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Progressive Era
As Robert Penn Warren once stated, "History cannot give us a program for the future, but it can give us a fuller understanding of ourselves, and of our
common humanity, so that we can better face the future" (Szasz). The comprehension of all historic events is crucial to society's success. In order for
The United States to reach favorable outcomes in the future, its citizens must be knowledgeable of its history to avoid catastrophe or to adopt a
beneficial decision–making process. By understanding the background of this staggering nation, the American population can learn of the errors that
have been made along with the characteristics of the route to success. Among the numerous significant events that have occurred in the history of The more content...
Amid the leaders of the movement were Theodore Roosevelt, Eugene Debts, and Ida Wells. Theodore Roosevelt was not only one of Americas'
presidents during the time, but also one of the biggest reformers for the Progressive Movement. Even though he grew up in a wealthy family,
Roosevelt was raised to believe that the world should be a fair and beautiful place. Therefore, he spent much of his time ensuring that the
environment was as healthy as it should be, that corporation maintained their ethics no matter their level of success, and that all American citizens
were able to follow a healthy lifestyle (Dalton). Another significant individual to the cause of Progressivism was Eugene Debs. Debs entered
politics early in his life and was eventually made a member of the Indiana State Assembly ( Staff). Because he spent a portion of his
early life working as a fireman, he highly supported laborers and other sorts of workers in the country. He spent much of his life fighting for their
rights and attending strikes and rallies in order to fight for worker's rights. Finally, Ida Wells, a famous suffragist, was of great contribution to the
Progressive Movements as well. Although Wells devoted her time to helping humanity overall, she mainly focused on subjects such as women suffrage.
Wells helped found the black women's club which focused on matters like "... health, sanitation, education, and woman suffrage"("African American
Reform Ethics"). Because of her efforts, along with many other women's, females received the ability to vote and workers and students were given
better employment and educational lives. Overall, the contributions made by Roosevelt, Debs, and Wells were highly controversial for the Progressive
Movement because of their level of passion and
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Progressive Era Essay
The role and responsibilities of the federal government changed drastically during the Progressive Era and the New Deal. Rapid changes after the
Civil War brought on a need for economic, social and political reforms. Before the Progressive Era and the New Deal, the federal government took a
very hands–off approach and had little involvement in, and little care for the welfare of the American people. With the Progressive Era and theNew
Deal, the federal government became more involved and responsive to the public and implemented many revisions and reforms. The Progressive Era
was a time of political and economic transformation. The role and responsibilities of the federal government evolved. Reform was necessary because of
the changes more content...
Through voluntary and collaborative means, the federal government rallied businesses and the public in support of the war effort. The federal
government made political changes on a national level with the Sixteenth, Seventeenth, Eighteenth and Nineteenth Amendments. The Sixteenth
Amendment imposed an income tax. The Seventeenth Amendment allowed for the direct election of U.S. Senators. The Eighteenth Amendment
established the prohibition of alcoholic beverages and the Nineteenth Amendment prohibited any U.S. citizen from being denied the right to vote based
on sex. During the Progressive Era, social reform and cultural changes also occurred. Consumerism was at an all time high. It became a time of
economic prosperity. With the introduction of electricity came household appliances. Movies, automobiles, radios, telephones, magazines, and
advertising were in the forefront. While consumption prompted the economy in a forward direction, other economic issues arose throughout the
country. Agriculture and mining were not prospering. The steel and textile industries were standing idly. The nation also relied too heavily on credit in
order to maintain product demand and economic expansion. Lastly, consumer
confidence led to over–speculation in stocks. This inevitably led to the Stock Market Crash of 1929, which in turn marked the beginning of the Great
Depression. Franklin Delano Roosevelt came into office in 1933 during the depth of the Great
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Progressive Era
The progressive movement is a middle class response to take on the problems that was caused by the industrialization in the rapid social change that
took place during the civil war. It is a collection of reform movements. The progressive era was when reformers or activists who were working to solve
the problems in the American society and the government were trying to end the laissez–faire. The root of progressive started during the glided age.
This era started in 1890 and ended in 1920. A solution was needed to eliminate all the problems that was faced over the years. The fight for social
justices include social reforms, women's suffrage movement, and political reforms. First social reforms. This reform included education, the minorities, more content...
Politician in the gilded age which was from 870 to 1910. America's industrial economy exploded generating unprecedented opportunities for individuals
to build great fortune, but also leaving many farmers and workers merely for survival. The growth in the economy supported materialism and political
corruption. In the gilded age, politics were corrupted by politicians who bribed and gave high hour government jobs to their supporters. Politicians
wanted to be elected for different positions used bribe and problems of the city as ways to promise the city different things for them in order to get
elected but when elected, they refuse to fulfill their promises. Most of these promises were made to the lower class immigrants. Also, they have
people working for them, to form a sort of support, promising things to people when voted in, they decide who will do certain jobs for the city. They
have business where they charge excess and then they get to share the money between the workers and themselves. Even though most cities were
"ruled by corrupt political machines unresponsive to urban problems, progressives rallied for "good"
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Progressive Era Research Paper
The Progressive Era was needed to reform the Gilded Age due to economic expansion, deplorable living standards for the working class, and corrupt
government actions that occurred. The Gilded Age took place shortly after the Civil War ended between 1870 and 1900 and resulted in serious national
issues. Reforms that were put in place during the Progressive Era took a great deal of time to produce beneficial results which included, returning the
control of the government to the people, restoring economic opportunities, and correcting injustice within the daily lives of Americans. The reforms
were all in thanks to men and women like Theodore Roosevelt, Upton Sinclair, Woodrow Wilson, and more content...
During the Gilded Age America suffered from major social issues including child labor, women's suffrage, and urbanization. Child labor was a
large problem because schooling wasn't required, money was tight in low class families, and factories were desperate for workers. Muckraker,
John Spargo described how "dormant and neglected powers" for children "need to be called into active cooperation "(document 4). Child labor
finally started to decline in 1902 after child labor unions were started "for the abolition of child labor"(document 9). In addition to child labor, equal
rights were also a large part of the time periods reforms. From the 1830's on women's rights was a big issue. It wasn't until the "establishment of new
legal rights"(document 1) under the Wilson administration that the 19th amendment was ratified in 1920, allowing women to vote. The third major
social reform that occurred in the Progressive Era was urbanization. More people moved into the city looking for work as business was booming.
Most of the workers were extremely poor and weren't receiving any help from the government. People began to realize how extremely unsanitary the
cities became and how inhumane tenement living was. Tenement living became a social norm for the working class, housing up to 18 people in one
room without a toilet or windows that opened. In 1901 the Tenement House Act was put in
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The Progressive Era Essay
Moronke Eko
History 204
City life, The closing of the Frontier, and late Nineteen Century, Agrarianism
The development of the United State into an aggregation of civilized settlements and large Cities influenced the economic movement, socially and
culturally by the end of the Civil war and first World war. This brought about the industrialization and massive boom in immigration experienced at this
period. Urbanization became key in the history of America and it has its influence in the attractiveness of the nation. The progressive era was from
1870 to 1916 which entered the period of urbanization in the United States. In the 19th century, a lot of European immigrants came into the States and
this aided the speedy industrialization, more content...
The cities consist of immigrant who are writers, artist, and reformers. The United State was peaceful, progressing and growing in the 19th century, the
establishment of industry and wages influenced people to migrate to the United State. Migration added values to the people and also caused a lot of
problems to some people, over 14 million immigrants came into the United State from east and southern European countries such as Poland, Russia and
Italy coming from different ethnicity this new immigrant had challenges adjusting to the new society, the immigrant settled in the cities where factories
are located because of job opportunities, this resulted in overpopulation in those industrial cities. According to Eric Foner (2008). Many of the
European immigrant moved to the United State from Ellis Island located in the New York (pp. 643). Towards the late 19th century, in the west natural
resources were over used, some used the natural resources for private gain, this was what brought the idea that that the government should be in charge
to instill order and accountability. In other words, "a tradition of waste" was established by America.
The arrival of the first colonists, the American frontier shifted westwards. By the end of the civil war, America settler moved to mid–western and had a
hold on the Pacific Coast. The two line was vast expanse of territory the last frontier contained the great plains, Native American Indian and home
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The Progressive Era Essay example
The Progressive Era
The progressive era was a time of great change, the way people thought and what they did began to change quickly. Industry and business also changed
a great deal in this era, with the many new inventions and strong businessmen things where rapidly changing.
The progressive era lasted about 40 years, from 1879–1920. In 1879 Tomas Edison invented the electric light, I guess you could say he just lit the way
for may other inventions that people made during this time period.
The progressives where middle class people that where mostly composed of young people who wanted things to change, they believed that educating
people was the best way to overcome a problem. They formed volunteer organizations that people would more content...
Teddy Roosevelt was a very strong influence during the progressive era; He used his power a president to get what he wanted as a progressive. He
helped things like the pure food and drug act pass, and used the Sherman Antitrust act to dissolve Carnegie's Monopoly. He was a very strong leader
and was not about to be pushed around, so it was very good to have him as president during the Progressive era when some are fighting for the new
and some are fighting for the old.
The city and state reforms, where to stops powerful figures like boss Tweed who was very corrupt and, had everyone in the city in his back pocket.
They Reformed so that their wouldn't be just a boss, (a person that made every decision), they made it so the people had to stand behind him on his
decisions, their needed to be a vote on all laws that where passed, and all people could try to pass laws with enough peoples support. Also with the
reform, workman's compensation became, now if people where hurt to the point they couldn't work, they would be compensated until they could come
Education was a very big thing to the progressives;
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The Progressive Era Research Paper
The Progressive Era changed the face of America due to the several movements that happened during this time period. Many problems started due to the
Gilded Age ending, like women suffrage and equality, workers environment in addition to them not having good and clean requirements to do the job.
Today, women can do things that we don't even think about, like vote, involve themselves into political life, and get paid the same amount as men.
Back then women struggled to have equal rights with men, they didn't get paid as much, and wasn't offered the same treatment that men got at that
time. Due to the nineteenth amendment being ratified in 1920, it allowed women to have the same rights as their opposite gender. This led to today's
society being free and equal to all the American who live here, men and women, and also children. Children was also involved with the cruel work
environment back during the Progressive age, they were forced to do hard labor in factories for less wages and this stopped them for being educated,
which a lot of people thought was wrong. A movement started due to child labor and the fact that the immigrates were taking American's jobs,
because so many immigrates came and so many people lost there job because of it, hundreds of families were out on the street living poorly made
houses. The more content...
Allegations towards a meat company stating that several different rodents hung around the processed food. Once word got out, the President stated a
law basically stating that a food factory must meet to certain requirements, if not, they will get punished or go out of business. This impacted today's
society by being one of the biggest rules that restaurants and processed food factory has to follow, this set up the people's thinking on how food should
be handled and kept
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Progressive Era Essay
The Progressive Era Have you ever thought about the Progressive Era and the impact our amendments have on it, or the impact it has on our
amendments? The sixteenth, seventeenth, eighteenth, and nineteenth show great examples of the Progressive Era. The sixteenth shows the political
and social change just like the eighteenth amendment . The seventeenth amendment was the outgrowth of the progressive era, leaving the nineteenth
amendment to be the political corruption and social change of the era. All of these amendments have differences and deal with different topics but still
had a great impact on the progressive era. Most of these topics in these amendments were very controversial and caused an argument. The eighteenth more content...
Progressives lived mainly in the cities, they were college educated, and believed that government could be a tool for change (Benz,2003). The
progressive era was a hard time with big changes that made people's lives harder and made some live better. Money became hard and work became
better for women. Women had the best outcome of the era. They got work and the right to vote. Alcohol had a hard time working out in this time.
People tried to make, sell, and transport it without being fought but this became hard so the laws were changed. The sixteenth amendment states that
"the congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several states, and
without regard to any census or enumeration." This means that it allows federal government to levy an income tax from all Americans. Income tax
allows for the federal government to keep an army, build roads and bridges, enforce laws and carry out other important duties (Fiskin, Forbath, &
Jensen, 2017). This amendment played a central role in building up the powerful American federal government of the twentieth century by making it
possible to enact a modern, nationwide income tax. The income tax became by far the federal government's largest source of revenue. The sixteenth
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Essay On The Progressive Era
During the Progressive era many changes were made to the american society, especially when the United States entered WW1. The progressives
saw the war "as a special opportunity for reform, a chance to promote their agenda at point after point" and "the nation would confront , not ignore
social problems at home."(282) Many of the the reforms the progressives enacted turned to be a deadly poison to the party, shifting the populous to
the republican party. Many of these Changes including nationalism, wealth equality, and the increased cost of living helped to influence the demise
of the progressive party and it's era. As a way to help support the war effort the progressives passed "The Revenue Act of 1917" which "imposed taxes
on incomes as low as a thousand dollars a year."(303). This more content...
This along with promoting "meatless and wheatless days"(293). or that ads that state that "FOOD WILL WIN THE WAR
–DON'T WASTE IT."(292)
increased the difficulty for the the middle class citizen to live a normal life. Every aspect of their freedom of wealth was being limited by higher costs,
higher taxes, and limitation to luxury goods. Though the increased cost of living and the wealth dropped played a significant role in the fall of the
progressives, the rise of nationalism finalized the their fall. The Progressives enacted a sense of nationalism to help the population sustain the war. The
population "were less interested in assimilating immigrants and, especially in the case of German americans, more interested in obliterating their
culture and guaranteeing their submission."(292). The United states populus was focused on self interest of their culture and aimed its gun sights on one
enemy, the germans. When they fell they turned to communists after the "ascendancy of the Bolsheviks in Russia Novembre Revolution... Americans
faced a new regime that condemned
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The Progressive Era
The Progressive Era was a period of economic and social struggle which cause rapid industrialization in America. A Widespread of social activism and
political reform across the United States.
The Progressive Era was addressing the problems of economic and social problems. The progressivism started as a social movement and later grew
into a political movement. The reformers of the Progressive Era were young, college educated, and in the middle–class.
Although many laws were passed to regulate better working conditions, not many were by it, many companies still made their workers, work long
hours. Not many had better working conditions as still many died from lack of better safety regulations.
The Progressive Era did help the United States to improve many things, and if these things didn't occur many things such as working conditions would
still be the biggest problem.
There were laws passed to improve working conditions but didn't really do anything Working conditions: The laws that were passed were to include
efforts to outlaw the sale of alcohol; regulate child labor.
How was working conditions in the Progressive Era? Many companies in the Progressive Era didn't have better working conditions other places
had little to no safety in the building of their workplace an example That didn't a good working place with safety is The Triangle Fire. The triangle
fire occurred in March 25 in 1911, most of the victims died as a result of neglected safety features and locked doors within the factory building. There
were no sprinklers that could've put out the fire in time, the doors were locked that not many were able to get out on time, many jumped to their
deaths. There were teenage girls that didn't speak English, they worked everyday for 12 hours. Forty–nine workers had burned to death or being
suffocated by smoke, 36 were dead in the elevator shaft and 58 died from jumping to the sidewalks. With two more dying later from their injuries, a
total of 145 people were killed by the fire. What were the laws that were passed to improve situations in the Progressive Era.
The Progressives wanted to take part of the government in passing laws, political reformers were protecting workers and also regulating big business.
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The Progressive Era turned into an unprecedented time of social activism and political development amid which convincing open issues constrained
significant changes in the part of government and presidential authority. The goals of the Progressives were to "attack corrupt political bosses and
irresponsible corporate barons" (Shi and Tindall 937). Progressives wanted the government to be honest, efficient, to regulate businesses, and for the
low–income workers to have a better way of life. "Millions of "progressives" believed that America was experiencing a "crisis of democracy" because
of the urban–industrial revolution" (Shi and Tindall 937). Poverty created the initiative for churches, charitable organizations, experts, and
individuals to stand up and take action due to the unsafe working conditions of children working in mines and factories. The actions to
progressively create labor laws expand beyond the role of the government because someone had to take control. Amos Pinchot, a progressive
attorney and reformer said, "Corruption was destroying our respect for government, uprooting faith in political parties, and causing every precedent
and convention of the old order to strain at its moorings" (Shi and Tindall 937). This was due partly because of the Progressives arguing over the
rapid changes that occurred in United States (US) since the end of the Civil war. One example was the gap between the rich and the poor kept
increasing. The Progressives sought out to
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Essay On Progressive Era
The Progressive Era The Progressive era was an age in time which people tried to solve Gilded Age problems through individual and group action.
Progress in the word 'progressive' means towards freedom and justice. Progressives were "people who believed that the problems society faced
(poverty, violence, greed, racism, class warfare) could best be addressed by providing good education, a safe environment, and an efficient
workplace." Progressives were mostly concerned with the social problems that revolved around industrial capitalists society. Companies and later
corporations had a problem that had been around at least since the 1880s. They needed to keep cost down and profits high. In a competitive market,
the best way to do this is to more content...
It described the conditions of the meat packing factories and the treatment of the workers inside those factories. When the book was published,
journalists began to expose this wrongdoing.The use of photography came into action for documentation. Louis Hines photographed child labor in
factories and mines bringing Americans face to face with more than 2 million under the age of 15 working for wages. "The Jungle" lead to the Pure
Food Act, the Drug Act, and the Meat Inspection Act of 1906. Resulting from this, child labor laws came into place. Labor saving devices became a
thing. By 1950, Americans could buy all kinds of things Like washing machines, vacuum cleaners, automobiles, and record players. Avratizing
connected with the food industries and became the root of comerciales. Many progressives were concerned that industrial capitalism was limiting
rather than increasing freedom. American progressives sout government solutions to social problems. Cities established public control over gas, water,
and raised taxes to pay for transportation and public schools. As the economy changed, progressives had to respond to a rapidly changing political
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Progressive Era Essay
"I declare to you that woman must not depend upon the protection of man, but must be taught to protect herself, and there I take my stand" (Susan B
Anthony). The Progressive Era came about after a time of mass urbanization and industrialization occurred in America. This period was a time of
developments in political and social aspects, however, the most pertinent reform took place in the Americans' homes, as those who have been fighting
for equality since the Seneca Falls Convention–which took place in July of 1848–were finally granted suffrage through the Nineteenth
Amendment–passed in 1920. The Progressive Era was a time of progression or change in society as awareness was brought to ills including urban
poverty, unsafe more content...
The passage of the Nineteenth Amendment shows that women are becoming more respected and have more influence in society. These Settlement
houses and fight towards prohibition were some of the first sparks of the expansion of women's influence throughout America, they were no longer in
the constraints of their homes, but began to make a difference in the world. The status of women began to change during the Progressive Era, they
were being granted with more and more opportunities in America. Women began to graduate from college and enter in the field of law, medicine,
science, or journalism. As Americans began to notice a change in the lives of the American women, the term "New Woman" had been coined. This
term was "used at the end of the nineteenth century to describe women who were pushing against the limits which society imposed on women"
(academic.brooklyn.cuny). The term implies a woman who was young, college educated, athletic, interested in a college career, and wants a marriage
based on the equality of genders. During the end of the Progressive Era, World War I began. "During the conflict that was placed before them, [women]
not only gained the gratitude of many in their
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The Progressive Era
Through a multitude of significant changes physically, conceptually, economically, and more, the societal reformation of cities in the Progressive Era
had set themselves as the foundations of American civilization. The juxtaposition between the rich and poor statuses in these urban areas show the
drastic separation within developing cities. Through this division caused a wide variety of living conditions, the majority of which held the
overcrowded sections of cities where the population mostly stayed while the higher end communities had more luxurious lives. Through this success of
entrepreneurship and economic growth from all aspects in cities, the entire landscape, both physically through innovative architecture and the
perspectives outside rural and suburban areas had on them, had transformed for the better in these areas. The Progressive Era had a distinct separation of
social classes, differentiating economic positions within the cities themselves between the poor and the wealthy elite. Through dangerous factory
conditions, horrid living circumstances, and the overall experience within the slums of the city, those living below the poverty line had all but nothing
to take advantage of in regards to purchasing decently crafted goods, partaking in leisure time, and even having the funds to move into a two bedroom
home for their larger sized families. Through future Progressive Era reforms, the lives of the poor had substantially improved as the result of between
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The Progressive Era Essay
The Progressive Era
Progressivism in the United States took place in the period between the
Spanish–American War and the entry of the United States into the great World War.
It was a time for change in America in all walks of life, as well as a time for reform. It was marked by Theodore Roosevelt's 7 and a half years in office,
Rough Rider put it upon himself to make the first strides towards reform. These reforms included the cracking down on illegal monopolies and so forth.
During this era large cities transformed into large metropolises, small towns into large cities and new towns sprang up nearly everywhere. Reforms also
included the seventeenth, eighteenth, and nineteenth amendments. more content...
She illustrated all of the corruptness and cruelty directed towards the unskilled worker brought upon by big business.
Upton Sinclair became famous for his book The Jungle which even grabbed the attention of Teddy Roosevelt. It was about the horrible conditions at the
meat– packing warehouses in Chicago that eventually prompted a federal investigation.
Those in the progressive movement ranged from the common to the esteemed intellectual. Whether the Progressive was actually progressive or not
has been a topic of debate. In ways the era was progressive but at times it was also unsuccessful. The people would gain rights and then on the other
side of the spectrum, big business could get away with anything. One such example is the coal strike of 1902, where miners returned to work after
receiving 9 hour days and an increase in pay. Despite this advancement, companies ignored the unions and raised the coal prices to compensate for lost
net income. The companies suffered nearly nothing while the worker gained little. The women gained rights as well during the progressive time,
including the right to vote and the formation of unions. However, because of male prejudices, most of these unions were quietly dissolved. The
progressive era had significant impact, but really isn't worthy of its name. Sure there were changes, but the progressive era left lots of room for
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The Progressive Era Essay
The Progressive Era was a period that exposed the contradictions found in American society in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. Theodore
Roosevelt summed up the Progressive/Reform feeling in his "Square Deal" speech – that it was all about morals, not economics. His goal was the
"moral regeneration of the business world." He preached that it was wrong for some people to get ahead in business and politics by tricks and
schemes, while others were cheated out of the opportunity. This was the kind of talk that millions of Americans from all areas of society could
understand and respond to.
Roosevelt simply acted in the interests of the common working man, fixing things that they found unjust. For years, the poor more content...
American reform movements have generally been started as a rebellion against the control of big businesses and corrupt government. The poor
conditions of schools and the entire education system at the turn of the twentieth century were a major cause for reform. That reform movement has
influenced the entire education system and has made it better and more suitable for students.(Buenker, 2007)
Civil rights for African–Americans and women was just beginning to become an issue in the late 19th century. Many progressivists spoke out for
suffrage for women and equal rights for black people. Today, civil rights for minorities is still a big cause for reform. There are many different
oraganizations whose goal is to reform the way society, the government and businesses treat any type of minority, including Hispanics, homosexuals
and Native Americans. However civil rights is just one of the many causes of modern reform groups. Others include reform of huge companies and
monoplolies, welfare programs, education systems and many, many other issues.
A reform movement is a shout against people, businesses, governments or ideas that are morally corrupt. Not all reform movements are successful in
making an actual change, however even if a significant change isn't made their message is still shared with the public. Reform group leaders are
usually involved in the government and have a strong
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The Progressive Era Essay example
As the 19th century came to a close a new epoch, known as the Progressive Era emerged in response to industrialization. This early 20th century reform
movement pursued control of the government to the people. In order to reinstate economic opportunities and to correct inequity in American life.
Progressives believed that government could be used as a powerful tool for social improvement (Gillon, Matson 2009). Although the Progressive ideal
was presented by numerous Progressive authors of different genre, together they all presented the impact of the economic, political, social, and moral
reforms of the American Society. The Progressive authors were arranged by challenges of which they offered their opinions, including psychological more content...
Author Charles A. Beards wrote Economic Interpretation of the constitution (1913). Beard intended to expose that greed and self–interest, not divine
inspiration, had inclined the creation of the constitution (Gillon, Matson 2009). The Progressive legal thinker, Oliver Wendell Holmes was appointed
to the Supreme Court in 1903. Holmes along with Louis D. Brandeis anticipated transferring the law into a vehicle for change. Holmes authored
Common Law (1881), in which he argued that, "the life of the law has not been logic; it's been experience" (Gillon, Matson 752). The religious
challenger Walter Rauschenbush was the leading advocator of a new Social Gospel. Rauschenbush wrote Christianity and the Social Crisis (1907), and
Christianity and Social Order (1915), arguing that people ought to work towards creation of the Kingdom of God on Earth. Due to the contributions of
Rauschenbush, and fellow collaborator Charles Sheldon many groups emerged promoting the Christian social responsibility to an industrial society.
The Salvation Army became the most prominent group, arising in many cities by the early 20th century. The 20,000 privates in the Salvation Army
provided food, employment, and day–care centers to the urban poor (Gillon, Matson 2009). The Muckrakers emerged as powerful authors throughout
the Progressive Era. The term "muckrakers" was what Theodore Roosevelt identified as the new journalist, after the "Man with the Muckrake" in
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Essay on The Progressive Era
The Progressive Era
The turn of the century was marked by a movement known as the Progressive Era, during which many groups sought to reshape the nation's
government and society in response to the pressure of urbanization and industrialization. Progressives were mainly members of the Post–Civil War
generation that made an attempt to master a world much different then that of their parents.
With the rise of big business and industrialization came several problems associated with the economic boom. The rich were getting richer. The poor
were getting poorer. The gap between the "haves" and the "have nots was widening. Working conditions were not regulated, and at the turn of the
century, the United States had a more content...
The novel and subsequent investigations led to the Meat Inspection Act of 1906. This is just a glimpse as to the key role that muckrakers had in the
Progressive society. Another key element of theProgressive Era was the Social Gospel. The Social Gospel sought to bring religious ethics into
industrial relations and everyday life. Several followers of the Social Gospel questioned the accuracy of the bible and instead focused more on the
basic moral and ethical lessons it entailed.
As a result of the Social Gospel and the feelings that were engulfing the nation, Charles Sheldon, a Kansas minister wrote a book entitled In His Steps.
The novel tells the story of upper class minister who challenges the members of his congregation to live their lives according to "what Jesus would
do". Throughout the novel, many inferences are made and several parallels exist between the novel and the actual time period in which it was set.
The most obvious link between In His Steps and the actual Progressive Era is that the entire plot of the novel is based on the theory of the Social
Gospel. The small town minister challenges a handful of willing congregates to base their every decision on what they feel Jesus would do in the
situation. As a result, those who pledged to abide by the idea were then placed in the predicament of taking old fashion stances on modern issues, for
Jesus was never confronted with
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The Progressive Era Essay
The Progressive Era was a time in which there was a lot of social activism and political reform as a result of the lack of equality in the nation between
the social classes, sexes, and job amongst other things. During this time, there were a lot of political figures that rose up and spoke about the
inequalities that the society had. Ultimately, this caused political disputes and the people of the nation wanted to see a change. This change came from
two presidents that sought to help the nation progress; Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson. Both presidents fought for the same general vision;
however, they achieved different things. Progressivism became the ultimate goal for the two presidents, where they sought to "clear up corruption in all more content...
As a result, his motivation was his desire to win the power to investigate the activities of corporations and publicize the results. To do this, Roosevelt
the new Department of Commerce and Labor was established to assist this task through its investigatory arm. As a result of this vision that Roosevelt
had, he ordered the Justice Department to invoke the Sherman Anti–Trust Act against a railroad monopoly called Northern Securities Company. This
was one of the things that the Muckrakers discussed in its awareness of social issues. An investigation was done, and thanks to Roosevelt, the Supreme
Court ruled that the Northern Securities Company be dissolved in 1904. Following the court decision, Roosevelt made it a point to bring about justice
to all of the corruption and injustice that different industries had. The establishment of the Hepburn Act was yet another way in which Roosevelt
sought to bring justice. This act gave the Interstate Commerce Commission the power to restore some regulatory authority to the government.
Roosevelt also pressured Congress to enact the Pure Food and Drug Act, which "restricted the sale of dangerous or ineffective medicines." This had
also become a major issue as the Muckrakers publicized this problem and it was brought to light. In 1906, Roosevelt pushed for passage of the Meat
Inspection Act which helped eliminate many diseases once transmitted in impure
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Progressive Era

  • 1. Progressive Era As Robert Penn Warren once stated, "History cannot give us a program for the future, but it can give us a fuller understanding of ourselves, and of our common humanity, so that we can better face the future" (Szasz). The comprehension of all historic events is crucial to society's success. In order for The United States to reach favorable outcomes in the future, its citizens must be knowledgeable of its history to avoid catastrophe or to adopt a beneficial decision–making process. By understanding the background of this staggering nation, the American population can learn of the errors that have been made along with the characteristics of the route to success. Among the numerous significant events that have occurred in the history of The more content... Amid the leaders of the movement were Theodore Roosevelt, Eugene Debts, and Ida Wells. Theodore Roosevelt was not only one of Americas' presidents during the time, but also one of the biggest reformers for the Progressive Movement. Even though he grew up in a wealthy family, Roosevelt was raised to believe that the world should be a fair and beautiful place. Therefore, he spent much of his time ensuring that the environment was as healthy as it should be, that corporation maintained their ethics no matter their level of success, and that all American citizens were able to follow a healthy lifestyle (Dalton). Another significant individual to the cause of Progressivism was Eugene Debs. Debs entered politics early in his life and was eventually made a member of the Indiana State Assembly ( Staff). Because he spent a portion of his early life working as a fireman, he highly supported laborers and other sorts of workers in the country. He spent much of his life fighting for their rights and attending strikes and rallies in order to fight for worker's rights. Finally, Ida Wells, a famous suffragist, was of great contribution to the Progressive Movements as well. Although Wells devoted her time to helping humanity overall, she mainly focused on subjects such as women suffrage. Wells helped found the black women's club which focused on matters like "... health, sanitation, education, and woman suffrage"("African American Reform Ethics"). Because of her efforts, along with many other women's, females received the ability to vote and workers and students were given better employment and educational lives. Overall, the contributions made by Roosevelt, Debs, and Wells were highly controversial for the Progressive Movement because of their level of passion and Get more content on
  • 2. Progressive Era Essay The role and responsibilities of the federal government changed drastically during the Progressive Era and the New Deal. Rapid changes after the Civil War brought on a need for economic, social and political reforms. Before the Progressive Era and the New Deal, the federal government took a very hands–off approach and had little involvement in, and little care for the welfare of the American people. With the Progressive Era and theNew Deal, the federal government became more involved and responsive to the public and implemented many revisions and reforms. The Progressive Era was a time of political and economic transformation. The role and responsibilities of the federal government evolved. Reform was necessary because of the changes more content... Through voluntary and collaborative means, the federal government rallied businesses and the public in support of the war effort. The federal government made political changes on a national level with the Sixteenth, Seventeenth, Eighteenth and Nineteenth Amendments. The Sixteenth Amendment imposed an income tax. The Seventeenth Amendment allowed for the direct election of U.S. Senators. The Eighteenth Amendment established the prohibition of alcoholic beverages and the Nineteenth Amendment prohibited any U.S. citizen from being denied the right to vote based on sex. During the Progressive Era, social reform and cultural changes also occurred. Consumerism was at an all time high. It became a time of economic prosperity. With the introduction of electricity came household appliances. Movies, automobiles, radios, telephones, magazines, and advertising were in the forefront. While consumption prompted the economy in a forward direction, other economic issues arose throughout the country. Agriculture and mining were not prospering. The steel and textile industries were standing idly. The nation also relied too heavily on credit in order to maintain product demand and economic expansion. Lastly, consumer confidence led to over–speculation in stocks. This inevitably led to the Stock Market Crash of 1929, which in turn marked the beginning of the Great Depression. Franklin Delano Roosevelt came into office in 1933 during the depth of the Great Get more content on
  • 3. Progressive Era The progressive movement is a middle class response to take on the problems that was caused by the industrialization in the rapid social change that took place during the civil war. It is a collection of reform movements. The progressive era was when reformers or activists who were working to solve the problems in the American society and the government were trying to end the laissez–faire. The root of progressive started during the glided age. This era started in 1890 and ended in 1920. A solution was needed to eliminate all the problems that was faced over the years. The fight for social justices include social reforms, women's suffrage movement, and political reforms. First social reforms. This reform included education, the minorities, more content... Politician in the gilded age which was from 870 to 1910. America's industrial economy exploded generating unprecedented opportunities for individuals to build great fortune, but also leaving many farmers and workers merely for survival. The growth in the economy supported materialism and political corruption. In the gilded age, politics were corrupted by politicians who bribed and gave high hour government jobs to their supporters. Politicians wanted to be elected for different positions used bribe and problems of the city as ways to promise the city different things for them in order to get elected but when elected, they refuse to fulfill their promises. Most of these promises were made to the lower class immigrants. Also, they have people working for them, to form a sort of support, promising things to people when voted in, they decide who will do certain jobs for the city. They have business where they charge excess and then they get to share the money between the workers and themselves. Even though most cities were "ruled by corrupt political machines unresponsive to urban problems, progressives rallied for "good" Get more content on
  • 4. Progressive Era Research Paper HOW WOULD YOU DEFINE THE PROGRESSIVE REFORM MOVEMENT? The Progressive Era was needed to reform the Gilded Age due to economic expansion, deplorable living standards for the working class, and corrupt government actions that occurred. The Gilded Age took place shortly after the Civil War ended between 1870 and 1900 and resulted in serious national issues. Reforms that were put in place during the Progressive Era took a great deal of time to produce beneficial results which included, returning the control of the government to the people, restoring economic opportunities, and correcting injustice within the daily lives of Americans. The reforms were all in thanks to men and women like Theodore Roosevelt, Upton Sinclair, Woodrow Wilson, and more content... During the Gilded Age America suffered from major social issues including child labor, women's suffrage, and urbanization. Child labor was a large problem because schooling wasn't required, money was tight in low class families, and factories were desperate for workers. Muckraker, John Spargo described how "dormant and neglected powers" for children "need to be called into active cooperation "(document 4). Child labor finally started to decline in 1902 after child labor unions were started "for the abolition of child labor"(document 9). In addition to child labor, equal rights were also a large part of the time periods reforms. From the 1830's on women's rights was a big issue. It wasn't until the "establishment of new legal rights"(document 1) under the Wilson administration that the 19th amendment was ratified in 1920, allowing women to vote. The third major social reform that occurred in the Progressive Era was urbanization. More people moved into the city looking for work as business was booming. Most of the workers were extremely poor and weren't receiving any help from the government. People began to realize how extremely unsanitary the cities became and how inhumane tenement living was. Tenement living became a social norm for the working class, housing up to 18 people in one room without a toilet or windows that opened. In 1901 the Tenement House Act was put in Get more content on
  • 5. The Progressive Era Essay Moronke Eko History 204 City life, The closing of the Frontier, and late Nineteen Century, Agrarianism The development of the United State into an aggregation of civilized settlements and large Cities influenced the economic movement, socially and culturally by the end of the Civil war and first World war. This brought about the industrialization and massive boom in immigration experienced at this period. Urbanization became key in the history of America and it has its influence in the attractiveness of the nation. The progressive era was from 1870 to 1916 which entered the period of urbanization in the United States. In the 19th century, a lot of European immigrants came into the States and this aided the speedy industrialization, more content... The cities consist of immigrant who are writers, artist, and reformers. The United State was peaceful, progressing and growing in the 19th century, the establishment of industry and wages influenced people to migrate to the United State. Migration added values to the people and also caused a lot of problems to some people, over 14 million immigrants came into the United State from east and southern European countries such as Poland, Russia and Italy coming from different ethnicity this new immigrant had challenges adjusting to the new society, the immigrant settled in the cities where factories are located because of job opportunities, this resulted in overpopulation in those industrial cities. According to Eric Foner (2008). Many of the European immigrant moved to the United State from Ellis Island located in the New York (pp. 643). Towards the late 19th century, in the west natural resources were over used, some used the natural resources for private gain, this was what brought the idea that that the government should be in charge to instill order and accountability. In other words, "a tradition of waste" was established by America. The arrival of the first colonists, the American frontier shifted westwards. By the end of the civil war, America settler moved to mid–western and had a hold on the Pacific Coast. The two line was vast expanse of territory the last frontier contained the great plains, Native American Indian and home Get more content on
  • 6. The Progressive Era Essay example The Progressive Era The progressive era was a time of great change, the way people thought and what they did began to change quickly. Industry and business also changed a great deal in this era, with the many new inventions and strong businessmen things where rapidly changing. The progressive era lasted about 40 years, from 1879–1920. In 1879 Tomas Edison invented the electric light, I guess you could say he just lit the way for may other inventions that people made during this time period. The progressives where middle class people that where mostly composed of young people who wanted things to change, they believed that educating people was the best way to overcome a problem. They formed volunteer organizations that people would more content... Teddy Roosevelt was a very strong influence during the progressive era; He used his power a president to get what he wanted as a progressive. He helped things like the pure food and drug act pass, and used the Sherman Antitrust act to dissolve Carnegie's Monopoly. He was a very strong leader and was not about to be pushed around, so it was very good to have him as president during the Progressive era when some are fighting for the new and some are fighting for the old. The city and state reforms, where to stops powerful figures like boss Tweed who was very corrupt and, had everyone in the city in his back pocket. They Reformed so that their wouldn't be just a boss, (a person that made every decision), they made it so the people had to stand behind him on his decisions, their needed to be a vote on all laws that where passed, and all people could try to pass laws with enough peoples support. Also with the reform, workman's compensation became, now if people where hurt to the point they couldn't work, they would be compensated until they could come back. Education was a very big thing to the progressives; Get more content on
  • 7. The Progressive Era Research Paper The Progressive Era changed the face of America due to the several movements that happened during this time period. Many problems started due to the Gilded Age ending, like women suffrage and equality, workers environment in addition to them not having good and clean requirements to do the job. Today, women can do things that we don't even think about, like vote, involve themselves into political life, and get paid the same amount as men. Back then women struggled to have equal rights with men, they didn't get paid as much, and wasn't offered the same treatment that men got at that time. Due to the nineteenth amendment being ratified in 1920, it allowed women to have the same rights as their opposite gender. This led to today's society being free and equal to all the American who live here, men and women, and also children. Children was also involved with the cruel work environment back during the Progressive age, they were forced to do hard labor in factories for less wages and this stopped them for being educated, which a lot of people thought was wrong. A movement started due to child labor and the fact that the immigrates were taking American's jobs, because so many immigrates came and so many people lost there job because of it, hundreds of families were out on the street living poorly made houses. The more content... Allegations towards a meat company stating that several different rodents hung around the processed food. Once word got out, the President stated a law basically stating that a food factory must meet to certain requirements, if not, they will get punished or go out of business. This impacted today's society by being one of the biggest rules that restaurants and processed food factory has to follow, this set up the people's thinking on how food should be handled and kept Get more content on
  • 8. Progressive Era Essay The Progressive Era Have you ever thought about the Progressive Era and the impact our amendments have on it, or the impact it has on our amendments? The sixteenth, seventeenth, eighteenth, and nineteenth show great examples of the Progressive Era. The sixteenth shows the political and social change just like the eighteenth amendment . The seventeenth amendment was the outgrowth of the progressive era, leaving the nineteenth amendment to be the political corruption and social change of the era. All of these amendments have differences and deal with different topics but still had a great impact on the progressive era. Most of these topics in these amendments were very controversial and caused an argument. The eighteenth more content... Progressives lived mainly in the cities, they were college educated, and believed that government could be a tool for change (Benz,2003). The progressive era was a hard time with big changes that made people's lives harder and made some live better. Money became hard and work became better for women. Women had the best outcome of the era. They got work and the right to vote. Alcohol had a hard time working out in this time. People tried to make, sell, and transport it without being fought but this became hard so the laws were changed. The sixteenth amendment states that "the congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several states, and without regard to any census or enumeration." This means that it allows federal government to levy an income tax from all Americans. Income tax allows for the federal government to keep an army, build roads and bridges, enforce laws and carry out other important duties (Fiskin, Forbath, & Jensen, 2017). This amendment played a central role in building up the powerful American federal government of the twentieth century by making it possible to enact a modern, nationwide income tax. The income tax became by far the federal government's largest source of revenue. The sixteenth Get more content on
  • 9. Essay On The Progressive Era During the Progressive era many changes were made to the american society, especially when the United States entered WW1. The progressives saw the war "as a special opportunity for reform, a chance to promote their agenda at point after point" and "the nation would confront , not ignore social problems at home."(282) Many of the the reforms the progressives enacted turned to be a deadly poison to the party, shifting the populous to the republican party. Many of these Changes including nationalism, wealth equality, and the increased cost of living helped to influence the demise of the progressive party and it's era. As a way to help support the war effort the progressives passed "The Revenue Act of 1917" which "imposed taxes on incomes as low as a thousand dollars a year."(303). This more content... This along with promoting "meatless and wheatless days"(293). or that ads that state that "FOOD WILL WIN THE WAR –DON'T WASTE IT."(292) increased the difficulty for the the middle class citizen to live a normal life. Every aspect of their freedom of wealth was being limited by higher costs, higher taxes, and limitation to luxury goods. Though the increased cost of living and the wealth dropped played a significant role in the fall of the progressives, the rise of nationalism finalized the their fall. The Progressives enacted a sense of nationalism to help the population sustain the war. The population "were less interested in assimilating immigrants and, especially in the case of German americans, more interested in obliterating their culture and guaranteeing their submission."(292). The United states populus was focused on self interest of their culture and aimed its gun sights on one enemy, the germans. When they fell they turned to communists after the "ascendancy of the Bolsheviks in Russia Novembre Revolution... Americans faced a new regime that condemned Get more content on
  • 10. The Progressive Era The Progressive Era was a period of economic and social struggle which cause rapid industrialization in America. A Widespread of social activism and political reform across the United States. The Progressive Era was addressing the problems of economic and social problems. The progressivism started as a social movement and later grew into a political movement. The reformers of the Progressive Era were young, college educated, and in the middle–class. Although many laws were passed to regulate better working conditions, not many were by it, many companies still made their workers, work long hours. Not many had better working conditions as still many died from lack of better safety regulations. The Progressive Era did help the United States to improve many things, and if these things didn't occur many things such as working conditions would still be the biggest problem. There were laws passed to improve working conditions but didn't really do anything Working conditions: The laws that were passed were to include efforts to outlaw the sale of alcohol; regulate child labor. How was working conditions in the Progressive Era? Many companies in the Progressive Era didn't have better working conditions other places had little to no safety in the building of their workplace an example That didn't a good working place with safety is The Triangle Fire. The triangle fire occurred in March 25 in 1911, most of the victims died as a result of neglected safety features and locked doors within the factory building. There were no sprinklers that could've put out the fire in time, the doors were locked that not many were able to get out on time, many jumped to their deaths. There were teenage girls that didn't speak English, they worked everyday for 12 hours. Forty–nine workers had burned to death or being suffocated by smoke, 36 were dead in the elevator shaft and 58 died from jumping to the sidewalks. With two more dying later from their injuries, a total of 145 people were killed by the fire. What were the laws that were passed to improve situations in the Progressive Era. The Progressives wanted to take part of the government in passing laws, political reformers were protecting workers and also regulating big business. Get more content on
  • 11. The Progressive Era turned into an unprecedented time of social activism and political development amid which convincing open issues constrained significant changes in the part of government and presidential authority. The goals of the Progressives were to "attack corrupt political bosses and irresponsible corporate barons" (Shi and Tindall 937). Progressives wanted the government to be honest, efficient, to regulate businesses, and for the low–income workers to have a better way of life. "Millions of "progressives" believed that America was experiencing a "crisis of democracy" because of the urban–industrial revolution" (Shi and Tindall 937). Poverty created the initiative for churches, charitable organizations, experts, and individuals to stand up and take action due to the unsafe working conditions of children working in mines and factories. The actions to progressively create labor laws expand beyond the role of the government because someone had to take control. Amos Pinchot, a progressive attorney and reformer said, "Corruption was destroying our respect for government, uprooting faith in political parties, and causing every precedent and convention of the old order to strain at its moorings" (Shi and Tindall 937). This was due partly because of the Progressives arguing over the rapid changes that occurred in United States (US) since the end of the Civil war. One example was the gap between the rich and the poor kept increasing. The Progressives sought out to Get more content on
  • 12. Essay On Progressive Era The Progressive Era The Progressive era was an age in time which people tried to solve Gilded Age problems through individual and group action. Progress in the word 'progressive' means towards freedom and justice. Progressives were "people who believed that the problems society faced (poverty, violence, greed, racism, class warfare) could best be addressed by providing good education, a safe environment, and an efficient workplace." Progressives were mostly concerned with the social problems that revolved around industrial capitalists society. Companies and later corporations had a problem that had been around at least since the 1880s. They needed to keep cost down and profits high. In a competitive market, the best way to do this is to more content... It described the conditions of the meat packing factories and the treatment of the workers inside those factories. When the book was published, journalists began to expose this wrongdoing.The use of photography came into action for documentation. Louis Hines photographed child labor in factories and mines bringing Americans face to face with more than 2 million under the age of 15 working for wages. "The Jungle" lead to the Pure Food Act, the Drug Act, and the Meat Inspection Act of 1906. Resulting from this, child labor laws came into place. Labor saving devices became a thing. By 1950, Americans could buy all kinds of things Like washing machines, vacuum cleaners, automobiles, and record players. Avratizing connected with the food industries and became the root of comerciales. Many progressives were concerned that industrial capitalism was limiting rather than increasing freedom. American progressives sout government solutions to social problems. Cities established public control over gas, water, and raised taxes to pay for transportation and public schools. As the economy changed, progressives had to respond to a rapidly changing political Get more content on
  • 13. Progressive Era Essay "I declare to you that woman must not depend upon the protection of man, but must be taught to protect herself, and there I take my stand" (Susan B Anthony). The Progressive Era came about after a time of mass urbanization and industrialization occurred in America. This period was a time of developments in political and social aspects, however, the most pertinent reform took place in the Americans' homes, as those who have been fighting for equality since the Seneca Falls Convention–which took place in July of 1848–were finally granted suffrage through the Nineteenth Amendment–passed in 1920. The Progressive Era was a time of progression or change in society as awareness was brought to ills including urban poverty, unsafe more content... The passage of the Nineteenth Amendment shows that women are becoming more respected and have more influence in society. These Settlement houses and fight towards prohibition were some of the first sparks of the expansion of women's influence throughout America, they were no longer in the constraints of their homes, but began to make a difference in the world. The status of women began to change during the Progressive Era, they were being granted with more and more opportunities in America. Women began to graduate from college and enter in the field of law, medicine, science, or journalism. As Americans began to notice a change in the lives of the American women, the term "New Woman" had been coined. This term was "used at the end of the nineteenth century to describe women who were pushing against the limits which society imposed on women" (academic.brooklyn.cuny). The term implies a woman who was young, college educated, athletic, interested in a college career, and wants a marriage based on the equality of genders. During the end of the Progressive Era, World War I began. "During the conflict that was placed before them, [women] not only gained the gratitude of many in their Get more content on
  • 14. The Progressive Era Through a multitude of significant changes physically, conceptually, economically, and more, the societal reformation of cities in the Progressive Era had set themselves as the foundations of American civilization. The juxtaposition between the rich and poor statuses in these urban areas show the drastic separation within developing cities. Through this division caused a wide variety of living conditions, the majority of which held the overcrowded sections of cities where the population mostly stayed while the higher end communities had more luxurious lives. Through this success of entrepreneurship and economic growth from all aspects in cities, the entire landscape, both physically through innovative architecture and the perspectives outside rural and suburban areas had on them, had transformed for the better in these areas. The Progressive Era had a distinct separation of social classes, differentiating economic positions within the cities themselves between the poor and the wealthy elite. Through dangerous factory conditions, horrid living circumstances, and the overall experience within the slums of the city, those living below the poverty line had all but nothing to take advantage of in regards to purchasing decently crafted goods, partaking in leisure time, and even having the funds to move into a two bedroom home for their larger sized families. Through future Progressive Era reforms, the lives of the poor had substantially improved as the result of between housing Get more content on
  • 15. The Progressive Era Essay The Progressive Era Progressivism in the United States took place in the period between the Spanish–American War and the entry of the United States into the great World War. It was a time for change in America in all walks of life, as well as a time for reform. It was marked by Theodore Roosevelt's 7 and a half years in office, the Rough Rider put it upon himself to make the first strides towards reform. These reforms included the cracking down on illegal monopolies and so forth. During this era large cities transformed into large metropolises, small towns into large cities and new towns sprang up nearly everywhere. Reforms also included the seventeenth, eighteenth, and nineteenth amendments. more content... She illustrated all of the corruptness and cruelty directed towards the unskilled worker brought upon by big business. Upton Sinclair became famous for his book The Jungle which even grabbed the attention of Teddy Roosevelt. It was about the horrible conditions at the meat– packing warehouses in Chicago that eventually prompted a federal investigation. Those in the progressive movement ranged from the common to the esteemed intellectual. Whether the Progressive was actually progressive or not has been a topic of debate. In ways the era was progressive but at times it was also unsuccessful. The people would gain rights and then on the other side of the spectrum, big business could get away with anything. One such example is the coal strike of 1902, where miners returned to work after receiving 9 hour days and an increase in pay. Despite this advancement, companies ignored the unions and raised the coal prices to compensate for lost net income. The companies suffered nearly nothing while the worker gained little. The women gained rights as well during the progressive time, including the right to vote and the formation of unions. However, because of male prejudices, most of these unions were quietly dissolved. The progressive era had significant impact, but really isn't worthy of its name. Sure there were changes, but the progressive era left lots of room for Get more content on
  • 16. The Progressive Era Essay The Progressive Era was a period that exposed the contradictions found in American society in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. Theodore Roosevelt summed up the Progressive/Reform feeling in his "Square Deal" speech – that it was all about morals, not economics. His goal was the "moral regeneration of the business world." He preached that it was wrong for some people to get ahead in business and politics by tricks and schemes, while others were cheated out of the opportunity. This was the kind of talk that millions of Americans from all areas of society could understand and respond to. Roosevelt simply acted in the interests of the common working man, fixing things that they found unjust. For years, the poor more content... American reform movements have generally been started as a rebellion against the control of big businesses and corrupt government. The poor conditions of schools and the entire education system at the turn of the twentieth century were a major cause for reform. That reform movement has influenced the entire education system and has made it better and more suitable for students.(Buenker, 2007) Civil rights for African–Americans and women was just beginning to become an issue in the late 19th century. Many progressivists spoke out for suffrage for women and equal rights for black people. Today, civil rights for minorities is still a big cause for reform. There are many different oraganizations whose goal is to reform the way society, the government and businesses treat any type of minority, including Hispanics, homosexuals and Native Americans. However civil rights is just one of the many causes of modern reform groups. Others include reform of huge companies and monoplolies, welfare programs, education systems and many, many other issues. A reform movement is a shout against people, businesses, governments or ideas that are morally corrupt. Not all reform movements are successful in making an actual change, however even if a significant change isn't made their message is still shared with the public. Reform group leaders are usually involved in the government and have a strong Get more content on
  • 17. The Progressive Era Essay example As the 19th century came to a close a new epoch, known as the Progressive Era emerged in response to industrialization. This early 20th century reform movement pursued control of the government to the people. In order to reinstate economic opportunities and to correct inequity in American life. Progressives believed that government could be used as a powerful tool for social improvement (Gillon, Matson 2009). Although the Progressive ideal was presented by numerous Progressive authors of different genre, together they all presented the impact of the economic, political, social, and moral reforms of the American Society. The Progressive authors were arranged by challenges of which they offered their opinions, including psychological more content... Author Charles A. Beards wrote Economic Interpretation of the constitution (1913). Beard intended to expose that greed and self–interest, not divine inspiration, had inclined the creation of the constitution (Gillon, Matson 2009). The Progressive legal thinker, Oliver Wendell Holmes was appointed to the Supreme Court in 1903. Holmes along with Louis D. Brandeis anticipated transferring the law into a vehicle for change. Holmes authored Common Law (1881), in which he argued that, "the life of the law has not been logic; it's been experience" (Gillon, Matson 752). The religious challenger Walter Rauschenbush was the leading advocator of a new Social Gospel. Rauschenbush wrote Christianity and the Social Crisis (1907), and Christianity and Social Order (1915), arguing that people ought to work towards creation of the Kingdom of God on Earth. Due to the contributions of Rauschenbush, and fellow collaborator Charles Sheldon many groups emerged promoting the Christian social responsibility to an industrial society. The Salvation Army became the most prominent group, arising in many cities by the early 20th century. The 20,000 privates in the Salvation Army provided food, employment, and day–care centers to the urban poor (Gillon, Matson 2009). The Muckrakers emerged as powerful authors throughout the Progressive Era. The term "muckrakers" was what Theodore Roosevelt identified as the new journalist, after the "Man with the Muckrake" in Get more content on
  • 18. Essay on The Progressive Era The Progressive Era The turn of the century was marked by a movement known as the Progressive Era, during which many groups sought to reshape the nation's government and society in response to the pressure of urbanization and industrialization. Progressives were mainly members of the Post–Civil War generation that made an attempt to master a world much different then that of their parents. With the rise of big business and industrialization came several problems associated with the economic boom. The rich were getting richer. The poor were getting poorer. The gap between the "haves" and the "have nots was widening. Working conditions were not regulated, and at the turn of the century, the United States had a more content... The novel and subsequent investigations led to the Meat Inspection Act of 1906. This is just a glimpse as to the key role that muckrakers had in the Progressive society. Another key element of theProgressive Era was the Social Gospel. The Social Gospel sought to bring religious ethics into industrial relations and everyday life. Several followers of the Social Gospel questioned the accuracy of the bible and instead focused more on the basic moral and ethical lessons it entailed. As a result of the Social Gospel and the feelings that were engulfing the nation, Charles Sheldon, a Kansas minister wrote a book entitled In His Steps. The novel tells the story of upper class minister who challenges the members of his congregation to live their lives according to "what Jesus would do". Throughout the novel, many inferences are made and several parallels exist between the novel and the actual time period in which it was set. The most obvious link between In His Steps and the actual Progressive Era is that the entire plot of the novel is based on the theory of the Social Gospel. The small town minister challenges a handful of willing congregates to base their every decision on what they feel Jesus would do in the situation. As a result, those who pledged to abide by the idea were then placed in the predicament of taking old fashion stances on modern issues, for Jesus was never confronted with Get more content on
  • 19. The Progressive Era Essay The Progressive Era was a time in which there was a lot of social activism and political reform as a result of the lack of equality in the nation between the social classes, sexes, and job amongst other things. During this time, there were a lot of political figures that rose up and spoke about the inequalities that the society had. Ultimately, this caused political disputes and the people of the nation wanted to see a change. This change came from two presidents that sought to help the nation progress; Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson. Both presidents fought for the same general vision; however, they achieved different things. Progressivism became the ultimate goal for the two presidents, where they sought to "clear up corruption in all more content... As a result, his motivation was his desire to win the power to investigate the activities of corporations and publicize the results. To do this, Roosevelt the new Department of Commerce and Labor was established to assist this task through its investigatory arm. As a result of this vision that Roosevelt had, he ordered the Justice Department to invoke the Sherman Anti–Trust Act against a railroad monopoly called Northern Securities Company. This was one of the things that the Muckrakers discussed in its awareness of social issues. An investigation was done, and thanks to Roosevelt, the Supreme Court ruled that the Northern Securities Company be dissolved in 1904. Following the court decision, Roosevelt made it a point to bring about justice to all of the corruption and injustice that different industries had. The establishment of the Hepburn Act was yet another way in which Roosevelt sought to bring justice. This act gave the Interstate Commerce Commission the power to restore some regulatory authority to the government. Roosevelt also pressured Congress to enact the Pure Food and Drug Act, which "restricted the sale of dangerous or ineffective medicines." This had also become a major issue as the Muckrakers publicized this problem and it was brought to light. In 1906, Roosevelt pushed for passage of the Meat Inspection Act which helped eliminate many diseases once transmitted in impure Get more content on