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Greg Wetterlin
Current Address:
716 Brown St. #5
Lafayette, IN 47901
Personal Information:
Age: 24
Immediate Family: My parents,Scott and Sue, have been married
for almost 35 years and live in Littleton, CO where I was born and
raised. My only sibling, Matt, also lives in Littleton with his wife,
Jenifer, of almost 3 years.
My Family: I was married in May of 2012 to my beautiful wife,
Erika (pictured to the left). We met in our church’s college
ministry when I was a senior at Purdue University. We dated and
were engaged for just under 1.5 years. Almost for the entirety of
our marriage I have been in Seminary and working as a Pastoral
Intern at Faith Church in Lafayette,Indiana. Erika recently
finished her Industrial Engineering degree at Purdue (May 2015),
has started her own photography business, and is working at a local manufacturing company.
I was very blessed to grow up in an evangelical Christian family and have also been very blessed to marry
into a godly family on my wife’s side. Both my wife and I came to salvation in the Lord Jesus when we
were young. I became a born again believer when I was around 7 years old and my wife when she was 3–
4 years old.
Personal Statement:
My aim is to please Christ in everything that I do (2 Cor. 5:9). My foremost priority and privilege on this
earth is to love my wife as Christ loved the church (Eph. 5:25). I also believe that God has called me to be
a minister of his Word and to serve his church in full-time vocational ministry (1 Tim. 3:1). My goal and
passion is growing in my understanding and application of his Word and to teach others to know and
apply his Word (Eph. 4:12, 2 Tim. 2:2). And at the very core of my being I believe that God’s Word is
sufficient and the source of truth (2 Tim. 3:16–17, John 17:17). Therefore,my desire is to help the church
build into its DNA the deep belief and confidence that God’s Word is sufficient and relevant for our
problems today, which range from marriage and parenting, to working and leisure. As a result, I look
forward to teaching and counseling from the whole counsel of God’s Word and helping Christ’s church
accomplish the mission of winning people to Jesus and making disciples more faithful disciples (Matt.
Faith Bible Seminary,Lafayette,IN
M.Div. Candidate, May 2016
Purdue University,West Lafayette,IN
Bachelors of Science, Mechanical Engineering, May 2012
Ministry Experience:
Children’s Ministry
A large portion of my pastoral internship at Faith Church has involved teaching children, training and
equipping servants to teach children, and recruiting people to serve on Sunday and Wednesday night
ministries. With over 300 kids from infants through fifth grade who participate in our weekly ministries
there is a lot of administration and details to account for. And while great administration doesn’t equate to
great ministry, great ministry cannot happen apart from great administration. I’ve learned and helped our
Children’s Ministries get to a better place organizationally so that we can focus on better equipping and
ministering to the adult servants who have a major role in helping the pastors minister to the kids God’s
entrusted to us.
In 2013 at Christmas time, I helped to launch a new outreach ministry to help parents who have to work
during the two weeks that their kids are out of school. What we offered was free childcare for elementary-
aged kids for half a day every day except Christmas Eve, Christmas and New Year’s Day. The goal was
to show our neighbors that we cared for them in the hopes we might have the opportunity to share the
good news of Jesus Christ with them. We had about 25 kids each day that year. The next year (2014), we
made some significant changes and decided to offer childcare from 7:00 a.m.–5:30 p.m. (instead of half
days) and we exploded with just over 100 kids per day! I had the privilege of helping teach devotions and
leading the kids in games and activities for seven days. Many of these kids had never been exposed to
Christianity! For next year (2015), we are planning on making additional significant changes in order to
reach more families and to ensure we make the most of our opportunities to share the good news of Jesus
Christ with the kids.
Community Outreach
Part of my internship has also involved working at our Community Center which is very similar to a
YMCA or a comparable fitness center (see I work at the Community
Center every Friday evening from 4:00–10:00 p.m. and I rotate weekend shifts. The Community Center
was built as a hub for doing community outreach. By working here I have learned how to interact with
people from all sorts of backgrounds. We have homeless who come in to visit the clothing closet and food
pantry, mentally and physically handicapped who use the pool, the Mayor of Lafayette who works out at
our gym, as well as people from many different cultural backgrounds who use the basketball courts,
meeting rooms, and fitness center. I have grown and been challenged in how to communicate in a way
that is most loving and caring when people have complaints, when people are hurting, or when people just
want someone to talk to. And by the grace of God I have had the opportunity to share the gospel, pray and
encourage community members and guests with the hope of Jesus Christ!
Biblical Counseling
Colossians 1:28 – “Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we
may present everyone mature in Christ.” This verse explains my conviction and motivation for pursuing
my Biblical Counseling certification with the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (ACBC,
formerly NANC). Pastor,Dr. Rob Green of Faith Church is the Pastor of over the Counseling Ministry
and a Fellow for ACBC. He is supervising and training me through my certification process. By the end
of the summer (2015), I should be certified with ACBC.
As far as pastoral training is concerned,the counseling has been one of the most important and practical
skills I have been learning. The counseling principles that I am learning and applying are so important for
helping congregants who are struggling, suffering, and/or spiritually stagnant. But beyond the benefit for
those I am counseling is the benefit for my own soul. I am learning how to better counsel myself, which
has been so helpful for my own personal sanctification. I cannot over emphasize enough how important
Biblical Counseling is for my personal ministry, my ministry to my family, my ministry at Faith Church,
and how important it will be for my future ministry.
I have had the opportunity to teach kids as young as pre-kindergarten all the way up to adults into
retirement age. I also have had the opportunity to teach groups of men as well as the opportunity to teach
groups of ladies. I love teaching God’s Word and firmly believe in expositional preaching that is
grounded in solid exegesis that seeks to understand a passage in light of the whole canonical context.
Beginning in middle school I loved studying and teaching God’s Word. Because of my desire to teach his
Word I began a Bible study with a friend in middle school and taught bi-monthly to a group of five other
students. In high school my desire to study and teach only grew, so again I started a Bible Study group
that was a sponsored school club and I rotated teaching every other week with a friend to about 20
students. During college I joined a Christian house at Purdue that housed 60 men and I ran for a house
position (Spiritual Director) that gave me the opportunity to teach sermon-style lessons to college
students on a weekly basis. Those gatherings had about 40–90 people. This position also gave me the
opportunity to write small group material for a whole school year. During the summers of my college
career I led a Bible Study with my friends and anyone that they invited. These Bible studies consisted of
20–30 minutes of a large group teaching time and then 20–30 minutes of small group time. About 40–60
people attended these summer studies.
All of those experiences only confirmed more and more how much I love to teach God’s Word. My desire
to teach is still strong and I am so thankful for the training and opportunities that my internship at Faith
Church and the Seminary have provided for me.
Ministry Philosophy:
Conversion and Call to Ministry
I was saved at a young age through the faithful discipleship of my parents. I was also extremely blessed to
have a father who adored God’s Word and felt the burden to be the spiritual teacher that God calls fathers
to be. As a result, I remember reading and studying through the Book of Numbers as a family. I remember
late nights as an 8 year-old studying through the Book of Isaiah. I also remember countless car rides and
family times spent in the living room listening to John MacArthur sermons. All that to say, my dad made
sure I knew the whole counsel of God. His teaching and spiritual guidance is what allowed me to be able
to teach the Bible to others from a young age.
The first time I considered the possibility of being a pastor was in middle school. As I’ve mentioned, I
loved teaching and studying God’s Word and because of what 1 Timothy 3:1 says, I believe middle
school was the beginning of understanding my call. I talked with my parents about my desire to be a
pastor late in middle school and early in high school. But when it came time to choose a college and
career path the most logical choice was to follow in my brother’s, father’s,uncle’s, grandparents’ and
great grandparents’ footsteps by attending Purdue University to study engineering. Once I arrived at
Purdue I immediately got plugged into Faith Church and started to learn how to practically apply the truth
I had known and in many cases had taught. Because of the biblical counseling principles that are taught so
clearly at Faith Church, numerous dots were connected in my mind that helped me clearly see the
connection between theological knowledge and practical application. This connection illuminated so
many areas in my life and made the Bible so relevant to everyday life that I couldn’t believe what I had
been missing! I learned at Faith Church how specific practical application flows right out of the theology
of Bible.
The relevance of the Bible to everyday life was something that I immediately knew everyone needed to
understand! So after one semester at Purdue University I knew that I wanted to be a Pastor so that I could
teach everyone how awesome God and his Word is! Therefore, I sought advice from my Pastor at Faith
Church and pastors I knew from back home. Every one of the pastors that I sought counsel from had gone
to school for engineering before going to seminary! Through their counsel and their path to seminary,
God made it clear that I should finish my Mechanical Engineering degree from Purdue and then pursue
seminary to prepare for full-time ministry. Therefore,that is the path I chose.
Core Values:
Growing Stronger:
I believe that the mission of the church is to win people to Christ and baptize them in the name of the
Father, Son and Holy Spirit (Matt. 28:19). But I also firmly believe that the mission includes teaching
disciples to become more faithful disciples (Matt. 28:20). This is firmly grounded in what I believe is the
doctrine of sanctification. Romans 8:28–29 says,“And we know that for those who love God all things
work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. For those whomhe foreknew
he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the firstborn among
many brothers.” These verses tell me first, that God is sovereignly working for the good of his people.
Secondly, verse 29 defines what that good is—namely, being “conformed to the image of his Son.” That’s
what all Christians are to make their goal: pleasing God by becoming more like Christ. Therefore, it is my
expectation for myself and for other believers that we’ll be progressively growing by putting to death our
old self, being renewed in the spirit of our minds, and putting on our new self which is in Christ’s likeness
(Eph. 4:22–24).
Reaching Out:
As I mentioned already, the church’s mission is to win people to Christ and teach disciples to be more
faithful disciples (Matt. 28:19–20). Reaching out is the church’s effort to proclaim the good news of Jesus
Christ and win people for Jesus.
This organically flows out of my conviction that every believer should be progressively growing and
becoming more like Christ. As a believer grows in Christ his life goals and desires will become more like
Christ’s. Jesus’ life was characterized by the command he affirms as the most important in Mark 12:30–
‘…And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul
and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: ‘You shall love
your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”
It is peculiar that Jesus refers to the two commandments as just one by his use of the singular word for
“commandment.” In Jesus’ mind, loving God and loving others are not two separate things, but so
intimately connected that he could tie them together as a single commandment. I firmly agree and believe
that as Christians grow more in love with God and become more like Christ, they will try and win people
to Jesus with more and more passion and urgency.
Serving Together:
Ephesians 4:11–12 teaches that God gave pastors/elders/shepherds for the purpose of equipping the saints
for the work of the ministry (that work is expounded on in the following verses,vv.12–16). That means it
is the pastor’s job to teach,train and equip the church members to be able to faithfully serve for the
advancement of the mission of the church, which is the Great Commission (Matt. 28:19–20). All
throughout Ephesians 4:11–16 is the idea of teamwork, dependence and unity. God’s church is not a team
that has starting players and bench players. Instead, everyone that is part of God’s family is to be
faithfully using the gifts and talents the Holy Spirit has divinely given them (1 Cor. 12:6–11) “for the
building up the body of Christ” (Eph. 4:12).
Meeting Needs:
The concept of meeting people’s needs has already been touched on from the passage in Mark 12:30–31.
All believers are to love God and love their neighbor. Jesus told the story of the Good Samaritan in order
to teach us that our neighbor is anyone whom we come across. Therefore, the local church needs to make
it a priority to love the neighbors who have been placed right around them. That means working to meet
needs and helping those who are hurting in the particular city/town/neighborhood in which God has
placed them. This might mean trying to partner with local schools, city officials and/or other
organizations in order to minister to tangible needs. The goal is to show the love of Christ to our
neighbors in a tangible way, so that God might open a door for us to proclaim the good news of Jesus
Christ which took care of our ultimate need!
Secular Work Experience:
Synergetic Industries – East Peoria, IL June 2012 – December 2012
Manufacturing Engineer – Contract worker forCaterpillar Inc.
Great Dane Trailer’s – Brazil, IN December 2012 – August 2013
Design Engineer

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Pastoral Resume

  • 1. Greg Wetterlin 720.331.1035 Current Address: 716 Brown St. #5 Lafayette, IN 47901 Personal Information: Age: 24 Immediate Family: My parents,Scott and Sue, have been married for almost 35 years and live in Littleton, CO where I was born and raised. My only sibling, Matt, also lives in Littleton with his wife, Jenifer, of almost 3 years. My Family: I was married in May of 2012 to my beautiful wife, Erika (pictured to the left). We met in our church’s college ministry when I was a senior at Purdue University. We dated and were engaged for just under 1.5 years. Almost for the entirety of our marriage I have been in Seminary and working as a Pastoral Intern at Faith Church in Lafayette,Indiana. Erika recently finished her Industrial Engineering degree at Purdue (May 2015), has started her own photography business, and is working at a local manufacturing company. I was very blessed to grow up in an evangelical Christian family and have also been very blessed to marry into a godly family on my wife’s side. Both my wife and I came to salvation in the Lord Jesus when we were young. I became a born again believer when I was around 7 years old and my wife when she was 3– 4 years old. Personal Statement: My aim is to please Christ in everything that I do (2 Cor. 5:9). My foremost priority and privilege on this earth is to love my wife as Christ loved the church (Eph. 5:25). I also believe that God has called me to be a minister of his Word and to serve his church in full-time vocational ministry (1 Tim. 3:1). My goal and passion is growing in my understanding and application of his Word and to teach others to know and apply his Word (Eph. 4:12, 2 Tim. 2:2). And at the very core of my being I believe that God’s Word is sufficient and the source of truth (2 Tim. 3:16–17, John 17:17). Therefore,my desire is to help the church build into its DNA the deep belief and confidence that God’s Word is sufficient and relevant for our problems today, which range from marriage and parenting, to working and leisure. As a result, I look forward to teaching and counseling from the whole counsel of God’s Word and helping Christ’s church accomplish the mission of winning people to Jesus and making disciples more faithful disciples (Matt. 28:19–20). Education: Faith Bible Seminary,Lafayette,IN M.Div. Candidate, May 2016 Purdue University,West Lafayette,IN Bachelors of Science, Mechanical Engineering, May 2012
  • 2. Ministry Experience: Children’s Ministry A large portion of my pastoral internship at Faith Church has involved teaching children, training and equipping servants to teach children, and recruiting people to serve on Sunday and Wednesday night ministries. With over 300 kids from infants through fifth grade who participate in our weekly ministries there is a lot of administration and details to account for. And while great administration doesn’t equate to great ministry, great ministry cannot happen apart from great administration. I’ve learned and helped our Children’s Ministries get to a better place organizationally so that we can focus on better equipping and ministering to the adult servants who have a major role in helping the pastors minister to the kids God’s entrusted to us. In 2013 at Christmas time, I helped to launch a new outreach ministry to help parents who have to work during the two weeks that their kids are out of school. What we offered was free childcare for elementary- aged kids for half a day every day except Christmas Eve, Christmas and New Year’s Day. The goal was to show our neighbors that we cared for them in the hopes we might have the opportunity to share the good news of Jesus Christ with them. We had about 25 kids each day that year. The next year (2014), we made some significant changes and decided to offer childcare from 7:00 a.m.–5:30 p.m. (instead of half days) and we exploded with just over 100 kids per day! I had the privilege of helping teach devotions and leading the kids in games and activities for seven days. Many of these kids had never been exposed to Christianity! For next year (2015), we are planning on making additional significant changes in order to reach more families and to ensure we make the most of our opportunities to share the good news of Jesus Christ with the kids. Community Outreach Part of my internship has also involved working at our Community Center which is very similar to a YMCA or a comparable fitness center (see I work at the Community Center every Friday evening from 4:00–10:00 p.m. and I rotate weekend shifts. The Community Center was built as a hub for doing community outreach. By working here I have learned how to interact with people from all sorts of backgrounds. We have homeless who come in to visit the clothing closet and food pantry, mentally and physically handicapped who use the pool, the Mayor of Lafayette who works out at our gym, as well as people from many different cultural backgrounds who use the basketball courts, meeting rooms, and fitness center. I have grown and been challenged in how to communicate in a way that is most loving and caring when people have complaints, when people are hurting, or when people just want someone to talk to. And by the grace of God I have had the opportunity to share the gospel, pray and encourage community members and guests with the hope of Jesus Christ! Biblical Counseling Colossians 1:28 – “Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ.” This verse explains my conviction and motivation for pursuing my Biblical Counseling certification with the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (ACBC, formerly NANC). Pastor,Dr. Rob Green of Faith Church is the Pastor of over the Counseling Ministry and a Fellow for ACBC. He is supervising and training me through my certification process. By the end of the summer (2015), I should be certified with ACBC. As far as pastoral training is concerned,the counseling has been one of the most important and practical skills I have been learning. The counseling principles that I am learning and applying are so important for helping congregants who are struggling, suffering, and/or spiritually stagnant. But beyond the benefit for those I am counseling is the benefit for my own soul. I am learning how to better counsel myself, which has been so helpful for my own personal sanctification. I cannot over emphasize enough how important
  • 3. Biblical Counseling is for my personal ministry, my ministry to my family, my ministry at Faith Church, and how important it will be for my future ministry. Teaching I have had the opportunity to teach kids as young as pre-kindergarten all the way up to adults into retirement age. I also have had the opportunity to teach groups of men as well as the opportunity to teach groups of ladies. I love teaching God’s Word and firmly believe in expositional preaching that is grounded in solid exegesis that seeks to understand a passage in light of the whole canonical context. Beginning in middle school I loved studying and teaching God’s Word. Because of my desire to teach his Word I began a Bible study with a friend in middle school and taught bi-monthly to a group of five other students. In high school my desire to study and teach only grew, so again I started a Bible Study group that was a sponsored school club and I rotated teaching every other week with a friend to about 20 students. During college I joined a Christian house at Purdue that housed 60 men and I ran for a house position (Spiritual Director) that gave me the opportunity to teach sermon-style lessons to college students on a weekly basis. Those gatherings had about 40–90 people. This position also gave me the opportunity to write small group material for a whole school year. During the summers of my college career I led a Bible Study with my friends and anyone that they invited. These Bible studies consisted of 20–30 minutes of a large group teaching time and then 20–30 minutes of small group time. About 40–60 people attended these summer studies. All of those experiences only confirmed more and more how much I love to teach God’s Word. My desire to teach is still strong and I am so thankful for the training and opportunities that my internship at Faith Church and the Seminary have provided for me. Ministry Philosophy: Conversion and Call to Ministry I was saved at a young age through the faithful discipleship of my parents. I was also extremely blessed to have a father who adored God’s Word and felt the burden to be the spiritual teacher that God calls fathers to be. As a result, I remember reading and studying through the Book of Numbers as a family. I remember late nights as an 8 year-old studying through the Book of Isaiah. I also remember countless car rides and family times spent in the living room listening to John MacArthur sermons. All that to say, my dad made sure I knew the whole counsel of God. His teaching and spiritual guidance is what allowed me to be able to teach the Bible to others from a young age. The first time I considered the possibility of being a pastor was in middle school. As I’ve mentioned, I loved teaching and studying God’s Word and because of what 1 Timothy 3:1 says, I believe middle school was the beginning of understanding my call. I talked with my parents about my desire to be a pastor late in middle school and early in high school. But when it came time to choose a college and career path the most logical choice was to follow in my brother’s, father’s,uncle’s, grandparents’ and great grandparents’ footsteps by attending Purdue University to study engineering. Once I arrived at Purdue I immediately got plugged into Faith Church and started to learn how to practically apply the truth I had known and in many cases had taught. Because of the biblical counseling principles that are taught so clearly at Faith Church, numerous dots were connected in my mind that helped me clearly see the connection between theological knowledge and practical application. This connection illuminated so many areas in my life and made the Bible so relevant to everyday life that I couldn’t believe what I had been missing! I learned at Faith Church how specific practical application flows right out of the theology of Bible.
  • 4. The relevance of the Bible to everyday life was something that I immediately knew everyone needed to understand! So after one semester at Purdue University I knew that I wanted to be a Pastor so that I could teach everyone how awesome God and his Word is! Therefore, I sought advice from my Pastor at Faith Church and pastors I knew from back home. Every one of the pastors that I sought counsel from had gone to school for engineering before going to seminary! Through their counsel and their path to seminary, God made it clear that I should finish my Mechanical Engineering degree from Purdue and then pursue seminary to prepare for full-time ministry. Therefore,that is the path I chose. Core Values: Growing Stronger: I believe that the mission of the church is to win people to Christ and baptize them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit (Matt. 28:19). But I also firmly believe that the mission includes teaching disciples to become more faithful disciples (Matt. 28:20). This is firmly grounded in what I believe is the doctrine of sanctification. Romans 8:28–29 says,“And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. For those whomhe foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers.” These verses tell me first, that God is sovereignly working for the good of his people. Secondly, verse 29 defines what that good is—namely, being “conformed to the image of his Son.” That’s what all Christians are to make their goal: pleasing God by becoming more like Christ. Therefore, it is my expectation for myself and for other believers that we’ll be progressively growing by putting to death our old self, being renewed in the spirit of our minds, and putting on our new self which is in Christ’s likeness (Eph. 4:22–24). Reaching Out: As I mentioned already, the church’s mission is to win people to Christ and teach disciples to be more faithful disciples (Matt. 28:19–20). Reaching out is the church’s effort to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ and win people for Jesus. This organically flows out of my conviction that every believer should be progressively growing and becoming more like Christ. As a believer grows in Christ his life goals and desires will become more like Christ’s. Jesus’ life was characterized by the command he affirms as the most important in Mark 12:30– 31. ‘…And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.” It is peculiar that Jesus refers to the two commandments as just one by his use of the singular word for “commandment.” In Jesus’ mind, loving God and loving others are not two separate things, but so intimately connected that he could tie them together as a single commandment. I firmly agree and believe that as Christians grow more in love with God and become more like Christ, they will try and win people to Jesus with more and more passion and urgency. Serving Together: Ephesians 4:11–12 teaches that God gave pastors/elders/shepherds for the purpose of equipping the saints for the work of the ministry (that work is expounded on in the following verses,vv.12–16). That means it is the pastor’s job to teach,train and equip the church members to be able to faithfully serve for the advancement of the mission of the church, which is the Great Commission (Matt. 28:19–20). All throughout Ephesians 4:11–16 is the idea of teamwork, dependence and unity. God’s church is not a team that has starting players and bench players. Instead, everyone that is part of God’s family is to be
  • 5. faithfully using the gifts and talents the Holy Spirit has divinely given them (1 Cor. 12:6–11) “for the building up the body of Christ” (Eph. 4:12). Meeting Needs: The concept of meeting people’s needs has already been touched on from the passage in Mark 12:30–31. All believers are to love God and love their neighbor. Jesus told the story of the Good Samaritan in order to teach us that our neighbor is anyone whom we come across. Therefore, the local church needs to make it a priority to love the neighbors who have been placed right around them. That means working to meet needs and helping those who are hurting in the particular city/town/neighborhood in which God has placed them. This might mean trying to partner with local schools, city officials and/or other organizations in order to minister to tangible needs. The goal is to show the love of Christ to our neighbors in a tangible way, so that God might open a door for us to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ which took care of our ultimate need! Secular Work Experience: Synergetic Industries – East Peoria, IL June 2012 – December 2012 Manufacturing Engineer – Contract worker forCaterpillar Inc. Great Dane Trailer’s – Brazil, IN December 2012 – August 2013 Design Engineer