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The Quest for Peace: Dark Moon Saga 2,Chapter 2.75
There was much to celebrate last time as the first weddings of generation 6 took place. And the imminent appearance of generation 7 was in sight. While Pandora looked forward to grandchildren, there was still that lingering regret that she had not been able to wed the love of her life. He would remain eternally young while she aged and eventually she would die. That hit more close to home when Bliss told her in a private moment after Icarus’s wedding that his father Cupid had given him and his twin sister Euphoria ambrosia, and thereby eliminating their mortal halves. News eventually came down to them that not only were Bliss and Euphoria full gods now, that Solan was as well. She had suspected there was something major going on at Olympus that  would allow the half gods to become full gods, if Zeus was authorizing Cupid and Reias to give their children the ambrosia. When Pandora had asked what the reason was, Bliss quickly changed the subject all together, citing that it was Olympian business and that she should only have to focus on their oldest son’s wedding for now. Naturally, she protested and demanded to know what was going on, but Bliss stoutly refused to say anymore about it; and to emphasize that the discussion was over, he vanished right in front of her eyes; he could never do that before as a half god. Pandora would have words with him later about that, but it was her son’s special day and that was where her attention should be.
The next day, on what should have been the newlyweds honeymoon; their son decided it was time to make his appearance into the world, much to his mother’s discomfort…
Ginny: GRANDBAYBEE!!  Family Sim is pleased. Camilla: OWWW!!! Ginny: Oh come now I did this four times honey, you can handle just once. Camilla: NOT HELPING MOTHER!!!
Ginny: *walks away* Solan and Icarus: Red hands nao? Camilla: Some Family sim…anyway…so you’re the one who was kicking me. Oh look, you have the Marmite eyes, how beautiful.
Ginny: GRANDBAYBEE!! YAY!! Camilla: I’ll call him Minos. Ginny: Red hair!!! MOAR YAY!! *Huzzah for recessives. ^_^ And the first born of Generation 7!!*
Icarus: We have a son. Dad was right.  I hope you’re not too mad at me for missing his birth. Camilla: That is yet to be determined. I don’t know yet if I forgive you. Icarus: Oh come on, seriously? Cammy just grinned. That was all the answer he needed.
Not far off from Minos, his first cousin was about to join the world too. And Lanta seemed to think in front of the fish tank was the perfect spot to do so too. Pandora: Oh!! Grandbaby number two!! Atalanta: *whine*
 Pandora’s joy was about to be interrupted once more, she barely had time to cuddle her first granddaughter Ilea before she heard more moans of pain from her daughter-in-law.  Ariella: Too soon!! Too soon!!
After handing Ilea off to the nearest adult she felt her heart skip a beat. This was such a good day to be a Family sim. *and boo for non-working maternity everyday wear hack >_<*
She had a second grandson who inherited his mother’s purple eyes and his father’s hair colour. She adored little Aeson, her grandkids were a great joy for her. *my genetic project to reintroduce Dee’s genes back into the bloodline worked. ^_^ *
Dade invited his father over to meet his new grandchildren, but couldn’t resist a chance to toss around the old pigskin with him for a bit afterwards. Dade: I hope you are adequately prepared to receive a strong-arm toss father, for I do not plan to be lenient. Bliss: I wouldn’t worry about that son; you should watch out for my return toss. Dade: Prepare yourself father!!
Bliss: Except when you aim purposely for my face!! HEY!! Dade: I did forewarn you father.  *smug look* Bliss: Honestly boy, where do you get your mean streak from? Dade: From mother, where else?
Bliss: Of course, I should have known. But even Dora was nice enough to not turn this into a game of Whap when we would play in college. Dade: Indeed, I however, quite enjoy Whap. Only I have never once been able to best Icarus in it. Something I have been meaning to ratify. Bliss: Well that’s your brother for you. He was always competitive.
Bliss tossed it back to him; with an extra added boost from his new godly strength. Dade caught it, but the impact forced him to skid backwards. Dade: Touché father. Well played. Bliss: I’m glad you approve son. I did forewarn you.  Dade: Oh? Is that how we are to play then? Very well…
Meanwhile, the next day it was time for another union of generation 6. Xenon and his Streaker girlfriend Angelina, Castor had allowed them to lodge at his place until they had the funds ready for their own, his wife Ariana was glad for the company while Castor was at work. Xenon didn’t want a huge spectacle of a wedding like his brothers and sister, he just wanted a small backyard ceremony with Ariana witnessing, even if she did spend the entire time in the hot tub.
Dade and Ariella stopped by later that week to give them a surprise housewarming visit. Dade: And it was most amusing; our back and forth banter was surely a sight to behold. Xenon: Even though dad could have broken your arm with the strength of those tosses? Dade: He would never; but there were some times when I was not quite sure of his intentions.
Dade and Ariella weren’t Xenon’s only visitors; he was surprised when his grandfather teleported into his living room for an unannounced visit as well. Xenon: This is a surprise gramps; what gives? Cupid: What? I can’t stop in to see my grandson every now and then? Xenon: Uhh, sure you can but I haven’t really seen you since I was a teenager.
Cupid: I know, and I’m sorry about that. But there is a lot going on at Olympus and I couldn’t get away sooner. Xenon: What’s the deal with that anyway? Why did you make dad a full god? I thought Zeus was real hard assed about that. Cupid: It’s complicated boy; I wish I could tell you but Zeus won’t allow it. He says the time isn’t right yet for you to know.
Xenon: Well forgive me for saying so but that’s bullshit. We know something’s up and it has been for years now. Why the hell is Dalen suddenly so quiet? And why did he literally drop off the face of the Earth? Cupid: Xenon, please don’t ask, I really can’t discuss it. Xenon: That’s not gonna fly with me; you gotta give me something. Cupid: I can’t. Not about that. But if you do want something to think about, sunrise is minutes away and you have something rather important to attend to. Xenon: Oh yeah? Like what? His wife’s cry answered that for him.
Right as the sun rose, his wife came down clutching her distended abdomen in pain. Angelina: It’s coming!! The baby!! Xenon leapt up; he cast a glance at his grandfather that implied their talk wasn’t over, but for now he had more important matters to attend to.
Xenon: You’re doing great baby!! Angelina: ARRGGHH!! Xenon winced; “Real great.”
Soon enough, it was over and she held the newest member of generation 7, a baby boy named Bellerophon (Latin spelling), though his full Greek name is Bellerophontes (Greek spelling); he would be known as Bell from here on out. *and because I don’t want to type Bellerophontes out every time.*
Bell has brown hair and green eyes; so much for beating recessives in this generation (or maybe it’s just Xenon and Dade that don’t have them). But he’s cute as a button and no sign of the dreaded Ben Long-nose that has plagued me for three generations!! I have a cute generation this time around!!
Xenon: I have a son!!  Awesome!! I always wanted a son!! Angelina: And I wanted a daughter. However, if he turns out to be anything like his father then I’m sure he’ll be a real lady killer when he grows up.
This is just to show that Pollux now has triplets, I think it was two boys and a girl. Looks like another male dominated generation for me. *sigh* He only had triplets for his LTW to Graduate 3 Kids, I don’t want another generation of 21 for a third time in a row. I will try to keep the number below 10 if I can. I was sad to see that the custom skin didn’t make it to the next generation. Perhaps it was Fate…
Meanwhile… Xylen was already angry enough as is from his minion Icarus’s failure to deliver the blood he ordered him to; when he felt an unfamiliar presence in his parlour it only served to increase his ire. He teleported downstairs to try to catch the intruder unaware but stopped when he saw who it was.
Xylen: Loki, you have some set of balls to appear in my parlour unannounced I’m already in a bad mood. Loki: Hmm, yes I heard. The mortal failed to deliver. He spared his sister’s life. Xylen: You tread a dangerous path; do you dare risk my wrath being vested upon you? Loki: I bring good news, perhaps it might spare me for a moment or two.
Xylen: DO NOT TRIFLE WITH ME!!  Loki: Calm down, I am not lying. I brought you the blood of my nephew Freyr, just as you asked. Xylen: Show it to me. Loki produced a small vile; its contents glittered a golden yellow. A powerful sample of the Norse god’s power, it thrummed pleasantly in Xylen’s hand. He relaxed his features and smiled.
Loki: You ask, I deliver. It was no simple task mind you; Odin was rightly pissed off that I killed another of his sons, but I was outta there before he could thunderbolt my ass or worse, sic Thor on me. Xylen: How am I to be sure this isn’t something  fake Trickster? Why should I take you at your word? Loki: Please, you wound me with your mistrust. It’s real, test it for yourself.
After a sampling of the contents, Xylen was satisfied. It was genuine god’s blood. The powerful sensation that tore through him when he pulled the stopper out was enough to convince him of its authenticity. Xylen: Very good. I am pleased. But it is merely one piece of the power I need. I still require the blood of an Olympian and an Egyptian god for my plan to succeed. Loki: Can‘t help you there I’m afraid. I don’t do foreign gods, my powers don’t work on them.
Loki: Now for your part of the bargain.  Xylen: Oh? And what was it that I promised you? Loki: You dare to renege on our agreement??!?! Xylen: I am simply unaware of anything I promised you. Loki: You bastard!! Don’t you DARE try to double cross me!!
Xylen: You can’t stop me now; with this blood I can easily kill you with one flick of my wrist. But, you are still useful to me and I do so hate to waste a valuable resource. I want you to remain in Strangetown. That way I can be sure of their subservience if you make it known that the mortals have no chance at resisting what’s to come. I will give you a small power boost to fight off any incursions or actions they try to take against me, I distrust those Americans to behave properly. Kill their leader, enforce your power. Wipe out their pathetic military and religious orders; obtain their obedience, surely you can manage that?
The pure coldness and darkly evil power in his red eyes bore into Loki’s soul; he knew he had made a fatal mistake in giving him the real blood of Freyr instead of the enhanced pig’s blood he had originally planned to pass off as godly blood. He was now blood linked to this demonic entity and that was not a bond that could be severed once it was sealed. He had no choice but to obey Xylen’s command and carry out his mission to ensure the American’s subservience. Conquering them was going to be very difficult and long; they had a lot of fire in their souls when it came to fighting for their hard won freedoms and liberties. Loki nodded reluctantly then vanished to begin his mission.
Dark Pellas: Well played my Lord. He will not dare to oppose you again after this. Xylen: Yes, my love. Loki is difficult but not uncontrollable; he is just a meek coward who hides behind his lineage as a means of defence. Easily broken. But we have the first dose of power needed to create our unstoppable army of dark gods. Dark Pellas: I was getting so thirsty my Lord. Xylen: Then drink my love and we shall finally begin. He handed her the vial of blood which she drank down, it was the first piece of their Dark Triad that would create the army of evil gods.
Part B News spread quickly among the gods of Olympus about the sudden and unexpected attack on the American people. The assassination of their President  by Loki in front of the entire country while he was addressing the nation was brazen; and came with such deadly power and force that they felt the impact all the way across the ocean. Loki’s powers had been greatly enhanced and they felt the dark rage of Xylen in him. For this was the big concern up on Olympus; Xylen’s sudden rise in power. He was less overt while he was influencing Icarus to kill Atalanta but now that Icarus had failed to kill his sister, Xylen was exploding in power level. Hades and the Fates had suddenly disappeared from the edges of Zeus’s senses and it terrified him; he wouldn’t admit that to Hera or anyone else but it was a real blow to him. For all their fights, arguments and disagreements, Zeus really did love his brother Hades and losing him to evil hurt more than he had ever thought possible. It was for this reason he had sanctioned  Reias and Cupid to allow them to give their children ambrosia, Zeus was losing Olympian gods too fast and the balance of power was greatly disturbed. He didn’t need them to have official titles, he only needed representatives to maintain the balance of twelve that kept everything in order.  But there was still one more position needed to maintain the balance of twelve…
Zeus and Hera listened as the other gods squabbled and argued over the recent additions to the Table of Olympians. Hermes especially was vocal about the subject; even though his boys had been full gods for a long time now he still demanded to know why they couldn’t sit at the Table too. Absent was Artemis, she had  declined to join them at the meeting in favour of a much better stress-relieving hunting trip. But that still left one spot open, one more space in need of filling and this was why the meeting was called to begin with.
Hermes: What’s the problem? I only want to know why you’re here and my sons Nico and Akio aren’t. Who said we need four representing Love at the Table? Bliss: I just do as I’m told. My father asked that my twin and I be present. Ask Zeus why. Aphrodite: Technically, Bliss and Euphoria don’t represent anything, we just need 12 gods at the Table.
Cupid: Why do you always have to be the one who causes trouble Fly Boy? Hermes: Why do you always get special privileges Fairy Boy? Poseidon: Must you two still use those immature nicknames? How old are you now? Like 5000? Grow up already. Hephaestus: This is why I stay in my forge; it’s quiet.
Reias smiled; he had no problems with Bliss and Euphoria being here, after all Bliss is the father of a legacy generation which is more important to the world than who gets to be sitting up here and who doesn’t. But this was typical, the older gods constantly rehashing old slights and arguments, totally unwilling to let it go and move on as the mortals do. He had assumed the mantle of God of the Dead in his father’s absence so he knew how wonderful it felt to be free from old hang ups and past mistakes; he saw it all the time in the Elysian Fields. He turned to his neighbour; whose presence in Olympus was usually never allowed by Zeus…
Mnemosyne, the Titan of Memory sat next to him. She knew very well how immature and petty the gods can be, having lived through the time of the Ancient Greeks. Reias: I see this amuses you. Mnemosyne: Of course, they never grow up. I’m just surprised Zeus allowed a Titan to sit at his Table. And I do enjoy being present at the making of new history; former half gods being allowed a spot here is monumental.
Reias hadn’t thought about that. Solan could have the empathic ability to calm the agitated gods in this room, but he had never been able to display the same calming energy as Diamos did when he was sharing Perseus’s body. As a full god now he could develop some new powers and that could be one of them. “I hadn’t thought to ask my son to sit up here. Do you really think he could do it?” Mnemosyne: Solan was born under a very specific star; one that only passes through this solar system once every 1000 years, his abilities and latent powers were dormant until you made him a full god. It’s not uncommon for new gods to find powers they didn’t have before. Reias: I can ask him, but Solan prefers to stay down there with his family, he has a new grandson to dote upon now. He really hates it when he has to leave his family for an extended period of time. Mnemosyne: He is my best choice to take the twelfth spot. Reias: You’ve been around since the Before-Time, who would you recommend to fill the twelfth spot up here? Mnemosyne: I think you know Reias; after all his power is what Olympus could use the most right now. Reias: Who? Diamos? We can’t bring him back from the Astral Realm, he has no form anymore. Mnemosyne: Not Diamos; your son Solan. He could easily fulfill the role that Diamos once had here, it’s a good precaution to take until the legacy’s final heir is born.
Hera, who had been listening to Reias and Mnemosyne suddenly broke in; immediately the Table fell silent. “Solan is a good choice. His new powers could really help us out.” Zeus: Solan?  Hera: Send for him immediately. We need to get the spot filled. Reias: But I don’t even know if he has that power yet. I can’t just volunteer him for this without asking him first.
Poseidon: Now hold on a minute here!! Why is Solan the only one being considered? What about my Mokosh? She’s equally as qualified to fill that spot as he is! Cupid: Hello? Mokosh had three kids with Dalen, the one who started this whole mess. Her position is compromised solely by that. Bliss: Dad!! Mo has no more connection to him, I think she’s a good choice for the spot. Poseidon: See? He seconds my nomination.
Euphoria: And I, of course, back my twin. So I third the nomination. Bliss: What about you grandmother? What do you think? Aphrodite: Why not nominate one of my many daughters? We could use some more girl power up here. Bliss: Mokosh is a girl grandmother…geeze.
Hephaestus: Girl power? Seriously, ‘Dite that’s your basis for making a nomination? Zeus: And just who said this was a selection up for debate? This is not some faulty mortal, whacha-ma-call-it…a democracy.  Hera chose Solan to fill the spot, that is the end of it. Reias: And I said I haven’t even asked him yet so no, it’s not the end of it. Zeus: This is a crisis beyond some mere mortal concept of a connection to family, this is war. Solan has obligations to Olympus that far outweigh any meaningless ties to some mortal. He’s a god now, I told you that when I gave you permission to give him ambrosia.
Reias was fuming; he didn’t want this to happen to his son. Solan deserved to have a say in this whether Zeus thinks so or not; all of a sudden with Olympus back to near full strength again Zeus was becoming cocky and arrogant; as if the whole mess with Dalen never existed. He hated this about him, how he could just slip back into a position of authority and assume that no one will fight him on it, or call him on his centuries of cowardice when faced with an enemy more powerful than he was. He realized that he had made a mistake in letting Solan have ambrosia; it practically signed away his freedom. Zeus was impatient and suggesting that Solan take over is his way of restoring some semblance of a Peace God again. He was ready to throw away everything Oliver had begun in favour of a quick and easy fix to restore his power over this land again.
Hermes stopped his argument for his sons having their chance at being considered because it seemed the choice was made already. Aphrodite hung her head; hearing Zeus and Hera talk like this was just like it was back in Ancient Greece, she knew the same things as Reias, that Zeus was getting cocky again because his Pantheon was nearly back at full power. He had eleven gods of twelve and that made him arrogant. She knew Zeus felt that if they were full again that toppling Chaos would be a cinch and no one would challenge him again. It was only a matter of time before he would realize how sadly mistaken he was about Chaos rolling over so easily. ******
Meanwhile, back down in the mortal world… Solan: Sometime this century would be nice. I’d like to checkmate you quickly. Icarus: Ah, see you assume that you will win while I have another idea in mind. Solan: So let’s see it boy. Bring it on. Icarus: Hmm… I’m thinking.
Icarus: Look!! Isn’t that your cat tearing up the curtains? Solan: What? Charlie knows better than that!! Icarus: *gullible fool* *moves piece* *Solan fell for it and never caught him, poor misguided hottie. ^_^*
Despite Icarus and his classic meanie chess cheating, and the fact that he had no idea that Hera and Zeus had drafted him to leave his family behind for “Olympian duties”; tonight was his grandson’s birthday. He called everyone he knew and Icarus made the arrangements for his mother and siblings to come over Solan loved moments like this, family. Reias couldn’t bear to ruin his son’s happiness by informing him that he had to leave Ginny and his children behind, he looked so happy swaying his great-grandson over his cake. Something Reias fondly remembered  Roxie doing with Solan so long ago.
Reias put on a smile but he could tell that Solan knew he wasn’t as happy as he was trying to be; he would see the colours of his emotions radiating off him like a glaring sun. Reias searched for his son’s mind and caught it; “Don’t worry about me son, just show your grandson the joy of growing up.” Solan replied; “Dad, I can’t you’re blinding me with blue-green. What is it?” “I’ll tell you later alright?”
No one seemed to mind; they just wanted to enjoy the party. Solan did as well but the intensity of his coloured emotional readings had gotten so much stronger since he became a full god. He wasn’t sure how to handle it all. Minos whined in his arms, the little boy was anxious to get this over with. “Alright, you convinced me. I’ll toss you into toddlerhood now.”
The verdict? Cute as a button and a GINGER!! How awesome is it that Icarus carries recessives? But… Minos Sharpe Scorpio 9/3/9/8/1 His father’s  EXACT personality right down to the number. My randomizer is officially borked beyond repair. Yes Icarus is shy…you’d never know it by looking at him though.  >_<
As soon as Solan put him down he was crawling amongst all the feet looking for attention. His auntie Dahlia was the nearest one who wasn’t doing strange big people things. And her hair was nice and long; grabable for his little hands; Dahlia was luckily a good sport about it.
Dahlia: You look like a mini male version of me.  Minos: Mini me!! Dahlia: Smart too; talking already. Cammy’s going to have to watch you little man.
Pandora managed to pry her oldest grandson away from his aunt long enough to get to know him. She was pleased to see her grandfather’s hair was still in the family bloodline, enhanced by the same colour on his mother’s side. She always thought that Ginny’s side had beautiful eyes it made her glad to see them in her grandson. Pandora: Can you say grandma? Minos: Gamma!!
Solan: So age finally caught up with you didn’t it uncle? Eddie: Yeah, I had to beg Roxie to stop renewing me, keeping me young. I have six married kids and a great-great nephew now I think it’s long past time for me to become a doddering old fool don’t  you? Solan: Kinda weird to see my mom’s younger brother older than her though, have to admit that.
Eddie: Yeah, but you knew that for a long time now. It had to be this way, I asked for it. I wanted to live my life with Cleo and my children, enjoy it you know? Solan: Yeah I know. But you helped raise me, you were like a second father to me. Eddie laughed; “Well someone had to keep you in line when your dad was off doing godly things.”
Eddie: I’ve had a good life Solan, you don’t have to feel sorry for me. I love the fact that I can sit back and wait for grandchildren now, just like you. I don’t plan on expiring any time soon mind you. Solan: I know. So I hear Aliya is pregnant any one else? Eddie: Not right now, but Cleo’s working on changing that I imagine. ******
Back at Legacy Main… Atalanta: They’re like twins aren’t they? Looks like we’ll have to hold a bunch of double birthdays from now on. Dade: They were born within minutes of one another. It could not have been planned better I say.
Ilea Reed			 Sagittarius 5/5/9/8/1 Aeson Heiwana Gemini 6/8/9/8/1 What is it with the meanness? What happened to Perseus’s 10 Nice points?
The two were like twins so it seemed only logical to Dade and nice to Atalanta that they be raised like twins even though they’re cousins. It was a sense her mother and her grandfather instilled in them from an early age so it felt only right for Atalanta to carry on their tradition. She didn’t want to break the unofficial family tradition during her reign as heiress; because she knew first hand how important it was to have those connections. They will help the legacy survive in the coming days. She made a note to invite her nephew Bell over once he was old enough to come home with her kids from school.
Speaking of Bell… The honour fell to Xenon to give his son the birthday tossing. Angelina was working and he knew she would hate missing it, but for now she was the breadwinner; his dream career hadn’t come up yet online.
When Bell’s black wings sprouted Xenon was taken aback. He wasn’t expecting his son to be born with black wings. Secretly he hoped that it was just a genetic quirk and nothing to really be concerned about, but deep down he wondered if it was a sure sign that something needed to happen quickly to preserve the legacy long enough to reach generation 10.
Bellerophontes (Bell) Morana Libra 0/10/6/8/10 *So NOW I get the 10 Nice points, but instead I have NO Neat points!! *cries* I hate slobs, (except for Goderic) I really do. And I totally blame Angelina for the severe lack of a sense of hygiene…*
But Bell is adorabubble; so I suppose I can forgive him. I will admit I rely far too much on my maxmotives mirror in my houses, simply because I am forever cursed to have more kids than I want in a generation and I can’t deal with four screaming toddlers without the mirror. But I have long since forgotten or cared about scoring and point losses and well every writer cheats now in legacies. Anyway… End of Entry Thirty-Five. 
Inappropriate heart-farting is inappropriate Ginny!! And at your grandson’s b-day too, for shame girl…for shame.  (Though I do agree Dade is pretty gorgeous despite the Ben Long-Nose thing he has going on.)
I love these two, seriously. Aeson has Dee’s genes and Ilea is blond and blue eyed like her attractive parents. And no Ben Long-Nose on Aeson!! Both Atalanta and Ariella are pregnant again so once I get back to the main house after settling Iolaus (Lanta’s brother) into a house and seeing if he rolls the baby want I will get back to them. My criteria for this generation, if they don’t roll the baby want; no baby they will get. Two generations of painstakingly long college with 21 kids to get through is NOT happening again. I mean it. *nods sagely*
Namesakes of Generation Seven: Aeson and Ilea: named after two of the three of Hercules’s kids from the TV show who were killed along with their mother Deinara by a jealous Hera with a well thrown fireball. (Klonus or Clonus was the name of his third child) Bellerophontes: BELLEROPHONTES was one of the greatest of the Greek heroes. His story runs as follows : He was born in Korinthos (Corinth), sired by the god Poseidon on the wife of the king. In his youth he captured the winged horse Pegasus as it came to drink from the town's fountain. (There’s a lot more but this is just the basics) Minos: RHADAMANTHYS, MINOS & AIAKOS were the three judges of the dead, underworld demi-gods of the underworld. They were originally mortal men, sons of the god Zeus, who were granted their position after death as a reward for the establishment of law on earth. Minos was the judge of the final vote. (Bellerophontes and Minos explanations are from

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Di Meeeee
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The Quest for Peace: Dark Moon Saga 2, Chapter 2.75

  • 1. The Quest for Peace: Dark Moon Saga 2,Chapter 2.75
  • 2. There was much to celebrate last time as the first weddings of generation 6 took place. And the imminent appearance of generation 7 was in sight. While Pandora looked forward to grandchildren, there was still that lingering regret that she had not been able to wed the love of her life. He would remain eternally young while she aged and eventually she would die. That hit more close to home when Bliss told her in a private moment after Icarus’s wedding that his father Cupid had given him and his twin sister Euphoria ambrosia, and thereby eliminating their mortal halves. News eventually came down to them that not only were Bliss and Euphoria full gods now, that Solan was as well. She had suspected there was something major going on at Olympus that would allow the half gods to become full gods, if Zeus was authorizing Cupid and Reias to give their children the ambrosia. When Pandora had asked what the reason was, Bliss quickly changed the subject all together, citing that it was Olympian business and that she should only have to focus on their oldest son’s wedding for now. Naturally, she protested and demanded to know what was going on, but Bliss stoutly refused to say anymore about it; and to emphasize that the discussion was over, he vanished right in front of her eyes; he could never do that before as a half god. Pandora would have words with him later about that, but it was her son’s special day and that was where her attention should be.
  • 3. The next day, on what should have been the newlyweds honeymoon; their son decided it was time to make his appearance into the world, much to his mother’s discomfort…
  • 4. Ginny: GRANDBAYBEE!! Family Sim is pleased. Camilla: OWWW!!! Ginny: Oh come now I did this four times honey, you can handle just once. Camilla: NOT HELPING MOTHER!!!
  • 5. Ginny: *walks away* Solan and Icarus: Red hands nao? Camilla: Some Family sim…anyway…so you’re the one who was kicking me. Oh look, you have the Marmite eyes, how beautiful.
  • 6. Ginny: GRANDBAYBEE!! YAY!! Camilla: I’ll call him Minos. Ginny: Red hair!!! MOAR YAY!! *Huzzah for recessives. ^_^ And the first born of Generation 7!!*
  • 7. Icarus: We have a son. Dad was right. I hope you’re not too mad at me for missing his birth. Camilla: That is yet to be determined. I don’t know yet if I forgive you. Icarus: Oh come on, seriously? Cammy just grinned. That was all the answer he needed.
  • 8. Not far off from Minos, his first cousin was about to join the world too. And Lanta seemed to think in front of the fish tank was the perfect spot to do so too. Pandora: Oh!! Grandbaby number two!! Atalanta: *whine*
  • 9. Pandora’s joy was about to be interrupted once more, she barely had time to cuddle her first granddaughter Ilea before she heard more moans of pain from her daughter-in-law. Ariella: Too soon!! Too soon!!
  • 10. After handing Ilea off to the nearest adult she felt her heart skip a beat. This was such a good day to be a Family sim. *and boo for non-working maternity everyday wear hack >_<*
  • 11. She had a second grandson who inherited his mother’s purple eyes and his father’s hair colour. She adored little Aeson, her grandkids were a great joy for her. *my genetic project to reintroduce Dee’s genes back into the bloodline worked. ^_^ *
  • 12. Dade invited his father over to meet his new grandchildren, but couldn’t resist a chance to toss around the old pigskin with him for a bit afterwards. Dade: I hope you are adequately prepared to receive a strong-arm toss father, for I do not plan to be lenient. Bliss: I wouldn’t worry about that son; you should watch out for my return toss. Dade: Prepare yourself father!!
  • 13. Bliss: Except when you aim purposely for my face!! HEY!! Dade: I did forewarn you father. *smug look* Bliss: Honestly boy, where do you get your mean streak from? Dade: From mother, where else?
  • 14. Bliss: Of course, I should have known. But even Dora was nice enough to not turn this into a game of Whap when we would play in college. Dade: Indeed, I however, quite enjoy Whap. Only I have never once been able to best Icarus in it. Something I have been meaning to ratify. Bliss: Well that’s your brother for you. He was always competitive.
  • 15. Bliss tossed it back to him; with an extra added boost from his new godly strength. Dade caught it, but the impact forced him to skid backwards. Dade: Touché father. Well played. Bliss: I’m glad you approve son. I did forewarn you. Dade: Oh? Is that how we are to play then? Very well…
  • 16. Meanwhile, the next day it was time for another union of generation 6. Xenon and his Streaker girlfriend Angelina, Castor had allowed them to lodge at his place until they had the funds ready for their own, his wife Ariana was glad for the company while Castor was at work. Xenon didn’t want a huge spectacle of a wedding like his brothers and sister, he just wanted a small backyard ceremony with Ariana witnessing, even if she did spend the entire time in the hot tub.
  • 17. Dade and Ariella stopped by later that week to give them a surprise housewarming visit. Dade: And it was most amusing; our back and forth banter was surely a sight to behold. Xenon: Even though dad could have broken your arm with the strength of those tosses? Dade: He would never; but there were some times when I was not quite sure of his intentions.
  • 18. Dade and Ariella weren’t Xenon’s only visitors; he was surprised when his grandfather teleported into his living room for an unannounced visit as well. Xenon: This is a surprise gramps; what gives? Cupid: What? I can’t stop in to see my grandson every now and then? Xenon: Uhh, sure you can but I haven’t really seen you since I was a teenager.
  • 19. Cupid: I know, and I’m sorry about that. But there is a lot going on at Olympus and I couldn’t get away sooner. Xenon: What’s the deal with that anyway? Why did you make dad a full god? I thought Zeus was real hard assed about that. Cupid: It’s complicated boy; I wish I could tell you but Zeus won’t allow it. He says the time isn’t right yet for you to know.
  • 20. Xenon: Well forgive me for saying so but that’s bullshit. We know something’s up and it has been for years now. Why the hell is Dalen suddenly so quiet? And why did he literally drop off the face of the Earth? Cupid: Xenon, please don’t ask, I really can’t discuss it. Xenon: That’s not gonna fly with me; you gotta give me something. Cupid: I can’t. Not about that. But if you do want something to think about, sunrise is minutes away and you have something rather important to attend to. Xenon: Oh yeah? Like what? His wife’s cry answered that for him.
  • 21. Right as the sun rose, his wife came down clutching her distended abdomen in pain. Angelina: It’s coming!! The baby!! Xenon leapt up; he cast a glance at his grandfather that implied their talk wasn’t over, but for now he had more important matters to attend to.
  • 22. Xenon: You’re doing great baby!! Angelina: ARRGGHH!! Xenon winced; “Real great.”
  • 23. Soon enough, it was over and she held the newest member of generation 7, a baby boy named Bellerophon (Latin spelling), though his full Greek name is Bellerophontes (Greek spelling); he would be known as Bell from here on out. *and because I don’t want to type Bellerophontes out every time.*
  • 24. Bell has brown hair and green eyes; so much for beating recessives in this generation (or maybe it’s just Xenon and Dade that don’t have them). But he’s cute as a button and no sign of the dreaded Ben Long-nose that has plagued me for three generations!! I have a cute generation this time around!!
  • 25. Xenon: I have a son!! Awesome!! I always wanted a son!! Angelina: And I wanted a daughter. However, if he turns out to be anything like his father then I’m sure he’ll be a real lady killer when he grows up.
  • 26. This is just to show that Pollux now has triplets, I think it was two boys and a girl. Looks like another male dominated generation for me. *sigh* He only had triplets for his LTW to Graduate 3 Kids, I don’t want another generation of 21 for a third time in a row. I will try to keep the number below 10 if I can. I was sad to see that the custom skin didn’t make it to the next generation. Perhaps it was Fate…
  • 27. Meanwhile… Xylen was already angry enough as is from his minion Icarus’s failure to deliver the blood he ordered him to; when he felt an unfamiliar presence in his parlour it only served to increase his ire. He teleported downstairs to try to catch the intruder unaware but stopped when he saw who it was.
  • 28. Xylen: Loki, you have some set of balls to appear in my parlour unannounced I’m already in a bad mood. Loki: Hmm, yes I heard. The mortal failed to deliver. He spared his sister’s life. Xylen: You tread a dangerous path; do you dare risk my wrath being vested upon you? Loki: I bring good news, perhaps it might spare me for a moment or two.
  • 29. Xylen: DO NOT TRIFLE WITH ME!! Loki: Calm down, I am not lying. I brought you the blood of my nephew Freyr, just as you asked. Xylen: Show it to me. Loki produced a small vile; its contents glittered a golden yellow. A powerful sample of the Norse god’s power, it thrummed pleasantly in Xylen’s hand. He relaxed his features and smiled.
  • 30. Loki: You ask, I deliver. It was no simple task mind you; Odin was rightly pissed off that I killed another of his sons, but I was outta there before he could thunderbolt my ass or worse, sic Thor on me. Xylen: How am I to be sure this isn’t something fake Trickster? Why should I take you at your word? Loki: Please, you wound me with your mistrust. It’s real, test it for yourself.
  • 31. After a sampling of the contents, Xylen was satisfied. It was genuine god’s blood. The powerful sensation that tore through him when he pulled the stopper out was enough to convince him of its authenticity. Xylen: Very good. I am pleased. But it is merely one piece of the power I need. I still require the blood of an Olympian and an Egyptian god for my plan to succeed. Loki: Can‘t help you there I’m afraid. I don’t do foreign gods, my powers don’t work on them.
  • 32. Loki: Now for your part of the bargain. Xylen: Oh? And what was it that I promised you? Loki: You dare to renege on our agreement??!?! Xylen: I am simply unaware of anything I promised you. Loki: You bastard!! Don’t you DARE try to double cross me!!
  • 33. Xylen: You can’t stop me now; with this blood I can easily kill you with one flick of my wrist. But, you are still useful to me and I do so hate to waste a valuable resource. I want you to remain in Strangetown. That way I can be sure of their subservience if you make it known that the mortals have no chance at resisting what’s to come. I will give you a small power boost to fight off any incursions or actions they try to take against me, I distrust those Americans to behave properly. Kill their leader, enforce your power. Wipe out their pathetic military and religious orders; obtain their obedience, surely you can manage that?
  • 34. The pure coldness and darkly evil power in his red eyes bore into Loki’s soul; he knew he had made a fatal mistake in giving him the real blood of Freyr instead of the enhanced pig’s blood he had originally planned to pass off as godly blood. He was now blood linked to this demonic entity and that was not a bond that could be severed once it was sealed. He had no choice but to obey Xylen’s command and carry out his mission to ensure the American’s subservience. Conquering them was going to be very difficult and long; they had a lot of fire in their souls when it came to fighting for their hard won freedoms and liberties. Loki nodded reluctantly then vanished to begin his mission.
  • 35. Dark Pellas: Well played my Lord. He will not dare to oppose you again after this. Xylen: Yes, my love. Loki is difficult but not uncontrollable; he is just a meek coward who hides behind his lineage as a means of defence. Easily broken. But we have the first dose of power needed to create our unstoppable army of dark gods. Dark Pellas: I was getting so thirsty my Lord. Xylen: Then drink my love and we shall finally begin. He handed her the vial of blood which she drank down, it was the first piece of their Dark Triad that would create the army of evil gods.
  • 36. Part B News spread quickly among the gods of Olympus about the sudden and unexpected attack on the American people. The assassination of their President by Loki in front of the entire country while he was addressing the nation was brazen; and came with such deadly power and force that they felt the impact all the way across the ocean. Loki’s powers had been greatly enhanced and they felt the dark rage of Xylen in him. For this was the big concern up on Olympus; Xylen’s sudden rise in power. He was less overt while he was influencing Icarus to kill Atalanta but now that Icarus had failed to kill his sister, Xylen was exploding in power level. Hades and the Fates had suddenly disappeared from the edges of Zeus’s senses and it terrified him; he wouldn’t admit that to Hera or anyone else but it was a real blow to him. For all their fights, arguments and disagreements, Zeus really did love his brother Hades and losing him to evil hurt more than he had ever thought possible. It was for this reason he had sanctioned Reias and Cupid to allow them to give their children ambrosia, Zeus was losing Olympian gods too fast and the balance of power was greatly disturbed. He didn’t need them to have official titles, he only needed representatives to maintain the balance of twelve that kept everything in order. But there was still one more position needed to maintain the balance of twelve…
  • 37. Zeus and Hera listened as the other gods squabbled and argued over the recent additions to the Table of Olympians. Hermes especially was vocal about the subject; even though his boys had been full gods for a long time now he still demanded to know why they couldn’t sit at the Table too. Absent was Artemis, she had declined to join them at the meeting in favour of a much better stress-relieving hunting trip. But that still left one spot open, one more space in need of filling and this was why the meeting was called to begin with.
  • 38. Hermes: What’s the problem? I only want to know why you’re here and my sons Nico and Akio aren’t. Who said we need four representing Love at the Table? Bliss: I just do as I’m told. My father asked that my twin and I be present. Ask Zeus why. Aphrodite: Technically, Bliss and Euphoria don’t represent anything, we just need 12 gods at the Table.
  • 39. Cupid: Why do you always have to be the one who causes trouble Fly Boy? Hermes: Why do you always get special privileges Fairy Boy? Poseidon: Must you two still use those immature nicknames? How old are you now? Like 5000? Grow up already. Hephaestus: This is why I stay in my forge; it’s quiet.
  • 40. Reias smiled; he had no problems with Bliss and Euphoria being here, after all Bliss is the father of a legacy generation which is more important to the world than who gets to be sitting up here and who doesn’t. But this was typical, the older gods constantly rehashing old slights and arguments, totally unwilling to let it go and move on as the mortals do. He had assumed the mantle of God of the Dead in his father’s absence so he knew how wonderful it felt to be free from old hang ups and past mistakes; he saw it all the time in the Elysian Fields. He turned to his neighbour; whose presence in Olympus was usually never allowed by Zeus…
  • 41. Mnemosyne, the Titan of Memory sat next to him. She knew very well how immature and petty the gods can be, having lived through the time of the Ancient Greeks. Reias: I see this amuses you. Mnemosyne: Of course, they never grow up. I’m just surprised Zeus allowed a Titan to sit at his Table. And I do enjoy being present at the making of new history; former half gods being allowed a spot here is monumental.
  • 42. Reias hadn’t thought about that. Solan could have the empathic ability to calm the agitated gods in this room, but he had never been able to display the same calming energy as Diamos did when he was sharing Perseus’s body. As a full god now he could develop some new powers and that could be one of them. “I hadn’t thought to ask my son to sit up here. Do you really think he could do it?” Mnemosyne: Solan was born under a very specific star; one that only passes through this solar system once every 1000 years, his abilities and latent powers were dormant until you made him a full god. It’s not uncommon for new gods to find powers they didn’t have before. Reias: I can ask him, but Solan prefers to stay down there with his family, he has a new grandson to dote upon now. He really hates it when he has to leave his family for an extended period of time. Mnemosyne: He is my best choice to take the twelfth spot. Reias: You’ve been around since the Before-Time, who would you recommend to fill the twelfth spot up here? Mnemosyne: I think you know Reias; after all his power is what Olympus could use the most right now. Reias: Who? Diamos? We can’t bring him back from the Astral Realm, he has no form anymore. Mnemosyne: Not Diamos; your son Solan. He could easily fulfill the role that Diamos once had here, it’s a good precaution to take until the legacy’s final heir is born.
  • 43. Hera, who had been listening to Reias and Mnemosyne suddenly broke in; immediately the Table fell silent. “Solan is a good choice. His new powers could really help us out.” Zeus: Solan? Hera: Send for him immediately. We need to get the spot filled. Reias: But I don’t even know if he has that power yet. I can’t just volunteer him for this without asking him first.
  • 44. Poseidon: Now hold on a minute here!! Why is Solan the only one being considered? What about my Mokosh? She’s equally as qualified to fill that spot as he is! Cupid: Hello? Mokosh had three kids with Dalen, the one who started this whole mess. Her position is compromised solely by that. Bliss: Dad!! Mo has no more connection to him, I think she’s a good choice for the spot. Poseidon: See? He seconds my nomination.
  • 45. Euphoria: And I, of course, back my twin. So I third the nomination. Bliss: What about you grandmother? What do you think? Aphrodite: Why not nominate one of my many daughters? We could use some more girl power up here. Bliss: Mokosh is a girl grandmother…geeze.
  • 46. Hephaestus: Girl power? Seriously, ‘Dite that’s your basis for making a nomination? Zeus: And just who said this was a selection up for debate? This is not some faulty mortal, whacha-ma-call-it…a democracy. Hera chose Solan to fill the spot, that is the end of it. Reias: And I said I haven’t even asked him yet so no, it’s not the end of it. Zeus: This is a crisis beyond some mere mortal concept of a connection to family, this is war. Solan has obligations to Olympus that far outweigh any meaningless ties to some mortal. He’s a god now, I told you that when I gave you permission to give him ambrosia.
  • 47. Reias was fuming; he didn’t want this to happen to his son. Solan deserved to have a say in this whether Zeus thinks so or not; all of a sudden with Olympus back to near full strength again Zeus was becoming cocky and arrogant; as if the whole mess with Dalen never existed. He hated this about him, how he could just slip back into a position of authority and assume that no one will fight him on it, or call him on his centuries of cowardice when faced with an enemy more powerful than he was. He realized that he had made a mistake in letting Solan have ambrosia; it practically signed away his freedom. Zeus was impatient and suggesting that Solan take over is his way of restoring some semblance of a Peace God again. He was ready to throw away everything Oliver had begun in favour of a quick and easy fix to restore his power over this land again.
  • 48. Hermes stopped his argument for his sons having their chance at being considered because it seemed the choice was made already. Aphrodite hung her head; hearing Zeus and Hera talk like this was just like it was back in Ancient Greece, she knew the same things as Reias, that Zeus was getting cocky again because his Pantheon was nearly back at full power. He had eleven gods of twelve and that made him arrogant. She knew Zeus felt that if they were full again that toppling Chaos would be a cinch and no one would challenge him again. It was only a matter of time before he would realize how sadly mistaken he was about Chaos rolling over so easily. ******
  • 49. Meanwhile, back down in the mortal world… Solan: Sometime this century would be nice. I’d like to checkmate you quickly. Icarus: Ah, see you assume that you will win while I have another idea in mind. Solan: So let’s see it boy. Bring it on. Icarus: Hmm… I’m thinking.
  • 50. Icarus: Look!! Isn’t that your cat tearing up the curtains? Solan: What? Charlie knows better than that!! Icarus: *gullible fool* *moves piece* *Solan fell for it and never caught him, poor misguided hottie. ^_^*
  • 51. Despite Icarus and his classic meanie chess cheating, and the fact that he had no idea that Hera and Zeus had drafted him to leave his family behind for “Olympian duties”; tonight was his grandson’s birthday. He called everyone he knew and Icarus made the arrangements for his mother and siblings to come over Solan loved moments like this, family. Reias couldn’t bear to ruin his son’s happiness by informing him that he had to leave Ginny and his children behind, he looked so happy swaying his great-grandson over his cake. Something Reias fondly remembered Roxie doing with Solan so long ago.
  • 52. Reias put on a smile but he could tell that Solan knew he wasn’t as happy as he was trying to be; he would see the colours of his emotions radiating off him like a glaring sun. Reias searched for his son’s mind and caught it; “Don’t worry about me son, just show your grandson the joy of growing up.” Solan replied; “Dad, I can’t you’re blinding me with blue-green. What is it?” “I’ll tell you later alright?”
  • 53. No one seemed to mind; they just wanted to enjoy the party. Solan did as well but the intensity of his coloured emotional readings had gotten so much stronger since he became a full god. He wasn’t sure how to handle it all. Minos whined in his arms, the little boy was anxious to get this over with. “Alright, you convinced me. I’ll toss you into toddlerhood now.”
  • 54. The verdict? Cute as a button and a GINGER!! How awesome is it that Icarus carries recessives? But… Minos Sharpe Scorpio 9/3/9/8/1 His father’s EXACT personality right down to the number. My randomizer is officially borked beyond repair. Yes Icarus is shy…you’d never know it by looking at him though. >_<
  • 55. As soon as Solan put him down he was crawling amongst all the feet looking for attention. His auntie Dahlia was the nearest one who wasn’t doing strange big people things. And her hair was nice and long; grabable for his little hands; Dahlia was luckily a good sport about it.
  • 56. Dahlia: You look like a mini male version of me. Minos: Mini me!! Dahlia: Smart too; talking already. Cammy’s going to have to watch you little man.
  • 57. Pandora managed to pry her oldest grandson away from his aunt long enough to get to know him. She was pleased to see her grandfather’s hair was still in the family bloodline, enhanced by the same colour on his mother’s side. She always thought that Ginny’s side had beautiful eyes it made her glad to see them in her grandson. Pandora: Can you say grandma? Minos: Gamma!!
  • 58. Solan: So age finally caught up with you didn’t it uncle? Eddie: Yeah, I had to beg Roxie to stop renewing me, keeping me young. I have six married kids and a great-great nephew now I think it’s long past time for me to become a doddering old fool don’t you? Solan: Kinda weird to see my mom’s younger brother older than her though, have to admit that.
  • 59. Eddie: Yeah, but you knew that for a long time now. It had to be this way, I asked for it. I wanted to live my life with Cleo and my children, enjoy it you know? Solan: Yeah I know. But you helped raise me, you were like a second father to me. Eddie laughed; “Well someone had to keep you in line when your dad was off doing godly things.”
  • 60. Eddie: I’ve had a good life Solan, you don’t have to feel sorry for me. I love the fact that I can sit back and wait for grandchildren now, just like you. I don’t plan on expiring any time soon mind you. Solan: I know. So I hear Aliya is pregnant any one else? Eddie: Not right now, but Cleo’s working on changing that I imagine. ******
  • 61. Back at Legacy Main… Atalanta: They’re like twins aren’t they? Looks like we’ll have to hold a bunch of double birthdays from now on. Dade: They were born within minutes of one another. It could not have been planned better I say.
  • 62. Ilea Reed Sagittarius 5/5/9/8/1 Aeson Heiwana Gemini 6/8/9/8/1 What is it with the meanness? What happened to Perseus’s 10 Nice points?
  • 63. The two were like twins so it seemed only logical to Dade and nice to Atalanta that they be raised like twins even though they’re cousins. It was a sense her mother and her grandfather instilled in them from an early age so it felt only right for Atalanta to carry on their tradition. She didn’t want to break the unofficial family tradition during her reign as heiress; because she knew first hand how important it was to have those connections. They will help the legacy survive in the coming days. She made a note to invite her nephew Bell over once he was old enough to come home with her kids from school.
  • 64. Speaking of Bell… The honour fell to Xenon to give his son the birthday tossing. Angelina was working and he knew she would hate missing it, but for now she was the breadwinner; his dream career hadn’t come up yet online.
  • 65. When Bell’s black wings sprouted Xenon was taken aback. He wasn’t expecting his son to be born with black wings. Secretly he hoped that it was just a genetic quirk and nothing to really be concerned about, but deep down he wondered if it was a sure sign that something needed to happen quickly to preserve the legacy long enough to reach generation 10.
  • 66. Bellerophontes (Bell) Morana Libra 0/10/6/8/10 *So NOW I get the 10 Nice points, but instead I have NO Neat points!! *cries* I hate slobs, (except for Goderic) I really do. And I totally blame Angelina for the severe lack of a sense of hygiene…*
  • 67. But Bell is adorabubble; so I suppose I can forgive him. I will admit I rely far too much on my maxmotives mirror in my houses, simply because I am forever cursed to have more kids than I want in a generation and I can’t deal with four screaming toddlers without the mirror. But I have long since forgotten or cared about scoring and point losses and well every writer cheats now in legacies. Anyway… End of Entry Thirty-Five. 
  • 68. Inappropriate heart-farting is inappropriate Ginny!! And at your grandson’s b-day too, for shame girl…for shame. (Though I do agree Dade is pretty gorgeous despite the Ben Long-Nose thing he has going on.)
  • 69. I love these two, seriously. Aeson has Dee’s genes and Ilea is blond and blue eyed like her attractive parents. And no Ben Long-Nose on Aeson!! Both Atalanta and Ariella are pregnant again so once I get back to the main house after settling Iolaus (Lanta’s brother) into a house and seeing if he rolls the baby want I will get back to them. My criteria for this generation, if they don’t roll the baby want; no baby they will get. Two generations of painstakingly long college with 21 kids to get through is NOT happening again. I mean it. *nods sagely*
  • 70. Namesakes of Generation Seven: Aeson and Ilea: named after two of the three of Hercules’s kids from the TV show who were killed along with their mother Deinara by a jealous Hera with a well thrown fireball. (Klonus or Clonus was the name of his third child) Bellerophontes: BELLEROPHONTES was one of the greatest of the Greek heroes. His story runs as follows : He was born in Korinthos (Corinth), sired by the god Poseidon on the wife of the king. In his youth he captured the winged horse Pegasus as it came to drink from the town's fountain. (There’s a lot more but this is just the basics) Minos: RHADAMANTHYS, MINOS & AIAKOS were the three judges of the dead, underworld demi-gods of the underworld. They were originally mortal men, sons of the god Zeus, who were granted their position after death as a reward for the establishment of law on earth. Minos was the judge of the final vote. (Bellerophontes and Minos explanations are from