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Time management

   How can i reach my
     defined goals?
Time management

         This chapter will demonstrate
         useful methods which help you
         to reach your goals successful.
Time management

Learning objectives

 To get to know methods which help you to structure your time.

 Reflect your present time management.

 Improve your weekly planning.
4 Steps to improving time management

 Analyse the management of time

 Detect times thieves and combate them

 Planning the time
  Arrange breaks correctly
  Structure telephone calls

 Gain Time
4 Steps to improving time management

 Analyse the management of time    First develope awareness of your own

 Detect time thieves and combat

 Planning the time                         With what do you
  Arrange breaks correctly                 spend your time?
  Structure telephone calls
                                             Have you ever
                                            thought about it?

 Gain time
4 Steps to improving time management

  Practice: Develop awareness for

 You will find further instructions on
  the attached work sheet.
4 Steps to improving time management

 Analyse the management of time    With the overview of your time you
                                     can identify time thieves which you
                                     can change actively.
 Detect time thieves and combat
                                    Mark the major time thieves on your
 Planning the time
  Arrange breaks correctly
  Structure telephone calls

 Gain time
4 Steps to improving time management

 Analyse the management of time
                                                  What disturbs you
                                                    at work the
 Detect time thieves and combat                       most ?
                                    Write three major times thieves in a
 Planning the time                  table and take your time to find
  Arrange breaks correctly          some realistic solustions.
  Structure telephone calls

                                    On the next page and on the
 Gain time
                                     attached work sheet you will find an
                                     example of such a table.
4 Steps to improving time management

 Analyse the management of time
                                   Time thieves       Solutions

 Detect time thieves and combat   Telephone calls    During
  them                                                telephone calls i
                                                      concentrate on
                                                      the essential.
 Planning the time                Conversation on    I out of my
  Arrange breaks correctly        the corridor       colleagues .
  Structure telephone calls
                                   ...                ...

 Gain time
                                            Try to realise your
                                         solutions the next days.
                                         Think about a concrete
4 Steps to improving time management

 Analyse the management of time    The Paretoprinciple indicates that
                                    with 20% effort you will achieve 80%
 Detect time thieves and combat
                                    Around 20 % of your action can solve
                                     80 % of the problems.
 Planning the time
  Arrange breaks correctly          Effort              Benefit
  Structure telephone calls

 Gain time                                                80%


4 Steps to improving time management

 Analyse the management of time   Examples:
                                    During meetings in 20% of the time
                                     there are 80% of decisions.
 Detect time thieves and combat

                                    With 20 % of time on the working
 Planning the time                  desk you will accomblish 80% of your
  Arrange breaks correctly          workload.
  Structure telephone calls

 Gain time
4 Steps to improving time management

 Analyse the management of time    In the business sector it has been
                                     found ...

 Detect time thieves and combat
                                   ...that 20% of production defects are
                                     responsable for 80% of the reject at
                                     the production of goods .
 Planning the time                ...that 2 of 10 salesmen make 80%
  Arrange breaks correctly           of the turnover in sales
  Structure telephone calls       ...that in the publishing industry with
                                     only 20% of books 80% of the turnover
                                     is made, 20% of the costumer make
 Gain time
                                     80% of the turnover.
4 Steps to improving time management

 Analyse the management of time    How can the Paretoprinciple help

 Detect time thieves and combat
                                    Try to set priorities adhere to the

 Planning the time                 To order your tasks according to
  Arrange breaks correctly          priority you will learn two methods
  Structure telephone calls         and practice them in an exercise.

 Gain time
4 Steps to improving time management

 Analyse the management of time    Now you will get to know two
                                     methods which help you to
 Detect time thieves and combat     arrange your time with regard to
                                     your work tasks:

 Planning the time                3.ABCD-Method
  Arrange breaks correctly
  Structure telephone calls
 Gain time
4 Steps to improving time management

 Analyse the management of time   1. The ABCD-Methode arranges
                                      work tasks in order of
 Detect time thieves and combat      importance and acuteness.

 Planning the time
  Arrange breaks correctly
  Structure telephone calls

 Gain time
4 Steps to improving time management

                          A-Tasks are work tasks which
                           contribute the most to reach your
       B-Task   A-Task     goals.
                          They are urgent, important and
                           should be completed right away.
                          Which of your working tasks belong
                           to A-Tasks?
       D-Task   C-Task
                          Meetings, urgent telephone calls?

        low      high

4 Steps to improving time management

                          B-Tasks are important but not but
                           not urgent to be dealed with.
       B-Task   A-Task    They can be put aside or delegated
                           by you.
                          Which working taks do you include to
                          A project report which has to be
       D-Task   C-Task
                           finished in four weeks?

        low      high

4 Steps to improving time management

                          C-Tasks are important to reach your
                           goals of your working tasks and
       B-Task   A-Task     deadlines but urgent.
                          They should play a minor role in your
                          For example C-Tasks are unhasty
                           telephone calls, emails or typing?
       D-Task   C-Task

        low      high

4 Steps to improving time management

                          D-Tasks are neither urgent nor
       B-Task   A-Task
                          You my defer or dismiss those tasks.

       D-Task   C-Task

        low      high

4 Steps to improving time management

... again summarized below ...

                                 B-Task        A-Task

                                 Arrange a     Complete
                                 fixed time   immediately

                                 D-Task        C-Task

                                              mplete later

                                   low            high

4 Steps to improving time management

 Analyse the management of time   2. The Alpen-Method is an effective
                                       method which helps you to plan
                                       your day and was invented in
 Detect time thieves and combat       Germany.

 Planning the time
  Arrange breaks correctly
  Structure telephone calls

 Gain time
4 Steps to improving time management

 Analyse the management of time   1.      The Alpen-Method

 Detect time thieves and combat           During this methode you will
                                           prepare a to-do-list.
                                          Three advantages of a
 Planning the time                        You keep written word better.
  Arrange breaks correctly                You have the list permanently and
  Structure telephone calls                can look at it if you need it.
                                           You can make quick connections
                                            between different ideas.
 Gain time
                                           At first you will get to know the
4 Steps to improving time management

       A                     L                    P                      S
                                                  Plan           Surveillance of action
    Assignment              Length             buffer time           and decisions

   The „A“ means the working tasks.
   Which goals do you have in relation to your working tasks?
   Which tasks are new which ones are undone?
   Which appointments are frequent which ones are singular?
4 Steps to improving time management

     A                     L                    P                     S
                                                Plan          Surveillance of action
  Assignment              Length             buffer time          and decisions

 Das „L“ means the lenght of activities.

 Estimate the time of your tasks and appoinments realistically.
4 Steps to improving time management

     A                     L            P                  S
                                        Plan       Surveillance of action
  Assignment              Length     buffer time       and decisions

 Plan buffer times and breaks for
  spontaneous tasks.
4 Steps to improving time management

     A                     L                    P                  S
                                                Plan         Set decisions and
  Assignment              Length             buffer time   surveillance of action

 The surveillance of your action is very
 Check your to-do-list at the beginning of next week.
 Assign undone tasks and mark them if necessary.
4 Steps to improving time management

     A                    L                   P                  S
                                              Plan       Surveillance of action
  Assignment             Length            buffer time       and decisions

 Look at your to-do-list.
 Did you arrange your tasks and appoinments according
                                                            Do you
  to importance and accuteness?
                                                         remember the
 Did you set your priorities correctly?                 ABCD-Method?
 Make decisions!
4 Steps to improving time management

 Exercise: Apply the ALPEN-Method

 You will find furhter instructions on
  the attached work sheet.
4 Steps to improving time management

 Analyse the management of time    You have learned two major methods
                                     which help you to structure your
 Detect time thieves and combat    The next step is to put theory into
  them                               practice.

 Planning the time                 But first of all you should take a
  Arrange breaks correctly          short break.
  Structure telephone calls
                                    If you continue on...
 Gain time                 will find some advices how to
                                     take a break optimal.
                            will find a movement exercise
                                     for your break.
4 Steps to improving time management

 Analyse the management of time    5 Advices:

 Detect time thieves and combat    After an hour you should take a five
                                     minute break!
                                    Try to move during your break!
                                    A longer break after hours of work or
 Planning the time                  an exhausting meeting is also
  Arrange breaks correctly          important!
  Structure telephone calls        Create your break to your own
 Gain time                         Be creative and create your breaks
4 Steps to improving time management

 Analyse the management of time   Relaxing exercise:

 Detect time thieves and combat   First take a deep breath.
  them                             Keep your shoulders down and bend
                                   your head to the left and after that
                                   to your right.Take your time.
 Planning the time                Take a dreep breath.
  Arrange breaks correctly
                                   Roll your shoulders backward and
  Structure telephone calls       forward. Take your time.
                                   Take a deep breath.
 Gain time                        Close your eyes for about one or two
                                   minutes and think about something
                                   nice while you are aware of your
                                   Try to repeat this exercise every day.
                                   Take your time to relax!
4 Steps to improving time management

 Analyse the management of time

 Detect time thieves and combat
                                       Through a correct
                                   scheduling of your break
 Planning the time
                                      you can work more
  Arrange breaks correctly        efficient during the day.
  Structure telephone calls              Try it today!

 Gain time
4 Steps to improving time management

... now take a rest ...
4 Steps to improving time management

 Analyse the management of time    Now put your complete to-do-list
                                     in a structured time schedule.
 Detect time thieves and combat    It is important to keep track of
  them                               your working taks and plan your
                                     valuable time correctly!
 Planning the time
  Arrange breaks correctly         You should not only plan your
  Structure telephone calls         tasks and meetings, also plan
                                     your private activities.
 Gain time
4 Steps to improving time management

Exercise: Create a time schedule for
                next week

 On the attached work sheet you will
  find a pre-assambled schedule.

 Steps on the next pages will help you
  to create your personal time
4 Steps to improving time management

 Analyse the management of time    First you should get an overview
                                     of next week.
 Detect time thieves and combat

 Planning the time
                                    Mo   Tu   We   Th   Fr   Sa   So
  Arrange breaks correctly
  Structure telephone calls

 Gain time
4 Steps to improving time management

 Analyse the management of time    When do you have meetings?

 Detect time thieves and combat

 Planning the time
                                    Mo       Tu       We       Th        Fr      Sa   So
  Arrange breaks correctly
  Structure telephone calls                 08:00-
                                             09:00    08:00-

 Gain time                         09:00-
4 Steps to improving time management

 Analyse the management of time    When do you have time for your
                                     working tasks?
 Detect time thieves and combat

 Planning the time
                                    Mo       Tu       We       Th    Fr       Sa      So
  Arrange breaks correctly
  Structure telephone calls

 Gain time                                  11:30-

                                                      14:00-                 14:00-
                                    14:00-            16:00                  16:00
                                    18:00                           14:00-
4 Steps to improving time management

 Analyse the management of time    When do you have time for
 Detect time thieves and combat                                 Remember the
  them                                                           advices for an
                                                                 optimal break!

 Planning the time
                                    Mo   Tu      We      Th        Fr   Sa   So
  Arrange breaks correctly
  Structure telephone calls

 Gain time                                      13:30

4 Steps to improving time management

 Analyse the management of time    When do you have time for sports
                                     and other activities?
 Detect time thieves and combat

 Planning the time
                                    Mo   Tu      We   Th      Fr   Sa       So
  Arrange breaks correctly
  Structure telephone calls

 Gain time                                                        11:30-

                                         18:00        18:00
4 Steps to improving time management

 Analyse the management of time    When do you spend time with
                                     friends and family?
 Detect time thieves and combat

 Planning the time
                                    Mo      Tu   We       Th   Fr       Sa      So
  Arrange breaks correctly
  Structure telephone calls                :

 Gain time

                                                 16:00-                16:00-
                                    18:00          …           18:00     …
4 Steps to improving time management

 Analyse the management of time    Now you have your time schedule
                                     for next week.
 Detect time thieves and combat    It is important that your schedule
  them                               ist realizable!

 Planning the time                           Is your schedule
  Arrange breaks correctly                realizable or did you
  Structure telephone calls                 taken on just too

 Gain time
                                    Look at your schedule again and
                                     correct it if necessary!
4 Steps to improving time management

 Analyse the management of time    You probably know this situation:
                                     You call a colleague because you
                                     have some questions about a project.
 Detect time thieves and combat     The conversation does not result in
  them                               clarifying the questions but you talk
                                     about other topics.
 Planning the time
  Arrange breaks correctly         In the following steps you are going
  Structure telephone calls         to learn how to handle this situation.

 Gain time
4 Steps to improving time management

 Exercise: Planning a telephone call

 It is important to plan your
  telephone calls.

 You will find further instruction
  of this exercise on the attached
  work sheet.
4 Steps to improving time management

 Analyse the management of time    You have learned many different
                                     options how to structur your working
                                     life to gain some time.
 Detect time thieves and combat
                                    On the next page you find a summary
                                     with advices how to gain time for
 Planning the time                  yourself.
  Arrange breaks correctly
  Structure telephone calls

 Gain time
4 Steps to improving time management

 Analyse the management of time    Plan your time realistically with the

                                     help of a time schedule and to-do-
 Detect time thieves and combat     lists.
                                    Set priorities with the ABCD-method
 Planning the time                  and the ALPEN-method.
  Arrange breaks correctly
  Structure telephone calls        No longer put of your work
 Gain time
                                    Use idle time like rail travel

                                    Treat yourself with a break and take

                                     a deep breath!
Time management

Learning objectives

To get to know methods which help you to structure your time.
  ABCD-Method
  ALPEN-Method

Reflect your present time management.
  Mind map
  To-do-list

Improve your weekly planning.
  Creation of a time schedule
  Structruring telephone calls
  Advices for breaks
Time management

   Now you should be
   able to reach your
    goals more easy!

   Figur, die durch das
   Training führt.

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Time management

  • 1. Time management How can i reach my defined goals?
  • 2. Time management This chapter will demonstrate useful methods which help you to reach your goals successful.
  • 3. Time management Learning objectives  To get to know methods which help you to structure your time.  Reflect your present time management.  Improve your weekly planning.
  • 4. 4 Steps to improving time management  Analyse the management of time  Detect times thieves and combate them  Planning the time  Arrange breaks correctly  Structure telephone calls  Gain Time
  • 5. 4 Steps to improving time management  Analyse the management of time  First develope awareness of your own time.  Detect time thieves and combat them  Planning the time With what do you  Arrange breaks correctly spend your time?  Structure telephone calls Have you ever thought about it?  Gain time
  • 6. 4 Steps to improving time management Practice: Develop awareness for time  You will find further instructions on the attached work sheet.
  • 7. 4 Steps to improving time management  Analyse the management of time  With the overview of your time you can identify time thieves which you can change actively.  Detect time thieves and combat them  Mark the major time thieves on your mind-map!  Planning the time  Arrange breaks correctly  Structure telephone calls  Gain time
  • 8. 4 Steps to improving time management  Analyse the management of time What disturbs you at work the  Detect time thieves and combat most ? them  Write three major times thieves in a  Planning the time table and take your time to find  Arrange breaks correctly some realistic solustions.  Structure telephone calls  On the next page and on the  Gain time attached work sheet you will find an example of such a table.
  • 9. 4 Steps to improving time management  Analyse the management of time Time thieves Solutions  Detect time thieves and combat Telephone calls During them telephone calls i concentrate on the essential.  Planning the time Conversation on I out of my  Arrange breaks correctly the corridor colleagues .  Structure telephone calls ... ...  Gain time Try to realise your solutions the next days. Think about a concrete situation.
  • 10. 4 Steps to improving time management  Analyse the management of time The Paretoprinciple indicates that with 20% effort you will achieve 80% output.  Detect time thieves and combat them  Around 20 % of your action can solve 80 % of the problems.  Planning the time  Arrange breaks correctly Effort Benefit  Structure telephone calls 20%  Gain time 80% 80% 20%
  • 11. 4 Steps to improving time management  Analyse the management of time Examples:  During meetings in 20% of the time there are 80% of decisions.  Detect time thieves and combat them  With 20 % of time on the working  Planning the time desk you will accomblish 80% of your  Arrange breaks correctly workload.  Structure telephone calls  Gain time
  • 12. 4 Steps to improving time management  Analyse the management of time  In the business sector it has been found ...  Detect time thieves and combat ...that 20% of production defects are them responsable for 80% of the reject at the production of goods .  Planning the time ...that 2 of 10 salesmen make 80%  Arrange breaks correctly of the turnover in sales  Structure telephone calls ...that in the publishing industry with only 20% of books 80% of the turnover is made, 20% of the costumer make  Gain time 80% of the turnover.
  • 13. 4 Steps to improving time management  Analyse the management of time How can the Paretoprinciple help you?  Detect time thieves and combat  Try to set priorities adhere to the them Paretoprinciple.  Planning the time  To order your tasks according to  Arrange breaks correctly priority you will learn two methods  Structure telephone calls and practice them in an exercise.  Gain time
  • 14. 4 Steps to improving time management  Analyse the management of time  Now you will get to know two methods which help you to  Detect time thieves and combat arrange your time with regard to your work tasks: them  Planning the time 3.ABCD-Method  Arrange breaks correctly  Structure telephone calls 6.ALPEN-Method  Gain time
  • 15. 4 Steps to improving time management  Analyse the management of time 1. The ABCD-Methode arranges work tasks in order of  Detect time thieves and combat importance and acuteness. them  Planning the time  Arrange breaks correctly  Structure telephone calls  Gain time
  • 16. 4 Steps to improving time management  A-Tasks are work tasks which contribute the most to reach your B-Task A-Task goals.  They are urgent, important and should be completed right away.  Which of your working tasks belong to A-Tasks? D-Task C-Task  Meetings, urgent telephone calls? low high Urgency
  • 17. 4 Steps to improving time management  B-Tasks are important but not but not urgent to be dealed with. B-Task A-Task  They can be put aside or delegated by you.  Which working taks do you include to B-Tasks?  A project report which has to be D-Task C-Task finished in four weeks? low high Urgency
  • 18. 4 Steps to improving time management  C-Tasks are important to reach your goals of your working tasks and B-Task A-Task deadlines but urgent.  They should play a minor role in your schedule.  For example C-Tasks are unhasty telephone calls, emails or typing? D-Task C-Task low high Urgency
  • 19. 4 Steps to improving time management  D-Tasks are neither urgent nor important. B-Task A-Task  You my defer or dismiss those tasks. D-Task C-Task low high Urgency
  • 20. 4 Steps to improving time management ... again summarized below ... B-Task A-Task Arrange a Complete fixed time immediately D-Task C-Task Delegate/Co mplete later on low high Urgency
  • 21. 4 Steps to improving time management  Analyse the management of time 2. The Alpen-Method is an effective method which helps you to plan your day and was invented in  Detect time thieves and combat Germany. them  Planning the time  Arrange breaks correctly  Structure telephone calls  Gain time
  • 22. 4 Steps to improving time management  Analyse the management of time 1. The Alpen-Method  Detect time thieves and combat During this methode you will prepare a to-do-list. them  Three advantages of a to-do-list:  Planning the time  You keep written word better.  Arrange breaks correctly  You have the list permanently and  Structure telephone calls can look at it if you need it.  You can make quick connections between different ideas.  Gain time  At first you will get to know the method.
  • 23. 4 Steps to improving time management A L P S Plan Surveillance of action Assignment Length buffer time and decisions  The „A“ means the working tasks.  Which goals do you have in relation to your working tasks?  Which tasks are new which ones are undone?  Which appointments are frequent which ones are singular?
  • 24. 4 Steps to improving time management A L P S Plan Surveillance of action Assignment Length buffer time and decisions  Das „L“ means the lenght of activities.  Estimate the time of your tasks and appoinments realistically.
  • 25. 4 Steps to improving time management A L P S Plan Surveillance of action Assignment Length buffer time and decisions  Plan buffer times and breaks for spontaneous tasks.
  • 26. 4 Steps to improving time management A L P S Plan Set decisions and Assignment Length buffer time surveillance of action  The surveillance of your action is very important.  Check your to-do-list at the beginning of next week.  Assign undone tasks and mark them if necessary.
  • 27. 4 Steps to improving time management A L P S Plan Surveillance of action Assignment Length buffer time and decisions  Look at your to-do-list.  Did you arrange your tasks and appoinments according Do you to importance and accuteness? remember the  Did you set your priorities correctly? ABCD-Method?  Make decisions!
  • 28. 4 Steps to improving time management Exercise: Apply the ALPEN-Method  You will find furhter instructions on the attached work sheet.
  • 29. 4 Steps to improving time management  Analyse the management of time  You have learned two major methods which help you to structure your time.  Detect time thieves and combat  The next step is to put theory into them practice.  Planning the time  But first of all you should take a  Arrange breaks correctly short break.  Structure telephone calls  If you continue on...  Gain time will find some advices how to take a break optimal. will find a movement exercise for your break.
  • 30. 4 Steps to improving time management  Analyse the management of time 5 Advices:  Detect time thieves and combat  After an hour you should take a five minute break! them  Try to move during your break!  A longer break after hours of work or  Planning the time an exhausting meeting is also  Arrange breaks correctly important!  Structure telephone calls  Create your break to your own requirement!  Gain time  Be creative and create your breaks deversified!
  • 31. 4 Steps to improving time management  Analyse the management of time Relaxing exercise:  Detect time thieves and combat First take a deep breath. them Keep your shoulders down and bend your head to the left and after that to your right.Take your time.  Planning the time Take a dreep breath.  Arrange breaks correctly Roll your shoulders backward and  Structure telephone calls forward. Take your time. Take a deep breath.  Gain time Close your eyes for about one or two minutes and think about something nice while you are aware of your breathing. Try to repeat this exercise every day. Take your time to relax!
  • 32. 4 Steps to improving time management  Analyse the management of time  Detect time thieves and combat them Through a correct scheduling of your break  Planning the time you can work more  Arrange breaks correctly efficient during the day.  Structure telephone calls Try it today!  Gain time
  • 33. 4 Steps to improving time management ... now take a rest ...
  • 34. 4 Steps to improving time management  Analyse the management of time  Now put your complete to-do-list in a structured time schedule.  Detect time thieves and combat  It is important to keep track of them your working taks and plan your valuable time correctly!  Planning the time  Arrange breaks correctly  You should not only plan your  Structure telephone calls tasks and meetings, also plan your private activities.  Gain time
  • 35. 4 Steps to improving time management Exercise: Create a time schedule for next week  On the attached work sheet you will find a pre-assambled schedule.  Steps on the next pages will help you to create your personal time schedule.
  • 36. 4 Steps to improving time management  Analyse the management of time  First you should get an overview of next week.  Detect time thieves and combat them  Planning the time Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa So  Arrange breaks correctly  Structure telephone calls  Gain time
  • 37. 4 Steps to improving time management  Analyse the management of time  When do you have meetings?  Detect time thieves and combat them  Planning the time Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa So  Arrange breaks correctly  Structure telephone calls 08:00- 09:00 08:00- 11:30  Gain time 09:00- 13:00 11:30- 14:00 12:00- 17:00
  • 38. 4 Steps to improving time management  Analyse the management of time  When do you have time for your working tasks?  Detect time thieves and combat them  Planning the time Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa So  Arrange breaks correctly  Structure telephone calls 09:00- 11:30  Gain time 11:30- 15:00 14:00- 14:00- 14:00- 16:00 16:00 18:00 14:00- 18:00
  • 39. 4 Steps to improving time management  Analyse the management of time  When do you have time for breaks?  Detect time thieves and combat Remember the them advices for an optimal break!  Planning the time Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa So  Arrange breaks correctly  Structure telephone calls  Gain time 13:30 11:30 12:00 14:00 15:00 15:30
  • 40. 4 Steps to improving time management  Analyse the management of time  When do you have time for sports and other activities?  Detect time thieves and combat them  Planning the time Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa So  Arrange breaks correctly  Structure telephone calls  Gain time 11:30- 14:00 18:00 18:00
  • 41. 4 Steps to improving time management  Analyse the management of time  When do you spend time with friends and family?  Detect time thieves and combat them  Planning the time Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa So  Arrange breaks correctly  Structure telephone calls :  Gain time 16:00- 16:00- 18:00 … 18:00 …
  • 42. 4 Steps to improving time management  Analyse the management of time  Now you have your time schedule for next week.  Detect time thieves and combat  It is important that your schedule them ist realizable!  Planning the time Is your schedule  Arrange breaks correctly realizable or did you  Structure telephone calls taken on just too much?  Gain time  Look at your schedule again and correct it if necessary!
  • 43. 4 Steps to improving time management  Analyse the management of time  You probably know this situation: You call a colleague because you have some questions about a project.  Detect time thieves and combat The conversation does not result in them clarifying the questions but you talk about other topics.  Planning the time  Arrange breaks correctly  In the following steps you are going  Structure telephone calls to learn how to handle this situation.  Gain time
  • 44. 4 Steps to improving time management Exercise: Planning a telephone call  It is important to plan your telephone calls.  You will find further instruction of this exercise on the attached work sheet.
  • 45. 4 Steps to improving time management  Analyse the management of time  You have learned many different options how to structur your working life to gain some time.  Detect time thieves and combat them  On the next page you find a summary with advices how to gain time for  Planning the time yourself.  Arrange breaks correctly  Structure telephone calls  Gain time
  • 46. 4 Steps to improving time management  Analyse the management of time  Plan your time realistically with the help of a time schedule and to-do-  Detect time thieves and combat lists. them  Set priorities with the ABCD-method  Planning the time and the ALPEN-method.  Arrange breaks correctly  Structure telephone calls  No longer put of your work unnecessary.  Gain time  Use idle time like rail travel efficient.  Treat yourself with a break and take a deep breath!
  • 47. Time management Learning objectives To get to know methods which help you to structure your time.  ABCD-Method  ALPEN-Method Reflect your present time management.  Mind map  To-do-list Improve your weekly planning.  Creation of a time schedule  Structruring telephone calls  Advices for breaks
  • 48. Time management Now you should be able to reach your goals more easy! Figur, die durch das Training führt.

Editor's Notes

  1. 12. Juli 2012 | |
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  7. Beispiele, welche Arbeitsaufgaben? 12. Juli 2012 | |
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  13. Beispiele, welche Arbeitsaufgaben? 12. Juli 2012 | |
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  15. Beispiele, welche Arbeitsaufgaben? 12. Juli 2012 | |
  16. 12. Juli 2012 | |
  17. 12. Juli 2012 | |
  18. 12. Juli 2012 | |
  19. 12. Juli 2012 | |
  20. Beispiele, welche Arbeitsaufgaben? 12. Juli 2012 | |
  21. In wie weit hat WIKA einen internen Kalender? 12. Juli 2012 | |
  22. In wie weit hat WIKA einen internen Kalender? 12. Juli 2012 | |
  23. In wie weit hat WIKA einen internen Kalender? 12. Juli 2012 | |
  24. Den Samstag mit einplanen? 12. Juli 2012 | |
  25. In wie weit hat WIKA einen internen Kalender? 12. Juli 2012 | |
  26. In wie weit hat WIKA einen internen Kalender? 12. Juli 2012 | |
  27. In wie weit hat WIKA einen internen Kalender? 12. Juli 2012 | |
  28. 12. Juli 2012 | |
  29. In wie weit hat WIKA einen internen Kalender? 12. Juli 2012 | |
  30. 12.07.12 | |
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  32. 12. Juli 2012 | |