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By Dianne C. Dees, Kristi Alexander, Rachel Besara, Robb Cambisios, Teresa Kent and Jodie Player Delgado

It is 7:00 a.m. as Elaine Thomas* pulls into the faculty parking lot at    Whether it is high school, middle
                                                                           school, or elementary school, the
Central Middle/High School. She glances around and sees no one in
                                                                           library media specialist hits the
sight. “Ah . . . time for one more cup of coffee and a few moments to      ground running each day. For many,
pull things together for my budget meeting with Mr. Lee,” she thinks,      their background is the classroom,
smiling to herself. Tap. Tap. Tap. Ms. Thomas looks up to see the          and, as media specialists, they have
panic-stricken face of a sophomore boy holding a thumb drive. “ Ms.        taken on the largest classroom in the
                                                                           school. No wonder Information Power
Thomas, can you help me?” the terrified student asks. “ I worked all
                                                                           links leadership to the school library
night on this paper and it’s due today.” The principal can wait, but the   media specialist and the National
student and caffeine cannot. She tells the student to meet her in the      Board for Professional Teaching
media center in five minutes and races to start the coffee maker.          Standards underscores that leadership.
Leadership is the ability to influence or        New forms of technology such as                     students or teachers who need “shared
inspire others to achieve shared goals.          blogs, wikis, and podcasts can provide              workspace” to work collaboratively on a
The media specialist’s leadership is             leadership opportunities for media                  project to create a final product. School
demonstrated daily via interaction               specialists. As the resident technology             library media specialists can take the
with administrators, teachers, students,         guru on campus, a media specialist                  lead in setting up wikis for teachers to
parent volunteers, and community                 can provide staff development on new                collaborate with each other by subject
partners. An active participant in               technologies and model how they can                 area or grade level. Other teacher uses
curriculum reform, she or he may serve           be integrated into the curriculum.                  of wikis might be to serve as a sounding
as the delivery person for new state             Advantages of blogs (short for weblog),             board for school- or system-wide
standards. Media specialists often are           a type of Web site that resembles a                 committees like accreditation or policy
leaders in promoting new technology              journal, are: they can be created and               development/writing teams. Students
for teacher and student use. Knowing             updated easily (no knowledge of HTML                who cannot make connections with each
that reading is essential to learning, they      required); a variety of media including             other due to scheduling conflicts can
seek to balance new ways to promote              photos, sounds, video, and links can                use wikis to work collaboratively on
reading as a pleasurable, life-long habit.       be incorporated into them; and others               school or club projects. Both teachers
Media specialists collaborate and share          can participate by posting comments                 and students can utilize wikis to further
instructional responsibilities with fellow       to the content. Free services such as               reflect after meetings or classes are over.
teachers. Leadership opportunities               ( provide templates                 Podcasting is a method of distributing
abound in our profession today if one is         and hosting for blogs. School library               multimedia files, such as audio programs
willing to “hit the ground running.”             media specialists might use a blog as               or music videos, over the Internet for
                                                 a repository for patrons’ requests and              playback on mobile devices and personal
Leadership in Technology                         feedback. They can lead teachers on how             computers. In short, a podcast is a self-
Elaine looked at her watch. It was 9:05          to use a blog as a classroom Web site.              produced radio show. Audacity (www.
a.m. She had ten minutes before Mrs.
                                                 According to Wikipedia (2006), the         is a free software program
Parker brought in her sixth grade class
                                                 online, interactive encyclopedia, “a wiki           that allows one to produce podcasts
to finish their local history TV show
                                                 is a type of Web site that allows users to          as does Apple’s GarageBand. Deb Svec
projects. Since the digital video cameras
                                                 easily add, remove, or otherwise edit and           (2006), an innovative media specialist at
were charged and ready to go, she thought,
                                                 change most available content, sometimes            Palm Beach Gardens Community High
“That’s plenty of time to update my blog.”
                                                 without the need for registration. This             School in Florida, uses podcasts with a
Having finished reading a book last night
                                                 ease of interaction and operation makes             lunchtime reading group she started with
that she wanted to share with her online
                                                 a wiki an effective tool for collaborative          four senior football players. Two of the
book discussion group, she sat at her desk
                                                 writing.” Wikis are useful for groups of            young men had not passed the Florida
and logged in to her blog page.

   How the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards
   Defines Library Media Leadership:
   Accomplished library media specialists         They keep the learning community informed         increase student achievement might
   are instructional leaders who forge            of educational trends and developments.           research and present a proposal to the
   greater opportunities for learners. Through    They reinforce the importance of                  principal seeking support for this change.
   consistent initiatives with teachers,          information literacy in daily life. Library       The library media specialist who recognizes
   administrators, and parents, they develop      media specialists actively participate on         the need for both book and other resources
   programs and advocate for educational          school and district committees. They are          to alleviate current weaknesses of the
   opportunities for the learning community.      members of their professional associations        library media program might work to
   They work in partnership with others to        and willingly accept the challenge of             change budget allocations, seeking
   provide access to appropriate research         leadership at the district, state, regional, or   avenues for increased funding to facilitate
   and professional articles, use data            national levels.                                  the acquisition of materials and resources
   identifying strengths and weaknesses                                                             needed for equitable access to information.
   of library media programs, and review          Accomplished library media specialists
   best practices. Library media specialists      hone their administrative skills. For             National Board for Professional Teaching
   lead in reflective practice, assessment of     example, the library media specialist who         Standards, “ Standard X: Leadership,
   learning, and program evaluation to enact      realizes that a flexible schedule would           Advocacy and Community Partnerships.”
   effective change.                              improve the library media program and             NPBTS Library Media Standards, p. 43.

Of special interest to grades... K- 5 6-8 9-12                                                      LIBRARY MEDIA CONNECTION January 2007         11
Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT)            many facets of Colonial America.” Jill
and this was a strategy to improve their        smiles with anticipation as she and Elaine
reading and thinking skills. Players            pour over what may just ignite the spark     10 Easy Leadership
could listen to podcasts related to the         these students need.
book, Friday Night Lights by H.G.
                                                                                             Ideas to Help
                                                This situation highlights another of
Bissinger, a popular book about football.       the media specialist’s myriad of roles—
                                                                                             School Librarians
Integrating the use of podcasts on the          reading consultant. It has been said that    Become Leaders
library Web page not only showcases             reading is key to success on standardized
student work, but also demonstrates the         testing. A paraphrase of a common
                                                                                             on Their Campuses
collaboration between the school library        reading theory mantra goes, “Until third
media specialist and the classroom              grade you learn to read. After that point,
teacher. Such publicity is a great              you read to learn” (Baumel). Media
leadership tool and illustrates the role of     specialists can lead by understanding
the media specialist as an instructional
partner. Media specialists can suggest
areas for integration into the curriculum
                                                the reading process, how children learn
                                                to read, and by being aware of potential
                                                pitfalls in learning to read. To meet this
                                                                                             1    Meet regularly with
                                                                                                  your principal.

of these and other technologies, advocate
for uses of technology for various
learning styles and accessibility, serve as
                                                goal, it is highly recommended to take
                                                professional development coursework
                                                in reading and to keep up with current
                                                                                             2    Attend all faculty meetings.

a leader in ethical use of technology, and      thinking on reading instruction. For
help develop rubrics to evaluate student
projects that incorporate them. These
                                                example, media specialists would be
                                                wise to read the American Association of
                                                                                             3    Serve on curriculum and
                                                                                                  standards committees.
media specialists can also allow parents        School Librarians (2004) pamphlet, Your
and administrators to be involved in the
learning community.
                                                School Library Media Program and No
                                                Child Left Behind.                           4    Present professional
                                                                                                  development for teachers
                                                                                                  and librarians.
Elaine quickly writes down her thoughts         Media specialists can display leadership
about the book on her blog. She notices that    in reading through several functions.
a student made a comment about her last
book. He agreed with her, except he disliked
                                                Collection development is one area where
                                                the media specialist has a major impact.
                                                                                             5    Engage in collaboration
                                                                                                  with teachers and
                                                                                                  technology staff.
the ending. He also asked if they might         Media specialists need to plan for
continue the book discussion blog over the      readers at all levels. In middle and
summer. Elaine smiles as she thinks about
this student’s taste in books, and then looks
up as Mrs. Parker’s class entered the media
                                                high school, a thoughtful and astute
                                                media specialist budgets money
                                                                                             6    Meet with school
                                                                                                  library colleagues.
                                                for popular high-interest/low-level
center. The day continues…

Leadership in Reading
                                                nonfiction books to help those students
                                                with lower reading levels keep reading       7    Visit other school libraries.

                                                the “cool” books while preserving
Later, Elaine meets with Jill Schaffer, the
social studies teacher, to plan a unit on
Life in Colonial America for an 11th grade
                                                their dignity. By the same token, media
                                                specialists should consistently point out
                                                to higher readers that today’s picture
                                                                                             8    Link to initiatives that
                                                                                                  are implemented on your
                                                                                                  campus or in your district.
class. “Ah, Elaine,” says Jill, “Those two
                                                books do not automatically equate
new students in my class aren’t reading
anywhere near grade level but won’t admit
it. I’m tearing my hair out about how they
will be able to research this unit.” Elaine
                                                to lower reading levels. Much of the
                                                text in current picture books is quite
                                                sophisticated and often at the same
                                                                                              9   Give recognition to others
                                                                                                  for their successes.
                                                or higher reading level than popular
probes deeper into how Jill has discovered
this, and then adds her own insights from
the two times she’s worked with these
                                                fiction titles. Media specialists should
                                                make students and parents aware of and
                                                                                             10   Attend and participate in
                                                                                                  district, state, and national
                                                                                                  association meetings
                                                encourage use of other reading resources
students in the media center for another
                                                in the community, including nearby
                                                                                                  and conferences.
class. “Quite honestly,” Elaine muses, “I
                                                public libraries.
have noticed what seems like pretty high-                                                    By: Nance Nassar, School Library Senior
level comprehension when they’ve explored       The elementary media specialist with         Consultant, Colorado State Library,
some W eb sites they like. Possibly they are    high achieving readers has perhaps one       Colorado Department of Education.
not interested in the history texts they’ve     of the most difficult challenges when
                                                                                             Available: (
been reading. Let’s see what happens if we      it comes to collection development.
give them a graphic novel that incorporates     Many high-level books are geared for

12   LIBRARY MEDIA CONNECTION January 2007                                                    Of special interest to grades... K- 5 6-8 9-12
“ Leadership does not always mean being in the front of the line;
  sometimes leadership is walking beside as an encourager or
  behind as a supporter.”
the middle and high school audience,            to promote good books. The media               the instructional program of the school.
involving subject matter that may not           specialist might supplement this by            One colleague advocates, “Always eat
be appropriate for a gifted eight-year-         using multiple promotions, such                lunch with the teachers.” Serving as an
old. Media specialists should make it a         as Pizza Hut Book-It, Six Flags Weekly         instructional leader might mean getting
point to carefully read the reviews on          Reader, book battles, state Children’s         out of your comfort zone as well as using
books for grades five through eight. If         Book Awards, and DEAR time—not                 your political skills in order to have a
there is still doubt about how closely the      just the Accelerated Reader or Reading         presence at the important meetings and
book aligns with interests or curriculum        Counts programs used in many schools.          on the influential committees in the
needs, the media specialist might borrow        Media specialists need to be aware             school and district.
a copy from the public library or visit         of the strengths and weaknesses of             Another media specialist describes that
the local bookstore to review the book          computerized reading programs. By              one of her most rewarding leadership
in person.                                      training teachers on the management            opportunities occurred when she was
Audiovisual materials are another means         software and setting guidelines for            working with English teachers to
to help balance out reading levels.             consistent use school-wide, the media          integrate technology in an Applied
Books on tape/CD and kits can be used           specialist can take the lead to maximize       Communications class. Together
to help students fully participate in           the effectiveness of any computerized          they helped students research their
class and reinforce reading skills at           reading program. These examples                topics, create visual representations
home. Multimedia materials are a boon           only scratch the surface, of course, in        of their information, and make class
to lower readers and English Language           how media specialists provide leadership       presentations. The project was so well
Learners (ELL). In schools with high ELL        in reading.                                    received and enjoyed by the students,
populations, having a core collection                                                          the teachers and the media specialist
                                                Leadership in Curriculum
of classic children’s books in the                                                             decided to present together, not at a
                                                “Hi, Elaine. Are you meeting with us
predominant native languages of the                                                            media conference, but at the Applied
                                                during our planning period today to discuss
school allows parents to read with their                                                       Communications Conference. It allowed
                                                the new curriculum changes?” asks the
children at home and participate in the                                                        the media specialist to break out of
                                                classroom teacher. “Yes, I am, Enrique. I
school community. Bilingual books at                                                           the “mold” and to share what school
                                                have information from the last conference
different reading levels also greatly assist                                                   librarians and teachers working together
                                                and training session that needs to be
with English language acquisition.                                                             can accomplish.
                                                implemented in the new semester.”
Reading promotion is an area in which
                                                How does the media specialist act              Mentoring as Leadership
media specialists often display their
                                                as a leader in instruction? This is            Teachers and students need to feel that
leadership skills. Displays, books talks,
                                                accomplished by never isolating one’s          the library is a place for learning and
guest authors, and student reviews
                                                self and by knowing what is going on in        help. As media specialists, we have a
on the morning news are all ways
                                                                                               definite leadership role in mentoring
                                                                                               teachers and students in the learning
                                                                                               process. Over 1,300 media specialists
                     Project LEAD                                                              across the nation now have national
                                                                                               board certification. Many mentoring
                     Authors of this article are students in Project LEAD, an Institute for
                                                                                               opportunities are available to media
                     Museum and Library Services— a funded initiative at the Florida
                                                                                               specialists as teachers in the schools
                     State College of Information whose goal is to develop graduate            seek national board certification. New
                     education opportunities focused on leadership for school library          teachers also appreciate a supportive
                     media specialists. Project LEAD is available as an option within the      media specialist who helps with articles
                     master’s degree in Library and Information Studies, as a 12-credit        for a college paper, or provides assistance
                     post-master’s certificate, and as a 30-credit post-master’s specialist    with writing style manuals. Leadership is
                     degree. This completely online curriculum is accessible nationwide        an active state, one in which the leader is
                     and internationally, and integrates the tenets of the National Board      wherever he or she is needed. Leadership
                     for Professional Teaching Standards in Library Media. For more            does not always mean being in the
                     information see: (                front of the line; sometimes leadership

                                                                                              LIBRARY MEDIA CONNECTION January 2007    13
“ Leadership opportunities abound in our profession today if one is willing to
 ‘hit the ground running.’”
is walking beside as an encourager or                Award committee asking how her review                day, but that is how it is supposed to be.
behind as a supporter. Let new teachers              of the books is coming along. Elaine laughs          She glances at her book bag and smiles.
know you will be there for them with                 and mentions her podcasts asking students            She can’t wait to read that new mystery
a welcoming lunch or breakfast in the                and teachers for their opinions on the               over the weekend. She heard it is good. On
media center the week before school                  books under review. She is almost finished           her way to her car, the same student who
starts and give each one of them a                   reading the current box, and will have her           stopped her that morning waves and says,
survival kit. This might include the                 reviews in next week.                                “See you tomorrow, Ms. Thomas.” She
media center handbook, instructions on               There are many opportunities for                     waves back and unlocks her car, ready to
databases, a collaboration planning sheet,           library media specialists to become                  go home, relax, read, and get prepared for
bookmarker, coffee mug, or other items.              leaders outside of the school campus                 another crazy day tomorrow. She wouldn’t
Students also need to feel that the media            in state and national organizations.                 have it any other way. I
specialist is on their side and that the             Participation in these organizations                 *Elaine Thomas is a pseudonym for a composite
                                                                                                          of several media specialists as are the teachers in
media center is a great place to be.                 provides opportunities to get involved               the article.
Media specialists, who often witness                 in the larger media community, develop
students in a different light from the               awareness of resources for all areas of the          Works Cited:
traditional classroom, can serve as                  media program, and lobby for greater                 American Association of School Librarians (2004).
student advocates.                                   acknowledgement of the influence media               Your School Library Media Program and No Child
                                                     programs have on educational standards.              Left Behind. 26 July 2006 (
Leadership in
                                                     There are many leadership opportunities
Professional Organizations                                                                                Baumel, Jan. (17 July 2002). Dr. Kevin Feldman
                                                     and roles for library media specialists,             on Learning New Skills for Expository Reading.
Just as she is picking up her purse to go                                                                 (Part three of a series of seven interviews.) 22 July
                                                     and many innovative methods of helping
home, Elaine glances at her to-do list                                                                    2006 (
                                                     our students learn. As long as students              asp?r= 721).
and realizes she forgot to send an email
                                                     attend school and teachers teach, media
to her state representative about why the                                                                 Svec, Deb. Gators Read: Friday Night Lights. 26
                                                     specialists will have a leadership role              July 2006 (
65 percent solution should include school                                                                 Podcast/Podcast.html).
                                                     in making sure curriculum needs are
library media centers. “I’ll do that after
                                                     addressed and media centers are places               “Wiki.” Wikipedia, 26 July 2006
dinner before I curl up with the new                                                                      (
                                                     of learning.
Library Media Connection that came in
the mail today.” Just then, her cell phone           Elaine turns out the media center lights
rings. It’s the chair of the State Reader’s          and locks the door. It was a long and busy

                                                              About the Authors

Dianne C. Dees is         Kristi Alexander is the    Rachel Besara is           Robb Cambisios is a       Teresa Kent is the           Jodie Player Delgado
an assistant professor    library media specialist   completing a degree        middle school teacher     library media specialist     is the library media
at Valdosta State         at North Port High         in school library          at Collegiate School in   at Hayes Elementary          specialist at Coral
University, Department    School in North Port,      media at Florida State     Richmond, Virginia.       School in Kennesaw,          Shores High School in
of Curriculum,            Florida.                   University and earning     (rcambisi@collegiate-     Georgia, and is earning      Tavernier, Florida.
Leadership, and           (            a leadership certificate                   a leadership certificate     (Jodie.delgado@
Technology in Valdosta,                              through the Project                                  through the Project
Georgia.                                             LEAD master’s program.                               LEAD specialist’s
(                                (rmm05d@garnet.acns.                                 program.

14   LIBRARY MEDIA CONNECTION January 2007                                                                     Of special interest to grades... K- 5 6-8 9-12
Todays school-library-media-leader

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Todays school-library-media-leader

  • 1. TODAY’S SCHOOL LIBRARY MEDIA SPECIALIST LEADER By Dianne C. Dees, Kristi Alexander, Rachel Besara, Robb Cambisios, Teresa Kent and Jodie Player Delgado It is 7:00 a.m. as Elaine Thomas* pulls into the faculty parking lot at Whether it is high school, middle school, or elementary school, the Central Middle/High School. She glances around and sees no one in library media specialist hits the sight. “Ah . . . time for one more cup of coffee and a few moments to ground running each day. For many, pull things together for my budget meeting with Mr. Lee,” she thinks, their background is the classroom, smiling to herself. Tap. Tap. Tap. Ms. Thomas looks up to see the and, as media specialists, they have panic-stricken face of a sophomore boy holding a thumb drive. “ Ms. taken on the largest classroom in the school. No wonder Information Power Thomas, can you help me?” the terrified student asks. “ I worked all links leadership to the school library night on this paper and it’s due today.” The principal can wait, but the media specialist and the National student and caffeine cannot. She tells the student to meet her in the Board for Professional Teaching media center in five minutes and races to start the coffee maker. Standards underscores that leadership.
  • 2. Leadership is the ability to influence or New forms of technology such as students or teachers who need “shared inspire others to achieve shared goals. blogs, wikis, and podcasts can provide workspace” to work collaboratively on a The media specialist’s leadership is leadership opportunities for media project to create a final product. School demonstrated daily via interaction specialists. As the resident technology library media specialists can take the with administrators, teachers, students, guru on campus, a media specialist lead in setting up wikis for teachers to parent volunteers, and community can provide staff development on new collaborate with each other by subject partners. An active participant in technologies and model how they can area or grade level. Other teacher uses curriculum reform, she or he may serve be integrated into the curriculum. of wikis might be to serve as a sounding as the delivery person for new state Advantages of blogs (short for weblog), board for school- or system-wide standards. Media specialists often are a type of Web site that resembles a committees like accreditation or policy leaders in promoting new technology journal, are: they can be created and development/writing teams. Students for teacher and student use. Knowing updated easily (no knowledge of HTML who cannot make connections with each that reading is essential to learning, they required); a variety of media including other due to scheduling conflicts can seek to balance new ways to promote photos, sounds, video, and links can use wikis to work collaboratively on reading as a pleasurable, life-long habit. be incorporated into them; and others school or club projects. Both teachers Media specialists collaborate and share can participate by posting comments and students can utilize wikis to further instructional responsibilities with fellow to the content. Free services such as reflect after meetings or classes are over. teachers. Leadership opportunities ( provide templates Podcasting is a method of distributing abound in our profession today if one is and hosting for blogs. School library multimedia files, such as audio programs willing to “hit the ground running.” media specialists might use a blog as or music videos, over the Internet for a repository for patrons’ requests and playback on mobile devices and personal Leadership in Technology feedback. They can lead teachers on how computers. In short, a podcast is a self- Elaine looked at her watch. It was 9:05 to use a blog as a classroom Web site. produced radio show. Audacity (www. a.m. She had ten minutes before Mrs. According to Wikipedia (2006), the is a free software program Parker brought in her sixth grade class online, interactive encyclopedia, “a wiki that allows one to produce podcasts to finish their local history TV show is a type of Web site that allows users to as does Apple’s GarageBand. Deb Svec projects. Since the digital video cameras easily add, remove, or otherwise edit and (2006), an innovative media specialist at were charged and ready to go, she thought, change most available content, sometimes Palm Beach Gardens Community High “That’s plenty of time to update my blog.” without the need for registration. This School in Florida, uses podcasts with a Having finished reading a book last night ease of interaction and operation makes lunchtime reading group she started with that she wanted to share with her online a wiki an effective tool for collaborative four senior football players. Two of the book discussion group, she sat at her desk writing.” Wikis are useful for groups of young men had not passed the Florida and logged in to her blog page. How the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards Defines Library Media Leadership: LEADERSHIP Accomplished library media specialists They keep the learning community informed increase student achievement might are instructional leaders who forge of educational trends and developments. research and present a proposal to the greater opportunities for learners. Through They reinforce the importance of principal seeking support for this change. consistent initiatives with teachers, information literacy in daily life. Library The library media specialist who recognizes administrators, and parents, they develop media specialists actively participate on the need for both book and other resources programs and advocate for educational school and district committees. They are to alleviate current weaknesses of the opportunities for the learning community. members of their professional associations library media program might work to They work in partnership with others to and willingly accept the challenge of change budget allocations, seeking provide access to appropriate research leadership at the district, state, regional, or avenues for increased funding to facilitate and professional articles, use data national levels. the acquisition of materials and resources identifying strengths and weaknesses needed for equitable access to information. of library media programs, and review Accomplished library media specialists best practices. Library media specialists hone their administrative skills. For National Board for Professional Teaching lead in reflective practice, assessment of example, the library media specialist who Standards, “ Standard X: Leadership, learning, and program evaluation to enact realizes that a flexible schedule would Advocacy and Community Partnerships.” effective change. improve the library media program and NPBTS Library Media Standards, p. 43. Of special interest to grades... K- 5 6-8 9-12 LIBRARY MEDIA CONNECTION January 2007 11
  • 3. Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT) many facets of Colonial America.” Jill and this was a strategy to improve their smiles with anticipation as she and Elaine reading and thinking skills. Players pour over what may just ignite the spark 10 Easy Leadership could listen to podcasts related to the these students need. book, Friday Night Lights by H.G. Ideas to Help This situation highlights another of Bissinger, a popular book about football. the media specialist’s myriad of roles— School Librarians Integrating the use of podcasts on the reading consultant. It has been said that Become Leaders library Web page not only showcases reading is key to success on standardized student work, but also demonstrates the testing. A paraphrase of a common on Their Campuses collaboration between the school library reading theory mantra goes, “Until third media specialist and the classroom grade you learn to read. After that point, teacher. Such publicity is a great you read to learn” (Baumel). Media leadership tool and illustrates the role of specialists can lead by understanding the media specialist as an instructional partner. Media specialists can suggest areas for integration into the curriculum the reading process, how children learn to read, and by being aware of potential pitfalls in learning to read. To meet this 1 Meet regularly with your principal. of these and other technologies, advocate for uses of technology for various learning styles and accessibility, serve as goal, it is highly recommended to take professional development coursework in reading and to keep up with current 2 Attend all faculty meetings. a leader in ethical use of technology, and thinking on reading instruction. For help develop rubrics to evaluate student projects that incorporate them. These example, media specialists would be wise to read the American Association of 3 Serve on curriculum and standards committees. media specialists can also allow parents School Librarians (2004) pamphlet, Your and administrators to be involved in the learning community. School Library Media Program and No Child Left Behind. 4 Present professional development for teachers and librarians. Elaine quickly writes down her thoughts Media specialists can display leadership about the book on her blog. She notices that in reading through several functions. a student made a comment about her last book. He agreed with her, except he disliked Collection development is one area where the media specialist has a major impact. 5 Engage in collaboration with teachers and technology staff. the ending. He also asked if they might Media specialists need to plan for continue the book discussion blog over the readers at all levels. In middle and summer. Elaine smiles as she thinks about this student’s taste in books, and then looks up as Mrs. Parker’s class entered the media high school, a thoughtful and astute media specialist budgets money 6 Meet with school library colleagues. for popular high-interest/low-level center. The day continues… Leadership in Reading nonfiction books to help those students with lower reading levels keep reading 7 Visit other school libraries. the “cool” books while preserving Later, Elaine meets with Jill Schaffer, the social studies teacher, to plan a unit on Life in Colonial America for an 11th grade their dignity. By the same token, media specialists should consistently point out to higher readers that today’s picture 8 Link to initiatives that are implemented on your campus or in your district. class. “Ah, Elaine,” says Jill, “Those two books do not automatically equate new students in my class aren’t reading anywhere near grade level but won’t admit it. I’m tearing my hair out about how they will be able to research this unit.” Elaine to lower reading levels. Much of the text in current picture books is quite sophisticated and often at the same 9 Give recognition to others for their successes. or higher reading level than popular probes deeper into how Jill has discovered this, and then adds her own insights from the two times she’s worked with these fiction titles. Media specialists should make students and parents aware of and 10 Attend and participate in district, state, and national association meetings encourage use of other reading resources students in the media center for another in the community, including nearby and conferences. class. “Quite honestly,” Elaine muses, “I public libraries. have noticed what seems like pretty high- By: Nance Nassar, School Library Senior level comprehension when they’ve explored The elementary media specialist with Consultant, Colorado State Library, some W eb sites they like. Possibly they are high achieving readers has perhaps one Colorado Department of Education. not interested in the history texts they’ve of the most difficult challenges when Available: ( been reading. Let’s see what happens if we it comes to collection development. lmcstudies/10_easy_ideas.pdf) give them a graphic novel that incorporates Many high-level books are geared for 12 LIBRARY MEDIA CONNECTION January 2007 Of special interest to grades... K- 5 6-8 9-12
  • 4. “ Leadership does not always mean being in the front of the line; sometimes leadership is walking beside as an encourager or behind as a supporter.” the middle and high school audience, to promote good books. The media the instructional program of the school. involving subject matter that may not specialist might supplement this by One colleague advocates, “Always eat be appropriate for a gifted eight-year- using multiple promotions, such lunch with the teachers.” Serving as an old. Media specialists should make it a as Pizza Hut Book-It, Six Flags Weekly instructional leader might mean getting point to carefully read the reviews on Reader, book battles, state Children’s out of your comfort zone as well as using books for grades five through eight. If Book Awards, and DEAR time—not your political skills in order to have a there is still doubt about how closely the just the Accelerated Reader or Reading presence at the important meetings and book aligns with interests or curriculum Counts programs used in many schools. on the influential committees in the needs, the media specialist might borrow Media specialists need to be aware school and district. a copy from the public library or visit of the strengths and weaknesses of Another media specialist describes that the local bookstore to review the book computerized reading programs. By one of her most rewarding leadership in person. training teachers on the management opportunities occurred when she was Audiovisual materials are another means software and setting guidelines for working with English teachers to to help balance out reading levels. consistent use school-wide, the media integrate technology in an Applied Books on tape/CD and kits can be used specialist can take the lead to maximize Communications class. Together to help students fully participate in the effectiveness of any computerized they helped students research their class and reinforce reading skills at reading program. These examples topics, create visual representations home. Multimedia materials are a boon only scratch the surface, of course, in of their information, and make class to lower readers and English Language how media specialists provide leadership presentations. The project was so well Learners (ELL). In schools with high ELL in reading. received and enjoyed by the students, populations, having a core collection the teachers and the media specialist Leadership in Curriculum of classic children’s books in the decided to present together, not at a “Hi, Elaine. Are you meeting with us predominant native languages of the media conference, but at the Applied during our planning period today to discuss school allows parents to read with their Communications Conference. It allowed the new curriculum changes?” asks the children at home and participate in the the media specialist to break out of classroom teacher. “Yes, I am, Enrique. I school community. Bilingual books at the “mold” and to share what school have information from the last conference different reading levels also greatly assist librarians and teachers working together and training session that needs to be with English language acquisition. can accomplish. implemented in the new semester.” Reading promotion is an area in which How does the media specialist act Mentoring as Leadership media specialists often display their as a leader in instruction? This is Teachers and students need to feel that leadership skills. Displays, books talks, accomplished by never isolating one’s the library is a place for learning and guest authors, and student reviews self and by knowing what is going on in help. As media specialists, we have a on the morning news are all ways definite leadership role in mentoring teachers and students in the learning process. Over 1,300 media specialists Project LEAD across the nation now have national board certification. Many mentoring Authors of this article are students in Project LEAD, an Institute for opportunities are available to media Museum and Library Services— a funded initiative at the Florida specialists as teachers in the schools State College of Information whose goal is to develop graduate seek national board certification. New education opportunities focused on leadership for school library teachers also appreciate a supportive media specialists. Project LEAD is available as an option within the media specialist who helps with articles master’s degree in Library and Information Studies, as a 12-credit for a college paper, or provides assistance post-master’s certificate, and as a 30-credit post-master’s specialist with writing style manuals. Leadership is degree. This completely online curriculum is accessible nationwide an active state, one in which the leader is and internationally, and integrates the tenets of the National Board wherever he or she is needed. Leadership for Professional Teaching Standards in Library Media. For more does not always mean being in the information see: ( front of the line; sometimes leadership LIBRARY MEDIA CONNECTION January 2007 13
  • 5. “ Leadership opportunities abound in our profession today if one is willing to ‘hit the ground running.’” is walking beside as an encourager or Award committee asking how her review day, but that is how it is supposed to be. behind as a supporter. Let new teachers of the books is coming along. Elaine laughs She glances at her book bag and smiles. know you will be there for them with and mentions her podcasts asking students She can’t wait to read that new mystery a welcoming lunch or breakfast in the and teachers for their opinions on the over the weekend. She heard it is good. On media center the week before school books under review. She is almost finished her way to her car, the same student who starts and give each one of them a reading the current box, and will have her stopped her that morning waves and says, survival kit. This might include the reviews in next week. “See you tomorrow, Ms. Thomas.” She media center handbook, instructions on There are many opportunities for waves back and unlocks her car, ready to databases, a collaboration planning sheet, library media specialists to become go home, relax, read, and get prepared for bookmarker, coffee mug, or other items. leaders outside of the school campus another crazy day tomorrow. She wouldn’t Students also need to feel that the media in state and national organizations. have it any other way. I specialist is on their side and that the Participation in these organizations *Elaine Thomas is a pseudonym for a composite of several media specialists as are the teachers in media center is a great place to be. provides opportunities to get involved the article. Media specialists, who often witness in the larger media community, develop students in a different light from the awareness of resources for all areas of the Works Cited: traditional classroom, can serve as media program, and lobby for greater American Association of School Librarians (2004). student advocates. acknowledgement of the influence media Your School Library Media Program and No Child programs have on educational standards. Left Behind. 26 July 2006 ( aaslbucket/AASLNCLBbrochureweb.pdf). Leadership in There are many leadership opportunities Professional Organizations Baumel, Jan. (17 July 2002). Dr. Kevin Feldman and roles for library media specialists, on Learning New Skills for Expository Reading. Just as she is picking up her purse to go (Part three of a series of seven interviews.) 22 July and many innovative methods of helping home, Elaine glances at her to-do list 2006 ( our students learn. As long as students asp?r= 721). and realizes she forgot to send an email attend school and teachers teach, media to her state representative about why the Svec, Deb. Gators Read: Friday Night Lights. 26 specialists will have a leadership role July 2006 ( 65 percent solution should include school Podcast/Podcast.html). in making sure curriculum needs are library media centers. “I’ll do that after addressed and media centers are places “Wiki.” Wikipedia, 26 July 2006 dinner before I curl up with the new ( of learning. Library Media Connection that came in the mail today.” Just then, her cell phone Elaine turns out the media center lights rings. It’s the chair of the State Reader’s and locks the door. It was a long and busy About the Authors Dianne C. Dees is Kristi Alexander is the Rachel Besara is Robb Cambisios is a Teresa Kent is the Jodie Player Delgado an assistant professor library media specialist completing a degree middle school teacher library media specialist is the library media at Valdosta State at North Port High in school library at Collegiate School in at Hayes Elementary specialist at Coral University, Department School in North Port, media at Florida State Richmond, Virginia. School in Kennesaw, Shores High School in of Curriculum, Florida. University and earning (rcambisi@collegiate- Georgia, and is earning Tavernier, Florida. Leadership, and ( a leadership certificate a leadership certificate (Jodie.delgado@ Technology in Valdosta, through the Project through the Project Georgia. LEAD master’s program. LEAD specialist’s ( (rmm05d@garnet.acns. program. 14 LIBRARY MEDIA CONNECTION January 2007 Of special interest to grades... K- 5 6-8 9-12