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The Quest for Peace: Dark Moon Saga, Chapter 1.25
Learning to trust someone you’ve never met before is very hard to do, not to mention stressful. After Reias made his speech at the UN the delegates were wary to trust his claims that he would be able to rid the planet of the Dark Moon, many of them would much rather shoot it down or blow it up with a nuke then to trust these so called “gods” to do it for them. But just as many, if not more were willing to let them try it their way rather than risk the planet being poisoned by nuclear winter if the nukes were somehow diverted away from the satellite and back towards the planet below. The disappearance of the sun baffled astronomers, physicists and scientists of all fields, for once their beloved science could not explain it rationally or logically. It terrified them to know they couldn’t figure something out like that. Then the Dark Moon appeared and the sun was back which led to further fear. The scientific crutch humanity has clutched onto for the last 500 years failed them and once more humanity was lost and confused. Religion had failed them, science failed them, what was left? Ancient mythological gods, an old form of religion suddenly reappeared out of the blue and made promises to rid them of thing they couldn’t understand, but was it really okay for them to trust in the gods? Time could only tell…
College for Icarus and Dade began with a desperate trip to the clothing shop. Icarus hated his orange and brown monstrosity he got stuck with and Dade felt even worse about his cowboy/chino outfit. They would not do at all. Dade: If there was a way to regulate the transition clothing aspect of college I would surely patent it. Icarus said nothing; his younger brother made him furious.
Dade tried again to engage some sort of reply from his brother; Dade: I am most certain it would be substantial monetary venture for us… Icarus bit down hard on his inner cheek; drawing forth the bitter tang of blood, if he didn’t get this over with soon he was going to kill him right here and now. The sooner he got into the Greek House the better, he would refuse to allow his siblings entry to it.
Dade didn’t try further; if he was going to save his brother from Chaos he’d have to find another way to do it. If he won’t speak to him, then he can’t get him to speak aloud a positive confession to break the hold. He briefly wondered if Icarus knew that and was deliberately not speaking to him.
The oldest boys of generation six’s main line settled into an uncomfortable existence in one of the older dorms on campus. The new one commissioned by their mother would be ready for them next semester so they only have to endure one semester in the college’s dorms. The private one would be spectacular according to their mother’s description of it. Icarus couldn’t wait to get out of this one, he felt it was beneath a generation six heir such as himself. Dade noticed his brother’s arrogance growing daily in the way he ordered the dormies out of his way and pushed around the placeholders for their dorm, it worried and scared him greatly.
At Sim State, in her older sister’s old place; Lyra was finding college life much more interesting and exciting. The mascot fights on the front porch were especially new and different for her. The placeholder was a former lover of her brother’s and she informed her that Allyn and Shaw (cow and llama) were regularly going at it on the porch. She locked the doors to keep them from destroying the inside of the house because it got so bad.
It was rare that Allyn ever won against Shaw, not to mention humiliating too. Lyra was excited to see them fight regardless; she booed the cow though.
On a happier note, the younger ones of the main line were paying a rare visit to their father at Aphrodite’s temple. Bliss: I’m so glad you brought the kids Dora, they should meet their other grandfather and great grandmother. Pandora: I must say though, I was surprised at your invite. I had heard Aphrodite was in ill health.
Bliss pulled her closer; “She was until recently. Then we heard and felt Diamos return and her health suddenly improved, it was a real shock to learn the Peace God was still around.” Pandora: Kinda around; my brother is hosting his essence so to speak. Diamos has no real form in this Mortal Realm. Bliss: Whatever it was, it was enough to save my grandmother’s life. Honestly I was afraid she would die, then my father would follow her; he looked just as bad.
Cupid studied the mortal embraced in his son’s arms; he had never seen her before. She was quite lovely, he felt a small surge of jealousy that she was so pretty. He quickly squashed it though; he knew it was petty of him especially since he still loved his mother quite a bit. He didn’t notice the small girl in front of him.
Dione, having recently had her birthday; studied the winged man in front of her. He had wings like her daddy and her mommy told her that he was her grandfather. But weren’t grandfathers supposed to be old? He looked young. Grandpa Julius had red hair still but she saw his eyebrows were greyed, her mommy said he liked to dye his hair. Did this grandpa dye his hair too?
She finally tugged on his skirt thing and he looked down at her.   Dione: Why isn’t your hair grey like my other grandpa’s? Cupid: I’m a god, I don’t age. Dione: What’s a god? Cupid: An immortal. Dione: What’s an immoral? Cupid: Immortal; I don’t die or get old.
Dione: I like your hair; it’s like my sister’s. I wish I had blond hair like daddy. Cupid: You get what you get in the genetic pot kid. What’s your name? Dione: Dione. Who are you? Cupid: I’m Cupid, the God of Love. Dione: I thought the God of Love was a girl? Cupid: That’s my mother; Aphrodite.
Dione skipped off after she talked to Cupid. There was so much to look at now, she didn’t want to miss a thing. She stared over at the base of the large mountain across from the temple; she knew what it was, it told her. Ever since she aged, she could hear things that no one else could The rocks talked to her, she learned all about what the rocks had seen in their existence. The mountain was called Mt. Olympus, where the King and Queen of the gods lived.
Cupid went over to the shy looking blond girl, she had inherited his wings and hair colour but the blue eyes were definitely not from him. Atalanta nervously pursed her fingers, what would she say to her grandfather? He was a god, a full blooded god he had a stronger aura than her father did. Atalanta: Umm, hi…you must be Cupid right? My grandfather? Cupid: Yes. I am, I see you got my wings. Can you fly?
Atalanta: N—no I can’t. I’m afraid to try actually. Cupid: Why? Flying is one of the greatest things I can do. Atalanta: I—what if I fall to my death…my brother’s namesake did that… Cupid: Icarus, he tried to fly with wax wings and balsa wood Helios showed him the error of his ways. But your wings are blood, flesh, bone and ligaments they’re a part of you.
Atalanta: I’m scared, what if I fall? Cupid: What if you don’t? You must exercise your wing’s muscles or they become weak and weakened wing muscles are extremely painful. Atalanta swallowed; he wasn’t helping her feel any better about them. He was only making her more scared to try them out. “ I—don’t want to!!” she cried.
Pandora heard her daughter cry out; she was about to go over when Bliss stopped her. She glared at him, but his expression made her relax.   Bliss: Don’t Dora; father is only trying to help her. He is right about the wing muscles becoming weakened though. Xenon should be practising and exercising them too. Pandora: I don’t want her to be afraid of her wings baby, I want her to be proud of them, Cupid’s obviously making her more terrified of them. Bliss: Give her some time; she’ll learn to appreciate them in her own way I know she will.
Cupid left her be and went over to the young man in the green shirt. He had inherited his wings too, though they were shaped differently than Atalanta’s. Cupid: How about you? Do you exercise your wings too…umm Xenon: Xenon. Yes I’ve managed a little bit, I can hover but not much more than that right now. I want to fly so bad, it looks so awesome. Cupid: Good, I’m glad one of you is trying to fly. You think you can help your sister to work on them too? I think I made her more nervous. Xenon: Lanta? Sure. She just needs some time to adjust to learning to work them.
Xenon brushed his long bangs out of his eyes; he loved meeting Cupid. When his mother told them they were going to see dad he was thrilled to meet his grandfather. Cupid looked more relaxed talking to him, maybe because he was a boy but whatever the reason he looked forward to learning to fly better from his grandfather.
Xenon: So you think you could help me train? I want to soar through the sky, it’ll save so much time in walking if I can just fly wherever I wanna go. Cupid: Really? Wow, I’d love to help you out. Xenon: Wicked.
Cupid went over to last face he hadn’t met yet. He wanted to get to know all his grandchildren if he could, though he had yet to meet his two oldest.  Cupid: What’s you name son? Iolaus: Iolaus. So you’re like a god huh? Cool. Cupid: Yes, have you never met one before? Iolaus: Nope. I’ve heard about you, read about the Ancient Greek’s world and everything you guys did back then. Cupid cringed inwardly; his ancient past was not something he was proud of. Cupid: Oh…that. Well let’s just say I’ve evolved since then and I’m much better for it. Iolaus: So I don’t have any cool wings like them, or a huge brain like Dade, or even a daredevil attitude like Icarus I thought maybe you could tell me what kind of power I do have. Cupid: Well, I don’t know it’s not something that I can just see. Iolaus: Why not? Cupid: I’m the God of Love son, not the Goddess of Knowledge. If you have questions about your love life or love future I can tell you no problem. Iolaus: Damn. Can you like guess or something if I tell you more about me? Cupid: Maybe. Iolaus: I’m pretty good at sports, athletic, and pretty good at not getting caught. Nimble I think the word is. So what does that tell you? Cupid thought for a moment; those skills did ring a bell, but it had been so long it was hard to recall exactly why that was. Then he remembered. “ Well you do remind me of a mortal friend of my uncle Hercules’ his name was Iolaus too. They trained at Chiron’s Academy for Heroes together they were best friends, brothers.” Iolaus: So, I’m a hero? Cool!! Cupid: Iolaus began his childhood as a thief, then he met Hercules and turned his life around. Iolaus’s eyes glittered; his namesake was a heroic thief, he could use that…Cupid wondered if he said too much, the look in his grandson’s eyes was unnerving.
The events of recent have prompted Ashika, Daughter of Athena to seek out someone she had thought to be long gone. He was just as confused as she was about the recent events and it was about time to get everyone on the same page. If anyone could help it would be him. He agreed to the meeting at her mother’s temple. Her visions of him were swelling around in her mind, now was the time.
He looked suspicious of her intentions, but her aura told him she would be trustworthy enough, after all she reminded him of his half sister Athena. Ashika: Hercules, I’m glad you came. I was worried you wouldn’t. Hercules: Ashika, is it? What do you want from me? This world, it’s so different to me but yet I still sense the gods’ presences but they are so weak. Ashika: A lot has happened, a lot is different. But we’re in short supply of uncorrupted gods and half gods so we need everyone we can get to help. Hercules: What do you mean uncorrupted gods? They’ve always been that way to me.
Ashika: Hercules, what do you remember before coming here? Hercules: Not much, we were on the road to Thessaly when this young god with white hair stopped us, I thought he was in for a fight but his clothing was strange and his powers were way beyond anything I’ve ever felt from a full god before. Then the next thing I know, I’m here in this place. It’s Greece but not the Greece I know the roads are covered with some sort of flat rock. And there were loud metal beasts running up and down it. We found the white haired god again and he said he was the son of someone called Dalen, Jason; yeah that was his name. Ashika: Jason, yes. I knew he had brought Autolycus into the future but I didn’t know he brought you too. Hercules: Wait, Autolycus is here too? Ashika: Yes, but that’s not the point. Olympus is grave danger, gods are missing. Hercules: How is that possible? Ashika: Chaos, it’s an ancient and evil thing. Dalen the God of War started it with a rampage… Hercules: Who? Ares is the God of War. Ashika: Not anymore…Dalen is his son…he and his sister killed Ares some time ago. Hercules: My brother? How? Ashika: Again not important. We have to make sure the corrupted gods don’t kill anymore mortals. You, being the hero of the mortals are the one who can do it. We’ve all been trying but Chaos has taken so many of us, we’re not even sure who’s really under its power and who’s not. We need an impartial god to help; outside the range of Chaos’s influence.
Hercules: You can’t just lay this all on me and expect me to help you. I need answers, information!! Ashika: I know, I’ll tell you but you need to know first…the Olympians, your father will know you’re back and you have to be prepared to face off against them. Hercules: It’s no different than any other day of my life. Ashika: Yes, it is. This time they have darker powers from Chaos, more dangerous ones.
Ashika: Hercules, I’m giving you fair warning; the Olympians of this time and place are nothing like the ones you know in your time, Athena, Apollo, even your father Zeus. Athena and Apollo are missing, we don’t know where they are the only reason the sun is still in the sky and still burning is because of another Sun God, an alien Sun God. We have alien gods among us as well. Hercules: What’s an alien? Ashika: A being not of this world, not of Earth origin. Hercules: I don’t understand any of that. Ashika: I’m asking you to take a leap of faith; trust me I will tell you everything. Please for now, help me. Hercules: Alright, I just need to tell Iolaus about this.
Ashika: I know, I met him earlier. He came with you didn’t he? Hercules: Of course, Iolaus would never miss a chance like this to do some good and follow me into a fight. Ashika: Thank you Hercules. I really appreciate your trust in me. Hercules: You remind me of my sister Athena. You have her eyes. Ashika: I get that all the time, my mother’s daughter. ******
I remembered the words of my great grandmother: “Don’t let my son push you into something you’re not ready to do dear. We used to have this ceremony that young men and women would make, a pilgrimage to find answers to their questions. Usually it was to see the Oracle of Delphi; but nowadays it’s called a Vision Quest. Take one before college, gain some perspective on things.”  Her words struck a chord with me, it was intriguing.
“ What do I do?” I asked her. “ You spend a few days and nights in the wilderness, no food, no water so your body is in a pure state of mind. The goal is to encounter your spirit guide or something that will answer your questions.” “ I see.” I replied.
“ And then thing should become clear right?” I asked. “ Yes, or so I’ve been told or whatever. Just give it try dear. Never hurts to try right?” “ I will, thank you great grandma.”
It’s funny the things that cross your mind when there’s nothing else to think about. So far I’ve been out here for three days and two nights. I brought a tent with me and some clothes but nothing else. There was a stream near my tent, teeming with fish but I can’t catch any. I’ve been visited by curious forest animals who just wanted to see what I was all about, but no spirit guide. I wonder if I did something wrong, shouldn’t I have seen one by now? Was I not supposed to bring a tent? I don’t know. Maybe I should head home and prepare for college like my brothers. They don’t have to worry about the things I do, Xenon is already flying laps around our neighbourhood, Iolaus is hell bent on becoming some sort of heroic thief and then there’s me. I’m lost, confused and frightened that my wings will rot and fall off like grandpa Cupid said they would if I don’t use them. Okay, so he didn’t say that exactly; but it’s what I feel will happen to them. I was lost in thought, and I didn’t hear the whooshing noise up on the ruins of the temple thing behind me...or the voices…
I didn’t want to move; what if they were here to hurt me? Botan: Is this the right spot? Drinn: Sure as hell don’t look like Atlantis to me. Lunala: Maybe we got diverted somehow? Sora: Who cares? Where are we anyway? Botan: Hey look over there, maybe that girl knows. Let’s ask her.
Sora: Hey kid, can you tell us where we are? Atalanta: *squeak* Lunala: I think you have frightened her Sora. Sora: Did not. So can you tell us or not kid? Atalanta: Umm, Hidden City…just along side Quarry Lake.
Drinn: She’s got wings, weird. Atalanta: I  can  hear you, you know. Drinn: Yeah, and? It’s still weird. Atalanta: And you aren’t with the freaky looking tattoo things all over your face? Drinn: Girl’s got fire; I like that.
The four of them, who introduced themselves as Sora, Botan, Drinn and Lunala joined her at the fire. Atalanta already figured out already just from looking that Drinn was her cousins’ father. He had no idea he had children and she felt is was not her place to tell him unless the topic came up. She did feel slightly guilty that she found their father before her cousins really started looking, and by mere accident too. She was fascinated to learn that the four of them were Adriels, she only ever knew about Pellas.
Lunala: So you’re a potential heir for the Quest? Atalanta: Yes. I haven’t really thought much about it actually. I just had some things to figure out and this vision quest was supposed to do that but I think that it didn’t work. I never saw my spirit guide or had any kind of vision. I just ran into you four.
Lunala: We’re on a quest of our own. We came here to get Pellas back, our sister. Atalanta: Good luck with that, we don’t even know where she went. Diamos can’t locate her. Drinn: Diamos isn’t us. We can find her. Atalanta: How? Drinn: Magic. Botan: We have an ability to locate our own kind, though none of us have figured out how to activate it yet.
Lunala: Our Masters are supposed to help us with that. Sora: We don’t have Masters, we have to do it on our own remember? Lunala pursed her lips; she still had doubts about that but the other three were adamant that they could do it on their own with some work. Atalanta: Why do you have to have Masters to get this ability to work? Drinn: We don’t. We can find it our own way.
Sora: It was a failsafe built into our creation. Our powers are very strong but they are restricted, or chained. Having a Master was supposed to be a way to control us and our unlimited powers and for a while it worked that way. Once our Masters abused their power with us, we were taken from them; we became free agents of our own powers.  Botan: Yes, but since we’ve been that way so long it’s taking forever for us to learn to function without a Master’s commands. Drinn: I still say it’s your own minds that are holding you back.
Lunala: You think so huh? Well, if you’re so free of mind and power why haven’t you been able to activate your powers hmm? Drinn: Who says I haven’t? He bristled; he hated it when she was right. He hadn’t learned how to use his powers yet but he didn’t want to be told that by her of all people. Lunala: We would know, and we haven’t felt a glimmer from you.
Botan: She’s just saying what we’re all thinking. None of us has any clue what the hell we’re doing. Atalanta: Umm, maybe I can help you somehow? Is there supposed to be an incantation or ritual a Master would perform or say that would activate this power of yours? Lunala: Usually, but we don’t know it. Atalanta: Oh. She really wanted to help them out, but she was just as clueless as they were and she’s only just met them too which probably doesn’t help.
Drinn: Why do you care what we do anyway? We don’t even know you. Atalanta: Because, I do care. And that’s not entirely true I do know you, at least you Drinn. Drinn: I doubt that. I’ve never met you before. Atalanta took a breath, this was the time to tell him about her heritage and who her mother was. This would be a hell of bomb to drop. “ Drinn, do you know who my mother is?” Drinn: No. Atalanta: My mother is Pandora Reed, sister of Helen. Drinn: …what? Atalanta: Yes, my mother is the sister of your former lover Helen…and… Drinn: And what? He tensed; this was not leading to a place he wanted to go so soon… Atalanta: And…Helen, my aunt; was pregnant when you left her. You are the father of my cousins Castor and Pollux, twin boys. Sora, Botan and Lunala stood in stunned silence; how can an Adriel Guardian possibly procreate? It’s not possible…was it? Drinn: How…I mean…why? Why didn’t she tell me? Atalanta: You left, suddenly without even a good bye or an explanation. You broke her heart Drinn, and for many years while my cousins were growing up; she had to fence off any questions about why you weren’t there, where you went, and why you didn’t ever try to contact them. Sora: You fathered children? I had no idea that was even possible. Drinn: Me neither dumb ass!! You think this is funny??!! Sora: No, I don’t. I never thought it was at all. Lunala: Drinn, how could you leave her like that?
Drinn restrained himself from lashing back at her callous remark; he was still in too much shock from learning he was a father.  Atalanta: My cousins want to find you Drinn, but I found you first and by accident so I’m not sure how that will sit with them. Drinn: What? Oh gods no, I can’t face them!! Don’t tell them you found me!! I have no idea what to say to them or even how to look them in face after abandoning them for 17 years. Atalanta: But you didn’t know, how could you have known? Drinn: Atalanta, please…don’t tell them you found me. Please. Sora’s jaw dropped; Botan’s face went slack from shock. Did Drinn, the cold hearted jack ass just beg her to not tell? They had to be dreaming… ******
Atalanta had agreed to keep the fact she found Drinn a secret for the time being. They had their own mission to finish as did she. When they left she sat back down by the fire; watching its flames licking and dancing around the logs with unfocussed eyes. Her quest was interrupted by their sudden appearance, the sorrow of failure began to eat at her conscience. They came in, disrupted her quest; she still didn’t find out who here spirit guide was. What she found instead was three more Adriel Guardians…three more. Each had their own powers and abilities, she thought about what she knew of Botan from what her grandfather had spoken about once when she asked about some old pictures she found of him. “He looks that way because he’s linked to Earth so he reflects it.” How it came up or why escaped her, she was barely a kid of 4 when he said that. So she hadn’t paid much attention to it and until now she forgot all about it.  Botan is Earth…that was significant but why? She had another thought drift through her mind from biology in school; “There are four basic elements and sometimes five. Earth, Wind, Water, Fire and sometimes Metal…” Oh, by the gods…that was it. Five Adriels, five elements, each of them linked to one. Drinn was Metal, Lunala was Water, Botan is Earth, Pellas is Fire and Sora…Sora is Wind. Why had she come on this vision quest in the first place? To find answers, to figure out the reason for her fear of flying. She was born with wings for a reason, she was supposed to run into a being whose make up is linked to the Wind, Sora… Sora was her Spirit Guide!!! She then heard something behind her…
Sora was there, she stood up with tears in her eyes. He was meant to find her, the reason for the quest was to find him. Atalanta: It’s you…it was always you wasn’t it? Sora pulled her closer; “Yes, I felt it just as we were leaving. Why we were meant to meet. I am the Wind, the Guardian of the Bow Adriel and the link to Wind. My other form is that of an eagle. I’m the only one who can change into an eagle. I am your guide Atalanta; you and I need to be together. My powers will only come to me when I’m with you.” Atalanta: So you do need someone else to help you get your powers back. Sora: Yes, we need you…I need you. ******
Atalanta returned home after that. Her vision quest was completed and now she knew what she had to do. Learn to fly. Xenon had a good grasp on it by now and she was going to get him to help her. Iolaus was just glad to have his sister back, the three of them were very close, much like their mother is with their aunt and uncle.
Xenon asked her to meet him on the front balcony, here it was fairly open and the height was manageable to try. She was ready. Xenon: So it went well then? Good for you sis. I’ve been doing a lot of practicing myself, grandpa Cupid was here for a few days helping me fine tune my hovering. Atalanta: I just want to start with that today, is that okay? Xenon: Sure, I won’t ask you to fly around the whole house just yet. He smirked; it made her relax a bit more.
Atalanta: So how do I hover? Xenon: You have to try to make your wings move first; your muscles are not used to being stimulated so try that first. Atalanta: Okay, move wings. Got it. She concentrated on the wings; nothing was happening at first, then she felt a twitch in her left wing.
Atalanta: This is so hard; I can barely move one of them. Xenon: Well keep trying; it’ll take some time to get your muscles used to the stimuli of the nerves. Try again. She sighed and tried again; the left wing twitched then made a small flap the right one just inched along. Getting the flapping in synch was very hard to do, one just kept going while the other was barely moving. Xenon: Good, now focus them on working together. It’s like walking; only instead of one foot in front of the other it’s one wing moving  with  the other.
Atalanta: Can you show me? Xenon grinned; he went over to the railing and vaulted himself over it, he flew out over the car and to the street and came back, landing gracefully on the balcony. Atalanta: Show off. I said to show me a hover, not a full beeline to the road and back. Xenon: And how is that fun? I know, it was showing off. But it was fun.
Xenon: You try. Atalanta: What??!  Xenon: Look down, there’s the top of the kitchen’s bay window, step onto that and hold on to the railing. Try to flex the wings while you stand on the roof’s top. Atalanta: Okay… She stepped onto the roof and held on, she moved her wings they managed to get in sync this time. Xenon saw them flapping together, so being the type of brother he was, he pushed her off the railing. She screamed and covered her eyes; but she wasn’t falling. Her wings were flapping strongly behind her, she was hovering!! Atalanta: You’re a jerk you know that. Xenon: Yeah, but it worked didn’t it? You know how to work them. Trust in your instincts; that’s what’s holding you back from really picking it up as fast as I did.
Xenon: You know how to do it, you’re just afraid to try. Sorry bout pushing you off but you had to learn that your body will know what to do. Atalanta: Yeah, I guess. But really? Pushing me off a balcony was a little harsh don’t you think? Xenon: Probably. But I don’t dwell on it. You did good sis. Atalanta: Thanks.
Meanwhile… Jade had played along, been quiet about her fears of Dalen, kept her thoughts locked away from his probing by keeping him distracted with other things but his new attitude scared her, terrified her to the very core. He was different…changed somehow. It had to be a reflection of what was happening outside the God of War’s temple, there was no other explanation for his changes.
His powers reached levels beyond what she could sense from him. Dalen and in turn, Talia were different now…
Gone were his grey eyes and shorter hair, they were replaced with much more dangerous looking features though he still had his small half smile. But his eyes were now an icy, cold blue shadowed on the sides of his irises with a black haze that occasionally swam over the surface of his eyes. It was like a parasite living off his power and his life force. She really thought she was making a break through with Dalen; he didn’t want to kill off the legacy as much anymore. When Reias disappeared he didn’t make a move on its vulnerable heiress, he just shut himself away with Talia like sequestering of a jury. She had no idea what they were doing in her chamber, but it couldn’t have been good.
But despite all that, she still loved him. She hated the fact that it made her feel weak and useless, he was still so attractive to her. He was rougher, more controlling with her; it bothered her but he never hurt her.
Now she stood in the hallways of Olympus; feeling the power embedded in its every stone and wall. The power of the gods, their strength all concentrated in one place. How they got in undetected, unseen, bothered her greatly but Dalen looked very relaxed and calm.
Dalen: Don’t look so freaked babe; they don’t know I’m here nor you for that matter. I’m way too powerful for them to sense. Jade: But why now? Why here? Dalen: My son thinks he has the upper hand on me; that he can topple me but he’s sorely mistaken. I’ll knock the fight right out of arrogant brat, show him I’m not one to be messed with.
Dalen: Trust me. I’ll never let anything happen to you baby. Jade: If you say so… Dalen smiled and turned back to stare out the window; Jade was freaked out indeed; his arrogance and proud stance in the face of the gods was staggering. What did he have planned for the Olympians?
Aiden had been listening to the gods talk; they had no idea what the hell was going on. They couldn’t find Dalen or Batalia, that scared them. Aiden knew it was only a matter of time before they sensed him here, but he figured they were too preoccupied to care much about him at present.
Hermes: Is this all of us that is left? How sad. Hephaestus: All of us who would bother to come. Hera: We have to deal with the matter at hand; Chaos and the missing God of War. She didn’t even speak his name anymore; she couldn’t bear to. The sentiment was echoed by all present.
Poseidon: He hasn’t shown himself in years, it’s disconcerting to us. Why is he being so quiet all of a sudden? Hephaestus: I’d be more scared of what he’s planning than why he’s not here. Us gods are dropping off like flies, how and why is that happening? Poseidon: I’ve seen Hope make a complete turn around; she’s no longer fighting against us, rather she’s with us.
Aiden listened intently: So that’s why Hope was ignoring him, she was with them. That wouldn’t do, he needed her to succeed against their father. How dare she betray her own brother…
Hades: Are we so sure Da– I mean he’s not just hiding somewhere that we haven’t checked in a while? Hera: Brother, we have everyone who is still loyal to us looking for him even Argus; and you know nothing ever escapes He of the Hundred Eyes. Hades: Yeah, that’s a plan. Trust a monster to do the gods’ work…that worked soo well in the past…
Hermes: Is the biting sarcasm really necessary Unc? I mean really…who else do we have? Hades: You’re a fool to trust a monster; it’ll not end well. Hermes: Not everyone enjoys death like you, we would prefer not to die off and fade away without a fight.
Zeus: We’ll find him, even if we have to draft every monster, immortal, mortal and creature on this planet to do it; we will find the rogue god and put an end to him if necessary. Hades: Then what? Without a God of War, our power is further reduced. There’s still that Chaos thing too; we can’t forget that.
Aiden had heard enough; the other gods wanted to kill his father, good for them. He’ll be there to watch his father breathe his last breath. He’d even deliver the final blow if they let him, then maybe he’d take his title as God of War…maybe.
Aiden left the chamber, but something else was there. Dalen: Well boy, nice seeing you again. Aiden: What the hell? Where’d you come from? Dalen: I’ve been here the whole time.
Dalen: It’s rather cute that you think you can kill me boy; really. But let me tell you, I am much more of a threat than you think…much, much more. Don’t be stupid kid; give it up now while you still can. Aiden: You don’t scare me, just cuz you grew your hair out and got coloured contacts doesn’t mean you’re any more powerful. Dalen: How naïve of you boy, it’ll be marked on your grave “ Naïve Idiot.”
Aiden’s temper flared; he hardly cared anymore that he’d be heard by the other gods in the next room, he just let go. “ You are such a bastard!! You really don’t think highly of me do you??!! YOU NEVER DID!! I’m sick of it!! You tore me away from my mother; forbade any contact with her, you made me into what I am!! You destroyed me and now I want you to know just what it feels like to be destroyed by your own creation.” Dalen: You really don’t want to be doing this kid; it’ll only end badly for you if you piss me off.
Dalen: I have plans, big plans and I can’t have some snotty brat getting in my way. I will show you just what it means to cross the God of War… Aiden had no idea what he was talking about and he hardly had time to think about it. Because the next thing he saw was blackness.
Batalia: So you dealt with him brother? Dalen: Yes, the stupid kid will not get in our way anymore. Batalia: Vindictive; purely vindictive. To do that to your own child…I admire your brazen approach to discipline. Dalen: Meh, well he’s not a problem anymore and his sister; well she’s not even worth banishing.
Batalia’s eyes had changed as well; the same as her brother’s were. Icy blue and shadowed. Chaos had a firm root in their hearts and souls and it fed off their hatred for the Olympians and grew stronger every day. Xylen knew what the Light Dwellers wanted them for; and he was not about to let them have it. Hope and Salvation would never be used against him again. Rebirth, that was more difficult. The aura of the Peace God was protecting him and kept him at bay. That was only a minor setback though, the other two were growing in power and strength every day…
Dalen: Now, for the matter of Hope. How much of a threat do you think she’ll be to us? Batalia: Does it matter? I mean she has a mortal lover, we need only threaten him and she’ll behave. No, she’s not a problem. Dalen: I agree.
Batalia: But, just in case we should curse her or her mortal lover with something…hmm. Dalen: What indeed? Well, we can arrange for him to have a very short life thread, I have it on good authority that the Fates are more than willing to help us out. Batalia: Oh, I love how your mind works dear brother.
Batalia: If only we were so free with the Shears of Fate… Dalen: Well, we can’t have all the fun can we? We gotta share some at least. Batalia: True, so true. ******
Atalanta: Sora, do you eat? Sora: What? Atalanta: Are you hungry? Sora: Oh, well sure why not? Are you? Atalanta: I just thought it would be nice to get to know you some more, since we’re like partners now. Sora: That would be nice.
Odd ending? Perhaps. But it goes to show that generation six is now officially in college!! Well, most of them I still have to catch Dione and Orion up to the rest then I can run my heir poll. Yes, another one I know I’ve set up some pretty good plots with the kids of generation six’s main line and choosing will be just as hard for you as it is for me. (I hope my plots are anyway) So, with that I shall end this exciting chapter. End of Entry Thirty-Three.

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The Quest for Peace: Dark Moon Saga 1.25

  • 1. The Quest for Peace: Dark Moon Saga, Chapter 1.25
  • 2. Learning to trust someone you’ve never met before is very hard to do, not to mention stressful. After Reias made his speech at the UN the delegates were wary to trust his claims that he would be able to rid the planet of the Dark Moon, many of them would much rather shoot it down or blow it up with a nuke then to trust these so called “gods” to do it for them. But just as many, if not more were willing to let them try it their way rather than risk the planet being poisoned by nuclear winter if the nukes were somehow diverted away from the satellite and back towards the planet below. The disappearance of the sun baffled astronomers, physicists and scientists of all fields, for once their beloved science could not explain it rationally or logically. It terrified them to know they couldn’t figure something out like that. Then the Dark Moon appeared and the sun was back which led to further fear. The scientific crutch humanity has clutched onto for the last 500 years failed them and once more humanity was lost and confused. Religion had failed them, science failed them, what was left? Ancient mythological gods, an old form of religion suddenly reappeared out of the blue and made promises to rid them of thing they couldn’t understand, but was it really okay for them to trust in the gods? Time could only tell…
  • 3. College for Icarus and Dade began with a desperate trip to the clothing shop. Icarus hated his orange and brown monstrosity he got stuck with and Dade felt even worse about his cowboy/chino outfit. They would not do at all. Dade: If there was a way to regulate the transition clothing aspect of college I would surely patent it. Icarus said nothing; his younger brother made him furious.
  • 4. Dade tried again to engage some sort of reply from his brother; Dade: I am most certain it would be substantial monetary venture for us… Icarus bit down hard on his inner cheek; drawing forth the bitter tang of blood, if he didn’t get this over with soon he was going to kill him right here and now. The sooner he got into the Greek House the better, he would refuse to allow his siblings entry to it.
  • 5. Dade didn’t try further; if he was going to save his brother from Chaos he’d have to find another way to do it. If he won’t speak to him, then he can’t get him to speak aloud a positive confession to break the hold. He briefly wondered if Icarus knew that and was deliberately not speaking to him.
  • 6. The oldest boys of generation six’s main line settled into an uncomfortable existence in one of the older dorms on campus. The new one commissioned by their mother would be ready for them next semester so they only have to endure one semester in the college’s dorms. The private one would be spectacular according to their mother’s description of it. Icarus couldn’t wait to get out of this one, he felt it was beneath a generation six heir such as himself. Dade noticed his brother’s arrogance growing daily in the way he ordered the dormies out of his way and pushed around the placeholders for their dorm, it worried and scared him greatly.
  • 7. At Sim State, in her older sister’s old place; Lyra was finding college life much more interesting and exciting. The mascot fights on the front porch were especially new and different for her. The placeholder was a former lover of her brother’s and she informed her that Allyn and Shaw (cow and llama) were regularly going at it on the porch. She locked the doors to keep them from destroying the inside of the house because it got so bad.
  • 8. It was rare that Allyn ever won against Shaw, not to mention humiliating too. Lyra was excited to see them fight regardless; she booed the cow though.
  • 9. On a happier note, the younger ones of the main line were paying a rare visit to their father at Aphrodite’s temple. Bliss: I’m so glad you brought the kids Dora, they should meet their other grandfather and great grandmother. Pandora: I must say though, I was surprised at your invite. I had heard Aphrodite was in ill health.
  • 10. Bliss pulled her closer; “She was until recently. Then we heard and felt Diamos return and her health suddenly improved, it was a real shock to learn the Peace God was still around.” Pandora: Kinda around; my brother is hosting his essence so to speak. Diamos has no real form in this Mortal Realm. Bliss: Whatever it was, it was enough to save my grandmother’s life. Honestly I was afraid she would die, then my father would follow her; he looked just as bad.
  • 11. Cupid studied the mortal embraced in his son’s arms; he had never seen her before. She was quite lovely, he felt a small surge of jealousy that she was so pretty. He quickly squashed it though; he knew it was petty of him especially since he still loved his mother quite a bit. He didn’t notice the small girl in front of him.
  • 12. Dione, having recently had her birthday; studied the winged man in front of her. He had wings like her daddy and her mommy told her that he was her grandfather. But weren’t grandfathers supposed to be old? He looked young. Grandpa Julius had red hair still but she saw his eyebrows were greyed, her mommy said he liked to dye his hair. Did this grandpa dye his hair too?
  • 13. She finally tugged on his skirt thing and he looked down at her. Dione: Why isn’t your hair grey like my other grandpa’s? Cupid: I’m a god, I don’t age. Dione: What’s a god? Cupid: An immortal. Dione: What’s an immoral? Cupid: Immortal; I don’t die or get old.
  • 14. Dione: I like your hair; it’s like my sister’s. I wish I had blond hair like daddy. Cupid: You get what you get in the genetic pot kid. What’s your name? Dione: Dione. Who are you? Cupid: I’m Cupid, the God of Love. Dione: I thought the God of Love was a girl? Cupid: That’s my mother; Aphrodite.
  • 15. Dione skipped off after she talked to Cupid. There was so much to look at now, she didn’t want to miss a thing. She stared over at the base of the large mountain across from the temple; she knew what it was, it told her. Ever since she aged, she could hear things that no one else could The rocks talked to her, she learned all about what the rocks had seen in their existence. The mountain was called Mt. Olympus, where the King and Queen of the gods lived.
  • 16. Cupid went over to the shy looking blond girl, she had inherited his wings and hair colour but the blue eyes were definitely not from him. Atalanta nervously pursed her fingers, what would she say to her grandfather? He was a god, a full blooded god he had a stronger aura than her father did. Atalanta: Umm, hi…you must be Cupid right? My grandfather? Cupid: Yes. I am, I see you got my wings. Can you fly?
  • 17. Atalanta: N—no I can’t. I’m afraid to try actually. Cupid: Why? Flying is one of the greatest things I can do. Atalanta: I—what if I fall to my death…my brother’s namesake did that… Cupid: Icarus, he tried to fly with wax wings and balsa wood Helios showed him the error of his ways. But your wings are blood, flesh, bone and ligaments they’re a part of you.
  • 18. Atalanta: I’m scared, what if I fall? Cupid: What if you don’t? You must exercise your wing’s muscles or they become weak and weakened wing muscles are extremely painful. Atalanta swallowed; he wasn’t helping her feel any better about them. He was only making her more scared to try them out. “ I—don’t want to!!” she cried.
  • 19. Pandora heard her daughter cry out; she was about to go over when Bliss stopped her. She glared at him, but his expression made her relax. Bliss: Don’t Dora; father is only trying to help her. He is right about the wing muscles becoming weakened though. Xenon should be practising and exercising them too. Pandora: I don’t want her to be afraid of her wings baby, I want her to be proud of them, Cupid’s obviously making her more terrified of them. Bliss: Give her some time; she’ll learn to appreciate them in her own way I know she will.
  • 20. Cupid left her be and went over to the young man in the green shirt. He had inherited his wings too, though they were shaped differently than Atalanta’s. Cupid: How about you? Do you exercise your wings too…umm Xenon: Xenon. Yes I’ve managed a little bit, I can hover but not much more than that right now. I want to fly so bad, it looks so awesome. Cupid: Good, I’m glad one of you is trying to fly. You think you can help your sister to work on them too? I think I made her more nervous. Xenon: Lanta? Sure. She just needs some time to adjust to learning to work them.
  • 21. Xenon brushed his long bangs out of his eyes; he loved meeting Cupid. When his mother told them they were going to see dad he was thrilled to meet his grandfather. Cupid looked more relaxed talking to him, maybe because he was a boy but whatever the reason he looked forward to learning to fly better from his grandfather.
  • 22. Xenon: So you think you could help me train? I want to soar through the sky, it’ll save so much time in walking if I can just fly wherever I wanna go. Cupid: Really? Wow, I’d love to help you out. Xenon: Wicked.
  • 23. Cupid went over to last face he hadn’t met yet. He wanted to get to know all his grandchildren if he could, though he had yet to meet his two oldest. Cupid: What’s you name son? Iolaus: Iolaus. So you’re like a god huh? Cool. Cupid: Yes, have you never met one before? Iolaus: Nope. I’ve heard about you, read about the Ancient Greek’s world and everything you guys did back then. Cupid cringed inwardly; his ancient past was not something he was proud of. Cupid: Oh…that. Well let’s just say I’ve evolved since then and I’m much better for it. Iolaus: So I don’t have any cool wings like them, or a huge brain like Dade, or even a daredevil attitude like Icarus I thought maybe you could tell me what kind of power I do have. Cupid: Well, I don’t know it’s not something that I can just see. Iolaus: Why not? Cupid: I’m the God of Love son, not the Goddess of Knowledge. If you have questions about your love life or love future I can tell you no problem. Iolaus: Damn. Can you like guess or something if I tell you more about me? Cupid: Maybe. Iolaus: I’m pretty good at sports, athletic, and pretty good at not getting caught. Nimble I think the word is. So what does that tell you? Cupid thought for a moment; those skills did ring a bell, but it had been so long it was hard to recall exactly why that was. Then he remembered. “ Well you do remind me of a mortal friend of my uncle Hercules’ his name was Iolaus too. They trained at Chiron’s Academy for Heroes together they were best friends, brothers.” Iolaus: So, I’m a hero? Cool!! Cupid: Iolaus began his childhood as a thief, then he met Hercules and turned his life around. Iolaus’s eyes glittered; his namesake was a heroic thief, he could use that…Cupid wondered if he said too much, the look in his grandson’s eyes was unnerving.
  • 24. The events of recent have prompted Ashika, Daughter of Athena to seek out someone she had thought to be long gone. He was just as confused as she was about the recent events and it was about time to get everyone on the same page. If anyone could help it would be him. He agreed to the meeting at her mother’s temple. Her visions of him were swelling around in her mind, now was the time.
  • 25. He looked suspicious of her intentions, but her aura told him she would be trustworthy enough, after all she reminded him of his half sister Athena. Ashika: Hercules, I’m glad you came. I was worried you wouldn’t. Hercules: Ashika, is it? What do you want from me? This world, it’s so different to me but yet I still sense the gods’ presences but they are so weak. Ashika: A lot has happened, a lot is different. But we’re in short supply of uncorrupted gods and half gods so we need everyone we can get to help. Hercules: What do you mean uncorrupted gods? They’ve always been that way to me.
  • 26. Ashika: Hercules, what do you remember before coming here? Hercules: Not much, we were on the road to Thessaly when this young god with white hair stopped us, I thought he was in for a fight but his clothing was strange and his powers were way beyond anything I’ve ever felt from a full god before. Then the next thing I know, I’m here in this place. It’s Greece but not the Greece I know the roads are covered with some sort of flat rock. And there were loud metal beasts running up and down it. We found the white haired god again and he said he was the son of someone called Dalen, Jason; yeah that was his name. Ashika: Jason, yes. I knew he had brought Autolycus into the future but I didn’t know he brought you too. Hercules: Wait, Autolycus is here too? Ashika: Yes, but that’s not the point. Olympus is grave danger, gods are missing. Hercules: How is that possible? Ashika: Chaos, it’s an ancient and evil thing. Dalen the God of War started it with a rampage… Hercules: Who? Ares is the God of War. Ashika: Not anymore…Dalen is his son…he and his sister killed Ares some time ago. Hercules: My brother? How? Ashika: Again not important. We have to make sure the corrupted gods don’t kill anymore mortals. You, being the hero of the mortals are the one who can do it. We’ve all been trying but Chaos has taken so many of us, we’re not even sure who’s really under its power and who’s not. We need an impartial god to help; outside the range of Chaos’s influence.
  • 27. Hercules: You can’t just lay this all on me and expect me to help you. I need answers, information!! Ashika: I know, I’ll tell you but you need to know first…the Olympians, your father will know you’re back and you have to be prepared to face off against them. Hercules: It’s no different than any other day of my life. Ashika: Yes, it is. This time they have darker powers from Chaos, more dangerous ones.
  • 28. Ashika: Hercules, I’m giving you fair warning; the Olympians of this time and place are nothing like the ones you know in your time, Athena, Apollo, even your father Zeus. Athena and Apollo are missing, we don’t know where they are the only reason the sun is still in the sky and still burning is because of another Sun God, an alien Sun God. We have alien gods among us as well. Hercules: What’s an alien? Ashika: A being not of this world, not of Earth origin. Hercules: I don’t understand any of that. Ashika: I’m asking you to take a leap of faith; trust me I will tell you everything. Please for now, help me. Hercules: Alright, I just need to tell Iolaus about this.
  • 29. Ashika: I know, I met him earlier. He came with you didn’t he? Hercules: Of course, Iolaus would never miss a chance like this to do some good and follow me into a fight. Ashika: Thank you Hercules. I really appreciate your trust in me. Hercules: You remind me of my sister Athena. You have her eyes. Ashika: I get that all the time, my mother’s daughter. ******
  • 30. I remembered the words of my great grandmother: “Don’t let my son push you into something you’re not ready to do dear. We used to have this ceremony that young men and women would make, a pilgrimage to find answers to their questions. Usually it was to see the Oracle of Delphi; but nowadays it’s called a Vision Quest. Take one before college, gain some perspective on things.” Her words struck a chord with me, it was intriguing.
  • 31. “ What do I do?” I asked her. “ You spend a few days and nights in the wilderness, no food, no water so your body is in a pure state of mind. The goal is to encounter your spirit guide or something that will answer your questions.” “ I see.” I replied.
  • 32. “ And then thing should become clear right?” I asked. “ Yes, or so I’ve been told or whatever. Just give it try dear. Never hurts to try right?” “ I will, thank you great grandma.”
  • 33. It’s funny the things that cross your mind when there’s nothing else to think about. So far I’ve been out here for three days and two nights. I brought a tent with me and some clothes but nothing else. There was a stream near my tent, teeming with fish but I can’t catch any. I’ve been visited by curious forest animals who just wanted to see what I was all about, but no spirit guide. I wonder if I did something wrong, shouldn’t I have seen one by now? Was I not supposed to bring a tent? I don’t know. Maybe I should head home and prepare for college like my brothers. They don’t have to worry about the things I do, Xenon is already flying laps around our neighbourhood, Iolaus is hell bent on becoming some sort of heroic thief and then there’s me. I’m lost, confused and frightened that my wings will rot and fall off like grandpa Cupid said they would if I don’t use them. Okay, so he didn’t say that exactly; but it’s what I feel will happen to them. I was lost in thought, and I didn’t hear the whooshing noise up on the ruins of the temple thing behind me...or the voices…
  • 34. I didn’t want to move; what if they were here to hurt me? Botan: Is this the right spot? Drinn: Sure as hell don’t look like Atlantis to me. Lunala: Maybe we got diverted somehow? Sora: Who cares? Where are we anyway? Botan: Hey look over there, maybe that girl knows. Let’s ask her.
  • 35. Sora: Hey kid, can you tell us where we are? Atalanta: *squeak* Lunala: I think you have frightened her Sora. Sora: Did not. So can you tell us or not kid? Atalanta: Umm, Hidden City…just along side Quarry Lake.
  • 36. Drinn: She’s got wings, weird. Atalanta: I can hear you, you know. Drinn: Yeah, and? It’s still weird. Atalanta: And you aren’t with the freaky looking tattoo things all over your face? Drinn: Girl’s got fire; I like that.
  • 37. The four of them, who introduced themselves as Sora, Botan, Drinn and Lunala joined her at the fire. Atalanta already figured out already just from looking that Drinn was her cousins’ father. He had no idea he had children and she felt is was not her place to tell him unless the topic came up. She did feel slightly guilty that she found their father before her cousins really started looking, and by mere accident too. She was fascinated to learn that the four of them were Adriels, she only ever knew about Pellas.
  • 38. Lunala: So you’re a potential heir for the Quest? Atalanta: Yes. I haven’t really thought much about it actually. I just had some things to figure out and this vision quest was supposed to do that but I think that it didn’t work. I never saw my spirit guide or had any kind of vision. I just ran into you four.
  • 39. Lunala: We’re on a quest of our own. We came here to get Pellas back, our sister. Atalanta: Good luck with that, we don’t even know where she went. Diamos can’t locate her. Drinn: Diamos isn’t us. We can find her. Atalanta: How? Drinn: Magic. Botan: We have an ability to locate our own kind, though none of us have figured out how to activate it yet.
  • 40. Lunala: Our Masters are supposed to help us with that. Sora: We don’t have Masters, we have to do it on our own remember? Lunala pursed her lips; she still had doubts about that but the other three were adamant that they could do it on their own with some work. Atalanta: Why do you have to have Masters to get this ability to work? Drinn: We don’t. We can find it our own way.
  • 41. Sora: It was a failsafe built into our creation. Our powers are very strong but they are restricted, or chained. Having a Master was supposed to be a way to control us and our unlimited powers and for a while it worked that way. Once our Masters abused their power with us, we were taken from them; we became free agents of our own powers. Botan: Yes, but since we’ve been that way so long it’s taking forever for us to learn to function without a Master’s commands. Drinn: I still say it’s your own minds that are holding you back.
  • 42. Lunala: You think so huh? Well, if you’re so free of mind and power why haven’t you been able to activate your powers hmm? Drinn: Who says I haven’t? He bristled; he hated it when she was right. He hadn’t learned how to use his powers yet but he didn’t want to be told that by her of all people. Lunala: We would know, and we haven’t felt a glimmer from you.
  • 43. Botan: She’s just saying what we’re all thinking. None of us has any clue what the hell we’re doing. Atalanta: Umm, maybe I can help you somehow? Is there supposed to be an incantation or ritual a Master would perform or say that would activate this power of yours? Lunala: Usually, but we don’t know it. Atalanta: Oh. She really wanted to help them out, but she was just as clueless as they were and she’s only just met them too which probably doesn’t help.
  • 44. Drinn: Why do you care what we do anyway? We don’t even know you. Atalanta: Because, I do care. And that’s not entirely true I do know you, at least you Drinn. Drinn: I doubt that. I’ve never met you before. Atalanta took a breath, this was the time to tell him about her heritage and who her mother was. This would be a hell of bomb to drop. “ Drinn, do you know who my mother is?” Drinn: No. Atalanta: My mother is Pandora Reed, sister of Helen. Drinn: …what? Atalanta: Yes, my mother is the sister of your former lover Helen…and… Drinn: And what? He tensed; this was not leading to a place he wanted to go so soon… Atalanta: And…Helen, my aunt; was pregnant when you left her. You are the father of my cousins Castor and Pollux, twin boys. Sora, Botan and Lunala stood in stunned silence; how can an Adriel Guardian possibly procreate? It’s not possible…was it? Drinn: How…I mean…why? Why didn’t she tell me? Atalanta: You left, suddenly without even a good bye or an explanation. You broke her heart Drinn, and for many years while my cousins were growing up; she had to fence off any questions about why you weren’t there, where you went, and why you didn’t ever try to contact them. Sora: You fathered children? I had no idea that was even possible. Drinn: Me neither dumb ass!! You think this is funny??!! Sora: No, I don’t. I never thought it was at all. Lunala: Drinn, how could you leave her like that?
  • 45. Drinn restrained himself from lashing back at her callous remark; he was still in too much shock from learning he was a father. Atalanta: My cousins want to find you Drinn, but I found you first and by accident so I’m not sure how that will sit with them. Drinn: What? Oh gods no, I can’t face them!! Don’t tell them you found me!! I have no idea what to say to them or even how to look them in face after abandoning them for 17 years. Atalanta: But you didn’t know, how could you have known? Drinn: Atalanta, please…don’t tell them you found me. Please. Sora’s jaw dropped; Botan’s face went slack from shock. Did Drinn, the cold hearted jack ass just beg her to not tell? They had to be dreaming… ******
  • 46. Atalanta had agreed to keep the fact she found Drinn a secret for the time being. They had their own mission to finish as did she. When they left she sat back down by the fire; watching its flames licking and dancing around the logs with unfocussed eyes. Her quest was interrupted by their sudden appearance, the sorrow of failure began to eat at her conscience. They came in, disrupted her quest; she still didn’t find out who here spirit guide was. What she found instead was three more Adriel Guardians…three more. Each had their own powers and abilities, she thought about what she knew of Botan from what her grandfather had spoken about once when she asked about some old pictures she found of him. “He looks that way because he’s linked to Earth so he reflects it.” How it came up or why escaped her, she was barely a kid of 4 when he said that. So she hadn’t paid much attention to it and until now she forgot all about it. Botan is Earth…that was significant but why? She had another thought drift through her mind from biology in school; “There are four basic elements and sometimes five. Earth, Wind, Water, Fire and sometimes Metal…” Oh, by the gods…that was it. Five Adriels, five elements, each of them linked to one. Drinn was Metal, Lunala was Water, Botan is Earth, Pellas is Fire and Sora…Sora is Wind. Why had she come on this vision quest in the first place? To find answers, to figure out the reason for her fear of flying. She was born with wings for a reason, she was supposed to run into a being whose make up is linked to the Wind, Sora… Sora was her Spirit Guide!!! She then heard something behind her…
  • 47. Sora was there, she stood up with tears in her eyes. He was meant to find her, the reason for the quest was to find him. Atalanta: It’s you…it was always you wasn’t it? Sora pulled her closer; “Yes, I felt it just as we were leaving. Why we were meant to meet. I am the Wind, the Guardian of the Bow Adriel and the link to Wind. My other form is that of an eagle. I’m the only one who can change into an eagle. I am your guide Atalanta; you and I need to be together. My powers will only come to me when I’m with you.” Atalanta: So you do need someone else to help you get your powers back. Sora: Yes, we need you…I need you. ******
  • 48. Atalanta returned home after that. Her vision quest was completed and now she knew what she had to do. Learn to fly. Xenon had a good grasp on it by now and she was going to get him to help her. Iolaus was just glad to have his sister back, the three of them were very close, much like their mother is with their aunt and uncle.
  • 49. Xenon asked her to meet him on the front balcony, here it was fairly open and the height was manageable to try. She was ready. Xenon: So it went well then? Good for you sis. I’ve been doing a lot of practicing myself, grandpa Cupid was here for a few days helping me fine tune my hovering. Atalanta: I just want to start with that today, is that okay? Xenon: Sure, I won’t ask you to fly around the whole house just yet. He smirked; it made her relax a bit more.
  • 50. Atalanta: So how do I hover? Xenon: You have to try to make your wings move first; your muscles are not used to being stimulated so try that first. Atalanta: Okay, move wings. Got it. She concentrated on the wings; nothing was happening at first, then she felt a twitch in her left wing.
  • 51. Atalanta: This is so hard; I can barely move one of them. Xenon: Well keep trying; it’ll take some time to get your muscles used to the stimuli of the nerves. Try again. She sighed and tried again; the left wing twitched then made a small flap the right one just inched along. Getting the flapping in synch was very hard to do, one just kept going while the other was barely moving. Xenon: Good, now focus them on working together. It’s like walking; only instead of one foot in front of the other it’s one wing moving with the other.
  • 52. Atalanta: Can you show me? Xenon grinned; he went over to the railing and vaulted himself over it, he flew out over the car and to the street and came back, landing gracefully on the balcony. Atalanta: Show off. I said to show me a hover, not a full beeline to the road and back. Xenon: And how is that fun? I know, it was showing off. But it was fun.
  • 53. Xenon: You try. Atalanta: What??! Xenon: Look down, there’s the top of the kitchen’s bay window, step onto that and hold on to the railing. Try to flex the wings while you stand on the roof’s top. Atalanta: Okay… She stepped onto the roof and held on, she moved her wings they managed to get in sync this time. Xenon saw them flapping together, so being the type of brother he was, he pushed her off the railing. She screamed and covered her eyes; but she wasn’t falling. Her wings were flapping strongly behind her, she was hovering!! Atalanta: You’re a jerk you know that. Xenon: Yeah, but it worked didn’t it? You know how to work them. Trust in your instincts; that’s what’s holding you back from really picking it up as fast as I did.
  • 54. Xenon: You know how to do it, you’re just afraid to try. Sorry bout pushing you off but you had to learn that your body will know what to do. Atalanta: Yeah, I guess. But really? Pushing me off a balcony was a little harsh don’t you think? Xenon: Probably. But I don’t dwell on it. You did good sis. Atalanta: Thanks.
  • 55. Meanwhile… Jade had played along, been quiet about her fears of Dalen, kept her thoughts locked away from his probing by keeping him distracted with other things but his new attitude scared her, terrified her to the very core. He was different…changed somehow. It had to be a reflection of what was happening outside the God of War’s temple, there was no other explanation for his changes.
  • 56. His powers reached levels beyond what she could sense from him. Dalen and in turn, Talia were different now…
  • 57. Gone were his grey eyes and shorter hair, they were replaced with much more dangerous looking features though he still had his small half smile. But his eyes were now an icy, cold blue shadowed on the sides of his irises with a black haze that occasionally swam over the surface of his eyes. It was like a parasite living off his power and his life force. She really thought she was making a break through with Dalen; he didn’t want to kill off the legacy as much anymore. When Reias disappeared he didn’t make a move on its vulnerable heiress, he just shut himself away with Talia like sequestering of a jury. She had no idea what they were doing in her chamber, but it couldn’t have been good.
  • 58. But despite all that, she still loved him. She hated the fact that it made her feel weak and useless, he was still so attractive to her. He was rougher, more controlling with her; it bothered her but he never hurt her.
  • 59. Now she stood in the hallways of Olympus; feeling the power embedded in its every stone and wall. The power of the gods, their strength all concentrated in one place. How they got in undetected, unseen, bothered her greatly but Dalen looked very relaxed and calm.
  • 60. Dalen: Don’t look so freaked babe; they don’t know I’m here nor you for that matter. I’m way too powerful for them to sense. Jade: But why now? Why here? Dalen: My son thinks he has the upper hand on me; that he can topple me but he’s sorely mistaken. I’ll knock the fight right out of arrogant brat, show him I’m not one to be messed with.
  • 61. Dalen: Trust me. I’ll never let anything happen to you baby. Jade: If you say so… Dalen smiled and turned back to stare out the window; Jade was freaked out indeed; his arrogance and proud stance in the face of the gods was staggering. What did he have planned for the Olympians?
  • 62. Aiden had been listening to the gods talk; they had no idea what the hell was going on. They couldn’t find Dalen or Batalia, that scared them. Aiden knew it was only a matter of time before they sensed him here, but he figured they were too preoccupied to care much about him at present.
  • 63. Hermes: Is this all of us that is left? How sad. Hephaestus: All of us who would bother to come. Hera: We have to deal with the matter at hand; Chaos and the missing God of War. She didn’t even speak his name anymore; she couldn’t bear to. The sentiment was echoed by all present.
  • 64. Poseidon: He hasn’t shown himself in years, it’s disconcerting to us. Why is he being so quiet all of a sudden? Hephaestus: I’d be more scared of what he’s planning than why he’s not here. Us gods are dropping off like flies, how and why is that happening? Poseidon: I’ve seen Hope make a complete turn around; she’s no longer fighting against us, rather she’s with us.
  • 65. Aiden listened intently: So that’s why Hope was ignoring him, she was with them. That wouldn’t do, he needed her to succeed against their father. How dare she betray her own brother…
  • 66. Hades: Are we so sure Da– I mean he’s not just hiding somewhere that we haven’t checked in a while? Hera: Brother, we have everyone who is still loyal to us looking for him even Argus; and you know nothing ever escapes He of the Hundred Eyes. Hades: Yeah, that’s a plan. Trust a monster to do the gods’ work…that worked soo well in the past…
  • 67. Hermes: Is the biting sarcasm really necessary Unc? I mean really…who else do we have? Hades: You’re a fool to trust a monster; it’ll not end well. Hermes: Not everyone enjoys death like you, we would prefer not to die off and fade away without a fight.
  • 68. Zeus: We’ll find him, even if we have to draft every monster, immortal, mortal and creature on this planet to do it; we will find the rogue god and put an end to him if necessary. Hades: Then what? Without a God of War, our power is further reduced. There’s still that Chaos thing too; we can’t forget that.
  • 69. Aiden had heard enough; the other gods wanted to kill his father, good for them. He’ll be there to watch his father breathe his last breath. He’d even deliver the final blow if they let him, then maybe he’d take his title as God of War…maybe.
  • 70. Aiden left the chamber, but something else was there. Dalen: Well boy, nice seeing you again. Aiden: What the hell? Where’d you come from? Dalen: I’ve been here the whole time.
  • 71. Dalen: It’s rather cute that you think you can kill me boy; really. But let me tell you, I am much more of a threat than you think…much, much more. Don’t be stupid kid; give it up now while you still can. Aiden: You don’t scare me, just cuz you grew your hair out and got coloured contacts doesn’t mean you’re any more powerful. Dalen: How naïve of you boy, it’ll be marked on your grave “ Naïve Idiot.”
  • 72. Aiden’s temper flared; he hardly cared anymore that he’d be heard by the other gods in the next room, he just let go. “ You are such a bastard!! You really don’t think highly of me do you??!! YOU NEVER DID!! I’m sick of it!! You tore me away from my mother; forbade any contact with her, you made me into what I am!! You destroyed me and now I want you to know just what it feels like to be destroyed by your own creation.” Dalen: You really don’t want to be doing this kid; it’ll only end badly for you if you piss me off.
  • 73. Dalen: I have plans, big plans and I can’t have some snotty brat getting in my way. I will show you just what it means to cross the God of War… Aiden had no idea what he was talking about and he hardly had time to think about it. Because the next thing he saw was blackness.
  • 74. Batalia: So you dealt with him brother? Dalen: Yes, the stupid kid will not get in our way anymore. Batalia: Vindictive; purely vindictive. To do that to your own child…I admire your brazen approach to discipline. Dalen: Meh, well he’s not a problem anymore and his sister; well she’s not even worth banishing.
  • 75. Batalia’s eyes had changed as well; the same as her brother’s were. Icy blue and shadowed. Chaos had a firm root in their hearts and souls and it fed off their hatred for the Olympians and grew stronger every day. Xylen knew what the Light Dwellers wanted them for; and he was not about to let them have it. Hope and Salvation would never be used against him again. Rebirth, that was more difficult. The aura of the Peace God was protecting him and kept him at bay. That was only a minor setback though, the other two were growing in power and strength every day…
  • 76. Dalen: Now, for the matter of Hope. How much of a threat do you think she’ll be to us? Batalia: Does it matter? I mean she has a mortal lover, we need only threaten him and she’ll behave. No, she’s not a problem. Dalen: I agree.
  • 77. Batalia: But, just in case we should curse her or her mortal lover with something…hmm. Dalen: What indeed? Well, we can arrange for him to have a very short life thread, I have it on good authority that the Fates are more than willing to help us out. Batalia: Oh, I love how your mind works dear brother.
  • 78. Batalia: If only we were so free with the Shears of Fate… Dalen: Well, we can’t have all the fun can we? We gotta share some at least. Batalia: True, so true. ******
  • 79. Atalanta: Sora, do you eat? Sora: What? Atalanta: Are you hungry? Sora: Oh, well sure why not? Are you? Atalanta: I just thought it would be nice to get to know you some more, since we’re like partners now. Sora: That would be nice.
  • 80. Odd ending? Perhaps. But it goes to show that generation six is now officially in college!! Well, most of them I still have to catch Dione and Orion up to the rest then I can run my heir poll. Yes, another one I know I’ve set up some pretty good plots with the kids of generation six’s main line and choosing will be just as hard for you as it is for me. (I hope my plots are anyway) So, with that I shall end this exciting chapter. End of Entry Thirty-Three.