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Making More of Your Time

Time Management in your
    Professional Life
Is this Workshop for you?

• If your answer was
                        • Do you procrastinate?
  “yes” to any one
  question-- you are
                        • Is your motto, “Better
  in the right place!

                          late than never?”

                        • Do you wish you were
                          more organised?
                             • Time Management is
    “Time Management”
    is really “Life
    Management”. Your
                               Life Management
    time is your life, and
    to manage your time
    is to manage your
• The allocation of
•   Have you ever
                           Time is unbiased
    noticed this?
    Everyone has the
                           and without
    same amount of
    time each day.
•   Why, then, do
    some people get so
                         • We all receive 24
    much more done
    than others?
                           hours each day.
                           No one receives
                           more or less than
                           anyone else
What are we going to Do in
                                      this Workshop?
•   Our goal is to assure that
                                   • Discuss how Time
    you understand and can
    apply each concept to
                                     Management is Unique
    your own time
    management plan.
                                     for professionals
•   It is expected that you
    are going to be
    “weeding” through the
    many ideas and tools
    discussed in this session.
    As you do this, make
                                   • Examine a 3 Step Plan
    note of the ideas that
    you like and leave those
                                     a Professional’s Time
    things that may not work
    for your plan.
•   Your time management
    will be unique for you.
New Challenge....
•   Let’s start by looking
    at those experiences
                             Managers are Required to:
    and demands that
    are often unique for
                             - Think at Higher Levels
•   Demands on
    managers are often
                             - Process more in less time
    very different from
    those experienced
                             - Work in high pressure
    staff who report to
    them or people in
    “the real world”. It’s
    a whole new
                             - Work with various teams from

                               other departments
                             - Resist a wide range of
In a new Job you might
                             • Less or No Structure
•   Many of will find that
    when you start a job
                             • Different Incentive
    (either for the first
    time, or a new
                               (Financial, Rewards etc.)
    job), you will be

                             • No one to share the
    surprised at how
    challenging the new
    lifestyle can be. You
    have to create your

                             • Many people who want
    own structure and
    you must be
                               your time
    organized. If not, you
    can drift, and rather
                             • Delivering/Managing
    than managing your
    life, other things
    seem to “manage
Where is your Time Going?
                       • If you work 8 Hours per Day, your
• We assume that
  you will need to       weekly Hours:
  work 40 to 48
                           5 Days x 8 = 40 Hours
  hours in a week
                           6 Days x 8 = 48 Hours
  depending on if
  you work 5 days or
                           What does your Schedule Look like:
  6 days. But for
  every hour at
                       •   How many hrs working:       ...........
  work. (You may
  need MORE                Number of hrs in meetings: ...........
  time, depending
                       •   Number of hrs in training:  ...........
  on your job.) Do
  you have a pen or
                       •   Number of hrs travelling:  ...........
  pencil handy?
                           Grand Total:               ...........
  Calculate your
Feeling Overwhelmed?
• ...So what can you
                        You are not alone....
  do? Don’t lose
  hope-there are lots
  of ideas that will
   work for you.

                        Many Managers said that
                        budgeting time
                        was a significant
                        problem for them
A 3-Step
                              Time Management Plan
•   There are zillions of
                            • 1) Set Goals, allow
    ideas, methods and
    programs that have
                              yourself to imagine
    been developed for
    managing your
    time. You might
    think of these in
    terms of a 3-step
                            • 2) Integrate efficient
    plan. These steps
    often work well
                              organisational tools
    because they are
    flexible and best fit
                            • 3) Incorporate efficient
    the needs of
                              business strategies
Taking Charge
•   How would you answer
    this question? “Is life
    happening to you, or
    are you happening to
    life?” People who are
    PROACTIVE take charge
    of their time and their
    decisions. They are not
    just REACTING to the
    many distractions that
    confront them
    daily, they are making
    choices to TAKE
    CHARGE of their time.
•   One of the best ways to
    live proactively is to set
Your Lifeline
•   “A” represents when you
    were born, “Z”
    represents when you will
    die, and “X” marks
    today. Start your goal
    setting with this
                                A         X            Z
    question, “What do you
    want to have
    done, been, had and
    given to the world
    before you leave?”
                               Birth     Today     Death
•   As you consider your
    goals, we recommend
    that you start at
    “Z”, your life long
    goals, then take steps
    backward, making sure
    to set goals at each
    juncture that will lead
    you toward those life-
    long goals.
Setting Mid-Range and
                         Short-Term Goals
• Take some time to
  record your goals
                      A         X                      Z
  and do it TODAY.
• Studies show that
  those people who
  write their goals       Short Term     Mid Term     Lifetime
                              -Goals       -Goals       -Goals
  are significantly
                          - Objective   (2-5 Years)
  more likely to
                          - Month
  achieve them.           - Week
                          - Day
Myths about Goals
•   1. Many people think they
    have somehow “failed” if
    they change or alter a goal.
    This is not true. It is a fact
                                     1) You should not Edit
    of life that as we grow and
    experience life, our
    perspectives change. Our
    goals may need to change
                                     or Alter your Goals
    as well.
•   2. There are some goals
    that do not require 100%
    perfection. Your goal may
    be to learn Japanese.
    Depending on how you
    plan to use this skill, you

                                     2) You must achieve
    may do fine to just learn
    some conversational
    skills, rather than seeking
    to speak fluently. On the
    other hand- if you are
    studying brain surgery-
    seek perfection!
More Myths......
•   3. There are times
                                  3) Maintenance of
    when there are just too
    many things going on--
                                   the Status quo is not
    something has to
    “give”. At times like this
                                   an acceptable goal
    we need to allow some
    goals to be put on hold
                                   for a period of time
    for a while. This is not
    failure, it is a
    temporary period of
•   4. There is very little, if
    any, luck involved in
                                  4) Achievement of
    the achievement of
    goals. Again, those
                                  goals is a just matter
    people who attain their
    goals are those who set
                                  of luck
    them, write them and
    then pursue them in
    little ways each day.
Now that we have
                      examined our Goals-
• Next, take a look
                      HOW DO WE ACHIEVE THEM
  at some of the
  tools that can
  help you manage
  your life as a
                          Time Management


                          Organisational Tools
Tools for Organizing your
• As you examine       • Fixed Schedules
  each of these
                          - “Week-at-a-Peek”
  tools, think about
  those you want to
                         - “Quarter-at-a-Peek”
  implement in your
  personal time
                       • Planners
                       • To Do Lists
• The first tool is
                          - Today
                         - This Week
                         - Sticky Notes
The “Week at a Peek”
•   A fixed schedule includes
    those items that, for the
    most part, do not change--
    they are “fixed”. For
    example, most students
    complete a “Week-at-a-
    Peek” schedule (see
    example) at the beginning
    of the semester. It includes
    their classes and club or
    organizational meetings
    that are constant
    throughout the semester.
•   Again, this type of
    schedule is particularly
    important at the beginning
    of the semester, but you
    won’t probably need it
    after a few weeks. By then
    you have memorized your
    “fixed” weekly schedule.
•   Another fixed schedule we
    recommend you create at
    the beginning of the
    semester is the “Semester-
    at-a-Peek” schedule...
The “Quarter at a Peek”
•   While referring to each task
    from your working day, mark all
    major due
    dates, meetings, seminars, exhib
    itions, special events, and other
    deadlines on a calendar that
    shows the whole quarter at a
    glance. It is one of the best ways
    to keep mindful of the BIG
    PICTURE. You will start to notice
    certain weeks that will be very
    busy-- and those weeks that are
    not as crazy. This overview is
    extremely important for you to
    plan your professional life.
•   The quarter schedule is an
    excellent tool. Most managers
    find it helpful to complete each
    quarter. This overview of your
    entire quarter is essential to
    good planning. Deadlines and
    other due dates will not sneak
    up on you when this is hanging
    on the front of your work
    station, tacked over your
    desk, or taped to your front door
    for easy and frequent reference.
•   Now that you have a good idea
    of what your overall schedule
    looks like for the quarter, the
    next step is day-to-day
    organization. Using a planner is
    a good approach to keeping
    track of your overall schedule
    and appointments. But how do
    you decide which planner will

                                       “How do I decide
    work best for you?
•   One way is to look at trends in
    your schedule. How many

                                        which Planner to
    unique appointments or
    meetings do you have each
    week? Unique meetings are

    those appointments, meetings
    or things you do that change
    from day to day or week to
    week. An example might be a
    job schedule that changes or an
    occasional meeting with the
    Board of Directors. The more of
    these kinds of items on your
    schedule, the more space you
    need for organizing your day.
Which Planner is for You?
•   Most managers find the
    weekly planner is ideal
    for their lifestyles. BUT, if
                                     • Daily -
    you are just starting in a                      For people with 20 or more
    junior managerial
                                                    unique appointments or
    role, keep a planner in
    the past start with a
                                                    meetings in a week
    monthly planner. This
    way you can keep track of
                                     • Weekly -
    those occasional                                For people who have 7 to
    “unique” appointments
                                                    20 unique appointments or
    or meetings, yet keep
    major projects, finish
                                                    meetings in a week
    dates and execution
    dates for the month on
                                     • Monthly - For people who have fewer
    one page.
•   If you are very involved--
                                                    than 7 unique appointments
    go with the daily
    planner, but be sure you                        or meetings in a week
    keep your eye on the
    quarter schedule. It is
    easy to get caught up in
    all the details;
    however, important due
    dates can creep up on
Example of a Monthly
•   Although there may
    not be much room for
    recording lots of
    notes, a monthly
    planner gives you an
    overall picture of your
    activities. The biggest
    problem in using a
    monthly calendar
    occurs if you turn the
    page and find that you
    have a major project
    or test due on the first
    or second day of the
    following month. Look
    ahead to keep track of
    future commitments.
Example of a Weekly
• Weekly planners
  come in a variety
  of sizes and
  very small
  (pocket sized) to
  those that will fit
  in a notebook.
Example of a Daily Planner
• You may want to
  look for a daily
  planner that
  starts early in the
  morning, and
  allows for
  scheduling late
  into the
  evening, dependi
  ng upon your
  schedule. They
  can go from 6:00
  a.m. to 12:00
  p.m. if needed.
“The Jar of Rocks”
• Look at this jar of
  rocks- is it full?
“The Jar of Rocks & Gravel”
• Now gravel has
  been added to fill
  in the spaces in
  between the large
  rocks. Is it full?
“The Jar of Rocks, Gravel &
• Now sand has
  been poured to
  the top. Is it full
“The Jar of
                        Rocks, Gravel, Sand &
• You probably
  guessed it. When
  water is poured
  into the jar- it is
• The question is
  this: “What is the
  point of this
• You may be
  tempted to
  think, “you can
  always fit more
  things into your
  schedule”. But
  this is NOT the
  only point...
“Are you Missing a Point?”
• This is particularly
                              The Point I was Trying to
  important for
  managing your
  time as a manager.                make was:
  When you are
  writing out your
  To-Do Lists, make
  sure to put your
  big rocks in first.
  Prioritize the many
  things that you
  need to do. This
  way “small rocks”
                            If you don’t put the big rocks
  don’t crowd out
  the important
  things that need to          in first, you will never fit
  be done.
                                          them in.
“To Do List”
•   Many people like to
    organize their “tomorrow”
    the night before. They write
    their “To-Do” Lists just
    before bed. It makes for a
    good night’s sleep when you
    know your day is set.
                                   When to do a, “To Do
    Other people like to write a
    single To-Do List for the
    whole week. This list is one

    from which you can add and
    delete items throughout the
    week. Sunday evening is a
    good time to make a new
    list-- put those things
    remaining from last week’s
    list on your new list, and
    throw away or file the old
•   Regardless of the To-Do List
    you choose, you will find it
    feels good to see all those
    check marks over the things
    you have completed!
“Types of Organisers”
• Generally, there
                        • How do you organise
  are three kinds of
                          your Day or Week?

• - “Time Oriented”
• -“Task Oriented”
• -and those who
                        • Task oriented or Time
  use both.

“Task Oriented Organisers”
• Task oriented
                              • Manual organisers
  organizers like to
  write WHAT they
  are going to
  do, but they may
  not necessarily
  write WHEN they
  are going to
  accomplish their

                              • Computerised
•                              Time Oriented Organiser
    Time oriented
    organizers like to write
    the specific times that
    they plan to
    accomplish the items
    on their To-Do List.
    Many task oriented
    people will use this
    during very busy times
    in their quarter
    (month ends & quarter
    ends) for just a week
    or two-or just until
    things cool down.
•   Other people use a
    combination of these
    styles throughout the
Sticky Notes
• Many people put
  their To-Do Lists on
  sticky notes. These
  little notes can be
  reminders, but they
  are not
  recommended for
  important lists.
  They are easily
• You can also use
  these in addition to
  your lists to either
  note an important
  task or to mark
  progress on a
  unfinished task.
                                     “Take Time to Make Time”
    The Master To Do List is
    where you can keep
    track of items that you
    need to accomplish but
                                 •   Managing Up
    do not have a specific
    time frame for
                                 •   Business Planning
    completion. For
    example, quot;Organising
                                 •   New Business Development
    your storage area” or
    “Cleaning of your desk”
                                     Employee Development
    would be good Master
    To Do list items, since it
                                     Customer Relations
    does not have to be
    done on any specific
                                     Investor Relations
    day, you just want to
    remember that you do             Media Relations
    need to organize these
    task too.                        Financial Oversight
Tips to Remember.....
• It’s true for most
  people, so try to
  get your done
  during the day.
  Those small 15-30
  minute “free
  between meetings
  or seminars are
  valuable for
  short, yet
  important review
Set Intermediate Deadlines
                                   • Write these in your
•   Intermediate deadlines
    keep you on-task and they
    help you break large
                                     “Day Planner”
    projects into smaller
•   Example: If you have a
    project delivery deadline
                                   • Post Sticky Notes
    due in 3 weeks and can’t
    seem to get started, try
    this: “Create rough
                                     around your PC
    outline”, Write: “Task 1
    out of 6 to be completed
                                     and Telephone
    in 2.5 days” on your to-do
    list. After this is
    completed, write, “Task 2
    out of 6 to be completed
                                   • Write on “To Do”
    by end of first week”.
•   Continue to break apart
    the project until your task
    is completed.
•   Break all large projects
    into smaller, more
    tangible tasks. This is one
    of the BEST ways to
    combat procrastination!
Once a Week, Review your
                           entire week’s work
• This is a great way
  to get, “The Big
  Picture”, or an
  overview of what
  you have been
  doing. This review
  also keeps your
  “To Do” list fresh
  in your mind
  ready to review.
• There is just one
  more thing to
  consider about
  and that is your
  thought life.
What are you thinking
• Have you ever
  thought about
  what you are
  thinking about?
                         Did you know your
• The thoughts you
  dwell on have a
                       thought life can affect
  profound effect on
  the way you feel.
  And the way you
                             your “Time
  feel affects the
  things you say and
  do. So an
  important part of
  managing your life
  and your time is
  managing the
  things you think.
Self-Talk/Inner Dialogue
•   If you let CHILD type thoughts
    control your thinking, you will
    quickly find you don’t get
    much done. This type of
    thinking focuses on just doing
    fun things and seeking
    pleasure. As everyone
    knows, working is not always
    “fun” and it takes a more
    “adult” approach to thinking
    to discipline ourselves to
    work. We even get paid to
•   The ADULT type of thinking is
    your more rational
    perspective. When you think
    within this realm you are
    more reality based and utilize
    the skills needed to do your
    work--even when the work
    may not be your first choice
    of things to do. You
    understand the consequences
    of your actions, and are quick
    to make rational choices
    based on this understanding.
Self-Talk/Inner Dialogue
•   The CRITIC outlook is the
    negative voice or thought
    that can undermine an
    individual’s life and time
    management. This voice is
    fearful and is full of worry
    about the past and the
    future. This type of
    thinking can immobilize
    you. Although self-
    reflection can be very
    useful, the critic goes
    beyond constructive
    analysis and is full of
•   Which “voice” do you
    most often hear and dwell
    on? The ADULT voice is
    most important for the
    discipline of work, yet
    everyone needs to fun and
    find balance in life. So
    don’t forget to set aside
    time for fun and pleasure!
What will you Do?
• Take a few minutes
                          • What are the three
  to review what you
                            things you learned today
  just learned. What
  are 3 things you
                            which you plan to
  plan to use? Write
  them, then                integrate into managing
  implement them
                            your own time?
  within the next 24
  hours. If you don’t
  try it soon, you will
  probably never do
                          • Try to start these within
                            the next 24 hours!
• “To waste your
                        • “Time is your Life”
  time is to waste
  your life, but to
  master your time is
  to master your life
  and make the most
  of it”

                        • “No one can control life
                          or time but can simply
                          manage it”
• You have just
  completed the
Contact Us
2 The Park
Orlyn Park
Lusk, Dublin

Tel: +353 1 843 842 0

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Time Management Workshop

  • 1. Making More of Your Time Time Management in your Professional Life
  • 2. Is this Workshop for you? • If your answer was • Do you procrastinate? “yes” to any one question-- you are • Is your motto, “Better in the right place! late than never?” • Do you wish you were more organised?
  • 3. • Time Management is “Time Management” is really “Life Management”. Your Life Management time is your life, and to manage your time is to manage your life.
  • 4. • The allocation of • Have you ever Time is unbiased noticed this? Everyone has the and without same amount of time each day. prejudice • Why, then, do some people get so • We all receive 24 much more done than others? hours each day. No one receives more or less than anyone else
  • 5. What are we going to Do in this Workshop? • Our goal is to assure that • Discuss how Time you understand and can apply each concept to Management is Unique your own time management plan. for professionals • It is expected that you are going to be “weeding” through the many ideas and tools discussed in this session. As you do this, make • Examine a 3 Step Plan note of the ideas that you like and leave those a Professional’s Time things that may not work for your plan. Management • Your time management will be unique for you.
  • 6. New Challenge.... • Let’s start by looking at those experiences Managers are Required to: and demands that are often unique for managers. - Think at Higher Levels • Demands on managers are often - Process more in less time very different from those experienced - Work in high pressure staff who report to them or people in situations “the real world”. It’s a whole new - Work with various teams from challenge. other departments - Resist a wide range of distractions
  • 7. In a new Job you might find.... • Less or No Structure • Many of will find that when you start a job • Different Incentive (either for the first time, or a new (Financial, Rewards etc.) job), you will be • No one to share the surprised at how challenging the new workload lifestyle can be. You have to create your • Many people who want own structure and you must be your time organized. If not, you can drift, and rather • Delivering/Managing than managing your life, other things demands seem to “manage you!”
  • 8. Where is your Time Going? • If you work 8 Hours per Day, your • We assume that you will need to weekly Hours: work 40 to 48 5 Days x 8 = 40 Hours hours in a week 6 Days x 8 = 48 Hours depending on if you work 5 days or What does your Schedule Look like: 6 days. But for every hour at • How many hrs working: ........... work. (You may • need MORE Number of hrs in meetings: ........... time, depending • Number of hrs in training: ........... on your job.) Do you have a pen or • Number of hrs travelling: ........... pencil handy? Grand Total: ........... Calculate your schedule.
  • 9. Feeling Overwhelmed? • ...So what can you You are not alone.... do? Don’t lose hope-there are lots of ideas that will work for you. Many Managers said that budgeting time was a significant problem for them
  • 10. A 3-Step Time Management Plan • There are zillions of • 1) Set Goals, allow ideas, methods and programs that have yourself to imagine been developed for managing your time. You might think of these in terms of a 3-step • 2) Integrate efficient plan. These steps often work well organisational tools because they are flexible and best fit • 3) Incorporate efficient the needs of managers. business strategies
  • 11. Taking Charge • How would you answer this question? “Is life PROACTIVE happening to you, or are you happening to life?” People who are PROACTIVE take charge of their time and their decisions. They are not just REACTING to the vs many distractions that confront them daily, they are making choices to TAKE CHARGE of their time. • One of the best ways to live proactively is to set REACTIVE goals.
  • 12. Your Lifeline • “A” represents when you were born, “Z” represents when you will die, and “X” marks today. Start your goal setting with this A X Z question, “What do you want to have done, been, had and given to the world before you leave?” Birth Today Death • As you consider your goals, we recommend that you start at “Z”, your life long goals, then take steps backward, making sure to set goals at each juncture that will lead you toward those life- long goals.
  • 13. Setting Mid-Range and Short-Term Goals • Take some time to record your goals A X Z and do it TODAY. • Studies show that those people who write their goals Short Term Mid Term Lifetime -Goals -Goals -Goals are significantly - Objective (2-5 Years) more likely to - Month achieve them. - Week - Day
  • 14. Myths about Goals • 1. Many people think they have somehow “failed” if they change or alter a goal. This is not true. It is a fact 1) You should not Edit of life that as we grow and experience life, our perspectives change. Our goals may need to change or Alter your Goals as well. • 2. There are some goals that do not require 100% perfection. Your goal may be to learn Japanese. Depending on how you plan to use this skill, you 2) You must achieve may do fine to just learn some conversational skills, rather than seeking to speak fluently. On the perfection other hand- if you are studying brain surgery- seek perfection!
  • 15. More Myths...... • 3. There are times 3) Maintenance of when there are just too many things going on-- the Status quo is not something has to “give”. At times like this an acceptable goal we need to allow some goals to be put on hold for a period of time for a while. This is not failure, it is a temporary period of maintenance. • 4. There is very little, if any, luck involved in 4) Achievement of the achievement of goals. Again, those goals is a just matter people who attain their goals are those who set of luck them, write them and then pursue them in little ways each day.
  • 16. Now that we have examined our Goals- • Next, take a look HOW DO WE ACHIEVE THEM at some of the organizational tools that can help you manage your life as a Time Management student... & Organisational Tools
  • 17. Tools for Organizing your life • As you examine • Fixed Schedules each of these - “Week-at-a-Peek” tools, think about those you want to - “Quarter-at-a-Peek” implement in your personal time • Planners management strategy. • To Do Lists • The first tool is “fixed - Today schedules”... - This Week - Sticky Notes
  • 18. The “Week at a Peek” Schedule • A fixed schedule includes those items that, for the most part, do not change-- they are “fixed”. For example, most students complete a “Week-at-a- Peek” schedule (see example) at the beginning of the semester. It includes their classes and club or organizational meetings that are constant throughout the semester. • Again, this type of schedule is particularly important at the beginning of the semester, but you won’t probably need it after a few weeks. By then you have memorized your “fixed” weekly schedule. • Another fixed schedule we recommend you create at the beginning of the semester is the “Semester- at-a-Peek” schedule...
  • 19. The “Quarter at a Peek” Schedule • While referring to each task from your working day, mark all major due dates, meetings, seminars, exhib itions, special events, and other deadlines on a calendar that shows the whole quarter at a glance. It is one of the best ways to keep mindful of the BIG PICTURE. You will start to notice certain weeks that will be very busy-- and those weeks that are not as crazy. This overview is extremely important for you to plan your professional life. • The quarter schedule is an excellent tool. Most managers find it helpful to complete each quarter. This overview of your entire quarter is essential to good planning. Deadlines and other due dates will not sneak up on you when this is hanging on the front of your work station, tacked over your desk, or taped to your front door for easy and frequent reference.
  • 20. Now that you have a good idea of what your overall schedule looks like for the quarter, the next step is day-to-day organization. Using a planner is a good approach to keeping track of your overall schedule and appointments. But how do you decide which planner will “How do I decide work best for you? • One way is to look at trends in your schedule. How many which Planner to unique appointments or meetings do you have each week? Unique meetings are use?” those appointments, meetings or things you do that change from day to day or week to week. An example might be a job schedule that changes or an occasional meeting with the Board of Directors. The more of these kinds of items on your schedule, the more space you need for organizing your day.
  • 21. Which Planner is for You? • Most managers find the weekly planner is ideal for their lifestyles. BUT, if • Daily - you are just starting in a For people with 20 or more junior managerial unique appointments or role, keep a planner in the past start with a meetings in a week monthly planner. This way you can keep track of • Weekly - those occasional For people who have 7 to “unique” appointments 20 unique appointments or or meetings, yet keep major projects, finish meetings in a week dates and execution dates for the month on • Monthly - For people who have fewer one page. • If you are very involved-- than 7 unique appointments go with the daily planner, but be sure you or meetings in a week keep your eye on the quarter schedule. It is easy to get caught up in all the details; however, important due dates can creep up on you!
  • 22. Example of a Monthly Planner • Although there may not be much room for recording lots of notes, a monthly planner gives you an overall picture of your activities. The biggest problem in using a monthly calendar occurs if you turn the page and find that you have a major project or test due on the first or second day of the following month. Look ahead to keep track of future commitments.
  • 23. Example of a Weekly Planner • Weekly planners come in a variety of sizes and formats--from very small (pocket sized) to those that will fit in a notebook.
  • 24. Example of a Daily Planner • You may want to look for a daily planner that starts early in the morning, and allows for scheduling late into the evening, dependi ng upon your schedule. They can go from 6:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. if needed.
  • 25. “The Jar of Rocks” • Look at this jar of rocks- is it full?
  • 26. “The Jar of Rocks & Gravel” • Now gravel has been added to fill in the spaces in between the large rocks. Is it full?
  • 27. “The Jar of Rocks, Gravel & Sand” • Now sand has been poured to the top. Is it full now?
  • 28. “The Jar of Rocks, Gravel, Sand & Water” • You probably guessed it. When water is poured into the jar- it is full! • The question is this: “What is the point of this exercise?”
  • 29. • You may be tempted to think, “you can always fit more things into your schedule”. But this is NOT the only point...
  • 30. “Are you Missing a Point?” • This is particularly The Point I was Trying to important for managing your time as a manager. make was: When you are writing out your To-Do Lists, make sure to put your big rocks in first. Prioritize the many things that you need to do. This way “small rocks” If you don’t put the big rocks don’t crowd out the important things that need to in first, you will never fit be done. them in.
  • 31. “To Do List” • Many people like to organize their “tomorrow” the night before. They write their “To-Do” Lists just before bed. It makes for a good night’s sleep when you know your day is set. • When to do a, “To Do Other people like to write a single To-Do List for the whole week. This list is one List” from which you can add and delete items throughout the week. Sunday evening is a good time to make a new list-- put those things remaining from last week’s list on your new list, and throw away or file the old list. • Regardless of the To-Do List you choose, you will find it feels good to see all those check marks over the things you have completed!
  • 32. “Types of Organisers” • Generally, there • How do you organise are three kinds of your Day or Week? people: • - “Time Oriented” organizers, • -“Task Oriented” organizers • -and those who • Task oriented or Time use both. oriented?
  • 33. “Task Oriented Organisers” • Task oriented • Manual organisers organizers like to write WHAT they are going to do, but they may not necessarily write WHEN they are going to accomplish their tasks. • Computerised Organisers
  • 34. Time Oriented Organiser Time oriented organizers like to write the specific times that they plan to accomplish the items on their To-Do List. Many task oriented people will use this during very busy times in their quarter (month ends & quarter ends) for just a week or two-or just until things cool down. • Other people use a combination of these styles throughout the year.
  • 35. Sticky Notes • Many people put their To-Do Lists on sticky notes. These little notes can be great reminders, but they are not recommended for important lists. They are easily displaced! • You can also use these in addition to your lists to either note an important task or to mark progress on a unfinished task.
  • 36. “Take Time to Make Time” The Master To Do List is where you can keep track of items that you need to accomplish but • Managing Up do not have a specific time frame for • Business Planning completion. For example, quot;Organising • New Business Development your storage area” or • “Cleaning of your desk” Employee Development would be good Master • To Do list items, since it Customer Relations does not have to be • done on any specific Investor Relations day, you just want to • remember that you do Media Relations need to organize these • task too. Financial Oversight
  • 37. Tips to Remember..... • It’s true for most people, so try to get your done during the day. Those small 15-30 minute “free moments” between meetings or seminars are valuable for short, yet important review sessions.
  • 38. Set Intermediate Deadlines • Write these in your • Intermediate deadlines keep you on-task and they help you break large “Day Planner” projects into smaller pieces. • Example: If you have a project delivery deadline • Post Sticky Notes due in 3 weeks and can’t seem to get started, try this: “Create rough around your PC outline”, Write: “Task 1 out of 6 to be completed and Telephone in 2.5 days” on your to-do list. After this is completed, write, “Task 2 out of 6 to be completed • Write on “To Do” by end of first week”. • Continue to break apart the project until your task Lists is completed. • Break all large projects into smaller, more tangible tasks. This is one of the BEST ways to combat procrastination!
  • 39. Once a Week, Review your entire week’s work • This is a great way to get, “The Big Picture”, or an overview of what you have been doing. This review also keeps your “To Do” list fresh in your mind ready to review. • There is just one more thing to consider about time management… and that is your thought life.
  • 40. What are you thinking about? • Have you ever thought about what you are thinking about? Did you know your • The thoughts you dwell on have a thought life can affect profound effect on the way you feel. And the way you your “Time feel affects the things you say and Management” do. So an important part of managing your life and your time is managing the things you think.
  • 41. Self-Talk/Inner Dialogue • If you let CHILD type thoughts control your thinking, you will quickly find you don’t get much done. This type of thinking focuses on just doing fun things and seeking pleasure. As everyone knows, working is not always “fun” and it takes a more “adult” approach to thinking to discipline ourselves to work. We even get paid to work. • The ADULT type of thinking is your more rational perspective. When you think within this realm you are more reality based and utilize the skills needed to do your work--even when the work may not be your first choice of things to do. You understand the consequences of your actions, and are quick to make rational choices based on this understanding.
  • 42. Self-Talk/Inner Dialogue • The CRITIC outlook is the negative voice or thought that can undermine an individual’s life and time management. This voice is fearful and is full of worry about the past and the future. This type of thinking can immobilize you. Although self- reflection can be very useful, the critic goes beyond constructive analysis and is full of criticism. • Which “voice” do you most often hear and dwell on? The ADULT voice is most important for the discipline of work, yet everyone needs to fun and find balance in life. So don’t forget to set aside time for fun and pleasure!
  • 43. What will you Do? • Take a few minutes • What are the three to review what you things you learned today just learned. What are 3 things you which you plan to plan to use? Write them, then integrate into managing implement them your own time? within the next 24 hours. If you don’t try it soon, you will probably never do • Try to start these within it! the next 24 hours!
  • 44. • “To waste your • “Time is your Life” time is to waste your life, but to master your time is to master your life and make the most of it” • “No one can control life or time but can simply manage it”
  • 45. • You have just completed the “Time Management” Workshop.
  • 46. Contact Us 2 The Park Orlyn Park Lusk, Dublin IRELAND Tel: +353 1 843 842 0 Email: