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Dr Fabina
Junior Resident
 “Personality is the dynamic organization within
the individual of those psychophysical systems
that determine his unique adjustments to his
environment” Psychologist Gordon Allport
 Personality consists of distinctive patterns of
behaviour (including thoughts & emotions) that
characterise each individual’s adaptation to the
situations of his or her life” Psychologist Walter
Mischel (1976)
1. Type & trait approaches- peoples
characteristics- organized into systems
2. Dynamic approaches- ongoing interactions-
motives, impulses & psychological processes
3. Learning & behavioural approaches- habits-
basic conditioning or learning process
4. Humanistic approaches- self- importance of
individual’s subjective view of the world
Type & trait theories of personality
Type theories
 400 B.C.- Hippocrates- 4 temperaments
a. Sanguine- cheerful, vigorous, confidently
b. Melancholic: depressed, morose
c. Choleric- hot tempered
d. Phlegmatic: slow moving, calm, unexcitable
Type theories
 Grouping or sets of types- typologies
 Type- class of individuals said to share a
common collection of characteristics
 Introverts- shyness, social withdrawal,
tendency not to talk too much
 Extraverts- outgoing, friendly & talkative
 Sharp typologies- don’t work well scientifically
Type theories
 Eysenck’s hierarchical theory
 1967
 Major components of personality as small
no:of personality types
 Each type- set of personality characteristics
 Extraverted- sociabilty, liveliness & excitability
 Types are personality dimensions, every
individual – scored or rated for his or her
position- each dimension
Eysenck’s hierarchical theory
Eysenck’s heirarchical theory
Habitual response patterns- several
Specific responses within specific situation
 Broad, global types to specific situation bound
responses- heirarchical
Eysenck’s heirarchical theory
 Focussing on extremes cases & “good fits”:
The “strike-zone” approach
 2nd approach- specifying certain key
characteristics/ extreme scores- manifest- fit
the type- “pure cases”- fit the “strike zone”
 Diagnosing psychological disorders-
Schizophrenic disorder
 Type A & Type B people
 Traits- characteristics that lead people to
behave in more or less distinctive & consistent
way across situations
Allport’s theory
 Counted- 18,000 trait like terms in English (1937)-
mostly adjectives- act, think, perceive & feel
 1961- rich collection- way of capturing uniqueness
of each individual
 Individual traits/ “personal dispositions”- 3 levels-
1. Cardinal traits
2. Central traits
3. Secondary traits
Allport’s theory
Cardinal traits
 Those which are so dominant that nearly all of
the individual’s action can be traced back to
 Christlike, Kennedyesque or Nixonian
 Describes trait so broad, deep- overshadows-
influence of other traits – same individual
 Acc. Allport- most don’t have, if they does-
show in all- behaviour
Allport’s theory
Central traits
 Characterize behaviour to some extent not
complete way
 Mentioned in careful letter of recommendation/
checked off on rating scale- outstanding
charcteristic- individual
 Rare- more than 10- 12 centrl traits
Allport’s theory
Secondary traits
 Influential within narrow range of situations
 Least characteristic of the person
 All traits- assemble- psychological life histories
 Information- letters, diaries, personal journals
 Idiographic approach- psychological study-
individual case- understand, explain, predict-
behaviour- situations
Allport’s theory
Nomothetic/ dimensional approach
 Discovery of personality principles- apply to
people in general
 Search for consistencies & general principles
that apply across individuals
Single trait research
 Julian Rotter (1966)- questionnaire- measure
internal/ external locus of control
 Locus of control- the degree to which we
believe that we cause or control the events in
our lives
 Life circumstances- reduce “control over
reinforcement”- external responses
 Highly internal on- seek out learning
experience- life circumstances
 Research- learn- focussing on single trait
Julian Rotter
 Critics- questioned- approaches- complete &
accurate picture of personality
1. Methodological questions
2. Philosophical questions
1. Methodological questions
 Reliability: observers- training & clear rules-
Well developed schemes- observing/ tests-
scores- various traits
Problem- very subjective judgement
 Validity of trait assessments- means what they are
supposed to mean
Social desirability/ help seeking- influence scores
MMPI- built-in ways- assessing- response rates
1. Methodological question
 Consistency- may depict more consistency in
behaviour- than really exist
 Situationism- behaviour- product of particular
situation- than a product of enduring “person”
characteristics like traits or types
2. Philosophical question
 Personality- much more
 Active, dynamic interplay of motive, thoughts &
 Process- cope with life
Dynamic personality theories
Freud’s pschoanalytic theory
3 major parts
 Theory- structure of personality- id, ego &
superego- principal parts
 Theory of personality dynamics- conscious &
unconscious motivation & ego defense
mechanism- major role
 Theory of psychosexual development- different
motives & body regions- influence child- diff.
stages- growth- effects persisting- adult
personality traits
Freud’s pschoanalytic theory
Freud’s pschoanalytic theory
Personality structure- Id, Ego & superego
3 interlocking parts
- The id
 Most primitive part
 Storehouse of biologically based urges- eat, drink,
eliminate & libido
 Operates- pleasure principle
 Left to itself- satisfy- urges- immediately &
 No regard- rules, realities of life/ morals
Freud’s pschoanalytic theory
Personality structure- Id, Ego & superego
- Ego
 Elaborate ways- behaving & thinking- “executive
 Delays satisfying id motives
 Channels behaviour- socially acceptable
 Working for living, getting along with people, adjusting
to realities of life
 “In the service of reality principle”
 Tension between insistent urges of id & constraints –
reality- help ego develop- sophisticated thinking skilss
Freud’s pschoanalytic theory
Personality structure- Id, Ego & superego
- Superego
 Conscience
 Prohibitions learned from parents & authorities
 May condem as ‘wrong’- ego- satisfy- id
 Guided by ego ideal- a set of positive values &
moral ideals- pursued- believed to be worthy
Freud’s pschoanalytic theory
 Personality dynamics & Levels of
 3 levels of consciousness or awareness
 The coscious
 The preconscious
 The unconscious
Freud’s pschoanalytic theory
 Personality dynamics & Levels of
 Conscious level- aware of things around us
 Preconscious level- memories or thoughts-
easily available- moments reflection
 Unconscious- memories, thoughts & motives-
can’t easily call up
 Id- unconscious
 Ego & superego- all 3 levels
Freud’s pschoanalytic theory
 Repression- repress/ banish from
consciousness, ideas, memories, feelings or
motives- disturbing, forbidden or unacceptabe
 Unconscious, automatic process
 Repressed material- continues to operate
underground- converting repressed conflicts
into neurosis- anxiety/ defenses against it
 Neurotic symptoms- symbolic relationship-
repressed material
Freud’s pschoanalytic theory
 Disguised manifestations- id motives
 “royal road to the unconscious”
 Unconscious thoughts & forbidden impulse-
revealed- accidents, slips of tongue / pen
Freud’s pschoanalytic theory
Psychosexual Stages of Development
 Succession of stages- body zones
 From birth- innate tendency to seek pleasure-
physical- sensitive to touch- mouth, anus & the
genitals- erogenous zones- erotic/ sexual-
infants as well as adults
 Babies- mouth- advancing age- other zones
 Child’s need- unsatisfied/ oversatisfied-
fixation- often- adulthood
Freud’s pschoanalytic theory
 Psychosexual Stages of Development
 Oral stage (birth to 1 yr)
 Sensual pleasure- sucking- biting
 Mouth- focus- pleasure
 Too little/ too much- suck- made anxious about
it- oral fixation
 Smoking, dependency
 Fixation- oral biting-critical ‘biting’ personality
Freud’s pschoanalytic theory
 Anal stage (1- 3 yrs)
 Toilet training- teaching prohibited behaviour
 Stimulation- ‘holding on’ & ‘ letting go’
 1st time- id must be- control- emerging ego
 1st part- pleasure from expulsion of feces- fixation-
adult chacteristic- messiness & diosrder
 2nd part- retention- fixation- excessive
compulsiveness, overconformity & exaggerated
self control
Freud’s pschoanalytic theory
 Phallic stage (3-5 yrs)
 Genitals- major focus- sexual excitement
 Sensual feelings- parents- opposite sex
 Boys- Oedipus complex
 Girls- Electra complex
 Boys- psychic defenses- defence of
identification- take on behaviour patterns- right
& wrong
 Superego begins to form
Freud’s pschoanalytic theory
 Phallic stage (3-5 yrs)
 girls- “penis envy”
 Behaves like mother- values- superego
 Very punishing, anxiety ridden experiences-
strong punishing superego
 The latency period (6 through puberty)-
important- development- personality
 Learn more about the world- sexuality largely
repressed- ego expands
Freud’s pschoanalytic theory
 Genital stage (Adolescence & beyond)
 Puberty- beginning
 Mature heterosexual interests appear
 3 major sources of sexual arousal- memories
& sensation- earlier childhood, physical
manipulation- genitals & other erogenous
zones & hormonal secretions
 Responsible enjoyment of adult sexuality-
epitome- healthy development
 Carl Gustav Jung
 Childhood psychosexual development- less
 Less emphasis- sexual & aggressive
impulses- past conflicts
 More emphasis on people’s future oriented
goals, hopes & plans
 Dream- his own, fantasy material & patients
Word association test
 People read standard array 100 words (‘head’,
“to sin”, “to pray”)
 Respond to each term- “as quickly as possible
with the first word that occurs to you”
 Recorded content of test takers association,
how long to repond, certain words- pattern of
breathing/ perspiration
 Word association test
 Stimulus terms- long delays, inability to
respond & certain other key signs- complexes
 Complexes- network of ideas bound together
by a common emotion or set of feelings
 Exploring- unconscious mind
 Collective unconscious- grows out of past
experience of human race
 Stored within- primitive fundamental images,
impressions or predispositions- were common
to earlier members of human race- archetypes
 Archetypes-subjective reactions- originated in
ancestors- universal experience
 Inherited ways of organising or reacting to
experiences with the world
 Most common archetypes involve God, rebirth,
devil, wise old person, mother, trickster/
magician, hero, animus (male archetype-
female), anima
 Each archetype involve strong emotion
 Emotion generated behaviour- identifying- key
archetype- influencing them
 Ascendence of God archetype- Crusades,
hero or devil archetype- Hitler’s rise to power
 Personal unconscious- developed out of any
of individuals experience that has been
 Psychologically healthy people- integrate
unconscious/ shadow side with their conscious
ego- fully realized, purposeful self
 Individuation- process of harmonizing one’s
conscious & unconscious components which
led to a unique pattern of behaviour
 “Jung societies”- N. America & Europe
 “The complex”- everyday use
 Proposed concept- introversion &
extraversion- H.J. Eysenck
 Ideas- mystical & complex- difficult- test
 Alfred Adler (1929, 1931)
 People are forever struggling to overcome
their feelings of inferiority- most basic life urge
 Acting on this urge- people strive continually-
“superiority” & “mastery of the external world”
 Inferiority complex- the result of repeated
failure to overcome weakness & achieve some
mastery or place excessive emphasis on some
particular inferiority
Alfred Adler
 Compensation & overcompensation- pursuit of
activities- makeup for or to overcome inferiority
 Personal significance- Adler
 Style of life- each individual creates his/ her
personal approach to living- grows out of his/
her unique sense of inferiority & strategies
developed- overcome it
 Style of life along with concept of subjective
nature- individual goals- label his theory-
individual psychology
 Close attention- birth order-personality
 First born- parent like, responsible adults
 Unruly misfit
 Research (Dunn & Kedrick, 1982; Suttonsmith
& Rosenberg, 1970)-first born intense
relationship- parents, more achievement
oriented & self controlled
 Early feminist
 Issue- Freud- feminine psychology- “penis
envy”- unusual & pathological occurrence
 Male patients- envied- pregnancy,
 Book- Feminine Psychology- 1967
 Stressed - “Psychology of persons”
 “person” psychology- 2 major components
twin notion- basic anxiety & basic hostility
Basic anxiety
 Arises- childhood- helpless- threatening world
 Loving & reliable parents- feeling of security
(even serenity)
 Erratic, indifferent or rejecting parents-
sharpen child’s sense of helplessness &
vulnerability- sets the stage for basic anxiety
Basic hostility
 Accompanies basic anxiety
 Grows out of resentment over parental
 Repressed- increases- anxiety
 Bind- dependent, anxious, hostile & unable to
express their true feelings- tend to rely- one of
3 modes- social behaviour- well carry-
1. Moving towards others
 Excessive compliance
 Result- security
 Total repression of hostility- leaves- individual-
depleted, exploited & unhappy
2. Moving against others
 Pursuit of satisfaction- ascendance &
domination of others
 Self protection- one’s power over others
 Basic hostility- expressed, basic anxiety
usually denied
 Feeling of weakness & vulnerability- neither
explored nor resolved
3. Moving away from others
 Self protection by withdrawal
 Risk & pain of relationship- avoiding relationship
 Cuts short- any real prospect for growth- social
 Horney belived- normal persons use all 3 modes-
relatively balanced & flexible manner- adjusting to
situational demands
 Neurotic- allow one approach- dominate- social
 People use defense mechanisms to reduce
their anxiety & guilt (Freud, 1946)
 Freud described several defense
mechanisms- ego disguises, redirects, hides &
otherwise copes with id’s urges
 Others added
 Accepted as useful way – looking at how
people handle stressful situations & conflicts
 Repression
 Reaction formation
 Projection
 Rationalization
 Intellectualisation
 Displacement
 Regression
 Sublimation
 Everyone resort to it- time to time
 Depend on them too much- defensive pattern-
 Do not solve real problem- only reliev anxiety
 DOLLARD & MILLER Early social learning
 Neal Miller- psychologist & John Dollard-
 Individual & social behavior- basic learning
 Tried to translate- Freud’s- lab
 Classical & instrumental conditioning models
 B.F. SKINNER (1953, 1971, 1972)
 Exclusively instrumental or operant
 Reinforcement & punishment- likelihood of
 Personality- collection of reinforced responses
 We behave in certain way- - reinforcement
contingencies- we experience
 “personalityless” view of personality
Bandura & Walters: Later Social
Learning Theory
 Albert Bandura & Ricard Walters (1963)
 Observational learning or imitation
 Does not require reinforcement- persistence of
learned behaviour- reinforcement/ anticipated
 Social situation- model & imitator
 Vicarious reinforcement- experience models
behaviour & it’s consequence vicariously
 Learning-instrumental learning procedure-
vicariously- modeling
Humanistic Theories: Personality
as self
 Carl Rogers theory (Rogers, 1959, 1961) grew
out of- client centered approach-
psychotherapy & behaviour change
 Emphasised whole of experience-
phenomenal field- individual’ssubjective frame
of reference- may/ maynot correspond-
external reality
 The self
 Self – important elemnet- experience of client
 His goal – become- ‘real self’
 ‘ideal self’- would like to become
 Trouble- incongruence
 Personality development- children- often react-
distorting/ denying- unworthy aspects of self
 Mature persons- congruence- total person & self-
accept full range of experience- without distorting/
 Encouraged reasearch
 Tape recording sessions
 Q sort technique- method of self description-
personality research
 Abraham Maslow
 All have higher level growth needs
 Primitive needs(physiological needs, safety
needs, need for love & “belongingness” & self
esteem needs)
 “ man has a higher & transcendent
nature”(Maslow, 1971)
 Freud’s theory- distorted psychology
 Self actualized people- fulfilled basic
 History (Lincoln, Jefferson, Thoreau,
Beethoven) & others contemporaries
(Roosevelt, Einstein, creative house wife,
clinical psychologist……business, sports, art)
Shared distinguishing characteristics
 Open to experience
 Tune with themselves, their inner beings
 Spontaneous, autonomous, independent- fresh,
unstereotyped appreciation- people & events
 Devoted total effort to their goals
 Dedicated fully & creatively to some cause outside
 Related to few specially loved others- deep emotional
 Resisted conformity to culture- could be detached &
 Most- moments of true self actualization- peak
experiences- birth of baby, mountaintop
 Highly focused vivid moments- disorientation-
time & space- feeling of richness & unity
 Temperaments- twin studies- correlation
higher for MZ than DZ- support-genetic
 Traits, types & chromosomes
 Extreme positions
 The interaction Position: Predicting some of
the people soome of the time
 Interaction of person & situation (Bowers,
 Bem & Allen (1974) study

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  • 2. Personality  “Personality is the dynamic organization within the individual of those psychophysical systems that determine his unique adjustments to his environment” Psychologist Gordon Allport (1937)  Personality consists of distinctive patterns of behaviour (including thoughts & emotions) that characterise each individual’s adaptation to the situations of his or her life” Psychologist Walter Mischel (1976)
  • 3.
  • 4. Theories 1. Type & trait approaches- peoples characteristics- organized into systems 2. Dynamic approaches- ongoing interactions- motives, impulses & psychological processes 3. Learning & behavioural approaches- habits- basic conditioning or learning process 4. Humanistic approaches- self- importance of individual’s subjective view of the world
  • 5. Type & trait theories of personality Type theories  400 B.C.- Hippocrates- 4 temperaments a. Sanguine- cheerful, vigorous, confidently optimistic b. Melancholic: depressed, morose c. Choleric- hot tempered d. Phlegmatic: slow moving, calm, unexcitable
  • 6. Type theories  Grouping or sets of types- typologies  Type- class of individuals said to share a common collection of characteristics  Introverts- shyness, social withdrawal, tendency not to talk too much  Extraverts- outgoing, friendly & talkative  Sharp typologies- don’t work well scientifically
  • 7. Type theories  Eysenck’s hierarchical theory  1967  Major components of personality as small no:of personality types  Each type- set of personality characteristics  Extraverted- sociabilty, liveliness & excitability  Types are personality dimensions, every individual – scored or rated for his or her position- each dimension
  • 9. Eysenck’s heirarchical theory Characteristics Habitual response patterns- several situations Specific responses within specific situation  Broad, global types to specific situation bound responses- heirarchical
  • 10. Eysenck’s heirarchical theory  Focussing on extremes cases & “good fits”: The “strike-zone” approach  2nd approach- specifying certain key characteristics/ extreme scores- manifest- fit the type- “pure cases”- fit the “strike zone”  Diagnosing psychological disorders- Schizophrenic disorder  Type A & Type B people
  • 11. TRAIT THEORIES  Traits- characteristics that lead people to behave in more or less distinctive & consistent way across situations
  • 12. Allport’s theory  Counted- 18,000 trait like terms in English (1937)- mostly adjectives- act, think, perceive & feel  1961- rich collection- way of capturing uniqueness of each individual  Individual traits/ “personal dispositions”- 3 levels- generality 1. Cardinal traits 2. Central traits 3. Secondary traits
  • 13. Allport’s theory Cardinal traits  Those which are so dominant that nearly all of the individual’s action can be traced back to them  Christlike, Kennedyesque or Nixonian  Describes trait so broad, deep- overshadows- influence of other traits – same individual  Acc. Allport- most don’t have, if they does- show in all- behaviour
  • 14. Allport’s theory Central traits  Characterize behaviour to some extent not complete way  Mentioned in careful letter of recommendation/ checked off on rating scale- outstanding charcteristic- individual  Rare- more than 10- 12 centrl traits
  • 15. Allport’s theory Secondary traits  Influential within narrow range of situations  Least characteristic of the person  All traits- assemble- psychological life histories  Information- letters, diaries, personal journals  Idiographic approach- psychological study- individual case- understand, explain, predict- behaviour- situations
  • 16. Allport’s theory Nomothetic/ dimensional approach  Discovery of personality principles- apply to people in general  Search for consistencies & general principles that apply across individuals
  • 17. Single trait research  Julian Rotter (1966)- questionnaire- measure internal/ external locus of control  Locus of control- the degree to which we believe that we cause or control the events in our lives  Life circumstances- reduce “control over reinforcement”- external responses  Highly internal on- seek out learning experience- life circumstances  Research- learn- focussing on single trait
  • 19. QUESTIONS- TYPE & TRAIT THEORIES  Critics- questioned- approaches- complete & accurate picture of personality 1. Methodological questions 2. Philosophical questions
  • 20. QUESTIONS- TYPE & TRAIT THEORIES 1. Methodological questions  Reliability: observers- training & clear rules- judging Well developed schemes- observing/ tests- scores- various traits Problem- very subjective judgement  Validity of trait assessments- means what they are supposed to mean Social desirability/ help seeking- influence scores MMPI- built-in ways- assessing- response rates
  • 21. QUESTIONS- TYPE & TRAIT THEORIES 1. Methodological question  Consistency- may depict more consistency in behaviour- than really exist  Situationism- behaviour- product of particular situation- than a product of enduring “person” characteristics like traits or types
  • 22. QUESTIONS- TYPE & TRAIT THEORIES 2. Philosophical question  Personality- much more  Active, dynamic interplay of motive, thoughts & feelings  Process- cope with life
  • 23. Dynamic personality theories Freud’s pschoanalytic theory 3 major parts  Theory- structure of personality- id, ego & superego- principal parts  Theory of personality dynamics- conscious & unconscious motivation & ego defense mechanism- major role  Theory of psychosexual development- different motives & body regions- influence child- diff. stages- growth- effects persisting- adult personality traits
  • 25. Freud’s pschoanalytic theory Personality structure- Id, Ego & superego 3 interlocking parts - The id  Most primitive part  Storehouse of biologically based urges- eat, drink, eliminate & libido  Operates- pleasure principle  Left to itself- satisfy- urges- immediately & reflexively  No regard- rules, realities of life/ morals
  • 26. Freud’s pschoanalytic theory Personality structure- Id, Ego & superego - Ego  Elaborate ways- behaving & thinking- “executive function”  Delays satisfying id motives  Channels behaviour- socially acceptable  Working for living, getting along with people, adjusting to realities of life  “In the service of reality principle”  Tension between insistent urges of id & constraints – reality- help ego develop- sophisticated thinking skilss
  • 27. Freud’s pschoanalytic theory Personality structure- Id, Ego & superego - Superego  Conscience  Prohibitions learned from parents & authorities  May condem as ‘wrong’- ego- satisfy- id  Guided by ego ideal- a set of positive values & moral ideals- pursued- believed to be worthy
  • 28. Freud’s pschoanalytic theory  Personality dynamics & Levels of Consciousness  3 levels of consciousness or awareness  The coscious  The preconscious  The unconscious
  • 29. Freud’s pschoanalytic theory  Personality dynamics & Levels of Consciousness  Conscious level- aware of things around us  Preconscious level- memories or thoughts- easily available- moments reflection  Unconscious- memories, thoughts & motives- can’t easily call up  Id- unconscious  Ego & superego- all 3 levels
  • 30. Freud’s pschoanalytic theory  Repression- repress/ banish from consciousness, ideas, memories, feelings or motives- disturbing, forbidden or unacceptabe  Unconscious, automatic process  Repressed material- continues to operate underground- converting repressed conflicts into neurosis- anxiety/ defenses against it  Neurotic symptoms- symbolic relationship- repressed material
  • 31. Freud’s pschoanalytic theory Dreams  Disguised manifestations- id motives  “royal road to the unconscious”  Unconscious thoughts & forbidden impulse- revealed- accidents, slips of tongue / pen
  • 32. Freud’s pschoanalytic theory Psychosexual Stages of Development  Succession of stages- body zones  From birth- innate tendency to seek pleasure- physical- sensitive to touch- mouth, anus & the genitals- erogenous zones- erotic/ sexual- infants as well as adults  Babies- mouth- advancing age- other zones  Child’s need- unsatisfied/ oversatisfied- fixation- often- adulthood
  • 33. Freud’s pschoanalytic theory  Psychosexual Stages of Development  Oral stage (birth to 1 yr)  Sensual pleasure- sucking- biting  Mouth- focus- pleasure  Too little/ too much- suck- made anxious about it- oral fixation  Smoking, dependency  Fixation- oral biting-critical ‘biting’ personality
  • 34. Freud’s pschoanalytic theory  Anal stage (1- 3 yrs)  Toilet training- teaching prohibited behaviour  Stimulation- ‘holding on’ & ‘ letting go’  1st time- id must be- control- emerging ego  1st part- pleasure from expulsion of feces- fixation- adult chacteristic- messiness & diosrder  2nd part- retention- fixation- excessive compulsiveness, overconformity & exaggerated self control
  • 35. Freud’s pschoanalytic theory  Phallic stage (3-5 yrs)  Genitals- major focus- sexual excitement  Sensual feelings- parents- opposite sex  Boys- Oedipus complex  Girls- Electra complex  Boys- psychic defenses- defence of identification- take on behaviour patterns- right & wrong  Superego begins to form
  • 36. Freud’s pschoanalytic theory  Phallic stage (3-5 yrs)  girls- “penis envy”  Behaves like mother- values- superego  Very punishing, anxiety ridden experiences- strong punishing superego  The latency period (6 through puberty)- important- development- personality  Learn more about the world- sexuality largely repressed- ego expands
  • 37. Freud’s pschoanalytic theory  Genital stage (Adolescence & beyond)  Puberty- beginning  Mature heterosexual interests appear  3 major sources of sexual arousal- memories & sensation- earlier childhood, physical manipulation- genitals & other erogenous zones & hormonal secretions  Responsible enjoyment of adult sexuality- epitome- healthy development
  • 38. JUNG’S ANALYTICAL PSYCHOLOGY  Carl Gustav Jung  Childhood psychosexual development- less important  Less emphasis- sexual & aggressive impulses- past conflicts  More emphasis on people’s future oriented goals, hopes & plans  Dream- his own, fantasy material & patients
  • 40. JUNG’S ANALYTICAL PSYCHOLOGY Word association test  People read standard array 100 words (‘head’, “to sin”, “to pray”)  Respond to each term- “as quickly as possible with the first word that occurs to you”  Recorded content of test takers association, how long to repond, certain words- pattern of breathing/ perspiration
  • 41. JUNG’S ANALYTICAL PSYCHOLOGY  Word association test  Stimulus terms- long delays, inability to respond & certain other key signs- complexes  Complexes- network of ideas bound together by a common emotion or set of feelings  Exploring- unconscious mind
  • 42. JUNG’S ANALYTICAL PSYCHOLOGY  Collective unconscious- grows out of past experience of human race  Stored within- primitive fundamental images, impressions or predispositions- were common to earlier members of human race- archetypes  Archetypes-subjective reactions- originated in ancestors- universal experience  Inherited ways of organising or reacting to experiences with the world
  • 43. JUNG’S ANALYTICAL PSYCHOLOGY  Most common archetypes involve God, rebirth, devil, wise old person, mother, trickster/ magician, hero, animus (male archetype- female), anima  Each archetype involve strong emotion  Emotion generated behaviour- identifying- key archetype- influencing them  Ascendence of God archetype- Crusades, hero or devil archetype- Hitler’s rise to power
  • 44. JUNG’S ANALYTICAL PSYCHOLOGY  Personal unconscious- developed out of any of individuals experience that has been repressed  Psychologically healthy people- integrate unconscious/ shadow side with their conscious ego- fully realized, purposeful self  Individuation- process of harmonizing one’s conscious & unconscious components which led to a unique pattern of behaviour
  • 45. JUNG’S ANALYTICAL PSYCHOLOGY  “Jung societies”- N. America & Europe  “The complex”- everyday use  Proposed concept- introversion & extraversion- H.J. Eysenck  Ideas- mystical & complex- difficult- test experimentally
  • 46. ADLER’S INDIVIDUAL PSYCHOLGY  Alfred Adler (1929, 1931)  People are forever struggling to overcome their feelings of inferiority- most basic life urge  Acting on this urge- people strive continually- “superiority” & “mastery of the external world”  Inferiority complex- the result of repeated failure to overcome weakness & achieve some mastery or place excessive emphasis on some particular inferiority
  • 48. ADLER’S INDIVIDUAL PSYCHOLGY  Compensation & overcompensation- pursuit of activities- makeup for or to overcome inferiority  Personal significance- Adler  Style of life- each individual creates his/ her personal approach to living- grows out of his/ her unique sense of inferiority & strategies developed- overcome it  Style of life along with concept of subjective nature- individual goals- label his theory- individual psychology
  • 49. ADLER’S INDIVIDUAL PSYCHOLGY  Close attention- birth order-personality development  First born- parent like, responsible adults  Unruly misfit  Research (Dunn & Kedrick, 1982; Suttonsmith & Rosenberg, 1970)-first born intense relationship- parents, more achievement oriented & self controlled
  • 50. HORNEY’S PSYCHOANALYTICAL INTERPERSONAL THEORY  Early feminist  Issue- Freud- feminine psychology- “penis envy”- unusual & pathological occurrence  Male patients- envied- pregnancy, motherhood…  Book- Feminine Psychology- 1967  Stressed - “Psychology of persons”  “person” psychology- 2 major components twin notion- basic anxiety & basic hostility
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  • 52. HORNEY’S PSYCHOANALYTICAL INTERPERSONAL THEORY Basic anxiety  Arises- childhood- helpless- threatening world  Loving & reliable parents- feeling of security (even serenity)  Erratic, indifferent or rejecting parents- sharpen child’s sense of helplessness & vulnerability- sets the stage for basic anxiety
  • 53. HORNEY’S PSYCHOANALYTICAL INTERPERSONAL THEORY Basic hostility  Accompanies basic anxiety  Grows out of resentment over parental behaviour  Repressed- increases- anxiety  Bind- dependent, anxious, hostile & unable to express their true feelings- tend to rely- one of 3 modes- social behaviour- well carry- adulthood
  • 54. HORNEY’S PSYCHOANALYTICAL INTERPERSONAL THEORY 1. Moving towards others  Excessive compliance  Result- security  Total repression of hostility- leaves- individual- depleted, exploited & unhappy
  • 55. HORNEY’S PSYCHOANALYTICAL INTERPERSONAL THEORY 2. Moving against others  Pursuit of satisfaction- ascendance & domination of others  Self protection- one’s power over others  Basic hostility- expressed, basic anxiety usually denied  Feeling of weakness & vulnerability- neither explored nor resolved
  • 56. HORNEY’S PSYCHOANALYTICAL INTERPERSONAL THEORY 3. Moving away from others  Self protection by withdrawal  Risk & pain of relationship- avoiding relationship  Cuts short- any real prospect for growth- social realm  Horney belived- normal persons use all 3 modes- relatively balanced & flexible manner- adjusting to situational demands  Neurotic- allow one approach- dominate- social interaction
  • 57. DEFENSE MECHANISMS IN THE DYNAMIC THEORIES  People use defense mechanisms to reduce their anxiety & guilt (Freud, 1946)  Freud described several defense mechanisms- ego disguises, redirects, hides & otherwise copes with id’s urges  Others added  Accepted as useful way – looking at how people handle stressful situations & conflicts
  • 58. DEFENSE MECHANISMS IN THE DYNAMIC THEORIES  Repression  Reaction formation  Projection  Rationalization  Intellectualisation  Displacement  Regression  Sublimation
  • 59. DEFENSE MECHANISMS IN THE DYNAMIC THEORIES  Everyone resort to it- time to time  Depend on them too much- defensive pattern- harmful  Do not solve real problem- only reliev anxiety
  • 60. LEARNING & BEHAVIOURAL THEORIES OF PERSONALITY  DOLLARD & MILLER Early social learning theory  Neal Miller- psychologist & John Dollard- 1930s  Individual & social behavior- basic learning principles  Tried to translate- Freud’s- lab  Classical & instrumental conditioning models
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  • 62. SKINNER’S RADICAL BEHAVIOURISM  B.F. SKINNER (1953, 1971, 1972)  Exclusively instrumental or operant  Reinforcement & punishment- likelihood of behaviour  Personality- collection of reinforced responses  We behave in certain way- - reinforcement contingencies- we experience  “personalityless” view of personality
  • 64. Bandura & Walters: Later Social Learning Theory  Albert Bandura & Ricard Walters (1963)  Observational learning or imitation  Does not require reinforcement- persistence of learned behaviour- reinforcement/ anticipated  Social situation- model & imitator  Vicarious reinforcement- experience models behaviour & it’s consequence vicariously  Learning-instrumental learning procedure- vicariously- modeling
  • 65.
  • 66. Humanistic Theories: Personality as self  ROGER’S SELF THEORY  Carl Rogers theory (Rogers, 1959, 1961) grew out of- client centered approach- psychotherapy & behaviour change  Emphasised whole of experience- phenomenal field- individual’ssubjective frame of reference- may/ maynot correspond- external reality
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  • 68. ROGER’S SELF THEORY  The self  Self – important elemnet- experience of client  His goal – become- ‘real self’  ‘ideal self’- would like to become  Trouble- incongruence  Personality development- children- often react- distorting/ denying- unworthy aspects of self  Mature persons- congruence- total person & self- accept full range of experience- without distorting/ avoiding
  • 69. ROGER’S SELF THEORY  Encouraged reasearch  Tape recording sessions  Q sort technique- method of self description- personality research
  • 70. MASLOW’S SELF-ACTUALISATION THEORY  Abraham Maslow  All have higher level growth needs  Primitive needs(physiological needs, safety needs, need for love & “belongingness” & self esteem needs)  “ man has a higher & transcendent nature”(Maslow, 1971)  Freud’s theory- distorted psychology
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  • 73. MASLOW’S SELF- ACTUALIZATION THEORY  Self actualized people- fulfilled basic potentialities  History (Lincoln, Jefferson, Thoreau, Beethoven) & others contemporaries (Roosevelt, Einstein, creative house wife, clinical psychologist……business, sports, art)
  • 74. Shared distinguishing characteristics  Open to experience  Tune with themselves, their inner beings  Spontaneous, autonomous, independent- fresh, unstereotyped appreciation- people & events  Devoted total effort to their goals  Dedicated fully & creatively to some cause outside themselves  Related to few specially loved others- deep emotional plane  Resisted conformity to culture- could be detached & private
  • 75.  Most- moments of true self actualization- peak experiences- birth of baby, mountaintop sunrise….  Highly focused vivid moments- disorientation- time & space- feeling of richness & unity
  • 76. GENES & PERSONALITY  Temperaments- twin studies- correlation higher for MZ than DZ- support-genetic influence  Traits, types & chromosomes
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  • 78. THE PERSON SITUATION CONTROVERSY  Extreme positions  The interaction Position: Predicting some of the people soome of the time  Interaction of person & situation (Bowers, 1973)  Bem & Allen (1974) study