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The Negative Effects Of Television On Television And...
According to the A.C. Nielsen Co. (2009), children spend an average of 28 hours a week hooked up to the TV. That number adds up to 1,456 hours of
television a year, which means that children spend an average of 2 months out of the year watching nonstop TV! Though these figures are shocking,
even more shocking is the scientific evidence that confirms the detrimental effect watching the television is having on today's children. Watching
television for long periods of time has been directly linked to childhood obesity. A study done by the National Center for Education Statistics shows
that children in kindergarten and first grade who watched more than one hour of television per day, children viewing as little as one hour of TV daily
were 58 percent to 73 percent more likely to be obese than children who watched less than one hour. (DeBoer, 2015) This is due in part to children's
tendency to eat on unhealthy, high–calorie foods while they watch TV. An article by HealthDay News found that "children in homes where parents
watch regular TV with commercials had higher levels of junk food consumption and were more likely to have distorted views about healthy eating than
children in homes where parents watched commercial–free digitally recorded TV or other types of media without food advertising." (Preidt, 2013) Also
contributing to this is the fact that children do not exercise while they watch TV, and watching television often takes the place of outside activities.
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Television And Reading: The Benefits Of Watching Television
In today's hustle and bustle, people crave for escape from reality. Watching television and reading books gives them this escape they long for. Whereas,
sitting in front of this square box every day brings normality to a middle–class home while reading makes them feel pretentious. When asked, a
majority of both, adults and children said that they do not have the time or they have more 'interesting' things to do instead of reading. Books were the
world's only means of giving information and knowledge until John Logie Beird, a Scottish inventor gave birth to television in 1925. What most
individuals don't know is that watching television only provides momentary benefits to a person while reading books offer much more in the long run.
Watching television has become a kind of compulsion for its viewers nowadays. Reading enhances our cognitive senses, instills patience and discipline
in us, improves our knowledge beyond the reach of television and also helps in reducing stress which decreases the chances of becoming obese, whilst
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Patience and discipline, better grammar and comprehensive skills, longer attention span, lower stress levels and lesser chances for obesity, all these
things are the favorable outcomes of reading books. Therefore, they should be encouraged to read instead of finding happiness from an electronic
box. In my opinion, we don't need television at all as it barely has any benefits, but has a whole lot of irreversible disadvantages. As a mother,
father, sister, brother or even just a friend, you would now see why discouraging others to watch television is the best way to encourage reading
with all of its rewards for the present as well as the future. This is the only way we will improve ourselves and others. Above all, start from yourself.
Just 20 minutes of individual reading every day can boost your interest and make you an avid
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Paradox Of Nudity On Television
Examining the Paradox of Nudity in American Broadcast Television
In contemporary culture, television has become ubiquitous. These machines are everywhere, from our homes to stores and even classrooms. While all
of us may not be television junkies, many of us do occasionally watch a show here and there. The issue of what can be shown on broadcast television
has been at the center of conversation for years, especially the issue of airing nudity on television. Ask anyone who watched Superbowl XXXVIII in
2004 what the final score was and they may not remember, but they will definitely remember what happened during the halftime show, when Janet
Jackson's breast was exposed to the entire American audience due to a wardrobe malfunction. ... Show more content on ...
For instance, in the 1950's there were "complaints of starlets' plunging necklines" that prompted broadcast television networks to create their own
indecency rules (Triplett, pg. 230). Fast forward to today's era of television and there is the overall performance of the Superbowl halftime show,
where there Jackson's outfit reveals cleavage and there tends to be no controversy over her plunging neckline. So while moral values may have
declined in America, going to the extreme, such as airing a bare breast, is still too much for some Americans to withstand. According to information
found by Triplett, more than 530,000 complaints were made to the FCC after the Superbowl incident (n.p.). From that, plunging necklines have now
become acceptable, but revealing a bare breast still causes great controversy, even when it was just an accident. The sexuality that arises from the event
is what is fueling the debate over nudity in television, which leads in to my next point that the general American society perceives nudity as
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Television Impact On The Television Industry
The television industry is growing, with so many genres to explore, and varying age groups producers can target, there is always a show to watch. In
western cultures the hours spent watching television has drastically increased with the television market opens up the potential of more variety. This
escalation of television attraction has affected the way young people interact with each other. Television has transformed the concepts of identity and
commonalities among peers. To understand whether this transformation is a good or bad, a study was done looking at the effects watching one
show has on a group of people. The study included five people, three females, and two males, all of whom are currently watching The Vampire
Dairies (TVD) based on the novels by L. J. Smith, starring Ian Somerhalder, Paul Welsey, and Nina Dobrev. Two females who had been watching it
in the past but have sense ceased were also included in this study, in order to get the fuller picture. The accounts all shared how the experience of
watching television among young adults at the Canadian Mennonite University has had a positive impact on their friendships. The first major theme I
found during this study was the perception everyone had about what television meant to him or her and how that reflected how he or she defined
community. No matter if it was the previews that caught their attention, or he or she had free time to spare, or him or he had heard from friends that it
was a decent show, they
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Canadian Television Identity
A recurring theme throughout Canadian television studies is identifying the relationship between television and national identity. There is a political
ideology that suggests support of national culture is crucial to the existence and well being of the nation (Matheson, 2015). There is often assumed a
linkage between culture and a sense of national belonging and citizenship throughout Canadian television series as a way to influence cultural
nationalism. Within the Canadian competitive cooking game show MasterChef Canada, Canadian paradigms of ethnicity and national identity are
created through the challenges and responsibilities participants are asked to perform during the series. Canadian programming, local reflection and
patriotism all work ... Show more content on ...
Nationalism is based on groups of persons sharing a "similarity of culture" (Ebanda de B'beri & Middlebrook, 28). This analysis focuses on the shows
procedures that attempt to render the manufacturing of Canadian identity. MasterChef Canada articulates to an essentially urban identity manufactured
to represent all Canadians, locally and globally. It represents a version of Canadian identity that generates both affective feelings of regional
belonging and a global sense of identification. MasterChef Canada, a Canadian television show provided by the CTV Television Network is a
Canadian competitive cooking game show, part of the Masterchef franchise. The series revolved around amateur chefs competing to become the best
home cook in Canada through challenges issued by judges Claudio Aprile, Michael Bonacini and Alvin Leung. Aprile, is regarded as one of the most
innovative and creative chefs in Canada today, known for his counter intuitive and highly sophisticated approach to cuisine. Bonacini is a co–founder of
one of Canada's leading fine dining restaurant companies, Oliver & Bonacini Restaurants, operating 12 unique and
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Television In The 1950s
One of the most popular products in the 1950s was the TV. TV signals were able to reach the most remote areas, breaking down the isolation in rural
America. Besides entertainment, more and more Americans turned to TV for latest news. As TV's popularity grew, it became integral part of American
life. Most importantly, TV promoted the development of a common culture.
In the 1950s, there were three major networks: ABC, CBS, and NBC. Most television programs were entertainment shows. Current events and political
issues were not a central focus of TV networks. The most popular prime–time TV shows were comedies. Significantly, most domestic comedies
depicted an idealized American family life and disregarded social and political issues such as poverty and racial discrimination. For this reason,
Newton Minow, a chairman of Federal Communications Commission called it "a vast wasteland." However, it was an extremely popular wasteland.
Nonetheless, in 1952 for the first time, TV networks were able to make live broadcast of the Republican and Democratic conventions from
Philadelphia to the rest of the United States. Because of this, rural residents were able to find out ... Show more content on ...
In March 1954, journalist Edward R. Murrow, in his show See It Now, depicted a fault–finding portrait of U.S. Senator Joseph McCarthy. The
journalist pointed out inconsistencies in the senator's from Wisconsin speeches and expressed concerns that McCarthy's aggressive campaigns were a
potential threat to America's freedoms. Murrow's show on Joseph McCarthy led to reprimanding and censuring of Senator from Wisconsin by the U.S.
Senate, thus ending of hysteria of McCarthyism. In this way, like Newton Minow said, "When television is good, nothing is
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Television Dbq
Effects of Television on Coverage People say television has increased people's awareness of politics to make elections more fair and accessible.
However, I think TV has had a negative impact because it promotes a superficial image and provides content that will give the TV station good ratings.
Television promotes the candidates' image over their policies. Instead of the candidates discussing what they are going to do for the country, they
simply argue why they are better than each other. The candidates being televised gives the audience a sense of knowing them, which causes them to
"no longer feel the need for party guidance"(Source B). In other words, the audience no longer feels the need of the politician's policies due to basing
their judgments on the superficial characteristics. In a recent political debate, candidates Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton argued that their images
weren't very presidential. It started off with Trump saying Clinton didn't have the looks and the stigma of a president and she quickly fired back that
Trump didn't have the temperament. Instead of discussing how they were going to run the country they just bickered about appearance. The ... Show
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Over time, TV lost its viewers and ratings because people turned away from politics. In order for the television stations to gain back viewers and ratings,
the stations "dumbed down the issues by forcing the candidates to respond instantaneously" (Source C). This made the debates more interesting,
boosting ratings and viewers. This also provided less information about the politicians. Dumbing down the information has turned the debate into game
making it less about the politicians content and more about arguing over pointless things and ratings. However this has furthermore decreased the
interest in politics. Even the stations that dumb down content "are failing, more often than not, to get good ratings"(Source
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The Impact Of Television On The Television Industry Essay
Whilst much of television's history has relied on specific industrial practices established early in the 1960s, the turn of the century has introduced
significant changes to the medium of television. The current position of television, defined by Lotz as the 'post–network' era, illustrates an evolution
from these early industry practices. For the most part, scholars agree that this transition was caused by changes in the industrial norms of producing,
financing, and distributing television, many of which can be attributed to the arrival of digital technologies. This essay will argue that these changes
throughout the television industry have created a new, distinctive era of television culture.
First and foremost, Lotz provides valuable insight into the distinguishable eras of television development. The resulting three eras are defined as the
'network' era, 'multi–channel transition' and 'post–network' era (7). The 'network era', which spanned roughly from the early 1950s to the mid–1980s,
governed industry operations and created a television experience which characterizes much of the medium's history. This era was characterized by
adapting radio–network modes of content creation, distribution, advertising, and audience measurement to the context of the then–new televisual
medium. Dominated by a 'three–network oligopoly' network system– comprised of ABC, NBC and CBS– critics have often condemned the network
era as 'bland' due to its strict censorship and limited creative
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Television : The History And Development Of Television
What is a television? Television is a system for transmitting visual images and sound that are reproduced on screens, chiefly to broadcast programs
for entertainment, information, and education. Television has been around for a long time even before I was born, it was first called, 'seeing by
wireless'. It has been used for over 80 years and was considered as an extension of radio. Television has evolved from the past to the present, some
examples of that is the size of t.v. are increasing & changing shapes, the type of transmitter network provided, and last of the visual images the
television transmit. But as we move forward into the next generations we see that 98% of U.S. homes had at least 1 television set that were usually
view for more than 7 hours a day. In the article "History of Television" by, Mitchell Stephens claims that the first electronic television was first
successfully demonstrated in San Francisco on Sept 7, 1927 that the system was designed by a highschool student named Philo Taylor Farnsworth.
Philo Taylor farnsworth began to conceive a system that would capture moving images in a form that could be coded onto radio waves and be
transformed back into picture on a screen. This invention was the direct ancestor for modern television.
As we move forward into understanding how our television came to be, I will inform you of its early development of television, which RCA had a
major role in. RCA stands for Radio Corporation of America that obviously
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Television And America
Lauren Hudak
HIS 212–51 (May)
Final Paper
Television and America: 1945 to Present
The past 70 years of American history have witnessed several fundamental issues and events that have since defined and/or changed America. However,
there is one event that has had one of the, if not the, largest impacts on America: the invention of the television.
In the past 70 years, the television has had some of the most profound effects on American culture, society and politics. Similar to how the invention of
the printing press changed the world upon its creation in the mid fifteenth century, the television changed America from the moment it entered
American households in the 1950s. Television ownership within a decade from its introduction in the late... Show more content on ...
This means there are more TVs in the average home than there are people. Simply, it's hard to imagine American culture, society, and politics without
television. It has truly become a cornerstone of American culture. As it is now, when an individual walks through Times Square in New York City they
can count hundreds of television displays mirroring actual real time culture and society right then and there. Television has become just as ingrained in
American culture as the Declaration of Independence and it's been around for less than 100 years. Just as Americans in the 1950s cherished their
electric hearths, the Americans of today cherish our numerous electric
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Television : Television And The Future Of Television
When you think of television, what is the first thing that comes to mind? Is it a television show, movies, or video games? In 1939, the capability of
the television was proven when RCA broadcasted the opening to the New York World's fair. On that day, President Franklin D. Roosevelt became the
first president to ever appear on television (Stevens). As you can imagine, by this time, television was new and exciting. It provided a new source of
entertainment and by the 1950's legitimate T.V shows and news broadcasts began to gain popularity. In the 1980's, when videocassette recorders
became available, a whole new world opened up for sources of entertainment. Viewers could watch their favorite films as often as they'd like, or
record a television show they didn't want to miss (Stevens). Currently, televisions are used for many different things, such as television programs,
news and media broadcasts, watching movies, and playing video games. Americans are beginning to spend more time in front of their televisions
either watching a show, or playing a video game. According to the 2015 American Time Use Survey, the average American spent 2.8 hours a day
watching television, 41 minutes a day socializing, and only 18 minutes a day on sports or exercise (American Time Use Survey). Given these statistics,
it is clear that although it was created for entertainment, television has become a necessity in homes leading to issues with health, intelligence, and
providing an easy distraction to life. Television abuse can be thrown into the same category as substance abuse. Although television itself is just a piece
of equipment, the technology it uses and the shows it can provide have become an easy distraction from reality.
"Television is simply automated daydreaming" – Lee Loevinger
Americans find an escape from reality in a television show, or a video game. Television isn't a bad thing but, like alcohol it must be used in
moderation. Think about it; there are 24 hours in a day, on an average week day Americans spend around 7.6 hours working in their professions
(American Time Use Survey), 6–8 hours sleeping, which leaves around 8 hours of spare time for Americans to eat, exercise, study and take care of
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Television And Race Essay
Race Televised: America's BabysitterAt some point in the course of human events, America decided that the television was their Dali Lama, their
cultural and spiritual leader. Overlooking its obvious entertainment based purpose, Americans have let the television baby–sit and rear their children. I
do not recall a manifesto from the television industry, but society put television in a role it does not have authority in. The only thing television set out
to do was provide the passive entertainment American society wants. True, television does not accurately reflect race in America, but it is not the job
of the television industry to do so. Too much importance has been put on television to provideguidance and information that American ... Show more
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In the same episode, for example, Homer is watching an African American comedian who stereotypically stereotypes "white"
guys."Yo, check this out: black guys drive a car like this. [Leans back, as though his elbow were on the windowsill] Do, do, ch. Do–be–do,
do–be–do–be–do. Yeah, but white guys, see they drive a car like this.
[Hunches forward, talks nasally] Dee–da–dee, a–dee–da–dee–da–dee." [Daniels] Reverend Jesse Jackson says that the media depicts African
Americans in "5 deadly ways: less intelligent...less hardworking...less universal...less patriotic...and more violent than we are." [Gibbons,
65] Gibbons, documenting Jackson's 1988 presidential campaign and the media coverage of it, also said:"American journalism – excellent when
it reports the facts, but is literally incapable of informed opinion without bias when dealing with matters concerning race." [80]Indians and
African Americans are not alone. All minorities are depicted inaccurately. Asian Americans, for example, are represented "as perpetually foreign
and never American." They are depicted "as murderous and mysterious, as amorous or amoral... symbols of danger, refuge, inspiration, and
forgiveness." "[Lipsitz]Lipsitz finds this "degrading, insulting, and implicated in the most vicious and pernicious form," as he
is expected to. The problem is
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Television in Society
Synthesis Essay
Television, a widely accepted form of media and communication, has spread into the political world with an amazing speed. There are both useful and
detrimental aspects to this newfound relationship between television and politics. Sources A and E describe the more useful aspects oftelevision within
the political sphere, whereas Sources B and C portray the contrastingly detrimental aspects. Television has become useful in keeping the public
informed as to public issues, political rivalries and of course, the political elections. "One of the great contributions expected of television lay in its
presumed capacity to inform and stimulate the political interests of the American electorate," (Source A), suggests the increased communication
between the public and their political system. Citizens are able to receive a quick, presumably reliable source of information they otherwise would
usually receive later, with less details, and second–hand. The televised events create "a new, immediate contact with political events" (Source A),
which is important as technology allows for greater global and national communication. Additionally, Source E portrays the importance of public
opinion and the sway of television over political leaders for significant events. The significance of television in conjunction with the political leaders
themselves are exemplified by the fact that "if Walter Cronkite thought that the war was hopeless, the American people would think so
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I did this to make an account Television is a telecommunication medium that is used for transmitting and receiving moving images and sound.
Television can transmit images that are monochrome, in color, or in three dimensions. The word television comes . Television may also refer
specifically to a television set, television program, or television transmission.
First commercially available in very crude form on an experimental basis in the late 1920s, then popularized in greatly improved form shortly after
World War II, the television set has become commonplace in homes, businesses, and institutions, particularly as a vehicle for entertainment, advertising,
and news. During the 1950s, television became the primary medium for molding ... Show more content on ...
The holes were spaced at equal angular intervals such that, in a single rotation, the disk would allow light to pass through each hole and onto a
light–sensitive selenium sensor which produced the electrical pulses. As an image was focused on the rotating disk, each hole captured a horizontal
"slice" of the entire image.
Nipkow's design was not practical until advances in amplifier tube technology became available. Later designs used a rotating mirror–drum scanner to
capture the image and a cathode ray tube as a display device, but moving images were still not possible due to the poor sensitivity of the selenium
sensors. In 1907, Russian scientist Boris Rosing became the first inventor to use a CRT in the receiver of an experimental television system. He used
mirror–drum scanning to transmit simple geometric shapes to the CRT.
Using a Nipkow disk, Scottish inventor John Logie Baird successfully demonstrated the transmission of moving silhouette images in London in 1925
and of moving, monochromatic images in 1926. Baird's scanning disk produced an image of 30 lines resolution, just enough to discern a human face,
from a double spiral of lenses. This demonstration by Baird is generally agreed to be the world's first true demonstration of TV, albeit a mechanical
form no longer in use. Remarkably, in 1927, Baird also invented the world's first video recording system, "Phonovision;" because the signal
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The Social Changes Of Television
1.Which major waves of social change does the report link television to? (short)
The major social changes that are linked to television according to the report 'A future for public service television: content and platforms in a digital
world' written by 'Des Freedman and et al. (2016)' are as follows; 1950's – Television was one of the main symbols for many reasons. During this
decade the first report of general election was televised, also broadcasted was the funeral of George VI and the coronation of the Queen. 1960's – It
became a very important backdrop during the 60's whilst there were struggles going on. 1980's – Television became more than just getting information,
it at this point was featuring TV dramas for people to binge on.
2.What democratic purpose does television have according to the report? (short)
The democratic purpose television has according to this report, is that its an encouragement for viewers to have a greater understanding and interest in
political process. By hosting political debates and discussion, investigating and analysing public affairs and dramatising the most important UK
political events, it has helped tremendously with the publics decision making.
3.How is regulation of television different from that of print media? (short)
The regulation of television is different from that of print media because television is broader when it comes to debates, and the expression of
differences. It also brings a respect for opposing views
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Internet Television Vs Cable Television
Internet TV "Television viewers increasingly watch their favorite shows on their smartphones, tablets, and computers" (pg. 313). There are many
entertaining television services on the internet and, "services such as Netflix are supplying content to screens of all kinds by streaming it over the
Internet" (pg. 314). For many years, many people have sought joy from watching their favorite television shows to sports programs on Cable
Television. They have spent nearly most of their lives watching programs on Cable television. However, since the inception of Netflix and other
programs such as Hulu, people have stopped watching Cable and made the switch to begin watching television shows over the internet online on
Netflix. Netflix ... Show more content on ...
Netflix is a low cost service that will provide people with the TV shows and movies that Cable TV. Many people agree with the fact that they can
watch Netflix and take a break from their normal lives. People like that Netflix is more accessible because it is cheap and they are many favorited
shows on the website, a thing that cable television does not have, and has not had for years. In conclusion, a reason why Internet Television is taking
over Cable Television is because the fact that Cable Television prices are rising and more people are going to Netflix and other programs because of this.
In addition, Internet Television is taking over Cable Television because Internet TV is more modern
–day and built for the younger generations. By this,
I mean that Netflix and Hulu are more built for teenagers, rather than being built for adults and older generations. Many more teenagers are exposed
to Internet Television rather than more adults and older generations being exposed to Cable Television for most of their childhood life. Moreover, it
is more accessible for younger generations to access programs such as Netflix because they are apart of the age of the Internet and most old people
were never introduced to this method of watching television. Most of the older generations were brought up in the age of the antenna TV, and believe
that basic tv is all that they need to thrive in life. They think that they do not need to have
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Television In The 1980's
Revolutionized TV's: In the movie back to the future 2 they demonstrated a fascinating idea of the innovation of the television. While the Televisions
had the same exterior as the TV's in the 1980's, they had an thought–provoking feature in them, and this was because they were portable and had voice
recognition to be able to respond to the customer with a greater efficiency. Even though the TV was primarily used for taking Marty's commands, the
fact that it was moveable was quite bewildering to me as a spectator. The TV's in the movie had the identical appearance as the former boxed television
's that were used in the 1980's and had the equivalent tuning knobs built–in to the bottom of the TV.
Airborne Cars: The concept of transport that was presented in the movie was of flying cars which I thought was quite an unoriginal idea to most
modernized movies. The flying cars seen were typically like jet aircrafts and supercars that exist today. The cars were capable of transporting people
as any normal vehicle would but were portrayed to be competent to fly at extraordinary speeds. The distinct features of the flying cars were that they ...
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The fact that a 3D shark was high–tech represents that the portrayal wasn't very outlying from reality. Nowadays we can go to the theaters and watch
movies in 3D.
In my opinion, 2015 will not be a much of a game changer compared to the current year we are in. I feel that an encroachment in technology isn't
regarded to be as elevated as it was in the 1980's and other years, principally since there were more basic things that were not thought of and the fact
that there's not much left but to just go forward in those views sort of renders it so that the technology won't be becoming cutting edge anytime
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The Effects Of Television On Television Messages
Cultivation theory suggests that exposure to television messages can be an important factor influencing the behavior of individuals who spend a
significant amount of time with the medium (Gerbner, 1969; Shanahan & Morgan, 1999)
George Gerbner, in 1976, founded the Cultural Indicators project, which estimated that the average American child will have watched 8,000 murders on
television by the age of twelve. Gerbner is so alarmed about the baneful effects of TV that he describes them in terms of "fascism."
"Gerbner's cultivation theory says that television has become the main source of storytelling today. Those who watch four or more hours a day are
labeled heavy television viewers and those who view less than four hours per day, ... Show more content on ...
Although there may be potential benefits from viewing some television shows, such as the promotion of positive aspects of social behavior (e.g.,
manners, friendship, cooperation, altruism, etc.), many adverse health conditions can also result.
Respondents for this study were viewers and nonviewers from all regions of the United States. 430 individuals' respondents were recruited through the
national media to take an online survey. Because television–free individuals comprise a very small percentage of the general population, advertisements
were made in national media establishments likely to attract participants who do not watch television. These establishments included a large nationally
syndicated popular magazine and the web site for the TV Turnoff Network. Survey respondents were divided into three groups: (a) television–free, (b)
viewers who watch in accordance with AAP recommendations and (c) frequent viewers (over two hours per day).
Hammermeister found that television–free individuals show a stronger association with enhanced psychosocial health profiles than members of the
moderate viewing group (i.e., the group following AAP guidelines) was not supported for men or women. Watching television less than two hours per
day provides the same relation with psychosocial health as being television–free in this sample. This is consistent with cultivation studies examining
behavioral effects of television viewing and
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Television 's Influence On Television
Throughout history television has seen many changes such as improved acting, special effects, graphics, camera work, ideas, and many other changes.
Cop/Investigation shows are the focus of his paper. Investigation shows in particular have become more in depth and realistic. During the 60's
television exploded. There was 245 million TV sets in American homes. At the time, that was more TV sets than people in the United States. With all
the turmoil with the JFK assassination, early stages of the Vietnam War, the lifestyle of "Sex, Drugs, and Rock n' Roll and others,television was used to
reach out to people. During the 70's television began to become even more popular because people started liking it more and people were able to
afford it. That changed the way television was represented and what was on television. Cop shows from these two era's started getting more
realistic. Crime, cop, or investigation shows in the 70's are more realistic than those shows of the 60's. In the 60's shows like "I Spy", and "Adam
12" started to turn up. Starting in 1965 "I Spy" is about a pair of intelligence agents that go on secret missions around the world as a response to
"James Bond" Movies. "A pair of American agents faces espionage adventures with skill, humor and some serious questions about their work.
Robinson 's cover is as a former Princeton law student and Davis Cup tennis player; Rhodes scholar Scott is his trainer as well as being a language
expert." ( In this show,
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The Impact Of Television On The Television Industry
In the past, the television industry has always been looked down upon as compared to the film industry, but the landscape has changed. Television is
now a main staple in the entertainment business. With the recent addition of Netflix and so–called "better content" on TV, the television industry is in
a flux. For the first time, Nielsen does not have control over all television programming. In addition, because of all the changes and question marks
surrounding the industry because of companies like Netflix going OTT, the scope of reference has changed. Due to the globalization of business
specifically in the television industry, minorities and women are playing a bigger role. However, despite their presence, their role could be better
utilized by the television space. Some people may argue that minorities should be happy with their placement on TV. They argue that minorities should
be content, since they are being placed and being represented on television more than in the past. However, as our society becomes increasingly
connected with social media, the space for stereotypes become smaller and smaller. Nowadays, many minorities do not want to be represented by any
roles that degrade their cultures. People also sometimes believe that those outside the entertainment industry have no control over the outcomes. The
times are changing and TV shows like Alice in Arabia is the proof. That controversial show featured an American woman kidnapped in Saudi Arabia
and was recently
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Television In The 1960's
Television in the 1960s brought Americans closer through the stories and tragedies they experienced. As televisions became more mainstream and
affordable, more people invested in them. The time was right for the industry to flourish. "Between 1959 and 1970, the percentage of households in the
U.S. with at least one TV went from 88% to 96%" (Ganzel). More people buying TVs meant that the industry grew and the technology could improve.
As satellite technology developed, it became inevitable for satellite television to develop. The biggest leap of 1960s television technology wise, was
satellite usage (Thompson). With TV signals that could reach far, and a TV in almost every American home, people felt more connected to the world
around them. They ... Show more content on ...
News programs in the 60s were a major selling point in buying a television. Part of television's success is due to the news being so relevant and
reliable. In the 50s and 60s, news on the television made very informative and relevant content (Ganzel). Television in the 60s had many fandoms
and communities for its popular shows, such as Star Trek. When many people have similar interests or like the same thing, they usually get along.
When Star Trek first aired, it wasn't very popular. However, it has since gained a cult following and remains a very active franchise to today
(Feinstein, 12) Television in the 1960s opened a door to a source of information and entertainment like never before. One of reasons Americans are so
united today is because television in the 60s showed people what they had in common. Television signals weaved in and out of America, sewing us
together and patching our
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Television In The 50's
During the 50's, culture became a major focus of Australia and began to take control of the country. There were many varieties of entertainment to
appeal to the needs of all people of Australia. And if something became popular, television would help promote it.
Television enters the living room
Televisions were present in 90% of homes and watching television was a hobby that nearly half the population was addicted to it. Before its arrival in
1956, many people had to travel out to a cinema or a theatre and seek their own source of entertainment. Whereas television was available to them for
free. Within a few years, as cheap TVs entered many more homes and soon everyone was hooked to the television, this caused debates and many other
arguments ... Show more content on ...
When people had been returning from the war, there was a massive increase in car ownership therefore roads were built all around Australia. The first
Australian made car was the Holden–FX, although only a small amount of cars could be made daily.
Air travel was not a favored mode of transport for the people of the 1950's. The aircrafts were not a sturdy build resulting in an incredibly long and
bumpy flight. Around this time, many Australian's preferred to make their long distant journey's using a steam train, although around the same time
the diesel trains were introduces and they quickly became the preferred way to travel as they were cleaner, faster and most certainly more efficient.
Ships were a common mode of transport for Australians who wished to make a holiday to Europe, although this took a longer amount of time.
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Television and Education
UGC's use of Television for Education
For over two decades University Grants Commission (UGC) of India has been using television for higher education. In 1984 UGC launched "UGC
Countrywide Classroom" on Doordarshan –the National Network of Television in India. Specially designed educational television programs, either
imported or locally produced, were telecast for the benefit of undergraduate and post graduate students across the country. The need for using television
for higher education was necessitated due to enormous growth in student population in higher education and increase in number of higher educational
institutions in the country but there was not enough matching growth in terms of proper infrastructure and ... Show more content on ...
Popularly known as Virtual Classrooms, these terminals enable students, scholars and teachers across the country share their knowledge and
experience. Each day lectures on selected topics, involving reputed experts, are delivered through EDUSAT. Each lectures is followed by a live
interaction, through two way audio/video, among the participants across the country. UGC has successfully used the virtual classrooms for conduct of
workshops, training programs and online courses. In addition to the VYAS and the Virtual Classrooms CEC has taken up many serious initiatives to
engage academics, media professionals and multimedia experts in packaging of knowledge in various forms. These initiatives include: Development of
e–Content, Multimedia, Training of teachers in e–content development, Development of Learning Object Repository (LOR), Conduct of On–Line
Courses using VYAS, EDUSAT and Internet, Production of syllabus oriented ETV Programs for undergraduate students and developing International
linkages for sharing of knowledge at global level. From Countrywide Classroom to Virtual Classroom and packaging of knowledge, UGC has come a
long way, but the scheme is yet to achieve its potential and make its presence felt in an effective manner. Today when television penetration is very
high, the technology is spreading across the rural areas, satellites and transponders are manufactured like cars,
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The Writers Of The Television
Since the creation of the television, thousands of sitcoms have been created. Most spend a few years on the air and are quickly forgotten after they
have ended. Very few TV shows paved the way for what television is today and, after spending ten years on the air, Friends is one of those few.
Friends was so groundbreaking because of its unique writing, its cast chemistry, and its ability to resonate with the people in its era. Friends consists of
six friends, Joey, Chandler, Ross, Rachel, Monica, and Phoebe, living in New York and discovering themselves. The writers of the show were able to
do something extremely rare in television; they created an ensemble cast of six main characters. No one person played a larger role then the others ...
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The writing of the series played a large role in making it so iconic but making it even more iconic was, perhaps, it's ensemble. The chemistry, or
lack there of, between cast members has been the downfall of many television series, but that was never a problem for Friends. Not only was each
actor perfect for his or her character, but each actor was also perfect for each other. The show worked best when all six characters were on the
screen. If, for example, Joey had a date, it was rarely shown on screen. Instead, what was shown was the six friends discussing the date after the
fact. Many supporting characters, such as love interests, were written off because it seemed as if they somehow go in the way. Monica and
Chandler both had many love interests and yet, they ended up marrying each other. All ten seasons consisted of the same cast, and no one ever got
tired of seeing the same six faces on their TV screen. During season one each cast member was making a different salary but by the end of the season
they were negotiating their pay to be equal, which was unprecedented at the time. The chemistry was so great that it spilled over into their real lives.
All six cast members remain close friends to this day. Jennifer Aniston is the godmother to Courtney Cox's daughter and while each has gone on to star
in other television series, they will still frequently appear on each other's show.
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The Roles Of Television And Minorities In Television
Minorities in Television
Maria Lopez
Minority Relations
Eleonora Hicks
October 3, 2017
Over the years television has been known to be one of the major educating and socializing institution in America. Television in today's society is able to
play a powerful key through which individuals can be informed, hold forums, and voice their opinion's. Television is also important because it offers us
glimpses into minority life and minority figures. When sociologists examine minorities in television they document how minorities are portrayed and
how those portrayals have changed over the years. Through time, minorities in television have been able to make moderate gains whether they are in
front of or behind cameras. However, they continue to remain significantly underrepresented as leading actors in films, as writers, and as TV show
creators. Even though minorities are significantly underrepresented in today's society the TV industry has been pushing to give an opportunity to many
minority groups in succeeding in the media. Several TV shows and commercials have succeeded in the TV industry to try and change how minorities
are underrepresented, however, there are also shows that reinforce stereotypes and are prejudice towards minorities.
Grey's Anatomy is a television medical drama that has been running for a little over a decade. This show is known to have one of the most diverse cast
in the history of American television. Actors include white, black,
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A Study On A Television
A television I am usually exposed to during this year is located in a room dedicated for students who want to relax or study on the side. This
television is located in the lounge of an Oakes College residential hall. The television set is located above eye level in the right hand corner as you
enter the room. Below the set, is a VCR with the remote control on top of it. As for the lounge layout, there are three sofas that are placed in a
rectangular shape all of them facing the television. In the middle are two rectangular shaped tables used to place stuff when one is watching tv. On the
other side of the room, are three full–size tables placed next to each other to create a study space for any resident in the residential hall.
A few of my fellow neighbors are on their laptops studying or on their social medias glancing a few moments at what's on the television screen.
Unlike those sitting in front of the table those who are sitting at the couches are gazing at the different programs being transmitted on the television
screen. All of us seem to be watching the television for the same purpose as a pure form of entertainment to relieve stress from being a student. Each
time a commercial starts mostly everyone go on their phones or use that time to go to the restroom as well as change the channels.
The entrance to the room becomes a place for decisions as one has to decide to either study or relax by watching television. This moment is similar to
what Anna McCarthy mentions
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The Impact Of Television On Television
Television has come to define American culture and its youth in very significant ways. What began as a platform for entertainment has branched out
into becoming a remarkable and unexpected way for younger children to learn. It is important to note what is being broadcasted on television because
of how much influence it has on the youth. It has become the dominant storyteller in homes rather than parents, the church, or schools (Signorielli,
2001). As technology further advances, children are generally also becoming more comfortable with television and therefore spending more time
watching television. Children should not be receiving most of their learning from television to begin with, however the learning that they are receiving
should at ... Show more content on ...
These sitcoms included The Office, Episode 3 "Health Care", Season 1, Aired April 5, 2008 and Everybody Hates Chris, Episode 1 "Everybody
Hates the Guidance Counselor", Season 3, Aired October 1, 2007. There is also a more significant amount of underrepresentation of women in this
category compared to PBS children's shows and cartoons. Out of four main characters that were chosen to focus on, only one from each show were
women. In contrast, in other shows such as Teen Titans Go!, Episode 7, "Girls Night Out", Season 1, Aired June 18, 2013, Arthur, Episode 10a
"Binky's Music Madness", Season 17, Aired May 1, 2014, and Sid: The Science Kid, Episode 1 "The Sticker Chart", Season 1, Aired September 1,
2008 there was a more equal representation of men and women.
Representation of women in PBS children's shows and cartoons was not only greater in numbers compared to sitcoms, but there was also more
deviance in relation to the fact that many of the characters did not follow traditional roles of their sex/gender. Characters in Sid: The Science Kid,
men and women, were equally presented as intelligent, constructive, and they offered to help with information. In Teen Titans Go!, the focal characters
were all superheroes and their super powers were not influenced by their sex/gender. Specifically speaking, women's ability to perform in the same
occupation as men was not a concern. In contrast, The Office and Everybody
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Television And Politics
Since the creation of television, ideas and information have come into American homes influencing the watcher for better or worse. This had lead to
great influence on topics that have strong political ties. Television has allowed the United States population to access and keep up on political news for
the better of modern politics and presidential elections. Television allows the viewer to feel like they are a part of the debate, they also feel that they are
getting up–to–date news and that's two most Americans it is the only way to follow the election.
To begin with, television has improved for the election by allowing viewers to feel like they are a part in the debate.[D1: Position] First, in Campbell's
"Has Television Reshaped Politics?," ... Show more content on ...
Most scientists claim that we are always on the brink of great discover. But, maybe this next great discovery will change one thing for the better, just
like television did for presidential
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The Trouble With Television : The Power Of Television
"Power of Television"
The Television is often the centerpiece of typical American house. TVs are now a representative the American dream. TVs are even used to measure
finical wellbeing. Huge flat screen TVs symbolize success, while smaller TVs represent modesty. People crowd around the TV to watch the big game,
to catch up on the news and keep up with pop culture. Is there something wrong with this so–called wonder device known as the Television? Marie
Winn, author of book Unplugging the plug–in drug, argues this point in the chapter "The Trouble with Television" claiming that the television
negatively affects families and specifically children. Marie Winn is an author and journalist who is known for her write ups on wildlife and
television. The book was published in 1987 and describes eight ways in which the television is damaging. Winn makes it a point not to argue against
the content of television, but rather how the television effects family relationships and is a detriment to children's development. While I agree with
some of Winn's, overall, I disagree with her assessment of television. The points that Winn made that I disagree with include, TV allows kids to grow
up less civilized, TV keeps family from doing other things, TV makes children less resourceful, TV has a negative effect on children's school
achievement and TV has a negative effect on children's physical fitness.
The first point that I disagree with Winn on is that of the TV allows kids to grow up less
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Television And Commercialism Essay
Television and Commercialism
Television is populated with images which are superficial and lack depth.
Programs look more like ads and ads look more like programs. All this leads to a close circle of consumerism. The three excerpts relate to these
unifying ideas thus the validity of their argument.
"Surface is all; what you see is what you get. These images are proud of their standing as images. They suggest that the highest destiny of our
time is to become cleansed of depth and specificity altogether." (1). We live in a world populated by images. Children's television has concocted
small, preset groups of images such as rainbows for happiness, red hearts for warmth, ... Show more content on ...
"Television, with all its highly touted diversity, seems to becoming more of a piece, more a set of permutations of a single cultural constant:
television, our debased currency." (4). TV looks like TV and when you look at it deeper it takes you back to itself, this is referred to as
homogeneity. "But even as television becomes television–plus, it remains the national dream factory, bulletin board, fun house mirror for
distorted images of our national desires and fears...And yet non of the metaphors seems quite right, because finally television is not quite anything else.
It is just–television." (5).
Ads are becoming to look more like programs with the use of narrative strategies called "mini– narratives." This strategy is used in a
Pepsi commercial which models the TV show Miami Vice. It features Don Johnson and the music of Glenn Fry. It is almost as if the commercial is a
three minute episode of the show. Similarly programs are beginning to look like ads. When
Price Adam pulls out his sword in the show He–Man, he is encircled with lively, lightning flashes as he shouts in a deep, echoing, voice, "By the
power of
Grayskull... I have the power!" He then transforms into He–Man . This appears to be a commercial for the He–Man action figure and sword of
power. There is a history behind program–length commercial. A cartoon Hot Wheels , which is also the name of a
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Television And Television : The Influence Of Television...
For anyone who watches television, they know how annoying commercials can be. However, they may not realize that the commercial can have more
of an impact than the program they are watching. Television commercials influence people in a variety of ways from what products they are likely to
buy all the way to changes they might make in their lives. In order to make the influence greater, advertisers use specific channels to promote their
products or ideas to a target audience. This can be seen with the commercials that MTV (Music Television) airs versus the commercials that AMC
(American Multi–Cinema).
While watching MTV from 5 pm to 6 pm there was over 40 commercials shown. One of these commercials was for truth tobacco. This commercial is
mean to promote an end to smoking. There is hip hop music playing in the background used to capture the attention of the audience. The woman who
is narrating uses a stern voice to say, "Low–income neighborhoods are more likely to have tobacco retailers near schools". In the commercial this
phrase is shown in large bold letter to make reading easier. The setting is placed in front of retailers for tobacco. Many different faces of young adults
are also shown, showing that they are targeting to young adults to end smoking. These people are dressed in normal clothes along with the narrator.
This makes the commercial feel similar to an interview or report.
Another commercial MTV aired was for Redbull. In this commercial they are promoting the
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The Impact Of Television On Television
Television plays a tremendous role in our society. It mirrors and leads society (Weinman 95). Through television, we develop our earliest perception
of the world. Yet, not all the images displayed on television are accurate. So, if we base our worldview of people on the images we see on television,
our view will be limited. The effect television has on people's perception always interested me. From a young age I watched TV and many of my
ideas about the world developed from the images I saw. However, I noticed not many of the people on television looked like me. Therefore, I became
curious about the absence of African Americans on television. I was aware that during the 1960's many Black shows began to emerge. These shows
often were sitcoms and displayed traditional African American families. Yet, I did not know about any of the earliest portrayals of Blacks in the
media. Of course, when broadcast was first introduced, it was predominately white because of racial tensions in America. However, I was curious to
know when the television scene became more diverse. This led me to formulate the research question of: How has the medias portrayal of African
Americans changed over time? Later, I was able to formulate the answer which was from its inception, the media displayed African Americans
negatively, however, many shows began to emerge that challenged these stereotypes, but the representation of Blacks on television remained extremely
satirical which consequently impacted
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Differences Between Television And Television
After going over how meaning is made in television, in chapter seven, Mittell goes over how these meanings on television can impact the way that we,
as viewers, think about our lives and the world. Mittell goes over the two most popular approaches that are usually used to understand the relationship
of the meanings conveyed through television and the real world, as a way to escape the world and as a reflection of the world. The escapist and direct
reflection approaches, according to Mittell, are not accurate. The escapist approach, which states that people watch television to escape from real life,
falls short when considering the news, sports, talk shows, and other reality television programs due to their connection to real life. The direct reflection
approach, which states that programming on television is true to viewers' lives, fails to take into account fantasy programs and the representation
distortion that happens in non–fiction programs. Mittell argues that the best way to understand the relationship between television meanings and the
way television viewers see the world is to use the refraction approach. The refraction approach states that television meanings refract the world, where
programs alter the world around it and its meanings through particular techniques and forms like cinematography and editing. An important term in
Mittell's refraction approach is representation. Mittell defines representation as, "taking facets of the real world and presenting them
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Differences Between Television And Television
{Things to Note About TV Aerials|What You Should Know About TV Aerials|Learn More About TV Aerials}
{In the modern world, televisions are almost a necessity to keep us informed about daily happenings in the regions where we come from and for
entertainment.|Today, televisions are so important in our lives that they are almost necessities because they keep us up to date with news from our
regions and they offer great entertainment.|In our world today, televisions have gained so much regard that they are almost being termed a necessity
because they are a great source of entertainment and information about our regions and the globe at large.} {The television is also a platform on which
businesses advertise their products to their target ... Show more content on ...
be installed properly to ensure that it receives transmission signals adequately.} {Otherwise, it can be frustrating and make you want to toss it
out.|Failure to do this, the TV can frustrate you and wish you could throw it away.|Without this, a TV can distress you to the extent of wanting to
throw it away.} {TVs pick up transmission signals through their aerials.|TVs receive transmission signals through aerials.|A TV obtains
transmission signals from its aerial.} {This makes TV aerials an integral part of our home entertainment.|This means that TV aerials are critical
for our home TV enjoyment.|This makes aerials very important parts of TVs.} {There are various types of aerials for the different types of
television sets there are.|Aerials are usually of different types, based on the varying types of TVs available.|Aerials are availed in various types in
respect to the different types of TV that there are.} {They differ in shape, size, and price.|They can be differentiated with their sizes, prices, and
shapes.|They are made different by their variety in size, shape, and prices.} {To select the ideal aerial for your TV you must pit in mind the type of
your TV, your preference, and your budget.|Choosing an ideal aerial type requires you considering your type of your TV, preference, and budget.|The
right type of TV aerial for you depends on the type of your TV, your preference, and your spending power.} {If you are not sure which type is best for
you, you can get in
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Talk Shows on Television
Television is one of the greatest inventions to ever be created, right? Lucian Dorneanu, an editor of Softpedia, stated, "Wherever a television is on, it
draws attention like no other piece electronic in the house. It can be source of amusement, knowledge, or, misused, of violence and almost
self–inflicted psychiatric disorders." Today television is having a huge impact on people more than ever before, by doing more harm than good.
Television is supposed to be bringing entertainment and laughter to every household, by showing a positive way of life. Although, over the years, talk
shows became one of the most watched on television. These talk shows are causing violence, teaching bad habits, loosing family value.
Turn the television on in the afternoon and there will be one show you will not be able to pass up "The Jerry Springer Show". Jerr–y! Jerr–y! Jerr–y!
Jerr–y! The annoying "Jerr–y" chant that everyone knows. The women are going crazy for the Jerry beads makes it irresistible on changing the
channel to another channel. This popular television show The Jerry Springer Show is considered a "Trashy Talk Show" that attracts its audience by
violence, strong language, and its sexual content. The talk show beeps the strong languages used and blurs the entire sexual content out, but it is still
clear what is going on. The beginning of "The Jerry Springer Show" contains a warning to parents that the program may not be suitable for children.
The first thing that stands out is
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Television And Reality Television Shows Essay
The media as a whole has been a huge impact on their viewers' lives. People do not just watch a television show, they tend to normalize the characters
and their roles into their day to day lives. When analyzing the media and focusing on drama and reality television shows, the impact that these shows
have on some of their women viewers are noticeable. Television drama shows are fictions that the average person can relate to. They are made with
real life problems that people can sympathize with. Television dramas have become the newest therapy to people. People go to these over dramatized
shows for the answer to their problems. Most tend to forget that these are fictional television shows, meaning they are made up characters with false
problems. These shows tend to show women as the house wife, pretty and skinny, and powerful but weak minded. When looking atreality television
although it is unscripted and tend to be real life situations, producers do pick out cast that are not relatable to and unlike the average person. On
television dramas and reality shows men tend to be shown as dominating women in relationships, as women are shown as the men's "trophy." Also, as
a whole television dramas and reality shows show women as "sexy" figures, emotionally unstable, and less than a man which effects their everyday
lives. Television dramas and reality shows has a negative effect onfemale views by showing them in a negative light.
Since women made an appearance on television shows,
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Television And Behavioral Analysis
Television is one of the most widely used forms of communication today; it is used for broadcast purposes on entertainment, education, and information
to people from all around the world. There are a number of different genres a person can choose to watch on television, all without taking a step out of
their front door. Criminal television shows classify as one of these genres and are one of the most popular. Most of the time, the production of a
criminal television show is where an author examines an actual past crime and then uses re–enactments to help draw in their audience; some common
ones that are usually heard of, in the United States specifically, are CSI, Law & Order, Criminal Minds, NCIS, etc. As incorporated in the title, Criminal
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It is said that the harshness and brutality of this genre is crossing the borderline and not giving "exact reenactments" like it's supposedly assumed to.
In fact, Georgia Hakin, in Artifice Magazine, states that, "The leader of the FBI's Behavioural Analysis Unit on Criminal Minds, Jason Gideon,
departed the show after season two for reasons revolving around familiarity of these dark scenarios, a stance written to appear almost as 'art imitating
life'." This actor, Mandy Patinkin, had complete access to seeing everything layed out before even put behind screen, but still felt that this show was
'too dark' and he should have taken into more thought on what he was getting himself into. Instances arising out of this situation were negative
comments on the content that was showed in Criminal Minds specifically; some people saw it as too harsh and even sick. A few of the substances that
these remarks were made off of were things like rape, abduction, hostage, torture, and the murdering of victims. The debate at hand is whether or not
this material is civilized enough for watchers to access.
Furthermore, it is pointed out that viewing violence and then later performing violent behavior has been proven to have a high correlation. In order
for people to acquire a knowledge of aggressive behavior, they have to be exposed to it first. According to Steven F. Messner on JSTOR, "...residents
in communities with high levels of exposure to television violence might be less likely than those in communities with lowers levels of exposure to
report criminal incidents to the police." From past researches, it was said that this is because of the possible fear and mistrust which is connected with
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Television And The Future Of Television Essay
What do we really mean by television? The way we watch television has drastically changed over the last fifteen years due to new technologies such
as digital television and services providing on–demand access. These drastic changes have had a huge effect on viewers and have "allowed online
streaming platforms to dominate and revolutionize the way the audience consumes" (Aliloupour) media, ultimately allowing the viewer to be in total
control of how, when and where they want their content. The idea of only being able to watchtelevision on a television set is now a thing of the past.
Due to technology, the audience now has a vast variety of options on how they can access content. By using scholarly articles, research in new media
and Internet sites I will be analyzing current television and where the future of television will be heading.
The way the audience watches television has drastically changed since the birth of television. The viewer is "changing the rules" (Deign) of how we
consume media and is no longer restricted to when they can access content. The company Netflix's is a great example of this. Netflix is currently the
dominant company in the on–demand media industry and "isn't only changing the way that we watch television, but it's also revolutionizing the way
that it is made"(Page). Compared to old methods of television networks where the viewer is required to tune in weekly at a designated time for a
television show, Netflix's has allowed the viewer to watch
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Television : The Influence Of Television In America
Television has been in America since late 1940a. Technology and television have changed at the same pace. On the beginning, Tv's were heavy and
enormous and today we see plasmas Tv's that are small and are light weight. Television has become more popular for most families. Television plays an
important, because it affects how people interact with their own families and with other cultures
As we have seen some people decide to follow television to satisfy their necessities to be informed on what is happening in the world so they watch
news programs or documentaries that will provide enough information for them to be informed on the current events in the world. Other people
will watch television to be entertained so they will spend time watching Tv shows, sports programs, etc. Other people will watch television to feel
that they have company so maybe they watched romantic comedies or soap operas. Some people will see that they can travel around the world and
visit places that they will never have access to visit, so they will watch programs like National Geographic. Also, some people enjoy practicing yoga
and they will watch and practice yoga in their living room following one the yoga programs on Tv. Other people enjoy following their favorite sports
team and they will watch ESPN, or any channel that satisfies their passion. Other people that love nature and animals will spend time with their Tv's
following programs that make them perplexed at the beauty of the nature. Many
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  • 1. The Negative Effects Of Television On Television And... According to the A.C. Nielsen Co. (2009), children spend an average of 28 hours a week hooked up to the TV. That number adds up to 1,456 hours of television a year, which means that children spend an average of 2 months out of the year watching nonstop TV! Though these figures are shocking, even more shocking is the scientific evidence that confirms the detrimental effect watching the television is having on today's children. Watching television for long periods of time has been directly linked to childhood obesity. A study done by the National Center for Education Statistics shows that children in kindergarten and first grade who watched more than one hour of television per day, children viewing as little as one hour of TV daily were 58 percent to 73 percent more likely to be obese than children who watched less than one hour. (DeBoer, 2015) This is due in part to children's tendency to eat on unhealthy, high–calorie foods while they watch TV. An article by HealthDay News found that "children in homes where parents watch regular TV with commercials had higher levels of junk food consumption and were more likely to have distorted views about healthy eating than children in homes where parents watched commercial–free digitally recorded TV or other types of media without food advertising." (Preidt, 2013) Also contributing to this is the fact that children do not exercise while they watch TV, and watching television often takes the place of outside activities. Another ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Television And Reading: The Benefits Of Watching Television In today's hustle and bustle, people crave for escape from reality. Watching television and reading books gives them this escape they long for. Whereas, sitting in front of this square box every day brings normality to a middle–class home while reading makes them feel pretentious. When asked, a majority of both, adults and children said that they do not have the time or they have more 'interesting' things to do instead of reading. Books were the world's only means of giving information and knowledge until John Logie Beird, a Scottish inventor gave birth to television in 1925. What most individuals don't know is that watching television only provides momentary benefits to a person while reading books offer much more in the long run. Watching television has become a kind of compulsion for its viewers nowadays. Reading enhances our cognitive senses, instills patience and discipline in us, improves our knowledge beyond the reach of television and also helps in reducing stress which decreases the chances of becoming obese, whilst ... Show more content on ... Patience and discipline, better grammar and comprehensive skills, longer attention span, lower stress levels and lesser chances for obesity, all these things are the favorable outcomes of reading books. Therefore, they should be encouraged to read instead of finding happiness from an electronic box. In my opinion, we don't need television at all as it barely has any benefits, but has a whole lot of irreversible disadvantages. As a mother, father, sister, brother or even just a friend, you would now see why discouraging others to watch television is the best way to encourage reading with all of its rewards for the present as well as the future. This is the only way we will improve ourselves and others. Above all, start from yourself. Just 20 minutes of individual reading every day can boost your interest and make you an avid ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Paradox Of Nudity On Television Examining the Paradox of Nudity in American Broadcast Television Introduction In contemporary culture, television has become ubiquitous. These machines are everywhere, from our homes to stores and even classrooms. While all of us may not be television junkies, many of us do occasionally watch a show here and there. The issue of what can be shown on broadcast television has been at the center of conversation for years, especially the issue of airing nudity on television. Ask anyone who watched Superbowl XXXVIII in 2004 what the final score was and they may not remember, but they will definitely remember what happened during the halftime show, when Janet Jackson's breast was exposed to the entire American audience due to a wardrobe malfunction. ... Show more content on ... For instance, in the 1950's there were "complaints of starlets' plunging necklines" that prompted broadcast television networks to create their own indecency rules (Triplett, pg. 230). Fast forward to today's era of television and there is the overall performance of the Superbowl halftime show, where there Jackson's outfit reveals cleavage and there tends to be no controversy over her plunging neckline. So while moral values may have declined in America, going to the extreme, such as airing a bare breast, is still too much for some Americans to withstand. According to information found by Triplett, more than 530,000 complaints were made to the FCC after the Superbowl incident (n.p.). From that, plunging necklines have now become acceptable, but revealing a bare breast still causes great controversy, even when it was just an accident. The sexuality that arises from the event is what is fueling the debate over nudity in television, which leads in to my next point that the general American society perceives nudity as ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Television Impact On The Television Industry The television industry is growing, with so many genres to explore, and varying age groups producers can target, there is always a show to watch. In western cultures the hours spent watching television has drastically increased with the television market opens up the potential of more variety. This escalation of television attraction has affected the way young people interact with each other. Television has transformed the concepts of identity and commonalities among peers. To understand whether this transformation is a good or bad, a study was done looking at the effects watching one show has on a group of people. The study included five people, three females, and two males, all of whom are currently watching The Vampire Dairies (TVD) based on the novels by L. J. Smith, starring Ian Somerhalder, Paul Welsey, and Nina Dobrev. Two females who had been watching it in the past but have sense ceased were also included in this study, in order to get the fuller picture. The accounts all shared how the experience of watching television among young adults at the Canadian Mennonite University has had a positive impact on their friendships. The first major theme I found during this study was the perception everyone had about what television meant to him or her and how that reflected how he or she defined community. No matter if it was the previews that caught their attention, or he or she had free time to spare, or him or he had heard from friends that it was a decent show, they ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Canadian Television Identity A recurring theme throughout Canadian television studies is identifying the relationship between television and national identity. There is a political ideology that suggests support of national culture is crucial to the existence and well being of the nation (Matheson, 2015). There is often assumed a linkage between culture and a sense of national belonging and citizenship throughout Canadian television series as a way to influence cultural nationalism. Within the Canadian competitive cooking game show MasterChef Canada, Canadian paradigms of ethnicity and national identity are created through the challenges and responsibilities participants are asked to perform during the series. Canadian programming, local reflection and patriotism all work ... Show more content on ... Nationalism is based on groups of persons sharing a "similarity of culture" (Ebanda de B'beri & Middlebrook, 28). This analysis focuses on the shows procedures that attempt to render the manufacturing of Canadian identity. MasterChef Canada articulates to an essentially urban identity manufactured to represent all Canadians, locally and globally. It represents a version of Canadian identity that generates both affective feelings of regional belonging and a global sense of identification. MasterChef Canada, a Canadian television show provided by the CTV Television Network is a Canadian competitive cooking game show, part of the Masterchef franchise. The series revolved around amateur chefs competing to become the best home cook in Canada through challenges issued by judges Claudio Aprile, Michael Bonacini and Alvin Leung. Aprile, is regarded as one of the most innovative and creative chefs in Canada today, known for his counter intuitive and highly sophisticated approach to cuisine. Bonacini is a co–founder of one of Canada's leading fine dining restaurant companies, Oliver & Bonacini Restaurants, operating 12 unique and ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Television In The 1950s One of the most popular products in the 1950s was the TV. TV signals were able to reach the most remote areas, breaking down the isolation in rural America. Besides entertainment, more and more Americans turned to TV for latest news. As TV's popularity grew, it became integral part of American life. Most importantly, TV promoted the development of a common culture. In the 1950s, there were three major networks: ABC, CBS, and NBC. Most television programs were entertainment shows. Current events and political issues were not a central focus of TV networks. The most popular prime–time TV shows were comedies. Significantly, most domestic comedies depicted an idealized American family life and disregarded social and political issues such as poverty and racial discrimination. For this reason, Newton Minow, a chairman of Federal Communications Commission called it "a vast wasteland." However, it was an extremely popular wasteland. Nonetheless, in 1952 for the first time, TV networks were able to make live broadcast of the Republican and Democratic conventions from Philadelphia to the rest of the United States. Because of this, rural residents were able to find out ... Show more content on ... In March 1954, journalist Edward R. Murrow, in his show See It Now, depicted a fault–finding portrait of U.S. Senator Joseph McCarthy. The journalist pointed out inconsistencies in the senator's from Wisconsin speeches and expressed concerns that McCarthy's aggressive campaigns were a potential threat to America's freedoms. Murrow's show on Joseph McCarthy led to reprimanding and censuring of Senator from Wisconsin by the U.S. Senate, thus ending of hysteria of McCarthyism. In this way, like Newton Minow said, "When television is good, nothing is ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Television Dbq Effects of Television on Coverage People say television has increased people's awareness of politics to make elections more fair and accessible. However, I think TV has had a negative impact because it promotes a superficial image and provides content that will give the TV station good ratings. Television promotes the candidates' image over their policies. Instead of the candidates discussing what they are going to do for the country, they simply argue why they are better than each other. The candidates being televised gives the audience a sense of knowing them, which causes them to "no longer feel the need for party guidance"(Source B). In other words, the audience no longer feels the need of the politician's policies due to basing their judgments on the superficial characteristics. In a recent political debate, candidates Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton argued that their images weren't very presidential. It started off with Trump saying Clinton didn't have the looks and the stigma of a president and she quickly fired back that Trump didn't have the temperament. Instead of discussing how they were going to run the country they just bickered about appearance. The ... Show more content on ... Over time, TV lost its viewers and ratings because people turned away from politics. In order for the television stations to gain back viewers and ratings, the stations "dumbed down the issues by forcing the candidates to respond instantaneously" (Source C). This made the debates more interesting, boosting ratings and viewers. This also provided less information about the politicians. Dumbing down the information has turned the debate into game making it less about the politicians content and more about arguing over pointless things and ratings. However this has furthermore decreased the interest in politics. Even the stations that dumb down content "are failing, more often than not, to get good ratings"(Source ... Get more on ...
  • 8. The Impact Of Television On The Television Industry Essay Whilst much of television's history has relied on specific industrial practices established early in the 1960s, the turn of the century has introduced significant changes to the medium of television. The current position of television, defined by Lotz as the 'post–network' era, illustrates an evolution from these early industry practices. For the most part, scholars agree that this transition was caused by changes in the industrial norms of producing, financing, and distributing television, many of which can be attributed to the arrival of digital technologies. This essay will argue that these changes throughout the television industry have created a new, distinctive era of television culture. First and foremost, Lotz provides valuable insight into the distinguishable eras of television development. The resulting three eras are defined as the 'network' era, 'multi–channel transition' and 'post–network' era (7). The 'network era', which spanned roughly from the early 1950s to the mid–1980s, governed industry operations and created a television experience which characterizes much of the medium's history. This era was characterized by adapting radio–network modes of content creation, distribution, advertising, and audience measurement to the context of the then–new televisual medium. Dominated by a 'three–network oligopoly' network system– comprised of ABC, NBC and CBS– critics have often condemned the network era as 'bland' due to its strict censorship and limited creative ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Television : The History And Development Of Television What is a television? Television is a system for transmitting visual images and sound that are reproduced on screens, chiefly to broadcast programs for entertainment, information, and education. Television has been around for a long time even before I was born, it was first called, 'seeing by wireless'. It has been used for over 80 years and was considered as an extension of radio. Television has evolved from the past to the present, some examples of that is the size of t.v. are increasing & changing shapes, the type of transmitter network provided, and last of the visual images the television transmit. But as we move forward into the next generations we see that 98% of U.S. homes had at least 1 television set that were usually view for more than 7 hours a day. In the article "History of Television" by, Mitchell Stephens claims that the first electronic television was first successfully demonstrated in San Francisco on Sept 7, 1927 that the system was designed by a highschool student named Philo Taylor Farnsworth. Philo Taylor farnsworth began to conceive a system that would capture moving images in a form that could be coded onto radio waves and be transformed back into picture on a screen. This invention was the direct ancestor for modern television. As we move forward into understanding how our television came to be, I will inform you of its early development of television, which RCA had a major role in. RCA stands for Radio Corporation of America that obviously ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Television And America Lauren Hudak HIS 212–51 (May) Final Paper Television and America: 1945 to Present The past 70 years of American history have witnessed several fundamental issues and events that have since defined and/or changed America. However, there is one event that has had one of the, if not the, largest impacts on America: the invention of the television. In the past 70 years, the television has had some of the most profound effects on American culture, society and politics. Similar to how the invention of the printing press changed the world upon its creation in the mid fifteenth century, the television changed America from the moment it entered American households in the 1950s. Television ownership within a decade from its introduction in the late... Show more content on ... This means there are more TVs in the average home than there are people. Simply, it's hard to imagine American culture, society, and politics without television. It has truly become a cornerstone of American culture. As it is now, when an individual walks through Times Square in New York City they can count hundreds of television displays mirroring actual real time culture and society right then and there. Television has become just as ingrained in American culture as the Declaration of Independence and it's been around for less than 100 years. Just as Americans in the 1950s cherished their electric hearths, the Americans of today cherish our numerous electric ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Television : Television And The Future Of Television When you think of television, what is the first thing that comes to mind? Is it a television show, movies, or video games? In 1939, the capability of the television was proven when RCA broadcasted the opening to the New York World's fair. On that day, President Franklin D. Roosevelt became the first president to ever appear on television (Stevens). As you can imagine, by this time, television was new and exciting. It provided a new source of entertainment and by the 1950's legitimate T.V shows and news broadcasts began to gain popularity. In the 1980's, when videocassette recorders became available, a whole new world opened up for sources of entertainment. Viewers could watch their favorite films as often as they'd like, or record a television show they didn't want to miss (Stevens). Currently, televisions are used for many different things, such as television programs, news and media broadcasts, watching movies, and playing video games. Americans are beginning to spend more time in front of their televisions either watching a show, or playing a video game. According to the 2015 American Time Use Survey, the average American spent 2.8 hours a day watching television, 41 minutes a day socializing, and only 18 minutes a day on sports or exercise (American Time Use Survey). Given these statistics, it is clear that although it was created for entertainment, television has become a necessity in homes leading to issues with health, intelligence, and providing an easy distraction to life. Television abuse can be thrown into the same category as substance abuse. Although television itself is just a piece of equipment, the technology it uses and the shows it can provide have become an easy distraction from reality. "Television is simply automated daydreaming" – Lee Loevinger Americans find an escape from reality in a television show, or a video game. Television isn't a bad thing but, like alcohol it must be used in moderation. Think about it; there are 24 hours in a day, on an average week day Americans spend around 7.6 hours working in their professions (American Time Use Survey), 6–8 hours sleeping, which leaves around 8 hours of spare time for Americans to eat, exercise, study and take care of household ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Television And Race Essay Race Televised: America's BabysitterAt some point in the course of human events, America decided that the television was their Dali Lama, their cultural and spiritual leader. Overlooking its obvious entertainment based purpose, Americans have let the television baby–sit and rear their children. I do not recall a manifesto from the television industry, but society put television in a role it does not have authority in. The only thing television set out to do was provide the passive entertainment American society wants. True, television does not accurately reflect race in America, but it is not the job of the television industry to do so. Too much importance has been put on television to provideguidance and information that American ... Show more content on ... In the same episode, for example, Homer is watching an African American comedian who stereotypically stereotypes "white" guys."Yo, check this out: black guys drive a car like this. [Leans back, as though his elbow were on the windowsill] Do, do, ch. Do–be–do, do–be–do–be–do. Yeah, but white guys, see they drive a car like this. [Hunches forward, talks nasally] Dee–da–dee, a–dee–da–dee–da–dee." [Daniels] Reverend Jesse Jackson says that the media depicts African Americans in "5 deadly ways: less intelligent...less hardworking...less universal...less patriotic...and more violent than we are." [Gibbons, 65] Gibbons, documenting Jackson's 1988 presidential campaign and the media coverage of it, also said:"American journalism – excellent when it reports the facts, but is literally incapable of informed opinion without bias when dealing with matters concerning race." [80]Indians and African Americans are not alone. All minorities are depicted inaccurately. Asian Americans, for example, are represented "as perpetually foreign and never American." They are depicted "as murderous and mysterious, as amorous or amoral... symbols of danger, refuge, inspiration, and forgiveness." "[Lipsitz]Lipsitz finds this "degrading, insulting, and implicated in the most vicious and pernicious form," as he is expected to. The problem is ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Television in Society Synthesis Essay Television, a widely accepted form of media and communication, has spread into the political world with an amazing speed. There are both useful and detrimental aspects to this newfound relationship between television and politics. Sources A and E describe the more useful aspects oftelevision within the political sphere, whereas Sources B and C portray the contrastingly detrimental aspects. Television has become useful in keeping the public informed as to public issues, political rivalries and of course, the political elections. "One of the great contributions expected of television lay in its presumed capacity to inform and stimulate the political interests of the American electorate," (Source A), suggests the increased communication between the public and their political system. Citizens are able to receive a quick, presumably reliable source of information they otherwise would usually receive later, with less details, and second–hand. The televised events create "a new, immediate contact with political events" (Source A), which is important as technology allows for greater global and national communication. Additionally, Source E portrays the importance of public opinion and the sway of television over political leaders for significant events. The significance of television in conjunction with the political leaders themselves are exemplified by the fact that "if Walter Cronkite thought that the war was hopeless, the American people would think so ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Television I did this to make an account Television is a telecommunication medium that is used for transmitting and receiving moving images and sound. Television can transmit images that are monochrome, in color, or in three dimensions. The word television comes . Television may also refer specifically to a television set, television program, or television transmission. First commercially available in very crude form on an experimental basis in the late 1920s, then popularized in greatly improved form shortly after World War II, the television set has become commonplace in homes, businesses, and institutions, particularly as a vehicle for entertainment, advertising, and news. During the 1950s, television became the primary medium for molding ... Show more content on ... The holes were spaced at equal angular intervals such that, in a single rotation, the disk would allow light to pass through each hole and onto a light–sensitive selenium sensor which produced the electrical pulses. As an image was focused on the rotating disk, each hole captured a horizontal "slice" of the entire image. Nipkow's design was not practical until advances in amplifier tube technology became available. Later designs used a rotating mirror–drum scanner to capture the image and a cathode ray tube as a display device, but moving images were still not possible due to the poor sensitivity of the selenium sensors. In 1907, Russian scientist Boris Rosing became the first inventor to use a CRT in the receiver of an experimental television system. He used mirror–drum scanning to transmit simple geometric shapes to the CRT. Using a Nipkow disk, Scottish inventor John Logie Baird successfully demonstrated the transmission of moving silhouette images in London in 1925 and of moving, monochromatic images in 1926. Baird's scanning disk produced an image of 30 lines resolution, just enough to discern a human face, from a double spiral of lenses. This demonstration by Baird is generally agreed to be the world's first true demonstration of TV, albeit a mechanical form no longer in use. Remarkably, in 1927, Baird also invented the world's first video recording system, "Phonovision;" because the signal ... Get more on ...
  • 15. The Social Changes Of Television 1.Which major waves of social change does the report link television to? (short) The major social changes that are linked to television according to the report 'A future for public service television: content and platforms in a digital world' written by 'Des Freedman and et al. (2016)' are as follows; 1950's – Television was one of the main symbols for many reasons. During this decade the first report of general election was televised, also broadcasted was the funeral of George VI and the coronation of the Queen. 1960's – It became a very important backdrop during the 60's whilst there were struggles going on. 1980's – Television became more than just getting information, it at this point was featuring TV dramas for people to binge on. 2.What democratic purpose does television have according to the report? (short) The democratic purpose television has according to this report, is that its an encouragement for viewers to have a greater understanding and interest in political process. By hosting political debates and discussion, investigating and analysing public affairs and dramatising the most important UK political events, it has helped tremendously with the publics decision making. 3.How is regulation of television different from that of print media? (short) The regulation of television is different from that of print media because television is broader when it comes to debates, and the expression of differences. It also brings a respect for opposing views ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Internet Television Vs Cable Television Internet TV "Television viewers increasingly watch their favorite shows on their smartphones, tablets, and computers" (pg. 313). There are many entertaining television services on the internet and, "services such as Netflix are supplying content to screens of all kinds by streaming it over the Internet" (pg. 314). For many years, many people have sought joy from watching their favorite television shows to sports programs on Cable Television. They have spent nearly most of their lives watching programs on Cable television. However, since the inception of Netflix and other programs such as Hulu, people have stopped watching Cable and made the switch to begin watching television shows over the internet online on Netflix. Netflix ... Show more content on ... Netflix is a low cost service that will provide people with the TV shows and movies that Cable TV. Many people agree with the fact that they can watch Netflix and take a break from their normal lives. People like that Netflix is more accessible because it is cheap and they are many favorited shows on the website, a thing that cable television does not have, and has not had for years. In conclusion, a reason why Internet Television is taking over Cable Television is because the fact that Cable Television prices are rising and more people are going to Netflix and other programs because of this. In addition, Internet Television is taking over Cable Television because Internet TV is more modern –day and built for the younger generations. By this, I mean that Netflix and Hulu are more built for teenagers, rather than being built for adults and older generations. Many more teenagers are exposed to Internet Television rather than more adults and older generations being exposed to Cable Television for most of their childhood life. Moreover, it is more accessible for younger generations to access programs such as Netflix because they are apart of the age of the Internet and most old people were never introduced to this method of watching television. Most of the older generations were brought up in the age of the antenna TV, and believe that basic tv is all that they need to thrive in life. They think that they do not need to have ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Television In The 1980's Revolutionized TV's: In the movie back to the future 2 they demonstrated a fascinating idea of the innovation of the television. While the Televisions had the same exterior as the TV's in the 1980's, they had an thought–provoking feature in them, and this was because they were portable and had voice recognition to be able to respond to the customer with a greater efficiency. Even though the TV was primarily used for taking Marty's commands, the fact that it was moveable was quite bewildering to me as a spectator. The TV's in the movie had the identical appearance as the former boxed television 's that were used in the 1980's and had the equivalent tuning knobs built–in to the bottom of the TV. Airborne Cars: The concept of transport that was presented in the movie was of flying cars which I thought was quite an unoriginal idea to most modernized movies. The flying cars seen were typically like jet aircrafts and supercars that exist today. The cars were capable of transporting people as any normal vehicle would but were portrayed to be competent to fly at extraordinary speeds. The distinct features of the flying cars were that they ... Show more content on ... The fact that a 3D shark was high–tech represents that the portrayal wasn't very outlying from reality. Nowadays we can go to the theaters and watch movies in 3D. In my opinion, 2015 will not be a much of a game changer compared to the current year we are in. I feel that an encroachment in technology isn't regarded to be as elevated as it was in the 1980's and other years, principally since there were more basic things that were not thought of and the fact that there's not much left but to just go forward in those views sort of renders it so that the technology won't be becoming cutting edge anytime ... Get more on ...
  • 18. The Effects Of Television On Television Messages Cultivation theory suggests that exposure to television messages can be an important factor influencing the behavior of individuals who spend a significant amount of time with the medium (Gerbner, 1969; Shanahan & Morgan, 1999) History George Gerbner, in 1976, founded the Cultural Indicators project, which estimated that the average American child will have watched 8,000 murders on television by the age of twelve. Gerbner is so alarmed about the baneful effects of TV that he describes them in terms of "fascism." "Gerbner's cultivation theory says that television has become the main source of storytelling today. Those who watch four or more hours a day are labeled heavy television viewers and those who view less than four hours per day, ... Show more content on ... Although there may be potential benefits from viewing some television shows, such as the promotion of positive aspects of social behavior (e.g., manners, friendship, cooperation, altruism, etc.), many adverse health conditions can also result. Respondents for this study were viewers and nonviewers from all regions of the United States. 430 individuals' respondents were recruited through the national media to take an online survey. Because television–free individuals comprise a very small percentage of the general population, advertisements were made in national media establishments likely to attract participants who do not watch television. These establishments included a large nationally syndicated popular magazine and the web site for the TV Turnoff Network. Survey respondents were divided into three groups: (a) television–free, (b) viewers who watch in accordance with AAP recommendations and (c) frequent viewers (over two hours per day). Hammermeister found that television–free individuals show a stronger association with enhanced psychosocial health profiles than members of the moderate viewing group (i.e., the group following AAP guidelines) was not supported for men or women. Watching television less than two hours per day provides the same relation with psychosocial health as being television–free in this sample. This is consistent with cultivation studies examining behavioral effects of television viewing and ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Television 's Influence On Television Throughout history television has seen many changes such as improved acting, special effects, graphics, camera work, ideas, and many other changes. Cop/Investigation shows are the focus of his paper. Investigation shows in particular have become more in depth and realistic. During the 60's television exploded. There was 245 million TV sets in American homes. At the time, that was more TV sets than people in the United States. With all the turmoil with the JFK assassination, early stages of the Vietnam War, the lifestyle of "Sex, Drugs, and Rock n' Roll and others,television was used to reach out to people. During the 70's television began to become even more popular because people started liking it more and people were able to afford it. That changed the way television was represented and what was on television. Cop shows from these two era's started getting more realistic. Crime, cop, or investigation shows in the 70's are more realistic than those shows of the 60's. In the 60's shows like "I Spy", and "Adam 12" started to turn up. Starting in 1965 "I Spy" is about a pair of intelligence agents that go on secret missions around the world as a response to "James Bond" Movies. "A pair of American agents faces espionage adventures with skill, humor and some serious questions about their work. Robinson 's cover is as a former Princeton law student and Davis Cup tennis player; Rhodes scholar Scott is his trainer as well as being a language expert." ( In this show, ... Get more on ...
  • 20. The Impact Of Television On The Television Industry In the past, the television industry has always been looked down upon as compared to the film industry, but the landscape has changed. Television is now a main staple in the entertainment business. With the recent addition of Netflix and so–called "better content" on TV, the television industry is in a flux. For the first time, Nielsen does not have control over all television programming. In addition, because of all the changes and question marks surrounding the industry because of companies like Netflix going OTT, the scope of reference has changed. Due to the globalization of business specifically in the television industry, minorities and women are playing a bigger role. However, despite their presence, their role could be better utilized by the television space. Some people may argue that minorities should be happy with their placement on TV. They argue that minorities should be content, since they are being placed and being represented on television more than in the past. However, as our society becomes increasingly connected with social media, the space for stereotypes become smaller and smaller. Nowadays, many minorities do not want to be represented by any roles that degrade their cultures. People also sometimes believe that those outside the entertainment industry have no control over the outcomes. The times are changing and TV shows like Alice in Arabia is the proof. That controversial show featured an American woman kidnapped in Saudi Arabia and was recently ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Television In The 1960's Television in the 1960s brought Americans closer through the stories and tragedies they experienced. As televisions became more mainstream and affordable, more people invested in them. The time was right for the industry to flourish. "Between 1959 and 1970, the percentage of households in the U.S. with at least one TV went from 88% to 96%" (Ganzel). More people buying TVs meant that the industry grew and the technology could improve. As satellite technology developed, it became inevitable for satellite television to develop. The biggest leap of 1960s television technology wise, was satellite usage (Thompson). With TV signals that could reach far, and a TV in almost every American home, people felt more connected to the world around them. They ... Show more content on ... News programs in the 60s were a major selling point in buying a television. Part of television's success is due to the news being so relevant and reliable. In the 50s and 60s, news on the television made very informative and relevant content (Ganzel). Television in the 60s had many fandoms and communities for its popular shows, such as Star Trek. When many people have similar interests or like the same thing, they usually get along. When Star Trek first aired, it wasn't very popular. However, it has since gained a cult following and remains a very active franchise to today (Feinstein, 12) Television in the 1960s opened a door to a source of information and entertainment like never before. One of reasons Americans are so united today is because television in the 60s showed people what they had in common. Television signals weaved in and out of America, sewing us together and patching our ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Television In The 50's During the 50's, culture became a major focus of Australia and began to take control of the country. There were many varieties of entertainment to appeal to the needs of all people of Australia. And if something became popular, television would help promote it. Television enters the living room Televisions were present in 90% of homes and watching television was a hobby that nearly half the population was addicted to it. Before its arrival in 1956, many people had to travel out to a cinema or a theatre and seek their own source of entertainment. Whereas television was available to them for free. Within a few years, as cheap TVs entered many more homes and soon everyone was hooked to the television, this caused debates and many other arguments ... Show more content on ... When people had been returning from the war, there was a massive increase in car ownership therefore roads were built all around Australia. The first Australian made car was the Holden–FX, although only a small amount of cars could be made daily. Air travel was not a favored mode of transport for the people of the 1950's. The aircrafts were not a sturdy build resulting in an incredibly long and bumpy flight. Around this time, many Australian's preferred to make their long distant journey's using a steam train, although around the same time the diesel trains were introduces and they quickly became the preferred way to travel as they were cleaner, faster and most certainly more efficient. Ships were a common mode of transport for Australians who wished to make a holiday to Europe, although this took a longer amount of time. ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Television and Education UGC's use of Television for Education For over two decades University Grants Commission (UGC) of India has been using television for higher education. In 1984 UGC launched "UGC Countrywide Classroom" on Doordarshan –the National Network of Television in India. Specially designed educational television programs, either imported or locally produced, were telecast for the benefit of undergraduate and post graduate students across the country. The need for using television for higher education was necessitated due to enormous growth in student population in higher education and increase in number of higher educational institutions in the country but there was not enough matching growth in terms of proper infrastructure and ... Show more content on ... Popularly known as Virtual Classrooms, these terminals enable students, scholars and teachers across the country share their knowledge and experience. Each day lectures on selected topics, involving reputed experts, are delivered through EDUSAT. Each lectures is followed by a live interaction, through two way audio/video, among the participants across the country. UGC has successfully used the virtual classrooms for conduct of workshops, training programs and online courses. In addition to the VYAS and the Virtual Classrooms CEC has taken up many serious initiatives to engage academics, media professionals and multimedia experts in packaging of knowledge in various forms. These initiatives include: Development of e–Content, Multimedia, Training of teachers in e–content development, Development of Learning Object Repository (LOR), Conduct of On–Line Courses using VYAS, EDUSAT and Internet, Production of syllabus oriented ETV Programs for undergraduate students and developing International linkages for sharing of knowledge at global level. From Countrywide Classroom to Virtual Classroom and packaging of knowledge, UGC has come a long way, but the scheme is yet to achieve its potential and make its presence felt in an effective manner. Today when television penetration is very high, the technology is spreading across the rural areas, satellites and transponders are manufactured like cars, ... Get more on ...
  • 24. The Writers Of The Television Since the creation of the television, thousands of sitcoms have been created. Most spend a few years on the air and are quickly forgotten after they have ended. Very few TV shows paved the way for what television is today and, after spending ten years on the air, Friends is one of those few. Friends was so groundbreaking because of its unique writing, its cast chemistry, and its ability to resonate with the people in its era. Friends consists of six friends, Joey, Chandler, Ross, Rachel, Monica, and Phoebe, living in New York and discovering themselves. The writers of the show were able to do something extremely rare in television; they created an ensemble cast of six main characters. No one person played a larger role then the others ... Show more content on ... The writing of the series played a large role in making it so iconic but making it even more iconic was, perhaps, it's ensemble. The chemistry, or lack there of, between cast members has been the downfall of many television series, but that was never a problem for Friends. Not only was each actor perfect for his or her character, but each actor was also perfect for each other. The show worked best when all six characters were on the screen. If, for example, Joey had a date, it was rarely shown on screen. Instead, what was shown was the six friends discussing the date after the fact. Many supporting characters, such as love interests, were written off because it seemed as if they somehow go in the way. Monica and Chandler both had many love interests and yet, they ended up marrying each other. All ten seasons consisted of the same cast, and no one ever got tired of seeing the same six faces on their TV screen. During season one each cast member was making a different salary but by the end of the season they were negotiating their pay to be equal, which was unprecedented at the time. The chemistry was so great that it spilled over into their real lives. All six cast members remain close friends to this day. Jennifer Aniston is the godmother to Courtney Cox's daughter and while each has gone on to star in other television series, they will still frequently appear on each other's show. ... Get more on ...
  • 25. The Roles Of Television And Minorities In Television Minorities in Television Maria Lopez Minority Relations Eleonora Hicks October 3, 2017 Over the years television has been known to be one of the major educating and socializing institution in America. Television in today's society is able to play a powerful key through which individuals can be informed, hold forums, and voice their opinion's. Television is also important because it offers us glimpses into minority life and minority figures. When sociologists examine minorities in television they document how minorities are portrayed and how those portrayals have changed over the years. Through time, minorities in television have been able to make moderate gains whether they are in front of or behind cameras. However, they continue to remain significantly underrepresented as leading actors in films, as writers, and as TV show creators. Even though minorities are significantly underrepresented in today's society the TV industry has been pushing to give an opportunity to many minority groups in succeeding in the media. Several TV shows and commercials have succeeded in the TV industry to try and change how minorities are underrepresented, however, there are also shows that reinforce stereotypes and are prejudice towards minorities. Grey's Anatomy is a television medical drama that has been running for a little over a decade. This show is known to have one of the most diverse cast in the history of American television. Actors include white, black, ... Get more on ...
  • 26. A Study On A Television A television I am usually exposed to during this year is located in a room dedicated for students who want to relax or study on the side. This television is located in the lounge of an Oakes College residential hall. The television set is located above eye level in the right hand corner as you enter the room. Below the set, is a VCR with the remote control on top of it. As for the lounge layout, there are three sofas that are placed in a rectangular shape all of them facing the television. In the middle are two rectangular shaped tables used to place stuff when one is watching tv. On the other side of the room, are three full–size tables placed next to each other to create a study space for any resident in the residential hall. A few of my fellow neighbors are on their laptops studying or on their social medias glancing a few moments at what's on the television screen. Unlike those sitting in front of the table those who are sitting at the couches are gazing at the different programs being transmitted on the television screen. All of us seem to be watching the television for the same purpose as a pure form of entertainment to relieve stress from being a student. Each time a commercial starts mostly everyone go on their phones or use that time to go to the restroom as well as change the channels. The entrance to the room becomes a place for decisions as one has to decide to either study or relax by watching television. This moment is similar to what Anna McCarthy mentions ... Get more on ...
  • 27. The Impact Of Television On Television Television has come to define American culture and its youth in very significant ways. What began as a platform for entertainment has branched out into becoming a remarkable and unexpected way for younger children to learn. It is important to note what is being broadcasted on television because of how much influence it has on the youth. It has become the dominant storyteller in homes rather than parents, the church, or schools (Signorielli, 2001). As technology further advances, children are generally also becoming more comfortable with television and therefore spending more time watching television. Children should not be receiving most of their learning from television to begin with, however the learning that they are receiving should at ... Show more content on ... These sitcoms included The Office, Episode 3 "Health Care", Season 1, Aired April 5, 2008 and Everybody Hates Chris, Episode 1 "Everybody Hates the Guidance Counselor", Season 3, Aired October 1, 2007. There is also a more significant amount of underrepresentation of women in this category compared to PBS children's shows and cartoons. Out of four main characters that were chosen to focus on, only one from each show were women. In contrast, in other shows such as Teen Titans Go!, Episode 7, "Girls Night Out", Season 1, Aired June 18, 2013, Arthur, Episode 10a "Binky's Music Madness", Season 17, Aired May 1, 2014, and Sid: The Science Kid, Episode 1 "The Sticker Chart", Season 1, Aired September 1, 2008 there was a more equal representation of men and women. Representation of women in PBS children's shows and cartoons was not only greater in numbers compared to sitcoms, but there was also more deviance in relation to the fact that many of the characters did not follow traditional roles of their sex/gender. Characters in Sid: The Science Kid, men and women, were equally presented as intelligent, constructive, and they offered to help with information. In Teen Titans Go!, the focal characters were all superheroes and their super powers were not influenced by their sex/gender. Specifically speaking, women's ability to perform in the same occupation as men was not a concern. In contrast, The Office and Everybody ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Television And Politics Since the creation of television, ideas and information have come into American homes influencing the watcher for better or worse. This had lead to great influence on topics that have strong political ties. Television has allowed the United States population to access and keep up on political news for the better of modern politics and presidential elections. Television allows the viewer to feel like they are a part of the debate, they also feel that they are getting up–to–date news and that's two most Americans it is the only way to follow the election. To begin with, television has improved for the election by allowing viewers to feel like they are a part in the debate.[D1: Position] First, in Campbell's "Has Television Reshaped Politics?," ... Show more content on ... Most scientists claim that we are always on the brink of great discover. But, maybe this next great discovery will change one thing for the better, just like television did for presidential ... Get more on ...
  • 29. The Trouble With Television : The Power Of Television "Power of Television" The Television is often the centerpiece of typical American house. TVs are now a representative the American dream. TVs are even used to measure finical wellbeing. Huge flat screen TVs symbolize success, while smaller TVs represent modesty. People crowd around the TV to watch the big game, to catch up on the news and keep up with pop culture. Is there something wrong with this so–called wonder device known as the Television? Marie Winn, author of book Unplugging the plug–in drug, argues this point in the chapter "The Trouble with Television" claiming that the television negatively affects families and specifically children. Marie Winn is an author and journalist who is known for her write ups on wildlife and television. The book was published in 1987 and describes eight ways in which the television is damaging. Winn makes it a point not to argue against the content of television, but rather how the television effects family relationships and is a detriment to children's development. While I agree with some of Winn's, overall, I disagree with her assessment of television. The points that Winn made that I disagree with include, TV allows kids to grow up less civilized, TV keeps family from doing other things, TV makes children less resourceful, TV has a negative effect on children's school achievement and TV has a negative effect on children's physical fitness. The first point that I disagree with Winn on is that of the TV allows kids to grow up less ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Television And Commercialism Essay Television and Commercialism Television is populated with images which are superficial and lack depth. Programs look more like ads and ads look more like programs. All this leads to a close circle of consumerism. The three excerpts relate to these unifying ideas thus the validity of their argument. "Surface is all; what you see is what you get. These images are proud of their standing as images. They suggest that the highest destiny of our time is to become cleansed of depth and specificity altogether." (1). We live in a world populated by images. Children's television has concocted small, preset groups of images such as rainbows for happiness, red hearts for warmth, ... Show more content on ... "Television, with all its highly touted diversity, seems to becoming more of a piece, more a set of permutations of a single cultural constant: television, our debased currency." (4). TV looks like TV and when you look at it deeper it takes you back to itself, this is referred to as homogeneity. "But even as television becomes television–plus, it remains the national dream factory, bulletin board, fun house mirror for distorted images of our national desires and fears...And yet non of the metaphors seems quite right, because finally television is not quite anything else. It is just–television." (5). Ads are becoming to look more like programs with the use of narrative strategies called "mini– narratives." This strategy is used in a particular Pepsi commercial which models the TV show Miami Vice. It features Don Johnson and the music of Glenn Fry. It is almost as if the commercial is a three minute episode of the show. Similarly programs are beginning to look like ads. When Price Adam pulls out his sword in the show He–Man, he is encircled with lively, lightning flashes as he shouts in a deep, echoing, voice, "By the power of Grayskull... I have the power!" He then transforms into He–Man . This appears to be a commercial for the He–Man action figure and sword of power. There is a history behind program–length commercial. A cartoon Hot Wheels , which is also the name of a ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Television And Television : The Influence Of Television... For anyone who watches television, they know how annoying commercials can be. However, they may not realize that the commercial can have more of an impact than the program they are watching. Television commercials influence people in a variety of ways from what products they are likely to buy all the way to changes they might make in their lives. In order to make the influence greater, advertisers use specific channels to promote their products or ideas to a target audience. This can be seen with the commercials that MTV (Music Television) airs versus the commercials that AMC (American Multi–Cinema). While watching MTV from 5 pm to 6 pm there was over 40 commercials shown. One of these commercials was for truth tobacco. This commercial is mean to promote an end to smoking. There is hip hop music playing in the background used to capture the attention of the audience. The woman who is narrating uses a stern voice to say, "Low–income neighborhoods are more likely to have tobacco retailers near schools". In the commercial this phrase is shown in large bold letter to make reading easier. The setting is placed in front of retailers for tobacco. Many different faces of young adults are also shown, showing that they are targeting to young adults to end smoking. These people are dressed in normal clothes along with the narrator. This makes the commercial feel similar to an interview or report. Another commercial MTV aired was for Redbull. In this commercial they are promoting the ... Get more on ...
  • 32. The Impact Of Television On Television Television plays a tremendous role in our society. It mirrors and leads society (Weinman 95). Through television, we develop our earliest perception of the world. Yet, not all the images displayed on television are accurate. So, if we base our worldview of people on the images we see on television, our view will be limited. The effect television has on people's perception always interested me. From a young age I watched TV and many of my ideas about the world developed from the images I saw. However, I noticed not many of the people on television looked like me. Therefore, I became curious about the absence of African Americans on television. I was aware that during the 1960's many Black shows began to emerge. These shows often were sitcoms and displayed traditional African American families. Yet, I did not know about any of the earliest portrayals of Blacks in the media. Of course, when broadcast was first introduced, it was predominately white because of racial tensions in America. However, I was curious to know when the television scene became more diverse. This led me to formulate the research question of: How has the medias portrayal of African Americans changed over time? Later, I was able to formulate the answer which was from its inception, the media displayed African Americans negatively, however, many shows began to emerge that challenged these stereotypes, but the representation of Blacks on television remained extremely satirical which consequently impacted ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Differences Between Television And Television After going over how meaning is made in television, in chapter seven, Mittell goes over how these meanings on television can impact the way that we, as viewers, think about our lives and the world. Mittell goes over the two most popular approaches that are usually used to understand the relationship of the meanings conveyed through television and the real world, as a way to escape the world and as a reflection of the world. The escapist and direct reflection approaches, according to Mittell, are not accurate. The escapist approach, which states that people watch television to escape from real life, falls short when considering the news, sports, talk shows, and other reality television programs due to their connection to real life. The direct reflection approach, which states that programming on television is true to viewers' lives, fails to take into account fantasy programs and the representation distortion that happens in non–fiction programs. Mittell argues that the best way to understand the relationship between television meanings and the way television viewers see the world is to use the refraction approach. The refraction approach states that television meanings refract the world, where programs alter the world around it and its meanings through particular techniques and forms like cinematography and editing. An important term in Mittell's refraction approach is representation. Mittell defines representation as, "taking facets of the real world and presenting them ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Differences Between Television And Television {Things to Note About TV Aerials|What You Should Know About TV Aerials|Learn More About TV Aerials} {In the modern world, televisions are almost a necessity to keep us informed about daily happenings in the regions where we come from and for entertainment.|Today, televisions are so important in our lives that they are almost necessities because they keep us up to date with news from our regions and they offer great entertainment.|In our world today, televisions have gained so much regard that they are almost being termed a necessity because they are a great source of entertainment and information about our regions and the globe at large.} {The television is also a platform on which businesses advertise their products to their target ... Show more content on ... be installed properly to ensure that it receives transmission signals adequately.} {Otherwise, it can be frustrating and make you want to toss it out.|Failure to do this, the TV can frustrate you and wish you could throw it away.|Without this, a TV can distress you to the extent of wanting to throw it away.} {TVs pick up transmission signals through their aerials.|TVs receive transmission signals through aerials.|A TV obtains transmission signals from its aerial.} {This makes TV aerials an integral part of our home entertainment.|This means that TV aerials are critical for our home TV enjoyment.|This makes aerials very important parts of TVs.} {There are various types of aerials for the different types of television sets there are.|Aerials are usually of different types, based on the varying types of TVs available.|Aerials are availed in various types in respect to the different types of TV that there are.} {They differ in shape, size, and price.|They can be differentiated with their sizes, prices, and shapes.|They are made different by their variety in size, shape, and prices.} {To select the ideal aerial for your TV you must pit in mind the type of your TV, your preference, and your budget.|Choosing an ideal aerial type requires you considering your type of your TV, preference, and budget.|The right type of TV aerial for you depends on the type of your TV, your preference, and your spending power.} {If you are not sure which type is best for you, you can get in ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Talk Shows on Television Television is one of the greatest inventions to ever be created, right? Lucian Dorneanu, an editor of Softpedia, stated, "Wherever a television is on, it draws attention like no other piece electronic in the house. It can be source of amusement, knowledge, or, misused, of violence and almost self–inflicted psychiatric disorders." Today television is having a huge impact on people more than ever before, by doing more harm than good. Television is supposed to be bringing entertainment and laughter to every household, by showing a positive way of life. Although, over the years, talk shows became one of the most watched on television. These talk shows are causing violence, teaching bad habits, loosing family value. Turn the television on in the afternoon and there will be one show you will not be able to pass up "The Jerry Springer Show". Jerr–y! Jerr–y! Jerr–y! Jerr–y! The annoying "Jerr–y" chant that everyone knows. The women are going crazy for the Jerry beads makes it irresistible on changing the channel to another channel. This popular television show The Jerry Springer Show is considered a "Trashy Talk Show" that attracts its audience by violence, strong language, and its sexual content. The talk show beeps the strong languages used and blurs the entire sexual content out, but it is still clear what is going on. The beginning of "The Jerry Springer Show" contains a warning to parents that the program may not be suitable for children. The first thing that stands out is ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Television And Reality Television Shows Essay The media as a whole has been a huge impact on their viewers' lives. People do not just watch a television show, they tend to normalize the characters and their roles into their day to day lives. When analyzing the media and focusing on drama and reality television shows, the impact that these shows have on some of their women viewers are noticeable. Television drama shows are fictions that the average person can relate to. They are made with real life problems that people can sympathize with. Television dramas have become the newest therapy to people. People go to these over dramatized shows for the answer to their problems. Most tend to forget that these are fictional television shows, meaning they are made up characters with false problems. These shows tend to show women as the house wife, pretty and skinny, and powerful but weak minded. When looking atreality television although it is unscripted and tend to be real life situations, producers do pick out cast that are not relatable to and unlike the average person. On television dramas and reality shows men tend to be shown as dominating women in relationships, as women are shown as the men's "trophy." Also, as a whole television dramas and reality shows show women as "sexy" figures, emotionally unstable, and less than a man which effects their everyday lives. Television dramas and reality shows has a negative effect onfemale views by showing them in a negative light. Since women made an appearance on television shows, ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Television And Behavioral Analysis Television is one of the most widely used forms of communication today; it is used for broadcast purposes on entertainment, education, and information to people from all around the world. There are a number of different genres a person can choose to watch on television, all without taking a step out of their front door. Criminal television shows classify as one of these genres and are one of the most popular. Most of the time, the production of a criminal television show is where an author examines an actual past crime and then uses re–enactments to help draw in their audience; some common ones that are usually heard of, in the United States specifically, are CSI, Law & Order, Criminal Minds, NCIS, etc. As incorporated in the title, Criminal ... Show more content on ... It is said that the harshness and brutality of this genre is crossing the borderline and not giving "exact reenactments" like it's supposedly assumed to. In fact, Georgia Hakin, in Artifice Magazine, states that, "The leader of the FBI's Behavioural Analysis Unit on Criminal Minds, Jason Gideon, departed the show after season two for reasons revolving around familiarity of these dark scenarios, a stance written to appear almost as 'art imitating life'." This actor, Mandy Patinkin, had complete access to seeing everything layed out before even put behind screen, but still felt that this show was 'too dark' and he should have taken into more thought on what he was getting himself into. Instances arising out of this situation were negative comments on the content that was showed in Criminal Minds specifically; some people saw it as too harsh and even sick. A few of the substances that these remarks were made off of were things like rape, abduction, hostage, torture, and the murdering of victims. The debate at hand is whether or not this material is civilized enough for watchers to access. Furthermore, it is pointed out that viewing violence and then later performing violent behavior has been proven to have a high correlation. In order for people to acquire a knowledge of aggressive behavior, they have to be exposed to it first. According to Steven F. Messner on JSTOR, "...residents in communities with high levels of exposure to television violence might be less likely than those in communities with lowers levels of exposure to report criminal incidents to the police." From past researches, it was said that this is because of the possible fear and mistrust which is connected with television ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Television And The Future Of Television Essay What do we really mean by television? The way we watch television has drastically changed over the last fifteen years due to new technologies such as digital television and services providing on–demand access. These drastic changes have had a huge effect on viewers and have "allowed online streaming platforms to dominate and revolutionize the way the audience consumes" (Aliloupour) media, ultimately allowing the viewer to be in total control of how, when and where they want their content. The idea of only being able to watchtelevision on a television set is now a thing of the past. Due to technology, the audience now has a vast variety of options on how they can access content. By using scholarly articles, research in new media and Internet sites I will be analyzing current television and where the future of television will be heading. The way the audience watches television has drastically changed since the birth of television. The viewer is "changing the rules" (Deign) of how we consume media and is no longer restricted to when they can access content. The company Netflix's is a great example of this. Netflix is currently the dominant company in the on–demand media industry and "isn't only changing the way that we watch television, but it's also revolutionizing the way that it is made"(Page). Compared to old methods of television networks where the viewer is required to tune in weekly at a designated time for a television show, Netflix's has allowed the viewer to watch ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Television : The Influence Of Television In America Television has been in America since late 1940a. Technology and television have changed at the same pace. On the beginning, Tv's were heavy and enormous and today we see plasmas Tv's that are small and are light weight. Television has become more popular for most families. Television plays an important, because it affects how people interact with their own families and with other cultures As we have seen some people decide to follow television to satisfy their necessities to be informed on what is happening in the world so they watch news programs or documentaries that will provide enough information for them to be informed on the current events in the world. Other people will watch television to be entertained so they will spend time watching Tv shows, sports programs, etc. Other people will watch television to feel that they have company so maybe they watched romantic comedies or soap operas. Some people will see that they can travel around the world and visit places that they will never have access to visit, so they will watch programs like National Geographic. Also, some people enjoy practicing yoga and they will watch and practice yoga in their living room following one the yoga programs on Tv. Other people enjoy following their favorite sports team and they will watch ESPN, or any channel that satisfies their passion. Other people that love nature and animals will spend time with their Tv's following programs that make them perplexed at the beauty of the nature. Many ... Get more on ...