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(A ministry of Philippine Inland Island Missions)
FOR THE YEAR 2012 - 2017
December 31, 2017
My fellow slaves in Christ,
Greetings in the name of our Master, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ !
This is the second annual report that we have released. Since we did not get to
release an annual report for 2012 to 2017, we
are consolidating the reports for the past six
years here.
We have always believed as the Bible
has taught that the basic function of the
church is to give ourselves to prayer and to
the ministry of the Word. All church activities
are to supplement these two things.
With regards to prayer and the ministry
of the Word, the plan was to preach through
the whole testament verse by verse. However
after more than two years of preaching in the book of Mathew, I have been burdened by
the Lord to go back to basics. It seems that a lot of our members are not yet so
grounded in the basics fundamental truths and doctrine and are not yet so grounded in
the Word. So sometime in 2012 we went back to strengthening our discipleship
One of the ways wherein we
strengthened the program is aside
from having small group discipleship
before the service, the sermon during
the main service is taken from Book 1
of our discipleship program. Book 1,
entitled “Knowing God” deals with the very fundamentals of our faith and discusses in
four modules the subjects of Salvation, Your new life in Christ, Eternal Security and
Baptism. After several years, we started all over again. Finally after two repetitions of
Book 1 in four years, we held our first Master Discipleship exam with more than 30 who
took the exam from our main church in Dumlog and our Candulawan church. More than
10 passed the first Master Discipleship exam for Book number 1 and was awarded the
Master Discipleship Certificate for Book 1. Within the year 2017 another batch of more
than 10 passed (First timers and re-takers) finally on December 2017 a total of 6 passed
the exam. As of now there are several of those who are currently undergoing Book 1.
(From Dumlog and Candulawan Church)
We have printed a total of 300 copies of
Book 1 since it was first released. Most
of the first batch of 100 copies was
given out to pastors in a conference
sometime 5 years ago in order to
promote our discipleship program.
Several churches from different
denominations has been requesting
copies of our discipleship materials
which they view as very comprehensive
and in depth. The second batch was
used in our Discipleship program while
we the third batch is currently on stock
and being currently withdrawn from time
to time to be used in ongoing discipleship efforts.
Passers of Book 1 cannot be awarded
the certificate if they do not comply with
the following requirements: First they
must pass the Master Discipleship
Exam. Secondly they must have made a
profession of salvation & eternal
security and lastly that they have been
We look forward to conducting more
Master Discipleship Exam for Book 1
this coming 2018. We hope that those
from our other churches and Bible
studies outside the church will finally take
the master exam. Above all we look
forward to those who passed the exam for Book 1 to start making disciples.
The Visayan translation for Book 2
which is entitled “Growing in God” has
just been finished. We give special
thanks to Marisol Paquibot (currently
Dubai based and from another church)
for tirelessly translating our Discipleship
materials. We started Book 2 last April
2016. Book 2 is expected to be done in
101 sessions (Close to 2 years) More
than 20 disciples from our main church
and Candulawan church is currently undergoing Book 2. We hope to conduct the
Master Discipleship exam for Book 2 within the year 2019.
Passers of the Book 1 Master Discipleship exam
Taking the Book 1 Master discipleship exam
We conducted our first church synod with 6 of our church leaders and pastors in
attendance last December 2016. Among the main agenda discussed was the
importance of the Great Commission which is discipleship, plotting our discipleship
strategy and the content of our discipleship materials. Book 3 whose content is currently
being finalised, (General theme will be “Going for God” fulfilling “The Command”of the
Great Commission, topics will be on Other Christians, Giving, the lost world, personal
evangelism, mission, discipleship etc.) is expected to be released within 2019 and
expected to be completed by 2022. The following are the content of the next books to
be used in our discipleship program and their expected date of completion.
Topics: Attributes of God,
Trinity, Christology,
Hamartiology, Soteriology
Topics: Biblical
Hermeneutics, Church
History, Old Testament
Survey, New Testament
Topics: Church History,
Creeds and Confessions,
Historical Theology.
Archeology and Bible History
2 to 3 years 7 to 10 years 8 to 10 years
Year 2025 Year 2035 Year 2045
Topics: Ecclesiology, Church
administration, Church
discipline etc.
Topics: Historical Missions,
Modern missions, Culture etc.
Topics: Introduction to
Apologetics, Logic, Cults,
World Religions, Islam etc.
1 to 2 years 1 to 2 years 5 to 7 years
Year 2047 Year 2049 Year 2056
Topics: Introduction to Biblical
manuscripts, translations
Hebrew and Greek Basic and
Advance in conjunction with
studying actual passages
Topics: Scientific support for
Creation, Intelligent design,
Book of Genesis, Christian
responsibility on the
environment & natural
Topics: Eschatology, Israel,
Daniel, Ezekiel, Revelations
3 to 5 years 1 to 2 years 5 to 7 years
Year 2061 Year 2063 Year 2070
The expected dates of completion are just the target maximum dates and may be
adjusted base on the progress of the program.
A lot of you may be wondering why we have spent so much time projecting and
planning our discipleship program even planning it for the next 50+ years and why the
topics of our discipleship program seems to be very advance already as it progresses, it
because of the following reasons:
1.) We believe it is good stewardship
and that it is God’s plan for us to be
good stewards to have a plan and
execute our plan but always submit
everything to the Lord. We believe that
those who fail to plan will plan to fail.
Further, planning always has an
advantage as we will have a sense of
direction and we will be able to “see the
forrest” and not just the individual trees so to speak.
2.) We believe that every Christian
should be a serious student of the
Word. This is not only commanded by
God, this was also modelled by the
Apostles themselves and the early
Christians. As the noble Bereans
searched the Scriptures daily (Acts
17:11) we desire the sincere milk of
the Word of God (1 Peter 2:2) by
being serious students of the Word. As
the Apostle Paul commanded the young pastor Timothy to “Study” to show himself
approved unto God and that Timothy should rightly divide the Word of truth.
3.) We believe that one of the hallmarks
of discipleship is if we “continue” in His
Word as Jesus said in that if we
continue in His Words we are His
disciples indeed. Continuing in His
Word requires us to Read His Words,
Properly interpreting His Words and
Applying His Words in our lives.
4.) We believe that in-depth study should not be limited to pastors and scholars only.
We believe in depth study is every Christians responsibility. We desire to have a
discipleship curriculum that progresses from the very basic to the very deep things of
God. We look forward to those completing our discipleship materials as having the
equivalent of a Bachelors and a Masters program in Biblical Studies.
“So they read in the book in the
law of God distinctly, and gave
the sense, and caused them
to understand the reading.”
Nehemiah 8:8
“Study to shew thyself approved
unto God, a workman that
needeth not to be ashamed,
rightly dividing the word of truth.”
2 Timothy 2:15
“All scripture is given by
inspiration of God, and is
profitable for doctrine, for
reproof, for correction, for
instruction in righteousness”
2 Timothy 3:16
5.) Lastly, we believe that discipleship
through serious Bible study and
prayer is the foremost responsibility
of the church.
1.) Heavy emphasis on Scripture as the central basis for the lesson content. Although
topical in nature, Scripture is presented in an expository fashion.
2.) Uses the 5 Ws for quick learning, easy recall, personal interaction and simple outline
3.) Encourages learners to go through a 52 week Bible reading plan through a
comprehensive reading schedule
4.) Covers all the basic topics including advance topics in Christian living and
progresses to advance topics with practical application even in the most advance topics
5.) Will be supplemented by quizzes, question and answer, summaries and other
methods to promote learning
6.) Instructional material translated in local language to reach everybody
7.) “Ladderized”, designed to be an instructional material, lesson and curriculum that
even ordinary church members are qualified to be graduate of Bachelor if they finish up
to Book 5 provided they take a comprehensive exam and a subject in homiletics.
Equivalent to a Masters in Biblical studies degree after finishing Book 12 provided
additional classes on research & homiletics and a practicum for 1 year. (Details of
granting of degree still needs to be worked out)
In our first church synod it has
been agreed that all our churches
under our network will choose
whatever name they like provided that
for legal identification purposes and to
be identified under our network of
churches the following has to be
added underneath the church name
“A ministry of Philippine Inland Island
Missions Inc.” Philippine Inland Island
Missions Inc. (PIIM for short) is a Securities and Exchange Commission registered non-
stock non-profit entity whose purpose will soon be changed from civic to religious. PIIM
has been involved in ministering to the saints by providing medical care and support to
pastors, free clinic to churches and providing other logistics support such as Bibles,
tracts, A.C.E materials, used clothing, books among others. PIIM has been in existence
for close to 30 years now. With the recent approval of the PIIM board we are now the
local church arm of PIIM. Considering that we work closely with PIIM this is the most
pragmatic setup as registering a new entity will entail more paper works and more cost.
“But we will give ourselves
continually to prayer, and to the
ministry of the word.”
Acts 6:4
From 2012 - 2017
(For all churches within the
Baptisms : 20+
Average Church Attendance:
(adults 40 %, Children 60%)
So officially our legal identification will now
be “Philippine Inland Island Missions Inc.”
In terms of governance, the PIIM board will
run its own administrative affairs and will
from time to time render support to our
network of churches on the other hand our
network of churches will have its own board
and will run its own administrative affairs.
Reporting for legal compliance will however
be consolidated with each report drawn
f r o m t h e i n t e r n a l a u t o n o m o u s
administrative bodies of PIIM and TMCF
network of churches.
Further, in our first church synod, it has
been agreed among church leaders that we
subscribe to the Apostle’s creed, the Nicene
Creed, the definition of Chalcedon, the
Westminster Creed and the 1689 Baptist
Confession of Faith. Denominationally we
identify our network of churches as
Reformed - Southern Baptist.
Our network of churches are in Dumlog
Talisay (Main church) let by yours truly,
Candulawan Talisay led by Pastor Rene
Vilan (With extension services in
Maghaway, and Inyagan Naga) Inayawan
Cebu City led by Pastor Philip Bartolaba,
Austrias, led by Pastor Calvin Nardo and
Dalaguete which will soon be turned over
to a new pastor (temporarily led by Rene
Vilan & the men of TMCF Candulawan)
From 2012 to 2017 average attendance
in our church network is 250+ adults and
children with our main church in Dumlog
having and average attendance of more
than 50 our Candulawan Church and
extensions with more than 135, Inyawan
with an average of 35, Asturias with an average of 70.
E V A N G E L I S M , B I B L E
While generally we do not
focus too much on figures and if we
must report some statistics, emphasis
should be given to discipleship
statistics above anything else.
However we do not preclude disclosing professions of faith for your edification. By
“professions of faith” we do not claim that these people are already saved as only God
knows their hearts. Although our staff and extension pastors provide detailed reports of
evangelism efforts, we do not keep strict tabs on these number to prevent focusing on
the numbers and instead focus on making disciples. Further let me emphasise that the
purpose of personal evangelism is just the starting point of the real work of the Great
Commission which is discipleship, the main task that our Master, Lord and Saviour
Jesus Christ instructed us to do.
For the year 2017, more than a thousand
made professions of faith through the
various evangelism efforts that our
churches are engaged in, bringing a total of
close to 10,000 professions since 2012.
The professions of faith were made through
evangelism efforts conducted in private and
public schools, drug surenderees, parole
probation ministries. Included in these
efforts are close to more than 1,000 Bibles
and more than 20,000 gospel tracts
distributed from 2012 to 2017.
Professions of faith:
Close to 10,000 (estimated)
Bible distributed : 1,000+
Gospel tracts
distributed : 20,000+
As a means of personal
evangelism and later on discipleship,
our network of churches is heavily
involved in the following ministries:
1.) PNP Values Formation - We are
very much active in the Philippine
National Police Values Formation
Council (PNP-VFC) with two of our
leaders in our network of churches in
the highest positions and actively
involved in the council. the PNP - VFC
aids hundreds of churches in
penetrating government schools,
police stations etc. in order that values
may be taught there and that the
Gospel may be presented which again
is an avenue wherein we will be able
to start discipleship.
2.) DSWD’s 4 Ps program - Aside
from the PNP-VFC we have worked
hand in hand for several years now with the Department of Social Welfare and
Development (through the PNP-VFC) in handling the values formation for the 4Ps
(Pangtawid Pamilyang Pilipino) The 4 Ps program is our government’s commitment to
the international community to bring down poverty levels in our country. A component of
the program is values formation. Pastors within our network of churches teach the
values component of the 4 Ps at no cost at all to the government. Our main church in
Dumlog is even the venue for the once a month 4 Ps program in the area. Average
attendance in the once a month, 4 Ps values formation program is close to 1,000. Our
involvement in the 4Ps program not only helps our community and our country but
provides an avenue for us for personal evangelism and discipleship.
3.) OCC - Samaritan Purse - Another ongoing program we have been implementing for
several years now is Operation Christmas Child. Working hand in hand with Samaritan
Purse and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association we were able to distribute more
than 1,000 boxes from 2012 to 2017. These shoe boxes that contains children toys,
books and other goodies has been used not only as presents for children but used as
tools wherein we could start evangelising and eventually discipling children and their
Number of Police Stations with
regular ongoing Bible studies
through PNP-VFC : 5+
Number of average monthly
attendance in once a month
DSWD 4 Ps values formation
program: 900+
Number of OCC, Samaritan
Boxes distributed: 1,000+
Financial literacy seminars
from a Biblical perspective:
Churches - 2, Organisation - 1.
Estimated total attendees:
parents. Together with Operations Christmas Child we had also been active last 2015 in
the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association's (BGEA) Operation Andrew. The aim of the
crusade is to evangelise attendees. The crusade ran from March 27 to 29, 2015 and
was held in Cebu City. Our church prepared for months for the event and has trained 7
counsellors. TMCF Dumlog is one of the centres for training in Talisay City. Aside from
the 4 regular training session in which counsellors from other churches were sent to our
church to be trained for soul winning, one of our staff regularly went to another church to
train soul winners, (Conducted last January - February 2015) We devoted 4 Sundays to
train church members for soul winning.
4.) Financial Literacy for
pastors and churches - A new
ministry of our church is
spreading financial literacy from a
Biblical view to pastors all across
the country. This puts to good use
the skills of your senior pastor as
a Registered Financial planner
and a Certified Securities
Specialists. Further the contents
of this seminar is in Book 2 of our
discipleship program. We have
conducted seminars all across the
country on the subject “Biblical
and practical principles on money
and financial possessions” for the year 2017. The first seminar was conducted at the
Accelerated Christian Education (ACE) Educator’s convention where close to 1,000
leaders and teachers from A.C.E schools was in attendance. It was followed by a
seminar to members of the First Baptist church in Cebu City and then by an event
organised for pastors in Sovereign Grace Baptist Church in Davao. We look forward to
upcoming schedules in Cagayan and Davao in the first quarter of 2018.
5.) Civic & Other programs and
Ministries - We aim not only to produce
disciples but responsible citizens of our
country and in this connection we give
emphasis to certain programs that helps
make disciples more responsible citizens.
We have conducted two environmental
seminars and is continuing to decorate the
backdrop of our church with painted scrap
wood. The aim of the scrap wood project’s
is three-fold. 1.) To demonstrate that scrap
materials can still be utilised creatively. 2.)
To foster fellowship and bonding among
members and so that this activity can
provide an avenue wherein they could
showcase their artistic creativity 3.) To
create a unique creative backdrop design
for our church stage. We look forward to
producing more than a thousand of these
blocks in a scheduled once a month
activity such as this and we will soon be
doing this in our TMCF - Candulawan
extension. Last December 2017 we have
conducted an eco bricks seminar in
coordination with Sustainable Energy and
Enterprise Development for Communities
(SEED4COM) wherein mineral water
bottles is stuffed with plastic. The
resulting product made from recycled
materials will then be glued together to
make tables, chairs and anything useful.
Aside from these activities we have
continued in hosting pastoral ministerial
meetings, feeding programs, free clinics
program, disaster relief goods distribution in
our network of churches in coordination with the Medical missions arm of PIIM,
programs for the Youth and continuous training for our pastors and staff.
Defunct programs
In pursuit of our evangelism and
discipleship main objective we have
implemented several programs for the
past 6 years. These programs has not
been pushed through due to lack of
funding and mainly because of lack of
manpower resources. The now
defunct programs are as follows:
1.) International Care Ministries (ICM) - ICM programs had been implemented through our
main church in Dumlog wherein 30 families were given livelihood, health training, cash
assistance and at the same time evangelised and discipled.
2.) B.L.E.S.S. - The BLESS program,
presented by ACEM (Accelerated Christian
Education Ministries), is active in reaching out
to indigent and underprivileged children in
countries around the world, such as the
Philippines and India. BLESS Centers teach
children reading and basic math skills but,
most importantly introduce them to Jesus
Christ through God’s Word. This 12–15 week
program culminates with the reading of the
Gospel of Mark. Our B.L.E.S.S program had
10 graduates.
3.) A.L.S - The Alternative Learning
S y s t e m ( A . L . S ) i s a p r o g r a m
implemented by the Department of
Education of the Philippine government.
The objective of the program is to raise
the literacy of our country by increasing
the number of graduates in the
elementary and secondary levels. Our
church has worked with our local DepEd
ALS unit and has sponsored and
organised a training program for A.L.S
educators which we have opened to
other churches so that they will have
their won A.L.S program. Our A.L.S
program has successfully helped 3
students to graduate from high school.
Families benefited under the
ICM program : 30
Graduates of BLESS: 10
Graduates of ALS: 3
We thank God that our offering has been steadily increasing as the years has
gone by. From an average monthly offering of Php1,700.00, 6 years ago now we have
grown to an average of Php 17,178.75 in offering per month, and to think that we
practice free will giving and do not even create events to push giving ! We believe in
giving that is not done grudgingly nor of necessity, as God prosper each one and from
the heart, because God loves a cheerful giver (2 Cor. 9:7)
Despite the increase in offering, internal church giving still could not cope up with
ministry expenses hence we had always been net negative. The breakdown of our
expenses are as follows:
TMCF Main Average monthly offering
Pastor’s support and allowances Direct ministry cost
Church equipment Church Fellowship etc.
For 2012 - 2016
The deficit has always been coped up by external donations. What is reflected in
the financials are only internal giving to emphasise the contributions within the church
More than 80% of our expenses are devoted to pastors, staff allowances and
support. Currently we are giving allowance and support to 7 pastors and staff. These
people minister to our network of 5 churches.
Operational expenses refers to purchase, maintenance and repair of church
equipment. Direct ministry expenses refers to expenses directly related to the various
ministries we operate while Church Fellowship refers to expenses mainly related to
food, Youth camp expenses and other activities related to increasing fellowship among
the brethren. Further details about our income and expenses are attached in the the last
pages of this report.
Within the year we look forward to starting our Bible Institute which will formalise
the training of pastors and staff within our network. In connection with this we hope we
can setup a library of theological books and reference materials to further our intensive
study of the Scriptures. We are praying that the Lord will provide for this. The Bible
Institute will start off with classes in proper Biblical interpretation.
We will continue to emphasise our discipleship program and to run the current
ministries that we have.
Most of the churches under our network badly in need of infrastructure
development. Please pray for the following:
1.) The Master’s Community Fellowship - Candulawan - Needs to enlarge their
building. They are already averaging close to 20 adults in attendance every Sunday.
They are currently holding services in a 40 square meter building. Either the lot next to
Pastor’s support and allowances Direct ministry cost Church Fellowships
Operational expenses
For 2017
the church building will be purchased or they need to transfer to a nearby area. We
have already been looking at a 100 square meter property. (No building yet)
2.) Obong, Dalaguete - This extension has no meeting place yet. They already have
close to 10 adults and several children in regular attendance. Further please pray for
the transition of leadership in this area.
3.) Gateway Baptist Church Asturias - Their meeting place needs to be improved as it
is constructed of very light materials (Trapal roofing only, the church has no walls or
flooring yet)
4.) The Master’s Community Fellowship Main - Not an immediately needed
infrastructure as of the moment but with the planned Bible Institute and library, we are
including this need here. Further, minor improvements needs to be done in our main
Considering the need for a network and fellowship of Reformed Baptist Churches
in the Visayas and Mindanao area, we hope we can play a key role in the establishment
of this network and fellowship. Please pray for the Reformed conference in Siquijor this
coming February 2018. May this be the start of the seeds of this network and fellowship
of churches with like minded doctrine and faith.
Our main church in Dumlog Talisay also badly needs instrument players,
instruments and a praise and worship team. Currently we are utilising youtube videos
for singing songs. Further, please pray for leadership and direction for our Young
people. We plan to work closely with another church, merging our youth activities in
order that we will have a more stable and efficient ministry and outreach to the youth in
our area.
Please also pray that we can support more pastors this coming 2018 and the
years to come. Several pastors from other denominations and groups who are open to
fellowshipping and networking with us badly need financial support.
Further please pray for Philippine Inland Island Missions Inc. We are on the
process of cleaning up a lot of paper works including the organisation’s Securities and
Exchange Commission Registration, it’s amendment and taking care of PIIM assets that
are either problematic or are non-performing. Please pray that we might be able to
clean up all the necessary paper works and that we may be able to put to good use
what God has entrusted to us at PIIM. A lot of work still needs to be done with PIIM as
aside from cleaning up the paperworks, its online presence such its website and social
media accounts needs to be worked on.
Lastly please pray for your pastoral staff as we continue to focus on discipleship,
diligently studying and preaching the Word and take care of the administrative matters
of our churches and ministries.
As we look forward to doing the Master’s work in 2018 and beyond may we
continue to give Him our best and live lives fit for the Master’s use.
In behalf of all the pastoral staff, yours truly in the Master’s Service,
Senior pastor, The Master’s Community Fellowship Church & Ministries
Corporate Secretary, Member of the Board of Trustee,
Philippine Inland Island Missions Inc.
OFFERING	(Actual	church	offering)
Offering	for	the	year	2012 30,295.00
Offering	for	the	year		2013 35,468.00
Offering	for	the	year	2014 40,625.00
Offering	for	the	year		2015 133,028.75
Offering	for	the	year	2016 155,496.00
Total	offering	2012	-	2016 394,912.75
Pastors	allowances	and	support 1,580,900.00
Direct	ministry	acEviEes	cost
Project	Discipleship 11,000.00
Samaritan	OCC	project 19,000.00
B.L.E.S.S 10,000.00
A.L.S 8,000.00
Values	formaLon 9,800.00
4	PS 8,000.00
Children's	ministry 15,000.00
Total	Direct	Ministry	AcLviLes	Cost 80,800.00
Church	equipment 40,000.00
Church	Occasions,	fellowship,	Youth	Camps	etc.,	Sponsored	
Other	trainings,	materials,		etc.	misc. 15,000.00
TOTAL		EXPENSES 1,661,700.00
NET -1,380,863.26
Details	of	monthly	offering	for	the	year	2017
January 14,750.00
February 17,920.00
March 10,806.00
April 38,291.00
May 29,363.00
June 9,880.00
July 11,415.00
August 8,110.00
September 11,049.00
October 11,662.00
November 11,369.00
December 31,530.00
TOTAL 206,145.00
Average	Monthly 17,178.75
Total	Offering 206,145.00
Pastors	&	Staff	allowances	&	support 464,374.00
Project	Discipleship 13,000.00
Bibles 5,000.00
4	Ps 1,000.00
Samaritan	OCC	project 4,500.00
Direct	Ministry	acEvity	cost 23,500.00
Church	Occasions,	Fellowship	Youth	Camps	etc.	Sponsored	
Church	equipment 6,500.00
Repair	of	Church	equipment 5,000.00
Other	OperaLonal	expenses 50,750.00
OperaVonal	expenses 62,250
NET -363,979.00

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The Master's Community Fellowship Church & Ministries Consolodated annual report 2012-2017

  • 2. THE MASTER’S COMMUNITY FELLOWSHIP CHURCH AND MINISTRIES December 31, 2017 My fellow slaves in Christ, Greetings in the name of our Master, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ ! This is the second annual report that we have released. Since we did not get to release an annual report for 2012 to 2017, we are consolidating the reports for the past six years here. We have always believed as the Bible has taught that the basic function of the church is to give ourselves to prayer and to the ministry of the Word. All church activities are to supplement these two things. With regards to prayer and the ministry of the Word, the plan was to preach through the whole testament verse by verse. However after more than two years of preaching in the book of Mathew, I have been burdened by the Lord to go back to basics. It seems that a lot of our members are not yet so grounded in the basics fundamental truths and doctrine and are not yet so grounded in the Word. So sometime in 2012 we went back to strengthening our discipleship program. DISCIPLESHIP PROGRAM BOOK 1 (KNOWING GOD) One of the ways wherein we strengthened the program is aside from having small group discipleship before the service, the sermon during the main service is taken from Book 1 of our discipleship program. Book 1, entitled “Knowing God” deals with the very fundamentals of our faith and discusses in four modules the subjects of Salvation, Your new life in Christ, Eternal Security and Baptism. After several years, we started all over again. Finally after two repetitions of Book 1 in four years, we held our first Master Discipleship exam with more than 30 who took the exam from our main church in Dumlog and our Candulawan church. More than 10 passed the first Master Discipleship exam for Book number 1 and was awarded the Master Discipleship Certificate for Book 1. Within the year 2017 another batch of more than 10 passed (First timers and re-takers) finally on December 2017 a total of 6 passed the exam. As of now there are several of those who are currently undergoing Book 1. CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL REPORT 2013 - 2017 !2 TOTAL NUMBER OF PASERS FOR OUR MASTER DISCIPLESHIP EXAM BOOK PASSERS: 25+ (From Dumlog and Candulawan Church) BACK TO BASICS
  • 3. THE MASTER’S COMMUNITY FELLOWSHIP CHURCH AND MINISTRIES We have printed a total of 300 copies of Book 1 since it was first released. Most of the first batch of 100 copies was given out to pastors in a conference sometime 5 years ago in order to promote our discipleship program. Several churches from different denominations has been requesting copies of our discipleship materials which they view as very comprehensive and in depth. The second batch was used in our Discipleship program while we the third batch is currently on stock and being currently withdrawn from time to time to be used in ongoing discipleship efforts. Passers of Book 1 cannot be awarded the certificate if they do not comply with the following requirements: First they must pass the Master Discipleship Exam. Secondly they must have made a profession of salvation & eternal security and lastly that they have been Baptised. We look forward to conducting more Master Discipleship Exam for Book 1 this coming 2018. We hope that those from our other churches and Bible studies outside the church will finally take the master exam. Above all we look forward to those who passed the exam for Book 1 to start making disciples. DISCIPLESHIP PROGRAM - BOOK 2 (GROWING IN GOD) The Visayan translation for Book 2 which is entitled “Growing in God” has just been finished. We give special thanks to Marisol Paquibot (currently Dubai based and from another church) for tirelessly translating our Discipleship materials. We started Book 2 last April 2016. Book 2 is expected to be done in 101 sessions (Close to 2 years) More than 20 disciples from our main church and Candulawan church is currently undergoing Book 2. We hope to conduct the Master Discipleship exam for Book 2 within the year 2019. CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL REPORT 2013 - 2017 !3 Passers of the Book 1 Master Discipleship exam Taking the Book 1 Master discipleship exam
  • 4. THE MASTER’S COMMUNITY FELLOWSHIP CHURCH AND MINISTRIES BOOK 3 AND BEYOND We conducted our first church synod with 6 of our church leaders and pastors in attendance last December 2016. Among the main agenda discussed was the importance of the Great Commission which is discipleship, plotting our discipleship strategy and the content of our discipleship materials. Book 3 whose content is currently being finalised, (General theme will be “Going for God” fulfilling “The Command”of the Great Commission, topics will be on Other Christians, Giving, the lost world, personal evangelism, mission, discipleship etc.) is expected to be released within 2019 and expected to be completed by 2022. The following are the content of the next books to be used in our discipleship program and their expected date of completion. BOOK 4 BOOK 5 BOOK 6 KNOWING GOD DEEPER GROUNDED IN THE WORD HISTORICAL BASIS FOR OUR FAITH Topics: Attributes of God, Trinity, Christology, Pneumatology, Hamartiology, Soteriology Topics: Biblical Hermeneutics, Church History, Old Testament Survey, New Testament Survey Topics: Church History, Creeds and Confessions, Historical Theology. Archeology and Bible History 2 to 3 years 7 to 10 years 8 to 10 years Year 2025 Year 2035 Year 2045 BOOK 7 BOOK 8 BOOK 9 THE CHURCH MISSIONS APOLOGETICS Topics: Ecclesiology, Church administration, Church discipline etc. Topics: Historical Missions, Modern missions, Culture etc. Topics: Introduction to Apologetics, Logic, Cults, World Religions, Islam etc. 1 to 2 years 1 to 2 years 5 to 7 years Year 2047 Year 2049 Year 2056 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL REPORT 2013 - 2017 !4 BOOK 10 BOOK 11 BOOK 12 BIBLICAL LANGUAGES CREATION THINGS TO COME Topics: Introduction to Biblical manuscripts, translations Hebrew and Greek Basic and Advance in conjunction with studying actual passages Topics: Scientific support for Creation, Intelligent design, Book of Genesis, Christian responsibility on the environment & natural resources Topics: Eschatology, Israel, Daniel, Ezekiel, Revelations etc. 3 to 5 years 1 to 2 years 5 to 7 years Year 2061 Year 2063 Year 2070
  • 5. THE MASTER’S COMMUNITY FELLOWSHIP CHURCH AND MINISTRIES The expected dates of completion are just the target maximum dates and may be adjusted base on the progress of the program. A lot of you may be wondering why we have spent so much time projecting and planning our discipleship program even planning it for the next 50+ years and why the topics of our discipleship program seems to be very advance already as it progresses, it because of the following reasons: 1.) We believe it is good stewardship and that it is God’s plan for us to be good stewards to have a plan and execute our plan but always submit everything to the Lord. We believe that those who fail to plan will plan to fail. Further, planning always has an advantage as we will have a sense of direction and we will be able to “see the forrest” and not just the individual trees so to speak. 2.) We believe that every Christian should be a serious student of the Word. This is not only commanded by God, this was also modelled by the Apostles themselves and the early Christians. As the noble Bereans searched the Scriptures daily (Acts 17:11) we desire the sincere milk of the Word of God (1 Peter 2:2) by being serious students of the Word. As the Apostle Paul commanded the young pastor Timothy to “Study” to show himself approved unto God and that Timothy should rightly divide the Word of truth. 3.) We believe that one of the hallmarks of discipleship is if we “continue” in His Word as Jesus said in that if we continue in His Words we are His disciples indeed. Continuing in His Word requires us to Read His Words, Properly interpreting His Words and Applying His Words in our lives. 4.) We believe that in-depth study should not be limited to pastors and scholars only. We believe in depth study is every Christians responsibility. We desire to have a discipleship curriculum that progresses from the very basic to the very deep things of God. We look forward to those completing our discipleship materials as having the equivalent of a Bachelors and a Masters program in Biblical Studies. CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL REPORT 2013 - 2017 !5 “So they read in the book in the law of God distinctly, and gave the sense, and caused them to understand the reading.” Nehemiah 8:8 “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” 2 Timothy 2:15 “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness” 2 Timothy 3:16
  • 6. THE MASTER’S COMMUNITY FELLOWSHIP CHURCH AND MINISTRIES 5.) Lastly, we believe that discipleship through serious Bible study and prayer is the foremost responsibility of the church. GENERAL FEATURES OF OUR DISCIPLESHIP MATERIALS 1.) Heavy emphasis on Scripture as the central basis for the lesson content. Although topical in nature, Scripture is presented in an expository fashion. 2.) Uses the 5 Ws for quick learning, easy recall, personal interaction and simple outline (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE , WHY, HOW) 3.) Encourages learners to go through a 52 week Bible reading plan through a comprehensive reading schedule 4.) Covers all the basic topics including advance topics in Christian living and progresses to advance topics with practical application even in the most advance topics 5.) Will be supplemented by quizzes, question and answer, summaries and other methods to promote learning 6.) Instructional material translated in local language to reach everybody 7.) “Ladderized”, designed to be an instructional material, lesson and curriculum that even ordinary church members are qualified to be graduate of Bachelor if they finish up to Book 5 provided they take a comprehensive exam and a subject in homiletics. Equivalent to a Masters in Biblical studies degree after finishing Book 12 provided additional classes on research & homiletics and a practicum for 1 year. (Details of granting of degree still needs to be worked out) CHURCHES UPDATES In our first church synod it has been agreed that all our churches under our network will choose whatever name they like provided that for legal identification purposes and to be identified under our network of churches the following has to be added underneath the church name “A ministry of Philippine Inland Island Missions Inc.” Philippine Inland Island Missions Inc. (PIIM for short) is a Securities and Exchange Commission registered non- stock non-profit entity whose purpose will soon be changed from civic to religious. PIIM has been involved in ministering to the saints by providing medical care and support to pastors, free clinic to churches and providing other logistics support such as Bibles, tracts, A.C.E materials, used clothing, books among others. PIIM has been in existence for close to 30 years now. With the recent approval of the PIIM board we are now the local church arm of PIIM. Considering that we work closely with PIIM this is the most pragmatic setup as registering a new entity will entail more paper works and more cost. CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL REPORT 2013 - 2017 !6 “But we will give ourselves continually to prayer, and to the ministry of the word.” Acts 6:4 From 2012 - 2017 (For all churches within the network) Baptisms : 20+ Average Church Attendance: 250+ (adults 40 %, Children 60%)
  • 7. THE MASTER’S COMMUNITY FELLOWSHIP CHURCH AND MINISTRIES So officially our legal identification will now be “Philippine Inland Island Missions Inc.” In terms of governance, the PIIM board will run its own administrative affairs and will from time to time render support to our network of churches on the other hand our network of churches will have its own board and will run its own administrative affairs. Reporting for legal compliance will however be consolidated with each report drawn f r o m t h e i n t e r n a l a u t o n o m o u s administrative bodies of PIIM and TMCF network of churches. Further, in our first church synod, it has been agreed among church leaders that we subscribe to the Apostle’s creed, the Nicene Creed, the definition of Chalcedon, the Westminster Creed and the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith. Denominationally we identify our network of churches as Reformed - Southern Baptist. Our network of churches are in Dumlog Talisay (Main church) let by yours truly, Candulawan Talisay led by Pastor Rene Vilan (With extension services in Maghaway, and Inyagan Naga) Inayawan Cebu City led by Pastor Philip Bartolaba, Austrias, led by Pastor Calvin Nardo and Dalaguete which will soon be turned over to a new pastor (temporarily led by Rene Vilan & the men of TMCF Candulawan) From 2012 to 2017 average attendance in our church network is 250+ adults and children with our main church in Dumlog having and average attendance of more than 50 our Candulawan Church and extensions with more than 135, Inyawan with an average of 35, Asturias with an average of 70. CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL REPORT 2013 - 2017 !7
  • 8. THE MASTER’S COMMUNITY FELLOWSHIP CHURCH AND MINISTRIES E V A N G E L I S M , B I B L E DISTRIBUTION, TRACTS DISTRIBUTION ETC. While generally we do not focus too much on figures and if we must report some statistics, emphasis should be given to discipleship statistics above anything else. However we do not preclude disclosing professions of faith for your edification. By “professions of faith” we do not claim that these people are already saved as only God knows their hearts. Although our staff and extension pastors provide detailed reports of evangelism efforts, we do not keep strict tabs on these number to prevent focusing on the numbers and instead focus on making disciples. Further let me emphasise that the purpose of personal evangelism is just the starting point of the real work of the Great Commission which is discipleship, the main task that our Master, Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ instructed us to do. For the year 2017, more than a thousand made professions of faith through the various evangelism efforts that our churches are engaged in, bringing a total of close to 10,000 professions since 2012. The professions of faith were made through evangelism efforts conducted in private and public schools, drug surenderees, parole probation ministries. Included in these efforts are close to more than 1,000 Bibles and more than 20,000 gospel tracts distributed from 2012 to 2017. CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL REPORT 2013 - 2017 !8 Professions of faith: Close to 10,000 (estimated) Bible distributed : 1,000+ Gospel tracts distributed : 20,000+
  • 9. THE MASTER’S COMMUNITY FELLOWSHIP CHURCH AND MINISTRIES OTHER MINISTRIES AND ACTIVITIES As a means of personal evangelism and later on discipleship, our network of churches is heavily involved in the following ministries: 1.) PNP Values Formation - We are very much active in the Philippine National Police Values Formation Council (PNP-VFC) with two of our leaders in our network of churches in the highest positions and actively involved in the council. the PNP - VFC aids hundreds of churches in penetrating government schools, police stations etc. in order that values may be taught there and that the Gospel may be presented which again is an avenue wherein we will be able to start discipleship. 2.) DSWD’s 4 Ps program - Aside from the PNP-VFC we have worked hand in hand for several years now with the Department of Social Welfare and Development (through the PNP-VFC) in handling the values formation for the 4Ps (Pangtawid Pamilyang Pilipino) The 4 Ps program is our government’s commitment to the international community to bring down poverty levels in our country. A component of the program is values formation. Pastors within our network of churches teach the values component of the 4 Ps at no cost at all to the government. Our main church in Dumlog is even the venue for the once a month 4 Ps program in the area. Average attendance in the once a month, 4 Ps values formation program is close to 1,000. Our involvement in the 4Ps program not only helps our community and our country but provides an avenue for us for personal evangelism and discipleship. 3.) OCC - Samaritan Purse - Another ongoing program we have been implementing for several years now is Operation Christmas Child. Working hand in hand with Samaritan Purse and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association we were able to distribute more than 1,000 boxes from 2012 to 2017. These shoe boxes that contains children toys, books and other goodies has been used not only as presents for children but used as tools wherein we could start evangelising and eventually discipling children and their CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL REPORT 2013 - 2017 !9 Number of Police Stations with regular ongoing Bible studies through PNP-VFC : 5+ Number of average monthly attendance in once a month DSWD 4 Ps values formation program: 900+ Number of OCC, Samaritan Boxes distributed: 1,000+ Financial literacy seminars from a Biblical perspective: Churches - 2, Organisation - 1. Estimated total attendees: 1,000+
  • 10. THE MASTER’S COMMUNITY FELLOWSHIP CHURCH AND MINISTRIES parents. Together with Operations Christmas Child we had also been active last 2015 in the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association's (BGEA) Operation Andrew. The aim of the crusade is to evangelise attendees. The crusade ran from March 27 to 29, 2015 and was held in Cebu City. Our church prepared for months for the event and has trained 7 counsellors. TMCF Dumlog is one of the centres for training in Talisay City. Aside from the 4 regular training session in which counsellors from other churches were sent to our church to be trained for soul winning, one of our staff regularly went to another church to train soul winners, (Conducted last January - February 2015) We devoted 4 Sundays to train church members for soul winning. 4.) Financial Literacy for pastors and churches - A new ministry of our church is spreading financial literacy from a Biblical view to pastors all across the country. This puts to good use the skills of your senior pastor as a Registered Financial planner and a Certified Securities Specialists. Further the contents of this seminar is in Book 2 of our discipleship program. We have conducted seminars all across the country on the subject “Biblical and practical principles on money and financial possessions” for the year 2017. The first seminar was conducted at the Accelerated Christian Education (ACE) Educator’s convention where close to 1,000 leaders and teachers from A.C.E schools was in attendance. It was followed by a seminar to members of the First Baptist church in Cebu City and then by an event organised for pastors in Sovereign Grace Baptist Church in Davao. We look forward to upcoming schedules in Cagayan and Davao in the first quarter of 2018. 5.) Civic & Other programs and Ministries - We aim not only to produce disciples but responsible citizens of our country and in this connection we give emphasis to certain programs that helps make disciples more responsible citizens. We have conducted two environmental seminars and is continuing to decorate the backdrop of our church with painted scrap wood. The aim of the scrap wood project’s is three-fold. 1.) To demonstrate that scrap materials can still be utilised creatively. 2.) CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL REPORT 2013 - 2017 !10
  • 11. THE MASTER’S COMMUNITY FELLOWSHIP CHURCH AND MINISTRIES To foster fellowship and bonding among members and so that this activity can provide an avenue wherein they could showcase their artistic creativity 3.) To create a unique creative backdrop design for our church stage. We look forward to producing more than a thousand of these blocks in a scheduled once a month activity such as this and we will soon be doing this in our TMCF - Candulawan extension. Last December 2017 we have conducted an eco bricks seminar in coordination with Sustainable Energy and Enterprise Development for Communities (SEED4COM) wherein mineral water bottles is stuffed with plastic. The resulting product made from recycled materials will then be glued together to make tables, chairs and anything useful. Aside from these activities we have continued in hosting pastoral ministerial meetings, feeding programs, free clinics program, disaster relief goods distribution in our network of churches in coordination with the Medical missions arm of PIIM, programs for the Youth and continuous training for our pastors and staff. CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL REPORT 2013 - 2017 !11
  • 12. THE MASTER’S COMMUNITY FELLOWSHIP CHURCH AND MINISTRIES Defunct programs In pursuit of our evangelism and discipleship main objective we have implemented several programs for the past 6 years. These programs has not been pushed through due to lack of funding and mainly because of lack of manpower resources. The now defunct programs are as follows: 1.) International Care Ministries (ICM) - ICM programs had been implemented through our main church in Dumlog wherein 30 families were given livelihood, health training, cash assistance and at the same time evangelised and discipled. 2.) B.L.E.S.S. - The BLESS program, presented by ACEM (Accelerated Christian Education Ministries), is active in reaching out to indigent and underprivileged children in countries around the world, such as the Philippines and India. BLESS Centers teach children reading and basic math skills but, most importantly introduce them to Jesus Christ through God’s Word. This 12–15 week program culminates with the reading of the Gospel of Mark. Our B.L.E.S.S program had 10 graduates. 3.) A.L.S - The Alternative Learning S y s t e m ( A . L . S ) i s a p r o g r a m implemented by the Department of Education of the Philippine government. The objective of the program is to raise the literacy of our country by increasing the number of graduates in the elementary and secondary levels. Our church has worked with our local DepEd ALS unit and has sponsored and organised a training program for A.L.S educators which we have opened to other churches so that they will have their won A.L.S program. Our A.L.S program has successfully helped 3 students to graduate from high school. CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL REPORT 2013 - 2017 !12 Families benefited under the ICM program : 30 Graduates of BLESS: 10 Graduates of ALS: 3
  • 13. THE MASTER’S COMMUNITY FELLOWSHIP CHURCH AND MINISTRIES FINANCIALS We thank God that our offering has been steadily increasing as the years has gone by. From an average monthly offering of Php1,700.00, 6 years ago now we have grown to an average of Php 17,178.75 in offering per month, and to think that we practice free will giving and do not even create events to push giving ! We believe in giving that is not done grudgingly nor of necessity, as God prosper each one and from the heart, because God loves a cheerful giver (2 Cor. 9:7) Despite the increase in offering, internal church giving still could not cope up with ministry expenses hence we had always been net negative. The breakdown of our expenses are as follows: CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL REPORT 2013 - 2017 !13 TMCF Main Average monthly offering Pastor’s support and allowances Direct ministry cost Church equipment Church Fellowship etc. Misc. For 2012 - 2016
  • 14. THE MASTER’S COMMUNITY FELLOWSHIP CHURCH AND MINISTRIES The deficit has always been coped up by external donations. What is reflected in the financials are only internal giving to emphasise the contributions within the church itself. More than 80% of our expenses are devoted to pastors, staff allowances and support. Currently we are giving allowance and support to 7 pastors and staff. These people minister to our network of 5 churches. Operational expenses refers to purchase, maintenance and repair of church equipment. Direct ministry expenses refers to expenses directly related to the various ministries we operate while Church Fellowship refers to expenses mainly related to food, Youth camp expenses and other activities related to increasing fellowship among the brethren. Further details about our income and expenses are attached in the the last pages of this report. LOOKING FORWARD - PRAYER POINTS Within the year we look forward to starting our Bible Institute which will formalise the training of pastors and staff within our network. In connection with this we hope we can setup a library of theological books and reference materials to further our intensive study of the Scriptures. We are praying that the Lord will provide for this. The Bible Institute will start off with classes in proper Biblical interpretation. We will continue to emphasise our discipleship program and to run the current ministries that we have. Most of the churches under our network badly in need of infrastructure development. Please pray for the following: 1.) The Master’s Community Fellowship - Candulawan - Needs to enlarge their building. They are already averaging close to 20 adults in attendance every Sunday. They are currently holding services in a 40 square meter building. Either the lot next to CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL REPORT 2013 - 2017 !14 Pastor’s support and allowances Direct ministry cost Church Fellowships Operational expenses For 2017
  • 15. THE MASTER’S COMMUNITY FELLOWSHIP CHURCH AND MINISTRIES the church building will be purchased or they need to transfer to a nearby area. We have already been looking at a 100 square meter property. (No building yet) 2.) Obong, Dalaguete - This extension has no meeting place yet. They already have close to 10 adults and several children in regular attendance. Further please pray for the transition of leadership in this area. 3.) Gateway Baptist Church Asturias - Their meeting place needs to be improved as it is constructed of very light materials (Trapal roofing only, the church has no walls or flooring yet) 4.) The Master’s Community Fellowship Main - Not an immediately needed infrastructure as of the moment but with the planned Bible Institute and library, we are including this need here. Further, minor improvements needs to be done in our main church. Considering the need for a network and fellowship of Reformed Baptist Churches in the Visayas and Mindanao area, we hope we can play a key role in the establishment of this network and fellowship. Please pray for the Reformed conference in Siquijor this coming February 2018. May this be the start of the seeds of this network and fellowship of churches with like minded doctrine and faith. Our main church in Dumlog Talisay also badly needs instrument players, instruments and a praise and worship team. Currently we are utilising youtube videos for singing songs. Further, please pray for leadership and direction for our Young people. We plan to work closely with another church, merging our youth activities in order that we will have a more stable and efficient ministry and outreach to the youth in our area. Please also pray that we can support more pastors this coming 2018 and the years to come. Several pastors from other denominations and groups who are open to fellowshipping and networking with us badly need financial support. Further please pray for Philippine Inland Island Missions Inc. We are on the process of cleaning up a lot of paper works including the organisation’s Securities and Exchange Commission Registration, it’s amendment and taking care of PIIM assets that are either problematic or are non-performing. Please pray that we might be able to clean up all the necessary paper works and that we may be able to put to good use what God has entrusted to us at PIIM. A lot of work still needs to be done with PIIM as aside from cleaning up the paperworks, its online presence such its website and social media accounts needs to be worked on. Lastly please pray for your pastoral staff as we continue to focus on discipleship, diligently studying and preaching the Word and take care of the administrative matters of our churches and ministries. As we look forward to doing the Master’s work in 2018 and beyond may we continue to give Him our best and live lives fit for the Master’s use. In behalf of all the pastoral staff, yours truly in the Master’s Service, ZIGFRED M. DIAZ Senior pastor, The Master’s Community Fellowship Church & Ministries Corporate Secretary, Member of the Board of Trustee, Philippine Inland Island Missions Inc. CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL REPORT 2013 - 2017 !15
  • 16. THE MASTER’S COMMUNITY FELLOWSHIP CHURCH AND MINISTRIES ANNEX - INCOME STATEMENTS THE MASTER'S COMMUNITY FELLOWSHIP CHURCH & MINSTRIES FINANCIAL REPORT 2012 - 2016 OFFERING (Actual church offering) Total Offering for the year 2012 30,295.00 Offering for the year 2013 35,468.00 Offering for the year 2014 40,625.00 Offering for the year 2015 133,028.75 Offering for the year 2016 155,496.00 Total offering 2012 - 2016 394,912.75 LESS EXPENSES Pastors allowances and support 1,580,900.00 Direct ministry acEviEes cost Project Discipleship 11,000.00 Samaritan OCC project 19,000.00 B.L.E.S.S 10,000.00 A.L.S 8,000.00 Values formaLon 9,800.00 4 PS 8,000.00 Children's ministry 15,000.00 Total Direct Ministry AcLviLes Cost 80,800.00 Church equipment 40,000.00 Church Occasions, fellowship, Youth Camps etc., Sponsored acLviLes 60,000.00 Other trainings, materials, etc. misc. 15,000.00 TOTAL EXPENSES 1,661,700.00 NET -1,380,863.26 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL REPORT 2013 - 2017 !16
  • 17. THE MASTER’S COMMUNITY FELLOWSHIP CHURCH AND MINISTRIES THE MASTER'S COMMUNITY FELLOWSHIP CHURCH & MINSTRIES Details of monthly offering for the year 2017 January 14,750.00 February 17,920.00 March 10,806.00 April 38,291.00 May 29,363.00 June 9,880.00 July 11,415.00 August 8,110.00 September 11,049.00 October 11,662.00 November 11,369.00 December 31,530.00 TOTAL 206,145.00 Average Monthly 17,178.75 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL REPORT 2013 - 2017 !17 THE MASTER'S COMMUNITY FELLOWSHIP CHURCH & MINSTRIES INCOME STATEMENT 2017 Total Offering 206,145.00 LESS EXPENSES Pastors & Staff allowances & support 464,374.00 Project Discipleship 13,000.00 Bibles 5,000.00 4 Ps 1,000.00 Samaritan OCC project 4,500.00 Direct Ministry acEvity cost 23,500.00 Church Occasions, Fellowship Youth Camps etc. Sponsored AcLviLes 20,000.00 Church equipment 6,500.00 Repair of Church equipment 5,000.00 Other OperaLonal expenses 50,750.00 OperaVonal expenses 62,250 TOTAL EXPENSES 570,124.00 NET -363,979.00