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Source Code Quality Evaluation:
                                     The SQALE method

              SQALE: Software Quality Assessment based on Lifecycle Expectations

December 2011

Author: Jean-Louis Letouzey

  The needs for a Source Code evaluation method
  Issues with current aggregation rules
  The SQALE method structure
  The SQALE Quality Model
  The SQALE Analysis Model
  The SQALE indices and indicators
  SQALE in practice

The SQALE Method: Summary
  Software Quality Assessment based on Lifecycle Expectations

  Has been developed by experts, independent of any tool vendor
    Focus on the diagnostic objectivity (precision, no false-positive)
    Easy to understand, to implement and to deploy
  Avoids practices that damage measurement results
    Aggregation with averages that generates compensation effects
    Notation on a delimited interval that generates threshold effect
  Promotes simple principles
    Source code quality is a non functional requirement that should be
    specified, then verified
    Evaluating quality is measuring the remaining needed workload to fix
    all non-conformities
  Is a robust method for identifying and managing the Technical
inspearit and source code evaluation

  inspearit is not a tool vendor, inspearit is an independant
  inspearit thinks that the method come first, then the tools
  to support it
  inspearit assist large accounts to implement source code
  analysis with SQALE
  Our customers reported us issues with current methods and
      Difficulties to understand the meaning and usage of indicators
      Too much false positive
      No support for remediation decision (what are the priorities?)

The needs for a source code
evaluation method
  Ability to objectively evaluate and monitor software
  development products in order to anticipate issues
         Aligned with best measurement practices
         Ability to compare
         Source code versions
         Different products with different usage/history
         Development teams or subcontractors performance
  Capacity to provide useful inputs to an improvement plan
  Capacity to support decisions: Ex. Two teams working on two
  similar projects
         The first one, delivered 3 weeks in advance but with 100
         coding practice issues
         The second, delivered 1 week in advance but with 15 coding
         practice issues
          Which project is the most efficient and effective?

High level requirements for an
evaluation method

 Quantified, Objective, Precise, Sensitive
 Implementable by automated static
 analysis tools
 Reproducible by the implementation of
 one tool to another (produce the same
 findings based on non ambigous
 definitions, rules
 Provide guidance for tailoring this
 standard model to:
      Any language
      Different severity levels (business critical,
      life critical etc.)

The SQALE method has been developped as a solution to all these requirements


  The needs for a Source Code evaluation method
  Issues with current aggregation rules
  The SQALE method structure
  The SQALE Quality Model
  The SQALE Analysis Model
  The SQALE indices and indicators
  SQALE in practice

Summary of the challenge for
an evaluation method
                     Two hierarchies:
                                                              Challenge / Need:
             AH                        QH                     Provide a quality related
                                                              “measure” or “score” for each
     A Hierarchy            A Hierarchy of Quality            couple {A,Q} of the 2 hierarchies
      of Artifacts             char. and sub-char.
                                = Quality Model

    Portfolio                           Quality

        Domain       Maintainability         Characteristic


       Component                                      Measure/rule

                         Get a measure, a score which characterizes, represents the
                         evaluated concept

Measurement basics:
            The representation condition
      “The condition that, if one software entity is less than another
      entity in terms of a selected attribute, then any software measure
      for that attribute must associate a smaller number to the first
      entity than it does to the second entity” [1]

             Real World                                    Mathematical World
                             Measurement function

               Attribute                                                  Mes(Aa)                  Impact on :
                                                                                                   - Measure/rule choice
                  Aa                                                                               - Normalization functions

                                                                                                   - Aggregation rules
                               A representative
                Ac            measure keep the
                              established in the              Mes(Aa) > Mes(Ab)
            Aa >> Ab >> Ac        real world                  Mes(Ab) > Mes(Ac)

                                 [1] N.E. Fenton and S. L. Pfleeger, Software Metrics: A rigourous & Practical Approach,
                                       second edition, ISBN 053495425-1,PWS Publishing Company, Boston, 1997
The representation condition
applied to aggregation
 Aggregation                                         The aggregation should represent
     rule                                            the basic findings

                                                     Issues should be reported up to the
                                                     highest level of the hierarchy


     AgScore_a                  AgScore_b            The aggregate score should report
                                                     the improvement

                                                       Version b >> Version a
                                                       AgScore_b > AgScore_a

Version a        Improvement            Version b

                 We have identified some effects that violate this condition
The masking effect
The masking effect appears when the aggregate value is not
sensitive to the variation of one of the base values


















  MyAppli Va      A       A       C       E       E       A     E      C
  MyAppli Vb      A       A       C       D       E       A     E      C

 An improvement from Va to Vb on file 4 does not impact the
 aggregate score

  Aggregations by Min, Max and Median violate the representation condition

The compensation effect
   The compensation effect appears on aggregation functions
   such as: mean, weighted mean, median
   Comment ratio (target for the project : >30% per file)






























MyAppli Va   5%      34% 48% 47% 31% 37% 33% 35%                       4%     39%        31%

 While 2 files do have “maintainability” issue, the average is OK
 In real life, lack of comment in files 1 & 9 won’t be compensated
 by abundance of comments in file 3 & 4

     Aggregations by average (weighted or not) violate the representation condition
     That ‘s one reason why most Quality Dashboards are not precise
The type of scale and
allowed aggregations
 The measurement theory is precise about allowed aggregation
      Scale          Valid Transformation                      Main Valid Agregation
   Nominal         1 to 1 mapping                             None
   Ordinal         Monotonic increasing                       Min, Max, Median

                                                                                                                 More Choice
   Interval        M' = aM + B (a>0)                          Min, Max, Median,
   Ratio           M' = aM (a>0)                              Min, Max, Median, Mean,
                                                              Average, Sum, Distance
                                                              (Euclidian or other)

   Absolute        M' = M                                     All

 Due to the representation condition, some combinations (scale type,
 aggregation) should be rejected

                       [1] N.E. Fenton and S. L. Pfleeger, Software Metrics: A rigourous & Practical Approach,
                             second edition, ISBN 053495425-1,PWS Publishing Company, Boston, 1997
Synthesis of our analysis
Synthesis of allowed operations and aggregation issues depending
  on scale type

                                        Average, Weighted
           Scale     Min, Max, median                            Sum, Distance
                       Not allowed         Not allowed            Not allowed
                      Potentially not      Not allowed            Not allowed
                      Potentially not     Potentially not         Not allowed
                      representative      representative
                      Potentially not     Potentially not        Representative
                      representative      representative
                      Potentially not     Potentially not        Representative
                      representative      representative

    Within SQALE, we choose to normalize all measures on a ratio scale and
    to aggregate the normalized values by summation


  The needs for a Source Code evaluation method
  Issues with current aggregation rules
  The SQALE method structure
  The SQALE Quality Model
  The SQALE Analysis Model
  The SQALE indices and indicators
  SQALE in practice

The SQALE method: Structure


                                 4 concepts

                          8 Fundamental Principles

               Measurement theory and representativity

The SQALE 8 Fundamental Principles
1. The quality of the source code is a non-functional requirement
2. The requirements in relation to the quality of the source code have to be
   formalised according to the same quality criteria such as any other functional
3. Assessing the quality of a source code is in essence assessing the distance
   between its state and its expected quality objective
4. The SQALE Method assesses the distance to the conformity with the
   requirements by considering the necessary remediation cost of bringing the
   source code to conformity
5. The SQALE Method respects the representation condition
6. The SQALE Method uses addition for aggregating the remediation costs and for
   calculating its quality indicators
7. The SQALE Method’s Quality Model is orthogonal
8. The SQALE Method’s Quality Model takes the software’s lifecycle into account

The 4 main concepts of
the SQALE method

                   Static analysis tools

1 Quality Model                                          2 Analysis Model               3 Indices      4 Indicators
                                                                                                                      Testabilité   Fiabilité   Evolutivité   Efficacité   Maintenabilité

                                                                                                    Maintenabilité                                                             589

                                                                                                        Efficacité                                              248            248


                                                                                                       Evolutivité                                1 480        1 480          1 480

  List of source
                                                                                                          Fiabilité                   548          548          548            548

   code related            Findings                        Remediation                                 Testabilité      6 535       6 535         6 535        6 535          6 535

                                                                          Aggregation       STI
                                                            costs table
                                                                                                                        6 535       7 083         8 563        8 811          9 400

  requirements               Table                                           rules          SRI



  The needs for a Source Code evaluation method
  Issues with current aggregation rules
  The SQALE method structure
  The SQALE Quality Model
  The SQALE Analysis Model
  The SQALE indices and indicators
  SQALE in practice

Back to the fundamentals of Quality
You buy a new car
‱    How will you feel, if the delivered car has only 5 cylinders and 290 hp?

Back to the fundamentals of Quality
 In 1979, Philip Crosby in his famous book “Quality is free”
 established the 4 principles of Quality:
    the definition of quality is conformance to requirements
    the system of quality is prevention
    the performance standard is zero defects
    the measurement of quality is the price of nonconformance

 Since that time, the vision and definition of quality has been
 extended to a much wider scope including customer satisfaction

 But anyway, quality is still at least “Conformance to requirements”

The SQALE Quality Model: source code
               An organized set of expectations (requirements)                                                                    Requirement
                based on lifecycle needs           Sub-characteristic

                                                             Reuse                         Readability
                                                                                           Ram related efficiency
                                                                                           Rom related efficiency
                                                                        Characteristic     CPU related efficiency

                                                                                           Archi. related changeability
                                         Deliver                             Reusability

                                                                                           Logic related changeability

                                                                                           Data related changeability
                                                                                                                              no public data
       Changeability                                                 Maintainability       Fault tolerance                    Number of derived class <=10

                                                               Security                    Architecture related reliability
                                                                                           Logic related reliability
Testability                                              Efficiency
                                                                                           Instruction related reliability
         Code                                       Changeability
                                                                                           Data related reliability
                                                                                           Integration Testing testability

                                    Testability                                            Unit Testing testability

              Requirements, appear only once within the Quality Model,
              when they are first needed. They are checked with relevant static analysis tools
Requirements: type of issues
   It is important to use a SQALE Quality Model that covers all
   the types of code issues
                                                             Useless code,
                                                             un-optimized code
Presentation, structurness

                                                                      Excessive coupling,
                                           Maintainability            Hard coded data


                         Changeability                                Potential logic errors,
                                                                      exception management,
                                                                             test coverage

                                                                      Copy and Paste, internal
                                                                      structure of methods

     When deployed, the SQALE Quality Model contains
     from 30 to 100+ requirements tailored to the organization context

  The needs for a Source Code evaluation method
  Issues with current aggregation rules
  The SQALE method structure
  The SQALE Quality Model
  The SQALE Analysis Model
  The SQALE indices and indicators
  SQALE in practice

The SQALE Analysis Model
    Quality Indexes represent the remediation effort needed to
    refactor artifacts in order to comply with the Quality Model
Part level indexes are aggregated by adding all file indexes               Part level indexes





                                   Non conformity table                 Remediation cost table ÎŁ

                       “Understandability index” for the selected file                          4.1

“Characteristic indexes” are aggregated by adding “Subcharacteristic indexes”

The SQALE Analysis Model
   For a given couple {A,Q}, SQALE provides a simple rule to
   calculate the associated score
                                         Maintainability         Characteristic


     Portfolio                                                            Measure/rule

          Domain                        Req_1 Req_2 Req_3 Req_4 Req_5 Req_6 
 A   AppliA





                                    Remediation costs table

The positions into the 2 hierarchies define the perimeter of remediation costs to be added

The SQALE Analysis Model:
remediation factors
How findings are transformed into costs?
‱   SQALE use « Remediation Functions » that are associated to types of
    Non Conformity. The standard SQALE Analysis Model contains 5 types
    which correspond to different « remediation lifecycles »
‱   These Types and values are proposed by default. I it is recommended
    to extend /taylor them at Organization/Project/Application level

    Estimated cost for fixing one Non Conformity of Type4 is: 5 Work Units


  The needs for a Source Code evaluation method
  Issues with current aggregation rules
  The SQALE method structure
  The SQALE Quality Model
  The SQALE Analysis Model
  The SQALE indices and indicators
  SQALE in practice

3° concept: SQALE indices

The SQALE characteristic indices:
                                                Artifact remediation workload
  -   SQALE   Testability Index: STI            for all requirements
  -   SQALE   Reliability Index: SRI            associated to testability
  -   SQALE   Changeability Index: SCI
  -   SQALE   Security Index: SSI
  -   SQALE   Efficiency Index: SEI
  -   SQALE   Maintainability Index: SMI
  -   SQALE   Portability Index: SPI
  -   SQALE   Reusability Index: SRuI
The global SQALE Quality Index: SQI
   - This is the Technical Debt
SQALE index densities: SQID, STID etc

                                           Example: Density by KLOC
                                                  (1,000 lines of code)

4° concept: The 3 SQALE indicators

SQALE Indices


                                                      SQALE Kiviat

    SQID        Rating Grid

                Based on the ratio (in %)                                                   Testabilité   Fiabilité   Evolutivité   Efficacité   Maintenabilité

                Remediation cost / Development cost
                                                                          Maintenabilité                                                             589

                                                                              Efficacité                                              248            248

                Example of Testability rating                                Evolutivité                                1 480        1 480          1 480

                Remediation cost (STI): 4.36 hours                              Fiabilité                   548          548          548            548

                Development cost: 250 hours                                  Testabilité      6 535       6 535         6 535        6 535          6 535

                Ratio: 1.7 %     Rating: “C”                                                  6 535       7 083         8 563        8 811          9 400

The SQALE Pyramid:
  A two points of view indicator

Interpreting the SQALE indices                  An external view that represents
                                                the percieved quality evaluated by
                                                consolidation of the hierarchy of

An analytic view provided by
orthogonal characteristics
One understands impact of                                              Maintainability
each Non Conformity and                                                                    ÎŁ
improvement on quality
characteristic and life cycle                   Changeability

                                                                  © Copyright inspearit 2007-20011
The perceived benefits

  As SQALE requires to specify the quality of the code, the quality
  measure is objective
  The SQALE quality index represents a workload, a cost. It is the
  concrete “Technical debt” of the project
  It is easy to monitor simultaneously:
     the remaining workload associated to functionalities
     the debt associated to code quality
  and update accordingly the project‘s planning
  Technical debt may be aggregated at any portfolio granularity
  Technical debt density allows to compare versions, applications,

As SQALE does not violate the representation condition, SQALE thus
provides usable meanings to source code measurements


  The needs for a Source Code evaluation method
  Issues with current aggregation rules
  The SQALE method structure
  The SQALE Quality Model
  The SQALE Analysis Model
  The SQALE indices and indicators
  SQALE in practice

Using SQALE: Tools
SQALE index
 distribution analysis

Using SQALE: Tools
SQUORE: Dashboard

Using SQALE: Tools
SONAR: Monitoring the source code quality
(Technical Debt)

Using SQALE: Tools
SONAR: Tailored Dashboard

Using SQALE: Tools
SONAR: Portfolio Management

Using SQALE: Deployment
 0 Initialization        1 Tailoring                     2 Implementation              3 Deployment

                           Method training
  Planification                                            Choose and                   Tool Deployment,
                           Development of Tailored
  Stake holders                                            Implementation of            training coaching
                           SQALE models
                                              the solution                 Monitor and improve
                           Specify the tool solution

   Identify the             On day training for            Choose the solution to      Perform awareness
   sponsor and stake        the team: The SQALE            be implemented within       session
   holders, define the      Method                         the organization
   roadmap                                                                             Coach and support the
                            Develop a tailored             Implementation of the       users
   Define the most          SQALE Quality Model            tailored models within
   usefull use cases                                       the selected solution       Monitor the solution and
   of source code           Develop a tailored                                         define an improvement
   analysis:                SQALE Analysis Model           Implementation of the       plan (identification and
                                                           selected indicators and     implementation of new
   Build the « Source       Validation of both             reports within the          requirements)
   code analysis »          models trough a pilot          selected solution
   Project team
                                                           Update process,
                            Specify the tool               associated deliverables
                            solution including             and training to prepare
                            recommanded                    deployment

Support                  Training,                     Support                       Seminars
                         Workshop preparation                                        Training
                         and animation                                               Coaching
The SQALE Discovery Kit
Discover the fundamentals principles and benefits of the SQALE method with
   the“SQALE Discovery Kit”. This package contains:
   A one day training session on the SQALE Method
   The identification (through dedicated interviews) of your main “use cases” of
   source code analysis within your organisation’s context
   The development (through dedicated Workshops) of your own quality and
   analysis models
      These models will be tailored to your environment and will be the basis for defining
      and evaluating the quality of your source code (for one of the following language:
      Java, C, C++, Cobol)
   The concrete assessment of one of your application using the SQALE method
   and your tailored quality and analysis models including a detailed assessment
   Workshop on how to interpret and use the results

   At the end you will get:
      Your tailored models for one of your development language
      An evaluation report
      Direction for actions

   Total duration: about 20 days

To know more about SQALE: http: /
To do more with SQALE, contact inspearit

                              just sqale it
                                          © inspearit - Author - Place

                                 42     Saturday, December 17, 2011

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The Sqale method: presentation

  • 1. Source Code Quality Evaluation: The SQALE method SQALE: Software Quality Assessment based on Lifecycle Expectations December 2011 Author: Jean-Louis Letouzey
  • 2. Agenda The needs for a Source Code evaluation method Issues with current aggregation rules The SQALE method structure The SQALE Quality Model The SQALE Analysis Model The SQALE indices and indicators SQALE in practice 2
  • 3. The SQALE Method: Summary Software Quality Assessment based on Lifecycle Expectations Has been developed by experts, independent of any tool vendor Focus on the diagnostic objectivity (precision, no false-positive) Easy to understand, to implement and to deploy Avoids practices that damage measurement results Aggregation with averages that generates compensation effects Notation on a delimited interval that generates threshold effect Promotes simple principles Source code quality is a non functional requirement that should be specified, then verified Evaluating quality is measuring the remaining needed workload to fix all non-conformities Is a robust method for identifying and managing the Technical Debt
  • 4. inspearit and source code evaluation inspearit is not a tool vendor, inspearit is an independant company inspearit thinks that the method come first, then the tools to support it inspearit assist large accounts to implement source code analysis with SQALE Our customers reported us issues with current methods and tools Difficulties to understand the meaning and usage of indicators Too much false positive No support for remediation decision (what are the priorities?) 5
  • 5. The needs for a source code evaluation method Ability to objectively evaluate and monitor software development products in order to anticipate issues Aligned with best measurement practices Ability to compare Source code versions Different products with different usage/history Development teams or subcontractors performance Capacity to provide useful inputs to an improvement plan Capacity to support decisions: Ex. Two teams working on two similar projects The first one, delivered 3 weeks in advance but with 100 coding practice issues The second, delivered 1 week in advance but with 15 coding practice issues Which project is the most efficient and effective? 6
  • 6. High level requirements for an evaluation method Quantified, Objective, Precise, Sensitive Implementable by automated static analysis tools Reproducible by the implementation of one tool to another (produce the same findings based on non ambigous definitions, rules
) Provide guidance for tailoring this standard model to: Any language Different severity levels (business critical, life critical etc.) The SQALE method has been developped as a solution to all these requirements 7
  • 7. Agenda The needs for a Source Code evaluation method Issues with current aggregation rules The SQALE method structure The SQALE Quality Model The SQALE Analysis Model The SQALE indices and indicators SQALE in practice 8
  • 8. Summary of the challenge for an evaluation method Two hierarchies: Challenge / Need: AH QH Provide a quality related “measure” or “score” for each A Hierarchy A Hierarchy of Quality couple {A,Q} of the 2 hierarchies of Artifacts char. and sub-char. = Quality Model Portfolio Quality Q Domain Maintainability Characteristic A AppliA Sub-characteristic Component Measure/rule File Get a measure, a score which characterizes, represents the evaluated concept 9
  • 9. Measurement basics: The representation condition “The condition that, if one software entity is less than another entity in terms of a selected attribute, then any software measure for that attribute must associate a smaller number to the first entity than it does to the second entity” [1] Real World Mathematical World Measurement function Attribute Mes(Aa) Impact on : - Measure/rule choice Aa - Normalization functions Mes(Ab) Artifacts - Aggregation rules Ab Mes(Ac) A representative Ac measure keep the relationship established in the Mes(Aa) > Mes(Ab) Aa >> Ab >> Ac real world Mes(Ab) > Mes(Ac) [1] N.E. Fenton and S. L. Pfleeger, Software Metrics: A rigourous & Practical Approach, 10 second edition, ISBN 053495425-1,PWS Publishing Company, Boston, 1997
  • 10. The representation condition applied to aggregation ? Aggregation The aggregation should represent rule the basic findings Issues should be reported up to the highest level of the hierarchy Issues: AgScore_a AgScore_b The aggregate score should report the improvement Version b >> Version a AgScore_b > AgScore_a Version a Improvement Version b We have identified some effects that violate this condition 11
  • 11. The masking effect The masking effect appears when the aggregate value is not sensitive to the variation of one of the base values Example: n ia 1 2 3 4 5 ed ax le le le le le in Fi Fi Fi Fi Fi M M M MyAppli Va A A C E E A E C MyAppli Vb A A C D E A E C An improvement from Va to Vb on file 4 does not impact the aggregate score Aggregations by Min, Max and Median violate the representation condition 12
  • 12. The compensation effect The compensation effect appears on aggregation functions such as: mean, weighted mean, median Example: Comment ratio (target for the project : >30% per file) ge 10 ra 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ve le le le le le le le le le le Fi Fi Fi Fi Fi Fi Fi Fi Fi Fi A MyAppli Va 5% 34% 48% 47% 31% 37% 33% 35% 4% 39% 31% While 2 files do have “maintainability” issue, the average is OK In real life, lack of comment in files 1 & 9 won’t be compensated by abundance of comments in file 3 & 4 Aggregations by average (weighted or not) violate the representation condition That ‘s one reason why most Quality Dashboards are not precise 13
  • 13. The type of scale and allowed aggregations The measurement theory is precise about allowed aggregation [1] Scale Valid Transformation Main Valid Agregation Nominal 1 to 1 mapping None Ordinal Monotonic increasing Min, Max, Median function More Choice Interval M' = aM + B (a>0) Min, Max, Median, Average Ratio M' = aM (a>0) Min, Max, Median, Mean, Average, Sum, Distance (Euclidian or other) Absolute M' = M All Due to the representation condition, some combinations (scale type, aggregation) should be rejected [1] N.E. Fenton and S. L. Pfleeger, Software Metrics: A rigourous & Practical Approach, 14 second edition, ISBN 053495425-1,PWS Publishing Company, Boston, 1997
  • 14. Synthesis of our analysis Synthesis of allowed operations and aggregation issues depending on scale type Average, Weighted Scale Min, Max, median Sum, Distance average Not allowed Not allowed Not allowed Nominal Potentially not Not allowed Not allowed Ordinal representative Potentially not Potentially not Not allowed Interval representative representative Potentially not Potentially not Representative Ratio representative representative Potentially not Potentially not Representative Absolute representative representative Within SQALE, we choose to normalize all measures on a ratio scale and to aggregate the normalized values by summation 15
  • 15. Agenda The needs for a Source Code evaluation method Issues with current aggregation rules The SQALE method structure The SQALE Quality Model The SQALE Analysis Model The SQALE indices and indicators SQALE in practice 16
  • 16. The SQALE method: Structure Implementation/Tools Tailoring 4 concepts 8 Fundamental Principles Measurement theory and representativity 17
  • 17. The SQALE 8 Fundamental Principles 1. The quality of the source code is a non-functional requirement 2. The requirements in relation to the quality of the source code have to be formalised according to the same quality criteria such as any other functional requirement 3. Assessing the quality of a source code is in essence assessing the distance between its state and its expected quality objective 4. The SQALE Method assesses the distance to the conformity with the requirements by considering the necessary remediation cost of bringing the source code to conformity 5. The SQALE Method respects the representation condition 6. The SQALE Method uses addition for aggregating the remediation costs and for calculating its quality indicators 7. The SQALE Method’s Quality Model is orthogonal 8. The SQALE Method’s Quality Model takes the software’s lifecycle into account 18
  • 18. The 4 main concepts of the SQALE method Static analysis tools Source Code 1 Quality Model 2 Analysis Model 3 Indices 4 Indicators TestabilitĂ© FiabilitĂ© EvolutivitĂ© EfficacitĂ© MaintenabilitĂ© MaintenabilitĂ© 589 EfficacitĂ© 248 248 SQI Remediation EvolutivitĂ© 1 480 1 480 1 480 List of source functions FiabilitĂ© 548 548 548 548 code related Findings Remediation TestabilitĂ© 6 535 6 535 6 535 6 535 6 535 Aggregation STI costs table 6 535 7 083 8 563 8 811 9 400 requirements Table rules SRI 
  • 19. Agenda The needs for a Source Code evaluation method Issues with current aggregation rules The SQALE method structure The SQALE Quality Model The SQALE Analysis Model The SQALE indices and indicators SQALE in practice 20
  • 20. Back to the fundamentals of Quality You buy a new car ‱ How will you feel, if the delivered car has only 5 cylinders and 290 hp? 21
  • 21. Back to the fundamentals of Quality In 1979, Philip Crosby in his famous book “Quality is free” established the 4 principles of Quality: the definition of quality is conformance to requirements the system of quality is prevention the performance standard is zero defects the measurement of quality is the price of nonconformance Since that time, the vision and definition of quality has been extended to a much wider scope including customer satisfaction But anyway, quality is still at least “Conformance to requirements” 22
  • 22. The SQALE Quality Model: source code requirements An organized set of expectations (requirements) Requirement based on lifecycle needs Sub-characteristic Understandability Reuse Readability Reusability Ram related efficiency Portability Rom related efficiency Maintain Maintainability Characteristic CPU related efficiency Archi. related changeability Deliver Reusability Security 
 Logic related changeability Efficiency 
 Portability Data related changeability no public data Evolve Changeability Maintainability Fault tolerance Number of derived class <=10 Reliability 
 Security Architecture related reliability Test Logic related reliability Testability Efficiency Instruction related reliability Code Changeability Data related reliability Reliability Integration Testing testability Testability Unit Testing testability Requirements, appear only once within the Quality Model, when they are first needed. They are checked with relevant static analysis tools 23
  • 23. Requirements: type of issues It is important to use a SQALE Quality Model that covers all the types of code issues Useless code, un-optimized code Presentation, structurness Excessive coupling, Maintainability Hard coded data Efficiency Changeability Potential logic errors, exception management, Reliability test coverage Testability Copy and Paste, internal structure of methods When deployed, the SQALE Quality Model contains from 30 to 100+ requirements tailored to the organization context 24
  • 24. Agenda The needs for a Source Code evaluation method Issues with current aggregation rules The SQALE method structure The SQALE Quality Model The SQALE Analysis Model The SQALE indices and indicators SQALE in practice 25
  • 25. The SQALE Analysis Model Quality Indexes represent the remediation effort needed to refactor artifacts in order to comply with the Quality Model Part level indexes are aggregated by adding all file indexes Part level indexes ÎŁ Sub characteristic indexes Remediation 4.1 Analysis function Tool Non conformity table Remediation cost table ÎŁ “Understandability index” for the selected file 4.1 “Characteristic indexes” are aggregated by adding “Subcharacteristic indexes” 26
  • 26. The SQALE Analysis Model For a given couple {A,Q}, SQALE provides a simple rule to Quality calculate the associated score Q Maintainability Characteristic Sub-characteristic Portfolio Measure/rule Domain Req_1 Req_2 Req_3 Req_4 Req_5 Req_6 
 Req_99 File_1 File_2 A AppliA File_3 File_4 
 File File_99999 Remediation costs table The positions into the 2 hierarchies define the perimeter of remediation costs to be added 27
  • 27. The SQALE Analysis Model: remediation factors How findings are transformed into costs? ‱ SQALE use « Remediation Functions » that are associated to types of Non Conformity. The standard SQALE Analysis Model contains 5 types which correspond to different « remediation lifecycles » ‱ These Types and values are proposed by default. I it is recommended to extend /taylor them at Organization/Project/Application level Estimated cost for fixing one Non Conformity of Type4 is: 5 Work Units 28
  • 28. Agenda The needs for a Source Code evaluation method Issues with current aggregation rules The SQALE method structure The SQALE Quality Model The SQALE Analysis Model The SQALE indices and indicators SQALE in practice 29
  • 29. 3° concept: SQALE indices The SQALE characteristic indices: Artifact remediation workload - SQALE Testability Index: STI for all requirements - SQALE Reliability Index: SRI associated to testability - SQALE Changeability Index: SCI - SQALE Security Index: SSI - SQALE Efficiency Index: SEI - SQALE Maintainability Index: SMI - SQALE Portability Index: SPI - SQALE Reusability Index: SRuI The global SQALE Quality Index: SQI - This is the Technical Debt SQALE index densities: SQID, STID etc Example: Density by KLOC (1,000 lines of code) 30
  • 30. 4° concept: The 3 SQALE indicators SQALE Indices SQI STI SQALE Kiviat SRI 
 SQID Rating Grid 
 Based on the ratio (in %) TestabilitĂ© FiabilitĂ© EvolutivitĂ© EfficacitĂ© MaintenabilitĂ© Remediation cost / Development cost MaintenabilitĂ© 589 EfficacitĂ© 248 248 Example of Testability rating EvolutivitĂ© 1 480 1 480 1 480 Remediation cost (STI): 4.36 hours FiabilitĂ© 548 548 548 548 Development cost: 250 hours TestabilitĂ© 6 535 6 535 6 535 6 535 6 535 Ratio: 1.7 % Rating: “C” 6 535 7 083 8 563 8 811 9 400 31
  • 31. The SQALE Pyramid: A two points of view indicator Interpreting the SQALE indices An external view that represents the percieved quality evaluated by consolidation of the hierarchy of characteristics An analytic view provided by orthogonal characteristics One understands impact of Maintainability each Non Conformity and ÎŁ Efficiency improvement on quality characteristic and life cycle Changeability ÎŁ issues. Reliability ÎŁ ÎŁ Testability © Copyright inspearit 2007-20011 32
  • 32. The perceived benefits As SQALE requires to specify the quality of the code, the quality measure is objective The SQALE quality index represents a workload, a cost. It is the concrete “Technical debt” of the project It is easy to monitor simultaneously: the remaining workload associated to functionalities the debt associated to code quality and update accordingly the project‘s planning Technical debt may be aggregated at any portfolio granularity Technical debt density allows to compare versions, applications, subcontractors
 As SQALE does not violate the representation condition, SQALE thus provides usable meanings to source code measurements 33
  • 33. Agenda The needs for a Source Code evaluation method Issues with current aggregation rules The SQALE method structure The SQALE Quality Model The SQALE Analysis Model The SQALE indices and indicators SQALE in practice 34
  • 34. Using SQALE: Tools PRIVATE, METRIXWARE: SQALE index distribution analysis 35
  • 36. Using SQALE: Tools SONAR: Monitoring the source code quality (Technical Debt) 37
  • 37. Using SQALE: Tools SONAR: Tailored Dashboard 38
  • 38. Using SQALE: Tools SONAR: Portfolio Management 39
  • 39. Using SQALE: Deployment 0 Initialization 1 Tailoring 2 Implementation 3 Deployment Method training Planification Choose and Tool Deployment, Development of Tailored Stake holders Implementation of training coaching SQALE models Perimeter 
 the solution Monitor and improve Specify the tool solution Identify the On day training for Choose the solution to Perform awareness sponsor and stake the team: The SQALE be implemented within session holders, define the Method the organization roadmap Coach and support the Develop a tailored Implementation of the users Define the most SQALE Quality Model tailored models within usefull use cases the selected solution Monitor the solution and of source code Develop a tailored define an improvement analysis: SQALE Analysis Model Implementation of the plan (identification and selected indicators and implementation of new Build the « Source Validation of both reports within the requirements) code analysis » models trough a pilot selected solution Project team project Update process, Specify the tool associated deliverables solution including and training to prepare recommanded deployment indicators Support Training, Support Seminars Workshop preparation Training and animation Coaching Support 40
  • 40. The SQALE Discovery Kit Discover the fundamentals principles and benefits of the SQALE method with the“SQALE Discovery Kit”. This package contains: A one day training session on the SQALE Method The identification (through dedicated interviews) of your main “use cases” of source code analysis within your organisation’s context The development (through dedicated Workshops) of your own quality and analysis models These models will be tailored to your environment and will be the basis for defining and evaluating the quality of your source code (for one of the following language: Java, C, C++, Cobol) The concrete assessment of one of your application using the SQALE method and your tailored quality and analysis models including a detailed assessment report Workshop on how to interpret and use the results At the end you will get: Your tailored models for one of your development language An evaluation report Direction for actions 41 Total duration: about 20 days
  • 41. Thanks To know more about SQALE: http: / To do more with SQALE, contact inspearit just sqale it © inspearit - Author - Place 42 Saturday, December 17, 2011