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The beginning of my 15th year, what will it bring? I am almost finished with my goal
list and I know soon, very soon I can get rid of the buffoon for good. I can hardly wait
As I run I’m thinking; this year feels somehow like it will be one of big changes. I’m
running towards that new future, one without the buffoon and with Benni by my side.
I’ve decided I’m going to ask her to move in with me once I’m done my challenges. I
don’t recall her ever talking much about her parents so I’d be interested to know about
them. I also get to work on my Athletic skill so it also works for that.
Oh hey, well that was quick. I didn’t think I’d run THAT much to make it all the way
but when your mind is elsewhere I guess the other things around you just seem to fade
away. I don’t even hear the TV anymore either.
Hey, you came back. Do you like my new fencing? I made it stronger and higher this time. I’ve
also been earning a lot of money from my books, paintings and sculptures so I’ve been
planning this small renovation for a while.
Wild Horse: *whinnies*
Yeah I guess that means you do? I don’t know. Talking to a horse seems a little weird but then
again you’re just as good as any human right?
Why does this feel so final? Yes this is finally the actual prom, I’m technically a Junior
in high school and this is the senior prom but I guess it counts right? I didn’t ask Benni
to go with me this time, which was dumb of me but she was here anyway and we did
hang out that way. Even the rain feels ironic, like the sky is crying over something.
That final Riding skill point is so close I can smell it…or it’s the buffoon’s dirty dish. *cough*
Anyway, my money was barely used up building the greenhouse and barn in that huge open area
beside the tiny little house and I pretty much made it all back with my book royalties and
sculpting. I haven’t painted much in a while though, I think I have like..18 or so done but only the
best ones get put up and that is just the standard for me.
I moved to the couch for that ninth point, it’s so close to the end now and I’m getting
excited. I have one party left to throw and I know that it will be my birthday party
where I can FINALLY be freed from the oppression of the buffoon and I can toss him
out on his fat ass. He will get no money from me and have nothing to his name, just
like I did. I’ll even take his wand so he can’t hurt others with his magic.
SOO close, only a tiny sliver left. My heart is beating a mile a minute as I reach the
final pages of this book. Once this is done I can finish my twelfth book and start my
thirteenth and final one. I already know what I’m calling it: The End of My
Challenge. It’ll be non-fiction because this is my life and it’s definitely not fiction.
This is my shock face; I’M DONE! Thirteen skills down! Two more books, and one more party and
that’s IT! I can’t believe I’ll finish this before the fall comes. My one hope is that my horse friend
comes back, I want to adopt it so badly. I still have to fulfill the Black Unicorn’s conditions before I
pull up and head off into the sunset with my horse, my unicorn, my two cats and my best
girl…like the ending of a real western.
Hey buddy, been a few days. How have you been?
Wild Horse: *whinnies*
I finished my last two books, both I hope will sell well. And now that I know all there is to
know about riding you, I can finally give you a home. Would you like that?
Wild Horse: *whinnies excitedly*
Yeah that’s my house across the street. I don’t have a lot of space for you to run around
but that’s why there’s a training track next to the Appaloosa Downs building. They hold
running and jumping competitions for horses there did you know?
Wild Horse: *chuffs and nods*
Of course you’d know, you’ve been running the whole area of this town for as
long as I can remember. Guess you would have seen it all by now. So what do
you say? Come live with me?
Wild Horse: *chuffs, paws ground*
Was it just me or did you see those sparkles too? Does that mean…I’ve begun to fulfill the
Black Unicorn’s request? Or is it because I’m a witch?
Wild Horse: *nods*
Was that a yes to all three?
I suppose you need a name now, wild horse doesn’t sound right how about…Cocoa Milk?
You’re white with brown spots and I like chocolate so, Cocoa Milk alright with you?
Cocoa Milk: *whinnies excitedly*
I guess that’s a yes.
OOC (out of character) 1: It wasn’t until AFTER I’d completed all but one of the challenges, last one being that
Caspian had one more party left and it was going to be his age-up birthday party; that I realized I’ve probably
broken rules by this point by letting Leon leave the lot on those Generations opportunity Free Vacations and
adopting a horse. I LOVE how it all came together and I won’t let it be forgotten or deleted because of it. But
this is my first horse, Cocoa Milk is a female who had one day until Elder hood 0_0 so I used some of
Caspian’s points for that Animal Expert reward and suddenly Cocoa Milk had 18 days till Elder hood. She
also came with maxed Running skill, I learned horses only have two skills, running and jumping. Cocoa Milk
came with the Obedient, Genius and Noisy traits. Those sound AWESOME to have so I’m keeping her!
Anyway, back to the story.
All this time running had made Cocoa Milk very fast, she had amazing stamina and
when I took her to the jumping course she excelled at it. Yeah, I learned Cocoa Milk was
a mare after I showed her the barn I had built for her. I wanted to get used to her and
get her used to having a rider before I entered any of those competitions at Appaloosa
Downs. I think Cocoa Milk is a Genius and she’s very Obedient, a bit Noisy but
that’s fine, she has a lot to say I suppose.
She flew over those obstacles with ease. I was almost falling off her when she jumped,
she’s so strong. But I held fast by only slightly increasing the pressure in my legs to
grip the saddle better, Cocoa Milk didn’t mind because I think she can intuit what I was
trying to do. I was also getting a lot of attention from those who came to watch.
Wow, I thought we’d need more time to be completely in synch with one
another Cocoa Milk, but I guess we don’t need that much bonding. We’ve kind
of already been doing that for the last two years.
Cocoa Milk: *chuffs*
What do you say? Tomorrow we enter the Beginner’s Jumping competition?
Cocoa Milk: *whinnies happily*
And that means you want to as well huh? Well okay then, tomorrow we will enter, and WIN right?
Cocoa Milk: *whinnies in agreement*
OOC 2: Since I don’t have FRAPS or Gadwin Print Screen, this is the best shot I could get
of the first race results for Cocoa Milk and Caspian. THEY WON! I was right about Cocoa
Milk being an awesome horse. I took this with my digital camera so it has a HUGE file
size. Oh boy, converting this to a PDF is going to be FUN, so will uploading it to
Slideshare, this picture alone is the same size as the ENTIRE PowerPoint itself. Oh well.
Can you guess I’m excited to do a real challenge with Pets installed? Yeah…yeah I am.
I’m quite proud of all I’ve accomplished so far being an orphan and everything. This is my first
house, MY first house that I bought myself. I didn’t think I’d be able to do it after living in luxury
and being rich up until my parents’ deaths just before my thirteenth birthday. But now I
understand the value of hard work and earning something by the sweat of my brow and at my
own hands. Cocoa Milk has her own stall and an entire floor of my barn to herself, she’s very
So I went to the Summer Solstice dance tonight, it was fun. I did miss you
though. We did so well in that jumping competition and with some more
practice on the course you can master jumping too. You’re such a smart horse
Cocoa Milk.
Cocoa Milk: *chuffs*
How do you get so dusty here? It’s all grass. Anyway, I think we can try the
Beginner’s Cross Country competition next what do you think? We can ace it I
know we can. I want to win at all three levels of the competitions.
Cocoa Milk: *whinnies*
Maybe a pond for you to drink from could be dug, what do you think?
Cocoa Milk: No Bigfoots though.
Cocoa Milk: Don’t sound so surprised Master; the Black Unicorn did send me to you after all.
My last field trip…seems appropriate that we go to the graveyard. It’s like this part of my life is
finally ending. I can be free from the buffoon once I have one last party and I will make it my
Emancipation Party. It will be EPIC I’m sure, I’m going to ask Benni to join me too, you know I
found out she had the same thing going on as me? She was living with a guardian too! Her
parents abandoned her, they didn’t die like mine did though.
Zolada! What brings you here?
Zolada: I heard you were on the verge of your next life stage Caspian. I wanted to
congratulate you. On my world, when a young male reaches your age he begins learning
how to research. I wanted to see you before then. You have been an interesting research
subject and I will tell my other kin not to take you anymore.
Honestly, that wasn’t fun being probed but I did love to see outer space though
that was dope. Is there any way I can still do that without the probing?
Zolada: When you have completed your next life stage transition I can tell you
how to do that.
Zolada: I may be eldered by then but I shall do my best to return to you.
Oh. I’ll let you know when I’m going to throw my Emancipation party so you can come
then. I’d love it if you were there to see my enter my next life stage.
Zolada: I shall look forward to that.
Isn’t it fitting that my Emancipation Party falls on Leisure Day? I only invited Benni, Gracie,
Chantrelle and Zolada and got a party crasher again. Oh well, it’s my final party so I don’t care
anymore about party crashers. I made sure Cocoa Milk was out of her stall for this, she wouldn’t
be happy if she missed this. Seems like everyone I knew that was a child is now a teen, and Maisy
is still playing Cruz by dating the new teens coming in. She’s nearly 18 though so she won’t get
to do that much longer.
Benni: Thank you for being my boyfriend. I was afraid that if I told you my parents had
abandoned me and left me with a guardian too that it would upset you, my parents
didn’t die like yours did. I’ll gladly join you as an emancipated teen.
Why would finding out that my girlfriend is in the same situation as me, upset me? I felt
we belonged together long before I knew that. This just proves it.
I love you Benni. And I never, ever said that to anyone else but my parents before. Not
even my three exes. I want you to move in with me as soon as we’re free.
Benni: *cries* I love you too Caspian! So much! And I will move in with you!
I should tell you though…I’m not your average guy.
Benni: What does that mean?
I was born a witch; my parents were witches and I come from a long, long line of pure
blooded witches. Even Leon is one; he’s also my father’s cousin. I wanted you to know
that, and to remember it this time.
Benni: Anything else I should know?
Yeah. My horse talks. I can hear her, don’t know if you can or not.
Benni: Wow, okay I knew you were special Casp but damn…talking horses? As hard as I
believe that to be, I also believe that there is probably so much more I don’t know about the
world. Maybe talking horses is one of them.
Cocoa Milk: Oh I like her Master; her hair is the colour of hay and she’s funny.
Benni: *squeaks* Did you hear that? The horse CAN talk!
Told ya. However I don’t think anyone else can hear her.
Of course the buffoon wouldn’t be the buffoon if he didn’t try to mess with me one last
time. He was blocking the door so Zolada couldn’t get out to see me. I am so glad he’s
out on his ass as soon as I’m done here.
Please don’t be hideous, please don’t be hideous…
Benni: You couldn’t be hideous if you tried baby.
Let’s hope you’re right about that…we’ll see soon enough.
Benni: Teehee, he’s so cute when he gets all flustered like that. Well, here goes
Benni: Well, you can’t win ‘em all I suppose. WARDROBE!
I can never allow anyone to see me until I FIX this disaster! Of me not you Benni, Benni you’re
gorgeous even looking like a mismatched biker chick.
Benni: Thanks I guess…I’m still changing it.
I feel MUCH better now. And you look amazing baby!
Benni: So do you! But then again I didn’t really mind before either.
Well I did, no one will ever see that…NO ONE.
You still want to move in with me?
Benni: Of course.
Good. And YOU fat ass! Hit the road! I never want to see you again. I’m taking your wand too, so don’t
get any ideas about cursing this town or its people.
Leon: Gladly you little shit, if I had known you would take over your father’s place as head warlock of
our coven, I’d have made sure I killed you first.
Final Tally:
Job: Bookstore Clerk, held for a whole year and made it to top level +10
13 Collectables: Fish (also LTW to have 13 Perfect Fish) +10
13 Parties: +10
Girl/Boyfriends: 4 (three female, one male) +10
13 Books: +10
13 Plants: 15/13 +10
13 Paintings: 18/13 (only display Brilliant and Masterpiece mini challenge) +10
13 Friends: 37/13 ( 31 human, 4 horse, 1 cat, 1 unicorn) +10
13 Skills: +10 (riding, cooking, logic, handiness, gardening, fishing, writing, social networking [not
shown], sculpting, athletic, painting, street art [not shown], charisma)
13k For College: $42, 413/ $13,000 +10
Have a BFF: -10 (didn’t have a human one at least oops)
Caspian: Who took this shot? Not cool man!
Mini Challenges:
After School Actualities: Joined Art club and Shop class +15
Perfectionist Streak: Keep (and display for me) only Brilliant and Masterpieces +15
School Nerd: Max 5 skills +50
Unintentional Mini Challenge: Prestigious Callings, Save 31K for college ($42 415 O_O) +15
Ran out of pictures, my bad >_<
For 22 days+ Completion: +10
(In game time: 17 weeks, 6 days or 117 Sim year days)
Lot Value and Household Funds: $96 139 divide by 1000 x 10 = 961.39 +10
(math is my worse subject so I hope this is right)
LTH Points: 145 195 +145
Unused Sick Days: +30
13 Challenges Completed: +120
Total: 475
Amended Penalty Total: 295
My total seems pretty low because I took so long with it, everyone else I see who’s done this has
four digit totals listed. Maybe my math’s wrong (which it probably is, I suck at math) or maybe
that’s just really what I got. HOWEVER…it’s about to get lower. You see the Generations
opportunity that sends the adults off on free vacations caused the guardian to leave the lot, and the
other Sims 3 players of this challenge probably knew to ignore that when it comes up. I didn’t. It
came up 9 times during this challenge and I took it. Every. Time. So after some discussion the
ruling was made that I should deduct 10 points for every two days Leon was gone, and even I know
that answer…I must deduct 180 points for the 18 days he was gone. The non-completion of the
BFF challenge was already factored in before the 180 point penalty was also calculated in if you
were wondering. Anyway, I still loved doing this and my minor oversights on the rules will not
invalidate my challenge causing a failure. I will most definitely do an epilogue because I still have
to get that Black Unicorn, it was a major plot point for Caspian after all.

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Forever Under 21: A Sims 3 Immortal Teen Challenge, My Third Year

  • 1.
  • 2. The beginning of my 15th year, what will it bring? I am almost finished with my goal list and I know soon, very soon I can get rid of the buffoon for good. I can hardly wait now…
  • 3. As I run I’m thinking; this year feels somehow like it will be one of big changes. I’m running towards that new future, one without the buffoon and with Benni by my side. I’ve decided I’m going to ask her to move in with me once I’m done my challenges. I don’t recall her ever talking much about her parents so I’d be interested to know about them. I also get to work on my Athletic skill so it also works for that.
  • 4. Oh hey, well that was quick. I didn’t think I’d run THAT much to make it all the way but when your mind is elsewhere I guess the other things around you just seem to fade away. I don’t even hear the TV anymore either.
  • 5. Hey, you came back. Do you like my new fencing? I made it stronger and higher this time. I’ve also been earning a lot of money from my books, paintings and sculptures so I’ve been planning this small renovation for a while. Wild Horse: *whinnies* Yeah I guess that means you do? I don’t know. Talking to a horse seems a little weird but then again you’re just as good as any human right?
  • 6. Why does this feel so final? Yes this is finally the actual prom, I’m technically a Junior in high school and this is the senior prom but I guess it counts right? I didn’t ask Benni to go with me this time, which was dumb of me but she was here anyway and we did hang out that way. Even the rain feels ironic, like the sky is crying over something.
  • 7. That final Riding skill point is so close I can smell it…or it’s the buffoon’s dirty dish. *cough* Anyway, my money was barely used up building the greenhouse and barn in that huge open area beside the tiny little house and I pretty much made it all back with my book royalties and sculpting. I haven’t painted much in a while though, I think I have like..18 or so done but only the best ones get put up and that is just the standard for me.
  • 8. I moved to the couch for that ninth point, it’s so close to the end now and I’m getting excited. I have one party left to throw and I know that it will be my birthday party where I can FINALLY be freed from the oppression of the buffoon and I can toss him out on his fat ass. He will get no money from me and have nothing to his name, just like I did. I’ll even take his wand so he can’t hurt others with his magic.
  • 9. SOO close, only a tiny sliver left. My heart is beating a mile a minute as I reach the final pages of this book. Once this is done I can finish my twelfth book and start my thirteenth and final one. I already know what I’m calling it: The End of My Challenge. It’ll be non-fiction because this is my life and it’s definitely not fiction.
  • 10. This is my shock face; I’M DONE! Thirteen skills down! Two more books, and one more party and that’s IT! I can’t believe I’ll finish this before the fall comes. My one hope is that my horse friend comes back, I want to adopt it so badly. I still have to fulfill the Black Unicorn’s conditions before I pull up and head off into the sunset with my horse, my unicorn, my two cats and my best girl…like the ending of a real western.
  • 11. Hey buddy, been a few days. How have you been? Wild Horse: *whinnies* I finished my last two books, both I hope will sell well. And now that I know all there is to know about riding you, I can finally give you a home. Would you like that? Wild Horse: *whinnies excitedly*
  • 12. Yeah that’s my house across the street. I don’t have a lot of space for you to run around but that’s why there’s a training track next to the Appaloosa Downs building. They hold running and jumping competitions for horses there did you know? Wild Horse: *chuffs and nods*
  • 13. Of course you’d know, you’ve been running the whole area of this town for as long as I can remember. Guess you would have seen it all by now. So what do you say? Come live with me? Wild Horse: *chuffs, paws ground*
  • 14. Was it just me or did you see those sparkles too? Does that mean…I’ve begun to fulfill the Black Unicorn’s request? Or is it because I’m a witch? Wild Horse: *nods* Was that a yes to all three?
  • 15. I suppose you need a name now, wild horse doesn’t sound right how about…Cocoa Milk? You’re white with brown spots and I like chocolate so, Cocoa Milk alright with you? Cocoa Milk: *whinnies excitedly* I guess that’s a yes.
  • 16. OOC (out of character) 1: It wasn’t until AFTER I’d completed all but one of the challenges, last one being that Caspian had one more party left and it was going to be his age-up birthday party; that I realized I’ve probably broken rules by this point by letting Leon leave the lot on those Generations opportunity Free Vacations and adopting a horse. I LOVE how it all came together and I won’t let it be forgotten or deleted because of it. But this is my first horse, Cocoa Milk is a female who had one day until Elder hood 0_0 so I used some of Caspian’s points for that Animal Expert reward and suddenly Cocoa Milk had 18 days till Elder hood. She also came with maxed Running skill, I learned horses only have two skills, running and jumping. Cocoa Milk came with the Obedient, Genius and Noisy traits. Those sound AWESOME to have so I’m keeping her! Anyway, back to the story.
  • 17. All this time running had made Cocoa Milk very fast, she had amazing stamina and when I took her to the jumping course she excelled at it. Yeah, I learned Cocoa Milk was a mare after I showed her the barn I had built for her. I wanted to get used to her and get her used to having a rider before I entered any of those competitions at Appaloosa Downs. I think Cocoa Milk is a Genius and she’s very Obedient, a bit Noisy but that’s fine, she has a lot to say I suppose.
  • 18. She flew over those obstacles with ease. I was almost falling off her when she jumped, she’s so strong. But I held fast by only slightly increasing the pressure in my legs to grip the saddle better, Cocoa Milk didn’t mind because I think she can intuit what I was trying to do. I was also getting a lot of attention from those who came to watch.
  • 19. Wow, I thought we’d need more time to be completely in synch with one another Cocoa Milk, but I guess we don’t need that much bonding. We’ve kind of already been doing that for the last two years. Cocoa Milk: *chuffs*
  • 20. What do you say? Tomorrow we enter the Beginner’s Jumping competition? Cocoa Milk: *whinnies happily* And that means you want to as well huh? Well okay then, tomorrow we will enter, and WIN right? Cocoa Milk: *whinnies in agreement*
  • 21. OOC 2: Since I don’t have FRAPS or Gadwin Print Screen, this is the best shot I could get of the first race results for Cocoa Milk and Caspian. THEY WON! I was right about Cocoa Milk being an awesome horse. I took this with my digital camera so it has a HUGE file size. Oh boy, converting this to a PDF is going to be FUN, so will uploading it to Slideshare, this picture alone is the same size as the ENTIRE PowerPoint itself. Oh well. Can you guess I’m excited to do a real challenge with Pets installed? Yeah…yeah I am.
  • 22. I’m quite proud of all I’ve accomplished so far being an orphan and everything. This is my first house, MY first house that I bought myself. I didn’t think I’d be able to do it after living in luxury and being rich up until my parents’ deaths just before my thirteenth birthday. But now I understand the value of hard work and earning something by the sweat of my brow and at my own hands. Cocoa Milk has her own stall and an entire floor of my barn to herself, she’s very happy.
  • 23. So I went to the Summer Solstice dance tonight, it was fun. I did miss you though. We did so well in that jumping competition and with some more practice on the course you can master jumping too. You’re such a smart horse Cocoa Milk. Cocoa Milk: *chuffs*
  • 24. How do you get so dusty here? It’s all grass. Anyway, I think we can try the Beginner’s Cross Country competition next what do you think? We can ace it I know we can. I want to win at all three levels of the competitions. Cocoa Milk: *whinnies*
  • 25. Maybe a pond for you to drink from could be dug, what do you think? Cocoa Milk: No Bigfoots though. YOU TALK TOO?! Cocoa Milk: Don’t sound so surprised Master; the Black Unicorn did send me to you after all.
  • 26. My last field trip…seems appropriate that we go to the graveyard. It’s like this part of my life is finally ending. I can be free from the buffoon once I have one last party and I will make it my Emancipation Party. It will be EPIC I’m sure, I’m going to ask Benni to join me too, you know I found out she had the same thing going on as me? She was living with a guardian too! Her parents abandoned her, they didn’t die like mine did though.
  • 27. Zolada! What brings you here? Zolada: I heard you were on the verge of your next life stage Caspian. I wanted to congratulate you. On my world, when a young male reaches your age he begins learning how to research. I wanted to see you before then. You have been an interesting research subject and I will tell my other kin not to take you anymore.
  • 28. Honestly, that wasn’t fun being probed but I did love to see outer space though that was dope. Is there any way I can still do that without the probing? Zolada: When you have completed your next life stage transition I can tell you how to do that.
  • 29. Zolada: I may be eldered by then but I shall do my best to return to you. Oh. I’ll let you know when I’m going to throw my Emancipation party so you can come then. I’d love it if you were there to see my enter my next life stage. Zolada: I shall look forward to that.
  • 30. Isn’t it fitting that my Emancipation Party falls on Leisure Day? I only invited Benni, Gracie, Chantrelle and Zolada and got a party crasher again. Oh well, it’s my final party so I don’t care anymore about party crashers. I made sure Cocoa Milk was out of her stall for this, she wouldn’t be happy if she missed this. Seems like everyone I knew that was a child is now a teen, and Maisy is still playing Cruz by dating the new teens coming in. She’s nearly 18 though so she won’t get to do that much longer.
  • 31. Benni: Thank you for being my boyfriend. I was afraid that if I told you my parents had abandoned me and left me with a guardian too that it would upset you, my parents didn’t die like yours did. I’ll gladly join you as an emancipated teen. Why would finding out that my girlfriend is in the same situation as me, upset me? I felt we belonged together long before I knew that. This just proves it.
  • 32. I love you Benni. And I never, ever said that to anyone else but my parents before. Not even my three exes. I want you to move in with me as soon as we’re free. Benni: *cries* I love you too Caspian! So much! And I will move in with you!
  • 33. I should tell you though…I’m not your average guy. Benni: What does that mean? I was born a witch; my parents were witches and I come from a long, long line of pure blooded witches. Even Leon is one; he’s also my father’s cousin. I wanted you to know that, and to remember it this time.
  • 34. Benni: Anything else I should know? Yeah. My horse talks. I can hear her, don’t know if you can or not. Benni: Wow, okay I knew you were special Casp but damn…talking horses? As hard as I believe that to be, I also believe that there is probably so much more I don’t know about the world. Maybe talking horses is one of them.
  • 35. Cocoa Milk: Oh I like her Master; her hair is the colour of hay and she’s funny. Benni: *squeaks* Did you hear that? The horse CAN talk! Told ya. However I don’t think anyone else can hear her.
  • 36. Of course the buffoon wouldn’t be the buffoon if he didn’t try to mess with me one last time. He was blocking the door so Zolada couldn’t get out to see me. I am so glad he’s out on his ass as soon as I’m done here.
  • 37. Please don’t be hideous, please don’t be hideous… Benni: You couldn’t be hideous if you tried baby. Let’s hope you’re right about that…we’ll see soon enough.
  • 38. YOU WERE WRONG!! Benni: Teehee, he’s so cute when he gets all flustered like that. Well, here goes something!
  • 39. Benni: Well, you can’t win ‘em all I suppose. WARDROBE! I can never allow anyone to see me until I FIX this disaster! Of me not you Benni, Benni you’re gorgeous even looking like a mismatched biker chick. Benni: Thanks I guess…I’m still changing it.
  • 40. I feel MUCH better now. And you look amazing baby! Benni: So do you! But then again I didn’t really mind before either. Well I did, no one will ever see that…NO ONE.
  • 41. You still want to move in with me? Benni: Of course. Good. And YOU fat ass! Hit the road! I never want to see you again. I’m taking your wand too, so don’t get any ideas about cursing this town or its people. Leon: Gladly you little shit, if I had known you would take over your father’s place as head warlock of our coven, I’d have made sure I killed you first.
  • 42. Final Tally: Job: Bookstore Clerk, held for a whole year and made it to top level +10 13 Collectables: Fish (also LTW to have 13 Perfect Fish) +10 13 Parties: +10 Girl/Boyfriends: 4 (three female, one male) +10 13 Books: +10 13 Plants: 15/13 +10
  • 43. 13 Paintings: 18/13 (only display Brilliant and Masterpiece mini challenge) +10 13 Friends: 37/13 ( 31 human, 4 horse, 1 cat, 1 unicorn) +10 13 Skills: +10 (riding, cooking, logic, handiness, gardening, fishing, writing, social networking [not shown], sculpting, athletic, painting, street art [not shown], charisma) 13k For College: $42, 413/ $13,000 +10 Have a BFF: -10 (didn’t have a human one at least oops)
  • 44. Caspian: Who took this shot? Not cool man! Mini Challenges: After School Actualities: Joined Art club and Shop class +15 Perfectionist Streak: Keep (and display for me) only Brilliant and Masterpieces +15 School Nerd: Max 5 skills +50 Unintentional Mini Challenge: Prestigious Callings, Save 31K for college ($42 415 O_O) +15
  • 45. Ran out of pictures, my bad >_< For 22 days+ Completion: +10 (In game time: 17 weeks, 6 days or 117 Sim year days) Lot Value and Household Funds: $96 139 divide by 1000 x 10 = 961.39 +10 (math is my worse subject so I hope this is right) LTH Points: 145 195 +145 Unused Sick Days: +30 13 Challenges Completed: +120 Total: 475 Amended Penalty Total: 295 My total seems pretty low because I took so long with it, everyone else I see who’s done this has four digit totals listed. Maybe my math’s wrong (which it probably is, I suck at math) or maybe that’s just really what I got. HOWEVER…it’s about to get lower. You see the Generations opportunity that sends the adults off on free vacations caused the guardian to leave the lot, and the other Sims 3 players of this challenge probably knew to ignore that when it comes up. I didn’t. It came up 9 times during this challenge and I took it. Every. Time. So after some discussion the ruling was made that I should deduct 10 points for every two days Leon was gone, and even I know that answer…I must deduct 180 points for the 18 days he was gone. The non-completion of the BFF challenge was already factored in before the 180 point penalty was also calculated in if you were wondering. Anyway, I still loved doing this and my minor oversights on the rules will not invalidate my challenge causing a failure. I will most definitely do an epilogue because I still have to get that Black Unicorn, it was a major plot point for Caspian after all.