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Last time Peter was riding high off the fact that he was the last heir and the one who
would end the Apocalypse forever. He was getting married, he had a high ranking
position in the Slacker field. One more promotion and everyone could have vacation
days and maternity leave again, as well as miss a day of work and still have a job to go
back to. And best of all, he could have a wedding party. No one had been able to have
parties since the world fell apart and as he lifts the final restriction everyone would
have plenty to celebrate…
But things rarely go as planned and Lucifer is making his final moves.
Agnes: One more Charisma point and no man will be able to resist me on the
Dance floor. Just call me Agnes Angel, the Dancing Queen! I was so born for
this. Then I can get to what I really want, to be Education Minister and you
can bet that dancing will be a class requirement.
Luke: Perfect, it seems Joey the Comb is having issues with his subordinates
and he’s made a few “vacancies” in his operations. I’ll never be able to look at
Haven Lake the same again…at least until I topple his empire from within,
then he can be the one swimming with the fishes…hehe. Oh but I probably
should turn him over to Great Uncle Steve first…you know him being Captain
Hero and all. I’m too nice for this Criminal stuff.
John: First thing I’m going to do as a Media Magnate is make a movie of our
family’s mission. I’ll have connections and Aunt Mary said she knows some
good actors to play our family founder Castiel and his wife Mimete. And then
we’ll have an Oscar party when we win Best Picture.
Peter: I have to get the parties back first, and I need to convince some people
about the benefits of social gatherings and paid time off.
John: How long do we have to share a car? It would look bad on me if my Criminal older
brother is with me.
Luke: Just for now; then our schedules change. I won’t tell anyone I’m a Smuggler and
you won’t tell your gossip magazine that I am either.
John: Being a Magazine Editor is hard work…so many people to order around gets
tiring. It’ll be great when I’m a Hall of Famer and then they’ll be ordering people around
to get me in for an interview, that’ll be sweet.
Car Pool Komei: Didn’t I see you on Dancing with the Zombies?
Agnes: Oh please I was the best they had, all the other so called contestants
did was shuffle around and fall apart. I even heard one tried to eat the judges’
brains. Thankfully we have a large vampire population to deal with that. Now
no more questions, take me to the Flamenco Hall, I need to wow them with
my awesome skills.
Ani-Mei: Peter, I’ve been looking for you.
Peter: Who are you again?
Ani-Mei: An Archangel, and Castiel’s mother. Something is wrong…we can all feel it.
Why aren’t you off to work like your siblings?
Peter: I have four days off, don’t work till Tuesday. And what is wrong?
Ani-Mei: Without someone in the Paranormal field we can only get second hand
information; Lucifer is making his move and we fear that he may already have.
Peter: I don’t understand…
Ani-Mei: Have you ever felt or heard things your other siblings didn’t? Seen things they
Peter: Umm…
Peter: There’s that black fortress
thing again…I can see it clearly
Selene: Where? What can you see
Peter: What?
Agnes: I didn’t say anything.
Peter: I heard you, you said it’s time.
Agnes: Did not; you’re weird, why couldn’t I
have had a normal twin?
Ani-Mei: Then we were right, Lucifer has been making moves for longer than we had thought. Do you
still hear and see things now?
Peter: It stopped in college and after that vacation to Twikki Island. Maybe the hold was broken when I
grew up. Why? What does it mean?
Ani-Mei: Have you heard from Jane?
Peter: Jane? No…I mean she was a semester behind me in college…oh no does he have her?
Ani-Mei: We don’t know, give us some time to look into it and don’t do anything crazy until we do.
Peter’s siblings had no trouble getting the last promotions needed, college really gives
you a huge jump up the ladder, they all started on level 9. Luke came home triumphant;
after toppling the empire run by Joey the Comb on a technicality of non-payment of his
taxes, he rose to the top and took over. And he scrapped the protection payments on
everything as well as allowing custom merchandise to be made again. Not that it
mattered any with the two million plus they have in their bank account that’s been
building up for six generations…but now everyone can have their peace of mind back
without fearing mob retribution for not paying their protection money.
John, now the one and only Media Magnate of Angel’s Haven (the one who matters the most, no
offence Lycaon) has done away with the Journalism restrictions of only being able to take the first
job in the paper and allowing move-outs. Again, because of Gamer and Science already being
done it didn’t really matter.
John: Hey!! I didn’t waste my life doing a redundant lift for nothing. I am a Media Mogul
now that’s awesome enough.
Agnes, of course, blew all the judges away with her mad skillz as a Flamenco Master and is now
a World Class Ballet Dancer. Everyone can dance again, which is awesome because it means I no
longer have to cancel smustling and slap dancing. One reason why I never bought stereos for
them. *cough* And of course use the Dance Sphere as well.
Agnes: One, two *air punch* I am just that awesome. Now I can work on being
Education Minister and make dancing mandatory if they want to graduate.
But despite the successes of the Angel siblings there is still one more lift to do. And Peter is not one
to just sit around on his hands if the woman he loves is in possible danger...
Cain: I’m just saying, I know Peter. He won’t sit by if he thinks Jane is in danger. He will
do something stupid and we have to stop him…if he dies the Apocalypse dies with him.
Lucifer will have no trouble taking back everything my family’s done.
Saturn: How though? I mean once a lift is done, doesn’t it stay done?
Cain: The lifts done by my parents, siblings, my nephew and his wife will
remain but Lucifer only needs to kill off the remaining members of the family
to make everything undone since my sister and husband died. I’m the last of
my generation so taking me out would make everyone else vulnerable. And
since Peter has to do Slacker, if they are killed off then they can’t take those
jobs again, my niece is too old; her daughter Hope is no longer an Angel, and
Caryl is not blood related to us. We would lose the lift she did.
Solan: So we have to deal with Lucifer; and since he’s working with our family’s enemy
Xylen that’s not going to be easy. Xylen took ten generations and three alien powers to
finally go down back in Hidden City. I don’t even know what kind of new power he’s
amassed since being here.
Diamos: While I don’t regret passing my power to Eirene, I do regret that I won’t be able
to help you take the enemy down this time.
Cain: And Saturn, I want you to stay here with Dee. I don’t want you anywhere near the
battle zone.
Saturn: But dad, I can help! I’m a warlock too.
Cain: That’s not it Saturn; you are my son and still an Angel so you’re part of generation
three. If Lucifer wins and takes out everyone else, you can still carry on. You can take over
the lifts with your family descendants. In essence, you’d become the new founder. You
are the back up plan if everything goes pear shaped.
Fricorith: So what can we do to help? It’s my grandson who’s the target.
Diamos: You will have to go with Cain; it’s likely that in a show down, Lucifer will bring
Danava. And since Danava is his Sire you’ll have to be there in case she tries to control
him. You’re the only other vampire here who’s strong enough to take on a Sire.
Fricorith: And what about Xylen? He used me to come here to Angel’s Haven, it’s my
fault. I can’t let that go.
Diamos: We will deal with him later, right now it’s Lucifer we need to worry about.
Peter: So you’re my grandfather? How come I’ve never seen you until now?
Fricorith: I’m a vampire; I have only 12 hours a day of darkness where I can be
out without dying. I am sorry I never came to see you; I regret that. I had to do
what I could to protect you from the ones who want to kill you.
Peter: Does that extend to Jane too? Doesn’t she deserve protecting too?
Fricorith: Of course she does, but we don’t even know if Lucifer has her. Until we know
for sure, you are the primary concern.
Peter: I called her roommates Allegra and Martin, they said she has graduated already.
They weren’t there to see her off since they had classes but if she’s already graduated,
then where the hell is she? She would call me and tell me if she had found a place. She
wouldn’t leave me to worry about her like this.
Fricorith: Alright, I see your point. But going off half-cocked is not going to help her. Just
let us protect you; we’ve dealt with evil before and we know what to do about it.
Peter: Then if you’ve dealt with evil before, why is it that that same evil is still here now? I
hear things you know.
Fricorith: It’s complicated…
Peter: Do I look like an idiot to you? Is it tattooed on my forehead? You want to protect
me but you won’t even tell me how. I have three Nice points blondie and I rarely have to
use them but you’re sorely testing my patience.
Fricorith: Yes you get that from me; alright I’ll tell you this. If you go out there and die
because you have to play the hero then everything over the last four generations will be
wiped out; you will undo everything because you can’t stop to think clearly. And I’ll be
damned if one of my bloodline is going to screw things up when we’re so close to the end.
Peter: Well when you put it like that…it still pisses me off. You want to help? Bite me and make me
like you so I can go out and play hero.
Fricorith: No. I won’t bite you. I will not inflict this curse on anyone.
Peter: Then what the hell good are you?! That’s the woman I love out there! Do you even know what
that’s like?
Fricorith: I do; more than you know. I can’t tell you how many times I wanted to go after Xylen myself
so Eirene didn’t have to; it was killing me being unable to help her fight the one who brought me back
from the dead. But I trusted her to know what to do, and it worked out for the best. It allowed you and
your siblings to be born.
Cain: I get it, really I do Peter. But you need to chill out, we have a plan. We will deal
with Lucifer and get Jane back. You just have to trust us, please.
Peter: Alright fine…but I’ll be watching you guys.
Cain: Thank you. My only regret is that you didn’t come to us sooner when you first
started having problems. We’re family Peter; we help each other.
Peter: Well what’s done is done right?
Fricorith: Thanks for the assist; I was getting nowhere with him.
Cain: Peter is just that way sometimes.
Fricorith: He’s definitely a Reed then, I see Virgil’s good temperament still lives on in
Cain: Hmm, I remember you telling me about him.
He may be a lot more like Virgil than they realized…
Xylen: Well, well isn’t this sweet? He came to us like a little lost dog. Can I torture him a
bit first?
Lucifer: Well, I suppose just don’t wipe his mind like you did to Adam; I need it intact.
Xylen: Sweet, this is gonna be fun…I’ve been waiting years to get back at that blond bitch
who killed me.
Xylen: Huh, well that’s disappointing; he should be burning right now but he’s just
glowing like a fucking firefly…the hell?
Lucifer: You seriously thought that an Inflammo spell would burn a descendant of an
Archangel? Don’t you know anything?
Xylen: You could have said something…
Lucifer: And ruin my chance to see you fail? Why would I do that?
Lucifer: THIS is how you deal with a descendant of an Archangel. Now while
you’re just stuck there, listen up boy. You have been a good pawn, but now it’s
time to be sacrificed. I don’t want to see my Apocalypse end and you are going
to make that happen; so you have a choice, obey me or I snap your neck like a
twig then go after everyone else you love and care about.
Peter: Where is Jane!? What did you do to her?
Lucifer: I’ll start with her now here’s your only option, abdicate your position as heir. If you
don’t do that lift then my Apocalypse doesn’t end and since it’s such a crucial one, no one
else can take their jobs back. And if everyone is dead, my mind is content. There are no
more Angel spawn left to pick up the pieces.
Peter: Just tell me one thing; did you kill Jane?
Lucifer: Well…in manner of speaking…
Lucifer: My associate Danava gets a bit peckish and when the poor, helpless
little Jane happened across my fortress we took her in, gave her shelter and
food; hell we even gave her a nice outfit to wear. After all the bloodied and
dirtied rags she arrived in were unsuitable. Freak storms just happen around
here when you come down off that big hill…and well the cabbie wasn’t so
lucky when he plunged off the road into Haven Lake so…
Peter: So you did kill her…
Lucifer: Please, if I did that then how would I ever make sure you agree to my
condition? She’s still alive, in some manner of speaking, and here in my fortress.
And if you be a good boy she’ll stay that way, and I do sincerely hope you are
going to be a good boy, I would hate for your precious Jane to suddenly find
herself teleported into my courtyard at 6:59 am…
Lucifer: And I hate cleaning up ashes; they get everywhere you know what I mean? Why
do you think I wear black all the time?
Peter: I want to see her, let me see she’s unharmed and I’ll do whatever you say.
Lucifer: Well you’ll have to wait till sundown.
Peter: Fine; let me down and I’ll stay.
Lucifer: There’s a good boy; I knew you’d see things my way.
Xylen: Umm boss? Can I just interject here for a moment? Who’s to say this
kid doesn’t have some sort of plan to betray you? Let me make sure he doesn’t
get off so easily.
Lucifer: How so?
Xylen: Like this; he doesn’t need all those skill points does he? Can’t get
anywhere without skills nowadays right?
Lucifer: Fine, carry on then I have better things to do.
Xylen: Great. This’ll be fun I need skills to be promoted anyway and why
should I work for them?
Xylen: Feeling a little drained there boy? Well don’t get any ideas about running
cuz I still got four more shots in this thing and I’m gonna use them.
Peter: Do your worst; I can take it. You can’t possibly make me feel worse than I
already do.
Xylen: Sounds like a challenge, I accept.
Lucifer: She’s in there, alive-ish just as I said she was.
Peter: Jane?
Jane: Peter? What are you doing here? You shouldn’t be here!
Peter: I couldn’t leave you here, why didn’t you call me? Where were you?
Jane: My phone was destroyed in the crash, I must have blacked out or something
because the next thing I knew I was here. But why are you here? You have a lift to do, the
world and the people are counting on you to end it all.
Peter: I don’t care about them I just want you safe at home…and I’m not going to do it.
You are more important to me.
Jane: You’re being selfish! I won’t be the reason you quit and throw away everything your family’s done
over the generations. This is your destiny!
Peter: Yes I am selfish, I want you to be with me! I love you.
Jane: You listen to me Peter Angel; you will get out of here and finish that lift. Save the world and
everyone in it, as well as everyone yet to come; isn’t that what you told me that night on the beach in
Twikki Island when you proposed?
Peter: Jane…I—I can’t let you stay trapped here…I need you to help me bring new people into the
world, isn’t that what you wanted? To graduate three kids from college?
Xylen: I knew you’d flake; you see boss this is why you can’t trust a goody-good.
Lucifer: Hmm, so it would seem. Plan B then.
Xylen: Ah yea; Plan B. Plan B for Badass.
Peter: What’s Plan B?
Xylen: B for Banishment! See you like never…let’s see how like you Purgatory
pretty boy.
Jane: The stupid…selfish…why didn’t he leave when he had the chance?
Xylen: Love makes you stupid; it’s one reason why I loathe it. Enjoy your
eternal undeath in that cage.
Xylen: I love being bad. It’s awesome.
“Next time, think before you act. Rescuing someone from Purgatory is not easy.
You’re lucky I still know friends in high places Peter.”
Peter: I’m sorry…I was just frustrated. Was everyone really that scared?
Castiel: Your mother was, she was bereft and beside herself. And your father blamed
himself. But that doesn’t matter now; we’re ready for whatever kind of retribution
Lucifer has planned for it. I’m glad I get the chance to meet my final heir, I never thought
I would.
Peter: I met your mother; I didn’t even know you had one still alive.
Castiel: She was a Fallen Angel and I was sure she was dead too, little did I know that I
was going to be the one who’d soon be dead. I met her in Heaven, she had re-ascended
after I was killed. I also met my father for the first time too.
Peter: So what do we do now? How are we going to beat Lucifer?
Castiel: There is a plan; don’t worry.
Peter: And what part do I play in it? Do I have like angel powers or something that I don’t know about?
Castiel: You are the embodiment of six generations of lineage; the only thing we need from you is that
you stay alive.
Peter: Is this because I ran off on my own? Am I being punished for that?
Castiel: Yes and no; yes you did run off and ended up in Purgatory because of it and no you are not
being punished for trying to save the one you love.
Peter: So…what then?
Castiel: You are the heir, the last lift still needs to be done. We can’t let you go out there
and get in the line of fire. You are staying in here while we deal with Lucifer. In other
words, you’re being grounded young man.
Peter: You have been a father too long…
Castiel: Longer than you know.
Castiel: Man it feels good to say that again after so long.
Mimete: Once a Family sim, always a Family sim. I’m staying in here too Peter
it will give us a chance to talk and get to know each other.
Peter: Seems I’ve been outvoted…
Eirene: Just to be safe, everyone who isn’t a witch or warlock will not be getting
hurt tonight if I can help it.
Xylen: Oh please, what can you do? There’s no legacy here, no power for you
to draw on…
Eirene: Like you, you evil green bastard, I have amassed new powers in this
Castiel: I’ll give Eirene credit; that is one powerful spell. Even I couldn’t pull that
off. At least Peter won’t be hurt, I had no idea Lucifer could still use his
Archangel powers despite my wards on here.
Eirene’s spell would keep everyone else safe for a time until she could take care of Xylen
once and for all. The time freeze will prevent anyone who isn’t magically inclined from
drawing power. It would even prevent others like Danava from using it on Cain.
Eirene: Here we are once again, a face off. I have help this time from the
Archangels as well as Dalen and Reias; through Solan.
Xylen: What makes you think it will be so easy?
Eirene: I have faith; faith in my family, friends and the entire world who does
not want your evil here anymore.
Solan: Three of us standing as one; another Triad of Power is complete. Chaos,
this time there will be no coming back for you.
Eirene: Hidden City, Angel’s Haven and Elvendia are all represented here.
Back into the darkness you go!
Castiel: Never mess with the powers of the angels.
Solan: Any last words?
Xylen: You may be able to best me but you’ll never best the Devil! In case you
have forgotten, Lucifer is also an Archangel. And an Archangel can never be
killed unless it’s by another Archangel. Enjoy your short-lived victory--
Xylen: It…won’t…last…
Eirene: You don’t think he’s right do you?
Castiel: He is right about Lucifer; he was an Archangel and still is no matter how twisted
and corrupted he’s become down in Hell. Wouldn’t you agree, dad?
Kaze: You can’t kill him, but you can make sure he’ll never escape again…you know
what I mean don’t you my son?
Castiel: I do.
Eirene: Care to enlighten the rest of us?
Castiel: We can trap him, in his own dimension where he can never escape. Only Michael
and Raphael can do it since they are the strongest Archangels. But until you release you
Tempus spell, they will stay frozen.
Eirene: As soon as I do that, Danava and Lilith will make chow Mein out of Cain and Cori.
There has to be something else I can do.
Castiel: There is; trust them. I am trusting you, a foreigner with the fate of my own family
lineage. We helped to defeat your enemy, now let us defeat our own.
Eirene: Very well…I will release the spell.
Michael: --can’t you stay where we put you!
Peter: What?
Michael: What? What happened?
Peter: I think Eirene stopped time on us.
Dalen: Aww man what did I miss? I wanted to beat on Xylen too. What fun is it
being the God of War without an awesome little smack down every now and
then huh?
Fricorith: Really, you never change do you? There’s still three more enemies to
get rid of here in case you forgot.
Dalen: Excellent.
Fricorith: *sigh* Gods will be gods after all…
Danava: Ooh, look at me shaking in my stylish thigh-high boots. Do you really
think Cain can stop me? I am his Sire after all.
Fricorith: Who said he’d be doing it alone?
Danava: Oh really? And what are you going to do about it?
Fricorith: I’ve been a vampire longer than you and I’m faster that you think.
Danava: ARGH!! Get off me!!
Fricorith: Are you sure you can do this Cain?
Cain: I’ve waited decades to do this…
Cain: There’s plenty of wooden stakes here on the ground to use, it was a great
place to hold a final battle after all. Lots of pointy sticks and trees.
Danava: I made you!!
Cain: Oh yes, you did make me…you made me very angry. Now it’s payback
time, bitch.
Fricorith: Isn’t she supposed to go poof or something?
Cain: Whatever; I don’t care. She’s down and staying down. I’m free of her
control forever. I already feel her hold waning on me. She’s definitely gone.
Fricorith: I’ll take your word for it.
Lucifer: Lousy minions, can’t count on them for anything. Well brothers, now that it’s just
us what say we kiss and make up?
Michael: This has been coming, you knew that brother.
Raphael: You really thought you could ruin Holy Father’s world and get away with it?
Lucifer: Well, yes actually I did. A little thing called free will, it’s troublesome don’t you
Michael: You will be punished for this, I will make sure you never escape again.
Lucifer: You know as well as I that you can never truly be rid of me, I am everywhere and
in every living thing on this planet.
Michael: Oh yes, I know that well but you don’t seem to realize that there will always be
others who will fight that darkness.
Raphael: And we tend to win these things. So where you are going, there will be
no one to manipulate, use, or control. Purgatory will seem like a paradise
compared to the place you are headed.
Lucifer: You always did like to yap little bro…I was hoping you’d grow out of it
but it seems I was disappointed.
Lucifer: The two of you alone, where’s the other two huh? Shouldn’t they be
here as well? I would so hate to miss saying good bye to good ole Gabe and the
other one…she’s not important enough really.
Michael: Oh we aren’t alone.
Lucifer: What?
Lucifer: But she’s not even one of us!!
Eirene: All you need is three, no one ever said it had to be three of the same did
Raphael: So long brother. It has been a real displeasure having you around.
Eirene: Err, sorry my trajectory was a little off there…
Raphael: I am sure the mountain will forgive you.
Michael: Nice work.
Eirene: Thank you for the help, I know he was too strong for me alone, even as a
Peace Goddess.
Raphael: He brought it on himself, there is no need to thank us. In fact I should say
we could not have done it without you.
Cain: Three down, one to go.
Lilith: Indeed.
Cain: You have a choice; we can either all kill you at once, or you can join your
boss in banishment. What will it be?
Lilith: Oh gee, is that all I get to choose from? What, no Queen of Hell third
option? There’s a vacancy now.
Cain: Time’s wasting; what’s it going to be?
Lilith: You know, you’d make a great King, what say you and I knock boots
Cain: I have no time for this stalling, choose your fate or it will be chosen for you.
Lilith: Well since you asked so nicely…I’d rather not die so send me away.
Cain: A wise decision; take the trash with you though okay?
Cain: I can’t believe this is all over…I feel like I have been stuck in a horrible nightmare forever.
Castiel: My poor baby boy; how I missed you so much. I never got to see you grow up and have a son
of your own, and I hate that you had to watch us die when you were still so young.
Cain: Eve and Adam took care of me, they would have made you and mom proud of them.
Castiel: I am proud of them Cain, very, very proud. You turned out better than I could have hoped
under their care.
Cain: Daddy…
Castiel: My son…my precious baby boy. I missed you so much.
Cain: Do you really have to go?
Castiel: That’s not up to me. And how I wish it were. I want to meet my
Castiel: I wish so much it was up to me…
Cain: Who does decide?
Castiel: I don’t know.
Jane: Mmph!!
Peter: Jane, you’re free!!
Jane: Yes well the guards they left on me took off after Lucifer and Lilith were
banished. So I used the chance it gave me to get away.
Peter: Do we need to hunt them down? Did they hurt you?
Jane: Iblis and Curare were far more concerned with saving their own asses
rather than risking wrath from the angels. I doubt they’ll be coming back any
time soon. And besides, you have something to do right?
Peter: Yes…about that, I need to rebuild my skills they were stolen from me.
Jane: Well don’t let me stop you then.
Peter: In a moment, I want to savour this a little longer.
Theresa: Welcome home dear. My you are a pretty one aren’t you?
Jane: Oh I’ve heard of you! Did anyone ever thank you for bringing Entertainment back?
Theresa: No, but I don’t expect any thanks. I did what I had to do.
Jane: Well thank you anyway.
Theresa: Take this Vamprocillan as a welcome to the family gift. I made it for
you once I found out what happened.
Jane: I—I don’t know what to say, thank you.
Theresa: No need dear, you make my grandson happy. It’s the least I can do for
you in return.
Jane: I would hate to miss out on a good tan because of burny death and all so
down the hatch.
ACK!! EEK!!! OOK!! Burny death anyway!!
Jane: But having a pulse and heartbeat again that is worth avoiding the burny
Agnes: So now what? Do we have to stick around until you get back those skill points? My
work is done here.
Peter: No one said you had to stay, you just can’t have a wedding party until I lift Slacker.
But don’t let that stop you.
Agnes: Trevor won’t like it, he wanted a whole party but I’m good with just getting out of
Agnes needed no further debate, she was out of the house like a flash and headed right over to
Trevor’s place. Trevor Zarubin, he was a perma-plat Knowledge sim and so were his five siblings.
They had amassed a lot of money between the six of them and Agnes even brought her own
substantial $200 000 dowry with her when she moved in. I suppose when you have over two million
already, a mere two hundred large is peanuts.
Trevor is one of the six Tricou orphans in case you forgot, you know the one you think is cute with
his green shades and puffy vest and then you find out he gets hideous when you send him to
Next was Luke who couldn’t wait to get out and be with his red headed goddess. He too
brought two hundred grand with him so Kaylynn was able to finish the house with his
contribution. Hence why it’s all ugly and grey…two down, four to go.
And then John who left to be with his lovely corporate shark Lauren Lajoie. She
purchased the Grand Estate, that house that came with AL. Of course I tore the whole
thing down and rebuilt it because…reasons. *nods*
That leaves three, Mel’s alien twins Apollo and Artemis who were able to by pass the
whole lagging main Angel estate and mooch—I mean move in with Esther, Leah, and
Rachel. So they got none of the family money…but what about Artemis’s fiancé? The
one who turned out to be an agent of Lucifer? Remember him?
Chaos: So bro, we’ve been outed as agents of evil…and yet we’re still alive. What gives?
Anarchy: You really going to look a gift horse in the mouth? I say count your lucky stars
we weren’t smited after the boss man got the boot.
Chaos: Uhh, right, yeah we were just innocent victims of circumstance after all…hehe.
Anarchy: Well I get to escape unscathed but you still have to get married remember?
Chaos: Damn…I forgot. Do you think they’ll kill me instead?
Anarchy: Don’t know; but marriage…eugh a Romancer’s worst nightmare.
Chaos: I’m Pleasure. I really don’t care man. As long as I get my piddly little wants I could
care less.
Chaos: Besides, I’m gorgeous. Who said I had honour the part of…honour in a
marriage anyway? It’s not like she will. Like you said, marriage is a Romancer’s
worst nightmare, Art is Romance.
Anarchy: You do have a point bro. Have fun in your infidelity.
Chaos: Oh I plan to…
Chaos: Hey babe, like my sweet pad?
Artemis: Yeah…it’s um…brown and stuff. Do you have a hot tub?
Chaos: I can get one with your cash.
Artemis: Let’s just do this while I don’t fear it k?
Chaos: Same here; half Romance remember?
Artemis: How did you afford this place again? My doohickey says you’re rich.
Chaos: Ask me no questions and I will tell you no lies baby.
Artemis: Works for me.
Chaos: And try to keep the parade of guys out of my sight okay?
Artemis: I make no promises.
Chaos: Just one favour first, I got this want I’d like to get rid of…
Artemis: I won’t say no to that, you are hot for a lying demon scumbag.
Chaos: It was never proven in a court of law.
Artemis: Sure thing, you go with that.
And then there was one…
Peter: I can’t give you the wedding party you deserve Jane I haven’t lifted Slacker
yet but I don’t care I just want to marry you. And everyone has Mondays off so
now is as good a time as any.
Jane: I know, I’m happy however I end up marrying you, party or not.
Peter: If I’m with you I know I can go out there and finish this Apocalypse, the world is
waiting and I think a huge party would definitely make everyone happy.
Jane: I will get back that Bone Phone for you too, I want to help.
Peter: I love you Jane Stacks.
Jane: And I love you Peter Angel.
Hannah: Our little boy…he looks so handsome. *sniffles*
Meleager: I can hardly believe this is nearly all over.
Hannah: He deserves this most of all.
Theresa: And a wedding wouldn’t be complete without crashers, right Anya?
Anya: Ja, ve have been vaiting for the end too you know. All our vork is finally
Shea: I wish we could have had all our children here for this.
Anne: I’m here daddy.
Shea: Yes I know Annie, why couldn’t you bring your sisters too hmm?
Anne: Sorry daddy…I just wanted to see you guys. And I miss the house.
The final generation couple is now official, all that’s left is one lift and some minor
housekeeping. I know another pair who could really use a happy ending.
Meleager: Perma-plat feels nice.
Hannah: I know, it does doesn’t it? So glad you can join the rest of us.
Meleager: Yes, I was beginning to feel left out.
Peter: It all comes down to this, the final lift. Then the Apocalypse is finally
over. We can get on with our lives.
Eirene: We need this, we’ve been waiting so long.
Fricorith: I know, now that Xylen is dead we can finally go home to Hidden City. I do
actually miss that place believe it or not.
Eirene: I believe it; and I’ll follow you anywhere Cori. But we shouldn’t make our sons
come with us, we’ll give them a choice.
Fricorith: I was thinking the same thing.
Fricorith: Money helps too, there seems to be a lot these floating things around
here lately.
Eirene: Well when you have nothing to spend it on, it tends to accumulate
Fricorith: Now what do we do with it all?
Eirene: Let’s worry about that later.
Theia: They grow up so fast don’t they?
Lycaon: Yes grandma, they do.
Theia: You look beautiful baby.
Selene: Thanks mom, we can shop and change hair now right?
Theia: Yes dear, you can go out after school and get some new clothes.
Peter: FINALLY!! If I ever have to see another camera again it’ll be too soon.
And with that, the Apocalypse is over!! Finito! Ferme! I am done!! Twenty-eight months and
fourteen days this took me; thirty lifts, deaths, births, triumphs and defeats, it’s all worth it. Now
they can have parties, take vacation days, maternity leave and get their jobs back if they lose them.
Slacker is done!!
Heaven and Nature sing, heaven and nature sing!! The darkness is finally over!!
Thanks for sticking with me throughout guys, it means a lot.

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Where Angels Fear to Tread: Episode 26

  • 1.
  • 2. Last time Peter was riding high off the fact that he was the last heir and the one who would end the Apocalypse forever. He was getting married, he had a high ranking position in the Slacker field. One more promotion and everyone could have vacation days and maternity leave again, as well as miss a day of work and still have a job to go back to. And best of all, he could have a wedding party. No one had been able to have parties since the world fell apart and as he lifts the final restriction everyone would have plenty to celebrate… But things rarely go as planned and Lucifer is making his final moves.
  • 3. Agnes: One more Charisma point and no man will be able to resist me on the Dance floor. Just call me Agnes Angel, the Dancing Queen! I was so born for this. Then I can get to what I really want, to be Education Minister and you can bet that dancing will be a class requirement.
  • 4. Luke: Perfect, it seems Joey the Comb is having issues with his subordinates and he’s made a few “vacancies” in his operations. I’ll never be able to look at Haven Lake the same again…at least until I topple his empire from within, then he can be the one swimming with the fishes…hehe. Oh but I probably should turn him over to Great Uncle Steve first…you know him being Captain Hero and all. I’m too nice for this Criminal stuff.
  • 5. John: First thing I’m going to do as a Media Magnate is make a movie of our family’s mission. I’ll have connections and Aunt Mary said she knows some good actors to play our family founder Castiel and his wife Mimete. And then we’ll have an Oscar party when we win Best Picture. Peter: I have to get the parties back first, and I need to convince some people about the benefits of social gatherings and paid time off.
  • 6. John: How long do we have to share a car? It would look bad on me if my Criminal older brother is with me. Luke: Just for now; then our schedules change. I won’t tell anyone I’m a Smuggler and you won’t tell your gossip magazine that I am either. John: Being a Magazine Editor is hard work…so many people to order around gets tiring. It’ll be great when I’m a Hall of Famer and then they’ll be ordering people around to get me in for an interview, that’ll be sweet.
  • 7. Car Pool Komei: Didn’t I see you on Dancing with the Zombies? Agnes: Oh please I was the best they had, all the other so called contestants did was shuffle around and fall apart. I even heard one tried to eat the judges’ brains. Thankfully we have a large vampire population to deal with that. Now no more questions, take me to the Flamenco Hall, I need to wow them with my awesome skills.
  • 8. Ani-Mei: Peter, I’ve been looking for you. Peter: Who are you again? Ani-Mei: An Archangel, and Castiel’s mother. Something is wrong…we can all feel it. Why aren’t you off to work like your siblings? Peter: I have four days off, don’t work till Tuesday. And what is wrong?
  • 9. Ani-Mei: Without someone in the Paranormal field we can only get second hand information; Lucifer is making his move and we fear that he may already have. Peter: I don’t understand… Ani-Mei: Have you ever felt or heard things your other siblings didn’t? Seen things they can’t? Peter: Umm…
  • 10. Peter: There’s that black fortress thing again…I can see it clearly now. Selene: Where? What can you see Peter? Peter: What? Agnes: I didn’t say anything. Peter: I heard you, you said it’s time. Agnes: Did not; you’re weird, why couldn’t I have had a normal twin?
  • 11. Ani-Mei: Then we were right, Lucifer has been making moves for longer than we had thought. Do you still hear and see things now? Peter: It stopped in college and after that vacation to Twikki Island. Maybe the hold was broken when I grew up. Why? What does it mean? Ani-Mei: Have you heard from Jane? Peter: Jane? No…I mean she was a semester behind me in college…oh no does he have her? Ani-Mei: We don’t know, give us some time to look into it and don’t do anything crazy until we do.
  • 12. Peter’s siblings had no trouble getting the last promotions needed, college really gives you a huge jump up the ladder, they all started on level 9. Luke came home triumphant; after toppling the empire run by Joey the Comb on a technicality of non-payment of his taxes, he rose to the top and took over. And he scrapped the protection payments on everything as well as allowing custom merchandise to be made again. Not that it mattered any with the two million plus they have in their bank account that’s been building up for six generations…but now everyone can have their peace of mind back without fearing mob retribution for not paying their protection money.
  • 13. John, now the one and only Media Magnate of Angel’s Haven (the one who matters the most, no offence Lycaon) has done away with the Journalism restrictions of only being able to take the first job in the paper and allowing move-outs. Again, because of Gamer and Science already being done it didn’t really matter. John: Hey!! I didn’t waste my life doing a redundant lift for nothing. I am a Media Mogul now that’s awesome enough.
  • 14. Agnes, of course, blew all the judges away with her mad skillz as a Flamenco Master and is now a World Class Ballet Dancer. Everyone can dance again, which is awesome because it means I no longer have to cancel smustling and slap dancing. One reason why I never bought stereos for them. *cough* And of course use the Dance Sphere as well. Agnes: One, two *air punch* I am just that awesome. Now I can work on being Education Minister and make dancing mandatory if they want to graduate.
  • 15. But despite the successes of the Angel siblings there is still one more lift to do. And Peter is not one to just sit around on his hands if the woman he loves is in possible danger... Cain: I’m just saying, I know Peter. He won’t sit by if he thinks Jane is in danger. He will do something stupid and we have to stop him…if he dies the Apocalypse dies with him. Lucifer will have no trouble taking back everything my family’s done. Saturn: How though? I mean once a lift is done, doesn’t it stay done?
  • 16. Cain: The lifts done by my parents, siblings, my nephew and his wife will remain but Lucifer only needs to kill off the remaining members of the family to make everything undone since my sister and husband died. I’m the last of my generation so taking me out would make everyone else vulnerable. And since Peter has to do Slacker, if they are killed off then they can’t take those jobs again, my niece is too old; her daughter Hope is no longer an Angel, and Caryl is not blood related to us. We would lose the lift she did.
  • 17. Solan: So we have to deal with Lucifer; and since he’s working with our family’s enemy Xylen that’s not going to be easy. Xylen took ten generations and three alien powers to finally go down back in Hidden City. I don’t even know what kind of new power he’s amassed since being here. Diamos: While I don’t regret passing my power to Eirene, I do regret that I won’t be able to help you take the enemy down this time. Cain: And Saturn, I want you to stay here with Dee. I don’t want you anywhere near the battle zone.
  • 18. Saturn: But dad, I can help! I’m a warlock too. Cain: That’s not it Saturn; you are my son and still an Angel so you’re part of generation three. If Lucifer wins and takes out everyone else, you can still carry on. You can take over the lifts with your family descendants. In essence, you’d become the new founder. You are the back up plan if everything goes pear shaped. Fricorith: So what can we do to help? It’s my grandson who’s the target.
  • 19. Diamos: You will have to go with Cain; it’s likely that in a show down, Lucifer will bring Danava. And since Danava is his Sire you’ll have to be there in case she tries to control him. You’re the only other vampire here who’s strong enough to take on a Sire. Fricorith: And what about Xylen? He used me to come here to Angel’s Haven, it’s my fault. I can’t let that go. Diamos: We will deal with him later, right now it’s Lucifer we need to worry about.
  • 20. Peter: So you’re my grandfather? How come I’ve never seen you until now? Fricorith: I’m a vampire; I have only 12 hours a day of darkness where I can be out without dying. I am sorry I never came to see you; I regret that. I had to do what I could to protect you from the ones who want to kill you. Peter: Does that extend to Jane too? Doesn’t she deserve protecting too?
  • 21. Fricorith: Of course she does, but we don’t even know if Lucifer has her. Until we know for sure, you are the primary concern. Peter: I called her roommates Allegra and Martin, they said she has graduated already. They weren’t there to see her off since they had classes but if she’s already graduated, then where the hell is she? She would call me and tell me if she had found a place. She wouldn’t leave me to worry about her like this.
  • 22. Fricorith: Alright, I see your point. But going off half-cocked is not going to help her. Just let us protect you; we’ve dealt with evil before and we know what to do about it. Peter: Then if you’ve dealt with evil before, why is it that that same evil is still here now? I hear things you know. Fricorith: It’s complicated…
  • 23. Peter: Do I look like an idiot to you? Is it tattooed on my forehead? You want to protect me but you won’t even tell me how. I have three Nice points blondie and I rarely have to use them but you’re sorely testing my patience. Fricorith: Yes you get that from me; alright I’ll tell you this. If you go out there and die because you have to play the hero then everything over the last four generations will be wiped out; you will undo everything because you can’t stop to think clearly. And I’ll be damned if one of my bloodline is going to screw things up when we’re so close to the end.
  • 24. Peter: Well when you put it like that…it still pisses me off. You want to help? Bite me and make me like you so I can go out and play hero. Fricorith: No. I won’t bite you. I will not inflict this curse on anyone. Peter: Then what the hell good are you?! That’s the woman I love out there! Do you even know what that’s like? Fricorith: I do; more than you know. I can’t tell you how many times I wanted to go after Xylen myself so Eirene didn’t have to; it was killing me being unable to help her fight the one who brought me back from the dead. But I trusted her to know what to do, and it worked out for the best. It allowed you and your siblings to be born.
  • 25. Cain: I get it, really I do Peter. But you need to chill out, we have a plan. We will deal with Lucifer and get Jane back. You just have to trust us, please. Peter: Alright fine…but I’ll be watching you guys. Cain: Thank you. My only regret is that you didn’t come to us sooner when you first started having problems. We’re family Peter; we help each other. Peter: Well what’s done is done right?
  • 26. Fricorith: Thanks for the assist; I was getting nowhere with him. Cain: Peter is just that way sometimes. Fricorith: He’s definitely a Reed then, I see Virgil’s good temperament still lives on in him. Cain: Hmm, I remember you telling me about him.
  • 27. He may be a lot more like Virgil than they realized… Xylen: Well, well isn’t this sweet? He came to us like a little lost dog. Can I torture him a bit first? Lucifer: Well, I suppose just don’t wipe his mind like you did to Adam; I need it intact. Xylen: Sweet, this is gonna be fun…I’ve been waiting years to get back at that blond bitch who killed me.
  • 28. Xylen: Huh, well that’s disappointing; he should be burning right now but he’s just glowing like a fucking firefly…the hell? Lucifer: You seriously thought that an Inflammo spell would burn a descendant of an Archangel? Don’t you know anything? Xylen: You could have said something… Lucifer: And ruin my chance to see you fail? Why would I do that?
  • 29. Lucifer: THIS is how you deal with a descendant of an Archangel. Now while you’re just stuck there, listen up boy. You have been a good pawn, but now it’s time to be sacrificed. I don’t want to see my Apocalypse end and you are going to make that happen; so you have a choice, obey me or I snap your neck like a twig then go after everyone else you love and care about. Peter: Where is Jane!? What did you do to her?
  • 30. Lucifer: I’ll start with her now here’s your only option, abdicate your position as heir. If you don’t do that lift then my Apocalypse doesn’t end and since it’s such a crucial one, no one else can take their jobs back. And if everyone is dead, my mind is content. There are no more Angel spawn left to pick up the pieces. Peter: Just tell me one thing; did you kill Jane? Lucifer: Well…in manner of speaking…
  • 31. Lucifer: My associate Danava gets a bit peckish and when the poor, helpless little Jane happened across my fortress we took her in, gave her shelter and food; hell we even gave her a nice outfit to wear. After all the bloodied and dirtied rags she arrived in were unsuitable. Freak storms just happen around here when you come down off that big hill…and well the cabbie wasn’t so lucky when he plunged off the road into Haven Lake so…
  • 32. Peter: So you did kill her… Lucifer: Please, if I did that then how would I ever make sure you agree to my condition? She’s still alive, in some manner of speaking, and here in my fortress. And if you be a good boy she’ll stay that way, and I do sincerely hope you are going to be a good boy, I would hate for your precious Jane to suddenly find herself teleported into my courtyard at 6:59 am…
  • 33. Lucifer: And I hate cleaning up ashes; they get everywhere you know what I mean? Why do you think I wear black all the time? Peter: I want to see her, let me see she’s unharmed and I’ll do whatever you say. Lucifer: Well you’ll have to wait till sundown. Peter: Fine; let me down and I’ll stay.
  • 34. Lucifer: There’s a good boy; I knew you’d see things my way. Xylen: Umm boss? Can I just interject here for a moment? Who’s to say this kid doesn’t have some sort of plan to betray you? Let me make sure he doesn’t get off so easily. Lucifer: How so?
  • 35. Xylen: Like this; he doesn’t need all those skill points does he? Can’t get anywhere without skills nowadays right? Lucifer: Fine, carry on then I have better things to do. Xylen: Great. This’ll be fun I need skills to be promoted anyway and why should I work for them?
  • 36. Xylen: Feeling a little drained there boy? Well don’t get any ideas about running cuz I still got four more shots in this thing and I’m gonna use them. Peter: Do your worst; I can take it. You can’t possibly make me feel worse than I already do. Xylen: Sounds like a challenge, I accept.
  • 37. Lucifer: She’s in there, alive-ish just as I said she was. Peter: Jane? Jane: Peter? What are you doing here? You shouldn’t be here!
  • 38. Peter: I couldn’t leave you here, why didn’t you call me? Where were you? Jane: My phone was destroyed in the crash, I must have blacked out or something because the next thing I knew I was here. But why are you here? You have a lift to do, the world and the people are counting on you to end it all. Peter: I don’t care about them I just want you safe at home…and I’m not going to do it. You are more important to me.
  • 39. Jane: You’re being selfish! I won’t be the reason you quit and throw away everything your family’s done over the generations. This is your destiny! Peter: Yes I am selfish, I want you to be with me! I love you. Jane: You listen to me Peter Angel; you will get out of here and finish that lift. Save the world and everyone in it, as well as everyone yet to come; isn’t that what you told me that night on the beach in Twikki Island when you proposed? Peter: Jane…I—I can’t let you stay trapped here…I need you to help me bring new people into the world, isn’t that what you wanted? To graduate three kids from college?
  • 40. Xylen: I knew you’d flake; you see boss this is why you can’t trust a goody-good. Lucifer: Hmm, so it would seem. Plan B then. Xylen: Ah yea; Plan B. Plan B for Badass. Peter: What’s Plan B?
  • 41. Xylen: B for Banishment! See you like never…let’s see how like you Purgatory pretty boy. Jane: The stupid…selfish…why didn’t he leave when he had the chance? Xylen: Love makes you stupid; it’s one reason why I loathe it. Enjoy your eternal undeath in that cage.
  • 42. Xylen: I love being bad. It’s awesome. ******
  • 43.
  • 44. “Next time, think before you act. Rescuing someone from Purgatory is not easy. You’re lucky I still know friends in high places Peter.”
  • 45. Peter: I’m sorry…I was just frustrated. Was everyone really that scared? Castiel: Your mother was, she was bereft and beside herself. And your father blamed himself. But that doesn’t matter now; we’re ready for whatever kind of retribution Lucifer has planned for it. I’m glad I get the chance to meet my final heir, I never thought I would. Peter: I met your mother; I didn’t even know you had one still alive.
  • 46. Castiel: She was a Fallen Angel and I was sure she was dead too, little did I know that I was going to be the one who’d soon be dead. I met her in Heaven, she had re-ascended after I was killed. I also met my father for the first time too. Peter: So what do we do now? How are we going to beat Lucifer? Castiel: There is a plan; don’t worry.
  • 47. Peter: And what part do I play in it? Do I have like angel powers or something that I don’t know about? Castiel: You are the embodiment of six generations of lineage; the only thing we need from you is that you stay alive. Peter: Is this because I ran off on my own? Am I being punished for that? Castiel: Yes and no; yes you did run off and ended up in Purgatory because of it and no you are not being punished for trying to save the one you love.
  • 48. Peter: So…what then? Castiel: You are the heir, the last lift still needs to be done. We can’t let you go out there and get in the line of fire. You are staying in here while we deal with Lucifer. In other words, you’re being grounded young man. Peter: You have been a father too long… Castiel: Longer than you know.
  • 49. Castiel: Man it feels good to say that again after so long. Mimete: Once a Family sim, always a Family sim. I’m staying in here too Peter it will give us a chance to talk and get to know each other. Peter: Seems I’ve been outvoted…
  • 50. Eirene: Just to be safe, everyone who isn’t a witch or warlock will not be getting hurt tonight if I can help it. Xylen: Oh please, what can you do? There’s no legacy here, no power for you to draw on… Eirene: Like you, you evil green bastard, I have amassed new powers in this land. TEMPUS INTERRUPTUS!!
  • 51. Castiel: I’ll give Eirene credit; that is one powerful spell. Even I couldn’t pull that off. At least Peter won’t be hurt, I had no idea Lucifer could still use his Archangel powers despite my wards on here.
  • 52. Eirene’s spell would keep everyone else safe for a time until she could take care of Xylen once and for all. The time freeze will prevent anyone who isn’t magically inclined from drawing power. It would even prevent others like Danava from using it on Cain.
  • 53. Eirene: Here we are once again, a face off. I have help this time from the Archangels as well as Dalen and Reias; through Solan. Xylen: What makes you think it will be so easy? Eirene: I have faith; faith in my family, friends and the entire world who does not want your evil here anymore.
  • 54. Solan: Three of us standing as one; another Triad of Power is complete. Chaos, this time there will be no coming back for you. Eirene: Hidden City, Angel’s Haven and Elvendia are all represented here. Back into the darkness you go! Castiel: Never mess with the powers of the angels.
  • 55. Solan: Any last words? Xylen: You may be able to best me but you’ll never best the Devil! In case you have forgotten, Lucifer is also an Archangel. And an Archangel can never be killed unless it’s by another Archangel. Enjoy your short-lived victory--
  • 57. Eirene: You don’t think he’s right do you? Castiel: He is right about Lucifer; he was an Archangel and still is no matter how twisted and corrupted he’s become down in Hell. Wouldn’t you agree, dad? Kaze: You can’t kill him, but you can make sure he’ll never escape again…you know what I mean don’t you my son?
  • 58. Castiel: I do. Eirene: Care to enlighten the rest of us? Castiel: We can trap him, in his own dimension where he can never escape. Only Michael and Raphael can do it since they are the strongest Archangels. But until you release you Tempus spell, they will stay frozen.
  • 59. Eirene: As soon as I do that, Danava and Lilith will make chow Mein out of Cain and Cori. There has to be something else I can do. Castiel: There is; trust them. I am trusting you, a foreigner with the fate of my own family lineage. We helped to defeat your enemy, now let us defeat our own. Eirene: Very well…I will release the spell.
  • 60. Michael: --can’t you stay where we put you! Peter: What? Michael: What? What happened? Peter: I think Eirene stopped time on us.
  • 61. Dalen: Aww man what did I miss? I wanted to beat on Xylen too. What fun is it being the God of War without an awesome little smack down every now and then huh?
  • 62. Fricorith: Really, you never change do you? There’s still three more enemies to get rid of here in case you forgot. Dalen: Excellent. Fricorith: *sigh* Gods will be gods after all…
  • 63. Danava: Ooh, look at me shaking in my stylish thigh-high boots. Do you really think Cain can stop me? I am his Sire after all. Fricorith: Who said he’d be doing it alone? Danava: Oh really? And what are you going to do about it?
  • 64. Fricorith: I’ve been a vampire longer than you and I’m faster that you think. Danava: ARGH!! Get off me!! Fricorith: Are you sure you can do this Cain? Cain: I’ve waited decades to do this…
  • 65. Cain: There’s plenty of wooden stakes here on the ground to use, it was a great place to hold a final battle after all. Lots of pointy sticks and trees. Danava: I made you!! Cain: Oh yes, you did make me…you made me very angry. Now it’s payback time, bitch.
  • 66. Fricorith: Isn’t she supposed to go poof or something? Cain: Whatever; I don’t care. She’s down and staying down. I’m free of her control forever. I already feel her hold waning on me. She’s definitely gone. Fricorith: I’ll take your word for it.
  • 67. Lucifer: Lousy minions, can’t count on them for anything. Well brothers, now that it’s just us what say we kiss and make up? Michael: This has been coming, you knew that brother. Raphael: You really thought you could ruin Holy Father’s world and get away with it? Lucifer: Well, yes actually I did. A little thing called free will, it’s troublesome don’t you think?
  • 68. Michael: You will be punished for this, I will make sure you never escape again. Lucifer: You know as well as I that you can never truly be rid of me, I am everywhere and in every living thing on this planet. Michael: Oh yes, I know that well but you don’t seem to realize that there will always be others who will fight that darkness.
  • 69. Raphael: And we tend to win these things. So where you are going, there will be no one to manipulate, use, or control. Purgatory will seem like a paradise compared to the place you are headed. Lucifer: You always did like to yap little bro…I was hoping you’d grow out of it but it seems I was disappointed.
  • 70. Lucifer: The two of you alone, where’s the other two huh? Shouldn’t they be here as well? I would so hate to miss saying good bye to good ole Gabe and the other one…she’s not important enough really. Michael: Oh we aren’t alone. Lucifer: What?
  • 71. Lucifer: But she’s not even one of us!! Eirene: All you need is three, no one ever said it had to be three of the same did they? Raphael: So long brother. It has been a real displeasure having you around.
  • 72. Eirene: Err, sorry my trajectory was a little off there… Raphael: I am sure the mountain will forgive you. Michael: Nice work. Eirene: Thank you for the help, I know he was too strong for me alone, even as a Peace Goddess. Raphael: He brought it on himself, there is no need to thank us. In fact I should say we could not have done it without you.
  • 73. Cain: Three down, one to go. Lilith: Indeed. Cain: You have a choice; we can either all kill you at once, or you can join your boss in banishment. What will it be?
  • 74. Lilith: Oh gee, is that all I get to choose from? What, no Queen of Hell third option? There’s a vacancy now. Cain: Time’s wasting; what’s it going to be? Lilith: You know, you’d make a great King, what say you and I knock boots hmm?
  • 75. Cain: I have no time for this stalling, choose your fate or it will be chosen for you. Lilith: Well since you asked so nicely…I’d rather not die so send me away. Cain: A wise decision; take the trash with you though okay? ******
  • 76.
  • 77. Cain: I can’t believe this is all over…I feel like I have been stuck in a horrible nightmare forever. Castiel: My poor baby boy; how I missed you so much. I never got to see you grow up and have a son of your own, and I hate that you had to watch us die when you were still so young. Cain: Eve and Adam took care of me, they would have made you and mom proud of them. Castiel: I am proud of them Cain, very, very proud. You turned out better than I could have hoped under their care.
  • 78. Cain: Daddy… Castiel: My son…my precious baby boy. I missed you so much. Cain: Do you really have to go? Castiel: That’s not up to me. And how I wish it were. I want to meet my grandson.
  • 79.
  • 80.
  • 81. Castiel: I wish so much it was up to me… Cain: Who does decide? Castiel: I don’t know.
  • 82. Jane: Mmph!! Peter: Jane, you’re free!! Jane: Yes well the guards they left on me took off after Lucifer and Lilith were banished. So I used the chance it gave me to get away.
  • 83. Peter: Do we need to hunt them down? Did they hurt you? Jane: Iblis and Curare were far more concerned with saving their own asses rather than risking wrath from the angels. I doubt they’ll be coming back any time soon. And besides, you have something to do right? Peter: Yes…about that, I need to rebuild my skills they were stolen from me.
  • 84. Jane: Well don’t let me stop you then. Peter: In a moment, I want to savour this a little longer.
  • 85. Theresa: Welcome home dear. My you are a pretty one aren’t you? Jane: Oh I’ve heard of you! Did anyone ever thank you for bringing Entertainment back? Theresa: No, but I don’t expect any thanks. I did what I had to do. Jane: Well thank you anyway.
  • 86. Theresa: Take this Vamprocillan as a welcome to the family gift. I made it for you once I found out what happened. Jane: I—I don’t know what to say, thank you. Theresa: No need dear, you make my grandson happy. It’s the least I can do for you in return.
  • 87. Jane: I would hate to miss out on a good tan because of burny death and all so down the hatch. ACK!! EEK!!! OOK!! Burny death anyway!!
  • 88. Jane: But having a pulse and heartbeat again that is worth avoiding the burny death.
  • 89. Agnes: So now what? Do we have to stick around until you get back those skill points? My work is done here. Peter: No one said you had to stay, you just can’t have a wedding party until I lift Slacker. But don’t let that stop you. Agnes: Trevor won’t like it, he wanted a whole party but I’m good with just getting out of here.
  • 90. Agnes needed no further debate, she was out of the house like a flash and headed right over to Trevor’s place. Trevor Zarubin, he was a perma-plat Knowledge sim and so were his five siblings. They had amassed a lot of money between the six of them and Agnes even brought her own substantial $200 000 dowry with her when she moved in. I suppose when you have over two million already, a mere two hundred large is peanuts. Trevor is one of the six Tricou orphans in case you forgot, you know the one you think is cute with his green shades and puffy vest and then you find out he gets hideous when you send him to college…
  • 91. Next was Luke who couldn’t wait to get out and be with his red headed goddess. He too brought two hundred grand with him so Kaylynn was able to finish the house with his contribution. Hence why it’s all ugly and grey…two down, four to go.
  • 92. And then John who left to be with his lovely corporate shark Lauren Lajoie. She purchased the Grand Estate, that house that came with AL. Of course I tore the whole thing down and rebuilt it because…reasons. *nods*
  • 93. That leaves three, Mel’s alien twins Apollo and Artemis who were able to by pass the whole lagging main Angel estate and mooch—I mean move in with Esther, Leah, and Rachel. So they got none of the family money…but what about Artemis’s fiancé? The one who turned out to be an agent of Lucifer? Remember him?
  • 94. Chaos: So bro, we’ve been outed as agents of evil…and yet we’re still alive. What gives? Anarchy: You really going to look a gift horse in the mouth? I say count your lucky stars we weren’t smited after the boss man got the boot. Chaos: Uhh, right, yeah we were just innocent victims of circumstance after all…hehe.
  • 95. Anarchy: Well I get to escape unscathed but you still have to get married remember? Chaos: Damn…I forgot. Do you think they’ll kill me instead? Anarchy: Don’t know; but marriage…eugh a Romancer’s worst nightmare. Chaos: I’m Pleasure. I really don’t care man. As long as I get my piddly little wants I could care less.
  • 96. Chaos: Besides, I’m gorgeous. Who said I had honour the part of…honour in a marriage anyway? It’s not like she will. Like you said, marriage is a Romancer’s worst nightmare, Art is Romance. Anarchy: You do have a point bro. Have fun in your infidelity. Chaos: Oh I plan to…
  • 97. Chaos: Hey babe, like my sweet pad? Artemis: Yeah…it’s um…brown and stuff. Do you have a hot tub? Chaos: I can get one with your cash. Artemis: Let’s just do this while I don’t fear it k? Chaos: Same here; half Romance remember?
  • 98. Artemis: How did you afford this place again? My doohickey says you’re rich. Chaos: Ask me no questions and I will tell you no lies baby. Artemis: Works for me. Chaos: And try to keep the parade of guys out of my sight okay? Artemis: I make no promises.
  • 99. Chaos: Just one favour first, I got this want I’d like to get rid of… Artemis: I won’t say no to that, you are hot for a lying demon scumbag. Chaos: It was never proven in a court of law. Artemis: Sure thing, you go with that.
  • 100. And then there was one… Peter: I can’t give you the wedding party you deserve Jane I haven’t lifted Slacker yet but I don’t care I just want to marry you. And everyone has Mondays off so now is as good a time as any. Jane: I know, I’m happy however I end up marrying you, party or not.
  • 101. Peter: If I’m with you I know I can go out there and finish this Apocalypse, the world is waiting and I think a huge party would definitely make everyone happy. Jane: I will get back that Bone Phone for you too, I want to help. Peter: I love you Jane Stacks. Jane: And I love you Peter Angel.
  • 102.
  • 103. Hannah: Our little boy…he looks so handsome. *sniffles* Meleager: I can hardly believe this is nearly all over. Hannah: He deserves this most of all.
  • 104. Theresa: And a wedding wouldn’t be complete without crashers, right Anya? Anya: Ja, ve have been vaiting for the end too you know. All our vork is finally done. Shea: I wish we could have had all our children here for this.
  • 105. Anne: I’m here daddy. Shea: Yes I know Annie, why couldn’t you bring your sisters too hmm? Anne: Sorry daddy…I just wanted to see you guys. And I miss the house.
  • 106. The final generation couple is now official, all that’s left is one lift and some minor housekeeping. I know another pair who could really use a happy ending.
  • 107. Meleager: Perma-plat feels nice. Hannah: I know, it does doesn’t it? So glad you can join the rest of us. Meleager: Yes, I was beginning to feel left out.
  • 108. Peter: It all comes down to this, the final lift. Then the Apocalypse is finally over. We can get on with our lives.
  • 109. Eirene: We need this, we’ve been waiting so long. Fricorith: I know, now that Xylen is dead we can finally go home to Hidden City. I do actually miss that place believe it or not. Eirene: I believe it; and I’ll follow you anywhere Cori. But we shouldn’t make our sons come with us, we’ll give them a choice. Fricorith: I was thinking the same thing.
  • 110. Fricorith: Money helps too, there seems to be a lot these floating things around here lately. Eirene: Well when you have nothing to spend it on, it tends to accumulate somewhat. Fricorith: Now what do we do with it all?
  • 111. Eirene: Let’s worry about that later.
  • 112. Theia: They grow up so fast don’t they? Lycaon: Yes grandma, they do. Theia: You look beautiful baby. Selene: Thanks mom, we can shop and change hair now right? Theia: Yes dear, you can go out after school and get some new clothes.
  • 113. Peter: FINALLY!! If I ever have to see another camera again it’ll be too soon. And with that, the Apocalypse is over!! Finito! Ferme! I am done!! Twenty-eight months and fourteen days this took me; thirty lifts, deaths, births, triumphs and defeats, it’s all worth it. Now they can have parties, take vacation days, maternity leave and get their jobs back if they lose them. Slacker is done!! 
  • 114. Heaven and Nature sing, heaven and nature sing!! The darkness is finally over!! Thanks for sticking with me throughout guys, it means a lot. <3