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The Power Of The Populist Party
The Populist Party formed when the Kansas Farmers' Alliance joined with Knights of Labor to form
a People's Party. Populists wanted the people to have more power to end poverty and injustices. In
1892, the Populist Program was initiated where populists desired public ownership of the railroad
and telegraph systems, protection of land and natural resources, federal income tax on highest
incomes, and a looser monetary policy to favor borrowers. Populists also wanted to stop the
government's laissez faire attitude. In addition, they aimed for a secret ballot and direct election.
Supporters of the Populist Party were made up of farmers, labor groups, prohibitionist and women's
suffrage advocates.
Progressivism came after the Populist movement.
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The progressive era in the United States is associated...
The progressive era in the United States is associated with political reforms and social change.
During the late 1800s and early 1900s, the United States' power was experienced across the globe.
Business firms experienced immense growth making some owners excessively rich. On the other
hand, the American people experienced unhappiness owing to some problems at home. Workers in
the huge corporations did not experience considerable changes in their lives. Employees were
subjected to severe working conditions, which were exposed by muckrakers among other people.
Railroad charges for shipping crops were very high, which gave farmers immense problems.
Increased immigration rates also caused numerous concerns with the need to reform the foreign ...
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Sinclair exposed the presence of insects and rats in meat packing plants, which could have a
significant effect on people's health. Some individuals in the federal government knew of the
conditions in such plants but made no interventions. However, the publishing of the book The
Jungle caused pressures from authorities, including President Roosevelt, which led to the enactment
of the Meat Inspection Act. Other writers, such as Ida Tarbell, exposed unethical business
competition techniques, such as that of the Standard Oil Company, which pushed competitors from
the market.
The unhealthy living conditions in the overcrowded slums were also exposed by writers. The New
York's Wall Street was also targeted by some writers as few individuals controlled the flow of
money in the entire nation. These writers were referred to as muckrakers. President Roosevelt
compared them to people raking up the muck without doing any good (Cocks, Holloran, & Lessoff,
2009). However, the muckrakers are recognized for exposing the ills that threatened to damage the
United States society. The works of such writers also stimulated policymakers to seek alternative
ways of doing things. Muckrakers played a significant role in exposing scandals, corruption, and
wastes, which could not have detected by the general population.
Child labor was also an issue that attracted immense interests during the
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Difference Between Progressive Movement And Populist Movement
Both the progressive and populist movements felt that the way the current industrial society was set
up was unfair and favored the political elites. The differences between the two movements mostly
fell into what kind of areas they took place in, and what specifically they were trying to change. The
populist movement started out as the Farmers Alliance in the 1870s, and began moving throughout
the south and west mostly in rural areas such as farms. They pursued many reforms in that times
society such as education funding, infrastructure, workplace reform and support of agriculture. One
person who was a big part of the populist movement was William Jennings Brian, the Democratic
presidential nominee in 1896. He sought to change the worth of
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The Rise Of The Railroad System
At the start of every great advancement in society it is society itself that fails to realize the negative
repercussions the advancement might bring. While the rise of the railroad system through Texas
gave plenty of beneficial attributes, from faster transportation of goods and services to expansion of
Texan towns, which helped boom our population, it would seem that a number of things would be
drawbacks leading to the termination of many Texan ideologies.The railroad system stemmed
throughout Texas allowed many walks of life a deeper view of the 'Great Lone Star' state. While
people from different ends of the country came seeking new life others came seeking new fortune
which lead to the demise of cowboys, instillation of cattle drives, and the Postbellum cattle boom. In
order to understand the negative attributes that the railroad brought we must go back and bring our
attention to the beginning which includes the original cowboys.
Despite the many riveting TV dramas that paint cowboys as fast men who love faster women we
now know in order to be historically accurate, we would have to trade these Clint Eastwood fairy
tales for less exciting ones of cowboys who were smelly lonely men who had no serious work skills.
These men would consist of workers who were generally under the age of twenty that made 30–40$
a month. During this time period they would walk with and behind cattle for up to six weeks
ensuring safe passage to these insanely stupid creatures. When the
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Populist Party Thesis
The Populist Party After the Grant Administration Scandal and the intimidation of Political
Machines like Tammany Hall, Americans in the 1890s were fed up with the traditional Republican
and Democratic parties. The people were ready for change, and from this dissatisfaction, the
Populist Party was born. The Populist Party, also call the "People's Party," sought to transform the
federal government in favor of public interest. The Populist Party helped to bring about change that
Americans wanted, and the efforts of this party are still noticeable in today's government. The
Populists wanted the government to be more actively involved in the economy. Prior to this plea for
reform, the American federal government played a small role in economy; their job was to stimulate
economic growth, not to regulate it. In their 1896 National Platform, the Populists called for higher
income tax on the more wealthy citizens. The graduated income tax endorsed by Populists was
adopted after the dissipation of the Party and is still used today. Currently, depending on ... Show
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The Populist Party recognized that privately owned railroads proved to be a real problem for farmers
who were trying to ship crops across the country at reasonable prices. The new party called for a
switch from private to public owned and regulated railroads. In the 1896 Platform, the Populists
argued that since the railroads were "a means of exchange and public necessity", then the
government should operate the railroads in the best interest of the people. They claimed the Robber
Barons, like Andrew Carnegie, of the railroad corporations would cause "the impairment if not
destruction of the political rights and personal liberties of the citizens." Monopolies are now illegal
in the United States because they prohibit fairness and competition that the economy needs in order
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Summary: On The Populist Party
Chandlor Ratcliffe Dr. Blanche Brick History 1302–N08 24 October 2014 On the Populist Party The
Populist platform appears to be the foundation for a socialist country. They stood in support of
unions, and they seemed to encourage a classless society for the sake of cutting down those with
great wealth and raising those without it to equal levels, wherein income would be distributed
evenly according to work completed. To further support this, they had no problems suggesting the
removal of those that didn't work, perhaps as both a means to criminalize the poor, and to
criminalize the lazy. Those that don't work don't deserve to eat or live, according to this party. They
wish to allow the people to produce gold and silver coins freely again,
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The Populist Party And The Panic Of 1896
Following the Panic of 189, the federal government had to address the issue of economics. The
crisis would leave millions of Americans in difficult financial straits. As a result, the free coinage of
silver increasingly gained momentum throughout the nation in the years immediately following.
This gained such significant attention that it would serve as the primary national issue in the election
of 1896. The Republican and Democratic parties would each align in this election for or against this
polarizing issue. The Republicans supported the gold standard while the Populist supported
Democrats endorsed a silver standard and bimetallism. The election of 1896 would be dominated by
the issue of financial backing through the campaigns of William McKinley and William Jennings
Bryan. The results of the election would serve as an example of the nations direction to move away
from rural agriculture and towards urban industrialism. ... Show more content on ...
The results of the election would serve as an example of the nations direction to move away from
rural agriculture and towards urban industrialism. Events such as the passing of the Sherman Silver
Purchase Act, the Nevada silver discovery, and the Panic of 1893 served as significant catalysts for
the issue of financial backing. In response to this several political organizations formed in an effort
to pursue economic change. The Populist Party would ultimately become the most significant such
organization. The influence of the Populists would be tested in the election of 1896 in which the
elections primary question was the silver standard. The Populist endorsed Democrat William
Jennings Bryan helped bring the issue to center stage through efforts such as his speech "Cross of
Gold". The victory of Bryan's opponent, William McKinley, would signify the nations trend towards
an urban industrialized
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What Was The Role Of Farmers In The United States
Between 1870 and 1900 farmers in the U.S. formed a series of campaigns to go against the nation's
political and economic systems. They perceived these systems as not in their favor or interest. The
farmers wanted to increase "regulation of the railroads, monetary reform, and banking reform."
After the Civil War, crop prices began a big decline that lasted for a long time. At the same time, the
costs of operation, growing and transporting crops, remained at a constant or increased price. The
operation costs include train fees/fairs, interest on loans, and the cost of machinery. "The drop in
crop prices resulted from increased production due to more efficient agricultural methods and a
doubling of the nation's cultivated land as the United States expanded ... Show more content on ...
The group that went against this was called the Populist party.
The Populist party was so popular in the 1800s of the because efforts to reform and aid farmers. The
party promised to fight economic deflation and secure increased rights for workers, this was in
response to industrial workers, farmers, and other Americans struggling. At the time farmers were
struggling to survive the "economic instability, rapid industrialization, long–term reductions in crop
prices, and rising debt burdens." The party said they would fight the decline in crop prices and
stabilize the rights for workers. During the Civil War, the price of crops was raised because of the
farmer crop growing instability and the number of resources that the military wanted. After the war,
the price main crops like wheat and cotton declined dramatically. This was due
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Populist Party Thesis
In the late 1800's, America's farmers faced deep financial insecurity with the fall of agricultural
prices that kept them in poverty. Many farmers borrowed money from merchants and banks, and
when it came time to repay their loans, they found themselves in the face of losing their land. Their
financial troubles mainly attributed to the high freight rates that railroads charged the farmers in
order to transport their crops, as well as high interest rates charged by loaners. This financial turmoil
lead to the development of the Farmers' Alliance, which advocated for lower interest rate loans by
the Federal Government itself, so that way the farmers didn't have to depend on independent banks
and merchants for financial assistance. The Farmers' Alliance eventually gained traction in politics
and eventually formed itself into the People's Party, or otherwise known as the Populist Party. ...
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They educated the public of their interests through publications and public speaking throughout the
rural areas of America. Through education, they sought to appeal to the working class of people,
mainly those who produced goods, as they believed in a strong community organization. The
Populist Party tried to appeal to industrial workers, but failed to connect with the population of
mostly immigrants and Catholics. Although Populism didn't appeal to some people, it nevertheless
worked towards providing democratic and economic opportunities for the working class of the
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The Populist Movement Essay
The Populist Movement
The small farmers of America struggled through many agricultural problems during the late19th
century. Their exclusion from the industrializing society, and their lagging in developments set them
back from the rest of the country. Through their hardships they found a way to come together and
form a political movement that would represent their rights and needs and give them a voice in the
political decision making; it was called the
Populist movement. However, the formation of this movement didn't happen over night; it was a
complicated process, but in the end it paid off for the small farmers of America. The agricultural
problems of the small farmers, farmers organizations, and Populist philosophies all ... Show more
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The farmers wanted restrictions on railroads, buffer from market, and increase in money supply and
credit. To help achieve these desired changes, the Granges and Alliances were created. The Granges
and Alliances were organizations formed to help bring the farmers together, and help them to make
cooperatives so as to make a profit. These two systems were a large step in the emergence of the
Populist movement. The Granges were first started by Oliver H. Kelley, an Agriculture Department
official. The Grange came first and was created as a social organization for farmers. The
Grange system wanted to bring farmers together to learn new scientific agricultural techniques,
create a feeling of community between farmers, and organize cooperatives.
The Granges were temporarily successful, but eventually failed because of inexperience and
opposition of the middlemen. The decline of the Grange movement made way for the
Farmers' Alliances. The Alliance started in Texas in 1877 and welcomed men and women alike.
They, like the Granges, formed cooperatives so as to free the farmers from the dependence on the
large corporations. The Alliances spread quickly, but still had some of the same problems the
Granges had like inexperience, and the middlemen getting in the way. These frustrations helped
push the movement
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Economic, Social, and Political Problems in the Post-Civil...
Americans suffered many economic, social, and political problems in the post–Civil War era. I have
identified one of each of these types of problems that I believe were among the most important
during the period of 1865–1900. The economic issue that I believe had one of the biggest impacts on
Americans at the time is the Great Railroad Strike of 1877. The social issue that I feel greatly
affected America after the Civil War is Chinese immigration. One of the biggest political issues, to
me, is the Populist Party. I feel that the Great Railroad Strike of 1887 was a major issue because it
made Americans realize just how deeply Americans were invested in the railroads. At the time, the
biggest investment banking firm in America, Jay Cooke ... Show more content on ...
The strike lasted all of 45 days, and became to lose steam and effectively come to a halt after
President Hayes sent federal troops from city to city. There is no exact record of the losses faced by
the country during this strike, but it is reported that the engineers' and firemen's brotherhoods lost
approximately $600,000 over the forty–five days of the strike, while for the Burlington Railroad the
losses were at least $2,100,000. In Pittsburgh, it was estimated that property damage reached over
three million dollars, with Chicago, Baltimore and other cities facing losses of a similar magnitude.
( I believe that Chinese immigration during the
period after the Civil War was a very big issue because it showed just how unwilling ordinary, white
citizens were to let another "inferior race" into the country. Chinese immigrants had been arriving in
large quantities starting during the mid–19th century. Most of worked as laborers, usually on the
transcontinental railroad (such as the Central Pacific Railroad) and in the mines. They suffered racial
discrimination for a long time due to industrial employers being eager to get this new and cheap
labor, but the ordinary white public being angered by the oncoming of the so–called "yellow peril."
Political party gatherings, labor unions, and other organizations rallied against the immigration of
yet another
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Comparing The AFLAnd The Populist Party
" there are two classes in society, one incessantly striving to obtain the labor of the other class for as
little as possible, and to obtain the largest amount or number of hours of labor". The United States of
America by the dawn of the 20th century was the home of opportunity and economic prosperity to
people around the world, a place where the average person could with hard work and dedication rise
above his socio economic status. While the united states may have been perceived as the land of
opportunity to foreigner's, people actually living in the united states might have not seen it in that
light. By the late 19th century economic difficulties increased for the working class people of the
united states such as industrial workers and farmers. With politicians constantly failing their
constituents and turning a blind eye to corruption in order to expand their pockets, a new political
party arises that promises hope and change to an American population wary of the same politicians.
political parties such as the populist party arise along with other historical figures who helped shape
and reform this country. The populist party was a party of reform for the common citizens, a party
that planned to restore democracy and economic opportunity to a country facing ... Show more
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Both the AFL and the Populist party had to take personal action to get the reforms that they needed
through strikes and political platform these movements. For Samuel Gompers and the AFL in order
to get better working conditions it was important for them to unite and work as a team to to combat
against their employer. The populist party along with the AFL also came about, due to politicians
choosing not to hear the cries of the working class and their conditions. Instead these politicians
decided to ignore the struggle of the working class until they eventually stood up for
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Farmers of the late 1800's: Changing the Shape of American...
The period between 1870 and 1900 was a time to change politics. The country was for once free
from war and was united as one nation. However, as these decades passed by, the American farmer
found it harder to live comfortably. Crops such as cotton and wheat, once the cash crop of
agriculture, were selling at prices so low that it was nearly impossible for farmers to make a profit.
Improvements in transportation allowed larger competitors to sell more easily and more cheaply,
making it harder for American yeoman farmers to sell their crops. Finally, years of drought in the
Midwest and the fall of business in the 1890s devastated the farming community. Most notably, the
Populist Party arose to fight what farmers saw as the issues affecting ... Show more content on ...
Beginning in 1871, several states passed laws controlling railroad freight. The railroads fought the
Granger Laws, in federal court, where they were ruled unconstitutional. The railroads regularly used
rebates and drawbacks to help win the business of large shippers, and made up this loss in profit by
increasing the cost to smaller shippers such as farmers. As a result, many farmers, already hurt by
the depression in agriculture, were ruined. These farmers were hurt by the unfair practices of the
railroad enterprise.
Despite the flushed predictions of prosperity that had lured new settlers to the plains, the reality was
more difficult. The farmers claimed that they did not have enough land, money, and transportation
(Doc C). The farmers went into in a never ending cycle if they did not have a good harvest. As
Booker Washington explains the farmers had no money so they had to borrow money from the
banks which charged 12 to 30 percent interest. The interest the farmers were hit with was nearly
impossible to repay so they had to mortgage everything and if the mortgage wasn't paid the land was
foreclosure which led the yeomen to become tenant farmers (Doc B). With periods of drought
growing good crops was hard. Leading Economic Sectors shows how the farmers predicament of
not being able to make a very
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West Transformation In The Late Nineteenth Century
3. How and why was the West transformed in the late nineteenth century? How did these changes
affect the people living in the West? How did the changes in the West transform America? In the late
nineteenth century, the rise of an industrial America took the country by storm. New innovations,
and the development of steel manufacturing, petroleum refining, and the expansion of railroads,
changed the nation's economy and the lifestyle of the people. The names of Andrew Carnegie, John
D. Rockefeller, and J.P. Morgan became widely known. This industrial boom introduced a new class
of wealthy industrialist and a well off middle class. Unfortunately, farmers began to struggle
immensely during this time; the prices for farm produce began to fall ... Show more content on ...
Indeed, the stock market crash triggered this event, however the vastly poor distribution of wealth,
the wages of industrial workers, and the profitless work of farmers all added up to this downfall. In
addition, high tariffs set by the U.S. made it difficult for foreign nations to sell goods to them and to
buy goods in return. And to make things better, banks were failing and in result wiping out life
savings of hundreds of people. The last straw was drawn when the stock market hesitated and
investors began to sell their stocks for fear of what could happen. Brokers jammed the stocks as they
attempted to unload shares. This grave dip became a panic that would be known as black Thursday.
The following Tuesday all stocks had lost six–sevenths of their value, and it would be appropriately
called black Tuesday. With thousands of people's life savings gone overnight, the economy suffered
immensely. Due to the lack of money people began to stop buying goods. To make up for the lack of
revenue, businesses laid off countless workers to decrease the price of their outputs. This only
furthered the issue into a never ending cycle. People now without jobs could not afford goods, and
businesses continued to lay off its workers to stay profitable. Millions of Americans lived in poverty
at this time, many unable to buy the
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Populist Party Essay
The Populist Party, also known as the people's party, was a third party political option in the primary
election for president during the late 18th century. It played a major role as a left–wing force in
American politics. The party mainly drew its support from angry farmers in the South and West and
operated on the left–wing of American politics. Even though the party only lasted seventeen years, it
was ultimately a success because most the things that they were recommending were adopted. The
Populist party was created to unite the Farmers' Alliances that formed in the late 1800s century. The
party was originally formed during the Panic of 1873 due to the unstable economy. The Populist
Party attracted many farmers because of the Alliance ... Show more content on ...
The main reason that the party failed was because of confusion and discord among the party's own
members. Some members favored joining with the Democratic Party and others wanted to stay as an
independent Party. The party itself was the downfall of the Populist. The party only lasted for
seventeen years and ended in 1908. The inflation in the price of silver was why so many people lost
interest in the Populist. This political party was a success because of the ideas and achievements that
they adopted which are still in effect today. Many of the workers rights that we have today were
created by the Populist Party. Although the Populist Party failed as a viable third party, its work
helped raise awareness and concern for worker's rights for factory workers, farmers, and all workers.
Most of the platforms advanced by the Populist Party were adopted by the Democratic Party and
subsequent political movements. The Populist Party, also known as the people's party, was a third
party political option in the primary election for president during the late 18th century. It played a
major role progressive politics and politics today. The party mainly supported workers rights and
equality. Even though the party only lasted seventeen years, it was ultimately a success because of
its major achievements in politics and workers
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The Five Goals Of The Populist Party
7. The Populist Party was created in 1892 in a convention in Omaha by white farmers. This party's
main goals was to have representations and equality, but a specific goal was to have silver coinage
thus encouraging the mass printing of paper money and circulating currency, this would benefit all
Americans because the poor would now have some money and the wealthy who had gold had more
money because gold is more valuable. The second goal of the populist party was to settle a
graduated income tax which was first placed on the rich. This income tax would go to lower the
McKinley tariff which taxed farmers for their equipment, another benefit was that it would act as a
balance between the rich and poor where they world both pay the same rate of tax. The third goal for
this party was to have the decision of direct election of senators because they wanted to resolve
issues in government with democracy. This would allow Americans to vote for politics and have a
direct vote. The fourth goal of the populist party was for the government to have ownership of
transportation such as railroads. The western farmers hated the railroads because of the unfair
exploitation in the cost of shipping their products, and the costs depended on each railroads' owner
to decide the price so the populist wanted an even and fair railroad system. ... Show more content on ...
The Populist party was successful due to their ideas to improve America, the coinage of silver and
income tax eventually were adopted. Competing with the Republican and Democratic Party it acted
as a third party and wise option to farmers who sought to change the laws with railroads. But the
dissolution occurred in 1896 when they elected William Jennings Bryan as their president a
democratic candidate who took majority of the votes to the Democratic Party. With the rise in prices
for farm equipment which did not help but made matters worse, and the fact that the party could not
get urban supporters to vote diminished its members eventually leading to its
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Populist Party Dbq Analysis
The issue during this period that most bothering the agrarian farmers was that of the currency issue,
or more specifically the issue of silver. As seen in Document A, the platform of the Populist party
greatly surrounded the concept of greenbacks as a way to provide an easy exit for the debt–trapped
farmers. In addition to the idea of greenbacks, the concept of silver as "coin since the dawn of
history (Document A)" is a great concern of this party. One major tactic of this party was the "Crime
of '73" which was an attempt of the Westerners to bring silver back and similar to the demand for
greenbacks, was the farmer way of trying to promote inflation, something detrimental to the
American economy. This rational explanation against silver is also seen in Document B, where
William McKinley, creator of the McKinley Tariff, a tariff that greatly impacted farmers for the
worse, describes the negative effects of silver being, "It would not make farming less laborious or
more profitable.. (Document B)," a statement, while true, not accepted by farmers nor the Populist
party. McKinley instead claims that "Good money [gold] never made times ... Show more content
on ...
Instead, overproduction in wheat and excessive partaking in various markets caused a great panic,
leaving these farmers tied up in their debts and looking to silver as their "get out of jail free card." In
this sense, it is obvious that while farmers were valid in their discontent with railroad companies, it
was their exaggeration of the effects of monopolies and passionate desire for silver that was invalid
and unnecessary and without this would ended the depression much sooner, and resolving the
constant conflicting issue of currency between the Democratic and Republican
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Analyze Similarities And Differences Between The Populist...
Similarities and differences between the Populist Party and Progressive reformers
In the late 1800s businesses were taking over, many groups of people were upset with the power that
business had such as farmers. They started a Farmer's Alliance which later developed into the
Populist Party. The platform for the Populist Party included many things such as graduated income
taxes and regulations of railroads. Although the Populist Party had very little success, the
Progressive reformers wanted to continue the Populist Party's legacy. Both parties had similarities
and differences but the end goal was the same: To improve the lives of the people they were fighting
for, economically, politically and socially.
Progressive reformers wanted to continue the legacy of ... Show more content on ...
One of the ways Progressive reformers and Populist were similar was through the demand of
electing senators directly. "A Populist Platform."(Doc A), "16th Amendment Sect 1, 1913 and 17th
Amendment Section 1, 1913." (Doc C). Both parties wanted to have more control over the people
who represented them. Another similarity between the parties was the demand for safer working
conditions. Populist had very dangerous and unfair working conditions as farmers, with machines
that were unreliable and also getting payed very little for their products. The point of view was of
poor farmers from Minnesota and Kansas who were selling their crops for an unfair and low price.
"A Minnesota Farmer and a Kansas Farmer" (Doc B). The Progressive reformers who were mainly
middle class women also wanted better working conditions. Women demanded shorter working
hours for women and children, workplace safety, minimum wage and
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Failures Of The Populist Party
At the end of the 19th century the United States were in a time called "The Gilded Age", coined by
Mark Twain; a time of mass immigration, Western settlement, and industrialization. Out of these
times emerged a political party named the Populist party, later changed to the People's party. This
party stood for the working man, like farmers and factory laborers. Though this party meant well, it
did not last long. Surviving until 1896, the Populist party eventually merged with the Democratic
party. With this being said, the Populist party was a short lived dream and failure. The Populist
party, as previously stated, stood for and supported the working class. From farmers in the west to
industrial workers in the east, the Populist party wanted ... Show more content on ...
This popularity was lost due to the fact that the Populist party's previously mentioned progressive
ideas, like 8 hour work days, senators elected by the people, graduated income tax, etc., were not
popular beliefs and wants in the late 19th century. Though mostly aligned left like the Democratic
party, these ideas held the party back and led to most either choosing the Republicans or the
Democrats. Eventually in 1896 part of the Populist party dissolved and fused with the Democratic
party. The other Populists decided to continue on as their own thing and not join the Democrats;
they lasted until 1908. After the fusion with the democrats, the Populists' original presidential
nominee, William Jennings Bryan, flew a new flag; that of the democrats. Unfortunately for the
democrats and the Populists that joined them, Bryan lost the election. Concerning the topic of the
Populists failure, these events played a major role in it because they weren't even the Populists
anymore, they were democrats, and those that chose to continue on under the title of the People's
party didn't last much longer after the
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Progressives versus Populists
The onset 20th Century holds two main movements: The Populists and The Progressives. These two
parties are similar, but their policies and philosophies hold diversities. The Populists party comprises
of farmers and poor whites in the south; they focus on eastern interests i.e. railroads and banks. The
Populists also call for government action, to intervene and to create an efficient society which
includes a flourishing middle class. The Progressives include educated middle class men and men of
universities, they too demanded for reform, but accomplish their goals through legislation and the
judicial system. The Progressives focused on reform as well as destroying the Robber Barons. Some
Progressives were actually a part of the Populist Party; they weren't contradictory parties. To
simplify the matter The Populist party held picnics in order to present discussions, while the
Progressives hold educated and sophisticated men of great esteem who were much more formal. The
Populist Party was the people's party, hence the name Populist, the party was created in the late
1800s when the Southern Famer alliance contacted Powderly, the head of The Knights of Labor. The
party's first platform was called the Omaha Platform which called for the abolition of the national
bank, graduated income tax, direct election of senators, civil service reform, an eight hour work
week, and the gov't control of railroads, telegraphs and telephones. The Populists supported the
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Populist Party Analysis
Since the early start of the United States, there has always been the Democratic and Republican
parties as majority leaders that represented our people's nation. Due to the questionable leadership of
our major parties, a growing trend of independent groups began to develop over the last several
years. Many conservative Americans today do not feel that their Republican party is representing
what they believe how America's government should be run. Between fraud, scandals and
Republican leaders poorly representing their supporters within the senate and the house of
representatives many Americans have lost faith in their party. Since Donald Trump has become our
president a growing trend of conservatives working class called the "Populists" party ... Show more
content on ...
President Donald trump is causing tension between the Republican party." (Blackhurst) In the article
it states "that president Trump got a majority of votes due to his thoughts on making major changes
to health care insurance, tax reform and a conservative budget. Many of Trumps supporters have the
same idea of changes that he promised to make if elected president." (Blackhurst) The group the
article focuses on is called the Populist party, which is a conservative group that has been around for
many decades. Often times the ideas of the party are considered rigid. Blackhurst discussed the last
time America saw a Populist conservative leader was with president Reagan. The main point of the
article concludes that the Republican party continues to disagree with Trump's plans, but Trumps
supporters want to see change within the party. She mentions "that it is time for a new type of
conservative values to take over the traditional GOP leadership." (Blackhurst) Basically, it comes
down to either the GOP changes and works with the president or be replaced with new
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Movements Throughout History Led by Farmers and the...
The populist movement occurred in the late 19th century, formed from the Grangers movement
where its goal was ta movement for people, to change the economic system where it would benefit
farmers. The grange movement rapidly declined in the 1870s and was replaced by the farmer
alliances. The farmer alliances were more political rather then social. The farmer's alliance later
formed the populist. The populist movement is considered to be an agrarian revolt by farmers and
those concerned with agriculture, because in the gilded age many people were moving to rural areas
where banks and industrial systems were superior over agriculture. The high tariffs, decentralization
of currency, and decreasing crop prices were hurting the farmers. ... Show more content on ...
Rather then just farmers and people who and were concerned with agriculture, the progressive
movement was much more broad and covered the rights for people that weren't getting it in the 20th
century because of the rapid growth of banking and industries. Although both movements was based
on not being satisfied with the government, the populist were part of the Democratic Party while the
progressive was a separated part of the Republican Party and were made up of either party and
mostly of the urban middle–class. The progressive movement had all the same initial goals as the
populist and was also a rejection of Social Darwinism. It focused on having economic fairness such
as having equal rights for groups such as woman, African Americans or child labor. The populist
ideals lead to the expanded progressive movement, which becomes more successful and more
popular. They aspired for an advanced income tax in which the 16th amendment was made. Next,
the 17th allowed direct election of the senators from their states. The 18th amendment was passed
which prohibited alcohol. The 19th amendment then later allowed didn't allow discrimination based
on sex when voting, which gave woman a chance to finally vote. Amendments 16–19 are known as
the progressive amendments. The government also accepted other populist goals such as regulation
of banks and industries, reforms in the civil services, a short 8–hour day for labor class. All these
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The Presidential Election Was A Great Man Named William...
In 1986 the democratic nominee for the presidential election was a great man named William
Jennings Bryan. Bryan was a religious and moral man who stood for the greater good of farmers, the
poor and working class. Populists represent the underdog of society that is seeking injustice, during
Bryan's time period it happened to be the farmer's agriculture industry that was dying out. A few
decades before this election the whole country was running off of agriculture, with the
industrialization that occurred in recent years to this election had put the farmers in a tough place
barely able to make a living. William Jennings Bryan stood up for this issue and his main concern
was to tend to these farmers. Bryan never won an election so he never ... Show more content on ...
The monopolist got greedy and did things like George Pullman creating his own town for employees
to work in and then lowering wages and keeping rent the same. William Jennings Bryan wanted to
stop things like this from happening and make sure everybody had a fair chance at a living in the
United States. Populist disagreed with how the economy was going because the big companies were
a dominant force taking money away from the agriculture industry and the poor people. "They
called for more rather than less government intervention in the economy, for only government was
capable of expanding the money supply, counterbalancing the power of big business, and providing
efficient national transportation networks to support the needs of agribusiness (Tindall, 668)." With
the views that the party had, supporting more government intervention comes to no surprise because
there wouldn't be an easier way to defeat the big companies other than regulating them. If Bryan had
won an election, the economy today could have been completely different depending on what he did
with monopolies and agriculture. Bryan and the populists disagreed with the gold standard and
wanted to implement the free coinage of silver to fix the bad economy caused from the gold
standard. "I will not help to crucify mankind upon a cross of gold (Kazin, 47)".
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Populist Party
With tension on the rise, American farmers continue to demand reforms to lift their burden of debt
as well as greater representation in government. Recently, with the tremendous growth in
industrialization of oil and steel, migrants have felt the difficulties associated with farming and
continue to fall into arrears.
New organizations have been formed to attempt to resolve the debt issue. One of these
organizations, calling themselves the Populist Party, is proposing economic reforms to increase the
money supply. The reforms aim to pass immigration quotas, create a federal loan program, and
establish a graduated income tax, which are all crucial for many indebted farmers. The first
objective outlined on the Populist's agenda is to place restrictions ... Show more content on ...
In order to pass these reforms, more support is needed by people in order to help all the people,
which will in turn help society.
A vote for Williams Jenning Bryan will ensure these problems are solved.
Secondary Article #1:
Do the Railroads Help or Hurt?
Farmers are being tricked into moving West. The government is declaring that it is easy for farmers
to make a good living in the Midwest and for them to come out and reap the rewards. The
government is also promising that the railroads will allow farmers to prosper by letting them send
their products all over the nation.
But recent reports state that the railroads are profiting off of the farmers by charging more to
transport their goods than the profit the farmers are making from their products. The government has
not put in place any regulations to prevent the railroads from charging the farmers so much. Without
these types of regulations, railroad owners can set prices, no matter how high, which is affecting the
farmers' livelihoods. This has led many farmers to file for bankruptcy forcing them back East.
Secondary Article #2:
The Homestead
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Populist Party Research Paper
America following Reconstruction was completely different from America during FDR's New Deal.
In 1876, the government was based on the ideas of Laissez–faire which meant that government
stayed out of the citizens' lives. Society in 1876 was dominated by white men who ran the country
while there were no rights for women, blacks, and immigrants. In 1876, Americans lived on farms in
rural America. By the 1930's, America was a welfare state with government just starting to control
different aspects such as economy and corporations. In the 1930's women, blacks, and immigrants
all had the right to vote, and the majority of Americans were living in cities. Blacks had the right to
vote; however, they were usually disenfranchised by whites. ... Show more content on ...
The Populist Party was started by a massive grassroots movement that wanted political reform. The
supporters of the Populist Party were usually laborers who were sick of the government supporting
big businesses. Because of this support, there were many violent strikes, such as Pullman,
Homestead, and Haymarket, where strikers were killed, and the government did nothing. Eventually,
the Populist Party combined with the Democratic Party because the Populist Party was limited
because of its regional location. During the Gilded Age, America opened its doors to many
immigrants. They flocked from Europe, Mexico, Asia, China, and Japan. Just like blacks, they were
discriminated against by the Americans already here because the immigrants and blacks were
willing to work in factories for hardly any money. Because of this, most women in the lower class
and children worked in the factories to help to support the family. The immigrants and blacks
usually lived in small crowded apartments in the cities because they could not afford to live far away
from their job. Each immigrant group tried to recreate their neighborhood from their old country in
America which caused the cities to become segregated ghettos with ethnic backgrounds. Poor
farmers were also apart of the lower class because they were dependent to one crop, and there was
only one harvest per year. With
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The Populist Party
During the time of the Progressive Era, the Populist Party made tremendous gains in the political
and social aspect of American society. Discontent with the economic and political way the country
was structured, the Populists sought to reform the government using a system of initiative and
referendum. As a form of direct democracy, initiative and referendum was a way to give the power
back to the people by utilizing local and state governments. The first part of the reform was the
initiative, which is usually a petition signed by a number of voters to bring about a public vote and
opinion on a certain amendment, both state and constitutional. This initiative eventually sets the path
for the referendum, which is when the proposed law is enacted.
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Farmers In The Late 1800s Essay
In the late 19th century, farmers all over the country were filled with discontent due to the rough
financial and agricultural conditions they were experiencing on the farm. As far back as the
Homestead Act of 1862, which gave families land grants west of the Mississippi, farmers have been
migrating West. Manifest Destiny was driving these families west creating jobs and opportunities,
which had greatly impacted the time. This period before the late 1800s had produced high numbers
of wheat, agricultural technology, and success for hard working farmers. The perfect life started to
disintegrate with the increase of farmers, and the high amount of wheat being sold. With wheat
prices dropping, farmers going into debt, and businesses controlling the economy, the farmers were
starting to experience hardships like never before. This was the start of the depression of 1893.
Farmers had experienced a number of problems during this time, but the conflicts of the Bimetallic
Standard in currency, the overpowering big businesses, and the lack of government interference had
contributed greatly to the validity of the farmers argument. Currency during the late 1800s was
always a topic of great conflict between the different classes of people. The document The platform
of the People's Party 1892 stated "The Newspapers are largely subsidized or muzzled, public
opinion silenced, business prostrated, homes covered with mortgages, labor impoverished, and the
land concentration in the hands of
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Essay On The Populist Movement
Why was the Populist movement so popular in the late 1800s? Before answering this question,
answer this, what is the Populist movement? The populist movement was for a chance of political,
social, and economical equality within American society. Strongly appealing to the farmers and
industrial workers, the populists tried to bring the people back in power, rather than the money that
was controlling civilization. This movement was very popular in the 1800s because it was trying to
gain the rights back of the working class because of the rise in prices of crops and how the West was
over producing food, which caused them to be transport their food more, however, the railroads
were charging high prices to ship.Three points to give a better understanding ... Show more content
on ...
This Party would impact the election of 1892 and 1896 in a huge way. There was two parties, the
Democrats who were the south and farmers, and the Republicans who were the north and wealthy
business. A plan was created to protect the farmer from downturns in agricultural prices. Under this
plan farmers could hold crops off the market when prices were low and then receive loans from the
government protected by crops in storage. To gain support from industrial workers, the platform also
created an eight–hour workday, pensions, and the restriction of immigration. This strategic political
goal of the Populist Party was to displace the Democratic Party by making an alliance between
farmers and industrial workers. The Populists, also tried to fix the social conflict between Southern
blacks and whites, arguing that shared economic interests were more important than racial
differences. The next important wave of populist reformism emerged in the 1890s. Various regional
farm groups, known as Farmers' Alliances, took root and grew rapidly. These included the Southern
Alliance and the Agricultural Wheel in the south, and the Northwestern Alliance in northern regions.
The Alliance also captured eight southern legislatures. In the West Alliance candidates dominated
elections in Kansas and Nebraska and secured important power bases in the legislatures of
Minnesota and South
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Analysis Of Lawrence C. Goodwyn 's ' The Sixties '
Within the article, author Lawrence C. Goodwyn speaks on many topics involving both race and
populism in the southern states. Goodwyn also speaks on the evolution of the biracial movement by
the name of the Populist Party as well as its abiding legacy and impact on society. Populism at one
point in time simply meant the advocacy of multiple reform issues. Topics including the election of
senators, worker rights, and income tax were among the few reforms led by the Populist Party.
Goodwyn briefly touches on exactly how the modern day connection to populism has evolved as
well when he states, "...It is not invoked to explain George Wallace, as it is used to explain Lindon
B. Johnson in the sixties..." (Goodwyn). He later goes on into specific details which explain exactly
why it has eventually earned the title of the "people's party" today. Lawrence Goodwyn goes on to
speak on a southern county in Texas by the name of Grimes County. According to Goodwyn,
Grimes County's Populist Party was amongst the many county's that remained prevalent due to
things such as the increase of many white southerners feeling slightly threatened by the thought of
the concept of black power increasing during this time period. Not to mention the fact that the
census of 1890 displayed that nearly half of the total population in Grimes County were African–
American. Throughout the article, Goodwyn continues to speak on numerous events that had
displayed the prevalent violent confrontation between
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Progressive Party Vs. Populist Political Party
Populists v Progressives
A political party is an organization whose aim is to gain control of the government apparatus,
usually through the election of its candidates to public office. Political parties take many forms, but
their main functions are similar: to supply personnel for government positions; to organize these
personnel around the formation and implementation of public policy; and to serve in a mediating
role between individuals and their government. Political parties are as old as organized political
systems. Two parties in particular, the Populist Party and the Progressive Party are alike in many
ways, from their platforms to their general issues. In general, however, the structure and behavior of
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The party adopted a platform calling for the free coinage of silver along with the abolition of
national banks. Another aspect of the Populist Party, is a graduated income tax, government
ownership of all forms of transportation and communication, and the election of Senators by direct
vote of the people. Civil service reform, a working day of eight hours, postal banks, pensions, and
the reform of immigration regulations are just some of the other views and beliefs of populists.
Progressives are activists in a political reform movement known as progressivism, which is a
broadly based reform movement that reached its height early in the 20th cent. In the decades
following the Civil War, rapid industrialization transformed the United States. A national rail system
was completed, agriculture was mechanized, the factory system spread, and cities grew rapidly in
size and number all because of this newfound movement. The progressive movement arose as a
response to the vast changes brought by industrialization. Progressives were often frustrated,
however, because state legislatures, controlled by railroads and large corporations, obstructed the
municipal struggle for their rule. Throughout all of the reform movements, progressives began to
play a major role in politics and the creation of a new political party known as the
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The Populist Party And The Socialist Party
The Populist Party is often referred to as the party of and for the people, and is labeled as such
because it was, very candidly, founded by the common people, such as farmers and other laborers.
While this party was in power, they had many ambitions and ideas that they sought to spread to
others, and aspired to achieve. To understand the topic completely, one requires a general knowledge
of the formation of the populist party, the elemental beliefs, goals and ideals, and how the downfall
of the party came about, as this will aid in the understanding of the populist party's want of free
coinage of silver and how it would have helped debtors initially, but would have had a
comprehensive and unfavorable effect on the American economy ... Show more content on ...
However, almost all of the populist party could be put under one label: Debtors. The farmers
involved sought to regulate prices and make them affordable, while industrialists sought to regulate
the hours in a work day. The people were left in great debt and hoped that these actions may soon
begin to lift the economic depression that they were facing. The main idea of the populist party was
to unite the common and poor people so that they may gain power as a group, and allow the
aforementioned group to gain and retain more power and say within the operations and actions of
the government. Although the party began as a group of upset farmers, soon after the movement to
create this party had begun, it caught the attention of others. Some industrial workers, and a few
stray others shared similar views as these southern and western farmers, and decided that they would
join the party, in hopes of also gaining authority, and had hope to attempt to stop the declining
economic condition. Although at first, other political parties saw the populists as humorous, the
party began to grow, causing more and more people to be forced to recognize that the populists were
gaining power, and should be taken seriously (Edwards). It started in Kansas, when William Peffer
became the first populist senate member, and shortly after, the party began to grow. The party soon
developed two different branches: Fusionists,
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Populist Party Research Paper
The Populist party was a third party of the 1890s formed to fight for the rights of working people.
This party was largely made up of farmers. There were several reasons why this party was formed.
By the beginning of the 1880s, millions of farmers had found themselves trapped under the
mountains of debt that they couldn't get out of. There were various causes of why this happened
with these farmers.
One of the reasons why farmers had debts was because of the switch to industrialized farming.
Farmers used new industrial technology to increase the amount of crops that they grew. For
instance, they started using equipment and supplies for planting such as big tractors and harvesters.
Farmers were competing and had to buy these machines in order to produce more crop. To buy these
big machines, farmers took out loans from banks. However, by using this concept of industrialized
farming, farmers produced more and more food which meant that prices for these produces in
market dropped because there was a lot of production of same food in the market. This ... Show
more content on ...
Bryan because he adopted silver platform. Hence, the Populists' views were close to him and
William J. Bryan was nominated for as their candidate for president. The candidate chosen for
Republican was William McKinley. Even though many Populists supported William J. Bryan, they
lost the election of 1896. The big businesses, banks, factory owners, and the rich were there to
support William McKinley because they wanted gold standards or deflation. Also, the economy of
1896 was better than it was in 1893 which can predict that the gold standard was helping the
economy of the country. Additionally, William J. Bryan only focused on urban voters and had no
alliances with other groups. On the other hand, William McKinley's campaign was highly funded
and well–organized. These were some of the reasons why the Populist Party failed to gain any long–
term political
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Populist Analysis
Editorial Reflection The first thing that the author mentions in his article is the "populist and
nationalist forces that are active now in many countries." By dictionary definition, 'Populist' is a
member of a political party seeking to represent interests of ordinary people. 'Nationalist' is a person
who advocates political independence for a country. According to the author, these type of people
are becoming more active in more countries than they were years ago. Years ago, countries never
focused on how one handshake could show them more dominance, or they never cared that much
about politics. Now that the world is changing, people are starting to care more, and so there are
more forces that are becoming more active and are getting more
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Symbolism In William Jennings Bryan's 'The Wonderful...
During the late 1800's, a pervasive sense of melancholy permeated throughout the forgotten, dreary
Midwestern United States. While the industrial revolution boosted the economy on the coasts,
Midwestern farmers were victims of deflationary debt increases, exorbitant shipping and railroad
rates, a high protective tariff, and a government that for the most part ignored them.1 Desperate
circumstances moved the everyday American farmers to join together and voice their grievances.
Instead of seeking federal aid or economic relief, they attempted to use the power of the ballot to
achieve their goals.1 The united group of farmers used the Populist Party as a springboard to launch
their complaints and eventually got their candidate, William Jennings Bryan, nominated for the
presidential election of 1896 by the Democratic Party. L. Frank Baum, a newspaper writer who lived
in a small prairie town in South Dakota, experienced the populist wave firsthand, attending Bryan's
famous "Cross of Gold" speech in Chicago, and subtly incorporated many aspects of Bryan's
campaign into his children's novel, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.2 Despite his own claim that "this
novel was written solely for the entertainment of the children of today", several historians have
discovered that the book clearly reflects the culture of the time period in which it was written.3 By
symbolically representing the struggles of the everyday working man, Bryan's political enemies, and
the campaign for free silver, Baum
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Populist Party Analysis
From 1880 to 1925, opinions on whether or not immigrants should be allowed in the United States
of America shifted majorly. As time progressed, the American people became disillusioned with the
idea of immigrants in America. Different specific time periods showed the majority opinion, and
how it changed United States citizens' reactions to immigrants from a smile of acceptance to a scowl
of distrust. Between the years 1880 and 1890, the American people was generally either accepting or
at least tolerant of foreign citizens immigrating to the United States and beginning their new lives.
An 1880 political cartoon published in Puck magazine shows Uncle Sam, representing America,
welcoming immigrants of many different apparent backgrounds aboard ... Show more content on ...
Sociologist Edward Ross wrote a 1914 article in Century Magazine titled :Immigrants in Politics",
in which he tells the story of Bostonians who return to their home town to find that many
government officials were of Irish descent, as illustrated in this passage, "greeted by Mayor
Fitzgerald and the following members of congress: O'Connell, Kelihar, Sullivan, and McNary..." It
should be noted that all five surnames listed in this segment have roots in Ireland. This article shows
why many citizens of the United States were afraid of immigrants, as they believed that outsiders
would overtake their government. In 1916, anthropologist Madison Grant published The Passing of
the Great Race, which was a major book in the genre of scientific racism, a field where scientist
look for biological reasons to support their theories on racial bias. Most of the book is dedicated to
proving Grant's racism correct; however, there is a section that highlights his belief very well. "In no
other human there displayed the unanimity of heart, mind and action which is now being
displayed by the descendants of the blue–eyed, fair–haired peoples of...Europe." This perspective
gives insight to what many educated Americans thought back
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Reform Movements of the Late 1800s
American society began to change in the late 1800s with movements like the Grange and Alliance.
These reform movements resulted in a new idea of populism–reformation in the interest of the
farmer. The late 1800s in American society gave way to challenges like the farmers role in society,
railroad regulation for crop transportation, and economic problems about coinage that created
discontent among the American farmers; culminating in the Populist movement were reform efforts
like Munn vs. Illinois and the Sherman Silver Purchase Act of 1890. The Populist movement arose
with a sense for farmers of where they belonged. Many farmers believed that they were not getting
enough credit for what they do for society. Doctors take care of America's health and bankers take
care of America's money. Farmers began to advocate the fact that they feed all of America
(Document A). This evolved into a platform for the newly formed Populist Party. Moreover, racism
seemed to arise in a whole new manner. It was essentially holding America back both economically
and politically. America, by the farmers' point of view, needed to focus on the economic problems
that the whole country was facing (Document B). Due to this "everyone needs to work together"
attitude, farmers created the National Colored Farmers Alliance. Farmers began to reform society to
show their role in society. Transportation of their crops through railroads was a large challenge
creating discontent among the American farmers.
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Comparison Of The Progressive And Populist Movement
The Progressive and Populist Movements of the Late 19th and early 20th century were both
movements that sought to give specific groups in the population better representation/rights as a
whole. The Populist Movement began due to major economic changes brought on by the railroad.
Farmers could no longer make a living selling their crops due to overproduction leading to low
prices. The Populist Party was established in order to promote the economic and political interests of
farmers. One notable member of the Populist Party was William Jennings Bryan, a Presidential
candidate who believed in inflating the money supply and the coinage of silver. The party would go
on to create Granger Laws, laws designed to place government regulations on railroads.
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Populist Party Dbq
The late nineteenth century was a power struggle between the democratic and the republicans parties
of the United States. The struggle between these two parties eventually led to the populist party's
emergence. As a result of how the populist party built trust and united certain people, this was
evident by the combined effort of individuals who have otherwise never united together before. The
party rose to fame with the advent of the them listening to the concern of the people. However, the
party saw its fame quickly dwindle during the election of 1896, with silver being the cause of this
downfall. With the dominance of the Democratic and Republicans in the political landscape of the
country at that time, people were under the impression ... Show more content on ...
The populists fed off of many different issues that led to their rise and impact, with one of the main
issues being the call for "ownership of railroads for farmers which will make it easier for farmers to
go from their crop to the market but the thing is that it has to be low cost" (Eric foner, 653). With the
party calling for low cost rails, they gained the trust of the farmers, saving the process of going back
and forth which cost them large amounts of money. With the decrease in prices, the farmers do not
have to spend as much as they were before, which in result would grant them the ability to be able to
invest more in their crop. One of the other reasons the populists rose to prominence was the fact that
even though they were not as popular on the national level, they were trying to "unite black and
white farmers on both economic and political program" (Eric foner, 654). With them even trying to
unite these two races it showed that they were listening to the people's problems. The main reason
the populist party collapsed was during the 1896 campaign of the nomination of William Bryan for
president "with their "program being reduced to free silver" (Eric foner, 657). When Bryan bringing
up the prospects of free silver, the demise of their party was eminent, since that was not a key aspect
of what the populist party stood
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The Populist and Progressive Movements Essay
The Populist and Progressive Movements
The Populists and Progressive were form of movement that occurred during the outbreaks of the
workers union after the civil war. The populists began during the late 1800s.The progressive began
during the 1900s. There are many differences between these two movements, but yet these
movements have many things that are similar. Farmers united to protect their interests, even creating
a major political party. The party was called the peoples party which became known as the populist
party. Populists drew its strength from rural areas. Populists tended to be poor and uneducated. They
had ideas such as government ownership of major industries. The Populists supported labors
demand for an eight ... Show more content on ...
The attempt to unite urban workers and farmers into a mass movement for economic reform had
failed. Progressivism began in the early 1900s. It had roots in several earlier movements such as the
Liberal Republican and the Mugwumps. Progressivism centered in cities. Progressives were middle
class and well educated. Progressives stayed in the political mainstream. They aimed not to remake
American society, but to merely make the existing system work better and to do this they were
willing to make compromises. Progressivism offered the middle class, business leader, and farmers a
safe reform. By 1900 the American economy was strong. As a result people of all classes felt more
confident and more willing to compromise. Progressives made city and state governments more
democratic. They also tightened regulations on business. For Progressives, honest and efficient
government was an important goal, but not the ultimate one. They saw government as a tool to be
used to promote the welfare of all citizens. Regulating business was, for both city and state
governments, a major part of that task. Progressives passed more laws aiming at protecting various
groups, especially children. The Populist and Progressives had many similarities. What the Populist
fought for the Progressives continued on fighting. They fought for many similar things for example,
they fought for the eight hour work day. The Populist and Progressives were for the people. They
wanted to improve their
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The Power Of The Populist Party

  • 1. The Power Of The Populist Party The Populist Party formed when the Kansas Farmers' Alliance joined with Knights of Labor to form a People's Party. Populists wanted the people to have more power to end poverty and injustices. In 1892, the Populist Program was initiated where populists desired public ownership of the railroad and telegraph systems, protection of land and natural resources, federal income tax on highest incomes, and a looser monetary policy to favor borrowers. Populists also wanted to stop the government's laissez faire attitude. In addition, they aimed for a secret ballot and direct election. Supporters of the Populist Party were made up of farmers, labor groups, prohibitionist and women's suffrage advocates. Progressivism came after the Populist movement. ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. The progressive era in the United States is associated... The progressive era in the United States is associated with political reforms and social change. During the late 1800s and early 1900s, the United States' power was experienced across the globe. Business firms experienced immense growth making some owners excessively rich. On the other hand, the American people experienced unhappiness owing to some problems at home. Workers in the huge corporations did not experience considerable changes in their lives. Employees were subjected to severe working conditions, which were exposed by muckrakers among other people. Railroad charges for shipping crops were very high, which gave farmers immense problems. Increased immigration rates also caused numerous concerns with the need to reform the foreign ... Show more content on ... Sinclair exposed the presence of insects and rats in meat packing plants, which could have a significant effect on people's health. Some individuals in the federal government knew of the conditions in such plants but made no interventions. However, the publishing of the book The Jungle caused pressures from authorities, including President Roosevelt, which led to the enactment of the Meat Inspection Act. Other writers, such as Ida Tarbell, exposed unethical business competition techniques, such as that of the Standard Oil Company, which pushed competitors from the market. The unhealthy living conditions in the overcrowded slums were also exposed by writers. The New York's Wall Street was also targeted by some writers as few individuals controlled the flow of money in the entire nation. These writers were referred to as muckrakers. President Roosevelt compared them to people raking up the muck without doing any good (Cocks, Holloran, & Lessoff, 2009). However, the muckrakers are recognized for exposing the ills that threatened to damage the United States society. The works of such writers also stimulated policymakers to seek alternative ways of doing things. Muckrakers played a significant role in exposing scandals, corruption, and wastes, which could not have detected by the general population. Child labor was also an issue that attracted immense interests during the ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Difference Between Progressive Movement And Populist Movement Both the progressive and populist movements felt that the way the current industrial society was set up was unfair and favored the political elites. The differences between the two movements mostly fell into what kind of areas they took place in, and what specifically they were trying to change. The populist movement started out as the Farmers Alliance in the 1870s, and began moving throughout the south and west mostly in rural areas such as farms. They pursued many reforms in that times society such as education funding, infrastructure, workplace reform and support of agriculture. One person who was a big part of the populist movement was William Jennings Brian, the Democratic presidential nominee in 1896. He sought to change the worth of ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. The Rise Of The Railroad System At the start of every great advancement in society it is society itself that fails to realize the negative repercussions the advancement might bring. While the rise of the railroad system through Texas gave plenty of beneficial attributes, from faster transportation of goods and services to expansion of Texan towns, which helped boom our population, it would seem that a number of things would be drawbacks leading to the termination of many Texan ideologies.The railroad system stemmed throughout Texas allowed many walks of life a deeper view of the 'Great Lone Star' state. While people from different ends of the country came seeking new life others came seeking new fortune which lead to the demise of cowboys, instillation of cattle drives, and the Postbellum cattle boom. In order to understand the negative attributes that the railroad brought we must go back and bring our attention to the beginning which includes the original cowboys. Despite the many riveting TV dramas that paint cowboys as fast men who love faster women we now know in order to be historically accurate, we would have to trade these Clint Eastwood fairy tales for less exciting ones of cowboys who were smelly lonely men who had no serious work skills. These men would consist of workers who were generally under the age of twenty that made 30–40$ a month. During this time period they would walk with and behind cattle for up to six weeks ensuring safe passage to these insanely stupid creatures. When the ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Populist Party Thesis The Populist Party After the Grant Administration Scandal and the intimidation of Political Machines like Tammany Hall, Americans in the 1890s were fed up with the traditional Republican and Democratic parties. The people were ready for change, and from this dissatisfaction, the Populist Party was born. The Populist Party, also call the "People's Party," sought to transform the federal government in favor of public interest. The Populist Party helped to bring about change that Americans wanted, and the efforts of this party are still noticeable in today's government. The Populists wanted the government to be more actively involved in the economy. Prior to this plea for reform, the American federal government played a small role in economy; their job was to stimulate economic growth, not to regulate it. In their 1896 National Platform, the Populists called for higher income tax on the more wealthy citizens. The graduated income tax endorsed by Populists was adopted after the dissipation of the Party and is still used today. Currently, depending on ... Show more content on ... The Populist Party recognized that privately owned railroads proved to be a real problem for farmers who were trying to ship crops across the country at reasonable prices. The new party called for a switch from private to public owned and regulated railroads. In the 1896 Platform, the Populists argued that since the railroads were "a means of exchange and public necessity", then the government should operate the railroads in the best interest of the people. They claimed the Robber Barons, like Andrew Carnegie, of the railroad corporations would cause "the impairment if not destruction of the political rights and personal liberties of the citizens." Monopolies are now illegal in the United States because they prohibit fairness and competition that the economy needs in order to ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Summary: On The Populist Party Chandlor Ratcliffe Dr. Blanche Brick History 1302–N08 24 October 2014 On the Populist Party The Populist platform appears to be the foundation for a socialist country. They stood in support of unions, and they seemed to encourage a classless society for the sake of cutting down those with great wealth and raising those without it to equal levels, wherein income would be distributed evenly according to work completed. To further support this, they had no problems suggesting the removal of those that didn't work, perhaps as both a means to criminalize the poor, and to criminalize the lazy. Those that don't work don't deserve to eat or live, according to this party. They wish to allow the people to produce gold and silver coins freely again, ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. The Populist Party And The Panic Of 1896 Following the Panic of 189, the federal government had to address the issue of economics. The crisis would leave millions of Americans in difficult financial straits. As a result, the free coinage of silver increasingly gained momentum throughout the nation in the years immediately following. This gained such significant attention that it would serve as the primary national issue in the election of 1896. The Republican and Democratic parties would each align in this election for or against this polarizing issue. The Republicans supported the gold standard while the Populist supported Democrats endorsed a silver standard and bimetallism. The election of 1896 would be dominated by the issue of financial backing through the campaigns of William McKinley and William Jennings Bryan. The results of the election would serve as an example of the nations direction to move away from rural agriculture and towards urban industrialism. ... Show more content on ... The results of the election would serve as an example of the nations direction to move away from rural agriculture and towards urban industrialism. Events such as the passing of the Sherman Silver Purchase Act, the Nevada silver discovery, and the Panic of 1893 served as significant catalysts for the issue of financial backing. In response to this several political organizations formed in an effort to pursue economic change. The Populist Party would ultimately become the most significant such organization. The influence of the Populists would be tested in the election of 1896 in which the elections primary question was the silver standard. The Populist endorsed Democrat William Jennings Bryan helped bring the issue to center stage through efforts such as his speech "Cross of Gold". The victory of Bryan's opponent, William McKinley, would signify the nations trend towards an urban industrialized ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. What Was The Role Of Farmers In The United States Between 1870 and 1900 farmers in the U.S. formed a series of campaigns to go against the nation's political and economic systems. They perceived these systems as not in their favor or interest. The farmers wanted to increase "regulation of the railroads, monetary reform, and banking reform." After the Civil War, crop prices began a big decline that lasted for a long time. At the same time, the costs of operation, growing and transporting crops, remained at a constant or increased price. The operation costs include train fees/fairs, interest on loans, and the cost of machinery. "The drop in crop prices resulted from increased production due to more efficient agricultural methods and a doubling of the nation's cultivated land as the United States expanded ... Show more content on ... The group that went against this was called the Populist party. The Populist party was so popular in the 1800s of the because efforts to reform and aid farmers. The party promised to fight economic deflation and secure increased rights for workers, this was in response to industrial workers, farmers, and other Americans struggling. At the time farmers were struggling to survive the "economic instability, rapid industrialization, long–term reductions in crop prices, and rising debt burdens." The party said they would fight the decline in crop prices and stabilize the rights for workers. During the Civil War, the price of crops was raised because of the farmer crop growing instability and the number of resources that the military wanted. After the war, the price main crops like wheat and cotton declined dramatically. This was due ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Populist Party Thesis In the late 1800's, America's farmers faced deep financial insecurity with the fall of agricultural prices that kept them in poverty. Many farmers borrowed money from merchants and banks, and when it came time to repay their loans, they found themselves in the face of losing their land. Their financial troubles mainly attributed to the high freight rates that railroads charged the farmers in order to transport their crops, as well as high interest rates charged by loaners. This financial turmoil lead to the development of the Farmers' Alliance, which advocated for lower interest rate loans by the Federal Government itself, so that way the farmers didn't have to depend on independent banks and merchants for financial assistance. The Farmers' Alliance eventually gained traction in politics and eventually formed itself into the People's Party, or otherwise known as the Populist Party. ... Show more content on ... They educated the public of their interests through publications and public speaking throughout the rural areas of America. Through education, they sought to appeal to the working class of people, mainly those who produced goods, as they believed in a strong community organization. The Populist Party tried to appeal to industrial workers, but failed to connect with the population of mostly immigrants and Catholics. Although Populism didn't appeal to some people, it nevertheless worked towards providing democratic and economic opportunities for the working class of the United ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. The Populist Movement Essay The Populist Movement The small farmers of America struggled through many agricultural problems during the late19th century. Their exclusion from the industrializing society, and their lagging in developments set them back from the rest of the country. Through their hardships they found a way to come together and form a political movement that would represent their rights and needs and give them a voice in the political decision making; it was called the Populist movement. However, the formation of this movement didn't happen over night; it was a complicated process, but in the end it paid off for the small farmers of America. The agricultural problems of the small farmers, farmers organizations, and Populist philosophies all ... Show more content on ... The farmers wanted restrictions on railroads, buffer from market, and increase in money supply and credit. To help achieve these desired changes, the Granges and Alliances were created. The Granges and Alliances were organizations formed to help bring the farmers together, and help them to make cooperatives so as to make a profit. These two systems were a large step in the emergence of the Populist movement. The Granges were first started by Oliver H. Kelley, an Agriculture Department official. The Grange came first and was created as a social organization for farmers. The Grange system wanted to bring farmers together to learn new scientific agricultural techniques, create a feeling of community between farmers, and organize cooperatives. The Granges were temporarily successful, but eventually failed because of inexperience and opposition of the middlemen. The decline of the Grange movement made way for the Farmers' Alliances. The Alliance started in Texas in 1877 and welcomed men and women alike. They, like the Granges, formed cooperatives so as to free the farmers from the dependence on the large corporations. The Alliances spread quickly, but still had some of the same problems the Granges had like inexperience, and the middlemen getting in the way. These frustrations helped push the movement ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. Economic, Social, and Political Problems in the Post-Civil... Americans suffered many economic, social, and political problems in the post–Civil War era. I have identified one of each of these types of problems that I believe were among the most important during the period of 1865–1900. The economic issue that I believe had one of the biggest impacts on Americans at the time is the Great Railroad Strike of 1877. The social issue that I feel greatly affected America after the Civil War is Chinese immigration. One of the biggest political issues, to me, is the Populist Party. I feel that the Great Railroad Strike of 1887 was a major issue because it made Americans realize just how deeply Americans were invested in the railroads. At the time, the biggest investment banking firm in America, Jay Cooke ... Show more content on ... The strike lasted all of 45 days, and became to lose steam and effectively come to a halt after President Hayes sent federal troops from city to city. There is no exact record of the losses faced by the country during this strike, but it is reported that the engineers' and firemen's brotherhoods lost approximately $600,000 over the forty–five days of the strike, while for the Burlington Railroad the losses were at least $2,100,000. In Pittsburgh, it was estimated that property damage reached over three million dollars, with Chicago, Baltimore and other cities facing losses of a similar magnitude. ( I believe that Chinese immigration during the period after the Civil War was a very big issue because it showed just how unwilling ordinary, white citizens were to let another "inferior race" into the country. Chinese immigrants had been arriving in large quantities starting during the mid–19th century. Most of worked as laborers, usually on the transcontinental railroad (such as the Central Pacific Railroad) and in the mines. They suffered racial discrimination for a long time due to industrial employers being eager to get this new and cheap labor, but the ordinary white public being angered by the oncoming of the so–called "yellow peril." Political party gatherings, labor unions, and other organizations rallied against the immigration of yet another ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Comparing The AFLAnd The Populist Party " there are two classes in society, one incessantly striving to obtain the labor of the other class for as little as possible, and to obtain the largest amount or number of hours of labor". The United States of America by the dawn of the 20th century was the home of opportunity and economic prosperity to people around the world, a place where the average person could with hard work and dedication rise above his socio economic status. While the united states may have been perceived as the land of opportunity to foreigner's, people actually living in the united states might have not seen it in that light. By the late 19th century economic difficulties increased for the working class people of the united states such as industrial workers and farmers. With politicians constantly failing their constituents and turning a blind eye to corruption in order to expand their pockets, a new political party arises that promises hope and change to an American population wary of the same politicians. political parties such as the populist party arise along with other historical figures who helped shape and reform this country. The populist party was a party of reform for the common citizens, a party that planned to restore democracy and economic opportunity to a country facing ... Show more content on ... Both the AFL and the Populist party had to take personal action to get the reforms that they needed through strikes and political platform these movements. For Samuel Gompers and the AFL in order to get better working conditions it was important for them to unite and work as a team to to combat against their employer. The populist party along with the AFL also came about, due to politicians choosing not to hear the cries of the working class and their conditions. Instead these politicians decided to ignore the struggle of the working class until they eventually stood up for ... Get more on ...
  • 24.
  • 25. Farmers of the late 1800's: Changing the Shape of American... The period between 1870 and 1900 was a time to change politics. The country was for once free from war and was united as one nation. However, as these decades passed by, the American farmer found it harder to live comfortably. Crops such as cotton and wheat, once the cash crop of agriculture, were selling at prices so low that it was nearly impossible for farmers to make a profit. Improvements in transportation allowed larger competitors to sell more easily and more cheaply, making it harder for American yeoman farmers to sell their crops. Finally, years of drought in the Midwest and the fall of business in the 1890s devastated the farming community. Most notably, the Populist Party arose to fight what farmers saw as the issues affecting ... Show more content on ... Beginning in 1871, several states passed laws controlling railroad freight. The railroads fought the Granger Laws, in federal court, where they were ruled unconstitutional. The railroads regularly used rebates and drawbacks to help win the business of large shippers, and made up this loss in profit by increasing the cost to smaller shippers such as farmers. As a result, many farmers, already hurt by the depression in agriculture, were ruined. These farmers were hurt by the unfair practices of the railroad enterprise. Despite the flushed predictions of prosperity that had lured new settlers to the plains, the reality was more difficult. The farmers claimed that they did not have enough land, money, and transportation (Doc C). The farmers went into in a never ending cycle if they did not have a good harvest. As Booker Washington explains the farmers had no money so they had to borrow money from the banks which charged 12 to 30 percent interest. The interest the farmers were hit with was nearly impossible to repay so they had to mortgage everything and if the mortgage wasn't paid the land was foreclosure which led the yeomen to become tenant farmers (Doc B). With periods of drought growing good crops was hard. Leading Economic Sectors shows how the farmers predicament of not being able to make a very ... Get more on ...
  • 26.
  • 27. West Transformation In The Late Nineteenth Century 3. How and why was the West transformed in the late nineteenth century? How did these changes affect the people living in the West? How did the changes in the West transform America? In the late nineteenth century, the rise of an industrial America took the country by storm. New innovations, and the development of steel manufacturing, petroleum refining, and the expansion of railroads, changed the nation's economy and the lifestyle of the people. The names of Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller, and J.P. Morgan became widely known. This industrial boom introduced a new class of wealthy industrialist and a well off middle class. Unfortunately, farmers began to struggle immensely during this time; the prices for farm produce began to fall ... Show more content on ... Indeed, the stock market crash triggered this event, however the vastly poor distribution of wealth, the wages of industrial workers, and the profitless work of farmers all added up to this downfall. In addition, high tariffs set by the U.S. made it difficult for foreign nations to sell goods to them and to buy goods in return. And to make things better, banks were failing and in result wiping out life savings of hundreds of people. The last straw was drawn when the stock market hesitated and investors began to sell their stocks for fear of what could happen. Brokers jammed the stocks as they attempted to unload shares. This grave dip became a panic that would be known as black Thursday. The following Tuesday all stocks had lost six–sevenths of their value, and it would be appropriately called black Tuesday. With thousands of people's life savings gone overnight, the economy suffered immensely. Due to the lack of money people began to stop buying goods. To make up for the lack of revenue, businesses laid off countless workers to decrease the price of their outputs. This only furthered the issue into a never ending cycle. People now without jobs could not afford goods, and businesses continued to lay off its workers to stay profitable. Millions of Americans lived in poverty at this time, many unable to buy the ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Populist Party Essay The Populist Party, also known as the people's party, was a third party political option in the primary election for president during the late 18th century. It played a major role as a left–wing force in American politics. The party mainly drew its support from angry farmers in the South and West and operated on the left–wing of American politics. Even though the party only lasted seventeen years, it was ultimately a success because most the things that they were recommending were adopted. The Populist party was created to unite the Farmers' Alliances that formed in the late 1800s century. The party was originally formed during the Panic of 1873 due to the unstable economy. The Populist Party attracted many farmers because of the Alliance ... Show more content on ... The main reason that the party failed was because of confusion and discord among the party's own members. Some members favored joining with the Democratic Party and others wanted to stay as an independent Party. The party itself was the downfall of the Populist. The party only lasted for seventeen years and ended in 1908. The inflation in the price of silver was why so many people lost interest in the Populist. This political party was a success because of the ideas and achievements that they adopted which are still in effect today. Many of the workers rights that we have today were created by the Populist Party. Although the Populist Party failed as a viable third party, its work helped raise awareness and concern for worker's rights for factory workers, farmers, and all workers. Most of the platforms advanced by the Populist Party were adopted by the Democratic Party and subsequent political movements. The Populist Party, also known as the people's party, was a third party political option in the primary election for president during the late 18th century. It played a major role progressive politics and politics today. The party mainly supported workers rights and equality. Even though the party only lasted seventeen years, it was ultimately a success because of its major achievements in politics and workers ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. The Five Goals Of The Populist Party 7. The Populist Party was created in 1892 in a convention in Omaha by white farmers. This party's main goals was to have representations and equality, but a specific goal was to have silver coinage thus encouraging the mass printing of paper money and circulating currency, this would benefit all Americans because the poor would now have some money and the wealthy who had gold had more money because gold is more valuable. The second goal of the populist party was to settle a graduated income tax which was first placed on the rich. This income tax would go to lower the McKinley tariff which taxed farmers for their equipment, another benefit was that it would act as a balance between the rich and poor where they world both pay the same rate of tax. The third goal for this party was to have the decision of direct election of senators because they wanted to resolve issues in government with democracy. This would allow Americans to vote for politics and have a direct vote. The fourth goal of the populist party was for the government to have ownership of transportation such as railroads. The western farmers hated the railroads because of the unfair exploitation in the cost of shipping their products, and the costs depended on each railroads' owner to decide the price so the populist wanted an even and fair railroad system. ... Show more content on ... The Populist party was successful due to their ideas to improve America, the coinage of silver and income tax eventually were adopted. Competing with the Republican and Democratic Party it acted as a third party and wise option to farmers who sought to change the laws with railroads. But the dissolution occurred in 1896 when they elected William Jennings Bryan as their president a democratic candidate who took majority of the votes to the Democratic Party. With the rise in prices for farm equipment which did not help but made matters worse, and the fact that the party could not get urban supporters to vote diminished its members eventually leading to its ... Get more on ...
  • 32.
  • 33. Populist Party Dbq Analysis The issue during this period that most bothering the agrarian farmers was that of the currency issue, or more specifically the issue of silver. As seen in Document A, the platform of the Populist party greatly surrounded the concept of greenbacks as a way to provide an easy exit for the debt–trapped farmers. In addition to the idea of greenbacks, the concept of silver as "coin since the dawn of history (Document A)" is a great concern of this party. One major tactic of this party was the "Crime of '73" which was an attempt of the Westerners to bring silver back and similar to the demand for greenbacks, was the farmer way of trying to promote inflation, something detrimental to the American economy. This rational explanation against silver is also seen in Document B, where William McKinley, creator of the McKinley Tariff, a tariff that greatly impacted farmers for the worse, describes the negative effects of silver being, "It would not make farming less laborious or more profitable.. (Document B)," a statement, while true, not accepted by farmers nor the Populist party. McKinley instead claims that "Good money [gold] never made times ... Show more content on ... Instead, overproduction in wheat and excessive partaking in various markets caused a great panic, leaving these farmers tied up in their debts and looking to silver as their "get out of jail free card." In this sense, it is obvious that while farmers were valid in their discontent with railroad companies, it was their exaggeration of the effects of monopolies and passionate desire for silver that was invalid and unnecessary and without this would ended the depression much sooner, and resolving the constant conflicting issue of currency between the Democratic and Republican ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Analyze Similarities And Differences Between The Populist... Similarities and differences between the Populist Party and Progressive reformers In the late 1800s businesses were taking over, many groups of people were upset with the power that business had such as farmers. They started a Farmer's Alliance which later developed into the Populist Party. The platform for the Populist Party included many things such as graduated income taxes and regulations of railroads. Although the Populist Party had very little success, the Progressive reformers wanted to continue the Populist Party's legacy. Both parties had similarities and differences but the end goal was the same: To improve the lives of the people they were fighting for, economically, politically and socially. Progressive reformers wanted to continue the legacy of ... Show more content on ... One of the ways Progressive reformers and Populist were similar was through the demand of electing senators directly. "A Populist Platform."(Doc A), "16th Amendment Sect 1, 1913 and 17th Amendment Section 1, 1913." (Doc C). Both parties wanted to have more control over the people who represented them. Another similarity between the parties was the demand for safer working conditions. Populist had very dangerous and unfair working conditions as farmers, with machines that were unreliable and also getting payed very little for their products. The point of view was of poor farmers from Minnesota and Kansas who were selling their crops for an unfair and low price. "A Minnesota Farmer and a Kansas Farmer" (Doc B). The Progressive reformers who were mainly middle class women also wanted better working conditions. Women demanded shorter working hours for women and children, workplace safety, minimum wage and ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Failures Of The Populist Party At the end of the 19th century the United States were in a time called "The Gilded Age", coined by Mark Twain; a time of mass immigration, Western settlement, and industrialization. Out of these times emerged a political party named the Populist party, later changed to the People's party. This party stood for the working man, like farmers and factory laborers. Though this party meant well, it did not last long. Surviving until 1896, the Populist party eventually merged with the Democratic party. With this being said, the Populist party was a short lived dream and failure. The Populist party, as previously stated, stood for and supported the working class. From farmers in the west to industrial workers in the east, the Populist party wanted ... Show more content on ... This popularity was lost due to the fact that the Populist party's previously mentioned progressive ideas, like 8 hour work days, senators elected by the people, graduated income tax, etc., were not popular beliefs and wants in the late 19th century. Though mostly aligned left like the Democratic party, these ideas held the party back and led to most either choosing the Republicans or the Democrats. Eventually in 1896 part of the Populist party dissolved and fused with the Democratic party. The other Populists decided to continue on as their own thing and not join the Democrats; they lasted until 1908. After the fusion with the democrats, the Populists' original presidential nominee, William Jennings Bryan, flew a new flag; that of the democrats. Unfortunately for the democrats and the Populists that joined them, Bryan lost the election. Concerning the topic of the Populists failure, these events played a major role in it because they weren't even the Populists anymore, they were democrats, and those that chose to continue on under the title of the People's party didn't last much longer after the ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Progressives versus Populists The onset 20th Century holds two main movements: The Populists and The Progressives. These two parties are similar, but their policies and philosophies hold diversities. The Populists party comprises of farmers and poor whites in the south; they focus on eastern interests i.e. railroads and banks. The Populists also call for government action, to intervene and to create an efficient society which includes a flourishing middle class. The Progressives include educated middle class men and men of universities, they too demanded for reform, but accomplish their goals through legislation and the judicial system. The Progressives focused on reform as well as destroying the Robber Barons. Some Progressives were actually a part of the Populist Party; they weren't contradictory parties. To simplify the matter The Populist party held picnics in order to present discussions, while the Progressives hold educated and sophisticated men of great esteem who were much more formal. The Populist Party was the people's party, hence the name Populist, the party was created in the late 1800s when the Southern Famer alliance contacted Powderly, the head of The Knights of Labor. The party's first platform was called the Omaha Platform which called for the abolition of the national bank, graduated income tax, direct election of senators, civil service reform, an eight hour work week, and the gov't control of railroads, telegraphs and telephones. The Populists supported the Prohibition ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Populist Party Analysis Since the early start of the United States, there has always been the Democratic and Republican parties as majority leaders that represented our people's nation. Due to the questionable leadership of our major parties, a growing trend of independent groups began to develop over the last several years. Many conservative Americans today do not feel that their Republican party is representing what they believe how America's government should be run. Between fraud, scandals and Republican leaders poorly representing their supporters within the senate and the house of representatives many Americans have lost faith in their party. Since Donald Trump has become our president a growing trend of conservatives working class called the "Populists" party ... Show more content on ... President Donald trump is causing tension between the Republican party." (Blackhurst) In the article it states "that president Trump got a majority of votes due to his thoughts on making major changes to health care insurance, tax reform and a conservative budget. Many of Trumps supporters have the same idea of changes that he promised to make if elected president." (Blackhurst) The group the article focuses on is called the Populist party, which is a conservative group that has been around for many decades. Often times the ideas of the party are considered rigid. Blackhurst discussed the last time America saw a Populist conservative leader was with president Reagan. The main point of the article concludes that the Republican party continues to disagree with Trump's plans, but Trumps supporters want to see change within the party. She mentions "that it is time for a new type of conservative values to take over the traditional GOP leadership." (Blackhurst) Basically, it comes down to either the GOP changes and works with the president or be replaced with new ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Movements Throughout History Led by Farmers and the... The populist movement occurred in the late 19th century, formed from the Grangers movement where its goal was ta movement for people, to change the economic system where it would benefit farmers. The grange movement rapidly declined in the 1870s and was replaced by the farmer alliances. The farmer alliances were more political rather then social. The farmer's alliance later formed the populist. The populist movement is considered to be an agrarian revolt by farmers and those concerned with agriculture, because in the gilded age many people were moving to rural areas where banks and industrial systems were superior over agriculture. The high tariffs, decentralization of currency, and decreasing crop prices were hurting the farmers. ... Show more content on ... Rather then just farmers and people who and were concerned with agriculture, the progressive movement was much more broad and covered the rights for people that weren't getting it in the 20th century because of the rapid growth of banking and industries. Although both movements was based on not being satisfied with the government, the populist were part of the Democratic Party while the progressive was a separated part of the Republican Party and were made up of either party and mostly of the urban middle–class. The progressive movement had all the same initial goals as the populist and was also a rejection of Social Darwinism. It focused on having economic fairness such as having equal rights for groups such as woman, African Americans or child labor. The populist ideals lead to the expanded progressive movement, which becomes more successful and more popular. They aspired for an advanced income tax in which the 16th amendment was made. Next, the 17th allowed direct election of the senators from their states. The 18th amendment was passed which prohibited alcohol. The 19th amendment then later allowed didn't allow discrimination based on sex when voting, which gave woman a chance to finally vote. Amendments 16–19 are known as the progressive amendments. The government also accepted other populist goals such as regulation of banks and industries, reforms in the civil services, a short 8–hour day for labor class. All these goals ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. The Presidential Election Was A Great Man Named William... In 1986 the democratic nominee for the presidential election was a great man named William Jennings Bryan. Bryan was a religious and moral man who stood for the greater good of farmers, the poor and working class. Populists represent the underdog of society that is seeking injustice, during Bryan's time period it happened to be the farmer's agriculture industry that was dying out. A few decades before this election the whole country was running off of agriculture, with the industrialization that occurred in recent years to this election had put the farmers in a tough place barely able to make a living. William Jennings Bryan stood up for this issue and his main concern was to tend to these farmers. Bryan never won an election so he never ... Show more content on ... The monopolist got greedy and did things like George Pullman creating his own town for employees to work in and then lowering wages and keeping rent the same. William Jennings Bryan wanted to stop things like this from happening and make sure everybody had a fair chance at a living in the United States. Populist disagreed with how the economy was going because the big companies were a dominant force taking money away from the agriculture industry and the poor people. "They called for more rather than less government intervention in the economy, for only government was capable of expanding the money supply, counterbalancing the power of big business, and providing efficient national transportation networks to support the needs of agribusiness (Tindall, 668)." With the views that the party had, supporting more government intervention comes to no surprise because there wouldn't be an easier way to defeat the big companies other than regulating them. If Bryan had won an election, the economy today could have been completely different depending on what he did with monopolies and agriculture. Bryan and the populists disagreed with the gold standard and wanted to implement the free coinage of silver to fix the bad economy caused from the gold standard. "I will not help to crucify mankind upon a cross of gold (Kazin, 47)". ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Populist Party With tension on the rise, American farmers continue to demand reforms to lift their burden of debt as well as greater representation in government. Recently, with the tremendous growth in industrialization of oil and steel, migrants have felt the difficulties associated with farming and continue to fall into arrears. New organizations have been formed to attempt to resolve the debt issue. One of these organizations, calling themselves the Populist Party, is proposing economic reforms to increase the money supply. The reforms aim to pass immigration quotas, create a federal loan program, and establish a graduated income tax, which are all crucial for many indebted farmers. The first objective outlined on the Populist's agenda is to place restrictions ... Show more content on ... In order to pass these reforms, more support is needed by people in order to help all the people, which will in turn help society. A vote for Williams Jenning Bryan will ensure these problems are solved. Secondary Article #1: Do the Railroads Help or Hurt? Farmers are being tricked into moving West. The government is declaring that it is easy for farmers to make a good living in the Midwest and for them to come out and reap the rewards. The government is also promising that the railroads will allow farmers to prosper by letting them send their products all over the nation. But recent reports state that the railroads are profiting off of the farmers by charging more to transport their goods than the profit the farmers are making from their products. The government has not put in place any regulations to prevent the railroads from charging the farmers so much. Without these types of regulations, railroad owners can set prices, no matter how high, which is affecting the farmers' livelihoods. This has led many farmers to file for bankruptcy forcing them back East. Secondary Article #2: The Homestead ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Populist Party Research Paper America following Reconstruction was completely different from America during FDR's New Deal. In 1876, the government was based on the ideas of Laissez–faire which meant that government stayed out of the citizens' lives. Society in 1876 was dominated by white men who ran the country while there were no rights for women, blacks, and immigrants. In 1876, Americans lived on farms in rural America. By the 1930's, America was a welfare state with government just starting to control different aspects such as economy and corporations. In the 1930's women, blacks, and immigrants all had the right to vote, and the majority of Americans were living in cities. Blacks had the right to vote; however, they were usually disenfranchised by whites. ... Show more content on ... The Populist Party was started by a massive grassroots movement that wanted political reform. The supporters of the Populist Party were usually laborers who were sick of the government supporting big businesses. Because of this support, there were many violent strikes, such as Pullman, Homestead, and Haymarket, where strikers were killed, and the government did nothing. Eventually, the Populist Party combined with the Democratic Party because the Populist Party was limited because of its regional location. During the Gilded Age, America opened its doors to many immigrants. They flocked from Europe, Mexico, Asia, China, and Japan. Just like blacks, they were discriminated against by the Americans already here because the immigrants and blacks were willing to work in factories for hardly any money. Because of this, most women in the lower class and children worked in the factories to help to support the family. The immigrants and blacks usually lived in small crowded apartments in the cities because they could not afford to live far away from their job. Each immigrant group tried to recreate their neighborhood from their old country in America which caused the cities to become segregated ghettos with ethnic backgrounds. Poor farmers were also apart of the lower class because they were dependent to one crop, and there was only one harvest per year. With ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. The Populist Party During the time of the Progressive Era, the Populist Party made tremendous gains in the political and social aspect of American society. Discontent with the economic and political way the country was structured, the Populists sought to reform the government using a system of initiative and referendum. As a form of direct democracy, initiative and referendum was a way to give the power back to the people by utilizing local and state governments. The first part of the reform was the initiative, which is usually a petition signed by a number of voters to bring about a public vote and opinion on a certain amendment, both state and constitutional. This initiative eventually sets the path for the referendum, which is when the proposed law is enacted. ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Farmers In The Late 1800s Essay In the late 19th century, farmers all over the country were filled with discontent due to the rough financial and agricultural conditions they were experiencing on the farm. As far back as the Homestead Act of 1862, which gave families land grants west of the Mississippi, farmers have been migrating West. Manifest Destiny was driving these families west creating jobs and opportunities, which had greatly impacted the time. This period before the late 1800s had produced high numbers of wheat, agricultural technology, and success for hard working farmers. The perfect life started to disintegrate with the increase of farmers, and the high amount of wheat being sold. With wheat prices dropping, farmers going into debt, and businesses controlling the economy, the farmers were starting to experience hardships like never before. This was the start of the depression of 1893. Farmers had experienced a number of problems during this time, but the conflicts of the Bimetallic Standard in currency, the overpowering big businesses, and the lack of government interference had contributed greatly to the validity of the farmers argument. Currency during the late 1800s was always a topic of great conflict between the different classes of people. The document The platform of the People's Party 1892 stated "The Newspapers are largely subsidized or muzzled, public opinion silenced, business prostrated, homes covered with mortgages, labor impoverished, and the land concentration in the hands of ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Essay On The Populist Movement Why was the Populist movement so popular in the late 1800s? Before answering this question, answer this, what is the Populist movement? The populist movement was for a chance of political, social, and economical equality within American society. Strongly appealing to the farmers and industrial workers, the populists tried to bring the people back in power, rather than the money that was controlling civilization. This movement was very popular in the 1800s because it was trying to gain the rights back of the working class because of the rise in prices of crops and how the West was over producing food, which caused them to be transport their food more, however, the railroads were charging high prices to ship.Three points to give a better understanding ... Show more content on ... This Party would impact the election of 1892 and 1896 in a huge way. There was two parties, the Democrats who were the south and farmers, and the Republicans who were the north and wealthy business. A plan was created to protect the farmer from downturns in agricultural prices. Under this plan farmers could hold crops off the market when prices were low and then receive loans from the government protected by crops in storage. To gain support from industrial workers, the platform also created an eight–hour workday, pensions, and the restriction of immigration. This strategic political goal of the Populist Party was to displace the Democratic Party by making an alliance between farmers and industrial workers. The Populists, also tried to fix the social conflict between Southern blacks and whites, arguing that shared economic interests were more important than racial differences. The next important wave of populist reformism emerged in the 1890s. Various regional farm groups, known as Farmers' Alliances, took root and grew rapidly. These included the Southern Alliance and the Agricultural Wheel in the south, and the Northwestern Alliance in northern regions. The Alliance also captured eight southern legislatures. In the West Alliance candidates dominated elections in Kansas and Nebraska and secured important power bases in the legislatures of Minnesota and South ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Analysis Of Lawrence C. Goodwyn 's ' The Sixties ' Within the article, author Lawrence C. Goodwyn speaks on many topics involving both race and populism in the southern states. Goodwyn also speaks on the evolution of the biracial movement by the name of the Populist Party as well as its abiding legacy and impact on society. Populism at one point in time simply meant the advocacy of multiple reform issues. Topics including the election of senators, worker rights, and income tax were among the few reforms led by the Populist Party. Goodwyn briefly touches on exactly how the modern day connection to populism has evolved as well when he states, "...It is not invoked to explain George Wallace, as it is used to explain Lindon B. Johnson in the sixties..." (Goodwyn). He later goes on into specific details which explain exactly why it has eventually earned the title of the "people's party" today. Lawrence Goodwyn goes on to speak on a southern county in Texas by the name of Grimes County. According to Goodwyn, Grimes County's Populist Party was amongst the many county's that remained prevalent due to things such as the increase of many white southerners feeling slightly threatened by the thought of the concept of black power increasing during this time period. Not to mention the fact that the census of 1890 displayed that nearly half of the total population in Grimes County were African– American. Throughout the article, Goodwyn continues to speak on numerous events that had displayed the prevalent violent confrontation between ... Get more on ...
  • 58.
  • 59. Progressive Party Vs. Populist Political Party Populists v Progressives A political party is an organization whose aim is to gain control of the government apparatus, usually through the election of its candidates to public office. Political parties take many forms, but their main functions are similar: to supply personnel for government positions; to organize these personnel around the formation and implementation of public policy; and to serve in a mediating role between individuals and their government. Political parties are as old as organized political systems. Two parties in particular, the Populist Party and the Progressive Party are alike in many ways, from their platforms to their general issues. In general, however, the structure and behavior of ... Show more content on ... The party adopted a platform calling for the free coinage of silver along with the abolition of national banks. Another aspect of the Populist Party, is a graduated income tax, government ownership of all forms of transportation and communication, and the election of Senators by direct vote of the people. Civil service reform, a working day of eight hours, postal banks, pensions, and the reform of immigration regulations are just some of the other views and beliefs of populists. Progressives are activists in a political reform movement known as progressivism, which is a broadly based reform movement that reached its height early in the 20th cent. In the decades following the Civil War, rapid industrialization transformed the United States. A national rail system was completed, agriculture was mechanized, the factory system spread, and cities grew rapidly in size and number all because of this newfound movement. The progressive movement arose as a response to the vast changes brought by industrialization. Progressives were often frustrated, however, because state legislatures, controlled by railroads and large corporations, obstructed the municipal struggle for their rule. Throughout all of the reform movements, progressives began to play a major role in politics and the creation of a new political party known as the ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. The Populist Party And The Socialist Party The Populist Party is often referred to as the party of and for the people, and is labeled as such because it was, very candidly, founded by the common people, such as farmers and other laborers. While this party was in power, they had many ambitions and ideas that they sought to spread to others, and aspired to achieve. To understand the topic completely, one requires a general knowledge of the formation of the populist party, the elemental beliefs, goals and ideals, and how the downfall of the party came about, as this will aid in the understanding of the populist party's want of free coinage of silver and how it would have helped debtors initially, but would have had a comprehensive and unfavorable effect on the American economy ... Show more content on ... However, almost all of the populist party could be put under one label: Debtors. The farmers involved sought to regulate prices and make them affordable, while industrialists sought to regulate the hours in a work day. The people were left in great debt and hoped that these actions may soon begin to lift the economic depression that they were facing. The main idea of the populist party was to unite the common and poor people so that they may gain power as a group, and allow the aforementioned group to gain and retain more power and say within the operations and actions of the government. Although the party began as a group of upset farmers, soon after the movement to create this party had begun, it caught the attention of others. Some industrial workers, and a few stray others shared similar views as these southern and western farmers, and decided that they would join the party, in hopes of also gaining authority, and had hope to attempt to stop the declining economic condition. Although at first, other political parties saw the populists as humorous, the party began to grow, causing more and more people to be forced to recognize that the populists were gaining power, and should be taken seriously (Edwards). It started in Kansas, when William Peffer became the first populist senate member, and shortly after, the party began to grow. The party soon developed two different branches: Fusionists, ... Get more on ...
  • 62.
  • 63. Populist Party Research Paper The Populist party was a third party of the 1890s formed to fight for the rights of working people. This party was largely made up of farmers. There were several reasons why this party was formed. By the beginning of the 1880s, millions of farmers had found themselves trapped under the mountains of debt that they couldn't get out of. There were various causes of why this happened with these farmers. One of the reasons why farmers had debts was because of the switch to industrialized farming. Farmers used new industrial technology to increase the amount of crops that they grew. For instance, they started using equipment and supplies for planting such as big tractors and harvesters. Farmers were competing and had to buy these machines in order to produce more crop. To buy these big machines, farmers took out loans from banks. However, by using this concept of industrialized farming, farmers produced more and more food which meant that prices for these produces in market dropped because there was a lot of production of same food in the market. This ... Show more content on ... Bryan because he adopted silver platform. Hence, the Populists' views were close to him and William J. Bryan was nominated for as their candidate for president. The candidate chosen for Republican was William McKinley. Even though many Populists supported William J. Bryan, they lost the election of 1896. The big businesses, banks, factory owners, and the rich were there to support William McKinley because they wanted gold standards or deflation. Also, the economy of 1896 was better than it was in 1893 which can predict that the gold standard was helping the economy of the country. Additionally, William J. Bryan only focused on urban voters and had no alliances with other groups. On the other hand, William McKinley's campaign was highly funded and well–organized. These were some of the reasons why the Populist Party failed to gain any long– term political ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Populist Analysis Editorial Reflection The first thing that the author mentions in his article is the "populist and nationalist forces that are active now in many countries." By dictionary definition, 'Populist' is a member of a political party seeking to represent interests of ordinary people. 'Nationalist' is a person who advocates political independence for a country. According to the author, these type of people are becoming more active in more countries than they were years ago. Years ago, countries never focused on how one handshake could show them more dominance, or they never cared that much about politics. Now that the world is changing, people are starting to care more, and so there are more forces that are becoming more active and are getting more ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Symbolism In William Jennings Bryan's 'The Wonderful... During the late 1800's, a pervasive sense of melancholy permeated throughout the forgotten, dreary Midwestern United States. While the industrial revolution boosted the economy on the coasts, Midwestern farmers were victims of deflationary debt increases, exorbitant shipping and railroad rates, a high protective tariff, and a government that for the most part ignored them.1 Desperate circumstances moved the everyday American farmers to join together and voice their grievances. Instead of seeking federal aid or economic relief, they attempted to use the power of the ballot to achieve their goals.1 The united group of farmers used the Populist Party as a springboard to launch their complaints and eventually got their candidate, William Jennings Bryan, nominated for the presidential election of 1896 by the Democratic Party. L. Frank Baum, a newspaper writer who lived in a small prairie town in South Dakota, experienced the populist wave firsthand, attending Bryan's famous "Cross of Gold" speech in Chicago, and subtly incorporated many aspects of Bryan's campaign into his children's novel, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.2 Despite his own claim that "this novel was written solely for the entertainment of the children of today", several historians have discovered that the book clearly reflects the culture of the time period in which it was written.3 By symbolically representing the struggles of the everyday working man, Bryan's political enemies, and the campaign for free silver, Baum ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Populist Party Analysis From 1880 to 1925, opinions on whether or not immigrants should be allowed in the United States of America shifted majorly. As time progressed, the American people became disillusioned with the idea of immigrants in America. Different specific time periods showed the majority opinion, and how it changed United States citizens' reactions to immigrants from a smile of acceptance to a scowl of distrust. Between the years 1880 and 1890, the American people was generally either accepting or at least tolerant of foreign citizens immigrating to the United States and beginning their new lives. An 1880 political cartoon published in Puck magazine shows Uncle Sam, representing America, welcoming immigrants of many different apparent backgrounds aboard ... Show more content on ... Sociologist Edward Ross wrote a 1914 article in Century Magazine titled :Immigrants in Politics", in which he tells the story of Bostonians who return to their home town to find that many government officials were of Irish descent, as illustrated in this passage, "greeted by Mayor Fitzgerald and the following members of congress: O'Connell, Kelihar, Sullivan, and McNary..." It should be noted that all five surnames listed in this segment have roots in Ireland. This article shows why many citizens of the United States were afraid of immigrants, as they believed that outsiders would overtake their government. In 1916, anthropologist Madison Grant published The Passing of the Great Race, which was a major book in the genre of scientific racism, a field where scientist look for biological reasons to support their theories on racial bias. Most of the book is dedicated to proving Grant's racism correct; however, there is a section that highlights his belief very well. "In no other human there displayed the unanimity of heart, mind and action which is now being displayed by the descendants of the blue–eyed, fair–haired peoples of...Europe." This perspective gives insight to what many educated Americans thought back ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Reform Movements of the Late 1800s American society began to change in the late 1800s with movements like the Grange and Alliance. These reform movements resulted in a new idea of populism–reformation in the interest of the farmer. The late 1800s in American society gave way to challenges like the farmers role in society, railroad regulation for crop transportation, and economic problems about coinage that created discontent among the American farmers; culminating in the Populist movement were reform efforts like Munn vs. Illinois and the Sherman Silver Purchase Act of 1890. The Populist movement arose with a sense for farmers of where they belonged. Many farmers believed that they were not getting enough credit for what they do for society. Doctors take care of America's health and bankers take care of America's money. Farmers began to advocate the fact that they feed all of America (Document A). This evolved into a platform for the newly formed Populist Party. Moreover, racism seemed to arise in a whole new manner. It was essentially holding America back both economically and politically. America, by the farmers' point of view, needed to focus on the economic problems that the whole country was facing (Document B). Due to this "everyone needs to work together" attitude, farmers created the National Colored Farmers Alliance. Farmers began to reform society to show their role in society. Transportation of their crops through railroads was a large challenge creating discontent among the American farmers. ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Comparison Of The Progressive And Populist Movement The Progressive and Populist Movements of the Late 19th and early 20th century were both movements that sought to give specific groups in the population better representation/rights as a whole. The Populist Movement began due to major economic changes brought on by the railroad. Farmers could no longer make a living selling their crops due to overproduction leading to low prices. The Populist Party was established in order to promote the economic and political interests of farmers. One notable member of the Populist Party was William Jennings Bryan, a Presidential candidate who believed in inflating the money supply and the coinage of silver. The party would go on to create Granger Laws, laws designed to place government regulations on railroads. ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Populist Party Dbq The late nineteenth century was a power struggle between the democratic and the republicans parties of the United States. The struggle between these two parties eventually led to the populist party's emergence. As a result of how the populist party built trust and united certain people, this was evident by the combined effort of individuals who have otherwise never united together before. The party rose to fame with the advent of the them listening to the concern of the people. However, the party saw its fame quickly dwindle during the election of 1896, with silver being the cause of this downfall. With the dominance of the Democratic and Republicans in the political landscape of the country at that time, people were under the impression ... Show more content on ... The populists fed off of many different issues that led to their rise and impact, with one of the main issues being the call for "ownership of railroads for farmers which will make it easier for farmers to go from their crop to the market but the thing is that it has to be low cost" (Eric foner, 653). With the party calling for low cost rails, they gained the trust of the farmers, saving the process of going back and forth which cost them large amounts of money. With the decrease in prices, the farmers do not have to spend as much as they were before, which in result would grant them the ability to be able to invest more in their crop. One of the other reasons the populists rose to prominence was the fact that even though they were not as popular on the national level, they were trying to "unite black and white farmers on both economic and political program" (Eric foner, 654). With them even trying to unite these two races it showed that they were listening to the people's problems. The main reason the populist party collapsed was during the 1896 campaign of the nomination of William Bryan for president "with their "program being reduced to free silver" (Eric foner, 657). When Bryan bringing up the prospects of free silver, the demise of their party was eminent, since that was not a key aspect of what the populist party stood ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. The Populist and Progressive Movements Essay The Populist and Progressive Movements The Populists and Progressive were form of movement that occurred during the outbreaks of the workers union after the civil war. The populists began during the late 1800s.The progressive began during the 1900s. There are many differences between these two movements, but yet these movements have many things that are similar. Farmers united to protect their interests, even creating a major political party. The party was called the peoples party which became known as the populist party. Populists drew its strength from rural areas. Populists tended to be poor and uneducated. They had ideas such as government ownership of major industries. The Populists supported labors demand for an eight ... Show more content on ... The attempt to unite urban workers and farmers into a mass movement for economic reform had failed. Progressivism began in the early 1900s. It had roots in several earlier movements such as the Liberal Republican and the Mugwumps. Progressivism centered in cities. Progressives were middle class and well educated. Progressives stayed in the political mainstream. They aimed not to remake American society, but to merely make the existing system work better and to do this they were willing to make compromises. Progressivism offered the middle class, business leader, and farmers a safe reform. By 1900 the American economy was strong. As a result people of all classes felt more confident and more willing to compromise. Progressives made city and state governments more democratic. They also tightened regulations on business. For Progressives, honest and efficient government was an important goal, but not the ultimate one. They saw government as a tool to be used to promote the welfare of all citizens. Regulating business was, for both city and state governments, a major part of that task. Progressives passed more laws aiming at protecting various groups, especially children. The Populist and Progressives had many similarities. What the Populist fought for the Progressives continued on fighting. They fought for many similar things for example, they fought for the eight hour work day. The Populist and Progressives were for the people. They wanted to improve their ... Get more on ...