investigated. Results showed that emotional and social
consequences far outnumbered physical consequences. Second,
the portrayal of the sexual double standard was investigated.
Negative consequences were more common in scenes in which
female characters initiated sexual activities than in scenes in
which male characters initiated sexual activities. Implications
for future content analyses and media-effects research
are discussed.
Title: The Sexual Double Standard: Fact or Fiction?
Authors: Marks, Michael J. and Fraley, Chris R.
Source: Sex Roles, Vol. 52, Nos. 3/4, February 2005
In contemporary society it is widely believed that men are
socially rewarded for sexual activity, whereas women are
derogated for sexual activity. To determine whether a sexual
double standard exists, both undergraduate (n = 144) and
Internet (n = 8,080) participants evaluated experimental targets
who were described as either male or female and as having a
variable number of sexual partners. Targets were more likely to
be derogated as the number of sexual partners increased, and
this effect held for both male and female targets. These results
suggest that, although people do evaluate others as a function of
sexual activity, people do not necessarily hold men and women
to different sexual standards.
Film Analysis Presentation Rubric
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTopic/Importance
3.0 pts
Exceeds Expectations
2.0 pts
Meets Expectations
1.0 pts
Needs Work
0.0 pts
Did Not Address
3.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFilm Description
4.0 pts
Exceeds Expectations
3.0 pts
Meets Expectations
2.0 pts
Approaching Expectations
1.0 pts
Needs Work
0.0 pts
Did Not Address
4.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThesis
5.0 pts
Exceeds Expectations
4.0 pts
Meets Expectations
3.0 pts
Approaching Expectations
2.0 pts
Needs Work
0.0 pts
Did Not Address
5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTwo External
view longer description
10.0 pts
Well Above Expectations
9.0 pts
Above Expectations
8.0 pts
Meets Expectations
7.0 pts
Approaching Expectations
6.0 pts
Needs Work
0.0 pts
Did Not Address
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTwo Course
Concept Connections
view longer description
10.0 pts
Well Above Expectations
9.0 pts
Above Expectations
8.0 pts
Meets Expectations
7.0 pts
Approaching Expectations
6.0 pts
Needs Work
0.0 pts
Did Not Address
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConnection to
Real-Life Issue
3.0 pts
Exceeds Expectations
2.0 pts
Meets Expectations
1.0 pts
Needs Work
0.0 pts
Did Not Address
3.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDirections for
Future Research
3.0 pts
Exceeds Expectations
2.0 pts
Meets Expectations
1.0 pts
Needs Work
0.0 pts
Did Not Address
3.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConclusions
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3.0 pts
Exceeds Expectations
2.0 pts
Meets Expectations
1.0 pts
Needs Work
0.0 pts
Did Not Address
3.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQuality of DQ
and Discussion
10.0 pts
Well Above Expectations
9.0 pts
Above Expectations
8.0 pts
Meets Expectations
7.0 pts
Approaching Expectations
6.0 pts
Needs Work
0.0 pts
Did Not Include
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePresentation
3.0 pts
Exceeds Expectations
2.0 pts
Meets Expectations
1.0 pts
Needs Work
3.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePresentation
5.0 pts
Exceeds Expectations
4.0 pts
Meets Expectations
3.0 pts
Approaching Expectations
1.0 pts
Needs Work
5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePresentation Time
MGMT/ Organization
5.0 pts
Exceeds Expectations
4.0 pts
Meets Expectations
3.0 pts
Approaching Expectations
1.0 pts
Needs Work
5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQuality of Visual
Aid (PPT or Prezi)
5.0 pts
Exceeds Expectations
4.0 pts
Meets Expectations
3.0 pts
Approaching Expectations
1.0 pts
Needs Work
5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTurned in all
supplementary materials (1-PPT or Prezi, 2-Detailed Notes, 3-
6.0 pts
4.0 pts
Submitted 2 of 3
2.0 pts
Submitted 1 of 3
0.0 pts
No materials submitted
6.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQuality of
Detailed Notes
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10.0 pts
Well Above Expectations
9.0 pts
Above Expectations
8.0 pts
Meets Expectations
7.0 pts
Approaching Expectations
6.0 pts
Needs Work
0.0 pts
Did Not Submit
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning
OutcomeAttendance/Punctuality at PRES sessions?
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15.0 pts
0.0 pts
Absent -All Sessions
15.0 pts
Total Points: 100.0
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  • 1. Topic/importance My topic will be about fighting against gender stereotypes and gender roles, and gender identity that a culture incorporate for male and female, but the more concern is about females’ gender roles, gender identity, and gender stereotypes as described in chapter 7 and page number 150. Pai is dared to confront the cultural traditions about gender roles and gender stereotypes that are the hurdle in her way to adopt her own actual personality. This confrontation is the soul of the film and this theme is really important because this theme is so broad that every culture depicts this kind of the theme and every culture has its own defined gender stereotypes and gender roles. The importance of this topic is to evaluate the gender roles in every culture because without this evaluation we cannot put right people on right place to move ahead towards success of the people and the whole community. Film description At the East Coast of New Zealand, the people of Whangara believed that their existence was based on a purely brave prophet-Paikea, who did ride on the back of the whale in order to escape death when his canoe was capsized in the sea. Based on that believe, Whangarra chiefs had the belief that the only first born males were the directly the descendants of Paikea (Whale Rider, 2002). The protagonist in the movie is Paikea Apirana who is aged 11 years old girl born in this patriarchal tribe. Being a girl is shunned down by the society because of her mother, as well as her twin brother, died at the time of delivery, therefore, leaving the girl as unfavorable to Koro- her grandfather. She says that she was not glad when she was born as her twin brother died and took her mother away. The hope of the family was the boy who could lead the family (Whale Rider, 2002). The traditions bound her grandmother to choose a male leader in the society. The girl loves her grandfather than anyone else. Pai has to fight her grandfather as well as thousand years
  • 2. of the tradition in order to fulfill as well as meet her destiny. Pai shows great courage to collide with cultural norms and especially gender roles are very important to analyze to evaluate the direction of culture as far as the credibility and authenticity of gender stereotypes and gender roles are concerned. Moreover, the evaluation must be done to analyze the need to establish cultural gender roles and gender stereotypes. The persistence of Pai is another important feature of the film. The way Pai transformed from her outcast to the chief of the tribe depicts that cultural stereotypes can be defeated if a right person fights with his or her ability and persistence. The love of Pai for her tribe, grandparents, and the lifestyle of the tribe make her prominent from other children because other children love the modern and urban lifestyle. Pai persistently achieves the leading role of her tribe and proves that women shouldn’t be underestimated. They can rule and lead the communities. Thesis My thesis is that cultural gender stereotypes and gender roles are baseless, ambiguous, and a hindrance in the way of people’s thought process which creates trouble for them to adjust their selves within the culture which turns them into a revolutionary character to act against the cultural gender stereotypes and gender roles. Two external sources Gender stereotypes stem from the distribution of women and men into social roles. Authors: Eagly, Alice H.; Steffen, Valerie J. Source: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol 46(4), Apr 1984, 735-754. doi:10.1037//0022-3514.46.4.735 #2- Description and Prescription: How Gender Stereotypes Prevent Women's Ascent Up the Organizational Ladder Authors: Madeline E. Heilman Source: Journal of the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues, Volume 57, Issue 4, pages 657-674, winter 2001. DOI: 10.1111/0022-4537.00234
  • 3. Two external sources I am going to use these two external sources because these sources analyzes the gender stereotypes of cultures and go along what the film depicts about gender roles and gender stereotypes. Cultural gender stereotypes don’t allow women to thrash in the society. Women are supposed to be in the lower ranks than men when it comes to lead the family for a bright future. Cultural gender stereotypes and gender roles assign the duty of leading the family to men which are supposed to be stronger, wiser, and diplomatic than women. This cannot be true in both perspectives of women and men. The film describes the hope of the family to have the boy who could lead the family. The family doesn’t consider Pai to be able enough to lead the family and the reason behind their consideration is gender stereotypes and gender roles of their culture. These two sources go against the gender stereotypes and gender roles which diminish or lessen the active, effective, and leading role of the women. Source # 1 The article includes experiments about the communal and agentic nature of males and females. The experiments of the article disqualify the stereotypic belief that women are more likely than men to hold the position of lower status and authority. Moreover, the article also clarifies that women, definitely, want to master in the field they like. The article is well written and proves that the gender stereotypes must be redefined and analyzed especially about women perspective. The article’s conclusion backs up the thinking of the protagonist character of the film “Pai”. Source # 2 The articles analyzes the scarcity of women at the upper or higher levels of organizations and poses the reasons behind this scarcity as gender stereotypes and gender roles that culture assigns to its population. The gender bias hinders women to proceed as much as they have the ability as compared to men do in their life.
  • 4. The article’s context is wonderful and it totally agrees with my thesis. Gender stereotypes and gender roles are killers of women success and their actual abilities to thrash in their life. Course concepts connections The best description about gender stereotypes can be finding in the textbook’s chapter 7 on page 161, the Adjective Checklist Study of Williams and Best suggests that gender stereotypes are baseless and ambiguous because study mentions men to be more active, aggressive, extrovert and open as compared to women, but the uncertainty about the basis of the development of gender stereotypes still remains alive. No one knows the factors and boundaries of gender stereotypes. The context of chapter 7 thrashes the gender roles that are based on cultural stereotypes and makes a statement against them. Gender roles are not based on the personal abilities of women or men. Cultural incorporates gender roles from nowhere. Women are equally able to have the leading role as men. By defining the terms gender roles, gender stereotypes, and gender identity gender role means the extent to which a person adopts the gender specific behavior defined by his or her culture. Gender stereotypes means psychological and behavioral characteristics attached with men and women and gender identity means the extent to which a person has awareness that he or she adopts the gender role. But the question is there any credibility of gender role and gender stereotypes that the culture propagates through generation after generation defined by our textbook? The answer is simply no. That’s what the film depicts and proves the concept of gender roles in her culture wrong by becoming the leader of her tribe. Real life issues Gender stereotypes and gender roles are literally the issues of real life. Women are being affected by the cultural gender stereotypes and gender roles. Different countries have different gender stereotypes. For example, in Afghanistan, girls are not allowed to go to schools especially in those areas where there is an influence of Taliban. This is totally wrong concept. Taliban
  • 5. cannot give any factual reason behind this stereotype except their vague and pathetic mentality. Secondly, the leader of the family is supposed to be the man in most part of the world. This is even a gender stereotype which restricts women to be the housewives with no other available profession. Moreover, we can calculate the number of women who are leading the countries as the head of their state. The numbers of women who are the head of their countries are less as compared to the men in same situation. Hillary Clinton competed in the election but failed. There can be some other reasons behind her defeat and those reasons are not the part of our paper, but Britain, Germany, Bangladesh, and Poland are the countries who have female head of the government as I remember. The reason behind this is also the concept of gender stereotypes and roles. There is the mentality of people which prevails is that females are not able than to lead the countries. Future research After watching film and analyzing the external sources the gender stereotypes and gender roles demands research on their factors and boundaries. There is a need to evaluate as much cultures as possible to know why the people develop and believe in their gender stereotypes and gender roles while not knowing the reasons behind those gender stereotypes and gender roles. DQ and Discussion What are the factors which develop gender stereotypes? Is religion one of the reasons of gender stereotypes? What does the comparison between monotheistic, polytheistic, and atheistic societies suggest about the presence of gender stereotypes in each society respectively? What would be the positive outcomes if there are some effective interventions started to eradicate gender stereotypes? Do female leaders of some countries like Britain and Germany quantifies the negation of gender stereotypes? Conclusion To conclude, gender stereotypes and gender roles are needed to be redefined and reevaluate for the best of the people’s
  • 6. prosperity. Until now, gender stereotypes are totally baseless and ambiguous. The film, two external sources, and the chapter 7 of the textbook describe similar perspective which goes against the practice of gender stereotypes and gender roles. Every connection, whether external connections or course connections, describes that cultural gender stereotypes and gender roles need concrete basis to be established in any culture with dignity and credibility. Until now the cultural gender stereotypes and gender roles are baseless and ambiguous because there is no criterion mentioned to judge anyone’s ability to hold the leading role. Cultures are wrongly assigning male members right to have the leading roles in culture just because there role is admitted in the culture as a stereotype. References Film Whale Rider by Niki Caro, 30 January 2017 #1- Gender stereotypes stem from the distribution of women and men into social roles. Authors: Eagly, Alice H.; Steffen, Valerie J. Source: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol 46(4), Apr 1984, 735-754. doi:10.1037//0022-3514.46.4.735 #2- Description and Prescription: How Gender Stereotypes Prevent Women's Ascent Up the Organizational Ladder Authors: Madeline E. Heilman Source: Journal of the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues, Volume 57, Issue 4, pages 657-674, winter 2001. DOI: 10.1111/0022-4537.00234
  • 7. Chapter 7, Culture and Psychology by David Matsumoto and Linda Juang Course connections: Matsumoto & Juang, 2013, p. 161). Ali Almarzooqi Topic/importance Gender stereotypes Gender roles More concern is about females Film description Thesis cultural gender stereotypes and gender roles are baseless, ambiguous, and a hindrance in the way of people’s thought. external sources #1 Gender stereotypes stem from the distribution of women and
  • 8. men into social roles. Authors: Eagly, Alice H.; Steffen, Valerie J. (1984). Source # 1 experiments about agentic nature of males and females. women are more likely to hold the position of lower status. external sources #2 Description and Prescription: How Gender Stereotypes Prevent Women's Ascent Up the Organizational Ladder. Authors: Madeline E. Heilman (2001). Source # 2 Analyzes the scarcity of women. Reasons behind this scarcity. Course concepts connections textbook’s chapter 7. on page 161, the Adjective Checklist Study of Williams and Best. in chapter 7 and page number 150 there is more concern is about females’ gender roles, gender identity, and gender stereotypes. Real life issues Girls are not allowed to go to schools. leader of the family is supposed to be the man.
  • 9. Future Research Future research Why developing gender roles and gender stereotype. Discussion question What are the factors which develop gender stereotypes? Where we can see gender stereotype on these days? references #1- Gender stereotypes stem from the distribution of women and men into social roles. Authors: Eagly, Alice H.; Steffen, Valerie J. Source: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol 46(4), Apr 1984, 735-754. doi:10.1037//0022-3514.46.4.735 #2- Description and Prescription: How Gender Stereotypes Prevent Women's Ascent Up the Organizational Ladder Authors: Madeline E. Heilman Source: Journal of the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues, Volume 57, Issue 4, pages 657-674, winter 2001. DOI: 10.1111/0022-4537.00234 Chapter 7, Culture and Psychology by David Matsumoto and Linda Juang
  • 10. 1 Psychology of Gender (PSY 321) Guidelines for Film Analysis Proposal and Presentation General Information • You will be asked to give an approximately 12-minute presentation in which you analyze a feature- length film (of your choosing) that relates to specific psychology of gender concepts or issues. • The presentations take place in class on MON, 12/4; TH, 12/7; and TH, 12/14. Note that your attendance on your non-presentation dates figures into your presentation grade. • Your presentation must incorporate at least two scholarly, peer-reviewed sources related to your film and psychology of gender topic area—as well as specific information from our course readings (textbook and/or Canvas DQ articles). • Your presentation must be centered around a coherent thesis, which is a point that you seek to argue and support with evidence in your presentation. • As a preliminary step in preparing your presentation, you will
  • 11. be asked to turn in a proposal. • You will find additional useful information (such as a list of example films and an example proposal) in the Film Analysis Proposal and Presentation module in Canvas. NOTE: The main point of this assignment is for you to identify a relevant feature-length film and analyze how it relates to specific psychology of gender concepts or research findings. These concepts or research findings should NOT be addressed explicitly (by name) in the film; it is your job to make these connections in your presentation. You should also NOT use scholarly articles that analyze the film for you, as this is your job. Presentation Proposal (30 points) – Due Thursday, 10/26 (post to Canvas by beginning of class) • Your presentation proposal consists of the following parts: • a clearly written description of the film (in your own words) • a clearly written description of the gender psychology topics that you plan to address in your presentation (be sure to identify and explain specific and relevant textbook concepts, provide the corresponding text page #s, and explain how they will be useful in your analysis), • a direct articulation of your thesis statement, and • two abstracts of scholarly, peer-reviewed articles in detailed- record format that pertain to your presentation topic (be sure to include the full reference information for each article).
  • 12. • Combine your proposal narrative and two abstracts into one file and upload the file to the Proposal assignment link in Canvas (in the Film Analysis Proposal and Presentation module). • Refer to the Film Analysis Proposal and Presentation module for info on writing a good thesis statement and to the Library Resources tab for info on how to search for scholarly sources. • If you need any help generating an idea, finding a film, writing a good thesis statement, or finding good sources, do not hesitate to come see me. Film Analysis Presentation (100 points) – MON, 12/4; TH, 12/7; and TH, 12/14 Supplementary Materials Submit the following materials to Canvas to the Film Analysis Presentation assignment link (the submission deadline is 9:00 a.m. on Thursday, 12/14, regardless of your presentation date): • Your presentation notes (detailed, typed notes that address the requested elements of the presentation) • Your presentation PowerPoint (the more schematic notes you display during your presentation) • Your two external scholarly sources (upload pdf versions of the full sources to Canvas). If a source is not available electronically, turn in a paper copy. I advise you NOT to post links to the articles, as these often do not bring me to the article.
  • 13. 2 Format of the Presentation and Helpful Tips • Prepare two sets of notes: 1) detailed, typed notes that thoroughly address the requested elements of the presentation, and 2) a more schematic PowerPoint (or equivalent) presentation that you will display during your presentation. • Your detailed notes will be more than you can cover in the allotted time frame. I will use these notes—in addition to the content and style of your presentation—to assign your grade (evaluating, in particular, the depth of your analysis). • In your analysis, be sure to incorporate at least two external, scholarly, peer-reviewed sources AND at least two connections to course concepts, theories, or research findings from the Helgeson text and/or the Canvas DQ articles. • Make sure your PowerPoint is not too detailed and text-heavy. I will assess how effective it is visually. • Make your presentation clear and well-organized. • Avoid all forms of plagiarism in your detailed notes and PowerPoint presentation. This means providing proper attribution to all sources and using quotation marks appropriately. Your detailed notes and your PowerPoint should have a References section
  • 14. that includes all sources cited in your analysis and a citation for your film. This is extremely important—carefully read all information on avoiding plagiarism posted in Canvas. • Pay attention to your presentation style (make eye contact, avoid reading directly from notes, etc.). • Keep within the time limit (~12 minutes). In order to ensure that each student has the same amount of presentation time, I will keep time and stop you after a set time. It is thus your responsibility, when preparing your presentation, to make sure that everything you need to cover (including class discussion of your question) fits within the time limit. • On your presentation date, come to class early and get your presentation set up on the class computer BEFORE the class period begins. Content of the Presentation (Address the following elements DURING your presentation): • Specify your topic area and describe the importance of studying it. • Describe your film briefly. • State your thesis. • Explain how you used your two external scholarly sources to analyze your film and address your thesis. You need to refer to these external sources directly by author name and year (e.g., Smith & Jones, 2005…). Be careful not to provide detailed annotations (summaries) of your sources. This part of your presentation should focus on providing the main themes and concepts in your sources
  • 15. that helped you analyze your film and address your thesis. • Describe the two connections that you made to course concepts, theories, or research findings from either the Helgeson text or the Canvas articles (these are considered your course concept connections). You need to provide author names, year, and page number for both of these connections (e.g., Helgeson, 2012, p. 204). (Note that these course concept connections are in addition to the material you incorporate from your two external scholarly sources.) • Describe your main conclusions, particularly with respect to your thesis. • Describe how the topic you analyzed connects to and informs some real-life problem or issue. • Specify directions for future research in your topic area (i.e., what questions remain unanswered in your topic area?). • Ask the class at least one thought-provoking question on your topic to spur class discussion. This can be anywhere in your presentation. Follow the guidelines for writing good discussion questions when preparing this question. Though you only need to ask one question that generates discussion, you may want to prepare two questions in case one falls flat. 1
  • 16. Psychology of Gender (PSY 321) Guidelines for Film Analysis Proposal and Presentation General Information • You will be asked to give an approximately 12-minute presentation in which you analyze a feature- length film (of your choosing) that relates to specific psychology of gender concepts or issues. • The presentations take place in class on MON, 12/4; TH, 12/7; and TH, 12/14. Note that your attendance on your non-presentation dates figures into your presentation grade. • Your presentation must incorporate at least two scholarly, peer-reviewed sources related to your film and psychology of gender topic area—as well as specific information from our course readings (textbook and/or Canvas DQ articles). • Your presentation must be centered around a coherent thesis, which is a point that you seek to argue and support with evidence in your presentation. • As a preliminary step in preparing your presentation, you will be asked to turn in a proposal. • You will find additional useful information (such as a list of example films and an example proposal) in the Film Analysis Proposal and Presentation module in Canvas. NOTE: The main point of this assignment is for you to identify a relevant feature-length film and analyze how it relates to specific psychology of gender concepts
  • 17. or research findings. These concepts or research findings should NOT be addressed explicitly (by name) in the film; it is your job to make these connections in your presentation. You should also NOT use scholarly articles that analyze the film for you, as this is your job. Presentation Proposal (30 points) – Due Thursday, 10/26 (post to Canvas by beginning of class) • Your presentation proposal consists of the following parts: • a clearly written description of the film (in your own words) • a clearly written description of the gender psychology topics that you plan to address in your presentation (be sure to identify and explain specific and relevant textbook concepts, provide the corresponding text page #s, and explain how they will be useful in your analysis), • a direct articulation of your thesis statement, and • two abstracts of scholarly, peer-reviewed articles in detailed- record format that pertain to your presentation topic (be sure to include the full reference information for each article). • Combine your proposal narrative and two abstracts into one file and upload the file to the Proposal assignment link in Canvas (in the Film Analysis Proposal and Presentation module). • Refer to the Film Analysis Proposal and Presentation module for info on writing a good thesis statement and to the Library Resources tab for info on how to search for scholarly sources.
  • 18. • If you need any help generating an idea, finding a film, writing a good thesis statement, or finding good sources, do not hesitate to come see me. Film Analysis Presentation (100 points) – MON, 12/4; TH, 12/7; and TH, 12/14 Supplementary Materials Submit the following materials to Canvas to the Film Analysis Presentation assignment link (the submission deadline is 9:00 a.m. on Thursday, 12/14, regardless of your presentation date): • Your presentation notes (detailed, typed notes that address the requested elements of the presentation) • Your presentation PowerPoint (the more schematic notes you display during your presentation) • Your two external scholarly sources (upload pdf versions of the full sources to Canvas). If a source is not available electronically, turn in a paper copy. I advise you NOT to post links to the articles, as these often do not bring me to the article. 2 Format of the Presentation and Helpful Tips • Prepare two sets of notes: 1) detailed, typed notes that thoroughly address the requested elements of the presentation, and 2) a more schematic PowerPoint (or
  • 19. equivalent) presentation that you will display during your presentation. • Your detailed notes will be more than you can cover in the allotted time frame. I will use these notes—in addition to the content and style of your presentation—to assign your grade (evaluating, in particular, the depth of your analysis). • In your analysis, be sure to incorporate at least two external, scholarly, peer-reviewed sources AND at least two connections to course concepts, theories, or research findings from the Helgeson text and/or the Canvas DQ articles. • Make sure your PowerPoint is not too detailed and text-heavy. I will assess how effective it is visually. • Make your presentation clear and well-organized. • Avoid all forms of plagiarism in your detailed notes and PowerPoint presentation. This means providing proper attribution to all sources and using quotation marks appropriately. Your detailed notes and your PowerPoint should have a References section that includes all sources cited in your analysis and a citation for your film. This is extremely important—carefully read all information on avoiding plagiarism posted in Canvas. • Pay attention to your presentation style (make eye contact, avoid reading directly from notes, etc.). • Keep within the time limit (~12 minutes). In order to ensure that each student has the same amount
  • 20. of presentation time, I will keep time and stop you after a set time. It is thus your responsibility, when preparing your presentation, to make sure that everything you need to cover (including class discussion of your question) fits within the time limit. • On your presentation date, come to class early and get your presentation set up on the class computer BEFORE the class period begins. Content of the Presentation (Address the following elements DURING your presentation): • Specify your topic area and describe the importance of studying it. • Describe your film briefly. • State your thesis. • Explain how you used your two external scholarly sources to analyze your film and address your thesis. You need to refer to these external sources directly by author name and year (e.g., Smith & Jones, 2005…). Be careful not to provide detailed annotations (summaries) of your sources. This part of your presentation should focus on providing the main themes and concepts in your sources that helped you analyze your film and address your thesis. • Describe the two connections that you made to course concepts, theories, or research findings from either the Helgeson text or the Canvas articles (these are considered your course concept connections). You need to provide author names, year, and page number for both of these connections (e.g., Helgeson, 2012, p. 204). (Note that these course concept connections are in
  • 21. addition to the material you incorporate from your two external scholarly sources.) • Describe your main conclusions, particularly with respect to your thesis. • Describe how the topic you analyzed connects to and informs some real-life problem or issue. • Specify directions for future research in your topic area (i.e., what questions remain unanswered in your topic area?). • Ask the class at least one thought-provoking question on your topic to spur class discussion. This can be anywhere in your presentation. Follow the guidelines for writing good discussion questions when preparing this question. Though you only need to ask one question that generates discussion, you may want to prepare two questions in case one falls flat. Film Analysis Proposal “Easy A” Film Description: Easy A is a film about a high-school girl named Olive. At the beginning of the movie, Olive lies to her friend Rhiannon about losing her virginity over one particular weekend. This begins a cascade of events that upend Olive’s high school experience. First, the local group of Christian girls decides that they need to become involved in Olive’s business due to her newly ‘sinful’ nature. Eventually an argument gets Olive sent to the principal’s office where she meets Brandon. Brandon is a gay teenager who wants Olive to pretend to sleep with him in order to ‘prove’ to the other students that he’s heterosexual.
  • 22. She agrees, and before long, the entire school considers Olive to be a promiscuous tramp. Soon she has a thriving business pretending to sleep with boys in the school in order to bolster their reputations. She embraces her ‘new identity’ and acts the part. Eventually, one of the boys she pretended to sleep with lies and says Olive gave him an STD (that he actually got from sleeping with a teacher’s wife), and Olive decides to come clean. The movie ends with Olive getting together with an old crush of hers, Todd, who didn’t believe the rumors about her, and pledging to keep her sex life secret in the future. Topic Description: There is a lot of exploration of gender double standards in Easy A. For my topic, I want to explore how the girls and boys are treated differently regarding social activity or gender role. In the movie, sexual behavior and sexual activity raises the boys’ social status while it causes a lot of problems for Olive, who is seen to be a ‘slut’. In addition to the explicit presentation of this issue, I also found it interesting to note that Olive is sympathetic in part because she actually is still a virgin. If she weren’t a virgin, would she be as sympathetic? Thesis: Women who are virgins are considered to be high status, and women who have had a lot of sexual partners are considered to be low status, while the reverse is true for men. Articles: 1.) 11199_2004_Article_483670.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y Title: Sex and Punishment: An Examination of Sexual Consequences and the Sexual Double Standard in Teen Programming
  • 23. Author: Aubrey, Jennifer Stevens Source: Sex Roles, Vol. 50, Nos. 7/8, April 2004 Abstract: A content analysis was conducted to examine sexual consequences on teen programming. The sample consisted of prime-time television dramas that featured characters between the ages of 12 and 22 years. Two major goals guided the study. First, the types of sexual consequences in teen programming were investigated. Results showed that emotional and social consequences far outnumbered physical consequences. Second, the portrayal of the sexual double standard was investigated. Negative consequences were more common in scenes in which female characters initiated sexual activities than in scenes in which male characters initiated sexual activities. Implications for future content analyses and media-effects research are discussed. 2.) he_Sexual_Double_Standard_Fact_or_Ficti20160423-20090- 19c8cma.pdf?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAIWOWYYGZ2Y53UL3A &Expires=1508632587&Signature=jewi%2FGwr8tdjH5oIpVDwi X%2F94b4%3D&response-content- disposition=inline%3B%20filename%3DThe_Sexual_Double_St andard_Fact_or_Ficti.pdf Title: The Sexual Double Standard: Fact or Fiction? Authors: Marks, Michael J. and Fraley, Chris R. Source: Sex Roles, Vol. 52, Nos. 3/4, February 2005 Abstract: In contemporary society it is widely believed that men are socially rewarded for sexual activity, whereas women are derogated for sexual activity. To determine whether a sexual double standard exists, both undergraduate (n = 144) and Internet (n = 8,080) participants evaluated experimental targets who were described as either male or female and as having a
  • 24. variable number of sexual partners. Targets were more likely to be derogated as the number of sexual partners increased, and this effect held for both male and female targets. These results suggest that, although people do evaluate others as a function of sexual activity, people do not necessarily hold men and women to different sexual standards. Film Analysis Presentation Rubric Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTopic/Importance 3.0 pts Exceeds Expectations 2.0 pts Meets Expectations 1.0 pts Needs Work 0.0 pts Did Not Address 3.0 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFilm Description 4.0 pts Exceeds Expectations 3.0 pts Meets Expectations 2.0 pts Approaching Expectations 1.0 pts Needs Work 0.0 pts Did Not Address 4.0 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThesis
  • 25. 5.0 pts Exceeds Expectations 4.0 pts Meets Expectations 3.0 pts Approaching Expectations 2.0 pts Needs Work 0.0 pts Did Not Address 5.0 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTwo External Sources view longer description 10.0 pts Well Above Expectations 9.0 pts Above Expectations 8.0 pts Meets Expectations 7.0 pts Approaching Expectations 6.0 pts Needs Work 0.0 pts Did Not Address 10.0 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTwo Course Concept Connections view longer description 10.0 pts Well Above Expectations 9.0 pts Above Expectations
  • 26. 8.0 pts Meets Expectations 7.0 pts Approaching Expectations 6.0 pts Needs Work 0.0 pts Did Not Address 10.0 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConnection to Real-Life Issue 3.0 pts Exceeds Expectations 2.0 pts Meets Expectations 1.0 pts Needs Work 0.0 pts Did Not Address 3.0 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDirections for Future Research 3.0 pts Exceeds Expectations 2.0 pts Meets Expectations 1.0 pts Needs Work 0.0 pts Did Not Address 3.0 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConclusions view longer description
  • 27. 3.0 pts Exceeds Expectations 2.0 pts Meets Expectations 1.0 pts Needs Work 0.0 pts Did Not Address 3.0 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQuality of DQ and Discussion 10.0 pts Well Above Expectations 9.0 pts Above Expectations 8.0 pts Meets Expectations 7.0 pts Approaching Expectations 6.0 pts Needs Work 0.0 pts Did Not Include 10.0 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePresentation Clarity 3.0 pts Exceeds Expectations 2.0 pts Meets Expectations 1.0 pts Needs Work 3.0 pts
  • 28. This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePresentation Style 5.0 pts Exceeds Expectations 4.0 pts Meets Expectations 3.0 pts Approaching Expectations 1.0 pts Needs Work 5.0 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePresentation Time MGMT/ Organization 5.0 pts Exceeds Expectations 4.0 pts Meets Expectations 3.0 pts Approaching Expectations 1.0 pts Needs Work 5.0 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQuality of Visual Aid (PPT or Prezi) 5.0 pts Exceeds Expectations 4.0 pts Meets Expectations 3.0 pts Approaching Expectations 1.0 pts Needs Work 5.0 pts
  • 29. This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTurned in all supplementary materials (1-PPT or Prezi, 2-Detailed Notes, 3- Articles)? 6.0 pts Yes 4.0 pts Submitted 2 of 3 2.0 pts Submitted 1 of 3 0.0 pts No materials submitted 6.0 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQuality of Detailed Notes view longer description 10.0 pts Well Above Expectations 9.0 pts Above Expectations 8.0 pts Meets Expectations 7.0 pts Approaching Expectations 6.0 pts Needs Work 0.0 pts Did Not Submit 10.0 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAttendance/Punctuality at PRES sessions? view longer description 15.0 pts Perfect 0.0 pts
  • 30. Absent -All Sessions 15.0 pts Total Points: 100.0 Film Analysis Presentation Rubric