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Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
Uranus Is Perpendicular On Earth Moon Orbit (V)
The Author Authorized To Be Used By
Mr. Gerges Francis Tawdrous
A Student–Physics Department- Physics
& Mathematics Faculty –
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
(RUDN University) – Moscow – Russia
Dr. Budochkina, Svetlana Aleksandrovna
Associate Professor (Mathematical Analysis
and Theory of Functions Department)
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
(RUDN University) – Moscow – Russia
Phone +201022532292
Curriculum Vitae
Phone +7 (495) 952-35-83
The Assumption Of S. Virgin Mary -Written in Cairo –Egypt – 18th
November 2020
Paper Question
How can the moon motion is done in 2 different orbits?
Paper main idea summary
- Uranus axial tilt has an angle (91.1 degrees) with the Earth moon axial tilt
- Uranus creates a triangle with decline (1.1 degrees) on the horizontal level and the
rest angle (90 degrees) Uranus uses to be perpendicular on the moon orbit
- Uranus basic effect on the moon orbit is done on perigee point –
- Under the triangle Uranus created for the moon orbit, Uranus used 2 parts as
stuffing to consume this angle (1.1 degrees) (1st
part) is the green rectangle and it's
created by Jupiter and Saturn cooperation, it consumes 0.6 degrees. The (2nd
) part
is the moon itself where the moon diameter consumes an angle = 0.5 degrees
- i.e., Uranus axial tilt angle on the triangle base = 90 degrees, but under the base
immediately this same angle will be 90.6 degrees and the moon diameter
consumes 0.5 degrees (i.e.) under the moon the angle is 91.1 degrees on the
horizontal level which is the moon axial tilt.
- What we need is the angle 90.8 degrees? How to find it?
- Uranus axial tilt penetrates the moon diameter till reach to a diameter =1390 km
around the moon center (inside the moon body) – why? because the moon
diameter (3475 km) consumes (0.5 degrees) – so the diameter (1390 km) will
consume only (0.2 degrees) – so Uranus axial tilt angle will be (90.9 =90.8+0.1)
- Why is that? because Uranus orbital inclination = 0.8 deg. and vertically is 90.8
deg. means Uranus orbital inclination is created based on Uranus axial tilt
interaction with the earth moon axial tilt. Why is this significance? Because
- 177.4 deg (Venus axial tilt) +3.4 deg (Venus orbital inclination) =180.8 deg, so 0.8
degrees (Uranus orbital inclination) effects on Venus data (0.8+90+90) and creates
another perpendicularity between Venus and the moon orbit- But
- What is this 0.1 deg? It's Mars orbital inclination was 1.8 deg and became 1.9 deg.
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
1- The Solar System Geometrical Structure
1-1 The Creation Details
- The moon orbital triangle with its data is provided in the paper end to be our
discussion references
- Let's summarize the story in following:
o Uranus axial tilt penetrates the moon diameter with rate (3/5), and at this
point the small moon diameter will be 1390 km around the moon center, so
the angle will be 90.9 degrees (because, the angle was 90.6 degrees, the
moon diameter 3475 km consumes 0.5 degrees, then the diameter 1390 km
will consume only 0.2 degrees and the rest angle is 90.9 degrees)
o Uranus axial tilt has an angle 91.1 degrees with the moon axial tilt but
o Inside the moon body and far from its center by 1390 km, this angle will be
only 90.9 degrees
o 90.8 degrees = Uranus orbital incaution on vertical level (90.8 deg =90+0.8
o And the rest is 0.1 degree which is used for Mars orbital inclination which
was 1.8 degrees and became 1.9 degrees
o So we have 2 orbital inclination are created in this point which are Uranus
orbital inclination (0.8 degrees and is seen here as 90.8 degrees) and Mars
orbital inclination changed (from 1.8 degrees to 1.9 degrees)
o In previous paper we have discussed the value 1390 km and proved that it's
a real one
o What we need to do here is to follow the value 0.1 degree to see how this
value became part of Mars orbital inclination
Let's do that in following:
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
1-2 The Solar System New Geometrical Structure
Equation No. 1
179.9 degrees x 7 degrees (Mercury orbital inclination) = 1259.3 degrees
1259.3 seconds x 1.16 mkm /sec (light supposed velocity) = 1461 million km
177.4 degrees (Venus axial tilt) +2.5 degrees (Saturn orbital inclination)= 179.9 deg.
- The usual geometry uses the value 180 degrees for different process, But
- The solar system basic value is 179.9 degrees
- How we know that?
- Equation no. (1) is accurate equation (accurately 1259.3 x1.16 = 1460.7), But we
know that (1461 days =365+365+365+366 days),
- Shortly, after Mars and Pluto migration, the solar system lost the value 180
degrees and uses in place of it 179.9 degrees, that explains why Venus axial tilt
(177.4 deg) + Venus orbital inclination (3.4) = 180.8 degrees = 90+90+0.8 deg,
i.e. they are created by Uranus effect on the inner planets in the repair process in
which Uranus with Jupiter worked to save the solar system.
- The previous equation shows, 2 facts which are (1st
) the value 0.1 degree is absent
from the solar system (or was absent in the repair process starting), (2nd
) Venus
axial tilt is a main pillar in the solar system geometry repair process .
Is There Any Proof For This Idea?
Equation No. 2
224.7 days (Venus orbital period) x 0.8 (Uranus orbital inclination) = 179.9 days
- Equation No. (2) is accurate equation accurately (224.7 x 0.8 = 179.76)
- The equation proves the idea strongly
- The value 179.9 degrees (or days), is the value depends on which the solar system
started the repair process – and because of that – the value (179.9) is engraved in
Venus Data. (Where 225 = 180 x 0.8 accurately)
- Please Note
o Venus and Saturn relationship is so deep where
o Venus circumference x π = Saturn Diameter
o (Venus circumference)2
= Saturn Orbital Distance
o Saturn Axial Tilt = 26.7 deg. But vertically = (90+26.7= 116.7)
(Where 116.7 days = Venus day period)
(Also Saturn mass / Venus mass =116.7)
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
1-3 Mars Orbital Inclination Creation
I claim that mars orbit inclination was 1.8 degrees and became 1.9 degrees
So, the value 0.1 degrees must be found in Mars data clearly, let's test that
(1) 19 degrees x 0.1 = 1.9 degrees (Mars orbital inclination)
(2) 25.2 degrees Mars axial tilt = 2.5 degrees (Saturn Orbital Inclination) x 10
a. (Mars velocity / Saturn velocity = 2.5)
b. Mars Orbital Circumference = Saturn Orbital Distance
c. (Neptune Axial Tilt/ Saturn Axial Tilt) = Saturn Axial Tilt / Mars Axial Tilt)
= (Mars Axial Tilt / Earth Axial Tilt)
d. 1.9 deg (Mars orbital inclination) +0.6 deg= 2.5 deg (Saturn orbital inclination)
e. 1.9 deg (Mars orbital inclination)= 0.6 deg +1.3 deg (Jupiter orbital inclination)
(0.6 degrees is the angle added by the green rectangle which is caused by
Jupiter and Saturn interaction)
(3) 4222.6 hours (Mercury day period) = 17.2 x 247 hours (Mars day period x 10)
Where 17.2 degrees = Pluto orbital inclination and
17.2 deg = 0.99 x 17.4 deg (the inner planets orbital inclination total)
We know, this is a system because
Because 23.4 degrees = Earth Axial Tilt and
23.4 deg. = 0.99 x 23.64 deg (the outer planets orbital inclination total)
(4) 6870 days (Mars orbital period x 10) = Metonic Cycle period 6939.75 days (1%)
Note Please
- In equation no. (1), 19 degrees is the value by which the moon orbit regresses
yearly – that explains the connection between Mars orbital period and Metonic
Cycle period is created by the Mars and moon motions interaction where
o 687 days (Mars orbital period) =365.25 days (Earth Year) x 1.9
o 687 days (Mars orbital period) = 27.3 days (the moon orbital period) x 25.2
o 13.18 deg (the moon motion daily) / 0.526 deg (Mars Motion daily) = 25.2
o Where 25.2 deg = Mars Axial Tilt and 1.9 deg = Mars orbtil inclination
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
1-4 Uranus Orbital Inclination (0.8 degrees) Creation
Equation No. A
181843 km = 0.08 x 2.28 million km
- 2.28 mkm = the moon orbital circumference at perigee radius (r= 0.363 mkm)
- 181843 km = the main distance in the moon orbital triangle, please review it in the
paper end where the moon orbit dimensions are considered to be created on this
value (181843 km).
- We know that, Uranus effects on Perigee point (please review the previous parts)
- So the produced rate is 0.08
Equation No. B
0.8 degree = 0.08 / 0.1 degree
- By the value (0.1degree) which is used for Mars orbital inclination to be changed
from 1.8 degrees to 1.9 degrees, also the rate 0.08 is changed to be 0.8 degree
- By this interaction, Uranus orbital inclination is created as well as Mars orbital
inclination – that tells us some interaction must be crated between them in the
moon orbit
- That explains many data, because frequently we have found some interaction
between Mars and Uranus but didn't know the reason or how, because of the huge
distance – but now we know that Uranus itself effects on the moon orbit and
because of that the distance with Mars be shorter and the interaction can be done
- I may refer to some of this data
o (Mars circumference)2
= 2 x Mars Orbital Distance
o (Uranus diameter )2
= Uranus Mars Distance
o 2 Uranus orbital distance = Mars orbital distance x 25.2 (mars axial tilt)
Equation No. C
2 x 2.28 mkm = 25.2 x 181843 km
o 2.28 mkm = The moon orbital circumference at perigee (r= 0.363 mkm)
o 181843 km = The main distance in the moon orbital triangle,
o 25.2 deg = Mars Axial Tilt
- Please remember
- 0.08 x 13.1 km Jupiter motion per second = 0.8 deg x 1.3 deg (Jupiter orbital
inclination) also (181843 km = 131 x 1390 km)
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
Also Please Remember
I refer to the following old data because it defines the moon motion 2nd
orbit position.
Old Equation No. (I)
38041 km (Venus Circumference) = 27.3 (the moon orbital period) x 1390 km
Old Equation No. (II)
2 x 41.4 mkm (Venus Earth Distance) = 3.02 mkm (Venus velocity daily) x 27.3 days
Old Equation No. (I)
- Venus Circumference = 27.3 times x 1390 km! what does that mean
o Equation no. (1) tells that, if the moon moves daily a distance =1390 km, it
will pass during its orbital period a distance = Venus Circumference
o We accept that the value 1390 km is the small moon diameter
o Equation no. I gives us one information only which is, the moon orbital
period 27.3 days is related to Venus motion geometry
o It's true as Equation no. 2 tells
Old Equation No. (II)
- 2 x 41.4 mkm (Venus Earth Distance) = 3.02 mkm (Venus velocity daily) x 27.3
o Equation no. (II) tells that
o Venus during a period 27.3 days (the moon orbital period) moves a distance
= 2 x Venus Earth Distance, i.e. the orbital diameter between Venus and
o The equation proves that, the period 27.3 days is used by Venus motion and
because of that we know the equation no. (I) was correct and the value 1390
km is a real value and be using in the moon motion
Why This Data Is Important?
- Based on this analysis, the angle 90.6 degrees (under the point B and above the
moon surface immediately) is somehow not the real angle
- The real angle is hidden inside the moon body
- Because
- Uranus axial tilt penetrates the moon body till reach to small ball around the moon
center its diameter =1390 km and at this point (inside the moon body) Uranus axial
tilt creates an angle 90.8 degrees which is =90 degrees +0.8 degrees, and because
Uranus orbital inclination =0.8 degrees, we discovered that, Uranus orbital
inclination is crated here inside the moon body
- Suppose it's correct, why this is important? Because
- Venus axial tilt 177.4 degrees +Venus orbital inclination 3.4 deg.= 180.8 deg
- This angle 180.8 deg = 0.8 degrees (Uranus orbital inclination) +90 +90
- i.e. Venus data is created based on this orbital inclination (0.8 degrees)
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
Let's review The Earth Moon Orbital Triangle because we use it
Figure No. (1) (my figure)
Please Note
(1) SZ = 7665 km ZF = 2414 km
- CZS = 77.8 degrees CZF =102.195 degrees
(2) DY = 3475 km BCY = 28.39 degrees
(3) XB = 16203 km XCB = 10.67
- XCE = 66 degrees CX = 87513 km
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
Let's Review The Moon Orbital Triangle Data
- The figure I brought from internet to use in the Explanation -
- We have supposed that the inner circle is Perigee orbit and the
outer circle is apogee orbit – and we have calculated the tangent
AB = 181843 km
- AB = 363686 km (= perigee radius approximately)
- Perigee radius r =0.363 mkm Apogee radius r =0.406 mkm
- Based on that, the triangle (ODB) is a specific Pythagoras triangle (1, 2 and 51/2
- i.e. the triangle (ODB) angles are 26.564 degrees and 63.435 degrees
- for these 2 angles (26.564 deg and 63.435 deg) we have searched, because these 2
angles will correct many data in the orbital triangle.
Point) The Moon Orbital Triangle Data Correction
- EB = Perigee radius = 363000 km
- ED = Apogee radius = 406000 km
- EA= (Jupiter Circumference) =449197 km
- AC = (Saturn diameter) =121620 km (error 1%)
- ES = total solar eclipse radius = 373000 km (error 1%)
(EC = 373000 km = Earth moon distance at T. Solar eclipse, BUT point C is NOT
the moon position in T. solar eclipse, because the distance BC= 86000 km but the
distance between perigee point and total solar eclipse point = 11000 km)
- BS= (the moon Circumference) =10921 km
- BZ = 18586 km BF =21000 km
- BD = DA = 43000 km (BY =46475 km)
- BA = BC = 86000 km
- CS = = 86690 km
- CZ= (the moon daily displacement) =88000 km
- CF= 88526.8 km CD =96150.9 km
- The angle between the black and red lines (under E) = 1.1 degrees
- (E) = 13.33 degrees (C)= 121.67 degrees (A) = 45 degrees
- (ECB) = 76.67 degrees (BCA) = 45 degrees
- (BCS = 7.23 deg) (BCZ = 12.195 deg) (BCF = 13.72 deg) (BCD = 26.564 deg)
(ACD = 18.435 deg)
- (BSC = 82.7 deg) (BZC = 77.8 deg) (BFC = 76.82 deg) (BDC = 63.434 deg)
- (CSA =97.23 deg) (CZA =102.195 deg) (CFA= 103.7 deg) (CDA = 116.564 deg)
- (CYA = 118.92 deg) (
- (Uranus axial tilt = 97.8 degrees = FSC 0.6 degrees)
- Angle under (E) = 13.33 degrees 1.1 degrees = 14.43 degrees
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
Why This Data Is significant?
- Because the moon (2nd
Orbit) is found perpendicular on the first orbit by this angle
(180.8 deg) according to the following description
The 2 Orbits Description
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
The Moon Motion Trajectory Analysis (II)
Light Motion Features Are Discovered in Planet Motion
Can Different Rates Of Time Be Found In The Solar System Motion?(II)
Does Particle Data Depend on Its Motion? (Lorentz Transformations Analysis)
Dr. Budochkina, Svetlana Aleksandrovna
Associate professor - Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences (2005)
List of publications on Google Scholar
List of publications on ZentralBlatt
Full list of
Mr.Gerges Francis Tawdrous +201022532292
Physics Department- Physics & Mathematics Faculty
Gerges Francis Tawdrous +201022532292
Curriculum Vitae
List of publications

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Uranus Is Perpendicular On Earth Moon Orbit (V)

  • 1. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 1 Uranus Is Perpendicular On Earth Moon Orbit (V) The Author Authorized To Be Used By Mr. Gerges Francis Tawdrous A Student–Physics Department- Physics & Mathematics Faculty – Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University) – Moscow – Russia Dr. Budochkina, Svetlana Aleksandrovna Associate Professor (Mathematical Analysis and Theory of Functions Department) Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University) – Moscow – Russia Phone +201022532292 E-Mail: Curriculum Vitae Phone +7 (495) 952-35-83 E-Mail:, Website The Assumption Of S. Virgin Mary -Written in Cairo –Egypt – 18th November 2020 Abstract Paper Question How can the moon motion is done in 2 different orbits? Paper main idea summary - Uranus axial tilt has an angle (91.1 degrees) with the Earth moon axial tilt - Uranus creates a triangle with decline (1.1 degrees) on the horizontal level and the rest angle (90 degrees) Uranus uses to be perpendicular on the moon orbit - Uranus basic effect on the moon orbit is done on perigee point – - Under the triangle Uranus created for the moon orbit, Uranus used 2 parts as stuffing to consume this angle (1.1 degrees) (1st part) is the green rectangle and it's created by Jupiter and Saturn cooperation, it consumes 0.6 degrees. The (2nd ) part is the moon itself where the moon diameter consumes an angle = 0.5 degrees - i.e., Uranus axial tilt angle on the triangle base = 90 degrees, but under the base immediately this same angle will be 90.6 degrees and the moon diameter consumes 0.5 degrees (i.e.) under the moon the angle is 91.1 degrees on the horizontal level which is the moon axial tilt. - What we need is the angle 90.8 degrees? How to find it? - Uranus axial tilt penetrates the moon diameter till reach to a diameter =1390 km around the moon center (inside the moon body) – why? because the moon diameter (3475 km) consumes (0.5 degrees) – so the diameter (1390 km) will consume only (0.2 degrees) – so Uranus axial tilt angle will be (90.9 =90.8+0.1) - Why is that? because Uranus orbital inclination = 0.8 deg. and vertically is 90.8 deg. means Uranus orbital inclination is created based on Uranus axial tilt interaction with the earth moon axial tilt. Why is this significance? Because - 177.4 deg (Venus axial tilt) +3.4 deg (Venus orbital inclination) =180.8 deg, so 0.8 degrees (Uranus orbital inclination) effects on Venus data (0.8+90+90) and creates another perpendicularity between Venus and the moon orbit- But - What is this 0.1 deg? It's Mars orbital inclination was 1.8 deg and became 1.9 deg.
  • 2. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 2 1- The Solar System Geometrical Structure 1-1 The Creation Details - The moon orbital triangle with its data is provided in the paper end to be our discussion references - Let's summarize the story in following: o Uranus axial tilt penetrates the moon diameter with rate (3/5), and at this point the small moon diameter will be 1390 km around the moon center, so the angle will be 90.9 degrees (because, the angle was 90.6 degrees, the moon diameter 3475 km consumes 0.5 degrees, then the diameter 1390 km will consume only 0.2 degrees and the rest angle is 90.9 degrees) o Uranus axial tilt has an angle 91.1 degrees with the moon axial tilt but o Inside the moon body and far from its center by 1390 km, this angle will be only 90.9 degrees o 90.8 degrees = Uranus orbital incaution on vertical level (90.8 deg =90+0.8 deg) o And the rest is 0.1 degree which is used for Mars orbital inclination which was 1.8 degrees and became 1.9 degrees o So we have 2 orbital inclination are created in this point which are Uranus orbital inclination (0.8 degrees and is seen here as 90.8 degrees) and Mars orbital inclination changed (from 1.8 degrees to 1.9 degrees) o In previous paper we have discussed the value 1390 km and proved that it's a real one o What we need to do here is to follow the value 0.1 degree to see how this value became part of Mars orbital inclination Let's do that in following:
  • 3. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 3 1-2 The Solar System New Geometrical Structure Equation No. 1 179.9 degrees x 7 degrees (Mercury orbital inclination) = 1259.3 degrees But 1259.3 seconds x 1.16 mkm /sec (light supposed velocity) = 1461 million km 177.4 degrees (Venus axial tilt) +2.5 degrees (Saturn orbital inclination)= 179.9 deg. - The usual geometry uses the value 180 degrees for different process, But - The solar system basic value is 179.9 degrees - How we know that? - Equation no. (1) is accurate equation (accurately 1259.3 x1.16 = 1460.7), But we know that (1461 days =365+365+365+366 days), - Shortly, after Mars and Pluto migration, the solar system lost the value 180 degrees and uses in place of it 179.9 degrees, that explains why Venus axial tilt (177.4 deg) + Venus orbital inclination (3.4) = 180.8 degrees = 90+90+0.8 deg, i.e. they are created by Uranus effect on the inner planets in the repair process in which Uranus with Jupiter worked to save the solar system. - The previous equation shows, 2 facts which are (1st ) the value 0.1 degree is absent from the solar system (or was absent in the repair process starting), (2nd ) Venus axial tilt is a main pillar in the solar system geometry repair process . Is There Any Proof For This Idea? Equation No. 2 224.7 days (Venus orbital period) x 0.8 (Uranus orbital inclination) = 179.9 days - Equation No. (2) is accurate equation accurately (224.7 x 0.8 = 179.76) - The equation proves the idea strongly - The value 179.9 degrees (or days), is the value depends on which the solar system started the repair process – and because of that – the value (179.9) is engraved in Venus Data. (Where 225 = 180 x 0.8 accurately) - Please Note o Venus and Saturn relationship is so deep where o Venus circumference x π = Saturn Diameter o (Venus circumference)2 = Saturn Orbital Distance o Saturn Axial Tilt = 26.7 deg. But vertically = (90+26.7= 116.7) (Where 116.7 days = Venus day period) (Also Saturn mass / Venus mass =116.7)
  • 4. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 4 1-3 Mars Orbital Inclination Creation I claim that mars orbit inclination was 1.8 degrees and became 1.9 degrees So, the value 0.1 degrees must be found in Mars data clearly, let's test that Data (1) 19 degrees x 0.1 = 1.9 degrees (Mars orbital inclination) (2) 25.2 degrees Mars axial tilt = 2.5 degrees (Saturn Orbital Inclination) x 10 Where a. (Mars velocity / Saturn velocity = 2.5) b. Mars Orbital Circumference = Saturn Orbital Distance c. (Neptune Axial Tilt/ Saturn Axial Tilt) = Saturn Axial Tilt / Mars Axial Tilt) = (Mars Axial Tilt / Earth Axial Tilt) Also d. 1.9 deg (Mars orbital inclination) +0.6 deg= 2.5 deg (Saturn orbital inclination) e. 1.9 deg (Mars orbital inclination)= 0.6 deg +1.3 deg (Jupiter orbital inclination) (0.6 degrees is the angle added by the green rectangle which is caused by Jupiter and Saturn interaction) (3) 4222.6 hours (Mercury day period) = 17.2 x 247 hours (Mars day period x 10) Where 17.2 degrees = Pluto orbital inclination and 17.2 deg = 0.99 x 17.4 deg (the inner planets orbital inclination total) We know, this is a system because Because 23.4 degrees = Earth Axial Tilt and 23.4 deg. = 0.99 x 23.64 deg (the outer planets orbital inclination total) (4) 6870 days (Mars orbital period x 10) = Metonic Cycle period 6939.75 days (1%) Note Please - In equation no. (1), 19 degrees is the value by which the moon orbit regresses yearly – that explains the connection between Mars orbital period and Metonic Cycle period is created by the Mars and moon motions interaction where o 687 days (Mars orbital period) =365.25 days (Earth Year) x 1.9 o 687 days (Mars orbital period) = 27.3 days (the moon orbital period) x 25.2 o 13.18 deg (the moon motion daily) / 0.526 deg (Mars Motion daily) = 25.2 o Where 25.2 deg = Mars Axial Tilt and 1.9 deg = Mars orbtil inclination
  • 5. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 5 1-4 Uranus Orbital Inclination (0.8 degrees) Creation Equation No. A 181843 km = 0.08 x 2.28 million km - 2.28 mkm = the moon orbital circumference at perigee radius (r= 0.363 mkm) - 181843 km = the main distance in the moon orbital triangle, please review it in the paper end where the moon orbit dimensions are considered to be created on this value (181843 km). - We know that, Uranus effects on Perigee point (please review the previous parts) - So the produced rate is 0.08 Equation No. B 0.8 degree = 0.08 / 0.1 degree - By the value (0.1degree) which is used for Mars orbital inclination to be changed from 1.8 degrees to 1.9 degrees, also the rate 0.08 is changed to be 0.8 degree - By this interaction, Uranus orbital inclination is created as well as Mars orbital inclination – that tells us some interaction must be crated between them in the moon orbit - That explains many data, because frequently we have found some interaction between Mars and Uranus but didn't know the reason or how, because of the huge distance – but now we know that Uranus itself effects on the moon orbit and because of that the distance with Mars be shorter and the interaction can be done - I may refer to some of this data o (Mars circumference)2 = 2 x Mars Orbital Distance o (Uranus diameter )2 = Uranus Mars Distance o 2 Uranus orbital distance = Mars orbital distance x 25.2 (mars axial tilt) Equation No. C 2 x 2.28 mkm = 25.2 x 181843 km o 2.28 mkm = The moon orbital circumference at perigee (r= 0.363 mkm) o 181843 km = The main distance in the moon orbital triangle, o 25.2 deg = Mars Axial Tilt - Please remember - 0.08 x 13.1 km Jupiter motion per second = 0.8 deg x 1.3 deg (Jupiter orbital inclination) also (181843 km = 131 x 1390 km)
  • 6. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 6 Also Please Remember I refer to the following old data because it defines the moon motion 2nd orbit position. Old Equation No. (I) 38041 km (Venus Circumference) = 27.3 (the moon orbital period) x 1390 km Old Equation No. (II) 2 x 41.4 mkm (Venus Earth Distance) = 3.02 mkm (Venus velocity daily) x 27.3 days Old Equation No. (I) - Venus Circumference = 27.3 times x 1390 km! what does that mean o Equation no. (1) tells that, if the moon moves daily a distance =1390 km, it will pass during its orbital period a distance = Venus Circumference o We accept that the value 1390 km is the small moon diameter o Equation no. I gives us one information only which is, the moon orbital period 27.3 days is related to Venus motion geometry o It's true as Equation no. 2 tells Old Equation No. (II) - 2 x 41.4 mkm (Venus Earth Distance) = 3.02 mkm (Venus velocity daily) x 27.3 o Equation no. (II) tells that o Venus during a period 27.3 days (the moon orbital period) moves a distance = 2 x Venus Earth Distance, i.e. the orbital diameter between Venus and Earth o The equation proves that, the period 27.3 days is used by Venus motion and because of that we know the equation no. (I) was correct and the value 1390 km is a real value and be using in the moon motion Why This Data Is Important? - Based on this analysis, the angle 90.6 degrees (under the point B and above the moon surface immediately) is somehow not the real angle - The real angle is hidden inside the moon body - Because - Uranus axial tilt penetrates the moon body till reach to small ball around the moon center its diameter =1390 km and at this point (inside the moon body) Uranus axial tilt creates an angle 90.8 degrees which is =90 degrees +0.8 degrees, and because Uranus orbital inclination =0.8 degrees, we discovered that, Uranus orbital inclination is crated here inside the moon body - Suppose it's correct, why this is important? Because - Venus axial tilt 177.4 degrees +Venus orbital inclination 3.4 deg.= 180.8 deg - This angle 180.8 deg = 0.8 degrees (Uranus orbital inclination) +90 +90 - i.e. Venus data is created based on this orbital inclination (0.8 degrees)
  • 7. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 7 Let's review The Earth Moon Orbital Triangle because we use it Figure No. (1) (my figure) Please Note (1) SZ = 7665 km ZF = 2414 km - CZS = 77.8 degrees CZF =102.195 degrees (2) DY = 3475 km BCY = 28.39 degrees (3) XB = 16203 km XCB = 10.67 - XCE = 66 degrees CX = 87513 km
  • 8. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 8 Let's Review The Moon Orbital Triangle Data (1st Point) - The figure I brought from internet to use in the Explanation - - We have supposed that the inner circle is Perigee orbit and the outer circle is apogee orbit – and we have calculated the tangent AB = 181843 km - AB = 363686 km (= perigee radius approximately) - Perigee radius r =0.363 mkm Apogee radius r =0.406 mkm - Based on that, the triangle (ODB) is a specific Pythagoras triangle (1, 2 and 51/2 ) - i.e. the triangle (ODB) angles are 26.564 degrees and 63.435 degrees NOTE - for these 2 angles (26.564 deg and 63.435 deg) we have searched, because these 2 angles will correct many data in the orbital triangle. (2nd Point) The Moon Orbital Triangle Data Correction - EB = Perigee radius = 363000 km - ED = Apogee radius = 406000 km - EA= (Jupiter Circumference) =449197 km - AC = (Saturn diameter) =121620 km (error 1%) - ES = total solar eclipse radius = 373000 km (error 1%) (EC = 373000 km = Earth moon distance at T. Solar eclipse, BUT point C is NOT the moon position in T. solar eclipse, because the distance BC= 86000 km but the distance between perigee point and total solar eclipse point = 11000 km) - BS= (the moon Circumference) =10921 km - BZ = 18586 km BF =21000 km - BD = DA = 43000 km (BY =46475 km) - BA = BC = 86000 km - CS = = 86690 km - CZ= (the moon daily displacement) =88000 km - CF= 88526.8 km CD =96150.9 km THE ANGLES - The angle between the black and red lines (under E) = 1.1 degrees - (E) = 13.33 degrees (C)= 121.67 degrees (A) = 45 degrees - (ECB) = 76.67 degrees (BCA) = 45 degrees - (BCS = 7.23 deg) (BCZ = 12.195 deg) (BCF = 13.72 deg) (BCD = 26.564 deg) (ACD = 18.435 deg) - (BSC = 82.7 deg) (BZC = 77.8 deg) (BFC = 76.82 deg) (BDC = 63.434 deg) - (CSA =97.23 deg) (CZA =102.195 deg) (CFA= 103.7 deg) (CDA = 116.564 deg) - (CYA = 118.92 deg) ( - (Uranus axial tilt = 97.8 degrees = FSC 0.6 degrees) - Angle under (E) = 13.33 degrees 1.1 degrees = 14.43 degrees
  • 9. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 9 Why This Data Is significant? - Because the moon (2nd Orbit) is found perpendicular on the first orbit by this angle (180.8 deg) according to the following description The 2 Orbits Description
  • 10. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 10 References The Moon Motion Trajectory Analysis (II) or Light Motion Features Are Discovered in Planet Motion or Can Different Rates Of Time Be Found In The Solar System Motion?(II) Does Particle Data Depend on Its Motion? (Lorentz Transformations Analysis) Dr. Budochkina, Svetlana Aleksandrovna Associate professor - Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences (2005) List of publications on Google Scholar List of publications on ZentralBlatt Full list of publications: local/prep/rj/index.php?id=2944&p=15209 Mr.Gerges Francis Tawdrous +201022532292 Physics Department- Physics & Mathematics Faculty Gerges Francis Tawdrous +201022532292 Curriculum Vitae E-mail Linkedln Facebook Researcherid ORCID Quora Google Academia List of publications