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The Plight of Older Workers

            MARCH 9, 2013
The Plight of Older Workers

 Who are Older Workers?
 Why are they out of work?
 What barriers do they face?
 How can we help them transition back into the work
 Why would employers want older workers?
The Plight of Older Workers

        WHO ARE THEY?
This is who they are
This is also who they are
This is also who they are
………and this is also who they are……
OK, so who are they again?

 Ordinary folks
 Very experienced (25+ years with the same company
    and laid off or down sized)
   Not very experienced (Empty Nest Spouse returning
    to or entering the workforce)
   Well Educated (of 15 on one intake there were 5 BAs,
    4 MBAs & 3 PHDs)
   Not so well educated (didn’t complete high school)
   Skilled or unskilled
Why are they out of work?

 Recession
 Relocation
 Health
 Technology rendered their skill obsolete
 Lack of current job search skills
 Lack of interview skills
 Financial (need a 2nd income)
 Insufficient pensions
 Lack of certifications
The Plight of the Older Worker

Barriers to Employment of Older Workers

 They have NOT looked for a job in several decades
Barriers to Employment of Older Workers

 They have NOT looked for a job in several decades
  and really don’t know how to go about it.
 They have no experience in writing a resume.
Barriers to Employment of Older Workers

 They have NOT looked for a job in several decades
  and really don’t know how to go about it.
 They have no experience in writing a resume.
 They are blissfully unaware of on line job search
  options and are reluctant to use them.
Barriers to Employment of Older Workers

 They have NOT looked for a job in several decades
  and really don’t know how to go about it.
 They have no experience in writing a resume.
 They are blissfully unaware of on line job search
  options and are reluctant to use them.
 Skype? Skype interviews? What is that?
Barriers to Employment of Older Workers

 They have NOT looked for a job in several decades
    and really don’t know how to go about it.
   They have no experience in writing a resume.
   They are blissfully unaware of on line job search
    options and are reluctant to use them.
   Skype? Skype interviews? What is that?
   They have lost track of their self worth.
Barriers to Employment of Older Workers

 They have NOT looked for a job in several decades
    and really don’t know how to go about it.
   They have no experience in writing a resume.
   They are blissfully unaware of on line job search
    options and are reluctant to use them.
   Skype? Skype interviews? What is that?
   They have lost track of their self worth.
   Some of them are technologically challenged.
Barriers to Employment of Older Workers

 They have NOT looked for a job in several decades
    and really don’t know how to go about it.
   They have no experience in writing a resume.
   They are blissfully unaware of on line job search
    options and are reluctant to use them.
   Skype? Skype interviews? What is that?
   They have lost track of their self worth.
   Some of them are technologically challenged.
   Uncomfortable doing face to face networking.
Barriers to Employment of Older Workers

 Over Qualified for many jobs.
Barriers to Employment of Older Workers

 Over Qualified for many jobs.
 Under Qualified for other jobs.
Barriers to Employment of Older Workers

 Over Qualified for many jobs.
 Under Qualified for other jobs.
 Lack of Certifications.
Barriers to Employment of Older Workers

 Over Qualified for many jobs.
 Under Qualified for other jobs.
 Lack of Certifications.
 Have had no practice being interviewed.
Barriers to Employment of Older Workers

 Over Qualified for many jobs.
 Under Qualified for other jobs.
 Lack of Certifications.
 Have had no practice being interviewed.
 More people fear public speaking than fear death.
Barriers to Employment of Older Workers

 Over Qualified for many jobs.
 Under Qualified for other jobs.
 Lack of Certifications.
 Have had no practice being interviewed.
 More people fear public speaking than fear death.
 Job skills have been rendered obsolete.
Barriers to Employment of Older Workers

 Over Qualified for many jobs.
 Under Qualified for other jobs.
 Lack of Certifications.
 Have had no practice being interviewed.
 More people fear public speaking than fear death.
 Job skills have been rendered obsolete.
 Inadequate programs available to assist them.
Barriers to Employment of Older Workers

 Over Qualified for many jobs.
 Under Qualified for other jobs.
 Lack of Certifications.
 Have had no practice being interviewed.
 More people fear public speaking than fear death.
 Job skills have been rendered obsolete.
 Inadequate programs available to assist them.
 Feelings of isolation.
Barriers to Employment of Older Workers

 Over Qualified for many jobs.
 Under Qualified for other jobs.
 Lack of Certifications.
 Have had no practice being interviewed.
 More people fear public speaking than fear death.
 Job skills have been rendered obsolete.
 Inadequate programs available to assist them.
 Feelings of isolation.
 Ageism Myths
Inadequate Programs for Older Workers

Qualifications                  Training Options Offered

 Silveculturalist               Flag Person
 30+ Years in the Forestry      Fork Lift Operator
    Industry                     Security Guard
   Reforestation Expert         Care Aide
    Executive Management        Hospitality Worker
   $50K plus/year               CPR
   No longer physically able    WHMIS
    to work in the slash.        Food Safe
The Plight of Older Workers

Programs to Assist Older Workers

                            Targeted Initiative for
                            Older Workers (TIOW)

 9 weeks                    Internet Training
 Resume Writing
                             Word & Excel Training
 Interview Skills
                             Finding the Hidden
 Combating Ageism
                              Job Market
 Training/Certifications
 Supports
                             Networking for Jobs
 Age 50 to 67 from rural    Alternatives such as
  locations with high         Self Employment or
  unemployment                Consulting
Programs to Assist Older Workers

                          Job Options BC Urban
                          Older Workers

 11 weeks                 Assessment of skills
 5 weeks in group         Employability Skills
 6 weeks of one on one    Short Term Skills
 Up to 6 months of         Training
  follow up                Life Skills Training
 NOT EI Eligible          Return to Work Action
 Available in most         Plan
  urban regions
Aside from those programs, how can we help?

 Direct them to free resume templates, provide in house
    resume writing classes and/or refer them to professional
    resume writers or recruiters.
   Provide them with job search web site addresses like
    Workoplolis in addition to the Government Sites.
   Give them Internet Job Search Training.
   Teach them Social Networking Job Search Techniques.
   Connect to them on LinkedIn
   Refer them to training that coincides with their assessed
    skills and is relevant to their career goals
More Ways to Help

 Encourage them to join Toastmasters
 Encourage them to attend local Chamber of
    Commerce Networking Events
   Encourage them to attend trade shows
   Encourage them to reconnect with their previous
    employer and their competitors for part time
    consulting work
   Encourage them to develop former hobbies into
    revenue generating businesses
   Ask them to explore Temp Agencies
Still More Ways to help

 Suggest that they volunteer within their community
 Conduct mock interviews
 Post useful job search hints where your clients can
  access them
 Provide them with lists of current standard interview
 Help them formulate appropriate responses
 Provide older workers with FACTS to dispel ageism
Ageism: By Definition…

 Ageism: an alteration in feeling,
 belief, or behaviour in response to an
 individual or group’s perceived
 chronological age.

 It may happen to the young and old
 but for the purposes of our
 workshop, we’re dealing with just
 the older worker.
Industry built on “Over the Hill”

 Age prejudice is one of the most
 socially condoned,
 institutionalized forms of
 prejudices in the world –
 especially in North America

 Such cards are often portrayed
 as humorous, but the essential
 message is that it is undesirable
 to get older …
Ageism’s Double Standard?

 There is strong evidence that other forms of
 stereotypes or prejudices favour their own “in-group”
 – yet age attitude does not fit this pattern…
    For example, Black culture supporting black heritage

 Often most of the stereotyping about aging or being
 an older worker is related to some negative form of
 debilitation, either physical or mental, which is a
 precursor to the ultimate outcome of old age, death.
Mixed Messages Towards Older Workers

 Studies 1.present evidence from research concluding that
    people often have contradictory views of older persons
    and because of that today’s older workers are sometimes
    seen as incompetent - yet warm; thus a basis for the
    creation of prejudice against older workers is planted.
Common Statements from Employers:
   “You seem really great – but we need…”
   “You’ve got lots of experience but you seem a bit overqualified…”
   “We hired someone with more experience”
   “We need someone that we can train…”
   “We need someone that will be around for awhile”
   “We probably wouldn’t hire someone like you anymore…”

                            1. Brewer, Dull, and Lui, 1981; Kite & Johnson, 1988; Hummert 1990)
Negative thoughts get planted…

 We perceive positive characteristics of the “in-group”
  and negative characteristics of the “out-group” to
  whichever group we belong.
     I.E:: Young people feel older people are slow and opinionated and older people see young
      as lacking discipline and thoughtfulness.

 Also the “in-group” states things that are positive about
  themselves propelling some of the positive
  characteristics while diminishing the “out-group”
 That type of information starts to become common
  knowledge, despite being either “myth” or “fact”:
  Example: What’s said communally about: Forgetting:
  Youth: “not really interested, or “lack of effort or attention”
  Older workers: incompetence or memory failure; “its not what it used to be”

MYTH                FACT

                     Reality Check: The costs of more
 MYTH: Older         vacation time and pensions are often
                      outweighed by low turnover among
 workers are too      older workers, while higher turnover
                      among other groups translates into
 expensive.           recruiting, hiring, and training
                     And while individual health,
                      disability and life insurance costs do
                      rise slowly with age, they are offset
                      by lower costs due to fewer
                     Overall, fringe benefits stay the same
                      as a percentage of salary for all age

MYTH                FACT

 MYTH: Older        Reality: While workers
                      with tenure are entitled to
 workers are more     more vacation time and
 expensive than       pension costs related to
                      number of years worked,
 younger workers.     replacing workers is not
                      cost free.
                     Aetna Insurance Company
                      did a study of this issue and
                      discovered these factors
                      added 93% to the first
                      year's salary of new

MYTH                FACT

                     Older workers are less likely to
 MYTH: Older         job hop, and reduced turnover
 workers are more     can reduce employer expenses.
                      Many older workers have
 expensive than       insurance from prior employers
                      or from a Chamber of Commerce
 younger workers.     or are covered by a working
                      spouse. Some may have retired
                      from another career and receive a
                      pension or other retirement
                      income. Older employees may be
                      willing to work for less pay and
                      benefits to have a rewarding job
                      with flexible hours, use of their
                      skills, and opportunities to
                      interact with others.

MYTH                FACT

                     Productivity is not a function of
 Myth : Older        age. Mature workers produce
 workers are less     higher quality work, which can
                      result in a significant cost savings
 productive than      for employers.
 younger workers.    Stories abound of highly
                      committed older workers finding
                      others’ potentially costly
                      mistakes regarding everything
                      from misspelling of client names
                      to pricing errors and accounting

MYTH                 FACT

                      Older workers have a high level of
 Myth : Older         productivity for several reasons.
                      They often have highly developed
  workers are less     writing and math skills and a lifetime
                       of experiences to draw upon.
  productive than     Their maturity gives them stability
  younger workers.     and an improved ability to relate to
                       others, and they waste less time.
 Why is that?        In addition, they are more flexible
                       about working hours and often
                       willing to work part time.

MYTH                     FACT

 Myth: Training older    The future work life of an
                           employee over 50 usually
 workers is a lost         exceeds the life of new
 investment because        technology for which the
                           workers are trained.
 they will not stay on    The American Association
 the job for long.         of Retired Persons (AARP)
                           survey of workers over 40
                           found that 76 percent
                           intend to keep working and
                           earning after the
                           traditional retirement age
                           of 65.

MYTH                   FACT

 MYTH: Older           Older workers have
                         superior study habits and
 workers can’t learn     their accumulated
 as well as younger      experience actually
 workers.                lowers training costs.
                        Older workers are
                         generally eager to learn
                         new skills – especially
                         technological skills.
                         They want to keep pace
                         with change.

MYTH                   FACT

 MYTH: Older           Those over 50 are
 workers can’t learn     proving their ability to
                         learn new skills by
 as well as younger      becoming the fastest
 workers.                growing group of
                         Internet users.
                        Career-changers in their
                         50s and 60s are taking
                         courses to enhance their

MYTH                   FACT

                        The fastest growing group of
 MYTH: Older            Internet users is over age 50.
 workers can’t learn    According to a Harvard
 as well as younger      University study, the ability to
                         use an accumulated body of
 workers.                knowledge keeps rising
                         throughout the lifetimes of
                         healthy people. It is true that
                         the most effective ways to
                         learn may be different for
                         older workers than others.
                         Experiential learning has
                         proven to be of greatest value
                         with this group.

MYTH                       FACT

 MYTH: Older               Studies show only
  workers can’t learn       negligible loss of
                            cognitive function of
  as well as younger        people under 70. While
  workers.                  older workers take longer
 Myth: You can't teach     to absorb completely new
  an old dog new tricks.    material, their better
                            study attitudes and
                            accumulated experience
                            lower training costs.

MYTH                  FACT

                       After realizing that half of their customers
 MYTH: Customers       were over 50, Borders decided that the
                        best way to increase its market share was
 don’t respond well     to stress personal service and to hire
                        employees who could relate better to its
 to older sales and     customer base.
                       There was an added bonus! Turns out that
 service workers.       turnover among their workers over 50 is
                        10 times less than for those under 30.
                        Reduced turnover costs and consistent
                        service staff naturally led to increased
                       Here’s another plus. Extensive research
                        indicates that verbal communication, a
                        critical customer service skill, actually
                        increases with age.

MYTH                   FACT

                        FACT… OUCH. This myth is far too
 MYTH: Older            close to the truth for many. However,
                         once you meet their requirements,
 workers will NOT        temporary staffing firms offer health care
                         benefit participation at greatly reduced
 be able to find         rates over the cost of insurance you can
                         buy on your own.
 healthcare coverage    Temping is a growing source of
                         opportunity for people seeking regular,
                         long-term employment. It is a door that is
 anywhere but in         open when all other doors of opportunity
                         seem closed.
 traditional, full-     Joining your local Chamber of Commerce
                         not only allows you to network for jobs or
 time jobs.              clients, it also offers optional Health Care
                         Coverage at reasonable rates comparable
                         to the group rates you got at work.

MYTH                 FACT

 MYTH: Older         Because they've seen
 workers aren’t as    many approaches fail
 creative or as       in the workplace, they
 innovative as        are more likely to
                      question change but
 younger workers.     they can accept new
                      approaches as well as
                      younger workers can as
                      long as the rationale is

MYTH                   FACT

 MYTH: Older           … The National Study
 workers can only do    of the Changing
 what they have         Workforce found that
 always done.           workers 50 or older are
                        much more likely than
                        younger cohorts to run
                        a small business.

MYTH                 FACT

 Myth: Older         Attendance records
 workers take more    are actually better for
 sick days than       older workers than for
 younger workers.     younger ones. In fact,
                      according to Health
                      Canada, 80 percent of
                      all older workers have
                      no chronic health

MYTH                  FACT

                       While individual older
 Myth: Benefit and     worker's health, disability and
 accident costs are     life insurance costs do rise
                        slowly with age, they are
 higher for older       offset by lower costs due to
 workers.               fewer dependents.
                       Overall, fringe benefits costs
                        stay the same as a percentage
                        of salary for all age groups.
                       Older workers take fewer
                        risks in accident prone
                        situations and statistically
                        have lower accident rates than
                        other age groups.

MYTH                 FACT

                      Older workers account for
 Myth: Older          only eight percent of
 workers have more     workplace injuries, according
                       to the Canadian Centre for
 accidents.            Occupation Health and

                      Statistically, older workers
                       have lower accident rates than
                       other groups – probably
                       because experience has taught
                       them not to take risks where
                       workplace safety is concerned.

MYTH                   FACT

                        Older workers value
 Myth: Older            dependability and show lower
 workers are absent      rates of absenteeism
                         compared to younger
 frequently due to       workers.
 health issues, or      They have a strong work
                         ethic, value punctuality, and
 they face               are less likely to need to stay
 impairment in their     home to care for sick children.
                        Most are healthy themselves;
 jobs                    80% of those 55-64 and 66%
                         of those 65+ rated their
                         health as good or excellent.

MYTH                   FACT

 MYTH: Older           Many have reached an
 workers do not          age where quality of
 want to accept less     life becomes more
 pay and less            important than money.
 responsibility.        Others have been out
                         of work long enough to
                         be grateful for any job
                         they manage to get.

MYTH                       FACT

 Myth: Older               Who do you think
 workers don’t               invented these things
 possess the same
                            Baby boomers have been
 level of tech skills as     working with technology
 younger workers.            since the 80s.
                            Most employees only
                             need to master the
                             technology needed to do
                             their job.

   1Government of Alberta (2010). Engaging the Mature Worker: An Action Plan for Alberta. Retrieved on July
    21, 2011
   Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
   (ref: Overcoming Myths About Older Workers Flash Cards at )
   The American Association of Retired Persons (AARP)
   Business Week,
   Health Canada
   Statistics Canada
   Canadian Centre for Occupation Health and Safety.
   Bureau of Labor Statistics.
   The Center on Aging & Work/Workplace Flexibility at Boston College
   Duke University
   Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania
   Source: American Business and Older Employees. AARP.
   Washington DC: 2000; Bureau of Labor Statistics
   1Government of Alberta (2010). Engaging the Mature Worker: An Action Plan for Alberta. Retrieved on July
    21, 2011
   Fraser Valley Training Group
   Targeted Initiative for Older Workers
   Job Options BC Urban Older Workers
Thank You For Attending
              Fraser Valley Training Group
              (Wyvern Segreant Training &
              604-649-1181
              LinkedIn Training
              Social Media Strategies
              Program Management

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The plight of older workers

  • 2. The Plight of Older Workers  Who are Older Workers?  Why are they out of work?  What barriers do they face?  How can we help them transition back into the work force?  Why would employers want older workers?
  • 3. The Plight of Older Workers WHO ARE THEY?
  • 4. This is who they are
  • 5. This is also who they are
  • 6. This is also who they are
  • 7. ………and this is also who they are……
  • 8. OK, so who are they again?  Ordinary folks  Very experienced (25+ years with the same company and laid off or down sized)  Not very experienced (Empty Nest Spouse returning to or entering the workforce)  Well Educated (of 15 on one intake there were 5 BAs, 4 MBAs & 3 PHDs)  Not so well educated (didn’t complete high school)  Skilled or unskilled
  • 9. Why are they out of work?  Recession  Relocation  Health  Technology rendered their skill obsolete  Lack of current job search skills  Lack of interview skills  Financial (need a 2nd income)  Insufficient pensions  Lack of certifications
  • 11. Barriers to Employment of Older Workers  They have NOT looked for a job in several decades
  • 12. Barriers to Employment of Older Workers  They have NOT looked for a job in several decades and really don’t know how to go about it.  They have no experience in writing a resume.
  • 13. Barriers to Employment of Older Workers  They have NOT looked for a job in several decades and really don’t know how to go about it.  They have no experience in writing a resume.  They are blissfully unaware of on line job search options and are reluctant to use them.
  • 14. Barriers to Employment of Older Workers  They have NOT looked for a job in several decades and really don’t know how to go about it.  They have no experience in writing a resume.  They are blissfully unaware of on line job search options and are reluctant to use them.  Skype? Skype interviews? What is that?
  • 15. Barriers to Employment of Older Workers  They have NOT looked for a job in several decades and really don’t know how to go about it.  They have no experience in writing a resume.  They are blissfully unaware of on line job search options and are reluctant to use them.  Skype? Skype interviews? What is that?  They have lost track of their self worth.
  • 16. Barriers to Employment of Older Workers  They have NOT looked for a job in several decades and really don’t know how to go about it.  They have no experience in writing a resume.  They are blissfully unaware of on line job search options and are reluctant to use them.  Skype? Skype interviews? What is that?  They have lost track of their self worth.  Some of them are technologically challenged.
  • 17. Barriers to Employment of Older Workers  They have NOT looked for a job in several decades and really don’t know how to go about it.  They have no experience in writing a resume.  They are blissfully unaware of on line job search options and are reluctant to use them.  Skype? Skype interviews? What is that?  They have lost track of their self worth.  Some of them are technologically challenged.  Uncomfortable doing face to face networking.
  • 18. Barriers to Employment of Older Workers  Over Qualified for many jobs.
  • 19. Barriers to Employment of Older Workers  Over Qualified for many jobs.  Under Qualified for other jobs.
  • 20. Barriers to Employment of Older Workers  Over Qualified for many jobs.  Under Qualified for other jobs.  Lack of Certifications.
  • 21. Barriers to Employment of Older Workers  Over Qualified for many jobs.  Under Qualified for other jobs.  Lack of Certifications.  Have had no practice being interviewed.
  • 22. Barriers to Employment of Older Workers  Over Qualified for many jobs.  Under Qualified for other jobs.  Lack of Certifications.  Have had no practice being interviewed.  More people fear public speaking than fear death.
  • 23. Barriers to Employment of Older Workers  Over Qualified for many jobs.  Under Qualified for other jobs.  Lack of Certifications.  Have had no practice being interviewed.  More people fear public speaking than fear death.  Job skills have been rendered obsolete.
  • 24. Barriers to Employment of Older Workers  Over Qualified for many jobs.  Under Qualified for other jobs.  Lack of Certifications.  Have had no practice being interviewed.  More people fear public speaking than fear death.  Job skills have been rendered obsolete.  Inadequate programs available to assist them.
  • 25. Barriers to Employment of Older Workers  Over Qualified for many jobs.  Under Qualified for other jobs.  Lack of Certifications.  Have had no practice being interviewed.  More people fear public speaking than fear death.  Job skills have been rendered obsolete.  Inadequate programs available to assist them.  Feelings of isolation.
  • 26. Barriers to Employment of Older Workers  Over Qualified for many jobs.  Under Qualified for other jobs.  Lack of Certifications.  Have had no practice being interviewed.  More people fear public speaking than fear death.  Job skills have been rendered obsolete.  Inadequate programs available to assist them.  Feelings of isolation.  Ageism Myths
  • 27. Inadequate Programs for Older Workers Qualifications Training Options Offered  Silveculturalist  Flag Person  30+ Years in the Forestry  Fork Lift Operator Industry  Security Guard  Reforestation Expert  Care Aide  Executive Management  Hospitality Worker  $50K plus/year  CPR  No longer physically able  WHMIS to work in the slash.  Food Safe
  • 29. Programs to Assist Older Workers Targeted Initiative for Federal Older Workers (TIOW)  9 weeks  Internet Training  Resume Writing  Word & Excel Training  Interview Skills  Finding the Hidden  Combating Ageism Job Market  Training/Certifications  Supports  Networking for Jobs  Age 50 to 67 from rural  Alternatives such as locations with high Self Employment or unemployment Consulting
  • 30. Programs to Assist Older Workers Job Options BC Urban Provincial Older Workers  11 weeks  Assessment of skills  5 weeks in group  Employability Skills  6 weeks of one on one  Short Term Skills  Up to 6 months of Training follow up  Life Skills Training  NOT EI Eligible  Return to Work Action  Available in most Plan urban regions
  • 31. Aside from those programs, how can we help?  Direct them to free resume templates, provide in house resume writing classes and/or refer them to professional resume writers or recruiters.  Provide them with job search web site addresses like Workoplolis in addition to the Government Sites.  Give them Internet Job Search Training.  Teach them Social Networking Job Search Techniques.  Connect to them on LinkedIn  Refer them to training that coincides with their assessed skills and is relevant to their career goals
  • 32. More Ways to Help  Encourage them to join Toastmasters  Encourage them to attend local Chamber of Commerce Networking Events  Encourage them to attend trade shows  Encourage them to reconnect with their previous employer and their competitors for part time consulting work  Encourage them to develop former hobbies into revenue generating businesses  Ask them to explore Temp Agencies
  • 33. Still More Ways to help  Suggest that they volunteer within their community  Conduct mock interviews  Post useful job search hints where your clients can access them  Provide them with lists of current standard interview questions  Help them formulate appropriate responses  Provide older workers with FACTS to dispel ageism MYTHS
  • 36. Ageism: By Definition…  Ageism: an alteration in feeling, belief, or behaviour in response to an individual or group’s perceived chronological age.  It may happen to the young and old but for the purposes of our workshop, we’re dealing with just the older worker.
  • 37. Industry built on “Over the Hill”  Age prejudice is one of the most socially condoned, institutionalized forms of prejudices in the world – especially in North America  Such cards are often portrayed as humorous, but the essential message is that it is undesirable to get older …
  • 40. Ageism’s Double Standard?  There is strong evidence that other forms of stereotypes or prejudices favour their own “in-group” – yet age attitude does not fit this pattern…  For example, Black culture supporting black heritage  Often most of the stereotyping about aging or being an older worker is related to some negative form of debilitation, either physical or mental, which is a precursor to the ultimate outcome of old age, death.
  • 41. Mixed Messages Towards Older Workers  Studies 1.present evidence from research concluding that people often have contradictory views of older persons and because of that today’s older workers are sometimes seen as incompetent - yet warm; thus a basis for the creation of prejudice against older workers is planted. Common Statements from Employers:  “You seem really great – but we need…”  “You’ve got lots of experience but you seem a bit overqualified…”  “We hired someone with more experience”  “We need someone that we can train…”  “We need someone that will be around for awhile”  “We probably wouldn’t hire someone like you anymore…” 1. Brewer, Dull, and Lui, 1981; Kite & Johnson, 1988; Hummert 1990)
  • 42. Negative thoughts get planted…  We perceive positive characteristics of the “in-group” and negative characteristics of the “out-group” to whichever group we belong.  I.E:: Young people feel older people are slow and opinionated and older people see young as lacking discipline and thoughtfulness.  Also the “in-group” states things that are positive about themselves propelling some of the positive characteristics while diminishing the “out-group”  That type of information starts to become common knowledge, despite being either “myth” or “fact”: Example: What’s said communally about: Forgetting: Youth: “not really interested, or “lack of effort or attention” Older workers: incompetence or memory failure; “its not what it used to be”
  • 43. AGEISM MYTHS VERSUS FACT MYTH FACT  Reality Check: The costs of more  MYTH: Older vacation time and pensions are often outweighed by low turnover among workers are too older workers, while higher turnover among other groups translates into expensive. recruiting, hiring, and training expenses.  And while individual health, disability and life insurance costs do rise slowly with age, they are offset by lower costs due to fewer dependents.  Overall, fringe benefits stay the same as a percentage of salary for all age groups.
  • 44. AGEISM MYTHS VERSUS FACT MYTH FACT  MYTH: Older  Reality: While workers with tenure are entitled to workers are more more vacation time and expensive than pension costs related to number of years worked, younger workers. replacing workers is not cost free.  Aetna Insurance Company did a study of this issue and discovered these factors added 93% to the first year's salary of new employees.
  • 45. AGEISM MYTHS VERSUS FACT MYTH FACT  Older workers are less likely to  MYTH: Older job hop, and reduced turnover workers are more can reduce employer expenses. Many older workers have expensive than insurance from prior employers or from a Chamber of Commerce younger workers. or are covered by a working spouse. Some may have retired from another career and receive a pension or other retirement income. Older employees may be willing to work for less pay and benefits to have a rewarding job with flexible hours, use of their skills, and opportunities to interact with others.
  • 46. AGEISM MYTHS VERSUS FACT MYTH FACT  Productivity is not a function of  Myth : Older age. Mature workers produce workers are less higher quality work, which can result in a significant cost savings productive than for employers. younger workers.  Stories abound of highly committed older workers finding others’ potentially costly mistakes regarding everything from misspelling of client names to pricing errors and accounting mistakes.
  • 47. AGEISM MYTHS VERSUS FACT MYTH FACT  Older workers have a high level of  Myth : Older productivity for several reasons.  They often have highly developed workers are less writing and math skills and a lifetime of experiences to draw upon. productive than  Their maturity gives them stability younger workers. and an improved ability to relate to others, and they waste less time.  Why is that?  In addition, they are more flexible about working hours and often willing to work part time.
  • 48. AGEISM MYTHS VERSUS FACT MYTH FACT  Myth: Training older  The future work life of an employee over 50 usually workers is a lost exceeds the life of new investment because technology for which the workers are trained. they will not stay on  The American Association the job for long. of Retired Persons (AARP) survey of workers over 40 found that 76 percent intend to keep working and earning after the traditional retirement age of 65.
  • 49. AGEISM MYTHS VERSUS FACT MYTH FACT  MYTH: Older  Older workers have superior study habits and workers can’t learn their accumulated as well as younger experience actually workers. lowers training costs.  Older workers are generally eager to learn new skills – especially technological skills. They want to keep pace with change.
  • 50. AGEISM MYTHS VERSUS FACT MYTH FACT  MYTH: Older  Those over 50 are workers can’t learn proving their ability to learn new skills by as well as younger becoming the fastest workers. growing group of Internet users.  Career-changers in their 50s and 60s are taking courses to enhance their skills.
  • 51. AGEISM MYTHS VERSUS FACT MYTH FACT  The fastest growing group of  MYTH: Older Internet users is over age 50. workers can’t learn  According to a Harvard as well as younger University study, the ability to use an accumulated body of workers. knowledge keeps rising throughout the lifetimes of healthy people. It is true that the most effective ways to learn may be different for older workers than others. Experiential learning has proven to be of greatest value with this group.
  • 52. AGEISM MYTHS VERSUS FACT MYTH FACT  MYTH: Older  Studies show only workers can’t learn negligible loss of cognitive function of as well as younger people under 70. While workers. older workers take longer  Myth: You can't teach to absorb completely new an old dog new tricks. material, their better study attitudes and accumulated experience lower training costs.
  • 53. AGEISM MYTHS VERSUS FACT MYTH FACT  After realizing that half of their customers  MYTH: Customers were over 50, Borders decided that the best way to increase its market share was don’t respond well to stress personal service and to hire employees who could relate better to its to older sales and customer base.  There was an added bonus! Turns out that service workers. turnover among their workers over 50 is 10 times less than for those under 30. Reduced turnover costs and consistent service staff naturally led to increased profits.  Here’s another plus. Extensive research indicates that verbal communication, a critical customer service skill, actually increases with age.
  • 54. AGEISM MYTHS VERSUS FACT MYTH FACT  FACT… OUCH. This myth is far too  MYTH: Older close to the truth for many. However, once you meet their requirements, workers will NOT temporary staffing firms offer health care benefit participation at greatly reduced be able to find rates over the cost of insurance you can buy on your own. healthcare coverage  Temping is a growing source of opportunity for people seeking regular, long-term employment. It is a door that is anywhere but in open when all other doors of opportunity seem closed. traditional, full-  Joining your local Chamber of Commerce not only allows you to network for jobs or time jobs. clients, it also offers optional Health Care Coverage at reasonable rates comparable to the group rates you got at work.
  • 55. AGEISM MYTHS VERSUS FACT MYTH FACT  MYTH: Older  Because they've seen workers aren’t as many approaches fail creative or as in the workplace, they innovative as are more likely to question change but younger workers. they can accept new approaches as well as younger workers can as long as the rationale is explained.
  • 56. AGEISM MYTHS VERSUS FACT MYTH FACT  MYTH: Older  … The National Study workers can only do of the Changing what they have Workforce found that always done. workers 50 or older are much more likely than younger cohorts to run a small business.
  • 57. AGEISM MYTHS VERSUS FACT MYTH FACT  Myth: Older  Attendance records workers take more are actually better for sick days than older workers than for younger workers. younger ones. In fact, according to Health Canada, 80 percent of all older workers have no chronic health problems.
  • 58. AGEISM MYTHS VERSUS FACT MYTH FACT  While individual older  Myth: Benefit and worker's health, disability and accident costs are life insurance costs do rise slowly with age, they are higher for older offset by lower costs due to workers. fewer dependents.  Overall, fringe benefits costs stay the same as a percentage of salary for all age groups.  Older workers take fewer risks in accident prone situations and statistically have lower accident rates than other age groups.
  • 59. AGEISM MYTHS VERSUS FACT MYTH FACT  Older workers account for  Myth: Older only eight percent of workers have more workplace injuries, according to the Canadian Centre for accidents. Occupation Health and Safety.  Statistically, older workers have lower accident rates than other groups – probably because experience has taught them not to take risks where workplace safety is concerned.
  • 60. AGEISM MYTHS VERSUS FACT MYTH FACT  Older workers value  Myth: Older dependability and show lower workers are absent rates of absenteeism compared to younger frequently due to workers. health issues, or  They have a strong work ethic, value punctuality, and they face are less likely to need to stay impairment in their home to care for sick children.  Most are healthy themselves; jobs 80% of those 55-64 and 66% of those 65+ rated their health as good or excellent.
  • 61. AGEISM MYTHS VERSUS FACT MYTH FACT  MYTH: Older  Many have reached an workers do not age where quality of want to accept less life becomes more pay and less important than money. responsibility.  Others have been out of work long enough to be grateful for any job they manage to get.
  • 62. AGEISM MYTHS VERSUS FACT MYTH FACT  Myth: Older  Who do you think workers don’t invented these things anyway? possess the same  Baby boomers have been level of tech skills as working with technology younger workers. since the 80s.  Most employees only need to master the technology needed to do their job.
  • 64. SOURCES  1Government of Alberta (2010). Engaging the Mature Worker: An Action Plan for Alberta. Retrieved on July 21, 2011  Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers   (ref: Overcoming Myths About Older Workers Flash Cards at )  The American Association of Retired Persons (AARP)  Business Week,  Health Canada  Statistics Canada  Canadian Centre for Occupation Health and Safety.  Bureau of Labor Statistics.  The Center on Aging & Work/Workplace Flexibility at Boston College  LESLIE AYRES, THE JOB SEARCH GURU  Duke University  Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania   Source: American Business and Older Employees. AARP.  Washington DC: 2000; Bureau of Labor Statistics  1Government of Alberta (2010). Engaging the Mature Worker: An Action Plan for Alberta. Retrieved on July 21, 2011  Fraser Valley Training Group  Targeted Initiative for Older Workers  Job Options BC Urban Older Workers
  • 65. Thank You For Attending  Fraser Valley Training Group  (Wyvern Segreant Training & Consulting)   604-649-1181  b/richard- lindfield/1a/757/38a/  LinkedIn Training  Social Media Strategies  Program Management