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Time Management
What is time management?
• “Self-management” or “personal productivity” are more modern
terms to describing how we organise ourselves and use our time.
• Personal productivity is ultimately about achieving your goals in a
way that manages your energy most efficiently.
• Examine techniques for prioritising, planning, performing, and
evaluating your professional and personal tasks.
Why time management?
Your personality, working style and activities will help you decide which
techniques will work for you.
Improving your time management skills will benefit you in several ways:
• Greater productivity
• Less stress
• More time for yourself, family, and friends
• Better work-life balance
Your productivity style, what is. Yes, hmmm
Focus masters
Understands organisation and
Don’t have an issue with time
Biggest challenge? Frustrated
with inefficiency of people around
Consider themselves
But have wandered from
being organised – pulled by
work structures or workload
– frustrating for them.
Chaos Masters
Struggle with organisation and
Can still be successful despite
being chaotic and disorganised –
they often have piles of
paperwork everywhere but know
where everything is.
Biggest challenge? To learn to be
organised in a way which doesn’t
stifle their creativity
What is prioritising?
Prioritising is about what to do and what NOT to do.
To prioritise important tasks you need to:
• using your strategic thinking
• long-range vision
• know your priorities and business objectives
• know the difference between urgent and important
It’s NOT about working faster - it’s about focussing on what is needed first.
A long To-Do list can be quite overwhelming - in fact, it can prevent you from accomplishing anything
at all.
Prioritising tasks can stop you feeling overwhelmed
The Priority/ Eisenhower Matrix
Prioritise what really needs doing - then discard
other things until a more appropriate time.
To do this you must understand the difference
between urgent and important.
‘Urgent’ tasks demand your immediate attention
'Important' tasks matter and not doing them may
have serious consequences for you or others.
Not Important
Not Urgent
ABC method - A Simple Yet Powerful Technique
• This method helps you visualise factors that
have a decisive impact on the company’s
• It can give you a guiding principle for further
business planning and helps you decide which
tasks you need to tackle next.
• The key to making this ABC Method work is for
you to now discipline yourself to start
immediately on your “A-1” task and then stay
at it until it is complete.
• Prioritise these within the list as A1, A2, A3
and B1, B2, B3 etc
The Pareto Principle
• The Pareto Principle (or the 80-20 Rule) concludes that 80% of output comes from
20% of the effort.
• This method ensures that you spend your time focusing on the tasks that have the
biggest effect.
• This means that you achieve the greatest benefit possible with the limited amount
of time available.
Only choose ‘Drop
It’ when you can
delete it.
Only choose ‘Do it’ if
you can do it in under 3-
Only choose ‘Delegate’ if you
delegate well or have someone
to delegate to.
But do not abdicate from it.
Only choose ‘Delay’ if you
trust that you will look at it
The A.L.P.E.N. method
This is more of a technique for better organising your work day, than a tool for business
It shows you how to structure your day for maximum effectiveness in five steps:
• A: Define your activities.
• L: Estimate the length of time.
• P: Plan buffer time.
• E: Establish prioritised decisions.
• N:Note your level of success.
Pomodoro technique
Named after the tomato-shaped kitchen timer used by its Italian developer,
Francesco Cirillo.
The Pomodoro technique breaks down tasks into small, manageable subtasks.
Complete tasks in 25-minute intervals
Take a 5-minute break after every 25-minute interval (pomodoro).
After 4 ‘pomodoros’, take a longer 30-minute break.
Now you’ve completed a full pomodoro session.
By continuously alternating between concentration and rest, your brain is much
more able to stay focused and effective over several hours.
There is an app called ‘The Focus Keeper’ which replicates this theory.
SMART goals
• If you want to complete tasks in a motivated and efficient manner, you first have to set the
right goals.
• Vague, unrealistic goals without a deadline sabotages your chances of success and you never
achieve good results.
• According to this proven method, good objectives must meet five criteria:
‘Timeboxing’ and taking control of your calendar
To start timeboxing, just split up your day
into blocks of time with specific tasks
assigned to each one; Emails, Projects,
Actions, Calls, etc.
Timeboxing creates a productive sense of
Timeboxes shouldn’t be too long or too
short, otherwise they’ll create stress, which
impedes good results.
The POSEC method
This is an acronym that stands for “Prioritising by Organising, Streamlining,
Economising, and Contributing”. Start with Prioritise and work downwards
Based on the psychologist Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.
How do I cope with conflicting priorities?
Prioritising Tips
Focus on high-value activities.
Finish all the important urgent tasks. (These are the ones that would have a major negative
impact if you did not get them done.)
Start with the end in mind. Ask yourself, “What will be the result if I do not get this done today?”
Set specific realistic deadlines
Clarify the top three items that must be accomplished that day.
Stop trying to multitask - the human brain can’t perform two or more complex tasks
simultaneously, and can’t perform them to the same standard. You only end up doing 2 things
Abandon perfectionism – be happy with something that is good enough.
Remember that you and your health are important.
Just because you have lots to do doesn’t mean that doing some
exercise, going for a 10-minute walk or making time to eat properly is
not important.
You should NOT ignore your physical or mental health in favour of more
'urgent' activities.
What are the time robbers?
External time robbers might include:
• Meetings – No agenda or unclear
• E-mail and phone interruptions
• Other people’s deadlines
• Responding to crises
Self-generated time robbers include:
• Over-commitment (saying yes to everything)
• Lack of organisation and planning
• Procrastination
• Confused responsibilities
• No system of self-accountability
Time Robbers exercise
1. Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant,
and Timely.
2. Prioritise tasks based
on importance and
3. Helps you be more focused and
efficient. Making the small extra
effort to decide on how much
time you need to allot for each
task can also help you recognise
potential problems before they
4. It is harder to stay focused and
motivated. Consider grabbing a brief
nap, going for a short walk, or
5. Utilise your calendar for more long-
term time management. Write down the
deadlines for projects, or for tasks that
are part of completing the overall
project. Think about which days might
be best to dedicate to specific tasks.
6. Determine what is
significant and what
deserves your time.
This frees up more
of your time to be
spent on genuinely
important things.
7. Make it a habit to, at
the end of each workday,
go ahead and write out
your “to-do” list for the
next workday.
Do you know the difference between planning and scheduling?
Planning defines WHAT and HOW
Planning should always be done before scheduling. (Planning is, for example, to get the right
spare parts, materials, permits, tools, and skills defined).
Scheduling defines WHEN and WHO.
Scheduling is deciding when and by whom the job is done.
12 Guidelines for efficient planning
1. Workspace and personal space. Take a half hour once a week to file, sort, and keep things
organised. Clutter can be both a real distraction and genuinely depressing.
2. Two time horizons: short and long term goals.
3. Master the calendar it can be your most helpful planning tool.
4. Mind – keep it clear! Structuring time on tasks helps to increase productivity
5. “To-do” list helps focus attention on the highest priority items, either electronic or paper
6. Planning contact with customers, colleagues and/or staff will help minimise disruptions.
7. Pick Your Moment. All of us have times of day that we work better.
Did you know that you can save yourself 2 hours each day just by getting organised?
12 Guidelines for efficient planning cont…
8. Don’t procrastinate, but do ask why you’re tempted.
9. From multitasking to mono-tasking. It’s estimated that it can take our brains up to twenty
minutes to re-focus on the original task after being interrupted.
10. Batching tasks. One quick way of making it easier to focus on one job at a time is batching
tasks of a similar nature together and doing them all at once.
11. Stay calm and keep things in perspective. Feeling overwhelmed can be very stressful.
12. Going home or getting an early night, so that you are fit for tomorrow, may be a much better
option than meeting a self-imposed or external deadline that may not even matter that much.
The Art of Saying No
You may not want to always say ‘No’, but it’s important to say ‘No’ more than you say ‘Yes’.
Your time is limited, when you say yes to one thing you are in effect saying ‘No’ to something
else. Spreading yourself too thin will sabotage the success of anything you have already
committed to. ‘No’ is the word that allows you to focus.
So, how to say no to yourself?
Create a ‘perhaps’ list filled with those ideas, inovations,
Appropriate procrastination means putting off till a suitable time in the future.
Check yourself
• Limit social media
• Put your phone on airplane mode or sleep mode after 9pm.
• Enable the iPhone ‘ScreenTime’ function or Digital Wellbeing app for
Android (both apps, designed to help you use your phone more
responsibility and prevent distractions/ Do Not Disturb modes and the
Wind Down features).
• Build in no-phone times into family and work times
• Instead of checking your phone when you're out and about, breathe.
Digital versus non digital help
A diary serves as a reminder of;
• appointments
• who you are meeting
• where you need to be
• what time you need to be there
• travel time to allow
• date specific events
• time being utilised /not utilised
It can be either in hard copy, paper form or system-based, such as Outlook.
If you use a traditional paper-based diary, make sure you write all entries in pencil. Why? Things
Always try to use a diary with time slots written in to allow the allocation of your time to be more
Record time spent on tasks
• Categorise your time
• During the day or after
• Record your time spent
• Review once a month
What is a Bullet Journal?
Day planner, diary, and habit changer.
Bullet journals streamline your life and enable you to be more
With sections to log your daily to-do’s, monthly calendar, notes, etc
Entries can include:
• To do lists
• mindfulness & reflection
• a diary
• an index,
• monthly and weekly spread
• Review of activities / projects
Turns the chaos of coordinating your life into a streamlined system
Create a Key for Rapid Logging
Create a key:
Events (moveable)
Appointments (fixed)
Task complete – or in progress
Event complete
Appointment complete
Important/urgent tasks
Things that require more research or
Digital Bullet Journals
• One Note as a bullet Journal
• Using Trello as a Bullet Journal
• for IOS
• Dynalist -
• Bullet Journal Cheat Sheet
Apps for business
Accompany App
Accompany is a web and mobile app that allows you to be the first-to-know and
first-to-respond to relevant news about the most important people in your
You will want to use that information to create interactions with your network
that are perceived as relevant, valuable, and meaningful.
Briefing of attendees - meeting prep, delegated. Anytime they detect someone
new in your calendar, you'll get an Executive Briefing delivered right to your
inbox while you sleep.
Photos and details - put a face to the name in one tap.
Always be in the know - news feeds custom built around your contacts and the
companies you care about.
(free for iOS)
• Build your own health and safety inspection forms
• Complete inspections on any device, even when you’re offline
• Send Instantly generated reports to management or customers
• Price: Free; professional packages from $9 per month upwards,
include export features, permissions management, analytics
and unlimited data upload
Available on iOS and Android
Office Lens
Office Lens:
• trims, enhances and makes pictures of whiteboards
and documents readable
• can convert images to editable Word and PowerPoint
• Pictures can be saved to OneNote, OneDrive or other
cloud storage
• Allows storage and search keeping notes available
and secure
• Business Card mode can extract contact information
and save it into your address book and OneNote
Digitise your notes
• Record and playback - Seek to a key moment using #TimeTag, without
scrubbing through the whole audio. Noise reduction
• Intelligent playback - Using CoreML to understand the context of your
recording, Noted knows to skip unwanted noise to the next sequence of
speech. Cutting out spurs of silence, applauses
• Note taking - Rich text editor: complete with formatting tools and options.
Capture or import images as references
• Sync & sharing –
• Seamless and secure sync across multiple devices using iCloud;
• Export text in .txt format, share as an attachment
• Export audio in .m4a format, share via AirDrop & more
• Share your note with friends and colleagues
Bring together Notes and Audio
Team Meeting Timer
• No-fuss way to end meetings on time
• Click on timer and move decisions forward
• Helps to focus minds
• Set prompts and the time, and cast to a projector or TV so everyone can see
Price: Free
Available on Android and Web
Remarkable Tablet
• The reMarkable tablet (£549) is a lightweight, minimalist crossbreed of
an iPad and e-reader.
• It replicates the experience of using a pencil or pen paper, while
removing the inconvenience of actually lugging paper around
(whether that's a notebook, sketchbook, or book).
Customer relationship management is an approach to manage a company's interaction
with former, current and potential customers. It uses data analysis about customers'
history with a company to improve business relationships with customers, specifically
focusing on customer retention and ultimately driving sales growth.
CRM apps:
• Zoho
• Capsule
• Hubspot
• Agile
Inbox Zero
Delete or archive as many new messages as
Process email periodically throughout the day,
perhaps at 11am and 2pm?
Message allocation
Move new messages that require more than two
minutes to answer and messages that can be
answered later -- to a separate to do or
"requires response" folder.
a rigorous approach to email management aimed at keeping the inbox empty -- or almost
empty -- at all times.
Zapier is an online automation tool that
connects your favorite apps, such as Gmail, Slack
and Mailchimp. You can connect two or more
apps to automate repetitive tasks without coding
or relying on developers to build the integration.
It's easy enough that anyone can build their own
app workflows with just a few clicks.
Focus Keeper
Basic Focus Steps
It’s all about focusing your work efforts in timed
25-minute chunks, with a 5-minute break in
between each burst of activity. (Pomodoro
Choose a task to be done.
Set the timer for 25 minutes.
Focus on the task until the timer rings
Take a short break (just do something relaxing for
5 minutes)
Once you’ve completed 4 focus sessions, take a
longer break. (20~30 minutes)
Microsoft offers versions of OneNote for
Windows, macOS, iOS and Android, and it's also
available as part of Office 365 and even as a
browser-based application. ... OneNote uses
OneDrive to sync all your notebooks on all of your
devices, and you need a Microsoft account login
to use OneDrive.
Digital Note taking with bells and whistles!
Can share and collaborate with others.
Voice Recording
Boost your typing skills
Apps for keeping in touch
Skype/Zoom/Google Meet/Teams
• Which do you prefer?
• Have all three
• Best experience on the phone
Teams is a unified communication and collaboration platform that combines persistent
workplace chat, video meetings, file storage (including collaboration on files), and
application integration. The service integrates with the Office 365 subscription office
productivity suite and features extensions that can integrate with non-Microsoft
Create boards to organise anything you’re working on
Use them solo, or invite your team to work together
Write your ideas down on Trello cards and arrange them in lists on
your boards.
Add details to your cards such as to-do checklists, comments, video,
and project details.
Price: Free; business and enterprise versions from $9.99 per user per
month include additional integration, larger file attachments and
enhanced security features
Trello describes its product as “a collaboration tool that organises your
projects into boards.
In one glance, Trello tells you what's being worked on, who's working
on what, and where something is in a process.”
Available on iOS, Android and Web
Apps for Social Media
Instagram Apps
Repost is an essential tool for sharing user-generated content.
By doing so, you will show your customers that you appreciate them
and their opinion.
Repost is easy to use, all you need to do is click and share the content
you like while acknowledging the person who created it.
Planoly – perfect your Instagram grid and stories
Now for Pinterest too..
Snapseed – image perfector
Manage your social media from one
Easily and efficiently schedule posts
Get the latest updates from hashtags
and trending subjects that you set
Price: Starts at £16 per month for a
Professional plan. Additional features,
users and number or profiles on
bigger plans
Available on iOS, Android and Web
Buffer is a software application for the web and mobile, designed to
manage accounts in social networks, by providing the means for a user
to schedule posts to Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Instagram Stories,
Pinterest, and LinkedIn, as well as analyse their results and engage with
their community.
- Curates stories relevant to your interest and displays them in magazine form
- Smart magazines can be set up how you want them
- Draws content from news sites, and also social media
Price: Free
Available on iOS, Android and Web
• Create stunning looking posters and graphics for PR and social media
• Easy to use interface, drag and drop and fully customisable
• Hundreds of premade templates and graphics
• Share designs via e-mail
• Price: Free, with some additional graphics and templates available á la carte
Available on iOS, Android and Web
Video Editing
Photo editing
Apps for safety & security
- Password manager
- Stores all passwords in a central “vault”
- Autofills your passwords from site to site when you want to log-in
- Can generate secure and valid passwords
- Price: Standard version is free; Premium version for $2 per month, which
includes encrypted file storage and priority customer support
Available on iOS, Android and Web
Wifi Sweet Spot
Observe how Wi-Fi connection speed fluctuates over time, and locate the fastest and slowest
Wi-Fi spots in your room.
Discover the perfect spot for your wireless router, access point, or wireless gaming console by
using Wi-Fi SweetSpots.
Available on iPhone with a simple, easy-to-use design.
Apps for On-The-Go
‘Awakee’ Morning Routine Planner
• Background routine timer - It's able to work even while the app
is closed or another app is open. The timer will send you
• Smart routine - Now creating your routine is as simple as
choosing positive habits you'd like to be doing and selecting a
time when you have to end the routine
• Set - Wake up, leave and bedtime reminders!
• Create multiple routines - You can create workout routines,
writing routines, focus routines, mindfulness routines, night
• Checklists - For every routine, you can also create a separate
checklist e.g. take running shoes, pack my gym bag.
Milk and More App
The Milk & More app makes it even easier to
start your day with some of Britain’s best
food and drink. Shop while on the go and
you’ll get free delivery to your doorstep by
Just like the website, the Milk & More app
allows you to place and alter orders up to
9pm the night before your next delivery day.
You can also pause your deliveries whenever
you like, making it easy to control and keep
track of your orders no matter where you
Trip IT
• Organise trips in one place
• Add train tickets, hotel accommodation
• Cc from email to App
• Set reminders and actions
• Quickly make sense of all your travel plans and
create a single itinerary for every trip with TripIt.
Unlike other travel apps, TripIt can organise it no
matter where you book. As soon as you book a
flight, hotel, car or other reservation, simply
forward it to
• Share plans with others
Travel planner and organiser
BP Me & Go Shell
• Payment by phone
• Choose your pump
• Pay by card
• Choose payment method
• Nearest petrol station
Pay for petrol quickly through Phone Apps
All the parking Apps
- Download them all and prep them
- Pay for parking from your device – don’t have to display a ticket or require change
- Automatically lists nearby sites
- View favourite carparks via Google Maps
- Shows recent activity and receipts
• Price: App is free, parking fees vary by length and carpark. Other parking apps
available for other pay and display services.
Wi-Fi Finder
• A map of open and password protected wi-fi
hotspots and passwords
• Save hotspots for later use
• Community based mapping ensures maps up to
• 50000 cities worldwide currently mapped
• Price: Free
Available on iOS and Android
- Fully automated processing - import directly from credit cards or
mobile phone scan
- Submit reports by e-mail
- Reimburse online with Quickbooks and direct deposit
- Price: Free; professional versions start at £3.99 per month and allow
more vehicles, users, web interface and fleet management
Available on iOS, Android and web
Capture everything, all your thoughts…
Internet Capture
Browsing the internet – read an article – save
All Chrome Extensions
Google Keep
OneNote (via Clipper)
Snip and Sketch
Office Lens
Screencastify – Chrome extension
More than 12 million
people use
Screencastify to
easily record, edit,
and share videos.
Office Lens, available
through app stores
Capture your paperwork
• Evernote Scannable
• Cam Scanner
• Scanbot
App’s for you
Refill App
• Carry your reusable bottle, use the app
to find your fill for free and tap to
measure your impact.
• There are over 12,000 Refill Stations
across the UK and with our handy bottle
reminder you’ll never leave the house
without one again.
Stay hydrated, save money and help stop
plastic pollution.
• If all of the Refill stations are used just
ONCE a day they are stopping around 4
million plastic bottles at source in a year!
Fill up your reusable bottle anywhere
Sleep Apps
• Sleep Cycle
Sleep Time
Thank you
Please complete the feedback form for this course using
the QR code or this link.

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  • 2. What is time management? • “Self-management” or “personal productivity” are more modern terms to describing how we organise ourselves and use our time. • Personal productivity is ultimately about achieving your goals in a way that manages your energy most efficiently. • Examine techniques for prioritising, planning, performing, and evaluating your professional and personal tasks.
  • 3. Why time management? Your personality, working style and activities will help you decide which techniques will work for you. Improving your time management skills will benefit you in several ways: • Greater productivity • Less stress • More time for yourself, family, and friends • Better work-life balance
  • 4. Your productivity style, what is. Yes, hmmm Focus masters Understands organisation and productivity Don’t have an issue with time management Biggest challenge? Frustrated with inefficiency of people around them Nomads Consider themselves focused. But have wandered from being organised – pulled by work structures or workload – frustrating for them. Chaos Masters Struggle with organisation and productivity Can still be successful despite being chaotic and disorganised – they often have piles of paperwork everywhere but know where everything is. Biggest challenge? To learn to be organised in a way which doesn’t stifle their creativity
  • 5.
  • 6. What is prioritising? Prioritising is about what to do and what NOT to do. To prioritise important tasks you need to: • using your strategic thinking • long-range vision • know your priorities and business objectives • know the difference between urgent and important It’s NOT about working faster - it’s about focussing on what is needed first. A long To-Do list can be quite overwhelming - in fact, it can prevent you from accomplishing anything at all. Prioritising tasks can stop you feeling overwhelmed
  • 7. The Priority/ Eisenhower Matrix Prioritise what really needs doing - then discard other things until a more appropriate time. To do this you must understand the difference between urgent and important. ‘Urgent’ tasks demand your immediate attention 'Important' tasks matter and not doing them may have serious consequences for you or others. Not Important Important Not Urgent Urgent
  • 8. ABC method - A Simple Yet Powerful Technique • This method helps you visualise factors that have a decisive impact on the company’s success. • It can give you a guiding principle for further business planning and helps you decide which tasks you need to tackle next. • The key to making this ABC Method work is for you to now discipline yourself to start immediately on your “A-1” task and then stay at it until it is complete. • Prioritise these within the list as A1, A2, A3 and B1, B2, B3 etc
  • 9. The Pareto Principle • The Pareto Principle (or the 80-20 Rule) concludes that 80% of output comes from 20% of the effort. • This method ensures that you spend your time focusing on the tasks that have the biggest effect. • This means that you achieve the greatest benefit possible with the limited amount of time available.
  • 10. Only choose ‘Drop It’ when you can delete it. Only choose ‘Do it’ if you can do it in under 3- minutes. Only choose ‘Delegate’ if you delegate well or have someone to delegate to. But do not abdicate from it. Only choose ‘Delay’ if you trust that you will look at it again.
  • 11. The A.L.P.E.N. method This is more of a technique for better organising your work day, than a tool for business planning. It shows you how to structure your day for maximum effectiveness in five steps: • A: Define your activities. • L: Estimate the length of time. • P: Plan buffer time. • E: Establish prioritised decisions. • N:Note your level of success.
  • 12. Pomodoro technique Named after the tomato-shaped kitchen timer used by its Italian developer, Francesco Cirillo. The Pomodoro technique breaks down tasks into small, manageable subtasks. Complete tasks in 25-minute intervals Take a 5-minute break after every 25-minute interval (pomodoro). After 4 ‘pomodoros’, take a longer 30-minute break. Now you’ve completed a full pomodoro session. By continuously alternating between concentration and rest, your brain is much more able to stay focused and effective over several hours. There is an app called ‘The Focus Keeper’ which replicates this theory.
  • 13. SMART goals • If you want to complete tasks in a motivated and efficient manner, you first have to set the right goals. • Vague, unrealistic goals without a deadline sabotages your chances of success and you never achieve good results. • According to this proven method, good objectives must meet five criteria:
  • 14. ‘Timeboxing’ and taking control of your calendar To start timeboxing, just split up your day into blocks of time with specific tasks assigned to each one; Emails, Projects, Actions, Calls, etc. Timeboxing creates a productive sense of urgency. Timeboxes shouldn’t be too long or too short, otherwise they’ll create stress, which impedes good results.
  • 15. The POSEC method This is an acronym that stands for “Prioritising by Organising, Streamlining, Economising, and Contributing”. Start with Prioritise and work downwards Based on the psychologist Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.
  • 16. How do I cope with conflicting priorities? Prioritising Tips Focus on high-value activities. Finish all the important urgent tasks. (These are the ones that would have a major negative impact if you did not get them done.) Start with the end in mind. Ask yourself, “What will be the result if I do not get this done today?” Set specific realistic deadlines Clarify the top three items that must be accomplished that day. Stop trying to multitask - the human brain can’t perform two or more complex tasks simultaneously, and can’t perform them to the same standard. You only end up doing 2 things badly. Abandon perfectionism – be happy with something that is good enough.
  • 17. Remember that you and your health are important. Just because you have lots to do doesn’t mean that doing some exercise, going for a 10-minute walk or making time to eat properly is not important. You should NOT ignore your physical or mental health in favour of more 'urgent' activities.
  • 18. What are the time robbers? External time robbers might include: • Meetings – No agenda or unclear • E-mail and phone interruptions • Other people’s deadlines • Responding to crises Self-generated time robbers include: • Over-commitment (saying yes to everything) • Lack of organisation and planning • Procrastination • Confused responsibilities • No system of self-accountability
  • 20. 1. Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Timely. 2. Prioritise tasks based on importance and urgency. 3. Helps you be more focused and efficient. Making the small extra effort to decide on how much time you need to allot for each task can also help you recognise potential problems before they arise. 4. It is harder to stay focused and motivated. Consider grabbing a brief nap, going for a short walk, or meditating. 5. Utilise your calendar for more long- term time management. Write down the deadlines for projects, or for tasks that are part of completing the overall project. Think about which days might be best to dedicate to specific tasks. 6. Determine what is significant and what deserves your time. This frees up more of your time to be spent on genuinely important things. 7. Make it a habit to, at the end of each workday, go ahead and write out your “to-do” list for the next workday.
  • 21. Do you know the difference between planning and scheduling? Planning defines WHAT and HOW Planning should always be done before scheduling. (Planning is, for example, to get the right spare parts, materials, permits, tools, and skills defined). Scheduling defines WHEN and WHO. Scheduling is deciding when and by whom the job is done.
  • 22. 12 Guidelines for efficient planning 1. Workspace and personal space. Take a half hour once a week to file, sort, and keep things organised. Clutter can be both a real distraction and genuinely depressing. 2. Two time horizons: short and long term goals. 3. Master the calendar it can be your most helpful planning tool. 4. Mind – keep it clear! Structuring time on tasks helps to increase productivity 5. “To-do” list helps focus attention on the highest priority items, either electronic or paper based. 6. Planning contact with customers, colleagues and/or staff will help minimise disruptions. 7. Pick Your Moment. All of us have times of day that we work better. Did you know that you can save yourself 2 hours each day just by getting organised?
  • 23. 12 Guidelines for efficient planning cont… 8. Don’t procrastinate, but do ask why you’re tempted. 9. From multitasking to mono-tasking. It’s estimated that it can take our brains up to twenty minutes to re-focus on the original task after being interrupted. 10. Batching tasks. One quick way of making it easier to focus on one job at a time is batching tasks of a similar nature together and doing them all at once. 11. Stay calm and keep things in perspective. Feeling overwhelmed can be very stressful. 12. Going home or getting an early night, so that you are fit for tomorrow, may be a much better option than meeting a self-imposed or external deadline that may not even matter that much.
  • 24. The Art of Saying No You may not want to always say ‘No’, but it’s important to say ‘No’ more than you say ‘Yes’. Your time is limited, when you say yes to one thing you are in effect saying ‘No’ to something else. Spreading yourself too thin will sabotage the success of anything you have already committed to. ‘No’ is the word that allows you to focus. So, how to say no to yourself? Create a ‘perhaps’ list filled with those ideas, inovations, Appropriate procrastination means putting off till a suitable time in the future.
  • 25. Check yourself • Limit social media • Put your phone on airplane mode or sleep mode after 9pm. • Enable the iPhone ‘ScreenTime’ function or Digital Wellbeing app for Android (both apps, designed to help you use your phone more responsibility and prevent distractions/ Do Not Disturb modes and the Wind Down features). • Build in no-phone times into family and work times • Instead of checking your phone when you're out and about, breathe.
  • 26.
  • 27. Digital versus non digital help
  • 28. Diary A diary serves as a reminder of; • appointments • who you are meeting • where you need to be • what time you need to be there • travel time to allow • date specific events • time being utilised /not utilised It can be either in hard copy, paper form or system-based, such as Outlook. If you use a traditional paper-based diary, make sure you write all entries in pencil. Why? Things change! Always try to use a diary with time slots written in to allow the allocation of your time to be more specific.
  • 29. Record time spent on tasks • Categorise your time • During the day or after • Record your time spent • Review once a month
  • 30. What is a Bullet Journal? Day planner, diary, and habit changer. Bullet journals streamline your life and enable you to be more productive With sections to log your daily to-do’s, monthly calendar, notes, etc Entries can include: • To do lists • mindfulness & reflection • a diary • an index, • monthly and weekly spread • Review of activities / projects Turns the chaos of coordinating your life into a streamlined system
  • 31. Create a Key for Rapid Logging Create a key: Events (moveable) Tasks Appointments (fixed) Complete: Task complete – or in progress Event complete Appointment complete Signifiers: Important/urgent tasks Questions Things that require more research or exploration Migrators: Migrated Scheduled Complete
  • 32. Digital Bullet Journals • One Note as a bullet Journal • Using Trello as a Bullet Journal • • for IOS • Dynalist - • Bullet Journal Cheat Sheet •
  • 34. Accompany App Accompany is a web and mobile app that allows you to be the first-to-know and first-to-respond to relevant news about the most important people in your network. You will want to use that information to create interactions with your network that are perceived as relevant, valuable, and meaningful. Briefing of attendees - meeting prep, delegated. Anytime they detect someone new in your calendar, you'll get an Executive Briefing delivered right to your inbox while you sleep. Photos and details - put a face to the name in one tap. Always be in the know - news feeds custom built around your contacts and the companies you care about. (free for iOS)
  • 35. iAuditor • Build your own health and safety inspection forms • Complete inspections on any device, even when you’re offline • Send Instantly generated reports to management or customers • Price: Free; professional packages from $9 per month upwards, include export features, permissions management, analytics and unlimited data upload Available on iOS and Android
  • 36. Office Lens Office Lens: • trims, enhances and makes pictures of whiteboards and documents readable • can convert images to editable Word and PowerPoint files • Pictures can be saved to OneNote, OneDrive or other cloud storage • Allows storage and search keeping notes available and secure • Business Card mode can extract contact information and save it into your address book and OneNote Digitise your notes
  • 37. Noted • Record and playback - Seek to a key moment using #TimeTag, without scrubbing through the whole audio. Noise reduction • Intelligent playback - Using CoreML to understand the context of your recording, Noted knows to skip unwanted noise to the next sequence of speech. Cutting out spurs of silence, applauses • Note taking - Rich text editor: complete with formatting tools and options. Capture or import images as references • Sync & sharing – • Seamless and secure sync across multiple devices using iCloud; • Export text in .txt format, share as an attachment • Export audio in .m4a format, share via AirDrop & more • Share your note with friends and colleagues Bring together Notes and Audio
  • 38. Team Meeting Timer • No-fuss way to end meetings on time • Click on timer and move decisions forward • Helps to focus minds • Set prompts and the time, and cast to a projector or TV so everyone can see Price: Free Available on Android and Web
  • 39. Remarkable Tablet • The reMarkable tablet (£549) is a lightweight, minimalist crossbreed of an iPad and e-reader. • It replicates the experience of using a pencil or pen paper, while removing the inconvenience of actually lugging paper around (whether that's a notebook, sketchbook, or book).
  • 40. CRM Customer relationship management is an approach to manage a company's interaction with former, current and potential customers. It uses data analysis about customers' history with a company to improve business relationships with customers, specifically focusing on customer retention and ultimately driving sales growth. CRM apps: • Zoho • Capsule • Hubspot • Agile
  • 41. Inbox Zero Delete or archive as many new messages as possible. Process email periodically throughout the day, perhaps at 11am and 2pm? Message allocation Move new messages that require more than two minutes to answer and messages that can be answered later -- to a separate to do or "requires response" folder. a rigorous approach to email management aimed at keeping the inbox empty -- or almost empty -- at all times.
  • 42. Zapier is an online automation tool that connects your favorite apps, such as Gmail, Slack and Mailchimp. You can connect two or more apps to automate repetitive tasks without coding or relying on developers to build the integration. It's easy enough that anyone can build their own app workflows with just a few clicks.
  • 43. Focus Keeper Basic Focus Steps It’s all about focusing your work efforts in timed 25-minute chunks, with a 5-minute break in between each burst of activity. (Pomodoro technique) Choose a task to be done. Set the timer for 25 minutes. Focus on the task until the timer rings Take a short break (just do something relaxing for 5 minutes) Once you’ve completed 4 focus sessions, take a longer break. (20~30 minutes)
  • 44. OneNote Microsoft offers versions of OneNote for Windows, macOS, iOS and Android, and it's also available as part of Office 365 and even as a browser-based application. ... OneNote uses OneDrive to sync all your notebooks on all of your devices, and you need a Microsoft account login to use OneDrive. Digital Note taking with bells and whistles! Can share and collaborate with others.
  • 46. Boost your typing skills
  • 47. Apps for keeping in touch
  • 48. Skype/Zoom/Google Meet/Teams • Which do you prefer? • Have all three • Best experience on the phone
  • 49. Teams Teams is a unified communication and collaboration platform that combines persistent workplace chat, video meetings, file storage (including collaboration on files), and application integration. The service integrates with the Office 365 subscription office productivity suite and features extensions that can integrate with non-Microsoft products.
  • 50. Trello Create boards to organise anything you’re working on Use them solo, or invite your team to work together Write your ideas down on Trello cards and arrange them in lists on your boards. Add details to your cards such as to-do checklists, comments, video, and project details. Price: Free; business and enterprise versions from $9.99 per user per month include additional integration, larger file attachments and enhanced security features Trello describes its product as “a collaboration tool that organises your projects into boards. In one glance, Trello tells you what's being worked on, who's working on what, and where something is in a process.” Available on iOS, Android and Web
  • 52. Instagram Apps Repost is an essential tool for sharing user-generated content. By doing so, you will show your customers that you appreciate them and their opinion. Repost is easy to use, all you need to do is click and share the content you like while acknowledging the person who created it.
  • 53. Planoly – perfect your Instagram grid and stories
  • 55. Snapseed – image perfector
  • 56. HootSuite Manage your social media from one location Easily and efficiently schedule posts Get the latest updates from hashtags and trending subjects that you set Price: Starts at £16 per month for a Professional plan. Additional features, users and number or profiles on bigger plans Available on iOS, Android and Web
  • 57. Buffer Buffer is a software application for the web and mobile, designed to manage accounts in social networks, by providing the means for a user to schedule posts to Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Instagram Stories, Pinterest, and LinkedIn, as well as analyse their results and engage with their community.
  • 58. Flipboard - Curates stories relevant to your interest and displays them in magazine form - Smart magazines can be set up how you want them - Draws content from news sites, and also social media Price: Free Available on iOS, Android and Web
  • 59. Canva • Create stunning looking posters and graphics for PR and social media • Easy to use interface, drag and drop and fully customisable • Hundreds of premade templates and graphics • Share designs via e-mail • Price: Free, with some additional graphics and templates available á la carte Available on iOS, Android and Web
  • 62. Apps for safety & security
  • 63. LastPass - Password manager - Stores all passwords in a central “vault” - Autofills your passwords from site to site when you want to log-in - Can generate secure and valid passwords - Price: Standard version is free; Premium version for $2 per month, which includes encrypted file storage and priority customer support Available on iOS, Android and Web
  • 64. Wifi Sweet Spot Observe how Wi-Fi connection speed fluctuates over time, and locate the fastest and slowest Wi-Fi spots in your room. Discover the perfect spot for your wireless router, access point, or wireless gaming console by using Wi-Fi SweetSpots. Available on iPhone with a simple, easy-to-use design.
  • 66. ‘Awakee’ Morning Routine Planner • Background routine timer - It's able to work even while the app is closed or another app is open. The timer will send you notifications. • Smart routine - Now creating your routine is as simple as choosing positive habits you'd like to be doing and selecting a time when you have to end the routine • Set - Wake up, leave and bedtime reminders! • Create multiple routines - You can create workout routines, writing routines, focus routines, mindfulness routines, night routines. • Checklists - For every routine, you can also create a separate checklist e.g. take running shoes, pack my gym bag.
  • 67. Milk and More App The Milk & More app makes it even easier to start your day with some of Britain’s best food and drink. Shop while on the go and you’ll get free delivery to your doorstep by 7am. Just like the website, the Milk & More app allows you to place and alter orders up to 9pm the night before your next delivery day. You can also pause your deliveries whenever you like, making it easy to control and keep track of your orders no matter where you are.
  • 68. Trip IT • Organise trips in one place • Add train tickets, hotel accommodation • Cc from email to App • Set reminders and actions • Quickly make sense of all your travel plans and create a single itinerary for every trip with TripIt. Unlike other travel apps, TripIt can organise it no matter where you book. As soon as you book a flight, hotel, car or other reservation, simply forward it to • Share plans with others Travel planner and organiser
  • 69. BP Me & Go Shell • Payment by phone • Choose your pump • Pay by card • Choose payment method • Nearest petrol station Pay for petrol quickly through Phone Apps
  • 70. All the parking Apps - Download them all and prep them - Pay for parking from your device – don’t have to display a ticket or require change - Automatically lists nearby sites - View favourite carparks via Google Maps - Shows recent activity and receipts • Price: App is free, parking fees vary by length and carpark. Other parking apps available for other pay and display services.
  • 71. Wi-Fi Finder • A map of open and password protected wi-fi hotspots and passwords • Save hotspots for later use • Community based mapping ensures maps up to date • 50000 cities worldwide currently mapped • Price: Free Available on iOS and Android
  • 72. Expensify - Fully automated processing - import directly from credit cards or mobile phone scan - Submit reports by e-mail - Reimburse online with Quickbooks and direct deposit - Price: Free; professional versions start at £3.99 per month and allow more vehicles, users, web interface and fleet management Available on iOS, Android and web
  • 73. Capture everything, all your thoughts… Internet Capture Browsing the internet – read an article – save All Chrome Extensions Evernote Google Keep OneNote (via Clipper) Screencastify Snip and Sketch Office Lens
  • 74. Screencastify – Chrome extension More than 12 million people use Screencastify to easily record, edit, and share videos. Office Lens, available through app stores
  • 75. Capture your paperwork • Evernote Scannable • Cam Scanner • Scanbot
  • 77. Refill App • Carry your reusable bottle, use the app to find your fill for free and tap to measure your impact. • There are over 12,000 Refill Stations across the UK and with our handy bottle reminder you’ll never leave the house without one again. Stay hydrated, save money and help stop plastic pollution. • If all of the Refill stations are used just ONCE a day they are stopping around 4 million plastic bottles at source in a year! Fill up your reusable bottle anywhere
  • 79. Sleep Apps • Sleep Cycle Sleep Time
  • 80. Thank you Please complete the feedback form for this course using the QR code or this link.