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TBR                                         ThinkVantage Technologies:
                                             Saving Dollars and Improving Productivity Through the PC

                                             Lenovo ThinkVantage Tools Generate Hard Dollar
                                             Savings Through Every Stage of the PC Lifecycle

Lenovo       has     made      significant
investments in creating a portfolio of
PC management tools that provides IT
managers and end users with the
opportunity to save time, reduce costs,      INTRODUCTION
improve security and deliver a better
experience across every stage of the         The management of the PC environment is becoming increasingly complex,
PC lifecycle, from deployment to             despite the fact that PC prices continue to fall. Compliance and security issues
disposal. Lenovo has retained TBR to         have become paramount, with the potential for large fines and jail time for IT
conduct in-depth interviews to help          managers and executives of companies that disclose private customer data.
quantify the actual dollar savings and       An increasingly mobile workforce adds another layer of complexity in ensuring
productivity     gains    that    Lenovo     that end users can easily connect wherever they are, in addition to ensuring
customers have experienced through           data stored on their PCs is secure when it leaves company premises.
implementing        the     ThinkVantage     Traditionally, PC lifecycle cost estimates have indicated an 80%/20% rule,
Technologies; the end result of those        meaning 20% of costs associated with the full PC lifecycle are actually related
interviews was this white paper. TBR         to hardware costs, while the other 80% are associated with deploying,
has fine-tuned the methodology for this      supporting and disposing of systems throughout their lifecycles. However, lower
paper over the past several years, as        hardware pricing and increasing PC management complexity indicate that PC
this is the fourth version that has been     lifecycle costs are likely shifting to a 90%/10% model.
created, allowing us to follow               In conducting research for this paper, the consistent message from customers
customers through various stages of          and business partners is that Lenovo understands PCs are not a commodity
implementation. In completing the            and there is significant room for innovation in PC hardware and through PC
paper, TBR followed a three-pronged          management software. Through its ThinkVantage Technologies portfolio,
approach. First, TBR analysts were           Lenovo provides tools that support and enable image creation and ongoing
briefed on each of the ThinkVantage          image management; system migration and deployment; support of PC users
Technologies by Lenovo product               and disposal of PCs in a way that protects sensitive company and customer
managers. Second, TBR conducted              data. Most of these tools are included free with every Lenovo system, although
interviews with customers using the          the fact that the tools are free represents only a small portion of the overall
TVTs to understand the impact to their       savings opportunity. Customers who implement the tools report measureable
PC       management         costs      and   and significant time savings and productivity improvements in managing their
productivity.     As     an     additional   PC environments. In many cases, ThinkVantage Technologies reduced the time
checkpoint, TBR interviewed customers        associated with a PC management task from 50% to 80% over the client’s
within our own database of users that        previous method. Customers experience other business benefits that are even
had switched to Lenovo from another          harder to quantify but have a positive impact on the company’s bottom line,
vendor to assess the tools’ influence        such as reduced downtime for revenue-generating salespeople and
on their decision to change vendors.         consultants, improved end-user productivity and satisfaction and the ability to
                                             avoid reputation-damaging leaks of confidential customer information.
ThinkVantage Technologies
     Saving Dollars and Improving Productivity Through the PC Lifecycle                                                                                 Page 2

EXAMPLE: A Large                                                 KEY WHITE PAPER FINDINGS                          the opportunity for the IT team to focus on
Bottler/Distributor                                              TBR looked to several sources of information      other strategic projects.
                                                                 to understand the benefits to customers in
 Coca-Cola Enterprise is the world’s largest                     implementing       Lenovo’s      ThinkVantage     2. A Unique Integrated Hardware and
 bottler and distributor of Coca-Cola products                   Technologies. To create a strong background       Software PC Management Solution
 with operations in the United States, Canada                    and understanding of the tools, TBR               Lenovo has created a combination of
 and Europe. With an installed base of 27,000                    conducted interviews with ThinkVantage            software-      and     hardware-based      PC
 PCs, CCE faces the challenge of efficiently                     product managers. To verify the benefits          management features that is unique in the
 managing a large, global IT infrastructure. CCE                 associated with the tools, and to understand      market. Hardware features include the Hard
 has been leveraging ThinkVantage tools for                      how they are implemented in the real world,       Drive Active Protection System, the
 several years now with significant cost benefits.               TBR spoke with ThinkVantage customers and         ThinkVantage “blue button” for support and
 In 2006, the tools were a contributing factor to                business partners. Customers were able to         recovery and the Trusted Platform Module
 CCE reducing the time spent in PC support                       provide a view of how ThinkVantage                (TPM) embedded security chip. In the
 activities by over 30%.                                         Technologies had improved their PC                software area, Lenovo’s ThinkVantage PC
                                                                 management experience from cost, time             management tools cover the entire PC
 •      Image      Ultra     Builder    and   Systems                                                              lifecycle including deployment and migration
                                                                 savings      and      end-user     productivity
        Migration Assistant: CCE has made a                                                                        tools, support tools, backup and recovery and
                                                                 perspectives. At the same time, business
        significant        monetary     and   training                                                             the secure removal of hard drive data when
                                                                 partners were able to substantiate these
        investment in IUB and SMA which has                                                                        systems are disposed of. No other vendor can
                                                                 findings with additional customer examples
        allowed CCE to deploy PCs much faster                                                                      deliver all of these functions with a single
                                                                 and share their own experiences in leveraging
        than before. CCE recently modified its PC                                                                  point of contact and accountability.
                                                                 the TVTs for delivering value-add services like
        refresh strategy and now redeploys PCs
                                                                 image management or deployment services
        more frequently versus systematically                                                                      3. Leading Partnerships
                                                                 to their own customers. Finally, TBR spoke
        replacing PCs based on their age.        With                                                              While Lenovo is the only vendor to offer an
                                                                 with customers from our own database of
        IUB and SMA, CCE has reduced the time to                                                                   integrated hardware and software PC
                                                                 users who had switched to Lenovo PCs from
        deploy a PC from more than 90 minutes to                                                                   management solution, the company realizes
                                                                 another brand within the past 18 months to
        less then 30 minutes. With a savings of at                                                                 partnerships with third parties are also an
                                                                 understand how the tools impacted their
        least one hour per PC, CCE would save                                                                      important piece of the overall solution,
                                                                 decision to change vendors.
        $810,000 in refreshing its installed base                                                                  particularly in the security space. Lenovo has
        of 27,000 PCs. IUB and SMA have also                                                                       partnered with security leaders such as
                                                                 These three components of our research are
        supported CCE’s strategy to transition to                                                                  Utimaco, Absolute Software and Softex to
                                                                 the basis for the following findings and
        user self-service and self-support versus a                                                                ensure that solutions from these leading
                                                                 conclusions :
        fully-assisted deployment process.                                                                         security vendors work in conjunction with the
 •      Rescue and Recovery: R&R is deployed on                  1. True Dollar Savings                            TVTs.
        all of CCE’s PCs and is used as an                       Customers      generate     savings    through
        important backup and recovery tool.                      implementing ThinkVantage Technologies in         4.   Flexibility to Customize              and
        R&R provides CCE with a tool with high                   a variety of ways. Customers save money           Increased Manageability
        ease-of-use which supports CCE’s user                    based on the elimination of PC management         The ability to customize the tools within the
        self-service strategy. CCE employees are                 tools, purchases and services from third          ThinkVantage portfolio is a key theme for
        now able to recover data themselves and                  parties, as the majority of TVTs are offered at   Lenovo. IT managers have the flexibility to
        are able to restore their systems to a state             no charge. However, through TBR’s interviews      manage the content, level of access, and
        that is better optimized and closer to the               with TVT customers, it is apparent that more      scheduling of TVT features. Lenovo has also
        original level of performance.                           significant savings occur through the             partnered with LANDesk for the creation of a
                                                                 improvements in efficiency driven by using        specific LANDesk Management Suite for the
      (Continued on next page.)                                                                                    ThinkVantage Technologies console to enable
                                                                 the tools. This has reduced the need for
                                                                 customers to add new resources to manage          centralized management of the TVTs.
                                                                 an expanding installed base and has created       Additionally, Lenovo has ensured that the
                                                                                                                   tools are compatible and integrated with

        TECHNOLOGY BUSINESS RESEARCH, INC.       11 Merrill Drive, Hampton, NH 03842                Phone: (603) 929-1166 Fax: (603) 926-9801
ThinkVantage Technologies
Saving Dollars and Improving Productivity Through the PC Lifecycle                                                                                        Page 3

  EXAMPLE: Coca-Cola cont.                                        Active Directory and new PC management            THINKVANTAGE TECHNOLOGIES
                                                                  capabilities announced as part of Microsoft       BACKGROUND
    •      R&R (cont.): CCE estimates it used R&R                 Vista.                                            The average cost of PC hardware continues to
           to restore about 200 to 300 PCs last year,                                                               decline while the complexity of managing the
           allowing the system to be restored in 20               5. Improved user productivity and high
                                                                                                                    PC environment, including security and
           minutes or less, compared to the previous              end-user satisfaction
                                                                                                                    compliance requirements as well as an
           method which took three to four hours.                 End users are happiest when they can avoid        increasingly mobile workforce, continues to
           At a rate of $30 per hour for on-site                  a call to the helpdesk. Lenovo customers          escalate. Customers must increasingly look
           support, the time savings associated with              report high levels of end-user satisfaction, as   at the big picture, since the true costs
           R&R would result in a cost equivalent of               the tools allow IT managers to preemptively       associated with managing and supporting
           $19,000 to $28,500 last year.                          address common problems before they               their PC environment represent the vast
    •      Access Connections: AC has proven to be                occur. For example, Access Connections            majority of spending throughout the PC
           an important tool for CCE in rolling out a             helps to avoid calls regarding wireless           lifecycle. While some PC vendors continue to
           home     connectivity        program     for    its    connectivity, while the Password Manager          base their value proposition on offering the
           employees as well as an initiative to arm a            helps to avoid support requests for password      lowest price, TBR believes this approach has
           group of 3,500 sales people with a new                 resets. For users needing technical               become short-sighted and does not take into
           Lenovo T60 or T61 laptop and wireless                  assistance, the Productivity Center provides      account the true costs that customers face.
           connectivity card. With AC, the CCE sales              an end-user self-help solution. End users also    In speaking with Lenovo customers, a
           team can seamlessly connect at home                    benefit from the increased uptime that            constant theme TBR heard was that Lenovo
           before they begin their day, on the road               avoiding a technical support call can deliver.    differentiates itself based on “innovation”,
           and back home to finish the day.          For the      For an online college, Rescue and Recovery        both with its PC hardware and PC
           home     connectivity    program,       AC     has     allowed students to restore their own             management tools. TBR notes that Lenovo is
           allowed CCE to create a program that                   systems, when the previous method would           the only hardware vendor offering a fully
           drives employee satisfaction and is easy               have required sending in their laptop and         integrated suite of PC management tools,
           to   support:     Employees       purchase       a     being without it for three days, leading to       complemented by unique hardware features
           standard router, which CCE configures,                 missed classes and homework assignments.          such as the Hard Drive Active Protection
           and then through AC employees can                      For customers with mobile sales forces,           System, the “blue button” and the TPM
           seamlessly transition from the office to               increased PC uptime typically equates to          embedded security chip. Competitors would
           home.                                                  higher revenue generation.                        need to partner with a variety of third parties
                                                                                                                    to build the type of solution that is currently
    •      Secure Data Disposal: SDD provides CCE                 6. Continued commitment to leading                available directly from Lenovo – and most of
           with a flexible tool to choose how to                  R&D                                               the ThinkVantage Technologies are offered
           dispose of assets. CCE uses the services               Lenovo has absolutely committed to                free of charge with the purchase of a Lenovo
           of a third party for some of its disposal              maintaining ThinkVantage Technologies as          PC. TBR believes in many cases the cost
           requirements; however, SDD has allowed                 the leader in PC management tools and             savings associated with implementing the full
           the company to efficiently bring some of               functionality.    Lenovo      continues      to   ThinkVantage portfolio can offset the full
           those processes in-house for a savings of              substantiate this commitment with new             acquisition price of the PC.
           $24 to $34 per PC that is sent out. As a               versions of the tools, adding functionality and   While Lenovo is the only PC hardware vendor
           result, CCE received a $68,000 rebate                  improvements in the ease of use. One of the       with a broad portfolio of PC management
           from its supplier last year for services it            consistent comments TBR hears from                tools, it is important to note that the company
           was able to complete in-house.                         ThinkVantage customers is that Lenovo is          realizes partners are necessary to provide
                                                                  very focused on taking customer feedback          customers with the most complete and
                                                                  regarding the tools and implementing              manageable solutions possible. Given that
                                                                  changes based on these suggestions.               many of its customers have security solutions
                                                                                                                    or centralized management tools in place,
                                                                                                                    Lenovo has partnered with the leaders in
                                                                                                                    these areas to ensure that ThinkVantage

   TECHNOLOGY BUSINESS RESEARCH, INC.             11 Merrill Drive, Hampton, NH 03842                 Phone: (603) 929-1166 Fax: (603) 926-9801
ThinkVantage Technologies
Saving Dollars and Improving Productivity Through the PC Lifecycle                                                                                                        Page 4

                                                                                                          System Lifecycle

EXAMPLE: A Managed
Service Provider                                             Deploy                   Connect                    Protect                     Support                     Dispose

                                                            Image Creation           Hassle free Connection
 Dempsey Bluevar is a provider of managed IT                                                                    Secure Client Data         End-user self -help          Hard Drive Data
                                                               •ImageUltra Builder         Access Connections       • Client Security      portal                       Destruction
 services to the small- and medium-sized                        Base Software                                         Solution                 • ThinkVantage            Secure Data Disposal
 business market.         In providing outsourced                                                                   • Password                    Productivity Center
                                                                Base Software                                         Manager                     (Help Center,
 desktop services, several of the Lenovo                       Administrator                                        • Fingerprint Reader          Maintenance
                                                                Lenovo ImageUltra
 ThinkVantage Technologies help Bluevar to                                                                          • Data encryption             Manager, Message
                                                               Services                                                                           Center)
 reduce the costs associated with service                                                                                                      • Rescue and
                                                            •Client Migration                                   Secure Data Media
 delivery   as     well   as    improve   customer                                                                  • Active Protection           Recovery
                                                                  System Migration
 satisfaction.     With ImageUltra, Bluevar has                  Assistant                                            System
                                                                                                                                           Update Management
 generated significant time savings, reducing                                                                                                 • System Update
                                                                                                                Backup and Recovery
 the typical time associated with building a                                                                        • Rescue and
                                                                                                                      Recovery             Management
 customer image by 75% – from 16 hours to                                                                                                     • LANDesk
 four hours. Access Connections and Rescue                                                                                                      Management Suite
                                                                                                                Virus Mitigation and            for ThinkVantage
 and Recovery are important tools for Bluevar                                                                   Patch Delivery                  Technologies
                                                                                                                    • Antidote (part of
 in improving customer satisfaction and
                                                                                                                      Rescue and
 reducing        costs.    Access       Connections                                                                   Recovery)
 combined with the Password Manager, allows
 Bluevar to implement a user friendly solution            SOURCE: TBR AND LENOVO.
 that reduces the number of help desk calls.
 Rescue and Recovery has also allowed                         Technologies are optimized to work with                      administering systems across the five stages
 Bluevar to save time and cut down on overall                 these tools; for example, Lenovo has                         of the PC lifecycle. The graphic above depicts
 support costs.      These savings coupled with               partnered with LANDesk for the creation of                   the five lifecycle stages and the
 the high durability of Lenovo hardware are                   the      ThinkVantage-specific       LANDesk                 corresponding ThinkVantage tools. that
 the    foundation        for   Bluevar    steering           management console, and has partnered                        address each stage
 customers towards Lenovo-based solutions.                    with the leaders in PC security to ensure that               While ThinkVantage Technologies clearly
                                                              Lenovo can have an integrated security                       generate cost and time savings for
                                                              solution that includes features such as full                 customers, there are many other benefits as
                                                              hard drive encryption.                                       well. In many cases, the Secure Data
                                                               In speaking with ThinkVantage customers                     Disposal tool will provide the customer higher
                                                              over the past five years, TBR has found that                 levels of security and data destruction for
                                                              customers typically pick and choose the tools                systems that are either being cascaded, sold
                                                              that will have the most immediate impact to                  or discarded. The protection of confidential
                                                              their business or fill a gap in their PC                     company and customer data is priceless. For
                                                              management strategy. It is important to note                 mobile workers, the ability to seamlessly
                                                              that each ThinkVantage Technology can                        connect their laptop across a variety of
                                                              stand on its own and deliver its own ROI.                    locations, coupled with the backup and
                                                              However, TBR has found that customers                        recovery features of Rescue and Recovery,
                                                              typically expand the number of tools                         provides a solution to keep them up and
                                                              implemented based on the measureable                         running when they are away from the office.
                                                              savings and ROI delivered by their initial                   There is no doubt that improved uptime can
                                                              implementation.                                              have a direct impact to the customer’s
                                                                                                                           bottom line. For example, in a consulting
                                                              The ThinkVantage Technologies portfolio
                                                                                                                           firm, more uptime for consultants means
                                                              includes a broad offering of tools that
                                                                                                                           more billable hours and revenue. For sales
                                                              address the pain points IT managers face in
                                                                                                                           resources, a down PC can impact the sales

   TECHNOLOGY BUSINESS RESEARCH, INC.         11 Merrill Drive, Hampton, NH 03842                               Phone: (603) 929-1166 Fax: (603) 926-9801
ThinkVantage Technologies
Saving Dollars and Improving Productivity Through the PC Lifecycle                                                                               Page 5

EXAMPLE: Lenovo Business                                    cycle and the opportunity to bring in more      the benefits available through leveraging the
Partner                                                     revenue.                                        ThinkVantage Technologies far outweigh the
                                                                                                            investments in implementing the tools and
                                                            Lenovo has focused heavily on ensuring the
  MCPc is a large Cleveland-based Lenovo                    ThinkVantage Technologies are highly            ensuring that its end users are using them to
  business partner with 325 employees, 22                   manageable and customizable. To name a          their full benefit.
  offices and over $200 million in revenue.                 few features, IT managers can customize
  Lenovo’s ThinkVantage Technologies play an                information and access to end-user self-help
  important role in MCPc’s delivery of Lifecycle            options, schedule backup and recovery tasks,
  Management services to its customers, allowing            push out Access Connections wireless
  MCPc to focus more on the delivery of                     profiles to users and choose what level of
  value-added services.      By leveraging the TVTs,        data overwrite to use for hard drive data
  MCPc has found that it is able to deliver                 destruction. Additional management features
  customers a real savings of $50 to $200 per               are available through the LANDesk
  PC     depending    on    how    many   tools   are       Management Suite for the ThinkVantage
  implemented.                                              Technologies console as well as through
                                                            Active Directory. Lenovo has also worked to
  •Systems Migration Assistant: For one of its
                                                            ensure the ThinkVantage Technologies are
   midmarket accounts, MCPc has been able to
                                                            compatible and complementary to Microsoft
   significantly reduce the time and complexity of
                                                            Vista capabilities.
   deploying new systems. Where new system
   deployment previously required an on-site                It is the combination of cost   savings, time
   technician visit, MCPc has been able to reduce           savings, improved business       results and
   the cost by sending out a PC pre-loaded with             higher end-user satisfaction    which is the
   the customer image and System Migration                  winning combination for         ThinkVantage
   Assistant which allows the end user to easily            customers.
   migrate their system settings and data to the
   new system.                                              THINKVANTAGE TECHNOLOGIES
  •Rescue and Recovery:           MCPc works with a         DEPLOYMENT, SUPPORT AND
   larger charter school focused on online                  TRAINING SERVICES
                                                                                                                By leveraging the TVTs,
   education. Students are provided with a new              As with any new implementation of hardware
                                                                                                                Lenovo business partner
   Lenovo desktop. When students experienced                or software, there is an upfront investment         MCPc has been able to deliver
   a problem under the previous model, the                  customers must make in training and                 customers a real savings of
   student would ship out the desktop to be                 educating their installed base. Lenovo              $50 to $200 per PC,
   reimaged. However, with the Lenovo solution              realized that for some customers this may be        depending on how many tools
   the help desk can direct the student to use              a challenge and therefore offers a range of         are implemented.
   R&R to restore the system, allowing the                  ThinkVantage support and service offerings
   customer to avoid the cost of shipping the PC            to smooth the transition phase. Lenovo offers
   and several hours of technical support                   free Web and phone support, Web-based
   resources to reimage the system, which could             resources, on-site assessment services and a
   range from $150 to $175 in total for each                range of customized solutions including
   incident. Additionally, students benefit as they         on-site training and education services.
   are able to continue their schooling without a           Customized services related to ThinkVantage
   three-day interruption due to the loss of their          deployment are also available through
   PC.                                                      Lenovo and many of its business partners.
                                                            TBR acknowledges that there are always
  (Continued on next page.)
                                                            challenges in rolling out new solutions such
                                                            as     ThinkVantage.     However,    through
                                                            conversations with customers TBR has found

   TECHNOLOGY BUSINESS RESEARCH, INC.       11 Merrill Drive, Hampton, NH 03842               Phone: (603) 929-1166 Fax: (603) 926-9801
ThinkVantage Technologies
Saving Dollars and Improving Productivity Through the PC Lifecycle                                                                                                            Page 6


                                                                                        The Impact of ImageUltra Technologies

 EXAMPLE: MCPc cont.                                           5
                                                                     x       2
                                                                                    x 2
                                                                                              x      3
                                                                                                             =          60
                                                                                                                   Core Images
                                                                                                                                     x              10
                                                                                                                                           Application Images
                                                                                                                                                                      =          600
                                                              2 Mobile  Ethernet        WinXP   English           With 15 standard       5 Standard (off the shelf)       Image Combinations
                                                              3 Desktop WLAN                                        applications             5 Non-Standard
   •ImageUltra Builder: With IUB, MCPc can                                              Win2000 French
   replace the typical static customer image
   management         system     which    requires   an        1 Hardware image           1 Software image                                1 Application image
                                                                                    x                        =     1 Core image      x                                =        1 Image
   updated image for any technical changes or                    1 HIIT image               1 DOE image                                      1 SDA image

   new     models.      IUB    provides   a    dynamic
   provisioning solution with one single repository           SOURCE: TBR AND LENOVO.                                      Hardware Independent Imaging Technology
   for all of its hardware platforms, applications                                                                         (HIIT): HIIT is a Lenovo technology that picks
   and OS versions where new models can be                    Image Creation                                               the appropriate hardware device drivers and
   easily rolled into the repository. Under a static          ImageUltra Builder (IUB) is a portfolio of tools             Windows operating system options. This
   provisioning image model, it could typically take          that allows an IT organization to build,                     information is stored on a hidden partition on
   a customer two to three weeks to develop, test             manage and deploy corporate system                           the hard drive, meaning the system’s master
   and roll out the new image, while MCPc can                 images. With IUB, a module is created for                    image does not need to be updated when
   accomplish this in a matter of a few days with             each       image     component        including              there is a change to the hardware
   IUB.                                                       applications, operating systems, language                    configuration. The change is instead updated
                                                              requirement and hard drivers. When a                         on the hardware-independent code stored in
                                                              module needs to be updated, it can be easily                 the hard drive partition.
                                                              replaced without going through the long                      The LANDesk Management Suite for
                                                              process of creating a brand-new image.                       ThinkVantage Technologies also extends the
                                                              Once a single image encompassing all                         ImageUltra technologies with reporting and
          With IUB, SARCOM has
                                                              possible modules for the customer                            deployment methods.
          been able to significantly
          reduce the amount of                                environment is created, the image can be
                                                                                                                           The Base Software Administrator is an
          time it takes to develop                            installed onto every PC. Through a
                                                                                                                           alternative imaging solution targeted at small-
          and update customer                                 menu-driven process, the appropriate
                                                                                                                           and medium-sized businesses, although it is
          images. While it                                    modules can be selected for each PC, greatly
                                                                                                                           applicable to large enterprise as well.
          previously took five to                             reducing the need for manual application
                                                                                                                           Rather than provide customers with a
          eight hours to take an                              installation, hardware testing and support.
                                                                                                                           locked-down corporate image, BSA provides a
          image to the Gold level                             The graphic above depicts the potential
                                                                                                                           factory preload as the core image which
          through loading and                                 impact IUB can have on a large, global
                                                                                                                           users can then customize through downloads
          testing, SARCOM has                                 organization with varied application and
          been able to reduce this                                                                                         via the Web. BSA allows for the creation of
                                                              language      requirements,    reducing      the
                                                                                                                           manifest files for deployment of custom
          to one hour using IUB.                              potential     for   600     separate     image
                                                                                                                           preloads, which essentially provides the
                                                              combinations down to one single image.
                                                                                                                           customer with an “image on demand” image
                                                              There are three key components that form                     management model.
                                                              the ImageUltra suite:                                        Lenovo Image Services
                                                              System Update (SU): With System Update,                      While IUB is a tool enabling customers to
                                                              customers can use a generalized image and                    internally build and manage their images, it is
                                                              then use SU to customize. Systems Update                     important to note that Lenovo also offers a
                                                              will ensure the latest drivers and bios are                  portfolio of services through the Lenovo
                                                              installed as well as enable software                         Imaging Technology Center to design, build
                                                              distribution.                                                and maintain images for its customers.

                                                              Dynamic Operating Environment (DOE): DOE
                                                              focuses on consolidating all of the Microsoft
                                                              Windows versions and language variations
                                                              that are present in an organization into a
                                                              single operating environment image.

   TECHNOLOGY BUSINESS RESEARCH, INC.         11 Merrill Drive, Hampton, NH 03842                              Phone: (603) 929-1166 Fax: (603) 926-9801
ThinkVantage Technologies
Saving Dollars and Improving Productivity Through the PC Lifecycle                                                                            Page 7

 EXAMPLE: Leading                                            Client Migration
                                                             System Migration Assistant (SMA) provides
 Chemical Company                                            users or IT managers with a tool to migrate
                                                             user data from old systems to new systems.
  Dow Chemicals, a leading U.S.-based chemical               SMA will easily transfer user data and
  company which does business in more than                   personality settings (including Windows
  175 countries and has an installed base of                 settings, application-specific settings, and
  45,000 PCs, understands the challenges of                  connectivity settings), applications, data files
  managing a complex IT infrastructure.                      and IDs. Once the SMA process is complete,
      •Systems Migration Assistant:        Dow has           the user is provided with a new PC that has
      used SMA for its last two rollouts of new              the exact look and feel of their old system.
      systems. In its last rollout, SMA was used             SMA also saves time during the migration
      to transfer both user settings and data.               process, allowing IT managers to migrate
      Compared to the previous homegrown                     systems more quickly and users to be back
      solution it was using to migrate systems,              online sooner. SMA can reduce the typical
      Dow was able to reduce the time spent                  two to three hours it takes to migrate a
      migrating data by 75% using a direct                   system through a scripted/manual process to
      connection versus using Ethernet. For                  30 minutes while simultaneously providing a
      lower    bandwidth      locations,   the   time        more thorough transfer of data and settings,
      savings could be tenfold.                              reducing additional technical support
                                                             requests from the user. In designing SMA,
                                                             Lenovo has also focused on ease of use,
                                                             making it simple for the end user to transfer
                                                             their data and settings. This has provided a
                                                             significant savings to companies with remote
                                                             locations, which can ship the new PC to their
                                                             end users and have users migrate their own
                                                             PC with SMA, avoiding an expensive on-site
                                                             visit by a technician. Lenovo has also ensured
                                                             that SMA is customizable, allowing IT
                                                             managers to choose which settings and data
                                                             are migrated and automate batch migrations.
                                                             Lenovo’s partnership with LANDesk provides
                                                             further customization and manageability of
                                                             SMA through the LANDesk Management
                                                             Suite for ThinkVantage Technologies offering.

   TECHNOLOGY BUSINESS RESEARCH, INC.        11 Merrill Drive, Hampton, NH 03842          Phone: (603) 929-1166 Fax: (603) 926-9801
ThinkVantage Technologies
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 EXAMPLE:                                                        Seamless Connectivity
 Technology-focused                                              With an increasingly mobile workforce, the
 College.                                                        ability to connect a laptop across a potentially
                                                                 limitless number of locations (home, office,
  As part of its strategy to prepare its students                remote office, conference room, airport,
  for professional careers, Babson College                       hotel) has become a pain-point for both users
  emphasizes technology within its educational                   and IT administrators. With Access
  program through a mandatory laptop program.                    Connections, Lenovo has created a
  Incoming First Year undergraduates receive a                   connectivity solution that addresses these
  ThinkPad T series that is then replaced with a                 issues by automatically managing users’
  new ThinkPad T series at the start of the Junior               network settings, regardless of location.
  year. Babson currently has 1,750 students in                   Profiles that include network configuration
  its undergrad laptop program as well as                        and printer setup can be created and easily
  another 400 faculty and staff with Lenovo                      managed for every location. Users can
  laptops.     By     leveraging        a    variety    of       seamlessly move across WLAN, WAN,
  ThinkVantage Technologies, Babson has been                     Ethernet       and      wireless     Bluetooth
  able to reduce the number of hours spent on                    environments. Lenovo is also committed to
  standard support issues by 20%.                                ensuring that Access Connections supports
                                                                 the latest and greatest technologies including
  •    Access Connections: Helping students                      wireless 3G and support for updated Verizon
  manage their wireless connections in an                        and AT&T Wireless WAN.
  environment where they are moving around
  campus as well as traveling home presents                      Providing IT administrators with a set of PC
  challenges from an IT support perspective.                     manageability tools that can be easily
  Under its previous system, students often lost                 customized for their own unique IT
  their Babson configuration after traveling                     environment is a major theme of the TVT
  home. However, with Access Connections                         strategy. Therefore, AC allows administrators
  Babson can push out campus profiles to                         to easily build and distribute commonly used
  students that are preserved regardless of                      connectivity and security profiles for users.
  where the student travels. This has allowed                    Distribution of AC profiles can be further
  Babson to avoid about 100 support calls from                   simplified, as Lenovo has ensured that
  students locked out of their Babson wireless                   profiles can be deployed directly from the
  configuration. At 10 to 15 minutes per call,                   LANDesk management console or through
  this is saving Babson up to 25 hours per year                  Active Directory.
  in supporting student systems.

  •    Rescue       and    Recovery:        Rescue     and
  Recovery is a critical tool for Babson in
  managing systems that are shared across
  multiple users, such as loaner systems and
  campus kiosks.          R&R also provides Babson
  with flexibility to support its remote campus in
  Oregon, which requires support in off hours.

 (Continued on next page.)

   TECHNOLOGY BUSINESS RESEARCH, INC.            11 Merrill Drive, Hampton, NH 03842          Phone: (603) 929-1166 Fax: (603) 926-9801
ThinkVantage Technologies
Saving Dollars and Improving Productivity Through the PC Lifecycle                                                                                Page 9


                                                          Secure Client Data                               managers to customize the level of
                                                          IT managers and company executives are           authentication required. CSS has the
   EXAMPLE: Babson cont.                                  increasingly faced with security compliance      capability to function as an RSA SecurID
                                                          and governance requirements through              authenticator, allowing users to reduce cost
     •     Active Protection System: There is no          legislation such as the Health Information       by replacing expensive RSA hardware tokens
     doubt that students can be tough on laptops.         and Portability Act (HIPAA) and Sarbanes         with software tokens. Lenovo also provides
     Babson has found that not only does APS help         Oxley (SOX). This situation is further           customers with the option of an embedded
     protect the hard drive, but it has also proven       complicated by the fact that the overall         chip called the Trusted Platform Module
     to be an effective tool to help students             workforce is becoming increasingly mobile,       (TPM). CSS works together with the TPM chip
     understand when they being too aggressive in         meaning sensitive data is often stored on        to manage encryption keys and processes.
     treating their hardware.                             laptops that travel outside of the company’s
   •System Update:          Babson leverages System       operations. Stories abound in the press of       Lenovo’s Integrated Fingerprint Reader,
   Update to ensure its systems have the latest           companies that have lost private customer        available on ThinkPad laptops, is also an
   drivers, firmware, BIOS and software.       With       information through lost or stolen laptops.      integral part of the company’s PC security
   System Update, Babson has been able to                 For example, in 2006 Fidelity Investments        solutions. The Fingerprint Reader provides
   reduce the time it takes to build a pre-load           reported the theft of an employee laptop         an easy-to-manage and more secure tool for
   image to between 20 and 30 minutes versus              containing information including names,          log-on passwords. In addition to increased
   the three to four hours it previously took. With       addresses and Social Security numbers of up      security, the Fingerprint Reader also has the
   12 separate loads, this process can save               to 196,000 Hewlett-Packard employees with        capacity to reduce costs and improve ROI, as
   Babson more than 40 hours in the update                Fidelity retirement accounts. While Fidelity     it can significantly reduce the number of
   process.                                               reported the data would be difficult to access   passwords necessary to manage Windows,
                                                          as the application with the data has a           bios and Web site log-ons and wireless
   •System Migration Assistant: When students             temporary license, the company still notified    connectivity log-on information. With a single
   transition to new laptops in their junior year,        affected employees and put in additional         fingerprint replacing multiple passwords, the
   Babson provides a free SMA option for students         security measures. Also in 2006, an Ernst &      potential for helpdesk calls to reset
   to back up and save their data to a secure             Young employee lost a laptop containing data     passwords is greatly reduced.        Lenovo’s
   network drive which can be leveraged for their         including credit card information on 243,000     Password       Manager     provides    further
   new system.                                   customers – and there are many        simplification of security management by
   •Secure Data Disposal: Under its previous              more examples. Companies face security           allowing users to manage multiple passwords
   system, Babson was leveraging its leasing              threats from a variety of sources. In its 2007   with a single password or fingerprint.
   company to scrub data from hard drives of              CSI/FBI Computer Crime and Security survey,      Together, these solutions provide a
   high-level machines with the most sensitive            46% of respondents reported that they had        comprehensive portfolio for protecting data
   data.     However, with SDD Babson can now             experienced a security incident over the past    on both the PC and network.
   cost-effectively remove data from all of its           12 months. The average security-related loss
   machines before they are sent out to the               per respondent in the survey increased to
                                                          $345,000 for 2007 compared to $168,000           Lenovo understands that to offer the most
   leasing company – and at a higher level of data
                                                          in the 2006 survey.                              complete and integrated security solution
   scrubbing than what was provided by the
                                                                                                           possible, it must combine its own integrated
   leasing company.
                                                                                                           hardware/software solutions with those of
                                                          The combination of Lenovo’s Client Security      other security leaders in the market.
                                                          Solution (CSS) with its hardware-based           Therefore, integration with other leading
                                                          Trusted Platform Module (TPM) provides an        security solutions is a necessity and key
                                                          integrated software/hardware solution that       differentiator for Lenovo. The company works
                                                          protects both the security of the network and    closely with – and integrates solutions from –
                                                          data residing on individual PCs. CSS utilizes    security partners including:
                                                          different forms of authentication including a
                                                                                                                •     Utimaco: Full hard drive encryption
                                                          password, passphrase or fingerprint for
                                                                                                                      through SafeGuard Easy solution
                                                          access to protected data and allows IT

   TECHNOLOGY BUSINESS RESEARCH, INC.     11 Merrill Drive, Hampton, NH 03842                 Phone: (603) 929-1166 Fax: (603) 926-9801
ThinkVantage Technologies
Saving Dollars and Improving Productivity Through the PC Lifecycle                                                                                 Page 1 0

EXAMPLE: Catholic
Education, Diocese of                                               •     Absolute Software: Secure asset      way back to a fully-functioning system.
Parramatta                                                                tracking and recovery through its
                                                                          CompuTrace solution
                                                                                                               Lenovo continues to make improvements to
                                                                                                               Rescue and Recovery, with advancements
 The primary mission of Catholic Education,                         •     SofTex: Secure single sign-on with   based on customer feedback. Manageability
 Diocese of Parramatta is to provide quality                              central management that can be       is also a key feature of Rescue and Recovery.
 Catholic Education for the 76 schools and                                used in conjunction with Lenovo’s    By using LANDesk Management Suite for
 41,000 students in its system located in the                             Fingerprint Reader                   ThinkVantage Technologies, a customer can
 Western Sydney area of Australia. One of the                                                                  manage and reinforce companywide Rescue
                                                                    •     ActivCard: SSO, Smart card
 key priorities of Catholic Education is to utilize                                                            and Recovery policies, as well as easily
                                                                          management    and  biometric
 21st-century technology to enable 21st-century                                                                deliver    IT   reports    on    usage   and
 learning,     ensuring   its   students   are     fully                                                       implementations of the tool. Additional
                                                                    •     Safend: Centrally managed PC port    Rescue and Recovery features include:
 equipped for the future. Catholic Education is
 dedicated to providing students with the best                                                                     •     System Rejuvenation: Preserves
 possible      learning   opportunities    and     that                                                                  data and personality settings when
 requires a robust and dependable learning                     Secure Data Media                                         recovering, and shows the user a
 technology environment for students. However,                 There is no doubt that the cost of damaged                list of applications and updates
 it is extremely important to Catholic Education               equipment and lost data as a result of laptop             that were not included as part of
 that its teachers’ time is invested in the                    drops has grown along with the increasing                 the image from which the recovery
 students, rather than in maintaining computers.               percentage of laptops in the workforce.                   is being generated.
 This led Catholic Education to choose Lenovo                  Lenovo has addressed this problem with the          •     Single Instance Restore: Features
 systems leveraging the TVTs for improved                      Active Protection System (APS). Featured on               backups of only the most recent
 manageability and reduced maintenance time.                   ThinkPad laptops, APS is able to sense when               versions of large files such as mail
   Rescue and Recovery:          R&R was a critical            impact to the system is imminent by                       files and databases, allowing for
   factor in the decision to choose Lenovo.                    continually monitoring system movement.                   smaller backups and reduced
   Assuming that R&R would eliminate one                       Hard drives are most susceptible to damage                storage requirements.
   on-site visit per PC each year, Catholic                    from drops when they are actively writing or        •     Migrate from Backup: Saves data
   Education has estimated the potential cost                  reading data on the hard drive. Therefore, if             and system settings into the
   saving of R&R at $50 for each machine                       APS senses a sudden change in movement of                 Systems      Migration   Assistant
   annually, or $200 over the four-year expected               the system, it temporarily removes the hard               format, allowing users to recover
   lifespan. With 2,600 ThinkPads installed, this              drive head to a safe location on the disk                 data and settings on a completely
   could amount to an annual savings of                        before the damaging event occurs. APS also                different system. This technology
   $130,000 annually or $520,000 over the PC                   provides protection for secondary hard drives             also protects users that have no
   lifetime.                                                   installed in the UltraBay of ThinkPads.                   external backup option.

   Access      Connections:     Like    many     school        Backup and Recovery                                 •     Back-up Analyzer: Creates a greater
   systems, Catholic Education runs a lean IT                  Lenovo’s Rescue and Recovery is a                         opportunity to customize Rescue
   organization. Therefore, AC has proven an                   one-button backup and recovery tool built                 and Recovery by allowing users to
   invaluable tool for Catholic Education in                   into every Lenovo system at no charge that                view files by size and number of
   rolling out an organization-wide wireless                   allows users or IT administrators to bring                backups performed. This capability
   network. With security credentials and AC                   systems back online after a crash on their                allows users to choose those files
   preloaded on machines, Catholic Education                   own or remotely. Whether due to a virus,                  that should be excluded from the
   has been able to provide its students and                   worm, software or hard drive failure, Rescue              backup or only be backed up with a
   staff with ubiquitous user access without the               and Recovery can retrieve files, restore the              single copy.
   need for IT staff intervention.                             entire system or allow for connection to the        •     Password Persistence: Keeps the
                                                               Internet if the operating system has failed.              user’s current Windows password,
   Productivity Center: Catholic Education also
                                                               Using a pre-boot environment, Rescue and                  even when restoring from a backup
   leverages the Productivity Center to provide a
                                                               Recovery can restore the system; users just               with an older password.
   repository of technical support information,
                                                               push the “blue button” and they are on their
   such as monitor configurations, to its users.

   TECHNOLOGY BUSINESS RESEARCH, INC.          11 Merrill Drive, Hampton, NH 03842               Phone: (603) 929-1166 Fax: (603) 926-9801
ThinkVantage Technologies
Saving Dollars and Improving Productivity Through the PC Lifecycle                                                                                         Page 1 1

EXAMPLE: Professional
Services Firm
   A professional services firm in the United Kingdom
   understands the challenges of managing a highly                         •    Express Repair:        Targets and      defined number of minutes and their system
   mobile workforce. With approximately 15,000                                  repairs key system files, letting the   is removed from the network. After the
   employees       and     consultants        in    the   country,              user       avoid      the       more    designated time, the system reboots to the
   Lenovo’s      ThinkVantage           Technologies         have               time-consuming process of a full        Rescue and Recovery pre-OS environment
   provided significant value to the firm through                               restoration. With Express Repair,       where connectivity is enabled in a more
   enhanced security for important customer data                                the average user will benefit from      secure     environment.    The    patch    is
   and reduced consultant downtime, which improved                              an 80% reduction in the time it         downloaded and the system automatically
   utilization. Also, additional revenue is generated                           takes to restore a system.              reboots and applies the patch. Once all
   given the high billing rates of these employees and                                                                  patches have been applied, the system
                                                                                                                        restores the original network connection and
   increased     manageability          and        interoperability   Virus Mitigation
   through Lenovo’s partnership with LANDesk.                                                                           the user can resume normal operations.
                                                                      The Antidote Delivery Manager is a feature        Under this model, Antidote Delivery Manager
      Access Connections: With a large number of                      built into Rescue and Recovery that allows IT     provides IT administration with a highly
   mobile consultants, the flexibility to easily connect              managers to deliver critical updates and          automated tool that protects a variety of
   across a variety of locations was essential.                       patches to systems under a variety of             machines, whether on the network or not,
   Access      Connections       allow        the      customer’s     circumstances. ADM allows IT managers to          and provides an added layer of protection by
   consultant to connect to the wireless infrastructure               access systems that have traditionally been a     removing systems from the network until all
   across various office locations and seamlessly                     challenge to reach and repair, including users    patches and updates have been applied.
   switch to wireless 3G while working at client sites.               who are already infected or disabled by a         Like other ThinkVantage Technologies,
                                                                      virus, users who are not on the corporate         administrators have the capability to
       Rescue and Recovery: Rescue and Recovery is
                                                                      network for VPN or users whose systems are        customize the policies associated with
   providing benefits in the form of fewer system
                                                                      not registered in the corporate asset system.     Antidote to meet the needs of their unique
   crashes and savings in terms of support resources.
                                                                      ADM accomplishes this by allowing recovery        operating environments.
      ImageUltra Builder:        ImageUltra Builder has               from the pre-boot environment, so that
   provided benefits to the deployment process                        updates may be delivered via the Web for
   including cost savings as well as the ability to roll              users that are not connected to the intranet
   out deployments more rapidly and get consultants                   and providing automatic updates from a
   up and running quickly.                                            central repository which can reach systems
                                                                      not registered in the asset repository.
      Client Security System: With protection of
                                                                      Additional manageability is available by using
   sensitive customer data a key requirement,
                                                                      the LANDesk Management Suite For
   Lenovo’s fingerprint reader and partnership with
                                                                      ThinkVantage Technologies, which allows for
   Utimaco for Safeguard Easy have lowered the risk
                                                                      centrally configured repositories and Antidote
   profile    while      providing   an        improved       user
   experience through faster, more secure access to
   applications.                                                      The following description provides a typical
                                                                      chain of events for an IT administrator
      Active Protection System: Given the nature of                   protecting systems through Rescue and
   its workforce, users in this firm typically experience             Recovery with Antidote Delivery Manager:
   more droppage due to high levels of mobility.                By    Once aware that a virus has hit the network
   leveraging ThinkPads with the Active Protection                    or is about to hit the network, IT
   System, the customer has experienced reduced                       administration creates a patch. The patch is
   support     costs     and    avoided        expensive       lost   then placed in the Antidote repository and,
   productivity. With Active Protection System, it has                based on a set of defined events (reboot
   also been noticed that the level of hard drive                     network connection every 60 minutes, etc.),
   damage has declined significantly during hard                      systems with Rescue and Recovery will go to
   drive data wipes.                                                  the repository and check for updates. When
                                                                      the patch is found, the user is informed that
                                                                      an emergency update is going to occur in a

   TECHNOLOGY BUSINESS RESEARCH, INC.                11 Merrill Drive, Hampton, NH 03842                 Phone: (603) 929-1166 Fax: (603) 926-9801
ThinkVantage Technologies
Saving Dollars and Improving Productivity Through the PC Lifecycle                                                                                     Page 1 2

 EXAMPLE: Lenovo Business
   SARCOM is a leading Lenovo business partner                  End-user Self-help Portal                           times when it is most convenient for the user,
   with over 700 technicians, project managers                                                                      typically when they are away from their desk.
                                                                Providing end users with tools to enable
   and engineers located in Columbus, Ohio. Like                                                                    When maintenance tasks such as backup or
                                                                self-help and reduce technical support calls
   many Lenovo business partners and customers,                                                                     disk defragmentation are scheduled to run at
                                                                and visits are key to both improving end-user
   SARCOM believes Lenovo’s value lies in the                                                                       a time when the end user is going to be using
                                                                satisfaction and reducing overall IT support
   company’s view of the PC as more than a                                                                          the system, Whisper Mode is available to
                                                                costs. There is no doubt that helpdesk
   commodity, adding value through innovation                                                                       reduce the impact to the end user. Whisper
                                                                support represents a significant portion of the
   and technology.                                                                                                  Mode limits the percentage of CPU capacity
                                                                expense in managing a PC throughout its
   •ImageUltra Builder: With IUB, SARCOM has                    lifecycle. With the ThinkVantage Productivity       that is dedicated to the maintenance
     been able to significantly reduce the amount               Center, Lenovo provides end users with a            programs, allowing the user enough capacity
     of time it takes to develop and update                     single tool to manage their ThinkVantage            to continue to perform other tasks.
     customer images. While it previously took                  tools and utilities. The Productivity Center is     Update Management
     between five and eight hours to take certain               also highly customizable, allowing IT               System Update provides end users and IT
     images to the Gold level through traditional               administrators to add internal help files,          managers with a tool to endure the latest
     loading and testing methodologies, this same               applications and links, providing end users         system and software updates are installed on
     image can take as little as one hour to certify            with a single interface for managing a range        the PC, keeping the PC running more
     as Gold using IUB.                                         of self-help options for their PC.                  smoothly and reducing IT support costs.
   •Systems Migration Assistant: SARCOM uses                                                                        System Update provides Active Directory
     SMA internally in its integration center for               The Productivity Center has three main              Policy integration and has a similar look and
     cascading or recycling systems. Without SMA,               components:                                         feel to Windows Update, so users are familiar
     migration typically takes anywhere from one to                                                                 with the environment. With System Update, IT
                                                                     •     Quick Links: Includes links to
     three hours, depending upon the availability                                                                   managers no longer need to target each
                                                                           commonly performed tasks and
     and accuracy of pre-written scripts and search                                                                 machine with the correct updates. Instead, it
                                                                           their status. Quick links can also
     utilities. In addition to being time-consuming,                                                                is a client-based model: System Update will
                                                                           be customized by the end user.
     this manual method often results in some                                                                       access the status of the system, inventory
                                                                     •     Resource Center: Provides users          available updates and only select those
     data files, user preferences and configuration
                                                                           with a point to launch and manage        appropriate for the system. System Update
     settings being missed. With SMA, migration
                                                                           the ThinkVantage portfolio of tools,     links to Lenovo e-support to obtain drivers,
     will be reduced by about 80% to 30 minutes
                                                                           the Help Center (learning center)        utilities, BIOS and ThinkVantage Technologies
     with a much higher level of accuracy.
                                                                           and the Maintenance Manager (a           software updates. Two administrative
   •Rescue and Recovery:                Quite a few of                     tool to manage the launch of             functions have also been added to System
     SARCOM’s customers are using R&R, with                                maintenance tasks). The Help             Update: Package Builder for software
     some clients using it to initiate reimaging.                          Center represents the user’s             distribution and Update Retriever, which
     SARCOM believes 50% of helpdesk calls that                            repository of tutorials, help files      searches for and obtains drivers, applications
     relate to PC software issues can be solved                            and links for managing their PC.         and TVTs that will be distributed. Using the
     through     reimaging,    with     significant   time           •     Message Center: Provides an              Package Builder and Update Retriever,
     savings for the customer.                                             interface for end users to receive       customers can look to their servers or Lenovo
                                                                           messages        regarding    updates,    for updates and then package and distribute
                                                                           which can be pre-loaded or sent          them. As is the case with all the
                                                                           directly for the IT support center. It   ThinkVantage Technologies, System Update
                                                                           also provides a tool for educating       is customizable by the IT manager to allow for
                                                                           end users on system or support           either automatic scheduling or manual
                                                                           features they would not likely           downloading of updates.
                                                                           discover on their own.
                                                                The Maintenance Manager is a feature of the
                                                                Productivity Center that allows users or IT
                                                                managers to schedule maintenance tasks for

   TECHNOLOGY BUSINESS RESEARCH, INC.           11 Merrill Drive, Hampton, NH 03842                  Phone: (603) 929-1166 Fax: (603) 926-9801
ThinkVantage Technologies
Saving Dollars and Improving Productivity Through the PC Lifecycle                                                                              Page 1 3


                                                          Hard Drive Data Disposal                           scrubbing of drives in a central database and
                                                          The proper disposal of PC hard drives and the      capture hard drive serial numbers for audit
                                                          data that resides on them is becoming an           requirements.
                                                          increasingly important issue for both
                                                          companies and IT administrators. There have
                                                          been many stories in the press regarding
                                                          sensitive data that has been recovered from
                                                          discarded hard drives, including the two MIT
                                                          graduate students who recovered personal
                                                          data including 5,000 credit card numbers
                                                          from 158 used hard drives they purchased.
                                                          There is no doubt that the accidental
                                                          disclosure of sensitive customer information
                                                          creates serious problems from a customer,
                                                          reputation and publicity standpoint. The
                                                          negative publicity and potential impact to the
                                                          business of a company that inadvertently
                                                          allows     access    to    private    customer
                                                          information can be enormous, making the
                                                          avoidance of these issues priceless in many
                                                          situations. However, the stakes are getting
                                                          even higher and could include significant
                                                          fines and/or prison sentences for executives
                                                          and IT managers of companies who disclose
                                                          private customer information. For example,
                                                          the Health Insurance Portability and
                                                          Accountability Act (HIPAA) includes maximum
                                                          fines of $250,000 and prison terms of up to
                                                          10 years for violations for violation of patient
                                                          privacy rules, and similar regulations are in
                                                          place for the financial services market.

                                                          While many companies believe reformatting
                                                          the hard drive provides adequate protection,
                                                          this is not the case. Data from reformatted
                                                          drives has not been destroyed and can be
                                                          accessed. Lenovo’s Secure Data Disposal
                                                          (SDD) provides a tool for overwriting the hard
                                                          drive and permanently destroying hard drive
                                                          data. SDD is also customizable, with five
                                                          levels of data overwrite protection – the
                                                          highest level meeting the United States
                                                          Department of Defense guidelines. SDD also
                                                          provides important audit tracking capabilities
                                                          and can be centrally managed through
                                                          LANDesk        Management       Suite      for
                                                          ThinkVantage Technologies, allowing IT
                                                          managers to track and document the

   TECHNOLOGY BUSINESS RESEARCH, INC.     11 Merrill Drive, Hampton, NH 03842                 Phone: (603) 929-1166 Fax: (603) 926-9801
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Saving Dollars and Improving Productivity Through the PC Lifecycle                                                                                 Page 1 4


                                                                                        Lenovo Management Tool Applicability
                                                           Technology                     1s to 10s    10s to 100s     100s to 1000s     Multiple 1000s

                                                           Rescue and Recovery

                                                           Active Protection System

                                                           Productivity Center

                                                           Secure Data Disposal

                                                           System Migration Assistant
   Leveraging a variety of
                                                           Fingerprint Reader
   ThinkVantage Technologies,
   Babson has been able to                                 Password Manager

   reduce the number of hours                              Access Connections

   spent on standard support                               Client Security Solution
   issues by 20%.                                          Antidote

                                                           ImageUltra Builder

                                                           ImageUltra Services

                                                             SOURCE: TBR AND LENOVO.

                                                                                                              The implications of disclosing personal
                                                          WHO SHOULD USE
                                                                                                              customer data could even include jail time
                                                                                                              and fines for IT managers and executives.
                                                          The ThinkVantage portfolio offers benefits for      At the same time, IT managers face the
                                                          businesses of all sizes. While there are some       ongoing challenge of doing more with less,
                                                          tools that may not be as appropriate for            and that is where Lenovo’s ThinkVantage
                                                          individual users or very small companies,           Technologies come into play. Lenovo has
                                                          most tools offer cost savings and return on         built a comprehensive portfolio of tools that
                                                          investment opportunities for businesses of all      work to address and improve processes for
                                                          sizes. For small businesses, which may have         managing PCs through every stage of the PC
                                                          less mature IT infrastructures, the tools often     lifecycle, from deployment to support and
                                                          offer a significant improvement in the quality      maintenance to disposal. There is no doubt
                                                          of PC support and manageability. For                that there are pain points for IT managers at
                                                          enterprise customers, Lenovo has ensured            each stage of the PC lifecycle. The
                                                          the    ThinkVantage      portfolio   is    both     ThinkVantage portfolio addresses these pain
                                                          customizable and highly manageable.                 points by improving the process to not only
                                                                                                              reduce time and costs associated with PC
                                                          THE BOTTOM LINE
                                                                                                              management but also improve the overall
                                                          IT managers face increasing challenges in the       quality of the process. Examples of quality
                                                          management of PC environments due to the            improvements include system migrations that
                                                          combination of increasing security and              are more complete and include users’
                                                          regulatory requirements coupled with a              personal settings, wireless connectivity that is
                                                          growing mobile workforce. Every day, laptops        seamless and ubiquitous to the user and a
                                                          containing sensitive company and customer           back-up and recovery solution that reduces
                                                          information leave company premises and are          downtime.
                                                          exposed to potential theft or loss. Without
                                                          the implementation of proper security tools,        Security and protection of data is also an
                                                          the value of lost data or the damage to a           integral focus of the ThinkVantage portfolio.
                                                          company’s reputation as it discloses that it        To support these efforts, Lenovo has
                                                          has lost private customer data is priceless.        partnered with leading PC security firms such
                                                                                                              as Utimaco, Softex and Absolute Software to

   TECHNOLOGY BUSINESS RESEARCH, INC.     11 Merrill Drive, Hampton, NH 03842                   Phone: (603) 929-1166 Fax: (603) 926-9801
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Think Vantage Whitepaper

  • 1. TBR ThinkVantage Technologies: Saving Dollars and Improving Productivity Through the PC Lifecycle Lenovo ThinkVantage Tools Generate Hard Dollar Savings Through Every Stage of the PC Lifecycle BACKGROUND Lenovo has made significant investments in creating a portfolio of PC management tools that provides IT managers and end users with the opportunity to save time, reduce costs, INTRODUCTION improve security and deliver a better experience across every stage of the The management of the PC environment is becoming increasingly complex, PC lifecycle, from deployment to despite the fact that PC prices continue to fall. Compliance and security issues disposal. Lenovo has retained TBR to have become paramount, with the potential for large fines and jail time for IT conduct in-depth interviews to help managers and executives of companies that disclose private customer data. quantify the actual dollar savings and An increasingly mobile workforce adds another layer of complexity in ensuring productivity gains that Lenovo that end users can easily connect wherever they are, in addition to ensuring customers have experienced through data stored on their PCs is secure when it leaves company premises. implementing the ThinkVantage Traditionally, PC lifecycle cost estimates have indicated an 80%/20% rule, Technologies; the end result of those meaning 20% of costs associated with the full PC lifecycle are actually related interviews was this white paper. TBR to hardware costs, while the other 80% are associated with deploying, has fine-tuned the methodology for this supporting and disposing of systems throughout their lifecycles. However, lower paper over the past several years, as hardware pricing and increasing PC management complexity indicate that PC this is the fourth version that has been lifecycle costs are likely shifting to a 90%/10% model. created, allowing us to follow In conducting research for this paper, the consistent message from customers customers through various stages of and business partners is that Lenovo understands PCs are not a commodity implementation. In completing the and there is significant room for innovation in PC hardware and through PC paper, TBR followed a three-pronged management software. Through its ThinkVantage Technologies portfolio, approach. First, TBR analysts were Lenovo provides tools that support and enable image creation and ongoing briefed on each of the ThinkVantage image management; system migration and deployment; support of PC users Technologies by Lenovo product and disposal of PCs in a way that protects sensitive company and customer managers. Second, TBR conducted data. Most of these tools are included free with every Lenovo system, although interviews with customers using the the fact that the tools are free represents only a small portion of the overall TVTs to understand the impact to their savings opportunity. Customers who implement the tools report measureable PC management costs and and significant time savings and productivity improvements in managing their productivity. As an additional PC environments. In many cases, ThinkVantage Technologies reduced the time checkpoint, TBR interviewed customers associated with a PC management task from 50% to 80% over the client’s within our own database of users that previous method. Customers experience other business benefits that are even had switched to Lenovo from another harder to quantify but have a positive impact on the company’s bottom line, vendor to assess the tools’ influence such as reduced downtime for revenue-generating salespeople and on their decision to change vendors. consultants, improved end-user productivity and satisfaction and the ability to avoid reputation-damaging leaks of confidential customer information.
  • 2. ThinkVantage Technologies Saving Dollars and Improving Productivity Through the PC Lifecycle Page 2 EXAMPLE: A Large KEY WHITE PAPER FINDINGS the opportunity for the IT team to focus on Bottler/Distributor TBR looked to several sources of information other strategic projects. to understand the benefits to customers in Coca-Cola Enterprise is the world’s largest implementing Lenovo’s ThinkVantage 2. A Unique Integrated Hardware and bottler and distributor of Coca-Cola products Technologies. To create a strong background Software PC Management Solution with operations in the United States, Canada and understanding of the tools, TBR Lenovo has created a combination of and Europe. With an installed base of 27,000 conducted interviews with ThinkVantage software- and hardware-based PC PCs, CCE faces the challenge of efficiently product managers. To verify the benefits management features that is unique in the managing a large, global IT infrastructure. CCE associated with the tools, and to understand market. Hardware features include the Hard has been leveraging ThinkVantage tools for how they are implemented in the real world, Drive Active Protection System, the several years now with significant cost benefits. TBR spoke with ThinkVantage customers and ThinkVantage “blue button” for support and In 2006, the tools were a contributing factor to business partners. Customers were able to recovery and the Trusted Platform Module CCE reducing the time spent in PC support provide a view of how ThinkVantage (TPM) embedded security chip. In the activities by over 30%. Technologies had improved their PC software area, Lenovo’s ThinkVantage PC management experience from cost, time management tools cover the entire PC • Image Ultra Builder and Systems lifecycle including deployment and migration savings and end-user productivity Migration Assistant: CCE has made a tools, support tools, backup and recovery and perspectives. At the same time, business significant monetary and training the secure removal of hard drive data when partners were able to substantiate these investment in IUB and SMA which has systems are disposed of. No other vendor can findings with additional customer examples allowed CCE to deploy PCs much faster deliver all of these functions with a single and share their own experiences in leveraging than before. CCE recently modified its PC point of contact and accountability. the TVTs for delivering value-add services like refresh strategy and now redeploys PCs image management or deployment services more frequently versus systematically 3. Leading Partnerships to their own customers. Finally, TBR spoke replacing PCs based on their age. With While Lenovo is the only vendor to offer an with customers from our own database of IUB and SMA, CCE has reduced the time to integrated hardware and software PC users who had switched to Lenovo PCs from deploy a PC from more than 90 minutes to management solution, the company realizes another brand within the past 18 months to less then 30 minutes. With a savings of at partnerships with third parties are also an understand how the tools impacted their least one hour per PC, CCE would save important piece of the overall solution, decision to change vendors. $810,000 in refreshing its installed base particularly in the security space. Lenovo has of 27,000 PCs. IUB and SMA have also partnered with security leaders such as These three components of our research are supported CCE’s strategy to transition to Utimaco, Absolute Software and Softex to the basis for the following findings and user self-service and self-support versus a ensure that solutions from these leading conclusions : fully-assisted deployment process. security vendors work in conjunction with the • Rescue and Recovery: R&R is deployed on 1. True Dollar Savings TVTs. all of CCE’s PCs and is used as an Customers generate savings through important backup and recovery tool. implementing ThinkVantage Technologies in 4. Flexibility to Customize and R&R provides CCE with a tool with high a variety of ways. Customers save money Increased Manageability ease-of-use which supports CCE’s user based on the elimination of PC management The ability to customize the tools within the self-service strategy. CCE employees are tools, purchases and services from third ThinkVantage portfolio is a key theme for now able to recover data themselves and parties, as the majority of TVTs are offered at Lenovo. IT managers have the flexibility to are able to restore their systems to a state no charge. However, through TBR’s interviews manage the content, level of access, and that is better optimized and closer to the with TVT customers, it is apparent that more scheduling of TVT features. Lenovo has also original level of performance. significant savings occur through the partnered with LANDesk for the creation of a improvements in efficiency driven by using specific LANDesk Management Suite for the (Continued on next page.) ThinkVantage Technologies console to enable the tools. This has reduced the need for customers to add new resources to manage centralized management of the TVTs. an expanding installed base and has created Additionally, Lenovo has ensured that the tools are compatible and integrated with TECHNOLOGY BUSINESS RESEARCH, INC. 11 Merrill Drive, Hampton, NH 03842 Phone: (603) 929-1166 Fax: (603) 926-9801
  • 3. ThinkVantage Technologies Saving Dollars and Improving Productivity Through the PC Lifecycle Page 3 EXAMPLE: Coca-Cola cont. Active Directory and new PC management THINKVANTAGE TECHNOLOGIES capabilities announced as part of Microsoft BACKGROUND • R&R (cont.): CCE estimates it used R&R Vista. The average cost of PC hardware continues to to restore about 200 to 300 PCs last year, decline while the complexity of managing the allowing the system to be restored in 20 5. Improved user productivity and high PC environment, including security and minutes or less, compared to the previous end-user satisfaction compliance requirements as well as an method which took three to four hours. End users are happiest when they can avoid increasingly mobile workforce, continues to At a rate of $30 per hour for on-site a call to the helpdesk. Lenovo customers escalate. Customers must increasingly look support, the time savings associated with report high levels of end-user satisfaction, as at the big picture, since the true costs R&R would result in a cost equivalent of the tools allow IT managers to preemptively associated with managing and supporting $19,000 to $28,500 last year. address common problems before they their PC environment represent the vast • Access Connections: AC has proven to be occur. For example, Access Connections majority of spending throughout the PC an important tool for CCE in rolling out a helps to avoid calls regarding wireless lifecycle. While some PC vendors continue to home connectivity program for its connectivity, while the Password Manager base their value proposition on offering the employees as well as an initiative to arm a helps to avoid support requests for password lowest price, TBR believes this approach has group of 3,500 sales people with a new resets. For users needing technical become short-sighted and does not take into Lenovo T60 or T61 laptop and wireless assistance, the Productivity Center provides account the true costs that customers face. connectivity card. With AC, the CCE sales an end-user self-help solution. End users also In speaking with Lenovo customers, a team can seamlessly connect at home benefit from the increased uptime that constant theme TBR heard was that Lenovo before they begin their day, on the road avoiding a technical support call can deliver. differentiates itself based on “innovation”, and back home to finish the day. For the For an online college, Rescue and Recovery both with its PC hardware and PC home connectivity program, AC has allowed students to restore their own management tools. TBR notes that Lenovo is allowed CCE to create a program that systems, when the previous method would the only hardware vendor offering a fully drives employee satisfaction and is easy have required sending in their laptop and integrated suite of PC management tools, to support: Employees purchase a being without it for three days, leading to complemented by unique hardware features standard router, which CCE configures, missed classes and homework assignments. such as the Hard Drive Active Protection and then through AC employees can For customers with mobile sales forces, System, the “blue button” and the TPM seamlessly transition from the office to increased PC uptime typically equates to embedded security chip. Competitors would home. higher revenue generation. need to partner with a variety of third parties to build the type of solution that is currently • Secure Data Disposal: SDD provides CCE 6. Continued commitment to leading available directly from Lenovo – and most of with a flexible tool to choose how to R&D the ThinkVantage Technologies are offered dispose of assets. CCE uses the services Lenovo has absolutely committed to free of charge with the purchase of a Lenovo of a third party for some of its disposal maintaining ThinkVantage Technologies as PC. TBR believes in many cases the cost requirements; however, SDD has allowed the leader in PC management tools and savings associated with implementing the full the company to efficiently bring some of functionality. Lenovo continues to ThinkVantage portfolio can offset the full those processes in-house for a savings of substantiate this commitment with new acquisition price of the PC. $24 to $34 per PC that is sent out. As a versions of the tools, adding functionality and While Lenovo is the only PC hardware vendor result, CCE received a $68,000 rebate improvements in the ease of use. One of the with a broad portfolio of PC management from its supplier last year for services it consistent comments TBR hears from tools, it is important to note that the company was able to complete in-house. ThinkVantage customers is that Lenovo is realizes partners are necessary to provide very focused on taking customer feedback customers with the most complete and regarding the tools and implementing manageable solutions possible. Given that changes based on these suggestions. many of its customers have security solutions or centralized management tools in place, Lenovo has partnered with the leaders in these areas to ensure that ThinkVantage TECHNOLOGY BUSINESS RESEARCH, INC. 11 Merrill Drive, Hampton, NH 03842 Phone: (603) 929-1166 Fax: (603) 926-9801
  • 4. ThinkVantage Technologies Saving Dollars and Improving Productivity Through the PC Lifecycle Page 4 System Lifecycle EXAMPLE: A Managed Service Provider Deploy Connect Protect Support Dispose Image Creation Hassle free Connection Dempsey Bluevar is a provider of managed IT Secure Client Data End-user self -help Hard Drive Data •ImageUltra Builder Access Connections • Client Security portal Destruction services to the small- and medium-sized Base Software Solution • ThinkVantage Secure Data Disposal Selector business market. In providing outsourced • Password Productivity Center Base Software Manager (Help Center, desktop services, several of the Lenovo Administrator • Fingerprint Reader Maintenance Lenovo ImageUltra ThinkVantage Technologies help Bluevar to • Data encryption Manager, Message Services Center) reduce the costs associated with service • Rescue and •Client Migration Secure Data Media delivery as well as improve customer • Active Protection Recovery System Migration satisfaction. With ImageUltra, Bluevar has Assistant System Update Management generated significant time savings, reducing • System Update Backup and Recovery the typical time associated with building a • Rescue and Recovery Management customer image by 75% – from 16 hours to • LANDesk four hours. Access Connections and Rescue Management Suite Virus Mitigation and for ThinkVantage and Recovery are important tools for Bluevar Patch Delivery Technologies • Antidote (part of in improving customer satisfaction and Rescue and reducing costs. Access Connections Recovery) combined with the Password Manager, allows Bluevar to implement a user friendly solution SOURCE: TBR AND LENOVO. that reduces the number of help desk calls. Rescue and Recovery has also allowed Technologies are optimized to work with administering systems across the five stages Bluevar to save time and cut down on overall these tools; for example, Lenovo has of the PC lifecycle. The graphic above depicts support costs. These savings coupled with partnered with LANDesk for the creation of the five lifecycle stages and the the high durability of Lenovo hardware are the ThinkVantage-specific LANDesk corresponding ThinkVantage tools. that the foundation for Bluevar steering management console, and has partnered address each stage customers towards Lenovo-based solutions. with the leaders in PC security to ensure that While ThinkVantage Technologies clearly Lenovo can have an integrated security generate cost and time savings for solution that includes features such as full customers, there are many other benefits as hard drive encryption. well. In many cases, the Secure Data In speaking with ThinkVantage customers Disposal tool will provide the customer higher over the past five years, TBR has found that levels of security and data destruction for customers typically pick and choose the tools systems that are either being cascaded, sold that will have the most immediate impact to or discarded. The protection of confidential their business or fill a gap in their PC company and customer data is priceless. For management strategy. It is important to note mobile workers, the ability to seamlessly that each ThinkVantage Technology can connect their laptop across a variety of stand on its own and deliver its own ROI. locations, coupled with the backup and However, TBR has found that customers recovery features of Rescue and Recovery, typically expand the number of tools provides a solution to keep them up and implemented based on the measureable running when they are away from the office. savings and ROI delivered by their initial There is no doubt that improved uptime can implementation. have a direct impact to the customer’s bottom line. For example, in a consulting The ThinkVantage Technologies portfolio firm, more uptime for consultants means includes a broad offering of tools that more billable hours and revenue. For sales address the pain points IT managers face in resources, a down PC can impact the sales TECHNOLOGY BUSINESS RESEARCH, INC. 11 Merrill Drive, Hampton, NH 03842 Phone: (603) 929-1166 Fax: (603) 926-9801
  • 5. ThinkVantage Technologies Saving Dollars and Improving Productivity Through the PC Lifecycle Page 5 EXAMPLE: Lenovo Business cycle and the opportunity to bring in more the benefits available through leveraging the Partner revenue. ThinkVantage Technologies far outweigh the investments in implementing the tools and Lenovo has focused heavily on ensuring the MCPc is a large Cleveland-based Lenovo ThinkVantage Technologies are highly ensuring that its end users are using them to business partner with 325 employees, 22 manageable and customizable. To name a their full benefit. offices and over $200 million in revenue. few features, IT managers can customize Lenovo’s ThinkVantage Technologies play an information and access to end-user self-help important role in MCPc’s delivery of Lifecycle options, schedule backup and recovery tasks, Management services to its customers, allowing push out Access Connections wireless MCPc to focus more on the delivery of profiles to users and choose what level of value-added services. By leveraging the TVTs, data overwrite to use for hard drive data MCPc has found that it is able to deliver destruction. Additional management features customers a real savings of $50 to $200 per are available through the LANDesk PC depending on how many tools are Management Suite for the ThinkVantage implemented. Technologies console as well as through Active Directory. Lenovo has also worked to •Systems Migration Assistant: For one of its ensure the ThinkVantage Technologies are midmarket accounts, MCPc has been able to compatible and complementary to Microsoft significantly reduce the time and complexity of Vista capabilities. deploying new systems. Where new system deployment previously required an on-site It is the combination of cost savings, time technician visit, MCPc has been able to reduce savings, improved business results and the cost by sending out a PC pre-loaded with higher end-user satisfaction which is the the customer image and System Migration winning combination for ThinkVantage Assistant which allows the end user to easily customers. migrate their system settings and data to the new system. THINKVANTAGE TECHNOLOGIES •Rescue and Recovery: MCPc works with a DEPLOYMENT, SUPPORT AND larger charter school focused on online TRAINING SERVICES By leveraging the TVTs, education. Students are provided with a new As with any new implementation of hardware Lenovo business partner Lenovo desktop. When students experienced or software, there is an upfront investment MCPc has been able to deliver a problem under the previous model, the customers must make in training and customers a real savings of student would ship out the desktop to be educating their installed base. Lenovo $50 to $200 per PC, reimaged. However, with the Lenovo solution realized that for some customers this may be depending on how many tools the help desk can direct the student to use a challenge and therefore offers a range of are implemented. R&R to restore the system, allowing the ThinkVantage support and service offerings customer to avoid the cost of shipping the PC to smooth the transition phase. Lenovo offers and several hours of technical support free Web and phone support, Web-based resources to reimage the system, which could resources, on-site assessment services and a range from $150 to $175 in total for each range of customized solutions including incident. Additionally, students benefit as they on-site training and education services. are able to continue their schooling without a Customized services related to ThinkVantage three-day interruption due to the loss of their deployment are also available through PC. Lenovo and many of its business partners. TBR acknowledges that there are always (Continued on next page.) challenges in rolling out new solutions such as ThinkVantage. However, through conversations with customers TBR has found TECHNOLOGY BUSINESS RESEARCH, INC. 11 Merrill Drive, Hampton, NH 03842 Phone: (603) 929-1166 Fax: (603) 926-9801
  • 6. ThinkVantage Technologies Saving Dollars and Improving Productivity Through the PC Lifecycle Page 6 Deploy The Impact of ImageUltra Technologies EXAMPLE: MCPc cont. 5 Systems x 2 Adapters x 2 OS x 3 Languages = 60 Core Images x 10 Application Images = 600 Potential 2 Mobile Ethernet WinXP English With 15 standard 5 Standard (off the shelf) Image Combinations 3 Desktop WLAN applications 5 Non-Standard •ImageUltra Builder: With IUB, MCPc can Win2000 French (customized) German replace the typical static customer image management system which requires an 1 Hardware image 1 Software image 1 Application image x = 1 Core image x = 1 Image updated image for any technical changes or 1 HIIT image 1 DOE image 1 SDA image new models. IUB provides a dynamic provisioning solution with one single repository SOURCE: TBR AND LENOVO. Hardware Independent Imaging Technology for all of its hardware platforms, applications (HIIT): HIIT is a Lenovo technology that picks and OS versions where new models can be Image Creation the appropriate hardware device drivers and easily rolled into the repository. Under a static ImageUltra Builder (IUB) is a portfolio of tools Windows operating system options. This provisioning image model, it could typically take that allows an IT organization to build, information is stored on a hidden partition on a customer two to three weeks to develop, test manage and deploy corporate system the hard drive, meaning the system’s master and roll out the new image, while MCPc can images. With IUB, a module is created for image does not need to be updated when accomplish this in a matter of a few days with each image component including there is a change to the hardware IUB. applications, operating systems, language configuration. The change is instead updated requirement and hard drivers. When a on the hardware-independent code stored in module needs to be updated, it can be easily the hard drive partition. replaced without going through the long The LANDesk Management Suite for process of creating a brand-new image. ThinkVantage Technologies also extends the Once a single image encompassing all ImageUltra technologies with reporting and With IUB, SARCOM has possible modules for the customer deployment methods. been able to significantly reduce the amount of environment is created, the image can be The Base Software Administrator is an time it takes to develop installed onto every PC. Through a alternative imaging solution targeted at small- and update customer menu-driven process, the appropriate and medium-sized businesses, although it is images. While it modules can be selected for each PC, greatly applicable to large enterprise as well. previously took five to reducing the need for manual application Rather than provide customers with a eight hours to take an installation, hardware testing and support. locked-down corporate image, BSA provides a image to the Gold level The graphic above depicts the potential factory preload as the core image which through loading and impact IUB can have on a large, global users can then customize through downloads testing, SARCOM has organization with varied application and been able to reduce this via the Web. BSA allows for the creation of language requirements, reducing the manifest files for deployment of custom to one hour using IUB. potential for 600 separate image preloads, which essentially provides the combinations down to one single image. customer with an “image on demand” image There are three key components that form management model. the ImageUltra suite: Lenovo Image Services System Update (SU): With System Update, While IUB is a tool enabling customers to customers can use a generalized image and internally build and manage their images, it is then use SU to customize. Systems Update important to note that Lenovo also offers a will ensure the latest drivers and bios are portfolio of services through the Lenovo installed as well as enable software Imaging Technology Center to design, build distribution. and maintain images for its customers. Dynamic Operating Environment (DOE): DOE focuses on consolidating all of the Microsoft Windows versions and language variations that are present in an organization into a single operating environment image. TECHNOLOGY BUSINESS RESEARCH, INC. 11 Merrill Drive, Hampton, NH 03842 Phone: (603) 929-1166 Fax: (603) 926-9801
  • 7. ThinkVantage Technologies Saving Dollars and Improving Productivity Through the PC Lifecycle Page 7 EXAMPLE: Leading Client Migration System Migration Assistant (SMA) provides Chemical Company users or IT managers with a tool to migrate user data from old systems to new systems. Dow Chemicals, a leading U.S.-based chemical SMA will easily transfer user data and company which does business in more than personality settings (including Windows 175 countries and has an installed base of settings, application-specific settings, and 45,000 PCs, understands the challenges of connectivity settings), applications, data files managing a complex IT infrastructure. and IDs. Once the SMA process is complete, •Systems Migration Assistant: Dow has the user is provided with a new PC that has used SMA for its last two rollouts of new the exact look and feel of their old system. systems. In its last rollout, SMA was used SMA also saves time during the migration to transfer both user settings and data. process, allowing IT managers to migrate Compared to the previous homegrown systems more quickly and users to be back solution it was using to migrate systems, online sooner. SMA can reduce the typical Dow was able to reduce the time spent two to three hours it takes to migrate a migrating data by 75% using a direct system through a scripted/manual process to connection versus using Ethernet. For 30 minutes while simultaneously providing a lower bandwidth locations, the time more thorough transfer of data and settings, savings could be tenfold. reducing additional technical support requests from the user. In designing SMA, Lenovo has also focused on ease of use, making it simple for the end user to transfer their data and settings. This has provided a significant savings to companies with remote locations, which can ship the new PC to their end users and have users migrate their own PC with SMA, avoiding an expensive on-site visit by a technician. Lenovo has also ensured that SMA is customizable, allowing IT managers to choose which settings and data are migrated and automate batch migrations. Lenovo’s partnership with LANDesk provides further customization and manageability of SMA through the LANDesk Management Suite for ThinkVantage Technologies offering. TECHNOLOGY BUSINESS RESEARCH, INC. 11 Merrill Drive, Hampton, NH 03842 Phone: (603) 929-1166 Fax: (603) 926-9801
  • 8. ThinkVantage Technologies Saving Dollars and Improving Productivity Through the PC Lifecycle Page 8 Connect EXAMPLE: Seamless Connectivity Technology-focused With an increasingly mobile workforce, the College. ability to connect a laptop across a potentially limitless number of locations (home, office, As part of its strategy to prepare its students remote office, conference room, airport, for professional careers, Babson College hotel) has become a pain-point for both users emphasizes technology within its educational and IT administrators. With Access program through a mandatory laptop program. Connections, Lenovo has created a Incoming First Year undergraduates receive a connectivity solution that addresses these ThinkPad T series that is then replaced with a issues by automatically managing users’ new ThinkPad T series at the start of the Junior network settings, regardless of location. year. Babson currently has 1,750 students in Profiles that include network configuration its undergrad laptop program as well as and printer setup can be created and easily another 400 faculty and staff with Lenovo managed for every location. Users can laptops. By leveraging a variety of seamlessly move across WLAN, WAN, ThinkVantage Technologies, Babson has been Ethernet and wireless Bluetooth able to reduce the number of hours spent on environments. Lenovo is also committed to standard support issues by 20%. ensuring that Access Connections supports the latest and greatest technologies including • Access Connections: Helping students wireless 3G and support for updated Verizon manage their wireless connections in an and AT&T Wireless WAN. environment where they are moving around campus as well as traveling home presents Providing IT administrators with a set of PC challenges from an IT support perspective. manageability tools that can be easily Under its previous system, students often lost customized for their own unique IT their Babson configuration after traveling environment is a major theme of the TVT home. However, with Access Connections strategy. Therefore, AC allows administrators Babson can push out campus profiles to to easily build and distribute commonly used students that are preserved regardless of connectivity and security profiles for users. where the student travels. This has allowed Distribution of AC profiles can be further Babson to avoid about 100 support calls from simplified, as Lenovo has ensured that students locked out of their Babson wireless profiles can be deployed directly from the configuration. At 10 to 15 minutes per call, LANDesk management console or through this is saving Babson up to 25 hours per year Active Directory. in supporting student systems. • Rescue and Recovery: Rescue and Recovery is a critical tool for Babson in managing systems that are shared across multiple users, such as loaner systems and campus kiosks. R&R also provides Babson with flexibility to support its remote campus in Oregon, which requires support in off hours. (Continued on next page.) TECHNOLOGY BUSINESS RESEARCH, INC. 11 Merrill Drive, Hampton, NH 03842 Phone: (603) 929-1166 Fax: (603) 926-9801
  • 9. ThinkVantage Technologies Saving Dollars and Improving Productivity Through the PC Lifecycle Page 9 Support Secure Client Data managers to customize the level of IT managers and company executives are authentication required. CSS has the EXAMPLE: Babson cont. increasingly faced with security compliance capability to function as an RSA SecurID and governance requirements through authenticator, allowing users to reduce cost • Active Protection System: There is no legislation such as the Health Information by replacing expensive RSA hardware tokens doubt that students can be tough on laptops. and Portability Act (HIPAA) and Sarbanes with software tokens. Lenovo also provides Babson has found that not only does APS help Oxley (SOX). This situation is further customers with the option of an embedded protect the hard drive, but it has also proven complicated by the fact that the overall chip called the Trusted Platform Module to be an effective tool to help students workforce is becoming increasingly mobile, (TPM). CSS works together with the TPM chip understand when they being too aggressive in meaning sensitive data is often stored on to manage encryption keys and processes. treating their hardware. laptops that travel outside of the company’s •System Update: Babson leverages System operations. Stories abound in the press of Lenovo’s Integrated Fingerprint Reader, Update to ensure its systems have the latest companies that have lost private customer available on ThinkPad laptops, is also an drivers, firmware, BIOS and software. With information through lost or stolen laptops. integral part of the company’s PC security System Update, Babson has been able to For example, in 2006 Fidelity Investments solutions. The Fingerprint Reader provides reduce the time it takes to build a pre-load reported the theft of an employee laptop an easy-to-manage and more secure tool for image to between 20 and 30 minutes versus containing information including names, log-on passwords. In addition to increased the three to four hours it previously took. With addresses and Social Security numbers of up security, the Fingerprint Reader also has the 12 separate loads, this process can save to 196,000 Hewlett-Packard employees with capacity to reduce costs and improve ROI, as Babson more than 40 hours in the update Fidelity retirement accounts. While Fidelity it can significantly reduce the number of process. reported the data would be difficult to access passwords necessary to manage Windows, as the application with the data has a bios and Web site log-ons and wireless •System Migration Assistant: When students temporary license, the company still notified connectivity log-on information. With a single transition to new laptops in their junior year, affected employees and put in additional fingerprint replacing multiple passwords, the Babson provides a free SMA option for students security measures. Also in 2006, an Ernst & potential for helpdesk calls to reset to back up and save their data to a secure Young employee lost a laptop containing data passwords is greatly reduced. Lenovo’s network drive which can be leveraged for their including credit card information on 243,000 Password Manager provides further new system. customers – and there are many simplification of security management by •Secure Data Disposal: Under its previous more examples. Companies face security allowing users to manage multiple passwords system, Babson was leveraging its leasing threats from a variety of sources. In its 2007 with a single password or fingerprint. company to scrub data from hard drives of CSI/FBI Computer Crime and Security survey, Together, these solutions provide a high-level machines with the most sensitive 46% of respondents reported that they had comprehensive portfolio for protecting data data. However, with SDD Babson can now experienced a security incident over the past on both the PC and network. cost-effectively remove data from all of its 12 months. The average security-related loss machines before they are sent out to the per respondent in the survey increased to $345,000 for 2007 compared to $168,000 Lenovo understands that to offer the most leasing company – and at a higher level of data in the 2006 survey. complete and integrated security solution scrubbing than what was provided by the possible, it must combine its own integrated leasing company. hardware/software solutions with those of The combination of Lenovo’s Client Security other security leaders in the market. Solution (CSS) with its hardware-based Therefore, integration with other leading Trusted Platform Module (TPM) provides an security solutions is a necessity and key integrated software/hardware solution that differentiator for Lenovo. The company works protects both the security of the network and closely with – and integrates solutions from – data residing on individual PCs. CSS utilizes security partners including: different forms of authentication including a • Utimaco: Full hard drive encryption password, passphrase or fingerprint for through SafeGuard Easy solution access to protected data and allows IT TECHNOLOGY BUSINESS RESEARCH, INC. 11 Merrill Drive, Hampton, NH 03842 Phone: (603) 929-1166 Fax: (603) 926-9801
  • 10. ThinkVantage Technologies Saving Dollars and Improving Productivity Through the PC Lifecycle Page 1 0 EXAMPLE: Catholic Education, Diocese of • Absolute Software: Secure asset way back to a fully-functioning system. Parramatta tracking and recovery through its CompuTrace solution Lenovo continues to make improvements to Rescue and Recovery, with advancements The primary mission of Catholic Education, • SofTex: Secure single sign-on with based on customer feedback. Manageability Diocese of Parramatta is to provide quality central management that can be is also a key feature of Rescue and Recovery. Catholic Education for the 76 schools and used in conjunction with Lenovo’s By using LANDesk Management Suite for 41,000 students in its system located in the Fingerprint Reader ThinkVantage Technologies, a customer can Western Sydney area of Australia. One of the manage and reinforce companywide Rescue • ActivCard: SSO, Smart card key priorities of Catholic Education is to utilize and Recovery policies, as well as easily management and biometric 21st-century technology to enable 21st-century deliver IT reports on usage and management learning, ensuring its students are fully implementations of the tool. Additional • Safend: Centrally managed PC port Rescue and Recovery features include: equipped for the future. Catholic Education is control dedicated to providing students with the best • System Rejuvenation: Preserves possible learning opportunities and that data and personality settings when requires a robust and dependable learning Secure Data Media recovering, and shows the user a technology environment for students. However, There is no doubt that the cost of damaged list of applications and updates it is extremely important to Catholic Education equipment and lost data as a result of laptop that were not included as part of that its teachers’ time is invested in the drops has grown along with the increasing the image from which the recovery students, rather than in maintaining computers. percentage of laptops in the workforce. is being generated. This led Catholic Education to choose Lenovo Lenovo has addressed this problem with the • Single Instance Restore: Features systems leveraging the TVTs for improved Active Protection System (APS). Featured on backups of only the most recent manageability and reduced maintenance time. ThinkPad laptops, APS is able to sense when versions of large files such as mail Rescue and Recovery: R&R was a critical impact to the system is imminent by files and databases, allowing for factor in the decision to choose Lenovo. continually monitoring system movement. smaller backups and reduced Assuming that R&R would eliminate one Hard drives are most susceptible to damage storage requirements. on-site visit per PC each year, Catholic from drops when they are actively writing or • Migrate from Backup: Saves data Education has estimated the potential cost reading data on the hard drive. Therefore, if and system settings into the saving of R&R at $50 for each machine APS senses a sudden change in movement of Systems Migration Assistant annually, or $200 over the four-year expected the system, it temporarily removes the hard format, allowing users to recover lifespan. With 2,600 ThinkPads installed, this drive head to a safe location on the disk data and settings on a completely could amount to an annual savings of before the damaging event occurs. APS also different system. This technology $130,000 annually or $520,000 over the PC provides protection for secondary hard drives also protects users that have no lifetime. installed in the UltraBay of ThinkPads. external backup option. Access Connections: Like many school Backup and Recovery • Back-up Analyzer: Creates a greater systems, Catholic Education runs a lean IT Lenovo’s Rescue and Recovery is a opportunity to customize Rescue organization. Therefore, AC has proven an one-button backup and recovery tool built and Recovery by allowing users to invaluable tool for Catholic Education in into every Lenovo system at no charge that view files by size and number of rolling out an organization-wide wireless allows users or IT administrators to bring backups performed. This capability network. With security credentials and AC systems back online after a crash on their allows users to choose those files preloaded on machines, Catholic Education own or remotely. Whether due to a virus, that should be excluded from the has been able to provide its students and worm, software or hard drive failure, Rescue backup or only be backed up with a staff with ubiquitous user access without the and Recovery can retrieve files, restore the single copy. need for IT staff intervention. entire system or allow for connection to the • Password Persistence: Keeps the Internet if the operating system has failed. user’s current Windows password, Productivity Center: Catholic Education also Using a pre-boot environment, Rescue and even when restoring from a backup leverages the Productivity Center to provide a Recovery can restore the system; users just with an older password. repository of technical support information, push the “blue button” and they are on their such as monitor configurations, to its users. TECHNOLOGY BUSINESS RESEARCH, INC. 11 Merrill Drive, Hampton, NH 03842 Phone: (603) 929-1166 Fax: (603) 926-9801
  • 11. ThinkVantage Technologies Saving Dollars and Improving Productivity Through the PC Lifecycle Page 1 1 EXAMPLE: Professional Services Firm A professional services firm in the United Kingdom understands the challenges of managing a highly • Express Repair: Targets and defined number of minutes and their system mobile workforce. With approximately 15,000 repairs key system files, letting the is removed from the network. After the employees and consultants in the country, user avoid the more designated time, the system reboots to the Lenovo’s ThinkVantage Technologies have time-consuming process of a full Rescue and Recovery pre-OS environment provided significant value to the firm through restoration. With Express Repair, where connectivity is enabled in a more enhanced security for important customer data the average user will benefit from secure environment. The patch is and reduced consultant downtime, which improved an 80% reduction in the time it downloaded and the system automatically utilization. Also, additional revenue is generated takes to restore a system. reboots and applies the patch. Once all given the high billing rates of these employees and patches have been applied, the system restores the original network connection and increased manageability and interoperability Virus Mitigation through Lenovo’s partnership with LANDesk. the user can resume normal operations. The Antidote Delivery Manager is a feature Under this model, Antidote Delivery Manager Access Connections: With a large number of built into Rescue and Recovery that allows IT provides IT administration with a highly mobile consultants, the flexibility to easily connect managers to deliver critical updates and automated tool that protects a variety of across a variety of locations was essential. patches to systems under a variety of machines, whether on the network or not, Access Connections allow the customer’s circumstances. ADM allows IT managers to and provides an added layer of protection by consultant to connect to the wireless infrastructure access systems that have traditionally been a removing systems from the network until all across various office locations and seamlessly challenge to reach and repair, including users patches and updates have been applied. switch to wireless 3G while working at client sites. who are already infected or disabled by a Like other ThinkVantage Technologies, virus, users who are not on the corporate administrators have the capability to Rescue and Recovery: Rescue and Recovery is network for VPN or users whose systems are customize the policies associated with providing benefits in the form of fewer system not registered in the corporate asset system. Antidote to meet the needs of their unique crashes and savings in terms of support resources. ADM accomplishes this by allowing recovery operating environments. ImageUltra Builder: ImageUltra Builder has from the pre-boot environment, so that provided benefits to the deployment process updates may be delivered via the Web for including cost savings as well as the ability to roll users that are not connected to the intranet out deployments more rapidly and get consultants and providing automatic updates from a up and running quickly. central repository which can reach systems not registered in the asset repository. Client Security System: With protection of Additional manageability is available by using sensitive customer data a key requirement, the LANDesk Management Suite For Lenovo’s fingerprint reader and partnership with ThinkVantage Technologies, which allows for Utimaco for Safeguard Easy have lowered the risk centrally configured repositories and Antidote profile while providing an improved user capabilities. experience through faster, more secure access to applications. The following description provides a typical chain of events for an IT administrator Active Protection System: Given the nature of protecting systems through Rescue and its workforce, users in this firm typically experience Recovery with Antidote Delivery Manager: more droppage due to high levels of mobility. By Once aware that a virus has hit the network leveraging ThinkPads with the Active Protection or is about to hit the network, IT System, the customer has experienced reduced administration creates a patch. The patch is support costs and avoided expensive lost then placed in the Antidote repository and, productivity. With Active Protection System, it has based on a set of defined events (reboot also been noticed that the level of hard drive network connection every 60 minutes, etc.), damage has declined significantly during hard systems with Rescue and Recovery will go to drive data wipes. the repository and check for updates. When the patch is found, the user is informed that an emergency update is going to occur in a TECHNOLOGY BUSINESS RESEARCH, INC. 11 Merrill Drive, Hampton, NH 03842 Phone: (603) 929-1166 Fax: (603) 926-9801
  • 12. ThinkVantage Technologies Saving Dollars and Improving Productivity Through the PC Lifecycle Page 1 2 EXAMPLE: Lenovo Business Partner SARCOM is a leading Lenovo business partner End-user Self-help Portal times when it is most convenient for the user, with over 700 technicians, project managers typically when they are away from their desk. Providing end users with tools to enable and engineers located in Columbus, Ohio. Like When maintenance tasks such as backup or self-help and reduce technical support calls many Lenovo business partners and customers, disk defragmentation are scheduled to run at and visits are key to both improving end-user SARCOM believes Lenovo’s value lies in the a time when the end user is going to be using satisfaction and reducing overall IT support company’s view of the PC as more than a the system, Whisper Mode is available to costs. There is no doubt that helpdesk commodity, adding value through innovation reduce the impact to the end user. Whisper support represents a significant portion of the and technology. Mode limits the percentage of CPU capacity expense in managing a PC throughout its •ImageUltra Builder: With IUB, SARCOM has lifecycle. With the ThinkVantage Productivity that is dedicated to the maintenance been able to significantly reduce the amount Center, Lenovo provides end users with a programs, allowing the user enough capacity of time it takes to develop and update single tool to manage their ThinkVantage to continue to perform other tasks. customer images. While it previously took tools and utilities. The Productivity Center is Update Management between five and eight hours to take certain also highly customizable, allowing IT System Update provides end users and IT images to the Gold level through traditional administrators to add internal help files, managers with a tool to endure the latest loading and testing methodologies, this same applications and links, providing end users system and software updates are installed on image can take as little as one hour to certify with a single interface for managing a range the PC, keeping the PC running more as Gold using IUB. of self-help options for their PC. smoothly and reducing IT support costs. •Systems Migration Assistant: SARCOM uses System Update provides Active Directory SMA internally in its integration center for The Productivity Center has three main Policy integration and has a similar look and cascading or recycling systems. Without SMA, components: feel to Windows Update, so users are familiar migration typically takes anywhere from one to with the environment. With System Update, IT • Quick Links: Includes links to three hours, depending upon the availability managers no longer need to target each commonly performed tasks and and accuracy of pre-written scripts and search machine with the correct updates. Instead, it their status. Quick links can also utilities. In addition to being time-consuming, is a client-based model: System Update will be customized by the end user. this manual method often results in some access the status of the system, inventory • Resource Center: Provides users available updates and only select those data files, user preferences and configuration with a point to launch and manage appropriate for the system. System Update settings being missed. With SMA, migration the ThinkVantage portfolio of tools, links to Lenovo e-support to obtain drivers, will be reduced by about 80% to 30 minutes the Help Center (learning center) utilities, BIOS and ThinkVantage Technologies with a much higher level of accuracy. and the Maintenance Manager (a software updates. Two administrative •Rescue and Recovery: Quite a few of tool to manage the launch of functions have also been added to System SARCOM’s customers are using R&R, with maintenance tasks). The Help Update: Package Builder for software some clients using it to initiate reimaging. Center represents the user’s distribution and Update Retriever, which SARCOM believes 50% of helpdesk calls that repository of tutorials, help files searches for and obtains drivers, applications relate to PC software issues can be solved and links for managing their PC. and TVTs that will be distributed. Using the through reimaging, with significant time • Message Center: Provides an Package Builder and Update Retriever, savings for the customer. interface for end users to receive customers can look to their servers or Lenovo messages regarding updates, for updates and then package and distribute which can be pre-loaded or sent them. As is the case with all the directly for the IT support center. It ThinkVantage Technologies, System Update also provides a tool for educating is customizable by the IT manager to allow for end users on system or support either automatic scheduling or manual features they would not likely downloading of updates. discover on their own. The Maintenance Manager is a feature of the Productivity Center that allows users or IT managers to schedule maintenance tasks for TECHNOLOGY BUSINESS RESEARCH, INC. 11 Merrill Drive, Hampton, NH 03842 Phone: (603) 929-1166 Fax: (603) 926-9801
  • 13. ThinkVantage Technologies Saving Dollars and Improving Productivity Through the PC Lifecycle Page 1 3 Dispose Hard Drive Data Disposal scrubbing of drives in a central database and The proper disposal of PC hard drives and the capture hard drive serial numbers for audit data that resides on them is becoming an requirements. increasingly important issue for both companies and IT administrators. There have been many stories in the press regarding sensitive data that has been recovered from discarded hard drives, including the two MIT graduate students who recovered personal data including 5,000 credit card numbers from 158 used hard drives they purchased. There is no doubt that the accidental disclosure of sensitive customer information creates serious problems from a customer, reputation and publicity standpoint. The negative publicity and potential impact to the business of a company that inadvertently allows access to private customer information can be enormous, making the avoidance of these issues priceless in many situations. However, the stakes are getting even higher and could include significant fines and/or prison sentences for executives and IT managers of companies who disclose private customer information. For example, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) includes maximum fines of $250,000 and prison terms of up to 10 years for violations for violation of patient privacy rules, and similar regulations are in place for the financial services market. While many companies believe reformatting the hard drive provides adequate protection, this is not the case. Data from reformatted drives has not been destroyed and can be accessed. Lenovo’s Secure Data Disposal (SDD) provides a tool for overwriting the hard drive and permanently destroying hard drive data. SDD is also customizable, with five levels of data overwrite protection – the highest level meeting the United States Department of Defense guidelines. SDD also provides important audit tracking capabilities and can be centrally managed through LANDesk Management Suite for ThinkVantage Technologies, allowing IT managers to track and document the TECHNOLOGY BUSINESS RESEARCH, INC. 11 Merrill Drive, Hampton, NH 03842 Phone: (603) 929-1166 Fax: (603) 926-9801
  • 14. ThinkVantage Technologies Saving Dollars and Improving Productivity Through the PC Lifecycle Page 1 4 Conclusion Lenovo Management Tool Applicability Technology 1s to 10s 10s to 100s 100s to 1000s Multiple 1000s Rescue and Recovery Active Protection System Productivity Center Secure Data Disposal System Migration Assistant Leveraging a variety of Fingerprint Reader ThinkVantage Technologies, Babson has been able to Password Manager reduce the number of hours Access Connections spent on standard support Client Security Solution issues by 20%. Antidote ImageUltra Builder ImageUltra Services SOURCE: TBR AND LENOVO. The implications of disclosing personal WHO SHOULD USE customer data could even include jail time THINKVANTAGE and fines for IT managers and executives. TECHNOLOOGIES? The ThinkVantage portfolio offers benefits for At the same time, IT managers face the businesses of all sizes. While there are some ongoing challenge of doing more with less, tools that may not be as appropriate for and that is where Lenovo’s ThinkVantage individual users or very small companies, Technologies come into play. Lenovo has most tools offer cost savings and return on built a comprehensive portfolio of tools that investment opportunities for businesses of all work to address and improve processes for sizes. For small businesses, which may have managing PCs through every stage of the PC less mature IT infrastructures, the tools often lifecycle, from deployment to support and offer a significant improvement in the quality maintenance to disposal. There is no doubt of PC support and manageability. For that there are pain points for IT managers at enterprise customers, Lenovo has ensured each stage of the PC lifecycle. The the ThinkVantage portfolio is both ThinkVantage portfolio addresses these pain customizable and highly manageable. points by improving the process to not only reduce time and costs associated with PC THE BOTTOM LINE management but also improve the overall IT managers face increasing challenges in the quality of the process. Examples of quality management of PC environments due to the improvements include system migrations that combination of increasing security and are more complete and include users’ regulatory requirements coupled with a personal settings, wireless connectivity that is growing mobile workforce. Every day, laptops seamless and ubiquitous to the user and a containing sensitive company and customer back-up and recovery solution that reduces information leave company premises and are downtime. exposed to potential theft or loss. Without the implementation of proper security tools, Security and protection of data is also an the value of lost data or the damage to a integral focus of the ThinkVantage portfolio. company’s reputation as it discloses that it To support these efforts, Lenovo has has lost private customer data is priceless. partnered with leading PC security firms such as Utimaco, Softex and Absolute Software to TECHNOLOGY BUSINESS RESEARCH, INC. 11 Merrill Drive, Hampton, NH 03842 Phone: (603) 929-1166 Fax: (603) 926-9801