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The Quest for Peace:  Dark Moon Saga 2, Chapter 2.5
Finally, college is coming to a close for generation 6, spouses have been chosen and generation seven is finally in sight. Of course no college experience is complete without the traditional Senior year trip. Also it would be a good chance to make another attempt to bring Icarus back completely from Chaos if he was far enough away from him. If it even had the slightest chance of working, Atlanta wanted to try it. Dione and Darian had already done an amazing job with setting Icarus up with Camilla, Lanta couldn’t be more grateful for her baby sister’s help, she was a gods’ sent for Lanta.
Xenon insisted on taking a picture of their first step in Takemizu Village, even if they weren’t posing for it. He wanted to catch them in a more natural pose anyway. It was great to have everyone here, even if Dione was only still a Junior, there was no way he could have left his baby sister all alone with the dormies while they were off on vacation, that and Atalanta pulled the heiress card and insisted on eight tickets.
Castor: So how do you play this again? Dione: Only outside tiles can be moved, to move an outside tile you have to have at least two sides clear, then only if they are matches. Castor: And then what? Dione: Clear all your tiles to win.
Castor: Okay…I got nothing. Dione: So it’s my go then. Castor: How do you have so many already? Dione: I’m just naturally lucky. 
Dione was also the only one who learned to teleport, the ninja dude wouldn’t stay still long enough for anyone else to learn it. But enough with the BV things, time to get to the real reason why they came all this way…
Icarus: Guys, really you don’t have to follow me everywhere I’m okay, I swear. The kids would insist on following Icarus wherever he went around here, Atalanta said it was to be sure he would stay on the right path to the Light. But Icarus knew they were only following him because they still had their doubts about whether or not Chaos’s power over him was really loosening.  They had to be wary of his changes in mood and attitude in case it was an act, they wanted to be sure he had enough positive power surrounding him to make sure he didn’t relapse; as if he was on drugs or something.
Dade: Do not take offence, big brother. Our sister is only doing what she feels is the correct protective measure,  as we are all guilty in letting you fall so far into the darkness to begin with. Our personal priorities overruled our duties to you as family and that cannot be allowed to happen again. Icarus: You make me sound as if I can’t control myself or make my own decisions. I’m the oldest one here in case you forgot.
Atalanta: We didn’t forget. We know that., and just because you’re the oldest doesn’t mean you have to be right or perfect all the time. We’re a family, we’re supposed to help one another out and we didn’t do that. Icarus: Lanta, please. It was my own stupidity that let me fall under Chaos’s control. My own jealousy. I know that now and I’ve done a lot to make up for that. I don’t hear its voice in my heard anymore, it doesn’t control me any longer. Atalanta: But your eyes are still red, that means it’s not all gone and we have to help you.
After they went out for dinner, the sun started going down and it got colder. They headed back to the hotel where Icarus had hoped to find some peace, but he didn’t get it. As soon as he entered the sauna they found him. Atalanta’s words still rung through his head, if he really was being freed from Chaos why were his eyes still red? He tried to block out the evil voice that kept calling to him, and yelling at him even now half a world away from it. His dreams were constant nightmares of the same red-skinned,  red-eyed form that Chaos had taken on; Lanta was far too smart to be fooled by his words about not hearing the voice anymore, she knew. He was lying, about not hearing the voices anymore but he was truthful about wanting to be free from Chaos, that hadn’t been a lie. Perhaps it was that lying which kept Chaos in his head, he had to stop that.
Pollux: You know cuz, thinking too hard gives you wrinkles. Talk to us man. Icarus: You too huh? Is it tattooed on my forehead somewhere that I can’t see? Or are you all just that annoyingly accurate? Pollux; Naw, just know from the way your brow furrows when you’re thinking too hard about something. I used to see that all the time when were kids. Icarus: Maybe there is something.
Atalanta: You still hear Chaos don’t you? It still talks to you. Icarus sighed; what the hell? They knew already so why continue to lie about it? “Yeah, I do. At night when I try to sleep, it’s there the red skinned demon form it took on for this world. It’s angry Lanta, really angry. I was supposed…”  Atalanta: Supposed to what? If it weren’t for the heat of the sauna evaporating the tear before it fell, he would have cried. Icarus: I was supposed to kill you Atalanta, and deliver your blood to the demon. And once I had done that, Chaos would have used it to kill off the rest of us, it would have won and destroyed the Quest.
Pollux: Whoa…I had no idea that’s what Chaos had been telling you to do. To use you as a genocide weapon… Iolaus: All the more reason to stop Chaos now. If it can get that close to succeeding in destroying the Quest then it has to be extremely powerful. Does mom know that? Icarus: Hell no. And don’t you tell her either, she’s not that young anymore and I don’t want to upset her. I will deal with it and she’ll never have to know.
Iolaus found that hard to accept; how could he not tell their mother that her oldest child was supposed to kill the heiress?  It made him more afraid than ever of Chaos, he thought losing his aunt was bad but this had to be worse. He did however, agree not to tell Pandora what Chaos had ordered Icarus to do because he knew it would be devastating to her to know. But that didn’t ease his discomfort… ******
Though soon enough it was time to head back to campus to finish up their Senior year and finally get on with their lives (and gen.7). Dione would hold down the dorm until she found a suitable replacement for her when she finally graduated in another year. For the older ones there were a few things to take care of first before they could move on, the proper engagements to their respective lovers…
Unfortunately, for Castor his only real choice (and the one he wanted most )was his elderly girlfriend which I had foolishly assumed could be aged down with a genie wish…but no.  But Iolaus made the best choice in finally proposing to Lyssa after making the poor girl wait so long for him to ask. She did give him the means to get Helen back after all.
For Dade he proposed to his long time girlfriend Ariella Heiwana (Japanese for Peace). I created her and a guy with Dee’s genetics in hopes that one of them would be dropped for an heir or spare to get his genes back into the blood line, which I lost in the Mysterious Glitch of 2010. Though she’s blond and not black–haired, the guy has black hair and the same purple eyes as my Dee. I hope for another shot to beat the Dominate Genes of Marsha Bruenig again next generation. Triple-bolter stalk-age is in the future for these two. I’ve seen it.
For Icarus, his time away had made him do some serious thinking.  A true and strong positive force like love was the only sure fire way to completely eliminate Chaos from controlling him. It saved Reias, so surely it would work for him too. And who better than the granddaughter of their family’s guardian? She had godly blood in her from Reias and he had his from Cupid, that combination should produce a powerful anti-curse for his problem.
Icarus: I’m sorry I made you wait so long for this Cammy, but will you marry me? Camilla: Of course!! I love you Icarus. Icarus: And I love you, more than you’ll ever know.
Icarus: I want you to have an amazing wedding, so I’ve been saving my semester grants just for this occasion. Camilla: Oh, but you know daddy is rich and he’s more than willing to pay for everything. You don’t have to worry about it. Icarus: I don’t want to live off your parents, I can provide for you on my own. Camilla: Alright, but can we at least have it at our new place? It’s so pretty and I want to have it there. Icarus: Whatever you want Cammy.
Icarus and Dade, being the oldest two, graduated first in clothing actually appropriate to their personalities. Dade, the buttoned down nerd with the high IQ and Icarus the bad-ass rebel child. However they’ll still be changed. Dade informed the rest that he would be moving back in with Pandora until Atalanta graduates and to get a head start on his career. While Icarus will be moving in with Camilla and her parents. Hopefully, Solan and Ginny will go easy on him, after all this is the first wedding they’ve had the pleasure of attending so far. Dahlia and her girlfriend opted for a low key in house marriage and took over the old Tinker house (before I nuked Bluewater due to scary glitches) And their oldest Nathan and his fiancée have yet to marry…but that’s a whole other concern…
Speaking of other concerns… Psyche stared blankly out of the kitchen window, wishing silently that she would see the familiar platinum blond hair of Aiden coming up the walkway. He didn’t even know he had another daughter, a beautiful little girl that Psyche feared would never know her daddy. Though the how and why of that still plagued her mind, she hadn’t seen Aiden in a long time but when she was born with the same sea-blue eyes as Callisto she knew Althea was his. It seemed unfair that Callisto had her chance to see Aiden and Althea wouldn’t. Her daughter’s impatient cry brought her out her thoughts, this was her day to become a big girl after all.
Althea Jones  Taurus 10/8/3/8/1 Thanks Dalen for plaguing me with mean sims  >_<
Marc Antony jumped on the chance to teach his second granddaughter how to walk, he insisted on it. She was just as smart as her older sister and her mother at that age, looking down into her pretty blue eyes and shining golden locks made him proud. Marc Antony: Good girl Althea, come to grandpa.
Marc Antony: Good girl!! Althea: Girl!! Marc Antony: You are a smart one aren’t you? Althea: Smart!! Me!!
Marc Antony: You did it!!  Great job!! Althea: Me do it!! *giggles* Psyche: Daddy, come dance with us. Althea might want to join. Marc Antony: What do you say? Want to dance with grandpa?  Althea: Dance!! Me!!
The next day, it was as if the Fates had heard her silent wish and granted it. When she saw him outside, she practically ran him down. Psyche: Is it really you? Are you really here? Aiden: Yes, it is. Were you expecting someone else? Psyche: Where were you? Aiden: It’s a long story.
Aiden finally worked up the nerve to see her again, he was going to tell her everything today. Also Shadow insisted he let Psyche know what he planned to do to their daughter, it seemed like she should have a say in what happens to Callisto. He had missed her so much, he knew that he really loved her. She would cry for him at night, he would hear her and only come by when she was asleep to soothe her pain; she never knew he was there at night in her bedroom he would always vanish before dawn. He had seen Althea as well, she was as beautiful as her mother was and she had the same sea-blue eyes as Mokosh. Althea would always know he was there, she would wake whenever he appeared in her room.
“Do you forgive me for being away so long?” She shuddered; his voice wound its way around her heart. It was an incredible feeling, one she had only experienced once; the night they made Callisto. The power in it, the strength of his love overwhelmed her just as it had back then, a real, true love. No other man could make her feel this way there was something powerful about Aiden and being near him always left her breathless. “Of course I do, you’re back now. And I do hope you won’t be leaving me again.” “Never again. I promise.”
Psyche: I—a full god? But how? I’ve never heard of you in the mythology. Aiden: That’s not all. You should know who my parents are. Psyche: Okay… This had to be the hardest part to tell her, how could he tell her his father is one of the gods who had been trying to kill her family off? Aiden: My father is Dalen, the God of War and my mother is Mokosh, Daughter of Poseidon. Psyche: Dalen is your father??!? Aiden: I swear on my life I am nothing like he is, not anymore at least. I’ve changed a lot. Psyche: When were you like him? What do you mean you’ve changed a lot? Aiden: That’s why I’m here, to fix something I did long ago before it gets out of control. I need help with Callisto. Aiden: I need to tell you everything Psyche; it’s long overdue. I know why you feel so strongly when you’re near me; why you think about me day and night. And you should know why that is…Psyche…I’m not a mere mortal man. Psyche: I thought you might be a half god, which would explain why you still look the same after so many years. Aiden: No it’s not that, I’m not a half god…I am a full god.
Explaining what he did to their daughter was very hard for him but instead of shoving him off the bed for it, she actually wanted to help him save her. She knew as well as he did the power Chaos had to take control of someone and the darkness in Callisto was exactly what it needed.  Psyche was willing to help her back, she had been in contact with Pandora and through her she learned how easily Icarus was taken in by Chaos, having that happen to her child terrified her. Saving Callisto was her top priority and with the help of her godly father that would be far easier to accomplish.
After, of course, she took care of another priority she had been sorely missing lately. One that Aiden too had on his list.
When he went back downstairs he found the other little lady he had missed. Althea squirmed out of her grandpa’s arms and toddled over to him. Althea: Daddy come see me? Aiden: Of course I did and mommy too. Someone’s gotten a lot bigger hasn’t she? Althea: Thea did!! I has a birfday!!
Aiden: Yes you did.  I’m sorry I missed it. Althea: S’okay daddy, I has others. Aiden: And I’ll be there for all of them from now on. She grinned; Aiden could already feel her power growing. Like his mother, she had the power of Elemental Water coursing through her veins. It was a power that skipped his generation but was very strongly in place within her. While Althea favoured Mokosh’s powers, it was Callisto who favoured Dalen’s and that was going to be a problem…a big one.
Meanwhile… Solan: And you know that I do want what’s best for my Cammy right? Icarus: Yes, I do. Solan: And you’ll take care of her? Icarus: Solan, come on. You’ve known my whole life, what’s with the third degree?
Solan: I have to play the Overprotective Dad card; you know that. And yes, I do know you very well Icarus which is why I’m trusting you with her. Icarus: Sometimes I have a hard time deciding if you’re being serious or just joshing me. Solan: I can assure you; you would know when I’m being serious and when I joke.
Icarus: Uh yeah…hehe…umm. So where is the wedding going to take place? Solan: Yellow–orange is not your colour Icarus. Icarus: Huh? Solan: Anxiety; overlaid with excitement blends yellow-orange to me Icarus: Oh right, the emotional colour thing you do. Got ya.
Icarus: Okay, so read this colour; I love her and I will do everything and anything I can to make sure she’s well loved and protected. Solan: Ah, white; now there’s a unique colour I don’t see often. Purity and honesty. Icarus: Then you know I am going to be faithful and true as well. Solan: You had better be.
Squee worthiness. Two triple bolt stalkerages in this house. Can you tell who has the maxed Music and Dance enthusiasm here and who doesn’t?
This was cute, he heart-farts her then she heart-farts him…and yes that is a tell tale sign that they’re getting married just in time. Cammy is carrying the first of generation 7. After their date last chapter they both wanted demented purple hearts so I let them, I chanced Try for Baby and there went the lullaby. So yeah…generation 7 is early. Even before the heiress gets her chance to try. *ahem* And now we return you to your regularly scheduled chapter.
It’s in the silences, the words you never say, I see it in your eyes, always starts the same way, It seems like everyone we know is breaking up, Does anybody ever stay in love, anymore?
I promise you from the bottom of my heart, I will love you until death do us part, I promise you as a lover and a friend , I will love you like I never love again, With everything I am…
I see you look at me when you think I’m not aware, You’re searching for clues of just how deep my feelings are, How do you prove the sky is blue, the ocean’s wide? All I know is what I feel when I look into your eyes…
I promise you from the bottom of my heart, I will love you until death do us part, I promise you as a lover and a friend, I will love you like I never love again, With everything I am…
Oh, there are no guarantees, That’s what you always say to me, But late at night I feel the tremble in your touch. But what I’m trying to say to you, I never say to anyone…
I promise you from the bottom of my heart, That I’ll love you until death do us part, I promise you as a lover and a friend, I’ll love you like I never love again, With everything I am…
I promise you from the bottom of my heart, That I’ll love you until death do us part, I promise you as a lover and a friend, I’ll love you like I never love again, With everything I am
You’re everything I am… With everything I am. Song: I Promise You (With Everything I Am) Artists: Backstreet Boys Album: Black and Blue
Bliss looked over at his lover, she still looked as amazing to him now as she did before the kids were born. He regretted that he was never able to give her an amazing wedding like this back then, but just being here for his oldest son on  his special day somewhat made up for his loss. Bliss: This is good for Icarus, having Cammy around and our first grandchild on the way. It will force Chaos out of him forever. Pandora: As if you look like a grandfather.
Bliss: You sound slightly resentful of that. Are you? Pandora: Of course not; I was looking forward to grandchildren. But maybe a bit… Bliss:  I’m sorry Dora, I wish I could have done something to make it easier to love a half god like me, knowing I’d outlive you and our kids, and grandkids… He trailed off, a sudden cold wave of reality smacked him in the face. He would outlive them all…he’d have to watch them all die while he remained eternally young. Suddenly his immortality felt like a curse.
Oblivious to her parents’ conversation, Atalanta took another glass of champagne. Atalanta: I can’t wait for my wedding. Random Townie Chick: And I’ll gate-crash that one too. Solan: Who are you? And why are you on my property? Random Townie Chick: I’m no one, just here for the free booze.
Bliss pulled the new groom away from his lovely bride for a father/son bonding hug. “You take good care of her boy. Promise me that.” Icarus: Not you too dad. I already told Solan I would. Bliss: Just go with it okay? And look after my grandchild while you’re at it. Icarus sighed; “Yes dad. I will.”
Bliss: I only wish I could have given such a wedding to your mother. She deserved one. Icarus: Dad, you’re a half god and you had to take care of great-grandma there was no way you could have done anything different. Bliss: It doesn’t make me feel any less shameful about robbing her of a proper wedding. Icarus: Dad… Bliss shook his head; “Forget about it Icarus; this is your special day. Don’t let me ruin it with laments about the past, this is your future. Go be with your beautiful bride.
Icarus: Thanks dad, I will. Bliss: Good. Take care of her, that son of yours she’s carrying is going to trouble. Icarus: Son? How… oh, right a god thing I  should’ve known. Bliss: Yeah, a son.
Soon enough it was nightfall and the wedding party began to wind down. It was tiring on Camilla being up for so long, the baby was kicking up a storm inside her. Icarus: He sure has some kick going on doesn’t he? Camilla: Yeah, our little soccer star. It’s nice to know it’s a boy you’ll have to thank your dad for that later. Castor: He doesn’t waste any time does he?
 So cute. ^_^ ******
Slight detour to go visit Helen and Goderic’s for another special event. Serena looked around at all her guests; this was the first time she could really remember having so many around. Her mother told her that her toddler birthday had a lot of people come but back then she only cared about the cake and the sugary treat she was about to get. But now it was time to put away childish things like cake and look forward to teenage freedom.
Goderic eyed the cake; “Mhmm, bet that’s gonna be good huh?” Serena: Daddy, please this is a big day for me, time to put away stuff like wanting cake. Goderic: Everyone loves cake. I love cake. Serena: Daaddyy!!! I’m growing up now!
Pollux: MOAR CAEK!! Serena rolled her eyes; brothers. She waited for the tingles to come for her, being a teenager was going to be sweet…
Goderic: YAY!! Go Mini- Girl- Me!! Serena: Cool outfit, though grey makes me look paler than usual.
Serena Reed PO/PL Gemini 0/10/9/8/1 LTW: Be Game Designer Just in case you forgot her stats. Now that I think about it, her stats are nearly identical to original Goderic’s from Lauren’s legacy, though I think he was a little nicer than she is. Her meanness comes from Helen who has only 2 Nice points. Which I find funny since her twin brothers have 8 and 9 Nice points and Drinn had 0, go figure.
And now for the main event; the double wedding of the heiress and her brother Dade at the main legacy homestead. (no song this time, too many pics)
Dade: I seem to be experiencing hyper secretion; it is most unbecoming. Ariella: Relax Dade, it’s alright. Iolaus: What did he say? Atalanta: Oh you’ll get used to Dade, he loves to talk big like that. Iolaus: He sounds like Athena, it makes my head hurt. Atalanta: How about we focus on vows hmm?
Dade: With this ring I promise to love and obey, to care for you in times of sickness and in health and provide for you all that you deserve and require from this day forth. Ariella: That’s so eloquent I only wish I had something to say that was half as good. Dade: You needn’t say nary a word my love, only  “I do.” Ariella: I do.
Atalanta didn’t have something  as elegant like that to say to Iolaus but she did a pretty good job of it on her own. He shared a similar vow to her of his own. In their own way, it was more than enough to share with each other, the simplicity of their vows.
It’s very hard to do a double wedding when they’re both out of sync with one another. Atalanta and Iolaus were too fast for me. Which is why they finished first instead of Dade and Ariella. But at least I can say I did it. My first double wedding with very little glitching. Except  for when I tried to save and the computer decided it wanted to kick me out of the game for no reason, so yeah they got married twice .But my pics survived which is what these are from, the first time I married them. I think it was the freezer clock I used to hold off the darkness so it wouldn’t ruin my colourful shots. Stupid Dade working till 6 pm…
Dade: You got first sister; you are the heiress. Atalanta: Why thank you big brother. Nice vows by the way, very umm; Dadian…yeah that’s a word now. Dade: Why thank you; I do try to be eloquent in reciting the sacred vows of matrimony. Atalanta: Sure. Of course. It’s just not you without ridiculously long and drawn out wording.
One word for this pic: SQUEEE!!  Iolaus and Ariella simultaneously heart-farting their new spouses. Just before the cake is delicately given to Iolaus and crammed into to Ariella’s mouth, Dade is mean in case you forgot, a FBC (first  born clone) of Icarus but Icarus was no cake shover so I don’t understand that.
Dade: *shoves cake in* Ariella: *chokes on cake*
Reias: Congratulations Atalanta, I’m so happy for you. Atalanta: Thank you, me too.  It wouldn’t be the same without you here with me. Reias: I would never miss it; but  I do apologize for missing Icarus’s wedding though. Atalanta: I’m sure he forgives you, after all your son did a good job of imparting godly wisdom on him by himself.
Reias: Honestly Pollux, I don’t know if I can make it your wedding, but I will try. Iolaus: Aren’t you like everywhere already? Reias: Not really. I hate doing that honestly. Pollux: It’s alright if you don’t , I know you got a lot to deal with down there. Ariella: Down where?
Reias: Tartarus, I’m in charge of the Underworld now in my father’s absence. Iolaus: Hades is your father? How? Reias: Have you not told them about me yet you two? Atalanta: I was getting around to it…I swear I was. Dade: It was on our lists to do. Iolaus: What else do we not know? Atalanta: We’ll tell you everything after the weddings okay honey? I promise.
Iolaus: May I have this dance? Atalanta: You may. Iolaus: This was an amazing day; don’t you think so? Atalanta: Yes, it was. But there’s still more to do before the day is done, the night is young…
Iolaus: Well then, let’s not waste another moment of it. Atalanta: You read my mind.
That night two lullabies could be heard ringing lightly throughout the legacy homestead, heralding the imminent arrival of the next members of generation seven.  End of Entry Thirty-Eight.  For more…
Xenon, Castor and Pollux now know the Dragon Legend and all without having to do the tai chi too.  Mainly because for some reason the Old Man kept crying, I don’t know if it was due to low social or a delayed reaction to a legacy or character death but it was kinda sad to watch.
Little zero Outgoing points Xenon is going to be forever stuck with Naked Streaker Alexandra from now on, expect lots of OMG!! Nekkid wife!! From him in the future and probably nekkid finger gunners for generation 7.  I had to tie her down and keep her from running off before he got close enough to talk to her, and she has one of my favourite face templates too, the Meadow Thayer/ RobiCharvat face. I hope that her cute Asian-like nose will somehow kill the Benjamin Long Nose curse Maddie inflicted on them way back in generation 3.
Oh and I do kinda feel bad for neglecting Hope and good old Mr. Big, Aries Tyson in favour of her hotter, more awesome brother. But once I moved them into a place they both promptly rolled up the Have a Baby want so I indulged them; this is Love Tyson. Currently still a baby but I expect her mean as hornets parents will either make her the same or shock the hell out of me with a whole 10 Nice points come toddlerhood. Or she’ll be a clone of Callisto; she had the exact colourings of her cousin save for the ST (skin tone)1 she got from somewhere in between her mom’s custom and dad’s ST 3.
I am quite proud of this, it has to be my most favourite picture of Aiden and Psyche. I heartified it in Photobucket and tinted it in PowerPoint with the rosy pink hue using the picture formatting options. I was going to use them on the picture of Icarus and Solan  and have Icarus glowing white, but I didn’t know how to flip it to Icarus’s side of the picture and well Solan glows enough already on his own. ^_^

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The Quest for Peace Dark Moon Saga 2, Chapter 2.5

  • 1. The Quest for Peace: Dark Moon Saga 2, Chapter 2.5
  • 2. Finally, college is coming to a close for generation 6, spouses have been chosen and generation seven is finally in sight. Of course no college experience is complete without the traditional Senior year trip. Also it would be a good chance to make another attempt to bring Icarus back completely from Chaos if he was far enough away from him. If it even had the slightest chance of working, Atlanta wanted to try it. Dione and Darian had already done an amazing job with setting Icarus up with Camilla, Lanta couldn’t be more grateful for her baby sister’s help, she was a gods’ sent for Lanta.
  • 3. Xenon insisted on taking a picture of their first step in Takemizu Village, even if they weren’t posing for it. He wanted to catch them in a more natural pose anyway. It was great to have everyone here, even if Dione was only still a Junior, there was no way he could have left his baby sister all alone with the dormies while they were off on vacation, that and Atalanta pulled the heiress card and insisted on eight tickets.
  • 4. Castor: So how do you play this again? Dione: Only outside tiles can be moved, to move an outside tile you have to have at least two sides clear, then only if they are matches. Castor: And then what? Dione: Clear all your tiles to win.
  • 5. Castor: Okay…I got nothing. Dione: So it’s my go then. Castor: How do you have so many already? Dione: I’m just naturally lucky. 
  • 6. Dione was also the only one who learned to teleport, the ninja dude wouldn’t stay still long enough for anyone else to learn it. But enough with the BV things, time to get to the real reason why they came all this way…
  • 7. Icarus: Guys, really you don’t have to follow me everywhere I’m okay, I swear. The kids would insist on following Icarus wherever he went around here, Atalanta said it was to be sure he would stay on the right path to the Light. But Icarus knew they were only following him because they still had their doubts about whether or not Chaos’s power over him was really loosening. They had to be wary of his changes in mood and attitude in case it was an act, they wanted to be sure he had enough positive power surrounding him to make sure he didn’t relapse; as if he was on drugs or something.
  • 8. Dade: Do not take offence, big brother. Our sister is only doing what she feels is the correct protective measure, as we are all guilty in letting you fall so far into the darkness to begin with. Our personal priorities overruled our duties to you as family and that cannot be allowed to happen again. Icarus: You make me sound as if I can’t control myself or make my own decisions. I’m the oldest one here in case you forgot.
  • 9. Atalanta: We didn’t forget. We know that., and just because you’re the oldest doesn’t mean you have to be right or perfect all the time. We’re a family, we’re supposed to help one another out and we didn’t do that. Icarus: Lanta, please. It was my own stupidity that let me fall under Chaos’s control. My own jealousy. I know that now and I’ve done a lot to make up for that. I don’t hear its voice in my heard anymore, it doesn’t control me any longer. Atalanta: But your eyes are still red, that means it’s not all gone and we have to help you.
  • 10. After they went out for dinner, the sun started going down and it got colder. They headed back to the hotel where Icarus had hoped to find some peace, but he didn’t get it. As soon as he entered the sauna they found him. Atalanta’s words still rung through his head, if he really was being freed from Chaos why were his eyes still red? He tried to block out the evil voice that kept calling to him, and yelling at him even now half a world away from it. His dreams were constant nightmares of the same red-skinned, red-eyed form that Chaos had taken on; Lanta was far too smart to be fooled by his words about not hearing the voice anymore, she knew. He was lying, about not hearing the voices anymore but he was truthful about wanting to be free from Chaos, that hadn’t been a lie. Perhaps it was that lying which kept Chaos in his head, he had to stop that.
  • 11. Pollux: You know cuz, thinking too hard gives you wrinkles. Talk to us man. Icarus: You too huh? Is it tattooed on my forehead somewhere that I can’t see? Or are you all just that annoyingly accurate? Pollux; Naw, just know from the way your brow furrows when you’re thinking too hard about something. I used to see that all the time when were kids. Icarus: Maybe there is something.
  • 12. Atalanta: You still hear Chaos don’t you? It still talks to you. Icarus sighed; what the hell? They knew already so why continue to lie about it? “Yeah, I do. At night when I try to sleep, it’s there the red skinned demon form it took on for this world. It’s angry Lanta, really angry. I was supposed…” Atalanta: Supposed to what? If it weren’t for the heat of the sauna evaporating the tear before it fell, he would have cried. Icarus: I was supposed to kill you Atalanta, and deliver your blood to the demon. And once I had done that, Chaos would have used it to kill off the rest of us, it would have won and destroyed the Quest.
  • 13. Pollux: Whoa…I had no idea that’s what Chaos had been telling you to do. To use you as a genocide weapon… Iolaus: All the more reason to stop Chaos now. If it can get that close to succeeding in destroying the Quest then it has to be extremely powerful. Does mom know that? Icarus: Hell no. And don’t you tell her either, she’s not that young anymore and I don’t want to upset her. I will deal with it and she’ll never have to know.
  • 14. Iolaus found that hard to accept; how could he not tell their mother that her oldest child was supposed to kill the heiress? It made him more afraid than ever of Chaos, he thought losing his aunt was bad but this had to be worse. He did however, agree not to tell Pandora what Chaos had ordered Icarus to do because he knew it would be devastating to her to know. But that didn’t ease his discomfort… ******
  • 15. Though soon enough it was time to head back to campus to finish up their Senior year and finally get on with their lives (and gen.7). Dione would hold down the dorm until she found a suitable replacement for her when she finally graduated in another year. For the older ones there were a few things to take care of first before they could move on, the proper engagements to their respective lovers…
  • 16. Unfortunately, for Castor his only real choice (and the one he wanted most )was his elderly girlfriend which I had foolishly assumed could be aged down with a genie wish…but no.  But Iolaus made the best choice in finally proposing to Lyssa after making the poor girl wait so long for him to ask. She did give him the means to get Helen back after all.
  • 17. For Dade he proposed to his long time girlfriend Ariella Heiwana (Japanese for Peace). I created her and a guy with Dee’s genetics in hopes that one of them would be dropped for an heir or spare to get his genes back into the blood line, which I lost in the Mysterious Glitch of 2010. Though she’s blond and not black–haired, the guy has black hair and the same purple eyes as my Dee. I hope for another shot to beat the Dominate Genes of Marsha Bruenig again next generation. Triple-bolter stalk-age is in the future for these two. I’ve seen it.
  • 18. For Icarus, his time away had made him do some serious thinking. A true and strong positive force like love was the only sure fire way to completely eliminate Chaos from controlling him. It saved Reias, so surely it would work for him too. And who better than the granddaughter of their family’s guardian? She had godly blood in her from Reias and he had his from Cupid, that combination should produce a powerful anti-curse for his problem.
  • 19. Icarus: I’m sorry I made you wait so long for this Cammy, but will you marry me? Camilla: Of course!! I love you Icarus. Icarus: And I love you, more than you’ll ever know.
  • 20. Icarus: I want you to have an amazing wedding, so I’ve been saving my semester grants just for this occasion. Camilla: Oh, but you know daddy is rich and he’s more than willing to pay for everything. You don’t have to worry about it. Icarus: I don’t want to live off your parents, I can provide for you on my own. Camilla: Alright, but can we at least have it at our new place? It’s so pretty and I want to have it there. Icarus: Whatever you want Cammy.
  • 21. Icarus and Dade, being the oldest two, graduated first in clothing actually appropriate to their personalities. Dade, the buttoned down nerd with the high IQ and Icarus the bad-ass rebel child. However they’ll still be changed. Dade informed the rest that he would be moving back in with Pandora until Atalanta graduates and to get a head start on his career. While Icarus will be moving in with Camilla and her parents. Hopefully, Solan and Ginny will go easy on him, after all this is the first wedding they’ve had the pleasure of attending so far. Dahlia and her girlfriend opted for a low key in house marriage and took over the old Tinker house (before I nuked Bluewater due to scary glitches) And their oldest Nathan and his fiancée have yet to marry…but that’s a whole other concern…
  • 22. Speaking of other concerns… Psyche stared blankly out of the kitchen window, wishing silently that she would see the familiar platinum blond hair of Aiden coming up the walkway. He didn’t even know he had another daughter, a beautiful little girl that Psyche feared would never know her daddy. Though the how and why of that still plagued her mind, she hadn’t seen Aiden in a long time but when she was born with the same sea-blue eyes as Callisto she knew Althea was his. It seemed unfair that Callisto had her chance to see Aiden and Althea wouldn’t. Her daughter’s impatient cry brought her out her thoughts, this was her day to become a big girl after all.
  • 23. Althea Jones Taurus 10/8/3/8/1 Thanks Dalen for plaguing me with mean sims >_<
  • 24. Marc Antony jumped on the chance to teach his second granddaughter how to walk, he insisted on it. She was just as smart as her older sister and her mother at that age, looking down into her pretty blue eyes and shining golden locks made him proud. Marc Antony: Good girl Althea, come to grandpa.
  • 25. Marc Antony: Good girl!! Althea: Girl!! Marc Antony: You are a smart one aren’t you? Althea: Smart!! Me!!
  • 26. Marc Antony: You did it!! Great job!! Althea: Me do it!! *giggles* Psyche: Daddy, come dance with us. Althea might want to join. Marc Antony: What do you say? Want to dance with grandpa? Althea: Dance!! Me!!
  • 27. The next day, it was as if the Fates had heard her silent wish and granted it. When she saw him outside, she practically ran him down. Psyche: Is it really you? Are you really here? Aiden: Yes, it is. Were you expecting someone else? Psyche: Where were you? Aiden: It’s a long story.
  • 28. Aiden finally worked up the nerve to see her again, he was going to tell her everything today. Also Shadow insisted he let Psyche know what he planned to do to their daughter, it seemed like she should have a say in what happens to Callisto. He had missed her so much, he knew that he really loved her. She would cry for him at night, he would hear her and only come by when she was asleep to soothe her pain; she never knew he was there at night in her bedroom he would always vanish before dawn. He had seen Althea as well, she was as beautiful as her mother was and she had the same sea-blue eyes as Mokosh. Althea would always know he was there, she would wake whenever he appeared in her room.
  • 29. “Do you forgive me for being away so long?” She shuddered; his voice wound its way around her heart. It was an incredible feeling, one she had only experienced once; the night they made Callisto. The power in it, the strength of his love overwhelmed her just as it had back then, a real, true love. No other man could make her feel this way there was something powerful about Aiden and being near him always left her breathless. “Of course I do, you’re back now. And I do hope you won’t be leaving me again.” “Never again. I promise.”
  • 30. Psyche: I—a full god? But how? I’ve never heard of you in the mythology. Aiden: That’s not all. You should know who my parents are. Psyche: Okay… This had to be the hardest part to tell her, how could he tell her his father is one of the gods who had been trying to kill her family off? Aiden: My father is Dalen, the God of War and my mother is Mokosh, Daughter of Poseidon. Psyche: Dalen is your father??!? Aiden: I swear on my life I am nothing like he is, not anymore at least. I’ve changed a lot. Psyche: When were you like him? What do you mean you’ve changed a lot? Aiden: That’s why I’m here, to fix something I did long ago before it gets out of control. I need help with Callisto. Aiden: I need to tell you everything Psyche; it’s long overdue. I know why you feel so strongly when you’re near me; why you think about me day and night. And you should know why that is…Psyche…I’m not a mere mortal man. Psyche: I thought you might be a half god, which would explain why you still look the same after so many years. Aiden: No it’s not that, I’m not a half god…I am a full god.
  • 31. Explaining what he did to their daughter was very hard for him but instead of shoving him off the bed for it, she actually wanted to help him save her. She knew as well as he did the power Chaos had to take control of someone and the darkness in Callisto was exactly what it needed. Psyche was willing to help her back, she had been in contact with Pandora and through her she learned how easily Icarus was taken in by Chaos, having that happen to her child terrified her. Saving Callisto was her top priority and with the help of her godly father that would be far easier to accomplish.
  • 32. After, of course, she took care of another priority she had been sorely missing lately. One that Aiden too had on his list.
  • 33. When he went back downstairs he found the other little lady he had missed. Althea squirmed out of her grandpa’s arms and toddled over to him. Althea: Daddy come see me? Aiden: Of course I did and mommy too. Someone’s gotten a lot bigger hasn’t she? Althea: Thea did!! I has a birfday!!
  • 34. Aiden: Yes you did. I’m sorry I missed it. Althea: S’okay daddy, I has others. Aiden: And I’ll be there for all of them from now on. She grinned; Aiden could already feel her power growing. Like his mother, she had the power of Elemental Water coursing through her veins. It was a power that skipped his generation but was very strongly in place within her. While Althea favoured Mokosh’s powers, it was Callisto who favoured Dalen’s and that was going to be a problem…a big one.
  • 35. Meanwhile… Solan: And you know that I do want what’s best for my Cammy right? Icarus: Yes, I do. Solan: And you’ll take care of her? Icarus: Solan, come on. You’ve known my whole life, what’s with the third degree?
  • 36. Solan: I have to play the Overprotective Dad card; you know that. And yes, I do know you very well Icarus which is why I’m trusting you with her. Icarus: Sometimes I have a hard time deciding if you’re being serious or just joshing me. Solan: I can assure you; you would know when I’m being serious and when I joke.
  • 37. Icarus: Uh yeah…hehe…umm. So where is the wedding going to take place? Solan: Yellow–orange is not your colour Icarus. Icarus: Huh? Solan: Anxiety; overlaid with excitement blends yellow-orange to me Icarus: Oh right, the emotional colour thing you do. Got ya.
  • 38. Icarus: Okay, so read this colour; I love her and I will do everything and anything I can to make sure she’s well loved and protected. Solan: Ah, white; now there’s a unique colour I don’t see often. Purity and honesty. Icarus: Then you know I am going to be faithful and true as well. Solan: You had better be.
  • 39. Squee worthiness. Two triple bolt stalkerages in this house. Can you tell who has the maxed Music and Dance enthusiasm here and who doesn’t?
  • 40. This was cute, he heart-farts her then she heart-farts him…and yes that is a tell tale sign that they’re getting married just in time. Cammy is carrying the first of generation 7. After their date last chapter they both wanted demented purple hearts so I let them, I chanced Try for Baby and there went the lullaby. So yeah…generation 7 is early. Even before the heiress gets her chance to try. *ahem* And now we return you to your regularly scheduled chapter.
  • 41. It’s in the silences, the words you never say, I see it in your eyes, always starts the same way, It seems like everyone we know is breaking up, Does anybody ever stay in love, anymore?
  • 42. I promise you from the bottom of my heart, I will love you until death do us part, I promise you as a lover and a friend , I will love you like I never love again, With everything I am…
  • 43. I see you look at me when you think I’m not aware, You’re searching for clues of just how deep my feelings are, How do you prove the sky is blue, the ocean’s wide? All I know is what I feel when I look into your eyes…
  • 44. I promise you from the bottom of my heart, I will love you until death do us part, I promise you as a lover and a friend, I will love you like I never love again, With everything I am…
  • 45. Oh, there are no guarantees, That’s what you always say to me, But late at night I feel the tremble in your touch. But what I’m trying to say to you, I never say to anyone…
  • 46. I promise you from the bottom of my heart, That I’ll love you until death do us part, I promise you as a lover and a friend, I’ll love you like I never love again, With everything I am…
  • 47. I promise you from the bottom of my heart, That I’ll love you until death do us part, I promise you as a lover and a friend, I’ll love you like I never love again, With everything I am
  • 48. You’re everything I am… With everything I am. Song: I Promise You (With Everything I Am) Artists: Backstreet Boys Album: Black and Blue
  • 49. Bliss looked over at his lover, she still looked as amazing to him now as she did before the kids were born. He regretted that he was never able to give her an amazing wedding like this back then, but just being here for his oldest son on his special day somewhat made up for his loss. Bliss: This is good for Icarus, having Cammy around and our first grandchild on the way. It will force Chaos out of him forever. Pandora: As if you look like a grandfather.
  • 50. Bliss: You sound slightly resentful of that. Are you? Pandora: Of course not; I was looking forward to grandchildren. But maybe a bit… Bliss: I’m sorry Dora, I wish I could have done something to make it easier to love a half god like me, knowing I’d outlive you and our kids, and grandkids… He trailed off, a sudden cold wave of reality smacked him in the face. He would outlive them all…he’d have to watch them all die while he remained eternally young. Suddenly his immortality felt like a curse.
  • 51. Oblivious to her parents’ conversation, Atalanta took another glass of champagne. Atalanta: I can’t wait for my wedding. Random Townie Chick: And I’ll gate-crash that one too. Solan: Who are you? And why are you on my property? Random Townie Chick: I’m no one, just here for the free booze.
  • 52. Bliss pulled the new groom away from his lovely bride for a father/son bonding hug. “You take good care of her boy. Promise me that.” Icarus: Not you too dad. I already told Solan I would. Bliss: Just go with it okay? And look after my grandchild while you’re at it. Icarus sighed; “Yes dad. I will.”
  • 53. Bliss: I only wish I could have given such a wedding to your mother. She deserved one. Icarus: Dad, you’re a half god and you had to take care of great-grandma there was no way you could have done anything different. Bliss: It doesn’t make me feel any less shameful about robbing her of a proper wedding. Icarus: Dad… Bliss shook his head; “Forget about it Icarus; this is your special day. Don’t let me ruin it with laments about the past, this is your future. Go be with your beautiful bride.
  • 54. Icarus: Thanks dad, I will. Bliss: Good. Take care of her, that son of yours she’s carrying is going to trouble. Icarus: Son? How… oh, right a god thing I should’ve known. Bliss: Yeah, a son.
  • 55. Soon enough it was nightfall and the wedding party began to wind down. It was tiring on Camilla being up for so long, the baby was kicking up a storm inside her. Icarus: He sure has some kick going on doesn’t he? Camilla: Yeah, our little soccer star. It’s nice to know it’s a boy you’ll have to thank your dad for that later. Castor: He doesn’t waste any time does he?
  • 56. So cute. ^_^ ******
  • 57. Slight detour to go visit Helen and Goderic’s for another special event. Serena looked around at all her guests; this was the first time she could really remember having so many around. Her mother told her that her toddler birthday had a lot of people come but back then she only cared about the cake and the sugary treat she was about to get. But now it was time to put away childish things like cake and look forward to teenage freedom.
  • 58. Goderic eyed the cake; “Mhmm, bet that’s gonna be good huh?” Serena: Daddy, please this is a big day for me, time to put away stuff like wanting cake. Goderic: Everyone loves cake. I love cake. Serena: Daaddyy!!! I’m growing up now!
  • 59. Pollux: MOAR CAEK!! Serena rolled her eyes; brothers. She waited for the tingles to come for her, being a teenager was going to be sweet…
  • 60. Goderic: YAY!! Go Mini- Girl- Me!! Serena: Cool outfit, though grey makes me look paler than usual.
  • 61. Serena Reed PO/PL Gemini 0/10/9/8/1 LTW: Be Game Designer Just in case you forgot her stats. Now that I think about it, her stats are nearly identical to original Goderic’s from Lauren’s legacy, though I think he was a little nicer than she is. Her meanness comes from Helen who has only 2 Nice points. Which I find funny since her twin brothers have 8 and 9 Nice points and Drinn had 0, go figure.
  • 62. And now for the main event; the double wedding of the heiress and her brother Dade at the main legacy homestead. (no song this time, too many pics)
  • 63. Dade: I seem to be experiencing hyper secretion; it is most unbecoming. Ariella: Relax Dade, it’s alright. Iolaus: What did he say? Atalanta: Oh you’ll get used to Dade, he loves to talk big like that. Iolaus: He sounds like Athena, it makes my head hurt. Atalanta: How about we focus on vows hmm?
  • 64. Dade: With this ring I promise to love and obey, to care for you in times of sickness and in health and provide for you all that you deserve and require from this day forth. Ariella: That’s so eloquent I only wish I had something to say that was half as good. Dade: You needn’t say nary a word my love, only “I do.” Ariella: I do.
  • 65. Atalanta didn’t have something as elegant like that to say to Iolaus but she did a pretty good job of it on her own. He shared a similar vow to her of his own. In their own way, it was more than enough to share with each other, the simplicity of their vows.
  • 66. It’s very hard to do a double wedding when they’re both out of sync with one another. Atalanta and Iolaus were too fast for me. Which is why they finished first instead of Dade and Ariella. But at least I can say I did it. My first double wedding with very little glitching. Except for when I tried to save and the computer decided it wanted to kick me out of the game for no reason, so yeah they got married twice .But my pics survived which is what these are from, the first time I married them. I think it was the freezer clock I used to hold off the darkness so it wouldn’t ruin my colourful shots. Stupid Dade working till 6 pm…
  • 67. Dade: You got first sister; you are the heiress. Atalanta: Why thank you big brother. Nice vows by the way, very umm; Dadian…yeah that’s a word now. Dade: Why thank you; I do try to be eloquent in reciting the sacred vows of matrimony. Atalanta: Sure. Of course. It’s just not you without ridiculously long and drawn out wording.
  • 68. One word for this pic: SQUEEE!! Iolaus and Ariella simultaneously heart-farting their new spouses. Just before the cake is delicately given to Iolaus and crammed into to Ariella’s mouth, Dade is mean in case you forgot, a FBC (first born clone) of Icarus but Icarus was no cake shover so I don’t understand that.
  • 69. Dade: *shoves cake in* Ariella: *chokes on cake*
  • 70. Reias: Congratulations Atalanta, I’m so happy for you. Atalanta: Thank you, me too. It wouldn’t be the same without you here with me. Reias: I would never miss it; but I do apologize for missing Icarus’s wedding though. Atalanta: I’m sure he forgives you, after all your son did a good job of imparting godly wisdom on him by himself.
  • 71. Reias: Honestly Pollux, I don’t know if I can make it your wedding, but I will try. Iolaus: Aren’t you like everywhere already? Reias: Not really. I hate doing that honestly. Pollux: It’s alright if you don’t , I know you got a lot to deal with down there. Ariella: Down where?
  • 72. Reias: Tartarus, I’m in charge of the Underworld now in my father’s absence. Iolaus: Hades is your father? How? Reias: Have you not told them about me yet you two? Atalanta: I was getting around to it…I swear I was. Dade: It was on our lists to do. Iolaus: What else do we not know? Atalanta: We’ll tell you everything after the weddings okay honey? I promise.
  • 73. Iolaus: May I have this dance? Atalanta: You may. Iolaus: This was an amazing day; don’t you think so? Atalanta: Yes, it was. But there’s still more to do before the day is done, the night is young…
  • 74. Iolaus: Well then, let’s not waste another moment of it. Atalanta: You read my mind.
  • 75. That night two lullabies could be heard ringing lightly throughout the legacy homestead, heralding the imminent arrival of the next members of generation seven. End of Entry Thirty-Eight.  For more…
  • 76. Xenon, Castor and Pollux now know the Dragon Legend and all without having to do the tai chi too. Mainly because for some reason the Old Man kept crying, I don’t know if it was due to low social or a delayed reaction to a legacy or character death but it was kinda sad to watch.
  • 77. Little zero Outgoing points Xenon is going to be forever stuck with Naked Streaker Alexandra from now on, expect lots of OMG!! Nekkid wife!! From him in the future and probably nekkid finger gunners for generation 7.  I had to tie her down and keep her from running off before he got close enough to talk to her, and she has one of my favourite face templates too, the Meadow Thayer/ RobiCharvat face. I hope that her cute Asian-like nose will somehow kill the Benjamin Long Nose curse Maddie inflicted on them way back in generation 3.
  • 78. Oh and I do kinda feel bad for neglecting Hope and good old Mr. Big, Aries Tyson in favour of her hotter, more awesome brother. But once I moved them into a place they both promptly rolled up the Have a Baby want so I indulged them; this is Love Tyson. Currently still a baby but I expect her mean as hornets parents will either make her the same or shock the hell out of me with a whole 10 Nice points come toddlerhood. Or she’ll be a clone of Callisto; she had the exact colourings of her cousin save for the ST (skin tone)1 she got from somewhere in between her mom’s custom and dad’s ST 3.
  • 79. I am quite proud of this, it has to be my most favourite picture of Aiden and Psyche. I heartified it in Photobucket and tinted it in PowerPoint with the rosy pink hue using the picture formatting options. I was going to use them on the picture of Icarus and Solan and have Icarus glowing white, but I didn’t know how to flip it to Icarus’s side of the picture and well Solan glows enough already on his own. ^_^