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The Quest for Peace: Dark Moon Saga, Chapter 1
Dark Moon Rising… Any attempts made by the world’s governments to dislodge, alter, or communicate with the sudden appearance of the Dark Moon in orbit around the planet has failed. Tides all over the world are already being severely affected by the unnatural pull of this new satellite, widespread flooding and rising tide lines have threatened to contaminate the freshwater sources inland with ocean water. An emergency meeting of the UN had been called to try to deal with the situation as the world’s leaders prepare to tell their people to head for higher grounds. The meeting was disrupted when a strange pair of men who had somehow managed to subvert all security measures in place at the UN headquarters in New York City, and appeared suddenly in the chambers of the council. The strangely dressed men described as tall, average build, one had short cropped blue hair and gold-green coloured eyes and the other had black hair, and oddly coloured purple eyes. They claimed to be from a place called Hidden City, Greece which the delegate from Greece vehemently denied having any association with the two men. As soon as an uproar broke out, the black haired one raised his hand and immediately everyone fell silent and felt an overwhelming feeling of Peacefulness as the blue haired one addressed the council. They assured the entire United Nations council that they would take care of the Dark Moon…
Meanwhile as Reias and Dee make their case known to the UN on Earth, on Elvendia, Drinn and Botan had found Lunala. She was still in the same place that she was before; the Southern Lands. The Volcanic Plains, inside the small remains of a temple protected by godly magic despite the geological activity all around it…
The tremors were bad today, every time they got worse Lunala was afraid that her little home would collapse and melt into a pool of liquid magma. But it never did, this temple ruin was protected by the god Ishea, he was the God of Nature and Animals. As long as she didn’t revert to her weapon form, he allowed her to stay in the temple ruin. She was no threat to him without a Master to wield her. She thought she heard voices outside, but no mortal could survive the conditions of the Volcanic Plains, the air was far too toxic…
She quietly teleported outside, and what she saw made her heart skip a beat. Botan and Drinn? What were they doing here? Drinn: I tell you, Luna’s here I can feel her. Botan: Why would she stay here? I mean look at it…there’s no water to sustain her that isn’t toxic. Lunala: Drinn? Botan? They turned to her, and smiled. She hadn’t changed a bit. Botan wondered if she would still be mad about Soyala…
Lunala: Why are you here? Weren’t you on Earth? Botan: We have a problem, it’s Pellas. Lunala: What about her? Botan: She’s been…turned. Lunala: Turned? Maybe she didn’t remember, that was good news for him…
Lunala suddenly grinned coldly; she remembered… Lunala: You have a lot of nerve coming after me you two timing jerk off!! Botan: Oh, you do remember…come on it was 2000 years ago Luna, let it go. Lunala: Why should I help you? You can’t do this on your own? Botan: Look, can we talk inside? It’s looking a little dodgy out here…
Lunala: So? What do you have to say for yourself? Drinn: Look, lover’s spats aside; Pellas is in the service of Chaos Luna, and I know you remember Chaos and what happened last time it was free on the galaxy. Lunala: She’s what?!!? HOW?? Botan: Chaos got into the heart and soul of her Master and it corrupted her, there was a huge fight between Dalen and Reias and in that fight, Batalia had managed to turn her evil. Lunala: Wait, those names sound familiar…isn’t Reias your new Master Botan? Why aren’t you with him? Drinn: He lost him, just like my Master lost me, Dalen was my Master. Batalia used that fight to push Pellas off the edge into darkness. We need all four of us to be together to stop her before she destroys the galaxy, and in the service of Chaos she can do that easily. Botan: We came here to find you first because…breaking into the Goddess of War’s armoury on Allocarre is a three man job. And she hates women so you’ve got to be especially be on guard. Lunala: Are you sure about this? Three Adriels in the Palace of the Gods is like a major red alert…I don’t really want to upset Ishea. Drinn: They know as well as any of us what happens if Chaos is left alone to wreak havoc.
Botan: Look, I know how you feel about me and it’s well deserved I don’t contest that. But the four of us need to be united as one if we have any chance to defeat Pellas’s powers. She’s the strongest of us all individually, only together are we better. Lunala: Well…I know she’s dangerous and I surely don’t want Chaos to kill us, but how can we work without Masters? Drinn: We don’t need them, we can be our own Masters Luna.
Be Master-less? The idea frightened her greatly. She remembered the first time she was awoken again, the one who found her was powerful, but off…Lunala was left behind when her Master had to return to her own time.  She adored Xena, it felt like she truly belonged to Xena; and the way she used her in battle was so natural. When Xena had to leave her behind again she desperately wanted to go with her back to the past; the only thing that placated her anxiety and fear was the thought that one day Xena would return for her and they would be together again.
Lunala was thinking over his proposal, being Master-less was terrifying, what if Xena came back and was looking for her? Lunala: But…what if my Master returns for me? Botan: Luna…please we need your power. Drinn hissed: “She ain’t coming back for you, she left you; abandoned you Luna, she left!! How can you still want to wait for her? I swear, by the gods woman you’re like a child who’s lost her mommy. Grow up already!”
Botan: Damnit Drinn, you’re not helping any!! Luna, ignore him he’s bitter and generally a jack ass. You have to learn to be independent. Lunala: I—I suppose… Botan: Will you do this? Will you help us? Lunala: Alright. It’s for Pellas, our sister.
Lunala: OOH, do I get to wear Earth clothes like you? That would be so neat!! Botan: You want to shop? What the hell for? Lunala: Umm, I’ve been wearing the same dress for 2000 years…duh. Drinn: Chicks…can we go find Bird Boy now?
Meanwhile, back in Hidden City… Pandora: You no good, worthless, cowardly, son of a bitch!! No offence Persephone. WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU??!! Reias knew she would be upset, but the venom lacing the angry heiress’s words stung and cut him deeply. He momentarily recalled an image of her as a curious little girl who looked up at him with awe in her bright green eyes.
Reias swallowed; “I deserve that Pandora, what I did was unconscionable; immature and selfish. I shrugged off my duties as your family’s guardian that I was charged with by my best friend Diamos, I abandoned you at a terrible time in your lives and now I must bear the guilt of knowing Julius died thinking I was gone forever. I will find him in the Elysium Fields and apologize properly after I make amends to you.” Solan: Not to mention your own family, me and mom and my kids. Reias: Thank you son, kick me once more while I’m down. Pandora: And?
Reias continued; “And for not telling you about Perseus and what has been going on with him. I did hope that he would tell you himself about Diamos sharing his body but I was wrong. It’s my duty to keep you informed and up to date.” Pandora: You really hurt us deeply Reias, I don’t know if I can forgive you so easily. Reias: I don’t expect an easy forgiveness from you or your siblings. Pandora: And you won’t get it either, from me, my sister, my brother or whichever one of my children is chosen to be the Sixth Generation heir. Reias: But there is a lot I need to tell you. For one, I have sensed the return of an old friend of ours from Elvendia. Pandora: Who? Is he dangerous? Reias: No, he is here for a very specific reason. Aeridane has come to take the place of Apollo until he’s found and returned to the position of Sun God. The Days of Night will end, which will help tremendously in the planet’s ability to recover and heal. Pandora: Can he be trusted? Forgive me, but the last thing to come from that dreaded planet is now trying to murder us all. Reias: Yes, he can be. Aeridane is on our side. Ani-Mei knows her child best of all, her assurance is something you should understand.
Pandora didn’t look entirely convinced, Diamos took the opportunity to present his true face to his current heir. She was amazed, and oddly, he felt her attraction to him. Then he heard it, it made Perseus squirm uncomfortably as it did him. Pandora: Umm, wow… Diamos: Yes, well *cough* I felt it was time to reveal myself to you. Pandora: So why did you possess my brother now? Diamos: Please don’t call it possession.
Pandora: What should I call it then? Diamos: Sharing. Anyway, I had to return. I needed to bring Reias back. Pandora: Why? Diamos: We need him. And also Dalen and Batalia. Pandora: Funny, really that is. You’re a comedian. Diamos: I’m serious.
Pandora couldn’t formulate a reply; did he just say they  needed  the two most hated and vile of all the gods, the ones who have been plotting to kill her family off since her great-great-great grandfather first came here? Diamos: Reias had the same look and reaction when I told him the first time. But it’s true, we need Dalen and Batalia to defeat Chaos and reseal it.
Pandora: Why are they so important? Diamos: The new Triad of Power of course! She raised an eyebrow at him; he suddenly felt like a dork. Diamos: *ahem* The Triad of Power was what was used to seal Chaos the first time on Elvendia. It consists of three parts; Hope, Salvation and Rebirth. Pandora: Uh huh… Dee realized he was going to have to clarify what he meant, she wasn’t understanding it at all. Diamos: The Triad of Power, Hope, Salvation and Rebirth; the three parts that make up a utopia free from anything, evil, dark or dangerous. Through War comes the Hope of peace, through Chaos and Destruction comes Salvation and through Death comes Rebirth. Meaning; Dalen as God of War represents Hope, Batalia as the Goddess of Destruction and Chaos represents Salvation and Reias as Prince of the Underworld represents Rebirth. And my tenth heir will become Peace, the one who will use the new Triad of Power, its wielder. Pandora: I see, that all sounds lovely when you say it like that; however, in case you haven’t noticed Dalen and Batalia are  NOT  likely going to want to fight Chaos. They’ve probably already joined it. Diamos: I have faith in them; they are still good deep down inside.
Reias made amends with his son and his wife, which was a relief to everyone. Solan always did know how to keep his father in line and his mind on the task at hand. Maybe now that Pandora knew how important Dalen and Talia were to saving the world, then she might be willing to give it a try at least. He could feel Perseus was getting weary so he backed down and let him head up to bed until nightfall. Tomorrow he would take on the monumental task of finding Pellas and attempting to retrieve her good heart and soul from Chaos… ******
Getting used to seeing the sun again was a big change for everyone, especially Dade who had never seen it before now. He came home with one of his cousins one day from school, Reias thought it was time to get to know some of Pandora’s kids since he had missed all their important events growing up.
Reias: So umm…Daedelaus is it? I hear you’re a genius. Dade: It is Dade actually. I prefer the shortened version of my name. And yes, you have heard correctly I inherited my grandmother’s mental prowess. Reias: Did your mother tell you about me and what I do? Dade: She did, also she emphasized that I am not to be so cordial either. You must earn my trust back.
It hurt to hear that again; especially from someone he only just met. Pandora was not going to let him off the hook so easily for his betrayal. She was heiress and had a mean streak after all. Dade: But I do not see any reason to ostracize you continually for your error in judgement. It was after all, not your fault.
Reias was stunned; “Well, I—thank you Dade. I think you’re the first one to understand that.” Dade: Mother can be extremely pig headed and stubborn sometimes, she was always a strong woman. By no means was she harsh on us, my grandparents and my father were ever present in our lives growing up. I believe that they helped mother relax a bit.
Reias: Hearing you say that means a lot to me, I was prepared for a similar treatment from you as from your mother. Dade: Each generation of our family has faced trials and tribulations that normal families would never experience in their worst nightmares and we are stronger for it. Partly because I believe that you have been a large part in the success of such trials. You protected our great-grandfather, you saved the line of Diamos from utter decimation. We owe you our continued existence and once mother calms down and sees that she will forgive you.
Reias timed his shot, as usual his god-like perfection sunk the ball easily. But Dade was a powerful contender, he hadn’t missed one shot either. The young man was far wiser than his years, he had truly inherited a godly gift. His knowledge and clear thinking ability could only have come from the gods; made more powerful perhaps from his father’s family and their ancient blood line magic.
Dade studied the shot he made; calculating its trajectory and arch as it crested into the apex of the shot. Then once he got the ball back he duplicated it perfectly. “ I do however, have some concerns. And you being our family’s guardian are the preferred one to voice it to…my brother Icarus…I fear that he has fallen prey to Chaos and its evil influences as you had.” Reias: You think he has? What has he been doing? Dade: He is constantly angry and highly combative with us and our father.
Reias knew what he meant; he felt the same way when Chaos first infested him. A new wave of shame and guilt washed over him, he should have prevented this… “ Then I can tell you with absolute certainty you’re right. I felt that way when Chaos took hold of me. Dade, you have to be very careful about how you approach him; in this state he’s highly dangerous.” Dade: What do I do? How do I save my brother? Reias: He needs to realize what truly matters to him, what is really important. To break the hold of Chaos it takes a very powerful, positive confession. Diamos did it for me when he made me admit how much I missed him being here. Your mother told you about you uncle right? Dade: Yes, our ancestor is sharing his body. It is why we have felt surges of positive energy lately.
Reias: Icarus is very powerful; all of you have inherited some strong godly blood from Bliss and each of you can be dangerous if Chaos takes root in your hearts and souls. You, I believe have inherited some very old magic from your paternal grandmother’s side; add that to the blood of an Olympian god and you have a mortal whose power has the possibility of being limitless. Your mind, intelligence and serene stillness in the face of adversity is your gift Dade, don’t be afraid to use your powers. Dade felt tears prickle at the corners of his eyes; his words were so warm and gentle to hear, he had suspected he had some sort of powers but hearing it clarified like that from another confirmed it.
Reias: And that’s game!! I would call that a draw wouldn’t you? Dade: Yes, a quite accurate assessment I believe. Thank you Reias, I know what I have to do now. Reias: You’re welcome kid. Anytime you want to play again, just call and I’ll come okay? Dade: Agreed. ******
Events of importance surrounded the family, Dade learning of his powers, Pandora finding out about the Triad’s power and the shock of the news about Perseus sharing his body with Diamos. It was easy to forget about the rest of generation six. Little Serena was due for her toddler birthday soon after, it would be the last one her big brothers would see since they were heading to college with Icarus and Dade soon. Pollux wanted to give his adorable little sister her birthday this time around. He was going to miss her terribly when he left for college. Castor was more than anxious to just go to college, he was prepared for weeks now and he made sure to get all the scholarships they offered. He would miss Serena too, though he didn’t really want to admit that to his twin. He took over for their mother when she had to work, often beating their butler out of the way to tend to her needs whenever she cried. He would make a wonderful father one day, Castor could see that clearly.
Serena was really photogenic, she had the perfect little face and cute dimples in her cheeks. Helen knew she would take after her father. Serena Reed Gemini 0/10/9/8/1 Truly her father’s daughter… >_< *sigh*
Speaking of her father… Goderic: Paddington, I’m moving out. Paddington: Oh? How do you intend to do that? Where would you go? Goderic: Helen’s letting me move into her house to be with my daughter. I just can’t take listening to you with that guy anymore… Paddington: Uncomfortable Mr. Romance?
Goderic: Pleasure, not Romance. And besides it’s icky to think of you doing that…you’re my great-something grandmother. Paddington: I don’t care one way or the other. Go. Goderic: I will. Paddington: Fine! Goderic: Fine!
Goderic: Glad we had this talk. Paddington: Door’s that way. (Truth be told, they had a rather ick-inducing attraction to one another, red hearts nearly flying that would not work for me, plot-wise. So I broke them up, thank you Well Drop program, instant lovers; I now return you to your regularly scheduled legacy chapter.)
Icarus: And it was totally boss, you know what I mean? Alex: The sun is back, so? It was never gone, just blocked. Icarus: Well I’d never seen it before, unlike you. Pandora: Boys, play nice.
Alex flinched; Icarus was pelting him with the football. He hated it, especially the way he grinned like a damn fool after nearly breaking his arm with the toss. His father told him how mean he was, but until now he never really listened. He knew Icarus was a quarter-god and he used that to push people around at school; he was the school bully. Alex questioned his sanity about coming home with him now, at least he was leaving for college soon. Icarus would be far away at Academie Le Tour and he was going to Sim State.
Icarus couldn’t wait to leave, he hated being home it felt restricting and confining. He was determined to find a way to out do his golden child little brother Dade, to show him he was stronger than he was. And leading the family would be the best way to do that, his mother had power, a presence that she used to command respect from others in a way which he greatly admired. The way she put that so called guardian in his place, the damn coward; was brilliant. He wanted to be just as powerful as she was. The unpleasant duty of eliminating his competition from Dade was foremost on his to-do list, the triplets and Dione had no shot at heirship. He was oldest like his mother it was his by default. At least that’s what he understood from his grandfather, he was the middle child but always lamented about how his great-uncle Marc Antony would have been way better at the job.
Icarus smiled inwardly; it was all set. He would be heir, the leader of the family. His ambition was all that kept him focussed and his attention centered on getting that coveted prize… The fuel that was best suited to nurture the black pit in his heart, it throbbed and pulsated…Chaos had its prized heir and all the power that came with the blood that ran through him. An heir to a powerful legacy…ambitious, angry, bitter…perfect for shaping him into a weapon strong enough to counter anything the Light Dwellers had to throw against it… ******
Allocarre: shimmering, glistening, shining. It is the home of the Elvendian gods the pale blue jewel set against the lush, greenery of the Elvendian moon. It presides over all, rules all, the people of Elvendia adore their benevolent gods and goddesses who have done nothing but protect and love them. Much unlike other pantheons whose deities used fear and oppression to rule over their subjects below, Elvendia had to learn the hard way what happens as a result of that kind of ruling. The Demon Wars and the Chaotic Wars nearly obliterated them all. The mortals whose worship and prayers sustained their gods were nearly all killed off. The gods felt that loss greatly and some of the minor gods and goddesses died right before their eyes at the same time as the mortals below had. Ani-Mei and Adahy woke up from their long nightmare that day and realized they had been guilty of everything the other pantheons had and so they drastically changed their outlook and attitude about the mortals below them on Elvendia. Now, Chaos has returned Earth is in grave danger…
Sora hissed; she was doing this on purpose… Sora: Ani-Mei, are you  trying  to kill me?  Ani-Mei: Sora, you are here as our guest do not think to presume you can be as insolent and rude as you please. If my daughter Araka knew I was in her armoury my displeasure would be the least of your concerns.
Ani-Mei tapped the sword’s shimmering blade against her arm. When Sora had asked her for combat training she had no idea he would be so bad at it. As an Adriel he was used to being used in long range combat in his Bow form. Close combat was not even a thought for him since he had rarely existed in this form. His Master left him with her and Adahy and returned to Earth, she figured Sora was just lonely without Mokosh here to be with him, or he was deeply hurt she left him; either way his attitude was a defence mechanism for hiding his inner pain. Ani-Mei: Sora, you do not have to lie to me. I know how you feel. You miss your Mistress. Sora bit his lip; trying to lie to the Queen of the Gods when she was offering him a hand to take seemed useless. “ I do, I miss her a lot. I don’t really know what to do without her here with me.” Ani-Mei: She could not take you to Earth with her, you knew this after Amber Dawn. It would be too dangerous to have you there. Sora: I know…but still you know? I mean it felt really good to have someone new to talk to after being asleep for 2000 years, I was so happy to be reawakened. The world was new again for me, I wanted to explore it.
Sora: I’m sorry, I’ll focus now. Ani-Mei: It is understandable… She stopped; something had caught her senses. Sora: What? What is it? Ani-Mei: It cannot be… She vanished, leaving Sora confused.
Lunala: I do understand, I’m not supposed to be here my Lord but we have to see Sora. Ishea: Lunala, I gave you that temple in the Volcanic Plains so you would have somewhere to live; you were not supposed to come all the way up here. Lunala: But my Lord… Ishea: I cannot allow it!! You and your companions must leave immediately.
The young god was caught off-guard at her sudden appearance in Allocarre, he gave her explicit instructions to never leave the Volcanic Plains to violate the laws of Allocarre by entering it. They had no permission to do so and Allocarre should have thrown them out before they even reached the door, he suspected they had used their Adriel powers to circumvent the security of the palace; it scared him. She lied to him, and he didn’t take lightly to such an act of disloyalty.
Ishea: I do not take lightly to such an act of disloyalty Lunala; I let you live there under my guidance and benevolence and you violated that trust and charity. Lunala: Please, my Lord, forgive me. But it’s very important we see Sora. Pellas is in danger. Ishea: She is on Earth, what concern is she of yours? Lunala: My Lord, please…may we see him or your mother?
Ishea: I cannot allow it— He broke off; his father was calling him off her.  “Yes great father… I will deal with you later Lunala.”  He vanished leaving her on the verge of tears. Disappointing Ishea is exactly what she feared doing…
Soon after, his parents teleported into the room and he was asked to step out. He saw the other Adriels file in after, Drinn grinned at him as if to taunt him further. He had known for a long time that he hated Drinn; he, in Ishea’s opinion was the most dangerous of all the Adriels. Ani-Mei: I must confess; I was very shocked to sense your energies back in Elvendia. I was under the impression that you two were on Earth with your Masters. Adahy: I concur; tell us how is that you came to be here?
Sora: Yes, brother do tell. How come you came back? Botan: We were taken from our Masters by Peredwyn and Arwyn. Chaos had infected my Master and he was no longer fit to wield me. Drinn: My Master still is; and for all I care he can stay that way. But we have to get Pellas back, she’s too dangerous. Chaos has her. Ani-Mei: How is it possible for Chaos to be back?
Sora: Way to go. You just left her there with Chaos and came back here with your tails between your legs? Is that it? Botan ground his teeth; the bastard always knew how to get to him, the thing with Lunala   didn’t help much either…  “We, unfortunately, and I can’t believe I’m going to say this: we need your help.” Sora: Oh how deliciously ironic…you actually need me. Ani-Mei: Sora… Her tone bearing that of a mother scolding her child shut him up.
Adahy: How is Chaos able to be sustained? Who broke the seal on it? Drinn grinned; “Botan’s Master let it out. He started the whole thing.” Botan: You’re such a dick Drinn!! It was your master who started his rampage to dominate the world, fuelling the fire for Chaos to get to Earth!! Adahy: I care not for your petty feuds; I only wish to know how our planet’s most dangerous and powerful enemy was allowed to get so far to Earth!! His voice resounded throughout the chamber like a thunderclap, his voice even hardly raised was enough to shock Drinn and Botan into silence. It even made Lunala let out a terrified squeak she forgot what she wanted to say; the voice of the King of the Gods, was absolute.
Botan and Drinn explained to everyone what had happened since they last had contact with Earth, Reias’s desertion of the legacy, Dalen’s disturbing lack of active participation in the absence of his enemy, the state of things before they left. They had no idea about Diamos’s return or even that he had figured out how break the hold of Chaos on its victims.
Adahy: I do not want Chaos to be let loose with an Adriel as powerful as Pellas. With her, Chaos can obliterate all the pantheons on Earth, Greek, Egyptian, Norse, and Asian it cannot be allowed. The loss of a planet as large as Earth and the gods and goddesses those pantheons house will inevitably affect the entire galaxy as far away as Terrenon and Ariddea; and our peace agreements with those two plants is fragile at best. Also we could not afford the collapse of the five Gate Stone networks that would follow. Drinn: Wow, you sure know how to paint a cheery picture there don’t you buddy? Adahy: I am not your buddy; I am your King. And I demand the respect from you that comes with that. Get to work, all of you.
Adahy: You four will return to Earth through Allocarre’s gateway and you retrieve Pellas from the hands of Chaos. Once she has been recovered, bring her back to us here where we will ensure that you have done the task correctly. If we are satisfied, you will not be punished for your unauthorized entering of Allocarre. Does that please you my love? Ani-Mei: Yes it does. Adahy: Very well then, prepare for you departure.
Sora: I suppose I should change if I’m leaving. The small goddess that no one had heard enter the room stopped her playful skipping abruptly. Sora was leaving? Saraya is the Goddess of Children and Innocence and she was very close to Sora the whole time he was staying here.
Saraya’s lip quivered slightly.  “Sorrie, are you leaving because I didn’t come quick enough?” Sora: Oh, no, no. Saraya you didn’t do anything. I have a job to do. Saraya: But…but, who will play with me now? Who will take me flying? Sora: I’ll only be gone a little while…I promise.
She ran from the room crying; her older brother put down his pool cue and came over. Ishea: What happened kiddo? Saraya: *sniff* Sorrie’s leaving!! I’m going to be lonely!! Ishea: I’m still here.
Saraya threw her arms around him, and sobbed a bit more. “ Shea…you mean that? You’ll play with me?” Ishea: Of course. I wouldn’t dream of doing anything else. Saraya’s light brightened back up;  “Thank you big brother.”
Ishea: Don’t you worry Bright Star, I’ll be here for you. Saraya smiled at her big brother’s nick name for her, she loved it. He was her favourite of all her three brothers. Aeridane was her second favourite; when he left for Earth too she was depressed for a long time, the children of Elvendia felt her pain and cried endlessly for three nights and three days until Ishea made Saraya happy again.
Meanwhile, back on Earth… “ My Lord, your victory is on the cusp of coming to be and yet you are so tensed.” “ Mhmm, well it is a big job taking on the pathetic gods of this city.” “ I don’t think you’ll have much trouble with them.”
“ You would know wouldn’t you my dear? After all, you know their weakness; that damnable legacy of the Peace God.”
“ My dear Pellas, you are too good to me.” Dark Pellas: I aim to please my Lord Xylen.
Xylen: We’ll shape the world in our own image. Just how we want it, with endless numbers of slaves ready to build monuments to our greatness, we will recreate our Pantheon of Chaos together. Our offspring will be so powerful, that none dare stand against us…
Dark Pellas: I look forward to it my Lord; we will rule this world then take our conquest through the Atlantian Gateway and reclaim your lost prize…Elvendia. Xylen: Why stop there? There’s a whole Gate Stone network awaiting our arrival. I will rule this galaxy once more, as it should have been all along. Cold, dark, despairing, bleak and beautiful Chaos…
“ As it began, so shall it end; with Chaos…with me.”
The Dark Moon of Chaos is rising, the gods of Earth will now face their most difficult battle to date. How do you fight a primeval force of destruction and darkness like Chaos when all your power is divided and warring amongst itself? Do you all need some laughs? I do, next three pages if you please…
Sora: Daymmnn she’s mean as a hornet and likes to point sharp things at men’s fun parts a little too much, but that’s so hot… Ani-Mei: *is trying not to listen*
Solan: CATCH ME LOVER!!! I’m still hot for you my Plant Princess!! *boinging noise of death* >_<
Reias: And my kid tries to make me look bad? *cracks wrist* Steph: I swear baby, I love you and only you. You know how I just can’t resist any paranormal hotties… Perseus: I was right here, right in the same DAMN ROOM!! You said it was over, that was so ten chapters ago. Steph: You’re still hot though, see my bubble? Perseus: Well my 10 nice points make it impossible to hold a grudge, there’s always Bemoodous Simmae spell. *waves wand* Reias: *sigh* Good witches/warlocks are so odd sometimes. End of Entry Thirty-Two.

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The Quest for Peace: Dark Moon Saga 1

  • 1. The Quest for Peace: Dark Moon Saga, Chapter 1
  • 2. Dark Moon Rising… Any attempts made by the world’s governments to dislodge, alter, or communicate with the sudden appearance of the Dark Moon in orbit around the planet has failed. Tides all over the world are already being severely affected by the unnatural pull of this new satellite, widespread flooding and rising tide lines have threatened to contaminate the freshwater sources inland with ocean water. An emergency meeting of the UN had been called to try to deal with the situation as the world’s leaders prepare to tell their people to head for higher grounds. The meeting was disrupted when a strange pair of men who had somehow managed to subvert all security measures in place at the UN headquarters in New York City, and appeared suddenly in the chambers of the council. The strangely dressed men described as tall, average build, one had short cropped blue hair and gold-green coloured eyes and the other had black hair, and oddly coloured purple eyes. They claimed to be from a place called Hidden City, Greece which the delegate from Greece vehemently denied having any association with the two men. As soon as an uproar broke out, the black haired one raised his hand and immediately everyone fell silent and felt an overwhelming feeling of Peacefulness as the blue haired one addressed the council. They assured the entire United Nations council that they would take care of the Dark Moon…
  • 3. Meanwhile as Reias and Dee make their case known to the UN on Earth, on Elvendia, Drinn and Botan had found Lunala. She was still in the same place that she was before; the Southern Lands. The Volcanic Plains, inside the small remains of a temple protected by godly magic despite the geological activity all around it…
  • 4. The tremors were bad today, every time they got worse Lunala was afraid that her little home would collapse and melt into a pool of liquid magma. But it never did, this temple ruin was protected by the god Ishea, he was the God of Nature and Animals. As long as she didn’t revert to her weapon form, he allowed her to stay in the temple ruin. She was no threat to him without a Master to wield her. She thought she heard voices outside, but no mortal could survive the conditions of the Volcanic Plains, the air was far too toxic…
  • 5. She quietly teleported outside, and what she saw made her heart skip a beat. Botan and Drinn? What were they doing here? Drinn: I tell you, Luna’s here I can feel her. Botan: Why would she stay here? I mean look at it…there’s no water to sustain her that isn’t toxic. Lunala: Drinn? Botan? They turned to her, and smiled. She hadn’t changed a bit. Botan wondered if she would still be mad about Soyala…
  • 6. Lunala: Why are you here? Weren’t you on Earth? Botan: We have a problem, it’s Pellas. Lunala: What about her? Botan: She’s been…turned. Lunala: Turned? Maybe she didn’t remember, that was good news for him…
  • 7. Lunala suddenly grinned coldly; she remembered… Lunala: You have a lot of nerve coming after me you two timing jerk off!! Botan: Oh, you do remember…come on it was 2000 years ago Luna, let it go. Lunala: Why should I help you? You can’t do this on your own? Botan: Look, can we talk inside? It’s looking a little dodgy out here…
  • 8. Lunala: So? What do you have to say for yourself? Drinn: Look, lover’s spats aside; Pellas is in the service of Chaos Luna, and I know you remember Chaos and what happened last time it was free on the galaxy. Lunala: She’s what?!!? HOW?? Botan: Chaos got into the heart and soul of her Master and it corrupted her, there was a huge fight between Dalen and Reias and in that fight, Batalia had managed to turn her evil. Lunala: Wait, those names sound familiar…isn’t Reias your new Master Botan? Why aren’t you with him? Drinn: He lost him, just like my Master lost me, Dalen was my Master. Batalia used that fight to push Pellas off the edge into darkness. We need all four of us to be together to stop her before she destroys the galaxy, and in the service of Chaos she can do that easily. Botan: We came here to find you first because…breaking into the Goddess of War’s armoury on Allocarre is a three man job. And she hates women so you’ve got to be especially be on guard. Lunala: Are you sure about this? Three Adriels in the Palace of the Gods is like a major red alert…I don’t really want to upset Ishea. Drinn: They know as well as any of us what happens if Chaos is left alone to wreak havoc.
  • 9. Botan: Look, I know how you feel about me and it’s well deserved I don’t contest that. But the four of us need to be united as one if we have any chance to defeat Pellas’s powers. She’s the strongest of us all individually, only together are we better. Lunala: Well…I know she’s dangerous and I surely don’t want Chaos to kill us, but how can we work without Masters? Drinn: We don’t need them, we can be our own Masters Luna.
  • 10. Be Master-less? The idea frightened her greatly. She remembered the first time she was awoken again, the one who found her was powerful, but off…Lunala was left behind when her Master had to return to her own time. She adored Xena, it felt like she truly belonged to Xena; and the way she used her in battle was so natural. When Xena had to leave her behind again she desperately wanted to go with her back to the past; the only thing that placated her anxiety and fear was the thought that one day Xena would return for her and they would be together again.
  • 11. Lunala was thinking over his proposal, being Master-less was terrifying, what if Xena came back and was looking for her? Lunala: But…what if my Master returns for me? Botan: Luna…please we need your power. Drinn hissed: “She ain’t coming back for you, she left you; abandoned you Luna, she left!! How can you still want to wait for her? I swear, by the gods woman you’re like a child who’s lost her mommy. Grow up already!”
  • 12. Botan: Damnit Drinn, you’re not helping any!! Luna, ignore him he’s bitter and generally a jack ass. You have to learn to be independent. Lunala: I—I suppose… Botan: Will you do this? Will you help us? Lunala: Alright. It’s for Pellas, our sister.
  • 13. Lunala: OOH, do I get to wear Earth clothes like you? That would be so neat!! Botan: You want to shop? What the hell for? Lunala: Umm, I’ve been wearing the same dress for 2000 years…duh. Drinn: Chicks…can we go find Bird Boy now?
  • 14. Meanwhile, back in Hidden City… Pandora: You no good, worthless, cowardly, son of a bitch!! No offence Persephone. WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU??!! Reias knew she would be upset, but the venom lacing the angry heiress’s words stung and cut him deeply. He momentarily recalled an image of her as a curious little girl who looked up at him with awe in her bright green eyes.
  • 15. Reias swallowed; “I deserve that Pandora, what I did was unconscionable; immature and selfish. I shrugged off my duties as your family’s guardian that I was charged with by my best friend Diamos, I abandoned you at a terrible time in your lives and now I must bear the guilt of knowing Julius died thinking I was gone forever. I will find him in the Elysium Fields and apologize properly after I make amends to you.” Solan: Not to mention your own family, me and mom and my kids. Reias: Thank you son, kick me once more while I’m down. Pandora: And?
  • 16. Reias continued; “And for not telling you about Perseus and what has been going on with him. I did hope that he would tell you himself about Diamos sharing his body but I was wrong. It’s my duty to keep you informed and up to date.” Pandora: You really hurt us deeply Reias, I don’t know if I can forgive you so easily. Reias: I don’t expect an easy forgiveness from you or your siblings. Pandora: And you won’t get it either, from me, my sister, my brother or whichever one of my children is chosen to be the Sixth Generation heir. Reias: But there is a lot I need to tell you. For one, I have sensed the return of an old friend of ours from Elvendia. Pandora: Who? Is he dangerous? Reias: No, he is here for a very specific reason. Aeridane has come to take the place of Apollo until he’s found and returned to the position of Sun God. The Days of Night will end, which will help tremendously in the planet’s ability to recover and heal. Pandora: Can he be trusted? Forgive me, but the last thing to come from that dreaded planet is now trying to murder us all. Reias: Yes, he can be. Aeridane is on our side. Ani-Mei knows her child best of all, her assurance is something you should understand.
  • 17. Pandora didn’t look entirely convinced, Diamos took the opportunity to present his true face to his current heir. She was amazed, and oddly, he felt her attraction to him. Then he heard it, it made Perseus squirm uncomfortably as it did him. Pandora: Umm, wow… Diamos: Yes, well *cough* I felt it was time to reveal myself to you. Pandora: So why did you possess my brother now? Diamos: Please don’t call it possession.
  • 18. Pandora: What should I call it then? Diamos: Sharing. Anyway, I had to return. I needed to bring Reias back. Pandora: Why? Diamos: We need him. And also Dalen and Batalia. Pandora: Funny, really that is. You’re a comedian. Diamos: I’m serious.
  • 19. Pandora couldn’t formulate a reply; did he just say they needed the two most hated and vile of all the gods, the ones who have been plotting to kill her family off since her great-great-great grandfather first came here? Diamos: Reias had the same look and reaction when I told him the first time. But it’s true, we need Dalen and Batalia to defeat Chaos and reseal it.
  • 20. Pandora: Why are they so important? Diamos: The new Triad of Power of course! She raised an eyebrow at him; he suddenly felt like a dork. Diamos: *ahem* The Triad of Power was what was used to seal Chaos the first time on Elvendia. It consists of three parts; Hope, Salvation and Rebirth. Pandora: Uh huh… Dee realized he was going to have to clarify what he meant, she wasn’t understanding it at all. Diamos: The Triad of Power, Hope, Salvation and Rebirth; the three parts that make up a utopia free from anything, evil, dark or dangerous. Through War comes the Hope of peace, through Chaos and Destruction comes Salvation and through Death comes Rebirth. Meaning; Dalen as God of War represents Hope, Batalia as the Goddess of Destruction and Chaos represents Salvation and Reias as Prince of the Underworld represents Rebirth. And my tenth heir will become Peace, the one who will use the new Triad of Power, its wielder. Pandora: I see, that all sounds lovely when you say it like that; however, in case you haven’t noticed Dalen and Batalia are NOT likely going to want to fight Chaos. They’ve probably already joined it. Diamos: I have faith in them; they are still good deep down inside.
  • 21. Reias made amends with his son and his wife, which was a relief to everyone. Solan always did know how to keep his father in line and his mind on the task at hand. Maybe now that Pandora knew how important Dalen and Talia were to saving the world, then she might be willing to give it a try at least. He could feel Perseus was getting weary so he backed down and let him head up to bed until nightfall. Tomorrow he would take on the monumental task of finding Pellas and attempting to retrieve her good heart and soul from Chaos… ******
  • 22. Getting used to seeing the sun again was a big change for everyone, especially Dade who had never seen it before now. He came home with one of his cousins one day from school, Reias thought it was time to get to know some of Pandora’s kids since he had missed all their important events growing up.
  • 23. Reias: So umm…Daedelaus is it? I hear you’re a genius. Dade: It is Dade actually. I prefer the shortened version of my name. And yes, you have heard correctly I inherited my grandmother’s mental prowess. Reias: Did your mother tell you about me and what I do? Dade: She did, also she emphasized that I am not to be so cordial either. You must earn my trust back.
  • 24. It hurt to hear that again; especially from someone he only just met. Pandora was not going to let him off the hook so easily for his betrayal. She was heiress and had a mean streak after all. Dade: But I do not see any reason to ostracize you continually for your error in judgement. It was after all, not your fault.
  • 25. Reias was stunned; “Well, I—thank you Dade. I think you’re the first one to understand that.” Dade: Mother can be extremely pig headed and stubborn sometimes, she was always a strong woman. By no means was she harsh on us, my grandparents and my father were ever present in our lives growing up. I believe that they helped mother relax a bit.
  • 26. Reias: Hearing you say that means a lot to me, I was prepared for a similar treatment from you as from your mother. Dade: Each generation of our family has faced trials and tribulations that normal families would never experience in their worst nightmares and we are stronger for it. Partly because I believe that you have been a large part in the success of such trials. You protected our great-grandfather, you saved the line of Diamos from utter decimation. We owe you our continued existence and once mother calms down and sees that she will forgive you.
  • 27. Reias timed his shot, as usual his god-like perfection sunk the ball easily. But Dade was a powerful contender, he hadn’t missed one shot either. The young man was far wiser than his years, he had truly inherited a godly gift. His knowledge and clear thinking ability could only have come from the gods; made more powerful perhaps from his father’s family and their ancient blood line magic.
  • 28. Dade studied the shot he made; calculating its trajectory and arch as it crested into the apex of the shot. Then once he got the ball back he duplicated it perfectly. “ I do however, have some concerns. And you being our family’s guardian are the preferred one to voice it to…my brother Icarus…I fear that he has fallen prey to Chaos and its evil influences as you had.” Reias: You think he has? What has he been doing? Dade: He is constantly angry and highly combative with us and our father.
  • 29. Reias knew what he meant; he felt the same way when Chaos first infested him. A new wave of shame and guilt washed over him, he should have prevented this… “ Then I can tell you with absolute certainty you’re right. I felt that way when Chaos took hold of me. Dade, you have to be very careful about how you approach him; in this state he’s highly dangerous.” Dade: What do I do? How do I save my brother? Reias: He needs to realize what truly matters to him, what is really important. To break the hold of Chaos it takes a very powerful, positive confession. Diamos did it for me when he made me admit how much I missed him being here. Your mother told you about you uncle right? Dade: Yes, our ancestor is sharing his body. It is why we have felt surges of positive energy lately.
  • 30. Reias: Icarus is very powerful; all of you have inherited some strong godly blood from Bliss and each of you can be dangerous if Chaos takes root in your hearts and souls. You, I believe have inherited some very old magic from your paternal grandmother’s side; add that to the blood of an Olympian god and you have a mortal whose power has the possibility of being limitless. Your mind, intelligence and serene stillness in the face of adversity is your gift Dade, don’t be afraid to use your powers. Dade felt tears prickle at the corners of his eyes; his words were so warm and gentle to hear, he had suspected he had some sort of powers but hearing it clarified like that from another confirmed it.
  • 31. Reias: And that’s game!! I would call that a draw wouldn’t you? Dade: Yes, a quite accurate assessment I believe. Thank you Reias, I know what I have to do now. Reias: You’re welcome kid. Anytime you want to play again, just call and I’ll come okay? Dade: Agreed. ******
  • 32. Events of importance surrounded the family, Dade learning of his powers, Pandora finding out about the Triad’s power and the shock of the news about Perseus sharing his body with Diamos. It was easy to forget about the rest of generation six. Little Serena was due for her toddler birthday soon after, it would be the last one her big brothers would see since they were heading to college with Icarus and Dade soon. Pollux wanted to give his adorable little sister her birthday this time around. He was going to miss her terribly when he left for college. Castor was more than anxious to just go to college, he was prepared for weeks now and he made sure to get all the scholarships they offered. He would miss Serena too, though he didn’t really want to admit that to his twin. He took over for their mother when she had to work, often beating their butler out of the way to tend to her needs whenever she cried. He would make a wonderful father one day, Castor could see that clearly.
  • 33. Serena was really photogenic, she had the perfect little face and cute dimples in her cheeks. Helen knew she would take after her father. Serena Reed Gemini 0/10/9/8/1 Truly her father’s daughter… >_< *sigh*
  • 34. Speaking of her father… Goderic: Paddington, I’m moving out. Paddington: Oh? How do you intend to do that? Where would you go? Goderic: Helen’s letting me move into her house to be with my daughter. I just can’t take listening to you with that guy anymore… Paddington: Uncomfortable Mr. Romance?
  • 35. Goderic: Pleasure, not Romance. And besides it’s icky to think of you doing that…you’re my great-something grandmother. Paddington: I don’t care one way or the other. Go. Goderic: I will. Paddington: Fine! Goderic: Fine!
  • 36. Goderic: Glad we had this talk. Paddington: Door’s that way. (Truth be told, they had a rather ick-inducing attraction to one another, red hearts nearly flying that would not work for me, plot-wise. So I broke them up, thank you Well Drop program, instant lovers; I now return you to your regularly scheduled legacy chapter.)
  • 37. Icarus: And it was totally boss, you know what I mean? Alex: The sun is back, so? It was never gone, just blocked. Icarus: Well I’d never seen it before, unlike you. Pandora: Boys, play nice.
  • 38. Alex flinched; Icarus was pelting him with the football. He hated it, especially the way he grinned like a damn fool after nearly breaking his arm with the toss. His father told him how mean he was, but until now he never really listened. He knew Icarus was a quarter-god and he used that to push people around at school; he was the school bully. Alex questioned his sanity about coming home with him now, at least he was leaving for college soon. Icarus would be far away at Academie Le Tour and he was going to Sim State.
  • 39. Icarus couldn’t wait to leave, he hated being home it felt restricting and confining. He was determined to find a way to out do his golden child little brother Dade, to show him he was stronger than he was. And leading the family would be the best way to do that, his mother had power, a presence that she used to command respect from others in a way which he greatly admired. The way she put that so called guardian in his place, the damn coward; was brilliant. He wanted to be just as powerful as she was. The unpleasant duty of eliminating his competition from Dade was foremost on his to-do list, the triplets and Dione had no shot at heirship. He was oldest like his mother it was his by default. At least that’s what he understood from his grandfather, he was the middle child but always lamented about how his great-uncle Marc Antony would have been way better at the job.
  • 40. Icarus smiled inwardly; it was all set. He would be heir, the leader of the family. His ambition was all that kept him focussed and his attention centered on getting that coveted prize… The fuel that was best suited to nurture the black pit in his heart, it throbbed and pulsated…Chaos had its prized heir and all the power that came with the blood that ran through him. An heir to a powerful legacy…ambitious, angry, bitter…perfect for shaping him into a weapon strong enough to counter anything the Light Dwellers had to throw against it… ******
  • 41. Allocarre: shimmering, glistening, shining. It is the home of the Elvendian gods the pale blue jewel set against the lush, greenery of the Elvendian moon. It presides over all, rules all, the people of Elvendia adore their benevolent gods and goddesses who have done nothing but protect and love them. Much unlike other pantheons whose deities used fear and oppression to rule over their subjects below, Elvendia had to learn the hard way what happens as a result of that kind of ruling. The Demon Wars and the Chaotic Wars nearly obliterated them all. The mortals whose worship and prayers sustained their gods were nearly all killed off. The gods felt that loss greatly and some of the minor gods and goddesses died right before their eyes at the same time as the mortals below had. Ani-Mei and Adahy woke up from their long nightmare that day and realized they had been guilty of everything the other pantheons had and so they drastically changed their outlook and attitude about the mortals below them on Elvendia. Now, Chaos has returned Earth is in grave danger…
  • 42. Sora hissed; she was doing this on purpose… Sora: Ani-Mei, are you trying to kill me? Ani-Mei: Sora, you are here as our guest do not think to presume you can be as insolent and rude as you please. If my daughter Araka knew I was in her armoury my displeasure would be the least of your concerns.
  • 43. Ani-Mei tapped the sword’s shimmering blade against her arm. When Sora had asked her for combat training she had no idea he would be so bad at it. As an Adriel he was used to being used in long range combat in his Bow form. Close combat was not even a thought for him since he had rarely existed in this form. His Master left him with her and Adahy and returned to Earth, she figured Sora was just lonely without Mokosh here to be with him, or he was deeply hurt she left him; either way his attitude was a defence mechanism for hiding his inner pain. Ani-Mei: Sora, you do not have to lie to me. I know how you feel. You miss your Mistress. Sora bit his lip; trying to lie to the Queen of the Gods when she was offering him a hand to take seemed useless. “ I do, I miss her a lot. I don’t really know what to do without her here with me.” Ani-Mei: She could not take you to Earth with her, you knew this after Amber Dawn. It would be too dangerous to have you there. Sora: I know…but still you know? I mean it felt really good to have someone new to talk to after being asleep for 2000 years, I was so happy to be reawakened. The world was new again for me, I wanted to explore it.
  • 44. Sora: I’m sorry, I’ll focus now. Ani-Mei: It is understandable… She stopped; something had caught her senses. Sora: What? What is it? Ani-Mei: It cannot be… She vanished, leaving Sora confused.
  • 45. Lunala: I do understand, I’m not supposed to be here my Lord but we have to see Sora. Ishea: Lunala, I gave you that temple in the Volcanic Plains so you would have somewhere to live; you were not supposed to come all the way up here. Lunala: But my Lord… Ishea: I cannot allow it!! You and your companions must leave immediately.
  • 46. The young god was caught off-guard at her sudden appearance in Allocarre, he gave her explicit instructions to never leave the Volcanic Plains to violate the laws of Allocarre by entering it. They had no permission to do so and Allocarre should have thrown them out before they even reached the door, he suspected they had used their Adriel powers to circumvent the security of the palace; it scared him. She lied to him, and he didn’t take lightly to such an act of disloyalty.
  • 47. Ishea: I do not take lightly to such an act of disloyalty Lunala; I let you live there under my guidance and benevolence and you violated that trust and charity. Lunala: Please, my Lord, forgive me. But it’s very important we see Sora. Pellas is in danger. Ishea: She is on Earth, what concern is she of yours? Lunala: My Lord, please…may we see him or your mother?
  • 48. Ishea: I cannot allow it— He broke off; his father was calling him off her. “Yes great father… I will deal with you later Lunala.” He vanished leaving her on the verge of tears. Disappointing Ishea is exactly what she feared doing…
  • 49. Soon after, his parents teleported into the room and he was asked to step out. He saw the other Adriels file in after, Drinn grinned at him as if to taunt him further. He had known for a long time that he hated Drinn; he, in Ishea’s opinion was the most dangerous of all the Adriels. Ani-Mei: I must confess; I was very shocked to sense your energies back in Elvendia. I was under the impression that you two were on Earth with your Masters. Adahy: I concur; tell us how is that you came to be here?
  • 50. Sora: Yes, brother do tell. How come you came back? Botan: We were taken from our Masters by Peredwyn and Arwyn. Chaos had infected my Master and he was no longer fit to wield me. Drinn: My Master still is; and for all I care he can stay that way. But we have to get Pellas back, she’s too dangerous. Chaos has her. Ani-Mei: How is it possible for Chaos to be back?
  • 51. Sora: Way to go. You just left her there with Chaos and came back here with your tails between your legs? Is that it? Botan ground his teeth; the bastard always knew how to get to him, the thing with Lunala didn’t help much either… “We, unfortunately, and I can’t believe I’m going to say this: we need your help.” Sora: Oh how deliciously ironic…you actually need me. Ani-Mei: Sora… Her tone bearing that of a mother scolding her child shut him up.
  • 52. Adahy: How is Chaos able to be sustained? Who broke the seal on it? Drinn grinned; “Botan’s Master let it out. He started the whole thing.” Botan: You’re such a dick Drinn!! It was your master who started his rampage to dominate the world, fuelling the fire for Chaos to get to Earth!! Adahy: I care not for your petty feuds; I only wish to know how our planet’s most dangerous and powerful enemy was allowed to get so far to Earth!! His voice resounded throughout the chamber like a thunderclap, his voice even hardly raised was enough to shock Drinn and Botan into silence. It even made Lunala let out a terrified squeak she forgot what she wanted to say; the voice of the King of the Gods, was absolute.
  • 53. Botan and Drinn explained to everyone what had happened since they last had contact with Earth, Reias’s desertion of the legacy, Dalen’s disturbing lack of active participation in the absence of his enemy, the state of things before they left. They had no idea about Diamos’s return or even that he had figured out how break the hold of Chaos on its victims.
  • 54. Adahy: I do not want Chaos to be let loose with an Adriel as powerful as Pellas. With her, Chaos can obliterate all the pantheons on Earth, Greek, Egyptian, Norse, and Asian it cannot be allowed. The loss of a planet as large as Earth and the gods and goddesses those pantheons house will inevitably affect the entire galaxy as far away as Terrenon and Ariddea; and our peace agreements with those two plants is fragile at best. Also we could not afford the collapse of the five Gate Stone networks that would follow. Drinn: Wow, you sure know how to paint a cheery picture there don’t you buddy? Adahy: I am not your buddy; I am your King. And I demand the respect from you that comes with that. Get to work, all of you.
  • 55. Adahy: You four will return to Earth through Allocarre’s gateway and you retrieve Pellas from the hands of Chaos. Once she has been recovered, bring her back to us here where we will ensure that you have done the task correctly. If we are satisfied, you will not be punished for your unauthorized entering of Allocarre. Does that please you my love? Ani-Mei: Yes it does. Adahy: Very well then, prepare for you departure.
  • 56. Sora: I suppose I should change if I’m leaving. The small goddess that no one had heard enter the room stopped her playful skipping abruptly. Sora was leaving? Saraya is the Goddess of Children and Innocence and she was very close to Sora the whole time he was staying here.
  • 57. Saraya’s lip quivered slightly. “Sorrie, are you leaving because I didn’t come quick enough?” Sora: Oh, no, no. Saraya you didn’t do anything. I have a job to do. Saraya: But…but, who will play with me now? Who will take me flying? Sora: I’ll only be gone a little while…I promise.
  • 58. She ran from the room crying; her older brother put down his pool cue and came over. Ishea: What happened kiddo? Saraya: *sniff* Sorrie’s leaving!! I’m going to be lonely!! Ishea: I’m still here.
  • 59. Saraya threw her arms around him, and sobbed a bit more. “ Shea…you mean that? You’ll play with me?” Ishea: Of course. I wouldn’t dream of doing anything else. Saraya’s light brightened back up; “Thank you big brother.”
  • 60. Ishea: Don’t you worry Bright Star, I’ll be here for you. Saraya smiled at her big brother’s nick name for her, she loved it. He was her favourite of all her three brothers. Aeridane was her second favourite; when he left for Earth too she was depressed for a long time, the children of Elvendia felt her pain and cried endlessly for three nights and three days until Ishea made Saraya happy again.
  • 61. Meanwhile, back on Earth… “ My Lord, your victory is on the cusp of coming to be and yet you are so tensed.” “ Mhmm, well it is a big job taking on the pathetic gods of this city.” “ I don’t think you’ll have much trouble with them.”
  • 62. “ You would know wouldn’t you my dear? After all, you know their weakness; that damnable legacy of the Peace God.”
  • 63. “ My dear Pellas, you are too good to me.” Dark Pellas: I aim to please my Lord Xylen.
  • 64. Xylen: We’ll shape the world in our own image. Just how we want it, with endless numbers of slaves ready to build monuments to our greatness, we will recreate our Pantheon of Chaos together. Our offspring will be so powerful, that none dare stand against us…
  • 65. Dark Pellas: I look forward to it my Lord; we will rule this world then take our conquest through the Atlantian Gateway and reclaim your lost prize…Elvendia. Xylen: Why stop there? There’s a whole Gate Stone network awaiting our arrival. I will rule this galaxy once more, as it should have been all along. Cold, dark, despairing, bleak and beautiful Chaos…
  • 66. “ As it began, so shall it end; with Chaos…with me.”
  • 67. The Dark Moon of Chaos is rising, the gods of Earth will now face their most difficult battle to date. How do you fight a primeval force of destruction and darkness like Chaos when all your power is divided and warring amongst itself? Do you all need some laughs? I do, next three pages if you please…
  • 68. Sora: Daymmnn she’s mean as a hornet and likes to point sharp things at men’s fun parts a little too much, but that’s so hot… Ani-Mei: *is trying not to listen*
  • 69. Solan: CATCH ME LOVER!!! I’m still hot for you my Plant Princess!! *boinging noise of death* >_<
  • 70. Reias: And my kid tries to make me look bad? *cracks wrist* Steph: I swear baby, I love you and only you. You know how I just can’t resist any paranormal hotties… Perseus: I was right here, right in the same DAMN ROOM!! You said it was over, that was so ten chapters ago. Steph: You’re still hot though, see my bubble? Perseus: Well my 10 nice points make it impossible to hold a grudge, there’s always Bemoodous Simmae spell. *waves wand* Reias: *sigh* Good witches/warlocks are so odd sometimes. End of Entry Thirty-Two.