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Generation five are the first ones to return to college in four generations since the
founder Castiel came back to begin his divine mission. So what do the kids get up to
while there?
Let the light of hope shine a path in the darkness towards the Apocalypse’s end…
Saturn: So this is college huh? And this huge lot is all ours?
Hannah: Yeah, hard to believe the amount of money that accumulates when
you can’t spend it. Our family is the richest one in Angel’s Haven. Worth over
a million so far.
Elizabeth: Money…is there no greater joy?
Saturn: So if we have all this money, why are we digging in the dirt?
Hannah: Buried treasure, until the ground thawed we could never do this.
There are so many secrets buried from when civilization was at its peak before
the Apocalypse hit. I want to discover them.
Saturn: Intriguing…
Hannah: I didn’t know you were here too.
Meleager: Yeah, mom insisted that Lycaon and I go to college since she never
had the chance to herself.
Hannah: Why? Was it the Apocalypse?
Meleager: No…it was other reasons, back in Greece.
Meleager: We were supposed to leave Angel’s Haven, head back to Hidden
City, but something happened that prevented us from leaving. And…I want to
help you Hannah, to restore this place.
Hannah: What do you mean?
Meleager: I mean…
Meleager: This. I want to be with you.
Hannah: You know I’m the heiress right? I have to bring in the final generation.
Meleager: I know, and I want to help you. My fondest wish is to have six children
happily married.
Hannah: I only need four though.
Meleager: That’s fine, we can have two more after they end the Apocalypse,
give me chance Hannah…please?
Hannah: I’ll think about it, I mean we just got here to college and I want to
enjoy it a bit more first.
Meleager: Of course, of course. We have lots of time.
Although Hannah wanted to wait a bit, her sisters were not willing to waste the chance
to find love. Anne found true love with a boy named Toby Gathier, he had been here a
while and was nearly a Senior. He always said he had a weakness for brunettes…
Mary too had found a chance to have True Love with a man named Ocean Reeves, his
family had been around for a while and they were all adopted orphans. They were also
the last of a family called Tricou, that name sounded familiar to Mary but she was
much more interested in Ocean than thinking about it.
Saturn too found out the allure of the Tricou family with one of the girls, Ivy. Since
Cain was his father and he didn’t have a responsibility to lift a restriction, he was free
to pursue his goal of being a Game Designer along side Elizabeth who had been give
that task for the family’s lifts this generation. Although Saturn knew that his father
wanted him to be there with one of Theresa’s kids because he was still afraid of
something happening to them before they completed their task.
Elizabeth: My Biology major isn’t suited to Gamer though, I could do Natural Science
Anne: I will do Artist, Mary wants to do Show Business.
Hannah: I talked to mom and she said that as heiress I should do Natural Science, she
thinks it’s the most important because of what our aunt Rachel learned from her boss
Poseidon. He said someone had to restore the freshwater in land.
Elizabeth: But I am not that playful, I don’t want to play games all day.
Saturn: Neither am I, but think of it this way; there’s a lot of serious calculations and
algorithms that go into making a game. If you don’t want to play, you can design the
coding. That sounds more like what we would like.
Elizabeth: I never thought of it that way, you must be a genius.
Saturn: Oh I don’t think I am, I just happen to be insightful that’s all.
Elizabeth: So will we be seeing you in the movies sister?
Mary: Probably, I mean that’s what Show Business is all about right? Making an
impression and being seen, it’s so perfect for me.
Saturn: Yeah I wouldn’t mind getting some help with my face, I mean I can barely breathe
Mary: Well we like you the way you are. You’re family, our first cousin once removed
Hannah: Yeah, that’s about right. He’s our great uncle Cain’s son.
Saturn: That makes me sound so old though…
Elizabeth: Your father is a vampire and he’s way older, mom said he’s the last
one alive who remembers our family’s founder Castiel who was his father. I
heard he was an angel and had beautiful black wings and everything. I wonder
if we will see them show up in the family line again?
Elizabeth: Speaking of the family line…have you found someone yet Hannah-Banana?
Hannah: I hate that name, you’re my twin but I will not hesitate to splash you.
Elizabeth: Didn’t answer my question.
Hannah: Well…you remember Meleager Reed? He sorta asked me if he could help with
Hannah: I really like him, he’s adorable with those beautiful ears and golden locks…his
mother is very powerful and she does have wings. I heard it was because back in their
home town she’s related to Cupid.
Elizabeth: As in the God of Love from Greek mythology Cupid? No way…
Hannah: It’s true, don’t you remember mom telling us about those three guys who
stopped by before we were born? They were from the same place!
Elizabeth: So you’re telling me my niece or nephew are going to have wings?
Hannah: I mean it’s possible, genetics are a strange thing. You just said you
wondered if they wings our founder had would ever come back.
Elizabeth: Yeah, but I didn’t really mean they would, I said they could…
Mary: I think it’s cute that she likes him, his twin brother is not bad either…
Mary: If you want him, go for him. Don’t waste the opportunity for true love. I hope one
day to have the same with Ocean, and Anne already found her love in Toby.
Hannah: You don’t think it’s too fast? I mean we’re barely out of our first year here.
Mary: So? When the time’s right, it’s right. Go for it big sister!!
Mary: Anne already has the edge, I heard Toby popped the question to her
recently. My twin is getting married before me, *sniff*.
Saturn: Already? That was quick.
Elizabeth: As she said, live in the now. I’m not really interested in love at the
moment myself but it sounds like you are Hannah-Banana. Ask him.
Hannah: Yeah, maybe you’re right…I should ask Meleager before it’s too late.
Anne would tell me the same thing I’m sure.
Hannah took their advice and asked Meleager to marry her, he was under the
impression she wanted to wait still so he was genuinely surprised when she asked him.
Meleager: I promise I’ll make you happy.
Hannah: I know you will. I already am.
Although it was not all happy endings, word got around that Ivy had been seen leaving
the Oresha Cham house as well and the news that Ivy had other guys on the line
besides Saturn hurt him.
But it wasn’t just Castor Nova, it was Lycaon too. Meleager was not happy that she
was playing his brother, Saturn and the frat guy all at once and insisted that Lycaon
break it off with her before he got hurt.
Saturn wasn’t down for long, the cheerleader Starla Charvat had been chasing him all year long and
finally after he returned from his Junior year final she made the move on him. With all the drama
and stress Hannah wanted to give her sisters a surprise and got them all tickets to Three Lakes for
their Senior year vacation. The Three Lakes region had been open since their great grandfather
Tazama had taught Angel’s Haven the exercises he learned as a Hall of Famer and also the
contribution of clear skies from her aunt Esther. It was about time that they took advantage of their
relatives’ hard work.
Hannah: AHH!! Anne, careful I almost fell there.
Anne: That’s the point; I knock you off before you knock me off.
Hannah: Is that the point? I just thought it was a chance to play in some clean
water for once.
Mary: Hang on, I’ll get this…you’ll see.
Elizabeth: See you later princess!!
Mary: MY HAIR!! AHH!!
Elizabeth: Hehe, I’m awesome at this.
Saturn: Fascinating; such history is recorded in this living vault. Although
someone named DL sure got around a lot…whoever that is.
Mary: Dunk me in the freezing water will you Lizzy…well I’ll imagine this
target is your face!! My hair will never be the same…
Mary: RAWRR!!
*hits bullseye*
Mary: I knew I was going to be great at this.
Hannah: I’m glad I’m not Lizzy right now…Mary can be frightening when she
wants to be.
Anne: What did you do to Mary? She’s all scowl-y over there.
Elizabeth: I won log rolling; she’s a sore loser. And here I thought I was the mean one…
Anne: Well you know those future actresses; they’re high maintenance.
Elizabeth: I worry for her husband and all the drama she’s going to give him.
After the girls went back to their cabins for some rest, Saturn used the chance to head
out following that map he had found to a place called Hidden Burrow. He needed some
time away from the girls and their drama. He also wanted to see if the rumours were
true and that if you befriend the mythical creature known as Bigfoot, he would come
home with you. He was always looking for new experiences.
Saturn: You know, you’re actually a really good conversationalist.
Amar: Amar does not get many squishy nosed tourists up here. Amar loves to
talk about Amar’s life in the woods.
Saturn: I’m half alien, half vampire. My father has had to deal with so much
loss in his long lifetime so far, I was glad to be a bright spot for him.
Amar: Amar understands; Amar once had father too. Amar’s father has joined
Mother Gaia now though. Amar is alone.
Saturn: Yeah, my dad’s siblings and parents are gone too. Also his nephew and
his wife. He misses them dearly. I think I remind him of what it’s like to have
someone he can directly relate to.
Anne: Hey, anyone seen Saturn?
Mary: He was gone when I woke up.
Elizabeth: Maybe he’s out somewhere, I heard him say he found this map to some
hidden place.
Hannah: He’ll be back, we’re leaving soon and he’ll miss the shuttle to the airport.
Mary: This was a great idea Hannah, thanks for this.
Anne: Yes, we had a great time. It was nice to finally bond closer to you guys.
Elizabeth: So what do we need to do to go to the tropics? I have never seen the ocean.
Hannah: Well Mel has an idea about that; he’s going to find Adventure for us so we can
relocate Twikki Island. It’ll be great for our kids to have the option to go some place that’s
warm year-round.
All good things must come to an end and once they were back at Sim State the focus
was on graduation. All five of them passed with perfect GPA’s and honours, and now
it was time to begin their lives back in Angel’s Haven.
They divided up the stuff in the house and calculated their money they had earned over the
last four years.
Saturn: Oh dear gods; Pimp My Ride…this is hideous. MARY!! Become an Icon
real fast I can’t stand fuchsia velour pimp suits!!
Mary: Don’t worry, I can’t stand to look at that thing either.
Anne: Well here goes nothing; as a future Artist let’s hope my clothes are at least
tolerable…and the verdict. I win the lottery!
Mary: BOO!! Bad twin!!
Anne: Sorry sister; a win’s a win.
Elizabeth: Well here goes nothing…
Mary: I hope you end up as a gorilla.
Elizabeth: HA!! Too bad little sis! I win too. This is tolerable for now.
Mary: I hate you.
Elizabeth: Yeah, yeah see you at home kid.
Mary: Please let the fashion gods bless me…
Hannah: I’m praying for you too sister.
Mary: Oh thank you fashion gods!! It’s not hideous, it’s grey but it’s still better
than a gorilla suit.
Hannah: I’ll see you at home once I pack up the last few things.
Mary: Be safe sister.
Hannah: Well, I’m the last one. No one will need to come here after us so I guess
it’s alright to have it demolished. And also I’m glad no one will see this…until I
get home anyway.
The Reed twins followed the legacy lead by selling off and dividing up their funds from
college between them before heading back to Angel’s Haven. They would return to their
mother’s house until Hannah called to tell them it was time for Mel to join her. Lycaon was
just glad to get a chance to work on his dream of being a Media Magnate. He knew that
eventually one of his nieces or nephews would be joining him since Journalism is on the list
for the final generation’s lifts. He would be their mentor to show the one who gets it the
ropes of running a media empire.
Meleager: I’ll see you in a bit brother. I just have to make one final check of the
Lycaon: See you at home bro; I’ll have a camera ready to catch your hideous
Meleager: Thanks, I guess…
Meleager: Well, they say twins do everything the same…I guess that also means
matching outfits. I like red, I think I’ll keep this. It suits me.
With that final transition, the fifth generation lifts can finally begin. Soon the Apocalypse
would be over…but that didn’t mean it was going to be an easy ride to the end. There’s no
telling what the demons will do to try to derail them before the final generation arrives.
Hannah: Home, sweet home. It’s finally time, I’m actually excited to begin.
Mary: So am I; I’ve been dying to buy new clothes and make up forever now.
Anne: Then get promoted fast; we all need makeovers. It’s long past time.
Saturn: I second that motion…
Lycaon: Did I miss something here?
Meleager: What do you mean?
Lycaon: When did grandma get pregnant?
Eirene: You missed a lot while at college my dear, I’ll tell you all about it…
Next time on Where Angels Fear to Tread:
What will Eirene tell the twins about Theia’s pregnancy? And how will things work
out when it’s not clear if the demons have decided to give up or not?
Find out next time.

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Where Angels Fear to Tread: Episode 19

  • 1.
  • 2. Generation five are the first ones to return to college in four generations since the founder Castiel came back to begin his divine mission. So what do the kids get up to while there? Let the light of hope shine a path in the darkness towards the Apocalypse’s end…
  • 3. Saturn: So this is college huh? And this huge lot is all ours? Hannah: Yeah, hard to believe the amount of money that accumulates when you can’t spend it. Our family is the richest one in Angel’s Haven. Worth over a million so far. Elizabeth: Money…is there no greater joy?
  • 4. Saturn: So if we have all this money, why are we digging in the dirt? Hannah: Buried treasure, until the ground thawed we could never do this. There are so many secrets buried from when civilization was at its peak before the Apocalypse hit. I want to discover them. Saturn: Intriguing…
  • 5. Hannah: I didn’t know you were here too. Meleager: Yeah, mom insisted that Lycaon and I go to college since she never had the chance to herself. Hannah: Why? Was it the Apocalypse? Meleager: No…it was other reasons, back in Greece.
  • 6. Meleager: We were supposed to leave Angel’s Haven, head back to Hidden City, but something happened that prevented us from leaving. And…I want to help you Hannah, to restore this place. Hannah: What do you mean? Meleager: I mean…
  • 7. Meleager: This. I want to be with you. Hannah: You know I’m the heiress right? I have to bring in the final generation. Meleager: I know, and I want to help you. My fondest wish is to have six children happily married. Hannah: I only need four though.
  • 8. Meleager: That’s fine, we can have two more after they end the Apocalypse, give me chance Hannah…please? Hannah: I’ll think about it, I mean we just got here to college and I want to enjoy it a bit more first. Meleager: Of course, of course. We have lots of time.
  • 9. Although Hannah wanted to wait a bit, her sisters were not willing to waste the chance to find love. Anne found true love with a boy named Toby Gathier, he had been here a while and was nearly a Senior. He always said he had a weakness for brunettes…
  • 10. Mary too had found a chance to have True Love with a man named Ocean Reeves, his family had been around for a while and they were all adopted orphans. They were also the last of a family called Tricou, that name sounded familiar to Mary but she was much more interested in Ocean than thinking about it.
  • 11. Saturn too found out the allure of the Tricou family with one of the girls, Ivy. Since Cain was his father and he didn’t have a responsibility to lift a restriction, he was free to pursue his goal of being a Game Designer along side Elizabeth who had been give that task for the family’s lifts this generation. Although Saturn knew that his father wanted him to be there with one of Theresa’s kids because he was still afraid of something happening to them before they completed their task.
  • 12. Elizabeth: My Biology major isn’t suited to Gamer though, I could do Natural Science instead. Anne: I will do Artist, Mary wants to do Show Business. Hannah: I talked to mom and she said that as heiress I should do Natural Science, she thinks it’s the most important because of what our aunt Rachel learned from her boss Poseidon. He said someone had to restore the freshwater in land.
  • 13. Elizabeth: But I am not that playful, I don’t want to play games all day. Saturn: Neither am I, but think of it this way; there’s a lot of serious calculations and algorithms that go into making a game. If you don’t want to play, you can design the coding. That sounds more like what we would like. Elizabeth: I never thought of it that way, you must be a genius. Saturn: Oh I don’t think I am, I just happen to be insightful that’s all.
  • 14. Elizabeth: So will we be seeing you in the movies sister? Mary: Probably, I mean that’s what Show Business is all about right? Making an impression and being seen, it’s so perfect for me. Saturn: Yeah I wouldn’t mind getting some help with my face, I mean I can barely breathe sometimes. Mary: Well we like you the way you are. You’re family, our first cousin once removed right?
  • 15. Hannah: Yeah, that’s about right. He’s our great uncle Cain’s son. Saturn: That makes me sound so old though… Elizabeth: Your father is a vampire and he’s way older, mom said he’s the last one alive who remembers our family’s founder Castiel who was his father. I heard he was an angel and had beautiful black wings and everything. I wonder if we will see them show up in the family line again?
  • 16. Elizabeth: Speaking of the family line…have you found someone yet Hannah-Banana? Hannah: I hate that name, you’re my twin but I will not hesitate to splash you. Elizabeth: Didn’t answer my question. Hannah: Well…you remember Meleager Reed? He sorta asked me if he could help with that…
  • 17. Hannah: I really like him, he’s adorable with those beautiful ears and golden locks…his mother is very powerful and she does have wings. I heard it was because back in their home town she’s related to Cupid. Elizabeth: As in the God of Love from Greek mythology Cupid? No way… Hannah: It’s true, don’t you remember mom telling us about those three guys who stopped by before we were born? They were from the same place!
  • 18. Elizabeth: So you’re telling me my niece or nephew are going to have wings? Hannah: I mean it’s possible, genetics are a strange thing. You just said you wondered if they wings our founder had would ever come back. Elizabeth: Yeah, but I didn’t really mean they would, I said they could… Mary: I think it’s cute that she likes him, his twin brother is not bad either…
  • 19. Mary: If you want him, go for him. Don’t waste the opportunity for true love. I hope one day to have the same with Ocean, and Anne already found her love in Toby. Hannah: You don’t think it’s too fast? I mean we’re barely out of our first year here. Mary: So? When the time’s right, it’s right. Go for it big sister!!
  • 20. Mary: Anne already has the edge, I heard Toby popped the question to her recently. My twin is getting married before me, *sniff*. Saturn: Already? That was quick. Elizabeth: As she said, live in the now. I’m not really interested in love at the moment myself but it sounds like you are Hannah-Banana. Ask him.
  • 21. Hannah: Yeah, maybe you’re right…I should ask Meleager before it’s too late. Anne would tell me the same thing I’m sure.
  • 22. Hannah took their advice and asked Meleager to marry her, he was under the impression she wanted to wait still so he was genuinely surprised when she asked him.
  • 23. Meleager: I promise I’ll make you happy. Hannah: I know you will. I already am.
  • 24. Although it was not all happy endings, word got around that Ivy had been seen leaving the Oresha Cham house as well and the news that Ivy had other guys on the line besides Saturn hurt him.
  • 25. But it wasn’t just Castor Nova, it was Lycaon too. Meleager was not happy that she was playing his brother, Saturn and the frat guy all at once and insisted that Lycaon break it off with her before he got hurt.
  • 26. Saturn wasn’t down for long, the cheerleader Starla Charvat had been chasing him all year long and finally after he returned from his Junior year final she made the move on him. With all the drama and stress Hannah wanted to give her sisters a surprise and got them all tickets to Three Lakes for their Senior year vacation. The Three Lakes region had been open since their great grandfather Tazama had taught Angel’s Haven the exercises he learned as a Hall of Famer and also the contribution of clear skies from her aunt Esther. It was about time that they took advantage of their relatives’ hard work.
  • 27. Hannah: AHH!! Anne, careful I almost fell there. Anne: That’s the point; I knock you off before you knock me off. Hannah: Is that the point? I just thought it was a chance to play in some clean water for once.
  • 28. Mary: Hang on, I’ll get this…you’ll see. Elizabeth: See you later princess!! Mary: MY HAIR!! AHH!! Elizabeth: Hehe, I’m awesome at this.
  • 29. Saturn: Fascinating; such history is recorded in this living vault. Although someone named DL sure got around a lot…whoever that is.
  • 30. Mary: Dunk me in the freezing water will you Lizzy…well I’ll imagine this target is your face!! My hair will never be the same…
  • 31. Mary: RAWRR!! *hits bullseye* Mary: I knew I was going to be great at this.
  • 32. Hannah: I’m glad I’m not Lizzy right now…Mary can be frightening when she wants to be.
  • 33. Anne: What did you do to Mary? She’s all scowl-y over there. Elizabeth: I won log rolling; she’s a sore loser. And here I thought I was the mean one… Anne: Well you know those future actresses; they’re high maintenance. Elizabeth: I worry for her husband and all the drama she’s going to give him.
  • 34. After the girls went back to their cabins for some rest, Saturn used the chance to head out following that map he had found to a place called Hidden Burrow. He needed some time away from the girls and their drama. He also wanted to see if the rumours were true and that if you befriend the mythical creature known as Bigfoot, he would come home with you. He was always looking for new experiences.
  • 35. Saturn: You know, you’re actually a really good conversationalist. Amar: Amar does not get many squishy nosed tourists up here. Amar loves to talk about Amar’s life in the woods. Saturn: I’m half alien, half vampire. My father has had to deal with so much loss in his long lifetime so far, I was glad to be a bright spot for him.
  • 36. Amar: Amar understands; Amar once had father too. Amar’s father has joined Mother Gaia now though. Amar is alone. Saturn: Yeah, my dad’s siblings and parents are gone too. Also his nephew and his wife. He misses them dearly. I think I remind him of what it’s like to have someone he can directly relate to.
  • 37. Anne: Hey, anyone seen Saturn? Mary: He was gone when I woke up. Elizabeth: Maybe he’s out somewhere, I heard him say he found this map to some hidden place. Hannah: He’ll be back, we’re leaving soon and he’ll miss the shuttle to the airport.
  • 38. Mary: This was a great idea Hannah, thanks for this. Anne: Yes, we had a great time. It was nice to finally bond closer to you guys. Elizabeth: So what do we need to do to go to the tropics? I have never seen the ocean. Hannah: Well Mel has an idea about that; he’s going to find Adventure for us so we can relocate Twikki Island. It’ll be great for our kids to have the option to go some place that’s warm year-round.
  • 39. All good things must come to an end and once they were back at Sim State the focus was on graduation. All five of them passed with perfect GPA’s and honours, and now it was time to begin their lives back in Angel’s Haven.
  • 40. They divided up the stuff in the house and calculated their money they had earned over the last four years. Saturn: Oh dear gods; Pimp My Ride…this is hideous. MARY!! Become an Icon real fast I can’t stand fuchsia velour pimp suits!! Mary: Don’t worry, I can’t stand to look at that thing either.
  • 41. Anne: Well here goes nothing; as a future Artist let’s hope my clothes are at least tolerable…and the verdict. I win the lottery! Mary: BOO!! Bad twin!! Anne: Sorry sister; a win’s a win.
  • 42. Elizabeth: Well here goes nothing… Mary: I hope you end up as a gorilla. Elizabeth: HA!! Too bad little sis! I win too. This is tolerable for now. Mary: I hate you. Elizabeth: Yeah, yeah see you at home kid.
  • 43. Mary: Please let the fashion gods bless me… Hannah: I’m praying for you too sister. Mary: Oh thank you fashion gods!! It’s not hideous, it’s grey but it’s still better than a gorilla suit. Hannah: I’ll see you at home once I pack up the last few things. Mary: Be safe sister.
  • 44. Hannah: Well, I’m the last one. No one will need to come here after us so I guess it’s alright to have it demolished. And also I’m glad no one will see this…until I get home anyway.
  • 45. The Reed twins followed the legacy lead by selling off and dividing up their funds from college between them before heading back to Angel’s Haven. They would return to their mother’s house until Hannah called to tell them it was time for Mel to join her. Lycaon was just glad to get a chance to work on his dream of being a Media Magnate. He knew that eventually one of his nieces or nephews would be joining him since Journalism is on the list for the final generation’s lifts. He would be their mentor to show the one who gets it the ropes of running a media empire.
  • 46. Meleager: I’ll see you in a bit brother. I just have to make one final check of the place. Lycaon: See you at home bro; I’ll have a camera ready to catch your hideous outfit. Meleager: Thanks, I guess…
  • 47. Meleager: Well, they say twins do everything the same…I guess that also means matching outfits. I like red, I think I’ll keep this. It suits me. With that final transition, the fifth generation lifts can finally begin. Soon the Apocalypse would be over…but that didn’t mean it was going to be an easy ride to the end. There’s no telling what the demons will do to try to derail them before the final generation arrives.
  • 48. Hannah: Home, sweet home. It’s finally time, I’m actually excited to begin. Mary: So am I; I’ve been dying to buy new clothes and make up forever now. Anne: Then get promoted fast; we all need makeovers. It’s long past time. Saturn: I second that motion…
  • 49. Lycaon: Did I miss something here? Meleager: What do you mean? Lycaon: When did grandma get pregnant? Eirene: You missed a lot while at college my dear, I’ll tell you all about it… ******
  • 50. Next time on Where Angels Fear to Tread: What will Eirene tell the twins about Theia’s pregnancy? And how will things work out when it’s not clear if the demons have decided to give up or not? Find out next time.