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Tools for Managing Internal
                                            Parasites in Small Ruminants:
                                            Copper Wire Particles
    A Publication of ATTRA - National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service • 1-800-346-9140 •

By Margo Hale,
Joan Burke, Jim Miller,
and Tom Terrill
Southern Consortium
for Small Ruminant
Parasite Control

Introduction ..................... 1
Copper Oxide Wire
Particles (COWP) ............. 2
Things You Should Know
about Copper .................. 2
COWP Boluses ................. 3
How to Make COWP
Boluses ............................... 3
COWP Results .................. 4
Summary ........................... 5
Resources .......................... 6      Sheep and goat producers must rely on a combination of techniques to manage internal parasites.
References ........................ 6

                                            Introduction                                              are shed in the feces. After the eggs pass

                                                                                                      out of the host, they hatch into larvae in
                                                 nternal parasite management, especially              the pellet. Warm, moist conditions encour-
                                                 of Haemonchus contortus (barber pole                 age hatching of the eggs and development
                                                 worm, stomach worm), is a primary con-               into infective larvae. The larvae need mois-
                                            cern for the majority of sheep and goat pro-              ture, such as dew or rain, to break open
                                            ducers. These parasites have become more                  the fecal pellet, releasing the larvae. The
                                            difficult to manage because of developed                   infective larvae migrate out of the feces and
                                            resistance to nearly all available deworm-                up blades of grass (usually 1 to 3 inches).
                                            ers. A severe infection of barber pole worm               When an animal (sheep or goat) grazes, it
                                            causes anemia, reduced animal production,                 may take in parasite larvae along with the
                                            bottle jaw, and—if not treated—death of                   grass blade, resulting in infection. Numbers
                                            infected sheep and goats.
ATTRA—National Sustainable
Agriculture Information Ser-
                                                                                                      of infective larvae on the pasture increase
vice is managed by the National             Mature parasites breed inside the host and                over time when environmental conditions
Center for Appropriate Technol-
ogy (NCAT) and is funded under
                                            “lay eggs,” which pass through the host and               are favorable (warm, wet).
a grant from the United States
Department of Agriculture’s
Rural Business- Cooperative                 Ideas and research were generated by the Southern Consortium for Small Ruminant Parasite Control (
Service. Visit the NCAT Web site            and funding support for this work was provided by USDA, CSREES, Integrated Organic Program, and Capacity Building
html) for more informa-
                                            Grants Program (Award No. 2005-38814-16429). Mention of trade names or commercial products in this manuscript is
tion on our sustainable                     solely for the purpose of providing specific information and does not imply recommendation or endorsement by the
agriculture projects.                       U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Parasites are now developing resistance to         Selective Deworming
                          all commercially available anthelmintics           or FAMACHA©
                          (dewormers). Drug resistance is the ability
                          of worms in a population to survive drug                • A system for classifying animals
                          treatment of the animal at the standard                   based on levels of anemia (accord-
                          prescribed dosage. Over-use of deworm-                    ing to eye mucous membrane color)
                          ers (frequent deworming and treating all                • Treat only animals with symptoms
                          animals regardless of need) has led to                    of the barber pole worm (anemia)

         ver-use          dewormer resistance, and as a consequence               • Reduces the use of dewormers and
                          most available dewormers are now ineffec-                 slows development of resistance
         of deworm-
                          tive. Producers cannot rely on anthelmintics
         ers has led      alone to control internal parasites. There-             • Is only effective for the treatment of
to dewormer resis-        fore, it is important to use several tools to             H. contortus (barber pole worm)
tance, and as a           manage internal parasites.
                                                                             Selecting Resistant Animals
consequence most          The following are tools that can be used to             • Several breeds show resistance to
available dewormers       manage internal parasites. For more infor-                internal parasites
are now ineffective.       mation see ATTRA’s Managing Internal
                          Parasites in Sheep and Goats.                           • Individual animals can demonstrate
                                                                                    resistance to parasites
                          Pasture Management                                        o Resistant animals have a lower
                               • Maintain forage height greater than                   host parasite burden and are
                                 2 inches                                              not negatively affected by the
                               • Provide areas of browse (brush,                       parasites (don’t show signs of
                                 shrubs, small trees, etc.)                            parasitism, remain productive)
                               • Maintain low stocking rate                         o FAMACHA scores can be helpful
                                                                                       for selection
                               • Graze sheep and goats with cattle,
                                 or in a rotation with cattle or horses
                                                                             Copper Oxide Wire Particles
                               • Provide tannin-rich forages, such as
                                 sericea lespedeza                           Copper oxide wire particles (COWP) have
                                                                             also been found to reduce parasite loads in
                               • Harvest hay off pastures                    sheep and goats. COWP were developed for
                               • Avoid wet patches in a pasture, such        copper deficiency in cattle and sheep. Sheep
                                 as from a leaky water trough                are very susceptible to copper toxicity, which
                               • Fence-off naturally-wet areas               can result in death. The form of copper used

  Things you should know about copper…
   •   Copper is important for immune function in livestock.           does not endorse the use of high copper sulfate
   •   Sheep are very sensitive to copper accumulation in              mineral mixes to control parasites.
       the liver, which causes toxicity.                        •   There are complex mineral interactions that affect
   •   The amount of copper required by sheep is not                copper absorption; deficiencies in other minerals can
       greatly different from the toxic level, making copper         increase the risk for copper toxicity.
       level an important consideration when mixing sheep            o Low levels of molybdenum can increase risk of
       rations or feeding mineral.                                     copper toxicity
        o The margin of safety between the required             •   Pastures fertilized with poultry waste may have high
           amount of copper (10 ppm) and toxic level (25            copper levels.
           ppm) is very narrow in sheep.                             o Sheep should not be fed poultry wastes, due to
   •   Some sheep breeds are more susceptible to copper                the high copper levels
       toxicity than others (Texel and dairy breeds).           •   Goats are less susceptible to copper toxicity, tolerat-
   •   Copper sulfate is more readily absorbed than copper          ing up to 80 ppm.
       oxide, creating a greater risk for copper toxicity.           o While not common, copper toxicity in goats
        o Recommending COWP use for controlling worms                  can occur (13).

Page 2        ATTRA                      Tools for Managing Internal Parasites in Small Ruminants: Copper Wire Particles
in COWP is poorly absorbed, reducing the                   Animals can be treated again after 4-6 weeks,
risk of copper toxicity.                                   if necessary. Animals should receive no more
                                                           than four (if 0.5 or 1 g is used) or two (if 2 or
The exact mechanism of how copper wire
                                                           4 g is used) COWP boluses in a worm season.
particles control internal parasites is not
                                                           It should be noted that COWP has been found
yet fully understood. Researchers believe
                                                           to be effective on reducing abomasal (H. con-
copper has a direct effect on internal
                                                           tortus) only and not intestinal worms. COWP
parasites. It may also help to boost the
                                                           has been found to be effective against H. con-
immune system. Both effects help to man-
                                                           tortus in mature goats most of the time, though
age internal parasites.
                                                           sometimes marginally effective. Other control
                                                           strategies may be more effective in mature
Copper Oxide Wire Particle                                 animals. As with all anthelmintic treatments,
Boluses                                                    it is important to work with your veterinarian.
COWP boluses can be made and adminis-                      COWP should not be the only method used
tered on farm. Copper boluses (Copasure© )                 for controlling internal parasites. COWP
are available for use for copper deficiency                 boluses should be thought of as one compo-
in cattle. These boluses can be repackaged                 nent of a complete parasite management strat-
into doses suitable for growing sheep and                  egy. COWP boluses should be used selec-
goats. The minimum dose that has dem-                      tively, treating only the animals that need
onstrated control in some studies is 0.5 g,                it. Using the FAMACHA© system is one way
but as much as 2-4 g may be necessary.                     to determine animals that should receive a
                                                           COWP bolus. Selective treatment is advised
                                                           to reduce the risk of worms developing resis-
    How to make COWP boluses for
    parasite control in sheep and goats                    tance to COWP. Other parasite management
                                                           techniques are mentioned earlier in this
        •   Purchase copper boluses                        publication. The use of COWP can also help
            (Copasure©, available in 12.5 g and                                                                      Suggested pill guns to
                                                           slow the development of anthelmintic drug                 administer COWP to
            25 g boluses)
                                                           resistance, as fewer anthelmintics are used.              sheep and goats. Top pill
        •   Obtain smaller gel capsules                                                                              gun is marketed for dogs
             o Available at your local phar-                                                                         and cats (Dr. Hanson’s®
               macy or health food store, also                                                                       Bullseye pill gun) and
               available from veterinary supply                                                                      bottom is wooden dowel
               houses at times.                                                                                      inserted into a ½ inch
                                                                                                                     PVC pipe with a rubber
        •   Repackage cattle bolus into smaller
                                                                                                                     band wrapped around
            gel capsule to make 0.5g dose                                                                            the dowel to serve as a
             o Size 1 gelatin capsules filled                                                                         stop. Photo courtesy of
               1/3 full                                                                                              Dr. Joan Burke.
             o Size 3 capsules filled ¾ full
        •   Administer bolus with a pill gun
            designed for pets or wooden dowel
            with PVC pipe

Gelatin capsules, Size 3 and Size 1, filled with 0.5 g or   Illustrates the fate of COWP boluses in the animal. (adapted from
500 mg of COWP. Photo courtesy of Dr. Joan Burke.                                                                                                   ATTRA            Page 3
COWP Results
                            There have been several research trials       parasites in sheep and goats. The following
                            studying the effects of COWP on internal      table summarizes the results.

 Animals Used                    Treatment                   Results                        Notes
 Crossbred (Katahdin,            0.5 g or 1 g COWP every 6   Fecal egg counts (FEC)         Lower COWP doses just
 Dorper, St. Croix cross)        weeks (May-October)         reduced, fewer                 as effective at reducing
 ram lambs                                                   H. contortus found in fecals   internal parasites as higher
                                                             of lambs treated with          doses in other studies.
                                                             COWP                           COWP was highly effec-
                                                                                            tive in reducing nematode
                                                                                            infection for 4-6 weeks (3)
 5-6 month old hair              0, 2, 4, or 6 g COWP        FEC reduced in lambs
 breed lambs                                                 receiving 2, 4, or 6 g COWP;
                                                             H. contortus numbers in
                                                             the abomasums were
                                                             reduced (5)
 Mature Katahdin ewes,           0, 2, or 4 g COWP           FEC reduced for those          Evidence that lambs
 prior to lambing                                            receiving COWP (2 g-66%;       received copper from
                                                             4 g- 55%), FEC increased in    treated ewes (in utero and
                                                             untreated animals              through milk) (4)
 Lactating Polypay ewes          Mature ewes—0, 0.5, 1, or   Ewes—FEC were lower for        In this study, a beneficial
 and their offspring              2 g COWP 60 days after      those treated with 1 or 2 g    effect for ewes was seen
                                 lambing                     COWP                           with 2 g COWP.
                                 Offspring—0, 0.5, 0.75, 1    Offspring—All doses of          COWP appear to be less
                                 or 2 g COWP at 2 months     COWP lowered FEC               effective in mature ewes
                                 of age                                                     compared with lambs. (7)

 Boer-cross yearling goats       0, 5, or 10 g COWP bolus    FEC were lower for animals While FEC were lower for
                                                             treated with COWP          animals treated with COWP,
                                                                                        they still were over 2000
                                                                                        eggs/g. (9)
 Boer-cross weanling goats       0 or 2.5 g COWP             FEC initially decreased by     FEC started to rise 3 weeks
                                                             ~50% (from 2930 eggs/g         after COWP treatment. (10)
                                                             to 1525 eggs/g) for those
                                                             treated with COWP, but
                                                             then rose to over 3000
 Mature Spanish does graz-       0 or 4 g COWP               Overall FEC were similar       On days 0, 7, and 14 FEC of
 ing winter pasture                                          between 0 and 4 g COWP.        untreated goats increased
                                                                                            while FEC of COWP treated
                                                                                            goats remained low. (8)
 Yearling Spanish x boer         0, 5, or 10 g COWP          FEC were similar in 0, 5, or   Concentrations of copper
 cross bucks                                                 10 g COWP treated goats        in the liver were greater in
                                                             and decreased between          COWP-treated goats than
                                                             day 0 and 35.                  untreated goats. (8)

 Boer x Spanish doe and          0, 0.5, 1, 2, or 4 g COWP   FEC were lower on days 7,      Average daily gain tended
 wether kids                                                 14, and 21 compared with       to increase with dose
                                                             untreated kids, but were       of COWP up to 2 g then
                                                             similar by day 28.             decreased at 4 g. (8)

Page 4       ATTRA                      Tools for Managing Internal Parasites in Small Ruminants: Copper Wire Particles
Animals Used                     Treatment                       Results                      Notes
 Boer x Spanish wether kids 0 g COWP, 5 g COWP, apple             There was no effect of vin-
                            cider vinegar drench, or              egar drenching on FEC in 0
                            vinegar drench and 5 g                or 5 g COWP treated kids.
                            COWP                                  FEC were reduced in COWP
                                                                  treated kids. (8)

 Boer and Spanish x Boer          0 or 2 g COWP while sup-        FEC were reduced in          At the end of this study,
 does                             plemented with 220 g of         COWP treated goats and       2 g COWP was administered
                                  corn and soybean meal or        remained lower than          to all goats and resulted
                                  220 g of cottonseed meal        untreated does until day     in a 79% reduction in FEC
                                                                  21 for corn soybean meal-    7 days later. (8)
                                                                  supplemented does and
                                                                  day 28 in cottonseed meal-
                                                                  supplemented does. FEC
                                                                  were lower in CSM than
                                                                  corn soybean meal-supple-
                                                                  mented does that received
 Boer yearling does               0 or 5 g COWP grazing           Doses of 5 g COWP            By day 28 approx. 50% of
                                  either tall fescue or sericea   decreased FEC and sericea    untreated does required
                                  lespedeza                       lespedeza grazing tended     deworming, but no COWP-
                                                                  to decrease FEC.             treated does required
                                                                                               deworming. (8)

 Yearling Spanish does,           Multi-trace element/vita-  Fecal egg counts were
 prior to breeding                min ruminal bolus contain- reduced (by 80%) and
                                  ing copper oxide           remained low, while
                                                             untreated animals’ FEC
                                                             increased (6)
 Spanish and Boer does, 6         Multi-trace element/vita-  H. contortus decreased; FEC Reduction in FEC lasted
 weeks before kidding             min ruminal bolus contain- were reduced (by 60%)       3-4 weeks, similar to
                                  ing copper oxide                                       anthelmintic treatments (6)

                                                     Copper oxide wire particles (COWP) have
                                                     been proven to be an effective method of
                                                     controlling H. contortus (barber pole worm)
                                                     in sheep and goats. While COWP have
                                                     shown positive results in reducing parasite
                                                     loads, they should not be the only method
                                                     of parasite control used. Research continues
                                                     on the use of COWP to determine the most
                                                     effective treatments for sheep and goats.
                                                     COWP can be an effective component of a
                                                     holistic parasite management strategy.

Producers must use a holistic approach to managing
internal parasites.                                                                                     ATTRA      Page 5
Resources                                                            sustained-release multi-trace element/vitamin
                                                                     ruminal bolus containing copper. Veterinary
Managing Internal Parasites in Sheep and Goats                       Parasitology (141). p. 132-137.           7) Burke, J.M., Morrical, D., & Miller, J.E. 2007.
Southern Consortium for Small Ruminant                              Control of gastrointestinal nematodes with
Parasite Control                                                    copper oxide wire particles in a flock of lactat-                                                      ing Polypay ewes and offspring in Iowa, USA.
                                                                    Veterinary Parasitology (146). p. 372-375.
References                                                   8) Burke, J.M., Terrill, T.H., Kallu, R.R., Miller, J.E.,
1) Hale, M. 2006. Managing Internal Parasites in                    J. Mosjidis. 2007. Use of copper oxide wire
       Sheep and Goats. ATTRA publication. http://                  particles to control gastrointestinal nematodes                 in goats. Journal of Animal Science (85).
                                                                    p. 2753-2761.
2) Burke, J.M., Miller, J.E., & Terrill, T.H. 2007. Use
       of Copper Oxide Wire Particles (COWP) to              9) Glennon, H.M., Luginbuhl, J-M., Mueller, J.P.,
       Control Barber Pole Worm in Lambs and Kids.                  Zajac, A.M., Anderson, K.L., Spearks, J.W.,                                               Brown, T.T., & C. Brownie. 2004. Effect
3) Burke, J.M. & J.E. Miller. 2006. Evaluation of                   of copper oxide needles on gastrointestinal
       multiple low doses of copper oxide wire par-                 parasites in grazing meat goats. Journal of
       ticles compared with levamisole for control of               Animal Science 80 (Suppl. 2): 29.
       Haemonchus contortus in lambs. Veterinary             10) Luginbuhl, J-M., Glennon, H.M., & J.P. Mueller.
       Parasitology (139). p. 145-149.                              2006. Effect of copper-oxide needles on gas-
4) Burke, J.M., Miller, J.E., & D.K. Brauer. 2005.                  trointestinal parasites in weanling meat goats
       The effectiveness of copper oxide wire                       control-grazed on bermudagrass pastures.
       particles as an anthelmintic in pregnant ewes                Journal of Animal Science 84 (Suppl. 2): 21.
       and safety to offspring. Veterinary Parasitology
                                                             11) Copasure© information.
       (131). p. 291-297.
5) Burke, J.M., Miller, J.E., Olcott, D.D., Olcott, B.M.,           &Itemid=31
       & T.H. Terrill. 2004. Effect of copper oxide
       wire particles dosage and feed supplement             12) Schoenian, S. 2000. Copper Toxicity in Sheep.
       level on Haemonchus contortus infection in         
       lambs. Veterinary Parasitology (123).                 13) Cornish, J., Angelos, J., Puschner, B., Miller,
       p. 235-243.                                                  G., & L. George. 2007. Copper toxicosis in a
6) Burke, J.M. & J.E. Miller. 2006. Control of                      dairy goat herd. Journal of American Veteri-
       Haemonchus contortus in goats with a                         nary Medicine Association (231). p. 586-589.

 Related ATTRA Publications
         • Managing Internal Parasites in Sheep and Goats     • Integrated Parasite Management for Livestock
         • Tools for Managing Internal Parasites in Small     • Small Ruminant Sustainability Checksheet
           Ruminants: Sericea Lespedeza

Page 6       ATTRA                     Tools for Managing Internal Parasites in Small Ruminants: Copper Wire Particles
Notes:   ATTRA   Page 7
Tools for Managing Internal Parasites in Small
                 Ruminants: Copper Wire Particles
                 By Margo Hale, Joan Burke, Jim Miller, and Tom Terrill
                 © 2007 NCAT
                 This publication is available on the Web at:
                 Slot 316
                 Version 112007

Page 8   ATTRA

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Tools for Managing Internal Parasites in Small Ruminants: Copper Wire Particles

  • 1. Tools for Managing Internal Parasites in Small Ruminants: Copper Wire Particles A Publication of ATTRA - National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service • 1-800-346-9140 • By Margo Hale, Joan Burke, Jim Miller, and Tom Terrill NCAT/ATTRA and Southern Consortium for Small Ruminant Parasite Control 2007 Contents Introduction ..................... 1 Copper Oxide Wire Particles (COWP) ............. 2 Things You Should Know about Copper .................. 2 COWP Boluses ................. 3 How to Make COWP Boluses ............................... 3 COWP Results .................. 4 Summary ........................... 5 Resources .......................... 6 Sheep and goat producers must rely on a combination of techniques to manage internal parasites. References ........................ 6 Introduction are shed in the feces. After the eggs pass I out of the host, they hatch into larvae in nternal parasite management, especially the pellet. Warm, moist conditions encour- of Haemonchus contortus (barber pole age hatching of the eggs and development worm, stomach worm), is a primary con- into infective larvae. The larvae need mois- cern for the majority of sheep and goat pro- ture, such as dew or rain, to break open ducers. These parasites have become more the fecal pellet, releasing the larvae. The difficult to manage because of developed infective larvae migrate out of the feces and resistance to nearly all available deworm- up blades of grass (usually 1 to 3 inches). ers. A severe infection of barber pole worm When an animal (sheep or goat) grazes, it causes anemia, reduced animal production, may take in parasite larvae along with the bottle jaw, and—if not treated—death of grass blade, resulting in infection. Numbers infected sheep and goats. ATTRA—National Sustainable Agriculture Information Ser- of infective larvae on the pasture increase vice is managed by the National Mature parasites breed inside the host and over time when environmental conditions Center for Appropriate Technol- ogy (NCAT) and is funded under “lay eggs,” which pass through the host and are favorable (warm, wet). a grant from the United States Department of Agriculture’s Rural Business- Cooperative Ideas and research were generated by the Southern Consortium for Small Ruminant Parasite Control ( Service. Visit the NCAT Web site and funding support for this work was provided by USDA, CSREES, Integrated Organic Program, and Capacity Building ( html) for more informa- Grants Program (Award No. 2005-38814-16429). Mention of trade names or commercial products in this manuscript is tion on our sustainable solely for the purpose of providing specific information and does not imply recommendation or endorsement by the agriculture projects. U.S. Department of Agriculture.
  • 2. Parasites are now developing resistance to Selective Deworming all commercially available anthelmintics or FAMACHA© (dewormers). Drug resistance is the ability of worms in a population to survive drug • A system for classifying animals treatment of the animal at the standard based on levels of anemia (accord- prescribed dosage. Over-use of deworm- ing to eye mucous membrane color) ers (frequent deworming and treating all • Treat only animals with symptoms animals regardless of need) has led to of the barber pole worm (anemia) O ver-use dewormer resistance, and as a consequence • Reduces the use of dewormers and most available dewormers are now ineffec- slows development of resistance of deworm- tive. Producers cannot rely on anthelmintics ers has led alone to control internal parasites. There- • Is only effective for the treatment of to dewormer resis- fore, it is important to use several tools to H. contortus (barber pole worm) tance, and as a manage internal parasites. Selecting Resistant Animals consequence most The following are tools that can be used to • Several breeds show resistance to available dewormers manage internal parasites. For more infor- internal parasites are now ineffective. mation see ATTRA’s Managing Internal Parasites in Sheep and Goats. • Individual animals can demonstrate resistance to parasites Pasture Management o Resistant animals have a lower • Maintain forage height greater than host parasite burden and are 2 inches not negatively affected by the • Provide areas of browse (brush, parasites (don’t show signs of shrubs, small trees, etc.) parasitism, remain productive) • Maintain low stocking rate o FAMACHA scores can be helpful for selection • Graze sheep and goats with cattle, or in a rotation with cattle or horses Copper Oxide Wire Particles • Provide tannin-rich forages, such as sericea lespedeza Copper oxide wire particles (COWP) have also been found to reduce parasite loads in • Harvest hay off pastures sheep and goats. COWP were developed for • Avoid wet patches in a pasture, such copper deficiency in cattle and sheep. Sheep as from a leaky water trough are very susceptible to copper toxicity, which • Fence-off naturally-wet areas can result in death. The form of copper used Things you should know about copper… • Copper is important for immune function in livestock. does not endorse the use of high copper sulfate • Sheep are very sensitive to copper accumulation in mineral mixes to control parasites. the liver, which causes toxicity. • There are complex mineral interactions that affect • The amount of copper required by sheep is not copper absorption; deficiencies in other minerals can greatly different from the toxic level, making copper increase the risk for copper toxicity. level an important consideration when mixing sheep o Low levels of molybdenum can increase risk of rations or feeding mineral. copper toxicity o The margin of safety between the required • Pastures fertilized with poultry waste may have high amount of copper (10 ppm) and toxic level (25 copper levels. ppm) is very narrow in sheep. o Sheep should not be fed poultry wastes, due to • Some sheep breeds are more susceptible to copper the high copper levels toxicity than others (Texel and dairy breeds). • Goats are less susceptible to copper toxicity, tolerat- • Copper sulfate is more readily absorbed than copper ing up to 80 ppm. oxide, creating a greater risk for copper toxicity. o While not common, copper toxicity in goats o Recommending COWP use for controlling worms can occur (13). Page 2 ATTRA Tools for Managing Internal Parasites in Small Ruminants: Copper Wire Particles
  • 3. in COWP is poorly absorbed, reducing the Animals can be treated again after 4-6 weeks, risk of copper toxicity. if necessary. Animals should receive no more than four (if 0.5 or 1 g is used) or two (if 2 or The exact mechanism of how copper wire 4 g is used) COWP boluses in a worm season. particles control internal parasites is not It should be noted that COWP has been found yet fully understood. Researchers believe to be effective on reducing abomasal (H. con- copper has a direct effect on internal tortus) only and not intestinal worms. COWP parasites. It may also help to boost the has been found to be effective against H. con- immune system. Both effects help to man- tortus in mature goats most of the time, though age internal parasites. sometimes marginally effective. Other control strategies may be more effective in mature Copper Oxide Wire Particle animals. As with all anthelmintic treatments, Boluses it is important to work with your veterinarian. COWP boluses can be made and adminis- COWP should not be the only method used tered on farm. Copper boluses (Copasure© ) for controlling internal parasites. COWP are available for use for copper deficiency boluses should be thought of as one compo- in cattle. These boluses can be repackaged nent of a complete parasite management strat- into doses suitable for growing sheep and egy. COWP boluses should be used selec- goats. The minimum dose that has dem- tively, treating only the animals that need onstrated control in some studies is 0.5 g, it. Using the FAMACHA© system is one way but as much as 2-4 g may be necessary. to determine animals that should receive a COWP bolus. Selective treatment is advised to reduce the risk of worms developing resis- How to make COWP boluses for parasite control in sheep and goats tance to COWP. Other parasite management techniques are mentioned earlier in this • Purchase copper boluses publication. The use of COWP can also help (Copasure©, available in 12.5 g and Suggested pill guns to slow the development of anthelmintic drug administer COWP to 25 g boluses) resistance, as fewer anthelmintics are used. sheep and goats. Top pill • Obtain smaller gel capsules gun is marketed for dogs o Available at your local phar- and cats (Dr. Hanson’s® macy or health food store, also Bullseye pill gun) and available from veterinary supply bottom is wooden dowel houses at times. inserted into a ½ inch PVC pipe with a rubber • Repackage cattle bolus into smaller band wrapped around gel capsule to make 0.5g dose the dowel to serve as a o Size 1 gelatin capsules filled stop. Photo courtesy of 1/3 full Dr. Joan Burke. o Size 3 capsules filled ¾ full • Administer bolus with a pill gun designed for pets or wooden dowel with PVC pipe Gelatin capsules, Size 3 and Size 1, filled with 0.5 g or Illustrates the fate of COWP boluses in the animal. (adapted from 500 mg of COWP. Photo courtesy of Dr. Joan Burke. ATTRA Page 3
  • 4. COWP Results There have been several research trials parasites in sheep and goats. The following studying the effects of COWP on internal table summarizes the results. Animals Used Treatment Results Notes Crossbred (Katahdin, 0.5 g or 1 g COWP every 6 Fecal egg counts (FEC) Lower COWP doses just Dorper, St. Croix cross) weeks (May-October) reduced, fewer as effective at reducing ram lambs H. contortus found in fecals internal parasites as higher of lambs treated with doses in other studies. COWP COWP was highly effec- tive in reducing nematode infection for 4-6 weeks (3) 5-6 month old hair 0, 2, 4, or 6 g COWP FEC reduced in lambs breed lambs receiving 2, 4, or 6 g COWP; H. contortus numbers in the abomasums were reduced (5) Mature Katahdin ewes, 0, 2, or 4 g COWP FEC reduced for those Evidence that lambs prior to lambing receiving COWP (2 g-66%; received copper from 4 g- 55%), FEC increased in treated ewes (in utero and untreated animals through milk) (4) Lactating Polypay ewes Mature ewes—0, 0.5, 1, or Ewes—FEC were lower for In this study, a beneficial and their offspring 2 g COWP 60 days after those treated with 1 or 2 g effect for ewes was seen lambing COWP with 2 g COWP. Offspring—0, 0.5, 0.75, 1 Offspring—All doses of COWP appear to be less or 2 g COWP at 2 months COWP lowered FEC effective in mature ewes of age compared with lambs. (7) Boer-cross yearling goats 0, 5, or 10 g COWP bolus FEC were lower for animals While FEC were lower for treated with COWP animals treated with COWP, they still were over 2000 eggs/g. (9) Boer-cross weanling goats 0 or 2.5 g COWP FEC initially decreased by FEC started to rise 3 weeks ~50% (from 2930 eggs/g after COWP treatment. (10) to 1525 eggs/g) for those treated with COWP, but then rose to over 3000 eggs/g Mature Spanish does graz- 0 or 4 g COWP Overall FEC were similar On days 0, 7, and 14 FEC of ing winter pasture between 0 and 4 g COWP. untreated goats increased while FEC of COWP treated goats remained low. (8) Yearling Spanish x boer 0, 5, or 10 g COWP FEC were similar in 0, 5, or Concentrations of copper cross bucks 10 g COWP treated goats in the liver were greater in and decreased between COWP-treated goats than day 0 and 35. untreated goats. (8) Boer x Spanish doe and 0, 0.5, 1, 2, or 4 g COWP FEC were lower on days 7, Average daily gain tended wether kids 14, and 21 compared with to increase with dose untreated kids, but were of COWP up to 2 g then similar by day 28. decreased at 4 g. (8) Page 4 ATTRA Tools for Managing Internal Parasites in Small Ruminants: Copper Wire Particles
  • 5. Animals Used Treatment Results Notes Boer x Spanish wether kids 0 g COWP, 5 g COWP, apple There was no effect of vin- cider vinegar drench, or egar drenching on FEC in 0 vinegar drench and 5 g or 5 g COWP treated kids. COWP FEC were reduced in COWP treated kids. (8) Boer and Spanish x Boer 0 or 2 g COWP while sup- FEC were reduced in At the end of this study, does plemented with 220 g of COWP treated goats and 2 g COWP was administered corn and soybean meal or remained lower than to all goats and resulted 220 g of cottonseed meal untreated does until day in a 79% reduction in FEC 21 for corn soybean meal- 7 days later. (8) supplemented does and day 28 in cottonseed meal- supplemented does. FEC were lower in CSM than corn soybean meal-supple- mented does that received COWP. Boer yearling does 0 or 5 g COWP grazing Doses of 5 g COWP By day 28 approx. 50% of either tall fescue or sericea decreased FEC and sericea untreated does required lespedeza lespedeza grazing tended deworming, but no COWP- to decrease FEC. treated does required deworming. (8) Yearling Spanish does, Multi-trace element/vita- Fecal egg counts were prior to breeding min ruminal bolus contain- reduced (by 80%) and ing copper oxide remained low, while untreated animals’ FEC increased (6) Spanish and Boer does, 6 Multi-trace element/vita- H. contortus decreased; FEC Reduction in FEC lasted weeks before kidding min ruminal bolus contain- were reduced (by 60%) 3-4 weeks, similar to ing copper oxide anthelmintic treatments (6) Summary Copper oxide wire particles (COWP) have been proven to be an effective method of controlling H. contortus (barber pole worm) in sheep and goats. While COWP have shown positive results in reducing parasite loads, they should not be the only method of parasite control used. Research continues on the use of COWP to determine the most effective treatments for sheep and goats. COWP can be an effective component of a holistic parasite management strategy. Producers must use a holistic approach to managing internal parasites. ATTRA Page 5
  • 6. Resources sustained-release multi-trace element/vitamin ruminal bolus containing copper. Veterinary Managing Internal Parasites in Sheep and Goats Parasitology (141). p. 132-137. 7) Burke, J.M., Morrical, D., & Miller, J.E. 2007. Southern Consortium for Small Ruminant Control of gastrointestinal nematodes with Parasite Control copper oxide wire particles in a flock of lactat- ing Polypay ewes and offspring in Iowa, USA. Veterinary Parasitology (146). p. 372-375. References 8) Burke, J.M., Terrill, T.H., Kallu, R.R., Miller, J.E., 1) Hale, M. 2006. Managing Internal Parasites in J. Mosjidis. 2007. Use of copper oxide wire Sheep and Goats. ATTRA publication. http:// particles to control gastrointestinal nematodes in goats. Journal of Animal Science (85). p. 2753-2761. 2) Burke, J.M., Miller, J.E., & Terrill, T.H. 2007. Use of Copper Oxide Wire Particles (COWP) to 9) Glennon, H.M., Luginbuhl, J-M., Mueller, J.P., Control Barber Pole Worm in Lambs and Kids. Zajac, A.M., Anderson, K.L., Spearks, J.W., Brown, T.T., & C. Brownie. 2004. Effect 3) Burke, J.M. & J.E. Miller. 2006. Evaluation of of copper oxide needles on gastrointestinal multiple low doses of copper oxide wire par- parasites in grazing meat goats. Journal of ticles compared with levamisole for control of Animal Science 80 (Suppl. 2): 29. Haemonchus contortus in lambs. Veterinary 10) Luginbuhl, J-M., Glennon, H.M., & J.P. Mueller. Parasitology (139). p. 145-149. 2006. Effect of copper-oxide needles on gas- 4) Burke, J.M., Miller, J.E., & D.K. Brauer. 2005. trointestinal parasites in weanling meat goats The effectiveness of copper oxide wire control-grazed on bermudagrass pastures. particles as an anthelmintic in pregnant ewes Journal of Animal Science 84 (Suppl. 2): 21. and safety to offspring. Veterinary Parasitology 11) Copasure© information. (131). p. 291-297. index.php?option=content&task=view&id=29 5) Burke, J.M., Miller, J.E., Olcott, D.D., Olcott, B.M., &Itemid=31 & T.H. Terrill. 2004. Effect of copper oxide wire particles dosage and feed supplement 12) Schoenian, S. 2000. Copper Toxicity in Sheep. level on Haemonchus contortus infection in lambs. Veterinary Parasitology (123). 13) Cornish, J., Angelos, J., Puschner, B., Miller, p. 235-243. G., & L. George. 2007. Copper toxicosis in a 6) Burke, J.M. & J.E. Miller. 2006. Control of dairy goat herd. Journal of American Veteri- Haemonchus contortus in goats with a nary Medicine Association (231). p. 586-589. Related ATTRA Publications • Managing Internal Parasites in Sheep and Goats • Integrated Parasite Management for Livestock • Tools for Managing Internal Parasites in Small • Small Ruminant Sustainability Checksheet Ruminants: Sericea Lespedeza Page 6 ATTRA Tools for Managing Internal Parasites in Small Ruminants: Copper Wire Particles
  • 8. Tools for Managing Internal Parasites in Small Ruminants: Copper Wire Particles By Margo Hale, Joan Burke, Jim Miller, and Tom Terrill © 2007 NCAT This publication is available on the Web at: or IP317 Slot 316 Version 112007 Page 8 ATTRA