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7   5                       2009

                      The Product
                      Management Triad

                      Top 10 Tools
   Updating the       to Measure User
Pragmatic Marketing
    Framework         The Strategic
                      Product Manager
                      and the CFO
Participate in the 10th Annual
   Product Management and Marketing Survey

    What is the difference between
product management and product marketing?

                                                      Product Manager
             Product Management VS. Product Marketing                                      There’s an on-going
                                                                                           discussion in virtually every
                                                                                           company about titles and
                                                                                           responsibilities in product
          Monitoring development projects                                                  management. This graph
             Writing product requirements                                                  from our 2008 - 2009
                Researching market needs                                                   survey (pragmaticmarketing.
                                                                                           com/survey) shows that, in
                   Preparing business case
                                                                                           practice, these titles have
             Writing detailed specifications                                               much overlap.
        Visiting sites (without salespeople)
    Creating sales presentations and demos                                                 Each year, Pragmatic
             Creating promotional material                                                 Marketing conducts a
                                                                                           survey with product
                      Training salespeople
                                                                                           managers and marketing
Planning and managing marketing programs                                                   professionals. Our objective
                       Going on sales calls                                                is to provide information
              Performing win/loss analysis                                                 about compensation as
            Measuring marketing programs                                                   well as the most common
                                                                                           responsibilities for product
            Working with press or analysts
                                                                                           managers and other
                                               0%     20%         40%   60%   80%   100%   marketing professionals.

      Visit to have your say!
                                 Survey will be open November 2 - 24, 2009
The Pragmatic Marketer ™
             8910 E. Raintree Drive
                                                       Inside this issue:        Volume 7 Issue 5 • 2009
             Scottsdale, AZ 85260
          Pragmatic Marketing, Inc.
                Founder and CEO
                                                       5    Updating the Pragmatic Marketing Framework™
                   Craig Stull                                            	 		By	Jim	Foxworthy	and	Steve	Johnson
                 Editor-in-Chief                                                     Periodically—and very carefully—we update
              Kristyn Benmoussa                                                      the Pragmatic Marketing Framework™ to
                                                                                         align with current practices for marketing
                                                                                            technology solutions. Here is an
                  Linda Sowers
                                                                                             overview of changes to reflect today’s
  —————————————————                                                                         best practices in product management.
    Interested in contributing an article?

No part of this publication may be reproduced,
stored in any retrieval system, or transmitted, in
any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical
photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the
prior written permission of the publisher.
For advertising rates, call (480) 515-1411.
Other product and/or company names mentioned
in this journal may be trademarks or registered
trademarks of their respective companies and
are the sole property of their respective owners.
The Pragmatic Marketer, a Pragmatic Marketing
publication, shall not be liable regardless of the
                                                       14   The Product Management Triad
cause, for any errors, inaccuracies, omissions, or     	    By	Steve	Johnson
other defects in, or untimeliness or unauthenticity
of, the information contained within this magazine.         Some product managers have
Pragmatic Marketing makes no representations,
warranties, or guarantees as to the results obtained        a natural affinity for working with Development,
from the use of this information and shall not be           others for Sales and Marketing Communications, and others prefer to
liable for any third-party claims or losses of any
kind, including lost profits, and punitive damages.         work on business issues. Finding these three orientations in one person
The Pragmatic Marketer is a trademark of                    is an almost impossible task. Instead of finding one person with all
Pragmatic Marketing, Inc.
                                                            the skills, perhaps we should find three different people with more
Printed in the U.S.A.
                                                            specialized skills and have them work as a team.
All rights reserved.
ISSN 1938-9752 (Print)
ISSN 1938-9760 (Online)                                19   Top 10 Tools to Measure User Experience
                                                       	    By	Giovanni	Calabro
                                                            The one fundamental truth vital to web product development success
                                                            is to know the mind of the user. This article provides a three-staged
                                                            User Experience Measurement Hierarchy and also outlines a simple
About Pragmatic Marketing®
                                                                     approach you can use to determine the best user experience
Creator of the world’s most popular product
management and marketing seminars, Pragmatic                                    measurement tools and techniques for your web
Marketing has trained more than 60,000 technology                                    product management needs.
product management and marketing professionals
at 5,000 companies in 21 countries. As the thought-
leader in the industry, the company produces blogs,
webinars, podcasts, and publications read by more
than 100,000 every year.
Pragmatic Marketing has been honored four times by
                                                                                       26 The Strategic Product Manager
Inc. magazine as one of the fastest growing private                                          and the CFO
companies in America (2000, 2007, 2008, 2009), and
in 2008 named a Comerica Bank Arizona Company                                           					By	Jon	Gatrell	and	John	Mecke
to Watch.
Visit to learn more.
                                                                                        Give your CFO an opportunity to contribute,
                                                                                        participate in the day-to-day workings of your
                                                                                      product as a business, and you may just get a
                                                                                     business partner who can help you and your
                                                                                     product be more successful in the marketplace.

                                                                                  The Pragmatic Marketer   •   Volume 7 Issue 5, 2009
                                                                                                                       ,                •   3
Pragmatic Roadmapping

             Online or onsite at your company
           Align your product strategy with the market

           Do you need a practical and repeatable way to communicate
                       product plans, strategy and vision?

Recorded live, Pragmatic Roadmapping is a complete one-day seminar, presented in three parts you
can watch all at once or spread over several days. Each session includes instructor-led, hands-on exercises
to help you define, plan and complete your roadmap.

• Align and focus the organization around the market not just your products.

• Identify which projects to fund based on available resources and company strategy.

• Communicate the roadmap internally & externally with just the right detail for each audience.

 Download a complete agenda and register at
             Call (800) 816-7861 to conduct this seminar at your office
By	Jim	Foxworthy	and	Steve	Johnson	

Updating the

                           The Pragmatic Marketer   •   Volume 7 Issue 5, 2009
                                                                ,                •   5
Updating the Pragmatic Marketing Framework

                Periodically—and very carefully—we update the Pragmatic Marketing Framework™ to align with current practices for
                marketing technology solutions. Having trained more than 60,000 product management and marketing professionals,
                some of these changes are the result of our training efforts and some the evolution of the product management
                discipline in 21st century technology businesses. Over time some things become more important, some less.

                We’ve seen an escalation of the importance of buyer and user personas. Social media channels like Facebook,
                LinkedIn and Twitter are key elements in today’s marketing efforts. And e-books have become the preferred method
                of communicating thought leadership with a soft-sell orientation instead of traditional white papers and other
                “selling-oriented” materials.       Business
                                                             Plan                                  Plan
                So in June 2009, we revised the Pragmatic Marketing Framework—some items were moved, others renamed,
                a Market
                  few added, or deleted—to reflect today’s best practices in product management.
                                                                                                 Framework                                        ™

                This article steps you through the new version of the Framework.
                                                                                                                      A Market-Driven Model for
                    Win/Loss        Distribution          Buy, Build         Buyer              Customer              Managing and Marketing
                    Analysis         Strategy             or Partner        Personas            Retention
                                                                                                                      Technology Products

                 Distinctive          Product              Product            User               Program
                Competence            Portfolio          Profitability      Personas          Effectiveness

                    MARKET           STRATEGY             BUSINESS          PLANNING           PROGRAMS            READINESS            SUPPORT

            Improved workflow
              Competitive    Product
                                                                                            Launch             Sales        Presentations
                                                                          Requirementsabout that logical structure for a minute.
                Landscape            Roadmap                                                  Plan            Process
                                                                                You spend time in the Market trying to uncover& Demos
            The horizontal orientation of the Framework has                 unsolved market problems, right? You try to
            not changed. The activities on the left side are still          determine whether or not the problems you’ve
            strategic; the activities on the right still tactical. It’s
               Technology                                                  Use            Thought                            “Special“
                                                                            discovered are pervasive and urgent, and if people
            been that way for more than 15 years.                                                         Collateral
               Assessment                                               Scenarios
                                                                            are willing Leadership
                                                                                        to pay to solve them. And then you Calls
                                                                            bring that inside the organization and start a
            We’ve streamlined the categories of activities                  comparison to your existing Strategy. Is this a fit
              (columns) to better flow from strategic to tactical. Status our strategic initiatives? With our portfolioEvent
                                                                            with            Lead            Sales                  of
                 They now reflect the way many implement                Dashboard
                                                                            products? IsGeneration
                                                                                         this a business weTools to pursue at
                                                                                                              want             Support
                   the Framework, from market to strategy                   our company?
                      to business and planning, to market
                          programs and readiness, to on-going               Once you get past that test, Business analysis
                                                                                        Referrals &        Channel             Channel
                              support. These sets of activities are                     References         Training            Support
                                                                            begins. Is this a good investment for us? Do all the
                     (480) 515 -1411 I Strategy,
                                   now labeled Market,                      financial numbers associated with the investment
                                       Business, Planning,                  work? Once you’ve cleared that hurdle, it’s© 1timePragmatic Marketing, Inc.
                                              Programs, Readiness           begin the process of Planning the actual solution
                                                    and Support.            you’re going to create. From there it’s all about
                                                                            go-to-market, so we plan out our Programs,
                                                                            Readiness, and on-going Support.

                                                                                                  Let’s cover the Framework changes,
                                                                                                                 one column at a time.

            6   •   The Pragmatic Marketer   •   Volume 7 Issue 5, 2009
Updating the Pragmatic Marketing Framework

                                                 Strategy column
                                                 Market Sizing was renamed Market
                                                 Definition. Defining the market is much
                                                 more than just counting the number of
                                                 opportunities in a segment; it’s about
                                                 understanding all the different details about
                                                 that segment and why you should pursue it.

                                                 Distribution Strategy is a new activity in
                                                 the Strategy column. It’s just as important to
                                                 understand how you’re going to market and
                                                 deliver to the people who are planning to buy
                                                 it, as it is to think about the product itself and
                                                 whether or not it’s a good investment for you.
                                                 The buyer may want to be sold differently
                                                 and receive solutions differently. Where once
                                                 technology companies determined distribution
                                                 based on their existing channels, it’s now
                                                 more important to understand how the buyer
                                                 wants to receive solutions. More and more,
                                                 product management is determining pricing
                                                 and packaging, on-premise versus hosted,
                                                 direct sales versus multi-tier versus web-
                                                 based sales. How technology solutions are
                                                 distributed is a part of the strategy, not an
                                                 afterthought or driven by history and habit.

                                                 We moved Product Portfolio and Product
                                                 Roadmap to this new Strategy column. This
                                                 is where you compare your new product
                                                 idea to your existing portfolio and current
Market column
                                                 roadmap to evaluate whether or
In the Market column we’ve always had an         not this idea, in isolation, fits
activity called Market Problems, and as you      with the overarching goals of
know if you’ve been to our seminars, that        what you’re doing as
particular activity is the absolute preeminent   an organization.
starting place. So we’ve moved it to the
cornerstone of the entire Framework. We
combined Market Research with Market
Problems since after all, that’s the reason
you do market research: to discover market
problems. Next to Market Problems is
Win/Loss Analysis; a form of discovery
research, specifically focused on those who
have recently evaluated your products.
This activity is becoming more and more
important, and Pragmatic Marketing’s 2008
Annual Product Management and Marketing
Survey shows 37% of product managers are
actively performing win/loss analysis. This
has increased significantly from 17% in 2000
when we began surveying product managers.
And remember that when you do win/loss
analysis, you learn at least as much about
the buying process as you learn about the
product people were trying to buy.

                                                           The Pragmatic Marketer   •   Volume 7 Issue 5, 2009
                                                                                                ,                •   7
Updating the Pragmatic Marketing Framework

                                                              Planning column
                                                              Positioning and Use Scenarios are
                                                              still part of the Planning column—that
                                                              hasn’t changed.

                                                              There’s a new addition to the
                                                              Framework—the Buying Process.

                                                              Many marketing managers worry about
                                                              the sales process and the associated
                                                              sales tools, yet our research reveals
                                                              many sales processes are out of
                                                              alignment with the buying process.
                                                              Let’s change that now! Product
                                                              managers and product marketing
                                                              managers should understand the
                                                              way buyers buy and create tools
                                                              to instrument the selling process

                                                              What matters is not how you
                                                              want to sell but how they want
Business column                                               to buy. And if you understand
                                                              how they want to buy, the steps
Once you pass the                                             they go through, then you should
hurdles of your product                                       mirror that with how you sell.
strategy, it’s time to run the numbers. In
the Business column, Business Case is                         For most vendors, buyers don’t use
now called Business Plan. It’s a small                        and users don’t buy. Buyer and user
change, but Business Case is just an                          personas have been cornerstones of our
artifact; planning is much more than that.                    seminars and webinars since 2000 and continue to be important
Business planning includes at least two                       for technology companies. A deep understanding of both Buyer
artifacts and a number of inputs. We have                     Personas and User Personas help companies build products
always covered these topics: now the activity                 buyers want to buy and users want to use. Buyer personas focus
is more aptly named.                                          your marketing efforts because a product won’t succeed if you
                                                              can’t get people to buy it. Not only do you need to understand
Pricing, Innovation, and Buy,                                 how they buy, you need to understand who the buyers are and
Build or Partner are still part of the                        why they buy. Equally important are user personas. Selling your
Business column.                                              product doesn’t matter if people won’t use it—and recommend it
                                                              to their colleagues. User personas are critical to the development
We’ve always encouraged you to look at                        process of your product because they reveal how users differ from
Product Performance and Operational                           buyers—and also how they differ from your developers, your sales
Metrics and the reason, of course, is so                      people, and your own executives.
you can create a profitable product. We’ve
combined these into a single activity,                        Lastly, in this column, Release Milestones was renamed
Product Profitability, in the Business                        Status Dashboard. Release Milestones was focused on the
column. Product Profitability is the                          key development tasks to deliver products to distribution; Status
ultimate measure of a good business.                          Dashboard is something more. A status dashboard communicates
Development is accountable for functionality                  overall organizational readiness. Not only is the code or device
and schedules; Sales is accountable for                       ready, but the organization is ready to deliver it to customers.
revenue. Product management should obsess
about creating profitable products. It’s                      As the “single throat to choke” on product status, we encourage
vitally important that marketing managers                     product management to maintain the dashboard for their
understand their role in a “soft sense,” as                   products, whether on the intranet, a wiki or a periodic e-mail,
the president of the product. If you’re the                   showing the KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) and current
president of the product, the one thing                       project status.
you should be held accountable for is
product profitability.

8   •   The Pragmatic Marketer   •   Volume 7 Issue 5, 2009
Updating the Pragmatic Marketing Framework

                    Programs column
                    There are only three changes
                    to this column.

                     We added an activity called
                     Program Effectiveness.
                     You’ve probably heard
                     people say “you can’t
                     manage what you can’t
                     measure.” Should you
                   continue going to the big
                   trade shows and conferences?
                   Or should you start doing
                    more webinars, podcasts and
                      social media programs?
                      Should you do both?
                      Program Effectiveness
                      answers that. Once you
                        begin measuring, it’s easy
                        to see what programs
                        make sense and which
                        should be discontinued.
                          If you’ve attended our
                        Effective	Product	Marketing™
                           seminar, you may recall
                           the story about a young
                           marketing professional
                           who got promoted, ran
                           into his senior executive
                           in the hallway and got the
                    following advice. “Don’t focus         Readiness column
on your efforts; focus on your results.” Meaning           We moved Sales Process from the Product
that it really isn’t important how many leads              Planning column to the Readiness column.
came from a particular marketing program, what             The sales process should mirror the buying
matters in the end is how many leads produced              process. Collateral, such as white papers
how many dollars of revenue.                               and e-books, are external documents that
                                                           your sales teams provide to the buyer
Thought Leaders was renamed Thought
                                                           persona; Sales Tools, such as competitive
Leadership. It seems like a small change in
                                                           write-ups and ROI calculators, are internal
words, but it reveals that you’re no longer just
                                                           documents your channel uses to be more
working with thought leaders; many of you now
                                                           effective in selling.
are the thought leaders. You’re providing thought
leadership directly to your markets with blogging
and other social media like LinkedIn, Facebook
and Twitter. With today’s new rules of marketing,
                                                           Support column
marketers don’t have to rely on the media and              The Support column remains the same with
industry analysts to be the thought leaders to             the exception of renaming Answer Desk to
tell their story; marketers can now tell their own         the broader Channel Support.
stories directly to buyers.

The last activity in the Programs column is
Referrals & References. It replaces Success
Stories as a broader definition of how to
leverage customers in your selling process,
helping prospects evaluate your solution
with people who already have experience
with your organization.
                                                        The Pragmatic Marketer   •   Volume 7 Issue 5, 2009
                                                                                             ,                •   9
Updating the Pragmatic Marketing Framework

                                                                                                                                Marketing        Pragmatic
                                                                                                   Plan                           Plan
                                                                                                                                                 Framework                              ™

                                                                                                                                                 A Market-Driven Model for
                                                     Win/Loss              Distribution          Buy, Build       Buyer         Customer         Managing and Marketing
                                                     Analysis               Strategy             or Partner      Personas       Retention
                                                                                                                                                 Technology Products
 So there it is: the
 Pragmatic Marketing                                 Distinctive               Product            Product          User           Program
 Framework, updated for                 STRATEGIC   Competence                 Portfolio        Profitability    Personas      Effectiveness

 2010 and beyond, based
 on enhancements that                                MARKET                STRATEGY              BUSINESS        PLANNING      PROGRAMS        READINESS           SUPPORT
 came from the market
 (you). We’ve tested this                           Competitive                 Product
                                                                                                Innovation      Requirements
                                                                                                                                  Launch         Sales         Presentations
 revision with current                              Landscape                  Roadmap                                             Plan         Process          & Demos

 and potential customers,
 and received great                                 Technology                                                     Use           Thought
                                                    Assessment                                                   Scenarios      Leadership                           Calls
 responses. We know
 you’ll find it aligns with
 the reality of product                                                                                            Status         Lead           Sales                 Event
                                                                                                                 Dashboard      Generation       Tools                Support
 management in your
                                                                                                                                Referrals &     Channel              Channel
                                                                                                                                References      Training             Support
                                                         (480) 515 -1411   I
 If you’re new to us,                                                                                                                                        ©1993-2009 Pragmatic Marketing, Inc.

 come to one of our
 seminars to learn how
 you can use the Pragmatic Marketing Framework
 as a systematic approach to define and deliver
 products to market. To create products that people
 want to buy.

 If it’s been a few years since you attended a
 Pragmatic Marketing seminar, come back for a
 refresher (New slides, new tools, new stories!).

 Want an updated copy of the Framework? Go to to see the new Framework with
 definitions for all the activities. Download a copy to use in your internal presentations. Buy the poster to hang
 on your cubicle wall.

                Jim	Foxworthy	is	an	industry	                                                              Steve	Johnson	is	a	recognized	thought-leader	
                veteran	with	more	than	30	                                                                 on	the	strategic	role	of	product	management	
                years	in	the	computer	industry.	                                                           and	marketing.	Broadly	published	and	a	
                Prior	to	joining	Pragmatic	                                                                frequent	keynote	speaker,	Steve	has	been	a	
                Marketing,	Jim	was	president	                                                              Pragmatic	Marketing	instructor	for	more	than	
                of	a	consulting	firm	focused	                                                              10	years	and	has	personally	trained	thousands	
 exclusively	on	implementations	of	the	                                                      of	product	managers	and	hundreds	of	company	senior	
 Pragmatic	Marketing	Framework.	Contact	                                                     executive	teams	on	strategies	for	creating	products	people	
 Jim	at                                                    want	to	buy.	Steve	is	the	author	of	the	Product	Marketing	
                                                                                             blog.	Contact	Steve	at

10   •   The Pragmatic Marketer   •   Volume 7 Issue 5, 2009
Job Interview? Use the Pragmatic Marketing Framework!

Here’s a great tip: when you’re part of a product management job interview, take along your Pragmatic Marketing
Framework. Whether you are a hiring manager or job candidate, referring to the Framework during the interview
process can be a highly effective way to structure the conversation.

Hiring Managers. One approach to an effective                 Candidates. It is always a great idea to have the
   interview is to refer to the Pragmatic Marketing             Pragmatic Marketing Framework with you when you
   Framework and use it to explain the open position.           interview for a new position. Convey to a hiring
                                                                manager that you use a structured process for your
   Perhaps you used the activities in the Framework             work, to show both competence and confidence.
   to divide work amongst multiple job titles. Using            If they know the framework, you’ll build instant
   the Framework in an interview, you can identify the          rapport; if they’ve never seen the framework, then
   activities this candidate will perform, along with any       you look even smarter.
   hand-offs to other team members.
                                                                  The laminated version of the Framework is also an
   Or perhaps the ideal candidate needs to handle                 excellent tool to illustrate your view of a particular role
   all 37 activities on the Framework. In that case, use          in a company. For example, if you are interviewing for
   the Framework to have the candidate talk about                 a position that will require you to be the “messenger
   the various activities and identify their strengths            of the market,” the Pragmatic Marketing Framework
   and weaknesses.                                                can be used to talk about how you would fulfill that
                                                                  responsibility. Perhaps you’d point at Market Problems
                                                                  or Win/Loss Analysis and illustrate with a prior set
                                                                  of job experiences how you used data from market
                                                                  interviews to drive product direction.
Summary: Don’t be afraid to use the Pragmatic Marketing Framework during the interview. If the person across the table
is also familiar with the model, you immediately have context for the balance of the interview. Maybe they will pull out
their copy, and it will work like a secret handshake!

                                                                    The Pragmatic Marketer   •   Volume 7 Issue 5, 2009
                                                                                                         ,                •   11
Are your product management and marketing teams
                overloaded with tactical activities, spending too much
                 time supporting Development and Sales rather than
                             focusing on strategic issues?

            The Pragmatic Marketing Framework                ™

                                           Business                       Marketing
                                             Plan                           Plan

               Market       Market                          Buying        Customer
              Problems     Definition                       Process      Acquisition

              Win/Loss     Distribution   Buy, Build        Buyer         Customer
              Analysis      Strategy      or Partner       Personas       Retention

             Distinctive    Product         Product          User           Program
            Competence      Portfolio     Profitability    Personas      Effectiveness

              MARKET       STRATEGY       BUSINESS         PLANNING      PROGRAMS        READINESS          SUPPORT

             Competitive     Product                                        Launch         Sales         Presentations
                                          Innovation      Requirements
             Landscape      Roadmap                                          Plan         Process          & Demos

            Technology                                       Use           Thought                          “Special“
            Assessment                                     Scenarios      Leadership                          Calls

                                                             Status         Lead           Sales              Event
                                                           Dashboard      Generation       Tools             Support

                                                                          Referrals &     Channel            Channel
                                                                          References      Training           Support

                                                                                             © 1993-2009 Pragmatic Marketing

                                          Visit or call (800) 816-7861

      emin   ar!   Living in an Agile World™             Requirements That Work™
NEW S           Strategies for product management
              when Development goes agile.
                                                           Methods for creating straightforward product
                                                           plans that product managers can write and
                                                           developers embrace.

  Practical Product Management®
   Principles of the Pragmatic Marketing Framework,      Effective Product Marketing™
   the industry standard for managing and marketing        Repeatable, go-to-market process to design,
   technology products.                                    execute, and measure high-impact marketing

  Pragmatic Roadmapping™
   Techniques to plan, consolidate and communicate       New Rules of Marketing™
   product strategy to multiple audiences.                 Reach buyers directly, with information they
                                                           want to read and search engines reward
                                                           with high rankings.

                                                                             Product Launch Essentials™
                                                                              Assess organizational readiness
                                                         NEW                 and define team responsibilities
  Executive Briefings                                                    for a successful product launch.

  Designed specifically for senior management,
  Executive Briefings discuss how to organize
  Product Management and Marketing
  departments for optimal effectiveness
  and accountability.

    In addition to the extensive published schedule, training can be conducted
   onsite at your office, saving travel time and costs for attendees, and allowing
             a much more focused discussion on internal, critical issues.

                    Pragmatic Marketing’s seminars have been attended by more than
                       60,000 product management and marketing professionals.
The Product
                             Management Triad
                                                                  By	Steve	Johnson
                            Some product managers have a natural affinity for working with Development,
                            others for Sales and Marketing Communications, and others prefer to work on
                         business issues. Finding these three orientations in one person is an almost impossible
                          task. Instead of finding one person with all the skills, perhaps we should find three
                             different people with more specialized skills and have them work as a team.

                   Strategy                         Business                         Marketing
                                                      Plan                             Plan

                Market           Market                               Buying          Customer
               Problems         Definition                            Process        Acquisition
               Win/Loss        Distribution        Buy, Build         Buyer          Customer
               Analysis         Strategy           or Partner        Personas        Retention

               Distinctive      Product             Product            User           Program
              Competence        Portfolio         Profitability      Personas      Effectiveness

                MARKET          STRATEGY           BUSINESS          PLANNING        PROGRAMS      READINESS      SUPPORT

              Competitive        Product                                               Launch        Sales       Presentations
                                                   Innovation      Requirements
              Landscape         Roadmap                                                 Plan        Process        & Demos

              Technology                                               Use            Thought                     “Special“
              Assessment                                             Scenarios       Leadership                     Calls

                   Technical                                           Status

                                                                                     Referrals &    Channel        Channel
                                                                                     References     Training       Support

14     •     The Pragmatic Marketer   •   Volume 7 Issue 5, 2009
How do you organize product management            product line. Now, for each product line,
when there are multiple people involved with      one person concentrates on product strategy
varying skill sets? How any product managers      and the business of the product line,
do you need? What are their roles in the          while another works with Development to
company? Is product management a support          build the best product, and another takes
role or a strategic one? How do you use the       the product message to the channel by
various product management titles such as         working with Marketing Communications
product manager, product marketing manager,       and the sales team.
program manager, or product owner?
                                                  Warning:	Some	companies	attempt	to	
Titles are poorly understood and defined          put	these	three	people	in	three	different	
differently by many organizations. Every year,    departments.	They	put	the	PLM	into	Sales	to	
participants in Pragmatic Marketing’s Annual      do	business	development;	they	put	the	TPM	
Product Management and Marketing Survey           in	Development	and	the	PMM	in	Marketing	
identify hundreds of different titles for those   Communications.	This	always	fails.	To	work	
conducting product management activities.         as	a	team,	they	must	actually	be	a	team.	
An ideal solution for many companies is the       Having	the	TPM	and	PMM	report	to	the	
“product management triad.”                       same	person,	the	PLM,	minimizes	conflict	
                                                  and	overlap,	giving	the	team	a	common	
Some product managers have a natural              objective.	It	has	the	added	benefit	of	giving	a	
affinity for working with Development,            new	director	the	chance	to	learn	to	be	a	good	
others for Sales and Marketing, and some          manager	of	two	people	before	getting	five	or	
prefer to work on business issues. Finding        ten	people	to	manage.
these three orientations in one person is
very difficult. Instead, perhaps we should        Product management teams provide career
find three different people who each possess      paths from entry-level positions to director,
one or more of these skills and have them         all within the product line.
work as a team.

The product management triad includes a           Execution vs. ownership
strategist, a technologist, and a marketer.       As shown in the graphic on the previous
Start with a business-oriented senior product     page, these three positions overlap. This
manager responsible for product strategy.         is deliberate. Execution of these tasks must
Make this person a director of products           be collaborative in order to succeed. For
or product line manager (PLM). Now add            example, Win/Loss Analysis is an excellent
a technology-oriented technical product           data source for Positioning and the Buying
manager (TPM) and a marketing oriented            Process. Your PLM and PMM ought to
product marketing manager (PMM).                  perform win/loss visits together to ensure you
                                                  gain the most value.
Let’s look at an example of how applying
the triad had success for a company of            But do not confuse execution with
nine product managers and nine products,          ownership. Ownership of a task equates to
one product manager per product. The              accountability. As the executive leader of a
salespeople disliked some of the product          team structured this way, the PLM is held
managers and loved others. The ones the           accountable for win/loss analysis even when
salespeople loved were hated by developers.       the TPM and PMM gather the win/loss data.
Applying the triad, they created three
product lines with a PLM for each and
then assigned a TPM and PMM to each               Does this model make sense for you?

                                                        The Pragmatic Marketer   •   Volume 7 Issue 5, 2009
                                                                                             ,                •   15
The Product Management Triad

                 Director, Product Strategy                                     Technical Product Manager
                                                                                 The technical product manager
             The director of product strategy                                    is responsible for defining
             has a business-orientation and is                                   market requirements and
 responsible for the development                               packaging the features into product releases.
 and implementation of the strategic plan for                  This position involves close interaction with
 a specific product family. They maintain close                development leads, product architects, and
 relationships with the market (customers,                     key customers. A strong technical background
 evaluators, and potentials) for awareness                     is required. Job duties include gathering
 of market needs. This includes identification                 requirements from existing and potential
 of appropriate markets and development of                     customers as well as recent evaluators, writing
 effective marketing strategies and tactics for                market requirements documents or Agile product
 reaching them. This person is involved through                backlogs, and monitoring the implementation
 all stages of a product family’s lifecycle.                   of each product project.

 The director of product strategy must:                        The technical product manager must:
 • Discover and validate market problems                       • Conduct technology assessments
     (both existing and future customers)
                                                               • Analyze the competitive landscape
 • Seek new market opportunities by leveraging
     the company’s distinctive competence                      • Maintain the product portfolio roadmap

 • Define and size market segments                             • Monitor and incorporate industry innovations

 • Conduct win/loss analysis                                   • Define user personas for individual products

 • Determine the optimum distribution strategy                 • Write product requirements and use scenarios

 • Provide oversight of strategy, technical,                   • Maintain a status dashboard for all
     and marketing aspects of all products                      portfolio products
     in the portfolio
 • Analyze product profitability and sales success

 • Create and maintain the business plan
     including pricing
 • Determine buy/build/partner decisions

 • Position the product for all markets
     and all buyer types
 • Document the typical buying process

 • Approve final marketing and
     go-to-market plans

16   •   The Pragmatic Marketer   •   Volume 7 Issue 5, 2009
The Product Management Triad

                                                          How you implement the product
                                                          management triad depends on your
Product Marketing Manager                                 organization and the skills of your team.
                                                          Also consider having a role for your base
The product marketing manager                             technology or architecture for issues that
provides product line support                             span product lines. The “architecture”
for program strategy, operational                         product manager can own acquisitions,
readiness and on-going sales support.                     third-party partnerships, and common tools
This position requires close interaction                  needed across all product lines.
with Marketing Communications and sales
management. Strong communication skills are               Take inventory of the skills of each of the
a must. Duties include converting technical               product managers. Create an organization
positioning into key market messages and                  chart of one triad per product line with
launching new products into market.                       no names assigned. Now try to move the
                                                          business-oriented staff (usually your senior
The product marketing manager must:                       product managers) to the PLM positions,
                                                          development-oriented product managers to
• Define buyer personas and determine
                                                          TPM and sales-oriented ones to PMM. The
  market messages                                         remaining holes in your organization chart
• Create the marketing plan including methods             represent your new hiring profiles.
  for customer acquisition as well as
  customer retention
• Measure effectiveness of product
  marketing programs
• Maintain product launch plans

• Deliver thought-leading content via events,
  blogs, e-books, and other outlets
• Identify best opportunities for lead generation

• Create standard presentations and demo scripts

• Identify product references for industry and
  customer referrals                                               Steve	Johnson	is	a	recognized	thought-
                                                                   leader	on	the	strategic	role	of	product	
• Align sales tools and the ideal sales process                    management	and	marketing.	Broadly	
  to the typical buying process
                                                                   published	and	a	frequent	keynote	
• Facilitate channel training including                            speaker,	Steve	has	been	a	Pragmatic	
  competitive threats and related industry news     Marketing	instructor	for	more	than	10	years	and	has	
                                                    personally	trained	thousands	of	product	managers	
                                                    and	hundreds	of	company	senior	executive	teams	on	
                                                    strategies	for	creating	products	people	want	to	buy.	
                                                    Steve	is	the	author	of	the	Product	Marketing	blog.	
                                                    Contact	Steve	at

                                                         The Pragmatic Marketer   •   Volume 7 Issue 5, 2009
                                                                                              ,                •   17
Living in an Agile World                                                     ™

           The strategic role of product management
                 when Development goes agile
      How can you ensure an agile development team remains
      aligned to company strategy and market needs?

      No matter how agile your developers are, you’ll never build a successful product
      if the work being done isn’t focused on creating products people want to buy.

      • Create user stories grounded in market data, not just the opinion of team members,
        so product features are focused on solving real problems.

      • Create a backlog prioritized with market evidence because how else will you build
        a product that the market wants to buy?

      • Determine when a product should ship to align with market rhythms rather than
        when a certain number of features have been completed.

                                                                         The Stra
                                                                                  tegic   Role of Pro
                                                                                                      duct                Managem
                                                                                                                                                 ent When
                                                                                                                                                  By Steve John                 ent Go es
                                                                                                                                                               son, Luke Hohm             Agile
                                                                                                                                                                             ann and Rich

                                                                              ...the best
                                                                                          job to date
                                                                              and yang of             of describin
                                                                                            APO (Agile            g the
                                                                             APM (Agile                 Product Own yin
                                                                                           Product Man               er) and
                                                                             authors are                ager). Mor
                                                                                           exp                     eover, the
                                                                            product man erts in the field of soft
                                                                                            agement so               ware
                                                                            knowledge                   they speak
                                                                                          and credibili             with
                                                                                                       ty from the
                                                                                                                   PM role.
                                                                                                 Dean Leffingwell
                                                                                                                    / Scaling Softw
                                                                                                                                   are Agility

                            Get a free e-book at

Download a complete agenda and register at
           Call (800) 816-7861 to conduct this seminar at your office
              easure User
              Experience   By	Giovanni	Calabro

 The one fundamental truth vital to
 web product development success
 is to know the mind of the user.

Because there is                                                                      What’s more, when
                                                                                     determining whether
a direct correlation between
techniques used to measure an                                                       a website or web-based
online customer’s experience and the ability            application is meeting the needs of its audience(s),
to persuade him or her to act. As more of our           it’s important to separate aesthetics from function.
daily activities, both personal and professional,       For example, your product may be very well-
are managed online, most organizations are              designed and visually appealing to your users but
responsible for multiple websites and web-based         at the same time, can be functionally “unusable.”
tools that serve a broad range of audiences:
customers, prospects, employees, channel partners,      We’ve all experienced unusable sites and
 regulatory agencies, etc. That means online            applications. Whether it’s the online help site
  success depends on the ability to accurately          provided by your cable or satellite provider, or
                       measure a website or web         the online banking system you use to pay bills.
                       application’s performance        Beautiful design can be painfully frustrating
                        for unique target audiences     for users. Alternatively, poorly designed sites
                         on multiple levels across      and applications may be quite functional, but
                         multiple dimensions.           fall far short in reinforcing the brand. Finding
                                                        the appropriate balance between aesthetics and
                        However, relying on             function is a difficult task. Understanding and
                        assumptions drawn               measuring the user experience is the first step to
                         from rudimentary               achieving that balance. To remain competitive and
                             measurements of            retain customers, product managers need tools to
                             user-centered design       optimize both aesthetics and function.
                             can’t provide sufficient
                           data to tailor a website     This article provides a three-staged User
                          or web application to         Experience Measurement Hierarchy and also
                        your users’ unique needs.       outlines a simple approach you can use to
                                                        determine the best user experience measurement
                                                        tools and techniques for your web product
                                                        management needs.

                                                        The Pragmatic Marketer   •   Volume 7 Issue 5, 2009
                                                                                             ,                •   19
Top 10 Tools To Measure User Experience

            Stages                      Need                   Recommended tools            Ideally suited for…
           Stage             Provides a basic             1. Heuristics                        Getting a big
            One              sense of site or                                                picture sense of
                             web application              2. Expert Review                  performance and
         Knowledge            performance                 3. Web Hits/Usage Analysis        major weaknesses

           Stage            Identify what users           4. User Testing                     Documenting
            Two            are doing and where                                              user behavior and
                              problems exist              5. Session Analysis                 understanding
     User Behavior                                        6. Online Surveys                 why users are not
                                                                                            completing tasks
                                                          7. A/B and Multivariate Testing

                                                          8. Eye Tracking
            Stage           Determine whether                                                 Measuring user
            Three              a website or               9. Emotion/Trust Measurement      thinking to compel
           Influence          application is                                                   and persuade
                                compelling                10. Neuro-Marketing                   users to act
          Your Users

     User Experience Measurement Hierarchy
     The majority of organizations sit at the bottom of the
     pyramid, having only achieved Stage One: General
     Knowledge of their users’ online experience. Due
     to the perceived cost and complexity of measuring
     user engagement, the widespread availability of
     user-centered design best practices, and significant
     cost pressures, this basic level is understandable.
     However, leading organizations in industries such
     as insurance, manufacturing, healthcare, travel/
     hospitality and financial services, have made the
     migration to Stage Two: Understand User Behavior,
     and are seeing significant return on investment
     by way of increased revenue, reduced support
     costs and improved customer satisfaction. Even
     rarer are firms that have achieved Stage Three:
     Influence Your Users. While we’ve yet to see these
     tools widely adopted, they represent the future of
     user experience measurement.

20   •   The Pragmatic Marketer   •   Volume 7 Issue 5, 2009
Top 10 Tools to Measure User Experience

Stage One                             2. Expert Review                        3. Web Hits/Usage Analysis
General Knowledge                     An expert review is a rapid survey      Web hits/usage analysis uses tools
                                      of a website/application from           like Google Analytics, Omniture
A basic sense of site or web          specialists in user-centered design.    and WebTrends to study the hit
application performance               Expert reviews can take you to          pattern of your site or application.
                                      the next level of user experience       They can give you a sense of
The first stage of user experience    measurement by systematically           the number of pages visited and
measurement involves very little      rating the performance of               viewed, the typical navigation
measurement at all. At Stage One,     your product on several                 flow, and key drop-off locations.
organizations are typically working   relevant dimensions: navigation         You can also track statistics such
with “heuristic analyses” or best     effectiveness, content selection,       as bounce rates and conversion
practices to create assumptions       visual presentation, branding, and      metrics. When combined with
about users. Whether performed        interaction simplicity. An expert       customer relationship management
by an internal usability expert or    review can often be done with a         data, web hits/usage analysis can
a usability consultant, the result    short turnaround and can be used        be highly effective in mapping and
is an “informed guess” as to          to develop a measure of all your        understanding user behavior.
what users need.                      web assets as well as identify areas
                                      that need the most attention.           It’s important to remember, web
Tools to find out general                                                     analytics/usage metrics rely on
knowledge about the user include:                                             assumptions about user behavior
                                                                              and how those assumptions
1 Heuristics
 .                                                                            correspond to your web goals.
                                                                              So while these tools can help you
Heuristics are de facto web                                                   determine the relative “success” of
standards and research from                                                   your website in meeting business
the cognitive sciences that                                                   goals, it’s difficult to know whether
reveal a number of best                                                       you are truly capturing the needs
practices in interaction styles,                                              of your key target audience(s).
page layout, and visual design.                                               The knowledge you gain through
Usability problems found                                                          web analytics tools may be too
through a heuristic evaluation                                                     general to understand individual
are typically linked to aspects                                                    user’s thinking and ultimately
of the interface that are                                                          persuade them to act or change
reasonably easy to demonstrate.                                                   their online behavior.
For example, use of colors,
layout and information structure,
consistency of the terminology,                                                The clear advantages of Stage One
or consistency of the interaction                                              user experience measures are they
mechanism.                                                                      are inexpensive, easy-to-use,
                                                                                   can be quickly deployed and
                                                                                    applied to many sites and

                                                                The Pragmatic Marketer   •   Volume 7 Issue 5, 2009
                                                                                                     ,                •   21
Top 10 Tools to Measure User Experience

Stage Two                                       The best tools for understanding      The advantage of user testing is you
Understand User Behavior                        user behavior include:                learn what the target audience can
                                                                                      and can’t accomplish, understand
                                                4. User Testing                       why users are having trouble, how
Identify what users are doing                                                         to correct it, and receive direct
and where problems exist                        User testing is highly effective in   feedback. The disadvantages are
The user-centered behavior metrics              designing for specific user groups.   obvious: it can be more expensive
of Stage Two can provide an                     User testing can be done in person,   to test individuals, especially
in-depth analysis of obstacles to               in a lab or focus group or even       when you’re dealing with multiple
accomplishing tasks on your site(s)             remotely online, and involves         user types and a large number
and applications.                               interviewing individuals              of test participants. In addition to
                                                who are representative of             a testing facility and moderator
                                                your target audience. By asking       costs, there are also costs to recruit
In order to truly understand what               them to accomplish specific,          and compensate test participants.
your target audience is doing                   representative tasks to determine     Participants typically receive a
online, you need to study a                     ease of use and recommend             small stipend and refreshments.
representative sample of individual             improvements, you can gather first-   Remote testing can serve as a more
users first hand. In-depth analysis             hand information about how users      cost-effective alternative; however,
typically is accomplished through               are behaving and what they            additional web conferencing
user (usability) test sessions                  are saying about your site or         costs apply.
performed remotely or in person.                application. User testing is often
These sessions will reveal much                 most effective when it’s done
more about how users are                                                              5. Session Analysis
                                                early in the design process, before
anticipating the site or how the                development and visual design.        Session Analysis involves studying
application works and what design                                                     multiple single-user transactions,
issues might stop a user from                                                         live or replayed based on certain
accomplishing key tasks.                                                              criteria (e.g., error message present,
                                                                                      drop-off at buy button). They can
                                                                                      reveal a great deal of information
                                                                                      about the user’s path and how to
                                                                                      correct flow problems. Session
                                                                                      analysis tools like TeaLeaf® are
                                                                                      good tools for transactional sites
                                                                                      and web applications.

                                                                                      These tools provide detailed
                                                                                      naturalistic web session analysis,
                                                                                      monitoring and replaying
                                                                                      individual sessions and
                                                                                      capturing the user experience
                                                                                      either live or replayed for
                                                                                      specific individuals. Error
                                                                                      messages, broken links, or
                                                                                      users clearly deviating from the
                                                                                      expected path reveals critical
                                                                                      system weaknesses. The ability
                                                                                      to produce a recording of an
                                                                                      individual user’s sessions—
                                                                                      including the page sequence,
                                                                                      form inputs, button selections and
                                                                                      actual HTML page served to the
                                                                                      customer’s browser—can help find
                                                                                      and correlate an individual user’s
                                                                                      behavior to application errors.

22   •   The Pragmatic Marketer   •   Volume 7 Issue 5, 2009
Top 10 Tools to Measure User Experience

6. Online Surveys                       7 A/B and Multivariate Testing
                                         .                                      managed through a marketing
                                                                                automation tool such as SiteSpect
Collecting larger population samples    A/B and Multivariate Testing allows     or OnDialog, it can also be easily
through online surveys is a quick       alternative designs to be tested and    scaled and deployed with no
and inexpensive way to capture          measured with a small segment of        regard to internal technology
likes and dislikes, most common         users. Nearly all high-transactional    infrastructure, a significant benefit
feature requests, and summary           sites, such as, Yahoo, Google and       for organizations with complex or
information about a user persona., use this methodology        legacy infrastructure issues.
It is important to collect larger       which enables a comparison
population samples to ensure that       between the existing site and
in-depth studies are representative     the prototype site for conversion       Stage Two User Experience
of the target audience.                 optimization. Tools like SiteSpect      Measurement tools such as User
                                        and OnDialog are just a few of          Testing, Session Analysis, Online
                                                                                Surveys and A/B and Multivariate
Companies like ForeSee Results          the options available.
                                                                                Testing are ideal for understanding
provide a variety of intercept survey                                           what users are doing and where
options integrating best practices      The beauty of A/B and Multivariate      they are experiencing difficulty.
from web analytics, market research     Testing is they offer the ability to    Each has its own advantages
and other tools, such as the            isolate and assess the performance      and disadvantages. While all can
University of Michigan’s American       of virtually every element of           be used, each solves a unique
Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI),     a web site, landing page, or            problem for marketers and product
to help companies convert               application. From page layout,          managers. Fortunately for product
satisfaction data into user-driven      to headline text, to complete           managers, each of these tools is
web development strategies.             color palette variations, A/B           also widely available at varying
                                        and Multivariate Testing can be         price points that can be customized
                                        highly effective in identifying what    to meet your specific requirements.
                                        works and what doesn’t from a
                                        user’s perspective. Plus, when

                                                                 The Pragmatic Marketer   •   Volume 7 Issue 5, 2009
                                                                                                      ,                •   23
Top 10 Tools to Measure User Experience

Stage Three                                      audience, product managers can        The critical feature of these
Influence Your Users                             gain powerful insight into critical   technologies is to measure the
                                                 data unavailable through any          experience of your target audience
                                                 other means:                          and understand what they find
Determine whether a website                                                            compelling and appealing. Using
or application is compelling                                                           these techniques, you can also
                                                 • What first captures readers’
It has never been enough to “put                   attention when visiting the page    identify which messages are most
something out there” that basically                                                    effective and what dictates trust
works. In order to influence                     • How often readers see the           and positive emotion from your
users, you must directly measure                   diversity of news and content       website or web application.
what users think. Websites and                     the publication offers
applications must be compelling                                                        The disadvantages of these “higher
                                                 • Where readers are looking
to the users both to be successful                                                     level” measurement techniques
                                                   versus where they actually click    are many. They require more
and for key influencers to spread
the word about their positive                                                          equipment and analysis. Given
experience. Increasingly, sites are              9. Emotion/Trust Measurement          their lack of widespread adoption,
ranked on their persuasiveness                                                         it can be difficult to achieve buy-
                                                 Several early prototypes are using    in within your organization to
and influence on user thinking
                                                 various measurements (e.g., skin      pursue such an initiative. Finally,
rather than just the ability to
                                                 conductance, heart rate, facial       due to the higher expense, product
accomplish a goal.
                                                 emotion detection, mood survey)       managers are cautioned to develop
                                                 to determine how users feel           a realistic return on investment
The following tools are ideal for                while using sites and tools. There
understanding user experience                                                          model before diving in.
                                                 is an increasing consensus that
and satisfaction:                                both explicit (survey) and implicit
                                                 (emotion detection) tools are
8. Eye Tracking                                  needed to really understand user
                                                                                       Measuring and
                                                 motivations and experience.
Eye tracking is a well-established                                                     managing experience
vision science technology that can
be readily applied to user testing.              10. Neuro-marketing                   Although time and cost limitations
                                                                                       exist in measuring user experience,
It can record where users are                    While only a few tools                there is a clear progression in
looking first, what is capturing                 have made their way from              user experience measurement
their attention, and what they are               neuroscience laboratories,            sophistication: from general
choosing to act on. Eye tracking                 there are some applications of        knowledge to influencing user
goes beyond measuring overt                      Electroencephalograms (EEG)           behavior. No matter what level
behavior and provides a window                   technology and functional             of sophistication you choose,
into the user’s thinking.                        Magnetic Resonance Imaging            knowing as much information
                                                 (fMRI) which are being used in        about your users as possible helps
Eye tracking studies are                         the commercial arena to measure       craft a compelling experience
particularly effective when                      engagement and emotional              for your highest use sites and
applied in an online publishing                  response to user experience.          applications.
environment; for example,                        These tools provide a window
news and entertainment sites.                    into user satisfaction.
By testing a subset of a target

                 Giovanni	Calabro	has	more	than	10	years	of	experience	leading	interactive	research	and	design	
                 efforts	for	a	wide	range	of	business	sectors.	Giovanni	currently	serves	as	Vice	President	of	User	
                 Experience	at	Siteworx,	a	Reston,	Virginia-based	interactive	agency	and	Web	strategy	consultancy.

                 Giovanni	is	an	avid	writer	and	presenter	on	all	topics	related	to	the	business	aspects	of	user	
                 experience	and	user	interface	design.	Contact	Giovanni	at,	or	visit		
                 the	Siteworx	blog	for	deeper	insights	into	user	experience	design	and	
                 measurement	techniques.

24   •   The Pragmatic Marketer   •   Volume 7 Issue 5, 2009
Product Launch Essentials                                             ™

           Plan and execute a successful product launch

Are your product launch efforts focused on deliverables rather than results?

Launching a product is more than following a simple checklist. A successful product launch is the
culmination of many, carefully planned steps by a focused, coordinated team. Even good products can
fail because of organizational issues, misunderstanding of roles and responsibilities, and a lack of a
strategic approach to guide efforts.

• Learn a repeatable product launch process to shorten the launch planning cycle, get the resources
  needed, and know what to expect at every step.

• Understand the seven product launch strategies your team can use to maximize sales velocity.

• Measure product launch progress with indicators that identify unforeseen issues before they become
  big problems.

  Download a complete agenda and register at
              Call (800) 816-7861 to conduct this seminar at your office
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The Pragmatic Marketer: Volume 7, Issue5
The Pragmatic Marketer: Volume 7, Issue5
The Pragmatic Marketer: Volume 7, Issue5
The Pragmatic Marketer: Volume 7, Issue5
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The Pragmatic Marketer: Volume 7, Issue5

  • 1. 7 5 2009 The Product Management Triad Top 10 Tools Updating the to Measure User Experience Pragmatic Marketing Framework The Strategic Product Manager and the CFO
  • 2. Participate in the 10th Annual Product Management and Marketing Survey What is the difference between product management and product marketing? 2008 Product Manager Product Management VS. Product Marketing There’s an on-going discussion in virtually every company about titles and responsibilities in product Monitoring development projects management. This graph Writing product requirements from our 2008 - 2009 Researching market needs survey (pragmaticmarketing. com/survey) shows that, in Preparing business case practice, these titles have Writing detailed specifications much overlap. Visiting sites (without salespeople) Creating sales presentations and demos Each year, Pragmatic Creating promotional material Marketing conducts a survey with product Training salespeople managers and marketing Planning and managing marketing programs professionals. Our objective Going on sales calls is to provide information Performing win/loss analysis about compensation as Measuring marketing programs well as the most common responsibilities for product Working with press or analysts managers and other 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% marketing professionals. Visit to have your say! Survey will be open November 2 - 24, 2009
  • 3. The Pragmatic Marketer ™ 8910 E. Raintree Drive Inside this issue: Volume 7 Issue 5 • 2009 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Pragmatic Marketing, Inc. Founder and CEO 5 Updating the Pragmatic Marketing Framework™ Craig Stull By Jim Foxworthy and Steve Johnson Editor-in-Chief Periodically—and very carefully—we update Kristyn Benmoussa the Pragmatic Marketing Framework™ to align with current practices for marketing Editor technology solutions. Here is an Linda Sowers overview of changes to reflect today’s ————————————————— best practices in product management. Interested in contributing an article? Visit No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in any retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. For advertising rates, call (480) 515-1411. Other product and/or company names mentioned in this journal may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies and are the sole property of their respective owners. The Pragmatic Marketer, a Pragmatic Marketing publication, shall not be liable regardless of the 14 The Product Management Triad cause, for any errors, inaccuracies, omissions, or By Steve Johnson other defects in, or untimeliness or unauthenticity of, the information contained within this magazine. Some product managers have Pragmatic Marketing makes no representations, warranties, or guarantees as to the results obtained a natural affinity for working with Development, from the use of this information and shall not be others for Sales and Marketing Communications, and others prefer to liable for any third-party claims or losses of any kind, including lost profits, and punitive damages. work on business issues. Finding these three orientations in one person The Pragmatic Marketer is a trademark of is an almost impossible task. Instead of finding one person with all Pragmatic Marketing, Inc. the skills, perhaps we should find three different people with more Printed in the U.S.A. specialized skills and have them work as a team. All rights reserved. ISSN 1938-9752 (Print) ISSN 1938-9760 (Online) 19 Top 10 Tools to Measure User Experience By Giovanni Calabro The one fundamental truth vital to web product development success is to know the mind of the user. This article provides a three-staged User Experience Measurement Hierarchy and also outlines a simple About Pragmatic Marketing® approach you can use to determine the best user experience Creator of the world’s most popular product management and marketing seminars, Pragmatic measurement tools and techniques for your web Marketing has trained more than 60,000 technology product management needs. product management and marketing professionals at 5,000 companies in 21 countries. As the thought- leader in the industry, the company produces blogs, webinars, podcasts, and publications read by more than 100,000 every year. Pragmatic Marketing has been honored four times by 26 The Strategic Product Manager Inc. magazine as one of the fastest growing private and the CFO companies in America (2000, 2007, 2008, 2009), and in 2008 named a Comerica Bank Arizona Company By Jon Gatrell and John Mecke to Watch. Visit to learn more. Give your CFO an opportunity to contribute, participate in the day-to-day workings of your product as a business, and you may just get a business partner who can help you and your product be more successful in the marketplace. The Pragmatic Marketer • Volume 7 Issue 5, 2009 , • 3
  • 4. Pragmatic Roadmapping ™ Online or onsite at your company Align your product strategy with the market Do you need a practical and repeatable way to communicate product plans, strategy and vision? Recorded live, Pragmatic Roadmapping is a complete one-day seminar, presented in three parts you can watch all at once or spread over several days. Each session includes instructor-led, hands-on exercises to help you define, plan and complete your roadmap. • Align and focus the organization around the market not just your products. • Identify which projects to fund based on available resources and company strategy. • Communicate the roadmap internally & externally with just the right detail for each audience. Download a complete agenda and register at Call (800) 816-7861 to conduct this seminar at your office
  • 5. By Jim Foxworthy and Steve Johnson Updating the Pragmatic Marketing Framework The Pragmatic Marketer • Volume 7 Issue 5, 2009 , • 5
  • 6. Updating the Pragmatic Marketing Framework Periodically—and very carefully—we update the Pragmatic Marketing Framework™ to align with current practices for marketing technology solutions. Having trained more than 60,000 product management and marketing professionals, some of these changes are the result of our training efforts and some the evolution of the product management discipline in 21st century technology businesses. Over time some things become more important, some less. We’ve seen an escalation of the importance of buyer and user personas. Social media channels like Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter are key elements in today’s marketing efforts. And e-books have become the preferred method of communicating thought leadership with a soft-sell orientation instead of traditional white papers and other “selling-oriented” materials. Business Positioning MarketingPragmatic Plan Plan Marketing So in June 2009, we revised the Pragmatic Marketing Framework—some items were moved, others renamed, a Market few added, or deleted—to reflect today’s best practices in product management. Problems Market Definition Pricing Buying Process Customer Acquisition Framework ™ This article steps you through the new version of the Framework. A Market-Driven Model for Win/Loss Distribution Buy, Build Buyer Customer Managing and Marketing Analysis Strategy or Partner Personas Retention Technology Products Distinctive Product Product User Program Competence Portfolio Profitability Personas Effectiveness STRATEGIC TACTICAL MARKET STRATEGY BUSINESS PLANNING PROGRAMS READINESS SUPPORT Improved workflow Competitive Product Innovation Launch Sales Presentations Requirementsabout that logical structure for a minute. Think Landscape Roadmap Plan Process You spend time in the Market trying to uncover& Demos The horizontal orientation of the Framework has unsolved market problems, right? You try to not changed. The activities on the left side are still determine whether or not the problems you’ve strategic; the activities on the right still tactical. It’s Technology Use Thought “Special“ discovered are pervasive and urgent, and if people been that way for more than 15 years. Collateral Assessment Scenarios are willing Leadership to pay to solve them. And then you Calls bring that inside the organization and start a We’ve streamlined the categories of activities comparison to your existing Strategy. Is this a fit (columns) to better flow from strategic to tactical. Status our strategic initiatives? With our portfolioEvent with Lead Sales of They now reflect the way many implement Dashboard products? IsGeneration this a business weTools to pursue at want Support the Framework, from market to strategy our company? to business and planning, to market programs and readiness, to on-going Once you get past that test, Business analysis Referrals & Channel Channel support. These sets of activities are References Training Support begins. Is this a good investment for us? Do all the (480) 515 -1411 I Strategy, now labeled Market, financial numbers associated with the investment Business, Planning, work? Once you’ve cleared that hurdle, it’s© 1timePragmatic Marketing, Inc. 993-2009 to Programs, Readiness begin the process of Planning the actual solution and Support. you’re going to create. From there it’s all about go-to-market, so we plan out our Programs, Readiness, and on-going Support. Let’s cover the Framework changes, one column at a time. 6 • The Pragmatic Marketer • Volume 7 Issue 5, 2009 ,
  • 7. Updating the Pragmatic Marketing Framework Strategy column Market Sizing was renamed Market Definition. Defining the market is much more than just counting the number of opportunities in a segment; it’s about understanding all the different details about that segment and why you should pursue it. Distribution Strategy is a new activity in the Strategy column. It’s just as important to understand how you’re going to market and deliver to the people who are planning to buy it, as it is to think about the product itself and whether or not it’s a good investment for you. The buyer may want to be sold differently and receive solutions differently. Where once technology companies determined distribution based on their existing channels, it’s now more important to understand how the buyer wants to receive solutions. More and more, product management is determining pricing and packaging, on-premise versus hosted, direct sales versus multi-tier versus web- based sales. How technology solutions are distributed is a part of the strategy, not an afterthought or driven by history and habit. We moved Product Portfolio and Product Roadmap to this new Strategy column. This is where you compare your new product idea to your existing portfolio and current Market column roadmap to evaluate whether or In the Market column we’ve always had an not this idea, in isolation, fits activity called Market Problems, and as you with the overarching goals of know if you’ve been to our seminars, that what you’re doing as particular activity is the absolute preeminent an organization. starting place. So we’ve moved it to the cornerstone of the entire Framework. We combined Market Research with Market Problems since after all, that’s the reason you do market research: to discover market problems. Next to Market Problems is Win/Loss Analysis; a form of discovery research, specifically focused on those who have recently evaluated your products. This activity is becoming more and more important, and Pragmatic Marketing’s 2008 Annual Product Management and Marketing Survey shows 37% of product managers are actively performing win/loss analysis. This has increased significantly from 17% in 2000 when we began surveying product managers. And remember that when you do win/loss analysis, you learn at least as much about the buying process as you learn about the product people were trying to buy. The Pragmatic Marketer • Volume 7 Issue 5, 2009 , • 7
  • 8. Updating the Pragmatic Marketing Framework Planning column Positioning and Use Scenarios are still part of the Planning column—that hasn’t changed. There’s a new addition to the Framework—the Buying Process. Many marketing managers worry about the sales process and the associated sales tools, yet our research reveals many sales processes are out of alignment with the buying process. Let’s change that now! Product managers and product marketing managers should understand the way buyers buy and create tools to instrument the selling process accordingly. What matters is not how you want to sell but how they want Business column to buy. And if you understand how they want to buy, the steps Once you pass the they go through, then you should hurdles of your product mirror that with how you sell. strategy, it’s time to run the numbers. In the Business column, Business Case is For most vendors, buyers don’t use now called Business Plan. It’s a small and users don’t buy. Buyer and user change, but Business Case is just an personas have been cornerstones of our artifact; planning is much more than that. seminars and webinars since 2000 and continue to be important Business planning includes at least two for technology companies. A deep understanding of both Buyer artifacts and a number of inputs. We have Personas and User Personas help companies build products always covered these topics: now the activity buyers want to buy and users want to use. Buyer personas focus is more aptly named. your marketing efforts because a product won’t succeed if you can’t get people to buy it. Not only do you need to understand Pricing, Innovation, and Buy, how they buy, you need to understand who the buyers are and Build or Partner are still part of the why they buy. Equally important are user personas. Selling your Business column. product doesn’t matter if people won’t use it—and recommend it to their colleagues. User personas are critical to the development We’ve always encouraged you to look at process of your product because they reveal how users differ from Product Performance and Operational buyers—and also how they differ from your developers, your sales Metrics and the reason, of course, is so people, and your own executives. you can create a profitable product. We’ve combined these into a single activity, Lastly, in this column, Release Milestones was renamed Product Profitability, in the Business Status Dashboard. Release Milestones was focused on the column. Product Profitability is the key development tasks to deliver products to distribution; Status ultimate measure of a good business. Dashboard is something more. A status dashboard communicates Development is accountable for functionality overall organizational readiness. Not only is the code or device and schedules; Sales is accountable for ready, but the organization is ready to deliver it to customers. revenue. Product management should obsess about creating profitable products. It’s As the “single throat to choke” on product status, we encourage vitally important that marketing managers product management to maintain the dashboard for their understand their role in a “soft sense,” as products, whether on the intranet, a wiki or a periodic e-mail, the president of the product. If you’re the showing the KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) and current president of the product, the one thing project status. you should be held accountable for is product profitability. 8 • The Pragmatic Marketer • Volume 7 Issue 5, 2009 ,
  • 9. Updating the Pragmatic Marketing Framework Programs column There are only three changes to this column. We added an activity called Program Effectiveness. You’ve probably heard people say “you can’t manage what you can’t measure.” Should you continue going to the big trade shows and conferences? Or should you start doing more webinars, podcasts and social media programs? Should you do both? Program Effectiveness answers that. Once you begin measuring, it’s easy to see what programs make sense and which should be discontinued. If you’ve attended our Effective Product Marketing™ seminar, you may recall the story about a young marketing professional who got promoted, ran into his senior executive in the hallway and got the following advice. “Don’t focus Readiness column on your efforts; focus on your results.” Meaning We moved Sales Process from the Product that it really isn’t important how many leads Planning column to the Readiness column. came from a particular marketing program, what The sales process should mirror the buying matters in the end is how many leads produced process. Collateral, such as white papers how many dollars of revenue. and e-books, are external documents that your sales teams provide to the buyer Thought Leaders was renamed Thought persona; Sales Tools, such as competitive Leadership. It seems like a small change in write-ups and ROI calculators, are internal words, but it reveals that you’re no longer just documents your channel uses to be more working with thought leaders; many of you now effective in selling. are the thought leaders. You’re providing thought leadership directly to your markets with blogging and other social media like LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter. With today’s new rules of marketing, Support column marketers don’t have to rely on the media and The Support column remains the same with industry analysts to be the thought leaders to the exception of renaming Answer Desk to tell their story; marketers can now tell their own the broader Channel Support. stories directly to buyers. The last activity in the Programs column is Referrals & References. It replaces Success Stories as a broader definition of how to leverage customers in your selling process, helping prospects evaluate your solution with people who already have experience with your organization. The Pragmatic Marketer • Volume 7 Issue 5, 2009 , • 9
  • 10. Updating the Pragmatic Marketing Framework Business Positioning Marketing Pragmatic Plan Plan Marketing Market Problems Market Definition Pricing Buying Process Customer Acquisition Framework ™ A Market-Driven Model for Win/Loss Distribution Buy, Build Buyer Customer Managing and Marketing Analysis Strategy or Partner Personas Retention Technology Products So there it is: the Pragmatic Marketing Distinctive Product Product User Program Framework, updated for STRATEGIC Competence Portfolio Profitability Personas Effectiveness TACTICAL 2010 and beyond, based on enhancements that MARKET STRATEGY BUSINESS PLANNING PROGRAMS READINESS SUPPORT came from the market (you). We’ve tested this Competitive Product Innovation Requirements Launch Sales Presentations revision with current Landscape Roadmap Plan Process & Demos and potential customers, and received great Technology Use Thought Collateral “Special“ Assessment Scenarios Leadership Calls responses. We know you’ll find it aligns with the reality of product Status Lead Sales Event Dashboard Generation Tools Support management in your organization. Referrals & Channel Channel References Training Support (480) 515 -1411 I If you’re new to us, ©1993-2009 Pragmatic Marketing, Inc. come to one of our seminars to learn how you can use the Pragmatic Marketing Framework as a systematic approach to define and deliver products to market. To create products that people want to buy. If it’s been a few years since you attended a Pragmatic Marketing seminar, come back for a refresher (New slides, new tools, new stories!). Want an updated copy of the Framework? Go to to see the new Framework with definitions for all the activities. Download a copy to use in your internal presentations. Buy the poster to hang on your cubicle wall. Jim Foxworthy is an industry Steve Johnson is a recognized thought-leader veteran with more than 30 on the strategic role of product management years in the computer industry. and marketing. Broadly published and a Prior to joining Pragmatic frequent keynote speaker, Steve has been a Marketing, Jim was president Pragmatic Marketing instructor for more than of a consulting firm focused 10 years and has personally trained thousands exclusively on implementations of the of product managers and hundreds of company senior Pragmatic Marketing Framework. Contact executive teams on strategies for creating products people Jim at want to buy. Steve is the author of the Product Marketing blog. Contact Steve at 10 • The Pragmatic Marketer • Volume 7 Issue 5, 2009 ,
  • 11. Job Interview? Use the Pragmatic Marketing Framework! Here’s a great tip: when you’re part of a product management job interview, take along your Pragmatic Marketing Framework. Whether you are a hiring manager or job candidate, referring to the Framework during the interview process can be a highly effective way to structure the conversation. Hiring Managers. One approach to an effective Candidates. It is always a great idea to have the interview is to refer to the Pragmatic Marketing Pragmatic Marketing Framework with you when you Framework and use it to explain the open position. interview for a new position. Convey to a hiring manager that you use a structured process for your Perhaps you used the activities in the Framework work, to show both competence and confidence. to divide work amongst multiple job titles. Using If they know the framework, you’ll build instant the Framework in an interview, you can identify the rapport; if they’ve never seen the framework, then activities this candidate will perform, along with any you look even smarter. hand-offs to other team members. The laminated version of the Framework is also an Or perhaps the ideal candidate needs to handle excellent tool to illustrate your view of a particular role all 37 activities on the Framework. In that case, use in a company. For example, if you are interviewing for the Framework to have the candidate talk about a position that will require you to be the “messenger the various activities and identify their strengths of the market,” the Pragmatic Marketing Framework and weaknesses. can be used to talk about how you would fulfill that responsibility. Perhaps you’d point at Market Problems or Win/Loss Analysis and illustrate with a prior set of job experiences how you used data from market interviews to drive product direction. Summary: Don’t be afraid to use the Pragmatic Marketing Framework during the interview. If the person across the table is also familiar with the model, you immediately have context for the balance of the interview. Maybe they will pull out their copy, and it will work like a secret handshake! The Pragmatic Marketer • Volume 7 Issue 5, 2009 , • 11
  • 12. Are your product management and marketing teams overloaded with tactical activities, spending too much time supporting Development and Sales rather than focusing on strategic issues? The Pragmatic Marketing Framework ™ Business Marketing Positioning Plan Plan Market Market Buying Customer Pricing Problems Definition Process Acquisition Win/Loss Distribution Buy, Build Buyer Customer Analysis Strategy or Partner Personas Retention Distinctive Product Product User Program Competence Portfolio Profitability Personas Effectiveness STRATEGIC TACTICAL MARKET STRATEGY BUSINESS PLANNING PROGRAMS READINESS SUPPORT Competitive Product Launch Sales Presentations Innovation Requirements Landscape Roadmap Plan Process & Demos Technology Use Thought “Special“ Collateral Assessment Scenarios Leadership Calls Status Lead Sales Event Dashboard Generation Tools Support Referrals & Channel Channel References Training Support © 1993-2009 Pragmatic Marketing Visit or call (800) 816-7861
  • 13. Seminars emin ar! Living in an Agile World™ Requirements That Work™ NEW S Strategies for product management when Development goes agile. Methods for creating straightforward product plans that product managers can write and developers embrace. Practical Product Management® Principles of the Pragmatic Marketing Framework, Effective Product Marketing™ the industry standard for managing and marketing Repeatable, go-to-market process to design, technology products. execute, and measure high-impact marketing programs. Pragmatic Roadmapping™ Techniques to plan, consolidate and communicate New Rules of Marketing™ product strategy to multiple audiences. Reach buyers directly, with information they want to read and search engines reward with high rankings. Product Launch Essentials™ ar! Semin Assess organizational readiness NEW and define team responsibilities Executive Briefings for a successful product launch. Designed specifically for senior management, Executive Briefings discuss how to organize Product Management and Marketing departments for optimal effectiveness and accountability. In addition to the extensive published schedule, training can be conducted onsite at your office, saving travel time and costs for attendees, and allowing a much more focused discussion on internal, critical issues. Pragmatic Marketing’s seminars have been attended by more than 60,000 product management and marketing professionals.
  • 14. The Product Management Triad By Steve Johnson Some product managers have a natural affinity for working with Development, others for Sales and Marketing Communications, and others prefer to work on business issues. Finding these three orientations in one person is an almost impossible task. Instead of finding one person with all the skills, perhaps we should find three different people with more specialized skills and have them work as a team. Strategy Business Marketing Positioning Plan Plan Market Market Buying Customer Pricing Problems Definition Process Acquisition Marketing Win/Loss Distribution Buy, Build Buyer Customer Analysis Strategy or Partner Personas Retention Distinctive Product Product User Program Competence Portfolio Profitability Personas Effectiveness STRATEGIC TACTICAL MARKET STRATEGY BUSINESS PLANNING PROGRAMS READINESS SUPPORT Competitive Product Launch Sales Presentations Innovation Requirements Landscape Roadmap Plan Process & Demos Technology Use Thought “Special“ Collateral Assessment Scenarios Leadership Calls Technical Status Dashboard Lead Generation Sales Tools Event Support Referrals & Channel Channel References Training Support 14 • The Pragmatic Marketer • Volume 7 Issue 5, 2009 ,
  • 15. How do you organize product management product line. Now, for each product line, when there are multiple people involved with one person concentrates on product strategy varying skill sets? How any product managers and the business of the product line, do you need? What are their roles in the while another works with Development to company? Is product management a support build the best product, and another takes role or a strategic one? How do you use the the product message to the channel by various product management titles such as working with Marketing Communications product manager, product marketing manager, and the sales team. program manager, or product owner? Warning: Some companies attempt to Titles are poorly understood and defined put these three people in three different differently by many organizations. Every year, departments. They put the PLM into Sales to participants in Pragmatic Marketing’s Annual do business development; they put the TPM Product Management and Marketing Survey in Development and the PMM in Marketing identify hundreds of different titles for those Communications. This always fails. To work conducting product management activities. as a team, they must actually be a team. An ideal solution for many companies is the Having the TPM and PMM report to the “product management triad.” same person, the PLM, minimizes conflict and overlap, giving the team a common Some product managers have a natural objective. It has the added benefit of giving a affinity for working with Development, new director the chance to learn to be a good others for Sales and Marketing, and some manager of two people before getting five or prefer to work on business issues. Finding ten people to manage. these three orientations in one person is very difficult. Instead, perhaps we should Product management teams provide career find three different people who each possess paths from entry-level positions to director, one or more of these skills and have them all within the product line. work as a team. The product management triad includes a Execution vs. ownership strategist, a technologist, and a marketer. As shown in the graphic on the previous Start with a business-oriented senior product page, these three positions overlap. This manager responsible for product strategy. is deliberate. Execution of these tasks must Make this person a director of products be collaborative in order to succeed. For or product line manager (PLM). Now add example, Win/Loss Analysis is an excellent a technology-oriented technical product data source for Positioning and the Buying manager (TPM) and a marketing oriented Process. Your PLM and PMM ought to product marketing manager (PMM). perform win/loss visits together to ensure you gain the most value. Let’s look at an example of how applying the triad had success for a company of But do not confuse execution with nine product managers and nine products, ownership. Ownership of a task equates to one product manager per product. The accountability. As the executive leader of a salespeople disliked some of the product team structured this way, the PLM is held managers and loved others. The ones the accountable for win/loss analysis even when salespeople loved were hated by developers. the TPM and PMM gather the win/loss data. Applying the triad, they created three product lines with a PLM for each and then assigned a TPM and PMM to each Does this model make sense for you? The Pragmatic Marketer • Volume 7 Issue 5, 2009 , • 15
  • 16. The Product Management Triad Director, Product Strategy Technical Product Manager The technical product manager The director of product strategy is responsible for defining has a business-orientation and is market requirements and responsible for the development packaging the features into product releases. and implementation of the strategic plan for This position involves close interaction with a specific product family. They maintain close development leads, product architects, and relationships with the market (customers, key customers. A strong technical background evaluators, and potentials) for awareness is required. Job duties include gathering of market needs. This includes identification requirements from existing and potential of appropriate markets and development of customers as well as recent evaluators, writing effective marketing strategies and tactics for market requirements documents or Agile product reaching them. This person is involved through backlogs, and monitoring the implementation all stages of a product family’s lifecycle. of each product project. The director of product strategy must: The technical product manager must: • Discover and validate market problems • Conduct technology assessments (both existing and future customers) • Analyze the competitive landscape • Seek new market opportunities by leveraging the company’s distinctive competence • Maintain the product portfolio roadmap • Define and size market segments • Monitor and incorporate industry innovations • Conduct win/loss analysis • Define user personas for individual products • Determine the optimum distribution strategy • Write product requirements and use scenarios • Provide oversight of strategy, technical, • Maintain a status dashboard for all and marketing aspects of all products portfolio products in the portfolio • Analyze product profitability and sales success • Create and maintain the business plan including pricing • Determine buy/build/partner decisions • Position the product for all markets and all buyer types • Document the typical buying process • Approve final marketing and go-to-market plans 16 • The Pragmatic Marketer • Volume 7 Issue 5, 2009 ,
  • 17. The Product Management Triad How you implement the product management triad depends on your Product Marketing Manager organization and the skills of your team. Also consider having a role for your base The product marketing manager technology or architecture for issues that provides product line support span product lines. The “architecture” for program strategy, operational product manager can own acquisitions, readiness and on-going sales support. third-party partnerships, and common tools This position requires close interaction needed across all product lines. with Marketing Communications and sales management. Strong communication skills are Take inventory of the skills of each of the a must. Duties include converting technical product managers. Create an organization positioning into key market messages and chart of one triad per product line with launching new products into market. no names assigned. Now try to move the business-oriented staff (usually your senior The product marketing manager must: product managers) to the PLM positions, development-oriented product managers to • Define buyer personas and determine TPM and sales-oriented ones to PMM. The market messages remaining holes in your organization chart • Create the marketing plan including methods represent your new hiring profiles. for customer acquisition as well as customer retention • Measure effectiveness of product marketing programs • Maintain product launch plans • Deliver thought-leading content via events, blogs, e-books, and other outlets • Identify best opportunities for lead generation • Create standard presentations and demo scripts • Identify product references for industry and customer referrals Steve Johnson is a recognized thought- leader on the strategic role of product • Align sales tools and the ideal sales process management and marketing. Broadly to the typical buying process published and a frequent keynote • Facilitate channel training including speaker, Steve has been a Pragmatic competitive threats and related industry news Marketing instructor for more than 10 years and has personally trained thousands of product managers and hundreds of company senior executive teams on strategies for creating products people want to buy. Steve is the author of the Product Marketing blog. Contact Steve at The Pragmatic Marketer • Volume 7 Issue 5, 2009 , • 17
  • 18. Living in an Agile World ™ The strategic role of product management when Development goes agile How can you ensure an agile development team remains aligned to company strategy and market needs? No matter how agile your developers are, you’ll never build a successful product if the work being done isn’t focused on creating products people want to buy. • Create user stories grounded in market data, not just the opinion of team members, so product features are focused on solving real problems. • Create a backlog prioritized with market evidence because how else will you build a product that the market wants to buy? • Determine when a product should ship to align with market rhythms rather than when a certain number of features have been completed. The Stra tegic Role of Pro duct Managem ent When Developm By Steve John ent Go es son, Luke Hohm Agile ann and Rich Mironov ...the best job to date and yang of of describin APO (Agile g the APM (Agile Product Own yin Product Man er) and authors are ager). Mor exp eover, the product man erts in the field of soft agement so ware knowledge they speak and credibili with ty from the PM role. Dean Leffingwell / Scaling Softw are Agility Get a free e-book at Download a complete agenda and register at Call (800) 816-7861 to conduct this seminar at your office
  • 19. TOP 10 TOOLS TO easure User Experience By Giovanni Calabro The one fundamental truth vital to web product development success is to know the mind of the user. Why? Because there is What’s more, when determining whether a direct correlation between techniques used to measure an a website or web-based online customer’s experience and the ability application is meeting the needs of its audience(s), to persuade him or her to act. As more of our it’s important to separate aesthetics from function. daily activities, both personal and professional, For example, your product may be very well- are managed online, most organizations are designed and visually appealing to your users but responsible for multiple websites and web-based at the same time, can be functionally “unusable.” tools that serve a broad range of audiences: customers, prospects, employees, channel partners, We’ve all experienced unusable sites and regulatory agencies, etc. That means online applications. Whether it’s the online help site success depends on the ability to accurately provided by your cable or satellite provider, or measure a website or web the online banking system you use to pay bills. application’s performance Beautiful design can be painfully frustrating for unique target audiences for users. Alternatively, poorly designed sites on multiple levels across and applications may be quite functional, but multiple dimensions. fall far short in reinforcing the brand. Finding the appropriate balance between aesthetics and However, relying on function is a difficult task. Understanding and assumptions drawn measuring the user experience is the first step to from rudimentary achieving that balance. To remain competitive and measurements of retain customers, product managers need tools to user-centered design optimize both aesthetics and function. can’t provide sufficient data to tailor a website This article provides a three-staged User or web application to Experience Measurement Hierarchy and also your users’ unique needs. outlines a simple approach you can use to determine the best user experience measurement tools and techniques for your web product management needs. The Pragmatic Marketer • Volume 7 Issue 5, 2009 , • 19
  • 20. Top 10 Tools To Measure User Experience Stages Need Recommended tools Ideally suited for… Stage Provides a basic 1. Heuristics Getting a big One sense of site or picture sense of web application 2. Expert Review performance and General Knowledge performance 3. Web Hits/Usage Analysis major weaknesses Stage Identify what users 4. User Testing Documenting Two are doing and where user behavior and problems exist 5. Session Analysis understanding Understand User Behavior 6. Online Surveys why users are not completing tasks 7. A/B and Multivariate Testing 8. Eye Tracking Stage Determine whether Measuring user Three a website or 9. Emotion/Trust Measurement thinking to compel Influence application is and persuade compelling 10. Neuro-Marketing users to act Your Users User Experience Measurement Hierarchy The majority of organizations sit at the bottom of the pyramid, having only achieved Stage One: General Knowledge of their users’ online experience. Due to the perceived cost and complexity of measuring user engagement, the widespread availability of user-centered design best practices, and significant cost pressures, this basic level is understandable. However, leading organizations in industries such as insurance, manufacturing, healthcare, travel/ hospitality and financial services, have made the migration to Stage Two: Understand User Behavior, and are seeing significant return on investment by way of increased revenue, reduced support costs and improved customer satisfaction. Even rarer are firms that have achieved Stage Three: Influence Your Users. While we’ve yet to see these tools widely adopted, they represent the future of user experience measurement. 20 • The Pragmatic Marketer • Volume 7 Issue 5, 2009 ,
  • 21. Top 10 Tools to Measure User Experience Stage One 2. Expert Review 3. Web Hits/Usage Analysis General Knowledge An expert review is a rapid survey Web hits/usage analysis uses tools of a website/application from like Google Analytics, Omniture A basic sense of site or web specialists in user-centered design. and WebTrends to study the hit application performance Expert reviews can take you to pattern of your site or application. the next level of user experience They can give you a sense of The first stage of user experience measurement by systematically the number of pages visited and measurement involves very little rating the performance of viewed, the typical navigation measurement at all. At Stage One, your product on several flow, and key drop-off locations. organizations are typically working relevant dimensions: navigation You can also track statistics such with “heuristic analyses” or best effectiveness, content selection, as bounce rates and conversion practices to create assumptions visual presentation, branding, and metrics. When combined with about users. Whether performed interaction simplicity. An expert customer relationship management by an internal usability expert or review can often be done with a data, web hits/usage analysis can a usability consultant, the result short turnaround and can be used be highly effective in mapping and is an “informed guess” as to to develop a measure of all your understanding user behavior. what users need. web assets as well as identify areas that need the most attention. It’s important to remember, web Tools to find out general analytics/usage metrics rely on knowledge about the user include: assumptions about user behavior and how those assumptions 1 Heuristics . correspond to your web goals. So while these tools can help you Heuristics are de facto web determine the relative “success” of standards and research from your website in meeting business the cognitive sciences that goals, it’s difficult to know whether reveal a number of best you are truly capturing the needs practices in interaction styles, of your key target audience(s). page layout, and visual design. The knowledge you gain through Usability problems found web analytics tools may be too through a heuristic evaluation general to understand individual are typically linked to aspects user’s thinking and ultimately of the interface that are persuade them to act or change reasonably easy to demonstrate. their online behavior. For example, use of colors, layout and information structure, consistency of the terminology, The clear advantages of Stage One or consistency of the interaction user experience measures are they mechanism. are inexpensive, easy-to-use, can be quickly deployed and applied to many sites and applications. The Pragmatic Marketer • Volume 7 Issue 5, 2009 , • 21
  • 22. Top 10 Tools to Measure User Experience Stage Two The best tools for understanding The advantage of user testing is you Understand User Behavior user behavior include: learn what the target audience can and can’t accomplish, understand 4. User Testing why users are having trouble, how Identify what users are doing to correct it, and receive direct and where problems exist User testing is highly effective in feedback. The disadvantages are The user-centered behavior metrics designing for specific user groups. obvious: it can be more expensive of Stage Two can provide an User testing can be done in person, to test individuals, especially in-depth analysis of obstacles to in a lab or focus group or even when you’re dealing with multiple accomplishing tasks on your site(s) remotely online, and involves user types and a large number and applications. interviewing individuals of test participants. In addition to who are representative of a testing facility and moderator your target audience. By asking costs, there are also costs to recruit In order to truly understand what them to accomplish specific, and compensate test participants. your target audience is doing representative tasks to determine Participants typically receive a online, you need to study a ease of use and recommend small stipend and refreshments. representative sample of individual improvements, you can gather first- Remote testing can serve as a more users first hand. In-depth analysis hand information about how users cost-effective alternative; however, typically is accomplished through are behaving and what they additional web conferencing user (usability) test sessions are saying about your site or costs apply. performed remotely or in person. application. User testing is often These sessions will reveal much most effective when it’s done more about how users are 5. Session Analysis early in the design process, before anticipating the site or how the development and visual design. Session Analysis involves studying application works and what design multiple single-user transactions, issues might stop a user from live or replayed based on certain accomplishing key tasks. criteria (e.g., error message present, drop-off at buy button). They can reveal a great deal of information about the user’s path and how to correct flow problems. Session analysis tools like TeaLeaf® are good tools for transactional sites and web applications. These tools provide detailed naturalistic web session analysis, monitoring and replaying individual sessions and capturing the user experience either live or replayed for specific individuals. Error messages, broken links, or users clearly deviating from the expected path reveals critical system weaknesses. The ability to produce a recording of an individual user’s sessions— including the page sequence, form inputs, button selections and actual HTML page served to the customer’s browser—can help find and correlate an individual user’s behavior to application errors. 22 • The Pragmatic Marketer • Volume 7 Issue 5, 2009 ,
  • 23. Top 10 Tools to Measure User Experience 6. Online Surveys 7 A/B and Multivariate Testing . managed through a marketing automation tool such as SiteSpect Collecting larger population samples A/B and Multivariate Testing allows or OnDialog, it can also be easily through online surveys is a quick alternative designs to be tested and scaled and deployed with no and inexpensive way to capture measured with a small segment of regard to internal technology likes and dislikes, most common users. Nearly all high-transactional infrastructure, a significant benefit feature requests, and summary sites, such as, Yahoo, Google and for organizations with complex or information about a user persona., use this methodology legacy infrastructure issues. It is important to collect larger which enables a comparison population samples to ensure that between the existing site and in-depth studies are representative the prototype site for conversion Stage Two User Experience of the target audience. optimization. Tools like SiteSpect Measurement tools such as User and OnDialog are just a few of Testing, Session Analysis, Online Surveys and A/B and Multivariate Companies like ForeSee Results the options available. Testing are ideal for understanding provide a variety of intercept survey what users are doing and where options integrating best practices The beauty of A/B and Multivariate they are experiencing difficulty. from web analytics, market research Testing is they offer the ability to Each has its own advantages and other tools, such as the isolate and assess the performance and disadvantages. While all can University of Michigan’s American of virtually every element of be used, each solves a unique Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI), a web site, landing page, or problem for marketers and product to help companies convert application. From page layout, managers. Fortunately for product satisfaction data into user-driven to headline text, to complete managers, each of these tools is web development strategies. color palette variations, A/B also widely available at varying and Multivariate Testing can be price points that can be customized highly effective in identifying what to meet your specific requirements. works and what doesn’t from a user’s perspective. Plus, when The Pragmatic Marketer • Volume 7 Issue 5, 2009 , • 23
  • 24. Top 10 Tools to Measure User Experience Stage Three audience, product managers can The critical feature of these Influence Your Users gain powerful insight into critical technologies is to measure the data unavailable through any experience of your target audience other means: and understand what they find Determine whether a website compelling and appealing. Using or application is compelling these techniques, you can also • What first captures readers’ It has never been enough to “put attention when visiting the page identify which messages are most something out there” that basically effective and what dictates trust works. In order to influence • How often readers see the and positive emotion from your users, you must directly measure diversity of news and content website or web application. what users think. Websites and the publication offers applications must be compelling The disadvantages of these “higher • Where readers are looking to the users both to be successful level” measurement techniques versus where they actually click are many. They require more and for key influencers to spread the word about their positive equipment and analysis. Given experience. Increasingly, sites are 9. Emotion/Trust Measurement their lack of widespread adoption, ranked on their persuasiveness it can be difficult to achieve buy- Several early prototypes are using in within your organization to and influence on user thinking various measurements (e.g., skin pursue such an initiative. Finally, rather than just the ability to conductance, heart rate, facial due to the higher expense, product accomplish a goal. emotion detection, mood survey) managers are cautioned to develop to determine how users feel a realistic return on investment The following tools are ideal for while using sites and tools. There understanding user experience model before diving in. is an increasing consensus that and satisfaction: both explicit (survey) and implicit (emotion detection) tools are 8. Eye Tracking needed to really understand user Measuring and motivations and experience. Eye tracking is a well-established managing experience vision science technology that can be readily applied to user testing. 10. Neuro-marketing Although time and cost limitations exist in measuring user experience, It can record where users are While only a few tools there is a clear progression in looking first, what is capturing have made their way from user experience measurement their attention, and what they are neuroscience laboratories, sophistication: from general choosing to act on. Eye tracking there are some applications of knowledge to influencing user goes beyond measuring overt Electroencephalograms (EEG) behavior. No matter what level behavior and provides a window technology and functional of sophistication you choose, into the user’s thinking. Magnetic Resonance Imaging knowing as much information (fMRI) which are being used in about your users as possible helps Eye tracking studies are the commercial arena to measure craft a compelling experience particularly effective when engagement and emotional for your highest use sites and applied in an online publishing response to user experience. applications. environment; for example, These tools provide a window news and entertainment sites. into user satisfaction. By testing a subset of a target Giovanni Calabro has more than 10 years of experience leading interactive research and design efforts for a wide range of business sectors. Giovanni currently serves as Vice President of User Experience at Siteworx, a Reston, Virginia-based interactive agency and Web strategy consultancy. Giovanni is an avid writer and presenter on all topics related to the business aspects of user experience and user interface design. Contact Giovanni at, or visit the Siteworx blog for deeper insights into user experience design and measurement techniques. 24 • The Pragmatic Marketer • Volume 7 Issue 5, 2009 ,
  • 25. Product Launch Essentials ™ Plan and execute a successful product launch Are your product launch efforts focused on deliverables rather than results? Launching a product is more than following a simple checklist. A successful product launch is the culmination of many, carefully planned steps by a focused, coordinated team. Even good products can fail because of organizational issues, misunderstanding of roles and responsibilities, and a lack of a strategic approach to guide efforts. • Learn a repeatable product launch process to shorten the launch planning cycle, get the resources needed, and know what to expect at every step. • Understand the seven product launch strategies your team can use to maximize sales velocity. • Measure product launch progress with indicators that identify unforeseen issues before they become big problems. Download a complete agenda and register at Call (800) 816-7861 to conduct this seminar at your office