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                                                                   November 2011 Newsletter

Student Volunteers Enrich Online Kyrgyz Language

English Language Teachers Learn How to Use Text
Messaging for Better Communication

Kyrgyzstan’s Educational Portal Connects Students
with Role Models in Virtual Discussions

Alumni Raise Awareness about Tech Age Girls Project
at JashtarCamp 2011 in Osh

Tech Age Girl Alumna Wins Soros Grant, Implements
New Project in Southern Kyrgyzstan

GCE Student Develops Public Service Announcement

 Global Connections and Exchange is a program of the United States Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs.
                            Digital Youth Dialogue is funded by the United States Embassy in Kyrgyzstan.

                                                        Ainur Kutmanova, specialist at the State Commis-
Student Volunteers Enrich Online
                                                        sion for the Kyrgyz Language, an organizing part-
Kyrgyz Language Content                                 ner in hosting Kyrgyz Wikipedia Day, explained
                                                        the importance of making sites like Wikipedia
On November 3, six volunteers helped 15 contrib-        robust for users in Kyrgyzstan: “Youth do not go
utors upload articles to the Kyrgyz language Wik-       to libraries often, but they do conduct research
ipedia, a free, user-generated encyclopedia, dur-       on the internet; I think it is vital for developing
ing an event held in Bishkek titled “Kyrgyz Wik-        the Kyrgyz language that we [continue] to add
ipedia Day.” The volunteers – students and edu-         articles. I am glad that students are volunteering
cators – arrived with significant amounts of con-       to add Kyrgyz language content to Wikipedia.”
tent to contribute to the site, but lacked the
knowledge to upload the articles themselves.            Artyk Osmonaliev, an 8th-grade student volun-
                                                        teer, uploaded five articles during the event:
                                                        “Today I learned how to upload articles to the
                                                        Kyrgyz Wikipedia; it was fun to learn and do
                                                        something helpful.”

                                                        Kyrgyz Wikipedia Day was organized by the Glob-
                                                        al Connections & Exchange and the Digital Youth
                                                        Dialogue programs, with the assistance of the
                                                        State Commission for the Kyrgyz Language under
                                                        the President of the Kyrgyz Republic.

                                                         English Language Teachers Learn
  Volunteers helped contributors upload 136 new arti-
                                                         How to Use Text Messaging for Better
         cles to the Kyrgyz-language Wikipedia           Communication

Wikipedia is a free online encyclopedia whose           On November 12, twelve teachers from the Eng-
content is entirely user-generated and governed         lish Language Educators’ professional association
by a user-elected board. While the Kyrgyz lan-          “FORUM” learned how to post blog updates, navi-
guage version of the site is dwarfed by others,         gate the internet, and use internet-based tools to
contribution has begun to take off in 2011: arti-       send SMS messages at an Information and Com-
cle counts have more than doubled since Decem-          munications Technology (ICT) training in Bishkek.
ber 2010 to 3,900, and the active community has         Many of the teachers were very new to the inter-
seen a 1,800% growth in that same time. GCE             net, and while some had experimented with
and DYD are helping fuel this movement. With            some of these tools, they lacked skills to use
the help of the trainers, event attendees up-           them efficiently and to their professional bene-
loaded a total of 136 new pieces to the site by         fit. Now, with the new knowledge they have
the end of one day — an increase of 3% to the           gained, they are taking strides to more effective-
entire body of Kyrgyz language articles on Wik-         ly use modern technology in their teaching and
ipedia.                                                 for better communication.

All teachers have cell phones and almost all are      The learning doesn’t end here – the teachers in
internet users, but they were not aware of how        attendance have already made plans to improve
these tools could help streamline some time con-      the web presence of their association. Recogniz-
suming aspects of their work, such as connecting      ing that FORUM currently lacks a Facebook page,
with colleagues or communicating with their stu-      they will be returning for a follow-up session on
dents by inviting them to upcoming English lan-       December 10 to learn the essentials of adminis-
guage events. During the training, the teachers       tering a quality Facebook page.
learned how to create and update professional
blogs, as well as learning how to operate Front-       Kyrgyzstan’s Educational Portal
lineSMS, a software tool that allows a user to         Connects Students with Role Models
send text messages to multiple recipients (such
                                                       in Virtual Discussions
as students or colleagues). Now, the teachers
plan to use what they have learned to launch
blogs, create and conduct events, and use Front-      This fall, on Kyrgyzstan’s Educational Portal, stu-
lineSMS for better communication between their        dents are connecting with role models from dif-
students and peers.                                   ferent professional backgrounds to get advice,
                                                      and learn from their experience, without having
                                                      to travel any further than to their schools’ com-
                                                      puter labs.

                                                                            On October 8, thirty stu-
                                                                            dents took part in a virtual
                                                                            discussion with Tilek
                                                                            Mamutov, an Ireland-based
                                                                            Google employee working
                                                                            as an Internal Applications
                                                                           Developer and Quality Evalu-
                                                      ator, originally from Bishkek. Students had a
                                                      chance to ask questions about programming,
                                                      technology, and his career with Google, after re-
                                                      viewing a podcast created by Mamutov on his ex-
    English language educators from the association   perience working in his position at the company.
   FORUM learn how to use blogs and FrontlineSMS to
     better connect with colleagues and students
                                                      In more than 50 comments, the students asked
                                                      Mamutov about technology, his upbringing and
                                                      education, and his view on setting goals.
“Now that we can organize FORUM’s work with
FrontlineSMS, we will be sending SMS messages to      The discussion was very popular, and left many
coordinate activities, send reminders and receive     students as impressed as they were inspired.
confirmations by text messaging. This technology      Nargiza Asanalieva, a 7th grader at Naryn’s
will definitely help us.” said Gulnara Akunova,       School No. 7, shared, “I am so proud of Mamutov.
FORUM director, on the benefit she foresees from      He is professional and is helping his home country
members’ new knowledge.                               by inspiring us, by giving advice.” The experience

was equally rewarding for Mamutov: “[The Edu-         Bringing students to Kyrgyzstan’s greatest think-
cational Portal] is great; I am happy to be able to   ers and doers is far easier today than in the past,
talk to students back home and help them how-         thanks to the internet provided at GCE and DYD
ever I can. With technology, distance means           schools. Students like Akmaral Muratbek kyzy, a
nothing.”                                             student at School No. 7 in Naryn, agrees: “The
                                                      discussion [with Mirbek Toktogarev] was very use-
                         On October 8, the GCE        ful for students outside of the capital, because
                         and DYD programs addi-       we don’t have an opportunity to talk to people
                         tionally held a virtual      like him here. Usually, we see them on TV, but
                         discussion for Kyrgyz-       talking directly in this forum and asking questions
                         stan’s students, titled      was truly amazing and inspiring.”
                         “How to Be a Leader,”
                         with     Mirbek     Tok-      Alumni Raise Awareness about Tech
togaraev, Project Coordinator at the Bishkek           Age Girls Project at JashtarCamp
Business Club, and an organizer of Barcamp,            2011 in Osh
JashtarCamp, and TEDxBishkek. Although Tok-
togaraev is only 24, he is a pioneering thinker at
the crossroads of IT and education in his country.    On November 20, 2011, forty leaders from differ-
40 students took part in this discussion, generat-    ent spheres in Kyrgyzstan came to Osh to share
ing more than 50 questions on Toktogaraev’s           success stores, ideas, knowledge and their expe-
plans for the future and his advice for them as an    rience with over three hundred attendees at
upcoming generation of young leaders.                 JashtarCamp 2011, an informal youth conference
                                                      in its third year in Kyrgyzstan. JashtarCamp bills
Toktogarev expressed his gratitude for being able     itself as a youth action conference, helping in-
to speak to the youth, sharing that he too bene-      spire and give key knowledge to youth in Kyrgyz-
fited from the exchange. “The students made me        stan to successfully become agents of change in
think of my own future,” he reflected.                their communities. Among those invited were
                                                      four Tech Age Girls: Zhara Asizova, Zina Kabylbek
                       The Educational Portal         kyzy, Nazik Asranbekova, and Zulaiho Makambaeva.
                       hosted discussions with
                       Mirsuljan Namazaliev, Ex-      The alumni presented on the importance of the
                       ecutive Director of the        Tech Age Girls project, and explained the TAG
                       Central Asia Free Market       process to the attendees, who listened passion-
                       Institute throughout Octo-     ately to their descriptions of the community pro-
                       ber as well. This discussion   jects they each implemented during their partici-
received more than 70 responses. The topic of         pation, and the follow up work they are imple-
the discussion was “Why there is a need to be         menting in Kyrgyzstan’s south.
socially active?” Namazaliev, only 24 and one of
the youngest leaders in Kyrgyzstan, shared his        “It was very useful and interesting to learn about
story of success with the 60 students who partici-    the results and achievements of Tech Age Girls,
pated.                                                to have an opportunity to meet with the partici-
                                                      pants and winners of the TAG US exchange pro-

gram, and meet girls who implement their own          to conduct IT and leadership trainings for youth.
community projects in their home towns,” shared       The girls held training sessions in three high
Lazat Takyrbasheva, Web Editor at Internews           schools throughout the city, teaching students
Network Kyrgyzstan.                                   how to use email, Facebook, Twitter, and blogs
                                                      to connect and communicate with each other. In
                                    The TAGs also     addition to these communications skills, the 90
                                    shared      the   participants discussed leadership, teambuilding,
                                    stage      with   and conflict mitigation with the TAGs, finally reg-
                                    GCE       staff   istering themselves on Kyrgyzstan’s Educational
                                    m e m b e r       Portal to remain in contact with their trainers.
                                    Tynchtyk Zha-     Their five days in Osh even found them at an or-
                                    nadylov, who      phanage, organizing local youth to take part
                                    shared tools      while delivering a similar message of hope that
                                    for youth who     with perseverance, anything may be achieved.
                                    wish to learn
    TAGs explain the project to     key computing
      JashtarCamp attendees         skills,     but
                                    might       not
have access to a GCE participating school.
Demonstrating video trainings created for GCE
and available online, Zhanadylov’s message to
youth was that even if they do not have the op-
portunity to participate in IT trainings, there are
tools for them to take charge of their own re-
mote learning. Zhanadylov also introduced GCE’s
Educational Portal, where youth can participate
in discussions, find online educational resources,
and share interesting ideas with each other.
                                                          The TAGs Conducted Leadership and IT training in
                                                               Osh, Kyrgyzstan’s largest southern city
TAG Wins Soros Grant, Launches
Project in Southern Kyrgyzstan
                                                      Zina Kabylbek kyzy commented on her time in
                                                      Kyrgyzstan’s south, “I cannot even express how
In October 2010, Zhanara Asizova, a TAG Alumna        this project changed my life, before the TAG I
from Kant, applied for a grant from the Soros         didn’t even know how to use computers, now
Foundation in Kyrgyzstan’s Youth Action Fund          TAG opened me so many opportunities, I became
and received more than $1600 to launch “TAGs          confident.… I learned to set up goals and accom-
Advance Volunteer Activity in Osh.”                   plish them. Now, I am sharing my skills and
                                                      knowledge with students like me, they can devel-
As part of their project, Asizova and teammates       op as me, they just need somebody to show
Zina Kabylbek kyzy, Nazik Asranbekova, and Zu-        which way and show the opportunities that they
laiho Makambaeva flew to Osh city for five days       have.”

The TAGs plan to keep in touch with their new        Zhailobek uulu’s video was rated in the top three
trainees, answering questions and offering guid-     best videos by the guest trainers and was privi-
ance over Kyrgyzstan’s Educational Network, as       leged to be broadcast on public television. The
they seek new ways to impact communities in          trainer of the seminar Georgiy Molodcov, Crea-
their country—in their own backyards or far from     tive Director of “Social Advertisement Laborato-
home.                                                                                  ry”, and his fel-
                                                                                       low trainers also
GCE Student Develops Public Service                                                    recommended
Announcement                                                                           that Zhailoobek
                                                                                       uulu’s video take
                                                                                       part in upcoming
After learning about the event via the GCE-                                            international fes-
provided internet at his school, 11th grader                                           tivals. “The vid-
Zholoman Zhailoobek uulu was accepted to the           In September, Zholoman Zhailoo- eo that was cre-
“Creating Public Service Advertisements” semi-          bek uulu attended a seminar on ated by Zhailoo-
nar from September 10-15 in Bishkek. Seeking                    PSAs in Bishkek        bek uulu was
guidance from GCE Teachers and TAG alumni, he                                          very simple and
developed a strong application and was the sole      easy to perceive for the audience. I am sure he
representative from Naryn to this event.             will achieve his goals with his passion to work,”
                                                     said Molodcov.
At the seminar, the 15 participants analyzed case
studies in using media to raise awareness, and       The skills Zhailoobek uulu developed during the
learned how to create their own PSAs, developing     IT trainings given by GCE teachers and TAG alum-
skills to compose video concepts, scripts, and       ni helped him to effectively use IT tools to make
storyboards, as well as the key tools in video re-   video and be better prepared for the event.
cording and editing.
                                                      “I am really glad that I had a chance to partici-
There were 15 participants in total from all over    pate in this seminar, thanks to the skills that I
Kyrgyzstan, who applied through application.         gained during GCE’s IT trainings,” he said. “I
Zhailoobek uulu was the only participant from        have learned about public service announce-
Naryn, thanks to the trainings of GCE MITE           ments, how they can affect people, and how you
Omurbekova, he knew how to write an essay and        can show deep meaning through your creativity.
sent his application. At the seminar participants    This seminar was truly valuable for my future ac-
learned how to create social videos, worked on       tivities.”
scenarios in groups, and created short videos. On
the last day of the seminar Zhailobek uulu with      Zhailobek uulu’s video can be seen at
his group presented their work to the audience.
Workshop participants came up with their
own scripts, defended the concept, worked on
storyboard and after that, shot a video.


   Sarah Stott, Cuthbertson High School,           Jacqueline Stack/Don Mason, H. Cheney
    Waxhaw, NC / Aizada Apazova, Karakol &           Tech High School, Manchester, CT / Sho-
    Ratbu Satarova, Jalal-Abad: History Boxes        hista Hadjimatova, Kyzyl Kiya; Nazgul Ka-
    (1 project)                                      bylbaeva, Karakol: A Day in the Life Pho-
                                                     tojournals (2 projects)
   Nicolle Boujaber-Diederichs, Cypress
    Creek High School, Orlando, FL / Aigul          John Garner, Greencastle High School,
    Dzhumagulova, Bazar Korgon; Roza                 Greencastle, IN / Ulan Chalpakov, Bish-
    Moldobekova, Aral,Talas; Shahribonum             kek: Introduction to Remote Sensing (1
    Igamberdieva, Kyzyl Kiya; Aliya Ganzina,         project)
    Jalal-Abad & Kahramon Shakirov, Uch
    Korgon: Global Grocery Baskets
    (5 projects)

                          Nicholas Kirschman, Webster Groves High
                           School, Webster Groves, MO / Nurgul
                           Pakyrova, Batken; Zhyldyzkan Aiylchieva,
                           Gulcha; Ravshan Abakulov, Osh; & Anara
                           Omurbekova, Naryn: Cross Cultural Psychol-
                           ogy (2 projects)

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GCE/DYD Newsletter for December 2011

  • 1. GLOBAL CONNECTIONS AND EXCHANGE DIGITAL YOUTH DIALOGUE November 2011 Newsletter IN THIS ISSUE: Student Volunteers Enrich Online Kyrgyz Language Content English Language Teachers Learn How to Use Text Messaging for Better Communication Kyrgyzstan’s Educational Portal Connects Students with Role Models in Virtual Discussions Alumni Raise Awareness about Tech Age Girls Project at JashtarCamp 2011 in Osh Tech Age Girl Alumna Wins Soros Grant, Implements New Project in Southern Kyrgyzstan GCE Student Develops Public Service Announcement @GCEKyrgyzstan Global Connections and Exchange is a program of the United States Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. Digital Youth Dialogue is funded by the United States Embassy in Kyrgyzstan.
  • 2. GCE & DYD - KYRGYZSTAN Ainur Kutmanova, specialist at the State Commis- Student Volunteers Enrich Online sion for the Kyrgyz Language, an organizing part- Kyrgyz Language Content ner in hosting Kyrgyz Wikipedia Day, explained the importance of making sites like Wikipedia On November 3, six volunteers helped 15 contrib- robust for users in Kyrgyzstan: “Youth do not go utors upload articles to the Kyrgyz language Wik- to libraries often, but they do conduct research ipedia, a free, user-generated encyclopedia, dur- on the internet; I think it is vital for developing ing an event held in Bishkek titled “Kyrgyz Wik- the Kyrgyz language that we [continue] to add ipedia Day.” The volunteers – students and edu- articles. I am glad that students are volunteering cators – arrived with significant amounts of con- to add Kyrgyz language content to Wikipedia.” tent to contribute to the site, but lacked the knowledge to upload the articles themselves. Artyk Osmonaliev, an 8th-grade student volun- teer, uploaded five articles during the event: “Today I learned how to upload articles to the Kyrgyz Wikipedia; it was fun to learn and do something helpful.” Kyrgyz Wikipedia Day was organized by the Glob- al Connections & Exchange and the Digital Youth Dialogue programs, with the assistance of the State Commission for the Kyrgyz Language under the President of the Kyrgyz Republic. English Language Teachers Learn Volunteers helped contributors upload 136 new arti- How to Use Text Messaging for Better cles to the Kyrgyz-language Wikipedia Communication Wikipedia is a free online encyclopedia whose On November 12, twelve teachers from the Eng- content is entirely user-generated and governed lish Language Educators’ professional association by a user-elected board. While the Kyrgyz lan- “FORUM” learned how to post blog updates, navi- guage version of the site is dwarfed by others, gate the internet, and use internet-based tools to contribution has begun to take off in 2011: arti- send SMS messages at an Information and Com- cle counts have more than doubled since Decem- munications Technology (ICT) training in Bishkek. ber 2010 to 3,900, and the active community has Many of the teachers were very new to the inter- seen a 1,800% growth in that same time. GCE net, and while some had experimented with and DYD are helping fuel this movement. With some of these tools, they lacked skills to use the help of the trainers, event attendees up- them efficiently and to their professional bene- loaded a total of 136 new pieces to the site by fit. Now, with the new knowledge they have the end of one day — an increase of 3% to the gained, they are taking strides to more effective- entire body of Kyrgyz language articles on Wik- ly use modern technology in their teaching and ipedia. for better communication.
  • 3. GCE & DYD - KYRGYZSTAN All teachers have cell phones and almost all are The learning doesn’t end here – the teachers in internet users, but they were not aware of how attendance have already made plans to improve these tools could help streamline some time con- the web presence of their association. Recogniz- suming aspects of their work, such as connecting ing that FORUM currently lacks a Facebook page, with colleagues or communicating with their stu- they will be returning for a follow-up session on dents by inviting them to upcoming English lan- December 10 to learn the essentials of adminis- guage events. During the training, the teachers tering a quality Facebook page. learned how to create and update professional blogs, as well as learning how to operate Front- Kyrgyzstan’s Educational Portal lineSMS, a software tool that allows a user to Connects Students with Role Models send text messages to multiple recipients (such in Virtual Discussions as students or colleagues). Now, the teachers plan to use what they have learned to launch blogs, create and conduct events, and use Front- This fall, on Kyrgyzstan’s Educational Portal, stu- lineSMS for better communication between their dents are connecting with role models from dif- students and peers. ferent professional backgrounds to get advice, and learn from their experience, without having to travel any further than to their schools’ com- puter labs. On October 8, thirty stu- dents took part in a virtual discussion with Tilek Mamutov, an Ireland-based Google employee working as an Internal Applications Developer and Quality Evalu- ator, originally from Bishkek. Students had a chance to ask questions about programming, technology, and his career with Google, after re- viewing a podcast created by Mamutov on his ex- English language educators from the association perience working in his position at the company. FORUM learn how to use blogs and FrontlineSMS to better connect with colleagues and students In more than 50 comments, the students asked Mamutov about technology, his upbringing and education, and his view on setting goals. “Now that we can organize FORUM’s work with FrontlineSMS, we will be sending SMS messages to The discussion was very popular, and left many coordinate activities, send reminders and receive students as impressed as they were inspired. confirmations by text messaging. This technology Nargiza Asanalieva, a 7th grader at Naryn’s will definitely help us.” said Gulnara Akunova, School No. 7, shared, “I am so proud of Mamutov. FORUM director, on the benefit she foresees from He is professional and is helping his home country members’ new knowledge. by inspiring us, by giving advice.” The experience
  • 4. GCE & DYD - KYRGYZSTAN was equally rewarding for Mamutov: “[The Edu- Bringing students to Kyrgyzstan’s greatest think- cational Portal] is great; I am happy to be able to ers and doers is far easier today than in the past, talk to students back home and help them how- thanks to the internet provided at GCE and DYD ever I can. With technology, distance means schools. Students like Akmaral Muratbek kyzy, a nothing.” student at School No. 7 in Naryn, agrees: “The discussion [with Mirbek Toktogarev] was very use- On October 8, the GCE ful for students outside of the capital, because and DYD programs addi- we don’t have an opportunity to talk to people tionally held a virtual like him here. Usually, we see them on TV, but discussion for Kyrgyz- talking directly in this forum and asking questions stan’s students, titled was truly amazing and inspiring.” “How to Be a Leader,” with Mirbek Tok- Alumni Raise Awareness about Tech togaraev, Project Coordinator at the Bishkek Age Girls Project at JashtarCamp Business Club, and an organizer of Barcamp, 2011 in Osh JashtarCamp, and TEDxBishkek. Although Tok- togaraev is only 24, he is a pioneering thinker at the crossroads of IT and education in his country. On November 20, 2011, forty leaders from differ- 40 students took part in this discussion, generat- ent spheres in Kyrgyzstan came to Osh to share ing more than 50 questions on Toktogaraev’s success stores, ideas, knowledge and their expe- plans for the future and his advice for them as an rience with over three hundred attendees at upcoming generation of young leaders. JashtarCamp 2011, an informal youth conference in its third year in Kyrgyzstan. JashtarCamp bills Toktogarev expressed his gratitude for being able itself as a youth action conference, helping in- to speak to the youth, sharing that he too bene- spire and give key knowledge to youth in Kyrgyz- fited from the exchange. “The students made me stan to successfully become agents of change in think of my own future,” he reflected. their communities. Among those invited were four Tech Age Girls: Zhara Asizova, Zina Kabylbek The Educational Portal kyzy, Nazik Asranbekova, and Zulaiho Makambaeva. hosted discussions with Mirsuljan Namazaliev, Ex- The alumni presented on the importance of the ecutive Director of the Tech Age Girls project, and explained the TAG Central Asia Free Market process to the attendees, who listened passion- Institute throughout Octo- ately to their descriptions of the community pro- ber as well. This discussion jects they each implemented during their partici- received more than 70 responses. The topic of pation, and the follow up work they are imple- the discussion was “Why there is a need to be menting in Kyrgyzstan’s south. socially active?” Namazaliev, only 24 and one of the youngest leaders in Kyrgyzstan, shared his “It was very useful and interesting to learn about story of success with the 60 students who partici- the results and achievements of Tech Age Girls, pated. to have an opportunity to meet with the partici- pants and winners of the TAG US exchange pro-
  • 5. GCE & DYD - KYRGYZSTAN gram, and meet girls who implement their own to conduct IT and leadership trainings for youth. community projects in their home towns,” shared The girls held training sessions in three high Lazat Takyrbasheva, Web Editor at Internews schools throughout the city, teaching students Network Kyrgyzstan. how to use email, Facebook, Twitter, and blogs to connect and communicate with each other. In The TAGs also addition to these communications skills, the 90 shared the participants discussed leadership, teambuilding, stage with and conflict mitigation with the TAGs, finally reg- GCE staff istering themselves on Kyrgyzstan’s Educational m e m b e r Portal to remain in contact with their trainers. Tynchtyk Zha- Their five days in Osh even found them at an or- nadylov, who phanage, organizing local youth to take part shared tools while delivering a similar message of hope that for youth who with perseverance, anything may be achieved. wish to learn TAGs explain the project to key computing JashtarCamp attendees skills, but might not have access to a GCE participating school. Demonstrating video trainings created for GCE and available online, Zhanadylov’s message to youth was that even if they do not have the op- portunity to participate in IT trainings, there are tools for them to take charge of their own re- mote learning. Zhanadylov also introduced GCE’s Educational Portal, where youth can participate in discussions, find online educational resources, and share interesting ideas with each other. The TAGs Conducted Leadership and IT training in Osh, Kyrgyzstan’s largest southern city TAG Wins Soros Grant, Launches Project in Southern Kyrgyzstan Zina Kabylbek kyzy commented on her time in Kyrgyzstan’s south, “I cannot even express how In October 2010, Zhanara Asizova, a TAG Alumna this project changed my life, before the TAG I from Kant, applied for a grant from the Soros didn’t even know how to use computers, now Foundation in Kyrgyzstan’s Youth Action Fund TAG opened me so many opportunities, I became and received more than $1600 to launch “TAGs confident.… I learned to set up goals and accom- Advance Volunteer Activity in Osh.” plish them. Now, I am sharing my skills and knowledge with students like me, they can devel- As part of their project, Asizova and teammates op as me, they just need somebody to show Zina Kabylbek kyzy, Nazik Asranbekova, and Zu- which way and show the opportunities that they laiho Makambaeva flew to Osh city for five days have.”
  • 6. GCE & DYD - KYRGYZSTAN The TAGs plan to keep in touch with their new Zhailobek uulu’s video was rated in the top three trainees, answering questions and offering guid- best videos by the guest trainers and was privi- ance over Kyrgyzstan’s Educational Network, as leged to be broadcast on public television. The they seek new ways to impact communities in trainer of the seminar Georgiy Molodcov, Crea- their country—in their own backyards or far from tive Director of “Social Advertisement Laborato- home. ry”, and his fel- low trainers also GCE Student Develops Public Service recommended Announcement that Zhailoobek uulu’s video take part in upcoming After learning about the event via the GCE- international fes- provided internet at his school, 11th grader tivals. “The vid- Zholoman Zhailoobek uulu was accepted to the In September, Zholoman Zhailoo- eo that was cre- “Creating Public Service Advertisements” semi- bek uulu attended a seminar on ated by Zhailoo- nar from September 10-15 in Bishkek. Seeking PSAs in Bishkek bek uulu was guidance from GCE Teachers and TAG alumni, he very simple and developed a strong application and was the sole easy to perceive for the audience. I am sure he representative from Naryn to this event. will achieve his goals with his passion to work,” said Molodcov. At the seminar, the 15 participants analyzed case studies in using media to raise awareness, and The skills Zhailoobek uulu developed during the learned how to create their own PSAs, developing IT trainings given by GCE teachers and TAG alum- skills to compose video concepts, scripts, and ni helped him to effectively use IT tools to make storyboards, as well as the key tools in video re- video and be better prepared for the event. cording and editing. “I am really glad that I had a chance to partici- There were 15 participants in total from all over pate in this seminar, thanks to the skills that I Kyrgyzstan, who applied through application. gained during GCE’s IT trainings,” he said. “I Zhailoobek uulu was the only participant from have learned about public service announce- Naryn, thanks to the trainings of GCE MITE ments, how they can affect people, and how you Omurbekova, he knew how to write an essay and can show deep meaning through your creativity. sent his application. At the seminar participants This seminar was truly valuable for my future ac- learned how to create social videos, worked on tivities.” scenarios in groups, and created short videos. On the last day of the seminar Zhailobek uulu with Zhailobek uulu’s video can be seen at his group presented their work to the audience. Workshop participants came up with their own scripts, defended the concept, worked on storyboard and after that, shot a video.
  • 7. GCE & DYD - KYRGYZSTAN ONLINE PROJECTS UPDATE: Fall 2011  Sarah Stott, Cuthbertson High School,  Jacqueline Stack/Don Mason, H. Cheney Waxhaw, NC / Aizada Apazova, Karakol & Tech High School, Manchester, CT / Sho- Ratbu Satarova, Jalal-Abad: History Boxes hista Hadjimatova, Kyzyl Kiya; Nazgul Ka- (1 project) bylbaeva, Karakol: A Day in the Life Pho- tojournals (2 projects)  Nicolle Boujaber-Diederichs, Cypress Creek High School, Orlando, FL / Aigul  John Garner, Greencastle High School, Dzhumagulova, Bazar Korgon; Roza Greencastle, IN / Ulan Chalpakov, Bish- Moldobekova, Aral,Talas; Shahribonum kek: Introduction to Remote Sensing (1 Igamberdieva, Kyzyl Kiya; Aliya Ganzina, project) Jalal-Abad & Kahramon Shakirov, Uch Korgon: Global Grocery Baskets (5 projects)  Nicholas Kirschman, Webster Groves High School, Webster Groves, MO / Nurgul Pakyrova, Batken; Zhyldyzkan Aiylchieva, Gulcha; Ravshan Abakulov, Osh; & Anara Omurbekova, Naryn: Cross Cultural Psychol- ogy (2 projects)