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The Journey Essay
Crafting an essay on the topic of "The Journey" presents a unique set of challenges that delve
into both the personal and the universal. The very nature of the theme implies a narrative that
transcends physical travel and embarks on a metaphorical exploration of experiences, growth,
and self-discovery.
The difficulty lies in encapsulating the essence of one's journey, whether it be through life,
relationships, or personal development, into a coherent and engaging piece of writing. The task
demands a delicate balance between introspection and relatability, as the writer navigates the
fine line between the deeply personal and the broadly resonant.
Additionally, the concept of a journey encompasses a myriad of perspectives—each
individual's expedition is unique, shaped by personal circumstances, challenges, and triumphs.
The challenge then becomes to convey a sense of universality, making the reader not only
empathize with the writer's journey but also find echoes of their own experiences within the
Furthermore, the writer must grapple with the task of structuring the essay in a way that captures
the dynamic and evolving nature of a journey. This involves weaving together anecdotes,
reflections, and insights in a seamless narrative that guides the reader through the various stages
of the writer's personal odyssey.
While the emotional depth of the essay is crucial, striking a balance with clarity and coherence is
equally challenging. The writer must avoid veering into overly sentimental territory, ensuring that
the essay remains accessible and relatable to a diverse audience.
In essence, composing a compelling essay on the theme of "The Journey" demands a mastery of
storytelling, introspection, and the ability to distill complex experiences into a concise and
impactful narrative. It is an art that requires finesse, self-awareness, and a keen understanding of
the human condition.
And if you find yourself grappling with the intricacies of such a task, remember that there are
resources available to assist you. Similar essays and a wealth of writing expertise can be accessed
through platforms like, where skilled writers can provide guidance and
support in crafting essays that resonate and captivate.
The Journey EssayThe Journey Essay
The Characteristics Of Alexander Hamilton As A American
America has long been considered a great, powerful country. From its beginning, the
United States had the potential to be something revolutionary. The idea of a
democracy was, in the 1700 s, strange. While many men are regarded as key elements
in the birth of America, one man stands out, despite his sometimes being
overshadowed by fellow Founding Fathers. Alexander Hamiltonwas an immigrant,
soldier, and the first Secretary of the United StatesTreasury, among his other
contributions to America. He had dreams for his adopted country and was highly
determined to see them to fruition and create a new, remarkable nation. Alexander
Hamilton embodies the characteristics of an epic hero because he was a great
warrior, he was capable of great deeds of strength and courage, and he is a national
hero. Alexander Hamilton is known as a great statesman, but he also exhibited the
epic hero trait of a great warrior. He volunteered to fight in the Revolutionary War,
then was promoted to lieutenant colonel and aide de camp under George
Washington. During his time as a secretary and aide de camp for Washington, he
longed deeply for military glory. Hamilton s traits as a great warrior are demonstrated
in abundance throughout the Revolutionary War:
He commanded his guns in the battles of Long Island, helped fortify Harlem Heights,
and employed two artillery pieces effectively at White Plains. He led his company
throughout the New Jersey campaign and saw action at Trenton and Princeton.
Golem Of Hollywood Essay
back to normal when back in position. The capabilities of this laboratory include the
engineering basics, advanced computer visualization, data, and science, and
advanced instrumentation. All of these characteristics add to the realism and rations
of the movie; The Golem of Hollywood. In this location, we will see medical
examinations, on the edge productions, and even turning points of the story. The
laboratory contains real life gadgets that the same characters; like Rabbi Loew, can
use in the movie; The Golem of Hollywood. When inspecting dead bodies, there will
be laboratory stretch outs like the television series; Law Order. There will be many
scientific scenes and medical transitions throughout The Golem of Hollywood.
Referring to the bar on the beach, a well rounded bar and more self centered one is
Pelican Bar, there is also a nightclub on the weekends for partying and caters. The
Pelican Bar is located in St. Elizabeth, Jamaica, this bar is located near the beach
on top of the flowing Caribbean Sea. The bar is made out of straw, wood, and
bamboo, these features provide a Caribbean feel in The Golem of Hollywood and
would be interesting for the viewers watching. In this location, there is a murder with
two bodies laying on the floor as ... Show more content on ...
Ever since the first call of the synagogue, Jacob Lev was determined to find the
mystery of the Mud Monster , at the end of The Golem of Hollywood, Jacob Lev is
brawling with the Mud Monster and the Mud Monster picks him up and transfers
him into the lake unconsciously, Jacob Lev later avenges this feat by capturing the
owner of the Mud Monster ; Raddick, and arresting him. This would be transferred to
the film by suspenseful beats and realistic scenery capturing every movement in
action. When Mike Mallick rescues Lev, he does not feel appreciated, this affects the
events of The Golem of Hollywood tremendously by adding another conflict to
Different Types Of Bitmap
A bitmap image is an image that is stored as pixels, each of the pixels can only be one
colour at a time. As the image is stored as pixels when the image is increased in size
the image then becomes pixelated, this means that the image will loses quality.
The files size for a 200x200 image will always be 118 Kb. A bitmap is usually use for
photos that you have taken on a digital camera which are for example JPEG files(13).
Lossless is a type of compression, when the file is compressed the quality still stays
the same when the file is reloaded and all the information will be restored
completely. This method of compressing files can be applied to image and text. This
method of compression is mostly used for text and ... Show more content on ...
The images can also be saves using the true colours. (19)
Doesn t support any amination.
Not suitable for images that have full colours.
Doesn t support multiple images to be saved in one file. (20)
Supports duotones, channels and clipping paths.
Supports layers (21)
Very few programs support PSD files.
They are very large files. (22)
RAW photographs Records the levels of brightness. (23)
They are large files so more storage is needed.
Has a slow capture time. (24) The Impact of Evolving Output Mediums on the Design
and Creation of Graphic Images
There are loads of output mediums that improved so that designing and creating
graphical images will become easier and so that the quality of the graphical images
will improve. Not only has their appearance changed by also but also what you can
accomplish with the devices. Some output mediums that have changes are mobile
phones, printers and monitors.
Mobile Phone
Mobile phones has impacted the design and creation of graphical images the user
can now take a photo using their phones and on can phones the quality will be better
than some digital cameras. Mobile phones are probably the most used output medium
nowadays. Before phone could take photos they could only create contacts, call and
message. When the messages application came alone so did other applications such
as the calculator and calendars. After the they came out they then added more
features like web browser so the user
Anglo Saxon Identity Essay
Who were the Anglo Saxons?
The Anglo Saxons can loosely be defined as the Germanic tribes who settled in
Britain at the start of the 5th century with the fall of the Roman Empire. The
importance of these settlers and their identity in the long term development of
medieval Europe is emphasised by John Hines who asserts that the breakdown of the
Roman Imperial Order in Western Europe saw the emergence of entirely
new...identities . When considering Anglo Saxon identity, two main concepts must be
addressed; firstly the nature of the Adventus Saxonum and the consequent impact of
this upon the native Britons. Whilst there is much debate, evidence strongly supports
that the arrival of the Anglo Saxons to Britain was lengthy process which ... Show
more content on ...
The aforementioned work by Bede offers one of the earliest written accounts of the
first arrival of the Anglo Saxons but as with his assertions regarding the origins of
the settlers, Bede fails to provide an accurate picture of the pace and nature of the
Anglo Saxon migration. In the first instance, Bede chronicles the story of Hengist
and Horsa, whereby King Vortigern invites Saxons into Britain to help defend
against the Pictish raids in the north, but then turn on the Britons and begin to
seize land for themselves the first commanders are said to have been the two
brothers Hengist and Horsa . When translated from Saxon languages Hengist and
Horsa translate back to stallion and mare , pointing towards the story being more a
folk tale than an actual historic event. Further to this, Bede based much of his
work off Gildas who wrote the earliest insular text available On the Ruin of Britain
in around 540, and also accounted for the legendary brothers they sealed its doom
by inviting in among them (like wolves into the sheep fold), the fierce and impious
Saxons, a race hateful to both God and men, to repel the invasions of the northern
nations . As such, Bede inherits much of Gildas bias, which is displayed clearly
through his scathing language and comparison of the Saxons to wolves . The
suggestion that the arrival of the Anglo Saxons to Britain was an event, rather than
an extended process aligns closely with Gildas agenda to link
Concept of Freedom in Political Theory
Why is the concept of freedom so contested in political theory? (Word maximum:
1,500) Freedom is an important concept in Western politics, strongly entwined as it
is with ideas of liberalism. Yet, as suggested by the question, the concept is one
which is hotly debated. Indeed, political agents attempt to control the political
agenda through promotion of their particular definition. This essay will look at the
ways freedom has been defined by different theorists over the years. It will also
look at how freedom is linked with and explained through different theo ries and
ideologies. It will then go on to look at how these different theories and ideologies
may shape the conceptions of freedom we find in our daily lives. Different... Show
more content on ...
This approach may be considered stifling of both innovation and effort, since
anything above the average will not be rewarded. By contrast, if equality of
opportunity is achieved, then some will accumulate more wealth and power than
others, giving them effectively more freedom. John Rawls (1971, cited in
Middleton, 2005) introduced two principles of justice, the first of which was that
each person is to have an equal right to the most extensive liberty compatible with a
similar liberty for others . Rawls attempted to address the question of inequality
through the second of his principles: the difference principle . In this he said that it
was acceptable for some to be better off than others as long as by doing so the
poorest people also benefitted in some way. In other words, inequality was
acceptable if some of the extra benefit were redistributed to those most in need.
This approach is an example of positive freedom. However, Isaiah Berlin (1969,
cited in Smith, 2005), known as a chief architect of theories of positive and
negative freedom, saw dangers in this approach too. He argued that it was wrong to
ascribe to individuals a set of common needs and desires. Moreover, he considered
that the surrender of individual freedom for collective self rule could result in
individual rights being violated. He concluded that a measure of both
Explain How Have Scientist Helped Save Lives In
How have scientist helped save lives in earthquake prone areas?
Building materials
Springs and other building materials are used to help save lives in earthquake prone
areas. Scientist use a variety of different materials spanning from shock absorbers to
springs. Scientists put springs under building that allow the buildings to sway but not
topple over. Scientist tell builders to put steel bracing supports around or in the walls
of buildings in between these are shock absorbers which stop the vibrating from
going up the building. These are made of steel which are strong and don t move a
lot. Building materials need to be strong and flexible so that when an earthquake
occures it won t break. Steel ball bearings will move the platform and themselves but
they will not move the house this helps the house ... Show more content on ...
Scientists can t predict earthquakes but may be able to give a 20 to 30 second
warning to provide 30 seconds of evacuation. Scientist can get an idea of when an
earthquake might happen by putting GPS trackers on fault lines. Seismographs can
measure earthquakes. They are able to pick up the different types of waves that create
and earthquake. These different waves can help scientist find out where the epicentre
of the earthquake is.
Search and rescue
What Rescue dogs and the UN do to help. Rescue have an exetremely good sense
of smell and hearing which is used to find people under rubble. If it is dark, rescue
dogs wear fluro vests that glow in the dark. Dogs have bottled water and high
energy foods attached to their vests incase the patient is thirsty or hungry. Dogs also
are extremely small which means they may be able to fit through small holes. The
UN use Carbon dioxide detectors can be used to find survivors rendered
unconscious. They work best in confined spaces where they detect the greater CO2
concentration in the air exhaled by those still
Characteristics Of Cult Classification Of The Family
The Family holds many characteristics that classify it as a cult rather than any other
new religious movement, and it will hold that classification unless it undergoes some
serious structural changes. By looking at this group through the lenses of different
theories pertaining to cult classification, I am confident in saying that this group
meets enough qualifications to put it into the cultgrouping. The Family is a new
religious movementthat I am defining as a cult. It hits on all the qualifications
concerning leadership, structure, recruitment, and deprivation theories. Differing
from a sect, The Family ... does not call for a return to the original, pure religion, but
rather emphasizes the new , because it seeks to interpret the... Show more content on ...
By Johnstone s definition, the deprivation theory has five distinct forms of
deprivation. Firstly, ...economic deprivation, which consists of limited income
and access to the material necessities of life. The members of The Family were and
are required to pay dues to the church and donate a percentage of their annual
income to pre selected charities, as a form of tithes. These required donations put
financial strains on members of the cult, and limits their ability to fully provide for
themselves. Secondly, deprivation refers to the relative absence of such
societal rewards as prestige, power, social status, and opportunity for participation
in various activities and organizations. By becoming a member of this cult, people
were relinquishing their individuality in a sense, and accepting the fact that they
would fall in line under the rule of David Berg. In an interview with an ex cult
member, she says I took a new name. I cast off my belongings. If this abrupt change
hurt my friends, I was blind to it. I lost contact with them. I was completely swept
up in my zeal. By alienating herself from her former life, she not only is playing into
being socially deprived in her world, but also to experiencing the alienation theory in
action. The more secluded a cult member was from their former life and relationships,
the more power the cult tended to have over them. Ethical and psychic deprivation
further isolate cult members
Puretone Audiogram Shows Hearing Loss
Puretone audiogram showed moderate to severe sensorineural hearing loss from 250
to 2000 Hz bilaterally. No responses recorded at higher frequencies at the audiometric
Speech audiometry showed reduced speech discrimination abilities at high intensities.
However, this is consistent with her puretone audiometric results.
Tympanometry showed normal tympanometric peak and pressure bilaterally. Absent
acoustic reflexes were noted at all test frequencies for both ears.
B. Characteristics and limitations of Sue s current hearing aids.
One of the first things, perhaps the most important during hearing aids fitting, is to
provide appropriate gain for the patient after a thorough hearing assessment. Oticon
Intiga RITE (receiver in the ear) is aimed at an immediately comfortable fit and
minimal occlusion to thus minimize unnatural sensations. To use an RITE with open
fit domes, Sue needs to have good low frequency hearing. Apparently, it cannot
provide enough gain Sue needed in the fitting software. It uses smaller (size 10)
batteries compared to batteries used by many other miniature hearing aids (size 312
or 13), which could also pose management issues.
Intiga 6 s modulation based noise management does not allow channel specific noise
reduction, compared to TriState Noise Management. Modulation based noise
management assesses the likelihood of rather constant noise in specific frequency
regions and tends to be sensitive to the presence of any noise, whether speech is also
The Negative Effects Of Consumerism On The Natural...
Sandel is in reality right while he uncovers vices of the present day consumerist
lifestyle. people change into mere consumers making the cult of intake and
consumerism the only purpose of their existence. The immoderate intake ends in the
adverse effect on the society. However, Sandel focuses his interest solely on moral
problems.At the same time, the writer can pay little, if any interest to the effect of the
overwhelming commercialization of the society at the surroundings. but, the negative
impact of consumerism and commercialization of the modern day society on the
natural environment is plain. Humanactivities orientated on consumption and trade
result in the destruction in their natural environment, extinction of many species, a
decrease of biodiversity, worldwide climate alternate. these types of modifications are
irrevocable and have a destructive effect, now not most effective on human lifestyles
however they also affect on the existence at the complete planet. But, Sandel does not
take these issues under consideration that reputedly weakens his argument due to the
fact that moral problems only are not powerful enough to make a change in that kind
of situation . The revelation of the negative effect of commercialization and
consumerism on the natural environment could reveal that humans have a real
chance of going extinct just like different species inhabiting the planet and this
argument will be more potent, if the author tries to persuade the audience that human
Is Gambling Ethical
In today s world, there are many different ways to gamble such as casinos, state
lotteries, pull tabs, bingo, sporting events, and the internet, just to name a few.
Although the popularity of this activity remains strong in America, there are
individuals and groups that continue to scrutinize and attack this industry. People
strongly opposed to gambling would like to see it policed by the federal government
or outlawed completely; they are wrong. There are several positive aspects of
gambling aside from providing entertainment and a social interaction. Gambling is
not immoral or unethical. Gambling provides economic benefits including jobs
and reduced government assistance. The gaming industry supports research and
education related to gambling addiction. The percentage of lower income people
who gamble is small; the majorities of people who gamble are those with higher
incomes and can afford to do so. Lastly, gambling has been a part of history and
different cultures dating back to ancient times. In addition, the percentages of
those in favor of gambling are significantly higher than those that are opposed. To
restrict or prohibit gambling is wrong and insulting to adults in today s world. It is
an individual s right to decide if he or she should gamble based on his or her own
personal beliefs. There is a moral component to be considered. Some would argue
that gambling is morally wrong and a threat to public virtue. This is not true, based
on a national
Le Club Francais Du Vin
Club Français du Vin Case study
Inventory Management
The Club Français du Vin case study
This case study discusses ordering and forecasting process of the wine company
Club Français du Vin. As the name suggests, this is a French company that offers
French wines to the consumers trough catalog offers. The main catalog is the
Etiquette, which includes a selection of 30 to 40 wines that the clients can then
choose and order by mail, phone, fax or by internet. The members also receive
other two leaflets, La Selection (shows three recommendations for the season) and
La Cave (consists of a list of wines and corresponding prices, that are available also
this are mainly leftovers from the previous season and are heavily discounted).
The ... Show more content on ...
Although if they cannot sell in the appropriate (if they have to sell at discount),
they will incur in this cost of capital; * We assume the cost of capital to be a stated
annual rate to facilitate calculations; * As stated in the guidelines, we also assume
that the mean of the demand is equal to the product of the mean of the forecasting
error and the forecast itself, and the same for the standard deviation of demand; * To
compute the lost function we use the following formula: UNL(z)=f(z) z(1 F(z))
Now that we have exposed our assumptions, we can start going into more detail on
the case itself. First, as this is an inventory management case study, we are going to
determine the optimal order quantity of each type of wine, so that afterwards we can
make include a more financial view of the problem and make some recommendations.
Optimal order quantity:
To compute the optimal order quantity of each wine we firstly needed to compute
the unit cost per bottle and the salvage value of each. From the description of the
case we could easily identify that the unit cost of each bottle was 50% (gross margin)
of the price plus the 1,25€ per bottle of the transportation costs. With this we
computed the unitary cost of each type of wine.
Afterwards we needed to compute the salvage value. Here the calculations aren t that
simple because we have to account
Lycaon Research Paper
Classical antiquity
Zeus turning Lycaon into a wolf, engraving by Hendrik Goltzius.
A few references to men changing into wolves are found in Ancient Greek literature
and mythology. Herodotus, in his Histories, wrote that the Neuri, a tribe he places to
the north east of Scythia, were all transformed into wolves once every year for
several days, and then changed back to their human shape. In the second century BC,
the Greek geographer Pausanias relates the story of Lycaon, who was transformed
into a wolf because he had ritually murdered a child. In accounts by the Bibliotheca
and Ovid (Metamorphoses , Lycaon serves human flesh to Zeus, wanting to know if
he is really a god. Lycaon s transformation, therefore, is punishment for a crime, ...
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Only a few students were lost!
3) The Werewolfof Ansbach:
Supposedly, a dead mayor returns as a werewolf. (No wonder he wasn t reelected he
ate the voters!)
Those who know say that in 1685, in the Bavarian town of Ansbach was being set
upon by a large, vicious wolf. Townsfolk claim it was their dead mayor. One can t
help but wonder why?
Anyway, they tracked the wolf down, killed it and hanged it but not before dressing
the beast in clothes to resemble the Mayor. Talk about truth being stranger than fiction
When they were tired of looking at the rotting corpse, they transferred the monstrosity
to a museum.
4) The Klein Krams Werewolf:
This tale borders on the supernatural. Rumor has it that the woods around Klein
Krams, near Ludwigslust, Germany, was teaming with all kinds of desirable game,
and hunters near and far would gather there, and have a killing good time .
However, there were reports that all sportsmen (at one time or other) reported seeing
a huge wolf that escaped all bullets. The beast was said even to taunt the hunters by
coming close enough to steal their game, before running off into the
Examples Of American Imperialism
From 1880 to 1914, Industrial European countries favored the idea of Imperialism in
African colonies which motivated them to acquire resources, riches, and territory
which eventually led them to seemingly have an attitude in which their race was
superior. Even before Imperialism became popular, England had colonies such as the
American Colonies which spread their ethnicity and race as well as their power.
Europeans countries began to comprehend and understand that they could use the
resources for their operations and expansion toward their country. The De Beers
Mining Company was a prime example of how Imperialism allowed European
countries to obtain resources and territory which made them stronger and richer.
Africawas the motherload,... Show more content on ...
Without a doubt, England s colonies allowed their ships to circumnavigate the
globe at any time. England, which had many colonies all over the world had
helped them earn the title as one of the most powerful and richest countries on
Earth during the mid 1700 s. England also influenced their race and religion to the
American colonies through fighting off the French and Indians during the French
and Indian War. England was also able to control most of the world s international
shipping due to it s large navy and it s ports all around the world which was an early
example of Imperialism. Colonization had certainly been proven to strengthen
empires such as England that led them to prosperity for a long period of
Abu Arrayhan Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-Biruni
Abu Arrayhan Muhammad ibn Ahmad al Biruni. (n.d.). Al Biruni summary.
Retrieved February 22, 2014, from http://www
/Mathematicians/Al Biruni.html
Though astrology is considered a field that lacks rationality astronomy is considered
a discipline in science that is rather well established (Abu 2014). This was not true in
the ancient times as the two were highly intertwined. Hence the need for scholars
who would distinguish between the two, one such scholar whose work this research
expects alludes to is from Al Biruni. Al Biruni born in Khawrazm in Karakaplakstan
spent most of his lifetime in the Indian subcontinent and in central Asia. He was one
among distinguished scholars who were associated with the court of King Mahmoud
Ghaznawi, a widely known Muslim king of 11th century. Upon his return from India,
Al Biruni wrote a book whereby he discusses various theorems pertaining to
astronomy, trigonometry, and lunar, solar and planetary motions. In his books he
also discusses the fact that the earth rotates on its own axis and he provides the
correct latitudes and longtitudes of a couple of places (Abu 2014). He also
contributed in coming up with a complete description to the Hindu positional
principle of numeration, and he played a pivotal role in proving Heron s formula and
Brahmagupta s generalization.
ABU RAIHAN AL BIRUNI. Retrieved February 22, 2014, from http:/
In physics, he dealt with specific
Hunter Zolomon
Hunter Zolomon was a forensic scientist running late to his job at the CCPD
(Central City Police Department). He was good at his job but he always thought
that people made him sound better at his job than he actually was. He was outside
of the building about thirty minutes late to work but he knew it would be fine
because he was on fairly good terms with the captain of the force. When he walked
into the building and got up the elevator he noticed, again, just how much design
and detail there was. On the left and right of the room were stairs that lead up into
some offices. Above the elevators is a golden sculpture of a police badge in front of
some officers. If you keep going straight, there is another room with many desks and
computers with... Show more content on ...
Reed would launch his quantum accelerator which would expand their knowledge
of quantum physics by nine thousand percent. Hunter was very excited because he
had been a huge fan of Dr. Reed since he was a kid. It was because of him, that he
had won every science fair since the seventh grade. He often thought about what
would happen if something were to go wrong during the activation of the
accelerator. Nah, that won t happen, he said to himself. As he put those thoughts
aside, he moved to work on the DNA samples. It was the usual routine, test
whatever needed to be tested, then go get lunch at the Indian place across the
street, test some more stuff, and go home. In about 4 minutes Joe would walk in
with some more stuff from a new case just like he did every other day. At this point
he bet that he could do the whole day blindfolded. Here and there he would play a
game with himself just to get away from the repetitiveness. Hunter could hear Joe
walking up the stairs, which he was expecting to happen any moment. Much to his
surprise however, when Hunter looked up, he saw that Joe didn t have some stuff that
he had to run any tests on. Instead, he had nothing, which Hunter thought was quite
odd. You don t have anything for me to test? Is everything alright? Hunter asked once
Joe was in his
Singing In The Rain Analysis
The film Singing in the Rain was produced in 1952 but still takes the world with
storm. The musical film, which was directed by Gene Kelly and Donen Stanley stars
Donald O Connor, Gene Kelley, Jean Hagen, and Debbie Reynolds has a lot for the
audiences to desire and learn from. The film presents a skillful use of setting, music,
makeup, costumes and standard photography (Cannon 2). The piece combines many
effects together to catch the attention of the audiences. In fact, the viewers enjoy both
the musical part and the visual element separately, something that makes it a well
thought piece. In other words, it is both a romantic piece, though a smog as well.
Being a musical film, Singing in the Rain represents a classical music, making it an
Toyota Aygo
Toyota Aygo Student:Vuk Mihajlovic Table of contents
1. Toyota
2. Five force
2.1 Competitive Rivalry
..........................................................................................................11... Show more
content on ...
This paper is about Aygo, small city car, launched by Toyota in 2005. in order to
satisfy customer needs. What is special about Aygo is the fact that it was an
innovative product on the market, produced by using the environmentally friendly
technology and at the end it was the attempt, I can say for sure, very successful one
to produce such an innovative product in the cooperation with Peugeot and
Citroen. Toyota Peugeot Citroen Automobile Czech (TPCA) is an IJV between
Toyota Motor Corporation and PSA, Peugeot Citroen in Kolin s Czech Republic.
Both companies own exactly half of the shares (50/50 JV). With this unique
automobile partnership, its joint plan for the development and production of small
compact vehicles and the construction of a new manufacturing factory, Toyota and
PSA decided to react to the changing European customer market and to found a
whole new category of small, modern and technologically advanced vehicles. In
fact, both companies see growing demand for such cars in Europe and the new
platform vehicles to be built in the Czech Republic is marketed under the Toyota,
Peugeot and Citroen brands. The strategy for Aygo has gone far beyond the simple
reaction to the changing European market. It is a systematic and continuous way of
leveraging local and global knowledge accompanied with the idea of co creating
knowledge with a variety of local and global partners. 1.Toyota Aygo The
A Report On My Bathing Suit
So Bertholdt drove to the three of us to the party. Apparently, Krista and Ymir were
neighbors, so they co hosted this party every year. They also had a lake in their
backyard. I brought my bathing suit. I wasn t planning on swimming, but Reiner
told me it was a swimming party, so it would be strange not to bring a bathing suit.
We pulled up by a nice looking home with many cars already parked by. The three
of us got out of the car, and walked up the driveway to the back yard. There were
maybe twenty people here already. I recognized some faces, but I didn t know any
of their names because they were just faces I had seen in the hallway. Hey Reiner,
Hey Bertholdt! A familiar high pitch voice said. It was Krista, of course. Hi Annie....
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The grass was a bright green and the sand a sparkling tan. People played volleyball
and badminton. Around the side of the house, I found a place where nobody was.
There was a small brick ledge, where I sat on. I pulled my phone out and went on
tumblr. I hated most forms of social media. I hated being social, so social media was
something I also hated. But tumblr, I didn t consider really social media, because no
one on tumblr really talked about themselves. Well, they did, but it was different,
somehow to me. I scrolled through my phone. I opened my eyes. I realized I had
fallen asleep while looking on tumblr. My phone was on the grass, and I had
somehow managed not to fall off the brick ledge. The sky had grown darker, what
time was it? I turned my phone on to see that it was 7:05. I had slept for nearly two
hours! My stomach grumbled. I was hungry, and I wanted food. I knew it was a bad
idea to have food or drink. Especially drink. Anyone could easily spike any drink.
Despite that, I hunger won over me and I headed toward the food table. I figured
food couldn t really be spiked anyway. There was a variety of foods up at the table.
Chips, cookies, brownies, watermelons, raspberries, carrots etc. There were also a
variety of people up at the table. I picked up a paper plate and picked up a
watermelon, some raspberries and a sugar cookie. As I quickly darted away from the
table to head back to where I slept, I ran into someone. I dropped my plate
The Weight Of The Word By Chris Berg
The weight of the word is an argumentative piece written by Chris Berg that appeared
in The Sunday Age on the 12th of December, 2010, and on The Age s website. This
argumentative piece was written in response to the harsh criticism following major
leaks released by the website WikiLeaks. This argumentative piece is written in
support of WikiLeaks. An evaluation of the argument overall has indicated that this
argument is relatively strong.
The core argument presented in this argumentative piece is that the political attempts
by the government in the United States of America to shut down WikiLeaks are a
fundamental breach of both free speech and the freedom of the press. This is
known to be the case because Chris Berg restates this conclusion in different ways
four times throughout the article. The subheading to this piece is the strongest
example located within the argumentative piece of stating the conclusion: to
oppose WikiLeaks is to be against press freedom and free speech . As this is the
subheading, it will likely be among the first thing readers will see when reading
this article. It makes sense to put the main conclusion there so that the readers of
the piece will know what the article is about. This main conclusion is stated again
in the article later on with to oppose WikiLeaks is to oppose freedom of the press
and, more critically, free speech, which is located at the beginning of the 9th
paragraph, and repeated again in the 13th paragraph with but these
Conformity In J. D. Salinger s Franny And Zooey
The novel Franny and Zooey, by J.D. Salinger, focuses on the burden of conformity
and ego in everyday life through detailed analysis of societal norms. Salinger tries
to remedy these problems through motivational advice titled doing it for the Fat
Lady . The guidance originates from Seymour Glass, the eldest of the Glass
children, and is expanded upon by Zooey Glass to his sister, Franny. The Fat Lady
is symbolic of all of society, both Christ and the lowest of the low. Everyone
deserves basic human respect, even a fat, old lady. The saying suggest that people
should accept the ugliness in society and that they should devote their very best
effort to society because it will satisfy themselves and it will improve society. Franny
is having... Show more content on ...
Franny comments early on to Lane about his friend Wally Campbell. Franny goes
on about him in a frenzy, saying, I can t remember some person immediately.
Especially when they look like everybody else, and talk and dress and act like
everybody else (Salinger, 25). She is sickened by the conformity in the world and
hates how everyone is trying to be the same exact posh and pretentious person. It is
a natural human trait to assimilate to one s environment and act as people expect.
People do it everyday in their interactions with different types of people. The
tendency of individuals to contort their personality prevents them from living to
their full potential and from doing the very best they can. They begin to do
everything for their ego and to improve how people think of them. It is no longer
doing it because it makes one s self happy, or for the betterment of society, but it is
selfish and one loses their passion for what he or she is doing. And even if a person
does not conform they are left outcasts to society; there is no easy way out. Zooey
expresses this problem in detail as he complains to his mother about the situation
Seymour and Buddy left Franny and himself in. Zooey asserts, We re freaks, the
two of us, Franny and I ... My God. I can t even sit down to lunch with a man any
more and hold
Negative Impact Of Immigration
Immigration is an agent of change, as it disturbed the status quos and existing
demographic in these 3 communities. This is not to say that immigration itself is
inherently provocative, but simply that it initiates change to a community. By (
Nations Borders ) In different areas, immigration becomes a huge issue. The
community can become really crowded and over time, the population increases by
high amounts. People around the community can soon become bothered by all these
immigrants and try to take action in to their own hands. For example, the immigrant s
neighbors and co workers will try to deport them or take advantage of them. Although
economic and demographic realities may support opening doors for immigration, such
arguments mean little to voters who feel they are losing out. One poll found that
more than 15 percent of Americans say they know someone who has lost a job to an
immigrant, or say they have suffered such a loss. Such citizens wonder, Why should I
pay the cost of immigration? What about me? according to the ( Why Does ). When
more immigrants immigrate to our communities, they begin to annoy people. They
could make a negative impact on jobs throughout the country.
America is known as the nation of immigrants but its status is being challenged by
globalization. This makes make s terrorism and migration much easier. In 2005, the
immigration policy received so much attention on Capitol Hill. Members from both
sides of Congress are considering what to do
Analysis of the Fallout New Vegas Video Game
Fallout New Vegas takes place in post nuclear Las Vegas, where the New
California Republic (NCR) and Caesars Legion are battling it out for control of the
strip. You are a random courier who wakes up in the small town of New Springs
after being shot in the head. After being patched up, you set off into the Mojave to
find out who shot you. When FalloutNew Vegas was announced, I was not interested
in it at all. I had never heard of the Falloutgames beforehand, and it just seemed like
a very generic shooter. Was I ever wrong. Fallout New Vegas is now one of my
favourite games of all time. The most amazing thing about Fallout New Vegas is the
atmosphere. The gamehas a very nineteen fifty s style to it. In the more civilized
parts of New Vegas people walk around with the elvis style jackets and the flowing
skirts that were popular in the 50 s. There is also an optional in game radio which
belts out popular fifties and sixties tunes from the likes of Nat King Cole and Dean
Martin. It all really makes you feel like you re actually there. Another thing that
makes Fallout New Vegas great is overall game play. The game is a mix between a
shooter and a role playing game. The game takes place from a first person perspective
and your character generally uses guns and laser weapons, but you also level up.
When you level up you get experience points to upgrade different skills like your
ability to fix things or your speaking skills. If you want to be able to talk
Movement and Stasis in the Divine Comedy Essay
Movement and Stasis : The use of dynamics in the Divine Comedy
Movement is a crucial theme of the Divine Comedy. From the outset, we are
confronted with the physicality of the lost Dante, wandering in the perilous dark
wood. His movement within the strange place is confused and faltering; `Io non so
ben ridir com io v entrai . Moreover, it is clear that the physical distress he is
experiencing is the visible manifestation of the mental anguish the poet is
suffering. The allegory of the image is one of mid life crisis, but it is physically
represented by the man losing his way in a dark wood. Such an observation may
seem far too simple and obvious to be worthy of comment. However, I would argue
that it is from this primary example ... Show more content on ...
The first passage is probably the most famous in the whole work, that of Francesca da
Rimini, in Canto V of the Inferno . Condemned for her inconstancy, that is to say her
lust, Francesca is contained in the eternal whirlwind of the `bufera infernale ,
alongside her lover, Paolo. In a clear parallel to her sin, she is buffeted by the
inconstant wind. Although unceasing, the wind changes direction and force, a
movement which is mirrored by the language used to describe it:
Di qua, di l #224;, di gi #249;, di su li mena;
nulla speranza li conforta mai,
non che di posa, ma minor pena.
(43 45, Canto V, Inf.)
In addition to the basic rhyme of the terza rima, the internal rhyme is carefully
manipulated to imitate phonologically the swirling of the wind. By balancing the
repeated [a] of `di qua, di la with the [u:] of the `di gi #249;, di su , Dante is able to
mimic the up and down movement of the air.
Francesca, then, is an extremely `mobile sinner. Although pausing to speak to Dante
(the significance of which will be later discussed), she is compelled to move
indeed, it is an integral part of her punishment. This compulsion is significant.
Through rejecting a life of constancy on earth, whether willingly or otherwise,
Francesca has sacrificed the free will she was allowed to exert on her body. Having
lost control of herself in life she is plunged into the chaos of the `bufera . Her
punishment then, is not merely an
Balls Boys Soccer Podcast Analysis
To whom this may concern, I am reaching out to KERA (OR WHOEVER) for a
unique opportunity. I am Steven Jotterand and live in the Dallas area. I am a 21
year old student at Collin College, and have just applied to transfer to Northwestern
University, the University of Chicago, and the University of Wisconsin Madison. I
intend to continue my academic quest in political science and journalism. I love to
ask questions, explore ideas, and be thought provoking. As a way to express my
passion for journalism, I have been producing and hosting podcasts about soccer
and politics. The first one, Balls Boys Soccer Podcast, started in August of 2015.
At the time I was living in Denver, Colorado (2014 2016) and the podcast was more
of a way to stay connected with my co host, Erik Siv. We love soccer and it was a
perfect match. However, more importantly, it gave me a chance to explore what it is
like to do work as a journalist. Since the start of the show, I have learned a lot about
podcasting, producing, editing, marketing, and hosting.... Show more content on ...
I have been able to get connected with FC Dallas by receiving press passes and
interviewing players like Kellyn Acosta. We also have joined an online radio
station (WBLZ Sports). The show has been featured on s homepage.
Balls Boys can be found on all major podcasting platforms, such as iTunes,
iHeartRadio, Google Play, and more! Here is a link to our weekly show:
Dehydration Lab Report
Hydration plays a fundamental role in body function. As such, fluid intake and
excretion are tightly regulated by various heterogeneous body mechanisms that work
together to maintain a homeostatic fluid balance. Fluid and solute balance affects
every organ system in the body, especially, the cardiovascular system, the nervous
system, the genitourinary system, and the various fluid compartments such as the
interstitial and intracellular spaces. Dehydration occurs when there is an
extracellular fluid volume deficit and can originate from a variety of diverse causes.
It can be the result of insufficient fluid intake, excess fluid loss, or a combination of
the two. Common causes of excessive fluid loss that lead to dehydration include
unmonitored... Show more content on ...
These mechanisms include activation of the sympathetic nervous system (SNS),
which elicits systemic vasoconstriction (via catecholamine binding of О±1 receptors)
in an attempt to increase peripheral vascular resistance (PVR), and increases heart
rate (via catecholamines binding to ОІ1 receptors) in an attempt to increase CO, both
of which are fundamental components of the blood pressure equation. This is done to
maintain an adequate perfusion pressure in order to oxygenate the tissues and prevent
hypoxic cell injury. If hypovolemia is present, the body will first shunt the blood
away from less critical organs such as the GI tract in order to maintain perfusion of
critical organs such as the brain, the heart system, and the kidneys. If hypovolemia
and tissue hypoperfusion are severe enough, major organ damage will occur as a
result of hypoxia (Copstead Banasik, 2013). This patient experienced clear signs of
systemic tissue hypoperfusion secondary to severe hypovolemia as evidenced by his
syncopal episode (cerebral hypoperfusion), his persistent pressure like chest pain
(myocardial ischemia), and his acute renal failure (renal hypoperfusion). The fact that
these critical organs were affected indicates just how severe his state of hypovolemia,
hypotension, and hypoperfusion
Monitoring A Re Inspection At Humberto Palos Auto
On site today to conduct a re inspection at Humberto Palos Auto Repair with Ricardo
Palos for the outstanding violations from the inspection conducted on 06/15/2015.
This facility is still generating used oil and used antifreeze and is still subject to the
Hazardous Material Business Plan (HMBP) and Hazardous Wasteas a Small Quantity
Generator (SQG). Consent to conduct this inspection was granted by Humberto
Palos, business owner. Facility walk through was provided by Ricardo Palos,
Manager and environmental contact. The following violations were corrected during
the re inspection: 1) HMBP was submitted in the California Environmental Reporting
System (CERS) with updated information for annual certification.
2) The container labeled as Mystik JT 8 Super Heavy Duty Motor Oil was
determined to be used oil.
3) All plastic secondary containment berms were cleaned with rags and liquid
contained in the drip pans was poured into the designated hazardous waste container.
Per Ricardo Palos, this facility has a a company,AmeriPride, that services their
uniforms and rags.
4) All hazardous waste containers observed missing a hazardous waste label or with
a label in poor conditions:
9 x 55 gallons drums of used oil, 7 of them full.
2 x 55 gallons drums of used antifreeze, both of them less than 1/4 full. Were labeled
with a complete hazardous waste label at the time of the inspection. 5) When arriving
to this facility, the 1 x 55 gallons metal drum containing used oil
Water For Elephants, By Sara Gruen
Throughout time, distinguished authors have succeeded in the goal of portraying
the human journey. There has been an innumerable amount of literature published
over the years; however what separates the extraordinary books from the appalling
books, is the author s ability to visually and emotionally move their readers. In
order to establish a connection to the audience, an author must understand human
experience. In Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen, two narratives are used, one of
an older Jacob, and one of a younger Jacob. This choice is made by the author to
help the reader fully comprehend the circle of life. Everyone succumbs to age
sooner or later, and while many books conclude with the narrator finding
contentment at an early age, this is not the case in reality. In the real world, most
struggle to achieve fulfillment, by creating an elderly Jacob, in this case it does not
necessarily mean that a live has been fulfilled. The old aged are sometimes just as
clueless as the young. Sara Gruen discloses that the old are not very different from
the young; in many cases the old are still playing the game against the formidable
opponent of life.
We are introduced to an eager and naГЇve Jacob in the initial stages of the novel.
However, Jacob is introduced to the cruelties of the world all too suddenly, when the
death of his parents is abruptly thrust upon him. It states, I snap out of my stupor.
There are people on that train. It matters not a whit where it s going because
The War Of The Regulation
The War of the Regulation was a revolution orchestrated by the Regulators that took
place in the North Carolina colonies of British America between 1765 and 17711. The
citizens of these colonies were fighting against the colonial officials due to corruption,
economic depression, and population increase. Furthermore, it is considered to have
been the propeller of the American Civil War, as citizens fought for the same rights
and the need for representation in the government. The revolution marked an
important time in America s history, as it highlights the importance of democracy and
the need for equality across ethnic, class, and other social disparities. An
understanding of the War of the Regulation highlights a significant time in the... Show
more content on ...
As mentioned above, the immigrants dominated the political scene, influencing
decisions unfairly at the expense of the local planters. Merchants offered loans to
planters at high interest rates, and sometimes, it was difficult for the planters to repay
their loans. As a result, the merchants collaborated with lawyers within the region to
grab land from planters if they failed to repay these loans. Additionally, the
immigrants influenced the authorities, thereby making it difficult for the farmers to
gain support from their own leaders and the government that thay were greatly
depending on. Eventually, there was an imbalance of representation in the
courthouses, which was an added advantage for the wealthy. Wealthy officials formed
a clique where they were able to influence policies and legal affairs within the
colonies. Lawyers influenced decisions relating to the court cases brought in by the
merchants to their benefit. Furthermore, they had a better knowledge of the law as
compared to the farmers, and they manipulated it efficiently to meet their needs and
to guarantee that they won. Lawyers exploited this opportunity to make themselves
richer at the expense of the common citizen, while also exerting political power. As a
result, all political positions in the regions were dominated by immigrants, and this
further aggravated the locals. In addition to that, the colonies were facing economic
depression due to
A Simulation For The Motor Of A Bldc Motor Drive With
This paper presents a simulation for the sensorless operation of a BLDC motor drive
with the estimation of initial rotor position at standstill. The system determines the
actual rotor position of the motor at standstill and provides appropriate starting pulses
to inverter switches to turn on. Once the motor starts to rotate, it then directly extracts
the back EMF from the motor terminals between the floating phase and the midpoint
of DC link. Inductance variation sensing method is used for estimating the initial
rotor position of the motor followed by a sensorless operation by back EMF sensing
method. The principle behind the rotor position estimation is detection and
comparison of phase voltageand dc link current responses and relating it with stator
The most advantage is that it requires only three voltage pulse injections of small
duration for the estimation of rotor position. A resolution of 30o can be achieved.
The effectiveness of the method is validated by simulation results in Matlab Simulink
Keywords Brushless DC(BLDC), saturation, rotor position, voltage pulse injection.
I. INTRODUCTION ndustrial application of brushless DC motors (BLDC), is being
increased day by day because of their outstanding features like high starting torque,
high efficiency, no excitation losses, silent operation and durability finding
applications such as compressor, in electrical vehicles, hard disc drives.
An inverter driven three phase BLDC motor, as shown in
Alfred Lord Tennyson Research Paper
Alfred Lord Tennyson s The Idylls of the King was one of Tennyson s most famous
pieces of work. In this research paper, you will get an introduction of Tennyson s
early life and his education. Moreover, there will be a brief run through of Tennyson
s poems in The Idylls of the King and a summary of an idyll.
Tennyson was a famous poet who lived between 1809 1892. He was born in
Somersby, Lincolnshire, England to George Clayton Tennyson and Elizabeth Fytche.
Moreover, Tennyson was the fourth of twelve children. As a child, Tennyson was
home schooled with his siblings by his father. Although they were poor, their father
was an educated man who had many books. At a young age, Tennyson started writing
poetry. His first published poem was published ... Show more content on ...
Tennyson s first Idyll was published in 1859 and was titled The Coming of Arthur.
In his first idyll, it tells the story of young King Arthur and how he came to be with
the help of Merlin. In Tennyson s second idyll, Guinevere, he explains King Arthur
s love for Guinevere and how they get married. Moving on, in Camelot and the
Founding of the Round Table, Tennyson writes about how Arthur builds Camelot
with the help of Merlin s power and also the Round Table which is a group of
people in charge of making decisions. Next in line is Lancelot. In this poem,
Lancelot, Arthur s great friend, finds himself loving Guinevere, and Guinevere finds
herself loving Lancelot too! But, their secret love for eachother made them both
guilty, and resulted in the death of Elaine, who loved Lancelot. After that, in Geraint
and Enid, Tennyson tells how Geraint, who is one of Arthur s treasured knights
finds himself loving Enid. Following Geraint and Enid, comes Gareth and Lynette.
Gareth, who is Arthur s nephew, begs his uncle Arthur to make him a knight. In
Merlin and Vivien, Vivien notices the love going on between Lancelot and
Guinevere and plans to destroy Arthur with it, but to do that, she needs to take
Merlin away from the story. In Tennyson s eighth idyll The Holy Grail, Arthur s
knights are in searched of the rumored Holy Grail. Succeeding The Holy Grail came
The Fall of Camelot which is
Rousseau State Of Nature
Rousseau has a point of view when it comes to the state of nature compared to other
scholars in his age. Rousseau thinks that man has lost his natural innocence due to
technological advances in society during his time period. That we have lost
connection with ourselves and traded that in for vices or luxuries. That true progress
can only be attained in our natural state in the state of nature. Unfortunately, it s
impossible to deny that society has advanced and benefited from these luxuries as it
would be impossible for our 21st century society to be highly developed in just the
state of nature. Rousseau believes that society has lost its way with itself. That
advancements is in his era during the 18th century such as, alcohol, luxuries,... Show
more content on ...
The information he gathered from travel information from the new world, painted
them as a material simplistic peoples. That did not rely on luxuries or vices like
people in the known world or in Europe relied on in the day. For example, when
there was trading or any kind of bartering going on, the Native Americans had no
use for things such as a compass, a clock, tin can, forks, gold or any kind of
monetary currency. They Intern when trading with the Europeans would take
something that was beneficial such as a blankets. Not to mention Rousseau liked the
small communities Native Americans developed, as they were also free spirited. In a
way, Rousseau s viewed them as truly alive. That they were truly connected with
nature and other people in a natural View. Rather than having certain technology
advancements or other vices to distract them from the true state of nature for
mankind. This is the view that Rousseau truly believes is the full sign of human
progress and development. That man is at his best when he is not constrained and it
when he is in the most primitive mode. Unfortunately, as Thomas Hobbes also points
out man is nowhere near his best when he is in the state of
Police Trust
As cited from article Why Police Can t Be Trusted to Decide If Video Should Be
Public by Conor Friederdorf , The killing of an unarmed man in Gardena California is
a perfect example of why police could not be trusted. Trust is perceived in nearly
every aspect of one s daily lives. With trust, one is able to build more relationships
with others because one is able to share a part of their life. There are different kinds
of trustwhich is trust in family, trust in friends, and how fragile trust really is.
One s trust in family is a big importance because one lived with them from birth
until one matures. Most of one s secrets during one s childhood are known by one s
family and are trusted to keep them. One has grown attached to family because they
are the closest therefore they are the first to know one s deepest secrets most of the
time. Trust is the ability to ... Show more content on ...
Friendship is a necessary aspect of every human s life. Friends will not let other
friends make bad decisions and will expect others to do the same for them. Trust can
be proven to others by doing the right thing even when one is not asked. If others
know that one can handle the responsibility and can manage to do the right thing,
they will not hesitate in providing support and friendship. However, when the trust
between two people have been broken, the friendship and trust is also broken.
One characteristic that makes trust unique is its fragility. To gain the trust of others,
one must continuously prove one s honesty and reliability. To gain complete trust
of someone can take years, but can be lost in a single moment. An example of how
delicate trust can really be is in marriage. The married couple must constantly be
honest with each other to gain real trust. This bond can be easily broken if one of
the spouses is caught cheating. Trust in another person can make one feel loved and
supported, while broken trust can lead to the feeling of anger and
Sierra Leone War Essay
Living the RUF(f) life in Sierra Leone In Africa, specifically Sierra Leone, a war
rages between the government and the rebels. Civil war terrorizes the people and
has led people into fear and poverty. Some choose to run in fear, hoping the military
will come in and protect their families from the ferocities and hideousness of the
war at their doorstep. Others choose to, or are beaten into, joining the rebels or the
so called Sebels. Going into the book I was aware of the horrors of war and the
atrocities that humanity calls sane and legal in times of great crisis such as war.
My reason for wanting to research the RUF is to understand why the war lasted so
long and what the causes were for such a war. I had assumed the RUF was corrupted
... Show more content on ...
I began my research by looking into how long the war was. Starting in the year
1991 the RUF was formed by guerrilla units joining with dissidents from around
Sierra Leone. The war was then declared over in 2002 in a statement after the
reelection of Kabbah in freetown. On May 15, 2001, the Sierra Leone government
and the rebels once again agreed to stop fighting and began to disarm... By the
beginning of 2002, disarmament was complete. This time there was no blanket
amnesty. (Sierra Leone: Lasting Peace or Cruel Mirage?) To fuel a war for two
decades there needed to be a source of income. Looking into it, Sierra Leone was
rich in diamonds. Not only did they produce diamonds, there were, One of the world
s largest producers of diamonds, the country is also rich in such minerals as chrome,
bauxite, iron ore, and rutile. (Funk and Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia). These
minerals were used to fuel the rebels with guns and ammunition that were shown
prominently throughout the country. They also found loopholes to getting weaponry
like abusing the disarmament system. They would get money for turning in their
guns and in exchange get the equivalence of 300 US dollars. However this usually
resulted in the money being used for buying better weaponry. ..many rebels have
turned in their guns during disarmament proceedings, only to use the US$300 they
were given for obsolete weapons to buy newer and
Sons Of Liberty, Stamp Act, And The American Revolution
The Sons of Liberty are heroes or villains let s see if that s true. So the Sons of
Liberty are seen as starters as the Boston tea party, the Stamp act, and the American
Revolution or they played some part in those events. Additionally, most of the
people who follow or followed the Sons of Liberty know that they don t act without
a reason. Some of those reasons are like the Boston tea party. The first reason, the
Sons of libertydressed up as Mohawk Indians to throw tea off of a boat to get rid of
all those tea taxes.
Also, the Sons of Liberty are very rich aristocrats that can t be pinned on them if
they did something harsh. The Stamp act was when is you want to buy or sell
something you needed to go get a giant stamp that says you can sell
When A Car Moving North How Fast It s Moving Would Be
The important thing is to never stop questioning. In science you must question
everything and work to find the answer.The definition of the speed of something in
a given direction. So when a car is moving north how fast it s moving would be its
velocity. When the mass of an object is changed it can change the velocity. Massis the
amount an object weighs.In this experiment I took the mass of carts and changed
them to observe their change in velocity.s. The law of conservation of momentum
requires that the total momentum in the system must remain the same, or be
conserved, even though mass or velocities of moving objects in a system may
change. If the total mass of two colliding carts is increased, then the final velocity of
the carts decrease?... Show more content on ...
Both carts can have the same mass and same velocity, but after the collision will
have a slower velocity. Even after the collision the carts will have a velocity but
their directions will have changed. When the carts change direction the velocities
will change and the cart with the least amount of mass will have the greatest
velocity. If one cart is moving faster in the beginning the one with the least amount
of velocity will go backwards faster. Clearly, the velocity and mass of the cart affects
How Does Heller Use Satire In Catch 22
Joseph Heller published Catch 22 in 1961 with the novel taking place in a World
War Two setting. Ironically, ideas like patriotism were rare, despite being the
middle of a war and the people who seemed to be likeable to the readers were the
most unliked to the characters within the story. Heller uses the indefinite idea of
Catch 22to redefine the idea of insanity and sanity. Heller s novelCatch 22, is known
as a classic despite the unpopular opinion it strongly forms. Joseph Hellerquestions
how well the U.S. military functions with the use of satirical elements like dry humor,
irony, and contradictions.
Heller establishes an unpopular opinion within Catch 22. He criticizes the system
within the military. It can appear that Heller is ... Show more content on ...
Rather than creating a positive outlook on the military, he builds a rather negative
one. He gives the readers the perception that the military is undirected and the
system that ran the military clearly needed regulation. This was considered an
unpopular opinion to most people due to the patriotism many Americans had
during the time Catch 22 was published. The reality was most Americans only
knew how to be patriotic for their country and no one truly dared to question
patriotism. He also deemed ideas like McCarthyism with the oaths that Captain
Black forces the soldiers to sign to prove their loyalty. He mocks McCarthyism by
including the fact that if the soldiers did not sign the oaths, they were deemed
unloyal to the United States. This idea itself was a controversy because, the
character Major Major Major Major was considered unloyal by Captain Black due
to the fact that he did not sign the oaths. It was not because he did not want to sign
them, it was because he was not allowed to. This also was an unpopular opinion due
to the Red Scare and the fear Americans developed of the spread of Communism.
Many did not favor this new perspective due to Heller constant questioning of ideas
and beliefs in Catch 22 that most Americans did not
Causes Of The Neolithic Revolution
Initiation of the Neolithic Revolution
When considering the most plausible theory for the catalyst that began the Neolithic
Revolution, one must look directly at the changing climate of the region.
Approximately 18,000 BC, the earth was experiencing a climactic transition, brought
about by the end of the Last Glacial Maximum. During this transition the earth began
to experience warming temperatures, which dramatically changed the landscape, and
the very existence of the hunter gatherer populations. The oscillating temperatures
that occurred during the next few thousand years help guide the trajectory of
development in agriculture and human societies.
While considering the weather, Barry Cunliffe, author of Europe Between the
Oceans states, By about 12,000 BC dense forest covered much of the western part
of the hilly flanks region, giving way, around its borders, to more open areas where
extensive stands of wild wheats and ryes could flourish (91). This period of warmer
weather is referred to as the Holocene. The thawing ice sheets also caused water to
rise, and subsequently change not only the structure of the land, but the plant life as
well. As the hunter gatherers adjusted to these changes in their environment, another
climactic event ensued called the Younger Dryas. The Younger Dryas was a dramatic,
and brief return to the cooler, dryer climate experienced as the Last Glacial Maximum
was ending. The general thinking is that this phenomenon occurred due to very cold
Essay On Gas Liquid Chromatography
Gas Liquid Chromatography
Chromatography is a method of analysis in which mixture is partially or completely
separated into its components according to relative attraction of the component
towards stationery and mobile phase. After the mixture is added to stationery phase,
mobile phase is allowed to pass through the stationery phase continuously starting at
that point where the sample is added. The mixture is divided between the stationery
and mobile phase and move along with the mobile phase, the rate at which it passes
through stationery phase depend upon its attraction towards mobile and stationery
phase i.e if it has more attraction with mobile phase it will move faster and vice versa.
Gas Liquid Chromatography:
Gas chromatography is the branch of chromatography in which the mobile phase is
gas (called the carrier gas) and the stationery phase is liquid (GLC=Gas Liquid
Chromatography). GLC has been widely used as in solid stationery phase it is
difficult to deal with as there is a phase difference (Solid, Gas) and gas do not
easily adsorb in solid. The separation on liquid stationery phase is based on either
relative solubility s of sample component in the stationery phase or a combination of
relative solubility s in the stationery phase. ... Show more content on
The source of the mobile phase usually a high pressure gas tank with appropriate
valves and pressure regulators. The injection system. The injection system is the
device which accepts the sample, changes it into gas if required and insert it into the
inlet of columns. The actual separation of sample component occur in column. As
separated components leave the column, they flow into the detector which is
continuously monitoring their presence and expresses them as an electric signal
which is eventually fed to a recorder for a visual readout. The flow rate through the
column is usually measured at the outlet of column or
Training Conference For My Assessment
Self Assessment 4
I ve recently been doing training for work and used the training conference for my
assessment. During the training session, it was very apparent when the trainer
answered a question in an irrelevant manner and although she spoke in an upbeat
manner, her responses could sometimes sound impersonal and ambiguous. Since
she spoke in the same friendly tone throughout, it was very hard to read her actual
feelings during it. I found that when I needed to ask a question, I would wait and
see if someone else had the same question first and depending on how she was
answering things, I typically did not bother. Once I could tell her true emotions on
certain subjects by the different cues and responses that she gave, I began to ... Show
more content on ...
I believe I handled it fine, I was able to help myself get what I needed. I understand
other people s emotions and can decipher them from non verbal and verbal cues and
manage my emotions in response to theirs. I could use more practice on shutting
down when I find the other person s mood or opinion offensive that tends to make me
stop listening and ignore the message.
Self Assessment 5
My Personal Power Profile revealed that I prefer to influence others using
legitimate power and expert power equally. My next preference was reward and
referent power equally also and very close in rank to my first preference. However,
I have no regards for coercive power, scoring the lowest for me with a 6. The
results are very much in line with how I try to live, always building my own skills
and knowledge and exerting power within my position to achieve desired results as
necessary. Within my legitimate power, I often administer rewards and incentives and
have noticed how respect and admiration for a coworker, employee, or supervisor
influences my responses and actions with them.
My strengths are in positive political behavior, I like to work towards shared values
and collaboration and I evaluate whether something is right to do. Although, I tend to
focus on positive traits and behavior, I sometimes see my non egocentric
A List of Differences Between the Pride and Prejudice
There is a big difference between the book and the series or movie. We did a little
research and came out with these differences. The story of the book takes place in
1813, the time when the book was first published. The time frame of the movie is
the late 18th century. In the book Elizabeth, one of the Bennet sisters is a sweet,
good mannered and intelligent girl with good humor. She and her sister, Jane, are
very open and share every detail of their lives. In contrast to the film were
Elizabeth is often rude and petulant. And where Jane and Elizabeth have a lot of
secrets for each other. Originally Mrs. Bennet simply hears something from Mrs.
Long about the arrival of Bingley. In the film Darcy and Bingley come to see
Netherfield on horseback while they express their opinions about the region. Mrs.
Bennet is in the movie very hard for her girls, she says in front of them that she
wishes she had had sons. This is never mentioned in the book. Charlotte, a friend of
Elizabeth, gives her friends information about the newcomers. In the book the entire
neighborhood is aware of everything about Bingley but there was not written that
everyone knew it from Charlotte. In the movie Darcy belittles Elizabeth during the
ball, but she doesn t care. She says to her mother and father that if he would ask her
to dance later, she would say no on the spur of the moment. The story that Jane Austin
wrote, only tells that Mrs. Bennet explains Darcy s insult to Mr. Bennet but
Pergola Vs Gazebo Scholarship
One of the many great things about living in Sydney is being able to enjoy the
outdoor lifestyle for several months of the year so it s no surprise that landscaping
and gardening make up a large percentage of all home improvement projects. If it s
your first time out or even if you ve got a few landscaping tasks under your belt,
you might feel completely overwhelmed with all the choices available. With the
endless supply of Home Improvement stores and DIY renovation shows on TV,
there s no lack of inspiration, but be aware there s more to landscaping than buying
a few bags of mulch and a couple of flower pots. For that reason, along with the
obvious cost factor, it s important to do your homework and have a well thought out
plan in place. Here are a few ideas to get you going.... Show more content on ...
Next sketch out your landscaping ideas and set yourself a realistic budget. Don t
forget to check with your local council to see if permits are required for the work
you plan to do. Structures like decks, pergolas and retaining walls may or may not
need approval but the council can order to have it demolished if non compliant.
Building a pergola or gazebo is a very popular DIY project and also a great way to
extend your living area into the back yard. If you choose to cover your pergola,
there are a few different ways you can go Colorbond, clear or tinted polycarbonate
roofing, shade cloth or vine covered lattice to name a few.. Think about ventilation,
how much sun light you want to let in and importantly how much future maintenance
you re willing to put in both cost and
The Impact Of Brexit And Some Solutions Resolve These
Negative impact of Brexit and some solutions resolve these issues
Brexit is the name of the process of Britain leaving the European Union, which is the
primary concern of the modern global political situation. During the referendum on
the UK membership in the European Union, the main argument for leaving the union
was that it would provide the country with better system and tools of protection from
the immigrants. UK citizen was concerned that immigrants would bring to the
country s unemployment rate, lower quality of life and other economic problems.
The statistics say that almost seventy percent of the immigrants from the EU came
to Britain because of work related reasons or to study ( ONS , 2016 ).The purpose
of the this essay will analysis negative impact of Brexit on economic Britain and find
some solutions resolve these issues.
The first and the most unfavorable outcome of Brexit is that the UK would lose the
trading agreements with its largest trading partner European Union. The membership
in this organization meant the decline of the transaction costs and fees on trading
operations between the members of the union. In fact, European Union members
have the free trade agreement, which means the free flow of goods and services
between the countries. According to BBC (2016) Britain has the negative trading
balance with the rest of the EU, which means that it exports more

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Chapter 4 - Islamic Financial Institutions in Malaysia.pptx
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The Journey Essay.pdf

  • 1. The Journey Essay Crafting an essay on the topic of "The Journey" presents a unique set of challenges that delve into both the personal and the universal. The very nature of the theme implies a narrative that transcends physical travel and embarks on a metaphorical exploration of experiences, growth, and self-discovery. The difficulty lies in encapsulating the essence of one's journey, whether it be through life, relationships, or personal development, into a coherent and engaging piece of writing. The task demands a delicate balance between introspection and relatability, as the writer navigates the fine line between the deeply personal and the broadly resonant. Additionally, the concept of a journey encompasses a myriad of perspectives—each individual's expedition is unique, shaped by personal circumstances, challenges, and triumphs. The challenge then becomes to convey a sense of universality, making the reader not only empathize with the writer's journey but also find echoes of their own experiences within the narrative. Furthermore, the writer must grapple with the task of structuring the essay in a way that captures the dynamic and evolving nature of a journey. This involves weaving together anecdotes, reflections, and insights in a seamless narrative that guides the reader through the various stages of the writer's personal odyssey. While the emotional depth of the essay is crucial, striking a balance with clarity and coherence is equally challenging. The writer must avoid veering into overly sentimental territory, ensuring that the essay remains accessible and relatable to a diverse audience. In essence, composing a compelling essay on the theme of "The Journey" demands a mastery of storytelling, introspection, and the ability to distill complex experiences into a concise and impactful narrative. It is an art that requires finesse, self-awareness, and a keen understanding of the human condition. And if you find yourself grappling with the intricacies of such a task, remember that there are resources available to assist you. Similar essays and a wealth of writing expertise can be accessed through platforms like, where skilled writers can provide guidance and support in crafting essays that resonate and captivate. The Journey EssayThe Journey Essay
  • 2. The Characteristics Of Alexander Hamilton As A American Hero America has long been considered a great, powerful country. From its beginning, the United States had the potential to be something revolutionary. The idea of a democracy was, in the 1700 s, strange. While many men are regarded as key elements in the birth of America, one man stands out, despite his sometimes being overshadowed by fellow Founding Fathers. Alexander Hamiltonwas an immigrant, soldier, and the first Secretary of the United StatesTreasury, among his other contributions to America. He had dreams for his adopted country and was highly determined to see them to fruition and create a new, remarkable nation. Alexander Hamilton embodies the characteristics of an epic hero because he was a great warrior, he was capable of great deeds of strength and courage, and he is a national hero. Alexander Hamilton is known as a great statesman, but he also exhibited the epic hero trait of a great warrior. He volunteered to fight in the Revolutionary War, then was promoted to lieutenant colonel and aide de camp under George Washington. During his time as a secretary and aide de camp for Washington, he longed deeply for military glory. Hamilton s traits as a great warrior are demonstrated in abundance throughout the Revolutionary War: He commanded his guns in the battles of Long Island, helped fortify Harlem Heights, and employed two artillery pieces effectively at White Plains. He led his company throughout the New Jersey campaign and saw action at Trenton and Princeton.
  • 3. Golem Of Hollywood Essay back to normal when back in position. The capabilities of this laboratory include the engineering basics, advanced computer visualization, data, and science, and advanced instrumentation. All of these characteristics add to the realism and rations of the movie; The Golem of Hollywood. In this location, we will see medical examinations, on the edge productions, and even turning points of the story. The laboratory contains real life gadgets that the same characters; like Rabbi Loew, can use in the movie; The Golem of Hollywood. When inspecting dead bodies, there will be laboratory stretch outs like the television series; Law Order. There will be many scientific scenes and medical transitions throughout The Golem of Hollywood. Referring to the bar on the beach, a well rounded bar and more self centered one is Pelican Bar, there is also a nightclub on the weekends for partying and caters. The Pelican Bar is located in St. Elizabeth, Jamaica, this bar is located near the beach on top of the flowing Caribbean Sea. The bar is made out of straw, wood, and bamboo, these features provide a Caribbean feel in The Golem of Hollywood and would be interesting for the viewers watching. In this location, there is a murder with two bodies laying on the floor as ... Show more content on ... Ever since the first call of the synagogue, Jacob Lev was determined to find the mystery of the Mud Monster , at the end of The Golem of Hollywood, Jacob Lev is brawling with the Mud Monster and the Mud Monster picks him up and transfers him into the lake unconsciously, Jacob Lev later avenges this feat by capturing the owner of the Mud Monster ; Raddick, and arresting him. This would be transferred to the film by suspenseful beats and realistic scenery capturing every movement in action. When Mike Mallick rescues Lev, he does not feel appreciated, this affects the events of The Golem of Hollywood tremendously by adding another conflict to
  • 4. Different Types Of Bitmap Bitmap A bitmap image is an image that is stored as pixels, each of the pixels can only be one colour at a time. As the image is stored as pixels when the image is increased in size the image then becomes pixelated, this means that the image will loses quality. The files size for a 200x200 image will always be 118 Kb. A bitmap is usually use for photos that you have taken on a digital camera which are for example JPEG files(13). Lossless Lossless is a type of compression, when the file is compressed the quality still stays the same when the file is reloaded and all the information will be restored completely. This method of compressing files can be applied to image and text. This method of compression is mostly used for text and ... Show more content on ... The images can also be saves using the true colours. (19) Doesn t support any amination. Not suitable for images that have full colours. Doesn t support multiple images to be saved in one file. (20) PSD Vector Supports duotones, channels and clipping paths. Supports layers (21) Very few programs support PSD files. They are very large files. (22) RAW photographs Records the levels of brightness. (23) They are large files so more storage is needed. Has a slow capture time. (24) The Impact of Evolving Output Mediums on the Design and Creation of Graphic Images There are loads of output mediums that improved so that designing and creating graphical images will become easier and so that the quality of the graphical images will improve. Not only has their appearance changed by also but also what you can accomplish with the devices. Some output mediums that have changes are mobile phones, printers and monitors. Mobile Phone Mobile phones has impacted the design and creation of graphical images the user can now take a photo using their phones and on can phones the quality will be better than some digital cameras. Mobile phones are probably the most used output medium nowadays. Before phone could take photos they could only create contacts, call and message. When the messages application came alone so did other applications such as the calculator and calendars. After the they came out they then added more features like web browser so the user
  • 5. Anglo Saxon Identity Essay Who were the Anglo Saxons? The Anglo Saxons can loosely be defined as the Germanic tribes who settled in Britain at the start of the 5th century with the fall of the Roman Empire. The importance of these settlers and their identity in the long term development of medieval Europe is emphasised by John Hines who asserts that the breakdown of the Roman Imperial Order in Western Europe saw the emergence of entirely new...identities . When considering Anglo Saxon identity, two main concepts must be addressed; firstly the nature of the Adventus Saxonum and the consequent impact of this upon the native Britons. Whilst there is much debate, evidence strongly supports that the arrival of the Anglo Saxons to Britain was lengthy process which ... Show more content on ... The aforementioned work by Bede offers one of the earliest written accounts of the first arrival of the Anglo Saxons but as with his assertions regarding the origins of the settlers, Bede fails to provide an accurate picture of the pace and nature of the Anglo Saxon migration. In the first instance, Bede chronicles the story of Hengist and Horsa, whereby King Vortigern invites Saxons into Britain to help defend against the Pictish raids in the north, but then turn on the Britons and begin to seize land for themselves the first commanders are said to have been the two brothers Hengist and Horsa . When translated from Saxon languages Hengist and Horsa translate back to stallion and mare , pointing towards the story being more a folk tale than an actual historic event. Further to this, Bede based much of his work off Gildas who wrote the earliest insular text available On the Ruin of Britain in around 540, and also accounted for the legendary brothers they sealed its doom by inviting in among them (like wolves into the sheep fold), the fierce and impious Saxons, a race hateful to both God and men, to repel the invasions of the northern nations . As such, Bede inherits much of Gildas bias, which is displayed clearly through his scathing language and comparison of the Saxons to wolves . The suggestion that the arrival of the Anglo Saxons to Britain was an event, rather than an extended process aligns closely with Gildas agenda to link
  • 6. Concept of Freedom in Political Theory Why is the concept of freedom so contested in political theory? (Word maximum: 1,500) Freedom is an important concept in Western politics, strongly entwined as it is with ideas of liberalism. Yet, as suggested by the question, the concept is one which is hotly debated. Indeed, political agents attempt to control the political agenda through promotion of their particular definition. This essay will look at the ways freedom has been defined by different theorists over the years. It will also look at how freedom is linked with and explained through different theo ries and ideologies. It will then go on to look at how these different theories and ideologies may shape the conceptions of freedom we find in our daily lives. Different... Show more content on ... This approach may be considered stifling of both innovation and effort, since anything above the average will not be rewarded. By contrast, if equality of opportunity is achieved, then some will accumulate more wealth and power than others, giving them effectively more freedom. John Rawls (1971, cited in Middleton, 2005) introduced two principles of justice, the first of which was that each person is to have an equal right to the most extensive liberty compatible with a similar liberty for others . Rawls attempted to address the question of inequality through the second of his principles: the difference principle . In this he said that it was acceptable for some to be better off than others as long as by doing so the poorest people also benefitted in some way. In other words, inequality was acceptable if some of the extra benefit were redistributed to those most in need. This approach is an example of positive freedom. However, Isaiah Berlin (1969, cited in Smith, 2005), known as a chief architect of theories of positive and negative freedom, saw dangers in this approach too. He argued that it was wrong to ascribe to individuals a set of common needs and desires. Moreover, he considered that the surrender of individual freedom for collective self rule could result in individual rights being violated. He concluded that a measure of both
  • 7. Explain How Have Scientist Helped Save Lives In Earthquake... How have scientist helped save lives in earthquake prone areas? Building materials Springs and other building materials are used to help save lives in earthquake prone areas. Scientist use a variety of different materials spanning from shock absorbers to springs. Scientists put springs under building that allow the buildings to sway but not topple over. Scientist tell builders to put steel bracing supports around or in the walls of buildings in between these are shock absorbers which stop the vibrating from going up the building. These are made of steel which are strong and don t move a lot. Building materials need to be strong and flexible so that when an earthquake occures it won t break. Steel ball bearings will move the platform and themselves but they will not move the house this helps the house ... Show more content on ... Scientists can t predict earthquakes but may be able to give a 20 to 30 second warning to provide 30 seconds of evacuation. Scientist can get an idea of when an earthquake might happen by putting GPS trackers on fault lines. Seismographs can measure earthquakes. They are able to pick up the different types of waves that create and earthquake. These different waves can help scientist find out where the epicentre of the earthquake is. Search and rescue What Rescue dogs and the UN do to help. Rescue have an exetremely good sense of smell and hearing which is used to find people under rubble. If it is dark, rescue dogs wear fluro vests that glow in the dark. Dogs have bottled water and high energy foods attached to their vests incase the patient is thirsty or hungry. Dogs also are extremely small which means they may be able to fit through small holes. The UN use Carbon dioxide detectors can be used to find survivors rendered unconscious. They work best in confined spaces where they detect the greater CO2 concentration in the air exhaled by those still
  • 8. Characteristics Of Cult Classification Of The Family The Family holds many characteristics that classify it as a cult rather than any other new religious movement, and it will hold that classification unless it undergoes some serious structural changes. By looking at this group through the lenses of different theories pertaining to cult classification, I am confident in saying that this group meets enough qualifications to put it into the cultgrouping. The Family is a new religious movementthat I am defining as a cult. It hits on all the qualifications concerning leadership, structure, recruitment, and deprivation theories. Differing from a sect, The Family ... does not call for a return to the original, pure religion, but rather emphasizes the new , because it seeks to interpret the... Show more content on ... By Johnstone s definition, the deprivation theory has five distinct forms of deprivation. Firstly, ...economic deprivation, which consists of limited income and access to the material necessities of life. The members of The Family were and are required to pay dues to the church and donate a percentage of their annual income to pre selected charities, as a form of tithes. These required donations put financial strains on members of the cult, and limits their ability to fully provide for themselves. Secondly, deprivation refers to the relative absence of such societal rewards as prestige, power, social status, and opportunity for participation in various activities and organizations. By becoming a member of this cult, people were relinquishing their individuality in a sense, and accepting the fact that they would fall in line under the rule of David Berg. In an interview with an ex cult member, she says I took a new name. I cast off my belongings. If this abrupt change hurt my friends, I was blind to it. I lost contact with them. I was completely swept up in my zeal. By alienating herself from her former life, she not only is playing into being socially deprived in her world, but also to experiencing the alienation theory in action. The more secluded a cult member was from their former life and relationships, the more power the cult tended to have over them. Ethical and psychic deprivation further isolate cult members
  • 9. Puretone Audiogram Shows Hearing Loss Puretone audiogram showed moderate to severe sensorineural hearing loss from 250 to 2000 Hz bilaterally. No responses recorded at higher frequencies at the audiometric limit. Speech audiometry showed reduced speech discrimination abilities at high intensities. However, this is consistent with her puretone audiometric results. Tympanometry showed normal tympanometric peak and pressure bilaterally. Absent acoustic reflexes were noted at all test frequencies for both ears. B. Characteristics and limitations of Sue s current hearing aids. One of the first things, perhaps the most important during hearing aids fitting, is to provide appropriate gain for the patient after a thorough hearing assessment. Oticon Intiga RITE (receiver in the ear) is aimed at an immediately comfortable fit and minimal occlusion to thus minimize unnatural sensations. To use an RITE with open fit domes, Sue needs to have good low frequency hearing. Apparently, it cannot provide enough gain Sue needed in the fitting software. It uses smaller (size 10) batteries compared to batteries used by many other miniature hearing aids (size 312 or 13), which could also pose management issues. Intiga 6 s modulation based noise management does not allow channel specific noise reduction, compared to TriState Noise Management. Modulation based noise management assesses the likelihood of rather constant noise in specific frequency regions and tends to be sensitive to the presence of any noise, whether speech is also
  • 10. The Negative Effects Of Consumerism On The Natural... Sandel is in reality right while he uncovers vices of the present day consumerist lifestyle. people change into mere consumers making the cult of intake and consumerism the only purpose of their existence. The immoderate intake ends in the adverse effect on the society. However, Sandel focuses his interest solely on moral problems.At the same time, the writer can pay little, if any interest to the effect of the overwhelming commercialization of the society at the surroundings. but, the negative impact of consumerism and commercialization of the modern day society on the natural environment is plain. Humanactivities orientated on consumption and trade result in the destruction in their natural environment, extinction of many species, a decrease of biodiversity, worldwide climate alternate. these types of modifications are irrevocable and have a destructive effect, now not most effective on human lifestyles however they also affect on the existence at the complete planet. But, Sandel does not take these issues under consideration that reputedly weakens his argument due to the fact that moral problems only are not powerful enough to make a change in that kind of situation . The revelation of the negative effect of commercialization and consumerism on the natural environment could reveal that humans have a real chance of going extinct just like different species inhabiting the planet and this argument will be more potent, if the author tries to persuade the audience that human
  • 11. Is Gambling Ethical Gambling In today s world, there are many different ways to gamble such as casinos, state lotteries, pull tabs, bingo, sporting events, and the internet, just to name a few. Although the popularity of this activity remains strong in America, there are individuals and groups that continue to scrutinize and attack this industry. People strongly opposed to gambling would like to see it policed by the federal government or outlawed completely; they are wrong. There are several positive aspects of gambling aside from providing entertainment and a social interaction. Gambling is not immoral or unethical. Gambling provides economic benefits including jobs and reduced government assistance. The gaming industry supports research and education related to gambling addiction. The percentage of lower income people who gamble is small; the majorities of people who gamble are those with higher incomes and can afford to do so. Lastly, gambling has been a part of history and different cultures dating back to ancient times. In addition, the percentages of those in favor of gambling are significantly higher than those that are opposed. To restrict or prohibit gambling is wrong and insulting to adults in today s world. It is an individual s right to decide if he or she should gamble based on his or her own personal beliefs. There is a moral component to be considered. Some would argue that gambling is morally wrong and a threat to public virtue. This is not true, based on a national
  • 12. Le Club Francais Du Vin Club FranГ§ais du Vin Case study Inventory Management The Club FranГ§ais du Vin case study This case study discusses ordering and forecasting process of the wine company Club FranГ§ais du Vin. As the name suggests, this is a French company that offers French wines to the consumers trough catalog offers. The main catalog is the Etiquette, which includes a selection of 30 to 40 wines that the clients can then choose and order by mail, phone, fax or by internet. The members also receive other two leaflets, La Selection (shows three recommendations for the season) and La Cave (consists of a list of wines and corresponding prices, that are available also this are mainly leftovers from the previous season and are heavily discounted). The ... Show more content on ... Although if they cannot sell in the appropriate (if they have to sell at discount), they will incur in this cost of capital; * We assume the cost of capital to be a stated annual rate to facilitate calculations; * As stated in the guidelines, we also assume that the mean of the demand is equal to the product of the mean of the forecasting error and the forecast itself, and the same for the standard deviation of demand; * To compute the lost function we use the following formula: UNL(z)=f(z) z(1 F(z)) Now that we have exposed our assumptions, we can start going into more detail on the case itself. First, as this is an inventory management case study, we are going to determine the optimal order quantity of each type of wine, so that afterwards we can make include a more financial view of the problem and make some recommendations. Optimal order quantity: To compute the optimal order quantity of each wine we firstly needed to compute the unit cost per bottle and the salvage value of each. From the description of the case we could easily identify that the unit cost of each bottle was 50% (gross margin) of the price plus the 1,25€ per bottle of the transportation costs. With this we computed the unitary cost of each type of wine. Afterwards we needed to compute the salvage value. Here the calculations aren t that simple because we have to account
  • 13. Lycaon Research Paper Classical antiquity Zeus turning Lycaon into a wolf, engraving by Hendrik Goltzius. A few references to men changing into wolves are found in Ancient Greek literature and mythology. Herodotus, in his Histories, wrote that the Neuri, a tribe he places to the north east of Scythia, were all transformed into wolves once every year for several days, and then changed back to their human shape. In the second century BC, the Greek geographer Pausanias relates the story of Lycaon, who was transformed into a wolf because he had ritually murdered a child. In accounts by the Bibliotheca and Ovid (Metamorphoses , Lycaon serves human flesh to Zeus, wanting to know if he is really a god. Lycaon s transformation, therefore, is punishment for a crime, ... Show more content on ... Only a few students were lost! 3) The Werewolfof Ansbach: Supposedly, a dead mayor returns as a werewolf. (No wonder he wasn t reelected he ate the voters!) Those who know say that in 1685, in the Bavarian town of Ansbach was being set upon by a large, vicious wolf. Townsfolk claim it was their dead mayor. One can t help but wonder why? Anyway, they tracked the wolf down, killed it and hanged it but not before dressing the beast in clothes to resemble the Mayor. Talk about truth being stranger than fiction ! When they were tired of looking at the rotting corpse, they transferred the monstrosity to a museum. 4) The Klein Krams Werewolf: This tale borders on the supernatural. Rumor has it that the woods around Klein Krams, near Ludwigslust, Germany, was teaming with all kinds of desirable game, and hunters near and far would gather there, and have a killing good time . However, there were reports that all sportsmen (at one time or other) reported seeing a huge wolf that escaped all bullets. The beast was said even to taunt the hunters by coming close enough to steal their game, before running off into the
  • 14. Examples Of American Imperialism From 1880 to 1914, Industrial European countries favored the idea of Imperialism in African colonies which motivated them to acquire resources, riches, and territory which eventually led them to seemingly have an attitude in which their race was superior. Even before Imperialism became popular, England had colonies such as the American Colonies which spread their ethnicity and race as well as their power. Europeans countries began to comprehend and understand that they could use the resources for their operations and expansion toward their country. The De Beers Mining Company was a prime example of how Imperialism allowed European countries to obtain resources and territory which made them stronger and richer. Africawas the motherload,... Show more content on ... Without a doubt, England s colonies allowed their ships to circumnavigate the globe at any time. England, which had many colonies all over the world had helped them earn the title as one of the most powerful and richest countries on Earth during the mid 1700 s. England also influenced their race and religion to the American colonies through fighting off the French and Indians during the French and Indian War. England was also able to control most of the world s international shipping due to it s large navy and it s ports all around the world which was an early example of Imperialism. Colonization had certainly been proven to strengthen empires such as England that led them to prosperity for a long period of
  • 15. Abu Arrayhan Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-Biruni Abu Arrayhan Muhammad ibn Ahmad al Biruni. (n.d.). Al Biruni summary. Retrieved February 22, 2014, from http://www /Mathematicians/Al Biruni.html Though astrology is considered a field that lacks rationality astronomy is considered a discipline in science that is rather well established (Abu 2014). This was not true in the ancient times as the two were highly intertwined. Hence the need for scholars who would distinguish between the two, one such scholar whose work this research expects alludes to is from Al Biruni. Al Biruni born in Khawrazm in Karakaplakstan spent most of his lifetime in the Indian subcontinent and in central Asia. He was one among distinguished scholars who were associated with the court of King Mahmoud Ghaznawi, a widely known Muslim king of 11th century. Upon his return from India, Al Biruni wrote a book whereby he discusses various theorems pertaining to astronomy, trigonometry, and lunar, solar and planetary motions. In his books he also discusses the fact that the earth rotates on its own axis and he provides the correct latitudes and longtitudes of a couple of places (Abu 2014). He also contributed in coming up with a complete description to the Hindu positional principle of numeration, and he played a pivotal role in proving Heron s formula and Brahmagupta s generalization. ABU RAIHAN AL BIRUNI. Retrieved February 22, 2014, from http:/ / In physics, he dealt with specific
  • 16. Hunter Zolomon Hunter Zolomon was a forensic scientist running late to his job at the CCPD (Central City Police Department). He was good at his job but he always thought that people made him sound better at his job than he actually was. He was outside of the building about thirty minutes late to work but he knew it would be fine because he was on fairly good terms with the captain of the force. When he walked into the building and got up the elevator he noticed, again, just how much design and detail there was. On the left and right of the room were stairs that lead up into some offices. Above the elevators is a golden sculpture of a police badge in front of some officers. If you keep going straight, there is another room with many desks and computers with... Show more content on ... Reed would launch his quantum accelerator which would expand their knowledge of quantum physics by nine thousand percent. Hunter was very excited because he had been a huge fan of Dr. Reed since he was a kid. It was because of him, that he had won every science fair since the seventh grade. He often thought about what would happen if something were to go wrong during the activation of the accelerator. Nah, that won t happen, he said to himself. As he put those thoughts aside, he moved to work on the DNA samples. It was the usual routine, test whatever needed to be tested, then go get lunch at the Indian place across the street, test some more stuff, and go home. In about 4 minutes Joe would walk in with some more stuff from a new case just like he did every other day. At this point he bet that he could do the whole day blindfolded. Here and there he would play a game with himself just to get away from the repetitiveness. Hunter could hear Joe walking up the stairs, which he was expecting to happen any moment. Much to his surprise however, when Hunter looked up, he saw that Joe didn t have some stuff that he had to run any tests on. Instead, he had nothing, which Hunter thought was quite odd. You don t have anything for me to test? Is everything alright? Hunter asked once Joe was in his
  • 17. Singing In The Rain Analysis The film Singing in the Rain was produced in 1952 but still takes the world with storm. The musical film, which was directed by Gene Kelly and Donen Stanley stars Donald O Connor, Gene Kelley, Jean Hagen, and Debbie Reynolds has a lot for the audiences to desire and learn from. The film presents a skillful use of setting, music, makeup, costumes and standard photography (Cannon 2). The piece combines many effects together to catch the attention of the audiences. In fact, the viewers enjoy both the musical part and the visual element separately, something that makes it a well thought piece. In other words, it is both a romantic piece, though a smog as well. Being a musical film, Singing in the Rain represents a classical music, making it an
  • 18. Toyota Aygo Toyota Aygo Student:Vuk Mihajlovic Table of contents Introduction.................................................................................................................................... 1. Toyota Aygo.....................................................................................................................................5 2. Five force analysis..........................................................................................................................10 2.1 Competitive Rivalry ..........................................................................................................11... Show more content on ... This paper is about Aygo, small city car, launched by Toyota in 2005. in order to satisfy customer needs. What is special about Aygo is the fact that it was an innovative product on the market, produced by using the environmentally friendly technology and at the end it was the attempt, I can say for sure, very successful one to produce such an innovative product in the cooperation with Peugeot and Citroen. Toyota Peugeot Citroen Automobile Czech (TPCA) is an IJV between Toyota Motor Corporation and PSA, Peugeot Citroen in Kolin s Czech Republic. Both companies own exactly half of the shares (50/50 JV). With this unique automobile partnership, its joint plan for the development and production of small compact vehicles and the construction of a new manufacturing factory, Toyota and PSA decided to react to the changing European customer market and to found a whole new category of small, modern and technologically advanced vehicles. In fact, both companies see growing demand for such cars in Europe and the new platform vehicles to be built in the Czech Republic is marketed under the Toyota, Peugeot and Citroen brands. The strategy for Aygo has gone far beyond the simple reaction to the changing European market. It is a systematic and continuous way of leveraging local and global knowledge accompanied with the idea of co creating knowledge with a variety of local and global partners. 1.Toyota Aygo The
  • 19. A Report On My Bathing Suit So Bertholdt drove to the three of us to the party. Apparently, Krista and Ymir were neighbors, so they co hosted this party every year. They also had a lake in their backyard. I brought my bathing suit. I wasn t planning on swimming, but Reiner told me it was a swimming party, so it would be strange not to bring a bathing suit. We pulled up by a nice looking home with many cars already parked by. The three of us got out of the car, and walked up the driveway to the back yard. There were maybe twenty people here already. I recognized some faces, but I didn t know any of their names because they were just faces I had seen in the hallway. Hey Reiner, Hey Bertholdt! A familiar high pitch voice said. It was Krista, of course. Hi Annie.... Show more content on ... The grass was a bright green and the sand a sparkling tan. People played volleyball and badminton. Around the side of the house, I found a place where nobody was. There was a small brick ledge, where I sat on. I pulled my phone out and went on tumblr. I hated most forms of social media. I hated being social, so social media was something I also hated. But tumblr, I didn t consider really social media, because no one on tumblr really talked about themselves. Well, they did, but it was different, somehow to me. I scrolled through my phone. I opened my eyes. I realized I had fallen asleep while looking on tumblr. My phone was on the grass, and I had somehow managed not to fall off the brick ledge. The sky had grown darker, what time was it? I turned my phone on to see that it was 7:05. I had slept for nearly two hours! My stomach grumbled. I was hungry, and I wanted food. I knew it was a bad idea to have food or drink. Especially drink. Anyone could easily spike any drink. Despite that, I hunger won over me and I headed toward the food table. I figured food couldn t really be spiked anyway. There was a variety of foods up at the table. Chips, cookies, brownies, watermelons, raspberries, carrots etc. There were also a variety of people up at the table. I picked up a paper plate and picked up a watermelon, some raspberries and a sugar cookie. As I quickly darted away from the table to head back to where I slept, I ran into someone. I dropped my plate
  • 20. The Weight Of The Word By Chris Berg The weight of the word is an argumentative piece written by Chris Berg that appeared in The Sunday Age on the 12th of December, 2010, and on The Age s website. This argumentative piece was written in response to the harsh criticism following major leaks released by the website WikiLeaks. This argumentative piece is written in support of WikiLeaks. An evaluation of the argument overall has indicated that this argument is relatively strong. The core argument presented in this argumentative piece is that the political attempts by the government in the United States of America to shut down WikiLeaks are a fundamental breach of both free speech and the freedom of the press. This is known to be the case because Chris Berg restates this conclusion in different ways four times throughout the article. The subheading to this piece is the strongest example located within the argumentative piece of stating the conclusion: to oppose WikiLeaks is to be against press freedom and free speech . As this is the subheading, it will likely be among the first thing readers will see when reading this article. It makes sense to put the main conclusion there so that the readers of the piece will know what the article is about. This main conclusion is stated again in the article later on with to oppose WikiLeaks is to oppose freedom of the press and, more critically, free speech, which is located at the beginning of the 9th paragraph, and repeated again in the 13th paragraph with but these
  • 21. Conformity In J. D. Salinger s Franny And Zooey The novel Franny and Zooey, by J.D. Salinger, focuses on the burden of conformity and ego in everyday life through detailed analysis of societal norms. Salinger tries to remedy these problems through motivational advice titled doing it for the Fat Lady . The guidance originates from Seymour Glass, the eldest of the Glass children, and is expanded upon by Zooey Glass to his sister, Franny. The Fat Lady is symbolic of all of society, both Christ and the lowest of the low. Everyone deserves basic human respect, even a fat, old lady. The saying suggest that people should accept the ugliness in society and that they should devote their very best effort to society because it will satisfy themselves and it will improve society. Franny is having... Show more content on ... Franny comments early on to Lane about his friend Wally Campbell. Franny goes on about him in a frenzy, saying, I can t remember some person immediately. Especially when they look like everybody else, and talk and dress and act like everybody else (Salinger, 25). She is sickened by the conformity in the world and hates how everyone is trying to be the same exact posh and pretentious person. It is a natural human trait to assimilate to one s environment and act as people expect. People do it everyday in their interactions with different types of people. The tendency of individuals to contort their personality prevents them from living to their full potential and from doing the very best they can. They begin to do everything for their ego and to improve how people think of them. It is no longer doing it because it makes one s self happy, or for the betterment of society, but it is selfish and one loses their passion for what he or she is doing. And even if a person does not conform they are left outcasts to society; there is no easy way out. Zooey expresses this problem in detail as he complains to his mother about the situation Seymour and Buddy left Franny and himself in. Zooey asserts, We re freaks, the two of us, Franny and I ... My God. I can t even sit down to lunch with a man any more and hold
  • 22. Negative Impact Of Immigration Immigration is an agent of change, as it disturbed the status quos and existing demographic in these 3 communities. This is not to say that immigration itself is inherently provocative, but simply that it initiates change to a community. By ( Nations Borders ) In different areas, immigration becomes a huge issue. The community can become really crowded and over time, the population increases by high amounts. People around the community can soon become bothered by all these immigrants and try to take action in to their own hands. For example, the immigrant s neighbors and co workers will try to deport them or take advantage of them. Although economic and demographic realities may support opening doors for immigration, such arguments mean little to voters who feel they are losing out. One poll found that more than 15 percent of Americans say they know someone who has lost a job to an immigrant, or say they have suffered such a loss. Such citizens wonder, Why should I pay the cost of immigration? What about me? according to the ( Why Does ). When more immigrants immigrate to our communities, they begin to annoy people. They could make a negative impact on jobs throughout the country. America is known as the nation of immigrants but its status is being challenged by globalization. This makes make s terrorism and migration much easier. In 2005, the immigration policy received so much attention on Capitol Hill. Members from both sides of Congress are considering what to do
  • 23. Analysis of the Fallout New Vegas Video Game Fallout New Vegas takes place in post nuclear Las Vegas, where the New California Republic (NCR) and Caesars Legion are battling it out for control of the strip. You are a random courier who wakes up in the small town of New Springs after being shot in the head. After being patched up, you set off into the Mojave to find out who shot you. When FalloutNew Vegas was announced, I was not interested in it at all. I had never heard of the Falloutgames beforehand, and it just seemed like a very generic shooter. Was I ever wrong. Fallout New Vegas is now one of my favourite games of all time. The most amazing thing about Fallout New Vegas is the atmosphere. The gamehas a very nineteen fifty s style to it. In the more civilized parts of New Vegas people walk around with the elvis style jackets and the flowing skirts that were popular in the 50 s. There is also an optional in game radio which belts out popular fifties and sixties tunes from the likes of Nat King Cole and Dean Martin. It all really makes you feel like you re actually there. Another thing that makes Fallout New Vegas great is overall game play. The game is a mix between a shooter and a role playing game. The game takes place from a first person perspective and your character generally uses guns and laser weapons, but you also level up. When you level up you get experience points to upgrade different skills like your ability to fix things or your speaking skills. If you want to be able to talk
  • 24. Movement and Stasis in the Divine Comedy Essay Movement and Stasis : The use of dynamics in the Divine Comedy Movement is a crucial theme of the Divine Comedy. From the outset, we are confronted with the physicality of the lost Dante, wandering in the perilous dark wood. His movement within the strange place is confused and faltering; `Io non so ben ridir com io v entrai . Moreover, it is clear that the physical distress he is experiencing is the visible manifestation of the mental anguish the poet is suffering. The allegory of the image is one of mid life crisis, but it is physically represented by the man losing his way in a dark wood. Such an observation may seem far too simple and obvious to be worthy of comment. However, I would argue that it is from this primary example ... Show more content on ... The first passage is probably the most famous in the whole work, that of Francesca da Rimini, in Canto V of the Inferno . Condemned for her inconstancy, that is to say her lust, Francesca is contained in the eternal whirlwind of the `bufera infernale , alongside her lover, Paolo. In a clear parallel to her sin, she is buffeted by the inconstant wind. Although unceasing, the wind changes direction and force, a movement which is mirrored by the language used to describe it: Di qua, di l #224;, di gi #249;, di su li mena; nulla speranza li conforta mai, non che di posa, ma minor pena. (43 45, Canto V, Inf.) In addition to the basic rhyme of the terza rima, the internal rhyme is carefully manipulated to imitate phonologically the swirling of the wind. By balancing the repeated [a] of `di qua, di la with the [u:] of the `di gi #249;, di su , Dante is able to mimic the up and down movement of the air. Francesca, then, is an extremely `mobile sinner. Although pausing to speak to Dante (the significance of which will be later discussed), she is compelled to move indeed, it is an integral part of her punishment. This compulsion is significant. Through rejecting a life of constancy on earth, whether willingly or otherwise, Francesca has sacrificed the free will she was allowed to exert on her body. Having lost control of herself in life she is plunged into the chaos of the `bufera . Her punishment then, is not merely an
  • 25. Balls Boys Soccer Podcast Analysis To whom this may concern, I am reaching out to KERA (OR WHOEVER) for a unique opportunity. I am Steven Jotterand and live in the Dallas area. I am a 21 year old student at Collin College, and have just applied to transfer to Northwestern University, the University of Chicago, and the University of Wisconsin Madison. I intend to continue my academic quest in political science and journalism. I love to ask questions, explore ideas, and be thought provoking. As a way to express my passion for journalism, I have been producing and hosting podcasts about soccer and politics. The first one, Balls Boys Soccer Podcast, started in August of 2015. At the time I was living in Denver, Colorado (2014 2016) and the podcast was more of a way to stay connected with my co host, Erik Siv. We love soccer and it was a perfect match. However, more importantly, it gave me a chance to explore what it is like to do work as a journalist. Since the start of the show, I have learned a lot about podcasting, producing, editing, marketing, and hosting.... Show more content on ... I have been able to get connected with FC Dallas by receiving press passes and interviewing players like Kellyn Acosta. We also have joined an online radio station (WBLZ Sports). The show has been featured on s homepage. Balls Boys can be found on all major podcasting platforms, such as iTunes, iHeartRadio, Google Play, and more! Here is a link to our weekly show:
  • 26. Dehydration Lab Report Hydration plays a fundamental role in body function. As such, fluid intake and excretion are tightly regulated by various heterogeneous body mechanisms that work together to maintain a homeostatic fluid balance. Fluid and solute balance affects every organ system in the body, especially, the cardiovascular system, the nervous system, the genitourinary system, and the various fluid compartments such as the interstitial and intracellular spaces. Dehydration occurs when there is an extracellular fluid volume deficit and can originate from a variety of diverse causes. It can be the result of insufficient fluid intake, excess fluid loss, or a combination of the two. Common causes of excessive fluid loss that lead to dehydration include unmonitored... Show more content on ... These mechanisms include activation of the sympathetic nervous system (SNS), which elicits systemic vasoconstriction (via catecholamine binding of О±1 receptors) in an attempt to increase peripheral vascular resistance (PVR), and increases heart rate (via catecholamines binding to ОІ1 receptors) in an attempt to increase CO, both of which are fundamental components of the blood pressure equation. This is done to maintain an adequate perfusion pressure in order to oxygenate the tissues and prevent hypoxic cell injury. If hypovolemia is present, the body will first shunt the blood away from less critical organs such as the GI tract in order to maintain perfusion of critical organs such as the brain, the heart system, and the kidneys. If hypovolemia and tissue hypoperfusion are severe enough, major organ damage will occur as a result of hypoxia (Copstead Banasik, 2013). This patient experienced clear signs of systemic tissue hypoperfusion secondary to severe hypovolemia as evidenced by his syncopal episode (cerebral hypoperfusion), his persistent pressure like chest pain (myocardial ischemia), and his acute renal failure (renal hypoperfusion). The fact that these critical organs were affected indicates just how severe his state of hypovolemia, hypotension, and hypoperfusion
  • 27. Monitoring A Re Inspection At Humberto Palos Auto Repair... On site today to conduct a re inspection at Humberto Palos Auto Repair with Ricardo Palos for the outstanding violations from the inspection conducted on 06/15/2015. This facility is still generating used oil and used antifreeze and is still subject to the Hazardous Material Business Plan (HMBP) and Hazardous Wasteas a Small Quantity Generator (SQG). Consent to conduct this inspection was granted by Humberto Palos, business owner. Facility walk through was provided by Ricardo Palos, Manager and environmental contact. The following violations were corrected during the re inspection: 1) HMBP was submitted in the California Environmental Reporting System (CERS) with updated information for annual certification. 2) The container labeled as Mystik JT 8 Super Heavy Duty Motor Oil was determined to be used oil. 3) All plastic secondary containment berms were cleaned with rags and liquid contained in the drip pans was poured into the designated hazardous waste container. Per Ricardo Palos, this facility has a a company,AmeriPride, that services their uniforms and rags. 4) All hazardous waste containers observed missing a hazardous waste label or with a label in poor conditions: 9 x 55 gallons drums of used oil, 7 of them full. 2 x 55 gallons drums of used antifreeze, both of them less than 1/4 full. Were labeled with a complete hazardous waste label at the time of the inspection. 5) When arriving to this facility, the 1 x 55 gallons metal drum containing used oil
  • 28. Water For Elephants, By Sara Gruen Throughout time, distinguished authors have succeeded in the goal of portraying the human journey. There has been an innumerable amount of literature published over the years; however what separates the extraordinary books from the appalling books, is the author s ability to visually and emotionally move their readers. In order to establish a connection to the audience, an author must understand human experience. In Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen, two narratives are used, one of an older Jacob, and one of a younger Jacob. This choice is made by the author to help the reader fully comprehend the circle of life. Everyone succumbs to age sooner or later, and while many books conclude with the narrator finding contentment at an early age, this is not the case in reality. In the real world, most struggle to achieve fulfillment, by creating an elderly Jacob, in this case it does not necessarily mean that a live has been fulfilled. The old aged are sometimes just as clueless as the young. Sara Gruen discloses that the old are not very different from the young; in many cases the old are still playing the game against the formidable opponent of life. We are introduced to an eager and naГЇve Jacob in the initial stages of the novel. However, Jacob is introduced to the cruelties of the world all too suddenly, when the death of his parents is abruptly thrust upon him. It states, I snap out of my stupor. There are people on that train. It matters not a whit where it s going because
  • 29. The War Of The Regulation The War of the Regulation was a revolution orchestrated by the Regulators that took place in the North Carolina colonies of British America between 1765 and 17711. The citizens of these colonies were fighting against the colonial officials due to corruption, economic depression, and population increase. Furthermore, it is considered to have been the propeller of the American Civil War, as citizens fought for the same rights and the need for representation in the government. The revolution marked an important time in America s history, as it highlights the importance of democracy and the need for equality across ethnic, class, and other social disparities. An understanding of the War of the Regulation highlights a significant time in the... Show more content on ... As mentioned above, the immigrants dominated the political scene, influencing decisions unfairly at the expense of the local planters. Merchants offered loans to planters at high interest rates, and sometimes, it was difficult for the planters to repay their loans. As a result, the merchants collaborated with lawyers within the region to grab land from planters if they failed to repay these loans. Additionally, the immigrants influenced the authorities, thereby making it difficult for the farmers to gain support from their own leaders and the government that thay were greatly depending on. Eventually, there was an imbalance of representation in the courthouses, which was an added advantage for the wealthy. Wealthy officials formed a clique where they were able to influence policies and legal affairs within the colonies. Lawyers influenced decisions relating to the court cases brought in by the merchants to their benefit. Furthermore, they had a better knowledge of the law as compared to the farmers, and they manipulated it efficiently to meet their needs and to guarantee that they won. Lawyers exploited this opportunity to make themselves richer at the expense of the common citizen, while also exerting political power. As a result, all political positions in the regions were dominated by immigrants, and this further aggravated the locals. In addition to that, the colonies were facing economic depression due to
  • 30. A Simulation For The Motor Of A Bldc Motor Drive With The... This paper presents a simulation for the sensorless operation of a BLDC motor drive with the estimation of initial rotor position at standstill. The system determines the actual rotor position of the motor at standstill and provides appropriate starting pulses to inverter switches to turn on. Once the motor starts to rotate, it then directly extracts the back EMF from the motor terminals between the floating phase and the midpoint of DC link. Inductance variation sensing method is used for estimating the initial rotor position of the motor followed by a sensorless operation by back EMF sensing method. The principle behind the rotor position estimation is detection and comparison of phase voltageand dc link current responses and relating it with stator inductances. The most advantage is that it requires only three voltage pulse injections of small duration for the estimation of rotor position. A resolution of 30o can be achieved. The effectiveness of the method is validated by simulation results in Matlab Simulink platform. Keywords Brushless DC(BLDC), saturation, rotor position, voltage pulse injection. I. INTRODUCTION ndustrial application of brushless DC motors (BLDC), is being increased day by day because of their outstanding features like high starting torque, high efficiency, no excitation losses, silent operation and durability finding applications such as compressor, in electrical vehicles, hard disc drives. An inverter driven three phase BLDC motor, as shown in
  • 31. Alfred Lord Tennyson Research Paper Alfred Lord Tennyson s The Idylls of the King was one of Tennyson s most famous pieces of work. In this research paper, you will get an introduction of Tennyson s early life and his education. Moreover, there will be a brief run through of Tennyson s poems in The Idylls of the King and a summary of an idyll. Tennyson was a famous poet who lived between 1809 1892. He was born in Somersby, Lincolnshire, England to George Clayton Tennyson and Elizabeth Fytche. Moreover, Tennyson was the fourth of twelve children. As a child, Tennyson was home schooled with his siblings by his father. Although they were poor, their father was an educated man who had many books. At a young age, Tennyson started writing poetry. His first published poem was published ... Show more content on ... Tennyson s first Idyll was published in 1859 and was titled The Coming of Arthur. In his first idyll, it tells the story of young King Arthur and how he came to be with the help of Merlin. In Tennyson s second idyll, Guinevere, he explains King Arthur s love for Guinevere and how they get married. Moving on, in Camelot and the Founding of the Round Table, Tennyson writes about how Arthur builds Camelot with the help of Merlin s power and also the Round Table which is a group of people in charge of making decisions. Next in line is Lancelot. In this poem, Lancelot, Arthur s great friend, finds himself loving Guinevere, and Guinevere finds herself loving Lancelot too! But, their secret love for eachother made them both guilty, and resulted in the death of Elaine, who loved Lancelot. After that, in Geraint and Enid, Tennyson tells how Geraint, who is one of Arthur s treasured knights finds himself loving Enid. Following Geraint and Enid, comes Gareth and Lynette. Gareth, who is Arthur s nephew, begs his uncle Arthur to make him a knight. In Merlin and Vivien, Vivien notices the love going on between Lancelot and Guinevere and plans to destroy Arthur with it, but to do that, she needs to take Merlin away from the story. In Tennyson s eighth idyll The Holy Grail, Arthur s knights are in searched of the rumored Holy Grail. Succeeding The Holy Grail came The Fall of Camelot which is
  • 32. Rousseau State Of Nature Rousseau has a point of view when it comes to the state of nature compared to other scholars in his age. Rousseau thinks that man has lost his natural innocence due to technological advances in society during his time period. That we have lost connection with ourselves and traded that in for vices or luxuries. That true progress can only be attained in our natural state in the state of nature. Unfortunately, it s impossible to deny that society has advanced and benefited from these luxuries as it would be impossible for our 21st century society to be highly developed in just the state of nature. Rousseau believes that society has lost its way with itself. That advancements is in his era during the 18th century such as, alcohol, luxuries,... Show more content on ... The information he gathered from travel information from the new world, painted them as a material simplistic peoples. That did not rely on luxuries or vices like people in the known world or in Europe relied on in the day. For example, when there was trading or any kind of bartering going on, the Native Americans had no use for things such as a compass, a clock, tin can, forks, gold or any kind of monetary currency. They Intern when trading with the Europeans would take something that was beneficial such as a blankets. Not to mention Rousseau liked the small communities Native Americans developed, as they were also free spirited. In a way, Rousseau s viewed them as truly alive. That they were truly connected with nature and other people in a natural View. Rather than having certain technology advancements or other vices to distract them from the true state of nature for mankind. This is the view that Rousseau truly believes is the full sign of human progress and development. That man is at his best when he is not constrained and it when he is in the most primitive mode. Unfortunately, as Thomas Hobbes also points out man is nowhere near his best when he is in the state of
  • 33. Police Trust As cited from article Why Police Can t Be Trusted to Decide If Video Should Be Public by Conor Friederdorf , The killing of an unarmed man in Gardena California is a perfect example of why police could not be trusted. Trust is perceived in nearly every aspect of one s daily lives. With trust, one is able to build more relationships with others because one is able to share a part of their life. There are different kinds of trustwhich is trust in family, trust in friends, and how fragile trust really is. One s trust in family is a big importance because one lived with them from birth until one matures. Most of one s secrets during one s childhood are known by one s family and are trusted to keep them. One has grown attached to family because they are the closest therefore they are the first to know one s deepest secrets most of the time. Trust is the ability to ... Show more content on ... Friendship is a necessary aspect of every human s life. Friends will not let other friends make bad decisions and will expect others to do the same for them. Trust can be proven to others by doing the right thing even when one is not asked. If others know that one can handle the responsibility and can manage to do the right thing, they will not hesitate in providing support and friendship. However, when the trust between two people have been broken, the friendship and trust is also broken. One characteristic that makes trust unique is its fragility. To gain the trust of others, one must continuously prove one s honesty and reliability. To gain complete trust of someone can take years, but can be lost in a single moment. An example of how delicate trust can really be is in marriage. The married couple must constantly be honest with each other to gain real trust. This bond can be easily broken if one of the spouses is caught cheating. Trust in another person can make one feel loved and supported, while broken trust can lead to the feeling of anger and
  • 34. Sierra Leone War Essay Living the RUF(f) life in Sierra Leone In Africa, specifically Sierra Leone, a war rages between the government and the rebels. Civil war terrorizes the people and has led people into fear and poverty. Some choose to run in fear, hoping the military will come in and protect their families from the ferocities and hideousness of the war at their doorstep. Others choose to, or are beaten into, joining the rebels or the so called Sebels. Going into the book I was aware of the horrors of war and the atrocities that humanity calls sane and legal in times of great crisis such as war. My reason for wanting to research the RUF is to understand why the war lasted so long and what the causes were for such a war. I had assumed the RUF was corrupted ... Show more content on ... I began my research by looking into how long the war was. Starting in the year 1991 the RUF was formed by guerrilla units joining with dissidents from around Sierra Leone. The war was then declared over in 2002 in a statement after the reelection of Kabbah in freetown. On May 15, 2001, the Sierra Leone government and the rebels once again agreed to stop fighting and began to disarm... By the beginning of 2002, disarmament was complete. This time there was no blanket amnesty. (Sierra Leone: Lasting Peace or Cruel Mirage?) To fuel a war for two decades there needed to be a source of income. Looking into it, Sierra Leone was rich in diamonds. Not only did they produce diamonds, there were, One of the world s largest producers of diamonds, the country is also rich in such minerals as chrome, bauxite, iron ore, and rutile. (Funk and Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia). These minerals were used to fuel the rebels with guns and ammunition that were shown prominently throughout the country. They also found loopholes to getting weaponry like abusing the disarmament system. They would get money for turning in their guns and in exchange get the equivalence of 300 US dollars. However this usually resulted in the money being used for buying better weaponry. ..many rebels have turned in their guns during disarmament proceedings, only to use the US$300 they were given for obsolete weapons to buy newer and
  • 35. Sons Of Liberty, Stamp Act, And The American Revolution The Sons of Liberty are heroes or villains let s see if that s true. So the Sons of Liberty are seen as starters as the Boston tea party, the Stamp act, and the American Revolution or they played some part in those events. Additionally, most of the people who follow or followed the Sons of Liberty know that they don t act without a reason. Some of those reasons are like the Boston tea party. The first reason, the Sons of libertydressed up as Mohawk Indians to throw tea off of a boat to get rid of all those tea taxes. Also, the Sons of Liberty are very rich aristocrats that can t be pinned on them if they did something harsh. The Stamp act was when is you want to buy or sell something you needed to go get a giant stamp that says you can sell
  • 36. When A Car Moving North How Fast It s Moving Would Be Its... The important thing is to never stop questioning. In science you must question everything and work to find the answer.The definition of the speed of something in a given direction. So when a car is moving north how fast it s moving would be its velocity. When the mass of an object is changed it can change the velocity. Massis the amount an object weighs.In this experiment I took the mass of carts and changed them to observe their change in velocity.s. The law of conservation of momentum requires that the total momentum in the system must remain the same, or be conserved, even though mass or velocities of moving objects in a system may change. If the total mass of two colliding carts is increased, then the final velocity of the carts decrease?... Show more content on ... Both carts can have the same mass and same velocity, but after the collision will have a slower velocity. Even after the collision the carts will have a velocity but their directions will have changed. When the carts change direction the velocities will change and the cart with the least amount of mass will have the greatest velocity. If one cart is moving faster in the beginning the one with the least amount of velocity will go backwards faster. Clearly, the velocity and mass of the cart affects the
  • 37. How Does Heller Use Satire In Catch 22 Joseph Heller published Catch 22 in 1961 with the novel taking place in a World War Two setting. Ironically, ideas like patriotism were rare, despite being the middle of a war and the people who seemed to be likeable to the readers were the most unliked to the characters within the story. Heller uses the indefinite idea of Catch 22to redefine the idea of insanity and sanity. Heller s novelCatch 22, is known as a classic despite the unpopular opinion it strongly forms. Joseph Hellerquestions how well the U.S. military functions with the use of satirical elements like dry humor, irony, and contradictions. Heller establishes an unpopular opinion within Catch 22. He criticizes the system within the military. It can appear that Heller is ... Show more content on ... Rather than creating a positive outlook on the military, he builds a rather negative one. He gives the readers the perception that the military is undirected and the system that ran the military clearly needed regulation. This was considered an unpopular opinion to most people due to the patriotism many Americans had during the time Catch 22 was published. The reality was most Americans only knew how to be patriotic for their country and no one truly dared to question patriotism. He also deemed ideas like McCarthyism with the oaths that Captain Black forces the soldiers to sign to prove their loyalty. He mocks McCarthyism by including the fact that if the soldiers did not sign the oaths, they were deemed unloyal to the United States. This idea itself was a controversy because, the character Major Major Major Major was considered unloyal by Captain Black due to the fact that he did not sign the oaths. It was not because he did not want to sign them, it was because he was not allowed to. This also was an unpopular opinion due to the Red Scare and the fear Americans developed of the spread of Communism. Many did not favor this new perspective due to Heller constant questioning of ideas and beliefs in Catch 22 that most Americans did not
  • 38. Causes Of The Neolithic Revolution Initiation of the Neolithic Revolution When considering the most plausible theory for the catalyst that began the Neolithic Revolution, one must look directly at the changing climate of the region. Approximately 18,000 BC, the earth was experiencing a climactic transition, brought about by the end of the Last Glacial Maximum. During this transition the earth began to experience warming temperatures, which dramatically changed the landscape, and the very existence of the hunter gatherer populations. The oscillating temperatures that occurred during the next few thousand years help guide the trajectory of development in agriculture and human societies. While considering the weather, Barry Cunliffe, author of Europe Between the Oceans states, By about 12,000 BC dense forest covered much of the western part of the hilly flanks region, giving way, around its borders, to more open areas where extensive stands of wild wheats and ryes could flourish (91). This period of warmer weather is referred to as the Holocene. The thawing ice sheets also caused water to rise, and subsequently change not only the structure of the land, but the plant life as well. As the hunter gatherers adjusted to these changes in their environment, another climactic event ensued called the Younger Dryas. The Younger Dryas was a dramatic, and brief return to the cooler, dryer climate experienced as the Last Glacial Maximum was ending. The general thinking is that this phenomenon occurred due to very cold
  • 39. Essay On Gas Liquid Chromatography Gas Liquid Chromatography Chromatography: Chromatography is a method of analysis in which mixture is partially or completely separated into its components according to relative attraction of the component towards stationery and mobile phase. After the mixture is added to stationery phase, mobile phase is allowed to pass through the stationery phase continuously starting at that point where the sample is added. The mixture is divided between the stationery and mobile phase and move along with the mobile phase, the rate at which it passes through stationery phase depend upon its attraction towards mobile and stationery phase i.e if it has more attraction with mobile phase it will move faster and vice versa. Gas Liquid Chromatography: Gas chromatography is the branch of chromatography in which the mobile phase is gas (called the carrier gas) and the stationery phase is liquid (GLC=Gas Liquid Chromatography). GLC has been widely used as in solid stationery phase it is difficult to deal with as there is a phase difference (Solid, Gas) and gas do not easily adsorb in solid. The separation on liquid stationery phase is based on either relative solubility s of sample component in the stationery phase or a combination of relative solubility s in the stationery phase. ... Show more content on ... The source of the mobile phase usually a high pressure gas tank with appropriate valves and pressure regulators. The injection system. The injection system is the device which accepts the sample, changes it into gas if required and insert it into the inlet of columns. The actual separation of sample component occur in column. As separated components leave the column, they flow into the detector which is continuously monitoring their presence and expresses them as an electric signal which is eventually fed to a recorder for a visual readout. The flow rate through the column is usually measured at the outlet of column or
  • 40. Training Conference For My Assessment Self Assessment 4 I ve recently been doing training for work and used the training conference for my assessment. During the training session, it was very apparent when the trainer answered a question in an irrelevant manner and although she spoke in an upbeat manner, her responses could sometimes sound impersonal and ambiguous. Since she spoke in the same friendly tone throughout, it was very hard to read her actual feelings during it. I found that when I needed to ask a question, I would wait and see if someone else had the same question first and depending on how she was answering things, I typically did not bother. Once I could tell her true emotions on certain subjects by the different cues and responses that she gave, I began to ... Show more content on ... I believe I handled it fine, I was able to help myself get what I needed. I understand other people s emotions and can decipher them from non verbal and verbal cues and manage my emotions in response to theirs. I could use more practice on shutting down when I find the other person s mood or opinion offensive that tends to make me stop listening and ignore the message. Self Assessment 5 My Personal Power Profile revealed that I prefer to influence others using legitimate power and expert power equally. My next preference was reward and referent power equally also and very close in rank to my first preference. However, I have no regards for coercive power, scoring the lowest for me with a 6. The results are very much in line with how I try to live, always building my own skills and knowledge and exerting power within my position to achieve desired results as necessary. Within my legitimate power, I often administer rewards and incentives and have noticed how respect and admiration for a coworker, employee, or supervisor influences my responses and actions with them. My strengths are in positive political behavior, I like to work towards shared values and collaboration and I evaluate whether something is right to do. Although, I tend to focus on positive traits and behavior, I sometimes see my non egocentric
  • 41. A List of Differences Between the Pride and Prejudice Book... There is a big difference between the book and the series or movie. We did a little research and came out with these differences. The story of the book takes place in 1813, the time when the book was first published. The time frame of the movie is the late 18th century. In the book Elizabeth, one of the Bennet sisters is a sweet, good mannered and intelligent girl with good humor. She and her sister, Jane, are very open and share every detail of their lives. In contrast to the film were Elizabeth is often rude and petulant. And where Jane and Elizabeth have a lot of secrets for each other. Originally Mrs. Bennet simply hears something from Mrs. Long about the arrival of Bingley. In the film Darcy and Bingley come to see Netherfield on horseback while they express their opinions about the region. Mrs. Bennet is in the movie very hard for her girls, she says in front of them that she wishes she had had sons. This is never mentioned in the book. Charlotte, a friend of Elizabeth, gives her friends information about the newcomers. In the book the entire neighborhood is aware of everything about Bingley but there was not written that everyone knew it from Charlotte. In the movie Darcy belittles Elizabeth during the ball, but she doesn t care. She says to her mother and father that if he would ask her to dance later, she would say no on the spur of the moment. The story that Jane Austin wrote, only tells that Mrs. Bennet explains Darcy s insult to Mr. Bennet but
  • 42. Pergola Vs Gazebo Scholarship One of the many great things about living in Sydney is being able to enjoy the outdoor lifestyle for several months of the year so it s no surprise that landscaping and gardening make up a large percentage of all home improvement projects. If it s your first time out or even if you ve got a few landscaping tasks under your belt, you might feel completely overwhelmed with all the choices available. With the endless supply of Home Improvement stores and DIY renovation shows on TV, there s no lack of inspiration, but be aware there s more to landscaping than buying a few bags of mulch and a couple of flower pots. For that reason, along with the obvious cost factor, it s important to do your homework and have a well thought out plan in place. Here are a few ideas to get you going.... Show more content on ... Next sketch out your landscaping ideas and set yourself a realistic budget. Don t forget to check with your local council to see if permits are required for the work you plan to do. Structures like decks, pergolas and retaining walls may or may not need approval but the council can order to have it demolished if non compliant. Building a pergola or gazebo is a very popular DIY project and also a great way to extend your living area into the back yard. If you choose to cover your pergola, there are a few different ways you can go Colorbond, clear or tinted polycarbonate roofing, shade cloth or vine covered lattice to name a few.. Think about ventilation, how much sun light you want to let in and importantly how much future maintenance you re willing to put in both cost and
  • 43. The Impact Of Brexit And Some Solutions Resolve These Issues Negative impact of Brexit and some solutions resolve these issues Brexit is the name of the process of Britain leaving the European Union, which is the primary concern of the modern global political situation. During the referendum on the UK membership in the European Union, the main argument for leaving the union was that it would provide the country with better system and tools of protection from the immigrants. UK citizen was concerned that immigrants would bring to the country s unemployment rate, lower quality of life and other economic problems. The statistics say that almost seventy percent of the immigrants from the EU came to Britain because of work related reasons or to study ( ONS , 2016 ).The purpose of the this essay will analysis negative impact of Brexit on economic Britain and find some solutions resolve these issues. Trade: The first and the most unfavorable outcome of Brexit is that the UK would lose the trading agreements with its largest trading partner European Union. The membership in this organization meant the decline of the transaction costs and fees on trading operations between the members of the union. In fact, European Union members have the free trade agreement, which means the free flow of goods and services between the countries. According to BBC (2016) Britain has the negative trading balance with the rest of the EU, which means that it exports more