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Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
The Moon Orbital Triangle Analysis (IV)
The Author Authorized To Be Used By
Mr. Gerges Francis Tawdrous
A Student–Physics Department- Physics
& Mathematics Faculty –
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
(RUDN University) – Moscow – Russia
Dr. Budochkina, Svetlana Aleksandrovna
Associate Professor (Mathematical Analysis
and Theory of Functions Department)
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
(RUDN University) – Moscow – Russia
Phone +201022532292
Curriculum Vitae
Phone +7 (495) 952-35-83
The Assumption Of S. Virgin Mary -Written in Cairo –Egypt – 6th
November 2020
Paper Hypothesis
- Uranus axial tilt is perpendicular on the moon axial tilt, and this perpendicularity
created the moon motion range (Perigee r=0.363 mk & Apogee r=0.406 mk)
Paper Main Idea
- The moon orbital triangle is declined by 1.1 degrees on the horizontal base to save
the triangle values from Uranus perpendicularity effect on the moon orbit
- (Uranus axial tilt 97.8 deg – The moon axial tilt 6.7 deg =1.1 deg)
- The value 1.1 degrees is consumed in (0.5 deg "the moon angular diameter") and
(0.6 degrees ")
- The value (0.6 degrees) shows Jupiter and Saturn motions effect on Mars motion,
but this interaction between the 3 planets motions (Mars, Jupiter and Saturn)
depends on the moon angular diameter "0.5 degrees". And because of that, the
moon motion data effects and effected greatly by Mars motion… for example
o 687 days (Mars orbital period) = 27.3 days (the moon orbital period) x 25.2
o 13.18 deg (the moon motion daily)/ 0.526 deg (Mars motion daily) = 25.2
deg (Mars axial tilt) =
- This interaction of Mars and Moon motions is created because Jupiter and Saturn
motions effect on Mars Motion is done based on the moon angular diameter "0.5
degrees", so this both values (0.5 degrees +0.6 degrees = 1.1 degrees) consisted
together one result 1.1 degrees which Uranus aimed to create between both axial
tilts (Uranus axial tilt and the moon axial tilt).
- The value 1.1 degrees is found in the ancient solar system before the (2) planets
migration and after the migration this value technique is destroyed, and Uranus
wanted to create this same value again by a new technique in place of the
destroyed one to save the solar system after the planets migration
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
What idea this paper tells us? we have analyzed the moon orbital triangle …
- One question we have left since our analysis started … let's remember it:
- The angle CSF = 97.25 degrees and CSB = 82.75 degrees, I suggested that..
o If 0.6 degrees is discounted from (82.75 deg) and be added to (97.25 deg),
that will make the 1st
angle CSF = 97.8 deg (= Uranus Axial Tilt) and the 2nd
angle CDB = 82 deg = 2 x 41 deg (the planets orbital inclinations total =41
o How this 0.6 angle be transferred from CSB to CSF??
o We know that Uranus axial tilt is perpendicular (approximately) on the
moon axial tilt because (97.8 deg – 6.7 degrees= 91.1 degrees) but the
moon angular diameter = 0.5 degree
o i.e. (91.1 degrees – 0.5 degrees = 90.6 degrees)
o the CB line is perpendicular on the base AE (90 degrees), now let's suppose
that this angle = 90.6 degrees, if we use this method the angles CSF and
CSB will be accurately (= 97.8 deg , 82 deg respectively)
o Because many numbers are in consistency, there's some feeling that there's a
geometrical reason behind this consistency…. that tells, the perpendicularity
(90.6 degrees) is some how real and because of that many numbers are
found in consistency with each other….
o I can't replace the angle EBC =90 degrees by the 90.6 degrees, because this
procedure will cause a series defect for the triangle analysis and credibility
o Let's explain why!
o The moon orbital triangle , as I have suggested, depends on the consistency
of data… and as we see in the triangle the data is in full consistency – for
example the distance CF = 88000 km = the moon displacement daily, this
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
number has no error but accurately = 88000 km…. also the angle
BCF=12.195 deg (which = 13.18 deg – 0.98562 deg)… as we have
discussed before…
o I want to say that, the moon orbital triangle provides tenths of values which
accurately equals data of the moon motion – where this data shows no error
o This procedure to change the angle 90 degrees by 90.6 degrees will create
errors in tenths of angles and dimensions in the triangle where these errors
reach to 1%, that causes fear for me to do this procedure…
How to consider this situation…?
o The dilemma is that, we have 3 value are in consistency with this procedure,
these values are (97.25 degrees, 82.75 degrees and 90.6 degrees) but we
have tenth values shows inconsistency with this procedures among these
values are ( CS =88000km, CD = 95930 km, the angle CDS =63.7 deg, the
angle CDE = 116.3 deg, the angle DFC = 102.195 deg "=90+12.195"….etc)
o The left question is…. Does this procedure is done really or not? If yes 3
values will be in inconsistency, If not 10 values will be in inconsistency?
How to solve this dilemma?.....
o Why this question is so important?? Because the dilemma solution gives us
new depth in our understanding for how the moon orbital triangle is created
- The paper tries to solve this dilemma, let's see the paper contents in following
Paper Contents
2- Uranus Axial Tilt Is Perpendicular On The Earth Moon Axial Tilt
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
2- Uranus Axial Tilt Is Perpendicular On The Earth Moon Axial Tilt
2-1 The Dilemma Solution
The previous figure tells us what's happened in the moon orbital triangle, and why
that's happened…. We have 3 basic points here to discuss which are
2-1-1 The Triangle Explanation
- The line CB is Uranus axial tilt 97.8 degrees
- The base black thick line is The Moon Axial Tilt 6.7 degrees
- We know (97.8 degrees – 6.7 degrees = 91.1 degrees)
- We have 1.1 degrees (additional value) on the perpendicular (90 degrees)
- The moon angular diameter =0.5 deg, which is seen in the moon (the blue ball)
- 0.6 degrees is left is seen in the green triangle as an environment found above the
moon and this environment works as a lining between the moon and the triangle
base (the red thick line) – this lining is created by Uranus, which we have to
explain as deeply as possible in this discussion
- The moon orbital triangle is the same as we have seen before perfectly without any
change, just one, that the triangle base (EA) is declined on the horizontal level (the
black thick line) with 1.1 degrees
Why we did this procedure? Because of 3 values …
(the value 91.1 degrees or 90.6 degrees to make it = 90 degrees, and that done, the
angle EBC =90 degrees in the triangle but equal 91.1 degrees (the same angle) on the
horizontal line (the black thick line ) (Please Note this black thick line is the Earth
moon axial tilt… i.e. the whole moon orbital triangle is created depending on the
moon axial tilt as its base)
- The angle CSF =97.25 degrees, we hoped to make this value as 97.8 degrees
(Uranus axial tilt), And its done, the angle CSF on the moon body =97.8 degrees
- The angle CSB =82.7 degrees, we hoped to make this value as 82 degrees (the
planets orbital inclinations total = 41 degrees i.e. 41 deg x 2 =82), And its done,
the angle CSB on the moon body =82 degrees
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
How To Understand This Triangle?
What's news this triangle tells us?
- Uranus effects on the solar planets vertically and because of that Uranus could
cause to decline the whole moon orbital triangle to consume this angle (1.1
degrees) inside it….
- The triangle tells us that, the moon orbit is created basically based on (Uranus
Axial Tilt And The Moon Axial Tilt As 2 Right Triangle Dimensions)
- The angle 1.1 degrees couldn't destroy the moon orbital triangle because of Uranus
And The Moon Axial Tilts Interaction
- Uranus has in his pocket an angle =1.1 degrees, and Uranus wanted to save this
angle in some save place because of its massive importance – so Uranus created
the perpendicularity between its axial tilt and the moon axial tilt to save this angle
in this perpendicularity (why this angle 1.1 deg is so massive important, we should
discuss and prove in this discussion) –
Simply -
- The whole moon orbital triangle is created to consume this angle (1.1 degrees),
Uranus who controls all planets vertically could do that by the perpendicularity
between Uranus axial tilt and the Moon axial tilt
Now let's refer to this lining (The Green Rectangle)
- This lining is an angle = 0.6 degrees
- This lining is created by an interaction found between Jupiter and Saturn on one
side and Mars on the other side
- The moon motion is found to create a recovery for the risks caused the planets
Migration (Mars and Pluto)… where the planets migration could destroy the solar
system but Uranus used Jupiter and Saturn to support the moon motion to save the
mars new point and the solar system
- Let's discuss that as deep as possible in following…
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
2-1-2 Why this procedure is performed?
- Let's remember …
- Mars & Pluto has migrated from their original orbital distances to their new points,
many changes are happened in the planets migration … but 2 basic changes we
interest for in our discussion
- Before The Planets Migration
- Mercury axial tilt was = 1 degree
- Mars orbital inclination was =1.8 degrees
- After The Planets Migration
- Mercury axial tilt was = 0.01 degree
- Mars orbital inclination was =1.9 degrees
So the change value =1.1 degrees
- Why Uranus wanted to save this 1.1 degrees?
- Because the solar system geometrical structure after the planets migration is a
repaired for the solar system before the planets migration…
- It's Not A New Creation..
- The S.S. geometrical structure after the planets migration is produced by a
maintenance process done for the ancient one, so if the ancient one data is missed
the repaired one will not work
- The point is that, Mercury Axial Tilt Is Collapsed and no geometrical structure
will be found for the solar system If Mercury axial tilt will be still collapsed…
Simply, the S.S. geometry needs 1 degrees to be recovered and 0.1 deg for Mars
orbital inclination change
- So why Uranus created the angle 1.1 degrees between both axial tilts (Uranus axial
tilt and the moon axial tilt) because this value 1.1 degrees will be used in place of
Mercury ancient axial tilt and Mars orbital inclination change… this is the reason
simply… but how that's happened? Because the facts shows a real complex risky
process… let's see this fact as clear as possible
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
2-1-3 The Procedure Performance Details
1- 2.5 degrees = 1.9 degrees +0.6 degrees
2- 1.9 degrees = 1.3 degrees +0.6 degrees
3- 27.3 degrees = 26.7 degrees+0.6 degrees
4- Uranus diameter / the moon diameter) = (Uranus axial tilt/ the moon axial tilt)
5- 6.7 degrees = 5.6 degrees +1.1 degrees
Equation No. (1)
2.5 deg. (Saturn orbital inclination) = 1.9 deg. (Mars orbital inclination) +0.6 deg.
Equation No. (2)
1.9 deg. (Mars orbital inclination)= 1.3 deg. (Jupiter orbital inclination) +0.6 deg.
- Equations (1) and (2) tell that, Mars orbital inclination is created by a direct effect
from Jupiter and Saturn orbital inclinations…. Let's see more data
o Mars Orbital Circumference = Saturn Orbital Distance
o Mars Velocity Daily = Saturn Velocity Daily x 2.5
o Mars Orbital Period = Jupiter Orbital Period x 2π
- I referred to the most important data in the relationships between Mars and Saturn
on one side and Mars and Jupiter on the other side – many other data can be added
- Jupiter and Saturn interaction effect on Mars causes its (new) orbital inclination
(1.9 deg) where its ancient was (1.8 deg)… but how I know that??
o Earth diameter = 1.9 x Mars diameter (6792 km)
o Earth diameter = 1.8 x Mars ancient diameter (7070 km), where this value
7070 km is sufficient for the equation (Planet orbital distance = planet
diameter x 1092
) where Mars ancient orbital distance was 84 mkm – as we
have discussed that frequently and deeply before
o Why Jupiter and Saturn effect to create Mars orbital inclination (1.9 degree)
o 1.9 degrees = (1/0.526 deg), and Mars motion per a solar day =0.526 deg.
i.e. Jupiter and Saturn effect on Mars to move in place to be dead in its new
orbital distance.. it's similar to any ship hanging in some mud and 2 other
ships pull it to reach to the running water and could sail by itself…
o The value 0.6 degrees is used as a basic player in both equations, telling
that, Mars axial tilt is created based on these 3 planets motions interaction
(the green rectangle), this interaction is built based on the moon body… the
moon is the table on which Jupiter and Saturn performed their surgery to
save Mars Motion and protected it from death…
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
Equation No. (3)
27.3 degrees = 26.7 degrees (Saturn Axial Tilt) +0.6 degrees
- Equation (4) tells that, the value (0.6 degrees) which shows Jupiter and Saturn
interaction effect on Mars motion, this effect is seen through the value (26.7) into
the moon orbital period (27.3 days)!
- The moon orbital period (27.3 days) must be a cycle done by all solar planets, it's a
general motion because it depends on (Two Planets Interaction Effect To Save The
Third One)- it's a general cycle in the solar system….
- How to understand this value (26.7 degrees = Saturn Axial Tilt)? We know that,
26.7 deg + 90 deg = 116.75 degrees, and we know that 1 degree = 1 day… So
(1163.7 = Venus Day Period), for that the value 116.7 degrees (or days) must be
considered a general motion or a general value, i.e. the value 26.7 degrees can
(also) express Venus Day Period (116.7 degrees -90 degrees = 26.7 degrees)
- Equation No. (4) tells that, the value 0.6 degrees effect on Venus day period
(which is a general value also) to create the cycle 27.3 days which is considered a
general cycle for the whole solar system
- That tells us why the earth moon is so specific planet… because the moon moves
with general values….i.e. the cycle 27.3 days is a general cycle done by all solar
planets but not clearly but by some hiding effect because this cycle (27.3) is found
among other cycles in the orbital periods – but the moon moves this cycle only, so
we consider that this cycle (27.3 days) is the moon orbital period, but NOT True,
it's a general motion done by all planets, and the moon only shows it –
- Metonic Cycle, it's a general motion, but the moon does it clearly so we consider
this is a cycle of the moon which is not true, it's general cycle for the solar system,
because of that, Earth moves during Metonic Cycle a distance = Uranus orbital
circumference, why this distance is important? Because Uranus is the Metonic
Cycle source, where Metonic Cycle is produced by light beam known velocity (0.3
mkm/sec) travels from Jupiter to Uranus, that makes Uranus is the Metonic Cycle
As a proof for that
Additional Equation No. (I)
5 mkm (Earth distance from 152.1 mkm to 147.1 mkm) = 27.3 x 183614 km
- 183614 km = the perimeter of the triangle BCS
- This triangle perimeter is so specific value which we have discussed before and
that means Earth motion free space depends on the moon orbital period based on
this value 183614 km, showing that the cycle 27.3 days is used by all planets,
because of that (365.25 days = 27.3 days x (Earth diameter / moon diameter) 2
, and
as we know 687 days (27.3 days x 25.2 where 25.2 deg = Mars axial tilt, and 687
days = 365.25 days x 1.9).
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
Equation No. (4)
Uranus diameter / the moon diameter) = (Uranus axial tilt/ the moon axial tilt)
This equation is so complex one, I have selected jus a part of it…
Note please,
- Uranus axial value in this equation = 98.6 degrees where = 97.8 deg (U. axial tilt)
+0.8 deg(U. orbital inclination).
- Masses Equation has an error 1%
- Equation No. (4) tells that, Uranus and the moon diameters rate is so specific value
in the solar system because based on it Uranus the moon axial tilts are defined and
also the masses rate between Uranus and Earth
- I wish I explain the meaning as clear as possible, because the data can't be created
by any pure coincidence, on the contrary, it's directed data used Earth mass, and its
moon diameter & axial tilt, in proportionality with their counterparts in Uranus
data… simply we have a directed equation proves that the interaction between
Uranus and the moon axial tilts is so great one for that many other data is created
as a function of this rate…
- Simply, the Equation proves that, this interaction is a fact
Equation No. (5)
6.7 deg (The Moon Axial Tilt) = 5.6 degrees +1.1 degrees
- The Moon Orbital Incaution = 5.1 Degrees
- The moon angular diameter = 0.5 Degrees
- Total = 5.6 degrees
- The moon orbital inclination is created as a function of the moon axial tilt based on
the required value 1.1 degrees
- The required task (1.1 degrees) is found in the moon building structure… the moon
is created and found for this specific job…
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
2-1-3 The Procedure Performance Results
Uranus Effects On The Moon Perigee Radius
- What is the result of this procedure? What useful result we receive from this
procedure analysis?
- We can conclude that, Uranus effects on the moon orbital radius at perigee point
(r= 0.363 mkm)
- Simply the point (B) in the moon orbital triangle shows Uranus effect on the moon
orbital motion
- We have old data to support this conclusion..
o (1st
) 2.58 mkm (Earth motion distance daily) = 7.1 x 0.363 mkm (Perigee
radius) but 0.363 mkm (Perigee radius) =7.1 x Uranus Diameter
o The perpendicularity between both axial tilts (97.8 deg -6.7 deg= 91.1 deg)
- Can this data proves that (Uranus effects on the moon orbital at perigee
radius, r= 0.363 mkm)?
Let’s see more one Equation to support this conclusion
6- 2872.5 mkm /2.28 mkm = 1260
1260 degrees2
=13.18 deg x 95.6 deg = 12.195 deg x 103 deg
=13 x 96.7 deg =7.1 x 177.4 deg
= 26.7 deg x 23.6 deg x 2
Equation No. (6)
2872.5 mkm (Uranus orbital distance) /2.28 mkm (Perigee orbital circumference)
= 1260
- Equation no (6) simply divided Uranus orbital distance by the moon perigee orbital
circumference and the rate = 1260
- We know that, 1260 degrees = 180 x 7 degrees, but why this value is specific here,
or why this value 1260 proves that (Uranus effects on the moon orbital perigee
radius)?? The equation has many parts let's see the first part
- 1260 degrees 2
= 13.18 deg x 95.6 deg
o 13.18 deg = The moon motion daily degrees
o 95.6 deg = 90 deg + 5.6 degrees, and we know that, 5.1 deg (the moon
orbital inclination) + 0.5 degree (the moon angular diameter) = 5.6
o Equation No. (6) tells that, because Uranus axial tilt is perpendicular on the
moon axial tilt, because of that, the moon orbital inclination uses its vertical
value, where the moon orbital inclination is measured above the moon
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
diameter, because the moon is used as a cornerstone under the moon orbital
triangle, i.e. the moon orbit is built above the moon itself and because of that
the moon angular diameter (angle) is used with the moon orbital inclination
- 1260 degrees 2
= 13 deg x 96.7 deg
o 13 deg = Venus & earth interaction effect, we have discussed before.
o 96.7 deg = 90 deg + 6.7 degrees, (The Moon Axial Tilt)
o It's identical equation to the previous one and tells the same meaning
- 1260 degrees 2
= 12.195 deg x 103 deg
o 12.195 degrees = (13.18 deg – 0.98562 deg), we know that 13.18 deg is the
moon daily motion angle, and 0.98562 deg is the moon original motion
angle and 12.195 deg is the angle produced because of the motion daily
displacement (88000 km x 2)
o 103 degrees is the angle (CDE) it's the angle which defines the whole moon
orbit, and the angle dimension reach to the moon orbit apogee, mean, the
moon can't move beyond this angle (103 deg),
o The equation tells that, 1260 degrees controls the moon motion and its most
far point definition, i.e. no ability to move any further beyond this angle, it's
the moon prison angle – no ability to penetrate it
o The equation tells that, Uranus effect on perigee radius defines the moon
motion free space from perigee to apogee (0.363 mkm to 0.406 mkm) and
can't be any further point
- 1260 degrees 2
= 7.1 x 177.4 deg (Venus axial tilt)
o We remember that 7.1 is the contraction rate, and this same rate is used
between Uranus and perigee values (2.58 mkm Earth motion daily =7.1 x
0.363 mkm (perigee radius) but 0.363 mkm = 7.1 x Uranus diameter
o 177.4 deg (Venus axial tilt) is the base on which the moon orbital incaution
is created (360 deg – "2 x 177.4 deg" = 5.2 degrees), that shows the deep
interaction between Venus and the moon and shows this equation reason and
- 1260 degrees 2
= 26.7 deg (Saturn axial tilt) x 23.6 deg x 2
o 26.7 deg (Saturn axial tilt) is a general value as we have discussed
o 23.6 deg = the outer planets orbital inclinations total, but this value is used 2
times, this manner we have faced before in the previous paper…
o But 23.4 deg (Earth axial tilt) = 23.6 deg x 0.99
o Note (CD =95930 km) sin (23.4 deg) = 88000 km (daily displacement)
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
o The Equation tells that, earth axial tilt is created as a function in this value
1260 based on the rate 26.7 deg which is a general value and equivalent to
(116.7 deg or 116.7 days "Venus day period")
- Note Please, the rest calculations support this same meaning – any way – I want to
say that, the value 1260 is a strong proof for Uranus effect on Perigee radius
- Simply it's a fact
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
Please remember this triangle data
Let's start our analysis
- EB = Perigee radius = 363000 km
- ES = total solar eclipse radius = EC = 373000 km
- ED = Apogee radius = 406000 km (405500 km)
- EA= (Jupiter Circumference) =449197 km
- AC = (Saturn diameter) =121620 km (error 1%)
- EC = (Saturn circumference) = 373000 km
- SB= (the moon Circumference) =10921 km
- CS = = 86693 km
- CF= (the moon daily displacement) =88000 km
- CD = = 95930 km
- CB= AB = 86000 km
- BCS = 7.25 degrees Angle E = 13.33 degrees
- BCF = 12.195 degrees ECB =76.7 degrees
- BCD= 26.3 degrees
- BCA = 45 degrees
- CSB = 82.75 degrees CSF = 97.25 degrees
- CFB = 77.8 degrees CFD = 102.195 degrees
- CDF= 63.7 degrees CDA= 116.3 degrees
- ECD= 103 degrees
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
The Moon Motion Trajectory Analysis (II)
Light Motion Features Are Discovered in Planet Motion
Can Different Rates Of Time Be Found In The Solar System Motion?(II)
Does Particle Data Depend on Its Motion? (Lorentz Transformations Analysis)
Dr. Budochkina, Svetlana Aleksandrovna
Associate professor - Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences (2005)
List of publications on Google Scholar
List of publications on ZentralBlatt
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Mr.Gerges Francis Tawdrous +201022532292
Physics Department- Physics & Mathematics Faculty
Gerges Francis Tawdrous +201022532292
Curriculum Vitae
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Gerges francis
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Venus and Mars Motions Interactive Effect (II)
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The Moon Motion Trajectory Analysis (III)
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Uranus Is Perpendicular On Earth Moon Orbit (III)
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Uranus Is Perpendicular On Earth Moon Orbit (III)
The Moon Orbital Triangle (General discussion) (IV)
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Cartesian coordinates
Cartesian coordinatesCartesian coordinates
Cartesian coordinates
Moon Orbital Motion Analysis (II)
Moon Orbital Motion Analysis (II)Moon Orbital Motion Analysis (II)
Moon Orbital Motion Analysis (II)
My research basic arguments (iii)
My research basic arguments (iii)My research basic arguments (iii)
My research basic arguments (iii)
The Moon Orbital Triangle (General discussion)(II)
The Moon Orbital Triangle (General discussion)(II)The Moon Orbital Triangle (General discussion)(II)
The Moon Orbital Triangle (General discussion)(II)
The Moon Orbital Triangle (General discussion) (III)
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The Moon Orbital Triangle (General discussion) (III)
KTU BE 100 Engineering Mechanics
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Introduction to Dynamics
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The Moon Orbital Triangle (General discussion) (V)
The Moon Orbital Triangle (General discussion) (V) The Moon Orbital Triangle (General discussion) (V)
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Similar to The Moon Orbital Triangle Analysis (IV)

Uranus Day Period
Uranus Day Period Uranus Day Period
Uranus Day Period
Gerges francis
Uranus position in the sky
Uranus position in the skyUranus position in the sky
Uranus position in the sky
Gerges francis
The Moon Orbital Triangle Analysis (VI)
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The Moon Orbital Triangle Analysis (VI)
Gerges francis
The Moon Orbital Triangle Analysis (VIII)
The Moon Orbital Triangle Analysis (VIII)The Moon Orbital Triangle Analysis (VIII)
The Moon Orbital Triangle Analysis (VIII)
Gerges francis
Earth moon moves with 2 rates of time (i)
Earth moon moves with 2 rates of time (i)Earth moon moves with 2 rates of time (i)
Earth moon moves with 2 rates of time (i)
Gerges francis
The Moon Orbital Inclination (Part II)
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Gerges francis
My Research Basic Arguments (V)
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My Research Basic Arguments (V)
Gerges francis
Moon Orbit Triangle Analysis (Revised)
Moon Orbit Triangle Analysis (Revised)Moon Orbit Triangle Analysis (Revised)
Moon Orbit Triangle Analysis (Revised)
Gerges francis
Planet orbital eccentricity disproves the solar group current description
Planet orbital eccentricity disproves the solar group current descriptionPlanet orbital eccentricity disproves the solar group current description
Planet orbital eccentricity disproves the solar group current description
Gerges francis
Why The Earth Moon Distance = The Planets Diameters Total (III)
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Why The Earth Moon Distance = The Planets Diameters Total (III)
Gerges francis
The Moon Orbital Triangle Analysis (II)
The Moon Orbital Triangle Analysis (II)The Moon Orbital Triangle Analysis (II)
The Moon Orbital Triangle Analysis (II)
Gerges francis
Solar planet motion trajectory is a square (proves)
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Solar planet motion trajectory is a square (proves)
Gerges francis
Venus and Mars Motions Interactive Effect
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Gerges francis
The Moon Orbital Triangle (General discussion) (I)
The Moon Orbital Triangle (General discussion) (I) The Moon Orbital Triangle (General discussion) (I)
The Moon Orbital Triangle (General discussion) (I)
Gerges francis
The Sun Rate of Time (Revised)
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The Sun Rate of Time (Revised)
Gerges francis
Earth and Moon Motions Interaction
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Earth and Moon Motions Interaction
Gerges francis
My Research Basic Questions (III)
My Research Basic Questions (III)My Research Basic Questions (III)
My Research Basic Questions (III)
Gerges francis
Uranus Is Perpendicular On Earth Moon Orbit (VII)
Uranus Is Perpendicular On Earth Moon Orbit (VII) Uranus Is Perpendicular On Earth Moon Orbit (VII)
Uranus Is Perpendicular On Earth Moon Orbit (VII)
Gerges francis
Planet Motion Trajectory Is Not An Ellipse
Planet Motion Trajectory Is Not An EllipsePlanet Motion Trajectory Is Not An Ellipse
Planet Motion Trajectory Is Not An Ellipse
Gerges francis
Why Earth moves Daily A Distance = The Moon Orbit Circumference
Why Earth moves Daily A Distance = The Moon Orbit CircumferenceWhy Earth moves Daily A Distance = The Moon Orbit Circumference
Why Earth moves Daily A Distance = The Moon Orbit Circumference
Gerges francis

Similar to The Moon Orbital Triangle Analysis (IV) (20)

Uranus Day Period
Uranus Day Period Uranus Day Period
Uranus Day Period
Uranus position in the sky
Uranus position in the skyUranus position in the sky
Uranus position in the sky
The Moon Orbital Triangle Analysis (VI)
The Moon Orbital Triangle Analysis (VI)The Moon Orbital Triangle Analysis (VI)
The Moon Orbital Triangle Analysis (VI)
The Moon Orbital Triangle Analysis (VIII)
The Moon Orbital Triangle Analysis (VIII)The Moon Orbital Triangle Analysis (VIII)
The Moon Orbital Triangle Analysis (VIII)
Earth moon moves with 2 rates of time (i)
Earth moon moves with 2 rates of time (i)Earth moon moves with 2 rates of time (i)
Earth moon moves with 2 rates of time (i)
The Moon Orbital Inclination (Part II)
The Moon Orbital Inclination (Part II)The Moon Orbital Inclination (Part II)
The Moon Orbital Inclination (Part II)
My Research Basic Arguments (V)
My Research Basic Arguments (V)My Research Basic Arguments (V)
My Research Basic Arguments (V)
Moon Orbit Triangle Analysis (Revised)
Moon Orbit Triangle Analysis (Revised)Moon Orbit Triangle Analysis (Revised)
Moon Orbit Triangle Analysis (Revised)
Planet orbital eccentricity disproves the solar group current description
Planet orbital eccentricity disproves the solar group current descriptionPlanet orbital eccentricity disproves the solar group current description
Planet orbital eccentricity disproves the solar group current description
Why The Earth Moon Distance = The Planets Diameters Total (III)
Why The Earth Moon Distance = The Planets Diameters Total (III) Why The Earth Moon Distance = The Planets Diameters Total (III)
Why The Earth Moon Distance = The Planets Diameters Total (III)
The Moon Orbital Triangle Analysis (II)
The Moon Orbital Triangle Analysis (II)The Moon Orbital Triangle Analysis (II)
The Moon Orbital Triangle Analysis (II)
Solar planet motion trajectory is a square (proves)
Solar planet motion trajectory is a square (proves)Solar planet motion trajectory is a square (proves)
Solar planet motion trajectory is a square (proves)
Venus and Mars Motions Interactive Effect
Venus and Mars Motions Interactive Effect Venus and Mars Motions Interactive Effect
Venus and Mars Motions Interactive Effect
The Moon Orbital Triangle (General discussion) (I)
The Moon Orbital Triangle (General discussion) (I) The Moon Orbital Triangle (General discussion) (I)
The Moon Orbital Triangle (General discussion) (I)
The Sun Rate of Time (Revised)
The Sun Rate of Time (Revised)The Sun Rate of Time (Revised)
The Sun Rate of Time (Revised)
Earth and Moon Motions Interaction
Earth and Moon Motions Interaction Earth and Moon Motions Interaction
Earth and Moon Motions Interaction
My Research Basic Questions (III)
My Research Basic Questions (III)My Research Basic Questions (III)
My Research Basic Questions (III)
Uranus Is Perpendicular On Earth Moon Orbit (VII)
Uranus Is Perpendicular On Earth Moon Orbit (VII) Uranus Is Perpendicular On Earth Moon Orbit (VII)
Uranus Is Perpendicular On Earth Moon Orbit (VII)
Planet Motion Trajectory Is Not An Ellipse
Planet Motion Trajectory Is Not An EllipsePlanet Motion Trajectory Is Not An Ellipse
Planet Motion Trajectory Is Not An Ellipse
Why Earth moves Daily A Distance = The Moon Orbit Circumference
Why Earth moves Daily A Distance = The Moon Orbit CircumferenceWhy Earth moves Daily A Distance = The Moon Orbit Circumference
Why Earth moves Daily A Distance = The Moon Orbit Circumference

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The Moon Orbital Triangle Analysis (IV)

  • 1. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 1 The Moon Orbital Triangle Analysis (IV) The Author Authorized To Be Used By Mr. Gerges Francis Tawdrous A Student–Physics Department- Physics & Mathematics Faculty – Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University) – Moscow – Russia Dr. Budochkina, Svetlana Aleksandrovna Associate Professor (Mathematical Analysis and Theory of Functions Department) Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University) – Moscow – Russia Phone +201022532292 E-Mail: Curriculum Vitae Phone +7 (495) 952-35-83 E-Mail:, Website The Assumption Of S. Virgin Mary -Written in Cairo –Egypt – 6th November 2020 Abstract Paper Hypothesis - Uranus axial tilt is perpendicular on the moon axial tilt, and this perpendicularity created the moon motion range (Perigee r=0.363 mk & Apogee r=0.406 mk) Paper Main Idea - The moon orbital triangle is declined by 1.1 degrees on the horizontal base to save the triangle values from Uranus perpendicularity effect on the moon orbit - (Uranus axial tilt 97.8 deg – The moon axial tilt 6.7 deg =1.1 deg) - The value 1.1 degrees is consumed in (0.5 deg "the moon angular diameter") and (0.6 degrees ") - The value (0.6 degrees) shows Jupiter and Saturn motions effect on Mars motion, but this interaction between the 3 planets motions (Mars, Jupiter and Saturn) depends on the moon angular diameter "0.5 degrees". And because of that, the moon motion data effects and effected greatly by Mars motion… for example o 687 days (Mars orbital period) = 27.3 days (the moon orbital period) x 25.2 o 13.18 deg (the moon motion daily)/ 0.526 deg (Mars motion daily) = 25.2 deg (Mars axial tilt) = - This interaction of Mars and Moon motions is created because Jupiter and Saturn motions effect on Mars Motion is done based on the moon angular diameter "0.5 degrees", so this both values (0.5 degrees +0.6 degrees = 1.1 degrees) consisted together one result 1.1 degrees which Uranus aimed to create between both axial tilts (Uranus axial tilt and the moon axial tilt). - The value 1.1 degrees is found in the ancient solar system before the (2) planets migration and after the migration this value technique is destroyed, and Uranus wanted to create this same value again by a new technique in place of the destroyed one to save the solar system after the planets migration
  • 2. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 2 Abstract What idea this paper tells us? we have analyzed the moon orbital triangle … BUT - One question we have left since our analysis started … let's remember it: Because - The angle CSF = 97.25 degrees and CSB = 82.75 degrees, I suggested that.. o If 0.6 degrees is discounted from (82.75 deg) and be added to (97.25 deg), that will make the 1st angle CSF = 97.8 deg (= Uranus Axial Tilt) and the 2nd angle CDB = 82 deg = 2 x 41 deg (the planets orbital inclinations total =41 deg) So o How this 0.6 angle be transferred from CSB to CSF?? o We know that Uranus axial tilt is perpendicular (approximately) on the moon axial tilt because (97.8 deg – 6.7 degrees= 91.1 degrees) but the moon angular diameter = 0.5 degree o i.e. (91.1 degrees – 0.5 degrees = 90.6 degrees) o the CB line is perpendicular on the base AE (90 degrees), now let's suppose that this angle = 90.6 degrees, if we use this method the angles CSF and CSB will be accurately (= 97.8 deg , 82 deg respectively) i.e. o Because many numbers are in consistency, there's some feeling that there's a geometrical reason behind this consistency…. that tells, the perpendicularity (90.6 degrees) is some how real and because of that many numbers are found in consistency with each other…. But o I can't replace the angle EBC =90 degrees by the 90.6 degrees, because this procedure will cause a series defect for the triangle analysis and credibility o Let's explain why! o The moon orbital triangle , as I have suggested, depends on the consistency of data… and as we see in the triangle the data is in full consistency – for example the distance CF = 88000 km = the moon displacement daily, this
  • 3. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 3 number has no error but accurately = 88000 km…. also the angle BCF=12.195 deg (which = 13.18 deg – 0.98562 deg)… as we have discussed before… o I want to say that, the moon orbital triangle provides tenths of values which accurately equals data of the moon motion – where this data shows no error o This procedure to change the angle 90 degrees by 90.6 degrees will create errors in tenths of angles and dimensions in the triangle where these errors reach to 1%, that causes fear for me to do this procedure… How to consider this situation…? o The dilemma is that, we have 3 value are in consistency with this procedure, these values are (97.25 degrees, 82.75 degrees and 90.6 degrees) but we have tenth values shows inconsistency with this procedures among these values are ( CS =88000km, CD = 95930 km, the angle CDS =63.7 deg, the angle CDE = 116.3 deg, the angle DFC = 102.195 deg "=90+12.195"….etc) And o The left question is…. Does this procedure is done really or not? If yes 3 values will be in inconsistency, If not 10 values will be in inconsistency? How to solve this dilemma?..... o Why this question is so important?? Because the dilemma solution gives us new depth in our understanding for how the moon orbital triangle is created - The paper tries to solve this dilemma, let's see the paper contents in following Paper Contents 2- Uranus Axial Tilt Is Perpendicular On The Earth Moon Axial Tilt
  • 4. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 4 2- Uranus Axial Tilt Is Perpendicular On The Earth Moon Axial Tilt 2-1 The Dilemma Solution The previous figure tells us what's happened in the moon orbital triangle, and why that's happened…. We have 3 basic points here to discuss which are 2-1-1 The Triangle Explanation - The line CB is Uranus axial tilt 97.8 degrees - The base black thick line is The Moon Axial Tilt 6.7 degrees - We know (97.8 degrees – 6.7 degrees = 91.1 degrees) - We have 1.1 degrees (additional value) on the perpendicular (90 degrees) - The moon angular diameter =0.5 deg, which is seen in the moon (the blue ball) - 0.6 degrees is left is seen in the green triangle as an environment found above the moon and this environment works as a lining between the moon and the triangle base (the red thick line) – this lining is created by Uranus, which we have to explain as deeply as possible in this discussion - The moon orbital triangle is the same as we have seen before perfectly without any change, just one, that the triangle base (EA) is declined on the horizontal level (the black thick line) with 1.1 degrees Why we did this procedure? Because of 3 values … 1st Value (the value 91.1 degrees or 90.6 degrees to make it = 90 degrees, and that done, the angle EBC =90 degrees in the triangle but equal 91.1 degrees (the same angle) on the horizontal line (the black thick line ) (Please Note this black thick line is the Earth moon axial tilt… i.e. the whole moon orbital triangle is created depending on the moon axial tilt as its base) 2nd Value - The angle CSF =97.25 degrees, we hoped to make this value as 97.8 degrees (Uranus axial tilt), And its done, the angle CSF on the moon body =97.8 degrees 3rd Value - The angle CSB =82.7 degrees, we hoped to make this value as 82 degrees (the planets orbital inclinations total = 41 degrees i.e. 41 deg x 2 =82), And its done, the angle CSB on the moon body =82 degrees
  • 5. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 5 How To Understand This Triangle? What's news this triangle tells us? - Uranus effects on the solar planets vertically and because of that Uranus could cause to decline the whole moon orbital triangle to consume this angle (1.1 degrees) inside it…. - The triangle tells us that, the moon orbit is created basically based on (Uranus Axial Tilt And The Moon Axial Tilt As 2 Right Triangle Dimensions) - The angle 1.1 degrees couldn't destroy the moon orbital triangle because of Uranus And The Moon Axial Tilts Interaction Shortly - Uranus has in his pocket an angle =1.1 degrees, and Uranus wanted to save this angle in some save place because of its massive importance – so Uranus created the perpendicularity between its axial tilt and the moon axial tilt to save this angle in this perpendicularity (why this angle 1.1 deg is so massive important, we should discuss and prove in this discussion) – Simply - - The whole moon orbital triangle is created to consume this angle (1.1 degrees), Uranus who controls all planets vertically could do that by the perpendicularity between Uranus axial tilt and the Moon axial tilt Now let's refer to this lining (The Green Rectangle) - This lining is an angle = 0.6 degrees - This lining is created by an interaction found between Jupiter and Saturn on one side and Mars on the other side - The moon motion is found to create a recovery for the risks caused the planets Migration (Mars and Pluto)… where the planets migration could destroy the solar system but Uranus used Jupiter and Saturn to support the moon motion to save the mars new point and the solar system - Let's discuss that as deep as possible in following…
  • 6. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 6 2-1-2 Why this procedure is performed? - Let's remember … - Mars & Pluto has migrated from their original orbital distances to their new points, many changes are happened in the planets migration … but 2 basic changes we interest for in our discussion - Before The Planets Migration - Mercury axial tilt was = 1 degree - Mars orbital inclination was =1.8 degrees - After The Planets Migration - Mercury axial tilt was = 0.01 degree - Mars orbital inclination was =1.9 degrees So the change value =1.1 degrees - Why Uranus wanted to save this 1.1 degrees? - Because the solar system geometrical structure after the planets migration is a repaired for the solar system before the planets migration… - It's Not A New Creation.. - The S.S. geometrical structure after the planets migration is produced by a maintenance process done for the ancient one, so if the ancient one data is missed the repaired one will not work - The point is that, Mercury Axial Tilt Is Collapsed and no geometrical structure will be found for the solar system If Mercury axial tilt will be still collapsed… Simply, the S.S. geometry needs 1 degrees to be recovered and 0.1 deg for Mars orbital inclination change - So why Uranus created the angle 1.1 degrees between both axial tilts (Uranus axial tilt and the moon axial tilt) because this value 1.1 degrees will be used in place of Mercury ancient axial tilt and Mars orbital inclination change… this is the reason simply… but how that's happened? Because the facts shows a real complex risky process… let's see this fact as clear as possible
  • 7. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 7 2-1-3 The Procedure Performance Details I-Data 1- 2.5 degrees = 1.9 degrees +0.6 degrees 2- 1.9 degrees = 1.3 degrees +0.6 degrees 3- 27.3 degrees = 26.7 degrees+0.6 degrees 4- Uranus diameter / the moon diameter) = (Uranus axial tilt/ the moon axial tilt) 5- 6.7 degrees = 5.6 degrees +1.1 degrees I-Discussion Equation No. (1) 2.5 deg. (Saturn orbital inclination) = 1.9 deg. (Mars orbital inclination) +0.6 deg. Equation No. (2) 1.9 deg. (Mars orbital inclination)= 1.3 deg. (Jupiter orbital inclination) +0.6 deg. - Equations (1) and (2) tell that, Mars orbital inclination is created by a direct effect from Jupiter and Saturn orbital inclinations…. Let's see more data o Mars Orbital Circumference = Saturn Orbital Distance o Mars Velocity Daily = Saturn Velocity Daily x 2.5 o Mars Orbital Period = Jupiter Orbital Period x 2π - I referred to the most important data in the relationships between Mars and Saturn on one side and Mars and Jupiter on the other side – many other data can be added Shortly - Jupiter and Saturn interaction effect on Mars causes its (new) orbital inclination (1.9 deg) where its ancient was (1.8 deg)… but how I know that?? o Earth diameter = 1.9 x Mars diameter (6792 km) o Earth diameter = 1.8 x Mars ancient diameter (7070 km), where this value 7070 km is sufficient for the equation (Planet orbital distance = planet diameter x 1092 ) where Mars ancient orbital distance was 84 mkm – as we have discussed that frequently and deeply before o Why Jupiter and Saturn effect to create Mars orbital inclination (1.9 degree) specifically…. Because o 1.9 degrees = (1/0.526 deg), and Mars motion per a solar day =0.526 deg. i.e. Jupiter and Saturn effect on Mars to move in place to be dead in its new orbital distance.. it's similar to any ship hanging in some mud and 2 other ships pull it to reach to the running water and could sail by itself… o The value 0.6 degrees is used as a basic player in both equations, telling that, Mars axial tilt is created based on these 3 planets motions interaction (the green rectangle), this interaction is built based on the moon body… the moon is the table on which Jupiter and Saturn performed their surgery to save Mars Motion and protected it from death…
  • 8. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 8 Equation No. (3) 27.3 degrees = 26.7 degrees (Saturn Axial Tilt) +0.6 degrees - Equation (4) tells that, the value (0.6 degrees) which shows Jupiter and Saturn interaction effect on Mars motion, this effect is seen through the value (26.7) into the moon orbital period (27.3 days)! i.e. - The moon orbital period (27.3 days) must be a cycle done by all solar planets, it's a general motion because it depends on (Two Planets Interaction Effect To Save The Third One)- it's a general cycle in the solar system…. But - How to understand this value (26.7 degrees = Saturn Axial Tilt)? We know that, 26.7 deg + 90 deg = 116.75 degrees, and we know that 1 degree = 1 day… So (1163.7 = Venus Day Period), for that the value 116.7 degrees (or days) must be considered a general motion or a general value, i.e. the value 26.7 degrees can (also) express Venus Day Period (116.7 degrees -90 degrees = 26.7 degrees) - Equation No. (4) tells that, the value 0.6 degrees effect on Venus day period (which is a general value also) to create the cycle 27.3 days which is considered a general cycle for the whole solar system - That tells us why the earth moon is so specific planet… because the moon moves with general values….i.e. the cycle 27.3 days is a general cycle done by all solar planets but not clearly but by some hiding effect because this cycle (27.3) is found among other cycles in the orbital periods – but the moon moves this cycle only, so we consider that this cycle (27.3 days) is the moon orbital period, but NOT True, it's a general motion done by all planets, and the moon only shows it – Also - Metonic Cycle, it's a general motion, but the moon does it clearly so we consider this is a cycle of the moon which is not true, it's general cycle for the solar system, because of that, Earth moves during Metonic Cycle a distance = Uranus orbital circumference, why this distance is important? Because Uranus is the Metonic Cycle source, where Metonic Cycle is produced by light beam known velocity (0.3 mkm/sec) travels from Jupiter to Uranus, that makes Uranus is the Metonic Cycle source… As a proof for that Additional Equation No. (I) 5 mkm (Earth distance from 152.1 mkm to 147.1 mkm) = 27.3 x 183614 km - 183614 km = the perimeter of the triangle BCS - This triangle perimeter is so specific value which we have discussed before and that means Earth motion free space depends on the moon orbital period based on this value 183614 km, showing that the cycle 27.3 days is used by all planets, because of that (365.25 days = 27.3 days x (Earth diameter / moon diameter) 2 , and as we know 687 days (27.3 days x 25.2 where 25.2 deg = Mars axial tilt, and 687 days = 365.25 days x 1.9).
  • 9. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 9 Equation No. (4) Uranus diameter / the moon diameter) = (Uranus axial tilt/ the moon axial tilt) This equation is so complex one, I have selected jus a part of it… Note please, - Uranus axial value in this equation = 98.6 degrees where = 97.8 deg (U. axial tilt) +0.8 deg(U. orbital inclination). - Masses Equation has an error 1% - Equation No. (4) tells that, Uranus and the moon diameters rate is so specific value in the solar system because based on it Uranus the moon axial tilts are defined and also the masses rate between Uranus and Earth - I wish I explain the meaning as clear as possible, because the data can't be created by any pure coincidence, on the contrary, it's directed data used Earth mass, and its moon diameter & axial tilt, in proportionality with their counterparts in Uranus data… simply we have a directed equation proves that the interaction between Uranus and the moon axial tilts is so great one for that many other data is created as a function of this rate… - Simply, the Equation proves that, this interaction is a fact Equation No. (5) 6.7 deg (The Moon Axial Tilt) = 5.6 degrees +1.1 degrees - The Moon Orbital Incaution = 5.1 Degrees - The moon angular diameter = 0.5 Degrees - Total = 5.6 degrees i.e. - The moon orbital inclination is created as a function of the moon axial tilt based on the required value 1.1 degrees i.e. - The required task (1.1 degrees) is found in the moon building structure… the moon is created and found for this specific job… 19 4.279 2.17 253 MassEarth MassUranus TiltAxailMoonThe TiltAxailUranus DiametermoonThe DiameterUranus ====
  • 10. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 10 2-1-3 The Procedure Performance Results Uranus Effects On The Moon Perigee Radius - What is the result of this procedure? What useful result we receive from this procedure analysis? - We can conclude that, Uranus effects on the moon orbital radius at perigee point (r= 0.363 mkm) - Simply the point (B) in the moon orbital triangle shows Uranus effect on the moon orbital motion - We have old data to support this conclusion.. o (1st ) 2.58 mkm (Earth motion distance daily) = 7.1 x 0.363 mkm (Perigee radius) but 0.363 mkm (Perigee radius) =7.1 x Uranus Diameter o The perpendicularity between both axial tilts (97.8 deg -6.7 deg= 91.1 deg) - Can this data proves that (Uranus effects on the moon orbital at perigee radius, r= 0.363 mkm)? Let’s see more one Equation to support this conclusion I-Data 6- 2872.5 mkm /2.28 mkm = 1260 1260 degrees2 =13.18 deg x 95.6 deg = 12.195 deg x 103 deg =13 x 96.7 deg =7.1 x 177.4 deg = 26.7 deg x 23.6 deg x 2 Equation No. (6) 2872.5 mkm (Uranus orbital distance) /2.28 mkm (Perigee orbital circumference) = 1260 - Equation no (6) simply divided Uranus orbital distance by the moon perigee orbital circumference and the rate = 1260 - We know that, 1260 degrees = 180 x 7 degrees, but why this value is specific here, or why this value 1260 proves that (Uranus effects on the moon orbital perigee radius)?? The equation has many parts let's see the first part - 1260 degrees 2 = 13.18 deg x 95.6 deg o 13.18 deg = The moon motion daily degrees o 95.6 deg = 90 deg + 5.6 degrees, and we know that, 5.1 deg (the moon orbital inclination) + 0.5 degree (the moon angular diameter) = 5.6 o Equation No. (6) tells that, because Uranus axial tilt is perpendicular on the moon axial tilt, because of that, the moon orbital inclination uses its vertical value, where the moon orbital inclination is measured above the moon
  • 11. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 11 diameter, because the moon is used as a cornerstone under the moon orbital triangle, i.e. the moon orbit is built above the moon itself and because of that the moon angular diameter (angle) is used with the moon orbital inclination - 1260 degrees 2 = 13 deg x 96.7 deg o 13 deg = Venus & earth interaction effect, we have discussed before. o 96.7 deg = 90 deg + 6.7 degrees, (The Moon Axial Tilt) o It's identical equation to the previous one and tells the same meaning - 1260 degrees 2 = 12.195 deg x 103 deg o 12.195 degrees = (13.18 deg – 0.98562 deg), we know that 13.18 deg is the moon daily motion angle, and 0.98562 deg is the moon original motion angle and 12.195 deg is the angle produced because of the motion daily displacement (88000 km x 2) o 103 degrees is the angle (CDE) it's the angle which defines the whole moon orbit, and the angle dimension reach to the moon orbit apogee, mean, the moon can't move beyond this angle (103 deg), o The equation tells that, 1260 degrees controls the moon motion and its most far point definition, i.e. no ability to move any further beyond this angle, it's the moon prison angle – no ability to penetrate it o The equation tells that, Uranus effect on perigee radius defines the moon motion free space from perigee to apogee (0.363 mkm to 0.406 mkm) and can't be any further point - 1260 degrees 2 = 7.1 x 177.4 deg (Venus axial tilt) o We remember that 7.1 is the contraction rate, and this same rate is used between Uranus and perigee values (2.58 mkm Earth motion daily =7.1 x 0.363 mkm (perigee radius) but 0.363 mkm = 7.1 x Uranus diameter o 177.4 deg (Venus axial tilt) is the base on which the moon orbital incaution is created (360 deg – "2 x 177.4 deg" = 5.2 degrees), that shows the deep interaction between Venus and the moon and shows this equation reason and concept. [ - 1260 degrees 2 = 26.7 deg (Saturn axial tilt) x 23.6 deg x 2 o 26.7 deg (Saturn axial tilt) is a general value as we have discussed o 23.6 deg = the outer planets orbital inclinations total, but this value is used 2 times, this manner we have faced before in the previous paper… o But 23.4 deg (Earth axial tilt) = 23.6 deg x 0.99 o Note (CD =95930 km) sin (23.4 deg) = 88000 km (daily displacement)
  • 12. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 12 o The Equation tells that, earth axial tilt is created as a function in this value 1260 based on the rate 26.7 deg which is a general value and equivalent to (116.7 deg or 116.7 days "Venus day period") - Note Please, the rest calculations support this same meaning – any way – I want to say that, the value 1260 is a strong proof for Uranus effect on Perigee radius - Simply it's a fact
  • 13. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 13 Please remember this triangle data Let's start our analysis - EB = Perigee radius = 363000 km - ES = total solar eclipse radius = EC = 373000 km - ED = Apogee radius = 406000 km (405500 km) - EA= (Jupiter Circumference) =449197 km - AC = (Saturn diameter) =121620 km (error 1%) - EC = (Saturn circumference) = 373000 km - SB= (the moon Circumference) =10921 km - CS = = 86693 km - CF= (the moon daily displacement) =88000 km - CD = = 95930 km - CB= AB = 86000 km THE ANGLES - BCS = 7.25 degrees Angle E = 13.33 degrees - BCF = 12.195 degrees ECB =76.7 degrees - BCD= 26.3 degrees - BCA = 45 degrees - CSB = 82.75 degrees CSF = 97.25 degrees - CFB = 77.8 degrees CFD = 102.195 degrees - CDF= 63.7 degrees CDA= 116.3 degrees - ECD= 103 degrees
  • 14. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 14 References The Moon Motion Trajectory Analysis (II) or Light Motion Features Are Discovered in Planet Motion or Can Different Rates Of Time Be Found In The Solar System Motion?(II) Does Particle Data Depend on Its Motion? (Lorentz Transformations Analysis) Dr. Budochkina, Svetlana Aleksandrovna Associate professor - Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences (2005) List of publications on Google Scholar List of publications on ZentralBlatt Full list of publications: local/prep/rj/index.php?id=2944&p=15209 Mr.Gerges Francis Tawdrous +201022532292 Physics Department- Physics & Mathematics Faculty Gerges Francis Tawdrous +201022532292 Curriculum Vitae E-mail Linkedln Facebook Researcherid ORCID Quora Google Academia List of publications